won unit Eastern


VOLUME I1II-NUMBER 17. B1DDEF0RD, , FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 1 8 57 LOUIS 0. COWAN, Editor and Proprietor. I to from the td« aew to retreated when my name was The chamberlain have alluded did by Harrow Escape Savage*, juvij wergyor mfiana. An was made hurriedly W illTKWAMII.NO IoK OCT-lIoWU and advantageous profosal w.u when a tree hit narration* so excite the im curiosi- UU this: ho found I I stood a tall slender figure, half hicl- perial a uiiuau juuativk. From an review in the Tribune UNION AND EASTERN JOURNAL. plan when me at thin iime, and, accepting it, gave up spoken, interesting Fencej.—-A* the season of tho year that the to —a two for instanco—that had been to lcn tho window curtains that fell ty, fixed receive Mr. of the late of W. Elhot am jieach of a and go by heavy Emperor work Charles Taa Uaioa aid Eaitmi Joras»l l» pwMi«h«I e»«n in is all idea* profusion, prepared Frw» the too considerable whitewashing to Humo aa soon aa bo. Mr. llume aprlpgAfld (LI.) KcpuUfc**. we S». 1, C«otr»l Hluck, (b« tiiM*- of it* lateral branches high J performod visit home of the fl )or. might the Times of New yutir.U deprived 1 to the Iodic*. Iu my hurried Earlj inland, slip f »r.J UoiM*. aiiuuiu, ur il near at tho receipt of Tu««—«J.ou |>rf |1,M or which had an undue hand, wogivo following When t ,e first was came, but before he had to Mr. William Bailey, formerly Lynn- the n >iith* lh« Ilea* vt from the of Moore.— rapturous greeting begun display »•**•! Wilkin thre* trua aut»crltHii( ground, which is »uid to two I taw nothing Mary following:— 4 Ntiu. for the days, a iiu a not io this itate, called Mufk eo|4ca of weight thrown upon one side, mixing composition, nt wino over, Lizxio led mo forward with timid science, little aocno, very creditable rille. Ogle oounty, upon The of from Km V. II. lb« Am-rlc.vi U lh? proportion had to a boarding school clergy England, begin- CuMkB, Ntwipaper Ak»qi, l« firs', rate: Take a clean barrel that will She gone the and uilwiilxl U (hi* In tlM cilirt W of branches otherwise to leave and Frank Chester hand, to the domcatie of the im and related following thrilling held a in tbeafbia only afrnl very proper nnd wm not home till the ; grace, grasped my certainly ctiquetto ning, compiooue position K<» IbOm intl tiki U July *■»- water iuto it hall bushei of distance, expected V'««, fklU4H|>lii«, ho w«iull to cut out— hold ; put quick 'Welcome he said, with took in tho remarkablo nana tiro. From hi* descrip- and p>«tr»l to Uk« •JrtrtlHMiiu ami •u -wflpUmi al undisturbed, proccoi I uttered one to the homo, my boy,' Tuileriea, place, ending expul- of society. A learned godly ministry over it following May. sigh we Ik mm r«in m. Ill* iBwi »w !ftw and alack it boiling so ond which lie nv, 4ii»i|iiiiri|i<; hut without ir- lime, by pouring tho loud, cheerful notes I remembered sion from tho aaloon of ono of the tion of plaoes things wai one of the fint want* of the oolony. TtIVj*> HuiUhi/* dmlta, Ik I atU/'a ttuiU- ragged ed^w—quite large of littlo bluo-ejed Emperor'a Yort, water Hullicieut to cover it four or live In- memory my playmate, satisfied that hie statement b liU M. W. cjntcr Xkud auJ C!»«»i- of tito outer lark well. Yo hare so that 1 should widest favorites, a not famoua for are It was the ambition of moth* regular shaped piece* and then called myself a man ngiln. changed general, peifcctly hlghsst every mil chon it till slackcd ; dis- in A from down to the wood ; and at such in- deep, stirring quite whirl- never haTo havo known but no matter morula or manner*, and who conceives Iw» correct every respect. gentleman cr'e heart tliat one of her eona thou Id stand nearly •In a I oatho vehicle you; solve in water aud add two of sul- year,' thought, who luu traveled over the MARCH WiTHOX, l>rl«l«r. terval* on the side whore it was do* pounds for heart ia in tho 1 ullow himself extent of cTen this country before the L >nl minister at hie altera. apart ed from door—'in a your, or three that—your right pluce, muy any liberty city, and of zinc and one of couitnon Kilt, which away my asaurvd ua that no who sired to have tho additional limbs, an b«med phato know.' in hia master's Uowover, uftor ho doscribes, pmon For this she and and la* at th# most, I will return, and if prcsonco. spun wove, longed will cause tho whitewash to harden on the years very visited those and witnessed Ui(wt ThU was fol- •How can ho is said General F hud Mr. had not placvs bored Small were laid to judicious. operation is us as sho u*ed to bo—why you say changed?' diaappcarcd, earnings bj pro* r r woodwork iu a few add sufficient Mary pretty could ever have related o t of course, an cff»rt on the of days; 'To bo sure, bo looks llumo said ho waa unuaod to accidents of what ho deecrihee vido those wonderful Latin and Greek book* i|. lowed, by part I marry her.' my mother, gently. JJ water to it to thy of thick then, perhaps, may convenes in several the treo to the wounds thus intlictcd bring consistency older and and more like a man than thia kind ; that it had diaturlied him; that what be related, lie which were to unfold the of protect And thus I settled the future of a young graver, thought pages whitewash. and to THE RAILWAY. t>v a renewal of the natural and | when ho wont bis and smile hia force waa at an end ; and that diffarnt Indian langnagne, appears divine wiedou. "When the was covering; whom 1 had not seen for four years.— away—but oyee magnetic boy fairly To make tho nV>ro wash of a lady to what he saw the remit wad tho formation of a new, and pleasuut aro tho samo us ever. It is tho beard ho must retire, lie did ao, but tho havo closo attenion enlisted ut his when in the vaoatiooi The silent glen, t!wt »uule»a atre»iu. I never once of the of heavy Euipc- paid !x)oka, cream color udu 4 lb*. of ochre. thought possibility his a and tender lurk.— yellow him. lie is still.' ror insisted hia aomo other iiround him, during aojourn tod in Uoo oon- To waideiing lioylxiod ilfor, for the time, of young her me—1 never dreamed that she that change* my boy, upon naming {waring !ic vuiled his homo, jtdu For fawu udd 4 lt*s. umbor, 1 lb. refusing lie luokid well am1 And inmurnl »lill in a J ream. this bark buds could bo inserted color, *1 nui and tho of the oourt wliom among tho saviigce. ir.tiUd with the broasedskin of his broth* many Into young would not condescend to my offer. •Ay, mother,* I answered sadly, owning, persona and 1 lb. accept tho of hit luind are no Uw/rr here; a- when Indian red, lampblack. «ru and rith the They with the sauio into tho bark met me still.' ho wished to have aa TliU hearty, exeeptiun ers, mother saw nothing but holiocai facility raw But now I know that, had jour boy spectators. rr«J uhkiihI ol vjrlb t« -For or »tono calor, add 4 lbs. Mary torn somo wounds from a t ma .4 liu^e llirgwu, the it*d,'nu- grey u back Mr. written he the tree stood in nursery—and tuo. F%-r- Heaven mo! At that moment 1 felt settled, and few cruninga Hume being by there; and when at last reoeivod lli» m> vk lUi and then, sho would have help Acmm gleu luwr, umber aud 2 Km. despised ho socms to liave hufLred no d "d be once more clothed with tho lampblack. liko n and it would hat o been a blosacd eumo to the Tuileries; and binco then liawk, damage the of and stood to Tlw aireaui •»> culJ au.l clear ; body p."u- in the scented and uffected student she boy, aguin stamp ordination, up Tho color bj on with a common haps on the cars last for tectiou from the sun und wind of which tho may put ia in one'a mouth. lie left evening Logan yi.id liglilning >pv«J and ihuDtkr.iiif aouad liuvo found of but as relief to huro wept upon her bosom, as I hud what happened every preach in the prveence of the congregation, whitewash brush, and will be found much might plenty sport; where his mother resides. u'vi I be mouutl. knife ol the man h id it.-— Tho first who informed mo uua a county, then her heart flawed over with thanks- I'm* tNMiy ini«i$hll/ nursery stripped for me, or the inter- done in my infancy. But I kept down the pcraon more durable than common whitewash. loving feeling slightest J Mr left hero aoiuo month* • u (SrntUtnan. officer who waa but Bailey eighteen aod her filled wiih tears of Nor tin alone: fur many mile Country est in me, I should havo found I beating .f my heart and tho tremor of my general present; my giving, eyes joy." perhaps with a of nino to Ihe iron were more curious ago party persons engage were jtloni wijr, was and answered us I looked in hu next two tnformanta far The ministers not the leaden in recommend mistaken. lip, quietly, tu only mui.o JutrsALkM AtricuoKct.—Wo in teams fro-n the Gulf of Mexico Nu »enlt nl b«ak> oc bedgerowa and moro for both had received tho driving the strife of but were at tho head tho ■ wus not be- handpomo face— direct, salvation, ColtiTatioa of Strawberry. root as a a India my salvation, merely full, In Miunnrri farmers to this crop, and tho Bio Grande. landed at Indiano- glory gay. plant account of tho tcance from tho of tho They jf secular In all It is cause of success, but bccauso my labori- •You havo changed, too, Frank, but 1 lip* great enterprises. nearly Thro' cba«iu* l ul yawned a* tluxig.i lb« earth At a recent of the Farmers Club, valuable one. for all kind* of stock. my la and hired to a man tho narno of Bo» meeting in for tho better.' himself. Ono ia a like by cum led out the new towns into tba mhim< ous had counteracted the evil think Ruiperor general, they W»*re reul in >lritn^i) mouuUin-l>irih, at the remarks on the tho *amo root that has been so long grown industry to drivo team for him. drove to Xucu» Concord, following ank in v first tho other a of They Wb«>ae extluJti the uf day, nuturc; and made mo u better man.— •Ah, job—t you for tho compliment' informal)t; professor wildernew, and eipuaed their lives to the tlrpllM light cultivation of the were delivered in little patches, for the aiuuscmcut of the my river, und there. Whilo wleej. liorne al strawberry ho with a tho Sorlionno, and a man famoua in the camped ittacks of wild beasts and When We're away heatUtmg pace, of the who uro fond When, at the end of three 1 unswercd, hearty laugh. 'My savages John B. Moore : and pleasure boys, years, prepared their muL-s were stolen the Indian*.— w.u Iro n llw race! by pig* as ono of by To Tuw wrary to 1 said of the reformation wife tells aio that I grow handsomer every scientific wolld. ntid looked upon the contest aune on, the min> rows, of und it raw in return, nothing to follow revolutionary Wo havo tried various modes, single digging eating early ipring. This They j. re j.a rid the next day thcin, hid, with homelike I know had taken i tho of hid country. gentleman, inters never flnched. of them walked The way»id«? air, are for but in which d,.y.' glories Many beds und hills, but were I now to Sometimes used pickles, mytut three Or »eck rv»l; following April M.«y, they seen is so on all side* for they by selves whether I am iK-ttcr worth •And lure you my little girl?' he told him,und busy king advocates of cducition and an tables. Tho value of these roots, loving J •t.ady good The prancing Irani, Die uirrry born, ing the land ) loughed, I harrowed fine, many great tho hundred, who were accreted in tho woods, than added, the infan: in his arms and a rational and scientific solution of prob- manners. wcro the men of i'uuI lrf«li rixitU «i mum, has never b.*en understood formerly.' lifting on white They literary Tiw eanjf work in manure enough to last two ycurs, however, gene- of the and who immediately fired tho I n token from that land kiting her crimson cheek. 'I toll you, loin. Tho Euiper\.r. ho pajr.-, speak* their fur two eenturirs. Their influ. 'IV i'um luiiau'a ready )val j rows throo foot will a thousand bush- packed up many day and prucwd to plant in rally. They pr>*duce and im- men, killing all but Mr. I2a!'ay,whom they all In di«lanl dream land of romance and for the friends I there is nut such another in the wholo ns of very grave •nco tendered to chcck an rxc'uaivo devotion A I, gone, ; Hurry, something > then tow between each row a row ol els acre with little or no cultivation, gold hoped took then took him Imck t apart; per that if thero bo 'some prisoner. They :o U'lnle shrieking tram* are liuiryin^ on. to meet. The gif t for Mary Moore I select-1 world. Don't vuu think she looks ven |x>rtant, and adds nuteri.il dcvelopm *nt. They labored or some that a rich soil, and the roots will; tho which of all Un- beets other vegetable upon moist, can oun- Wagon*, they |>lundered turnip, a heurt. It wus u of much as her mother used ?' in ull this for which ho to exalt of the ever Yet we llieiu wiih llunkful li.arta ed with healing rinj phenomena raithfulljr dignity apirit greel tho could be in through tho winter, or they I arm* und ammunition in them. They tiiok crop gathered August; keep keep undug name and bent' muih !' 1 fa Ikred. ce ire a thero uro others for which ho t • le d men's and interests And eyea lli.it own no leal, virgin gold, with uiy •Very cause, natter, thought* we the be out and fed iu tho full, and i rough, | two fooii* of Colt's revolver* the free from -ds, allowing may I Tht- government *Ti» not 111 J.' the whi 'It part*, ground plowed inside—that wus and the •Hallo!' cried Frank, with a suddennrt* cannot account.' 1 ilwvo the ae fifth of wealth and hon- now, »|M>e in the engraved all, yet by uny possibility pumuit to as as turned in tho and of Tlio dii'unl Ironi the dear: much they pUiuu. hog* upon ground me Hart for- •boforo 20 twenty keg* powder. prisoner >rn. Tu« plants spread sight of tho little toy thrilled nic, tliat made violently, 'I have Euiperor told this gentleman, Aa a body, they were the adrocii spring up to introduce to wife. 1 be- that 'Mr. Ilume striped clothing, as I balanced it on tlio of my filler. gotten you my at tho Tuileriea, ill improvements which did not directly in- liomo tin- kird'a over t!io tho land au excellent for top (•eoplo,' hand and foot a then lU-.if» txuliiug Ue-»t, dry to work, ground gi\e» preparation a rise upon puny. They enough sjuJj To tlio of other* it wa« but u small lieve she and you used to bo in had caused a Imnd-lwll to cross table, their own Aa a lound it* iiyjI licrv. eyes playmates tho Witcba- fringo dignity. general 11m one foot wide \v!ii ro tho rows of beet* flood, other started for thoir encampment in any crcp. nnd lie several inches from tho table, und rin^ in the ininiiter wan the true friend of bia W'iiu lue lit-ii we looian circlet, thoughts, perhaps, your younjer days—eh, Hurry?' up raid, li.itte, tho bods of strawberries plain suggesting law mountains, which roachod which will lcavti me on the l«ack. 'For tlio sake ol that ho place they T.*> I»1m ol utevliujf U-aii» to ta»U\ Chinch: Sicar Cam.—At u lato mooting its elegance, of the 1 eautilul white hand Mupjied tho air/ Ilo added had, standing [»*>p'e,und was loved and lionorcd of one foot wlucli by after o'even hard sincerely two foot wide, tho were not at the a days' riding. space Jack- that was to wear it. i'ul to how much old time*, und beeauso you ulono with Mr. IIuuio besido largo haury them. It waa common for niiniatera to Ike I1.10 of the Uoston lliitoric.il Dr. uie, a >y F<>r me, I faie alow; w.n over the ; then thin Society, remained in camp about week, dug making p.th on n I'll leave to kixs Iter once 'scon tho tablo ri«j from tho floor.'— They liro and dio where were WiH'h iIm> in to a stated thut the was cmljodied tSero? A loving smile wedding, give you table, firat settled.— To !ip|wiui'liui{| Ir-in, the »jn, reply question, and then started on n to they tho where too thick. About — rubbing plant* but old lelluw. nro never to re- Tho and also, added to expedition wore .l:i 1 tleenilt •till, 'iwixi me aaduiine, Chinese cane raised in the vicinity of U-autilul face—low words of welcome—a mind, you Eui|>cror, Empress in tho habit of receiving valua- first week in mulch the with sugar attuck a train on tho Santc Fe road. The} rhey 1 Junj, paths the here sho nnd facts ot tho sarno order, all 4 ru«Je but welco at turn lk>*ton, would not sugar in home, and a group of merry children ! peat ceremony. Come, is, tin-so many ble presents in their winter's wood and cut when is done hut yield crystalline happy remained about five when a u whom.* lift fr\uh grass, everything said tho days waiting To bind u« iu world, A to climb these were I, for one. want to see how will manage and abovo all, itorua of linen. were to warrant in cultivation. my knee—all ( you equally strange; household and tho After quantities delights merchant train camo They alwnyi Cich buur lo never tiic«, gathering marketing crop. of in the seem to with along. They proceed- p.i»«in:» small could bo obtained from the hidden within that little ring of gold! thojo b-rocious moustaches yours Professor, 'they both speak put in tho beet places at feasts, and shown here in vjui they arc alt which will be from quantity 1 ed to tho train, and killed every Bui may try gathered, • • • • • of a hand which both surprise but a which was suitable for operation.' some rcpiignanco they mules to a l.ito jwriod their properties and peraona To tiring uttwr Lome many »it, tho 5th to tho 10th of on a drva- plant, birup person with it, took tho goods and Jul/, put CUAPTKtt II. Ho Lizzie, nnd blush- admit to touched, and which was wo o from takes. Their to lo Ln food or distillation was obtained.— pushed laughing, having exempt sermons, Stem F«le employ p apiil- of manure, and with a aod rcadify to tho train and started for the sing )>l<>ugli Tall, and sun-bronzed, I knock- towards me! A of and of a !' belonging farther south the cane is raised, the more bearded, j ing, gleam light •hat corpse modern tan to, would appear monotonous an I ; turn over s.»w with ruta- settlement, traded off tho mules plough smoothly, ed at the door of father's house. Tho almost too to came over Kickapoo Ancient it my hope, dazzling liear, When this over, tho man of sci- wirodrawn, but tho tediouanesa of their dis- Specimens of Psalmody. or corn, or out* for fodder. sugir yields. talking lor aud returned to tho Wichataw baga, in the windows, and tho hum me, nnd 1 cried out, boforo I ponies waa not lights jtarlor thought. once I havo mcntioued usod tho following rjuiaitions untrequently relieved by "The ruce i* not lorvvvr g«X reasons for this course uro the follow- mountains. Mjr is writo under of conversation and clioerful show- •Not mo as re* treatment — (Jet Hoot Crow.—Wo siriko worth their of affairs. Williams w 110 la»te»l run* laughter, Mary!' which world'y ily bhn lii»t of argument^ Tho wai strictly confined ing The year the crop vegetable* of tho ed me that was assembled thcro. It must have secret to prisoner kept Nor Hie tattle Iboae the settled conviction that tho profits company betrayed my every ind Cotton preached about veils; Eliot by jhhijk'c and pcating: tho and was tied up every night between tho rows will tho expense*, 1 sister Lizzie would come to tho one in room. was said— during day, Wtio »li kj* with the lotigv«l gun*." pay farmer may bo moro rapidly in- hoped my tho But nothing the about hair and tobacoo; Wilson general "It is iuipoMiblo to doubt with oi raw hide, the hands, to a wigs, long the straw lorries are und I so was perfectly pieces by cosily managed cr. i-oil under a cultiratioa of the door, nnd that might greet my family even Frank, in general obtuse, this and Eliot abjut treaties and Cot* ".HI hail ike sua, judicious wrurd tho facts ho believes limb of a as as ho could reach politios; gloriou* certain to leave the well stockcd Emperor's uj>on troo, high up — when no were curious- silent. I kis«xl tho fair choek of his it* new iu very ground various roots t' an in other ; that strange eyes looking ton about tho Governor's and Biighl it Im p any way j tiiuo ho has seen ; besides thoso facts have on tho salary ; llugh u which, and tho ground. During day — with tho accond will lw on. stuj^l Tli >n r.«unJp»i f>ire«t, *ourc« plants; year you get iuoro than double tho raluo ucro y<»g«ig wife, and hurrfod to tho ailunt figure a pureit per may ly suvcral other neither was to lio down and a few i Peters in favor of stock company without und littlo an- no—n servant answered witnesses; isTTpossI- ho allowed sloop forming bro.id and clie**»e to full crop much labor fro.n liut my summons.1 out fioni tl>o wlinlow. 01' m^n," obuinud froui liietu »lmn fny crop, looking of co > for Curious conceits weM to heed blu to tho any hours. tho timo Mr. woo profitable flailing. •• from weeds ; if undertake to were too in the explain by supposition During Bailey Ye monster* ol Iik UIIUVII.., 1,.^# noyance you and m even, than from thu small They merry parlor Mooro,' I said, in a low, ire, grain •Mary—Mary trick. I went on fivo both with and A wrcU out unj tho bod the absent ono when ho asked for ad- inring with hem they robbing expe- popular preacher poople. Your M ikrr'a pr*i«e« »pout— continue another year, iHirn lung voice, liavo no word of welcome i»r Illiliiin eager you tliem. botwoea a snake and a mouse Mine cv will havo un utmost cntllo— ot weed-1 this was "The is not tho sort of a man to liiiu ul ng with tight having Up lro.11 t!te ye «iin,- peep, you joi» mittance. A bitter thought like to to tho wanderer?' Emperor ditions, taking ulways give !>ecn a en in in which thoanako .1

ue-half poking through my mind, I board lithe turned and laid her hand in liavo theso practised upon ; they they j mine, de- esitiio off second a of should to tho trouble, will sounds from tho and saw tho ball remains a which U to mo took tw6 men who hud bravely heat, Wilson, pastor you go your crop pound tallow, '2 ounces of parlor, nnd murmured hurriedl/, then hypothesis prisoners turpentine,' were "a sincere man,'' "ita- Ito much smaller tlian tho first smile tho servant's faco. tho most admissahlo at oncc, and fended themselves till their wtapons Boston, vjtry holy year. By ou mist I low wax, 2 ounces olive oil, 4 oun- suppressed upon •I am glad to see yon. yet per* Ilarry.' an I who had killed twelve of tho event it into an al- thin I think can Ite new 1 hcHitatcd for a moment before I mad.' tho of all—tho all discharged, proved'' by turning Sgritulturul. following plan they |>ro-' ce* hog's lard. It should bo ruhb. d on Siuiplo word*—and yet how blest they Imps strangest purely syiu-, were tho anako to tho devil duced much than known or asked after tho or tho red skins. The*} two then tak«*n logory, omptring cheaper otherwiao.—.Ynr bojUi or ahoca two or threo times boforw myself family.— midemc! I would not havo pitlictio cljotro-magnetic hypothesis'—1 J yielded tip skinned alivo. Mr. and tho mouao to the who ii their Hints—C.tre of Meadows Farnur. And while I stood silent, a >ho that, a very extraordi-: and tied to a stake and people, Timely your Lngland using them. I'y adding u small «piantity strange appari- th-it moment I or an Euip Tor's crown ! For supposition hjr this wus el se them and com- *eaknom and had boon chosen Spring. tion gr« w beforo inc. From behind the i inlliicneo tho Dailey placed by p>vcf?y by of and increasing the quantity up there was tho happy homo croup, nnd the nary upon thoj^toamUhcui, lampblack, sevne. Kverv tho Lord to overcomo Satan. Cotton and servant out a Mnall bead—a 1 medium forces his and hold lor to witntM this horrible brought 1. CIoso thew dow a^iinst cuttlo all Mruurxu roTATon.—I *» tuucli in of an excellent black ball is obtain-1 peered gulden dear horns firesi !e, nnd there sweet publfyJtsds piled your; tueiwax, Mar} would the of Solomon to tho views delicato form f and a that which ho intend* nhall lie* tiiuo lio would close his eyes they Song support kind* of animals. I>o not allow even your about and I will ed. tiny, dlrnv:d, sweet, Moore ! The I had dreamed of certain tlicy papers raising potatoes, J eyes by day until of ecclesiastical that "soma childinh with blue was lifted lievo.'.' Tho I liaro alluded to in- lain with spears and bayonets polity, showing to ramble over them. young "tate ho# I List mem raised ;i a* it face, eyes, up ui:d weru before tho ardent professor punch Every crop, night falling wcro as *omo aa concu- to ho would them, and look on this uhurchcs quoe.is, Pea W civil.—If are mine—so liko to those of ono who bad in sweet face had so tends to Mi all this, often pic- blade of grass off now will diminish Iw of iou« use t) some readers.1 your peas wormy, gaze of ne ; and the I provoke inquiry upon cropped buij ofjour ture horror. then took aomo aa an J aomo aa dorrs." or have holes in them when are about that 1 started back and is to assist at tho next sconce of revolting They binoa, damteN, the of four or live times the amount Ah >ut tlio lost of I one-six- you brightnod my lioyliood, and prayed to mmj was thero lielore given hy crop liay A]iril planted longed warm utfe the was h a tho skin with Aa stood p the to sow une water with sudden of tnoro Mr. Uumo at tho Tuilerius. lio is himself reciting blood, hourglass by itpitaud of nutriment received the stock front teenth of an acre of on the *h|.— them, just pour upon feeling pain. nit,—more beautiful, womanly, and by |*>tatoeM hiin tho fuco with it. cover- •Minotimo* turned, when tho discourso reach- and let it stand a moment, 'What is name, little ono?' I never or.o of those liberal-minded uicn to whom an slapped around This it a kind of you can't I the * twelve inches them, nairly hot, your my more loving than Iwfore. 1 knew the grass. profit placed jnitato. npirt him with and him if lie ed the aco >nd hour. Tlio divisions of tho to kill the "varmint," and asked, while the servant held the immense amount of has ing blood, tolling uff>rd to one anil tha other—covered long enough wondering of till that moment acquired knowledge indulgein. war, ei^hlwii meaning happiuem bo his futo. wero tho will uot to seed with tho rest of door. tho conviction that all human tried to escape this should subject nnny, falling upon weory '2. You will find of thcui about f >ur inches vritli straw, and they go j came! only brought proliably portions rye tin oar to and and Sho lifted her hand a* if to shade her have since that One of their excursions was against seventcenthly eightoenthly, on water manure over eye* years passed Imppy scienco is vain and limited ; and ho is jour meadows which the stands, then scattered some barnjurd your crop. Many ready neon S. mail killed tho liv«- *> on towards Tho of min- a (I had that attitude in another, und tho liuir tli.it was dark and to more wherever it CJn be U. wagons. They infinity. prajors after a rain. If th<-*e are of any sixo, dig so that were covered nhout mx very night, seek knowledge thein, they tore tho isters were aa as sonuons, and to bo in and a then is fast I am has its iiieji with theiu, opeu letters, got long little trench which will drain them into inches. Before thein, however, I my boyhood, many many time,) turning grey. growing found. 'Whatever really is, reason,' covering and after out the in 'was a groat distinction.' and answered, in a sweet bird-liko voice— to baud old mim, und cun look luck to n was his while t) mo last V money, cutting gifted prayer ioiui) wuter course. This will pay. You about a tahlo of air-slacked JUisrrllnurons. argument talking °11^ put 9|>oonful threw them *lt was common to thoir minds to tho Mooro.' and und I a fn even that you are only search up ed they dug. produOO unr Th« and difficulties. Of courao of audi Moore. All my life, too, 1 loved her. of my and manhood ! Frank Chcs- An old mail! Can this lie so? At heart tio him up, but kept guard liiui. prayer* ter Trusts have brought to the surface The 4a bu>he'— at the rate of 730 bushels jn-r youtli ronsjn of tlieir Huhjcctivu belief.'— purely u war and mutt have and at time# Our mothers wore old and first ter, rival, who had often tried I am us us ever. And with third hud big danco, length ranged wide, •i-vtlie or m >wer should uot encounter one1 them— playmates, my boyish young Mary, llis notion is that tho of night they acre—wi.hiut a rotten one among jtowcr electricity, liaro into detail*. It cousins. tint recollection is oi a in in rain, to beside the liuir from a i tbo excitemcnt forgol Mr. iiailcy. While generated lingular ht.-uo the whole seas n. l>o the wcro a» My l*>y, u*urp my placo girl, her bright parted smoothly aN individually and is us during were clean, and when cooked p-u*c**cd applied, lire in firunt uf tbo ia told that when Minuter Mdee for they a red frock and morocco it had succeeded at und hud won her ihut has a furrow i< duncing aruund tlioir tent, prayed same with all stick*, and roots, and chunks, shoes, racking last, brow slight upon it, at, uud that worlds of sei as tboM in jot uiigjesv;d t* left uncertain. Hi aaid— mealy plowed ground. which a away ftom an? This was hid child—his of To lue she bo crawlod out under tbo back uf the nt, rain, he nothing as as with all too. cradlo, in sunti}-huirtd, "till the Mary my early days. enco und, far possible, stump*, an reposed are, turning perpetually 1 call a und and perhaps uno and II. •0 thou knowoat wo do not want thee This cheap good crop, not a old. That child and can never nor Tho heart ■wixod of tbo putiiee eacuped. LmJ, A clear, won surtace is at ouco a grvut hlue eyed baby, quite year Mary'*! grow uld, change. around us. whereof tlio uiu»t luarnod has nw • too. I'otatoc* can be waa waa fur fir« to send ua a rain which ahall down in artjune, plautcd was Church ; that 1 IkmIv and beneath this blow Id her in inl and sheltered her aojn uiiaaud, and followed pour in a meadow, and a con- I, myself*—Harry n.ink, soul, ; that b incy, more than the moot nun W.iuty necessary id the com- hoy suspicion ignorant much curlier iu this way than .ind in 1 leaned and of can At tbo uf that time the* and swell our atraama, and aweepawaj of the whole of was Mary Maoro. hiding my fuco my hands, in the flish bouuty womanhood, I was much struck with tho daya. expiration fury, dition getting crop hay. blue-eyed luby concluding *n>] mon method. tlio tear* coas; to cuiuo no elo*j on liiiu tlut Orud ut hint, our ouo-lu, and funooa, bridipi, but, u aittl ant hills Liter I seo n»\»»lf at the little school a^iiiut door, while ho.irt never cult her out till i(o shall : tliojr hujr- 4. Cut a »aj 1 htiuimocks still, my wept word* ut tho gentleman 1 have mentioned Tlie straw on this of is we want it tocotm drixile drwlv.—» some more piece ground chaise to the of blood Tlio little one ittd at even then—lor love still lives which bint to learo hi* horwi and Linl, with a unless have houw drawing iuy little up g tue, griev warm it. Nor •Wo do not.' said he, to den* the obliged spade, you turned into and the is now 'attempt a — Amen.' rnauure, s|>ot u t«k« to tbe mountaina. be Jriule-druule for abjut week of them. KoU door, that M ride hoiuc. ed and uni iz *1, and her an above. we Fortunately. compendious way removing try might Many put up pretty lip power of attraction of tho pole, bocauso rich, and will come agun this found a cave to It to make a smooth and a g>->od year.— have I on such occasions, for if about to wliil»the servant •mall juat largo enough rcquirua practioo ling the meadow, though good operation, '►outing gained cry, pjrplexod cannot do so, seeing that with tho coiti|ia»» Jous Mo»K5cur. UjccIi Wood*, Sullivan at the French C3urt~Mr in whicb be remained foi and a man the uie mid I t»the crawl intu, place moving prayer, alow-tongued if d «ne ao as not to leuve ground other Ikivi bc>iJe liked her, she, »t.-|»|«od parlor door and callod my si»- Spiritualism wo have turned it to a practical use, but wo Co., N. Y.—Country Heing •heavy,' will not always press fear, something flirt, out, cjuIJ bo that conduc- do not it, wo acoept tho fact Well, explain him that ho could hear their a* auch thanked the Lml for all kinda of mer- them off is the llow sho came ted himself bo tho Manchc#- ure luotstepe parting only elegantly trij»- Ntrangely. '11,0 Paris correspondent of tho compass and tho electric telegraph projoctions; pinafores, a little confut- eo of this the when I called her 1 heard a und a they aearchod for liiin. cies and benefits, and, being sure way. The •noiny operation I'iur Tk»k Iluctrr—A Rihut.—Hap- ping down sic}*, light step, pleasant voice ter Guardian given tho following extraordi- hut tho keys to u door we bavo never yet in thia Jon until lie wa» 'We thee—wo thank thee— to if remember how bow her Muo looked narrative: Ho remained poai ed aaid thank will bo plain you, you pening in the garden of a neighbor, rvoent- name! sweetly eyes up saying— nary seriously tried to open.' nMurcd hia had when he barrel* of eider tbou bait snathes have been broken, to a out her •Did wish to seo sir?' shall readers bo- purvuera left, al«o for the manj many scythes and It. uijr e»p«"cial attention called ut tue! how gaily rang merry laugh. you my father, 1 prolubly surprise your fiom hia and mode n mowers liave breu blunted or one could ever her heart 1 looked There stood a sweet if 1 them that one of the emerged cjncenlinent, roucbeafed ua/ ami how m.uiy dwarf jK-ur tree. "That two," said bo, No but Mary bring up. pretty, yond measure, toll ahoot lur the ti*»e muses of so soon to 1 followed that faced maiden of not ono Paris so- of oliro oil. lot me tell atruigbt settlement injured by corning against "was Lot rummer aj>j>ar«.iitly in the la.*t her li|M! laugh twreuty, much changed groat occupations of every in Speaking you Kickapoo 1 an an of friend of Phila about GOO mile* diatant. In about a month in turf. stag»w uf tliti lili^lit." lie took coniuiun from my days of childhood till grew from tho dear little sister 1 had loved so ciety latterly has bjen tho electro-magnetio anecdote raj GjJjj, Temperance Vorwaj. it be the for wheru he manure over the it over followed well. 1 looked at her a Mr. llutuo. This individ of tho IJjok, sir, tbo lent rvachcd longed point, 0. Scatter generously bar soup, and rubbed all the body awkward, blushing youth—1 moment, and thon» medium, strango dolphiu, Lady'* TinTaopotnci of Nomy ImM its in to find friends and aaeiatanoe. Nor in meadow. a w.it the heated noon of manhood—and the tumult of uul was, loot over to Paris, hearted raan of tiuit name the world.— hupal higher and poorer ground your aud main branches until g«v»d coating through stilling my heart by a mighty summer, brought Annual meeting in Storthings Roomi a short of are hud a now serrant waa he in thb. He waa kind counts Farmer. Soon after the and now, when the frosts age silvering my I arms and und Count B , a Polish Well, air, disappointed This will of pay.—(Mjo obtained. foliage ap- effort, opened my said— engaged by Godey girl.— time aince. The Praident oi the Society, knee a air- furnished food and tbo Kick*- tree vi- and children climb up my don't know mo of itnmcnso to whom, air, had dinner party in IjT clothing by a pearance of tho indicated returning hair, my 'Lizzie, you !' gentleman woalth, Well, GikIi'j the Iiuhop of Arup, on the occasion, in memo- a He liad auhaiatal fur the month now cull me 'father,' I flnd that the >fs of bit with lettuco. Ho is pooe. whole Bud* tality, uihI, in his opinion, the tree w*is and 'Hurry! Oh, my brother Harry!' sho after uOorJing certain pro mag- ly spring, capital few wcros mad* known to the member* of Fruit Trees-Lateral Branches bj to on of are und that, even in und tlirvw that all foroo hund ut sa ad, so ho druntod it. Tho guests pravioua thia, bireh root*, which he ditty. entirely cuivd of tbo blight by that means. rio« youth strong, cried, herself upon my breast.— notic faculties, bo nnnouncod the Society the happy results of their labors, its music Mill. I muat hasten with hia handa on hia march.— examination of the tivo, it gray hair*, 1 am following ! Sho wept uf if her heart would break. had left liim ; and that, until tho month of ate it; and—air—well, air, dug lonely said—'The has cultiratun l'|»>n appeured ^he Iiuhop Society 10,000 Mu>|.|jr to school, anvl was obliged to part with Ma« them i.ll. in the world. of that bottlo of castor oil I gate you to put truly. Kickapoos in conversation with ray (before a drink of the middle classes, and in many have too olten occasion to the dj- | Subsequently, see other for and iMt month and allowed him on w^wt t Wo wero n:t to each There was a rush and a of Six inuntlia by, 'Sun.' said kindly, hie long jouroe\ learned and distinguished legal friend and ry. cry joy, and passed away yesterdiy miming?' families where it was deemed in tint in tnwa a was in a to indispeneable fioijocj particular pur* thrvo This, to m<\ wm like then father and mother Mr ilumo mado it known ho again aaid it was cistor oil and I put it civilization. lion. U. Duvis Nixon, I.L. long years! my sprung toward* alio, 'you on the arrival of a visitor, it is no cha«cd frvj.u th* >n. Trooa to horticulturist, After longer nurvryin pur- nentenco of for was like life it* ■uc, and welcomed mo home condition to any ele.'tru magnetic in tho castor.' 'Well/ aaid GjJoy, *1 leaving them, four daji' journey the above f.icta, he death, Mary with hcartfJt attempt used. In a manj of the dis- clia->oJ arc trimmed for aeroral 1)., commenting upon Ac- him to the Chickasaw's from great ooantrj gcuaralljr up 1 to we. tears. Oh! that bo so/ brought camp, some trccfl self Strang* and sweet is experiment might proposed. thought tricts the have osassd an rauarked, tlut in p«ar pissing publicans keeping foot fruui the to thorn aj> planting were whencc be to the Choctaw ground, give But hearts are tough thing*, after all. such a to tho wanderer! cordingly one or two stances given by proceeded nation, a rear to tho greeting wayworn there no demand for it. At to true* tbat about since, previously Mtting man- brandj, being similar > but now who treated him in the moat humane jxwranco grow upjc I lelt the in all the fl>wh and vigor And at I held dear old mother to Mr. llume, in different houses; them out lie coated them all over well college my my the feasts and other fsstirals bran* where 'tho line' etvm< of Dclan are ia almost a froo state. In on na- marriage the lawn, browning I was no longer and I cornea the of the busi. T7" ner. lie to the Shawnoo as no of Hie nineteenth year. heart, gra*po my father's hand, while really lingular part journeyed Is but seen.* The then idea of tho line ol with toft and yet had discovered had in dj rarelj Bishop to indicate t!ie soap, had ncss. a or throo weeks 1790, Dolaworo 8,887 slate®; 1800, where he was welcomed to the bent popular awkward and emlwrrasaed. I grown Lizxio still clun,; beside me, I felt that all About fortnight tion, the for their ii indications of tho blight—though at the thanked clergy oo-operation in urborculturc. Thi« practice a a a in 1810,4,177; in 1820,4.509; in their be hrautjr a slender with very was not lost luck, cliamborlain of tho court, 6,153; they had in lodges. Leaving them, of out, the treca into tall, stripling, yet and, though another had imperial with him in his endeavor to the evil where it U deairml time setting (and cs}4vially and in 1840, 2 G05; in 1850, 2, the and then made prevent objectionable of both in and securod li e's a man and the moat 1830,3,292; next reached Cherokee*, particularly 1 ol myself general choice-1 past fifty, prosaic of Tho *ra the showed strmg appearance good opinion blowing, many joy are spirit drinking. venerable or IVirtlctts,) 1 tliere prelate to cultivate tro « aa fuem Moore tnan in to 2M. At thia time, acarooly 2,000 for wbieh state he nude soom pyramid* in II I thought of Mary remained lor me in this dear unimaginative cxistenoe, related Mjauuri, then the di*-aso. own Uartlctts, in tho name particular. sanctuary form but little oomplimented the government on the mi/k' Mjr I would dixsle nnd tho and what h«d occur, ►Iutcs in tho atate. They milea nor h of the Neosho. from it was to how of home. Emperor Emprun twenty manner the de- wore ruined the yeut imagine j | rtry energetic in which it had car- To th® evil and to nci^hboihood, quite won- mora than two cent of the j> he came to St and then to thh renndy aupplj bewilder her with my looks and There were four other inmates of tho room ml to himself in an interflow with Mr. per pulation. thence Louw, • tho good ried out the views of the fact, tho mode of bud previous by blight. While slates have d.cr as.tl tinco traveled and steadi- Societj. following ingenious derful attainments—never thinking that she who had arisen on sudden entrance.— What ho related was rery extra- gradually city; having consLmtly I that tl»o aboT« mav my waa an old and eaUvmet lUtpin^ experiments (Ilumo. of the tho free over two months. •ding practiced bj danlo and bewilder me still more. 1 One was tho bluo whom I had but it is not uiy affiir to go into tho formation government, ly on foot (or an or that might eyed-child ordinary; of now deceaeed i1 eff>ctual remedy, thej in Qjr* Jessie Fremont—1 our Jsasie.' who friend juur «>ire»pondent, sugg>»t : but as mem what blacks liavo incmaaed from 3,893 1790, was a sad coxcomb, I know youth seen, and who now stood be*ido what touches private perons; I ai ui.i t lead to nuie thai already to the White was seen it be new to in iny of Nadom, practical experience to in 1850. baa gone bark of an oak tree in ought graoe House, may jour and looks hare (led, I trust I may be Frark to his fund. Near am abjut to rotate is curious at a sign 18,073 Emancipation (E^Tbe felled I remain forever tho fri -nd of good Chester, clinging only a few sinoe a it wai to wben fir*t communicatee | will, Peon, a and the institution in in N. tak- niytelf when I that self-wncvit has left atood Lixxio eld st uf the times, and bocauao it ha* for its acton on upon grand scale, 1810, in Monmouthshire, England, was days shop York, and all other, fruits." believed say by Moore, Mary's sister, the venerable horticulturist I have r\> Knowledge, "good death ia a few ing lessons ia the use of tho by and iu a distant to sho had historical must diO a natural Tory years. ■old for $1,000, and lis Unbar Lt tswiogaaeUae. X. me alio. corner, which personages. $3,140. X-rred to. S. lloui0. ii tiino in tho MMiun whon tho dutio* of ! Iii T« which mtM near Schcol District Union. its identity b? merging Itself into the Boiion ■it Doinja of tin City Qovernmj-* G.il»««tnn xaa, j*m wo cunnot bul think th* seenes THE LEGISLATURE OF 1857. chuir vn-r- to prerogatives, the ju*t lioginning Iwarduou*, .ero. There is a of tlinVr and thai ibifl latter paper, whioli g»*».| aupjly t 'to ol the \rarli in our TILE UNION which followed nuit hate raised in their Traveller, and difficult, I have andtitURil to di*cluirg') )n Board of Tito aereral City The our a | Aldftnen, April £0, 1*J7. ind ns rich and bandrotuo mirie pa eur minds doubt* as to tb« wisdom of th«ir own Legislature of State, ju«t adjourn- has the of "great Travel- utn ▼ | >n of reputation being them iio|«irtially, und I very lnr^i-1 in-' Uourd met to on WuHnnrUijr, on tho quceti uniting fur we do nut hesitate to that baa boen a one— •« according adjournment. tho tun • lion oa. Thou»ands and thou- conduct, mj id, empliatictUlf working ler" in tho course of its travels had allow- dehted to your aid and *unport, for what-1 tlio wrcnl School Di«trict« intonno district, of some Irotn this The in the chair. A Id it aim B:t- the of tboee It hot well a ninoint of but ever of KutccM Irii attended effort*.— Mayor ( andsof ajr.i of it an as unclaimed, EASTERN proceeding* performed larg» ed not onlv oar favorite sheet, alto the uiy j yet WM M folIoWa JOURNAL. State aasmhled in were such Iim been on tho of tea absent. and ni<»re we think, and the Chronicle, llad Nothing wuntinjr part it i» fast h »in* taken up. The wa- a* and public private buaincea, Boston Telegraph though Ym. to rrflt«ct dishonor upon themselves of uieiulter ol this Iwurd, to render Petition of Geo. II. Monroo and Nay. MUD AY MORNING. APRIL 24. 1857. in we any my others, ter cr hero would not amount to much, nil associated with thetn. in amount, than any previous Legit lature, we been a to t'ie record, should and Your kind-1 j»>n Ward 1 2 part/ agreeable happy. for the of water aewion was, position draining stagnant from the [>ut it u tin boat for a nmm mill in 2 -2 40 the was in we tbe time epoce of tim». The have this lose of a time new and e tome, han been without pl.icj Since foregoing put tvpe, protested against indolgrn lido of Wo below a aomowbat over mv Westerly Wcntwnrth Street. n of the Wo arc 3 i 44 ~jT give length} 100 in longer than the1 name for wu believo that inttriuiwiun. und vrrun, you have the -rtli part territory. have a more recent issue uf the Democrat, dayt length—ono day honored hardly 4 8 cztr.ict an I' the mantle of For all Head and referred to Committee on towers 47 from article which m»ioii T e have name as thrown charity. milea from river. appeared c mure of but yeur. ••a rom other would smell | tnljr twenty Any mtaiuin^ another and still pointed proceeding* by any tok !im of an J and sent down i 0 01 tbu Si«u Democrat uf 14, under tlw th.wo your rjgird, especially drains, for concurrence. of limatoni can lw obtained for April '• bo*u and free from but us we are but a friend (I 0 00 allele uii the M-iiue nU. It in uuusually harmonious, sweet," nothing f r thi* l«*t ot of quantity head ut '• ri.o M.»uie uintuienta." Th« ap|>oiu:m< expretwion your approval Alderman Allen moved the : and coal and the members in their wo our re- following and otli.-r gwd 7 18 48 Ap, to the to purtixan rtneor, uf the merged, can only express my conduct, I tender you uiy curdial ami building purpoa.*, » reply Argus'* atenpt discipline Ordered, That the Clerk bo direc-' are article hae at ract J mo oticv\uud brought with that heart-felt th ink*, and to oaauru that I City mince I uvo bjen discovered,tho' noue yet (he Democrat for it* mutinous of intcrvuurse each other, bare, irrespect- gM at tho loss, and hope the Union Iwg • exposure cTi-r take a intcrevt in tour wel- ted to make of of the 101 317 i writer in collision with bi« p liti at tuoat k tho iihall lively inquiry City Solicitor, ivomed We lure eclected a Ixuutiful »ite Democratic our raider* ive of party, m.imfated the ndly be thricj bleated, and Traveller umy pructic*s. We give lutijr fare, und kliull cherwli tlu re.uemb unco of, and to thi* what The vote as will bo mo, waa very frk-nda, who do not relish auch out no report Board, action, if Tor a and alt wo want now ia light. ap- aking rs- and There hare b.vn travel into tho wdl of the so town, caj.iul ^ touch uf its quality in the apj>ended friendly fading. gwd people to me, with emotion) of i ho hat taker, toward* in A» wo under Und the matter, your friendship any, tho settlement of to build it Wo want and must have u mooting. uf the diacutoioiis to obstruct tbe rapid as it sh~.ll continue to sustain whole- up. iructs. The Lite John Holmce, (urtixan long gratitude. a suit the Editor of the uocrut spoke for commenced in 1850 nttlers Sew«. Du went to Wuli- of tbe and tho curliest Dews, Toe tho ad- damage* iuw, iriit, and flour mill. Tho Foreign •* cabin* t minister as "five of wind discharge el tbe buaineae State, some doc rincs, furnish separation continent upon Mb ut tlie tuu<- pecks of u ulwuv" the Pound uf this to uf the inaugural u» the h the L/?gi»l*ture, against keeper city. on tli: crock uro Simmer* Wruh- ingU> tied la « lliroc Elitor f«#w mx uan diamai. im to und pit per which journment ulready ready guarantee Fulton and (lie of up peck luj." Tho | engender parti* generally, giro publie to rae so in thi* Read twicj and City wiuteae th« o-r.-m h iKtinful und sent down for >niee, and to secure eees to the demand* of the «»peci