Football Team Gets
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Thursday, September 27, 1984 TCU Daily Political speech Litter bugs Dan Kubiak says the Reagan Students should quit littering administration is bankrupting v^ and learn to keep their cam- Skiff the administration. See Page pus beautiful. See Page 2 China signs Hong Kong Football team agreement PEKING (AP)- China and Britain gets 'psyched' Wednesday initialed a historic agree- ment that will put Hong Kong, the By Richard Glass feelings were like and to practice world's third largest financial center Staff writer of the TCU Daily Skiff and Asia's busiest port, under Com- creating them in your mind." munist China's control on Julv 1, In the movie "Caddyshack," Chevy One thing the players do in all prac- 1997. Chase advised Danny Noonan, play- tices, Fenker said, is use imagination. ed by Michael O'Keefe, to "see your The end of a century and a half of "They imagine themselves whether future, be your future." British colonial rule of the thriving doing correctly something the Head Football Coach Jim Wacker is capitalist port of 5.5 million people coaches were working on in practice, apparently following that advice liter- was signaled by a formal 30-minute or visually rehearsing what they're ally. This year, for the first time ever, ceremony in the Great Hall of the going to do in the game," he said. the TCU football team is using sports People at Peking's Tiananmen Fenker said that too often, an psychology to improve its perform- athlete focuses on winning, which Square. ance. only puts additional pressure on him. Britain's chief negotiator termed it TCU psychology professor Richard "We all like to win," he said, "but they a "solemn" event, while his Chinese Fenker is conducting the program. can't expect to be better than their counterpart said it was "worth celeb- Fenker uses visualization to help the best." rating." players. "Basically all it refers to is you Wacker said the program has had a The agreement follows two years of imagining yourself doing something, positive effect on the players. "When hard bargaining in which Britain at or feeling something," Fenker said. you mix the mental along with the first refused to concede sovereignty, During the training session, Fenk- physical, I think you're going to do and then sought a residual administra- er said, the players are asked to relax better in whatever you choose to do in tive role after the expiration of its 99- for a few minutes. Then they focus on life," he said. year lease on the so-called New Terri- three things: concentration, readiness Wacker and Fenker said that tories-92 percent of the colony. and imagination. visualization started about 15 years Fenker said the concentration tech- ago with Olympic athletes. They said After 22 rounds of negotiations in niques help players keep their minds when the Olympic athletes disco- Peking, Britain agreed to hand over from wandering. "If their concentra- vered that there was a good deal of all of the colony to China, including tion is wandering, they realize that it's image work going on in eastern Hong Kong Island and Kowloon wandering and (they) get back on Europe and Russia, they carried it peninsula, which were ceded to Bri- track," he said. over into the United States. tain under the Opium War treaties of There are many things an athlete Only a few other schools-such as 1842 and 1860. can do to prepare himself to play well, the University of Texas at Austin-are In exchange, Britain obtained Fenker said. One way is "to imagine using this type of program for their assurances that Hong Kong would re- what it feels like to be performing at football teams, Fenker said. He main largely self-governing and retain your best, or to imagine, say, a past speculated that some California its traditional freedoms and socio- performance," he said. schools probably use similar methods. economic svstem for 50 vears after "The idea is to get in touch with 1997. what you did to feel great, what those Please see PSYCHOLOGY, page 3 Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping has boasted that no nation in history has so generously adopted a "one coun- try, two systems'' policy within its Jordain restores borders, a plan it also offers the Nationalist Chinese on Taiwan. In Taiwan, the Foreign Ministry ties with Egypt said the Nationalist government AMMAN,UMILMAW Jordan1....1.,. (AP)-/IPL Jordan'si..,,l,,,\ Israell«ra*»l as the pricenrice for a return to Arab would refuse to recognize the draft diplomatic ranks. agreement. The Nationalists, who re- decision to break ranks with 16 other Arab nations and restore diplomatic Palestine Liberation Organization treated to Taiwan from the Chinese ties with Egypt after a five-and-one- leader Yasser Arafat arrived in Am- mainland in 1949 after their defeat by half-year gap was denounced man Wednesday for talks with senior the Communists, maintain that they "ym^tn*:^, jin^Bi Wednesday by Syria, which Jordanian officials, the state-run radio are China's legitimate government threatened to "punish" Jordan with an announced. and that Hong Kong's future should A Jordanian official said Arafat REMINDERS OF A SUMMER GONE:Two bicycles will soon be rare as the weather continues to cool. Arab boycott. have been negotiated between them Jordan was one of 17 Arab countries would meet with King Hussein and chained to lampposts in front of Dan Rogers Hall serve as DONNA LEMONS/TCU Daily Skiff and Britain. that severed relations with Egypt other government officials to discuss remembrances of warmer weather. The number of cyclists Under a 12-lamp chandelier at the shortly after the late President Anwar "the latest developments in the Mid- Great Hall of the People, Chinese Sadat and former Israeli Prime Minis- dle East." Vice Foreign Minister Zhou Nan and ter Menachem Begin signed a peace Assistant U.S. Secretary of State British Ambassador Sir Bichard treaty on March 26, 1979. Richard Murphy also arrived in Am- Evans initialed a "joint declaration" Ralston offers men solution None of the other Arab countries man Wednesday to talk to Hussein, on the change of sovereignty, three have restored formal ties with Egypt, said the Jordanian official. Murphy annexes and a memorandum. The By Lauro Munoz "You deserve a break today," in which and one of them-Syria-denounced has visited Lebanon, Syria, Israel and texts of the documents were to be re- Staff writer of the TCU Daily Skiff the word "you" is emphasized. Jordan's action Tuesday as Egypt during a tour that began with leased Wednesday night, simul- A man who is not self-centered, and Ralston next discussed man's "dangerous." an investigation into last week's U.S. taneously in Hong Kong, Peking and who does not rely on his outward tendency to rely on his outward Wednesday, Syria's government- Embassy bombing in Beirut. London. appearance or materialistic things to appearance and materialistic things. controlled daily Al-Thawra said in a U.S. Embassy spokesman John The official Chinese news agency get him places is what 15,000 women Most of Ralston's information came front-page editorial that Syria "will Wilcox said Murphy and Arafat would Xinhua said the three annexes dealt are looking for. from the survey, which asked respon- not tolerate Jordan becoming the cen- not meet and described their simul- with China's basic policies on Hong These findings, obtained through a dents to describe their ideal man, he ter of espionage and aggression taneous visits to Jordan as "coinci- Kong, the establishment of a Sino- nationwide survey, were the subject said. against Syria. We will confront this dence." British liaison group to monitor im- of a Tuesday night talk by Campus "Most women want a man with in- new situation. Arafat has been trying to convene a plementation of the pact, and a com- Crusade for Christ speaker Ron Ral- trinsic qualities," Ralston said, "but "Deterrent measures must be meeting of the Palestine National mission to deal with land leases. ston. During his speech, entitled, men fail to see this. Most men think adopted against Jordan, including the Council, but Syrian-backed factions of The agreement requires the "What 15,000 Women Look for in a that what a woman wants is a body. application of Arab boycott mea- the PLO have threatened to boycott approval of the British Parliament and Man," Ralston discussed results of the That is why a lot of men lift weights, sures," Al-Thawra said. such a meeting if Arafat does not first China's National People's Congress survey, in which he questioned drink liquid protein and eat gravel." Jordan's Foreign Ministry said the step down as PLO chairman. and will be officially signed before the 15,000 college women. RON RALSTON decision to resume relations with The Syrian-backed faction was Ralston said men take the picture end of the year, both sides said. During his speech, Ralston said Egypt was made at a Cabinet meeting angered by 1983 talks between Arafat that media create of males and feel people, you are left with nothing." that sometimes men are self- and was based on Egypt's "current and Hussein about a Middle East Hong Kong television stations that the superficial qualities present Ralston then provided an answer to centered. He said many women feel role, and the support it gives to the peace settlement based in part on broadcast the signing ceremony live are what people want in them, so they men's problems, which is to "open that problematic relationships and di- Palestinian, Iraqi and Lebanese from the Chinese capital, and many their hearts to Jesus Christ and let President Reagan's proposals.