August 2017 Newsletter No 182 Summer Soirée

The annual summer Soirée was held in mid- June at the home of Peter and Shirley Rowson in La Motte and 514€ was raised for the Welfare Fund. The evening was particularly warm and despite there being a capacity gathering of 60 members and guests, a smaller number wished to partake in the boules. Nevertheless John Lloyd managed to cajole 32 to take part in the boules competition which was won by boules group members Philip and Yvonne Davies who each won (very small) bottles of champagne.

Everybody thoroughly enjoyed the evening as usual and had a delightful finger buffet. Thank you all for bringing your contributions to this. Thanks also to John and Anne Westlake for doing bar duties again so efficiently, and to all those who stayed to wash up and move furniture.

The only disappointing note of the evening was the announcement that Shirley and Peter wished to reduce the commitment and hold a couple of coffee mornings next year instead. So, regrettably, unless another member is prepared to host the event, this may be the last. (See elsewhere in Newsletter.)

A big thank you therefore to Shirley and Peter for holding these popular evenings for so many years.

“Could Brexit affect pension transfers out of the UK? Should I take action now?”

04 88 78 21 03 [email protected] Forthcoming Events Committee meeting Vendange Lunch TBA Vendange Lunch in 2 September The annual Vendange Lunch is to be held at

Kentingtons Finance Seminar 7 September Domaine St Marc des Omèdes, Quiz lunch in Chemin de Vaussiers, 83510 Lorgues 12 October on 2 September at 12 noon and is, happily, Treasure Hunt in fully booked. If you are attending you should 8 November have received a confirmation from Kevin Bell. Christmas lunch in St Aygulf Please save your centimes as there will be 2 December a raffle generously provided by the boules group, Bookings should not be regarded as confirmed with the star prize of a unless you receive a confirmation from meal and spa treatment for two at Kevin Bell, Events Coordinator. Chateau de Berne being donated by Kentingtons. There will also be auction of a variety Kentingtons Finance Seminar of items including a magnum of rosé provided by Mirabeau of This will be held at the Bastide de on 7 September, probably at 10am. and wine provided by Chateau Thuerry at . In addition there is a further The Seminar will be followed by lunch star donation from member Tim Molyneux comprising:- of a TV internet system which provides Buffet starter of tomato and mozzarella, lentil a selection of TV channels including salad, a platter of cold meats and pasta salad. BBC and ITV etc with installation worth 250 € Main course - Daube de with polenta. (you have to pay the 30 € per month subscription). A reminder to those who are booked in – Selection of Desserts you do not need to bring crockery and cutlery Wine this year, but will still need parasols for extra shade. Coffee

The attendance will be strictly limited to 30 and Directions: GPS coordinates: N 43.48485 and E members will be requested to pay 12€ per head 6.38797. From on the D562 at the first and non-members 14€. roundabout on the outskirts of Lorgues turn left. BAV directions will be there. From the north/ south/ west go on to the D562 Lorgues by-pass to the Quiz and fish and chip lunch roundabout after the Salles des Fetes and then follow directions as for Draguignan ie. Turn right at This will be held on 12 October at Mas Des Anges, RD 562, the roundabout. After approx 3km look out for Montauroux at midday. 2222 Chemin de Vaussiers on the right and new The menu will be: parking area will be 100m further on your right, Charcuterie with BAV signs to Vendange Lunch. or Disabled access only – turn left into main drive Salmon quiche to Domaine St Marc, opposite 2222 Chemin de ...... Vaussiers. Fish and chips with an alternative of chicken for non-fish eaters...... Baked Apple pie with calvados or Chocolate Brownies. Se e t h e L a t e s t N e w s a n d The price will be 27€ for members and 29€ for non-members, Forthcoming Events on our BA plus 3€ each to enter the quiz. website

2 What’s On Guide 13-16 Aug , centre ville. Liberation celebrations (also several other villages) Zenith Oméga, : 0892 700 840 www.zenith- 14 Aug , Place Georges Clemenceau. Concert and dance – The Soul Story. 21h30. Free. Opera House, Toulon: 04 94 93 03 76 06 86 90 72 73 17, 24 Aug Lorgues, Château de Berne. Jazz in the Draguignan Theatre: 04 94 50 59 59 vines. 21h00. 04 94 60 48 88 18 Aug St Raphaël, St John’s church. Concert by Chabran Theatre, Draguignan: 04 83 08 30 30 Swedish choir. 18h00. Free. 04 94 50 38 46 18 Aug Grimaud, Eglise St Michel. Les Soirées Forum Theatre, Fréjus and Centre Culturel, St Musicales – sacred songs. 21h00. 25€ Raphaël: 04 94 95 55 55 20 Aug , cenre ville. Classic cars 1940-1990. 9h30-14h30. Free August 2017 20 Aug Vidauban, Centre ville. Classic car rally. 29 Jul-12 Aug Various villages. Musique Cordiale 8h30-12h30. Free. 04 94 73 10 28 festival – orchestral and choral concerts. See 25 Aug Roquebrune-sur-, Lac Perrin. Beach Festival – dancing to DJ. 20h00. Free. 1 Aug St Maximin-la-Ste-Baume, Parvis de la 04 94 81 23 60 Basilique. Flamenco. 21h30. Free. 04 94 59 84 59 25 Aug Les Arcs, Café de la Tour. Fish and chips – Aug Cotignac, Théâtre du Rocher. Festival du English or French style 13,50€. With café Rocher – cinema, theatre, music. Various times gourmand 19,50€. Book by previous Monday. and dates. See for details. 04 94 73 30 56 1 and 8 Aug Grimaud, village and château. Les Grimaldines – street events 19h00, concert in château 22h00. 3-5 Aug St Raphaël, Jardin Bonaparte. Chamber music concerts. Free. 4 Aug Vidauban, Eglise St Jean-Baptiste. Gospel concert. 17h00. 20€. 06 28 42 29 65 4-6 Aug Fréjus, centre ville. Fête du Raisin 5-6 Aug Roquebrune-sur-Argens, Complexe Calandri. Fête du Cheval et de la Country. 9h00-18h00. Free. 06 72 94 27 73 6 Aug Les Arcs, Place du Père Clinchard. Band concert – l’Indépendente. 18h00. Free. 06 76 01 78 79 7 Aug Les Arcs, Château Ste Roseline. Festival Gloriana - concert of film music. 19h00. 25€. 06 60 90 17 23 8 Aug Les Arcs, Château Ste Roseline. Festival MAKING YOUR Gloriana - concert of piano and song. 18h30. 25€. 06 60 90 17 23 8 Aug Puget-sur-Argens, Pinède des Aubrèdes. -*'& */ Concert – Woodstock Spirit. Free. 04 94 19 55 29 10 Aug Callas, Place de l’Eglise. Festival de Musique Ancienne de Callas – concert Monteverdi. 19h00. 30€. 04 94 39 06 77 10-11 Aug Ste Maxime, Place Pasteur. Concert – LESS TAXING opera arias. 21h30. 15€. 08 26 20 83 83 10-20 Aug Fayence, Le Grand Jardin. Salon de Antiquaires. 10h00-19h00. 6,50€. 04 94 76 11 11 11-14 Aug Roquebrune-sur-Argens, Espace Aréna. TEL : 0498 10 12 55 - EMAIL: [email protected] Bike and Car show, Rock Festival. 9h00-18h00. 04 Z.A. Les Esparrus, 83690 VILLECROZE 94 44 21 31 * The Kentingtons service is exclusive to individuals with a 13 Aug Ste Maxime, Théâtre de la Mer. Concert minimum of €250,000 in financial assets. 60s music – British Legend. 21h30.Free. Regulated in France by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, reference F000116 CGPI 08 26 20 83 83 Chairman's Report British Association Cannes - The Neighbourhood Network coffee mornings, set BREXIT talk up some years ago now by Auriol Langen, are a Sunday 6th August, 12.00, Holy Trinity Church, 4 valuable opportunity to add a local aspect to the av Général Ferrié, 06400 Cannes. BREXIT talk by activities of the BAV. Many of these meetings have MEP Richard Ashworth. As the Brexit negotiations flourished over the years and several have well are now in progress, Richard will give an update over 20 people attending where they enjoy a cup from his perspective as an MEP, and how it’s all of coffee and a chat about local life, enquire about going down in Brussels. There will be opportunities each other's health and local activities together for questions and comments from the floor. Please with requests for details of tradesmen etc. mention this to your British friends and everyone is It was a pleasure to hear that inaugural meeting of welcome, and you are also welcome to attend the the NN in Vidauban was held in late June having service beforehand at 10.30. been promoted by Rozana Hancock. About 25 Email to reserve a place: [email protected] or call xxx members attended. Thank you therefore to Rozana for setting this group up. I hope that this group continues to thrive. Our English friends are generally of the view that House for sale we all live an outdoor life in the south of France, but probably the opposite is the truth for many of Village house for sale. Charming cosy house in us in the heat of the summer when many try to market village of . About 90m2. Ready to keep out of the intense heat of the day and only move in to, with 2 beds, 2 baths, sitting/dining, come out at night. Certainly our life style changes kitchen & large cellar. 150,000 euros. and we try to do the manual jobs required in the Telephone for further enquiries xxx garden in the early hours of the morning or in the evening. This year the intense heat was extended well into June when we experienced temperatures approaching 40 degrees. With the onset of August hopefully temperatures will reduce slightly.

New Members We welcome the following new members to the British Association of the : Stanley and Catherine Freeman from Fréjus.

Monday Boules Group 31 members turned out for boules and 24 for lunch on 26 June. At the Cafe de Cour s in Cot ignac w e enjoyed a delightful 2 course lunch with rump steak and fries, arranged by our Secretary Michael Wharton. I am pleased to say that the Chairman and Events Secretary played brilliantly as a team and look forward to new members taking part to improve the competition. Kevin Bell

ALOE VERA PLANTS for sale at 10€ each or two leaves for 1€. Tel : xxx. 4 MEMBERS’ GROUPS Lost in translation The Azur Photography Group Some famous film titles and their French A busy month for our budding photographers. translations – can you guess what they are? We were put through our paces by John Wyatt, an ex-director of photography at the BBC, who flew over from the UK to critique our Agence Tous Risques (literally “the all-risks photographs with his chosen theme agency”, from assurance tous risques, of ‘Summer’ and to regale us with comprehensive insurance) tales of his life travelling the globe L’Or se Barre (“the gold clears off”, a pun on se as a photographer and filmmaker. barrer and une barre, a [gold] bar) Maman, j’ai Raté l’Avion (“Mum, I missed the With his eye for fine detail, we were plane”) interested to see how minor S.O.S Fantômes (SOS ghosts) modifications to our photographs Chapeau Melon et Bottes de Cuir (“bowler hat and could help to more quickly capture leather boots”) the essence of ‘Summer’. Simplicity and a clear Les Dents de la Mer (“the teeth of the sea”) message were the themes of his suggestions, Docteur Folamourf which were well received by the group. He also shared several tricks of the trade - who would Answers to “Lost in translation” on page 8 have thought that Evian Facial Spray on a tepid glass of wine could make it look chilled and so inviting…. This photograph ‘Hats’ shows how such British Association of the Var simplicity can evoke thoughts of ‘Summer’... Welfare Coordinator Pauline Holloway John was kind enough to also 0494702557 review our photographs on the 0677531013 challenge for the month, which Chris Gaskell was ‘Abandoned’. He selected 0494508762 this photograph taken in Mouans [email protected] Sartoux of an old Confiserie as the best in show. The group would like to extend a warm welcome Emergency contacts to our newest member, Craig. If you are int e r e s t e d in jo ining us , ple as e e mai l Medical help/SAMU 15 [email protected] for more information. Police/Police Nationale 17 Fire and accident/Sapeurs Pompiers 18 SOS – all services (calling from a mobile) 112

BAV Welfare phone 06 77 53 10 13 Boules / Lunching EDF English speaking number 05 62 16 49 08 Group Orange English speaking No 09 69 36 39 00 We are still playing in the mornings at 10.00. So please contact me if you wish to join us . C o n t ac t R o b e r t F l a n a g a n [email protected]

Golf Group After several range practice sessions, four of the Group played a match at the Barbaroux Club and follow up matches are being planned. Anyone interested in joining-in should contact Blake Long at [email protected] Fort de Bregançon Future for the Summer Soirée? This summer residence of the head of State of As mentioned elsewhere, Shirley and Peter France is one of the most popular monuments of Rowson have decided that it is time to pass on the the Var and visits start June 24 until September baton with regard to the Soirée, having hosted it 24, from 9.30am to 6.15pm. Tickets can be bought for 5 years. If anyone would like to host this event at the tourist office in Bormes-Les-Mimosas or on in the future, Shirley and Peter can give you the the Internet. A visit to the gardens and the house benefit of their experience so that all runs is free for those under 26 years and 10 euros for smoothly. everyone else (8 euros for group rates) and it is Basically, you need a large garden and terrace with best to reserve on-line where some shade, and plenty of parking. You can place there is a calendar to choose a limit on numbers to suit you, although the BAV your date and time. A shuttle chairs and tables are available so the sky’s the bus is provided from the limit! The 10€ entrance fee covers the drinks, Tourist Office in Bormes-les- nibbles, paper plates, etc, but the guests bring the Mimosas. food – a plate of “finger food” sweet or savoury. The visit lasts about 2 hours You will need helpers (perhaps from your in small groups of 20 people accompanied by a Neighbourhood Network) to move furniture, man guide who presents the rooms on the ground floor, the bar and arrange the food. If you have enough salons, dining room, the meeting room and the room for boules, the BAV Committee will organise office of the President as well as the gardens and this. This event always makes a profit for the the coastal path. On display are gifts to different Welfare Fund and 3000€ has been raised over the French presidents over the years and, at the top, past 5 years. the panorama is outstanding. If you want to discuss this please contact them: This summer residence welcomed Georges [email protected] Pompidou, Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, François xxx. Mitterrand, Jacques Chirac, Nicolas Sarkozy and (very briefly) François Holland. Each has left his trace, either in the decoration or the accumulated Lost property objects. The fort was also a place of power, but it's After the Summer Soiree on 16 June two large the Pompidou couple who truly launched plastic storage boxes were left behind, and the Brégançon. It has been attempted to reproduce plate containing brownies. Please contact Shirley the real atmosphere that prevailed at the fort to reclaim them. xxx during the stay of the presidents. It is advisable not to take on heavy bags because there is a search at the entrance and the visit is long and detailed. Please let us have your Advertisements, Articles and Reports for the Re s e r v a t i o n s : B o r m e s To u r i s m O f f i c e : September issue by or Tuesday 15 August All contributions to: Impressive Modern Villa For Sale [email protected] or to Shirley Rowson, xxx With outstanding views over Golf Range. Please Note: We appreciate the support of our Infinity pool, 4 beds, 3 baths, lofty 60m2 sitting/ advertisers and encourage members to consider dining/kit, underfloor heating/cooling. using their services; however, BAV cannot take 565,000E for private sale. Info/photos: responsibility for the quality of goods and service. [email protected] or tel: xxx – Golfe-Juan UPHOLSTERY HOUSE by Marianne Reimer +33 (0)6 63 25 94 28 Interior decoration & upholstery

6 New laws for drivers Waterworld From July there will be a new crackdown on the Waterworld opened in Le behaviour of drivers that is considered dangerous, Dramont in 2015, but has with new offences created and fines raised for been forced to find another others that already exist. Those caught eating at site due to problems with the wheel, looking in the glove box, or putting on their landlord. They have now make-up, even when in stationary traffic, will be moved to the Lac de Gaudrade subject to 75€ fines and a loss of three licence at Puget-sur-Argens and are situated half- points. Watching a screen, a mobile telephone or a way between the A8 roundabout and the Formule DVD will set the driver back 1,500€ and three 1 roundabout on the southern side. licence points. But looking at the GPS system or the rear view guiding camera will still be legal. The Park includes a collection of inflatable slides, Playing music too loudly can result in a 75€ fine boats and other toys on a surface of 1200 m 2 and smoking in the presence of a child result in which allows access for children and adults. The a 68€ fine. activity is family-centred and entry is reserved for families, couples and children under 18 years old. For groups of adults admission can be refused, Brexit challenge and a € 250 deposit requested which will be A challenge to the legality of the Brexit cashed if the park is not respected. referendum was formally lodged by a Bordeaux lawyer last month. Avocat Julien Fouchet lodged Life jackets are mandatory and are provided. his case with the General Court of the EU and if Security surveillance employed. Open daily from successful his case could halt Brexit negotiations May to mid-September. Opening hours: All day and force the UK to run its referendum again. May, June, September 10 h - 18 h. July-August 9- Mr Fouchet originally decided to take up court 19 h. See for action against the referendum after a British details. person living in Gironde sought his help because of his experience with taking cases to the EU courts. More people then came forward to join the case recently after a group of academics and professionals based in the UK and France – Action for Europe – organised crowdfunding to pay legal expenses of those interested. Mr Fouchet had pledged to act ‘out of European solidarity’, with minimal fees. A total of 10 Britons abroad are now formally taking part in the court action.

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The Bereavement Support Network of the Var (BSN) This organisation exists to support not only the bereaved but also those who are terminally ill, and their families and friends. If you, or someone you know, could benefit from our confidential, free support, then please contact: Sandra - 04 94 84 64 89 or 06 32 35 31 24 [email protected] or for further information.

Apéritif protocol What do you eat? The nibbles are almost as important as the drinks: The official aperitif or apéro is a much-loved pillar delicate finger food, salmon blinis, olives, breads of French culture and a religion in France that and pât és, sl ic es of c h e e s e , simply must be followed. Here's what you need to saucisson. Taramasalata or just tarama in France is know about it. a pillar of the apéro as is How important is the apéro really? houmous, tapenade and bowls of One word you'll hear all the time when around cherry tomatoes. Foie gras French locals is "apéro". It's short for "aperitif" and might even be served up for according to one survey on the custom, as many the posher aperitifs. In some as nine out of 10 French people engage in these cases, particularly good pre-dinner drinks, that often turn into dinner itself. crisps will be accepted And obviously being in France, the pre-food (that means no Pringles tradition involves food. The apéro is a just another or barbecue Lays). If opportunity to enjoy the French way of life and as y o u ’ r e i n v i t e d t o a true francophile, you understand that food is someone’s place for an sacred to French people. apéro, it’s always a good idea t o Where does the tradition come from? bring something, but it must be According to some online dictionary definitions the sophisticated - not cheap beer and crisps. If the word apéritif literally means “a laxative liqueur”, nibbles are plentiful and of a decent standard, the (but maybe that just depends on how much you affair may even be billed as a full "apéro dînatoire" drink.) The word originates from the Latin term which is a meal made entirely of apéro-style "aperire", meaning, “to open”. In the Middle-Ages, snacks. plant-based drinks were used to stimulate the What do you do at an apéro? appetite before the evening meal, so creating the First and foremost, you chat and mingle. Unlike aperitif. some other drinking cultures, French drinking Isn’t it just a more sophisticated way of saying t raditionally centres around sociability, "anyone fancy a drink?" conversation and relaxation over partying. The traditional apéro distinguishes itself from a Whereas Anglophone cultures often eat before casual drink by its timing (pre-meal) and presence drinking to “line the stomach”, the apéro is more of fairly posh nibbles, but yes, you’ll often hear the of a moment to enjoy the drink in itself, in the term used and abused in any situation involving knowledge that the coming meal will undo many evening drinks. Among students in particular, the of the effects of the alcohol. apéro can mean drinks consumed for the whole What do you talk about at an apéro? evening or night and is often never followed by 90% of French people believe that the any kind of meal. conversation is the most important part of a So what exactly do you drink? successful apéro, so you need to have your best Depending on taste, traditions and where you live anecdotes ready. The most popular topic of in France you could drink anything from conversation is general news, followed by how the famous anise flavoured your family is getting on. Talking too much politics liqueur called Pastis to a or gossiping about people who aren't there might traditional "Kir" - a popular be considered a social faux pas, as these topics French cocktail made with a were ranked the lowest among French people. measure of crème de cassis So when's apéro time? topped up with white wine. Official evening "apéro time" is a source of great But you could also drink debate in France. Times range between 6pm and tipples like Campari, 9pm depending when you’re planning to eat. So Apero and Vermouths. gather your friends before dinner, prepare some Wine is on the increase as snacks, set the music low enough for a good an aperitif, as some conversation and voilà, your apéro is set. apéro purists argue that strong spirits numb the palate. For this reason, sweet wines like Muscat Answers to “Lost in translation” and c hampagne are popular. And don't be surprised if you're offered a good single malt The A-Team, The Italian Job, Home Alone, Scotch whisky, which the French drink as an Ghostbusters, The New Avengers, Jaws, Dr. aperitif or a digestif. Strangelove 8 Wacky menus! Anti pollution measures updates

Seen on actual menu boards outside restaurants. The ecological sticker Crit ’Air, which More next month. distinguishes the level of pollution of vehicles (2  Fishy soup and his rust or 4 wheels) according to a colour chip, is now  Casolette of Saint-Jacques mandatory in Paris, Grenoble, Lyon and Lille.  Ocean laying (oysters, shrimps, “bulots”) Other cities will soon be following suit. This  9 oysters special No. 3 measure, which prohibits access to the most  Crisping of salmon and goat warm on his polluting vehicles from 8 am to 8 pm on “mesclun” of salade weekdays, i s part of the programme  Salad scolds (gizzards, “magret” of duck, "Breathable City" (Ville Respirable). In total, meaty liver) 25 municipalities, towns and groups of  Knuckle-end to roasted lamb in this gravy communes have been selected by the to the thyme Government.  Cutlet of lamb to herbs of Provence How to get your sticker?  “Magret” of duck To obtain your sticker, price 4,18€ (postage  Stoves of shrimps make rosy flamed to the included), just go to the site Crit'Air (www.crit- cognac and fill in the type of vehicle, its engine  Escalope of salmon-coloured has the sorrel size and its norm Euro (box V9 on the carte  Roasted entrecote to the butler butter grise), registration number, date of the carte  Slab of tremendous dips in the sauce of grise (field I) and the form number (it appears choice on the reverse side of the carte grise in bold  Dessert at choice in our desserts map type and begins with the year registered). Penalties Offenders who enter restricted areas when Benefits for BAV members prohibited are liable to a fine of 68€. Note that (Please show your membership card) cars dating from before 1997 (9% of passenger Lei Cigales, Route de Draguignan, Villecroze cars in France) are excluded from classification. 04 89 53 02 88. Offer: complementary espresso coffee in this restaurant specialising in galettes and crepes with a separate menu du jour at 13.50€. Committee Nathalie and Fabrice Alric Antiquities, Place de Chairman - Rob Flanagan l'eglise, Villecroze - Offer 10% discount on a [email protected] range of antique style household furnishings and Secretary - Michael Wharton a larger discount on antiques. [email protected] La Provençal, Place Martin Bidoure, Aups. 04 94 Treasurer – Blake Long 70 00 24. Free espresso coffee with meal. [email protected] Le Grand Hotel, Place du Général Duchatel, Welfare Coordinator –Pauline Holloway Aups. 04 94 70 10 82. Free coffee or digestif [email protected] with meal. Events Secretary - Kevin Bell Les Trois Marches, 11 Cours Gambetta, Cotignac. [email protected] 04 94 04 65 99. Pretty provençal restaurant. Publicity – Sandie Docherty Free espresso coffee with meal. [email protected] Hotel and restaurant L’Orée du Bois, Quartier [email protected] Ste Roseline, Le Muy. 04 98 11 12 40. Free John Lloyd coffee or tea with meal. [email protected] Ann New York Break, 19 rue Picot, close to Place de Mitchem la Liberté, Toulon. 04 94 98 69 14 or 06 42 65 [email protected] 08 21. Free drink with every meal. Important Non-Committee Members Aviva Insurance, Vidauban. Luc de Bardonnèche Membership Secretary – Peter Rowson offers various insurance discounts for BAV [email protected] xxx members – see his advert in the Newsletter. Newsletter Editor – Shirley Rowson JF-Assurances., e-mail [email protected] xxx [email protected]. Tel. 04 94 40 60 94. Welfare Assistant – Chris Gaskell 10% discount against detailed quotations. xxx

NEIGHBOURHOOD NETWORKS St John’s for the Var Cabasse, Carces, , Cotignac St John the Evangelist and Le Val Ave Paul Doumer, St Rafael We will meet at Phil’s Bar in Cotignac at 10.30 on Friday 25 August. Holy Communion is held Contact: Michael Wharton xxx every Sunday at 10h30 [email protected] followed by refreshments and a monthly lunch , Salernes, Tourtour and Villecroze Grimaud Village Church The monthly Ecumenical services will The Villecroze,Tourtour etc coffee morning will be cease until further notice. on the last Tuesday of the month. Place to be Please ring 07 83 77 63 63 for details announced later. Ann & Maurice Mitchem xxx [email protected] ~~~ La Motte and Le Muy

We will meet on Thursday 10 August. at the L'Oasis Christian fellowship LORGUES Bar des Cascades in La Motte between 10am and part of the Anglican Church of Lorgues 12 noon. See you there. with Fayence in the Var Shirley Rowson xxx Every 2nd Sunday at 11h30 at [email protected] Arc-en-Provence, 1801 Chemin des Pailles and every 4th Sunday at 11h30 at Notre Dames des Anges Maison We meet on the first and third Tuesdays of de Retraite the month at 11.00 at L’Arpillon café next to Casino. Richard Tolaini [email protected] For details or directions please contact xxx Rev Peter or Shirley Massey St Maximin la Ste Baume, , 04 94 73 93 37 or 06 87 94 04 83 Brue Auriac, , Meounes, Neoules, Ollieres, , Pourrieres, Seillon Source d’Argens ~~~ and We shall meet on Thursday 17 August from Congregation of the Ascension 10.30 onwards at the Cercle Philharmonique in MONTAUROUX the main square of St. Maximin la Ste. Baume. part of the Anglican Church of Lorgues We have become a friendly group of regulars, with Fayence in the Var but there is always room for more. Diana Andre de la Porte xxx We meet on the first Sunday of the month for [email protected] Morning Prayer and on the third and 5th Sundays for Holy Communion. We also have a Vidauban, Lorgues, , Les Arcs, Bring and Share lunch afterwards Trans-en-Provence, Flassans-sur-Isolé, Enquiries please ring Rev Peter Massey at This will be on the third Friday of each month 0494 739337 or at 10:30 in La Vigne Blanche, Vidauban. Rozana Hilary Rost at 0494477067 Hancock [email protected] Rozana Hancock xxx email [email protected]


10 British Association of the Var Reservation Slip When booking multiple events at the same time, attach separate cheques for each booking in order to facilitate the banking procedures. BOOKINGS SHOULD NOT BE REGARDED AS CONFIRMED UNLESS YOU RECEIVE A CONFIRMATION FROM KEVIN BELL, EVENTS COORDINATOR.

British Association of the Var Reservation Slip KENTINGTONS FINANCE SEMINAR 7 September. 12€ members, 14€ non-members. La Bastide du Toutour, Montée St Denis, 83690 Tourtour. 10.00 Names of those attending Member Value Y/N €

Donation to BAV Welfare Fund Total value of cheque enclosed Additional names overleaf Please add contact details below as an acknowledgement will be issued. Email address: Phone No:

Please return this slip with your cheque made payable to BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF THE VAR To: Kevin Bell, xxx

British Association of the Var Reservation Slip LUNCH AND QUIZ IN MONTAUROUX 27€ members, 29€ non-members. Quiz 3€. 12 October 2017 Venue: Mas des Anges, RD 562, 83440 Montauroux. 12 noon Names of those attending Charcuterie Quiche Fish Chicken Apple Brownies Member Value pie Y/N €

Donation to BAV Welfare Fund Total value of cheque enclosed Additional names overleaf Please add contact details below as an acknowledgement will be issued. Email address: Phone No:

Please return this slip with your cheque made payable to BRITISH ASSOCIATION OF THE VAR To: xxx