2014 Media Articles

Political roundup 2014 - end of an error, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 31 December

Bryce Edwards: A year of (neverending) Dirty Politics, NZ Herald, 18 December

Bryce Edwards: 's war on the poor, NZ Herald, 15 December

A year of controversies that didn't matter, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 14 December

Robert Patman explores the transformative power of education, TV, 12 December

Robert Patman's graduation address on the transformative power of education, University of Otago, 10 December

Robert Patman analyses the CIA torture controversy, TV3, 11 December

Robert Patman says "transformative powers of education" can counter dark side of globalisation, ODT, 11 December

Bryce Edwards: Is New Zealand becoming more corrupt?, NZ Herald, 3 December

The downfall of John Key, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 1 December

Bryce Edwards - The democratic deficit of Dirty Politics, NZ Herald, 27 November

Robert Patman and Lloyd Davis, Science Diplomacy: New Day or False Dawn?

New NZ laws risky in strategic terms, Robert Patman, TVNZ, 25 November

Sexual politics and state integrity, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 24 November

Robert Patman discusses Key government's security legislation, NewstalkZB, 24 November

Bryce Edwards - Get ready for more biculturalism in politics, NZ Herald, 21 November

Is New Zealand ready for a grey prime minister? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 19 November

Caucus rejuvenation likely, Bryce Edwards, ODT, 19 November

Robert Patman analyses results of G-20 meeting, , 17 November

Robert Patman on why Putin will pay a big political price for Ukraine stance, TV3, 17 November

Bryce Edwards - Labour's bland leading the bland, NZ Herald, 17 November

Robert Patman discusses Putin's isolation at G-20 summit, TV3, 17 November

Janine Hayward appointed to chair independent review team who will examine the Council's electoral landscape, ODT, 10 November

Robert Patman on why there is no military solution to ISIS, Radio Dunedin, 9 November Bryce Edwards Political Roundup: National's dangerous social housing plans, NZ Herald, 7 November

Robert Patman - surveillance and NZ terror threat, TV3, 6 November

A pragmatic approach to Isis, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 6 November

Robert Patman discusses Key's anti-ISIS commitment, Stuff, 5 November

Robert Patman talks with Marcus Lush about what the Ottawa shooting means for New Zealand,RadioLive, 24 October

The next three years of National boredom, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 22 October

Robert Patman explains what having a seat on the United Nations Security Council means for New Zealand, Dunedin TV, 21 October

Gracinda could be Labour's best bet, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 20 October

Will a seat on the UN Security Council give NZ a chance to keep an eye on the juggernaut? Robert Patman, Radio Live, 16 October

Robert Patman on NZ's role in US anti-ISIS military meeting, Newstalk ZB, 15 October

Robert Patman discusses British MPs' vote on Palestinian statehood, Newstalk ZB, 14 October

Robert Patman analyses possible NZ SAS deployment in Iraq, Radio Live, 7 October

Robert Patman discusses the risks of creating a national security state in NZ, TV3, 7 October

Bryce Edwards: Labour's fraction too much friction, NZ Herald, 2 October

Robert Patman on NZ and the international campaign against ISIS, National Radio, 29 September

Robert Patman discusses aftermath of the NZ election and longer term impact of Edward Snowden's spying revelations, Dunedin TV, 28 Sept

Robert Patman on UN Resolution to curb terrorist recruitment, ZB, 25 September

Air power alone will not defeat ISIS, Robert Patman, TV3, 25 September

Robert Patman discusses America's air strikes against ISIS in Syria, Radio Live, 23 September

Robert Patman on ISIS's beheading of David Haines, Radio Live, 23 September

Bryce Edwards: Solving inequality and poverty with your vote, NZ Herald, 12 September

'House of Cards' in the South Pacific: New Zealand's dirty election campaign, Bryce Edwards, CNN, 12 September Robert Patman analyses President Obama's ISIL strategy, Radio Live, 11 September

Are voters faced with a stark choice about the economy? Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 11 September

Bryce Edwards: Passion, profanity and parody in politics, NZ Herald, 8 August

James Headley discusses the upcoming Scottish referendum with The Wire producer Sylvia Burgess,95bFM, 9 September

Is science diplomacy the answer to a world under threat, ask Robert Patman and Lloyd Davis. ODT, 3 September

Robert Patman analyses NZ's UN Security Council bid with Michael Wilson, TV3, 3 September

James Headley discusses Russia and the Ukraine crisis with Jim Mora, Radio NZ National (interview starts 19.12 minutes into programme), 1 September

New book by Robert Patman and Lloyd Davis on changing relationship between Science and Diplomacy, 28 August

Larry Williams talks to Robert Patman about the beheading of American journalist James Foley,NewstalkZB, 20 August

Robert Patman analyses threat of human trafficking with Rebecca Meek, Dunedin TV, 18 August

Force will not solve Gaza problem, Robert Patman tells Michael Wilson, TV3, 6 August

Susan Wood and Robert Patman discuss the Gaza ceasefire, Newstalk ZB, 1 August

Why NZ must take more international responsibility, Robert Patman and Laura Southgate, Stuff, 1 August

New Zealand should make a pitch for change at the United Nations, write Robert G.Patman and Laura Southgate, ODT, 1 August

Robert Patman on why UNSC veto power must be curbed, with Rebecca Meek, Dunedin TV, 31 July

Robert Patman says NZ must campaign against UN veto, with Rachel Smalley, Newstalk ZB, 30 July

Robert Patman discusses discusses marginalization of UN in Gaza crisis with Marcus Lush, Radio Live, 29 July

The sorry Labour Party, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 23 July

Putin faces growing pressure over MH17, Robert Patman, TVNZ, 21 July

^ Top of Page Bryce Edwards: Conservatives v NZ First, NZ Herald, 21 July

Mark Sainsbury talks with Robert Patman on the geopolitical issues surrounding the tragedy of flight MH17, Radio Live, 20 July

Robert Patman analyses the geopolitics of MH17's downing, ODT, 19 July

Robert Patman discusses failure of Egypt's cease-fire effort in Gaza with Marcus Lush, Radio Live, 16 July

Bryce Edwards: Dotcom conspiracy - theory or reality? NZ Herald, 16 July

Malaysian diplomat facing criminal charges, Robert Patman, Dunedin TV, 15 July

Bryce Edwards: Twitter trickery, Twiplomacy, and Facebook fakes, NZ Herald, 9 July

Robert Patman on John Key's Pacific jaunt, Dunedin TV, 13 June

Robert Patman on the deteriorating security situation in Iraq, Radio Live, 12 June

Ukraine and Russia with Robert Patman, 95bFM, 10 June

Robert Patman interview on the death of New Zealander in Syria, Newstalk ZB, 9 June

The Pope's spiritual initiative in the Middle East, Robert Patman, Radio Live, 9 June

Robert Patman co-authored article for The Diplomatist on the Royal Tour of New Zealand and Australia

Bryce Edwards: Labour's leftwing dilemma, NZ Herald, 4 June

The strategically smart Greens, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 3 June

Bryce Edwards: The Morality of the Dotcom-Harawira-Harré deal, NZ Herald, 30 May

The left's problem with inequality, Bryce Edwards, NZ Herald, 26 May

Bryce Edwards: Will immigrants become the housing scapegoat?, NZ Herald, 22 May

Bryce Edwards: Communicating politics - the good, the bad, and the 'f&%d', NZ Herald, 23 May

Robert Patman talks about New Zealand's indirect involvement in drone attacks, TV3, 20 May

Bryce Edwards explains the 2014 budget, Dunedin TV, 16 May

Bryce Edwards: Neither 'communism by stealth' or a 'Cabinet Club' Budget, NZ Herald, 16 May

Robert Patman on Ukraine conflict, Dunedin TV, 15 May

Russia's expanding role in the Asia-Pacific, Robert Patman, Radio NZ, 12 May Boko Haram threat in Nigeria, Robert Patman, TV3, 9 May

Bryce Edwards: Is there 'cash for access' in NZ politics?, NZ Herald, 8 May

Bryce Edwards: Judith Collins v the media and Twittersphere, NZ Herald, 7 May

Bryce Edwards: Is the National Government unravelling?, NZ Herald, 5 May

Robert Patman on Putin's biggest blunder, ODT, 2 May

Putin's adventurism in Ukraine will end in disaster for Russia, Robert Patman, South China Morning Post, 30 April

Bryce Edwards: What does the Labour Party want to be?. NZ Herald, 28 April

Bryce Edwards: Hone Harawira - the great unifier of Mana.com, NZ Herald, 15 April

Bryce Edwards: The infuriating and fantastic Winston Peters, NZ Herald, 11 April

Robert Patman interview on the Ukraine situation, Dunedin TV, 9 April

Bryce Edwards: Media bias and election coverage, NZ Herald, 4 April

Bryce Edwards: Polarised opinions on Dotcom's Internet Party, NZ Herald, 28 March

Bryce Edwards: The bizarre saga of the Dotcom Internet Party, NZ Herald, 26 March

Bryce Edwards: The National Government is looking sleazy, NZ Herald, 14 March

Weakened Russia risks isolation, Robert Patman, ODT, 13 March

Bryce Edwards: National's overconfidence problem, NZ Herald, 7 March

Bryce Edwards: Labour and Cunliffe under harsh scrutiny, NZ Herald, 5 March

Ukraine crisis has implications for NZ, Robert Patman, ODT, 3 March

Bryce Edwards: The year of the blogger?, NZ Herald, 26 February

'New Zealand Between Two Great Powers', Robert Patman, Fair Observer, 24 February

Robert Patman on the worsening crisis in the Ukraine, Frontline, 24 February

Bryce Edwards: Honest politics vs free speech, NZ Herald, 21 February

Bryce Edwards: Partisan media bias and Shane Taurima, NZ Herald, 20 February

Limits to New Zealand's special relationship with Australia. Bill Harris, ODT, 15 February

Bryce Edwards reflects on recent public concerns about the activities of some Australian-owned supermarkets, ODT, 15 February Bryce Edwards: Watch out for Dotcom, NZ Herald, 14 February

Bryce Edwards: Dotcom, dirty deals and political 'corruption', NZ Herald, 12 February

Kiwi participation in the Syrian conflict, Jim Mora interview with Robert Patman, Radio NZ (interview starts 15.25 minutes into programme), 11 February

Bryce Edwards: The political minefield of race relations, NZ Herald, 7 February

Is Ukraine another Syria? Interview with Robert Patman, Radio NZ News

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: Act's choice of revival or survival, NZ Herald, 31 January

Robert Patman on science diplomacy, Dunedin TV, 30 January

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: The politics of flag-waving, NZ Herald, 30 January

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: Fighting and debating inequality in 2014, NZ Herald, 29 January

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: National's super-smart step to the left, NZ Herald, 24 January

Robert Patman on the Syrian talks in Geneva, Firstline, 23 January

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: Dotcom's Internet Party - can it succeed?, NZ Herald, 16 January

Bryce Edwards: Political roundup: What will happen in 2014? NZ Herald, 7 January

Robert Patman discusses the post-Gadhafi transition in Libya, Radio Live, 6 January

Robert Patman reflects on death of New Zealander in Libya, TV3 News, 3 January