IARNA to Provide Dedicated Hosting to Web Design Agency, Mando Group Submitted By: Midnight Communications Monday, 23 September 2002

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IARNA to Provide Dedicated Hosting to Web Design Agency, Mando Group Submitted By: Midnight Communications Monday, 23 September 2002 IARNA to provide dedicated hosting to web design agency, Mando Group Submitted by: Midnight Communications Monday, 23 September 2002 Web hosting specialists IARNA, part of the Hostway Corporation, today announces that it has completed a deal with Mando Group, the web design agency. Mando Group will be working with IARNA to produce dedicated hosting infrastructure to Capcom Eurosoft - the European subsidiary of the leading games software house responsible for games such as Resident Evil® and Street Fighter(tm). The deal, underlines IARNA's commitment to providing flexible and innovative packages to resellers and web design agencies. Mando Group, after winning the contract to design Capcom Eurosoft's consumer website, needed to supply a hosting package that could scale quickly. Furthermore, the deal needed to be flexible so that hosting capacity could be extended to further dedicated servers as demands on the website grew. In the event, IARNA were able to rapidly respond to bandwidth demands, extending the Mando Group capacity to 120 gigabytes within the first two weeks of the Capcom Eurosoft website going live. Ian Finch, IT director, Mando Group said: "We've been working with IARNA for 18 months now, reselling dedicated server hosting to our customers. Our clients websites are often mission critical and therefore need to be hosted with a provider that sets the highest levels of reliability and scalability." Rob Lovell, CEO IARNA said: "The deal with Mando Group underlines our commitment to providing an enterprise class hosting service that matches the individual requirements of all our customers. Mando Group requires hosting packages that can be upgraded quickly and easily. More importantly, the deal demonstrates that they have confidence in IARNA which is essential when you are trying to give a consistent level of quality across these separate but complementary services." ends About Mando Group Mando Group is an ideas led design & technical agency, offering excellence in Marketing and Internet services backed up by professional, IT support. The agency blends strategy, creativity and technology to help clients achieve their objectives in innovative ways. The award-winning company, whose clients include a number of world-class brands, was founded in Liverpool and has its headquarters at the city's Wavertree Technology Park. Their client list of over 300 includes Sony, Kookai Reebok, BMG Records, Capcom, Delta Air Lines, NHS, Health & Safety Executive, Interserve, Northwest Development Agency and Channel 4 brands Brookside and Hollyoaks. About IARNA IARNA, part of the Hostway Corporation, was founded in 1999 as a business-hosting specialist, providing technology led web hosting, dedicated server management and co-location to a wide range of clients. The company has offices in London and operates its own docklands data centre. The company services some 105,000 clients, including Motorola, Lucent Technologies, Toshiba, Haymarket and Radio Taxis. About Capcom Eurosoft Page 1 Capcom Eursosoft, headquartered in London, England, is a wholly owned subsidiary of Capcom, Co., Ltd. of Japan. A leading force in the multi-billion dollar interactive entertainment industry, Capcom's legacy spans more than 22 years of entertaining video gamers. Capcom develops, markets, and distributes home video games for the PlayStation® game console, PlayStation®2 computer entertainment system, Nintendo® GameCube and Xbox game consoles, Game Boy® Advance and Game Boy® Color Systems, personal computers, and coin-operated games. Worldwide recognisable product lines include the Resident Evil, Street Fighter, Mega Man, Breath of Fire, and Onimusha series. World headquarters in Osaka, Japan, the company also has offices in Tokyo, Hong Kong, London and Sunnyvale, California. The company is publicly traded on the Tokyo Stock Exchange code number 9697. Capcom, Street Fighter and Resident Evil are registered trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd. Onimusha, Mega Man and Breath of Fire are trademarks of Capcom Co., Ltd. "PlayStation" and the "PS" Family logo are registered trademarks of Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. Nintendo, Game Cube, Game Boy and Game Boy Advance are trademarks of Nintendo. Xbox and Microsoft are trademarks of Microsoft Corp. All rights reserved. All other marks are the property of their respective holders. For further information, please contact: Tim Banks / Tara O'Brien Midnight Communications Tel: 01273 666200 E-mail: [email protected] Zoë Stone MIDNIGHT COMMUNICATIONS Tel +44 0207 232 4507 Mobile 07714 339317 <http://www.midnight.co.uk> Real People...Real Consultancy...Real Results!! Page 2 Distributed via Press Release Wire (https://pressreleases.responsesource.com/) on behalf of Midnight Communications Copyright © 1999-2021 ResponseSource, The Johnson Building, 79 Hatton Garden, London, EC1N 8AW, UK e: [email protected] t: 020 3426 4051 f: 0345 370 7776 w: https://www.responsesource.com.
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