Commending the life and outstanding contributions of the late Honorable Governor Eulogio (Eloy) Songao Inos to the Commonwealth of the Northern and its people and to pay tribute for his many years of dedicated service.

1 WHEREAS, the members of this Legislative Body pause to commemorate the 2 memory and life of the Honorable Eloy Songao Inos, the late Governor of the 3 Commonwealth of the ; and 4 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos was born on the 5 beautiful island of Rota on September 26, 1949 to proud parents + Vicente Atalig Inos 6 and + Ana Songao Inos; and 7 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos, a native of Rota, 8 attended Rota Elementary School and graduated from Mount Carmel High School in 9 in May 1967; and 10 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos began his public service 11 career as the tax manager of the Revenue Division of the government of the Trust 12 Territory of the Pacific Islands (TTPI) from 1971-1977. He supervised and performed tax 13 audits, investigation, and compliance; and 14 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos was subsequently 15 promoted to Chief of Revenue and Taxation of the TTPI Government from 1977-1980. 16 He administered and supervised TTPI-wide tax and revenue administration including, but 17 not limited to, income tax, leases, government receivables, and other revenue generating 18 activities and programs; and SENATE RESOLUTION NO. 19-28

1 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos enhanced his experience 2 by completing specialized training and professional development programs including tax 3 and revenue administration at the Office of the Comptroller, County of San Diego, 1973; 4 governmental , auditing, and financial reporting at the Office of the Inspector 5 General, US Department of the Interior; intensive basic and advanced IRS Revenue 6 Agent Courses in 1977; and understudy tax administration, IRS TAAS, 1979; and 7 WHEREAS, in pursuit of a higher education, the Honorable Governor Eloy 8 Songao Inos earned a degree in Bachelor of Business Administration (Cum Laude) with a 9 major in accounting and management and a minor in public administration from the 10 University of Guam in May 1981; and 11 WHEREAS, armed with his newly earned educational tools, the Honorable 12 Governor Eloy Songao Inos served as Chief of Accounting of the TTPI Government from 13 1980-1982. He managed daily financial and accounting operations and preparation of 14 required financial reports; and 15 WHEREAS, with more than ten years of revenue, taxation, and accounting 16 experience, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos was appointed Deputy Director of 17 Finance of the TTPI Government from 1982-83. He supervised daily financial 18 administration and operation; developed and coordinated financial management system 19 implementation; and 20 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos eventually became one 21 of the top taxation and finance experts of the government and was appointed to serve as 22 the Director of Finance and Administration of the TTPI Government from 1983-1987. He 23 managed and directed overall TTPI budget and financial administration; managed and 24 supervised overall TTPI's personnel administration, federal grants management, 25 communications, procurement, and TTPI transition; and 26 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos’s expertise in taxation 27 and finance carried over from the government of the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands 28 to the government of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands where he was

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1 appointed as the Director of the Department of Finance by former Governor Pedro P. 2 Tenorio from 1987-1990. He administered and supervised all aspects of CNMI's financial 3 administration as he did during the TTPI administration; and 4 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos’s financial expertise 5 surpassed political boundaries when he was subsequently re-appointed to serve as the 6 Director of the Department of Finance of the CNMI Government under former Gov. 7 Lorenzo I. Deleon Guerrero from 1990-1994. He administered and supervised all aspects 8 of the CNMI's financial administration including, but not limited to, finance and 9 accounting, treasury, revenue and taxation, customs administration, procurement, and 10 electronic data processing, and other collateral duties and assignments; and 11 WHEREAS, the Honorable Eloy Songao Inos diligently served the 12 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in other capacities including serving as 13 member of the Tax Task Force in 1983, a member and chairman of the Marianas Public 14 land Trust from 1983-1994, first appointed member and elected chairman of the Board, 15 Commonwealth Utilities Corporation from 1985-1990, statutory and Ex-Officio member 16 of the Board, Commonwealth Utilities Corporation from 1990-1992, member of the Tax 17 Task Force in 1992, and member of the House Speaker's Task Force on Flat Tax from 18 2004-2005; and 19 WHEREAS, the Honorable Eloy Songao Inos first experience as an elected 20 official began when he was elected member and chairman, First Saipan and Northern 21 Islands Municipal Council from 1990-1992; and 22 WHEREAS, with more than 20 years of government service, the Honorable 23 Governor Eloy Songao Inos ventured into the private sector where he served as the 24 President of Century Group of Companies, Tan Holdings Corporation from 1994-1997. 25 He managed and supervised the operations of Century Insurance, Co. Ltd., Century 26 Travel Agency, and Century Finance Co; and 27 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos later skillfully fused his 28 government and private sector experience when he held the position of the Vice President

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1 of International Trade and Government Relations, Tan Holdings Corporation from 1997- 2 2005. He managed and supervised all trade related matters concerning apparel production 3 and export requirements; coordinated and accomplished all government requirements and 4 formalities; and 5 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos also served as the Vice 6 President of Business Development and Special Projects, Tan Holdings Corp from 2005- 7 2006 (January). He coordinated company plans on new business ventures and other 8 projects; and 9 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos’s hiatus from 10 government service ended when he was appointed as the Secretary of the Department of 11 Finance of the CNMI Government by former Governor Benigno R. Fitial in January 12 2006. He administered and supervised all aspects of financial administration for the 13 CNMI Government including, but not limited to, finance and accounting, treasury, 14 revenue and taxation, customs administration, procurement, and electronic data 15 processing, as well as other duties and assignment as may be assigned by the Governor; 16 and 17 WHEREAS, during his tenure as the Secretary of Finance, then secretary Eloy 18 Songao Inos was appointed to serve as Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of the 19 Northern Marianas by former Governor Benigno R. Fitial in April 2009 as a result of the 20 resignation of former Lieutenant Governor Timothy P. Villagomez. Subsequently, then 21 Lieutenant Governor Eloy Songao Inos won his bid for re-election as Lieutenant 22 Governor at the November 2009 election; and 23 WHEREAS, Lieutenant Governor Eloy Songao Inos stated his objective as 24 Lieutenant Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands was “To 25 share knowledge, experience and expertise within the public sector; to assist the CNMI 26 government and the community restore financial control accountability in the public 27 sector; to help enhance general fund revenues; and to help the CNMI government 28 achieve overall efficiency in the delivery of public services”; and

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1 WHEREAS, Lieutenant Governor Eloy Songao Inos was true to his words and 2 worked diligently and tirelessly to find solutions to address the economic dilemmas of the 3 Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and the untimely collapse of the 4 Northern Mariana Islands Retirement Fund; and 5 WHEREAS, Lieutenant Governor Eloy Songao Inos’s call to government service 6 took him to the highest level when he was subsequently elevated to the position of 7 Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands in February 2013 due to 8 the resignation of former Governor Benigno R. Fitial; and 9 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos successfully won his bid 10 for re-election as Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands at the 11 November 2014 election and has served as our beloved Governor until his passing on 12 December 28, 2015 in , ; and 13 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos embodied all the 14 characteristics of a true statesman. He was an intelligent, humble and kind man with a 15 vision. He was able to overcome obstacles and cross political lines to unite our leaders in 16 order to take the government out of its economic decline, save the pensions of our retirees 17 and their beneficiaries, and lead us on to the path of economic recovery and growth; and 18 WHEREAS, as an experienced and charismatic leader, the Honorable Governor 19 Eloy Songao Inos used his financial prowess and political savviness to invite new 20 investors, businesses, and visitors to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands 21 notwithstanding the existing trials and tribulations of our islands; and 22 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos is a pillar of our 23 government and community. As Governor, he represented the people with honor and 24 dignity. He was an advocate of the people who fought for our rights and sought to protect 25 and preserve the lands that we so cherish today. Governor Eloy Songao Inos stood 26 steadfast and believed in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and its 27 people; and 28 WHEREAS, the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos will be deeply missed by

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1 all those who knew and loved him. Although gone from this earth, Governor Eloy Inos’s 2 public service legacy will remain in our hearts today and for the years to come; and 3 WHEREAS, behind every great man is a devoted and loving wife and supportive 4 family. The Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos was married to + Dolores Agulto 5 Inos with whom he shares beautiful daughters whose names are Dora Anne, Elaine 6 Michelle, Eloise Kay, Christine Mae, Fleuretta Jean and reared daughter + Katherine; and 7 WHEREAS, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands is deeply 8 indebted to the Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos, a truly distinguished leader and 9 CNMI native who served the people of the Commonwealth for over 30 years; 10 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Senate of the Nineteenth 11 Northern Marianas Commonwealth Legislature, that the Senate hereby joins the people of 12 the Commonwealth express its deepest condolences and heartfelt sympathies to the 13 children and family for their sorrow and loss; and to honor and acknowledge Governor 14 Eloy Songao Inos’s lifelong service to the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 15 Islands as a skillful financial expert, a dedicated public servant, a brilliant statesman, and 16 accomplished Governor; and 17 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the President of the Senate shall certify, 18 and the Senate Legislative Secretary shall attest to the adoption of this Resolution and 19 thereafter the Senate Clerk shall transmit certified copies to the bereaved family of the 20 Honorable Governor Eloy Songao Inos; Honorable Joseph P. Deleon Guerrero, Speaker 21 of the House, Nineteenth Northern Marianas Common Legislature; Honorable Gregorio 22 “Kilili” Camacho Sablan, CNMI Delegate to the 114th Congress; and 23 Honorable Ralph DLG. Torres, Governor of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana 24 Islands.

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Prefiled: 12/30/15

Date: 12/30/15 Introduced By:/s/ Sen. Francisco M. Borja

/s/ Sen. Arnold I. Palacios

/s/ Sen. Teresita A. Santos

/s/ Sen. Francisco Q. Cruz

/s/ Sen. Jude U. Hofschneider

/s/ Sen. Sixto K. Igisomar

/s/ Sen. Steve K. Mesngon

/s/ Sen. Justo Q. Quitugua

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