Journal of Cell Science ta. 05.Hwvr md n md uflopsn oe in roles opposing fulfil Smad3 and Smad2 (Dunn However, 2005). embryos al., mouse et developing in Moreover, phenotype the 2004). Smad2-deletion into (Bernard, al., contexts introduced et cellular share (Jia when other induction often in mesoderm granulosa zebrafish and ovarian in they 2008) 2008), in al., However, et roles (Li 2007). redundant cells playing al., functions, et similar regulatory different (Brown target and sequences co-factors different recruit Smad3 Massague Smad3 and one (Shi Smad2, two (S234) one (S224); molecule even Smad4 molecule or one (S334); Smad4 and Smad4 one 2001; one and complexes and al., Smad2 Smad3 DNA-binding two et These contain (Moustakas 2002). regulate can Heldin, 1A–C) ultimately (Fig. and to order Moustakas expression in enter gene co-factors that recruit target Smad4 and with nuclei complexes R-Smad the heterotrimeric Phosphorylated form ). effectors (R-Smad proteins and downstream Smad3 recruit the and the of then Smad2 residues complexes of type C-terminal a ligand– assembly phosphorylate to Active binding receptor. the by I complex triggering ligand–receptor active receptor, tetrameric survival. transmembrane processes, and many II differentiation of TGF- regulation proliferation, Extracellular the growth, architecture, in simple involved its including is Despite 2004). pathway Hill, this and Dijke ten 2000; 1 Mı G. David neurogenesis vertebrate antagonize in and simultaneously cooperate Smad3 and Smad2 Report Short h otcnevdadpoii inln acds(Massague cascades signaling prolific and conserved (TGF- most beta the factor growth transforming The Introduction words: Key (TGF- beta factor growth transforming The Summary 10.1242/jcs.130435 doi: 5335–5343 126, ß Science Cell of Journal 2013 September 4 Accepted ( correspondence for *Authors 3 2 atbac,206Mdi,Spain Madrid, 28046 Cantoblanco, rmr.W aemdldteSa epne noabtaygnsadpooeta hsmcaimmgtb xeddt additional to extended be might mechanism this that propose and genes Smad3–Smad3–Smad4 arbitrary and by onto Smad2–Smad3–Smad4 solely responses activated TGF- by Smad Smad3-specific are of both targets the of activated activities Smad2 modeled are such, transcription have As targets We proteins. the Smad3 R-Smad trimers. whereas and the of complex, neurogenesis responses Smad2–Smad2–Smad4 transcriptional as enhances the well the Smad2 as dictates neurogenesis, formed TGF- of promote complexes the to trimeric performed Knockdown of cooperate we model Smad3 targets. mathematical Here and A Smad2 Smad3-specific targets. targets. that transcriptional of show tube their transcription neural regulate embryo the to chick the antagonize in or experiments cooperate electroporation either can which vivo effectors, Smad3 and Smad2 nttt eIvsiainsBiome Investigaciones de Instituto Fı de Departamento Biologı de Instituto 03 ulse yTeCmayo ilgssLtd Biologists of Company The by Published 2013. ept hi 1 mn cdsqec iiaiy md and Smad2 similarity, sequence acid amino 91% their Despite and nsilico in ergnss erltb,Dfeeta qain,Cikembryo Chick equations, Differential tube, Neural Neurogenesis, ´guez aMlclrd acln,CI,CBliiiRia 0 acln 82,Spain 08028, Barcelona 20, Reixac i C/Baldiri CSIC, Barcelona, de Molecular ´a b sc el aei odnaaadIsiuoNicola Instituto and Condensada Materia la de ´sica b ndvlpetaddisease. and development in 1,2, xeiet osuyhwsc oprtvt n naoimmgtfnto uigneurogenesis. during function might antagonism and cooperativity such how study to experiments n cii r iad htbn oatype a to bind that ligands are activin and [email protected] ,EtlGil-Guin Estel *, Smad2 dcsd acln,CI-DBP,C/Rosello CSIC-IDIBAPS, Barcelona, de ´dicas ou,Sa3cnrsu the rescue can Smad3 locus, ˜o b b b ´n aha isteeprmna eut n rdcsta h rprin ftetredifferent three the of proportions the that predicts and results experimental the fits pathway aha ly e oe ndvlpetadcne.TGF- cancer. and development in roles key plays pathway ) aha soeof one is pathway ) ; [email protected] 1 Sebastia , ´ 2003). , nPons ´n ´ ) , sCbeaadIIA,UiesddAuto Universidad IFIMAC, and Cabrera ´s 1,3 h xeietlosrain i ihaseai nwhich in Discussion and trimers. scenario Results S334 and a all S234 with which both by in fit promoted pathway is observations neurogenesis the of experimental model the mathematical developed We simplified and neurogenesis. knockdown a enhances both that Smad2 show of we Through overexpression tube, neural context. embryo cellular chick the same simultaneously the occur and in antagonism Smad2 and between cooperation interplay where complex Smad3, a show results Our 2007). forkhead-dependent in as well as cells (Labbe 2011), adenocarcinoma pancreatic transcription al., in et of migration regulation (Ungefroren and cell 2010) and al., et growth (Petersen metastasis cancer breast elcceei n ifrnito (Garcı differentiation and exit the cell-cycle of activation where neurogenesis, TGF- vertebrate events of context similar the distinct in such antagonize How 2003). and/or unclear. al., somewhat cooperate remains et can are (Yang genes molecules Smad2 Smad3-activated by that repressed showed experiments profiling md n md a vdn ntevnrclrzn where zone ventricular the in for evident immunostaining was Strong Smad3 sections. and embryo tube Smad2 neural chick neural in developing the the expression in Smad3 of and Smad2 tube of roles the study To antagonists as act neurogenesis and in cooperate Smad3 and Smad2 nti td,w hrceie h oe fSa2adSmad3 and Smad2 of roles the characterized we study, this In n ls Martı Elisa and 6,Breoa006 Spain 08036, Barcelona 161, ´ b aha,i atclrSa3 a ensont promote to shown been has Smad3, particular in pathway, ´ ´ 1, ta. 98.Mroe,transcriptional Moreover, 1998). al., et * nvivo in nm eMdi,Cmu de Campus Madrid, de ´noma b efrtaaye their analyzed first we , inln ovre nthe on converges signaling ´ -apayadMartı and a-Campmany nvivo in xeiet in experiments nvivo In 5335 in ´ , Journal of Cell Science ern htwr dniidb h xrsino RNA-binding of expression the by as Differentiated identified 1E), were (Fig. 2007). Smad3 that domains 1D), neurons (Garcia-Campmany, DV (Fig. previously particular tube to reported neural restricted the the is throughout of expression expressed axis is (DV) Smad2 transition dorsal–ventral Although the 1D,E). in (Fig. enrichment some zone with reside, progenitors neural 5336 ora fCl cec 2 (23) 126 Science Cell of Journal n md rti xrsinwti h etiua zone, ventricular the within expression Smad2 quantify Smad3 To S1). and Fig. material (supplementary transcripts ern eiet edvi of devoid be to differentiated where tube reside neural the neurons of zone marginal the showed rSa3(i.1) scnimdby confirmed 1D) as (Fig. 1E), Smad2 (Fig. express Smad3 not did or (HuC/D) HuD and HuC proteins oyoilftigt lutaetetrend. the illustrate to fitting to polynomial correspond lines and single-cell measurements Smad3 to and correspond (F) Crosses Smad2 (G). for lumen to versus distance intensity staining cytoplasmic of to Ratio nuclear values. crosses single-cell and to profile correspond average lines the Black to lumen. correspond the to immunostaining distance (G) versus Smad3 and of (F) intensity Smad2 Pixel quantification. Smad2 Smad3 for and area for Selected selected (F,G) regions quantification). the HuC/D show with areas overlap (boxed no the with of zone domains ventricular DV restricted Smad3 in (E) expression zone. ventricular expression the Smad2 throughout (D) DAPI. marker and pan-neural HuC/D, the Smad3, and for Smad2 co-immunostained sections Selected (D,E) A eoe B uigad()atrligand after (C) S and activation. during (B) before, TGF- (A) the of tube. Scheme neural (A–C) developing the expression in Smad3 overlap and Smad2 1. Fig. 2 Smad2 md;S Smad2; , nsitu in yrdzto,which hybridization, and 3 md;S Smad3; , b Smad3 pathway 4 Smad4. , mRNA Journal of Cell Science HuC/D the 2C). through EGFP (Fig. of and migration level total lateral 2B) cellular the the promoted the (Fig. Smad3 in at However, blots intensity increase western fluorescence an increased in in detected resulted protein Smad2 of overexpression oeadtemnl oe(HuC/D zone mantle the and zone novdi ergnss hra tas naoie Smad3 antagonizes context. also cellular same genes it the target whereas in of activity activation neurogenesis, the in in involved Smad3 with cooperates Smad2 25 ihrpooto fdfeetae el a eetdatrthe GFP after (% detected Smad2/3 and was of Smad3 cells co-electroporation of differentiated significantly electroporation the a of quantified, by proportion When 2G,H). higher enhanced (Fig. Smad3 was and Smad2 that phenotype a oe oevr igecl esrmnso h ula to nuclear distance of the function a of as ratio measurements intensity fluorescence single-cell transition cytoplasmic the Moreover, in in enrichment crosses an zone. and indicated lines respectively) Smad2 1F,G, (black of Fig. intensity measurements distance single-cell inmunostaining the and Smad3 of total function and Both a lumen. as neural 1D,E) the intermediate to Fig. the in rectangles at (white measured tube was intensity fluorescence h hc erltb,btntatrSa3electroporation. Smad3 after not interestingly Smad2 but with Smad3 in tube, of Smad2 co-electroporation of neural However, hpe 24 chick activated was chick the the reporter in ARE 3A–D) The (Fig. tube. elements neural (-CAGA-) response Smad3-specific 1998) response al., or et 1996) activin (Dennler al., [the et luciferase (Chen Smad2-specific (ARE)] containing either element vectors by by expressed driven mediated we responses reporters transcriptional Smad3, the and out Smad2 dissect to order In Smad3- in antagonize transcription and specific cooperate Smad3 and Smad2 post Smad2, hours 48 or analyzed (pCIG) When control either 2011). of al., EGFP (hpe) et assess electroporation to Xie serves evaluating HuC/D 2007; by of that cells with neurogenesis electroporated together of expression EGFP position the the as monitoring well as differentiation, novo to de respectively), committed progenitors neural 1F,G, occurs. of Fig. and neurogenesis where Smad2 zone, in of transition activation the lines in the transcriptional Smad3 potential towards (black a move the suggesting within nuclei Smad3 increases and the Smad2 of nuclei ratio as average located the However, mainly zone, are transition cytoplasm. Smad3 and the Smad2 that in showed lumen, the to t4 p:33 hpe: 48 at eutdi infcn nraei ergnss( GFP (% neurogenesis Smad2 in of increase knockdown significant the a neurogenesis, caused in Smad3 in resulted of reduction knockdown without whereas expected 2D,M), S2). However, strong (Fig. S2). material Fig. a Fig. (supplementary expression expression Smad2 protein provoked Smad3. material endogenous endogenous affecting Smad3 shSmad3 in (supplementary the and of reduction affecting Smad3 electroporation Smad2 without Conversely, of chick 2D,K), expression protein for (Fig. Smad2 diminished expression strongly specific shSmad2 short- of electroporating Electroporation RNAs by expression hairpin endogenous their reduced 69 6 ergnssi h erltb novsteltrlmigration lateral the involves tube neural the in Neurogenesis ots h eurmn fSa23i ergnss we neurogenesis, in Smad2/3 of requirement the test To 6 %sSa3 i.2) oehr hs eut ugs that suggest results these Together, 2N). Fig. shSmad3; 2% %Sa23 i.2I). Fig. Smad2/3; 1% + + el eeeel itiue hogotteventricular the throughout distributed evenly were cells xrsino a-erlmressc sHCD Thus, HuC/D. as such markers pan-neural of expression el t4 p:40 hpe: 48 at cells nvivo in 6 %cnrl,35 controls, 1% Fg A (Garcı 2A) (Fig. 6 %cnrl 63 control, 3% 6 %Sa2 49 Smad2, 2% + el:Fg EF,although 2E,F), Fig. cells: ´ -apayadMartı and a-Campmany 6 + HuC/D , %shSmad2, 3% 6 %Smad3, 3% + + cells; cells + ´ , , ciaigisontres rvkn natgnsi effect. antagonistic from an Smad3 after provoking prevents targets, Smad2 increased own of its presence activating not the these that were S2), suggest results Fig. levels material (supplementary electroporation expression shSmad2 Smad3 ( Because in activation CAGA resulted the Smad2 be of of of strong knockdown activity to Interestingly, knockdown the 3D). activity reduce endogenous whereas (Fig. did reporter its shSmad3) function, weak of allow hpe of not (24 The Smad3 did loss Smad3. reporter following or ARE monitored the the Smad2 in to responses either responses transcriptional of the absence assessed we neurogenesis, targets the Smad3-specific between of regulation cooperation the the 3C). in fivefold (Fig. reflecting Smad3 to alone, up and activity Smad2 Smad3 CAGA By of enhanced co-electroporation Smad2 that Smad3 3B). However, with (Fig. by electroporation. Smad3 activated Smad2 targets of strongly by was Smad2-specific not reporter but the CAGA ( the of alone in contrast, Smad3 Smad2 regulation and of Smad2 the between concentration antagonism that same reflecting with compared reduction), the activity ARE with in decrease obtained strong a in resulted ossetwt h eut rmtelcfrs experiments. luciferase is the which from results cell- 3H–K), the (Fig. induced with CAGA-EGFP consistent Smad3, of not expression but shown). autonomous Smad2, not (data of expression knockdown EGFP produced Moreover, of saturation was Smad3 which to alone, due Smad3 and of probably that to Smad2 similar expression EGFP of strong Co-electroporation reporter the 3G). was of (Fig. reporter activation 3E,F), Smad2 cell-autonomous (Fig. strong CAGA levels Although induced control Smad3 above the 3E–K). CAGA-EGFP (Fig. activate with to expression unable Smad3 EGFP and driving Smad2 electroporated neprmna aa nacsSa2tre rncito ( transcription target Smad2 enhances ( levels data) and Smad2 experimental lines) Increasing on black lines). red 4A, 4A, (Fig. (Fig. Smad2 Smad3 for specific are genes arbitrary responses two transcriptional how has model TGF- predict the no to regulated. in knowledge, 2007) our developed Klipp, 2011) to al., been and However, et (Zi Zi pathway. endocytosis signal 2006; signaling of al., 2008), role et Vilar the Liu, 2006; and and al., et Clarke (Melke responses 2008; (Cellie al., al., et processing et developed (Clarke Schmierer been shuttling have nucleo-cytoplasmic 2006; Models study Methods). to and TGF- previously To the Materials of the we neurogenesis. model (see responses, theoretical cellular simplified and such a the developed driving targets antagonize mechanisms the Smad3-specific Smad3 loss-of- understand and of in Smad2 Conversely, regulation conditions targets. (LOF) Smad2-specific to function the gain-of- antagonizing cooperate of while In Smad3 neurogenesis regulation and neurogenesis. and targets a Smad2 Smad3 in targets: regulate experiments, between specific reproduced their (GOF) interplay is of function complex regulation that the a in relationship Smad3 reflect and data Smad2 experimental The of antagonism and proteins cooperativity R-Smad dual the predicts activity TGF- the of model Mathematical nrae ihu infcnl fetn ietSa3targets Smad3 direct affecting significantly without increase) ocnimteerslsa h ellrlvl eco- we level, cellular the at results these confirm To increased in resulted Smad2 of knockdown Because edvlpdsc oe htsmltstetasrpinof transcription the simulates that model a such developed We md n md nnuoeei 5337 neurogenesis in Smad3 and Smad2 ` ee l,21) h eeaino transient of generation the 2011), al., et re , 20 6 fteCG eotr(i.3D). (Fig. reporter CAGA the of ) b aha ihdifferential with pathway , b 7 6 pathway based , , , 3 7 6 6 b Journal of Cell Science 5338 ora fCl cec 2 (23) 126 Science Cell of Journal ifrnitd(HuC/D differentiated (HuC/D differentiated lcrprtd(EGFP of electroporated Quantification (I) for (blue). and DAPI (purple) HuC/D marker neural ro asrpeets.e.m. represent bars Error DNAs (EGFP indicated of electroporation after sections confocal Representative (J–M) lcrprtd(EGFP electroporated of Quantification for (N) selected quantification). boxed region (red; the (M) show Smad3 areas or (K) Smad2 and for (purple) HuC/D marker pan-neural the fe lcrprto fidctdDNAs (EGFP indicated of electroporation after sections confocal Representative (E–H) shSmad3. and with shSmad2 electroporated cells and cells, control in of intensity Quantification immunofluorescence (D) Smad3. with and electroporated Smad2 cells in and cells control in of intensity Quantification immunofluorescence (C) (S2/S3). Smad3 Smad2 and both with co-electroporated or Smad3 (S3) (S2), Smad2 with control) electroporated (C, tube chick neural in embryo blot western by and measured (Smad2 Smad3) levels protein Total tube. (B) neural embryo chick of transfected section and electroporation DNA injection, of representation Schematic (A) neurogenesis. in cooperate antagonize Smad3 and and Smad2 2. Fig. + + el) muotie o h pan- the for immunostained cells), el,gen,imnsandfor immunostained green), cells, + + + + el htare that cells ) are that cells ) ,i ahcondition. each in ), condition. each in ), Journal of Cell Science md-adSa3seii agtgns(i.4B–D). (Fig. genes target Smad3-specific and Smad2- silico ( targets specific euto nSa2lvl ( levels a Smad2 that predicts in model the reduction Moreover, alone. Smad3 with compared ( transcription Smad3-specific enhances it whereas h rncito rvkdb md ln ( alone Smad2 by provoked transcription with compared the targets Smad2-specific ( reduces Smad3 and Smad3 Smad2 of transcription enhances data) experimental nrae agt hl euigtasrpino pcfcSmad2 specific of ( transcription targets reducing while targets increase) reporter. repor electroporatio activated activated as the used the (Fig.4A).However,increasingSmad3( identify is identify (green) (red) (green) H2b-RFP EGFP indicate EGFP DNAs. expression, the DNAs, indicated Smad2 with the electroporated endogenous with CAGA-EGFP the identify CAGA-EGFP the identify staining the of staining of (blue) co-electroporation (blue) co-electroporation anti-Smad2 after after FLAG elec electroporation sections sections control, after after confocal confocal reporter electroporation Representative reporter CAGA Representative as (H–K) ARE Smad3-specific (E–G) used the Smad2-specific s.e.m. is of the represent Activity (red) by (C,D) bars H2b-RFP driven experiments). Error all activity DNAs. for Luciferase indicated constant (B) maintained of tube. DNA transcription. electroporated neural of of targets embryo (concentration specific chick DNAs in transfected antagonize in and assay cooperate Smad3 luciferase and Smad2 3. Fig. xeiet ulttvl reproduce qualitatively experiments , 7 6 erae i.4) iutnosices in increase simultaneous A 4A). Fig. decrease; , 3 6 nrae i.4,LF.Tgte,these Together, LOF). 4A, Fig. increase; , 9 6 erae nrae Smad3- increases decrease) nvivo in , , 12 , 1.2 6 1.5 epne for responses 6 ,basedon 6 decrease), increase) , 3 6 in n ihSa4t omec yeo osbehtrtie (S heterotrimer another possible of one type the with each form interact to for Smad4 proteins In with limiting R-Smad Smad3. and and state, not Smad2 wild-type of is concentration the the trimers Smad4 reflecting transcriptional formed the that that are and heterotrimers, consider the of we formation when data h S the S rmr.Cnesl,icesn md aostefrainof formation the favors S Smad3 the increasing Conversely, trimers. S omto fS of formation 234 234 vrl,temteaia oe erdcdteexperimental the reproduced model mathematical the Overall, n S and 334 224 n S and n eue hto S of that reduces and , A ceai ersnaino N neto,eetooainand electroporation injection, DNA of representation Schematic (A) ope,weesSa3tresaeatvtdbt by both activated are targets Smad3 whereas complex, md n md nnuoeei 5339 neurogenesis in Smad3 and Smad2 334 334 .Hwvr md agt r ciae oeyby solely activated are targets Smad2 However, ). umnigteaon fSa2fvr the favors Smad2 of amount the Augmenting . 224 n eue h omto fS of formation the reduces and , 234 n S and 224 opee.Similarly, complexes. 234 findicated of troporation n S and ter. control, n DNAs. d 224 334 , Journal of Cell Science Fg EF.I h idtp tt,tecikeby erltube neural embryo condition S chick experimental the the state, each wild-type contains in the In formation 4E,F). (Fig. trimer the quantified Fg FG.Sa3oeepeso eut ntepreferential the in results targets overexpression neurogenic Smad3 of transcription 4F,G). (Fig. Smad3-specific the affecting vrxrse,teS the overexpressed, euto nSa2wudteeoerdc h omto of formation the reduce therefore would Smad2 S in reduction a 5340 eutn nteatvto fSa3seii agt and targets Smad3-specific of activation 4B–D). (Fig. the neurogenesis enhanced in resulting 224 oeprmnal etteotoeo this of outcome the test experimentally To n nraetefraino S of formation the increase and , ora fCl cec 2 (23) 126 Science Cell of Journal 234 rmr(i.4) hra hnSa2is Smad2 when whereas 4F), (Fig. trimer 224 rmrpeeetal om,without forms, preferentially trimer 234 nsilico in n S and 334 oe,we model, thereby , omto fteS the of formation md ypooigtefraino h S the of of formation neurogenesis the and promoting transcription by enhances Smad3 Smad3 and Smad2 co-expression Similarly, of 4F,G). (Fig. neurogenesis and transcription iiihdatrSa3LFadicesdatrSa2LOF. Smad2 after is increased it and targets: LOF Smad2, with Smad3 transcription. direct combination after in TGF- Smad3 or diminished of alone of Smad3-specific GOF role Smad3 trend after the enhanced the and Smad2, follows by the neurogenesis Smad2- modulated dictates clearly Although of hetero-trimers Smad2/3 dynamics active transcriptionally eew show we Here nvivo in 334 rmr hc nacsSmad3-specific enhances which trimer, agt)adsldrdln (S line red solid and targets) n md (S Smad3 and oprdwt h idtype. wild the transcription with of compared promoter decrease in or arrows increase of illustrate Size Smad2. and Smad3 of of LOF GOF Smad2, wild-type of after GOF genes conditions, target of complexes regulation transcriptional and of model formation Schematic the (G) of constant. is (HA) Smad4 md lcrprto nrae h S the increases electroporation Smad2 eesotie ythe by activation obtained maximum levels of diagrams Bar (B–D) rdcsteda naoimand antagonism pathway dual the the of predicts model Numerical 4. Fig. eut ntefraino h S the of formation the in Smad3 results and Smad2 of co-electroporation S trimer, increases electroporation Smad3 trimer, of (S transcription Smad2 of evolution Temporal proteins. (A) R-Smad the between cooperativity orsod otesldbakln (S line black solid the to evolution corresponds time Wild-type loss-of- (LOF). and function (GOF) gain-of-function after line) mronua uecnan h S the contains chick tube the neural condition, embryo wild-type the In and Smad4. Smad3 Smad2, of Co- immunoprecipitation (F) co-immunoprecipitation. for protein extraction and electroporation of injection, representation DNA Schematic in (E) shown 3B–D. data Fig. experimental the with compared and nsilico in 2 -pcfctres(lc otdline) dotted (black targets )-specific 3 -pcfctres(e dotted (red targets )-specific httefrainof formation the that 234 nsilico in rmr(i.4F,G). (Fig. trimer 3 seii targets). -specific oe,t be to model, 234 234 trimer. 2 trimer. 224 -specific b 334 in Journal of Cell Science tesrsos atrAF nrsos oTGF- of to transcription response of in repression ATF3 the the to Smad2, factor mediates not but response Smad3, of stress binding the with correlates This sn albsrp eeoe nhue(h Mathworks numerically (The solved in-house equations developed differential script ordinary of Matlab set a a using of consist models The model Mathematical Methods and 2000). Materials Weinberg, and inhibitory Hanahan 1999; growth al., et the is (Dennler TGF- pathway of the of this impairment which function understand in because diseases to for compromised, crucial treatments efficient be TGF- more the of will function and interact dynamics proteins R-Smad nhshrltdSa2adSa3rsetvl.Eutos35acutfor account 3–5 Equations proteins R-Smad respectively. phosphorylated the Smad3 of binding and Smad2 unphosphorylated h he osbeheterotrimers possible three the nlecsnuoeei u loafcsohrbooia events only biological other TGF- not the affects by co-operation/antagonism also regulated but dual neurogenesis biological this influences other on in Indeed, focused Smad3 and that contexts. Smad2 studies of functions between the divergence comparing the for responsible while complex active transcriptionally a trans the TRAP-1-like Smad2-driven form a represses increasing to TLP, proteins, Smad3 that R-Smad of showing phosphorylate ability data not the does fits that in also protein reduced It is 2001). ac reporter al., is et ARE it the whereas our of cells, Smad2-null activity in the detect where experiments sen not consist poor is could prediction This the reporter. we to which owing experiments LOF, Smad3 after 2006). include al., et have (Gomis regions might Smad3 regulatory for targets their sites differentiation direct because binding p15INK4b, Additional and and 2003). p21CIP1 al., proliferation et (Kang controlling 1) binding DNA n idt pcfcrgltr eune orglt rncito euae by regulated transcription regulate to sites. binding sequences Smad3-specific regulatory and specific Smad2 to bind and ae ntefloigitrcin cd vial pnrequest): upon available (code interactions following the on based S TG 33 n heterodimers and , epooeta h ehns eotdi hssuyis study this in reported mechanism the that propose We transcription Smad2-driven in increase an predicts model Our b R, S 2 and S 3 orsodt ocnrtoso h ciercpo ope and complex receptor active the of concentrations to correspond TGF TGF S S b 23 22 hs opee idvaE.6t md ( Smad4 to 6 Eq. via bind complexes These . , b b scniee ob alako cancer of hallmark a be to considered is S R R 33 b z z , S aha.Adee nesadn fhow of understanding deeper A pathway. S S 23 S S S S 3 2 224 2 2 p p z { { K K 3 p z z { { z { { , S { { { { k k S S { { rpin(eiie l,2003). al., et (Felici cription { { 4 S S 2 1 z z { { 2 3 p p { { { K 334 3 p { { , , { { K K { { { MM MM { k k K { { { { { n ihterslsi iseculture tissue in results the with ent { { { 2 1 { { { k k , { { { { { { { { iae nSa3nl el (Piek cells Smad3-null in tivated { { { 6 6 { z { k k k k k k { { { TBR TBR { { { S { { { { { 3 3 5 5 4 4 { I { { { z { z { z { { I { { { 234 { I I { { { { b { { 1 1 iiiyo h ARE-luciferase the of sitivity I I { { S S aha nodrt develop to order in pathway htcnptnilyetrtenuclei the enter potentially can that S S 224 S 33 22 23 TGF TGF 2 p , and S 334 b b S , R R S 3 p z z 234 ofr homodimers form to S S Id1 3 2 p p ß aik A,and MA), Natick, , ihbtrof (inhibitor S b 4 which , ,forming ), nvivo in S ð ð ð ð ð ð 22 6 5 4 3 2 1 Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ , eeto r icse ndti nteslcino oe aaeessection. parameters model of selection the in detail in discussed with parameter complex and are active S1) selection of Table material amount (supplementary the values Parameter of cooperativity. function no Hill a as computed was Transcription md iettreswe obnn md ihSa3 xlie yormodel. our by explained Smad3, in with cooperativity Smad2 strong the 3C,D) combining the explain that when (Fig. not targets levels fact does direct hypothesis endogenous the Smad3 wild- this the the but addition, in reaction above In the Smad4, in situation. times reactant limiting type the to 20 not is bind Smad4 to of amount up to the that reflects activated proteins get R-Smad can the pathway of competition from TGF the by proteins R-Smad the rates of phosphorylation each and constants of Michaelis–Menten 1,2). (Eqs. proteins R-Smad in f1000 000ad1000ttlmlclsprcl fSa2 md and Smad3 Smad2, of cell values 1 per of reporting molecules volume 2006), cell total al., a et Assuming 100,000 respectively. (Clarke and Smad4, type Smad4 20,000 cell and specific 100,000, Smad3 a of Smad2, in of performed been concentration have total of measurements Experimental of activity and Concentration parameters model of Selection o h heterotrimer the how eunewe md n md r oeetooae,sgetn oeof role a suggesting co-electroporated, are Smad3 and Smad2 when sequence xeietldt Fg C hwsrn ciaino the of activation strong show 3C) (Fig. data experimental ythe by q.7ad9acutfrtetasrpino h agt of targets the of transcription the for account 9 and 7 Eqs. dS dS dt dt eea uhr eg Labbe (e.g. authors Several h ifrnileutosdrvdfo hsmdlaea follows: as are model this from derived equations differential The the of phosphorylation the for interaction of type Michaelis–Menten a consider We S 3 2 p p 3 ~ ~ seii rncito.Ti sitoue ntemdlvaE.8. Eq. via model the in introduced is This transcription. -specific S k k S S 224 2 1 z z 3 2 : : z z TGF TGF md n md nnuoeei 5341 neurogenesis in Smad3 and Smad2 and MM MM S b b dS TBR TBR dS dS 334 R R dt dt dt : : agt fS of targets 23 33 22 S S 1 1 ope,rsetvl.Teei oeprmna vdneof evidence experimental no is There respectively. complex, 3 2 ~ ~ ~ { { S k k k dt k k 234 5 z 4 3 z z dS dS 3 1 { { dt dt agt fS of targets dS dS dS : : : ´ S : : ( ( 3 2 S S S S S dt dt dt S S regulates 2 p 234 334 224 ta. 98 yohsz htteatgns emerges antagonism the that hypothesize 1998) al., et ~ ~ 334 234 224 3 2 p p 3 2 p p : S { { 3 ) ) ½ k k 2 2 3 p dt ~ ~ ~ ~ S { { k k k 2 1 z { { 2 2 2 8 7 7 z z z k k k k k : : MM , , , k k t 4 3 k z z S S MM MM MM ~ ? ? ? 6 6 6 z z z 4 3 { { 5 { 3 2 k p p : : 0 : : : { { 7 ( ( z : : S S S 2 S S S , : S S S S S S S 23 33 22 ~ agt fS of targets S of targets S of targets : ½ 3 2 z 2 33 22 p p 23 S S k k -or ) ) : : : S S 2 1 234 3 z z 2 2 { { S S S { S MM 3 2 z z 4 4 4 t b 234 : : z z ~ { { { TGF TGF k k k k eetrwr hsnt eequal. be to chosen were receptor R 2 2 6 6 7 z z 0 z 6 z MM MM k k S S k k k z : : and : : 4 3 z { { 6 6 6 3 { { { S S S S 6 seii rncito,btour but transcription, -specific 33 22 224 b b 23 MM : : : : : S TBR TBR S S 10 S S S R R : : 224 : 3 3 2 k 33 22 234 334 224 S S S ½ : : 8 z 2 S S S 4 4 4 1 1 { { S z z 4 3 2 z 12 : z S k k t ~ 334 k k k ,ti ie savleof value a us gives this l, 5 5 z z S 6 6 { { 6 { 0 334 : : S S : : : S S S 2 2 p p S 334 224 : 234 : : S 2 S S 3 3 3 p p seii CAGA -specific and z z k k 5 5 { { S 3 : : S S activated 23 23 ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð ð S 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 ð ð ð 234 9 8 7 Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Þ Journal of Cell Science 12.1 eeial s50 as generically production protein 140 mRNA of average on an reported have studies for studies values same So systematic mRNA. the per addition, molecules the In Previous hour. have of per Smad3, reported. rates and Smad2 transcription (Schwanha for been targets of specific measurements not in complexes experimental heterotrimer knowledge, different our heterotrimers R-Smad To the by regulation DNA ½ 5342 06.TevlefrteMcalsMne osathsbe eetdwti the 2.89 within median (the selected 2006) been al., has et constant (Clarke Michaelis–Menten listed the range for value The 2006). splmnaymtra i.S)Ti a,w a esr h hnein change 7.6 the was Smad2 measure for can intensity pixel we in increase cells. way, electroporated average and This The electroporated not hpe S3) between 24 intensity Smad sections Fig. immunofluorescence when tube neural in material works immunostained and also (supplementary changes Smad3 2006). it and slight al., Smad2 and et electroporated (Clarke against magnitude), previously al., of measured robust et values order exact (Clarke are same the previously using the predictions which reported (within proteins, model Smad measurements concentration three experimental all co- Our for decided the nM we 100 2006). and to of Smad3, value close standard and blot a is Smad2 model the for for western use values three to our similar and (immunofluorescence, dependent, reflect cell-type immunoprecipitation) very estimations be to likely semi-quantitative are Smad4 and Smad3 Smad2, sdi eeaie oesivligpopaaeatvt Kooek tal., of et value models standard (Kholodenko other a and activity R-Smad use 2008) phosphatase Odde, we involving regarding and most model data Lipkow models our 2000; experimental generalized for (i.e. of R-Smad, in lack the un-phosphorylated of used experimental to rate R-Smad Owing un-phosphorylation most inactive). the the is and pathway mimic of activation, the balance when the conditions pathway way, in should after of This model activity. phosphorylated dynamics our activation, pathway the in the of regulate de-phosphorylation pathway readout and to R-Smad a phosphorylation mechanism the as between of used key localization be a nuclear can so be proteins 2009), to (Hill, shuttling shown nuclear–cytoplasmic been has proteins 2I. Fig. in shown is experiment this ope Alr ta. 02 ooti au o [ for value a obtain to 2012) al., et (Allard complex ie safnlvle of values final 9.6 was a average The Smad2 us S3). for gives Fig. intensity material pixel Smad2 (supplementary in control against reduction with shRNA compared with Smad3 electroporated and cells in 2H. intensity Fig. immunofluorescence in shown is experiment this of Quantification htterl fteSa3Sa3Sa4cmlx ow set we so complex, Smad3–Smad3–Smad4 the lower of is targets role that Smad3-specific considering in the when complex data that Smad2–Smad3–Smad4 experimental the of the role fits this model Our transcription. Smad3 h iiu au itd(lree l,20)of 2006) al., et (Clarke listed assume value we data experimental of minimum lack for so the phosphorylation, R-Smad of vales low utps(lreadLu 08,s easm 0 fteevle ftotal of values these of 20% assume we so receptor 2008), of Liu, multimerization [ and and assembly TGF (Clarke complex total previous receptor subtypes of account other value into a and take use 1987) not 2011) al., al., et et (Zi (Wakefield models data experimental TGF Previous of activity and Concentration a e oe hntwrsSa2 hscniuainidcsmr Smad2–Smad3 more Smad3 induces complexes. of towards configuration Smad3–Smad3 affinity This than activation Smad2. Smad3 towards account, than increases into lower this set take Smad2 was To from targets. removing Smad3 own prevents its Smad2 that activating of presence show the that suggesting 3C,D targets, Smad3-specific experimentally. Fig. are shown proteins as in R-Smad phosphorylated, the when of configuration Experiments most trimer phosphorylation, and and seconds, dimer after of a order where in R-Smad the values in the achieved used of is dissociation state have steady and we association phosphorylation, for after values experimental proteins of proteins lack R-Smad to of Due rates dissociation data. and experimental Association our with agreement in results simulation produce also molecules lorpoueteeprmna aa aushge hn50 than higher Values data. experimental the reproduce also ihrdfeecsbtentedfeetcniin,as nareetwt the with agreement in also conditions, different the between differences higher ebaepoen,t aclt h ocnrto,w sueta hyare they 13 that of value radius assume cell 1 a we of (given volume area concentration, cell cell the spherical to the a equal volume calculate a in to distributed proteins, membrane S TGF 2 o h au of value the For oetmt h ocnrto fe O,w efre xeiet hr we where experiments performed we GOF, after concentration the estimate To h aac ewe hshrlto n epopoyaino h R-Smad the of de-phosphorylation and phosphorylation between balance The oetmt h ocnrto fe O,w efre esrmnso the of measurements performed we LOF, after concentration the estimate To i.3 hw htSa2 hnc-lcrprtdwt md,pasarl in role a plays Smad3, with co-electroporated when Smad2, that shows 3C Fig. WT t 6 ~ b 0 hsgvsu ia ausfor values final a us gives This . R 5 2 6 nM, 166 usre l,21)hv hw naeaeo 0mN molecules mRNA 10 of average an shown have 2011) al., et ¨usser 5 TypeI .3n.Vle rudtntmsaoeo eo h eetdvalue selected the below or above times ten around Values nM. 1.03 ora fCl cec 2 (23) 126 Science Cell of Journal 2 6 R ½ k S satv fe iadsiuain eas hs are these Because stimulation. ligand after active as ] 1 z ihrthan higher 3 , WT t k ~ 2 z 0 5 , eue h einvleue rvosy(lree al., et (Clarke previously used value median the used we 3nM, 33 6 ½ S 2 10 t LOF ~ 2 k 0 12 7 z 5 ½ ifrne between Differences . )tmstetpclhih faligand–receptor a of height typical the times l) S k 74nM, 17.4 b 4 7 z R WT t 5 ~ 0 0.38 5 ½ TGF S 6 M eas idtp ausof values wild-type Because nM. 166 2 s 6 ½ GOF t { S ~ 3 b n o md a 10.1 was Smad3 for and , 1 0 6 R LOF t a hsnbsdo hs data. these on based chosen was ~ 5 2 10 0 TGF 26nM, 1216 R 5 k 5 1 2 { oeue eutdi very in resulted molecules . M uniiainof Quantification nM. 3.3 , I b k 5 k 2 ] { 6 5 8 z 00 u oe does model Our 1000. 6 5 n o md was Smad3 for and , 4 nM. 149 and 1 ifrnersl in result difference ½ S s { 3 MM k 1 GOF t ~ 7 z . k 0 8 TGF z bv 25 above 5 5 0 nM. 403 b 6 19 R m This . 5 for m s 633 b { 6 R 1 uieaeasy rpoenextraction. protein or assays luciferase For 24– and for Immunohistochemistry develop to allowed were immunohistochemistry, embryos for processed Transfected and V. dissected ms hours, 40 50 48 delivering of electroporator was electroporation (TSS-100) pulses and Pulse neural tube square Dual neural 12 Intracel stage the an of HH using side of performed either lumen placed the were into electrodes injected tubes, was and (Hamburger DNA Hamilton Plasmid and 1951). Hamburger Hamilton, to according staged were embryos Chick vector. pCIG ovo a In into cloned were were Smad4 FLAG- Controls N-terminal and Human tube. Smad3 hairpin vector. neural Smad2, pSHIN short the tagged empty generate into the to electroporated electroporating 2004) fragments by be al., These performed could et protocol. (Kojima that vector (shRNAs) published pSHIN RNAs previously the into a cloned following were targeted were 283) chicken of sequences Non-overlapping Plasmids nlsdterslsadwoetemnsrp.EGG n S.P. and experiments, E.G.G. experiments. co-IP the manuscript. and WB the performed the wrote analysed and and and performed conceived conceived, results the E.M. analysed and D.G.M. assistance. contributions technical Author invaluable her for Usieto Susana to grateful are We Acknowledgements the quantifying first EGFP by of calculated number was cells electroporated differentiated of ratio The analysis data and Quantification sonication 1% glycerol, by 10% lysed NaCl, were mM cells 137 CaCl 7.4, The mM pH hpe. Tris-HCl, 1 24 mM DNA NP-40, at (20 buffer of dissected lysis pCIG, was amount in vector pulses tube total empty neural (the were the the indicated embryos with and DNAs co-immunoprecipitation, normalized the was by with complexes electroporated HH14 S234 at the of co-electroporated study the For blotting western and Immunoprecipitation a and sequences, promoter were Embryos CAGA hours (Promega). 24 and normalization firefly-luciferase after for ARE harvested a construct the reporter with by luciferase indicated Renilla driven DNAs the construct with reporter electroporated were Embryos vivo In niFA nioiswr eeae nhue(eata osLaboratory). Pons (Sebastian in-house generated were antibodies anti-FLAG and Anti-HA A-21271). Probes, (Molecular HuC/D ab28379), (Abcam, Smad3 5339), sqaiaieyhge hntemdlprediction. type model wild the the than with compared higher transcription qualitatively in is change fold where data, experimental rtaeihbtr 1m MF 1 PMSF, mM (1 inhibitors protease npsielssbfe.FrfyadRnlalcfrs ciiiswr measured were activities (Promega). luciferase system assay Renilla reporter homogenizer and luciferase Dounce Firefly dual a a with buffer. using ice lysis on passive homogenized and in dissected were tubes neural nirbi g yih 8 ojgt;Tem) h ebae eescanned were (Li-Cor). membranes imager The infrared Thermo). Odyssey conjugate; the 680 using and DyLight western conjugate and IgG 800 After antibodies DyLight anti-rabbit primary SDS-PAGE. IgG indicated (anti-Rabbit 8% the 2 antibodies by with secondary with incubated infra-red-tagged resolved boiled were were and membranes samples the times blotting, the three and washed buffer were loading beads The (Sigma). conjugate h ro asrpeettesem ttsia infcnei em of terms in significance Statistical and the s.e.m. value each using mean the calculated for represent the sections represent bars bars tube error The neural the S3). different Fig. three material cells (supplementary in electroporated condition cells 50 non-electroporated in 50 quantified versus was intensity change staining The embryos. immunofluorescence electroporated different neural in three the least of at from sections quantified transversal were confocal tube different ten least At electroporated. were rjc olwn tnadpoeue.Imnfursec a efre on 4 performed at hours was 2–4 Immunofluorescence procedures. (40 sections transverse standard RNA following whole-mount project for processed and rinsed situ PBS, in diluted paraformaldehyde muorcpttdfr4husa 4 at hours was volume 4 remaining the the for material; of input tenth the immunoprecipitated one as and reserved centrifugation was by supernatant removed resulting was material insoluble The Sigma). yrdzto sn rbsaantcikSa2adSa3fo h hce EST chicken the from Smad3 and Smad2 chick against probes using hybridization nsitu in electroporation uieaerpre assay luciferase-reporter ˚ sn h olwn oolnlatbde:Sa2(elSignaling, (Cell Smad2 antibodies: monoclonal following the using C yrdzto,ebyswr ie vrih t4 at overnight fixed were embryos hybridization, + el n hnb uniyn h HuC/D the quantifying by then and cells Z 2 ts ucini ubr (Macintosh). Numbers in function -test MMgCl mM 1 , m )atrfxto n4 aaomleyedltdi B for PBS in diluted paraformaldehyde 4% in fixation after m) novo in nsitu in n nyteitribscin fGFP-positive of sections interlimb the only and 2 .5 oimaie upeetdwith supplemented azide) sodium 0.05% , hybridization ˚ Smad3 m ihamncoa niH agarose anti-HA monoclonal a with C /lartnnad1 and aprotinin g/ml b 5–6)and 550–569) (bp + el mn hs that those among cells nsitu in n 5 m Smad2 e condition) per 5 /lleupeptin, g/ml hybridization, P vle was -values ˚ Cin4% b 264– (bp 6 SDS in Journal of Cell Science lre .C,Btetn .D n i,X. Liu, and D. M. Betterton, C., D. Clarke, aaa,D n eneg .A. R. Weinberg, and L. D. H. Hanahan, Hamilton, and V. Hamburger, Alarco R., R. Gomis, Garcı M. J. Gauthier, and S. Huet, P., Dijke, ten D., Vivien, S., Itoh, S., Dennler, X. Liu, and C. D. Clarke, eii . utnr .U,Prs .T,Ga,L . es,M,Kroa .S., T. Karpova, M., Reiss, R., L. Giam, T., W. Parks, U., J. Wurthner, A., Felici, M. J. Gauthier, and S. 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