Evolution of Ideas: A Novel Memetic Algorithm Based on Semantic Networks Atılım Gunes¸Baydin¨ ∗y Ramon Lopez´ de Mantaras´ ∗ yDepartament d’Enginyeria de la Informacio´ i de les Comunicacions ∗Artificial Intelligence Research Institute, IIIA - CSIC Universitat Autonoma` de Barcelona Campus Universitat Autonoma` de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra, Spain 08193 Bellaterra, Spain Email:
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[email protected] Abstract—This paper presents a new type of evolutionary each generation is followed by a local search, or learning, algorithm (EA) based on the concept of “meme”, where the performed by each candidate solution. For this reason, this individuals forming the population are represented by semantic approach has been often referred to under different names networks and the fitness measure is defined as a function of the represented knowledge. Our work can be classified as a novel besides MA, such as “hybrid EAs” or “Lamarckian EAs”. To memetic algorithm (MA), given that (1) it is the units of culture, date, MAs have been successfully applied to a wide variety of or information, that are undergoing variation, transmission, problem domains such as NP-hard optimization problems [7], and selection, very close to the original sense of memetics as [8], engineering [9], machine learning [10], [11], and robotics it was introduced by Dawkins; and (2) this is different from [12]. existing MA, where the idea of memetics has been utilized as a means of local refinement by individual learning after classical The aim of this study is to propose a computational model global sampling of EA. The individual pieces of information are comprising a meme pool subject to variation and selection represented as simple semantic networks that are directed graphs that will be able to evolve pieces of knowledge under a given of concepts and binary relations, going through variation by memetic fitness measure, paralleling the existing use of EA in memetic versions of operators such as crossover and mutation, which utilize knowledge from commonsense knowledge bases.