CURRICULUM VITAE STEVEN ANDREW DRIZIN 428 Elder Lane Winnetka, IL 60093 (847) 446-6778 (h) (312) 503-8576 (w) (312) 503-8977 (FAX)
[email protected] EDUCATION NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Chicago, Illinois Juris Doctor, May 1986 HONORS: Dean's List, Semesters 1, 2, 6; Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 1985-1986. HAVERFORD COLLEGE Haverford, Pennsylvania Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, 1983 HONORS: Graduated with Honors in Political Science PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY BLUHM LEGAL CLINIC August 1991- present NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF LAW Co-Director, Center on Wrongful Convictions, January 1, 2019- Assistant Dean, Legal Clinic, September 2013-September 2017 Assistant Director, Legal Clinic, January 1, 2001-September 2013 Co-Founder, Center on Wrongful Convictions of Youth January 2008 Legal Director, Center on Wrongful Convictions, March 2005-August 2013 Clinical Professor of Law, January 1, 2004-Present Supervising Attorney, Children and Family Justice Center, June 1993 – March 2005 Lecturer in Criminal Law to First Year Students, 2000-2003 Adjunct Faculty Member, Pretrial Litigation/ Professional Responsibility, 1993-1996 SACHNOFF & WEAVER LTD. Chicago, Illinois Litigation Associate, September 1986-October 1988 September 1989-August 1991 1 Practice in commercial litigation, including federal and state civil procedure, securities fraud, fraudulent conveyance, bankruptcy, Section 1983, prisoner's rights, and breach of contract actions. JUDICIAL CLERKSHIP LAW CLERK TO THE HONORABLE ILANA D. ROVNER, UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT JUDGE FOR THE NORTHERN DISTRICT OF ILLINOIS, EASTERN DIVISION, 1988-1989. AWARDS The Haverford Award, an award by Haverford College to alums who reflect Haverford's concern with the uses to which they put their knowledge, humanity, initiative, and individuality (2018).