Rendcomb College Rendcombian 1988

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Rendcomb College Rendcombian 1988 Rendcombian No. 6 September 1988 Pupil Editors: Roland Martin Aubrey Powell Arts Editors Clare Mallindine Music and The Record Vaughan Tredwell Outings and Talks Jonathan Lutwyche Sport Jessica Naish Illustrations Rendcomb College, Cirencester, Gloucestershire, GL7 7HA England Telephone: +44 (0)1285 831213 Facsimile: 01285 831331 e-mail: [email protected] (Contact details updated February 2017) © Old Rendcombian Society, Rendcomb College February 2017 NSP Reset in Times Roman typeface Front Cover: Jeunesse Dorée C. J. Wood Back Cover: Cookery Class John Wright 1 Bridge Club ................................................................ 54 Contents Photographic Society .................................................. 54 Editorial ...................................................................... 3 Arts Society ................................................................ 55 The Record 1 Sponsored Walk ......................................................... 56 News in Brief .............................................................. 4 Community Service .................................................... 57 John Willson ................................................................ 6 Computing ................................................................. 57 Staff Changes .............................................................. 7 Debates ....................................................................... 58 Development Committee ........................................... 11 ‘Don Quijote’ ........................................................... 58 Meeting Reform ......................................................... 11 Interviews 2 Interviews 1 Tim Daniels ................................................................ 59 Headmaster ................................................................ 12 Nicholas Ridley .......................................................... 60 Richard Tudor ............................................................ 14 RSC‘Macbeth’Cast ..................................................... 61 John Willson ............................................................... 15 Outings Viewpoints ................................................................. 16 4th Form to London ................................................... 62 Founder’s Day VIB to Longleat ........................................................ 62 Chairman ................................................................... 20 ‘Macbeth’- Stratford ................................................... 63 Guest Speaker ............................................................. 21 ‘Macbeth’- Bristol ....................................................... 63 Head Prefect ................................................................ 21 Going for Gold ........................................................... 64 Headmaster ................................................................ 22 ‘Hamlet’ - Cheltenham ............................................... 66 ‘Waiting for Godot’ ................................................... 66 Reports ‘The Taming of the Shrew’ ........................................ 66 Bursar’s Notes ............................................................ 23 Arts Society to the Opera ........................................... 67 Parents’ Association ................................................... 24 3rd Form to the Apollo ............................................... 67 Parents’ Auction .......................................................... 25 ‘Rebecca’ at the Everyman ........................................ 67 Duke of Edinburgh’s Award ....................................... 25 Army Flying Museum ................................................ 68 Junior House ............................................................. 26 Nigel Kennedy ........................................................... 69 Careers ...................................................................... 27 Stephane Grappelli ..................................................... 69 Work Experience ...................................................... 27 Photographers to the NEC .......................................... 69 General Meeting ......................................................... 29 Annecy Exchange ....................................................... 70 Public Work .............................................................. 29 Biology Field Trip ...................................................... 70 Friends of Rendcomb ................................................ 29 Junior House Canal Trip ............................................. 71 Chaplain’s Notes ....................................................... 30 ‘Now Get Out of That’ ................................................ 72 Talks Geography Field Trip ................................................. 72 ‘The Paradox of Prague’ ........................................... 31 6B to London ............................................................. 72 ‘Weather on Other Worlds’ ....................................... 31 Godman House to London ......................................... 73 RAF Presentation Team ............................................ 32 4th Form to the Royal Show ...................................... 73 ‘Comets and the Origin of Life’ ................................ 33 5th Form to RAF Cosford ........................................... 73 How to Start a Business ............................................. 33 The Record 2 Media Questionnaire ................................................. 34 College Officers ......................................................... 74 Academic Results Meeting Officers ......................................................... 74 University Honours ................................................... 37 Valete ......................................................................... 75 Entrance Scholarships ............................................... 37 Salvete ......................................................................... 76 ‘A’ Level ................................................................... 38 Old Rendcombian Society ......................................... 76 GCSE ........................................................................ 38 News of Recent Leavers ........................................... 77 Activities Boys’ Sport Art and Design .......................................................... 40 Rugby Football .......................................................... 79 The Workshop ........................................................... 45 Hockey ...................................................................... 86 ‘The Pirates of Penzance’ .......................................... 46 Cricket ....................................................................... 92 In Praise of Pirates .................................................... 47 Tennis ........................................................................ 97 Show of Strength ....................................................... 47 Squash ........................................................................ 98 The Stony Batter Company ........................................ 48 Basketball .................................................................. 98 ‘The Real Inspector Hound’ ...................................... 49 Girls’ Sport ‘Unman, Whittering and Zigo’ .................................. 50 Hockey ...................................................................... 99 Gardening .................................................................. 51 Other Sports Bell Ringing .............................................................. 51 Badminton ................................................................. 99 Organ Recital-John Willson ...................................... 52 Sailing ....................................................................... 99 Musical Pot-pourri ..................................................... 52 Judo ............................................................................ 100 Concert - John Willson ............................................. 53 Trout Fishing ............................................................. 101 Guitar Recital ............................................................ 53 Archery ..................................................................... 101 Song Recital - Kate Ellis ........................................... 54 Skiing ........................................................................ 102 2 Editorial Now that the building of the boarding houses has begun ‘public’ school. We trust that the structural changes and our new Headmaster is installed, it is tempting to taking place at present will not detract from what is focus our editorial once more on the theme of change. special, if not unique, about our school, nor restrain However, whilst our school’s development promises a Rendcomb’s continued evolution in its own open-minded finer physical environment, it is worth remembering that way. Rendcomb’s atmosphere and qualities do not reside We believe that our magazine reflects a range of simply in buildings. activities and a quality of achievement that complement, We place emphasis on producing an informal society and indeed spring from, Rendcomb’s humane in which the individual is encouraged to find his own environment. We hope that the words of
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