1997-98 Index
3112011001 18-12-00 15:48:39 Table: LJOIND PPSysB Unit: pag1 1997–98INDEX 1257 INDEX The following abbreviations appear in this index: 1a;2a;3a First, second, third readings CWH Committee of the Whole House DPDC Delegated Powers and Deregulation Committee GC Grand Committee HC House of Commons HL House of Lords HM Her Majesty JCCB Joint Committee on Consolidation Bills RA Royal Assent SI Statutory Instrument SO Standing Order UBC Unopposed Bill Committee A66:U pgrading: Activity Centres (Young Persons’ afety orthern reland Unstarred question, 3 June, 847. S )(N I ) Order 1997: AMeredith Jones &Co.Limited Draft delivered for approval by resolution, etitioners v angemar 25 Nov, 365; after debate, approved, 7 (P ) .V Apr, 737. Shipping Co.Limited (Respondents): Acts of Parliament,Bringing Into Petition for leave to appeal referred to orce Appeal Committee, 16 June, 91; report, 23 F : Oct, 271. Unstarred question, 2 July, 133. A/S D/S Svenborg and others dekeye etitioner v ost ffice espondents v ansa trading A (P ) .P O (R ) .W ( (Respondents): as Melbourne Enterprises) (Petitioner) and one other Petition for leave to appeal out of time action: referred to Appeal Committee; report, 10 Nov, 315. Petition for leave to appeal referred to Appeal Committee, 19 May, 36; report, 23 July, 195. Administration of Justice Act 1982: Papers (per Act):29 Oct, 287. Abbey National Plc (Respondents) v.Buxton (Petitioner): Adoption Act 1976: Petition for leave to appeal referred to Appeal Committee; fee waived; report, 30 Papers (per Act):14 Oct, 238; 10 Mar, 642. Mar, 709. Advice and Assistance (Assistance Abbey National plc (Respondents) v.
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