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X^-CilAWrORD CITIZEN held at the Carlson, • a form** Thonun Edwin, Murray man John Teuscher, chairman of be guests of the H^nment far 9ft imp or both. lie Board cf Educattotv, building andvCroundsrconUct for Christening Sunday • Richard Bids for supplying ««d mater- GARWOOT* — Thomas Idwia Propose licensing installation, of-fencing around* the Guare, Mn Vj Peluaio. .£« Sea,, KENILWORTH (Continued/rpm Po0< ial, were wcefved and referred to I Borough Garage was 'awarded to All-Star Games Murray, four-month-old aon of man, Mrs. . the streets and road.>»?*"*£ Mr. and Mrs. David A. Murray of Shoosmith, who been Andrew M GARWOOD . apply at police headquarters for a W. P. Wittel and Company of Irv- Scheduled Sunday RFD l Thip *** 342 Myrtle avenue, was christened Tjuvealie badge. lngton on a low bid of f 1,124. Oth- : GARWOOD^ — • The Garwood Sunday afternoon by the'Rev. ..iww. May V. Peiu CRANFOBD,' NEW JERSEY,. THUBSDAY, Little League will have an all- ^Ban, attended a ** Avenue, Oarwood. N. j. er bidders w£re Anchor Post and r Walter C. Pugh, pastor, at. St. tion Monday In tbeJBdw U any. should be HOUOa program with Monmouth It unlawful for peddle nwoo Cyclone Fence. star i»«».— • ----- . • Ueenw for premise! .ituat 11th grades yesterday), the baccalaureate* service Sunday nioht. f or said, the borough has lost Ap- (Continued pom page 1) at SSI South Avenue. Oarwood. N. j. I eighth grades graduates at com- parently resulted in dearinc up of water discol- have been refilled as a result of the two-day' . (Continuedtrom page 1) from the Recording Industries The- rtam— and, adoretsei ol ior class dinner Monday evi mencement exercises in St. Mi- oration and sediment complained of by residents in voirs proximately $8,000 in taxes on this 1 I announced a schedule for use of hoses Roguski and Garry Andres. ( Trust Funds obtained with the co- ^haW^aaM^at alB ^^ ahai HOUOWS* and commencement exercises chael's School at 8 p.m. tomorrow ban and and nvi<-»v»~ property in addition to providing - Following the exercises refresh- Cornroander—Wallace M. Pinkln, 31 the southeastern section of the township. twice a week during the current operation of Local 151, American Tuesday night at which diplomas The address to the graduates will Township Engineer P. J. GraU j -~—— ;— department would meet at 7:30 free municipal services to resi- ments will be served to the grad- Vtof-Cpmmander—Chark«-z«i dry spell, ;' J , Federation of Musicians. Two Retiring were presented to 165 graduates, be made by the Rev. 'Edward J. p.m. next Tuesday to discuss the dents there. >. uates in the school cafeteria. ^W WUloyK, Ave.. Garwood. N. jl reported yesterday that there had: mr • ~S~1W * Under the .suggested schedule, He said these findings would be -All guests of graduates are in- rT Vtee Commander—David H. vJ Larke, dean of men at Seton Hall been no complaints abotA the 11*17111 #1 i tUOlfP problem. Members of the class will re-1 p^t. Ut WUIOW Ave.. Oarwood. N. J. were highlights 61 the anal week 1 Cranford residents arc requested turned over to Borough Attorney vited to attend. :• OuartermasUr—Carmelo Cusmans, « University, South Orange. condition of the water since last)* UUly V/fWflC Police. Commissioner John ceive Holy Communion in a body 1 \fter Long qf the current school year at Cran- Louis J. Dughl to assist him in an at the 9 a.m. mass next Thursday. Assisting Mrs. Shoosmith are the Loctnt Ave.. Oarwood. N. J. The Rev. William B. Donnelly, Wednesday. (More than 80 res-' to use hoses only on Tuesdays and Schnitzer reported the police de- . w-r-m- <* atanUr Adjutaul-rBalph O. Mann. 317 Mjt ford High SchooL investigation being conducted to following: Mrs. George Haydu, w Oavwoodod.. N. J- • -- I pastor of St. Michael's Church, to- Fridays. Garwood and Kenilwortty Mayor and - Council 01 wv »«..«»».. — The High Mass will be sung by School will be dismissed for the idents filled the township rooms Draws Berry 7 1 partment had completed its an- see if the borough can get redress Mrs. Michael Koromi, Mrs. Ed- rteM—ThcmThcmaThma.. «n«leM!! 301 llllcmlocl J Garwood. County of Union. New Jcrtey. | students from the fifth, sixth and od. N. t. Charles Gorombev] CHSCaree summer recess tomorrow. • day announced the.list of awards at last Tuesday night's Townshjp arc assigned Thursdays and Sun- at a regular meeting to Be held in the nual inspection - of local taverns from the Federal Government. ward Joyce, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur given, to the creditor. «*J^ Oarwood. N ! seventh grades. . to exhibit to the nibacrUwr «y JETS*. •-* sJEfr-w*. *•««- TAie.. Bofcelle. N. j: Fnd As the senior awards assembly made to individual students. Committee in a protest acainst the days.' ...-•...... ,_ ' •.. . '._' . [. ' "-11. Qorwood. N. J., on Tun- and' turned over a report to the Mayor Tiller expressed com- Rose, Mrs. Leonard, Mrs. Arnold oalico.-SSS ThiThird AAVe.V . CC.nvood . N. ' •,'fiijo Cranford High School Final sessioin of the school be- Objectknu. U any, ihould be m med, Stephen Zulick, president A four-year scholarship to Seton situation.) -The township engineer Criticism "Adherence to this schedule dur- laws, and license committee for mendation to the local committee Silverman, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert 1 ^ructors tor mote than three fore summer vacation will be held diately. In writing , to the Dlrec graduating class, introduced Hall Preparatory School has been said the ~ -^ ing dry periods is expected to in- curb and sutler on Hazel Avenue, Gar- study prior to license renewals. for the recent-Union County Cen- Werthweln, Mrs. William Rowe, ^5lvinon of Alcoholic Bev^ wood. New Jersey, between: Center the morning of Friday, June 21. l. ltOO Baymond_Boulev«rd. cades, Miss "Lucy Teague, French owski as president of the awarded to Patrick James Kelly. sure sufficient water and pressure . street and the We.tfleid Town Line. Councilman Casabona reported In- tennial celebration for "a wonder- Robert Harris, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- , wltttna. «O FWlrp J Contro I r-l Borough otlarfca> S. and Miss Alice L. Math- senior class, and gavels Gold medals for Christian dor- for all and prevent a reoccurrence -. Bid trmi and ipecificatioM may be spections by department ard Harper and Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ffiHs ^ ujAr (^T NQ fm I teacher, incon ful job." ' Berry were exchanged by Glenn All|n- trine go to Jane Mary Currie and —Photo by A. Nlc Hoagiand fire' hydrants in the area of ..the' situation which caused con- also had been, completed with a ert Troppr .,. .-,•:.. Cxecutor. SSmrttJI. J.> Veterans of Forelen Wan ol U.s tws, Engilsh teacher and dramatics the GOP Municipal ' Local * residents were. urged by, The first iuMping car. a eaniverW Bernird Stolner. Atty., ^WALLACE M. PIN KIN Comi, ger, retiring Student Council pres- Eileen Marie Mulcahy. Jane Mary Scene at dedication Sunday of running track behind Cran-' night between 11 pjn- and 6 a-ml scIecUon by cern over fire hydrant pressures .nny DMUIU.^ u..y bet report to be submitted in the near Arrangements have been made coach; have made application to Committee of Roy D. Irving as the the mayor to - fly their 'flags "to- •d coach, was operated in U* owe* 118* E.Orand St. rsssviSw. wo ident, and X^eorge Williams, the Some residents of the axe* ex- earlier this week," a company 8:30 A.M.. and 5:00 I.\. 1. future. . , by Mrs, Milton Boertmann and Elizabeth. N. J. . •the Teacher's Pension and Annuity Currie also received a certificate ford High School as J. Seth Weekley Field, in honor of mentor of Republican nominee for Township All bld» mint be tubmltteU in a Sealed morrow, Flag\Day. . Cumberland Valley railroad af new council president. pressed the feeling, however, that statement declared. . " envelope, clearly marked; -'PROPOSAL On recommendation of Council- Mrs. Leonard for a luncheon to be .Fund of New Jersey for their pen- in the girls' division of the Union Cranford High School athletes for the past 28 years.. Left to right Committee to fill the vacancy T C U N A resolution of condolence was Lions Club awards of $50 Say- County CYO essay contest the clearing of the water might be "This scheduling will prevent ^% ^ ^r?ci?BBAS^? i? S&& CUCUTT: man Schnitzer. Borough Clerk A. passed on the recent death of sions, effective July 1. Announce- in the picture are: Bernard Lee Flynn, II, Coach Weekley's only temporary, declarinc they caused by the resignation of Pub- everyone from using water at the T. Mosca was instructed to write ment of their retirement from the ings Bonds were presented to Brian Pankuch won second prize grandson, unveiling plaque; M. L. Tallaferro, president of Board ' lic Works Commissioner Frank T AVENUE-, and Uie bidder", (Joyce Skaggs and Faul Morrison, for his telescope entry in the North had experienced relief before only same time, thereby lowering pres- •T«?rMl2f^tack..i»* MM of u* to the' Jersey Central Railroad re- .local school aystem was made at . of Education; Mayor John L. Brennan, and Coach Weekley. : to have the discoloration return. Whitty. • • ' •• • sures in higher areas, such as hap- •?'••'•: while Tertia Moore.'received the Jersey Science Mathematics Fair. amount bid. or ca»h '.in lieu of check, questing that the local passenger, I the final assembly program yes- Mr Berry's full statement, con- Rotary Club nursing Scholarship Books have been awarded to the On Invitation of Mr. GralL pened on Monday when 32 million station' be painted in a brighter terday in the high school Board of Education Commissioner tained in a letter to The Citizen gallons were uesd, more than dou- that'the bidder la able and willing t color scheme.. . . . » Grail and Fire Chief • here in September. 1923. Be- and Lomb Science plaque ters of America. ' ' ' > les of pertinent local ordinances coming to Cranford she had 'Certificates went to David Hall Township Committeejneetinc. ac- caaiord Republican Municlpa. Bernard A. Doyle, Sr., Cranford contract. Failure to comply with be sent to vacant lot' owners who Division I. Robert Keller, first Heat to Honor Seth Weekley Committee's choice of cardidatc to has experienced no serious lower- y r ».oiit for three years in Buck- and.James Dulicai for excellence prize; Clara LaForge, second prize, companied him last ThuraUyon a t^&ZJTl^rJ?^ or' .°,, have failed to comply by cutting idd. Me., and three years in Can- g, Several hundred present'and former Cranford High School athletes vUltto the PlatofleM-UmonWater' run fof r election in November for ing of water pressure, but adher- Icame in ninth grade general science, and and MhMichael l Marino,Mihrabl. honorable | of the fund* to deposited, to retmburM down weeds. ,-, ' land townspeople braved 90-degree heat Sunday afternoon to honor Company nutering ptant in Bound Township CitCommitteet . ence to the curtailment of hose use loraane, Conn. . to Robert Blosser for chemistry mention. by X^n?redV^h|ai.!,r.OO Othl. The police commissioner Wport- A native of Hebron, Me, she at- and Paul' Morrison for physics. Margaret Raftis.| coach J. Seth Weekley. a guiding light in the Uves of local young Brook. Health Officer John F. -This action is prescribed here is requested to help prevent ed that for safety reasons the east- . Division III,, d th tip law whenever a member of the serious drops in pressure in high, X^n?V^The Mayor and Counci|!l reacrve'a " th"e tended Colby College! and received Brenda Mayer received the people for the past 28 years. Kunze also made . bound bus stop - at North avenue first prizei ; Ruth Finnegah, second Samples of water were taken Township Committee resigns after level sections of the system such m* oi the Borauch of Garwood. a bachelor's degree from Columbia handbook awarded by the Union Highlights of the ceremony were and Center street has been moved County Association of School before it entered the. filtermc the primary and-before the Gen- as .Westfleld and Mountainside. University. She has taken ad- prizemention, and^ateic. k Kelly, honorable back to North avenue and Walnut Janced work at Columbia, Ecole do | clerks and Secretaries, i and the the uveiling of a plaque naming' p]ant. after it left the plaint, at the eral Election. Such ' selection At the time the request for a A. T. MOSCA. Following' must be made not later than 37 street. . ••• • iMonteel, France, and Middlebury National- Offic— e Management the school's new running track in Aid Vacation pumping station in RoeeUe where ban on hoshose use was received here Clcrlt graduates:' the names of the days before the General Election ^ Oh recommendation of Council ICoUegeJCollege. She also hah s traveled ex-, sociation certificate was presented back of the high school the "J. the water enters the Cranford days before the Tuesday, Township Engineer Edward mains and at a home in the Sunny jThis means that we had from Grail .reported, the water pressure, ELIZABETH Itensively in the British Isles and to Carolyn Thoden. Thomas Philip spAzarh , ArchambaultJoseph Vin-, Seth Weekley Field" and the pres- Project Here The township now till October to make a' de- in Cranford mains was 68 pounds . Marie Delahey and'Carol Hines cent Barna,' Lawrence Francis entation to Coach" Weekley of a Acres section. Europe. K gineer. the health officer and Mr. cision. '• • • . per square inch, well above the {received $25 Savings Bonds from Beauchea, Lawrence Paul Donlln, $1,000 purse, raised by high school the Business and Professional I Beauchea, Lawrence rmii w...^., Cowperthwaite all reported' that **In far less time than that, we critical 40-pound point. KNQWS THE BEST GIFTS COME FROM GOERKE'S! alumni, • former and present ath- For Children I Women'«» ,s. Cluboi..u. ThTk.fm«.ie Cornelil cucupn I Donaluonaida Robernooervt Estwanickunwdminr"^"-, Eugene1 alumni,. xormer 1 all three samples appeared clear could -nave done such*things as Lowest pressure' experienced. Miss Teague plans to spend the was presented to Paul Morrison. Patrick GraU, John EugenVJanus,|letes and friends. Eleven, children between the to the eye. sit down with the present Town- (Continued ati page 8) summer in Warren, Me., with her Richard Frederick KellerX John , Preceding the ceremony at the Reader's Digest awards (certifi- ages of 5 and 12 from New York Health Officer Kunrc took the ship Committee in discussion and -year-old mother, an4 will re- Joseph O'Brien, Brian John Pank- school, the high school band led a cates and complimentary subscrip- City's tenement sections will each samples to Rutge>s University' for discovered what qualifications arc .jm to Cranford in the fall. She uch, Richard Patrick Rebholz, John I parade of former and present ath- required of the appointee to best (Continued on page 8) spend two weeks with' Cranford testing, for bacterial and chemical said yesterday- she plans to take Thomas Sullivan, William Francis Iletes coached by Mr. Weekly from content, but reports on the find- assist them in the conduct of our Sidewalks up other work on her return in Washburn. ' : the town center to the new track. families this summer under aus- ings had not been received up to township' affairs; and found out SUN DIAL — SOLAR BALI. September. She is a member of the Ronald WilJLs Bird, Edward Jude Headed* by Coach Weekley, riding pices of the "Friendly Town" pro- yesterday. , who was available for the post On Agenda Cranford College'Club. Double Check Gomowski, Norbert Edrhond Hcag- there were ject. In the past, water company of- and checked their abilities against Miss Mathews has 31 years' ser- ney. Alfred. John Keller, Patrick 100 • . .»••- ,,^i»l» hare reported that flush- the' requirements. After 'this and X^o make him the best dressed man >:. v. vice in the local schools. She came James Kelly, Kevin Robert Lynch, march, representmg high school by Mrs.'Harold Trent of 318 Ret- jag by opening hydrants in affect- other pertipertinenn t information wer For Tuesday / to Cranford in September, 1824. Denais Patrick Maloy, ThomJs graduating classes from 1930 ed areas is the only practical way available and-d , evaluateltdd by the The controversial subject of ud left in 1980 to take work at Joseph Neville, John Arthur O'- ford avenue. Union County chair- to alleviate, conditions such as through 1957. Public Affairs Com- man of "Friendly Town." Travel .municipal committee, a worthy sidewalks in areas and streets of the Yale School of Drama,' re- Connor, William Jerome O'Don- missioner IraJD. Dorian was par- those complained of here. selection could have been made. the township where there are not turning her* in 19S2. Sefore com-; nelL Ronald Potts, Richard Prior, and other Incidental expenses for i 5 ' ' ade committee\chairman. Mr. Cowperthwaite reported, "With Public Works Commis- now sidewalks will be discussed at o SPRAYERS - DUSTERS ( t ! . '1 ing here, the taught tour years in As a result of the recent rever- Timothy Augustine Sheehan, John H. J.McNally, general chairman, the youngsters are provided by the however, that on last Thursday's, sioner Frank T. Whitty, who has next Tuesday night's meeting of Metuchen. ~ kfe "- ^pT Miss Mathews' was born In Icolby. College. She has taken ad- charge, chemicals sstore d at j»Dcp e Eii rie.Ahr. Kathleen of- Air Fund" and the children are se- en Ma tec. it is still necessary for the The subject has been before'the Ivanced work .at Columbia Uhiver- headquarters for use to. drunko- d that lected through the cooperation of. work .at Columa Bannon, Joan Theresa Bosset, .sal committee to work until 12, 1 and committee periodically for the past ELEI ItitI tity iin addition-tadditiontto o heh r wororkk at meter checks will be tested every Jane Mary Elizabeth1 Currie, JCath- Coach Weekley not only bad been' more than 80 New York City social even '2 ' o'clock in . the morning E to 15 days, and/ materials used to several years, particularly where U M 11 H !! 1! *\ \\ Yale, and traveled in Europe to leen Mary Gleason, Mary Barbara an inspiration to the youth of agencies. ' • Work Party to complete our business. : - L individual tests will be retained requests have been received for. J1925 and 195?. She ha»«upervised Lehmann, Joyce Catherine Mason, Cranford for nearly 30 years but The first group of seven young- **Can an inexperienced man take aide walks in the vicinity of ele- TURF EDGERS—GRASS SHEARS hhe senior class play at Cranford until the subject no longer has re- Kathleen Marie Morris, Lynn Mar- had become a local istlfUUonAitc ssterterss wilwilll arrivarrive loior aa twtwo we™weeks»' Commissioner Whitty V place? Can mentary schools. ii ii \j n ii !. i\ ii kgh School tor many years and course to court action.: Aids Camp he ease the burden of our present (Continued on Page 8) also praised Mrs. Weekley for her sUy with local famiUcs on July 9 More than a year ago, former blso has Taeen active in the Cran- This announcement was made .Three cabins, the boys* shower committee so that we may contin- ; seU sacrifice In giving up thej and B second group of four qhil- Mayor Fred P. Andersen estimated iti Dramatic Club, having served today by Police ChieChiff LesteLtrr W. self come to Cranford on ii M \\ ii i '. i". ii v ». . >:3^7.5.»- house, the kitchen and campsite ue to pet good men to serve? that there are nearly 10 miles of TRWftSTE8-m95 B (Continued on paoe 88) Powell in commenting on the case coach to "our boys." / 1 yren will benches at the Cranford Boys" •"He can only if he has the prop- ; of Bernard P. Brezlna. 43, of Eliz- M. L. Taliaferro, president of August 6. sidewalk which should be con* • \i i j »i * Completing Camp. Silver Lake, were painted er proven abilities. Docs Roy structed at an estimated cost of abeth, who was arrested here last the Board of Education, spoke of Mrs, Trent reported that the recently by a work party of IS Irving have them? May I suggest loaing Station Driveway August 6 and jfcund guilty of the great responsibilitresponibiy which a deadline for accepting reserva- nearly $300,000. Except in critical coach assumes in the.guidance of tions Is next Tuesday and, that residents, it was announced this that Mr. Irving «i"C the question areas, the former" mayor said, it GARDEN HOSE — SPRINKLERS For Road Work Friday drunken driving • by Magistrate Fund Drive there undoubtedly will be~six or week by President Patrick J. Grail. much consideration before accept- Charles J. Stevens on October 29. youth and complimented Coach would be unfair to construct side- With collections thus far totall- eight more. New York City young- Six members of the Kiwanis Both exit and entrance drive- At that time, Brezlna was fined ing. $15,024, the Cranford First Aid Weekley on carrying out this re- ingg. walks as a general improvement at the beach iays on the south side of the Jer- sters coming here in the next two Club donated their services for a "IIf our cchoich e Was a proper one. sponsibility as well as compiling $205 and his license was revoked Squad is aiming at completing its because most residents had paid ey Central Railroad station will an excellent record; He also told months-.— Vv day. They, were Kenneth .Ivcrscn, and I am not qualified at thihi s ttimi e because mo ROSS ROOT FEEDER for two years. ambulance fund drive this Satur- for the walks in front of their be closed tomorrow-and there will how former athletes' and alumni Local families may specify the Sidney Nunn. Paul Babincc. Wil- to judge why the steamroller "tac- In a decision filed by Union day, it was announced today by age, sf x and the religious, racial properties. with Arrow quality no parking to front of the sta- Michael Colaneri, drive chairman. came forward when It was an- liam McCrea. E. Calvin Shire and tics? Why the hastily called , it was announced by Town- County Judge Milton A. Feller last nounced that the new track was to or' nationality background of the Winfield Kohlcr. meeting. Why the misinformation Last December, the Township Friday, the Cranford - conviction The goal of $15,000 was topped child. The Tribune Fund is inter- Committee announced that no def- NEEGUARDS — GLOVES i Engineer Patrick J. GraU last week; but there are still a be named in honor ' of Coach Seven residents of Heathcrmeade' given vut at the .meeting? And Mr. Grail skid this is necessary was reversed on the ground that racial and non-sectarian. Place aided in the project. They why the direct order from our1 inite solution to the problem had it drunkometer chemicals are not number of callbacks to be made Weekley. permit road repairs and sealing Wesley A. Stunger, Sr., a long- "Regardless of background, cv- were B. Jack GUdden. Jr.. George present chairman for no one to been reached but that critical areas tested regularly the results of such and the business section and in- fConttnued on page 8) had been defined for observation Swimwear following the recent moving of dustrial plants have yet to be cov- (Continued on page- 8) and Henry Hall. Frank A. Guba. mention, outside, what transpired tests are not acceptable as evidence (Continued on Page 8) LAWN & GAIBEM TOOLS irbing to add 28 additional park- ered, Mr. Colaneri said. Richard E. Bilney. George Walsh I that night?" - (Continued on page 8) : spaces in the area. •Excess- funds over the- $15,000 and Billy Albans. needed to cover the cost of two Sunny Acres Baby Parad^ Members of the board of trust* new ambulances (with turn-In of ees of the Boys Camp taking part Cranteen Concluded Record ^ 1 & 2 Wheel Cultivators the present two vehicles) will be to the work party were Charles iore Cultural Programs used to provide equipment (or the Award Winners Announced Goodfellow. Jr., Robert M. Crane. new rigs when they are received William Hauck and Santiago Por- Season, Submits Report The grand trophy In the 14th ners of the coveted award. future Aim of Adult School next rfWnth, the chairman reported. cells, HI- Jim McAteer, treasurer of Crantcen, in sQbmltting his financial BULB PLANTER annual- Sunny Acres .children's Second prize was taken. by m- Mr. Colaneri requested persona "Wynkeir,~Blynken and Nod,"-*n • These »tyli»h boxer trunks come in a -variety - in an annuaual reporl t submitte^t^^^^^^^^^d thisweek to theS , report for the* "year" 1956-57; announced- that -the Crantcen enjoyed IU rho have not yet turned in their parade last Sunday was awaraed tered by.the Jordan* of 6 Oncida Membership Meeting of bright plaids and checks. Designed to give 'Educationt Education,, the Cranford Adult Schoool listed an overall enrollment coin cards to do so as soon as to a float depicting Nancy Koester most. successful year. He also said that the average attendance for golf expressed at a meeting of the ex- Courcll, recalled that among F y l«,mUu parade were shown as ^^mg, tennis, Judo and photo- nection with over-all community Fd i wration in'the state bccauscNrfthe death Helen Moore and Dee Johnson. Community Council held Monday oilier projects jrecpmmcnded for recreational planning,and emptier ford Urtited Fund, in pw of Chief Justice Arthur T^ Vandcr- No Parking Problem* -r Drive In Yard .. of the evening's program. ^phy; .afety and driver educa evening at the home, of former prompt study and action was the sized the need for vision to this for^lurther exploitation 65 the bilt there was no regular\^csston'| [The mating was conducted by ^^^tini j>ld and driver educa Mayor Fred P. Andersen. establishment of a cotununlty Sbter Paula Improves field. subject. of Cranford Municipal Courtxthls Capt Charles J. Uon. Read at the meeting was a let- center and social center with a Howard M. SiegeL Christmas Mrx. C. G. Albury. Stewart V.. week. Court will convene again SUtrr Paula, sixth grade teacher Also, commercial and dlstrlbu- full-time professional director. kd M in St Michael's School. U con- Opon ter from the Cranford Clergy lighting chairman of the Cranford McFadden aikdappointe Mrs. dAx-cr to ywor Bk. next'Tuesday night. A QUAMDARY? ,^_nrcountlng arid Income tax. andlrn- He wild that 19 organisations, a iiitiofL discussed George were ' rugm. .... _ for MMonday night had | valc*cing siiusfactorily at tho cotv* for •» plementatlonor therecojnrnenda- »>•«**' Camp IHtwl ; vocation- severalarge l adult advisers from youth with~~thc7boanl "if letter »t to was conducted T»y beeo~lhc sentenc And a. the »ir circuble. lluouib *• Btcnograptiy and tions of the Smith committee be the council regarding wider towr The meeting Wits cooductea uj < ocrn uac x.u».»...^ „ .. hT GiyaDad a Ooorkft I The Cranford Boys' Camp lo- sponsoring organizations contrib- rs. Charles Redden. ptvOdrat. |PUin« youths and two from Cran-1 ShTuesdae "ways overcome by tne new «* keep cool in the warmetl *e«ll»«r. ^ 1 al placed high on the Community organizational participation ir Mrs. Cnaries tumo, v.^~~ ,. „ lled on Silver Lake, w H*"* uted information and advice who announced that the board- 1 for- d- on disorderl-.,—._,.. y peraor^.^™i; charge>4i>r«M* I Tuesdatreated y bya tDr th. eH schoo. J. MiMul andr «4t Council agenda for the coming which led to the recommendation connection with more attractive Gift Certificate lion of while wl tolid cotwrs. •rrttal NItfh* completely filled for, Its « r Christmas lighting and decora- will.meet again at Mr. Andersen'; 1 stemming from a gang fight near, ,. ceks" season which opeoi on year, of a youth program planned and A home at 8:13 pju-on July L ICranJord Uiga SGHOQI in AptU jtakan to UM oonvaat. in Sue. MVi.16%, 3M5 J«^ The Clergy Council tetter also adraiaiatered by youth, with adult tiom. Tta* couocU osreod t~o lunday, June 10, it was muibuiiced and hoo» stated that its meabtw ttaad able in abort »lee*e»C til ^ V week by Camp &&** Fmis c. Bird; ••voTT, •Ur-

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|oW 8. Compton, Paul* lappenings Stantey'Joy, the Rev. R | Mrs. Virgil Young; music, Mi's. F.Mi** Aollcfibach Wins 0be r iv. i Kurth, Dean Van der ciute, Po^. L. Schartenberg; parent education, r M. Oiunore, Jr., of JW7 Tyre was on active duty as. a com- Lincoln PTA Unit In Banks Art Exhibit muter Arthur P. Mete and A. Ma., Mrs. Jerry Rodman; pre-school, on road, returned on Fri-mander, in the naval reserve 'in Miss Caryl Ann* Bollenbach, thaniel Pierce. a buriness trip to Baton Washington, D, C. iiS'^^^ \Names ChairmenMrs. Charles Silsby; program, Mrs. daughter of Mr. tod Mrs. Julius «&& son of ik an*l,l&^ «^*^ «* ** and || Mrs. Irving Tannenbaum, presi- Joseph Mysiak and publications, Mr. Shire thanked the mer SSgeTl*- Baytown,Tex., for F. Bollenbach of 199 Arbor street, who spent tune at Cranford „,„ ^Standard OU Company. Three Cranford girls, Miss Phyl- >jdent of the Lincoln School Par- Mrs. Joseph Masino. won first prize in^an. art exhibit 1UUU »«••»»•.j • . • • Camp, Hope, where they paint* lis Rutz, Miss Janet Dempsey, and jjent-Teacher Association, called a Also, outside publicity, Mrs. F, at thejfcderal Reserve Bank in Sandy, as he is known to his 1 three of the cabins. These w«. and Mrs. Joseph Richkus Miss Adele Gaedcke, are spend- - ('special meeting ot the executive N. Johnson; inside publicity, Lt. Mew York Ctty.~ Miss Bollenbach. crystatradlo set In the Swap Shop Kenneth W.-Iversen, William I ing their summer vacation at C>pea 4 (board last Tuesday for the outgo- Col. arid Mrs. James Polley HI, side were week-end guests who is a private secretary at the on the show during a *«?«»£ Mc€rea, Paul Bablhec, Mr.Nuim and Mm Eugene J.Stanley Cod, Mass. '•' '. ing chairmen to meet and assist refreshment.";. Mrs. Bernard Lit- If Convention Plans Mir. Biohler and Mr. Shire. , wack; scholarship, Mrs. .Walter bank, submitted an oil painting. add wrote to Herb Sheldon last Hernlng avenue at their i'pie new chairmen in setting up week to offer his giant conk "hell " riends of the club members, an ;fiext years, program. Nietzcl, Jr.;, special project, Mrs.The prize was a blue ribbon, and Discutftott Topic home inJLake Mohawk. Mr./and Mrs. Verne Schnebel ( Russell Huckel; summer roujid-up, in-exchange for(thc radio set- •;• «^enis orCtafiford, who assist* and daughter sot 15 Lenox avenue, | New committee chairmen are; cash award. .,.*,-. ed in th» painting were Jack GlfaU Mrs. Raymond Matusiefsky; sun- v •In reading his letter, to the TV Mr. and Mrs. E. Duer Reeves. will leave tomorrow by plane for iArt, Mrs. T. J. Eu.re.ll'; achievc- The announcement of Miss BOI- deny Gdprge' Hall, Henry Hall, shine, Mrs. William Davidson; audience, Mr. Sheldon ref Of Kiwanis Club i have moved into their apart- Campinas, Brazil, where • Mr. '..) jments and by-lows, Mrs. Robert lenbach's- award came while she lilchar* Bllney, Frank Gubt, r teachers' luncheon, Mrs. Fred Day; Sandy as "Mr. Cloud" •»*/*» ' f ttejr«m oomB before' the IU- ",t at 30C Parkway Village. Mr, Schnebel has been assigned by •Gwilliam; budge*, and finance, and her parents were vacationing not know unUi he telephoned the George Walsh and William Haul I ways and means, Mrs. Patsy Leon- ils International annual con- has completed his six I Merck & Co., Rahway. (Mrs. Anton Pavics; Christmas'pfo- for two weeks at the Sherry-Fron- Cloud home that *Mr. Cloud' was the elnb secretary was instruct^ ardo, Mrs. Guy'Borges, Mrs. J. E. vention to be held next week at .„ ready reserves, for the ' Iject, Mrs. John Iwanykhyn; class tenac, Miami Beach, Fla, from to extend the thanks to these mo. ; MacKay, Mrs. G. L. Dixon and which they recently returned. only 18 yedrs old, ,' tl> Atlflntte City .were discussed at at Washington, D. C. Mr. and Mrs. S. S. Eisenberg of fnothers. Mrs. Francis^Charles and Slgmund Rothschild, ^ell- Guest at the meeting vras .Mrs/ Adolph Bauew; exceptional Mrs. Robert Hubbuch. the Kiwanls Club meeting Tues- 128 Spring Garden street will re- known judge of antiques, Judged ^_ Adolph Vogel of the CranJort turn today from Atlantic City ichild, Mr. and Mrs. TluSmas'Bcnt- Mrs. Gwitliam presented the day, at Markoa Restaurant. The Carol Scheckier at 22 MaoAr- .tenti^ye program for the year. BIRTHS the shell as acceptable tor ex-deiemtes will be*E."calvta SWre, Glee Club. Mr. Shire presided. where they have attended the an- son; Girl'Scout troop organization , Their first child, Ernest How- thur avenue was honored at a sur- I The voard also discussed the need change with the radfo set The shell •^^^ ^and Sidney L- Nunn, ' . •. • ;• nual convention ot the New Jer- jcommittee member, Mrs. Michael ard 111, was born to Mr. and Mrs. prise party Tuesday at her home ! for additional play space, in the is white on the outside and coral wiUx Ritosen HoaglanA, William J. Sefcland. Jr., of Elfa riven by 20 classmates in honor sey Pharmaceutical Association. Gavin; hospitality. Mrs. John 'Em'est Tomai6 of 327 North ave- and Wlnfleld Itohler as abeth, a member of the editorUl pink on the inside and Is unus- S hcr 15th birthday anniversary. j Mr. Eisenberg is a" past president •Harckctts; Mr. and Vhn. Robei...... ually large; Jt/was given to Sandy Ti^Sat*i staff o! the Citizen and Chronicle, Lof the Union County unit of the honeymooning1 at the Elbow. Bettch caWl is the daughter of Mr. and several years ago. -xJiL Mrs. Stephen R. Scheckier, I association. ' - Sandy, who wds accompanied to 1 nue,'east, on June 9 at Muhlen- the broadcast by hl« W *!"™ Mr and Mrs. John Fedorko, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Terregino last Wednesday. | berg Hospital In Plalnfleld. sister, Elizabeth, was also taken on Shire, Mr. Hoagland Mr and Mrs. E. W. DeChabert. and. daughter, Carol Ann, of 42 v- // a visit to. the controit«H>m; W and 1^. Alvin C. Roecker West Holly street moved last Fri- Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. Green of and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Diegman day to" their new home at 509 Or- 107 Beech street have announced To Install enjoyed a dinner party on Satur- chard street. Beat the Heat the birth of their first son, Paul Mrs. Roberf bitter will be in- day at the Stockholm Restaurant William, on June 10 at St. Eliza- stalled as president of the Sister- Mrs. F. C. Blake of Pasadena, hood of Temple Beth-El. aH. a Calif., returned Friday after spend- beth Hospital in Elizabeth. The Mr: pnd Mrs. Arnold Mattay and meeting in the temple at 8:30 p.m. ing'a week visiting her; son-in- couple has three daughters. . their son, Laurence, of 151. Mo-law and daughter, Mr* and Mrs. At Home tonight. Mrs. George Rubine will hawk drive, returned by plane Adlai E. Michaels of 122 Oak lane. , . "This camisoled,. Mr. and Mrs. Guy J. Parcdes of]be the installing officer. . . from a (rip to Houston, Dallas and 56 Mendell avenue have announced Other officers to be installed San Antonio, Tex., where they vis- . Mrs. George;tf. Cult of Amuay, confection is flrm- the birth of a son, Guy Anthony, ited relatives and friends ar: Mrs. Marvin Ostro, vice-pres- | Venezuela, Visited her mother, Mrs, flnished Acetate and Tins Summer! on May 21 at Muhlenberg Hospital, ident in charge of programs; Mrs. William Chase. 207 North Union "Hearts 'n* Flowers" print Plalnfleld. They also have three Mrs. Harold Schott of 1102 Rar- Bernard Gallanter, vice-president avenue, recently. Mrs. Cult and .elasticized yarn Sharkskin. sheath ills smoothly with daughters and one son. The pater- itarr~road— entertained v.Monday McHarge ot^vays and means;J4rs. I ._., , family are spending "the"summer nal .grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. evening for Mrs. John Voss, Mrs. "Sun Fun" is a real all-over Crinkclastic shirring Jack Ganek, vice-president' in • at Ocean City, where they have a John Parades and the maternal Rayu>cnd Reinhardt, Mrs. Fred charge of membership; Mrs. H. M. house. ngure-molder. The The Crinkelpuft* shirred grandparents are Mr. and Mrs.Friedman,, treasurer; . Mrs. Sam Dc Marco, Mrs. John Rispoli and Anthony Pelo, both of Brooklyn. Mrs. William Hubiak. polished cotton bra lining bra mold;; -with lightweight Ruzansky. financial secretary; • JANTZIN Mrs. Benjamin flinch, recordinf Mrs. Albert Francis apex stay'and space You can't match the comfort of your own home, Miss Carol Jane Buschold has an opening for Mr. and Mrs. Norman Strasser secretary; and Mrs. Daniel Lent- Attends Graduation for Accents bust jpuds. . ; of 255 Hillside avenue have an- er, corresponding secretary. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles < Accents bust pads. STATIC ELECTRICITY nounced the birth of a son. Marc Buschold of 113 Pine street en- Mrs Albert Francis; formerly of Off-on straps. porch, patio or yard - porticulorf» if »o« ham Mrs. Fred Neuman, outgoing North Union - avenue, left last Fredrick, on June 13 at Muhlen- president, will be presented with a tertained the ;•• Cranford High Spiral apex bra stay Sun-and-water tested School graduating , class Monday Thursday for Yellow Springs, O., by a long, cool drink to take jjour mmd oft the neat. berg Hospital, . Plainfleld! They gift from the Sisterhood. gives added figure control. also* have a daughter,.Lorri Beth. evening at a lawn party-after the to attend the graduation of her Sanforized Cotton. A musical program will be pre- son, William, from Antioch Col- class dinner. , Pink and white stripes. 10-18. 8.95 ' ' " , • sented by Mrs. Joseph Hamer, lege. For Hour summer entertaining, may wesuggest Mr. and Mrs. Edwin George who will be accompanied by Mrs. She was accompanied by her • 10- 18. 19.95 •Patient pending Gu* Cohen. The Misses Janet Dempsey, a long, toll Tom Collins, Bum CoUins, Gin and Bruno, Jr. of 8 Aberdeen court, BEAUTIFUUY CLEANED AND FINISHED Adele Gaedcke and Phyllis Rut? daughter, Mrs. L. L. Foege of Lit- mt: announce the birth of a son, Todd qre spending their vacation at tle Silver. * Edwin, on June 7 at the Hospital Denhis Port, Cape Cod, Mass., and Their, trip will include a visit ' There's a dazzling impact to beach umbrella strip- MitJlWlWHoiirfocontcbecr Party Marks to Detroit, Mich., and St. Thomas, ings, contoured in JanUen's knit Lastcx (R> "Monaco" Center at Orange. will visit, the Mayflower ^"Plym- outh Mass., en route home. Ontario. Maillot. Good looks are ablaze in the chin-deep halter A baby girl, Lorrle Kathryn,. 25th Anniversary that does a dip-in back Beneath, there's a jertsanese on ice at all times. was born to Mr. and Mrs.- John Mr. and Mrs. John J. Lynch of Miss Mabyn Reeves, daughter Mrs. Kolbe Hostess front panel .and an added ligure maker—the separate Marti of 12 Nomahegan. court on 35 Farley Ave., Fanwood, were of Mr. and Mrs. E. Duer Reeves of "Bravo!" swim bra*. Sizes 10 to 16 16.95 OMNTUH June 5 at the East Orange General honored at a surprise open house M Casino avenue, and Miss Nan- AtShoUier and Bridge BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED AND FINISHED *Patent Pending . '„ - Hospital. The baby Joins John, on Sunday June 16, 1957 for their cy Reinert, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Kolbe of 40 Hern- age 3^4, and Lisa, 16 months. 25th Wedding Anniversary. Mrs. R. C. Reinert of 211 Clare- ing avenue entertained at a com- The party, held at 472 Brook- mont place, sailed recently for bination shower and bridge party Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dolllnger 8lde~ place, was given by Mr. and a European t< on Monday eveaina in honor of of Alexandria Bay, N.Y., announce Mrs. Fred Degenhardt and Mr. the summer r_ . JE*.Porter and Mrs birth, of their, fourth child, a and Mrs. Harold Kinney, sister of ...ly.-O*^ny> AusMa-and the |g daughter* Judy Marie, on June 16. Mrs. Lynch. , British Isles. They will return by Other guests were Mrs. John El- PIP , Mrs* Dolllnger lr the former Ruth Many guests attended from plane in September. liott, Mrs. Harry Meyers, Mrs. Eu- I 1 HilU, daughter of Mr. and Mrs Elizabeth, Linden, East -Bruna- gene Stanley, Mrs. --Henry L. Smlthf nj -..jy^ Woodbrldge, father, Samuel Riizo of 115 New £oUesiaiiB Corner House and Iselin. struct,, are spending three weeks Mr. and Mrs. Frank DiTullo, Jr.. Reconi 12 Traffic Among those attending were fV'W* in Rochester and Buffalo, N. Y., LIQUOR of .Miami, Fla., arrived last week Mr. Lynch's parents, Mr, and where they are visiting relatives. Accidents in May to spend the summer with his par- Mrs. John Lynch Sr. of linden, I Twelve traffic accidents in ents. Me and Mrs* DiTullo of 257 — We Deliver-?- and Mrs. Lynch's mother, Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Miller and which three persons were injured Bloomingdale avenue. Mr. DiTu- Philip Wlchner ot Cranford, and family of 32 Grove street will were recorded by the CranforcL llo, Jr., has completed his Junior 21N. UNION AVE. BRidgefr0150 their daughter Miss Marie Lynch leave this week-end for a two Police Department during May, year at the University of Miami of Fanwood. • '' weeks' motor trip to St. Peters- according to the monthly aeport of where he is majoring in physical The decorations of a miniature —-^ ^^. '^ • mm • burg, Fla. : . ' . Police Chief Lester W. Powell. education.' • wedding party, were centered One pedestrian injury also was re- • • v I around a three tier wedding cake Mrs. Ann Justice of 75 Burnside ported. There were no traffic fa- Miss Gaylc V. Waddlll, daughter and a wishing well trimmed with avenue was hostess at a birthday talities-. ' . of Mr. and Mrs. James B. Waddill roses and holding silver dollars. party in honor of her mother, Mrs. There were 119 arrested for mo- of 127 Oak lane has completed the Also on display was a wedding Mary Fettke. Those who attended tor violations during the month, so new...so soft...soairy work of the first year class of the picture of the couple and Mr. included Mrs. Louise Poeltler, Mrs. resulting in 111 convictions. Four Junior College department. uf Lynch's first song hit "When The Elsie Gritske, Mrs. Evelyn Louis drunken driving arrests were re- Penn Hall Junior College. and Swanee River Flows Thru and Mrs. Marion White. corded in May. v Preparatory' School, Chambers- Heaven." burg, Pa. ^ Mr. and Mrs. David N. Tyre and On Tuesday morning June 18, children, Steve and Philip, return- at 8 o'clock a mass was offered In Michael Ferro Feted Janice R. Keve, daughter of Mr. id Sunday to their home at 102 honor of their anniversary at St Mr. and Mrs.-Michael J. Ferro and Mrs. Walter Keve of 18 Hlll- Makatom drive after spending of 1 Dooring way were hosts at a crest avenue, has completad her Bartholomews Church in Scotch nine months in Caracas, Venezu- Plains. cocktail party and buffet >uppcr sophomore year at" Moravian Cot- ela, where Mr. Tyre was on loan Sunday for 80 guests in honor of lege, Bethlehem, Pa., where she Is from the Esso Standard Oil Co. oftheir son -Michael Jr., to celebrate majoring In elementary education. New Jersey as a consultant in em- his.graduation cum laude from the Elected President ploye communicaUons to the Cre- College of the Holy Cross. He is Donald S. McQprd, Jr., a mem- *^95?*5f*2- ole Petroleum Corp. Mrs. Tyre going to Georgetown University ber of the class of 1958 at Wesley Of Union Council Jand. children spent^the past two Law School in September. Junior College, Dover,-Del., is Harlon W. Drew. 112 Cranford |vceks in PhlladelphlaNvhlle Mr. spending- the summer Vacation avenue, a veteran volunteer Boy with his parents, Mr; and MrsI .Scout leader, was re-elected presi- .jg*r> Donald «, McCowL-Sr-of .22 Oak|*nt of Union Council at. the an-, lane. A student in the liberal arts nual meeting hi scout headquar« curriculum, McCord is treasurer of ten Monday. Crahiord's Sunday the shoe with the be»tttif«l fit Student Council;: president of Phi Mr. Drew is vice-president of Theta Kappa, national honorary ihe'Riss Paper Co., New York. A scholastic fraternity; a member of former scoutmaster, he has been Drug Store Schedule the French Club nnd of the staffs associated most of his life with Open, breezy pigskin...an I of Montage, Eukairia. and thethe scouting movement. He is a I Wesley Echoes. , . . holder of the "Silver Beaver." 1 exciting new pump that fit* highest honor conferred on a vol- John A. Kruse of 202 Beech unteer scouter. VH.^ street was given a special award Mr. Drew has led many council every foot. So fexlble you tmn Cold in painting at the graduation ex- scout contingents to national anc* ercises ot. Washington College in world jamborees. In August he OWKMt It In your hand Ilk* • W Chestertown. Md., recently. H«» will go to England to attend r BELLS was tied with another young man scout jubilee. for showing the most artistic Other local council officers re- JEWELS OF THE SEA . growth in art classes during the elected were: John V. Nostranri JEWELS OF THE SEA mm{•>. •.•- >. Available in WhHe I past academic year. Each re- vice-president; Roderick W. Smith JEWELS OF THE SEA ceived a Francis Speight Painting and Arba S. Taylor, represents- The mood: Renaissance. The suit: GIACONDA, Or Flax Award. The local student is a ives to the national council; anc" The mood: Renaissance. The suit: FLORENTINE a light lithe shaping of brocaded Lastex*... graduate of Cranford High School, THE GAMBIT...fairest max in the mxial circle! a halter sheath fashioned from a light and 1 and will be a senior in collage The meeting was the first fo Thenamml An. exciting textured fabric, wove* a pale, burnished shape of sublimely draped sheath. next fall. . Cdward Dryer who Is president o- /$%•?•'.'! *;! 9A.M.to9F.M. lustrous new brocaded Lasted, wilfully, A new glimmer, new glamour for sunning and surfing: like a checkerboard to come up with the prettieti the Adamas Carbide Co., Kcnll- skillfully shaping you in a glowing, unforgettable 2SJ00 worth. shape, the coolest feminine strategy on many a silhouette. 2235 Cancer Crusade beackl Elasticixed, 22SS Shows Increase Men in Service t\ SEAGER'S, The proceeds of the .1957 Union Lt. Robert R. Dommergue. son County Cancer Crusade totalled of Mr. and Mrs. A.'. Jules Dom- $116,517.19 as was announced by mergue of 110 Edgar avenue, i BARON'S, HATHAWAY'S home on leave prior to taking u; Walter H. Hildebrandt, Coun- •jii-:>.•••••• ,s ty Crusade Chairman. his duties at his new post'with the According to Mr. Hildebrandt, Tank Corps in Hawaii. AND SC this year's figure exceeded the I ligura-bV INSON'S shows over a 1000 per cent Increase BRIDGE 64234' tut «M tawMatftottala amyvtar^ Qpen Friday Evenings of funds raised in the last five AA^^^sa^^A aa^^BM Waa' A AM^^A^ A^ykj ^^kg^^ year period. . •CMM BW ••• • fW/ fM WV •4 OM malad- -y »% NORTH UNION AVE. Cranford. under chairman John U'» A1«J» SAFER flwTtttteH *t HavilanH, contributed $5,100- •hMik aaaar VkC~bsAf ccBt at •" Garwood. under directorship of U 3enrom J. BertoKimy. contribu- ted $923.35: •nd^Lenilworth'* con- •MattnllltX

s^ajE^sssastejfeaieSis l y ^;.^^i^ ' c •."'« " :•- O."

ICelnng, Doris Reed, Sue Bate*.) • "• •• "'"• '•• ^u •••:.*.•'* ' r^nncy >uiiiinRreirTmii>-rnww At Pre-Nuptial Parties Alden and Mrs William Dauber. Miss Joy Skaarup, daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. S. Sidney Jacobs Spend in South Mr. and Mrs. Nelson E. Skaarup of Staten Island entertained Sun- Becomes Bride In of 107 Oak lane, was honored at day evening at a cocktail party Mr. and MM and buffet supper for Miss Skaar- two parties during the past week. up. More than SO relatives were Alliance Church ; s£d Mrf. Ignacy J. wy,i tnrougn me wuwoi»« Miss Skaarup will become the present from Roselle Park, Eliza- Follow Sunny bride of Robert H. Evans*, son of The Sunny Acres 14th annual children's parade Sunday wn fol- The Cranford Alliance ChurclJ South Union avenue, In I ggph-s church, Bayonne. ^ .; _• • \ beth, Cranford, Schooley Moun- PRICES was the scene Saturday ^rnoon> e of their 45th wedding | y^ Johnson is the former Kathleen Mlehele Andrassy, daui?htet i Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Evans of tain and Staten Island. lowed by a large number of parties, and picnics Were the brde* ot the anniversary. ^ Deposit, N. Y., at 2p.m. Saturday of the wedding of Miss Evelyn rt Mr. and Blrs. Michael'Andres-f— -—- - . - day. ''••.'• ' • • ". •' • • :."•• jane Filsmgcr. daugh ter of Fred- i» „», Mr. Johnson is Recent Bride In the First Presbyterian Church Mr. and Mrs. Carter E. Porter of fhs . The picnic party of Mr. and Mrs. William Keck of 1 Mohnwk erick J. FUsinger of 147 uK son of Mrs. Paul Johnson ot here.- V;. . , ... 103 Edgewood road will enter- : 242 North avenue, west, and.the Miss Jean Liska of 102 Birch- tain at bridge tomorrow evening, ther, the bride had her slster-ln- Craig place, will leave tomorrow I Crantottm. w. ^f fa r _.44 _years . . law, Mrs.; Michael F. Andrassy of Carol Koyen, Lynne Miller, Bar- .Mohawk drive. Dorothy Barta in marriage, nnd . Miss Doro- [Partyv bara Dorian, Joan Lightcap, Jane to spend the summer at their home celebrated her eighth birthday, thy Presdee of Tuckahoe, N. Y. Kankel, Diane Byrnes, Priscilla in Beach Haven Terrace. DWiCTrftpM and Mrs.' Barta's mother, Mrs. was maid of honor.' Miss Beverly William DoUnsky of Garwood was Pettersen of Westfield and Miss ( Mill * zine gown trimmed with applq also celebrating her birthday. Phyllis Kaye of Jersey City served '"j^-t- • . • ' '••'••, Sunnyvale, Califs, as matron of MRS. ROBERT N. TITUS; Jr. Thirty guests attended from Cran- as bridesmaids. 40th Annwermry honorof embroidere. • d organdy, with, a butterfl The Dridy boe wWOT in bace 8 kMU flowint g into ford,* Hillside, Kenilworth, Rah- The bride wore a gown ot lace «•» —» «* A A- TT M,i!v 'butteniyl tnowi mSh »»•.•»««-e carrie d^DObti- a• cas- way, Elizabeth,. Garwood, and over satin and a fingertip veil l^ The«£/2Lry were Shonore d at a ,surpris U*TZe *****^chape gowl trainn trimme. She dcarrie withd applique a cas- s garden: party at 926 Grandview liss Joan Davis, with a pearl tiara. She Carried ioTU4 Retford avenue celebrated cade of whit- e roses >—,.;„,,and stephan£ »- Another picnic following the white roses on a Bible, '. avenue, Westfield, by their daugh- otis. Mrs. Andrassy wore an ice Cornell Graduate parade was at the home of Mr. Miss Presdee wore a coral ny- [theitr anr 40td son-in-lah anniversarw Mry Friday. and Mrs. . blue taffeta gown and carried a Ib. arid Mrs. Charles JoU, 7 Mohawk lon chiffon gown and carried a George Belsley and by their son cascade ot pink roses. drive. Included were 85 guests bouquet of roses and sweet peas, and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Michael F. Andrassy, brother ot tarried Saturday 1 BEiL from Cranford, Elizabeth; East while the bridesmaids' gowns A. Kenneth Meeks. the bride, was best man while Pe- Miss Joan Margaret Davis, Orange, Irvington, Clark Town* .were of pink nylon chiffon.., There were about 50 guests fromr ter Johnson, brother of the bride- mghtcr of Mr; and (Mr^j Theo- FOR YOUR .V\ ship and Hillside. The church was. decorated with Kearny.i Jersey City, Hoboken, groom and Arthur Edwards, both ore Lawrence Davis of Havana, Mr. and Mrs. K. W. Jordan of clbodium ferns and white gladioli. Somerville, Belrnar, Plainfield. of Cranford, served as ushers. MRS. LEO PAUL JOHNSON ;uba, formerly of Cranford,-'be- CHOICE"-BONIUSS • 6 Oneida place were hosts to 20 Andrew Kidd of Rahway served Cranford, Westfield, Berkeley Flower girls Debra Lynn And- ame the bride Saturday of Robert y ;••••« guests from Cranford, Elisabeth, Heights,; Little Silver and Kenil- —Photo by Mickey Fox as best man while ushers were rassy and Heather Hudak 'wore !oll Titus, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Toms River, Plainfield and Rah- Emerson Jenkins of Westfield and worth. • • .. •'•.'• pale pink gowns and carried pink Dinner Dance Fetes itus, Sr., of Webster, N. Y. in the way at a family picnic. F. ANDERSON JB. Robert Craw, Jr., of Cranford. ' The couple has three grandchil- roses. . . .sbiiry First Methodist Church. - . Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Koester of Mrs. Harry Bell of Bayonne dren, Dorianrie Belsley, Ronald . Mrs. Johnson is a graduate of total Hi S. Graduate* Dr. Weldon F. Crossland, pastor, fc:II Oneida place entertained at a sang "Oh Promise Me" and "Oh Weeks. • • . " • •••. . •• Bayonne schools and attended Donald Scott, son of Mr. and irliciated^ at the. double-;ring-can- picnic, for guests from Cranford, lean Mackiewicz, Perfect Love" • accompanied by Mr. Meeks is employed as a oon- Drakes College. She is employed Mrs. G.'Winfield Scott of 3051jlelight ceremony at 4 o'clock, and Clark Township and Roselle. Mrs.- A. Storr at the .organ. ductor on the B. & O. Railroad. North Union avenue, was co-host by Anderson Clayton Co., -Newat a Cranford High School gradua- reception followed at the Tread- Barbecue supper guests of Mr.William Amfersoi A Cranford High School grad- York City, fay"Inn,~Roehester -N.-y.-..-.....— BUY HERE AND SAVE! and Mrs. Howard L. Jacob of IS .,._,-,..,'v_ tion dinner-4»irty-Saturday eve*- r uate, Mrs. Brandt is employed by tjtM&fa-Bqngort— |—Mr. Johnson la a Cranford High The bride, who was given In ffi: Oneida place included Mr. andMarried at Moss Sauer & Kervick, Cranford law MRS, RICHABD G. STEVENS hlng for about 58 guests.. School alumnus and an army vet- Following the dinner, the party arriage by her father, had .as Mrs. Fred Kretzmer and Mr. and Mary Macklewjcz, Troth Announced Mrs. Herbert Kindred of Roselle. Mite" Jean firm. eran, and is employed at Kemper moved on to the home of Mia or matron of honor Mrs. Donald TASII o- se* William P. Mr. arid Mrs. Theodore E. Bon- Insurance Co., Summit. He is a LOW Another barbecue supper was atdaughter of Mrs. An alumnus .of Rahway High gort, Sr^ of 52 Leonard avenue, Susan Aborn, co-hostesS, daughter lharles Sims of Elizabeth. Miss FRENCH FRIED COD School, Mr. Brandt . served two 7 member of S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. TASH < the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Mackiewicz ot. 183 North avenue, Leonardo, announce the engage- of Mr. and'Mrs. Edward Aborn [ary Jean Tumpane of Corning, Stupak of 19 Cherokee road. They east, and' the late Mr. Mackiewicz, years in the Navy and "Is emRichard- G. StevensWeds Oh their return from their trip,' of 403 Casino (avenue, for dancinj . Y: and Miss Ann Leonard of sun tan aids FRENCH FRIED HADDOCK ployed by Bell Telephone Co., ment of their daughter, Joan Ma- '; TASU o-SIA entertained for 10 guests, from became the bride Saturday of Wil- Tie~io John F. Laezza, Jr., son of the couple will live in Roselle. to the music of Robert Howartli jrt Washington, N. Y. were SLICED >39c Rahway.. ••..•• FRENCH FRIED SCAUOPS Cranford and Kenilworth. liam F. Anderson, Jr., son of Mr. wedding, trip, to Barbara H. Bentz in Union Mrs. Edith'Laezza and the rate Miss Nelly Barker of Brook- and his orchestra from 9 tp 11 ridesmalds. , FRESH BEEF LIVER Following a wedding, p, 45c 3 »•»•'•• Twenty-five guests attended a and Mrs.' William F. Anderson of Mew England and Canadad , tthhe | Miss Barbara Hildegard Bentz; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William John F. Laezza, Sr.,.ot 207 JJlm lands, Cheshire, England is visiting The bride's gown of white im- 70c NOXZEMA TASTE (V SEA PERCH > picnic supper at the home of Mr. ana Mrs. wwwu *. •— : The Aborn garden was . couple wilill resid t 1679 Irving •street. •' " • • ' •' \ ' ;': her cousin, George H. Jackson of irtcd Swiss organdy had a hand- U and Mrs. J. M. Sodomora ot 10100 Rettord avenue, at a nuptial I New England and canaaa, u»> F. Bentz of Union, was . ,t liss Bongort is a graduate of ated-.vith lights for the occasion S9c PAIMIEADY SMRTS street, Rahway. 16 Lenox avenue. ade French lace bodice and chap- BRONZTAN ... $1^5 SKOL 7* Iroquois road. They were from mass at St. Michael's Church. 1 couple wiU reside at 1679 Irving Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Stevens ot 10 Summit Red Bank Catholic High School train, with a veil of illusion and 5*e BACON SST !**41c Cranford, Linden and New York ThTnoe . Revnev. . Williamum.*m* -rDonnelly .,, Church, Union, Saturday In a and attended Drake College, and ;arl tiara. She carried a bouquet COPPERTONE $1.00 SEA and SKI Cityl pastor, performed the ceremony at I , - • •• . '• • -Nuptial Mass. The Rev. Joseph ens became affiliated with Contin- is employed by the flrm

white carnations and —. _ ers, Peter. B. Stevens, Robert G, Susannu R. Bates, daughter Of Martin Jewelers nissioned oflicer in Army theme around which the enter- fence .and is employed In the per- rviv tainment was planned. Dancers Thomas Powanda of Jersey City Stevens,, and Charles J. Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Bates of The House served as best man and ushers in- today's graduate! Lnel department of Rochester matched numbers to find partners 1 Jr. all of Cranford, and the bride's Elizabeth. Of Diamond Values! beach supplies SUMIMI - CtACKIO WHIAT — cluded John CNeU of Bayonne ?as and.Electric Co; '• during the dance, in order to bebe-- ciuuea «wa v»->*. — __„ brother, William C. Bentz of Un- Other guests from Cranford In J Following a wedding trip to rome acquainted with all the club and Richard Mackiewicz, brothc ion- * • . eluded Mrs. J. Ross Bates and Min members. of the bride, ot Spottswbod. MIOO •#m»^»» pnw..,., — _. business tnan! banada, tfie cpuplfc will reside in Mrs. Stevens graduated from Linda Loranger. . .,. lochester.. • ; . . Mn and Mrs. Andre* w —-*--Marshal• , O"«*> Mr. and Mrs. Anderson are Mount St. Mary's .Academy in MLJS Bates was married Satur- PLAYTEX SWIM' CAP ..... 98c Bread 2r,35c • rd High. School graduates. gave a rumba exhibition. • -** I.J 4k. KentuckyGirlWill North Plainfield and Becker Jun- day to David R. Loeser, son of }M . Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Sleesman of Mrs. Anderson also attended the ior College In Worcester, Mass. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Loeser ot School ot Business Practice and live Awards To BEACH BAGS * "? 364 RettorRc-ttorda avenue emeruuueu.•-1>~..-.entertained'a' . _. and is Fed J. K. Ross She is a member of Beta. Chi Sig- Hillside at Westminster Presbyter- bAmvm.——-. • ACM! IVftYDAr a pre-dnnce cocktail party. Their | Speech, Mew York City, Mews, Mr. and Mrs. John K. Miller ot ma Sorority, and a medical secre- ian Church, Elizabeth. Audition Winners EARPLUGS 25ei NOSE CLIPS —3* guest-».~^Ds includedi.».i,.ri William Terry, Mrs: S. W. Hend- York City. Mr. Anderson, who the engagement w «•«• «--„— Miss Jane Davlson Miller, to Jerp - After attending Union. Junior guests at cocktails and buffet sup- piano pupils of Mrs. Henry mtah Kclser Ross, son ot Mrs. E. E. College and College of the Holy per Saturday evening. irdman. Each person played SWIM CAPS vj ...... 25e up Gruening of 20 Crescent place and Cross, Worcester, Mass., Mr. Stev- or two selections for a short the late Jeremiah K. Ross. Irogram. . t...... $1.W At Surprise Shower Mrs. Anderson was honored by Doubleday and Co.t New York Lirt, Ann Mlncur, Daniel Sassi, Miss Eleanor A. Foege of 6 Weit • pre-«uptial shower on May City. ,:.'•"• • •. .. iavid Freese, Douglas Sassi* and SWIM GOGGLES-DIVING MASKS Holly street was honored Saturday attendants. ' Mr. Ross was graduated from ila'ria Blanding. at a surprise bridal shower at the Pingry School, Elizabeth, and Yale Honorable mention In the audi- 59c and Up home' of Miss Olga Specht and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Link of University where he was a mem- lons went to Lawrence Pace, MUEKSTEl CHEESE Mrs. Ellen Yard, 100 Centennial [ St Petersburg, FUu. are. visiting ber of St. Anthony Hall. He has glas Barile and Richard Gra- KEEP HOME POOLS SAFfe A CLEAN with avenue, Forty guests from Cran- been stationed at Fort Dlx since | for a month with lh*lr_6Qjtln-!aw SANI - POOL ...... owy ™ ford. Elizabeth. New York and \ and daughterdaughter,, MrVanMrVand MMrsr . L. J.entering the Army two month« m. . -IS« Lonng Island were presentprst. Kavanaugh of S Iroquois road. ago. fThose who played in the pro- MMisi s Foege will be marriema d on H» b entering o world of telatype*. tlcVer tapes, am but who did hot enter the 0UNW00D _ AWd f MtWiMnVTOWmt: *xo ? {•tpIanei-wSm time the most preciowtcominodUy. -Jditions include: Karen Mlneur, fly^:^ winding woUh with thock-rctith on loyccSordlll. Mrs. Anthony Sorv M«4« HI An advanced loi»gine»-Wirmaoe» automatic belongs Till. Karen SJursen, Ly«»a Reider BLEU CHEESE "•^•--:-.-.^ W« wrUl—'it Winds llsetf with every movement of Ind Elizabeth Fuller. ' ' OPEN SUNDAY-9 A.M. to 9 P.M. ?^lyw.TctrJ,t/.SVi ni «•«• "«««• Superior thnekeepinaby long:nesV/ittnouer, [special recognition was given to ft. SVIMIING : lane Bdrnhartfor outstanding pro- 69 witiNM«>ioM*nc. s,it- mokl«» Malaw 0roU«- .'- , •cars. - 1 FollowTng the program, refresh- . CHEESE tMEIS HERE! ments were served. I w,muutt»otoiuTico.,.8n«i off«rjh« following payment plant: Mr. and Mrs. George Hall oi 141 4 Biathenneade place and Mr- and i«. in. 39 I pOilrwtS [irs. Benjamin Glidden of 16 NNIST mui mtiiwi wonuus Cme See Our - ~ 30, 60, MtH|y Charge Bialhormeade place recently at- NEW S ATINSET wl taken in your home or in ded the Leaders' Club conven- I our air-conditioned studio Fabulous Collec- Cash t-.i of the MetropollUn Insurance by REVLOM .. FOODS EXTRA FANCY YEUOW Uy-*Way tompany at the, W/aldorf-Astorin nosm I 1600 SpringffcM. Avii in Rowers Clyb foiel in New York City. CBAMTOBD at 1b*WaatOaM tion Of Swimwear SUMMER SHOWER by Matchab«lli IWBM* " k •h?'« bloom For Boys And Girls W« alto offer highest tradfrht allowance Cologne — Bubble B*h — D«o4er«nf Spray inpy on old watchas bring traded in for new ones. |- 16th SXTMMER SESSION — All $1.00 Each SiXMitoU profusion July I to August M. ltSf FILLS PRESCRIPTIONS Stora Your FURS Accredited by the N. J. State V I W 9 m FILLS PRESCRIPTIOm N »• on our new Department of Education III V EXACTLY ASS Y-*tf--IWl»IW f«W RC-B- _ FABRIC l^orfs"— Craft*"— OAMBWG Registered Nurse CINTER Write or telephone to: THE PINGRY SCHOOL We****.'"*:**' **<**" and MeCall Parrtrm I EUtabelti«. N. * BRW5O5 WeatOaM aa4 •Wf UOKTH ML. W. f • '•'• • ' "••••r! TrrrvSSSS^KnSPST^'^^vnc^i^^f^'^'^''^ f1 ''""'P'"''^'!^'''^';''''^


,. -;•-. :(;' •.#/

THE .: '•\_< reports of the Aud- the State Highway Dept FHEEHOLDEBS itors wav tcveived. Abb of the <6> — freeholder Hickok Honored for Bfest Newspaper Ads Home Demonstration Department. Roads and Bridges Committee, Report oi Roads & Bridges Com- proving personnel actions in To Road Dept, and County Patrolman llyran Cymfaalak in* the County to install mittee, advising of bids for Hot defeated Patrolman Michael Fed- meeting <* th. Bltumlnaus Concrete. Received and Office. type machine in their Police Head- 47) —Freeholder Hickok eroff by a 20^7 vote to mark the filed. . first time in the history oi the quarquarters** - was referred Roads and Bridges Committee, f h Whl Report, of Roads 8c Bridges Com- cepting bid of Hefler Snyder .Grantor* Local 93 PBA that a mittee of the Whole. mittee, advising of bids for im- president has been elected to a oiuw Association of Chosen furnishing to the Road Dept., Freeholders, congratulating Union provement of Meisel Ave., from S. Miked Bituminous Concrete third term. Frank Caruso* was ~ " Ave.. to Morris also voted to be the treasurer for County on its One Hundredth An- nine Cold Mixed his Wth consecutive term. niversary. ' Received and filed. Other officers are: vice-presi- "Smolder Herlich made a mo- ' Purchasing Committee, advising crete and authorizing Director . The following resolutions were Clerk to execute agreements dent, Frederic G. Boberts; secre- JJSXminute, of the n««J- of bids received for Groceries for.Introduced and • on roll call, un- tary. John Benedetto; «erg*ant-at- the John E. Runnells Hospital, for same. ...•••• ' ' ta« of April 11.19W be «PP*r»- animously adopted: <8>. — Freeholder arms, Robert Nylen; trustees. Hen' 5wch ?*• duly seconded and, un- the period ot May 1st to August (1)—Freeholder Carr for Pub- ry PoUdoro and John Thimbns, 31st, and for the Jail from May 1st Roads and Bridges Commit! lic Property Committee, author- granting permission to the N. and convention delegates, Samuel •^^l^cotmnunlcation, to. August 31st izing Director and Clerk to execute Cymbahik and Deo Scfaultz. Bell Telephone Co., to cons' Corps of Engineers; U. S. Army, a lease with the. Pennsylvannia ducts across bridge on Spri The group went on record fav- •^rTS'SeV I*c*idence.>k- advlsing«application has been made Railroad Co., for land on Union Ave., Berkeley Heights. , oring Senate Bill 25 which (con- for' 'a permit to dredge in .theSt, for Parking purposes, aran ' <9) — Freeholder Zcn-ga cerns police training. * . Newark Bay, at Elizabeth, New annual rental of $600.QO effective Purchasing Committee, accepts Plans were completed for a din-: Jersey, by the, General Chemiqial July 1,1957.' lowest bidders on purchase of fiv ner in honor of former SgL Ed- Division, was referred '. to' Roads automobiles for various d ward N, Lee, who retired April 1. (2)—Freeholder Carr for Pub- and Bridges Committee. lic Property Committee, accepting menu in the County. It win be Monday in the Coach Barrett Division, protesting (10) — Freeholder Zercga I and Four. estimate of Ralph Buffey, Archi- Car Schedule award of bituminous' concrete con- tect,' to prepare a space Analysts Committee of the Whole, appoint Also discussed were plans for a revised radio car schedule tract was..referred to Roads and ing John A. Darsie as a member dinner honoring Capt. George I* A Report of the offices'ot the County was announced this week *y Po- Bridges Committee. of Union, at $2400. the Union County Welfare Boa, Rpsendale, Us. Peter F. Milter Richard S. Martin, relative to for 5 years commencing March 1' Lawrence W. Bonnell and Detec- lice Chief Lester W. Powell, who (3)—Freeholder Herlich for the1957. the proposed rerouting of. U. S. Finance Committee, authorizing tive LX. Ralpn J. Koury, on promo- said the new setup should "afford Route 22, was referred to Roads fc ••'— Freeholder Herlich ( tions. residents oi CranfjWd a well- County Treasurer to cancel checks Finance Committee, approv: Bridges Committee. as set forth that have been out- Th* AaKrieaa Ntwaaaper PaMiahera Aaaeciatiwi has aekctci Catfiliac Matar Car Dhfetw aa The association approved spon- rounded patroL" . .;_. Department of Institutions & bills as set forth. 'Advertiser «f tka Year* far it* outstanding and eontintuma newaaapcr taaiaaiga. Traajriia weta sorship of a baseball team in the standing for a year or more and • There, being no further busii awarded both t* Cadillac aad to iU advertising agency. MacMa—a, Jala * AdaaWlac. af>laaaittal Under the ^new ^schedule, three Agencies, advising full approval credit same to Miscellaneous Rev- WWeorilrtmH-H Hills, Mkhigaa. Here. »raadly displaying their prize, are (L to r.) W. A.P. Jak*a 4ir*ctar at Cranford Boys* League. recommended for 44 beds for to be considered, and upon mo.., MJftA, CharTea F. Adaaaa, vice aresident and Cadillac accauat aaperfiaar, aad Knwat A. Jaaca, radio cars wUl be in operaUon 24 enues, Not Anticipated. duly made and seconded, Directi (4) — Freeholder Herlich for hours aauy, we uu _ mils Hospital. Benninger. declared the meetj Robert Peterson M1v i Finance Committee, approving adjourned. ' ' will be a north side car and a Ralph H. Buffey, submitting nine personnel actions, in various south side car, and a superior offi- estimates for a Spbce Analysis Re- The next regular meeting *„ Oveii- Installed As cer riding in the third car wUlport of the Court Houpse, was re- be held on Thursday, May 9,195' Master Councilor answer all important calls as a ferred to Public Property Com- at 10 a-m. Ready follow-up on either, side of town. v : Robert A. Peterson of 24 Roger rotttfie. „„ '•-•A- '- -i*- proving^thebld of Marsellis Warn- A. Ethel Alliston, ' Between 8 «jn. and midnight. for the improvement of Clerk ol the Board. avenue was installed as Master Chief PoweU added, there will be Chairman, purchasing Commit-, Councilor of Bremner Chapter. tee, advising of quotations re- Order of DeMolay. at the Masonic a detective patrol also. ' lakf-ROJISfS ar STEMB m No Need Temple, on Saturday evening. In addition, the' department's new safety patrol car will be used Other officers installed were: at various times during the day Thomas Squires. Senior Councilor: Kenneth Weeks, Junior Councilor; I and evening to curtail accidents Ronald Sassi. Senior Deacon; Carl and carry out enforcement meas- Nelson, Junior Deacon; Robert ures. • •"•.•.'" '. .• j Davis. Senior Steward; Laurence Ralph Jacob, Howard Like You Jones Junior Steward; Arthur .Sommers, Chaplain. Xr^uTafreceptors. William Boyko was appointed ^entineL Also. Steven Reiman. Almoner; William Schultze. Marsha); The- On Saturday Bernhard A. Wa- odore Batich. Standard Bearer; genblast wiU be invested with the Baaelest Lyman Marshall. Orator; and Wil- Degree of ChevaUer, one of De- liam Ford. John Rehder. William Molay's highest awards for serv- Dennis, RusseJ Dobbins. Paul ice. .'. '. • V •, . •: . DEL MONTE TWO 59c fresh Codfish Steaks O9« PINEAPPLE- 46-w. ARMOUR'S_STAR AO ADCCDIIIT o.n. ( L ARMOUR b StTAK rlfS!™11- ^ \ GENUINE SPRING JOSEPH LEVY DRINK .. ... 49e LEGS LAMB 55< WHOLf_EVISERATED j™* Upe DEL MONTE Stfi !•• .'*? quart bot ^

FnMkttiM - 9-49« CENTRAL HOME AIR CONDITIONERS DEL MONTE DULANY large 2pkg.35c >il»ICil»n AiUwAi...... ;^ STEWED Jar GREEN BEANS PRUNES DULANY Pfaik Salmon WE SELL /€M • WE INSTALL 'EM • WE SERVICE 'EM SPINACH 2pkg.29c MINUTE MAID. 2 cans 25c DEL MONTE LEMONADE TWO STEWED s & Vegetables TOMATOES. 39c vast 2ft EASTMAN STREET '.-itmum.*+**.'•*+*•;^.. BRIDGE 6.17W NEW GREEN CABBAGE DEL MONTE FRESH TENDER FAMILY STYLE GREEN BEANS Peach Pie GOLDEN 2 cans RIPEHONEYDEW $WEET CORN 29e MELONS Did You Know • . a If Costs less Than — Juno Is Dairy Month! LIPTON Froien food Valiw! PARTY SIZE (SQUIRT to tutu owoy TEA UNIT STARCH hmqA wadhumidity • y • . ' • w, •,,.' . to receive EHLER'S COFFEE .... '•*• LIPTON pkg. of 64 rino our MANHAT- one to whom you want to send The Citizen and Chronicle. Send the TAN*lH|l>»»wigr>t «hlrt». iKt/r* coupon and $4.00 to us. Tour subscription will start immediately. "Air Conditioner of crisp, wosh- POTATO CRACKERS obU faqthf v^iqht fabric Coot- t Us* Thb Handy Coupon for R«Mwalv Too! ing pasHda, or frosty whH*. from $ IZDI mo cwpmctE. 4.00 I AHWb THURSDAY & IRIDAY UNTIL 9 BUtct GOLDBERG'S ,03 MIIN ST., CHAHrORD-OPIN Town „ i. - Open Mwilpy «ri FrMf J^w»»m»^ It NORTH AVtL, WEST - CRANFORD New Subscription o Renewal P

^^A^-.'SiijJ.iv^.iysLYA ^"^^ sfe tfjpi» '*;••;.. •'."•»:*•.' ^,*?$m% ."•»*-;• •.••V TOCBANFORD C3TJZ» AN» CBBOfflCLE. THURSDAY JEN* M, 1M7 AY, •"S," eering; Theodore Rutmayer of 125 ...... ,'. ' . ,. j. f, „,'"..,. Fserve -on - active auty-r lor six J net—when all goes according to Thomas street, a MS in EUctrtcal tOUTZ Graduated Cam Laude using a .... "Old SEnoT^."The~Vocat music I they "were In school.: months and then be transferred to schedule. I . Engineering; Arthur Sargent of was. under the direction of Chan- Dag*} h6t^dben After a picnic supperp , at which .'If Induct 12 hometown duty with an Army Re- At Gettysburg College Also due-Monday for twice daily 704 Orchard street, a BS in Elec- ning Coppage. ^ serve or National Guard unit. several cubs cooked on camp Song, Dance I offered Jeannette S. ZuHck, 20 Myrtle performances )are the Florida Trio, trical Engineering; Orih, Sharp, Jr., Refreshments were served dur- Post Prior to arriving at Fort Dix, Pvt staves they had made as den of 41 Spruce street, a BS in Me- To Reoei^ PUqw street, was graduated cum laude comedy contortionist routine fresh ing intermission. Into ••r^f, _• „ Young, son off Mr.. and MTft HarHar- from Gettysburg (Pa.) College last pjrojects, , ap pack meeting was chanical Engineering; Harry Zbin» Festival Held fi from Ciro's in Hollywood; Munoz, den of 43 Elizabeth avenue, a MS investtture team of Boy ©Id E. Young of the Mohawk drive week with a bachelor of arts de- around the campfire.Paffrat' h pre- slack wire specialist with the "big Troop 75, of.Cranford Meth- addr^ss> attended Cranford High gree in. Spanish. • " Cubmaster in Chemical Engineering. local Residents sented the following awards: Wolf top? for five years, and Miss Del,- By Two Schools ley*, former proteges and Mends member, ot the coaching odist Churchhh , leldd by Junior AAss - s^ool, Lafayette College and President ot Alphi Xi Delta so- . Kenilworth residents were: Rich- For ley, t Scoutmaster Craig Davison. Cornell University. badge with* gold and silver ar- lilah, pretty trapeze star. The Sherman and Walnut Ave- In Foolhill* Play Dartmout road was ^JJ.ijj^^ McKeown. ith " d **^**?™^ cial Sorority and of the Women's ard Weber of 50 Arbor street, a nue Schools' song and dance fes- named a personnel assistant at ty K^ desired to present Wm with "a staff and ^rmally• i inducted 12 boys Into ten- rows, Jeffrey Heilbrun; gold and Four Cranford residents - are oriU Vogel.^arbara Sayles, Student Government, she was asilver arrows for wolf. Michael BS in Chemical Engineering; and tival was held recently on the Supervision Bayway Refinery of Esso Standr Miller, Ton! Kurtz, Dolores ^ *hi* he c*n ** enjoy^1 jS-Jg^t'S'SEl derfoot scouting in Troopl77 at cranford men have been member of. "Who's Who Among Thomas Robe of 373 Lincoln drive, Walnut avenue field.' Three sixth featured in Christopher Fry's Y , ln School ,recently; The in- assigned H . Company, First Jones; lion badge and gold arrow. Newark College Cranford is among 69 commitnl- ardOilCo. u ico to H . Company, First Students in American Colleges and a BS in Electrical Engineering. grades took part in group singing poetic comedy. "The Lady's Not was unveiled by ^S^ the general I venture team consisted of William Training Regiment, at Fort Dix Ior Robert Galen, silver arrows for ties throughout the nation which MM Kravee held the title ot r^ Universities," Phi Sigma lota. Ro- wolf and bear badge, Arthur and square dancing before an aud- for Burning.*' which opened yes- 0e Tulio. John Elliot, Steven En- cigbt weeks, of i^antry basic Graduates will receive certificates of C WeeUe/s grandson," Bern- committee arranged the] ulio. J cigbt weeks of i^antry basic mance Language honorary. Booster ience of parents. testing and rating andFayeBUwn. Wlt Engel Steven HalL ii i j Block; bear badge with gold ar- terday at the Foothills Play House. achievement from the Interna- -el WalteWalt r Engelg,, Steven, HalL training in conjunction with ththis Club, PanHellehic Council, Student Science Students Make "America.*' played by the school ardLeeFlynn,!!. Wording on U»e Jht Rbt Plant row, James Wright and Thomas Nine Local Boys tional Association of Chiefs at Po- last June. She has worked in the Richard Johnston. Robert Plant 1955 Reserve Forces Act They will Christian Association and the, stu- bands, under the direction of Middlesex. The three-act play will cn«k for $350 to the music de- plaque follows: "J. Seth Weekley S^Vi-^wanger and J. H. Mc- Nolan, Jr.. denner stripe, Gregory Water Company Tour run for two weeks, Wednesday lice for police traffic supervision testing and rating line of em- and Lex Stewart. ' serve on active duty for six months dent newspaper staff. Ward and two-year pin, Robert Newark College of Engineering Donald Whellan, opened the pro- Parents of the new scouts and and then will be transferred to Several members of Mrs. Charles activity in 1956, according to. an ployee relations work since 1950. Z2S£.5£.** was from theUld, Dedicated Jime IB. 195T. by *£JSF%2£ri9***. M She received departmental hon- Canning. held its 1957 Commencement Ex- gram. After the ..flag salute, di- through Saturday. . v . Cranford Adult School his friends in recognition of his I the troop committeitt e witnesseitedd ththee home town duty with an Army Re- ercises recently in the Mosque Kurtz's eight grade science classes anouncemcnt made today by the Hiss Kravee was first employed field arrangements; ors in Spanish. The final event of the day was at Cranford Junior. High School rected by a color guard from.Mrs. Lorry Ashwell is. seen as Richr preciatlon for the use of the high many years service to the youth of Harris, ways and means colorful ceremony, as John De Stef- serve or National Guard outfit. The Auditorium in down town Newark, association... at Bayway as an escort, in.AW*t '."••; !,"•.-•;•;•>'••'>• •• - 6 pounds' soft ball game between th» went on a field trip to the Plain- Elizabeth Duffy's sixth grade, the ard. copying clerk; Allen Whitney school faculties." \ . Cranford.- Preston, publicity; Aug-| Carl Pi Rini, Dean Elichko. local residents ar« Pvt. Maxwell before a capacity audienc of 3300 entire1 assembly sang "America.'' plays Mayor Tyson, an indecisive George A. Otlewis,' president ot upon compleUng high school. She Friedman, Robert Gorski, L McCormack, son of Mr. and mothers and dads ot the pack. The field-Union Water Company re- Dr. Kenneth W. Iversen, presi- Mrs. Jacob Stanley presented .mann and P. J-Grail.! Barry Pack, 175 Pi