Course Syllabus Jump to Today The Basics Applied Behavioral Economics for Information Systems (Info 232) meets Tuesdays and Thursdays from 23:30 p.m. in 210 South Hall. Your instructors, Steve Weber (stevew@ischool (mailto:
[email protected]) ) and Galen Panger (galen@ischool (mailto:
[email protected]) ) are available for office hours by appointment. Just send one of us a note when you'd like to meet. Download the course reading packet from the "Files" link to your left. Please purchase or borrow Thinking, Fast and Slow because we are excerpting heavily from it in Week 3. You should be able to find films on this syllabus available widely for streaming, rent or purchase. Team up and watch them in groups! Each week, please review the core readings, and then read one or two cases of interest to you. If you're stumped on which cases to choose, just read the first two. You do not have to read all of the cases. We've selected readings and cases that are meant to be interesting, useful and occasionally provocative—they're not a broad review of the literature, but rather are meant to highlight key concepts and opportunities for application. There is a group assignment each week, two individual experiential assignments, and one final group presentation. You'll get full points on an assignment if it's been completed on time; however, your final grade will be based on an overall assessment of your individual effort and engagement in the class. More details about assignments. Please be mindful of your Internet use during class.