December 10, 2015 Post Office Box 15152 , 89114 THE FOUR-WAY TEST OF THE THINGS Phone: 702-433-7451 BE A GIFT TO WE THINK, SAY OR DO ROSEMARY VASSILIADIS Fax: 702-450-7859 THE WORLD District 5300 1. Is it the TRUTH? Clark County Department of Aviation Club 813 Rosemary A. Vassiliadis was named Clark County Director 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? of Aviation in March 2013. She had previously served as Website: Deputy Director of Aviation since December 1997. She Email: [email protected] 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? oversees all operations at McCarran International Airport Executive Director: Shawn Noorda 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? in Las Vegas, as well as general aviation airports in North DECEMBER 10, 2015 Las Vegas, Henderson, Jean and Overton, Nevada.

LAS VEGAS ROTARY Vassiliadis is the eleventh person to lead Clark County’s FOUNDATION 2015-2016 MAKE-UP DAYS AND PLACES aviation system since McCarran was establish in 1948, Monday Southwest Lawry’s Prime Rib 12:15 p.m. TODAY’S PROGRAM DQGLVWKH¿UVWZRPDQWRVHUYHDV'LUHFWRU BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tuesday Las Vegas Summerlin TPC Club House 7:15 a.m. Tuesday Fremont Hugo’s (Four Queens Hotel) 12:15 p.m. McCarran annually ranks among the world’s busiest airports, serving nearly 43 million passengers in 2014. President: Steve Casey Tuesday Henderson McCaw School of Mines, 575 Lynn Lane Noon ROSEMARY VASSILIADIS Under Vassiliadis’ leadership, the airport has developed an President Elect: Thomas Thomas Tuesday Mesquite Oasis Club House Noon industry-leading security program while maintaining a strong commitment to world-class Secretary: Larry Rouse Tuesday Las Vegas West Canyon Gate Country Club 12:15 p.m. customer service. Vassiliadis manages the work of nearly 1,500 employees, ensuring Treasurer: Paul Kruger Tuesday Red Rock Rotary PT’s Pub (9050 W. Post Rd.) 6:00 p.m. CALENDAR WKDWWKHDLUSRUWV\VWHP¶VRSHUDWLRQDOSODQVDUHHI¿FLHQWO\DQGHIIHFWLYHO\LPSOHPHQWHG Immediate Past President: Wednesday Pahrump Valley Mountain Falls Grill Room 6:00 p.m. Vassiliadis works with several national organizations that are critical to the U.S. and Randy Boesch Wednesday Boulder City Boulder Creek Golf Course Noon MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday Moapa Old Overton Gym 6:30 a.m. global travel industries. Since February 2011, she has overseen McCarran’s efforts as Senior Members: Paul Maffey an Executive Board Member of the U.S. Travel Association, a Washington, D.C.-based Wednesday Las Vegas Central Las Vegas Country Club 12:15 p.m. Ty Hilbrecht trade group that promotes American travel interests both domestically and worldwide. Wednesday LV Spring Mountains Siena Bistro, Siena Golf Club 5:30p.m. SCRIBE Trustees: Mary Ann Avnet In February 2014, Vassiliadis was elected by member vote to serve as the Association’s Town Center Drive south of Flamingo Board Treasurer. Since 2009, Vassiliadis has been an advisory board member for the David Thorson Thursday Boulder City Sunrise Boulder Creek Golf Course 7:00 a.m. International Aviation Law Institute, a premier source for research, analysis, and study of Randy Campanale Thursday Green Valley Wildhorse Golf Club 7:00 a.m. ORIENTATION PHOTOS international aviation law and policy based out of the DePaul University College of Law Robert D. Fisher Thursday Las Vegas Rotary Lawry’s Prime Rib Noon in Chicago. Thursday Mesquite Sunrise Oasis Golf Course (Red Room) 7:30 a.m. NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT In September 2011, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval appointed Vassiliadis a member of Friday North Las Vegas Los Prados Country Club 7:15 a.m. the Nevada Homeland Security Commission, which is responsible for setting goals and Off Lone Mtn. betw. Decatur & Jones programs to counteract or prevent potential acts of terrorism or related emergencies; she had previously served in this role from August 2004 through July 2007. Vassiliadis has Wheel Print: Bill Houghton, Horizon Print Solutions been a member of the United Service Organizations’ Las Vegas Advisory Council since Wheel Creative & Editor: Jeni Houghton, Horizon Print Solutions $SULODQGZDVSURXGWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHRSHQLQJRI1HYDGD¶V¿UVW862&HQWHUDW Programs: Rob Telles & Debbie Donaldson McCarran on Veterans Day 2010. Pictures: Jim Tucker Vassiliadis came from the Clark County Department of Finance, where she amassed 16 The Scribe: Sarah Brown \HDUVRISURJUHVVLYHJRYHUQPHQWH[SHULHQFH$VGLUHFWRURI¿QDQFHIRU&ODUN&RXQW\VKH was responsible for a $2.2 billion operating budget and a $2.4 billion capital improve- ment plan. Before joining Clark County, she worked for the City of Las Vegas Finance Rotary Web Sites 'HSDUWPHQWEHJLQQLQJDVD¿QDQFLDODQDO\VWDQGSURJUHVVLQJWRPDQDJHURI¿QDQFHDQG - Rotary International - District 5300 Site budget. - Our Club Site A native of Chicago, Vassiliadis earned a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from DePaul University. She and her husband have two children and enjoy a variety of community Don’t miss activities. The December Issue of Rotary At A Glance THE ROTARIAN Rotarians Members - 1,207,102; Clubs - 34,823; Districts - 538; Countries - 200+; Rotaractors Clubs - 7,868; Members - 180,964; Countries - 162 Las Vegas Rotary Club Mission: Interact Clubs - 18,005; Members - 414,115; Countries - 132 Teaching Youth to Succeed through Literacy, Education & Life Skills Development


Russell Price Warehousing ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Russell Price has a diverse background Transportation LQ¿QDQFLDOSODQQLQJDVVHWPDQDJHPHQW Installation It’s Almost Time for the Rose Parade! trust, and estate planning. Prior to joining Logistics UBS, Russell was Executive Vice President Local Delivery Once again, countless volunteers are working on a daily basis to and Director of Private Banking at Nevada 379-8500 Liquidation State Bank. Prior to his role at Nevada State create the beautiful Rotary Float for the parade. Below is a %DQNKHZDVD¿[HGLQFRPHDQDO\VLVDQGD message from RI President Ravindran portfolio manager. Russell has been pro- Mary Ann Avnet YLGLQJ¿QDQFLDOVROXWLRQVWRKLJKQHWZRUWK Long before Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Rotarians around individuals and families for over 16 years. President 2015-2016 Russell has an MBA from Regis University WKHZRUOGUHFRJQL]HGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI¿QGLQJQHZDQGFUHDWLYH CLUB OFFICERS 2015 2016 with an emphasis in Finance and Account- ways to spread the word about Rotary. The Rotary Rose ing. Russell spends his down time with his President Mary Ann Avnet 3DUDGH)ORDW&RPPLWWHHÀRDWLVSHUKDSVWKHORQJHVWVWDQGLQJDQG two kids and volunteering for charities that President-Elect best-known, of these projects. Every year for the last 37 years, promote healthy/active lifestyles. Russell is a founding member of the Southern Nevada Society of Financial Analysts which promotes David Thorson Rotarians across the United States and Canada have carried on Immediate Past President HWKLFDOSUDFWLFHVDQGFRQWLQXDOHGXFDWLRQZLWKLQWKH¿QDQFHLQGXVWU\ WKHWUDGLWLRQRIGHVLJQLQJDQGEXLOGLQJDÀRDWWRHQWHULQWKH5RVH Steve Linder 3DUDGH7KLV\HDUWKHÀRDWZLOOEHVHHQE\DQLQWHUQDWLRQDO Secretary Janice Lencke television and social media audience of over 83 million people in Treasurer Tom Brooker Have you scheduled your Craft Talk yet? ELECTED DIRECTORS more than 200 countries! Gina Gentleman Francesca Gilbert ,ORRNIRUZDUGWRULGLQJRQWKHÀRDWLQWKLV\HDU¶VSDUDGHDQG James Kohl congratulate the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee for their Janice Lencke FUHDWLYLW\FRPPLWPHQWDQGKDUGZRUN7KHÀRDWLVDZRQGHUIXO Robert Patten ZD\WRUDLVH5RWDU\¶VSUR¿OHDQGWRVKRZKRZ5RWDULDQVFDQ Deb Granda Be A Gift to the World, by Working Together for Peace. Chris Rodenfels Carolyn Sparks K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran – Rotary International President Bill Stieren Past President Representative Tom Axtell

Rotarians happily donated lots of new books which will be donated to “Spread the Word Nevada”. Steve R. Parikh MSE, MBA, PE, F. ASCE-LIFE Certified Value Specialist - LIFE LEED ® Accredited Professional President

SRP ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, PLLC. 9316 Harrow Rook Street, Las Vegas, NV 89143, USA Phone: (702)396-5512 Email; [email protected] ROTARY’S MISSION The mission of Rotary International is to support its PHPEHUFOXEVLQIXO¿OOLQJWKH2EMHFWRI5RWDU\E\ • Fostering unity among member clubs; 2 • Strengthening and expanding Rotary around the world; 7

PAST PRESIDENTS *Deceased Les Saunders* 1923-24 Harold Wandesforde 1969-70 SCRIBE CALENDAR Bill Ferron* 1924-25 Mark C. Mielke* 1970-71 A.A. Hinman* 1925-26 Dr. Harold Boyer* 1971-72 DECEMBER 10, 2015 ROTARY EVENTS ARE LISTED IN RED / GUEST SPEAKERS & PROGRAMS IN BLACK Frosty Mildren* 1926-27 Angelo J. Manzi* 1972-73 Fred Hesse* 1927-28 Keith Ashworth* 1973-74 • Kideract President gave the invocation; two Kideract Vice Presidents 12/17 Rosemary Vassiliadis - McCarran Airport Dr. F.M. Ferguson* 1928-29 Robert E. O’Connell* 1974-75 12/24 Dark (Christmas Eve) Dr. William S. Park* 1929-30 Don Ashworth 1975-76 led us in a Patriotic medley. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Charlie Dimock* 1930-31 David F. Welles 1976-77 the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past President Russ Swain and a Kideract 12/31 Dark (New Year’s Eve) Leo McNamee* 1931-32 James J. Corey* 1977-78 A.E. Cahlan* 1932-33 Darrell Luce* 1978-79 member. 1/2 RI Foundation Dinner Douglas Dasheil* 1933-34 Albert H. Purdue* 1979-80 1/14 Joe Bowers - Metro Marion Earl* 1934-35 Michael Hoover 1980-81 • December birthdays were recognized and Ted McAdam led us in K.O. Knudson* 1936-37 Donald L. Aikin 1981-82 singing Happy Birthday. 1/21 Bishop Pepe Frank Gusewelle* 1937-38 Joseph J. Buckley* 1982-83 1/28 Dr. Cummings - Lou Ruvo Center Tom Connolly* 1938-39 Irwin Kishner 1983-84 • President Mary Ann brought President Elect David Thorson & Dr. Archie Grant* 1939-40 James Cashman III* 1984-85 2/4 Bart Patterson - Otto Underhill* 1940-41 Mike Meyer 1985-86 Michael Gordon to the podium. President Mary Ann announced that Bryan Bunker 1941-42 Doug L. Peterson 1986-87 Dr. Michael Gordon is the president elect-elect for the year 2017-2018. Cyril Wengert* 1942-43 M.J. Wiens, Jr. 1987-88 Michael’s mother was in attendance as a guest. Fred O’Donnell* 1943-44 Keith W. Bassett* 1988-89 Frank Case* 1944-45 Kenneth E. Miller* 1989-90 • Katie Decker brought guests from Bracken and Long and gave an Victor Shurtiff* 1945-46 James M. Gamett 1990-91 Max Kelch* 1946-47 Robert L. Moore 1991-92 update on both schools. ORIENTATION PHOTOS Ed Ciliax* 1947-48 Robert L. Forbuss* 1992-93 Lorin Ronnow* 1948-49 Gary A. Martin 1993-94 • New member orientation & induction held on Monday evening. Leonard Fayle* 1949-50 John A. Smith 1994-95 Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make this a special Allye Lawson* 1950-51 Caty Crockett 1995-96 Harry Allen* 1951-52 Clifford R. Beadle 1996-97 HYHQLQJIRURXUQHZ5RWDULDQV1HZPHPEHUVUHFRJQL]HGStuart Les Edwards* 1952-53 Ralph J. Rohay 1997-98 Lipoff, Marcella Gill, Russell Price and Russ Holmes. Jerry Wayne Kirch* 1953-54 Dr. James M. Jones 1998-99 George Boman* 1954-55 Tom A. Thomas 1999-00 Sennes who was inducted in July joined us for orientation. We have 6SHQFH%XWWHU¿HOG  Tom J. Krob 2000-01 one more new member who could not make it on Monday night, Fred Walt Hunsaker* 1956-57 James E. Hunt 2001-02 Ted Brandt* 1957-58 James R. Tucker 2002-03 Lentz. We have several more potential new members so we expect to Julian Moore* 1958-59 Kathy Dalvey 2003-04 hold another orientation in January. Ray F. Culley* 1959-60 Steve Casey 2004-05 C.T. Harris* 1960-61 Ned Phillips 2005-06 • The drawing began at $2,561, plus this week’s donations. The winner Ollie Gardner 1961-62 Brock Fraser 2006-07 Tom Underhill* 1962-63 Randy Campanale 2007-08 gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Vern Willis* 1963-64 Russ Swain 2008-09 7LFNHW:LQQHUPast President Russ Swain who won $10. Lawry Ward Wengert* 1964-65 Karen Whisenhunt 2009-10 %XFNV:LQQHUMatthew Nelson. Bill Southard* 1965-66 Tom Axtell 2010-11 Dr. Vince Sanner* 1966-67 Sharon McNair 2011-12 • Past President Jim Hunt and PEE Michael Gordon attended an Walter Wehner* 1967-68 Randy Donald 2012-13 Dr. Robert Robinson* 1968-69 Ginger Anderson 2013-14 event this past Tuesday and were awarded a check for $5,500 from Steve Linder 2014-15 the Speedway Children’s Charities. Jim also announced that Past * Deceased President Kathy Dalvey’sVRQ0D[SDUWLFLSDWHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWKLV year as a shopper and he donated $10 towards the campaign. • Steve Casey and the Rotary Foundation Trustees outlined the proposed changes to our Club’s by-laws and held a meeting for questions after lunch. • presented a Sole Power award to our speakers, LOBBYIST • CONSULTANT President Mary Ann Brian Plaster and Farrow Smith from Boys Town. GOD BLESS AMERICA

(702) 326-5808 2015- 2016 Call (702) 595-1229 RI President K. R. Ravindran 7475 W. Sahara Ave #100 District 5300 Governor Las Vegas, NV 89117 email: [email protected] Randy Pote 6 3


President Mary Ann opened the The Kideract members presided over our Michael Gordon presented Jim Jaime Goldsmith was Matt Nelson wins the meeting and Walter Bracken meeting and led us in song. Hunt a check from the Las Vegas recognized for the great job Lawry bucks. Kideract President gave our invocation. Motor Speedway for next years in organizing our Holiday Party Santa Clothes project for $5,500. at the Treasure Island.

All of our members were amazed with Michael Gordon introduced his mother the performance of Walter Brackens Ina visiting from South Africa. students under Katie Decker’s Foundation President introduces the LVRF board. Russ Swain misses the guidance. Joker…the pot goes on.

Lamar Marchese was recognized for not Ted McAdam led us in a birthday song Russ Swain poses with our Mary Ann presents our speakers from Boys being at the birthday table. with the Kideract Sgt at Arms. Sergeant at Arms from Bracken Town with our Sole Power Award. Kideract. 7KH2I¿FHUVIRUWKH&OXE Jaime Goldsmith/President RAFFLE AMOUNT Sarah Brown/ Vice-President • /Secretary The 25 Club meetings are held on the 1st Thursday $2,713.00283 each month at 11:15 A.M. at Lawry’s The Prime Rib

Randy Boesch Executive Vice President Director of Private Banking

P 702.855.4848 4 E [email protected] 5


President Mary Ann opened the The Kideract members presided over our Michael Gordon presented Jim Jaime Goldsmith was Matt Nelson wins the meeting and Walter Bracken meeting and led us in song. Hunt a check from the Las Vegas recognized for the great job Lawry bucks. Kideract President gave our invocation. Motor Speedway for next years in organizing our Holiday Party Santa Clothes project for $5,500. at the Treasure Island.

All of our members were amazed with Michael Gordon introduced his mother the performance of Walter Brackens Ina visiting from South Africa. students under Katie Decker’s Foundation President introduces the LVRF board. Russ Swain misses the guidance. Joker…the pot goes on.

Lamar Marchese was recognized for not Ted McAdam led us in a birthday song Russ Swain poses with our Mary Ann presents our speakers from Boys being at the birthday table. with the Kideract Sgt at Arms. Sergeant at Arms from Bracken Town with our Sole Power Award. Kideract. 7KH2I¿FHUVIRUWKH&OXE Jaime Goldsmith/President RAFFLE AMOUNT Sarah Brown/ Vice-President • /Secretary The 25 Club meetings are held on the 1st Thursday $2,713.00283 each month at 11:15 A.M. at Lawry’s The Prime Rib

Randy Boesch Executive Vice President Director of Private Banking

P 702.855.4848 4 E [email protected] 5

PAST PRESIDENTS *Deceased Les Saunders* 1923-24 Harold Wandesforde 1969-70 SCRIBE CALENDAR Bill Ferron* 1924-25 Mark C. Mielke* 1970-71 A.A. Hinman* 1925-26 Dr. Harold Boyer* 1971-72 DECEMBER 10, 2015 ROTARY EVENTS ARE LISTED IN RED / GUEST SPEAKERS & PROGRAMS IN BLACK Frosty Mildren* 1926-27 Angelo J. Manzi* 1972-73 Fred Hesse* 1927-28 Keith Ashworth* 1973-74 • Kideract President gave the invocation; two Kideract Vice Presidents 12/17 Rosemary Vassiliadis - McCarran Airport Dr. F.M. Ferguson* 1928-29 Robert E. O’Connell* 1974-75 12/24 Dark (Christmas Eve) Dr. William S. Park* 1929-30 Don Ashworth 1975-76 led us in a Patriotic medley. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited and Charlie Dimock* 1930-31 David F. Welles 1976-77 the Sergeant-at-Arms was Past President Russ Swain and a Kideract 12/31 Dark (New Year’s Eve) Leo McNamee* 1931-32 James J. Corey* 1977-78 A.E. Cahlan* 1932-33 Darrell Luce* 1978-79 member. 1/2 RI Foundation Dinner Douglas Dasheil* 1933-34 Albert H. Purdue* 1979-80 1/14 Joe Bowers - Metro Marion Earl* 1934-35 Michael Hoover 1980-81 • December birthdays were recognized and Ted McAdam led us in K.O. Knudson* 1936-37 Donald L. Aikin 1981-82 singing Happy Birthday. 1/21 Bishop Pepe Frank Gusewelle* 1937-38 Joseph J. Buckley* 1982-83 1/28 Dr. Cummings - Lou Ruvo Center Tom Connolly* 1938-39 Irwin Kishner 1983-84 • President Mary Ann brought President Elect David Thorson & Dr. Archie Grant* 1939-40 James Cashman III* 1984-85 2/4 Bart Patterson - Nevada State College Otto Underhill* 1940-41 Mike Meyer 1985-86 Michael Gordon to the podium. President Mary Ann announced that Bryan Bunker 1941-42 Doug L. Peterson 1986-87 Dr. Michael Gordon is the president elect-elect for the year 2017-2018. Cyril Wengert* 1942-43 M.J. Wiens, Jr. 1987-88 Michael’s mother was in attendance as a guest. Fred O’Donnell* 1943-44 Keith W. Bassett* 1988-89 Frank Case* 1944-45 Kenneth E. Miller* 1989-90 • Katie Decker brought guests from Bracken and Long and gave an Victor Shurtiff* 1945-46 James M. Gamett 1990-91 Max Kelch* 1946-47 Robert L. Moore 1991-92 update on both schools. ORIENTATION PHOTOS Ed Ciliax* 1947-48 Robert L. Forbuss* 1992-93 Lorin Ronnow* 1948-49 Gary A. Martin 1993-94 • New member orientation & induction held on Monday evening. Leonard Fayle* 1949-50 John A. Smith 1994-95 Thanks to everyone who attended and helped make this a special Allye Lawson* 1950-51 Caty Crockett 1995-96 Harry Allen* 1951-52 Clifford R. Beadle 1996-97 HYHQLQJIRURXUQHZ5RWDULDQV1HZPHPEHUVUHFRJQL]HGStuart Les Edwards* 1952-53 Ralph J. Rohay 1997-98 Lipoff, Marcella Gill, Russell Price and Russ Holmes. Jerry Wayne Kirch* 1953-54 Dr. James M. Jones 1998-99 George Boman* 1954-55 Tom A. Thomas 1999-00 Sennes who was inducted in July joined us for orientation. We have 6SHQFH%XWWHU¿HOG  Tom J. Krob 2000-01 one more new member who could not make it on Monday night, Fred Walt Hunsaker* 1956-57 James E. Hunt 2001-02 Ted Brandt* 1957-58 James R. Tucker 2002-03 Lentz. We have several more potential new members so we expect to Julian Moore* 1958-59 Kathy Dalvey 2003-04 hold another orientation in January. Ray F. Culley* 1959-60 Steve Casey 2004-05 C.T. Harris* 1960-61 Ned Phillips 2005-06 • The drawing began at $2,561, plus this week’s donations. The winner Ollie Gardner 1961-62 Brock Fraser 2006-07 Tom Underhill* 1962-63 Randy Campanale 2007-08 gets half the pot and half goes to the Las Vegas Rotary Foundation. Vern Willis* 1963-64 Russ Swain 2008-09 7LFNHW:LQQHUPast President Russ Swain who won $10. Lawry Ward Wengert* 1964-65 Karen Whisenhunt 2009-10 %XFNV:LQQHUMatthew Nelson. Bill Southard* 1965-66 Tom Axtell 2010-11 Dr. Vince Sanner* 1966-67 Sharon McNair 2011-12 • Past President Jim Hunt and PEE Michael Gordon attended an Walter Wehner* 1967-68 Randy Donald 2012-13 Dr. Robert Robinson* 1968-69 Ginger Anderson 2013-14 event this past Tuesday and were awarded a check for $5,500 from Steve Linder 2014-15 the Speedway Children’s Charities. Jim also announced that Past * Deceased President Kathy Dalvey’sVRQ0D[SDUWLFLSDWHGIRUWKH¿UVWWLPHWKLV year as a shopper and he donated $10 towards the campaign. • Steve Casey and the Rotary Foundation Trustees outlined the proposed changes to our Club’s by-laws and held a meeting for questions after lunch. • presented a Sole Power award to our speakers, LOBBYIST • CONSULTANT President Mary Ann Brian Plaster and Farrow Smith from Boys Town. GOD BLESS AMERICA

(702) 326-5808 2015- 2016 Call (702) 595-1229 RI President K. R. Ravindran 7475 W. Sahara Ave #100 District 5300 Governor Las Vegas, NV 89117 email: [email protected] Randy Pote 6 3


Russell Price Warehousing ROTARY INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT Russell Price has a diverse background Transportation LQ¿QDQFLDOSODQQLQJDVVHWPDQDJHPHQW Installation It’s Almost Time for the Rose Parade! trust, and estate planning. Prior to joining Logistics UBS, Russell was Executive Vice President Local Delivery Once again, countless volunteers are working on a daily basis to and Director of Private Banking at Nevada 379-8500 Liquidation State Bank. Prior to his role at Nevada State create the beautiful Rotary Float for the parade. Below is a %DQNKHZDVD¿[HGLQFRPHDQDO\VLVDQGD message from RI President Ravindran portfolio manager. Russell has been pro- Mary Ann Avnet YLGLQJ¿QDQFLDOVROXWLRQVWRKLJKQHWZRUWK Long before Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, Rotarians around individuals and families for over 16 years. President 2015-2016 Russell has an MBA from Regis University WKHZRUOGUHFRJQL]HGWKHLPSRUWDQFHRI¿QGLQJQHZDQGFUHDWLYH CLUB OFFICERS 2015 2016 with an emphasis in Finance and Account- ways to spread the word about Rotary. The Rotary Rose ing. Russell spends his down time with his President Mary Ann Avnet 3DUDGH)ORDW&RPPLWWHHÀRDWLVSHUKDSVWKHORQJHVWVWDQGLQJDQG two kids and volunteering for charities that President-Elect best-known, of these projects. Every year for the last 37 years, promote healthy/active lifestyles. Russell is a founding member of the Southern Nevada Society of Financial Analysts which promotes David Thorson Rotarians across the United States and Canada have carried on Immediate Past President HWKLFDOSUDFWLFHVDQGFRQWLQXDOHGXFDWLRQZLWKLQWKH¿QDQFHLQGXVWU\ WKHWUDGLWLRQRIGHVLJQLQJDQGEXLOGLQJDÀRDWWRHQWHULQWKH5RVH Steve Linder 3DUDGH7KLV\HDUWKHÀRDWZLOOEHVHHQE\DQLQWHUQDWLRQDO Secretary Janice Lencke television and social media audience of over 83 million people in Treasurer Tom Brooker Have you scheduled your Craft Talk yet? ELECTED DIRECTORS more than 200 countries! Gina Gentleman Francesca Gilbert ,ORRNIRUZDUGWRULGLQJRQWKHÀRDWLQWKLV\HDU¶VSDUDGHDQG James Kohl congratulate the Rotary Rose Parade Float Committee for their Janice Lencke FUHDWLYLW\FRPPLWPHQWDQGKDUGZRUN7KHÀRDWLVDZRQGHUIXO Robert Patten ZD\WRUDLVH5RWDU\¶VSUR¿OHDQGWRVKRZKRZ5RWDULDQVFDQ Deb Granda Be A Gift to the World, by Working Together for Peace. Chris Rodenfels Carolyn Sparks K.R. “Ravi” Ravindran – Rotary International President Bill Stieren Past President Representative Tom Axtell

Rotarians happily donated lots of new books which will be donated to “Spread the Word Nevada”. Steve R. Parikh MSE, MBA, PE, F. ASCE-LIFE Certified Value Specialist - LIFE LEED ® Accredited Professional President

SRP ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, PLLC. 9316 Harrow Rook Street, Las Vegas, NV 89143, USA Phone: (702)396-5512 Email; [email protected] ROTARY’S MISSION The mission of Rotary International is to support its PHPEHUFOXEVLQIXO¿OOLQJWKH2EMHFWRI5RWDU\E\ • Fostering unity among member clubs; 2 • Strengthening and expanding Rotary around the world; 7

December 10, 2015 Post Office Box 15152 Las Vegas, Nevada 89114 THE FOUR-WAY TEST OF THE THINGS Phone: 702-433-7451 BE A GIFT TO WE THINK, SAY OR DO ROSEMARY VASSILIADIS Fax: 702-450-7859 THE WORLD District 5300 1. Is it the TRUTH? Clark County Department of Aviation Club 813 Rosemary A. Vassiliadis was named Clark County Director 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? of Aviation in March 2013. She had previously served as Website: Deputy Director of Aviation since December 1997. She Email: [email protected] 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER FRIENDSHIPS? oversees all operations at McCarran International Airport Executive Director: Shawn Noorda 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? in Las Vegas, as well as general aviation airports in North DECEMBER 10, 2015 Las Vegas, Henderson, Jean and Overton, Nevada.

LAS VEGAS ROTARY Vassiliadis is the eleventh person to lead Clark County’s FOUNDATION 2015-2016 MAKE-UP DAYS AND PLACES aviation system since McCarran was establish in 1948, Monday Southwest Lawry’s Prime Rib 12:15 p.m. TODAY’S PROGRAM DQGLVWKH¿UVWZRPDQWRVHUYHDV'LUHFWRU BOARD OF DIRECTORS Tuesday Las Vegas Summerlin TPC Club House 7:15 a.m. Tuesday Fremont Hugo’s (Four Queens Hotel) 12:15 p.m. McCarran annually ranks among the world’s busiest airports, serving nearly 43 million passengers in 2014. President: Steve Casey Tuesday Henderson McCaw School of Mines, 575 Lynn Lane Noon ROSEMARY VASSILIADIS Under Vassiliadis’ leadership, the airport has developed an President Elect: Thomas Thomas Tuesday Mesquite Oasis Club House Noon industry-leading security program while maintaining a strong commitment to world-class Secretary: Larry Rouse Tuesday Las Vegas West Canyon Gate Country Club 12:15 p.m. customer service. Vassiliadis manages the work of nearly 1,500 employees, ensuring Treasurer: Paul Kruger Tuesday Red Rock Rotary PT’s Pub (9050 W. Post Rd.) 6:00 p.m. CALENDAR WKDWWKHDLUSRUWV\VWHP¶VRSHUDWLRQDOSODQVDUHHI¿FLHQWO\DQGHIIHFWLYHO\LPSOHPHQWHG Immediate Past President: Wednesday Pahrump Valley Mountain Falls Grill Room 6:00 p.m. Vassiliadis works with several national organizations that are critical to the U.S. and Randy Boesch Wednesday Boulder City Boulder Creek Golf Course Noon MEMBER HIGHLIGHTS Wednesday Moapa Old Overton Gym 6:30 a.m. global travel industries. Since February 2011, she has overseen McCarran’s efforts as Senior Members: Paul Maffey an Executive Board Member of the U.S. Travel Association, a Washington, D.C.-based Wednesday Las Vegas Central Las Vegas Country Club 12:15 p.m. Ty Hilbrecht trade group that promotes American travel interests both domestically and worldwide. Wednesday LV Spring Mountains Siena Bistro, Siena Golf Club 5:30p.m. SCRIBE Trustees: Mary Ann Avnet In February 2014, Vassiliadis was elected by member vote to serve as the Association’s Town Center Drive south of Flamingo Board Treasurer. Since 2009, Vassiliadis has been an advisory board member for the David Thorson Thursday Boulder City Sunrise Boulder Creek Golf Course 7:00 a.m. International Aviation Law Institute, a premier source for research, analysis, and study of Randy Campanale Thursday Green Valley Wildhorse Golf Club 7:00 a.m. ORIENTATION PHOTOS international aviation law and policy based out of the DePaul University College of Law Robert D. Fisher Thursday Las Vegas Rotary Lawry’s Prime Rib Noon in Chicago. Thursday Mesquite Sunrise Oasis Golf Course (Red Room) 7:30 a.m. NEW MEMBER SPOTLIGHT In September 2011, Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval appointed Vassiliadis a member of Friday North Las Vegas Los Prados Country Club 7:15 a.m. the Nevada Homeland Security Commission, which is responsible for setting goals and Off Lone Mtn. betw. Decatur & Jones programs to counteract or prevent potential acts of terrorism or related emergencies; she had previously served in this role from August 2004 through July 2007. Vassiliadis has Wheel Print: Bill Houghton, Horizon Print Solutions been a member of the United Service Organizations’ Las Vegas Advisory Council since Wheel Creative & Editor: Jeni Houghton, Horizon Print Solutions $SULODQGZDVSURXGWRSDUWLFLSDWHLQWKHRSHQLQJRI1HYDGD¶V¿UVW862&HQWHUDW Programs: Rob Telles & Debbie Donaldson McCarran on Veterans Day 2010. Pictures: Jim Tucker Vassiliadis came from the Clark County Department of Finance, where she amassed 16 The Scribe: Sarah Brown \HDUVRISURJUHVVLYHJRYHUQPHQWH[SHULHQFH$VGLUHFWRURI¿QDQFHIRU&ODUN&RXQW\VKH was responsible for a $2.2 billion operating budget and a $2.4 billion capital improve- ment plan. Before joining Clark County, she worked for the City of Las Vegas Finance Rotary Web Sites 'HSDUWPHQWEHJLQQLQJDVD¿QDQFLDODQDO\VWDQGSURJUHVVLQJWRPDQDJHURI¿QDQFHDQG - Rotary International - District 5300 Site budget. - Our Club Site A native of Chicago, Vassiliadis earned a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from DePaul University. She and her husband have two children and enjoy a variety of community Don’t miss activities. The December Issue of Rotary At A Glance THE ROTARIAN Rotarians Members - 1,207,102; Clubs - 34,823; Districts - 538; Countries - 200+; Rotaractors Clubs - 7,868; Members - 180,964; Countries - 162 Las Vegas Rotary Club Mission: Interact Clubs - 18,005; Members - 414,115; Countries - 132 Teaching Youth to Succeed through Literacy, Education & Life Skills Development