Workshop for experts, researchers, EU boards and consultants

! Time: Tuesday, November 15th, 13.30 – 16.30, 2016

Place: University of , Øster Farimagsgade 5, 1014 Copenhagen. Room 2.1.12

Registration via email: [email protected] ! ! Gender, research and innovation have been flagged as vital dimensions in recent European Research strategies. Also in the current Horizon 2020 program where gender is seen as an important cross cutting issue. Using gender as a category of analysis or as part of innovation projects is regarded as a way to increase the quality and excellence of research as well as market possibilities. The Horizon 2020 program is now in its second term of working programs and calls are !increasingly asking for the integration of gender in the project proposals. This workshop will focus on the current processes of integrating gender dimensions in projects and procedures of the Horizon 2020. What are the experiences so far and what are the new steps to be taken? The workshop will address both future project partners and project consultants and advisers. What are the specific potentials and challenges of using sex-gender in planned projects? How are consistency practiced and assured in assessments processes? And what competences are needed among project partners and advisers? This workshop will provide a forum of knowledge exchange between different stakeholders. The aim is to exchange information and create a dialogue between representatives from the EU Commission, EU gender experts, and a variety of Danish researchers and policy officers. How can synergy of project and procedures between national/Danish and EU !councils and advisory units bee improved and advanced? Talks and comments by representatives from the EU Commission and members of the cross cutting advisory group of Gender ( EU /AG) as well as by Danish experts. The workshop is open for EU policy officers and for interested researchers, experts and EU consultancies. ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !Programme ! ! 13.30 - 13.40: Welcome Kim Brinckmann, Vice Director, Research and Innovation,

13.40 - 14.00: Horizon 2020 – a flagship for gendered innovations in research Viviane Willis-Mazzichi, European Commission, DG Research & Innovation

14.00 - 14.30: Gendered innovations how and why? !Ineke Klinge, Professor, Chair of Horizon2020 Advisory Group 14.30 - 15.30: Implementing gender dimensions - what are the problems? Svend Aage Madsen, chief Psychologist, The National Hospital/Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen. Men’s health issues. Lotte Holm, Professor, Section for Consumption, Bioethics and Governance, University of Copenhagen: Food consumption in a gender perspective. Kirsten Gram Hansen, Professor, Danish Building Research Institute, : Gender and smart housing ! Cathrine Hasse, Professor, : Technology, culture and innovation 15.30 - 16.00: Implementing gender dimensions – problems and solutions in counseling and project administration. Summary and discussion. Stefanie Bondy Jørgensen, Special adviser, Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation, !Danish Ministry of Higher Education and Science. !16.00 – 16.30 : Winding up and what is next? ! Drinks and mingling ! ! ! ! ! ! Organised by In co-operation with ! ! The Co-ordination for Gender Research Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation http://koensforskning.soc.ku.dk/english/ ! The workshop has been set up as a side event to activities of the HORIZON 2020 advisory group on Gender, a high level and cross-cutting advisory group appointed by the European Commission. The AG has members from all Horizon 2020 thematic areas and provides advice to the EU commission on the article 14 of the Framework regulation “the gender dimension shall be adequately integrated in research and innovation content in strategies, programmes and projects and followed through at all stages of the research cycle”. The advice also contributes to a broader policy context, including to the Europe 2020 Strategy, the Innovation Union, and other relevant EU policies The next AG meeting will be hosted by the University of Copenhagen, November 14-15th 2016.