GT &CA GOULTER 58 Dawkins Road Lewiston SA 5501 Australia ntvtci..i1DE TURF ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED


To be presented at the Annual General Meeting held on 26th August 1996

OFFICIALS 1995 -96

Patron The Right Honorable The Lord Mayor of Adelaide H.NINNIO ESQ.

Vice- Patron The Chairman SACA. Cricket Committee B.WILSON ESQ.

President S.T.LANE ESQ.

Vice-President B.S.FRY ESQ.

Chairman R. W. W IGLEY ESQ.

Honorary Treasurer J.D.HYAMS ESQ.

Board of Management R.W.WIGLEY (Chairman), R.K. COLE ( Vice- Chairman), J.D.HYAMS (Treasurer) R.W.BALL, N.W.KEEN, R.J.WILES, M.VINCI Auditors NRM BUSINESS & ACCOUNTING SERVICES





1995/96 was a significant year in the history of Adelaide Turf Cricket. It saw the launch of the Premier Grade, with an emphasis by the Turf administration on all the important components of administration, facilities, junior coaching and financial stability.

It was hoped that the new Premier Grade would be attractive to sponsors but that did not prove to be the case and, as at the date of this report, your Board of management is still vigorously pursuing sponsorship for next season. there is a pressing need for the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association to receive financial support to try to reduce the costs for the affiliated clubs. A lot has been, and continues to be, done to improve the financial efficiency of the Turf Cricket Association administration but there is not much more capacity for improvement.

The consequence has been a regrettable increase in affiliation fees for the ensuing season and a continuing inability to finance annual representative games against the Victorian Sub - District cricket Association.

The financial difficulties that the Association is confronting (which unfortunately have to be passed on to the clubs) have been brought to the attention of representatives of the South Australian Cricket Association and the Australian Cricket Board. It is regrettable that the Adelaide Turf cricket association, which is the largest cricket association in the Southern Hemisphere, gets absolutely no financial assistance from the Australian Cricket Board and this is a matter which your Association will continue to address during the next season.

In all other respects the Association is functioning very satisfactorily. The Limited Over competition continues to be popular and this year the Association is introducing Saturday and Sunday cricket for junior sides to maximise the use of the available cricket grounds.

I congratulate your Board of Management for their commitment, perseverance and foresight. It is imperative that we all get behind them as they strive to improve the cricket environment for all Adelaide Turf Cricket Association players.

SIMON T.LANE President CHAIRMANS REPORT (incorporating FORWARD PLANNING COMMITTEE REPORT) Our many highlights over the past season included the following: The very successful introduction of the new Premier Grade. Certainly a resounding success resulting in increasing playing standards at the top level and better all round facilities. Another very pleasing aspect was the continued achievements in the limited over competition. Exciting cricket is the norm as the grades cater for all types of playing members. I was thrilled with the efforts of the Junior Cricket organisers. A.T.CA. sponsored a number of extremely flourishing clinics in suburban areas. Junior cricketers participated in skills programs in large numbers which should certainly augur well for the future. The A.T.C.U.A. (Umpires Association) joined the A.T.C.A. as a member club. Closer liaisons led to more streamlined procedures and better understandings between parties. The Cricket Union of S.A. was reformed with some nine member associations. The Union works for the general improvement and benefit of cricket in South Australia. On the playing side, in the Premier Grade, S.P.O.C. defeated Ingle Farm District in a hard fought contest that literally was decided by the last innings of the match. Richmond Clarence Park mastered the 50 over game to become the Brock Partners champions whilst Kensington District played consistently to win the limited Overs "A" grade. Other congratulations must be handed to winners of premierships in other grades, all trophy winners, members of A.T.C.A. representative teams and to awarded Player Life Members for both 15 and 25 years service. Well done to these worthy performers. Our representative games proved a mixed bag with the under 20's and Masters winning all of their games and the other sides all producing a winning effort at a stage throughout the season. Incidentally, by our records, the Masters have never been beaten by any side since their inception in 1989. Some special "thank ou's" and in particular to the following: Messrs: Simon Lane (President)( and Barry Fry (Vice- President) for their special guidance The Board of Management - willing workers for a very special Association Gerry Goulter (General Manager) extraordinaire! Jack Bickle (Tnbunal Commissioner) dedicated to service Our coaches, Steven Sykes (Cricket) and Barry Droegemueller (Umpires) All other Sub Committee Members and other Officials involved in assisting A.T.C.A. Our Sponsors, Brock Partners Real Estate, Rowe & Jarman Sports, Kookaburra Sports and Foundation S.A. (Sunsmart): without their assistance, we certainly would not have a cricket association in it's present form! Award presentation evenings were held for both the Senior and Junior Divisions. Again, most successful evenings. Sadly, we mourned the passing and missed the company of Mr Alf Marlow, previously our oldest Life Member. What's happening in the coming season? We look forward to an exciting year with the probability of a number of new teams and the possibility of the commencement of a limited over Sunday Competition. Two Board Members are retiring, notably Jon Hyams (Treasurer) and Michael Vinci (Ovals). My personal thanks to both of these untiring dedicated workers. A.T.C.A. continues to seek new Umpires to further supplement our panel. Enquires are most welcome. The commitment to our Junior Coaching clinics will be continued. We support the fostering of cricket at the grass root's level in South Australia. As a special message, we are all aware that club administration is becoming more difficult. A.T.C.A. has available, special information data to assist in such matters as liaisons with Councils. This is available via Australian Cricket Board assistance programs. We are all aware of the continual spiralling of costs within Associations such as ours. The Board is continuing with negotiations for further sponsorships and looks forward to a positive result in this matter. I wish all clubs all the very best for our coming season! We have all heard the adage, "effort equals reward ". Well never is it more evident than on the playing and administration fields of cricket. Continued efforts will surely surge your club to the top of the ranking's. ROBERT W.WIGLEY Chairman GENERAL MANAGER'S REPORT

The year under review saw the birth of the new Premier Grade as the flagship of the Association, the increase in the number of teams playing one day cricket with many well known players coming out of retirement to don the whites once again. Two excellent Grand Finals in the Premier Grade and the Brock Partners Knockout Cup, but on the other side of the ledger, a very poor performance against the Victorian Sub -District Cricket Association by our State Team. The Association failed in its efforts to obtain sponsorship for the Premier Grade and the Association. With us not being the senior body in our state, companies are not prepared to support our competition, even with the highest playing, membership ofany Cricket Association in Australia. Representative matches were played against the Victorian Sub -Districts Cricket Association, South Australian Cricket Association, Riverland Turf Cricket Association, S.A.Women's Cricket Association and a touring team from Lahore, Pakistan. These matches were played at various age levels and we also played in the West End Cup which is a S.A.C.A. competition. On the right side of the ledger we again appreciated the support of various companies who advertised in our Official Handbook. We look forward to them continuing again for the forthcoming season and trust they may be rewarded for their helpful assistance. ADMINISTRATION No Association can be successful without strong administration, and we were again fortunate to have as our Patron, the Right Hon. The Lord Mayor of Adelaide, Mr Henry Ninio and we thank him for his support. The Chairman of the S.A.C.A. Cricket Committee, Mr Brian Wilson, we thank him for his continued support as Vice -Patron. Mr 'Simon Lane, President and Mr Barry Fry, Vice -President continued their involvement and interest in the direction the association is taking. Both of these gentlemen are distinguished ex players of many years playing in our association. This year Simon has been involved with the sponsorship and funding and hopefully through his efforts we may achieve support in the near future, Barry has been heavy committed in the Selection and Coaching areas. Mr Bob Wigley, Chairman of the Association and the Board of Management has led from the front. His workload has grown tremendously under the present format of management of the association. We have also been fortunate to have as our Honorary Treasurer, Mr Jon Hyams who has proved to be an excellent person in this position, but unfortunately through business and studies will not be continuing in the forthcoming year. To both of these gentlemen, many thanks for the expertise and management skills you have brought to the association. The Board of Management met on 12 occasions, each member holding a portfolio chairmanship and have also attended many other meetings with sub -committees. It is through their efforts that the association is continuing to keep up with the requirements of the present day players and administrators. Mr Michael Vinci is standing down from the Board because for family and business commitments. Michael will be missed in his portfolio on Ovals, and we thank him sincerely for his impute over a number of years. Delegates meetings were held regularly during the season and were well attended (attendance may have been governed by fines). The Association and Delegates were appreciative of the facilities made available by the Payneham Cricket Club. These meetings have helped the Board of Management on many occasions in the direction they have taken. The continued support and co- operation the Association received from the S.A.Cricket Association staff members is greatly appreciated, especially David Johnston, (Operations Manager), Harvey Jolly, (Development Manager), Grant Wyman, (Coaching Manager) and also Sean Holden (Grade Cricket Co-ordinator).. This working relationship is continuing to bring both associations to closer understanding which is beneficial to the overall cricket scene. STATISTICS Season 1995 -96 statistics were: * 4563 Players were registered. * 1318 Players never played a match. * 303 Clearances were granted * 14 Players were awarded 15 year Player Life Membership. * 2 Players were awarded 25 year Player Life Membership. REVIEW OF PORTFOLIO'S SELECTION & COACHING - ROB COLE Rob and his committee with Steve Sykes the Cricket Coach spent many hours touring around grounds to watch players on Saturdays in an endeavour to unearth new players capable of playing at a higher level. Practice sessions were held at the Pulteney Grammar School nets for the various age groups, which we thank the School and their groundsman John Nield and his staff. The one drawback that this committee meets is the attitude of players not believing that it is a honour to be chosen in a representative team. This committee must continue to pursue players who can win matches and have the desire to want to play in Victoria against the V.S.D.C.A. in season 1997/98. The association is looking to the Coach, Steve Sykes to build on the foundations laid this past season with some good results in the West End Cup in season 1996/97. UMPIRES - BOB BALL One of the tasks that Bob and his committee had to finalise was to negotiate with the Umpires Association to become a member club of the A.T.C.A. this was successfully completed and both the Umpires Association and the committee are to be congratulated with the smooth transformation. With the aid of the Umpires Coach, Barry Droegemueller they made a improvement in the standard of umpiring and this augers well for the future. They now have a major task of finding more umpires and they will require help from all clubs if they are to be successful. Bob Williams and Roger Spence have been very supportive of Bob in changing the attitudes of the A.T.C.A. and A.T.C.U.A in the working relationships between both associations. JUNIORS - NOAL KEEN Noal along with his committee had a fairly busy season in finding clubs to organise three day clinics, finding and encouraging more clubs to field junior teams, improving the behaviour of juniors and commutation with mangers and coaches. Three very successful clinics were held at Rostrevor, Ingle Farm and Unley with one failure at Woodville Rechabites. A further one day clinic was held at Flinders University. Overall, a reasonable productive year which should show some major improvements in the future. OVALS - MICHAEL VINCI At times it was very tough for Michael and his committee with grounds becoming unavailable, dealing with clubs whose grounds were not up to standard and some vandalism. Michael dealt promptly with complaints and spent many hours and travelled many kilometres visiting grounds to solve problems. This is a very important portfolio as most problems can only be resolved by visitations, and the image of the association is at stake. PLAYER BEHAVIOUR - BOB WILES Bob with Jack Bickle as the Commissionaire have had a very busy season. Player behaviour has gradually become a big problem over the last few years. Players are now hopefully starting to get the message, don't misbehave, accept the umpires verdict. Bob and Jack have now laid the foundation concerning suspensions and we as an association never thought that we would have had to have people of such strong nature in these positions. FORWARD PLANNING - BOB WIGLEY Bob and his committee has the job of reviewing and recommending changes in the direction the association is going. Any major items are first dealt with by this committee and this year again were called upon to review such items that the sub -committees put forward. Summing up, the seven man Board of Management have performed very well along with the various sub -committees, and at times have had to make some tough decisions, but have always been fair in their decisions concerning the clubs and the association. SPONSORSHIP We have been fortunate to have over a number of years grand support from four avenues of sponsorship. these generous organisations have supported the association and we are very grateful of their generosity. *FOUNDATION SA. (LWING HEALTH) supporting Juniors under the "SUNSMART "banner *BROCKPARTNERS REAL ESTATE sponsors of the Brock Partner Knockout Cup. *KOOKABURRA SPORTS cricket ball sponsors for inter association, finals and knockout cup. *ROWE & JARMAN SPORTS $50 vouchers for all club cricket ball purchases. OBITUARIES It is with profound regret that we record the deaths of four well known members of the association. Alfred Marlow - Life Member of the A.T.C.A. former President 1968 -73. Aged 88 years. Bruce Carman - Life Member of the A.T.C.U.A. an umpire for many years. Jeff Niemann - Richmond Clarence Park C.C. player and his wife Pat both aged 56 ears. Michael Regan - Marion C.C. - Captain of B2 team for the last three seasons. Aged37 years. HIGHLIGHTS The inaugural Annual General Meeting of the Cricket Union of S.A.. After many years, associations are back together under one umbrella. Attending a meeting of the Cricket Council of Australia in Melbourne and also attending the same day the Presentation Dinner of the Victorian Sub -District C.A. as their guest at the Hilton. The success of the Premier Grade and the way in which games are presented by clubs within this competition. The rapid growth of the Limited Overs competition. The success of the Junior Clinics which were held and to the support received in sponsorship for these clinics by Living Health (Sunsmart). The enthusiasm of the Board of Management, the President and Vice- President in their endeavours to ensure that we remain a association to be proud of. The continued success of our "Masters" team, still undefeated after four years. CONCLUSION Well, what can we expect in the forthcoming season ?. You will see a continuation of implementing new competitions to encourage more cricket to be played and, also to give more opportunities for people to play cricket. The Board of Management have laid foundations for a Mid Week competition played under the rules for Super 8's Cricket, Sunday Limited Over and U/16 grades. The ongoing success of the Cricket Union of S.A. in bringing associations together in their understanding of each other and the organisation and development of cricket at all levels. GERRY T.GOULTER General Manager


Members: R.K.Cole (Chairman), S.W.Sykes (Cricket Coach), B.S.Fry, A.M.Perkins, K.E.Russell The 1995/96 season again held many challenges for this committee. The season started with the appointment of Steve Sykes as the Association Cricket Coach and this move paid dividends with Steves knowledge, enthusiasm and drive being a real positive for our association. The highlight of our Junior coaching program was our participation with Tim Hoffmann in a 10 week pre season spin school conducted at the Adelaide Oval Indoor nets. The 16 boys invited to take part completed this course with a greatly enhanced knowledge of the art of spin bowling - our thanks go to Tim for his efforts. The association fielded representative teams in U /14's, U /16's, U /20's, U/23's, Seniors and Master's competitions. A total of 13 matches being played of which more than half were against the S.A.C.A. and Grade teams. This exposure to the top cricketers in our state can only in the long term lead to an improvement in our associations players abilities. the result of these were very mixed - a great win by our U /20's against the S.A.C.A. U /17's (who went on to be runners up in the'national carnival). Our U/14's, U /16's and U/23's all winning their games against the Riverland Turf C.A. with our Masters remaining undefeated over the past few years were the highlights. Our early efforts in the West End Cup matches was very encouraging, but we failed to live up to expectations against the Country XI and in the three day match against the V.S.D.C.A. at Goodwood Oval.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all players who represented our association in these Matches, also the players who attended the practice sessions, for their enthusiasm and good behaviour, both at practice and at representative matches. In conclusion, I would like to thank my fellow committee members Barry Fry, Tony Perkins, Steve Sykes and Kevin Russell for the many hours they put in visiting club matches, practice sessions, managing teams and selection meetings. Thank you gentlemen for a job well done. ROBIN K.COLE Chairman UMPIRES SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT

Members: R.W.Ball (Chairperson), R.W.Wigley, R.Williams, R.Spence If ever a season is to be remembered within the A.T.C.A. for change and development then surely season 1995/96 has to be the one which has most effected players and umpires alike. the most significant initiative and impact on the association and cricket in general was the implementation of the Premier Grade into the competition. In keeping with this initiative, the Adelaide Turf umpires association (A.T.C.U.A.) during the off season had been developing strategies which would enhance their standard of performance to complement the new level and standard of cricket. Whilst its a little early to determine the full impact of the changes to the A.T.C.U.A.'s structure and approach to umpire development, it would be fair to say that enhancements have been made to the standard and quality of umpiring in general. The success of the season's innings can be attributed to the team effort taken by the individuals within the Umpires Association. However, it would be remiss of me not to mention just a few of those individuals who contributed during the season. Firstly the captain of the team Mr Barry Droegemeuller who as the Umpires Coach was instrumental introducing a novel approach to the Association's program of Umpires education and development. An indicator of the programs immediate success can be measured in the positive attitude of umpires both on and off the field and the positive comments made by captains in their respective "match report on umpires" form. The opening bats for the Umpires Association, Bob Williams and Roger Spence have consistently lead by example during the season. Both have used their creativity skills and tenacity to initiate and introduce new standards into the Umpires Code of Conduct as well as establishing new practices and procedures into the administrative affairs of the A.T.C.U.A.. Whilst attention was also given to recruiting umpires for the forthcoming season an average of 53 umpires were available for appointment to matches each week. this figure is consistent with the numbers from last season but it again did not give flexibility to the Umpires appointments Panel to consistently appoint umpires in accordance with their skills and abilities. Regardless of the limitations, the Panel achieved its objective to provide support and assistance to umpires and to complement the direction and philosophies of the Umpire's Training and Development Program. In closing, I would like to congratulate the Umpires Association on a job well done and thank all those individuals who volunteered their services to umpire in the finals competition, for without you, the major round would not have been the success it was. ROBERT W.BALL Chairman


The past season has seen a number of familar faces decide to have a rest or retire and a number of new faces commencing a new career, especially players taking up the challenge of umpiring. I hope they enjoyed their first experiences and are looking forward to the forthcoming season. Following the elvevation of some umpires last season after being given the opportunity, this has continued this season with six umpires being blooded into the Premier Grade and showing they are capable of performimg at this level. The opportunity is there for those who wish to take up the challenge of umpiring by firstly attending the Umpires school in August/September and then putting the theory into practice during the 1996 -97 season and beyond. May I take this moment to thank my fellow partners on the appointment panel and the assistance and co operation from the Umpires Association Executive and the A.T.C.A. Board of Management. finally, thank you to all Umpires for their efforts throughout 1995 -96 which was greatly appreciated and look forward to working with you in 1996 -97. BARRY G.DROEGEMUELLER Umpires Coach PLAYER BEHAVIOUR SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT

Members. R.J.Wiles (Chairman), J.S.H.Bickle (Commissioner) Season 1995 -96 unfortunately was not incident free of reports and notations. However, I have seen an improvement in some clubs that were singled out by our Board of Management. Meetings were held with these clubs and it was pointed out their responsibilities as a club as a whole. They were told to improve their behaviour in all grades or accept what punishment the Board would hand out. I was most happy to see a marked improvement throughout the whole club. Of the 25 reports and notations this year, eleven were from one club. This is completely unacceptable to our Association. Our Board has an understanding to wipe out this behaviour, and if it means "throwing out" a club, then I can assure you, we will have no hesitation in doing so. While I can accept that there will never be a season without some incidents, I cannot accept continual miss -behaving from one club. Next season will see a clamp down on improper dress codes and a tightening of the reporting procedures. In closing, I once again urge all clubs to have strong administration and appoint captains who are strong and capable of leading and controlling their players in accordance with the "Laws of Cricket". ROBERT JWILES Chairman

OVALS SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT Members: M.Vinci (Chairman), K.J.Duke & A.M.Perkins This past season has seen the advent of the Premier Grade with expected higher standards of pitches, ovals and facilities. All Premier Grade matches have sight screens and all "A & B" matches now have operational score boards. The past season has also seen a request for ground reports to be returned by both umpires and captains for all matches. the clubs were then given an average rating for their pitches and ovals during the Christmas break. This helped clubs since only the Premier, "A.1" & "Ai" grand finals are scheduled at neutral grounds, all other finals being allocated to home ground of highest ranked team, provided the ground is acceptable to Ovals Sub -Committee. The wet weather situation is quite simple. The Board of Management decided that if approximately at least one third of the matches i.e. 2 matches per grade can not get away at all then, the complete round shall be called off for that Saturday! Normally this means that at least two thirds of clubs must notify someone on the Ovals Sub -Committee if their ground is definitely unplayable, certainly by 9.00am on the Saturday or earlier if possible. Clubs generally should not phone the General Manager or anyone else about whether play has been cancelled, but check the 0055 -25 -050 for the latest information. The vast majority of grounds for finals were of excellent standard with very few complaints at all. I would suggest we have a sufficient number of quality grounds to allocate Uf14 finals to turf in future. I am also confident that our best grounds are good enough to cope with Saturday /Sunday play which now appears quite probable with the new Sunday Competitions. I would like to thank all members of the Ovals Sub -Committee that have served with me, and also a sincere thankyou to those clubs that have been very co operative and helpful to me. MICHAEL VINCI Chairman JUNIOR SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT

Members: N.W.Keen (Chairman), R.H.Spence, H.Ainslie, R.McKay, K.Mosely, I.Wallace,T.Ey. The 1995 -96 Season had Junior teams competing in both U/16 (11 teams) and U/14 (12 teams) grades in each age group. Brighton again were successful in winning the U/16 Premiership defeating Fulham/Grange in a high scoring final on turf. The U /14 final resulted in a thrilling tie between Edwardstown Old Concordians and Richmond Clarence Park. Congratulations to both teams, their demeanour and sportsmanship displayed by all, were a credit to their respective Clubs and in particular to the game of cricket, this was also the opinion of the Umpires. This season some U /16 matches were played on their respective Clubs main ovals or host Clubs. plus in this area found not only parents, but also senior players and officials in attendance. A number of these matches were umpired by members of the A.T.C.U.A. on a voluntary basis. Thank you to the members who gave their time. Disappointingly, there were a number of cases of poor behaviour during the season particularly in U/16 matches. as a result the Junior Sub -Committee will propose a Player Behaviour code for the forthcoming season to enable matches to be played in the true spirit of the game. During the Christmas Holiday period, three successful Junior Clinics were held under the sponsorship of Foundation S.A. (Sunsmart), Rostrevor Old Collegians (77 attended), Ingle Farm District (45) and Unley (139). Clubs each hosted a Clinic and provided first class facilities for very successful events. A forth Clinic was held, I compliment Flinders University with positive initiative, ran a Clinic in March (70), an example all Clubs could emulate, in all a total 331 potential juniors were given an opportunity to participate. Season 1994 -95 (90), 1995 -96 (331), it is our intentions to continue this programme for season 1996 -97 and we seek all Clubs support, we believe these events are most important to promote participation in cricket at Junior Level. As Chairman I wish to record not only my thanks, but appreciation to the Clubs for their efforts, to Coca -Cola for their generous support with their popular drink, Coca -Cola, and most importantly the co- operation and impute from the S.A.C.A.. Grant Wyman (S.A.C.A. Coaching Manager) and the Jeff Hammond (State Coach) enabling the success to be achieved with a great team of qualified coaches. Junior co- ordinator's met with the our Junior Committee on February 24th. This meeting discussed many initiatives, a number of which will be included in 1996 -97. My thanks to Payneham for hosting this meeting. Inter -Association matches were played against S.A.C.A. and Riverland Turf C.A. at both U /16 and U /14 level, again providing players the opportunity to further develop their cricket skills, details of these matches are contained in this Annual Report. The end of season presentation night was again held at Pooraka, premiership shields and individual awards were presented. Special awards provided by Foundation S.A. were presented to players from Brighton U/16 premiership team. For the second year in a row every Brighton player was present to receive his award. Congratulations to the players and in particular their Team Manager, Mr Ken Mosely on the achievement. there were special awards presented for outstanding performances for the season, sincere thanks to the Myer Trust Fund. I would firstly like to thank Mr Rob Cole and his committee for a great contribution through out the season and the presentation evening, also to the compere Mr Roger Spence, and as always the excellence of the host club, Pooraka. Whilst we had a very good attendance it was disappointing in one area, several clubs with Juniors did not have a representative present. In closing, I would like to say thank you to the General Manager for the quality of his impute and in particular to my committee who willingly gave their time for me in the promotion of Junior Cricket in the Adelaide Turf Cricket Association. NOAL W.KEEN Chairman FINANCE SUB -COMMITTEE REPORT Members: J.D.Hymns (Chairman), M.Vinci and J.Wegener The financial result for the year ended 31st May, 1996 was a deficiency of $12,289 (1995 deficiency of $1,854) before abnormal items. Total income decreased by $8,283, principally due to (1) a reduction in sponsorship receipts from Living Health (formerly Foundation SA.), (2) a reduction in advertising revenue generated from the programme handbook and (3) a reduction in club fines. Total expenditure increased by $2,152, principally due to the engagement of an association cricket coach. Excluding the abnormal rofits made on sales of investments, the Association has, over the last three years, recorded accumulated Losses in excess of $25,000, the main reason for this being that the Association has been carrying the cost of correcting the part-time general manager position to a full - time position. In that time, affiliation fees have generally risen in line with CPI movements, and have not shared this cost. In order to safeguard the financial security of the Association, the Board of Management has set a target of returning to a break -even operating position within two years. With that target in mind, the Board had two options (1) significantly increasing affiliation fees (2) significantly reducing services provided to clubs. In the interests of cricket generally, the Board has elected to take option 1. While the Association's net asset position of $85,930 is solid, prevention of further deterioration in its financial position is of paramount importance to the Board and to the Association's affiliated clubs. JON D.HYAMS Chairman ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31st MAY 1996 Note 1996 1995 ACCUMULATED SURPLUS $ $ Opening Balance 94,033 104,880 Surplus (Deficiency) for the year (8.1031 (190 0833 Represented by CURRENT ASSETS Cash at Bank and on Hand 1,839 6,380 Cash on Deposit--434 11,377 11,466 Investment to cash -based securities - at cost and market value 26,289 24,881 Receivables - affiliated clubs 3 914 978 Receivables - other 317 1,051 Stock on hand 2,969 7.161 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 43.705 51.971 NON CURRENT ASSETS Investment in shares - at cost (Market value: 1996 $27,572, 1995 $30,084) 8,636 11,647 Investment in cash -based securities (Market value: 1996 $42,032, 1995 $51,524) 41,283 50,788 Plant and equipment 2 6 075 3,965 TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS 55.944 66.400 TOTAL ASSETS 99.649 118.321 Less: CURRENT LIABILITIES Sundry creditors 1,676 2,974 Provision for employee entitlements 4 4,616 2,308 Provision for inter -state association matches 5 6,000 5,000 Provision for Junior development costs 6 _Q 13.016 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES 11292 23.298 NON -CURRENT LIABILITIES Provision for employee entitlements 4 1 427 990 TOTAL NON -CURRENT LIABILITIES 1,427 99Q TOTAL LIABILITIES 242$8 NET ASSETS 85.930 94.023

STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENDITURE FOR THE YEAR ENDED31st MAY 1996 Note 1996 1995 INCOME $ $ Receipts from clubs - affiliation 43,842 41,605 Receipts from clubs - fines 10,782 13,814 Receipts from sponsors 5,000 10,000 Interest 4,632 4,304 Dividends 1,998 2,351 Advertising 2,050 3,675 Social activities 2,628 2,629 Telephone - 0055 facility 702 1,201 Sundry 1 014 1.357, 72.648 80 931 EXPENDITURE Annual leave (net increase) 2,308 117 Audit fee 900 1,225 Bank fees 448 395 Discounts given 400 0 Depreciation 3,183 952 Doubtful debts 0 488 Fringe benefits tax 345 612 Insurance 1,721 1,403 Junior development 3,396 14,539 Long service leave (net increase) 437 990 Postage and general 2,196 1,803 Printing and stationary 11,189 12,394 Repairs and maintenance 1,188 0 Rent 3,548 3,313 Salary & honoraria 36,468 34,657 Senior coaching/association matches 7,882 1,263 Shields and trophies 1,873 1,833 Social activities 2,930 3,083 Stock writedown 288 0 Sundry 25 1,088 Superannuation 1,500 1,172 Telephone 1,653 988 Umpires 1.059 470 84 937 82 781 SURPLUS /(DEFICIENCY) BEFORE ABNORMAL ITEMS (12,289) (1,854) ABNORMAL ITEMS: Net profit on sale of investments 6,721 9,023 Provision for interstate association matches 5 (2,535) (5,000 Unearned income 6 Q SURPLUS/(DEFICIENCY) FOR THE YEAR (8 103) AFTER ABNORMAL ITEMS ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY 1996

1996 1995 CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES 5 Receipts from clubs 54,688 54,765 Receipts from sponsors 5,000 10,000 Receipts from others 8,698 10,902 Interest receivedp 5,060 4,349 p y NET CASH t(USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES 17,743 (942 CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from sale of shares 9,764 11,513 Proceeds from sale of cash -based securities 10,000 8,557 Withdrawals (deposits) of cash -based securities (1,408) (14,110 Payment for purchase of plant and equipment - NET CASH PROVIDED BY INVESTING ACTIVITIES 13,113 NET INCREASE/(DECREASE) IN CASH HELD (4,630) 2,593 Cash at beginning of year 17.846 15.253 CASH AT END OF FINANCIAL YEAR 13.216 RECONCILIATION OF NET CASH USED IN OPERATING ACTIVITIES TO THE SURPLUS /(DEFICIT) FOR THE FINANCIAL YEAR NET CASH (USED IN) OPERATING ACTIVITIES (17,743) (942) Profit on sale of investments 6,721 9,023 Depreciation (3,183) (952) Increase in investment in shares 32 0 Increase/ decrease in receivables - affiliated clubs (64 ((653) Increase /decrease; in receivables - sundry (734) 261 Increase in stock on hand (4,196) 1,983 Increase in investment in cash-based securities 495 369 Decrease /(increase) in sundry creditors 1,298 (1,631) (Increase) m provision for employee entitlements (2,745) (3,298) Payment of employee entitlements 0 2,191 ncrease in provision for doubtful debts 0 (488) ncrease) in provision for inter -association match costs (2,535) (5,000) Payment of inter-association match costs 1,535 Decrease/(Inerease) in provision for junior development costs 11016 SURPLUS /(DEFICIENCY) FOR FINANCIAL YEAR X8.1031 RECONCILIATION OF CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT 31ST MAY 1996 Cash at bank and on hand 1,839 6,380 Cash on deposit 11377 11.466 CASH AT END OF FINANCIAL YEAR -12.21.6 17.846 ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE YEAR ENDED 31st MAY 1996 1. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES GENERAL: these financial statements have been prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting standards and the provisions of the Association's constitution. HISTORICAL COST CONVENTION: These financial statements have been prepared on the basis of the historical cost convention and, except where stated, do not take into account changing money values or current valuations of non -current assets. STOCK ON HAND: stock has been valued at the lower of cost or net realisable value. stock on hand at balance date was valued using the specific identification method. DEPRESCIATION OF FIXED ASSETS: fixed assets are depreciated as follows: -historical cost is the base value for depreciation: --rates of depreciation are determined according to the estimated useful life of the items, using the prime cost method. INCOME TAX: the Association is exempt from income tax under the provision of Section 23(g) of the Income Tax Assessment Act. CASH: for the purposes of the statement of cash flows, cash includes cash at bank and current amounts on deposit which are integral to the cash management function and are not subject to a term facility. EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENTS: Provision is made for the Association's liability for employee entitlements arising from services rendered by employees to balance date. employee entitlements expected to be settled within one year together with entitlements arising from wages and salaries, annual leave and sick leave which will be settled after one year, have been measured at their nominal amount. Other employee entitlements payable later than one year have been measured at the present value of the estimated future cash outflows to be made for those entitlements. Contributions are made by the Association to superannuation funds on behalf of employees and are charged as expenses when incurred. 1996 1995 2. FIXED ASSETS Office Equipment 13,046 9,634 Less: Accumulated Depreciation (7.0211 (5.669) 6.025 3,965 3. RECEIVABLES - AFFILIATED CLUBS Amounts owing by clubs 1,402 1,466 Less: Provision for doubtful debts (4881 (488) 914 978 4. PROVISION FOR EMPLOYEE ENTITLEMENTS CURRENT Provision for Annual Leave 4,616 2,308 NON -CURRENT Provision for Long Service Leave 1.427 990 Total Provision for Employee Entitlements 6.041 3.298 5. PROVISION FOR INTERSTATE ASSOCIATION MATCHES Biannually, representative teams of the Association will play matches against teams from interstate cricket associations. It is the Association's policy that the cost of these matches is provided for in advance. 6. UNEARNED INCOME The Association receives sponsorship grants from Living Health (formerly Foundation S.A.). Under the terms of the sponsorship agreement, these grants are to be utilised for the development of Junior cricket. It is the associations policy that grants received will be recognised as income in the income and expenditure statement as the funds are utilised for junior cricket development. The unspent portion of these grants will be recognised as a liability of the Association. The amount of unspent sponsorship grants as at 31 May 1996 was $Nil (1995 $13,016 7 RELATED PARTY DISCLOSURES The following persons held positions on the Board of Management during the financial year ended 31 May 1996: R.W.Wigley. R.K.Cole, J.D.Hyams, R.W.Ball, N.W.Keen, M.Vinci and R.J.Wiles. The aggregate amount of remuneration received or receivable, directly or indirectly, for the year ended 31 May 1996 (including salaries, wages, fees and honorariums) from the association by the above persons in connection with the administration of the Association amounted to $3,550 (1995 $3,550). The aggregate amount paid during the year ended 31 May 1996 to a superannuation plan by the Association in respect of the above persons amounted to $Nil (1995 $Nit). ADELAIDE TURF CRICKET ASSOCIATION INCORPORATED STATEMENT OF THE BOARD OF MANAGEMENT

In the opinion of the Board Members of Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated: (a) the accompanying profit and loss statement, balance sheet, statement of cash flows and notes attached thereto, are dawn up so as to Present fairly the results of the Association for the financial year ended 31st May, 1996 and the state of affairs of the Association at 31st May, 1996;and, (b) at the date of this statement, there are reasonable grounds to believe that the Association will be able to pay its debts as when they fall due. Signed this 8th day of July, 1996 in accordance with a resolution of the Board Members


SCOPE: I have audited the financial statements of Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated for the financial year ended 31May, 1996 comprising the balance sheet, statement of income and expenditure, statement of cash flows and the notes to the accounts. The Management Committee is responsible for the preparation of the financial statements. I have conducted an independent audit of these financial statements in order to express an opinion on them to the members. The audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian Auditing Standards to provide reasonable assurance whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. My procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial statements, and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements (Urgent Issues Group Consensus Views) so as to present a view which is consistent with our understanding of the association's financial position, the results of it's operations and cash flows. The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis. QUALIFICATION: The Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated has recognised as expenditure a provision for future interstate association matches. As at balance date this expenditure had not been incurred. this is a departure from Australian Accounting Standard AAS I "Profit and Loss or other Operating Standards ". The total provision for future interstate association matches, provided for but not incurred as at 31 May, 1996 was $6,000. Had this been done, the deficiency for the year after abnormal items would be $(2,103), accumulated surplus $91,930 and total liabilities $7,719. QUALIFIED AUDIT OPINION: In my opinion, except for the effects on the financial statements of the matter referred to in the qualification paragraph, the financial statements are presented fairly in accordance with applicable Accounting Standards and other mandatory professional reporting requirements and relevant statutory and other requirements, the financial position of Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated as at 31 May, 1996, and the results of it's operations and it's cash flows for the year then ended.


NICHOLAS MATSIS ACA Principal ADELAIDE, South Australia, this 12th day of July, 1996


In my opinion, the financial report, comprising the Balance Sheet, Statement of Income and Expenditure, Statement of Cash Flows and the notes attached thereto, have been prepared so as to present fairly the financial position of Adelaide Turf Cricket Association Incorporated as at 31st May, 1996, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended. The financial statements depart from Australian Accounting Standard AAS I. "Profit and Loss or other operating Statements," in that the Association's Board of Management has decided to provide for future costs of interstate association matches. Except for this departure, the financial statements have been prepared in accordance with applicable Australian accounting standards and the provisions of the Association's constitution. ft0- J.D.HYAMS Treasurer


GRADE SHIELD PREMIER CAPTAIN SECRETARY Premier Pryor S.P.O.C. J.Benton M.Newland A.1 Manuell Hope Valley J.A.Gallina S.Anderson A.2 Millard Penfield M.Elliott S.J.Passmore B.1 Marlow Flinders University D.L.Brown D.L.Brown B.2 Klose/Webb Hope Valley M.Barton S.Anderson B.3 Powell Para Hills S.D.Edwards D.C.Caldwell C A.T.C.U.A. Richmond Clarence Park S.J.Knight G.E.Stevenson D Pywell Brighton D.W.Lewis G.Whittaker E Wellington Adelaide University D.A.Penn G.A.Howe F Hayman Richmond Clarence Park G.E.Stevenson G.E.Stevenson LOA Acraman Kensington District S.D.Parkinson A.D.Rice LO.B Hull Elders C.Mapstone O.Ferreira LO.0 Carman Elders S.Tredrea O.Ferreira LO.D Bartlett Woodville Rechabite K.Keech L.Murcott U /16 Came Brighton H.MacKay G.Whit[aker U /14 Camp Edwardstown & Old Concordians J.P.Cantone R.D.Poynder & Richmond Clarence Park R.S.Tonkin G.E.Stevenson


BAITING 500 Runs Minimum CLUB GRADE RUNS J.L.Richards Edwardstown & Old Concordians U/14 816 H.MacKay Brighton U/16 797 A.J.Rathmann Adelaide High Old Scholars LO.B 722 D.J.Refermat Edwardstown & Old Concordians U/14 706 K.Roberts Modbury A.2 692 D.J.Maxwell Richmond Clarence Park 662 M.Leoni Unley 652 J.Arbon Gepps Cross U/16 648 C.G.Peacock Richmond Clarence Park 629 S.C.Caruana Hope Valley B.2 611 R.A.Fraser Stun District 609 J.R.Hooper Pulteney Old Scholars A.2 598 M.Elliott Penfield A.2 596 D.P.Mapstone Elders LO.B 588 M.Gresch Pulteney Old Scholars B.3 559 P.L.Holbrook Walkerville 537 P.A.Flynn Adelaide University LO.A 533 M.Donohoe Adelaide High Old Scholars LO.B 520 S.Matthews West Croydon LO.D 520 R.E.Phillips Sturt District LO.A 518 A.S.Moore Richmond Clarence Park 511 P.M.Judd Payneham Premier 510 I.Jagggard Richmond Clarence Park B.1 507 A.P.7Welftree Woodville South B.2 506 D.L.Hillen Gepps Cross U/16 500 BOWLING 50 Minimun WKTS

C.M.Saunders Edwardstown & Old Concordians U/14 70 K.Edgecombe Adelaide High Old Scholars "F" 63 M.A.Haider Para Hills A.1 56 C.I.Ansell Payneham U/16 53 D.J.Gelven Gaza U/16 52 R.L.Poole West Croydon 51 M.B.Harrison Woodville Rechabite A.2 50 INTER -STATE ASSOCIATION GAMES DETAILS RELATING TO A.T.C.A. y V.S.D.C.A. MATCHES

1963 Coburg Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 5/320 d A.T.C.A. 184 & 5/46 1964 Hawthorn Oval SA V.S.D.C.A. 387 d A.T.C.A. 7/295 1966 Coburg Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 142 d A.T.C.A. 139 1967 Myer Oval S.A. A.T.C.A 215 & 2/74 d V.S.D.C.A 112 & 175 1969 Waverley Vic V.S.D.C.A. 219 & 1/13 d A.T.C.A. 113 & 112 1970 Unley Oval S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 8/275 d A.T.C.A. 241 1971 Brighton Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 7/322 d A.T.C.A.. 112 & 0/115 1972 Un ey Oval SA. V.S.D.C.A. 9/248 d A.T.C.A 142 & 1/71 1973 Waverley Vic A.T.C.A 276 d V.S.D.C.A. 199 1974 Brighton Oval S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 267 d A.T.C.A. 157 1975 Moorabbin Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 257 d A.T.C.A. 101 1976 Brighton Oval S.A. V.S.D.C.A. 4/136 d A.T.C.A. 129 1977 Geelong Vic V.S.D.C.A. 162 d A.T.C.A. 155 & 3/135 1978 Payneham Oval S.A. A.T.C.A 360 d V.S.D.C.A. 195 & 0/35 1979 Box Hill Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 236 & 3/185 d A.T.C.A. 109 & 1/98 1980 Brighton Oval S.A. A.T.C.A. 131 & 8/170 d V.S.D.C.A. 161 & 109 1981 Sunshine Vic A.T.C.A. 8/262 d V.S.D.C.A. 214 1982 Brighton Oval SA A.T.C.A. 208 d V.S.D.C.A. 108 & 3/53 1983 Moorabbin Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 7/334 d A.T.C.A. 176 1984 Brighton Oval S.A. A.T.C.A. 5/348 d V.S.D.C.A. 8/346 1985 Coburg Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 262 & 0/84 d A.T.C.A. 132 & 213 1986 Walkerville Oval SA. V.S.D.C.A. 356 d A.T.C.A. 186 & 3/100 1987 Coburg Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A 231 d A.T.C.A. 205 1988 Payneham Oval S.A. A.T.C.A 303 d V.S.D.C.A. 249 1989 Moorabbin Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A. 242 d A.T.C.A. 115 & 5/102 1990 Payneham Oval S.A. V.S.D..A. 282 d A.T.C.A. 275 & 3/168 1992 Noble Park Oval Vic V.S.D.C.A 8/239 d A.T.C.A. 236 1996 Goodwood Oval S.A. V.S.D.CA 9/362 d A.T.C.A. 179 & 156


PREMIER GRADE Played Points GRADE B.1 Played Points Ingle Farm District (M.P & R.U) 11 137.42 Richmond Clarence Park (M.P) 11 145.71 Walkerville 11 123.14 Payneham 11 132.78 St Peters Old Collegians (P) 11 121.12 Grange (R.U) 11 131.68 Woodville South 11 120.57 Flinders University (P) 11 130.58 Grange 11 115.51 Brighton 11 119.49 Richmond Clarence Park 11 102.42 Unley 11 107.46 Payneham 11 95.29 Ingle Farm District 11 101.00 Unley 11 87.28 Pooraka 11 87.41 Brighton 11 78.76 St Peters Old Collegians 11 83.38 Marion 11 77.22 Adelaide High Old Scholars 11 71.51 Gepps Cross 11 69.79 Gepps Cross 11 69.16 Flinders University 11 61.26 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 67.63

GRADE A.1 GRADE 8.2 Adelaide High Old Scholars (M.P) 11 123.55 Sacred Heart Old Collegians (M.P) 11 161.05 Pooraka 11 119.33 Hope Valley (Pl 11 159.60 Hope Valley (Pl 11 117.70 Woodville Rechabaite 11 141.09 Para Hills (R.U) 11 112.95 Walkerville (R.U) 11 133.02 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 111.08 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 11 127.31 Gaza 11 110.11 Marion 11 112.42 Rostrevor Old Collegians 11 108.81 Fulham 11 105.50 Fulham 11 105.01 Woodville South 11 88.18 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 11 101.76 Torrens Valley 11 84.87 Flinders Park 11 70.25 Gaza 11 59.72 Ferryden Park Woodville North 11 68.18 Ferryden Park Woodville North 11 2.13

GRADE A.2 GRADE 8.3 Penfield (P & M.P) 11 145.56 Para Hills (P & M.P) 11 143.91 Modbury (R.U) 11 137.74 Modbury 11 142.03 Woodville Rechabite 11 135.34 Penfield (R.U) 11 126.02 Sacred Heart Old Collegians 11 126.19 Pembroke Old Scholars 11 110.85 Pulteney O.S. 11 109.42 Immanuel Old Scholars 11 99.76 Torrens Valley 11 107.94 Pulteney Old Scholars 11 94.95 Kilburn 11 95.29 Greenacres 11 89.58 Old Scotch 11 94.01 Old Ignatians 11 87.85 Greenacres 11 88.31 Rostrevor Old Collegians 11 82.49 Glenunga 11 88.20 Old Scotch 11 78.27 Immanuel Old Scholars 11 87.20 Glenunga 11 70.94 Pembroke Old Scholars 11 65.85 Kilburn 11 66.20 GRADE "V Played Points LIMITED OVER COMPETITION Richmond Clarence Park (M.P & R) 11 151.60 Played Points West Croydon (R.U) 11 140.01 GRADE LO.A. Grange 11 135.02 Sturt District (M.P) 18 190.38 University of South Australia 11 116.33 Rostrevor Old Collegians 18 176.07 Sturt District 11 113.75 Grange (R.U) 18 165.27 St Peters Old Collegians 11 112.21 Kensington District (P) 18 163.27 ETSA 11 112.20 Adelaide University 18 154.19 Payneham 11 74.73 Adelaide 18 140.83 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 11 74.26 Southern Districts 18 116.39 Brighton 11 73.88 Brighton 18 116.01 Pooraka 11 65.65 Woodville South 18 82.25 Adelaide High Old Scholars 11 55.47 Ingle Farm District 18 -16.65

GRADE "D" GRADE LOS Flinders University (M.P) 11 160.26 Adelaide University (M.P & R.U) 16 191.38 Richmond Clarence Park (R.U) 11 131.56 Elders (P) 16 173.68 Grange 11 122.47 -Adelaide High Old Scholars 16 164.92 Brighton (P) 11 114.22 St Peters Old Collegians 16 144.63 Payneham 11 107.74 Flinders University 16 97.68 Hope Valley 11 105.41 Para Hills 16 86.80 Modbury 11 91.21 Kensington District 16 77.27 Marion 11 91.09 Old Ignatians 16 75.00 Woodville South 11 86.55 Tea Tree Gully District 16 68.74 Unley 11 84.10 Pooraka 11 54.69 Gepps Cross 11 53.60 GRADE LO.0 Elders (P & M.P) 16 158.75 GRADE "E" Pulteney Old Scholars (R.U) 16 149.92 Adelaide University (P & M.P) 11 135.03 Gepps Cross 16 146.16 Unley (R.U) 11 124.52 Flinders Park 16 145.19 Fulham 11 119.50 Pembroke Old Scholars 16 132.69 Walkerville 11 118.79 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 16 114.37 Ingle Farm District 11 111.67 Penfield 16 112.38 Woodville Rechabite 11 95.59 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 16 103.11 Prince Alfred Old Collegians 11 94.62 Ferryden Park Woodville North 16 10.60 Richmond Clarence Park 11 89.85 Para Hills 11 87.09 University of South Australia 11 84.83 GRADE 10.0 Adelaide Deaf 11 69.66 Woodville Rechabite (P & M.P) 16 157.11 Payneham 11 53.38 West Croydon (R.U) 16 149.35 Adelaide University 16 136.67 GRADE "F" Prince Alfred Old Collegians 16 135.53 Richmond Clarence Park (P & M.P) 10 149.39 Old Ignahans 16 135.53 Penfield 10 139.00 Unley 16 112.17 Adelaide High Old Scholars (R.U) 10 120.49 Rostrevor Old Collegians 16 108.72 Grange 10 103.48 Mercedes 16 107.49 Payneham 10 98.04 Fulham 16 94.38 Sacred Heart Old Collegians 10 97.10 Walkerville 10 82.81 UNDERAGE COMPETITION Hope Valley 10 73.57 Modbury 10 67.54 GRADE (1116 Torrens Valley 10 51.64 Gaza IMPI 10 147.55 Marion 10 47.11 Brighton 10 145.69 Payneham 10 127.41 FulhamlGrange (R.U) 10 115.76 Modbury 10 113.66 Marion 10 107.23 Pooraka 10 64.59 Richmond Clarence Park 10 62.03 Edwardstown & Old Concordians 10 20.98

GRADE U114 Edwardstown & Old Concordians(J.P & M.P) 11 185.82 Richmond Clarence Park (J.P) 11 165.00 Payneham 11 143.41 Grange 11 141.45 Brighton 11 138.18 Modbury 11 137.38 Ingle Farm District 11 97.29 Hope Valley 11 83.12 Ferryden Park Woodville North 11 59.91 Pooraka 11 Greenacres 11 19.90 Fulham 11 -13.87 TROPHY WINNERS

President's Trophies - Donated by S.T.Lane Premier Grade Batting -P.M.Judd Payneham --510 runs Premier Grade Bowling -T.J.Dansie Walkerville --4I wickets Brock Partners Real Estate Trophies Premier Grade Batting -- I?M.Judd Payneham Premier Grade Bowling --T.J.Dansie Walkerville

"Sidney W.Shepherdson" Memorial Trophy - Donated by Mrs. D.Shepherdson "A" Grade Competition Best Allmund Performance P.C.Roberts Fulham

Colin Forrest Trophy - Donated by A.T.C.A.Inc. Most Promising U/23 Player - A.N.Klitogiannis Fulham

J.U.Jantke Fielding Trophy - Donated by A.T.C.A.Inc. Premier Grade Umpires Votes - I.S.Cox Flinders University N.W.Keen Wicketkeeping Trophy Donated by N.W.Keen Premier & A.1 Grades only - D.G.Anderson Ingle Fram District Kookaburra Sport Pty Ltd Award Best U/23 Allround Player - A.N.Klitogiannis Fulham Myer Cricket Club Trust Fund Perpetual Trophies: "Harold Walker Trophy" -Batting I1/16 Inter-Association - H.MacKay -Brighton "Tom Klose Trophy" -Bowling U /16 Inter- Association - C.Ladhams -Gaza "Lockie Trevorrow Trophy"- Bowling U /14 Inter -Association - C.M.Saunders -Edwardstown & Old Concordians "Ron LinklatterTrophy" -Batting U/14 Inter-Association -- C.LBannerman -Grange "Bob Roxby Trophy" -Best Allround Performanace U /16 -C.Ladhams --Gaza A.T.C.A. BATTING TROPHIES A.T.CA. BOWLING TROPHIES GRADE BATSMAN CLUB RUNS GRADE BOWLER CLUB WKTS A.1 P.C.Roberts Fulham 478 A.1 M.A.Haider Para Hills 44 A.2 K.Roberts Modbury 624 A.2 M.B.Harrison Woodville Rechabites 47 B.1 I.Jaggard R.C.P. 485 B.1 M.T.Lardner Unley 36 B.2 S.C.Caruana Hope Valley 542 B.2 R.J.Gordon Woodville Rechabite 36 B.3 M.Gresch Pulteney O.S. 559 B.3 S.Sutherland Rostrevor O.C. 33 "C" R.A.Fraser Stun District 609 R.L.Poole West Croydon 44 "D" A.S.Moore R.C.P. 423 R.L.Rebbeck Grange 32 "E" M.Leoni Unley 496 M.Leoni Unley 40 * "F" D.J.Maxwell R.C.P. 535 K.Edgecombe A.H.O.S. 60 LIMITED OVER COMPETITION

LO.A P.A.Flynn Adelaide Uni 533 LO.A C.J.Owen Adelaide Uni 25 LO.B A.J.Rathmann A.H.O.S. 703 LO.B J.L.Sloan Elders 34 LO.0 P.J.Northeast Elders 411 LO.0 J.P.Angerson Pembroke O.S. 30 LO.D S.Matthews West Croydon 452 LO.D I.A.Harrison Mercedes 25 UNDERAGE SECTION

U/16 H.MacKay Brighton 695 U/16 D.J.Gelven Gaza 52 U/14 J.L.Richards E & O.C. 795 U/14 C.M.Saunders E & O.C. 59

( *) Denotes trophy awarded on average as there was a tie. PREMIERSHIP WINNERS FROM 1932 -33 TO 1995 -96

1959-60 K.O.C.A. POWELL GRADE S.A. (ONE DAY) PRYOR SHIELD (1) SHIELD (41 1993-94 Adelaide University 196061 K.O.C.A. GRADE A.4 GRADE A.1 1994-95 Grange 193213 Hawthorn 1961-62 Kelvinator 1958 -59 Henley & Grange 1962-63 Baulderstone 1933-34 P.A.O.C. 195160 I.C.I. GRADE LO.A Elders 1934-35 Prince Alfred College 1963-64 G.M. 1960 -61 Prospect District 1995-96 Kensington District 1935-36 Hawthorn 1964-65 K.O.C.A. 1961-62 Kilburn 1965-66 Brighton 1936 -37 East Torrens Colts 1962-63 R.A.A.F. Kelvinator -MARLOW SHIELD 1937-38 Hawthorn 1966-67 1963 -64 Henley & Grange (6) 1938-39 Woodville 1967-68 S.P.O.C. 1964 -65 Prospect District GRADE A.6 1968 -69 Grange 193940 Goodwood 1965 -66 S.A.Rubber Mills 1960 -61 W.R.E.I. 1969-70 Baulderstone 194041 East Torrens 1966-67 Richmond 1961.62 Edwardstown District 1970-71 K.O.C.A. 1941-42 St Peters College 1967-68 Grange 1962-63 Woodville 1971-72 1942-43 Stud Old Scotch 1968-69 Old lgnatians 1963-64 Myer 1943-44 Woodville 1972-73 S.P.O.C. - 1969 -70 Elizabeth North 1964-65 Glenelg District 1944-45 Woodville 1973.74 S.P.O.C. 1970 -71 Woodville North 1965-66 Payneham Flinders Park 194546 G.M.Holdens 1974-75 1971-72 Elizabeth District 1966-67 Teachers College P.A.O.C. 194647 Stun 1975-76 1972 -73 Woodville Rechabite 1967 -68 Grange Pulteney 1947-48 Payneham 1976-77 D.S. 1973-74 Post -Tel Institute 1968-69 Elizabeth District 1977-78 Clarence Park 1948-49 Brighton 1974-75 Old Scotch 1969-70 Flinders University North 1949 -50 Sturt 1978-79 Woodville 1975-76 Grange 1970 -71 Woodville Rechabite 1979 -80 Para Hills 1950-51 Sturt 197677 Bank of Adelaide 1971 -72 Royal Park 1980-81 D.R.C.S.I. 1972-73 Para Hills 1951-52 Sturt GRADE B.1 1952-53 Sturt 1981-82 Post-Tel 1973-74 Edwardstown District 1982-83 Modbury 1977-78 Grange 1974-75 Hope Valley 1953 -54 Sturt 1978-79 S.P..C. 195455 Myer 1983 -84 Gaza 1975-76 Gaza 1984-85 Ferryden Park 1955-56 Sturt GRADE A.4 1976-77 Grange 198586 Rostrevor O.C. 1956-57 Myer 1979-80 Ingle Farm District GRADED' 1986 -87 Richmond 1957-58 Brighton 1980-81 Gepps Cross 1977 -78 Immanuel 0.5. 1987-88 Ingle Farm District 1958-59 Railway 1981-82 Rasewater 1978 -79 Rostrevor O.C. Woodville North 1959 -60 Brighton 1988-89 1982-83 Rostrevor D.C. 1989-90 Ingle Farm District 1960 -61 Myer 1983-84 E.T.S.A. GRADE 8.1 -91 Pulteney 0.S. 1961 -62 Brighton 1990 1984-85 Athelstene 1979 -80 Post -Tel Institute 1962-63 Edwardstown District 1991 -92 Clarence Park 1985 -86 Western Districts 1980-81 Post -Tel Institute 1992 -93 Unley 1963-64 Edwardstown District 1986 -87 West Lakes 1981-82 Brighton 1964-65 Brighton 1993-94 Grange 1987-88 Elders 1982 -83 Grange Flinders University 1965-66 Clarence Park 199495 1988-89 S.A.I.T. 1983-84 Grange 1984-85 Brighton 1966 -67 Brighton GRADE A.1 1989 -90 Para Hills 1985-86 Walkervilla 1967-68 Richmond 1995-96 Hope Valley 1990 -91 S.H.O.C. 1968-69 Richmond 1991 -92 Flinders Park 1986 -87 Brighton 1969-70 Kilburn 1992-93 Kilburn 1987.88 Brighton 1993-94 Immanuel O.S. 1988.89 Brighton 1970 -71 Payneham MILLARD SHIELD 1971-72 Payneham (3) 1994-95 E.T.S.A. 1989-90 Richmond GRADE 4.3 1972-73 59.1C. 1990 -91 Woodville North S.P.O.C. GRADE 8.3 Park 1956-57 1991 -92 Grange 1973-74 Clarence 1995 -96 Para Hills 1974-75 Woodville North 1957-58 Edwardstown 1992-93 Richmond 1975-76 Brighton 1958 -59 Burnside 1993 -94 Richmond Clarence P 1959 -60 Kensington District 199495 Payneham 1976-77 P.A.O.C. ACRAMAN SHIELD (5) 1960 -61 W.R.E.I. 1995-96 Flinders University 1977-78 Brighton GRADE 1961 -62 Prospect District 4.5 1978-79 Grange Clarence Park 1962-63 Kilburn 1959-60 1979-80 Payneham 1960 -61 Glenelg Stragglers 1963-64 Glenelg District KLOSE -WEBB SHIELD 1980 -81 Tea Tree Gully 1961 -62 Kilburn (7) 1964-65 Savings Bank of S.A. GRADE 4.7 1981 -82 Payneham 1962-63 East Parade 1965 -66 Kelvinaator 1962 -63 Payneham 1982-83 Walkerville 1963-64 S.H.O.C. 1966 -67 Brighton 1963 -64 Glenelg Stragglers 1983-84 S.P.O.C. 1964-65 Post -Tel Institute 1967 -68 East Parade 1964-65 Commercial Bank 1984-85 Gaza 1965-66 Glenelg District 1968 -69 Prospect District 196566 Adelaide 1985-86 Walkerville 1966-67 Grange 1969-70 W.R.E.I. 1966-67 S.P.O.C. 1986-87 Payneham 1967.68 P.A.O.C. 1970-71 Old Scotch 1967-68 Post-Tel Institute 1987-88 Gaza 1968 -69 Marion 197172 Savings Bank of S.A. 1968-69 Bank of Adelaide 198889 Gaza 1969-70 Old Scotch 197273 P.A.O.C. 1969-70 Clarence Park 198990 Gaza 1970-71 Carmel Court 1973-74 Flinders Park 1970 -71 Flinders Perk 1990-91 Woodville North 197172 Post -Tel Institute 1974-75 Woodville South 1971 -72 Walkervilla 1991-92 Payneham 1972-73 Old Scotch 1975 -76 Hope Valley 1972-73 Prospect District 1992-93 Gaza 1973-74 East Torrens District 1976-77 Walkervilla 1973.74 Fulham 1993 -94 Ingle Farm District 1974-75 Clarence Park 1977 -78 Gaza 197475 Pulteney 0.S. 1994-95 Richmond Clarence Pk 1975 -76 Bank of Adelaide 1978 -79 Woodville South 1975-76 K.O.C.A. 1976-77 Gaza PREMIER GRADE 1979 -80 Elizabeth Turf 1976-77 Rostrevor O.C. 1995-96 S.P.O.C. 1980-81 Modbury GRADE 'C GRADE 'V' 1981-82 Pooraka 1977 -78 Grange 197778 Sturt C.A.E. 1982.83 Ferryden Park 197179 Grange MANUELL SHIELD (2) 1978-79 Old Collegians 1983-84 Rostrevor O.C. GRADE 4.2 GRADE 4.5 1984.85 E.T.S.A. GRADE B.2 194647 Collight Gardens 1979 -80 Pooraka 1985-86 Woodville Rechabite 1979-80 Kilburn 194748 Clarence Park 1980-81 Glenunga 1986 -87 Teachers College 1980-81 Woodville North 194849 Sturt No.1. 1981-82 Kensington District 1987-88 Pulteney 0.S. 1981 -82 Modbury 1949-50 Col.light Gardens 1982-83 Adelaide High O.S. 1988-89 Pembroke O.S. Gapes Cross 1950-51 Kelvinator 1983-84 Tubemakers 1989-90 Fulham 1983 84 1951-52 Myer 1984-85 S.M.O.S.H. 1990-91 Old Snatch 1984-85 Pembroke 0.S. 1952-53 Payneham 1985 -86 Prospect District 1991-92 Pembroke O.S. 1985-86 Gaza 1953-54 Glanelg 1986 -87 Adelaide University 1992 -93 Pooraka 1986-87 P.A.O.C. & 195455 Payneham 1987 -88 Southern Districts 1993-94 Flinders Park Rostrevor 0.C. 1955-56 Elder Smith 1988 -89 Glenunga 1956-57 Richmond 1994-95 Old Ignatians 1987 -88 Modbury 1988-89 Edwardstown District 1957-58 Kelvinator GRADE A.2 1989-90 Woodville North 1958-59 Edwardstown District 1995 -96 Penfield 1990 -91 Gaza 1985-86 Grange 1991.92 Pulteney O.S. WELLINGTON SHIELD (10) 1986-87 Clarence Park CARMAN SHIELD (16) 199293 Gepps Crass GRADE A.10 1987-88 Fulham GRADE 13 GREEN 1972-73 Walkerville 1993-94 Ed town & Old C'dians 1988-89 S.M.O.S.H. 197879 Walkerville 1973-74 Modbury 1994-95 W'ville NthlFerry Pk 1989-90 Ingle Farm District GRADE 13 GOLD 197475 Hope Valley 1995 -96 Hope Valley 1990-91 S.H.O.C. 1979 -80 S.P.O.C. 1975 -76 Old Ignatians 1991-92 Adelaide High D.S. 1980-81 Fulham 1976.77 SALT. 1992 -93 Woodville Rechabite 1981-82 Atheistone A.T.C.U.A. SHIELD (8) GRADE "H" 1993.94 Richmond Clarence Pk 1982-83 Rosewater GRADE A.8 1977-78 Old Scotch 199495 Pooraka 198384 S.P.O.C. 1964.65 Clarence Park 1978-79 Rosewater GRADE LO.D 198485 Hope Valley 1965-66 Kilburn 1985-86 Ingle Farm District GRADE "E" 1995-96 Woodville Rechabite 1966-67 Old Ignatians 1986-87 Modbury 1979-80 Brighton 1967 -68 Richmond 1987-88 Woodville North 1980-81 Old Scotch EWING SHIELD (13) 1968-69 Elizabeth District 1988-89 Woodville North Post 1981 -82 Ingle Farm District GRADE 13 BLUE 1969-70 -Tel Institute 198990 Woodville North 1982-83 Brighton 1976-77 Grange 1970-71 Woodville Rechabite 1990-91 West Lakes 198384 Unley 1977-78 Para Hills 1991-92 Woodville GRADE A.8 GREEN 1984-85 Athelstona South GRADE "K" 1992 -93 Poorake 1971 -72 Adelaide 1985 -86 Adelaide University 1978 -79 Adelaide Deaf 1993 -94 Ferryden Park GRADE AS GOLD 1986-87 S.P.0 C. 1971.72 Para Hills 1987.88 S.A.I.T. GRADE "G" BLUE GRADE 5.0 IONE DAY) 1988-89 West Lakes 1979-80 Athelstone 1994-95 Adelaide High 0.S. GRADE A.8 1989-90 S.M.O.S.H. GRADE "G" GOLD GRADE 1972 -73 S.H.O.C. 199891 Brighton 10.0 1980-81 Old Ignatians 1995 -96 Elders 197374 Old collegians 1991-92 Richmond 197475 East Torrens District 1992-93 Ed'town 7 Old C'dians GRADE 'H" 1975-76 Tea Tree Gully District 1993-94 S.H.O.C. 1981 -82 Tea Tree Gully District 1976-77 Immanuel 0.S. 1994-95 Penfield 1982-83 Para Hills HACKETT SHIELD (17) GRADE "F" 1995-96 Adelaide University 1983 -84 Sturt District GRADE UI16 GOLD 1977.78 Para Hills 1984 -85 Grange 1977-78 Sturt District 1978.79 S.A.I.T. 1985-86 Rostrevor O.C. 1978-79 Brighton 198687 Gaza HAYMAN SHIELD (11) GRADE 13 BLUE GRADE at" 1987-88 Gaza GRADE AS 1979-80 Ingle Farm District 1979 -80 S.P.O.C. 1988 -89 Pulteney 0.S. 1972-73 Bedford Perk T.C. 1980-81 Ingle Farm District 1980 -81 Grange 1989 -90 Hope Valley 1973-74 Old Ignatians 1981-82 Modbury 1981-82 Gepps Cross 1990-91 Woodville North 197475 Gaza 1982-83 East Torrens District 1982-83 Grange 1991.92 Pulteney 0.S. 1975.76 Tea Tree Gully District 1983-84 Hope Valley 1983-84 S.P.O.C. 1992-93 Old Collegians 1976-77 E.T.S.A. 1984-85 Gaza 1984 -85 S.P.O.C. 199394 Elders 1985-86 Gaza 1985-86 S.P.O.C. GRADE 'I" 1994-95 Para Hills 1986-87 Hope Valley 1977-78 Flinders University 1986-87 Pooraka 1987-88 Modbury 1987-88 Unley 1978-79 Semaphore Park HULL SHIELD 1988-89 Payneham (14) 1988-89 S.A.I.T. GRADE "F" GRADE 13 GOLD 1989-90 S.P.O.C. 1989-90 Ferryden Park 1979-80 Old Scotch 1976-77 Flinders Perk 1990.91 Payneham 1990-91 S.M.O.S.H. 1977-78 Para Hills 1991-92 Adelaide University GRADE "F' GOLD 1991-92 S.M.O.S.H. 1978-79 Para Hills 1992 -93 Marion 1980.81 Old Collegians 1993 -94 Payneham GRADE "G" GREEN GRADE "F" 1994-95 Richmond Clarence Pk 197980 Adelaide University CARNE SHIELD (18) 1981.82 Adelaide University 1995-96 Richmond Clarence Pk GRADE U116 GOLD Prospect District GRADE "G" BLUE 1982-83 979 -80 Adelaide 1980 -81 Glenunga 1983 -84 Pooraka 980.81 Payneham Adelaide University 1984-85 GRADE "I" 981 -82 Edwardstown District PYWELL SHIELD (9) 1985-86 West Lakes GRADE A.9 1981-82 Woodville Rechabite 982-83 Payneham 198687 Rostrevor O.C. 1982-83 Flinders Park 983-84 Payneham 196868 Clarence Park 1987 -88 Rostrevor O.C. 1983-84 Fulham 984-85 Ingle Farm District 1969.70 Richmond 1988-89 Elizabeth District 1984-85 St John Ambulance 985-86 Ingle Farm District 1970-71 Woodville District Old Collegians 1989-90 1985 -86 Hope Valley 986-87 Payneham 1971 -72 Woodville South Hope Valley 1990-91 1986-87 Gaza 987-88 Salisbury District 1972 -73 Para Hills 1991-92 S.H.O.C. 1973 -74 Hinders Park 1987-88 Rostrevor O.C. 988-89 Payneham 1992-93 E.T.S.A. 1988-89 S.H.O.C. 989-90 Fulham 197475 Woodville North 1993 -94 Penfield 1989-90 Coles /Myer 99091 Edwardstown District 1975.76 Immanuel O.S. 1994-95 Woodville South 1990-91 Old Collegians 991-92 Edwardstown District 1976-77 Unley High 0.S. 199596 Richmond Clarence Pk 199192 Flinders Park 992-93 Ed'town & Old C'dians GRADE 'V 1992-93 SHAG. 993-94 Marion 1977.78 W.R.E.I. 994-95 Brighton BARTLETT SHIELD (12) GRADE 5.B (ONE DAY) 1978-79 Ingle Farm District 99196 Brighton GRADE A.12 1993-94 Richmond Clarence Pk GRADE 'D' 1973-74 Ingge Farm District 1994-95 Kensington District 1979-80 Grange 197475 Grenfell Mail 1980-81 Brighton 1975-76 Savings Bank of S.A. GUNN SHIELD (19) 1981 -82 Old Ignatians 1976-77 Richmond RAWES SHIELD (15) GRADE U /18 BLUE 1982-83 Woodville South GRADE 13 BLUE 1979-80 Pooraka 1983-84 Ferryden Park GRADE IT 1978 -79 Woodville South 1980-81 Walkervilla 197778 Flinders Park 1981-82 1984-85 Rostrevor O.C. RED Gaza 1978 -79 Immanuel O.S. GRADE "G" 1985-86 Prospect District 1979 -80 Semaphore Park 1982-83 Grange 198687 Old Scotch GRADE "G" GOLD 1983 -84 Fulham 198788 Ceps Cross 1979-80 Brighton GRADE "G" GREEN 1984 -85 Fulham 1988-89 Rostrevor O.C. 1980 -81 Pultaney O.S. 1985-86 Richmond GRADE "F" BLUE 1989-90 West Lakes 1986-87 Woodville North 1980-81 Brighton GRADE "J" 1990 -91 S.M.O.S.H. 1981 -82 Flinders University 1987-88 Brighton 1991 -92 Payneham GRADE "G" 1982-83 Pembroke O.S. 198190 Gepps Cross 1992 -93 Modhury 1981 -82 Adelaide High 0.S. 1983-84 Brighton 1992.93 Walkerville 1993 -94 Ed'town & Old C'dians 1982-83 Adelaide University 1987-88 Pulteney O.S. 1994-95 5.10.0. 1983-84 Richmond 1988-89 Southem Districts 1995.96 Brighton 1984-85 Glenunga 1989-90 Walkerville 1992-93 S.M.O.S.H. CAMP SHIELD (20) J.U.JANTKE TROPHY COLIN FORREST TROPHY H.WALKER TROPHY MOST PROMISING U123 PLAYER BATTING 11I16 INTER ASSOC GRADE 1.1114 FIELDING GRADE A.1 1969-70 M.Pavaliich, Grange 198384 D.Davies, Glenelg Dist. 1971-72 Grange (Navy) J.Todd, Woodville 1970 -71 J.Rogers, P.A.O.C. 1984-85 D.K.Parry, Payneham 1972 -73 Clarence Park 942-43 94344 J.Todd, Woodville 1971-72 C.M.Fanning, S.P.O.C. 1985 -86 M.Brown, Pooraka 1973-74 Walkerville G.Thomson, Eliz. Dist. 1986-87 C.Tragakis, Payneham 1974-75 Brighton 94445 J.Todd, Woodville 94548 1972-73 C.M.Fenning, S.P.O.C. 1987-88 D.flowe, Payneham 1975-76 Adelaide (Red) 946-47 1973-74 D.Rady, Brighton 1988 -89 D.Rowe, Payneham 1976 -77 Adelaide (Red) 1974-75 R.Phillips, Old Scotch 94748 A.Fisher, Savings Bank 1989-90 A.J.Macfoneld, Gepps X 1977 -78 Hope Valley 1975 -76 B.W.Friend, Brighton I.Woods, 94849 A.Fisher, Savings Bank 1990-91 Edwardstown 1978-79 Edwardstown District 1976-77 B.Freer, Richmond 949 -50 1991-92 D.Pipicella, Edwardstown 1977-78 Brighton J.Dixon, S.P.O.C. G.Cathro, 1992-93 A.J.Alderson, Madan GRADE 11I14 GOLD 950 -51 951-52 J.Clarke, Sturt Dist. 1978-79 T.H.Stokes, W ville Nth. 1993-94 Ali Abdullah, Gaza 1979-80 Edwardstown District 1979 -80 M.Powell, T.T.Gully Dist 1994 -95 C.Plumeier, W'ville Rech. 1980.81 Edwardstown District 952-53 M.Ewens, Payneham 953 -54 D.Hackett, Clarence Pk 1980 -81 B.Freer, Richmond 199596 H.MacKay, Brighton Richmond U116 GREEN 954-55 R.Ewens, Kelvinator 1981.82 S.J.Nettle, 1980.81 Broadview B.Rosenbauer, Burnside 1982-83 C.P.Moulds, Payneham 955-56 J.Dixon, S.P.O.C. 1983-84 A.J.Gordon, Eliz. Dist. GRADE W14 BLUE D.Hooper, Payneham 1984-85 A.J.Gordon, Eliz. Dist. T.KLOSE TROPHY 1980 -81 Athelstone 956-57 957-58 D.Hooper, Payneham 1985 -86 J.Athanasiou, Gaza BOWLING W16 INTER- ASSOC. G.Trimboli, Pooraka GRADE ÚI14 D.Hackett, Clarence Pk 1986-87 1983-84 R.Ahern, Gepps Cross 1987-88 D.Nelson, Pooraka 1981-82 Fulham 958 -59 D.Hooper, Payneham 1984-85 S.Niemann, Grange 1988-89 T.Bailet, Eliz. Dist. 1985-86 G.Clark, Payneham GRADE U114 GOLD D.Potts, Myer 1989-90 C.Pocock, Marion 1988 -87 C.Stewart, Ingle Farm 1982-83 Modhury 959 -60 R.Sparrow, Payneham 1990-91 A.J.Watson, Richmond 1987 -88 D.W.Martin, Payneham Ingle Farm District 960 -61 D.Hooper, Payneham 1983-84 1991-92 J.P.Brookes, P'broke OS 1988 -89 A.Turnbull, Payneham 1984-85 Ingle Farm District H.Walker, Myer 1992-93 S.K.Sykes, Flinders Uni 1989-90 P.Smith, Gepps Cross 1985-86 Payneham 961-62 R.Ewens, Kelvinator 1993-94 B.G.Myassey, Ingle Farm 1990-91 I.Abbasov, Payneham 1986 -87 Salsbury District 96263 R.Ewens, Kelvinator 1994-95 W.J.Brroks, Greenacres 1991 -92 D.S.HaII, Payneham Tea Tree Gully District 963-64 K.Parry, Baulderstone 1987-88 1995-96 A.N.Klitogiannis, Fulham 1992-93 P.Kuhlmann, Brighton Pooraka 964-65 D.Williams, Payneham 1988-89 1993-94 S.Hardy, Marion 1989-90 Brighton 965-66 B.Wells, Kilburn B.Morgan, Tuhemakers 1994-95 N.J.Lehmenn, Pooraka 1990.91 Grange 966-67 1995-96 C.Ladhams, Gaza 1991 -92 Brighton 967 -68 D.Willams, Payneham S.W.SHEPHERDSON 1992-93 Pooraka J.Foote, Railway 968.69 P.Parry, Payneham MEMORIAL TROPHY 1993-94 Gaza PREMIA' GRADE BEST 969 -70 B.Wells, Richmond R.LINKLATTER TROPHY 1994-95 Gaza ALLROUNDPERFORMANCE Old C'dians 97D -71 B.Munro, Richmond BATTING U114 INTER -ASSOC 1995 -96 Ed'town & 1990-91 A.J.Watson, Richmond 971.72 B.Munro, Richmond 1983-M B.Smith, Grange 1991-92 P.T.Muggleton, W'kerville 972.73 C.Arthur, Elders G.M. 1984-85 S.Graetz, Ingle Farm 1992 -93 G.M.Stagg, Clarence Pk 973.74 S.T.Lane, S.P.O.C. 1985-86 D.J.Niemann, Grange 1993 -94 N.R.Maloney, Gepps X DUKE SHIELD (21) 974.75 M.Young, Old Scotch 1986-87 M.Pike, Ingle Farm 199495 N.Wundka, Brighton GRADE 11116 BLUE 975-76 G.Ouinn, Post -Tel Instit. M.Avon, Adelaide 1995-96 P.C.Roherts, Fulham 198788 1977-78 Kensington District 976-77 G.Fielke, Edwardstown 1988-89 J.Gluyas, Brighton 1978-79 Hope Valley 977.78 G.Fielke, Edwardstown 1989-90 S.Smith, Pooraka 978.79 S.T.Lane, S.P.O.C. GRADE 13 GREEN 1990 -91 M.Courage, Brighton 979.80 S.T.Lane, S.P.O.C. 1979 -80 Para Hills N.W.KEEN TROPHY 1991 -92 K.Brokensha, Brighton 980 -81 R.Sewer, Grange 1980-81 Athelstone PREMIA" GRADE 1992.93 M.Slaven, Fitzroy Jun. 81-82 Para KEEPING 1993-94 K.D.McGregor, Grange GRADE 8I14 BLUE 982-83 ID.M.Barnes, 1991.92 D.P.Eichner,Ed'stown 1994-95 C.Ladhams, Gaza 1982-83 Glenda District & 983.84 A.Dempster, Ed'stown 199293 J.Costanzo, Para Hills 1995-96 C.J.Bannerman, Grange Edwarstown District 98485 A.Chesters, Grange 1993-94 J.costanzo, Para Hills 1983 -84 Glenelg District R.G.Chenoweth, Gaza 1994-95 P.Leonello, W.N.F.P. 1984 -85 Edwardstown District 985.86 D.Williams, Payneham 1995-96 D.G.Anderson, Ingle Farm L.TREVORROW TROPHY 1985-86 Edwardstown District 986 -87 R.A.Fraser, Payneham 1986-87 Adelaide 987 -88 6.Sims, Gaza BOWLING 0(14 INTER -ASSOC 1983-84 S.Niemann, Grange 1987-88 Edwardstown District 988.89 G.Laudar, Gaza A.T.C.A SECRETARY OF THE 1988 -89 Gaza 989.90 M.Breton, Ferryden Pk 1984-85 D.Murphy, Ingle Farm YEAR 1989-90 Walkerville 990 -91 S.Hill, Woodville North AWARD 1985-86 D.W.Martin, Payneham 1992-93 Marion 991.92 S.Hill, Woodville North 1992 -93 C.Stavrinou, Pooraka 1986 -87 M.Clerk, East Torr. Dist 992.93 R.P.Fanning, Richmond 1993-94 C.Smith, Grange 1987 -88 K.Field, Edwardstown 993-94 N.Nawane, Unley 1994-95 D.W.Gum, Grange 1988-89 J.DeConno, Gaza 994-95 S.D.Heéps, Payneham 1995-96 C.Fallon, Flinders Park 1989 -90 A.S.Reid, Walkerville BROCK PARTNERS 1990 -91 M.D.Reid, Walkerville KNOCK OUT CUP PREMIER GRADE 1991-92 S.Hicks, Brighton 1995-96 I.S.Cox, Flinders Uni. 1985-86 Ferryden Park 1992 -93 A.D.Lee, Gaza 1986-87 Walkerville 1993 -94 C.Ladhams, Gaza 1987-88 Gaza 1994-95 M.Healey, Brighton 1988-89 Edwardstown Dist. 1995-96 C.M.Saunders, E & O.C. 1989-90 Gaza 1990-91 Clarence Park 1991 -92 Gaza R.ROXBY TROPHY 1992 -93 Unley W16 BEST ALLROUND PERF. 1993 -94 Woodville North 1983-84 M.Bruggerman, Marion 1994-95 Grange 1984-85 R.Ahern, Gepps Cross 1995 -96 Richmond Clarence Pk 1985-86 M.J.Simpson, Madbury 1986 -87 D.Murphy, Ingle Farm 1987 -88 A.Pape, Edwardstown 1988 -89 M.Horsne8, Payneham 1989 -90 S.Young, Modhury 1990 -91 K.Rewlings, Fulham 1991-92 D.W.Hibberd, Ed'stown 1992-93 P.M.Lanpens, Modbury 199394 S.Huddy, Brighton 199495 D.L.Mashford, Pooraka 1995-96 C.Ladhams, Gaza SEASON'S PERFORMANCES 1995 -96 (Including Finals)

BATTING Inns H.S. Avg Agg M.P.Selvanera, Payneham 18 71 20.3 326 S.B.Ellis. E & O.C. 3 187* 159.0 318 PREMIER GRADE M.R.Kilmier, Pooraka 7 143 44.5 312 P.M.Judd, Payneham 12 102* 46.3 510 S.Ventura, Flinders university 9 97 44.4 311 W.Meaker, Ingle Farm 16 119 32.1 450 R.Fitzgerald, Gepps Cross 14 59 23.3 303 N.R.Plummer, Unley 12 74 48.2 434 S.J.Packer, S.P.O.C. 13 70 35.5 427 GRADE 8.2 S.D.Heeps, Payneham 10 87 51.7 414 S.C.Camana, Hope Valley 16 166 40.7 611 A.W.Sinclair, S.P.O.C. 12 129* 46.0 414 A.P.Twelftree, Woodville South 14 137* 42.1 506 J.D.Bateman, Brighton 11 101 35.3 389 M.M.Stavrides, Fulham 12 100' 62.3 499 P.Fdwards, Brighton 12 72 35.7 357 J.D.Morrissey, S.H.O.0 11 79 41.9 461

S.P.Rawe , Ingle Farm District 15 71* 26.0 339 R.W.Rutter, Walkerville 7 129' 109.0 436 D.R.Cook, Richmond Clarence Park 10 120 36.3 327 A.D.Murray, Hope Valley 16 50 28.0 420 M.1.O'Shea, Payneham 11 68 32.5 325 D.M.Reid, Hope Valley 13 107* 35.7 393 B.Priest, Flinders University 15 57 29.4 324 A.N.Read, 11 155 43.3 390 D.G.Anderson, Ingle Fanti District 15 58 21.4 322 K.Reid, Walkerville 11 109 38.8 388 J.Rankin, Richmond Carence Park 10 97 31.9 319 M.A.Mirams, Hope Valley ll 86 45.7 366 L.Hennessy, Woodville South 15 87 22.7 318 R.W.Thomas, Woodville Rechabite 12 77 31.0 341 I.M.Bames, Brighton 13 94 24.2 315 L.D.Curtis, S.H.O.C. 10 90 48.1 337 D.T.Walsh, Hinders University 10 93 35.0 315 P.M.Schultz, P.A.O.C. 9 99 47.8 335 J.A.Matthias, S.P.O.C. 11 109 28.2 311 M.J.Ayliffe, Walkerville 11 50' 34.1 307 S.G.Wisdom, Flinders University 12 84 27.8 306 R.L.Day, Paynehaam 15 66 23.0 300 GRADE 8.3 M.Gresch, Pulteney O.S. 14 97 46.5 559 GRADE A.1 J.Newton, Pembroke O.S. 8 179 61.0 488 P.G.Box, Para Hills 13 73* 41.1 494 ICA.Radway, Penfield 10 100 41.4 373 P.C.Roberts, Fulham 10 121* 53.1 478 A.C.Muirhead, Immanuel 0.5. 11 95 33.1 365 J.Jones, Adelaide High 0.5 13 100' 40.7 448 P.A.Robertson, Kilburn 12 112 31.0 342 G.R.Lauder, Gaza 11 69 40.0 441 D.F.Camporeale, Modbury 10 109' 37.2 335 1.Athanasiou, Gaza 13 158 33.0 430 J.Ellul, Penfield 14 84 25.5 332 G.Ryan, Old Ignatians 13 127 34.8 418 C.W.Patterson, Pulteney O.S. 14 141' 25.4 331 D.A.Barker, F.P.W.N. 14 149 31.9 415 D.DeCrea, Para Hills 8 95' 46.0 322 P.Matthews, F.P.W.N. 10 145 50.7 406 P.J.Laurie, Para Hills 15 60 23.8 310 K.J.McCarthy, Old Ignatians 13 93 36.8 405 P.Reginato, Old Ignatians 7 93' 60.6 303 M.F.Kelly, Rostrevor O.C. 10 103 40.2 402 D.J.Cluse, Penfield 8 125 37.6 301 S.Tanner, P.A.O.C. 12 71* 40.1 401 J.Simonetta, Flinders Park 15 81 24.3 365 GRADE "C" M.C.Riddle, Hope Valley 15 90 28.0 364 C.G.Peacock, R.C.P. 12 132 78.6 629 NJ.Clarke, P.AO.C. 13 111* 32.6 359 R.A.Fraser, Sturt District 10 121 67.6 609 J.F.Ahem, Pooraka 14 48 29.6 356 P.T.Holmes, West Croydon 15 164 35.2 493 A.P.Hamey, Hope Valley 17 66 22.8 343 R.L.Poole, West Croydon 12 113 44.2 442 C.S.Thomas, Adelaide High O.S. 12 89 30.7 338 C.I.Wallace, R.C.P. 13 139 42.9 429 J.Costanzo, Para Hills 14 70 23.4 328 J.M.Winter, S.P.O.C. 12 117 39.4 394 S.Kamalasursya, Adelaide High O.S. 11 96 31.1 311 H.L.Schwarz, Grange 4 186 97.0 388 K.A.Hartog, Para Hills 9 152 33.6 303 ALeonard, Richmond Clarence Pk 14 117 27.2 382 A.D.Hill, S.P.O.0 8 78 73.0 365 GRADE A.2 C.1.Hinter, West Croydon 13 86 26.1 340 IcRoberts, Modbury 14 144* 62.9 692 R.J.Bartlett, Sturt District 12 57 29.5 325 J.R.Hooper, Pulteney O.S. 14 178 42.7 598 M.Dmmmond, University of S.A. 15 60 21.3 320 M.Elliott, Penfield 13 116 49.6 596 C.Van Diemen, University of S.A. 15 52 20.8 313 D.AWilliams, Woodville Rechabite 13 123 36.0 433 C.S.Moyle, Brighton 9 89* 44.4 311 D.C.Martin, Penfield 15 92 29.4 412 R.J.Haby, Grange 10 61' 37.8 303 S.W.Parsons, Old Scotch 12 154* 37.2 410 GJ. Watson, University of SA 15 81 23.2 302 J.L.Tonkin, Modbury 9 147 45.0 405 T.J.Gagliardi, Glenunga 16 78 25.1 403 GRADE "D" M.Prider, Pembroke O.S. 16 54 28.6 401 A.S.Moore, Richmond Clarence Plc 13 86 39.3 511 S.D.Matchett, Pulteney O.S. 12 103 35.8 394 R.Pepe, Richmond Clarence Plc 10 107' 40.7 367 S.J.Mcgregor, Old Scotch 13 83 32.7 393 T.Polasec, Flinders University 6 101* 118.0 356 C A.Fealy, Woodville Rechabite 13 89 30.2 393 G.Robinson, Woodville South 13 107 35.1 351 G.M.Gow, Woodville Rechabite 10 124' 76.4 382 B.W.Bayly, Richmond Clarence Pk 13 67* 48.5 340 S.L.Tregenza, S.H.O.C. 14 109 31.0 372 T.Dougan, Brighton 5 115 111.0 333 M.C.Duthie, Modbury 12 59' 33.7 371 A.Tsimboukis, R.C.P. 11 77 29.7 327 S.J.Simpson, Kilburn 15 107' 30.7 369 T.Bull, Brighton 12 74 26.6 320 D.G.Watson, Penfield 14 77 28.2 367 G.D.Field, Grange 13 100 28.2 311 J.Midwinter, Glenunga 18 56 26.1 366 N.Caruso, Woodville South 12 63 25.2 303 WJ.Brooks, Kilburn 17 63' 24.3 365 D.Gigney, S.H.O.C. 11 106 40.0 360 GRADE "E" R.Pahor, Woodville Rechabite 14 66 29.9 359 M.Leoni, Unley 14 141 46.5 652 J.Durrant, Penfield 11 99 44.7 358 P.L.Holbrook, Walkerville 9 128' 76.7 537 M.D.Galliford, Modbury 16 45 22.3 357 N.A.Ftelder, Adelaide University 9 100 46.1 415 J.T.Daunt, Kilburn 17 56 20.2 344 G.D.Sanders, P.A.O.C. 10 99 48.6 389 J.S.Tucker, Old Scotch 12 92 28.6 344 B.M.Gibbs, P.A.O.C. 12 140 34.4 379 J.C.Pearce, S.H.O.C. 12 75 30.1 332 M.R.Jones, Adelaide University 10 70* 39.4 355 M.A.Threadgold, Greenacres 15 62 21.2 318 D.Kurban, Adelaide University 12 139 28.8 346 M.Adamson, S.H.O.C. 12 62 27.8 306 P.A Wellington, R.C.P. 9 63 42.1 337 A.C.O'Dea, Pulteney O.S. 15 106 27.4 302 N.R.Dollery, Ingle Farm District 12 68 27.3 328 K.Tonkin, Penfield 15 75 25.0 300 J.A.McKeown, Woodville Rechabite 8 61 46.1 323 GRADE B.I GRADE "F" haggard, Richmond Clarence Park 12 143 46.0 507 D.1.Maxwell, R.C.P. 11 126 60.1 662 D.L.Brown, Flinders University 14 76 34.5 414 S.LSmith, R.C.P. 12 110 36.5 439 W.G.Potts, Richmond Clarence Pk 13 70 30.1 392 D.T.Short, Penfield 11 124 42.5 425 J.C.Lee, Grange 11 127 38.6 386 S.A.Scully, Torrens Valley 14 110 31.5 378 P.Reardon, Grange 14 97 30.0 361 D.T.Clarke, R.C.P. 11 158 32.7 360 W.A.Margitich, Payneham 13 64' 28.7 345 J.Scott,R.C.P. 8 102 44.0 352 B.Hyland, Richmond Clarence Plc 12 66 30.6 337 M.Stuckey, Adelaide High O.S. 12 76 34.0 340 N.R.Grist, S.P.O.C. 14 58 28.0 336 D.L.Joseph,S.H.O.C. 6 136 56.6 340 T.C.Cane, S.P.O.C. 14 74 23.9 335 D.Kretschner, Walkerville 5 125 77.2 309 B.Matthews, Ingle Farm District 6 135 55.8 335 LIMITED OVER SECTION UNDERAGE SECTION

GRADE LO. "A" Inns H.S. Avg Agg GRADE 13/16 PA.Flynn, Adelaide University 15 123' 38.0 533 H.McKay, Brighton 15 39 61.3 797 R.E.Phillips, Stun District 11 95 51.8 518 1.Arbon, Gepps Cross 14 08 49.8 648 M.Treloar, Brighton 16 111 24.5 393 D.L.Hillen, Gepps Cross 10 33 55.5 500 S.J.Duncan, Kensington District 10 85 37.1 371 C.Ladhams, Gaza 15 37 33.1 497 S.Harby, Rostrevor O.C. 9 75 41.1 370 S.Saagg, Pooraka 13 27 36.2 471 D.L.Marsh, Kensington District 10 71' 46.2 370 S.Sinclair, Fulham/Grange 15 27 29.3 440 K.1.Cunis, Woodville South 14 42 23.2 325 L.D.Perkins, Fulham/Grange 12 14 39.2 432 M.1.Taylor, Rostrevor O.C. 12 79' 29.3 323 C.Maddocks, Marion 10 94 43.7 394 M.A.Nmholls, Grange 17 79 18.7 319 C.I.Ansell, Payneham 14 68' 43.5 392 PJ.Andrew, Rostrevor O.C. 12 83' 28.9 318 S.McKayy, Brighton 12 105' 41.6 375 S.A.Hine, Grange 15 64 20.2 303 M.J.Barber, Payneham 15 122 25.2 354 S.Renc, E & O.C. 6 97" 61.4 307 GRADE LO."B" A.1.Rathmann, Adelaidelligh O.S. 13 165" 65.6 722 GRADE U/14 D.P.Mapstone, Elders 18 105' 36.7 588 J.L.Richards, E & O.C. 15 225" 68.0 816 M.Donohoe, Adelaide High 0.5. 10 146' 74.2 520 D.J.Refennat, E & O.C. 17 217 47.0 706 1.L.SIoan, Elders 16 100' 38.5 462 M.P.Gibson, Modbury 9 161' 81.0 486 C.G.Paech, Tea Tree Gully District 15 66' 44.1 441 M.A.Washington, Greenacres 18 138 27.2 463 J.S.Looker, S.P.O.0 15 105 27.0 379 G.1.Bannerman, Grange 17 66* 325 455 M.N.Bawden, Adelaide University 8 89 46.7 374 N.M.Delvins, Payneham 15 121 36.6 440 T.J.Reddin, Adelaide University 12 58 29.0 349 R.S.Tonkin, R.C.P. 15 127' 33.0 430 E.Gloster, Adelaide University 13 90' 28.1 338 T.P.Kelly, Grange 16 103" 31.6 411 C.Mapstone, Elders 15 58 23.2 325 94.11es, F.P.W.N. 14 121' 31.3 408 H.Rymill, S.P.O.C. 11 59 28.3 312 N.Sincock, Ingle Farm District 9 90 42.7 385 S.M.Ballestrin, Fulham 14 59 29.1 379 GRADE LO. "C" B.P.Haynes, Payneham 14 101 32.3 356 P.J.Northeast, Elders 13 101' 43.6 436 S.Devasagayam, Brighton 13 83 34.4 344 C.P.Felice, Pulteney O.S. 10 94 39.0 390 S.T.Simpson, Hope Valley 12 86 30.6 337 B.T.Paech, Elders 13 75 29.2 351 C.M.Saunders, E 7 O.C. 17 95 23.7 333 M.A.Fotheringham, Pembroke 0.5 9 99' 48.1 337 J.Richards, Ingle Farm District 11 150' 35.7 322 J.P.Angerson, Pembroke O.S. 11 65' 40.3 323 R.M.Stagg, R.C.P. 14 64 26.0 312 GRADE LO "D" S.Matthews, West Croydon 16 97 37.1 520 S.R.McMahon, West Croydon 9 146" 61.1 428 D.1.Newham, Woodville Rechabite 14 110' 38.0 418 J.A.Rankin, Fulham 3 121' 356.0 356 M.Kavanagh, Mercedes 8 76 37.8 303


I.S.Cox, Flinders University 42 G.Moran, Marion 20 P.J.Raymond, Payneham 13 1.M.Bames, Brighton 24 1,Rankin, R.C.P. 19 A.T.Davidson, Unley 12 D.P.Grist, S.P.O.C. 24 S.D.Heeps, Payneham 18 P.Hutchins, Brighton 12 G.Boyle, Ingle Farm Disstrict 23 A.J.Banlen, R.C.P. 17 W.R.Pierson, Grange 12 R.G.Chenoweth, Woodville South 23 J.L.Llewellyn, Unley 17 B.Mordaunt, Gepps Cross 11 N.R.Plummer, Unley 23 M.I.PFitzner, Walkerville 16 S.Ouinn, Unley 11 B.Priest, Hinders University 22 A.J.Spence, Woodville South 16 D.G.Anderson, Ingle Farm District 10 C.L.Tuckwell, R.C.P. 22 S.P.Rawe, Ingle Farm District 15 S.P.Ball, Unley t 10 S.McKenzie, S.P.O.C. 21 R.A.Francis, Flinders University 14 P.Boase, Ingle Farm District 10 D.E.Paprzycki, Woodville South 21 S.Whitehouse, Grange 14 R.LDay}', Payneham 10 N.Browne, Brighton 20 1.T.Birchall, S.P.O.C. 13 S.J.Packer, S.P.O.C. 10 P.A.Gell, Walkerville 20 P.C.Milde, Woodville South 13 G.M.Stagg, R.C.P. 10


D.G.Anderson, Ingle Farm District 75 D.W.Crouch, Rostrevor O.C. 54 M.Tomeo, Adelaide High O.S. 48 J.T.Birchall, S.P.O.C. 72 T.Leonello, F.P.W.N. 54 D.D.Heaft, Capps Cross 46 L.Hennessy, Woodville South 70 M.W.Rooney, Grange 53 CR.Campbell, Marion 45 P.Leonello, Walkerville 67 D.M.Nelson, Pooraka 53 D.R.Iemmngs, Payneham 41 N.O'Dell, Hope Valley 63 S.P.Moore, Fulham 52 M.D.Oamond, Old Ignatians 35 J.Castanzo, Para Hills 60 E.Pontifez,P.A.O.C. 52 M.A.Foster, Flinders Park 34 C.A.Phillips, Flinders University 60 M.B.Golley, Brighton 51 NJ.Douglas, Unley 33 G.R.Lauder, Gaza 55 B.Paolo, R.C.P. 49 S.Welsh, E & O.C. 31 INDIVIDUAL PERFORMANCES


Rnd Opponents Rnd Opponents PREMIER GRADE D.Pumphrey, Hope Valley 105' 8 F.P.W.N. 1 Copps Cross L.C.S tuons, Marion 112 J.Andrews, Fulham 106 10 S.H.O.C. 120 2 D.R.Cook, R.C.P. Unley R.Weeks, S.H.O.C. 101' 10 Fulham J.D.Bateman, Brighton 101 3 Walkerville J.Norsworthy, Torrens Valley 102* 11 Hinders Park N.Wundke, Brighton 109 7 Payneham D.I,Joseph, S.H.O.C. 105' S/F Walkerville W.Meaker, Ingle Farm Dist. 119 8 Gepps Cross J.A.Matthias, S.P.O.C. 109 9 Payneham GRADE B.3 A.W.Sinclair, S.P.O.C. 129* 10 Gepps Cross B.M.Nelson Old Scotch 103' Modbury S.Ouinn, Unity 108 10 Payneham D.J.Cluse, Penfield 125 Para Hills P.M.Judd, Payneham 102' 10 Unity H.C.Kennedy, Old Scotch 113 Greenacres M.W.Lewis, Ingle Farm Dist. 101 S/F Woodville South PJ.Duif, Para Hills 126 Old Scotch TA.Dunaw, Old Scotch 169' Penfield GRADE A.1 P.Krupka, Old Ignatians 100 Immanuel O.S. J.Athanasiou, Gaza 158 P.AO.C. KARadway, Penfield 100 Old Scotch G.Ryan, Old Ignatians 127 Flinders Park C. W.Patterson, Pulteney O.S. 141' Greenacres Pooraka M.Borillo, Rostrevor O.C. 115 J.Newton, Pembroke O.S. 179 Penfield S.R.Shepley, F.P.W.N. 125 Flinders Park C.1.Amold, Old Scotch 142' Kilbum G.Ryan, Old Igntatians 103 P.A.O.0 P.A.Robertson, Kilburn 112 Old Scotch PJ.Monis, P.A.O.0 104' Adelaide High O.S. D.F.Camporeale, Modbum 109' Greenacres J.McCloy, Pooraka 105* E & O.C. N.Lienen, Immanuel O.S. 156 1 Rostrevor O.C. Valley H.Weber, Hope 103 PAO.C. J.Newton, Pembroke O.S. 108 t Kilburn lCAHartog, Para Hills 152 P.A.O.C. M.F.Kelly, Rostrevor O.C. 101 Old Ignatians GRADE "C" K.Rawlings, Fulham 123 Rostrevor O.C. I.S.Brigandi, Adelaide High 0.5. 118 R.C.P. J.larrett, Pooraka 121 Old Ignatians J.L.Merren, Grange 117* Stun District M.F.Kelly, Rostrevor O.C. 103 Para Hills A.Emmel, Richmond Clarence Pk 126* Payneham P.CRoberts, Fulham 121* Hope Valley R.A.Fraser, Stun District N.J.Clarke, P.A.O.C. 111' Pooraka 107' Pooraka H.L.Schwarz, Grange 108 E & O.C. M.J.DeConti, Rostrevor O.C. 104 Adelaide High O.S. C.G.Peacock, R.C.P. 132 Grange D.ABarker, F.P.W.N. 149 Gaza R.A.Fraser, Stun District 121 Adelaide High O.S. P.Matthews, F.P.W.N. 145 Gaza J.M.Winter, S.P.O.C. 117 E & O.C. hones, Adelaide High 0.5. 100' Para Hills A.G.Durdin, Payneham 113 Grange R.D.Rankine, S.P.O.C. 109 E & O.C. GRADE A2 P.D.Milne, Adelaide High 0.S. 121' Payneham Glenunga J.R.Hooper, Pulteney O.S. 178 R.L.Poole, West Croydon 113 Grange K.Roberts, Modbury 144' Old Scotch D.R.Shaw, Pooraka 103 S.P.O.C. 103' Pembroke O.S. L.F.Smith, Greenacres H.L.Schwatz, Grange 186 Brighton S.D.Matchetl, Pulteney O.S. 103 Glenunga R.A.Fraser, Stun District 104 Payneham WJ.Rnbb, Greenacres 102 Pembroke O.S. S.Hadjisavas, Adelaaide High 0.S. 144 E & O.C. M.EI]iotl, Penfield 109* Pembroke O.S. W.Cooper, Grange 103 Pooraka K.Roberts, Modbury 102 Immanuel O.S. D.J.Lee, Richmond Clarence Pk 167 S.P.O.0 G.M.Gow, Woodville Rechabite 124* Greenacres C.I.Wallace, R.C.P. 139 S.P.O.0 D.A.Williams, Woodville Rech 123 Greenacres R.A.Fraser, Sturt District 105 Brighton A.C.O'Dea, Pulteney O.S. 106 Toners Valley P.T.Holmes, West Croydon 164 S.P.O.C. P.1.Martin, Torrens Valley 119' Glenunga P.Stewart, R.C.P. 131 Pooraka D.Gigney, S.H.O.C. 106 Pulteney O.S. A.Leonard, R.C.P. 117 Pooraka M.Elliott, Penfield 105 Old Scotch R.L.Poole, West Croydon 103 S.P.O.C. T.Rowley, Pembroke O.S. 100 Kilburn M.A.Thewlis, Modbury 100 Pembroke O.S. GRADE "D" S.L.Tregenza, S.H.O.C. 109 Torrens Valley A.Leonard, R.C.P. 127 Marion S.W.Parsons. Old Scotch 154' Glenunga G.D.Field, Grange 100 Modbury S.J.Simpson, Kilbum 107' Pulteney O.S. B.Bartlett, Flinders University 109' Pooraka M.Elliott, Penfield 103 Greenacres AJ.Langdon, Flinders University 142' Brighton J.L.Tankin, Modbury 147 S.H.O.C. B.Rice, Marion 117 Gepps Cross M.Ellion, Penfield 116 Modbury J.C.Herraman, Gepps Cross I 1 1 Man on T.Polasec, Hinders University 101* Woodville South GRADE B.1 D.Easlea, Pooraka 175 Modbury J.CLee, Grange 127 Gepps Cross R.Dale, Brighton 124 Marion 113 E O.C. A.J.McEwin, S.P.O.C. & M.T.Adams, Flinders University 102 Payneham P.Emery, Brighton 165 Ingle Farm District A.M.Phillips, Modbury 167 Unley C.A.Steen, Pooraka 106 R.C.P. T.Dougan, Brighton 102' Gepps Cross 114* Gepps Cross ].laggard, R.CP. B.S.Sellers, Flinders University 119' 11 Grange S.B.Ellis, E O.C. 187' Pooraka & RJ.Schollar, Woodville South 109 11 Gepps Cross 135 Gepps Cross B.Matthews, Ingle Farm Dist. R.Pepe, Richmond Carence Pk 107' 11 Pooraka Pooraka 143 Gepps Cross M.R.Kilmier, G.Robinson, Woodville South 107 11 Gepps Cross 112 Unley B.Manhews, Ingle Farm Dist. T.Dougan, Brighton 115 S/F Hinders University W.R.Pierson, Grange 100' Adelaide High O.S. haggard, R.C.P. 143 1 Adelaide High 0.5. GRADE "E" J.F.Fox, Unley 103 1 Pooraka P.L.Holbraok, Walkerville 128* Payneham R.Pepe, Richmond Clarence Pk 114 Para Hills GRADE B.2 W. W. White, Fulham 136 Woodville Rech. R.J.Teivans, Woodville Rechabite 125 P.LHolbrook, Walkerville 127' University of SA M.M.Stavrides, Fulham 100' Walkerville P.L.Holbraok, Walkerville 104 Fulham South A.N.Read, P.AO.C. 155 Woodville f.Prryyor, Ingle Farm District 117 University of S.A. S.R.O'Dea, Woodville South l27' P.A.O.C. M.R.Leom, Unley 141 Fulham P.A.O.C. D.E.Paprzycki, Woodville South 112* B.R.Samuels, Fulham 117 Payneham K.Reid, Walkerville 109 Gaza P.O'Connor, Para Hills 101' Unley 107* D.M.Reid, Hope Valley S.H.O.0 PA.Maczkowiack, R.C.P. 121 Adelaide Deaf South 137* Gaza A.P.Twelftree, Woodville D.G.Martin, Fulham 106 University of S.A. South 119 W.V.Kelly, Woodville Marion D.Kurban, Adelaide University 139 Payneham S.Long, Fulham 132' Gaza P.T.Hodges, Para Hills 110 Woodville Rech. S.C.Camana, Hope Valley 166 Flinders Park D.A.Penn, Adelaide University 108* Payneham South A.Titley,Torrens Valley 118 Woodville P.E.Sheppard, Adelaide Deaf 112 I Para Hills S.Peucker, S.H.O.C. 111 P.AO.C. SJ.Fraser, Woodville Rechabite 100' I Walkerville S.M.Collins, S.H.O.C. 110 P.AO.C. M.R.Leoni, Unity 100 1 R.C.P. K.Rawlings, Fulham 100' F.P.W.N. B.M.Gibbs, P.A.O.C. 140 I R.C.P. W.Lipsett, Hope Valley 163 Torrens Valley N.A.Fielder, Adelaide University 100 S/F Walkerville GRADE "F" Rod Opponents GRADE LO."C" Rnd Opponents D.R.Mclntyre, Penfield 100` 1 Marion A.Gotovac, Penfield 121 5 F.P.W.N. D.T.Clarke, R.CP. 158 2 Toners Valley R.Graziani, P.A.O.C. 100 6 Penfield R.M.Barker, S.H.O.C. 137 2 Grange N.Pesch, Flinders Park 106' 8 Penfield P.Bennett, Adelaide High O.S. 114 3 Marion C.Callies, Gepps Cross 102 12 P.A.O.C. D.Kretschmer, Walkerville 125 4 Modbury P.1.Northeaat, Elders 101' 13 Gepps Cross DJ.Maxwell, R.C.P. 121 4 Hope Valley S.1.Paech, E & O.C. 128' 16 P.A.O.C. D.T.Short, Penfield 124 5 Payneham D.Kretschmer, Walkerville 119' 5 Marion GRADE LO. "D" D.J.Maxwell, R.CP. 126 6 S.H.O.C. J.A.Rankin, Fulham 117' 2 Unley S.L.Smith, R.C.P. 110 6 S.H.O.0 J.E.Gill, P.A.O.C. 133* 5 Mercedes D.A.Harding, Grange 100 6 Marion J.ARankin, Fulham 118 5 West Croydon P.R.Lane, Penfield 100 6 Adelaide High O.S. DJ.Newham, Woodville Rech 110' 8 Adelaide University S.A.Scully, Toners Valley 110 7 Marion S.R.McMahon, West Croydon 146' 10 Rostrevor O.C. D.J.Maxwell, R.C.P. 107 7 Walkerville J.A.Ratskin, Fulham 121' 11 P.A.O.C. J.Scott, Richmond Clarence Pk 102 8 Penfield M.CKimber, Adelaide University 112 15 Unley D.L.Joseph, S.H.O.C. 136 9 Walkerville S.Key, S.H.O.C. 155 11 Modbury UNDERAGE SECTION GRADE U /16 C.Ladhams, Gara 137 1 Brighton D.L.Hillen, Gepps Cross 131* 2 E &O.C. LIMITED OVER SECTION J.Arbon, Gepps Cross 106' 2 E & O.C. M.Ellis, Marion 101 2 R.C.P. GRADE LO. "A" H.MacKay, Brighton 100' 2 Payneham D.Wakefield, Southern Districts 162 1 Stun District G.McRedmond, R.C.P. 131 3 Fulham/Grange N.Scnrtlon, Sturt District 112 3 Ingle Farm District S.Sinclair, Fulham/Grange 127 3 R.C.P. P.A.Flynn, Adelaide University 114 4 Ingle Farm District S.Scragg, Pooraka 127 4 Gepps Cross N.Eglinton, Brighton 112 4 Southern Districts MJ.Barber, Payneham 122 4 E & O.C. M.Bmce, Southern Districts 103 4 Brighton D.L.Hillen, Gepps Cross 133 5 Modbury M.Treloar, Brighton 111 5 Stun District L.D.Perkins, Fulham/Grange 114 6 E & O.C. P.A.Flynn, Adelaide University 123* 7 Woodville South SMacKay, Brighton 105' 6 R.C.P. R.D.Hutton, Stun District 115 10 Adelaide H.MacKay, Bnghton 139 7 Pooraka D.J.Seekamp, Granp 103 10 Brighton !.Arbon, Gepps Cross 108 8 Brighton M.Schwartz, Adelaide University 109 15 Rostrevor O.C. M.Durdin,Hope Valley 105' 8 E & O.C. S.M.Maloney, Rostrevor O.C. 107' 15 Adelaide University H.MacKay, Brighton 121 10 Hope Valley S.M.Howard, Stun District 104 16 Adelaide GRADE 13/14 GRADE LO. "B" W.Iles, F.P.W.N. 21' Greenacres D.D.Zollo, Old igatians 143 1 S.P.O.0 J.LRichards, E & O.C. 10' Fulham D.P.Mapstone, Elders 105' 1 Tea Tree Gully Dist. D.J.Refennat, E & O.C. 02' Fulham J.S.Looker, S.P.O.C. 105 1 Old Igatians R.S.Tonkin, R.CP. 27* Pooraka J.L.Sloan, Elders 100* 1 Tea Tree Gully Dist. M.B.Banfield, Grange 07 Fulham A.J.Rathmann, Adelaide H.O.S. 165* 7 Para Hills 1.LRichards, E & O.C. 225* Pooraka M.Donohoe, Adelaide High O.S. 103 7 Para Hills M.P.Gibson, Modbury 61' Ingle Farm District R.W.Sheridan, Kensington Dist 115 9 Para Hills N.M.Delvins,Payneham 00' Greenacres D.P.Mapatone, Elders 100' 9 Hinders University N.M.Delvins, Payneham 21 Fulham M.Donohoe, Adelaide High O.S. 146* 11 Tea Tree Gully Dist. T.P.Kelly, Grange 03' Greenacres G.B.Black, Kensington Dist 176 13 Hinders University B.P.Haynes, Payneham 01 Fulham AJ.Rathmann, Adelaide H.O.S. 117 15 Kensington District J.Richards, Ingle Farm District 50' Greenacres P.Snape, Tea Tree Gully Dist 190 16 Old Ignatians D.1.Refermat, E & O.0 33' Greenacres A.J.Ralhmann, Adelaide H.O.S. 127' 16 S.P.O.C. J.LRichards, E & O.C. 00 Greenacres D.1.Refennat, E & O.C. 17 Ingle Farm District M.P.Gibson, Modbury 10' F..W.N. M.A.Washington, Greenacres 38 Fulham

BOWLING GRADE B.1 Overs Mdns Runs Avg Agg M.T.Lardner, Unley 191 42 567 15.7 36 Overs Mdns Runs Avg Agg P.Reardon, Grange 225 69 535 15.2 35 PREMIER GRADE D.l.von Einem, Payneham 208 55 428 12.5 34 T.J.Dansie, Walkerville 242 91 572 13.9 41 LOwen, R.C.P. 48 33 361 11.6 31 S.N.Thurbon, Ingle Fann 223 75 417 11.5 36 D.CHeysen, S.P.O.C. 210 44 532 14.7 36 GRADE B.2 M.R.Simmons, S.P.O.C. 209 59 445 12.7 35 A.Moller, Walkerville 214 44 664 17.0 39 C.Walton, Brighton 249 63 661 18.8 35 R.J.Gordon, Woodville Rech 243 70 517 13.6 38 P.A.Smith, Woodville South 221 63 554 18.4 30 B.G.Radan, Hope Valley 177 32 493 13.6 36 J.R.Bisset, Hope Valley 151 36 410 13.6 30 GRADE A.1 M.A.Haider, Para Hills 268 56 737 13.1 56 GRADE B3 A.N.Klilogiannis, Fulham 189 54 513 12.2 42 S.Sutherland, Rostrevor O.C. 134 25 339 10.2 33 R.LSchubert, E & O.C. 212 58 574 14.3 40 1.l.Zweck, E & O.0 164 28 564 14.4 39 GRADE "C" ICRussell, Hope Valley 226 74 472 12.7 37 R.L.Poole, West Croydon 179 41 520 10.1 51 D.J.Crawford, Minden Park 186 42 507 15.3 33 S.T.Maliniak, R.CP. 233 79 554 12.0 46 M.D.Haines, Adelaide H.O.S 199 44 548 17.1 32 J.Soar, West Croydon 183 46 496 14.1 35 D.Hill, F.P.W.N. 237 50 622 19.4 32 HJ.Sautebin, Payneham 183 42 571 16.3 35 S.R.McPhee, Hope Valley 171 41 473 15.2 31 M.J.Starkey, Grange 205 57 460 13.5 34 M.F.Kelly, Rostrevor O.C. 180 39 443 14.7 30 C.G.Moyle, ETSA 128 33 315 10.1 31 R.J.Wiles, ETSA 185 53 450 14.5 31 GRADE A2 M.B.Harrison, Woodville Rech 317 87 737 14.7 50 GRADE "D" LRogerson, Modbury 228 52 670 14.2 47 R.L.Rebbeck, Grange 167 37 507 14.9 34 L.J.Place, Immanuel O.S. 179 45 597 14.2 42 L.F.Smith, Greenacres 214 40 689 17.2 40 GRADE "E" S.J.Russell, Immanuel O.S. 204 36 665 19.0 35 M.R.Leoni, Unley 225 71 477 10.8 44 S.C.Blight, S.H.O.C. 216 34 788 23.1 34 D. W.Dunning, Adelaide Deaf 208 42 718 17.9 40 S.D.Matchett, Pulteney O.S. 215 60 548 16.6 33 B.R.Birchall, Woodville Rech 213 45 637 19.3 33 GRADE "F" 1.Midwinter, Glenunga 203 50 605 20.1 30 ICEdgecombe, Adelaide H.O.S. 310 89 753 11.9 63 627 20.9 30 D.P.Smith, S.H.O.C. 185 36 D.J.Maxwell, R.C.P. 192 62 450 10.4 43 D.LHeyzer, Woodville Rech 218 57 666 22.2 30 G.L.Franks, Penfield 193 53 455 13.3 34 LIMITED OVER SECTION UNDERAGE SECTION oven Mdns Runs Avg Agg Oven Mdns Runs Avg Agg GRADE LO. "B" GRADE U/16 J.I.SIoan, Elders 143 19 497 12.7 39 C.I.Ansell, Payneham 236 73 505 9.5 53 S.Gosden, Elders 138 26 365 11.4 32 D.J.Gelven, Gaza 146 39 278 5.3 52 J.P.Maurits, Elders 147 27 553 18.4 30 C.Ladhams, Gaza 199 46 541 11.0 49 M.J.Barber, Payneham 181 52 488 11.6 42 GRADE LO. "C" A.Milne, Brighton 195 46 550 13.4 41 J.P.Angerson, Pembroke O.S. 80 14 289 9.6 30 CM.Simpson, Fulham/Grange 179 47 449 13.2 34 GRADE U/14 C.M.Saunders, E & O.C. 194 62 371 5.3 70 A.D.Crouch, Payneham 177 43 375 7.8 48 G.J.Bannerman, Grange 168 33 379 9.4 40 F.Cortolezzis, R.C.P. 172 65 299 7.6 39 T.P.Kelly, Grange 209 59 426 11.2 38 N.M.Delvins, Payneham 170 30 433 11.3 38 D.1.Forrest, Modbury 108 29 221 5.9 37 S.A.Chen, Brighton 157 44 342 9.5 36 C.P.Hartis, R.C.P. 170 42 405 13.5 30


PREMIER GRADE Wkts Runs And Opponents GRADE "D" Wins Runs Rnd Opponents Hope Valley 28 3 Woodville I.F.Morrison, Gepps Cross 11 178 10 S.P.O.C. D.A.Shaw, 10 South GRADE A.1 GRADE "E" 13 43 6 A.N.Klitogiannis, Fulham 13 133 5 Gaza S.Worrall, Adelaide Uni Ingle Fenn Dist. 1.1.Zweck, E & O.C. 12 85 7 Fulham GRADE "F" GRADE A.2 B.M.Skurrie, Payneham 10 40 2 Hope Valley Valley 10 84 T.A.Hindes, Kilburn 11 117 3 Glenunga P.Allery, Hope 4 R.G.P. J.Rogerson, Modbury 15 92 7 Glenunga M.C.Field, Grange 10 52 5 Tortees Valley L.1.PIace, Immanuel O.S. 10 52 8 Glenunga K.Edgecombe, Adelaide NOS 11 105 8 Modbury KEdgecombe, Adelaide HOS 13 64 10 Torrens Valley GRADE B.1 N.Nawana, Unley 10 68 2 Adelaide H.O.S. UNDERAGE SECTION N.B.Wilson, Adelaide H.O.S. 10 56 5 Ingle Farm Dist. M.T.Lardner, Unley 10 82 6 Grange GRADE U/16 C.1.Ansell, Payneham 12 60 1 Marion GRADE 11.2 D.1.Gelven, Gaza 13 51 3 Hope Valley D.Loy, Marion 10 88 6 Gaza C.Ladhams, Gaza 11 46 4 R.C.P. A.S.Fraser, P.A.O.C. 11 33 10 Gaza M.J.Barber, Payneham 10 62 10 R.C.P. C.M.Simpson, grange/Fulham 10 25 S/F Gaza GRADE B3 G.Eastwood, Pulteney O.S. 12 77 2 Kilbum GRADE U/14 G.K.Fila, Hope Valley 14 14 3 Greenacres GRADE "C" A.D.Crouch, Payneham 11 8 5 Greenacres H.J.Sautebin, Payneham 11 65 4 E & O.C. C.M.Saunders, E & O.C. 14 30 5 Pooraka A.Stockley, R.C.P. 10 59 5 University of S.A. S.A.Chen, Brighton 11 41 10 Greenacres R.L.Poole, West Croydon 10 35 8 Adelaide H.O.S.


PREMIER GRADE Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents GRADE B.1 Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents IC1.Payne, R.C.P. 8 29 5 Woodville South M.P.Hogn, R.C.P. 8 53 1 Ingle Farai Dist. C.Walton, Brighton 7 66 6 S.P.O.C. R.J.Brealey, Unley 7 26 3 Gepps Cross C.Walton, Brighton 7 32 9 Flinders University D.K.Vale, E & O.C. 7 53 5 Gepps Cross I.F.Morrison, Gepps Cross 8 79 10 S.P.O.C. M.T.Lardner, Unley 7 58 6 Grange

GRADE A.1 GRADE B.2 D.J.Crawford, Flinders Park 7 49 4 Para Hills R.J.Schollar, Woodville South 7 87 2 P.A.O.C. R.L.Schubert, E & O.C. 8 47 4 F.P.W.N. A.Mollet, Walkerville 8 44 2 Gaza A.N.Klitogiannis, Fulham 7 97 5 Gaza A.J.Bendo, Rinders Park 7 34 2 Fulham D.Hill, F.P.W.N. 7 79 6 Para Hills D.Loy, Marion 7 51 6 Gaza J.1.Zweck, E & O.C. 9 51 7 Fulham A.S.Fraser, P.AO.C. 7 9 10 Gaza R.L.Schubert, E & O.C. 7 34 9 Hope Valley GRADE 13.3 GRADE A.2 J.Ellul, Penfield 7 41 2 Para Hills D.C.Martin, Penfield 7 48 2 Pembroke O.S. G.Easlwood, Pulteney O.S. 7 38 2 Kilburn S.D.Matchety Pulteney O.S. 7 45 3 Woodville Rech S.P.Hensing, Greenacres 8 108 4 Old Ignatians D.T.Hockley, Modbury 7 73 3 Penfield R.N.Beneu, Para Hills 7 24 8 Glenunga M.Dutton, Glenunga 7 40 3 Kilbum N.G.Emmeu, Old Scotch 7 53 11 Rostrevor O.C. N.J.Padley, Toners Valley 7 79 4 Pulteney O.S. M.B.Harruon, Woodville Rech 7 59 5 S.H.O.0 GRADE "C" J.Rogerson, Modbury 7 40 7 Glenunga R.L.Poole, West Croydon 7 8 8 Adelaide H.O.S. 1.Rogerson, Modbury 8 52 7 Glenunga P.D.Milne, Adelaide H.O.S. 7 35 10 Pooraka T.Good, Immanuel O.S. 7 34 9 Penfield J.Soar, West Croydon 7 19 10 Payneham D.C.Martm, Penfield 7 49 9 Immanuel 0.S. T.C.Waters, S.P.O.C. 8 118 11 West Croydon L.1.Place, Immanuel O.S. 7 64 9 Penfield R.L.Poole, West Croydon 7 32 S/F Grange J.Rogerson, Modbury 8 29 10 Torrens Valley S.T.Maliniak, R.C.P. 8 27 F West Croydon GRADE "D" Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents LIMITED OVER SECTION D.AShaw, Hope Valley 7 14 3 Woodville South B.L.Kelly, Pooraka 7 112 4 Brighton H.M.Chester, Brighton 7 43 6 Grange GRADE LO. "C Wkts Runs Rnd Opponents C.D.Laity, Marion 7 89 7 Brighton M. Victory, Gepps Cross 8 32 11 Penfield GRADE "E" GRADE LO. "D" C.7enkins, Walkerville 7 54 2 University of S.A. S.T.Butler, P.A.O.C. 7 20 14 Mercedes P.J.Devonish, Woodville Rech 7 38 5 R.C.P. S.Worrall, Adelaide Uni 7 18 6 Ingle Farm Dist. UNDERAGE SECTION M.R.Leoni, Unley 7 21 9 University of S.A. JA.Pike, R.C.P. 7 53 9 Adelaide University GRADE U/16 University 7 81 9 R.C.P. D.J.Low, Adelaide C.1.Ansell, Payneham 7 40 t Marion D.J.Gelven, Gaza 8 4 2 Pooraka GRADE "F" D.J.Gelven, Gaza 7 21 3 Hope Valley B.M.Skume, Payneham 7 22 2 Hope Valley C.Ladhams, Gaza 7 50 7 Fulham/Grange B.D.Culph,Torrens Valley 8 13 3 Payynneham DJ.Gelven, Gaza 8 22 7 Fulham/Grange P.Allery, Hope Valley 7 56 4 R.CP. C.M.Simpson, Fulham/Grange 8 7 S/F Gaza ICEdgecombe, Adelaide HOS 7 47 8 Modbury R.I.Clark, Modbury 7 32 9 Torrens Valley GRADE U/14 K.Edgecombe, Adelaide HOS 7 42 10 Torten Valley G.KFila, Hope Valley 7 6 3 Greenacres G.KFila, Hope Valley 7 8 3 Greenacres AD.Crouch, Payneham 7 6 5 Greenaaes C.M.Saunders. E & O.C. 9 20 5 Pooraka S.A.Chen, Brighton 7 23 7 Payneham R.S.Tonkin, R.C.P. 7 56 8 Grange C.M.Saunders, E & O.C. 7 19 9 Greenaaes

BOWLING HAT -TRICKS Grade Rnd Wkts Runs Opponents P.W.Newman, Woodville Sth Prem 1 5 19 Flinders Uni S.A.Olive, Modbury 5 Payneham D.Iang, Gaza U /16 2 3 6 Pooraka G.ICFda, Hope Valley U /14 3 7 6 Greenacres F.Codolezzis, R.C.P. U /14 3 6 20 Payneham 1.W.Kelly, F.P.W.N. U /14 4 3 13 Brighton C.M.Saunders, E & O.C. U /74 5 9 20 Pooraka R.I.Clark, Modbury 9 7 32 Torrens Vall. LC.Gore, Kensington Distria L0.13 1S 6 17 Flinders Uni SEMI -FINAL MATCHES 1995 -96

PREMIER GRADE GRADE "C" ROWE PARK THE LEVELS Ingle Farm District 233 def Woodville South 95 Richmond Clarence Park 256 def University of S.A. 95 Ingle Farm Dist: M.W.Lewis 101, T.L.Shephard 5/11, R.C.P.: S.Thomson 73, P.Stewart 43, C.G.l'eacock 42, S.N.Thurbon, 4/24. C.I.Wallace 38, B.K.Jorgensen 4/35, Woodville Sth: P.W.Newman 5/72. S.T.Maliniak 4/39. U.S.A.: R.A.James 4/101. WALKERVILLE OVAL S.P.O.C. 244 def Walkerville 240 FAWKE RESERVE S.P.O.C.: S.J.Packer 63, A.J.McEwin 52*, M.D.Wood 44, West Croydon 155 def Grange 72 M.R.Simmons 3/59, D.C.Heysen 3/68. West Croydon: P.T.Holmes 74, R.LPoole 7/32. Walkerville: D.W.Farrell 53, A.P.Naffin 46, D.Reeves 33 & Grange: S.Blades 4/41. 3/76. GRADE "D" GRADE A.1 FLINDERS UNIVERSITY Nod RAILWAYS OVAL Brighton 244 def Flinders University 148 Para Hills 260 def Adelaide High O.S. 161 Brighton: T.Dougan 115 & 4/33, D.W.Lewis 40. Para Hills: J.Costanzo 70, P.G.Box 54, J.M.Clement 33* & Flinders Uni: T.Polasec 76 *, W.A.Kay 4/43, 4/23, M.A.Haider 6/67. Z.J.Betterman 3/50. A.H.O.S.: C.S.Thomas 61, J.Jones 38, D.E.Jones 4/82, S. Kamalasuriya 3/47. WESTMINSTER SCHOOL Richmond Clarence Park 125 def Grange 86 LINDBLOM PARK RESERVE No.l R.C.P.: R.Pepe 55, 1.A.Pike 6/33, J.D.Emmel 4/27. Hope Valley 217 def Pooraka 138 Grange: G.Wood 3/18, C.J.Martin 3/25. Hope Valley: J.A.Gallina 76, S.I.Mclnnes 50, K.Russell 5/39, R.Emery 3/22. GRADE "E" Pooraka: J.F.Ahem 45, M.S.McLaren 31 * & 3/50, R.J.Laverty 3/41. PARK 10 No.2 OVAL Adelaide University 335 def Walkerville 252 Adelaide Uni: N.A.Fielder 100, M.R.Jones 60, S.M.Nugent 57, GRADE A.2 D.A.Penn 33, M.C.Wang 4/50. PENFIELD OVAL Nod Walkerville: P.L.Holbrook 50, D.Wigley 42, N.J.Green 39, Penfield 192 def S.H.O.C. 145 S.J.Forrest 33, N.Jordon 4/49. Penfield: D.R.Mclntrryyre 43, D.C.Martin 40, J.Durrant 32, R.Drake 5/29, S.P.O'Brien 3/47. KINGSWOOD OVAL S.H.O.C.: M.Adamson 45, B.J.Griffith 5/35. Unley 6/234 def Fulham 8/231 Unley: M.R.Leoni 74, K.R.Alley 50, A- R.Payne 34, MODBURY OVAL S.Richards 4/86. Modbury 7/207 def Woodville Rechabite 206 Fulham: D.G.Martin 61, C.S.Bignell 43, R.A.Walters 33*. Modbury: M.A.Thewlis 58*, M.C.Duthie 45, K.Roberts 38, D.T.Hockley 5/55, B.M.Tonkin 4/47. GRADE "F" Woodville Rech: R.Pahor 52, D.A.Williams 30, G.J.Jozwa 30, M.B.Harrison 3/60. GRANGE No.2 OVAL Richmond Clarence Park 179 def Grange 123 GRADE B.1 R.C.P.:D.J.Maxwell 85, S.LSmith 30, R.K.Oxenham 3/37, T.J. Wilden 3/3. GOODWOOD OVAL Grange: J.P.Mason 59, D.J.Paterson 3/64. Flinders University 192 def Richmond Clarence Park 161 Flinders Uni: S.J.Duke 46, I.l.Robertson 30, N.T.Piper 5/32, PENFIELD No.2 OVAL G.N.Gash 3/45. Adelaide High O.S. 9/139 def Penfield 136 R.C.P.: B.Hyland 50, M.P.Hogan 3/71. A.H.O.S.: M.Stuckey 61*, K.Edgecombe 3/57. Penfield: D.T.Short 44, P.R.Lane 4/48. PAYNEHAM OVAL Grange 3/138 def Payneham 137 Grange: P.Tokic 55, J.C.Lee 48, P.Reardon 5/36. LIMITED OVER SECTION

GRADE B.2 GRADE LO. "A" MATHESON RESERVE SCOTCH COLLEGE No.2 OVAL Hope Valley 107 & def Woodville Rechabite 104 6/198 Kensington District 9/170 def Sturt District 131 Valley: *, Hope B.G.Radan 5/29, D.Pumphrey 62 Kensington: P.F.Brinsley 51, D.LMarsh 51, S.C.Camana 55. S.D.Parkinson 3/22, D.A.Johnston 3/33. Woodville Rech: S.C.Vanstone 5/39, P.1.Dcvonish 4/25. Stun: C.Hackett 31. BRIGHTON OVAL No.1 McNALLY OVAL Walkerville 314 def S.H.O.C. 298 Grange 178 def Rostrevor O.C. 176 Walkerville: R.W.Wisley 74 & 3/52, R.W.Rutter 62, Grange: R.K.Smith 48, S.A.Hine 40, M.A.Nicholls 39, 41, T.E.Johnson M.J.Paholskr 36, A.Mollar 3/106. S.D.Niemann 4/17, S. W. Visser 4/27. S.H.O.C.: D.LJoscph 105*, C.Stcinhoff 48 & 4/70, Rostrevor: S.Harby 46, P.J.Andrew 33, J.Meiksans 3/36, J.D.Morrissy 46, M.T.Hynes 38. P.M.Shackleford 3/43.

GRADE B3 GRADE LO. "B" PRICE RESERVE Para Hills 265 def Pembroke O.S. 138 CATERER OVAL Para Hills: D.Hunt 48, S.D.Edwards 38, P.T.Hodges 36, Adelaide University 4/127 def S.P.O.C. 126 P.J.Duif 32, Adelaide Uni: E.Gloster 59, D.M.Haslam 44 *, N.D.Lock 4/9, Pembroke O.S.: A.Grenville 53, C.1.Fletcher 5/61. C.Thomas 3/21 S.P.O.C.: J.A.Hope -Murray 43, M.A.Brock 35, BLAIR ATHOL RESERVE Penfield 187 & 4/91 def Modbury 136 & 7/167 LEVELS OVAL Penfield: K.A.Radway 51 & 35 *, B.Dale 49 & 3/22, Elders 3/139 def Adelaide High O.S. 137 S.1.Douglas 35, G.D.McGill 3/20. Elders: J.Sloan 57* & 3/31, D.Mapstone 35, J.Maurits 3/41. Modbury: M.A.Iane 56, P.M.Sparks 5/61, B.A.Shean 4/29, G.Brakmanis 37, M.D.Burr 3/26. GRADE LO. "C" UNDERAGE SECTION REGENCY PARK OVAL Elders 103 def Flinders Park 57 GRADE U/16 Elders: M.Lynch 6/23, D.Hewitt 3/10. Flinders Pk: C.Fallon 3/17. LINDBLOM PARK RESERVE No.2 Fulham/Grange 9/163 def Gaza 43 & 182 MORGAN OVAL Fulham/Grange: M.D.Ainslie 73, C.M.Simpson 8/7. Pulteney O.S. 4/151 def Gepps Cross 141 Gaza: C.Burford 3/46, A.Ladhams 53', C.Ladhams 37. Pulteney O.S.: R.R.Bisho 96`, C.P.Felice 4/11. Gepps Cross: S.LKittel 54. BRIGHTON No.2 OVAL Brighton 255 def Payneham 198 GRADE LO. "D" Brighton: M.Healey 65, H.MacKay 57, A.Milne 42 & 3/60. Payneham: K.M.Scott 47, A.L.Stagg 42, M.J.Barber 6/51. PARK 9 OVAL Woodville Rechabite 2/80 def P.A.O.C. 79 U/14 Woodville Rech: R.J.Bames 35, D.J.Newham 4/10. GRADE DAWS ROAD H.S. OVAL LEDGER RESERVE Edwardstown & Old Concordians 136 def Grange 80 West Croydon 6/162 def Adelaide University 9/161 E & O.C.: M.Luker 74, C.M.Saunders 6/26. West Croydon: S.R.McMahon 57 & 3/29, S.Matthews 55. Grange: G.J.Bannerman 31 & 4/38, T.P.Kelly 4/43. Adelaide Uni: P.J.Low 68, M.C.Kimber 33. EAST MARDEN P.S. OVAL Richmond Carence Park 9/221 def Payneham 182 R.C.P.: R.M.Stagg 48, F.Cortolezzis 42', C.P.Harris 4/37, B.Russell 3/7. Payneham: J. W.Stagg 51, B.P.Haynes 48, B.W.Clark 30, A.D.Crouch 3/39. FINAL ROUND MATCHES 1995 -96 SEASON


INGLE FARM DISTRICT - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R M.W.LEWIS Caught McKenzie 3 W.MEAKER Bowled McKenzie 2 D.G.ANDERSON Caught Heysen 40 S.P.RAWE Caught Simmons 9 B.MATTHEWS Caught Simmons 1 G.LISK Bowled McKenzie 30 T.LSHEPARD Caught Heysen 12 6 - - 14 G.BOYLE Caught Heysen 11 17 8 3 43 D.P.GARRETT Caught Heysen 0 26 9 I 54 S.N.THURBON 36 21 8 4 32 P.BOASE Run Out 2 10 4 1 16 Sundries 17 Total 163

S.P.O.C. - 1st Inning's J.A.MATHIAS L.B.W. Thurbon 23 M.D.WOOD Cau t Thurbon 4 1 - - 1 AW.SINCLAIR N01' OUT 51 S.J.PACKER Caught Boyle 30 2 1 - 4 J.J.BENTON Bowled Thurbon 23 D.P.GRIST Bowled Thurbon 0 D.H.O'LOUGHLIN Caught Boase 1 20 4 51 1.T.BIRCHALL Caught Boyle 12 M.R.SIMMONS L.B.W. Garrett 0 11 2 2 18 D.C.HEYSEN Bowled Boyle 0 22.2 7 4 43 S.McKENZIE NOT OUT 11 16 3 3 40 Sundries 9 Total 9/164


PARA HILLS - 1st Inning's P.G.BOX Ct McInnes McPhee 41 5 1 - 14 J.COSTANZO Q O'Dell McPhee 4 G.S.THREDGOLD Ct O'Dell Emery 17 AGUL Bowled Russell 14 12.1 3 1 16 KA.HARTOG Q Clare McPhee 10 P.S.RAMSAY Bowled McPhee 2 M.NORRIS Q O'Dell Emery 15 B.M.HUDSON Q O'Dell Emery 10 1.M.CLEMENT Q Anderson McPhee 4 10 - 27 M.A.HAIDER L.B.W. Emery 17 26 7 6 62 D.C.CALDWELL NOT OUT 8 6 - - 25 Sundries 15 Total 157

HOPE VALLEY - 1st Inning's M.C.RIDDLE Q Hartog Haider 5 A.P.HARNEY L.B.W. Haider 66 W.LIPSETT Ct Norris Haider 3 S.LMcINNES Q Caldwell Gul 38 ACLARE LB.W. Haider 11 1.A.GALLINA Bowled Haider 0 7 2 - 22 S.ANDERSON LB.W. Haider 0 R.EMERY NOT OUT 6 17.2 3 4 40 S.R.McPHEE NOT OUT 7 24 8 5 47 KRUSSELL 23 7 1 34 N.O'DELL Sundries 22 Total 7/158 GRADE A.2 - PENFIELD OVAL No.! UMPIRES: G.ILGORDON & B.M.CAIN CAPTAINS: M.ELLIOTT (PENFIELD) & M.C.DUTHIE ( MODBURY) RESULT: PENFIELD defeated MODBURY on 1st INNING'S.

PENFIELD - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R M.ELLIOTT Caught Galliford 116 11 1 2 51 K.TONKIN Caught Rogerson 0 D.G.WATSON Bowled Rogerson 33 D.C.MARTIN Caught Thewlis 6 M.D.INNES L.B.W. Thewlis 0 J.DURRANT NOT OUT 41 P.W.SILCOX Bowled B.Tonkin 28 10 2 1 39 D.R.MeINTYRE Bowled B.Tonkin 2 R.DRAKE Bowled Thewlis 7 9 - 1 39 S.P.O'BRIEN NOT OUT 6 16 I 4 61 P.A.DESMOND 6 - - 29 Sundries 10 Total 8/249

MODBURY 1st Inning's M D.GALLIFORD Bowled O'Brien 0 4 - 1 32 R.DRIVER Caught Elliott 62 ICROBERTS Caught Drake 30 KLTONKIN LBW. Elliott 55 M.C.DUTHIE Caught O'Brien 48 M.A.THEWL1S Caught O'Brien 16 18 5 3 29 P.M.LEMPENS LB.W. Silcox 0 D.R.WOOLCOCK Bowled O'Brien 3 J.ROGERSON NOT OUT. 5 18 2 2 75 B.M.TONKIN Run Out 0 13 - 2 82 D.T.HOCKLEY Run Out 0 2 - - 22 Sundries li Total 232

GRADE R1- FLINDERS UNIVERSITY OVAL No.1 UMPIRES: B.G.DROEGEMUELLER & PJ.McCARTHY CAPTAINS: D.L.BROWN (FLINDERS UNIVERISTY & AJ.PIERSON (GRANGE) RESULT: }TINDERS UNIVERSITY defeated GRANGE on 1st INNING'S FLINDERS UNIVERSITY -1st Inning's D.LBROWN Bowled Pierson 0 R S ABBOTT Caught Reardon 20 S.J.DUKE Caught Narwal 29 B.S.SELLERS Caught Narwal 6 I.J.ROBERTSON Caught Starkey 11 S.VENTURA Bowled Starkey 7 A.J.LANGDON Run Out 27 3.2 2 2 1 M.T.ADAMS Caught Narwal 1 G.N.GASH Caught Reardon 12 21 5 5 32 D.A.BIRBECK Run Out. 18 7 - - 19 N.T.PIPER NOT OUT 6 17 10 2 16 Sundries 1 Total 152

GRANGE- 1st Inning's J.C.LEE Bowled Gash 2 P.TOKIC Caught. Piper 8 P.REARDON Ct & Bld Gash 0 20 11 1 32 M.T.RYAN Caught Piper 11 H.LSCHWARZ Bowled. Gash 3 D.J.CHARLES Bowled Gash 12 C.D.JOHNSON Bowled. Gash 6 A.J.PIERSON Caught Langdon 10 10 4 1 28 S.BLADES NOT OUT 11 12 5 - 25 N,NARWAL Caught Langdon 0 20.512 3 21 M.J.STARKEY Run Out 0 18 2 2 43 Sundries I1 Total 74 GRADE B2 - WALKERVILLE OVAL UMPIRES: R.W.BALL & V.ROBLEY CAPTAINS: M.BARTON (HOPE VALLEY) & K.REID (WALKERVILLE) RESULT: HOPE VALLEY defeated WALKERVILLE on 1st INNING'S.

HOPE VALLEY - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R D.M.REID Wi ey 8 A.D.MURRAY Caught Mo ler 8 M.BARTON NOT OUT 41 S.C.CARUANA Caught Wigley 8 D.PUMPHREY Caught. Jenkins 13 M.A.MIRAMS Bowled Drew 17 D.A.SHAW Caught Drew 4 23 7 3 50 B.G.RADAN Caught Wigley 4 12 1 2 43 M.WISHART NOT OUT 19 R.MELLORS 24 14 4 34 J.R.BISSETT 4 - - 6 Sundries 21. Total 7/143

WALKERVILLE - 1st Inning's M.J.AYLIFFE Caught Mcllors 31 P.J.SUMMERTON Stumped Radan 16 T.E.JOHNSON Caught Mellon 4 R.W.RUTIER Caught. Mellors 30 K.REID Caught Mellon 3 R.W.WIGLEY Caught Shaw 10 24 11 3 26 M.J.PAHOLSKI Caught. Shaw 4 C.S.DREW Run Out 2 10 4 2 22 G.D.MUGGLETON Caught Shaw 8 8 4 - 8 A.MOLLER NOT OUT 13 21 3 1 61

C.JENKINS Caught Radan 4 5 1 1 12 Sundries 12 Total 137


PENFIELD - 1st Inning's A.C.WATSON 1-B.W. Bennett 2 H.S.LYNESS Bowled Evans J.ELLUL Ct Wynne Evans 11 4 1 18 K.A.RADWAY Ct DeCrea Bennett B.A.DUNN Ct Edwards Evans B.DALE Ct Edwards Hunt 1 3 - 1 18 S.J.DOUGLAS Ct Prandner Bennett 11 3 1 33 P.R.LANE Ct Prandner Hunt 20 3 - - 9

G.D.McGILL Ct Evans Wynne 3 I - 6 G.S.EDEN Bowled. Hunt S.A.ADAMS NOT OUT 4 - 2 16 Sundries 1 Total 97

PARA HILLS - 1st Inning's P.J.LAURIE Bowled Dale 11 P.EVANS Ct Douglas. Ellul 5 14 4 3 32 D.HUNT Ct Watson Douglas 16 6.3 1 3 14 P.1.DUIF Bowled Adams 41 D.DeCREA Ct Lane. Adams 11 G.K.PRANDNER NOT OUT 4 P.T.HODGES Run Out. 0 P.O'CONNOR NOT OUT 5 S.D.EDWARDS S.WYNNE 4 2 1 6 R.N.BENNETT 17 5 3 39 Sundries 7 Total 100 GRADE "C" - GOODW OOD OVAL UMPIRES: G.F.CURYER & N.HILL CAPTAINS: SJ.KNIGHT (RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK) & P.T.HOLMES (WEST CROYDON) RESULT: RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK defeated WEST CROYDON on 1st INNING'S.

WEST CROYDON - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.A.BANDICK L.B.W. Jorgensen 6 P.T.HOLMES Caught Maliniak 11 E.BOK Caught Maliniak 2 P.A.ABERLE Bowled Jorgensen 5 2 1 - 1 GJ.HINTER Stumped Maliniak 32 1 - - 1 R.L.POOLE Caught Maliniak 3 7 1 - 21 M.A.COX Caught Maliniak I C.G.HOGAN Caught Maliniak 0 A.R.McMAHON NOT OUT 4 2 - - 12 J.SOAR Caught Maliniak 0 5 1 1 18 D.W.SHORNE Caught Maliniak 0 2 - 1 12 Sundries 3 Total 67

RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK - 1st Inning's A. LEONARD Bowled Soar 2 D.J.LEE Caught Shame 28 C,G,PEACOCK NOT OUT 17 P.STEWART NOT OUT. 18 S.THOMSOM S.J.KNIGHT S.T.MALINIAK 17.3 4 8 27 P.G.SCRUTTON M.T.BOOTH 3 1 - 6 C.I.WALLACE B.ICJORGENSEN 15 4 2 33 Sundries 3 Total 2/68

GRADE "D" - BRIGHTON OVAL N0.1 UMPIRES: M.N.PERT & MJ.PHILLIPS CAPTAINS: D.W.LEWIS (BRIGHTON) & A.S.MOORE (RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK RESULT: PARA HILLS defeated PENFIELD on 1st INNING'S RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK -1st Inning's M.E.PEDLER Bowled. Dougan 0 W.A.BROWNE CI Smith Warnes 12 A.S.MOORE Ct Hunter Morgan 72 4 2 - 13 A.TSIMBOUKIS CI Morgan Dopson 29 B.W.BAYLY Ct Smith Dougan 13 R.PEPE Bowled Wames 29 12.3 3 1 33 M.BURTON Ct & Bld Lewis 25 5 - 1 20 J.D.EMMEL Ct Kulhmann Warnes 13 20 4 1 49 M.H.TODD Bowled Wanes 0 10 2 - 22 G.MITCHELL NOT OUT. 8 10 2 - 32 J.A.PIKE NOT OUT 2 22 5 1 43 Sundries 16 Total 9/219

BRIGHTON - 1st Inning's T.BULL Stumped Burton 74 B.MURRAY LB.W.. Pike 1 CMORGAN Caught Pepe 43 9 1 1 21 P.KASTEIAN Caught Emmel 73 A.SMITH Run Out 12 T.DOUGAN NOT OUT 3 24 7 2 45 D.W.LEWIS 5 - 1 20 R.DOPSON NOT OUT 6 18 4 1 38 P.R.WARNES 20 4 4 47 P.KULHMANN 12 5 - 36 D.HUNTER Sundries 11 Total 5/223 GRADE "E" - KINGSWOOD OVAL UMPIRES: E.B.G.RENNER & B.D.WHITTLESEA CAPTAINS: DA.S.PENN (ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY) & M.R.LEONI ( UNLEY) RESULT: ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY defeated UNLEY on 1st INNING'S.

ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.M.NUGENT CI Alley. Leoni 40 M.1.FRANCIS LB.W. Payne 40 M.C.WANG Ct (Sub) Leoni 23 5 2 1 23 D.KURBAN Bowled Bowyer 2 2 1 - 3 N.A.FIELDER Ct Leoni Bowyer 31 19.2 4 2 37 R.BHOLANAT L.B.W. Bowyer 4 2 - - 34 M.R.WETHERELL NOT OUT 23 M.R.JONES Bowled Leoni 22 J.G.PAUL NOT OUT 14 2 1 2 14 D.A.S.PENN B.K.WALLWORK 12 - 3 39 Sundries 13 Total 7/212

UNLEY - 1st Inning's ICR.ALLEY Run Out 31 B.N.KENNEDY Cl Bholanat Wallwork 6 T.FIORE Bowled Wang 5 M.R.LEON1 Ct Francis Fielder 82 19 4 3 58 S.R.BARICER Cl Jones Paul 2 A.R.PAYNE Bowled Paul o 9 3 1 26 R.A.BOWYER Ct Bholanat Wallwork 6 13 - 3 70 P.W.HANSON Retired Hurt o S.RICHARDS Bowled Wallwork 6 9 1 - 47 M.C.ROONEY NOT OUT 5 F.MULLER Bowled Fielder 1 Sundries 15 Total 9/159

GRADE "F " - GLANDORE OVAL UMPIRES: LA.PILGRIM & C.V.PRITCHARD CAPTAINS: G E.STEVENSON (RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK) & M.STUCKET (ADELAIDE HIGH O.S.) RESULT: RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK defeated ADELAIDE HIGH O.S. on 1st INNING'S RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK -1st Inning's T.J.WILDEN Bowled. Hicks 75 10 2 1 14 LSCOTT Bowled Hicks 0 0.2 - I 0 S.L.SMITH Ct Palasis Hicks 8 M.J.HILL Run Out 2 11.4 - 2 30 D.J.MAXWELL Ct Sloan Bennett 42 15 7 3 16 G.E.STEVENSON Bowled Bennett 2 D.T.CLARKE a Hicks Bennett 16 8.2 3 3 9 R.ICOXENHAM Ct Vick Bennett 3 5 I - 11 M.BENSON Run Out 8 M.P.DAVIE NOT OUT. 2 T.FAIRLIE Run Out 1 Sundries 4 Total 163

ADELAIDE HIGH O.S. - 1st Inning's P.BENNETT Ct Wilden Clarke 10 17 3 4 38 D.J.HALE Bowled.. Clarke 14 M.STUCKEY Ct Hill Smith 7 G.A.SANDO Ct Davie Smith 5 5 26 M.A.TROTTER Bowled Maxwell 7 T.S.HICKS Ct Maxwell Clarke 7 15 4 3 44 S.VICK Ct Hill Maxwell 21 5 - - 23 N.G.PALASIS Ci Oxenham Wilden 3 C.SLOAN L.B.W. Maxwell 4 A.D.EDGECOMBE NOT OUT 0 K.EDGECOME Ct Maxwell Scott 0 13 4 - 29 Sundries 7 Total 85 LIMIT OVER SECTION

GRADE LO. "A" - GRANGE OVAL No.2 UMPIRES: S.DAFF & LR.JENKINSON CAPTAINS: S.D.PARKINSON (KENSINGTON DISTRICT) & D.J.FRY (GRANGE) RESULT: KENSINGTON DISTRICT defeated GRANGE by 39 Runs KENSINGTON DISTRICT How Out Bowler Total O M W R S.J.DUNCAN Caught . Fry 48 G.B.SLACK Run Out 44 G.N.JARMAN Caught Niemann 6 D.LMARSH Bowled Visser 38 P.F.BRINSLEY Caught Hine 21 2 2 10 S.D.PARKINSON Caught. Visser 0 9 - 37 D.C.STEPHENS Bowled Hine 3 W.M.DARLING NOT OUT 9 2 - - 13 D.A.JOHNSTON NOT OUT 0 9 2 3 11 T.A.KNOX 9 - 3 30 G.KPITTY 8 4 1 19 Sundries 9 Total 7/178 GRANGE M.A.NICHOLLS Caught Knox 3 D.A.ETTRIDGE Ct & Bld Piny 4 R.KSMITH Caught Johnston 4 S.A.HINE Run Out 39 9 - 2 44 D.R.JONES Caught Knox 8 T.CHARLES Caught Brinsley 16 S.D.NIEMANN Caught Knox 4 7 I 1 33 S.W.VISSER Caught Brinsley 18 9 2 2 37 D.J.FRY Bowled Johnston 3 9 1 1 21 LF.PECK Bowled Johnston 13 6 1 - 37 A.W.McDONALD NOT OUT 4 Sundries 13 Total 129

GRADE LO. "B" - PARK 10 NO.2 OVAL UMPIRES: M.R.ELLIS & R.J.BAKER CAPTAINS: C.MAPSTONE (ELDERS) & A.S.LOCK (ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY) RESULT: ELDERS defeated ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY by 20 runs ELDERS D.P.MAPSTONE Ct David. N.D.Lock 48 2 - 1 14 J.L.SLOAN St Gloster N.D.Lock 57 9 - 2 45 G.D.HOWSON Bowled David 12 C.MAPSTONE Run Out 17 9 - 1 39 M.RYLANDS L.B.W. Reddin 23 G.C.SIMS Ct Thomas N.D.Lock 0 J.P.MAURITS NOT OUT 18 9 1 1 25 T.OREEN 1 D.A.ZAMMIT S.GOSDEN 9 3 2 19 D.J.CANN 2 - - 13 Sundries S Total 7/181 ADELAIDE UNIVERSITY E.GLOSTER LB.W. Sloan 3 C.THOMAS Caught. . C.Mapstone 15 7 2 - 19 M.N.BAWDEN Caught Gosden 19 T.J.REDDIN St Sims Gosden 11 2 - 1 8 D.M.HASLAM Ct Howson Maurits 57 D.ZAZA Caught Sloan 26 9 - - 39

N.D.LOCK . Caught D.Mapstone 7 7 - 3 46 A.S.LOCK Run Out 14 5 1 - 20 M.J.KENNEDY NOT OUT 2 B.V.BELLON 6 I - 28 P.J.DAVID 4 2 1 19 Sundries 7 Total 8/161 GRADE LO. "C" - THE LEVELS UMPIRES: LG.DONISTHORPE & RJ.KELLY CAPTAINS: S.TREDREA (ELDERS) & A.MILLARD (PULTENEY O.S.) RESULT: ELDERS defeated PULTENEY O.S. by 5 wickets PULTENEY O.S. How Out Bowler Total O M W R A.MILLARD Bowled. Probert 6 4 1 1 10 R.SYKES Caught. Proben 8 R.R.BISHOP Caught Longdon 9 P.BUCKLOW LB.W. Lynch 1 C.P.FELICE Caught Sergeant 26 5 1 1 7 C.SLEE Caught Longdon 0 A.FORBES L.B.W. Lynch 5 - - 17 S.A.STARR Bowled Probert 1 9 I 3 29 T.GALANTOMOS Bowled Hewitt I - - 5 S.G.MORRIS Caught Hewitt B.TIPPETT NOT OUT 7 - - 15 Sundries 1 Total 8 ELDERS P.J.NORTHEAST Caught Starr 24 B.T.PAECH Caught Starr 18 R.W.HOWSON Caught Felice 4 0.FERREIRA LB.W. Millard 7 P.A.HOWSON Caught Starr 11 S.TREDREA NOT OUT 18 G.PROBERT NOT OUT 1 7.5 - 3 23 M.LYNCH 9 2 2 10 A.LONGDON 5 - 2 10 D.HEWITT 7 2 2 14 R.SERGEANT 5 - 1 18 Sundries 3 Total 5/86

GRADE LO. "D" - MATHESON RESERVE UMPIRES: RC.BARBER & J.S.COOK CAPTAINS: KJ.KEECH (WOODVILLE RECHABITE) & R.A.MASTERS (WEST CROYDON) RESULT: WOODVILLE RECHABITE defeated WEST CROYDON by 3 wickets WEST CROYDON D.J.POTTER Caught. Barnes 2 G.W.BONSOR Caught Pivetta 28 S.R.McMAHON Caught Pivetta 94 9 3 2 37 A.PLENNON Caught Cashel 2 N.P.LENNON Cau t Newham 12 S.MATTHEWS LB. . Pivetta 14 R.A.MASTERS Caught Newham 0 8.4 1 1 35 S.G.O'BRIEN Caught Newham 1 G.T.HOLMES Run Out 1 9 1 3 47 R.BRAIDWOOD NOT OUT. 11 7 - - 31 D.J.McHUGH Bowled Rowling 1 6 - 1 19 Sundries 6 Total 172 WOODVILLE RECHABITE P.J.BARNES Bowled McMahon 6 5 1 1 14 A.CROFT Bowled.. Holmes 23 K.KREUZER Caught Holmes 45 D.I.NEWHAM LB.W. Holmes 0 9 1 3 24 C.D.ROWLING Caught Masters 25 7.3 1 1 25 LPIVETTA Caught Mcmahon 34 9 1 3 50 J.J.CASHEL . Caught McMahon 5 9 - 1 43 T.E.AUSTIN NOT OUT 20 1 - - 10 K.J.KEECH NOT OUT 11 P.I.GORDON P.I.WYATT Sundries 5 Total 7/174 UNDERAGE SECTION


BRIGHTON - 1st Inning's How Out Bowler Total O M W R H.MacKAY Bowled . Berry 45 20 6 5 64 C.SALTER Bowled Simpson 49 4.1 3 2 1 A.MILNE Run Out 44 M.HEALEY Ct Perkins Berry 60 8 1 - 19 S.MacKAY NOT OUT 33 J.R.MOSS Ct Perkins Berry 4 J.MACKIE Ct Gleeson Berry 2 23 4 2 48

R.MORRISSEY Bowled Berry 1 A.BATPYE NOT OUT 0 15 7 1 27 ASOUTH C.R.SIMONS Sundries 37 Total 7/275 FULHAM/GRANGE LTAHENY Bowled H.Mackay 41 11 2 - 36 M.D.AINSLIE Bowled Battye 9 12 4 - 20 LD PERKINS Caught H.MacKay 35 S.SINCLAIR L.B.W. Milne 0 6 1 - 36 LI.BERRY Ct Battye H.MacKay 12 18 4 5 62 C.M.SIMPSON Bowled H.MacKay 28 26 2 I 90 L.M.BROLESE Ct Battye Milne 4 LLEPOIDEVIN Ct & Bld Salter 20 J.GLEESON Bowled H.MacKay 1 D.EY NOT OUT 8 5 - - 19 D.C.HARRIS Bowled Salter 1 Sundries 4 Total 163


RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK - 1st Inning's 2nd Inning's R.S.TONKIN Bowled . Saunders 5 Caught B.Borowski 19 L.M.GII I PSPIE Caught Saunders 2 NOT OUT 4 S.T.RANKIN Caught R.Borowski 15 Caught Luker 18 R.M.STAGG Caught Saunders 0 Run Out 9 R.T.JACKSON Caught. Saunders 9 L.B.W. R.Borowski 8 L.J.FLEETWOOD Caught Saunders 0 6 3 18 Caught Clavell 8 R.W.GARRETT Bowled Luker 9 L.B.W. Cantone 0 B.RUSSELL Bowled Luker 29 Caught Richards 41 A.J.SPRY NOT OUT 9 Caught Cantone 14 F.CORTOI F7715 Caught Luker 7 26 8 3 35 Run Out 1 C.P.HARRIS L.B.W. Luker 0 26.4 9 3 42 LB.W: R.Borowski 4 Sundries 11 Sundries 14 Total 96 Total 140

EDWARDSTOWN & OLD CONCORDLINS - 1st Inning's 2nd Inning's D.J.REFERMAT Caught. Cortolezzis 3 1.O.BORCHARD Bowled . Harris 4 21 J.LRICHARDS Caught Fleetwood 5 1 1 8 B.J.BOROWSKI Caught Harris 3 11 2 - 18 4 2 1 15 M.LUKER LB.W. Cortolezzis 1 7.5 1 4 19 6 - 1 31 J.P.CANTONE Caught Fleetwood 2 3 - 2 8 R.S.BOROWSKI. Caught Fleetwood 10 3 - 1 13 2 _ 2 9 C.M.SAUNDERS Bowled Cortolezzis 12 16 2 5 38 9 - - 44 S.J.LEA NOT OUT 17 6 2 - 18 M.N.BANNON Bowled Harris 1

N.W.CLAVELL Run Out 7 0.2 - 1 0 Sundries 15 Total 96 BROCK PARTNERS CUP - 1995 -96

Once again this competition proved to be very exciting and we are very grateful to the Brock Partner Real Estate Company for continueing their sponsorship along with the Kookaburra Sports sponsorship of cricket balls for each match.

For the first time we had a tied match in the minor round, also we were blessed with no disruption due to bad weather for the first time in a few seasons.

RESULTS ROUND 1. ROUND 2. R.C.P. 5/173 d Hope Valley 9/171 Grange 8/167 cl Marion 166 Woodville South 7/228 d Brighton 9/224 Ingle Farm Dist. 9/170 d Walkerville 147 Grange 7/144 d Pooraka 144* Woodville South 6/153 d Unley 152 Walkerville 7/184 d Flinders Park 183 R.C.P. cl Flinders Uni. 149 Ingle Farm Dist. 171 d Fulham 162 Marion 9/240 d Payneham 154 SEMI FINALS Tinley 8/295 d F.P.W.N. 8/294 Woodville South 186 d Grange 7/178 Minders Uni 6/209 d Gepps Cross 7/207 R.0 P. 7/216 d Ingle Farm Dist. 129 (*) Grange won match on the least number of wickets lo st. FINAL: Played at Goodwood Oval on Sunday 18th February 1996 UMPIRES: Ken Greenwood & Doug French RESULT: Richmond Clarence Park defeated Woodville South by 6 Wickets WOODVILLE SOUTH How Out Bowler Runs O M W Runs R.P.Duke Caught Wells 21 P.C.Milde Run Out 31 C.J.Petersen L.B.W. Payne 6 L.Hennessy Caught Emmel 19 D.E.Paprzycki Caught Rankin 46 P.A.Smith Run Out 10 1 1 26 R.G.Chenoweth NOT OUT 19 8 24 R.T.Christensen (Capt) L.B.W. Emmet 0 9.3 2 1 42 P.W.Newman Caught Sargent 11 10 48 S.R.O'Dea Bowled Verrall 1 A.I.Spence Caught Verrall 1 10 1 1 30 Sundries 18 TOTAL 174 (48 Oven) RICHMOND CLARENCE PARK P.Haynes Caught Smith 12 B.Paolo Caught Christensen 27 D.R.Cook (Capt) NOT OUT 59 J.Rankin Caught Spence 23 10 2 1 23 S.J. Wells Run Out 1 6 - 1 22 G.M.Stagg NOT OUT 47 W.G.Potts

K.J,Payne 5 - 1 21 A.Emmel 9 - 2 44 M.Verrall 9 2 2 32 T.J.Sargent 9 3 1 22 Sundries 7 TOTAL 4/176 (47.3 Oven)

On a nice summers day this the eleventh Grand Final of this competition proved to be a very exciting match. Richmond Clarence Park proved in the end to be worthy winners. Congratulations must also go to Woodville South for a great effort. Both teams played hard but in the spirit of the game of cricket. Both teams had a large following of supporters in attendance, along with many other players and officials from Clubs and the Association.

The Final was hosted by Richmond Clarence Park C.C., Tony Perkins (Chairman) and members did everything to ensure that this match was staged in the traditions that have been set by previous hosts. Congratulations to everyone who was involved.

At the conclusion of the match Mr Orin Klemich (Director) of Brock Partners presented the Cup to Richmond Clarence Park along with the prize money cheques to the Winners, Runners Up and the Highest Points winners in the three previous rounds. Darren Cook (R.C.P.) the Player of the Match was also presented with a cheque. The A.T.C.A. and all participating teams express their sincere thanks to BROCK PARTNERS REAL ESTATE for their continued support for this competition along with Kookaburra Sports company. MICHAEL VINCI Chairman Brock Partners Sub Committee INTER -ASSOCIATION MATCH ADELAIDE TURF C.A. y VICTORIAN SUB -DISTRICT C.A. PLAYED AT GOODWOOD OVAL, MILLSWOOD 4th to 6th JANUARY 1996


A.T.C.A.- 1st inning's 2nd Inning's B/f Mins How Out Bowler B/f Mins How Out Bowler 4 3 W.A.Dessaur Grange Bowled Cullen 2 42 58 Run Out 25 19 29 M.C.Riddle Hope Valley Bowled Muscat 4 43 49 Ct Knight Muscat 11 134 156 S.D.Heeps Payneham Ct Knight Cullen 32 19 19 Ct Knight Muscat 4 81 100 P.M.Judd Payneham Ct Scott Blair 27 33 43 Ct Knight Scott 6 27 36 J.Rankin R.C.P. Bowled Muscat 20 53 70 Ct Gale Muscat 38 17 22 K.J.Payne R.C.P. a Blair Muscat 13 56 69 Bowled Muscat 27 51 63 G.R.Lauder Gaza Bowled Blair 13 33 45 Ct Muscat Cullen 9 74 90 D.P.Garrett Ingle Farm Ct Russ Cullen 12 4 3 Bowled Muscat 2 41 53 M.A.Haider Para Hills Ct Knight Cullen 18 19 31 NOT OUT 12 15 14 T.J.Dansie Walkerville Ct Blair Davies 20 18 17 Ct Knight Cullen 9 1 4 M.Verrall R.C.P. NOT OUT 0 6 6 Bowled Davies 4 Sundries 18 Sundries 9 TOTAL 179 TOTAL 156

Best Partnership: (Ist) P.M.Judd (27) & S.D.Heeps (22')56 runs. 2nd) J.Rankin (38) & KPayne (27) 68 runs. Fall of Wickets: ((21st Inning's) 1/2, 2/12, 3/68, 4795, 5/95, 6/112, 7/131, 8,'155, 9/173, 10/179 nd Inning's) 1/22, 2/22, 3/52, 4/57, 5/125, 6/126, 7/128, 8/131, 9/145, 10/156.

V.S.D.C.A. - Bowling 1st Inning's O M W R Avg 2nd Inning's O M W R Avg D.Cullen 22 4 4 56 14.0 13 8 2 18 9.0 P.Muscat 17 7 3 33 11.0 18 - 5 64 12.8 D.Scott 16 6 - 29 7 1 1 21 21.0 B.Blair 16 6 2 38 19.0 7 1 - 24 P.Davies 3.4 1 1 20 20.0 9 5 1 22 22.0 V.S.D.C.A. 67 93 A.Gale Melton Ct Dessaur Dansie 15 67 74 P.Russ Yarraville Ct Garrett Dansie 78 30 34 G.Edwards Coburg Ct Lauder Payne 20 170 189 M.Lechane Broadmeadows Bowled Garrett 91 19 24 P.Davies Box Hill Bowled Garrett 0 148 205 KWhichello Ivanhoe Ct Lauder Haider 75 37 50 D.Scott Williamstown Bowled Verrall 17 80 88 D.Knight Caulfield NOT OUT 29 23 36 B.Blatr Melton Bowled Haider 8 21 25 D.Cullen Melton Ct Lauder Dansie 5 14 18 P.Muscat Box Hill NOT OUT 11 Sundries Iî TOTAL 9/362

Best Partnership: M.Leehane (81) & KWhichello (461 129 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/92, 21109, 3/125, 4/129, 5/258, 6/306, 7/306, 8/320, 9/341.

A.T.C.A. - Bowling M.A.Haider 29 6 2 78 39.0 D.P.Garrett 13 2 2 73 36.5 M.Verrall 19 3 1 44 44.0 KJ.Payne 10 4 1 32 32.0 T.J.Dansie 30 9 3 91 30.3 J.Rankin 5 1 - 13 P.M.Judd 5 - - 23 W.A.Dessaur 1 1 0 OTHER FACTS: Close of Play Scores st day - A.T.C.A. 179 & V.S.D.C.A. 0/76 2nd day - V.S.D.C.A. 9/362 3rd day - A.T.C.A. 156 Captains: T.J.Danste (Walkerville) & G.Edwards (Coburg) Umpires: KGreenwood & D.French A.T.C.A.) Managers: S.W.Sykes (A.T.C.A.) & J. Craig (Ormond) Scorer A.T.C.A. - G.Standish (Gepps Cross) COL SHIPLEY TROPHY: MARK LEEERAANE (Broadmeadows) GORDON HAYMAN SHIELD: V.S.D.C.A. ADELAIDE TURF C.A. U/23 v SOUTH AUSTRALIAN C.A. U /19 PLAYED AT PARK 25 27th & 28th DECEMBER 1995


S.A..C.A.- 1st inning's B/f Mins How Out Bowler 31 41 P.Duffett Pt Adelaide Ct Campbell Cawse 21 62 78 M.Johnson Elizabeth Dist Ct Spence Cawse 32 13 28 J.Creck Pt Adelaide Bowled Cawse 1 81 87 C.Davies Southern Dist Ct Campbell Cawse 58 13 12 R.Selkirk Glenelg LB.W. Brokensha 3 226 268 J.Morgan Kensington NOT OUT 157 193 201 M.Silvy Kensington NOT OUT 104 G.Johnson Adelaide Uni T.Weatherald Sturt S.Goodwin Stun C.HaYnes Elizabeth Dist LKntght Glenelg Sundries 44 TOTAL 5/419

Best Partnerslip: 1st) J.Morgan (145.) & M.Silvy (104 +) 266 runs. Fall of Wickets: (1st Inning's) 1 /50, 2/68, 3/75, 4/82, 5/153

A.T.C.A. - Bowling 1st Inning's O M W R H.N.Cawsc 23 5 4 85 M.A.Conroy 14 2 - 69 R.M.Brokensha 20 2 1 91 A.J.Spence 20 2 - 97 M.J.Neville 4 1 - 21 A.GuI 19 5 - 39 A.T.C.A.- 1st inning's 139 164 A.I.MacDonald Gepps Cross LB.W. Goodwin 46 60 45 A.1.Neville Gaza Ct M.JohnsonHaines 2 27 34 S.D.Heeps Payneham Ct Creek ¡Johnson 13 21 20 A.Gul Para Hills Cl Goodwin Morgan 11 49 50 S.P.Rawe Ingle Farm LB.W. Goodwin 18 10 17 S.J.Packer S.P.O.C. Ct Haines Weatherald 8 68 95 C.R.Campbell Marion Ct Morgan Selkirk 73 89 132 R.M.Brokensha Marion NOT OUT 81 18 17 A.J.Spence Woodville South St Creek Silvy 4 13 15 M.I.Neville Gaza Run Out 7 6 14 H.N.Cawse Grange LB.W. Silvy 2 M.A.Conroy Flinders Uni Sundries 14 TOTAL 279

Best Partnership: C.Campbell (70) & R.Brokensha (51') 125 runs Fall of Wickets: 1/14, 225, 3/55, 4/92, 5/97, 6/107, 7/232, 8/254, 9/275, 10/279.

S.A.C.A. - Bowling 1st Inning's O M W R Avg R.Selkirk 12 6 50 50.0 LKnight 7 5 3 S.Goodwin 13 4 2 20 10.0 C.Haines 7 2 1 31 31.0 ¡Johnson 11 1 1 34 34.0 T.Weatherald 15 2 1 63 63.0 J.Morgan 7 1 1 29 29.0 M.Silvy 8.1 1 2 38 19.0 OTHER FACTS: Close of Play Scores: 1st day - S.A.C.A. 5/419 Captains: S.J.Packer (S.P.O.C.) & S.Goodwin Stun District) Umpires: R.Williams (A.T.C.A.) & A.Hunter (S.A.CA.) Manager: S.W.Sykes A.T.C.A.) Scorer: G.Standish (Gepps Cross) A.T.CA. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: K.M.Brokensha (Marion) ADELAIDE TURF C.A. U /20 y SOUTH AUSTRALIAN C.A. U/17 PLAYED AT PARK 25 27th & 28th DECEMBER 1995


S.A..C.A. Mins How Out Bowler 214 D.Hanis Woodville a lry Vale 37 8 B.Hines Yorke Peninsula Bowled Klitogiannis 1 109 W.Thomas Tea Tree Gully a Norris Ladhams 38 7 LVincent Prospect Bowled Ladhams 0 176 M.Bode Glenelg Run Out 62 4 1.VOwias East Tomas Run Out 1 17 G.Manou Salisbury Ct J.Daunt Curtin 8 19 LvanKempen Tea Tree Gully a M.Daunt Curtin 0 64 A.Manuel Southern Dist a Vale Ladhams 25 41 S.Busbridge Salisbury Bowled Vale 14 18 M.Heffeman Glenelg NOT OUT 13 A.Newland Kensington Sundries 13 TOTAL 212 (96.5 Ovas)

Best Partnership: D.Hanis(22) & M.Bode (431 66 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1 /1, 2/63, 3/64, 130, 5/131, 6/156, 7/159, 8/159, 9/188, 10/212

A.T.C.A. - Bowling O M W R Avg A.N.Klitogiannis 21 7 1 40 40.0 D.K.Vale 27 8 2 56 28.0 S.D.Curtin 15 2 2 48 24.0 Llry 5 1 - 13 B.Constable 14 Il - 13 C.Ladhams 14.5 4 3 40 13.3 A.T.C.A. 49 A.P.Naffin Walkerville Ct Manou vanKempen 4 101 1.T.Daunt Kilburn Ct Heffernan Bode 25 30 A.J.McEwin S.P.O.C. a Manou Busbridge 5 146 LIy Grange a Vincent Newland 56 8 M.Norris Para Hills a Harris Bode 3 213 A.N.Klitogiannis Fulham a Manou Bode 98 125 M.N.Daunt Kilburn a Bode Manou 32 30 C.Ladhams Gaza a vanKempen Bode 6 33 B.Constable Brighton a Manou Heffernan 5 15 S.LWelsh E & O.C. a & Bld Heffernan 12 13 D.K.Vale E & O.C. NOT OUT 13 S.D.Curtin Ingle Farm Dist Sundries 2Q TOTAL 279 (99.5 Oven) Best ofaWicketsP: 1/19, 2/5, 3/57N4I/G61 5/155 6(/235, 7249, 8/249, 9/263, 10/279.

S.A.C.A. - Bowling O M W R Avg LvanKempen 20 3 1 50 50.0 G.Manou 16 6 1 24 24.0 A.Newland 12 1 1 62 62.0 M.Bode 15 5 4 30 7.5 S.Busbridge 14 2 1 45 45.0 M.Heffeman 16.5 6 2 47 23.5 J.Vowias 6 - 18 OTHER FACTS: Close of Play Scores: 1st day - S.A.CA. 212 (963 Overs)- A.T.C.A. 0 /10 (7 oven) L.Irryy - 50 runs in 139 minutes and 103 balls. A.N.Klitogiannis - 50 runs in 123 minutes and 107 balls. New Ball: - A.T.C.A. after 80 oven (8/159) S.A.C.A. after 81 oven (5/231) Captains: A.N.Klitogtannis (Fulham) & Umpires: B.Cain A.T.C.A.) & P.Baker (S.A.CA.) Manager. R.K.Co a A.T.C.A. Scorer. R.Waters .A.O.C.3 A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: A.N.Klitogiannis (Fulham) ADELAIDE TURF C.A. U /16 IT SOUTH AUSTRALIAN C.A. U /15 PLAYED AT LINDBLOM RESERVE, POORAKA 21st JANUARY 1996


A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R 30 32 H.Mackay Brighton Bowled Hoare 10 63 63 P.Courage Brighton L.B.W. Hattotuwa 22 4 - 19 32 32 A.Meade Modbury Run Out 5 8 1 - 33 23 24 C.Ladhams Gaza Ct Stolcmon Jenkins 4 5 I 1 11 60 59 A.Milne Brighton Bowled Jenkins Il 10 - 1 38 10 11 S.White Modbury Stumped White 5 II 10 S.Sinclair Grange Bowled White 5 39 27 M.D.Ainslie Grange Caught Laidler 13 10 I 2 33 12 18 R.J.Gray Hope Valley Bowled Hoare 6 3 4 C.Maddocks Marion Bowled Hoare 0 4 - - 13 5 4 S.MacKay Brighton NOT OUT 0 C.I.Ansell Payneham 9 4 - 37 Sundries 13 TOTAL 94 (47.1 Overs)

Best Partnership: P.Courage (¡10' & H.MacKay (10)24 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/24, 2/45, 3/45, 4/50, 5/57, 6/67, 7/81, 8/88, 9/89, 10/94. Captain: S.J.Packer Umpire: M.J.Phillips (A.T.C.A.) Manager: A.Perkins (Richmond) Scorer: K.Hickey (Pooraka) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: A.Milne (Brighton) S.A.C.A.

Batting: A.Crook 1, K.McGregor 40', S.Stolcmon 29, M.Rosser 52, B.Cameron 9, A.Mossop 33', R.Hattotuwa 12', J.Hoare, A.Laidler, T.White, D.Jenkins, Sundries 14, TOTAL 4/194 (Overs 50) Bowling: B.Cameron 0/12, Inoue 3/12, A.Laidler 1/12, R.Hattotuwa 1/15, T.White 2/23, D.Jenkins 2/13.



A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 26 24 G.J.Bannerman Grange Ct James Crawford 7 6 13 B.J.Borowski E & O.C. Bowled Crawford 0 20 30 C.M.Saunders E & O.C. Ct & Bld James 6 9 2 3 14 23 27 R.S.Tonkin R.C.P. Ct Whetstone James 2 10 11 R.M.Stagg R.C.P. Ct Whetstone Crouch 0 14 19 N.M.Delvins Payneham L.B.W. Crouch 7 2 1 A.Ladhams Gaza Bowled Crouch 0 8 1 1 27 17 .9 W.Iles F.P.W.N. Bowled James 4 6 - 29 1 1 F.Cortolezzis R.C.P. Bowled Crouch 0 10 2 1 44 7 7 D.Superina Brighton Bowled Crouch 1 7 - - 25 41 44 KB.Clarke Modbury NOT OUT 12 5 - - 22 38 41 G.K.Fila Hope Valley Bowled Crawford 0 5 - - 22 1 Sundries 12 TOTAL 51 (33.2 Overs)

Best Partnership: KB.Clarke (12') & G.KFila (0) 15 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/7, 2/12, 3/20, /23, 5/27, 6/27, 7/34, 8/34, 9/36, 10/36, 11 /51. Captain: S.J.Packer Umpire: B.D.Whittlesea (A.T.C.A.) Manager: B.S.Fry (Grange) Scorer: A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: C.M.Saunders (Edwardstown & Old Concordians) S.A.C.A.

Batting: J.Whetstone 23, D.Killey 9, J.Borgas 56, O.Gladewright 70, S.Payne 10, D.Kendrick 5, J.Heritage 1 *, B.James, A.Crouch, M.Grier, D.Crawford, Sundries 21, TOTAL 5/195 (Overs 50) Bowling: M.Grier 0/5, D.Crawford 3/9, A.Cmuch 5/7, B.James 3/14, D. Kendrick 0 /1, S.Payne 0/8. ADELAIDE TURF C.A. y LAHORE GYMKHANA C.C. PLAYED AT PAYNEHAM OVAL 29th NOVEMBER 1995

ADELAIDE TURF C.A. 6/178 defeated LAHORE GYMKHANA C.C. 8/174

A.T.C.A. B/f MS How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 52 65 K.Roberts Modbury Stumped Asim 31 34 42 W.A.Dessaur Grange Caught. Hammad 24 33 38 D.R.Cook R.C.P. Caught Amin 3 64 86 A.Gul Para Hills Stumped Asim 29 10 - - 29 77 98 S.D.Heeps Payneham NOTOUT 55 13 14 M.Elliott Penfield Bowled Hammad 13 2 7 G.M.Stagg R.C.P. L.B.W. Hammad 0 9 14 P.G.Box Para Hills NOT OUT 8 5 - 1 15 M.A.Haider Para Hills 10 3 1 38 J.Rogerson Modbury 10 2 - 22 N.R.Maloney Grange 5 1 - 18 D.C.Heysen S.P.O.C. 10 - 5 45 Sundries 15 TOTAL 6/178 (453 Oven)

Best Partnership: A.Gul (27) & S.D.Heeps (35 ") 67 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/46, 2/66, 3/68, 4/135, 5 /161, 6/165. Captain: G.M.Stagg (R.C.P.) Umpire: N.Hill & B.Cain Manager: S.W.Sykes Scorer. K.Hickey (Pooraka) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH: D.C.Heysen (S.P.O.C.) LAHORE GYMKHANA C.C.

Batting: LAndrenacci 7, M.Kovack 23, T.Charlton 15, M.Clifford 51, A.Bovell 17, CLinke 27, M.Gladwin 5, CHowes 0, P.Miatke 6 ", D.Taylor 3 ", B.Gillespie d.n.b, Sundries 20, TOTAL 8/174 (50 Oven) Bowling: Gladwin 0/28, Gillespie 0/20, Taylor 0 /18, Howes 3/54, Charlton 1/16, Linke 2/35, 0/3


ADELAIDE TURF C.A. 9/216 defeated RIVERLAND TURF C.A. 8/187

A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 121 97 A.J.MacDonald Gepps Cross St Miatke Charlton 74 47 54 1.McCloy Pooraka L.B.W. Howes 30 2 - - 8 40 32 B.Priest Flinders Uni a Gillespie Taylor 12 56 58 K.A.Hartog Para Hills a Taylor Linke 41 16 19 S.J.Packer S.P.O.C. Ct Clifford Charlton 21 1 - - 4 8 6 CR.Campbell Marion St Miatke Charlton 5 4 14 16 A.Gul Para Hills Caught Taylor 8 8 18 S.R.McPhee Hope Valley NOT OUT 9 10 - 1 48 2 5 A.N.Klitogiannis Fulham Run Out 2 10 2 3 19 1 1 A.J.Spence Woodville South CI Charlton Linke 0 8 2 2 27 1 2 H.N.Cawse Grange NOT OUT 2 10 - - 43 C.LTumer Pooraka 9 1 2 27 Sundries 17 TOTAL 9/216

Best Partnership: K.A.Hartog (41) & A.J.MacDonald (40) 85 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/51, 2/81, 3/166, 4/168, 5/178, 6/199, 7/207, 8/213, 9/214 Captain: S.J.Packer Umpire: D.R.Gordon Manager: S.W.Sykes Scorer: ICHickey ( Pooraka) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: AJ.MacDooald (Gepps Cross) RIVERLAND TURF C.A.

Batting: LAndrenacci 34, M.Kovack 13, T.Charlton 0, M.Clifford 49, A.Bovell 8, C.Linke 9, M.Gladwin 10, C.Howes 2, P.Miatke 27 ", D.Taylor 18 ", B.Gillespie d.n.b, Sundries 17, TOTAL 8/187 Bowling: Gladwin 0/23, Gillespie 0/20, Taylor 2/30, Howes 1/37, Charlton 3/49, Linke 2/49 ADELAIDE TURF C.A. U/16 y RIVERLAND TURF C.A. U/16 PLAYED AT RENMARK 25th FEBRUARY 1996


A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 100 110 H.Mackay Brighton NOT OUT 71 2 - - 6 1 16 19 P.Courage Brighton CI Nitschke Bryne 6 5 1 - 26 33 29 C.Ladhams Gaza Bowled White 24 95 5 3 9 15 25 M.D.Ainslie Grange Run Out 2 3 - 1 16 27 34 A. Milne Brighton Caught Walker 8 10 4 2 27 R.J.Gray Hope Valley I S.Sinclair Grange S.White Modbury 1

C.Maddocks Marion 1

S.MacKay Brighton 1

D.J.Gelven Gaza 4 2 2 5 1 M.J.Wright Hope Valley 3 - - 18 Sundries 7 TOTAL 4 /118 (31.5 Oven) Best Partnership: C.Ladhams (24)& H.MacKay (14') 44 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1 /10, 2/54, 3/78, 4/118. Captain: S.J.Packer Umpire: V.Robley (A.T.C.A.) & C.Pedler (R.T.C.A.) Manager: A.Perkins Nchmond) Scorer: K.Edis (Walkerville) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE NMTCH AWARD: H.MacKay (Brighton) RIVERLAND TURF C.A.

Batting: M.Sawade 0, R.BYme 2, B.Weinert 3, A.Sparrow 66, A.Walker 30', B.Singh 0, D.Reynolds 0, A.Lawlor 0, M.Nttschke 3, D.White 3, D.O'Donnell 0, Sundries 7, TOTAL 114 (Oven 36.5) Bowling: A.Walker 1/15, R.Bryne 1/26, D.White 1/19, A.Lawlor 0/19, B.Weinert 0/27, D.Reynolds 0/6



A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 43 J.LRichards E & O.C. St Albrecht Reichstein 13 1 62 G.J.Bannerman Grange Bowled Reichstein 27 1 6 C.M.Saunders E & O.C. Ct Zan ri Reichstein 0 5.5 - 2 17 1 25 R.S.Tonkin R.C.P. Bowled Albrecht 5 2 - 2 14 1 60 R.M.Stagg R.C.P. Run Out 20 5 N.M.Delvins Payneham St Meakin Albrecht 4 56 T.P.Kelly Grange Ct Reichstein Hughes 30 2 42 S.A.Chen Brighton Ct Petersen Phillips 6 2 - 6 33 KB.Clarke Modbuty NOT OUT 12 4 - 1 14 1 7 F.Cortolczzis R.C.P. NOT OUT 4 5 2 2 12 A.Ladhams Gaza 4 1 1 7 G.K.Fila Hope Valley 4 - - 13 D.Superina Brighton 5 - 1 11 1 Sundries 13 TOTAL 8/134 (50 Oven)

Best Partnership: R.M.Stagg (15) & T.P.Kelly (22') 42 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/31, 2/35, 3/42, 4/51, 5/57, 6/99, 7/111, 8/129. Captain: Umpire: G.R.Gordon (A.T.C.A.) Manager: B.S.Fry (Grange) Scorer: R.Waters (P.A.O.C.) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MAT AWARD: T.P.Kelly (Grange) RIVERLAND TURF C.A.

Batting: L.F7orence 10, J.Albrect 13, M.Hughes 3, LPetersen 1, M.Phillips 0, R.Meakin 0, S.Zangari 21, R.Griffiths 22, C.Gilgen 11, N.Paeschke 9 *, D.Reichstein 0,R.Florence dnb Sundries 10, TOTAL 100 (31.5 Oven) Bowling: R.Meakin 0/26, LFlorence 0/26, C.Gilgen 0/13, D.Reichstein 3/23, 1-Petersen 0/3, J.Albrecht 2/13, M.Hughes 1/14, M.Phillips 1/8, R.Florence 0/4. ADELAIDE TURF C.A. "MASTERS" y S.A. WOMEN'S C.A. PLAYED AT MARION OVAL 26th NOVEMBER 1995

ADELAIDE TURF C.A. "MASTERS" 6/284 defeated S.A. WOMEN'S C.A. 9/171

A.T.C.A. "MASTERS" B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 41 50 R.W.Wigley Walkerville Bowled Lee 33 2 - 1 7 17 20 LA.Crilly Marion Ct Juhasz O "Brien 1 5 1 2 11 89 121 LC.Symons Marion Ct Ward McCauley 106 21 39 G.L.Cook Hope Valley Ct McCauleyDittmar 16 2 1 - 14 70 99 S.W.Sykes Pooraka NOT OUT 80 3 - - 7 11 17 S.J.Corcoran Payneham Cl Ward O'Brien 17 1 0 1 S.J.Passmore Penfield Run Out 0 5 - 1 36 1 12 29 C.D.Luck Payneham NOT OUT 25 3 1 1 8 l J.T.Curtis Marion 5 - - 26 I KRussell Hope Valley 9 3 2 23 1 R.J.Wiles ETSA 8 2 - 28 M.D.Newman Penfield 3 - 1 10 I Sundries 6 TOTAL 6/284 (45 Overs)

Best Partnership: L.C.Symons (47) & S.W.Sykes (25') 72 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1 /1, 2/52, 3/115, 4/187, 5/228, 6/229. Captain: S.W.Sykes (Poomka) Umpire: D.Leonard (A.T.C.A.) Manager. A.Perkins (Richmond) Scorer: K.Hickey (Pooraka) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: LC.Symons (Marion) S.A. WOMEN'S C.A.

Batting: LHunter 7, A.Kenelley 8, C.Ward 2, K.Rolton 85, A.McCauley 17, T.Juhasz 30, C.Stone 7, C.Dittmar 8, A.Lee 2', KO'Brien 0, L.Cotgrove 4', J.Broadbent dnb Sundries I, TOTAL 9/171 (45 Oven) Bowling: J.Broadbent 0/57, KO'Brien 2/50, LHunter 0/60, A.Lee 1/34, C.Dittmar 1/27, C.Stone 0/32, A.McCauley 1/19.



A.T.C.A. "MASTERS" B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct St 65 75 R.W.Wigley Walkerville Caught Edmonds 28 2 - - 5 9 12 I.A.Crilly Marion Run Out 3 4 - - 15 64 71 L.C.Symons Marion L.B.W. Harder 33 7 3 2 18 1 27 36 C.D.Luck Payneham Bowled Harder 14 2 - 1 11 7 8 G.L.Cook Hope Valley Caught Edmonds 6 22 22 R.1.Haby Grange St Dietrich Huitema 6 40 43 D.W.Lewis Brighton St Dietrich Heys 15 5 l - 13 46 49 S.W.Sykes Pooraka St Dietrich Heys 33 1 14 18 S.J.Corcoran Payneham NOT OUT 17 I 3 6 18 KRussell Hope Valley NOT OUT 9 9 2 2 21 A.M.McDonald Pooraka 9 6 2 9 1 R.J.Wiles ETSA 9.3 1 2 35 Sundries 11 TOTAL 8/175 (50 Overs)

Best Partnership: R.W.Wigley (26) & LC.Symons (27 *) 57 mas. Fall of Wickets: 1/7, 2/64, 3/72, 4/83, 5/97, 6/97, 7/132, 8/153. Captain: S.W.Sykes (Pooraka) Umpire: R.W.Ball (A.T.C.A.) & D.Pearce (P.D.C.A.) Manager: A.Perkins (Richmond) Scorer: KEdis (Walkerville) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: LC.Symons,(Marion) PARA DISTRICTS C.A. "OVER 35"

Batting: B.Rowland 1, D.Bevis 4, I.Griffith 6, P.Tumbull 0, M.Partridge 9, G.Dietrich 29, G.Heys 17, J.Huitema 28, J.Haines 4, J.Harder 25, &Edmonds 4', Sundries 7, TOTAL 134 (47.3 Oven) Bowling: G.Heys 2/45, J.Huitema 1/18, M.Partridge 0/49, S.Edmonds 2/30, J.Harder 222. S.A.C.A. WEST END CUP ADELAIDE TURF C.A. v WEST TORRENS DISTRICT C.C. PLAYED AT KINGS RESERVE 29th OCTOBER 1995

WEST TORRENS 9/187 defeated ADELAIDE TURF C.A. 9/186

A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 14 22 1.S.Cox Flinders Uni Bowled Brooks 4 1 104 121 W.A.Dessaur Grange Ct Martin Angus 75 48 54 D.R.Cook R.C.P. Ct Martin Smith 12 83 84 D.G.Anderson Ingle Farm Ct Howell Brooks 36 3 1 1 L.l.Ratcliff Walkerville LB.W Angus 0 I - 9 30 27 K.J.Payne R.C.P. Caught Angus 14 9 - 2 25 8 8 J.Rankin R,C.P. Ct Smith Foster 3 1 - 6 10 24 M.F.Kelly Rostrevor O.C. NOT OUT 12 9.3 2 - 42 6 12 S.Whitehouse Grange Ct Swain Brooks 5 9 2 2 34 4 3 T.J.Dansie Walkerville Bowled Foster 1 10 2 1 23 7 5 D.C.Heysen S.P.O.C. NOT OUT 5 10 2 1 41 I Sundries 21 TOTAL 9/186 (50 Overs)

Best Partnership: D.R.Cook (12) & W.A.Dessaur (38' 53 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/19, 2/72,5/112, 4/112, 5/144, 6/159, 7/162, 8/175, 9/176. Captain: T.J.Dansie alkerville) Umpires: !.Jamieson & B.Martin (S.A.C.A.) Manager: S.W.Sykes A.T.C.A.) Scorer: K.-Hickey (Pooraka) A.T.CA. MAN OF THE TCH AWARD: W.A.Dessaur (Grange) WEST TORRENS DISTRICT C.C.

Batting: S.Swain 26, M.Howell 41, J.Pyke 0, D.Jacobs 1, M.Richardson 52, B.Smith 5, B.Angus 5, T.Manin 7, J.Brooks 14, J.Foster 15`, M.Minagall 1, Sundries 20, TOTAL 9/187 (493 Oven) Bowling: J.Foster 2/42, J.Brooks 3/40, M.Minagall 0/37, B.Smith 1/15 B.Angus 3/28, J.Pyke 0/19.


WOODVILLE 6/156 defeated ADELAIDE TURF C.A. 7/155

A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Ct 17 23 W.A.Dessaur Grange Caught Moyse 4 42 52 A.J.Bartlett R.C.P. Caught Moyse 10 l 72 84 S.D.Heeppss Payneham Run Out 24 41 43 L.J.Ratcliff Walkerville Stumped Moody 7 58 63 J.Rankin R.C.P. Bowled Parker 42 2 - - 15 32 84 K.I.Payne R.C.P. Caught Bradshaw 32 10 3 2 28 14 16 S.Whitehouse Grange Caught Bradshaw 2 8.3 - - 35 14 22 D.G.Anderson Ingle Farm NOT OUT 14 16 12 D.P.Garrett Ingle Farm NOT OUT 8 9 - I 21 T.J.Dansie Walkerville 9 3 1 14 M.Verrall R.C.P. 10 - 2 38 1 Sundries 12 TOTAL 7/155 (50 Oven) Best Partnership: KJ.Payne (32) & !.Rankin (15') 48 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/9, 2/22, 3/49, 4/57, 5/105, 6/120, 7/137. Captain: T.J.Dansie ((AA..T.C.A.)alkerville) Umpires: (S.A.C.A.) Manager: S.W.Sykes Scorer: [(Hickey (Pooraka) A.T.CA. MAN OF THE MATCH AWARD: KJ.Payne (Richmond Clarence Park) WOODVILLE DISTRICT C.C.

Batting: H.Armstrong 1, S.Frost 0, G.Parker 49, J.Rothal 23, D.Kelly 38, C.Tanner 5, A.Hammond 10', M.Bradshaw 15' A.Eime, J.Moyse, S.Moody, Sundries 15, TOTAL 6/156 (483 Oven) Bowling: A.Eime 0/20, J.Moyse 2/18, G.Parker 1/39, S.Moody 1/44, M.Bradshaw 2/28. SAGA. WEST END CUP ADELAIDE TURF C.A. y COUNTRY XI. PLAYED AT STRATHMORE RESERVE, FERRYDEN PARK 10th DECEMBER 1995

COUNTRY XI 9/186 defeated ADELAIDE TURF C.A. 165

A.T.C.A. B/f Mins How Out Bowler O .M W .R Q St. 107 125 M.C.Riddle Hope Valley L.B.W. Reimann 48 25 33 W.A.Dessaur Grange Bowled Bird 4 32 41 S.D.Heeps Payneham L.B.W. Bird 9 58 73 J.Rankin R.C.P. Ct Elliott Reimann 52 10 10 M.Elliott Penfield Ct Sweet Read 6 10 1 36 0 1 N.R.Maloney Grange Run Out 0 5 1 23 34 42 D.M.Nelson Pooraka L.B.W. Johnstone 25 1 1 4 8 T.1.Dansie Walkerville Run Out 1 10 - 4 44 7 8 S.Whitehouse Grange CI Reimann Read 2 9 - 2 33 3 5 M.Verrall R.C.P. Bowled Johnstone 1 9 - - 24 I

2 1 M.A.Haider Para Hills NOT OUT 1 7 - - 14 1 Sundries 16 TOTAL 165 (47.5 Overs)

Best Partnership: M.C.Riddle (25) & J.Rankin (35) 62 runs. Fall of Wickets: 1/13, 2/41, 3/103, 4/110, 5/114, 6/129, 7/148, 8/163, 9/163, 10/164. Captain: T.J.DSaynsie alkervil)le) Umpires: S.Soutery&PB.Crompton (S.A.C.A.) Manager: Scorer: (Pooraka) A.T.C.A. MAN OF THEkes TCH AWARD: J.Rankin (Richmond Clarence COUNTRY XI

Batting: L.Andrenall 22, A.Fuchs 1, J.Mosey 1, I.Elliott 56, S.Sweet 19, G.Read 0, C.Reimann 11, J.Coe 4, S.Fuchs 20', M.lohnstone 14, J.Bird 9*, Sundries 29, TOTAL 9/186 (50 Oven) Bowling: J.Bird 2/24, M.Johnstone 2/17, S.Fuchs 0/32, C.Reimann 2/30, C.Read 2/54. PLAYER LIFE MEMBERS 15 YEARS

J.Abbott D.Cox D.LHeanes R.J.Miller, Glenunga G.Altree, Woodville Rechabite J.Craig R.Hendry H.Milton W.H.Altree, Woodville Rech. 1.LCrocker P.D.Henningsen, Walkerville C.P.Moffat, P.A.O.C. R.F.Andrew G.F.Curyer C.Hercock, Brighton A.J.Moore, Brighton R.Andrews P.Dale, Brighton D.Heyzer, S.M.O.S.H. C.F.Moore T.A.Angus, Woodville North P.A.Dalwood Si-licks, Adelaide High O.S. R.Morby S.H.Arthur A. W.Dand T.S.Hicks LLMorns I.Asmussen R.Dear A.D.Hill G.I.Morrison G.W.Bagshaw G.Demetriou D.M.Hill, Woodville North I.F.Morrison, Gepps Cross T.Bahr B.Demppssey B.J.Hillier E.P.Mulligan R.Bailey C.Dewhursl C.Hoggan P.McB. Murray R.W.Ball, Para Hills B.Dicker F.J.M.Hogarth D.W.Myers, Pulteney O.S. J.C.Bannon, S.P.O.C. D.DiMonte L.H.Holden M.G.Myers LR.Barker J.M.Dixon G.L.Holds, Pulteney O.S. B.Niemann, Richmond I.M.Bames, Brighton B.G.Dodd C.Hollard A.E.Norman D.T.Bartlett, Sturt District KDohnt, S.M.O.S.H. D.A.Holliday, Uni of S.A. W.Oaten D.J.Batt, Woodville Rechabite W.Dohnl I.G.Holliday S.E.O'Connor J.D.Bateman, Brighton M.1.Doley G.Hollis D.A.Oßden B.W.Bayly LD.Dontsthorpe, Grange LJ.Holmes I.D.Oliver P.A.Behrendt, Woodville Rech. G.D.Dowling, Rostrevor O.C. D.Hooper A.KOlsson, P.A.O.C. P.Bennett, Adelaide High O.S. LW.Doyle, Woodville South D.W.Hooper A.M.Olsson G.Bennetts A.B.Draper, P.A.O.C. J.A.Hough P.F.O'Malley, A.N.I. J.S.H.Bickle, Payneham A.Dunkeld G.I.Houston A.J.Ottaway, Clarence Park J.R.Biwgs, Woodville South M.C.Duthie, Modbury LHoward J.M.Paech CS.Btßnell, Fulham J.Edgge KHumphrys, Pulteney O.S. K.Pankhurst A.B.Bishop KE.Edwards J.Jacka T.W.Papps, Modbury V.LBishop, Walkerville E.H.Elliott R.K.Jacobs M.E.Pedler, Clarence Park R.Blake J.Elliott, S.M.O.S.H. G.L.James, Adelaide Uni. V.W.Pellen, Elizabeth Turf W.E.Bolt LEnright P.L.Jansen, Uni of S.A. J.M.H.Pembshaw W.Bolton 1.W.Espagne A.B.Jolly, Elizabeth North R.Penney Dr A.J.Boume, S.H.O.C. C.Evans KA.lones, S.A.LT. M.J.Perryman G.Brakmanis, Modbury Dr M.Evans N.W.Jones M.Pert E.Bray R.E.Ewens B.Kavanagh, S.H.O.C. R.Phillips R.J.Brearley T.M.Ey B.R.Kearsley A.J.Pierson D.Brewster P.G.Faggotter N.W.Keen J.R.Pike R.Brice S.J.Faulkner, Payneham J.Kennedy J.Piszczyk, Tea Tree Gully Dist. C.W.Britton, Elders O.Ferreira, Elders J.Kruiber LJ.Pollard, Elders A.G.Brock, S.P.O.C. B.H.Field, Commonwealth Bk. P.R.Lane, Penfield C.1.Pooley M.A.Brock, S.P.O.C. C.D.Fielder B. J. Langston E.T.Powell N.Bromilow G.J.Fishlock, Para Hills C.Lark, Woodville North B.Prettejohn E.G.Brown M.Foley P.J.Laurie, Para Hills M.Prider, Pembroke O.S. LBurgess, Richmond B.Foster P.Lawson, Brighton LPryor I.B.Bumett W.H.Fowler G.C.Laycock R.G.Quinn, Unley KBurns, Richmond A.J.Fox M.R.Leoni, Unley S.J.Quinn, Modbury D.Burton M.D.Fox C.W.Lessue, Marion D.Rady, Brighton G.W.Burton F.C.Franckom S.M.Lester I.1.Ralph, Fulham D.Butler D.J.Fry, Grange LLetcher G.P.Ranger V.Button KJ.Fry, Grange E.R.Lewis J.A.Rawes, Clarence Park R.Calabria, Pooraka LB.Gade, Woodville North J.Lindner J.Redan A.R.Caller, Woodville South J.C.Gamaut, Gepps Cross T.Lipsett J.L.Rees, Unity R.J.Cameron N.Garrard, Brighton I.H.Lloyd KReid, Walkerville J.F.Carne B.R.Gepp C.D.Luck J.P.Rice A.R.Cawley A.J.Gibbs A.G.MacDonald C.W.Richards, Ingle Farm Dist B.M.Chambers P.C.Glatz, Old Collegians S.A.McAdam B.H.Richardson B.Chapman, Payneham T.M.Goodwin, Payneham C.F.McCard, Ingle Farm Dist. C.J.Richardson M.G.Charles P.Gore R.J.McCard, Ingle Farm Dist. B.Rippon P.LCheney, S.P.O.C. G.R.Gordon K.McCarthy, Old Ignatians A.J.Roberts R. M.Chenoweth B.J.Grainger, Modbury P.J.McCarthy, Old Ignatians P.Robins A.Chesters P.Greenham A. W. McDonald S.Robinson D.A.Clark, Pulteney O.S. D.P.Grist I.M.C.McDonald V.S.Robley, Pulteney O.S. LLClarke, Grange D.W.Gum, Grange D.McGill P.J.LRofe N.T.Clarke, Grange J.T.Gun KMcGuinness, Richmond P.C.Rogan A.J.Cleveland, Pulteney O.S. R.J.Haby, Grange C.Mclntosh B.Rogers G.Cobum, Elizabeth District D.L.Hackett ¡CA.McLcan J.Rogerson, Modbury H.Coggins KG.Hammond B.McPhee B. WgRoss M.T.Colbert, Marion W.J.Handby D.O.McPeherson Dr. D.Rossitor R.KCote, Richmond R.Hardy R.MacKay I.M.Rudd R.B.Colwell, Richmond J.Harggrraves N.J.Maddigan, Grange KRussell S.A.Constable, Brighton D.LHarradine, Fulham C.R.Magarey T.A.Ryan W.Cook B.Harris S. T.Maliniak G.D.Sanders E.N.Coomblas, Gepps Cross KLHarris J.Mannmg R.K.Saunders, Payneham J.E.Cooper, Para Hills T.LHartis D.LMason, Walkerville H.J.Sautebin, Payyneham W.Cooper, Elders M.C.Harrison, Clarence Park ICD.Matthew E.A.Saxon, S.A.I.T. C.F.Cope, Edwardstown District P.B.Hartshomc J.Mead, Modbury W.Schocroft B.N.Copley W.J.Hasch, Pooraka E.A.Mensforth, Elizabeth Dist. B.M.Scholz KP.Copley KA.Hawkes J.Miers D.Schultz S.J.Corcoran, A.N.I. A.W.LHayward J.H.Miles P.G.Scrutton PLAYER LIFE MEMBERS 15 YEARS

R.Sergeant, Elders G.J.Sweetman G.Vincent G.Whittaker, Brighton M.A.Shearer S.W.Sykes D.Von Einem P.G.Wickham, Pultcney O.S. G.J.Shepley T.G.Sykes, Marion D.J.Von Einem, Payneham J.W.Widdop P.E.Sheppard W.Sykes H.F. Walker R.J.Wight T.Simcock M.R.Syner -Lyons, Adelaide Uni J.S.Walker R.W.Wigley, Walkerville A.P.Simmons, S.P.O.C. P.Tait P.H.Walker, Pulteney O.S. 1.R.Wilkey R.Sladden L.B.Taylor, Marine & Harbors T.Waller, Fulham D.I.Williams. Payneham J.B.Smith R. W.Thomas J. W. Ward, J.C.Williams R.T.Smith L.F.Thompson M.J.Ward, Woodville North M.W.Williams Richard T.Smith P.Thompson A.LWaters P.J.Williams, Payneham R.T.Smith, Adelaide Uni M.F.Tippett, Old Scotch R.Waters, P.A.O.C. C.D.Willing G.N.Smithson F.J.Tiver M. K.Watheraton D.Willshire S.N.Snider P.Tokic, Grange J.M.Webb G.G.Wilson, Payneham M.J.Starkey, Grange W.Townsend, Elizabeth Turf M.M.Wellington R.J.Wilton, Payneham M.E.Stephenson H.Toy B. Whales T.Wise, Brighton A.P.Strappazzon, S.M.O.S.H. M.Treloar A. W.P. Whimpress G.Wood C.Strarinou, Pooraka P.J.Treloar B.E. White M.J.Wright M.Stucky, Adelaide High O.S. D.Tsoufidis B.W.White A.P.Wyalt C.Summers J.A.Tumer S.P.White, Old Scotch T.Wyatt E.A.Suttell A.Underwood W.K. Whiting G.Wylie

PLAYER LIFE MEMBERS 25 YEARS R.F.Aiston, Flinders Park J.E.Foote M.G.Lennon, W.N.F.P. M.D.Stanley C.R.Arthur, Elders B.S.Fry, Grange D.W.Lewis, Brighton J.A.Tilbrook, Brighton D.J.Campbell, Modbury G.LGade M.F.Matters J.Tumer, P.A.O.C. W.F.K.Colebatch, S.P.O.C. R.J.Gordon, Woodville Rech. CS.Moyle, ETSA R.Vianello, Brighton B.F.Critchley, Brighton G.T.Goulter, Elizabeth Dist. W.T.Moyle J.D.Ward K.Croft, Woodville Rechabite C.J.Hamilton B.C.Munro, S.M.O.S.H. N.P.Wayne, A.N.I. D.LDavidson C.J.Hass B.Neill M.M.Wtlliams D.J.Dixey, Payneham D.R.Jones, Grange K.D.Paterson, Woodville Rech. J.M.Winter, S.P.O.C. R.Dopson, Brighton W.A.Ka , Unley T.Y.Pellew, S.P.O.C. A.G.Wyatt KJ.Duke, Payneham R.W.L.Kimber A.Perkins, Richmond A.W.J.Wyatt J.Emmel, Richmond G.Kolenberg, Richmond K.Plumcier, Woodville Rech. W.J.M.Ewing R.J.LLee D.Polkinghome KM.Fletcher KG.Lees, Payneham J.R.Reid, Old Scotch


Let us not forget association members who were made Life Members for their services to our Association. In future they will always be remembered in this part of the Annual Report.

Dr. W.A.Pryor H.V.Millard M.M.Powell G.C.Paterson J.W.Hull A.T.Marlow