0 50 km CambodiaCambodia 0 25 miles

Prasat THAILAND Mother of all mountain Ratanakiri temples Dangkrek Mountains Jungle romps and adrenalin- fuelled exc ursions Temples of Angkor (Chuor Phnom Dangkrek) Chong Chom Choam The world’s most impressive O Smach Srawngam Prasat Preah archaeological site Vihear Preah Vihear LAOS Choam Protected Virachey Sra Em Forest National Banteay Chhmar Anlong Veng Preah Vihear Choam Muang Khong Siem Pang Park Protected Landscape ODDAR Ksant Protected Forest Banteay Chhmar MEANCHEY Ang Trapeng Kulen Promtep Nong Nok Khiene Voen Sai Wildlife Sanctuary The hip new face of Thmor Pouk Thmor Tbeng PREAH Ko Chheuteal Trapaeng RATANAKIRI Ang Trapeng Protected Forest Meanchey VIHEAR Thom Kriel STUNG Koh Ker Thmor Reserve SIEM Stung Treng Anlong TRENG Le Tanh REAP Phnom Kulen Kulen Seima O'Yadaw Aranya Prathet BANTEAY Ramsar Site San Ban Lung MEANCHEY Angkor National Park Srayong Tonlé Protected Boeng Sisophon Kralanh Beng Tonlé Bokheo Landscape Beng Per RiverSen Thala Boravit Kong Yeak Phnom Mealea Wildlife Sanctuary Mongkol Borei Kulen Lom Svay Leu Stung Treng Lumphat Temples of (487m) Khvau Roneim Daun Sam Ta Seng Mondulkiri Wildlife Sanctuary Tonlé Sap Angkor Preah Rovieng Lomphat Multiple Use Me Chrey Siem Reap Khan Wildlife Sanctuary The wild east Kouk Area Dam Dek Phnom Den Kduoch Prek Toal Daun Lem Kamrieng Bird Sanctuary Floating Village of Kompong Chong Kneas Khleang River Koh Nhek Kamping Tonlé Sap Ban Pakard Poy Reang Tonlé Sap Kesei Biosphere Stoeng Sambor Prei Phnom Prich Psar Pruhm Lake Treng Reserve Kuk Wildlife Sanctuary Mondulkiri Pailin Boeng Tonlé Chhmar Mekong MONDULKIRI KRONG Samlaut Moung Wildlife Sanctuary KOMPONG Protected PAILIN Russei THOM Sambor Forest Multiple Kompong Thom Use Area BATTAMBANG Kompong Sandan Luong KRATIE Nam Lear Battambag Tonlé Colonial-era gem, gateway to Krakor Kratie Wildlife Phnom Baray Sen Monorom Sanctuary Krapang lifestyle experiences Sap (1711m) Spoe Tbong Snoul Trat Phnom Samkos River Wildlife Kompong Stung Wildlife Sanctuary Pouthisat Chhlong Sanctuary Sre Khtum River KOMPONG Chhnang Trang Phnom PURSAT KOMPONG Central Cardamons CHHNANG CHAM Kratie Ko Chang Samkos Protected Forest Phnom Aural Snuol (1717m) Romeas Kompong Trapaeng Sre Rare dolphins in the Mekong (Chuor PhnomCardamom (1813m) 12º N Mountains Skuon Cham River Loc Ninh Kravanh) Phnom Knang Trapeang Phnom Aural Chub Udong (1213m) Wildlife Sanctuary Krau Khlong Yai KANDAL Trapaeng Memot Southern Cardamons Plong Hat Lek Ko Kut Cham Yeam Protected Forest Krong Koh Kong KOMPONG Xa Mat Peam Krasaop SPEU VIETNAM Wildlife Sanctuary Kompong Speu Takhmau Gulf of Thailand Koh Krong KOH KONG Conservation PREY Koh Kong Corridor Kirirom Neak VENG Phnom Penh Ba Phnom SVAY Chi PhatNational Ta Moa Luong RIENG Tay The ‘pearl of Asia’

Park Bassas Laid-back little charmer, Elephant Mountains Protected Tonlé Ninh is back Botum Sakor Sre Forest gateway to Bokor Ambel (Chuor Phnom National Park Bavet Moc Bai Angk Banteay Gulf of KAMPOT Kaam Chakrey 11º N Damrei) Tasaom Chiphu Som Bokor Takeo Samnor Koh Samit Kompong National Phnom Khanh ELEVATION Chhuk Kbal Chhay Park Da Vinh Xuong Binh Protected Veal TAKEO 1500m Renh KRONG Tani HO CHI MINH CITY Forest Bokor Hill Phnom Chau Doc (SAIGON) 1000m The place for beaches Station Den and islands KOMPONG Kampot Tuk Meas 500m Sihanoukville SOM Kompong 250m Kep Tinh Bien Koh Kep Trach 0 National Prek Chak Kep Ream Thmei Park Seaside retreat from National Koh Xa Xia Ha Tien Cambodia’ s golden era Park Phu Quoc Tonsay Island S O U T H C H I N A 102º E 103º E 107º E S E A 108º E