
 “ integrates approaches from in scientific computing (ViSC), , analysis, information systems (GISystems) to provide theory, methods, and tools for visual exploration, analysis, synthesis, and presentation of geospatial data” -- International cartographic association commission (2001)  Point/line/surface, 3D, spatial-temporal

1 Point: gas stations on Google

 Location information only.

2 Point: geo-temporal data

3 Point: vectors

4 Point: bricks & colors

5 Line: Google map

6 Line: Facebook (dense edges)

7 Line: bundling technique

Population migration:

Airline routes:

8 Region: contours (boundaries only)

9 Region: color (filled regions)

10 Health Data (Disease Distributions)

11 Cartogram: scale and deform regions to reflect the size of the attributes

12 Multi-relationship: line/bubble set

 Multiple relationships  Avoid re-layout

13 3D Map (2.5 Dimension)

14 3D Map: issues

 Realism vs. Abstraction  Distraction  Occlusion  Applications: – Travel guide – City planning/

15 3D Map: occlusion & landmark

16 Spatial-temporal data

 Time stamps/labels on 2D map  Space-time cube  Color curves  Attribute changes

17 Time-trajectory (Tornado path)

18 Space-Time Cube

19 Trajectory Wall (C. Tominsk, et al)

20 Color Curves

Using curves in color space to represent time.

21 Using Color Curves to Draw Taxis Trajectories on 2D

22 Attribute changes

 Robbery geo-temporal data

23 Attribute changes (Health Data)

24 Interactive Techniques in InfoVis

 Select: mark something as interesting  Explore: show me something else  Reconfigure: show me a different arrangement  Encode: show me a different representation  Abstract/Elaborate: show me more or less detail  Filter: show me something conditionally  Connect: show me related items Mouse Selection

Select and show attributes Interactive Exploration of DTI Fibers Visual Clutter: Zoom Excentric Labeling Explore

Show different portion of data or attributes

3D Navigation Reconfigure

 Show different orders  Show different perspectives by re-ordering data and attributes  Examples: – Sorting and re-ordering in TableLens – Changing attributes in Scatter Plots – Changing the order of nodes in adjacency matrix Re-ordering Attributes

Moving columns in TableLens Sorting

Sorting on a specific attribute in TableLens Encoding

 Show a different visual representation  Examples – Change color coding – Change size – Change direction – Change font – Change shape Many Eyes

Abstract / Elaborate

 Show more or less detail  Controlling Level of details  Details-On-Demand – Providing more details as needed – E.g. from a cluster node to graph in cluster


Show data subset satisfying a set of conditions – Filtering by restriction – Dynamic query Filtering by Restriction (baby names) Dynamic query (Music Filtering) Histogram Brushing Connect

 Show related items  Highlighting connections and relations  Examples – Vizster – InfoScope,brushing Brushing

 Selecting in one view and highlight in another view VisAxes

47 Typical Interaction Modes

 Overview+details  Focus+context  Multi-view  Animation Overview+Details

 Simultaneous display of both an overview and detailed view of an information space, each in a distinct presentation space. Scrollbars and Thumbnails

Trading scales for space: e.g. powerpoint slide presentation Lenses: separation in Z-coordinate Focus+Context Interaction

Nonlinear Magnification – Fisheye Views – Focus+Context Focus+Context: Fisheye

Integrating focus and context into a single display where all parts are concurrently visible: the focus is displayed seamlessly within its surrounding context. Fisheye View GraphLens The magic volume lens Nonlinear Magnification Wall

 Integrating detailed and contextual views  Using perspective projection to reduce space needs for contextual viewing DataLens Map

60 Muti-View Interaction

 Multiple visual representations of the same data  Simultaneous highlighting in multiple views during interaction

Chen W, Ding Z, Zhang S, et al. A novel interface for interactive exploration of DTI fibers. TVCG, 2009.