A Supercharged Year 1
Chevy A Supercharged Year 1 SUMMER 1985 VOL. HI, NO. 3 Presenting High B i^D 'ana the Ultimate Tape Guarantee. A, We’ve engineered every facet of our transport mectianisra.:; ■( h to protect fhe tape. Our waved-wafer improves tape-windv . {Silicone-treated-rollers insuie precise alignment and , ( ' /smooth, safe tape movement. To protect the tape and u |;* ,•] mpehanism, we’ve surrounded them with a remarkably/,/ ( j cassette housing made rigid and strong by a mold desi&njmiqueto Memorex. ) \ •• m guarantee them forever. / ; / *$ ,/ If y*ouever become dissatisfied with \ ,i ■; Memorex High/Bias II, for any reason, : -y' v simply mail the tape back and we’ll y eMOVIE M A G A Z N E ■ COVER In the beginning, TV created Saturday Night Live. First to jump into movies, most durable of the SNL galaxy, Chevy Chase now has a trio of new films, leading with a comic thriller called Fletch. Page 6. ■ PROFILE The kid who smashed his model trains for 8-millimetre thrills, Steven Spielberg, may be the biggest achiever in Hollywood history. Page 4. ■ FACES Kelly LeBrock heralds a new age in computer-assisted design, Tom Cruise is green with pride and Michael J. Fox leads a double life. Page 8. ■ DIRECTORS R obert (Romancing the Stone) Zemeckis, 11 years after a Best Student Film Academy Award, is a leading comedy/action director. Ridley Scott, of Blade Runner and Alien fame, built his visual talent with far-out TV commercials. Page 12. ■ COMING SOON Highlights of our next issue: The very hot Tom Hanks goes for a financial splash; Robert Red ford and Meryl Streep give their all in Africa; Michael Keaton, Kurt Russell and Robin Williams take up the sporting life.
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