


♒劒彖㠨 2


俵彆㡈䤓摜尐㙟䯉 8



㠿䟛導 WEST ⮸㻃⦜ ⮸檛啠)ᇬ*ᇬ+ᇬ-ㄶ Blocks F, G, H & J, Tin Chung Court


㠿䟛㨀 NEW TERRITORIES EAST 氻樜⼀ MA ON SHAN 斵廟啠 Kam Fung Court ⺖慜䉂 TSEUNG KWAN O ㇸ㢝啠 Choi Ming Court 优ぉ FANLING 楜䥪啠 Yung Shing Court

氨䂾⾅ ISLAND 氨䂾Ⅳ ABERDEEN 楔䉳栲 Broadview Court


⌨峊NOTE 18 ĮġġijġġĮ


$ 律㲢㣑檗儂Ⅷ䤓⚓檔彊䞷

 彆⃊⦷律彆ᇷ⻔劔㦘␅⻚岗┒ᇸ ⻔⻚ ⠽⇜㣑檗儂Ⅷ▔㕻⇕ₜ棟㡋ₚ⒦⚓檔彊䞷᧶

D ◿啀䲔 峊 ᧷ E 㡋⦮⦿峊␙刁䤊岧⯠㝩㠖ↅ䤓峊␙彊᧷ F ㈚ズ彊䞷᧶ L 彆⃊ 棳槭呹嫛Ᵽ勧㈚ズ 檗儂Ⅷ氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒 㓎Ᵽ㦒 㓏Ᵽ↊䤓㈚ズ䤓㈚ズ彊 䞷ᇭ㓎Ᵽ㦒㓏Ᵽ↊䤓㈚ズ戵䚕㦻㦮⻔⻚⠽⇜䤓㈚ズ彊䞷㦒⹈㈛抩䩴 嵚㽷㎞᧶㓎Ᵽ 㦒㓏Ᵽ↊䤓㈚ズ㢾ⅲ嫷㓎Ᵽ㦒力槭彆⃊ᇭ ᧷

LL 啴彆⃊呹嫛Ᵽ勧♵₏⇜ⅲ嫷㈚ズ᧨ⓖ♹檗弯弻㞾Ⅷ㦻愺䤓㈚ズ彊䞷᧷

G ⯠㝩㠖ↅ᧤▔㕻㟎ㄫ⦿⯠ᇬ⏻⯠ᇬ␅Ⅵ㦘桫⯠侓䷘᧥䤓㫇巘⓾㦻䤓彊䞷᧷

H  㽴檼䂔䚕彊᧤Ⱁ㦘劔᧥ᇬ孬≽≬巘㖘摠᧤Ⱁ㦘劔᧥✛䔈⒴⪉摠᧤Ⱁ㦘劔᧥᧷♙

I 丰䚕彊♙丰䚕彊㖘摠ᇭ


D  㡋⦮⦿峊␙刁䤊岧㖘㙼⯠䤓峊␙彊᧷♙ E  彇㷍攏嫛㒥弰╨㳮㱚㒥␅㈚ズ⸘㘡㦘桫㖘㙼彇㷍䤓㽤㈚㓚儛彊䞷ᇭ᧤嵚㽷㎞᧶Ⱁ彇㷍攏 嫛㒥弰╨㳮㱚Ᵽ勧㓎Ᵽ㦒㓏Ᵽ↊䤓㈚ズ⚛㣑戵䚕㖘㙼⯠㝩㓚儛᧨崁㈚ズ嫛♾♵嫛㟅 彊ᇭ᧥


峊᧶  ぽ殘䓸㯼↿⎈刁弯弻峤⸩⻔⻚⠽⇜䤓ゑ⋋᧨ⅴ摟⸩◿啀䲔ᇭ㓎⻚刁⦷⒉➽㦘桫⻔⻚⠽⇜㣑㓏峤↿䤓㦏⒬ ゑ⋋㢾崁⠽⇜⦷䎰↊⇤懘➽棟Ⓟₚ䤓◐恂ゑ⋋ᇭ力ぽ殘䓸㯼↿⎈刁䍉㉄㟅◿啀䲔力峤⸩䤓ゑ⋋ⓖ♜㢯␅ 㓏♦䤓懘➽棟Ⓟᇭ␜劔᧨⻔⻚⠽⇜㢾ⅴ㓎Ᵽ㦒㓏岑⸩䤓㔧帢⎈㫋⒉➽ᇭ⥯㷳᧨㑘儂◿啀䲔₵槭ⅴ⻔⻚⠽ ⇜䤓◐恂ゑ⋋㒥彆⎈∕摟⸩ᇭ

% 律㲢Ⅷ㷍㡈㽤

彆⃊⦷⻔⻚敆➽⺞俓戵䚕仌岑彆彲◣巿㓚儛㣑᧨檗⚠㓎Ᵽ㦒㦏⺠儂Ⅷ彆⎈䤓䤍⒕⃚℣ 倯嫷 䟂嵚ⅉ 㒥䤍⒕⃚◐ 䤌嫷䟂嵚ⅉ ⇫䍉⸩摠ᇭ㓎Ᵽ㦒㓏Ᵽ勧䤓㈚ズ㦒䤋≰抩䩴彆⃊㡋㖖⸩㡴 㦮⏶Ⅷ䂔彆⎈殧㷍ᇭ ĮġġĴġġĮ

& 㖘㙼彇㷍戵㽤

 彆⃊仌ⰴ彆彲◣巿㈛᧨啴榏塘㖘㙼彇㷍㞾Ⅷ彆⎈殧㷍᧨㑘ⓜ㈏⚜⒦㡋⻔⻚敆➽⺞俓⏻を⚜⠽ ⏶䤓攏嫛㒥弰╨㳮㱚᧨ⅴ㓎Ᵽ㦒㖖⸩䤓䔈㍯㬬ↅ䟂嵚㖘㙼彇㷍᧨␅䟂嵚ⅴ㦘桫攏嫛㒥弰╨㳮 㱚㦏㈛㔈⑕⇫⹵ᇭ㖘㙼彇㷍䤓捷⒕㬬ↅⰑₚ᧶

D 彇㷍櫜᧶㦏浧䍉儂Ⅷ氥㦮Ⅷ㷍㈛䤓彆⎈殧㷍᧷ E 挓㷍㦮棟᧶㦏栆䍉ℛ◐℣㄃᧷♙ F Ⓒ䘖᧶㄃㋾㦏浧䍉㦘桫攏嫛㒥弰╨㳮㱚㓏⸩䤓㦏⎹㍯Ⓒ䘖䂪◙☧ᇭ

 彆⃊ℵ♾䞷䶻₏㶰㖘㙼㡈㆞᧨㘴♦␅⎀⃊彇㷍᧤␅⎀⃊檗戵㦘㷲㆞䤓⎀❰函㯼㖘㙼彇㷍岗 ┒᧥ⅴ㞾Ⅷ彆⎈殧㷍ᇭ⇕彆⃊⦷㘴♦␅⎀⃊彇㷍ⓜ᧨㉔檗⏗倢㓎⻚刁刁栆㔈⑕ᇭ棳槭㈦Ⓙ㓎 ⻚刁刁栆㔈⑕᧨⚵ⓖ彆⃊ₜ㈦㔙崁⻔⻚⠽⇜⇫↊⇤␅Ⅵㇱ㆞䤓㖘㙼ᇬ摜㖘㒥㙟浧␅彇㷍櫜ᇭ 嵚⚠⻔⻚敆➽⺞俓㩴峱㦘桫崂㍔ᇭ

 ⦷律彆⻔⻚⠽⇜㈛᧨Ⱁ彆⃊㔙⠽⇜㕄㕋俵咖㓎Ᵽ㦒仌岑ᇷ㖘㙼≬巘⯠㝩ᇸ䤓弰╨㳮㱚力♗⦷ ⺩㦹⎮挓㓏㦘㖘㙼彇㷍ⓜ俑㷱∪㷍᧨弰╨㳮㱚⺖㦒⒉➽崁⠽⇜᧨啴⒉➽⠽⇜㓏㈦䤓㷍檔㦹厌 ⏷㠇⎮挓彆⃊⺩㶯㦘桫弰╨㳮㱚䤓㖘㙼彇㷍殧櫜♙₏⒖㦘桫䤓Ⓒ㋾ᇬ㽤㈚♙嫛㟎彊䞷䷘᧨㦘 桫弰╨㳮㱚㦒㫈㝩ᇷ㖘㙼≬巘⯠㝩ᇸ⚠㓎Ᵽ㦒䟂侱彆⃊䤓ₙ承㓏㦘㶯㷍᧨力㓎Ᵽ㦒ℵ㦒㫈㝩 ᇷ㖘㙼≬巘⯠㝩ᇸ㞾Ⅷ弰╨㳮㱚崁䷘㶯㷍ᇭ㷳㈛᧨㓎Ᵽ㦒⺖⻀㦘桫ₙ承㞾Ⅷ弰╨㳮㱚⃚㶯㷍 ⚠彆⃊抌岝㓏㦘㶯㷍♙Ⓒ㋾ᇭ

' 拝㦮⸛㒟ℳ㢢⃚Ⓒ㋾♙㜳敆彆彲⃚彊䞷

 Ⱁ彆⃊㦹厌∬䏶彆彲◣巿⦷㖖⸩㡴㦮㒥⃚ⓜ⸛㒟ℳ㢢᧨㓎Ᵽ㦒㦘㶙⦷ₜ㈀檎␅Ⅵ孫㟠㘹㡌⃚ ㍔㽐ₚ᧨⚠彆⃊㟅♥㦹Ⅷ彆⎈⃚Ⓒ㋾ ᧨Ⓒ䘖䍉氨䂾ₙ䀆▾廟攏嫛㦘棟⏻⚇⏻を䤓㦏⎹㍯Ⓒ 䘖┯㄃㋾ℛ☧ᇭ

 彆⃊啴⦷儂Ⅷ彆⎈殧㷍ⓜ尐㻑仌戵㜳敆彆彲◣巿᧨₣䘁㓎Ᵽ㦒⚛㎞᧨㔙⠽⇜抏⥭㓎Ᵽ㦒᧨㓎 Ᵽ㦒㦘㶙≬䟨䦇䷘㡋彆⎈䤓䤍⒕⃚℣᧨⇫䍉㜳敆彆彲◣巿彆⃊㑘Ⅷ䤓ⅲ⎈ᇭ㷳⮥᧨彆⃊檗⚠ 㓎Ᵽ㦒㞾Ⅷ㒥⎮Ⅷ咖㜳敆彆彲◣巿㦘桫㒥⥯㷳力ㆤ咃䤓₏⒖㽤㈚彊䞷ᇬ㟅彊♙ⅲⅧ彊䞷᧤Ⱁ 㦘◿啀䲔᧨㷳檔ℵ▔㕻⦷⏶᧥ᇭ彆⃊ₜ㈦㔙⠽⇜懘帢℗␅Ⅵⅉ⭺㒥㳮㱚ᇭ

( 懘帢棟Ⓟ

 彆⃊啴⦷懘帢⯠㝩䞮㟗㈛᧨懘帢㒥⒉䱮␅⠽⇜᧨⺖檗㖘䏶懘帢⯠㝩䤓㬬㷍♙ᇵ㓎⻚㬬√ᇶ 䶻䵯 ♙␅㡴㈛≽岑䤓尞⸩戵䚕ᇭ㓎Ᵽ㦒め倢巿㼉ₜ㦒㘴侜㓏㦘⦷ ㄃怆⒉➽䤓⓸ 殧⻔⻚⠽⇜䤓㯼⃊㓏㙟⒉䤓⥭律䟂嵚᧨㓏ⅴ㦻㦮⒉➽䤓⠽⇜ₜ岼⥭律䟂嵚ᇭ㯼⃊♾指㝖⚠㓎 Ᵽ㦒儂Ⅷ孫⎈㈛㔙⠽⇜⦷⏻栚ゑ⫃懘帢㒥⒉䱮᧨㒥㔙䟀氥㶰➽⒉㡴᧤峊$᧥怆岗め悞⏴䶻ₘ ㄃㒥ⅴₙ䤓⠽⇜⦷ᇷ⻔⻚䶻ℛゑ⫃ᇸ᧤峊%᧥懘➽℗⚗彖㫋ⅉ⭺᧨力㹚檗儂Ⅷ孫⎈ᇭ ĮġġĵġġĮ

 抨孫⎈㢾㫈㝩⻕㣑崁⠽⇜₵䎰懘帢棟Ⓟ䤓ゑ⋋᧨㖘䏶崁⠽⇜氥㶰懘帢⯠㝩᧤峊$᧥㒥㦏扠₏ 㶰䟀㓎Ᵽ㦒➽℗律㲢ⅉ⭺䤓懘帢⯠㝩₼᧤拸䞷㡋摜➽⠽⇜᧥㓏岑㢝䤓㦏⒬ゑ⋋咖䠅㣑律彆⎈ 䤓ぽ櫜᧨∬㹣√岗並ᇭ㙪♴崀崹᧨孫⎈䦇䷘㡋☮∕㲢⎈䤓㔧㓲᧨▥䍉䚍⋋岗並ᇭ

㦘桫孫⎈䤓岗並㡈㽤᧨咘√Ⱁₚ᧶ 㦏⒬ゑ⋋  䠅㣑律彆⎈  ☮∕㲢⎈䤓㔧㓲䍉㦏⒬ゑ⋋䤓

䟀㡋☮∕㲢⎈䤓㔧㓲䍉㦏⒬ゑ⋋䤓᧨㓏ⅴ㯼⃊檗儂Ⅷ䤓孫⎈㷍檔䍉䚍嫛ゑ⋋䤓ᇭ ⋖岼孫⎈㣑䚍嫛ゑ⋋  檗儂Ⅷ䤓孫⎈㷍檔  䚍嫛ゑ⋋䤓

ₙ√₼㓏㘰䞷䤓㠇㝩♙㔧㓲䘖㡷⦷䯉乓岗並䤓㡈㽤ᇭ⹵椪ₙ⊚⒴⠽⇜䤓㔧㓲䘖檗∬㝩彆 彲◣巿₼㓏岑㢝䤓㦏⒬ゑ⋋♙彆⎈岗並ᇭ⻔⻚⠽⇜䤓➽⎈₏倢岑⸩㈛᧨㡋敆➽㦮栢⺖值 㖐ₜ帙᧨力岑⸩➽⎈䤓㣑栢✛仌岑彆彲◣巿䤓㣑栢₏咻侓㦘㠇㦗䤓ぽ恬ᇭ⦷抨㦮栢᧨⠽ ⇜䤓ゑ⋋㦒椷ゑ㽐䤓懘帙力嵎㠃ᇭ⥯㷳᧨彆⃊仌岑彆彲◣巿㣑䤓䭉⹵㔧㓲䘖㒥㦒咖⸩⎈ 㣑䤓㔧㓲䘖㦘㓏ₜ⚛ᇭ孫⎈㷍檔⺖ⅴ崁䭉⹵䤓㔧㓲䘖岗並ᇭ

峊᧶ $ 氥㶰➽⒉㡴₵ₜ㢾㖖⊚⒴⻚啠䤓囌㒟㡴㦮᧨⻀㦻㦮⒉➽䤓⠽⇜力岏᧨氥㶰➽⒉㡴㢾㖖䟀㓎Ᵽ㦒䶻₏㶰⺖ ⠽⇜➽℗律㲢ⅉ⭺䤓懘帢⯠㝩㡴㦮ᇭᇷ䱐ⅉ㳮㱚♒ㆉ⻔⻚岗┒ᇸ⠽⇜䤓氥㶰➽⒉㡴᧨₏咻㢾㖖䟀䤋⻤⟕ ⺖⠽⇜➽℗㓎Ᵽ㦒㓏㖖⸩ⅉ⭺䤓懘帢⯠㝩㡴㦮᧨⇕䟀㡋㦘捷↌ᇷ䱐ⅉ㳮㱚♒ㆉ⻔⻚岗┒ᇸ⠽⇜㦍倢⏗䟀 㓎Ᵽ㦒㈭䤋⻤⟕律⏴㈛㓜懘➽℗律㲢ⅉ⭺᧨崁䷘⠽⇜䤓氥㶰➽⒉㡴ℵ㢾㖖䟀㓎Ᵽ㦒䶻₏㶰⺖⠽⇜➽℗律 㲢ⅉ⭺䤓懘帢⯠㝩㡴㦮ᇭ

% ᇷ⻔⻚䶻ℛゑ⫃岗┒ᇸ㢾䍉挲K䟀氥㶰➽⒉㡴怆岗め悞⏴䶻ₘ㄃㒥ⅴₙ䤓ᇷ⻔劔㦘␅⻚岗┒ᇸᇬᇷ䱐ⅉ 㳮㱚♒ㆉ⻔⻚岗┒ᇸᇬᇷ䱮劔函␅⻚岗┒ᇸᇬᇷ摜ㆉ函㯼岗┒ᇸ♙ᇷ♾䱮♾彆岗┒ᇸ⠽⇜䤓㯼⃊力岼䤓 ᧨∎␅♾⺖⠽⇜懘➽℗㓎Ᵽ㦒♙㓎◣懓ₚ⏻⻚䤓䱮㓅ᇬ㓎Ᵽ㦒懓ₚ₼懘㓎⻚䤓崜♾⻔㺠㒥䘁㓎⻚刁巘㢝 䍉⚗彖㫋䤓ⅉ⭺᧨力㹚檗儂Ⅷ孫⎈ᇭ

) ␅Ⅵ㽷㎞ℚ檔

 ⥭律⠽⇜ⅴᇷ䚍䕏ᇸ⒉➽ᇭ棳⇜㡋斵廟啠✛⮸⹛啠䤓⠽⇜䍉㦹➽⠽⇜⮥᧨㦻⎈⠽㓏⒦䤓␅殧 ⠽⇜⧖䍉⥭律⠽⇜ᇭ䟂嵚ⅉ♾⦷㙏㲢㓎指㝖⠽⇜᧤▔㕻㦹➽♙⥭律⠽⇜᧥㈛᧨⸘㘡♒屏崁⠽ ⇜᧨䏅㈛␜扣⥭氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒⸱╨₼㉒䤓⻔⻚敆➽⺞俓儂Ⅷ彆⎈氥㦮♙仌刁➽㲢㠖ↅᇭ

 ⒉➽⠽⇜㠇䥽ⅴ㓎Ᵽ㦒㦏㈛⏻を䍉䄥ᇭ ĮġġĶġġĮ


(A) Fees and charges to be paid upon purchasing a flat

 The purchaser, when processing the formalities of purchasing a (HOS) flat, is required to pay fees including but not limited to the following:

(a) Stamp duty Note (1) ;

(b) Registration fees for registration of the deeds at the Land Registry;

(c) Legal costs: (i) The purchaser, unless appointing his/her own solicitors, is required to pay the legal costs of the solicitors appointed by the HA. The fee rate charged by the HA ’ s appointed solicitors for the current phase of HOS sales exercise will be informed later (Note: The HA's appointed solicitors are acting for the HA only and not the purchaser. ) ;

(ii) If the purchaser appoints his/her own solicitor, he/she is only required to pay the legal costs of his/her solicitor;

(d) The fees for certified copies of the deeds (including the government lease, the Deed of Mutual Covenant and other relevant title deeds);

(e) Debris clearing charges (if any), decoration deposit (if any) and special fund (if any); and

(f) Management fees and management fees deposit.

2. If the purchaser requires a mortgage loan to finance the purchase of the flat, he/she is also required to pay:

(a) The registration fee for the mortgage deed; and

(b) Legal costs of the solicitors acting for the bank or the financial institution offering the loan for the mortgage arrangements. (Note: If the bank or the financial institution appoints also the HA’s appointed solicitors to handle the mortgage arrangements, the solicitors may charge a separate fee.)

3. Should there be queries on the above fees and charges or procedures, please enquire with the HOS Sales Unit or the HA’s appointed solicitors.

Note (1) : The Rating and Valuation Department is responsible for assessment of the market value of HOS flats for stamp duty purpose. The Initial Market Value assessed by the at the time of sale of the HOS flat is based on the assessment of full market value without any alienation restrictions. The market value assessed by the Rating and Valuation Department for stamp duty purpose reflects the alienation restrictions to which the flat is subject. Moreover, HOS flats are sold at a discounted price as determined by the Housing Authority. Thus, the stamp duty payable is not assessed based on full market value without alienation restrictions of the HOS flat or its purchase price.

(B) Payment of purchase price

The purchaser must, at the time when he/she signs the Agreement for Sale and Purchase at the HOS Sales Unit, make a deposit of not less than 5% (Green Form Applicant) or 10% (White Form Applicant) of the purchase price to the HA. The HA's appointed solicitor will notify the purchaser in writing to pay the balance of the purchase price within a specified period of time. ĮġġķġġĮ

(C) Mortgage arrangement

1. After signing the Agreement for Sale and Purchase, a purchaser requiring a mortgage loan to pay the balance of the purchase price should apply to a bank or financial institution on the approved list which is available from the HOS Sales Unit for a mortgage loan on special concessionary terms specified by the HA. The application is subject to the final approval by the bank or financial institution concerned. Some of the mortgage terms are as follows:

(a) loan amount not exceeding the balance of the purchase price after deposit;

(b) maximum repayment period of 25 years; and

(c) interest rate at a maximum of the Best Lending Rate quoted by the bank or financial institution concerned minus 0.5% per annum.

2. A purchaser may also obtain a loan to cover the balance of the purchase price under a mortgage from his/her employer who offers a bona fide staff housing mortgage loan scheme provided that prior approval from the Director of Housing is obtained. Except with the approval of the Director of Housing, the purchaser shall not secure any other form of mortgage financing or refinancing, including increasing the amount of the mortgage loan. For details, please contact the HOS Sales Unit.

3. If the purchaser, who has mortgaged the flat purchased to a participating financial institution that has entered into the Deed of Guarantee with the HA, defaults on mortgage payments before paying off the mortgage loan, the financial institution concerned will sell the flat. Should the sale proceeds of the flat fail to cover the full outstanding balance of the mortgage and all the interest, the legal costs, administration fees, etc. payable under the mortgage, the financial institution will, pursuant to the Deed of Guarantee, make a claim against the HA for the payment of all the above arrears that the purchaser owes. The HA shall under the Deed of Guarantee pay the same to the financial institution. In relation to the payments made by the HA to the financial institution, the HA will then claim from the purchaser all the above arrears and the interest.

(D) Fees and charges to be paid upon delay or cancellation of purchase

1. In the event of the purchaser failing to complete the transaction by the specified date in accordance with the Agreement for Sale and Purchase, the HA shall, without prejudice to any other remedy, be entitled to demand and receive from the purchaser payment of interest on the balance of the purchase price at the rate of 2% per annum above the Best Lending Rate as announced by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited.

 If a purchaser requires to cancel the Agreement for Sale and Purchase and returns the flat to the HA before the payment of the balance of the purchase price and if the HA agrees, a sum equivalent to 5% of the purchase price will be retained by the HA as consideration for cancellation of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase. Besides, the purchaser is required to pay or reimburse the HA for all legal costs and disbursements (including stamp duty, if any) in connection with or arising from the cancellation of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase. The flat shall not be assigned by the purchaser to any other person or organization.

(E) Resale restrictions

1. A purchaser who wishes to assign or let the flat after the Deed of Assignment comes into effect will be subject to the terms of the Deed of Assignment and the provisions in the Housing Ordinance (Cap. 283) and its subsequent amendments. The HA has resolved that it will decline all buyback offers for surplus HOS flats sold from 2007 onwards and hence no buyback arrangement will be provided to HOS flats sold under the current phase of HOS sales exercise. However, owners have the option to assign or let their flats in the open market subject to payment of a premium to the HA or from the third year onwards from the date of first assignment (Note A) sell their flats to eligible purchasers in the HOS Secondary Market (Note B) without payment of a premium. ĮġġĸġġĮ

2. The premium which the owner is required to pay is calculated based on the prevailing market value of the flat without alienation restrictions, and the difference between the purchase price of the flat and its initial market value as specified in the first assignment (Note A) or latest assignment (for a resale flat) between the HA and the purchaser. In order words, the premium is calculated by applying the original discount of the purchase price to the prevailing market value.

Calculations of the premium are illustrated below: Initial market value:  Original Purchase price:  RULJLQDOSXUFKDVHGLVFRXQWDWRILQLWLDOPDUNHWYDOXH As the original purchase discount represents 30% of initial market value, the amount of premium payable by the purchaser is 30% of the prevailing market value

Assumed prevailing market value:  Premium payable:  RISUHYDLOLQJPDUNHWYDOXH

Purchasers should note that the figures and discount rates cited in the above example are for illustration purpose only. The actual discount rates of individual flats should be calculated according to the initial market value and the purchase price specified in the Agreement for Sale and Purchase. The sale price of HOS flats, once fixed, will remain unchanged throughout the sale period. As there is normally a time lag of a few months between the fixing of the sale price and the signing of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase, during which the market value of a flat may fluctuate according to the market conditions, the actual discount rate at the time of signing the Agreement for Sale and Purchase may be different from that when the price was fixed. The actual discount will be adopted for calculation of premium.

Note A : The date of first assignment should not be construed as the date of completion of individual court. For flats offered in the current phase, the date of first assignment refers to the date of the first deed of assignment of a particular flat from the HA to a purchaser. In case of a Private Sector Participation Scheme (PSPS) flat, it generally refers to the date of first deed of assignment of a particular flat from the developer to the purchaser nominated by the HA. However, there are some PSPS flats that are purchased from the developer by the HA and resold to a purchaser. For such flats, the date of first assignment also refers to the date of the first deed of assignment of the flats from the HA to a purchaser.

Note B : The implementation of the HOS Secondary Market Scheme (SMS) is to allow the owners of flats under the HOS, PSPS, Tenants Purchase Scheme (TPS), Mortgage Subsidy Scheme (MSS) and Buy or Rent Option (BRO) schemes to sell their flats from the third year onwards from the date of first assignment to tenants of public rental estates under the HA or Hong Kong Housing Society, or authorized residents of Interim Housing under the HA, or qualified persons who have been certified by the HD without the need for payment of premium.

(F) Other points to note

1. Returned Flats are sold on an "as-is" basis. Except for Unsold Flats provided at Kam Fung Court and Tin Fu Court, all other flats as listed in this price list are Returned Flats. Purchasers may make arrangements to view the selected property (including Unsold and Returned Flats) after completion of flat selection procedure and return to the HOS Sales Unit at HA Customer Service Centre for payment of deposit and signing of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase.

2. Number of flats for sale are subject to the HA's final announcement. ĮġĹġĮ


氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒㓏Ᵽ勧䤓㈚ズ᧨♹ⅲ嫷氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒᧨₵ₜ厌≬椫彆㡈䤓㶙䥙ᇭ⚓彆㡈⸫♵嫛Ᵽ 岦␅㓏指㝖䤓㈚ズ嫛᧨⻀⚠氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒律彆⓸殧⻔劔㦘␅⻚岗┒⠽⇜ℚ⸫᧨㙟∪㎞尚♙⇫䍉␅ ⅲ嫷ᇭ


 ⊧彆㡈♵嫛Ᵽ岦␅㓏指㝖䤓㈚ズ嫛᧨⻀律彆⠽⇜ℚ⸫ⅲ嫷Ⅵ⊠᧨㦘桫䤓㈚ズ嫛☂厌⮯⦷彆㲢ℳ 㢢䤓㹞⊚椝㹄᧨⚠彆㡈㙟∪䗷䵚㎞尚ᇭ

 彆㡈㦒⦷氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒䤓匆❰槱ⓜ᧨仌刁彆彲◣巿ᇭ⎧丰Ⱁ㷳᧨㦘桫匆❰♹㦒⚠彆㡈嶪承彆 彲◣巿䤓⏶⹈᧨₵尚巘␅仌刁彆彲◣巿᧨⇕ₜ㦒⻀彆彲◣巿㒥咖ℳ㢢㦘桫䤓↊⇤␅Ⅵℚ⸫᧨⚠ 彆㡈㙟∪↊⇤㽤㈚㎞尚ᇭ

 ⊧彆㡈㼡㦘♵嫛Ᵽ岦␅㓏指㝖䤓㈚ズ嫛ⅲ嫷Ⅵ⊠⸛㒟彆㲢ℳ㢢᧨≎㦒⦷氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒䤓㈚ズ 壤᧨仌䵚懘帢⯠㝩ᇭ氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒䤓㈚ズ♹㦒⚠彆㡈嶪承懘帢⯠㝩䤓⏶⹈᧨₵尚巘␅仌䵚懘 帢⯠㝩᧨力ₜ㦒⦷ℳ㢢₼㝣↊彆㡈䤓ⅲ嫷㈚ズ᧨ℵₜ㦒⻀彆彲◣巿㒥咖ℳ㢢㦘桫䤓↊⇤␅Ⅵℚ ⸫᧨⚠彆㡈㙟∪㎞尚ᇭ⦷崁䷘㍔㽐ₚ᧨氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒⻀ℳ㢢㞾Ⅷ䤓㽤㈚彊䞷᧨檗䟀彆㡈᧤力 槭氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒᧥㔎㝣ᇭ䟀㡋氨䂾㓎⻚Ᵽ❰㦒䤓㈚ズ⦷ℳ㢢₼₵槭彆㡈䤓㈚ズ᧨⥯㷳ₜ厌≬ 椫彆㡈䤓㶙䥙ᇭ ĮġĺġĮ


The solicitors appointed by the Hong Kong Housing Authority are acting for the Hong Kong Housing Authority only and will not be able to protect the purchasers’ interest. All purchasers are urged to instruct a separate firm of solicitors of their choice to advise them and act for them in relation to their purchase of a surplus Home Ownership Scheme (HOS) flat from the Hong Kong Housing Authority.

It should be noted that :-

1. If the purchasers instruct a separate firm of solicitors of their choice to act for the purchasers in relation to their purchase, that firm of solicitors will be able to give independent advice to the purchasers at every stage of their purchase.

2. Although the purchasers will sign the Agreement for Sale and Purchase before the staff of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, the staff will only interpret the contents of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase to the purchasers and attest their signing of the Agreement for Sale and Purchase. The staff will not give the purchasers any legal advice on the Agreement for Sale and Purchase or any other matters in connection with the transaction.

3. If the purchasers do not instruct a separate firm of solicitors of their choice to act for them in their completion of the purchase, they will execute the assignment before the solicitors of the Hong Kong Housing Authority. The solicitors of the Hong Kong Housing Authority will only interpret the contents of the assignment to them and attest their execution, and will not act as the purchasers’ solicitors in the transaction, and will not advise the purchasers on the Agreement for Sale and Purchase or any other matters in connection with the transaction. In such cases, the legal fees of the Hong Kong Housing Authority in the transaction shall be borne by the purchaser and not the Hong Kong Housing Authority. The solicitors of the Hong Kong Housing Authority, not being the purchasers' solicitors in the transaction, will not be able to protect the purchasers’ interest. ĮġIJıġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ F61 60.4 (650) 1,745,300 28,896 (2,685) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI F311 60.4 (650) 1,946,200 32,222 (2,994) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 F391 60.4 (650) 1,970,400 32,623 (3,031) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court F12 60.4 (650) 1,641,700 27,180 (2,526) TGGGOGTGP

F52 60.4 (650) 1,744,200 28,877 (2,683) TGGGOGTGP

F102 60.4 (650) 1,848,000 30,596 (2,843) TGGGOGTGP

F192 60.4 (650) 1,929,200 31,940 (2,968) TGGGOGTGP

F242 60.4 (650) 1,960,000 32,450 (3,015) TGGGOGTGP

F342 60.4 (650) 2,007,200 33,232 (3,088) TGGGOGTGP

F223 47.0 (506) 1,424,200 30,302 (2,815) TGGGOGTGP

F303 47.0 (506) 1,460,500 31,074 (2,886) TGGGOGTGP

F363 47.0 (506) 1,474,100 31,364 (2,913) TGGGOGTGP

F373 47.0 (506) 1,476,300 31,411 (2,918) TGGGOGTGP

F114 47.0 (506) 1,474,600 31,374 (2,914) TGGGOGTGP

F144 47.0 (506) 1,492,200 31,749 (2,949) TGGGOGTGP

F294 47.0 (506) 1,568,100 33,364 (3,099) TGGGOGTGP

F324 47.0 (506) 1,577,100 33,555 (3,117) TGGGOGTGP

F334 47.0 (506) 1,579,400 33,604 (3,121) TGGGOGTGP

F354 47.0 (506) 1,583,900 33,700 (3,130) TGGGOGTGP

F364 47.0 (506) 1,586,200 33,749 (3,135) TGGGOGTGP

F374 47.0 (506) 1,588,500 33,798 (3,139) TGGGOGTGP

F394 47.0 (506) 1,593,000 33,894 (3,148) TGGGOGTGP

F55 60.4 (650) 1,758,700 29,118 (2,706) TGGGOGTGP

F95 60.4 (650) 1,831,600 30,325 (2,818) TGGGOGTGP

F205 60.4 (650) 1,929,200 31,940 (2,968) TGGGOGTGP

F215 60.4 (650) 1,935,100 32,038 (2,977) TGGGOGTGP

F385 60.4 (650) 2,011,900 33,310 (3,095) TGGGOGTGP

F395 60.4 (650) 2,014,900 33,359 (3,100) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJIJġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ F16 60.4 (650) 1,540,100 25,498 (2,369) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI F126 60.4 (650) 1,832,200 30,334 (2,819) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 F256 60.4 (650) 1,919,300 31,776 (2,953) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court F276 60.4 (650) 1,930,800 31,967 (2,970) TGGGOGTGP

F117 47.0 (506) 1,467,200 31,217 (2,900) TGGGOGTGP

F167 47.0 (506) 1,496,400 31,838 (2,957) TGGGOGTGP

F247 47.0 (506) 1,537,700 32,717 (3,039) TGGGOGTGP

F257 47.0 (506) 1,542,200 32,813 (3,048) TGGGOGTGP

F297 47.0 (506) 1,560,200 33,196 (3,083) TGGGOGTGP

F377 47.0 (506) 1,580,500 33,628 (3,124) TGGGOGTGP

F138 47.0 (506) 1,380,000 29,362 (2,727) TGGGOGTGP

F268 47.0 (506) 1,448,200 30,813 (2,862) TGGGOGTGP

F308 47.0 (506) 1,466,300 31,198 (2,898) TGGGOGTGP

F378 47.0 (506) 1,482,200 31,536 (2,929) TGGGOGTGP

F398 47.0 (506) 1,486,700 31,632 (2,938) TGGGOGTGP

F408 47.0 (506) 1,475,200 31,387 (2,915) TGGGOGTGP

G41 60.4 (650) 1,727,600 28,603 (2,658) TGGGOGTGP

G61 60.4 (650) 1,745,300 28,896 (2,685) TGGGOGTGP

G131 60.4 (650) 1,824,000 30,199 (2,806) TGGGOGTGP

G291 60.4 (650) 1,927,700 31,916 (2,966) TGGGOGTGP

G381 60.4 (650) 1,957,500 32,409 (3,012) TGGGOGTGP

G102 60.4 (650) 1,848,000 30,596 (2,843) TGGGOGTGP

G202 60.4 (650) 1,936,600 32,063 (2,979) TGGGOGTGP

G272 60.4 (650) 1,977,600 32,742 (3,042) TGGGOGTGP

G292 60.4 (650) 1,989,300 32,935 (3,060) TGGGOGTGP

G362 60.4 (650) 2,013,200 33,331 (3,097) TGGGOGTGP

G83 47.0 (506) 1,414,600 30,098 (2,796) TGGGOGTGP

G103 47.0 (506) 1,445,700 30,760 (2,857) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJijġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ G203 47.0 (506) 1,509,900 32,126 (2,984) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI G293 47.0 (506) 1,550,700 32,994 (3,065) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 G164 47.0 (506) 1,386,100 29,491 (2,739) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court G214 47.0 (506) 1,414,000 30,085 (2,794) TGGGOGTGP

G324 47.0 (506) 1,459,300 31,049 (2,884) TGGGOGTGP

G364 47.0 (506) 1,468,400 31,243 (2,902) TGGGOGTGP

G25 60.4 (650) 1,715,700 28,406 (2,640) TGGGOGTGP

G105 60.4 (650) 1,848,000 30,596 (2,843) TGGGOGTGP

G225 60.4 (650) 1,940,900 32,134 (2,986) TGGGOGTGP

G295 60.4 (650) 1,981,900 32,813 (3,049) TGGGOGTGP

G365 60.4 (650) 2,005,900 33,210 (3,086) TGGGOGTGP

G385 60.4 (650) 2,011,900 33,310 (3,095) TGGGOGTGP

G66 60.4 (650) 1,775,600 29,397 (2,732) TGGGOGTGP

G126 60.4 (650) 1,825,800 30,228 (2,809) TGGGOGTGP

G256 60.4 (650) 1,913,900 31,687 (2,944) TGGGOGTGP

G346 60.4 (650) 1,955,300 32,373 (3,008) TGGGOGTGP

G386 60.4 (650) 1,967,400 32,573 (3,027) TGGGOGTGP

G406 60.4 (650) 1,955,500 32,376 (3,008) TGGGOGTGP

G207 47.0 (506) 1,421,000 30,234 (2,808) TGGGOGTGP

G227 47.0 (506) 1,430,100 30,428 (2,826) TGGGOGTGP

G237 47.0 (506) 1,434,600 30,523 (2,835) TGGGOGTGP

G357 47.0 (506) 1,477,600 31,438 (2,920) TGGGOGTGP

G18 47.0 (506) 1,290,600 27,460 (2,551) TGGGOGTGP

G28 47.0 (506) 1,371,400 29,179 (2,710) TGGGOGTGP

G48 47.0 (506) 1,415,300 30,113 (2,797) TGGGOGTGP

G68 47.0 (506) 1,429,300 30,411 (2,825) TGGGOGTGP

G118 47.0 (506) 1,459,400 31,051 (2,884) TGGGOGTGP

G188 47.0 (506) 1,500,300 31,921 (2,965) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJĴġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ G228 47.0 (506) 1,521,000 32,362 (3,006) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI G318 47.0 (506) 1,559,400 33,179 (3,082) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 G368 47.0 (506) 1,570,700 33,419 (3,104) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court H51 60.4 (650) 1,714,400 28,384 (2,638) TGGGOGTGP

H231 60.4 (650) 1,865,000 30,877 (2,869) TGGGOGTGP

H251 60.4 (650) 1,876,700 31,071 (2,887) TGGGOGTGP

H331 60.4 (650) 1,915,100 31,707 (2,946) TGGGOGTGP

H52 60.4 (650) 1,806,700 29,912 (2,780) TGGGOGTGP

H132 60.4 (650) 1,873,200 31,013 (2,882) TGGGOGTGP

H222 60.4 (650) 1,936,400 32,060 (2,979) TGGGOGTGP

H252 60.4 (650) 1,954,000 32,351 (3,006) TGGGOGTGP

H302 60.4 (650) 1,983,200 32,834 (3,051) TGGGOGTGP

H193 47.0 (506) 1,461,400 31,094 (2,888) TGGGOGTGP

H293 47.0 (506) 1,508,000 32,085 (2,980) TGGGOGTGP

H54 47.0 (506) 1,350,600 28,736 (2,669) TGGGOGTGP

H124 47.0 (506) 1,408,700 29,972 (2,784) TGGGOGTGP

H234 47.0 (506) 1,469,100 31,257 (2,903) TGGGOGTGP

H294 47.0 (506) 1,496,300 31,836 (2,957) TGGGOGTGP

H314 47.0 (506) 1,503,100 31,981 (2,971) TGGGOGTGP

H354 47.0 (506) 1,512,200 32,174 (2,989) TGGGOGTGP

H364 47.0 (506) 1,514,500 32,223 (2,993) TGGGOGTGP

H394 47.0 (506) 1,521,300 32,368 (3,007) TGGGOGTGP

H65 60.4 (650) 1,822,900 30,180 (2,804) TGGGOGTGP

H75 60.4 (650) 1,831,800 30,328 (2,818) TGGGOGTGP

H95 60.4 (650) 1,849,600 30,623 (2,846) TGGGOGTGP

H135 60.4 (650) 1,880,500 31,134 (2,893) TGGGOGTGP

H205 60.4 (650) 1,932,100 31,988 (2,972) TGGGOGTGP

H265 60.4 (650) 1,967,200 32,570 (3,026) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJĵġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ H275 60.4 (650) 1,973,000 32,666 (3,035) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI H285 60.4 (650) 1,978,900 32,763 (3,044) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 H16 60.4 (650) 1,566,400 25,934 (2,410) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court H76 60.4 (650) 1,745,900 28,906 (2,686) TGGGOGTGP

H86 60.4 (650) 1,754,800 29,053 (2,700) TGGGOGTGP

H176 60.4 (650) 1,855,400 30,719 (2,854) TGGGOGTGP

H196 60.4 (650) 1,870,100 30,962 (2,877) TGGGOGTGP

H206 60.4 (650) 1,877,500 31,084 (2,888) TGGGOGTGP

H216 60.4 (650) 1,883,300 31,180 (2,897) TGGGOGTGP

H256 60.4 (650) 1,906,800 31,570 (2,934) TGGGOGTGP

H366 60.4 (650) 1,954,100 32,353 (3,006) TGGGOGTGP

H386 60.4 (650) 1,960,200 32,454 (3,016) TGGGOGTGP

H406 60.4 (650) 1,948,300 32,257 (2,997) TGGGOGTGP

H247 47.0 (506) 1,473,700 31,355 (2,912) TGGGOGTGP

H297 47.0 (506) 1,496,300 31,836 (2,957) TGGGOGTGP

H337 47.0 (506) 1,507,700 32,079 (2,980) TGGGOGTGP

H377 47.0 (506) 1,516,700 32,270 (2,997) TGGGOGTGP

H88 47.0 (506) 1,383,100 29,428 (2,733) TGGGOGTGP

H168 47.0 (506) 1,432,100 30,470 (2,830) TGGGOGTGP

H228 47.0 (506) 1,464,600 31,162 (2,894) TGGGOGTGP

H268 47.0 (506) 1,482,700 31,547 (2,930) TGGGOGTGP

H288 47.0 (506) 1,491,800 31,740 (2,948) TGGGOGTGP

H338 47.0 (506) 1,507,700 32,079 (2,980) TGGGOGTGP

H408 47.0 (506) 1,509,700 32,121 (2,984) TGGGOGTGP

J81 60.4 (650) 1,733,800 28,705 (2,667) TGGGOGTGP

J91 60.4 (650) 1,742,700 28,853 (2,681) TGGGOGTGP

J161 60.4 (650) 1,795,800 29,732 (2,763) TGGGOGTGP

J251 60.4 (650) 1,854,500 30,704 (2,853) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJĶġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ J291 60.4 (650) 1,877,900 31,091 (2,889) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI J321 60.4 (650) 1,889,800 31,288 (2,907) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 J331 60.4 (650) 1,892,800 31,338 (2,912) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court J22 60.4 (650) 1,733,500 28,700 (2,667) TGGGOGTGP

J242 60.4 (650) 1,970,400 32,623 (3,031) TGGGOGTGP

J33 47.0 (506) 1,314,700 27,972 (2,598) TGGGOGTGP

J83 47.0 (506) 1,354,200 28,813 (2,676) TGGGOGTGP

J213 47.0 (506) 1,431,200 30,451 (2,828) TGGGOGTGP

J273 47.0 (506) 1,458,400 31,030 (2,882) TGGGOGTGP

J293 47.0 (506) 1,467,400 31,221 (2,900) TGGGOGTGP

J303 47.0 (506) 1,472,000 31,319 (2,909) TGGGOGTGP

J134 47.0 (506) 1,449,300 30,836 (2,864) TGGGOGTGP

J194 47.0 (506) 1,484,400 31,583 (2,934) TGGGOGTGP

J374 47.0 (506) 1,551,500 33,011 (3,066) TGGGOGTGP

J394 47.0 (506) 1,556,000 33,106 (3,075) TGGGOGTGP

J404 47.0 (506) 1,544,500 32,862 (3,052) TGGGOGTGP

J75 60.4 (650) 1,816,700 30,078 (2,795) TGGGOGTGP

J105 60.4 (650) 1,880,700 31,137 (2,893) TGGGOGTGP

J175 60.4 (650) 1,939,800 32,116 (2,984) TGGGOGTGP

J195 60.4 (650) 1,954,500 32,359 (3,007) TGGGOGTGP

J305 60.4 (650) 2,020,400 33,450 (3,108) TGGGOGTGP

J16 60.4 (650) 1,507,800 24,964 (2,320) TGGGOGTGP

J36 60.4 (650) 1,675,700 27,743 (2,578) TGGGOGTGP

J66 60.4 (650) 1,752,900 29,022 (2,697) TGGGOGTGP

J136 60.4 (650) 1,840,500 30,472 (2,832) TGGGOGTGP

J236 60.4 (650) 1,939,400 32,109 (2,984) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJķġĮ ⮸檛啠⥭律⠽⇜!炼!㠿䟛導 Tin Chung Court Returned Flats 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏3URSHUW\$GGUHVV ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

⣑㯜⚵ J336 60.4 (650) 1,989,400 32,937 (3,061) TGGGOGTGP

TIN SHUI WAI J396 60.4 (650) 2,007,600 33,238 (3,089) TGGGOGTGP

⣑枴剹 J27 47.0 (506) 1,288,300 27,411 (2,546) TGGGOGTGP

Tin Chung Court J47 47.0 (506) 1,359,800 28,932 (2,687) TGGGOGTGP

J57 47.0 (506) 1,379,500 29,351 (2,726) TGGGOGTGP

J87 47.0 (506) 1,411,900 30,040 (2,790) TGGGOGTGP

J107 47.0 (506) 1,425,900 30,338 (2,818) TGGGOGTGP

J157 47.0 (506) 1,455,200 30,962 (2,876) TGGGOGTGP

J237 47.0 (506) 1,498,000 31,872 (2,960) TGGGOGTGP

J257 47.0 (506) 1,507,100 32,066 (2,978) TGGGOGTGP

J297 47.0 (506) 1,525,200 32,451 (3,014) TGGGOGTGP

J347 47.0 (506) 1,538,800 32,740 (3,041) TGGGOGTGP

J407 47.0 (506) 1,538,600 32,736 (3,041) TGGGOGTGP

J48 47.0 (506) 1,343,600 28,587 (2,655) TGGGOGTGP

J108 47.0 (506) 1,385,500 29,479 (2,738) TGGGOGTGP

J128 47.0 (506) 1,397,200 29,728 (2,761) TGGGOGTGP

J188 47.0 (506) 1,432,300 30,474 (2,831) TGGGOGTGP

J208 47.0 (506) 1,444,000 30,723 (2,854) TGGGOGTGP ĮġIJĸġĮ ␅Ⅵ⠽⇜᧩㠿䟛導 Other Flat 炼 New Territories West

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏ġġġProperty Address ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flat below.

⣑㯜⚵ TIN SHUI WAI ⣑⭴剹 K 24 2 60.4 (650) 1,914,000 31,689 (2,945) TGGGOGTGP Tin Fu Court

␅Ⅵ⠽⇜!!炼!㠿䟛㨀 Other Flats 炼 New Territories East

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏ġġġProperty Address ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flats below.

楔朵Ⱉ H1111 40.1 (432) 2,128,200 53,072 (4,926) TGGGOGTGP MA ON SHAN 拎寸剹 Kam Fung Court J 214 40.4 (435) 1,913,900 47,374 (4,400) TGGGOGTGP

J1417 40.1 (432) 2,119,900 52,865 (4,907) TGGGOGTGP

⮯幵㽛 TSEUNG KWAN O ⼑㖶剹 B 18 2 60.4 (650) 3,282,600 54,348 (5,050) TGGGOGTGP Choi Ming Court

䰱ⵢ FANLING 晵䚃剹 A408 59.9 (645) 2,070,300 34,563 (3,210) TGGGOGTGP Yung Shing Court

␅Ⅵ⠽⇜!炼!氨䂾⾅ Other Flat 炼

⹵䞷槱䳜 ℞Ṿ㊯㖶枭䚖䘬朊䧵ġĩᶵ妰䬿ℍ⮎䓐朊䧵Ī ĩ⊭㊔曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ġĩ⤪㚱ĪĪġ Ɉ ⮎䓐朊䧵 $UHDRIRWKHUVSHFLILHGLWHPV 䓸㯼⦿⧏ġġġProperty Address ㄂㡈伂ġĩ⸛㕡⏶Ī 㭶⸛㕡䰛İ⏶ⓖ₡ 1RWLQFOXGHGLQWKH6DOHDEOH$UHD ŔŢŭŦŢţŭŦġłųŦŢġĩŪůŤŭŶťŪůŨġţŢŭŤŰůźĭġġŶŵŪŭŪŵź ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡䰛ġġĩ⃫ĭġ㭶⸛㕡⏶Ī ㄂㡈伂 ㄂㡈⛝ VTPHWUH VTIW űŭŢŵŧŰųŮġŢůťġŷŦųŢůťŢũĭġŪŧġŢůźĪġ Ɉ ➽⎈ ⏒ 8QLW5DWHRI6DOHDEOH$UHD ŴŲįġŮŦŵųŦġĩŴŲįġŧŵįĪ 䨢婧㨇㇧ˣ䨿⎘ˣ敋㦻ˣ⸛⎘ˣ剙⚺ˣ 干ỵˣ SHUVTPHWUH ⣑⎘ˣ㡗⯳ˣ⇵⹕ˣ⹕昊 Air-conditioning plant Ɉᶳ↿↢ⓖ╖ỵ⛯ᶵ姕曚⎘ˣⶍἄ⸛⎘⍲春⎘ˤ 3ULFH  ⛘⋨ġġDistrict ⹏ 㦻Ⰼ ╖ỵ SHUVTIW room, Bay window, Cockloft, Flat roof, Garden, There are no provision of balcony, utility Block Floor Flat Ɉ Parking space, Roof, Stairhood, Terrace, Yard ⯳剹 Court platform and verandah in the flat below.

楁㷗Ṽ ABERDEEN 晭㾌敋 1 38 H 53.6 (577) 3,495,600 65,216 (6,058) TGGGOGTGP Broadview Court

(䥩Ṣ⍫⺢⯭⯳) (PSPS) ĮġġIJĹġġĮ



⌨峊₏᧶ ⎈⠽㓏⒦ⅴ㄂㡈⛝櫾䯉⃚槱䳜⧖∬㝩  ㄂㡈伂  ㄂㡈⛝㙪並᧨₵⥪㗷℣⏴咂㠃㠇ᇭ㹝㄂㡈⛝⹵䞷槱䳜䤓➽⎈᧨ⓖⅴ 崁㠃㠇䤓㄂㡈⛝槱䳜⇫岗並ᇭ㹝㄂㡈伂⛝⹵䞷槱䳜䤓➽⎈᧨⧖ⅴ⥪㗷℣⏴岗咂⏒⇜ᇭ

⌨峊ℛ᧶ ⹵䞷槱䳜㢾㖖᧶⻀₏⊚㦘䓕⭐⦜僭䤓⠽⇜力岏᧨崁⠽⇜䤓㲢槱槱䳜᧨䟀崁⠽⇜⮥䓕䤓⮥捷栚ⱚ摞ㄵ᧨Ⱁ⮥䓕⻻⒕椣⏸⊚䦇 抲⠽⇜䤓䓕⭐᧨ⓖ㈭䓕⭐䤓₼捷栚ⱚ摞ㄵ᧨₵㈦▔㕻崁⠽⇜䤓⏶捷栢椣♙㞾㪀᧨⇕ₜ▔㕻䓕⮥䤓⏻䞷⦿㡈᧷Ⱁ㦘↊⇤⮥䓕 咖⏻䞷⦿㡈偙彋᧨ⓖ崁䓕⭐䤓⏷捷☩ㄵℵ㦒岗並⦷⏶ᇭ



⌨峊ₘ᧶ 斵廟啠⏻⯠♙㔈侓᧤亰䳀ᇷ⏻⯠ᇸ᧥₼⇞⸔⠽⇜䤓ₜ⒕━↌㠇✛丰䚕↌㠇᧤⏻⯠₼䤓ᇷ丰䚕⠽⏒ᇸ᧥䤓⒕揜㢾♒劒⠽⇜䤓 ⹵䞷槱䳜㒥㖘␅㹣√岗並ᇭ䟀㡋捷↌⮶ㅗ䤓⦥ⓖ㦍⇫≽㟈᧨捷↌⠽⇜䤓ₜ⒕━↌㠇✛丰䚕↌㠇咖☮㑘⒕揜䤓↌㠇㦘㓏ぽ 䟿ᇭ咖⻚啠␅Ⅵ⠽⇜㹣憒᧨崁䷘⠽⇜⦷⻚啠㓏⇣䤓↌㠇㶙䥙✛㶙Ⓒⅴ♙弻↊᧤▔㕻儂Ⅷ丰䚕彊✛␅Ⅵ∪㷍᧥ℵ㦒憒☮㑘㓏 ⇣䤓㦘䦇㑘ピㄵ䤓ぽ䟿ᇭ⻔⻚⠽⇜➽⎈ⅴ⹵䞷槱䳜岗並᧨㦘桫↌㠇䤓ぽ䟿⺜崁䷘⠽⇜➽⎈䤓岑⸩₵䎰㈀檎ᇭ



Applicable to all flats

NOTE 1 : Areas in square feet as specified in the price lists are converted at a rate of 1 square metre to 10.764 square feet and rounded to the nearest square foot. Unit rates of saleable area per square foot are then calculated based on the rounded areas in square feet. Unit rates of saleable area per square metre or per square foot are rounded to the nearest dollar.

NOTE 2 : The Saleable Area refers to : with respect to a flat enclosed by walls, the floor area of such a flat measured from the exterior of the enclosing walls of the flat except where such enclosing walls separate two adjoining flats in which case the measurement shall be taken from the middle of those walls, and shall include the internal partitions and columns within the flat; but shall exclude the common parts outside the enclosing walls of the flat provided that if any of the enclosing walls abuts onto a common area, then the whole thickness of the enclosing walls which so abut shall be included.


Applicable to individual courts

NOTE 3 : In the Deed of Mutual Covenant and Deed of Grant (DMC) of Kam Fung Court, the allocation of undivided shares and management shares ("management units" in the DMC) was calculated by reference or in proportion to the saleable area of the flats. There are discrepancies in the number of undivided shares and management shares allocated to some of the flats due to change in building plans for some of the buildings. The interest and rights as well as obligations (including the payment of management fees and other contributions) pertaining to such flats, when compared with other flats in Kam Fung Court, are different to the extent of such discrepancies. Nevertheless, prices of HOS flats are calculated based on their saleable areas and the fixing of prices for such flats are not affected by such discrepancies.