THE REVIEW of RELIGIONS VOL LXXXI NO. 2 FEBRUARY 1986 IN THIS ISSUE GUIDE POSTS CURRENT TOPICS EXISTENCE OF GOD AN INTRODUCTION TO ISLAM WHAT DO WE KNOW ABOUT GOOD AND EVIL? CHAUDHRI MUHAMMAD ZAFRULLA KHAN YUZ ASAF AND JESUS: THE BUDDHISM CONNECTION GOODNESS AND PIETY LAST MESSAGE TO MANKIND JEHAD European Edition EDITOR: B. A. ORCHARD THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT The Ahmadiyya Movement was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the expected world reformer and the Promised Messiah. The Movement is an embodiment of true and real Islam. It seeks to unite mankind with its Creatorandto establish peace throughout the world. The present head of the Movement is Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. The Ahmadiyya Movement has its headquarters at Rabwah, Pakistan, and is actively engaged in missionary work. EDITOR Bashir Ahmad Orchard EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Khalil Ahmad Nasir Dr. Qazi M. Barkatullah Dr. M. Hussain Sajid Mr. Abid Haneef Syed Hesanat Ahmad MANAGER EUROPEAN EDITION A. R. Mughal jf'n' 5*J i At *"' » AA 9 t' The REVIEW of RELIGIONS A monthly magazine devoted to the dissemination of the teachings of Islam, the discussion of Islamic affairs and religion in general. r A The Review of Religions is CONTENTS Page an organ of the Ahmadiyya Movement which represents 1. Guide Posts 2 the pure and true Islam. It is (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) open to all for discussing 2. Current Topics 4 problems connected with the (A.R.Mughal) religious and spiritual growth of man, but it does 3. Existence of God 6 not accept responsibility for (Hazrat Mirza Bashiruddin views expressed by Mahmud Ahmad) contributors. 4. An Introduction to Islam 14 (Dr. Sarah Saqi) 5. What do we know about Good All correspondence should and Evil? 19 be forwarded directly to: (Abdus Salam Madsen) The Editor, 6. ChaudhriMuhammadZafrullaKhan 25 The London Mosque, (Prof. Abdus Salam) 16 Gressenhall Road, 7. YuzAsaf and Jesus: London, SW18 SQL, U.K. The Buddhism Connection 31 (Tahirljaz) 8. Goodness and Piety 38 Annual subscriptions: (Afzalur Rahman) U.K. & Europe £10 U.S.A. & Canada $15 9. Last Messageto Mankind 43 (Fazal llahi Bashir) 10. Jehad 46 (Amatul-Shafi Nasser) Guide Posts SPIRITUAL HUNGER (Bashir Ahmad Orchard) "Excel one another in virtue and good works." (Quran 2:149). There are a great number of people who attend religious services and meetings but leave as empty as they were before they arrived. They are in no way moved or changed for the better. No doubt they may express their appreciation of the sermon or address and highly laud the speaker for his inspiring words; but that is as far as it goes. They enjoyed the speakers' eloquent talk in the same way that they might enjoy listening to a piece of pleasant music; but when all is over its effect completely vanishes. With whom does the fault lie? With the speaker? It does to a great extent if his manner of delivery is listless, monotonous or generally boring; otherwise it does not. The fault lies with the individuals themselves for they have no hunger for spiritual food. Once there was a lady suffering from general ill-health. She was advised to move to a warmer climate from where she wrote letters to her friends extolling the lovely weather, beautiful scenary and luscious fruits. She wrote in glowing words about the variety of tempting fruits. However she always referred to her lack of appetite. Later news was received that she had died despite the abundance of exotic health building fruits. She did not die from the absence of nourishing food but from the want of appetite. So it is with many of us. We live in the midst of abundant spiritual guidance but we have no appetite for it. God has provided us with heavenly nourishment but most of us do not hunger for it. Only those with spiritual appetite assuage their hunger with God's heavenly fruits which sustain them not only for the moment but during the days that lie ahead. God has provided divine laws and guidance for our spiritual welfare but unfortunately many of us have no appetite for His heavenly provision. What a waste of life! God says: "Verily the most honourable person in the sight of Allah is the one who is most righteous." (Quran 49:14). GUIDE POSTS 3 How true is the beatitude: "Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness; for they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6). He who earnestly seeks to appease his spiritual hunger constantly seeks and absorbs spiritual food. He feeds his mind with holy thoughts and incessantly strives to improve his character which he regards as his first duty. This is the central aim of his life. His innermost desire is to climb higher and higher in holy living and her perpetually strives to better himself towards this end being aware that it requires of him attention, effort, sacrifice and prayer: "Beauty and truth and all that these contain, Drop not like ripened fruit about our feet; We climb to them through years of sweat and pain." One of his favourite prayers is: God be in my head, And in my understanding. God be in my eyes, And in my looking. God be in my mouth, And in my speaking. God be in my heart, And in my thinking. God be at my end, And at my parting. Let us eat the fruits of paradise from the table of the Lord! Transition to Democracy in Pakistan (By A. R. Mughal) The road back to democracy in Pakistan may be paved with good intentions but it is also strewn with obstacles which make the journey both difficult and painful. The obstacles consist mainly of legislation passed by the military regime and a large number of amendments which had basically altered the spirit and concept of the 1973 Constitution. The rationale for passing such legislation was the belief that this would prevent recurrence of the political anarchy that had existed prior to the military take-over. We are not really concerned with the political problems of Pakistan. The present regime was confronted with choices which it would have preferred not to have to make for the time-being. The harvest of speculation and fables is richer than ever in Pakistan and nobody knows when the political winds may suddenly change into the whirlwinds of unrest and uncertainty. The Parliament is more or less a ritual of irrelevance and is engaged most of the time in ridiculously trivial matters while the country is bleeding from unsolved economic and social evils. In spite of the concerted put-down of any leadership challenge, it was admitted that the Administration looked pretty untidy and its supporters were nervous and the fanatical multitudes were visibly unsettled. There were also some diversions in the President's response to the spate of speeches and statements in the Parliament. It was obvious that the regime had loosened its hold on the dissidents — of course not voluntarily. There were many in the fanatical hierarchy who preferred to believe that there were no radical changes in the offing and that the apparent restlessness among the masses was only short-lived. The dust has almost settled since the Government's last intervention in religious affairs of the nation. It has now assumed an attitude of politeness towards its earlier initiatives. This perhaps is a shrewd response which might have commended itself earlier to the small Ahmadiyya Community. Even if the Government had not pandered to those who convened regularly the anti-Ahmadiyya days as the hand-out days, it would certainly have continued to exist as it exists today. The official Islam everywhere had proved a TRANSITION TO DEMOCRACY IN PAKISTAN 5 failure in the past. Its Pakistani brand of intolerance, perfidy and fanaticism is even more repugnant to common morality and decent theology. The inevitable gap between theory and practice is much narrower in Islam than in other faiths. But it is wider and more comprehensive in the theocratic set-up of Islam in Pakistan than anywhere else. True Islam, however, lessens superstition, falsehood and cruelty and lifts the lowly to dignity and pride and produces among Muslims a degree of sobriety and temperance unknown and unequaled elsewhere in the world. The Zia regime wanted to put some gloss over its Islamic image in the blind eyes of the public. The actual position was that it was damned if it did so and damned if it didn't do so. For the masses were less than pleased with its President's religious zealotry and all his efforts in this direction seemed to have run into the sands. For nine long years, the President could find sufficient time for theology and accepted the fanatics' dualism as a satisfactory explanation of a creed so indifferently compounded of good and evil. He flirted for a pretty long period with the scepticism of the fundamentalists. He was an enlightened person who would normally be too emotional to remain long in suspended judgement. The Ordinance of April 1984 was and would always remain an immoral and filthy intrusion into the field of human living. Its immediate explanation defied all types of rationality. Claiming purity of heart and love of Islam when you are becoming like those you most loath, is as difficult as declaring that you didn't know what the Mullahs and their hirelings were up to. However, this is past history and cannot be undone unless the top echelons in Pakistan inculcate credibility in moral behaviour in their dealings with all sections of the population.
Jesus: The True Story Tarbiyyat Topic Majlis Atfal ul Ahmadiyya USA Cool Fact: Did you know? Historically speaking, it was during the month of December that Mecca was conquered. Hence, December is called “Fatah” which literally means victory. Who is Jesus? Jesus is Hadhrat Isa (as) q A Prophet of Allah. q Son of Mary (Hadhrat Maryam). She had devoted her life to serve God. q An angel appeared to Mary telling her about Jesus’ birth without a father. Jesus (Hadhrat Isa) q Born in Bethlehem, Palestine between 7 and 2 BC. q According to Bible, ‘Star of Bethlehem’ appeared in the sky. q Wise men from the east: “Where is the baby born to be the king of Jews?” Jesus as young boy q Intelligent and devoted boy. q “I am a servant of Allah” – Jesus. q People were impressed by him at a very young age. Jesus: The Prophet q Sent as the Messiah to revive the Jewish teachings. q Jesus was not a law bearing prophet. q He taught from the Torah - Book of Moses. q He was rejected by his people except for a few followers who are now called Christians. Does a Tifl celebrate Christmas on December 25th? What do you think? Why is Christmas Celebrated? Why do Christians Celebrate Christmas? q Christians believe Jesus died on the cross for their sins. q Christmas is a celebration of his birth. q His exact birthday is not known. It was not in December, rather close to the summer time. Jesus’ status in Christianity & How it differs from Islam What does the Quran Say? Son of God? q Christians believe that he is the Son of God because Bible says it.
ALGERIE 25 juillet 2018 Situation des Ahmadis en Algérie Avertissement Ce document a été élaboré par la Division de l’Information, de la Documentation et des Recherches de l’Ofpra en vue de fournir des informations utiles à l’examen des demandes de protection internationale. Il ne prétend pas faire le traitement exhaustif de la problématique, ni apporter de preuves concluantes quant au fondement d’une demande de protection internationale particulière. Il ne doit pas être considéré comme une position officielle de l’Ofpra ou des autorités françaises. Ce document, rédigé conformément aux lignes directrices communes à l’Union européenne pour le traitement de l’information sur le pays d’origine (avril 2008) [cf.], se veut impartial et se fonde principalement sur des renseignements puisés dans des sources qui sont à la disposition du public. Toutes les sources utilisées sont référencées. Elles ont été sélectionnées avec un souci constant de recouper les informations. Le fait qu’un événement, une personne ou une organisation déterminée ne soit pas mentionné(e) dans la présente production ne préjuge pas de son inexistence. La reproduction ou diffusion du document n’est pas autorisée, à l’exception d’un usage personnel, sauf accord de l’Ofpra en vertu de l’article L. 335-3 du code de la propriété intellectuelle. Situation des Ahmadis en Algérie Table des matières 1. Les fondements de l’Ahmadiyya Muslim Jamaat ........................................................... 3 1.1. Naissance de la secte ............................................................................................. 3 1.1.1. Ahmad de Qadian, le nouveau messie ...................................................................
VOL. LXXXV NO.4 APRIL 1990 IN THIS ISSUE • EDITORIAL » RESPONSE OF ISLAM TO CONTEMPORARY ISSUES • JESUS IN ISLAM • 80 YEARS AGO • PROPHET FOR ALL MANKIND • BOOK REVIEW • DIVINE ORIGIN OF AHMADIYYAT • EMBODIMENT OF THE QURAN THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT The Ahmadiyya Movement was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the expected world reformer and the Promissed Messiah whose advent had been foretold by the Holy Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him. The Movement is an embodiment of true and real Islam. It seeks to unite mankind with its Creator and to establish peace throughout the world. The present head of the Movement is Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. The Ahmadiyya Movement has its headquarters at Rabwah, Pakistan, and is actively engaged in missionary work. Editorial Board: B. A. Rafiq (Chairman) B. A. Orchard M. A. Shah M. A. Saqi A. M. Rashed Amtul M. Chaudhry JOINT EDITORS: BASHIR AHMAD ORCHARD MANSOOR AHMAD SHAH ASSISTANT EDITOR: NAEEM OSMAN MEMON MANAGING EDITOR: AMTUL M. CHAUDHARY The REVIEW of RELIGIONS A monthly magazine devoted to the dissemination of the teachings of Islam, the discussion of Islamic affairs and religion in general. CONTENTS PAGE NO. The Review of Religions is an organ of the Ahmadiyya Movement which represents 1. Editorial. 2 the pure and true Islam. It is open to all for discussing 2. Response of Islam to problems connected with the Contemporary Issues. 4 religious and spiritual 3. Jesus in Islam. growth of man, but it does 14 not accept responsibility for (Tahir Ijaz, Winnipeg) views expressed by 4. 80 Years Ago.
The Lost Tribes of Israel M. M. Ahmad The Muslim Sunrise, Summer 1991 This paper was presented at the International Conference on Deliverance of Jesus from Cross held at Commonwealth Institute, London, on June 2-4 1978. The three most important world religions — Judaism, Christianity, and Islam — have a deep though conflicting interest and involvement in Jesus. Among them, the three religions claim adherents who account for a vast majority of the world population. The present conference is designed to focus world attention on a matter of great importance so that the controversy around the person of Jesus is resolved and all seekers after truth are enable to shed their wrong beliefs. It certainly is an invitation to each one of us to reflect deeply on the matter, weigh objectively the evidence and historical proof now available, and acknowledge the truth even if it should be in conflict with our present beliefs. The enigma surrounding the crucifixion of Jesus and his post-crucifixion life among the lost tribes of Israel was first untangled through Divine guidance by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the Promised Messiah, in his book “Jesus in India” which was written as far back as 1899. The evidence on the subject, which has been put together from older books, has only confirmed the thesis which he had presented some 80 years back. The controversy still persists, the differences still exist, but the consensus in the direction pointed out by the Promised Messiah at the close of the last century, is unmistakable. We believe it is only a matter of time before the world will be compelled to acknowledge the truth which Divine guidance had revealed to him.
The Koran and the Bible Compared Christine Schirrmacher Allah – God of Love? The Fall of Man and the Redemption of Mankind The Meaning of Sin in the Koran and the Bible Repentance and Forgiveness in Islam Abraham in the Koran Jesus Christ in the Koran The Crucifixion of Jesus The Koran on the Trinity The Islamic View Apostasy in Islam and others of Major Christian Teachings Christine Schirrmacher, born 1962 (MA in Islamic Studies 1988, Dr. phil. Islamic Studies 1991) has studied Arabic, Persian and Turkish and is pre- sently Professor of Islamic Studies at the Depart- ment “Religious Studies and Missiology“ of the “Evangelisch-Theologische Faculteit” (Protestant University) in Leuven/Belgium. She is director of the “Institut für Islamfragen“ (Institute of Islamic Studies) of the German Evangelical Alliance as well as an official speaker and advisor on Islam for the World Evangelical Alliance (WEA). She lectures on Islam and security issues to authorities, is author of several books on Islam, sharia and family issues in Islam, has visited many countries of the Muslim world and is engaged in current dialogue initiatives, like the conference “Loving God and Neighbour in Word and Deed: Implications for Muslims and Christians” of the Yale Centre for Faith and Culture, Yale Teachings Christian Major of View The Islamic Schirrmacher Christine University, New Haven/Connecticut, in July 2008. sponsored by: The Role of Jesus Christ, Sin and Forgiveness ISBN 978-3-938116-62-3 The WEA Global Issues Series 2 Verlag für Kultur und Wissenschaft (Culture and Science Publ.) Dr. Thomas Schirrmacher VKW VKW Christine Schirrmacher The Islamic View of Major Christian Teachings: The WEA Global Issues Series Editors: Geoff Tunnicliffe, International Director, World Evangelical Alliance Thomas Schirrmacher, Director, International Institute for Religious Liberty and Speaker for Human Rights of the World Evangelical Alliance Volumes: 1.
THE REVIEW of RELIGIONS VOL LXXX NO. 12 DECEMBER 1985 IN THIS ISSUE GUIDE POSTS AUDIENCE WITH ALLAH ATHEISM VERSUS GOD MIRACLES OF THE HOLY QURAN AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT AND JUSTICE THE ISLAMIC WAY OF SLAUGHTER BOOK REVIEW DUTY AND STEADFASTNESS PRESS REPORT DID JESUS DIE IN KASHMIR? THE LEGAL SITUATION OF TARTARIAN POPULATION IN THE GRAND DUCHY OF LITHUANIA European Edition EDITOR: B. A. ORCHARD THE AHMADIYYA MOVEMENT The Ahmadiyya Movement was founded in 1889 by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, the expected world reformer and the Promised Messiah. The Movement is an embodiment of true and real Islam. It seeks to unite mankind with its Creatorandto establish peace throughout the world. The present head of the Movement is Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad. The Ahmadiyya Movement has its headquarters at Rabwah, Pakistan, and is actively engaged in missionary work. EDITOR Bashir Ahmad Orchard EDITORIAL BOARD Dr. Khalil Ahmad Nasir Dr. Qazi M. Barkatullah Dr. M. Hussain Sajid Mr. Abid Haneef Syed Hasanat Ahmad MANAGER EUROPEAN EDITION A. R. Mughal The REVIEW of RELIGIONS A monthly magazine devoted to the dissemination of the teachings of Islam, the discussion of Islamic affairs and religion in general The Review of Religions is CONTENTS Page an organ of the Ahmadiyya Movement which represents 1. Guide Posts 2 the pure and true Islam. It is (BashirAhmad Orchard) open to all for discussing problems connected with the 2. Audience with Allah 4 religious and spiritual (M.H.Cheema) .growth of man, but it does 3. Atheism Versus God 12 not accept responsibility for (FaizurRasul) 'views expressed by contributors.
Southwest Regional Class for Waqifat-E-Nau 18 Years
18 years and older 26 September 2020 Agenda Holy Quran Recitation with translation Sura Al Dahr (chapter 76) verses 1-15with translation) Hadith: Forty gems of beauty #1 from Forty Gems Introductions, Syllabus & Class Expectations Long Commentary of the Holy Quran Sura AlKahf, Background and Introduction, Split word translation and explanation of verses 1-5 Essence of Islam Allah the Exalted Jesus In India Introduction to the topic Pre-reads for next class and Assignments Concluding Dua Syllabus Class Structure Inshallah Topics for Next 3 months 1. Holy Quran Recitation with Translation Sura AlDahar, Sura AsSaff [Suras for memorization) 2. Hadith from Forty Gems of Beauty One hadith and translation 3. Long Commentary of the Holy Quran Sura Al Kahaf [Split word and 5 vol long commentary] 4. Writings of the Promised Messiah (as) Essence of Islam (Allah the Exalted, Jihad with Sword, Need for Prophets, Gog Magog etc. ) 5. Books of the Promised Messiah (as) & Jesus in India, Philosophy of teachings of Islam, Need for Imam etc. History of Islam Introduction to Study of the Holy Quran, Life of Noorudin (Hazrat Khalifatul Mashi Awwal rz) etc. 6. Assignments for Next Class 7. Concluding Dua Sura AlKahf: Introduction • Sura AlKahf: revealed in Mecca before Hijra probably 4th or 5th year after Nabuwwat. • This sura was revealed as a whole • This sura contains prophecies about the destruction of powerful nations like Gog and Magog and about the nullification of Christian false propaganda
Chapter 23 Verse 51 In India ﻋﻠﯿﮫ اﻟﺴﻼم Jesus It is clear from the Holy Qur’an that Hazrat Isaas has died a natural death and will not return. Many often ask that if Isaas has indeed died, where did he end up dying? The fact of the matter is that the mission of Isaas was to preach to the lost tribes of Israel, and these tribes had spread far and wide and stretched all the way to Kashmir in India. Since they stretched out all the way to Kashmir, it is obvious that Isaas also went to Kashmir as the last tribes were present in this area. If one is interested in this topic, they should read the beautiful book called “Jesus in India” by Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas. The Qur’an itself has indicated to us, that Isaas did indeed travel to Kashmir. Allah States in the Qur’an: { َو َﺟﻌَ ْﻠﻨَﺎ ْاﺑ َﻦ َﻣ ْﺮﯾَ َﻢ َوأُ ﱠﻣﮫُ آﯾَﺔً َو َآو ْﯾﻨَ ُﺎھ َﻤﺎ إِﻟَ ٰﻰ َر ْﺑ َﻮةٍ ذَ ِات ﻗَ َﺮ ٍار َو َﻣ ِﻌ ٍﯿﻦ {51 And We made the son of Mary and his mother a Sign, and gave them refuge on an elevated land of green valleys and springs of running water (Chapter 23 Verse 51) Firstly, Hazrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmadas states: “It is a pity that Muslims, on account of their bigotry and ignorance, do not reflect duly on this verse. They are too eager to see Jesus descend from heaven, while the Holy Qur’an testifies that he is dead and was buried in Srinagar, Kashmir, as God Almighty has said: َو َآو ْﯾﻨَ ُﺎھ َﻤﺎ إِﻟَ ٰﻰ َر ْﺑ َﻮةٍ ذَ ِات ﻗَ َﺮ ٍار َو َﻣ ِﻌ ٍﯿﻦ That is: ‘We delivered Jesus and his mother from the hands of the Jews and conveyed them to a region of high mountains which was a place of security and was watered with clear springs.’ This was Kashmir.