Minute of Meeting of Stepps & District Community Council held in public on Monday 18th June 2018 in the Cultural Centre, St Andrews Way, Stepps.

Present: Councillors Ken Maxwell (Chair), Rob Stuart (Vice-Chair), Marvyn Mackay (Secretary) Stewart Donald and Sameeha Rehman In Attendance PC Mark Smith, Police Scotland; Lynsey Haggarty, RBS Community Banking Public: 25 persons Apologies: Councillors Edoardo Ceresa, Ewan and Carol Graham, Grenfell Lang, Iain MacGregor and Frances McAveety; Cllrs Lynn Anderson and John McLaren, NLC; Elaine Smith, Monica Lennon, Margaret Mitchell and Fulton MacGregor MSPs, Hugh Gaffney, MP; Alyn Smith and Catherine Stihler, MEPs. 1.0 Opening Remarks/Introductions 1.1 Ken Maxwell Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting and thanked them for their attendance. 2.0 Apologies 2.1 Marvyn Mackay advised that apologies had been received as noted above. 3.0 Minutes of previous meeting 3.1 Minutes of the meeting of the Council held on 21st May 2018 were approved, proposed by Rob Stuart and seconded by Seconded Donald. 4.0 Community Police 4.1 Ken Maxwell introduced and welcomed PC Mark Smith and invited him to address the meeting. 4.2 PC Smith reported on the crime figures in the area for the last 4 weeks. 96 incidents had been reported to the Police, many of which were false alarms at the Stewart Inn due to a faulty system. Only 10 were recorded as crimes none of which gave cause for real concern. A number were Road Traffic Offences on the M80, a house break-in in Mount Harriet Drive in daylight due to poor security. Leaflets regarding security had been posted through the doors advising residents to ensure everything is stored away and all doors and windows locked when house is unoccupied. Residents with any concerns make contact with PC Smith. Complaints have been received about speeding on Lenzie Road and Mount Harriet Drive and PC Smith said he would be relisting the area with the speed when it was available. He had also carried out speed checks on Dewar Road and found no one driving at excess speeds. Again, he will revisit this road in the near future. Stepping Stones Nursery has raised complaints about parking on Road outside the main entrance and although there are no restrictions and there was no action he could take, he has suggested to the Roads Department that they install yellow zig-zig lines which would make it an offence to park in front of the Nursery with a fine of £100 and 3 points on licence for offenders. 4.3 Local residents raised concerns about parking on both sides Comrie Road which was causing an obstruction and likely to lead to accidents. A number of the vehicles parked here belong to residents of the new houses on Cumbernauld Road despite their designated parking area being to the rear of their properties. In response to a question regarding parking on pavements, PC Smith advised that the Scottish Parliament is currently considering legislation which would make it an offence. Driving along the pavement is an offence but at present parking on a pavement is not unless the vehicle is impeding the passage of pedestrians, buggies and wheelchairs. There is some confusion


about designated pavement area outside the shops on Cumbernauld Road, Stepps as the road used to be wider. PC Smith is seeking clarification from NLC Roads. 4.4 In response to a question, PC Smith advised that the persons charged following an incident outside 75 Cumbernauld Road had been reported to the Procurator Fiscal who would decide if and when the case would come to Court. He would not be advised if and when this happened unless called as a witness. 4.5 Ken Maxwell thanked PC Smith for his attendance, report and answering questions raised at the meeting. 5.0 Royal Bank of Scotland, Community Banking 5.1 Ken Maxwell introduced Lynsey Haggarty, Community Banking Service, Royal Bank of Scotland and invited her to address the meeting. 5.2 Lynsey advised that she would be opening a Community Banking Service at Stepps Parish Church starting on Friday 22nd June from 10.00am to 12.00noon and every alternate Friday thereafter except for 6th July when she would be on holiday. The service would not replace the bank service which was being closed as she would not be handling cash transactions. The aim of the service was to assist and support people with aspects of their online and telephone banking. She would also be able to undertake home visits for older and housebound people and she would be doing school visits. The service was open to all and there was no requirement to be an RBS customer. Lynsey went on to say that Millerston Post Office is now open in the Supermarket on Cumbernauld Road and cash and cheques up to £2k can be deposited there. Telephone banking will still be available although a Councillor and local residents said the waiting times were excessive at all times of the day. Lynsey added that an RBS Mobile Phone App was available. 5.3 Ken Maxwell thanked Lynsey for her attendance, her explanation of the Community Banking Service and for taking questions and fielding criticism of the bank’s decision to close the Stepps’ Branch. 6.0 Matters Arising 6.1 Flooding, Drain and Road Repairs: Stewart Donald reported that the bollards have been replaced and new bollards installed at Stepps Surgery. Having met with Fiona Aitken from NLC Roads it was expected that further bollards would be installed at the Florist’s, the Grocer’s and on Blenheim Avenue in addition to guard rails before the traffic lights outside Steps Pharmacy. The siting of the bollards had to allow access for road sweeping vehicle and other services but they would still deter and hopefully prevent vehicles driving along the pavement outside the shops on Cumbernauld Road, Stepps. There had been renewed flooding at the bottom of Hornshill Farm Road. He would be referring an overhanging hedge on Whitehill Farm Road to the Parks Dept. Stepps Park has been tidied up since the last meeting and is looking much better. 6.2 Fence along railway – Nicolson Court: Marvyn Mackay reported that Network Rail has advised the Factor that funds to replace the fence in Nicolson Court would be included in the October Budget and the work would be carried out in the next year. Although this was a further delay, it was the most positive sign yet that the work would be undertaken. 6.3 Mining Heritage Project: Due to other commitments, Marvyn Mackay advised that he had not yet been able to set up a meeting for interested local parties but would do so as soon as time permitted. 6.4 Engagement with Children and Young People: Still an outstanding matter for the Council once there is more time and capacity to take this forward via local schools and youth organisations.


6.5 Environmental Action Team referrals: In Grenfell Lang’s absence there was no update on these issues but it was noted from visual observation that no work had been undertaken to address these referrals. 6.6 Seven Lochs Wetlands Park: Secretary advised that he had invited someone from the Seven Lochs Wetlands Park Team to attend this meeting. As he had not heard he assumed this evening was not suitable. He would send a further invitation to attend the September meeting. 6.7 Community Conversations: - Marvyn Mackay reported that the attendance at the second Community Conversations event on Tuesday 12th June had not been as good as the first but progress was being made on some of the constructive ideas coming from these discussions. The 3rd Community Conversation would be on Tuesday 4th September at 7.30pm in Stepps Cultural Centre to which speakers were being invited from Glenboig Community Development Trust, Muirhead and Chryston Gala Committee and NLC Active Schools. These speakers would cover three priorities which had already been identified in the two conversations to date. He concluded by encouraging all local residents to attend the next event on Tuesday 4th September to hear how the Stepps Community might be able to learn from experience of other areas and how to take forward these ideas. 7.0 Treasurer’s Report 7.1 In the absence of the Treasurer, Marvyn Mackay reported that the current balance in account was £1,387.84, no change from last month. Secondly, the Council’s accounts for the year ended 31st March 2018 had been sent to the auditors and once approved, the Council would be eligible to receive its grant for 2018/19 from NLC. 8.0 Secretary’s report 8.1 Marvyn Mackay reported on correspondence received since the last meeting: - 8.2 e-mail from Scottish Water advising the Council of the ongoing public consultation on ‘Shaping the future of your water and waste service.’ The consultation runs until 31st August 2018 and the survey can be accessed online @ www.yourwater.scot. Ken Maxwell said he would respond on behalf of the Community Council but any member of the public could complete the survey questionnaire. 8.3 email from Scottish Community Development Centre giving information about a survey it is undertaking of ‘How can community councils make a difference in the area they represent.’ The survey can be found @ www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/CommunityCouncil2018 for completion by individual Community Councillors by 20th June 2018. 8.4 email from NLC Business Solutions giving information and an invitation to a Community Engagement with Planning Event on the new Planning Bill (Scotland) being held on Tuesday 26th June 2018 at 7.00pm in the Muirfield Community Centre, Cumbernauld. Ken Maxwell said he would try and attend this meeting. 8.5 Correspondence from Council enclosing Minutes of meetings of North Lanarkshire Council, Committees, Sub-Committees and Panels to be submitted to the meeting of North Lanarkshire Council to be held on Thursday 21st June 2018. Noted. 9.0 Planning Matters 9.1 New and Pending Applications. Rob Stuart distributed the list of planning applications updated to 17th June 2018. There were three new applications, one for front dormer windows at 15 First Avenue and another for single storey side extension at 4 Fifth Avenue neither of which were contentious. However, the third was for an amendment to the previously approved planning application for three houses on the site at 113 Cumbernauld Road which sought permission for four houses on the site, two of which 3

would have road access onto Cumbernauld Road. Again, this raised concerns about the future of the trees on Cumbernauld Road at this location as well as the mature trees on the site itself. Rob Stuart recommended that the Community Council submit an objection to these new plans and also request that if approval is being considered, that appropriate conditions be incorporated to ensure all the trees mentioned above are protected from removal or damage. 9.2 Gateside Farm: Rob Stuart advised that he received a letter from …………… regarding lack of the right of appeal to the outcome of the S75 negotiations. He said he would write to the Scottish Minister regarding this matter. 9.3 Whitehill Farm and Mount Harriet Drive: Ken Maxwell advised that there was still no information from the applicants as to their plans for development on these sites nor any date set for the Public Consultation on their proposals. The Save Stepps Greenbelt Sub- Committee was still meeting and had set up a Survey Monkey to hear views from local residents and to date there had been 172 responses. The Committee had also considered the proposition that if the community valued the land it should put forward proposals on how it could be used for the benefit of the local community and thus be protected from development 9.4 Ken went on to say that he felt the community had been let down by NLC. The Reporters Service and the Government. In order to take matters forward and make a real impact, we need a larger group of local residents on board as it feels like no one is listening and we need a louder, stronger voice. The Community Council will continue to challenge developers on behalf of the people living in the Stepps area. Lots of communities across Scotland have similar issues and there is a need to work together to ensure these concerns are heard by the Scottish Government. A special meeting of the Council will be called over the summer recess if required. 9.5 Local Development Plan: Ken Maxwell advised that there was no further information on the timetable for the Local Development Plan 10.0 Northern Corridor Community Forum and Local Area Partnership 10.1 Marvyn Mackay reported that at the Annual General Meeting of the Northern Corridor Community Forum held on Tuesday 29th May 2018 , he had stood down as Chair and Alastair Moodie, Auchinloch Community Council had been elected as the new chair. He would be willing to continue to attend the Forum as representative for the Council and this was agreed. A new committee had been formed at the AGM with a Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer from different areas but he urged local residents from Stepps to become involved as compared to other areas, Stepps was poorly represented. It could miss out on funding opportunities and having its interests and concerns aired and taken on board by the Forum. The same issues applied to the Local Area Partnership. 11.0 Any other business 11.1 A local resident raised concerns about trees overhanging the pavement on Cumbernauld Road south side from the Railway Bridge to Stepping Stones Nursery. As these trees had been lopped previously by NLC, it was agreed to refer the issue to NLC. 12.0 Date of next Meeting 12.1 The date of the next meeting was set for Monday 17th September 2018 at 7.30pm in Stepps Cultural Centre, St Andrews Way, Blenheim Avenue, Stepps. 13.0 Close: The Meeting closed with a vote of thanks to the Chair.