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Supergirl Season 2 Confirmed For The CW

By Molly Freeman 10 hours ago 45 Comments

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Developed by The CW’s DC Comics TV universe architect, , along with Ali Adlier (No Ordinary Family, Chuck), was first thought to land at the network alongside previously established superhero dramas and The . However, CBS picked up Supergirl and debuted the first season, which followed Kara Danvers a.k.a. Kara Zor-El () as she began to take on the mantle of Supegirl and avoid the shadow of her cousin, .

However, recently the future CBS’s DC Comics series seemed to be in question. Although CBS CEO Les Moonves seemed to indicate Supergirl would receive a second season order, the deadline for an official announcement began to draw closer without any confirmation from the network. Now, it seems Supergirl will receive a second season, but not at CBS.

The Wrap is reporting Supergirl has been renewed for season 2, but it will move to The CW – which CBS co-owns with Warner Bros. Television. The report is in line with previous rumors of Supergirl moving to The CW amidst talks of cutting the superhero drama’s budget after a costly freshman season. In addition to the network change, the production of Supergirl will move from Los Angeles, California to Vancouver, where fellow CW shows Arrow, , and film – all of which were renewed earlier this year by The CW.

Certainly, Supergirl season 1 made a splash when it debuted on CBS late in 2015 to 14 million viewers, a high for the Fall season. But, since those numbers steadily dropped as the season went along – receiving a boost during the week of the show’s crossover with The Flash – many began to wonder if CBS would feel confident in granting the superhero drama a second season. Additionally, in terms of storytelling, Supergirl may have won plenty of fans early on for its portrayal of a female superhero, but the series also received criticism for the handling of the story arc leading into the season finale.

Of course, the move to The CW and Vancouver will likely mean certain changes for Supergirl season 2. In general, CW shows have a smaller budget than series on CBS, plus the change in locations will likely give Supergirl’s second season a slightly different look and feel. Additionally, it’s unclear if Supergirl will receive a full season order of 23 episodes, or a shorter season order like Legends of Tomorrow season 1 of 16 episodes – and whether Supergirl will be a midseason premiere or maintain its Monday timeslot remains to be seen.

That being said, the move to The CW will make it easier for Supergirl to connect with its fellow DC Comics television series – which exist together in a . Given the success of Supergirl’s crossover with The Flash, though it only featured () traveling to National City, the Girl of Steel’s new home network and home base of production could open the door to more crossover adventures between the four DC Comics shows – adventures that showrunners had already considered even prior to Supergirl’s season 2 renewal and move.

Next: 15 Characters We Want to See in Supergirl Season 2

Supergirl season 2 will debut on The CW.

Source: The Wrap

BY: Molly Freeman @mollyrockit TAGS: supergirl Comments (45)

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