1772 Biela’s Comet (official designation: 3D/Biela) is first recorded by Jacques Leibax Montaigne and Charles Messier. Much later, in 1826, Wilhelm von Biela will identify the comet as a member of the periodic Jupiter-family. Predictions at the time place the comet on a collision course with

01/14 Earth, bound to destroy the planet sometime in the 1830s (when this doesn't come to pass, Earth’s annihilation by Comet Biela is anticipated for several subsequent decades). đđđđđđđđđđ1792 While exiled in Siberia (by Catherine the Great), Russian philosopher and writer Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev begins composing his Anastasia Gacheva, Arseny treatise On Man, His Mortality and Immortality. Zhilyaev, and Anton Vidokle O man, whether you be a creature complex or uniform, it is not ordained that your Timeline of intellect disintegrate with your body. Your goal is your felicity and your perfection. Russian Walk the path traced out by nature and believe that when you have outlived your days, the disintegration of your intellect Cosmism shall not be your lot. You determine your future with the present; and believe, I say yet again, believe that eternity is not a dream. – A. N. Radishchev

1835 The Russian author and journalist Vladimir Fedorovich Odoevsky (1803–1869) writes a science fiction novel, The Year 4338, premised on Earth’s imminent destruction by a comet.

A means has been discovered for travelling to and from the Moon; it is uninhabited and serves only as a source for supplying Earth with various necessities of life, thereby averting the fatal catastrophe with which Earth was threatened by virtue of its immense human population …

Through the use of diverse chemical compounds found in the ground, a means has been discovered for heating and cooling the atmosphere: ventilators have been devised to avoid high winds … e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C The feeling of love for mankind has increased to such a degree that people cannot bear to see tragedies and are amazed at how we could have ever delighted in the sight of moral afflictions, just as we cannot comprehend the pleasure the ancients derived from watching gladiators.

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST – V. F. Odoevsky, The Year 4338 Philosophy of the Common Task.

Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov (1829–1903) The question of the fate of the Earth leads articulates his philosophy of the Common Task. us to the conviction that human activity must not be bound by the limits of the The idea that through us, through rational Earthly planet. We must ask ourselves: creatures, nature will attain the fullness of Does our knowledge of the fate awaiting the

self-awareness and self-governance and 02/14 Earth, of its inevitable end, obligate us to will recreate that which has been destroyed do something, or not? … God educates man and is being destroyed through its through his own experience: He is the King blindness hitherto and will thereby fulfil who does everything not only for man, but the will of God, becoming the likeness of also through man; because there is no Him, Who is its Creator. purposiveness in nature, it must be – N. F. Fedorov introduced by man himself, and in this consists the higher purposiveness. The 1851 Creator re-creates the world through us; he The American paleontologist James Dana resurrects all that has perished … And discovers the phenomenon of cephalization, therefore mankind must not be an idle demonstrating that the evolutionary process passenger, but the servant, the crew of our leading to the creation of man has a directed, Earthly ship, set in motion by a force as yet ascending character: development occurs along unknown. the line of perfecting the nervous systems of – N. F. Fedorov, The Question of living creatures and an increase in brain mass. Brotherhood, or Kinship … đđđđđđđđđđ1874 Fedorov begins his twenty-five-year post at the Dostoyevsky begins work on his novel, The Rumyantsev Museum Library. Brothers Karamazov.

If we compare an archive to a grave, then The transposition of love. I have not reading, or more precisely research, will be forgotten those either. The belief that we the path toward exhumation, and an shall come back to life and find each other, exhibition, as it were, the resurrection. all in universal harmony … The resurrection – N. F. Fedorov of our forebears depends on us. – F. M. Dostoyevsky, preparatory notes for While working at the library, Fedorov makes the The Brothers Karamazov acquaintance of sixteen-year-old K. E. Tsiolkovsky. In Ryazan, , K. E. Tsiolkovsky makes his first notes on the conquest of space and I regard Fedorov as an exceptional interplanetary travel, sketches a map of the individual, and my meeting him as my good Solar System, draws an asteroid with a human fortune. For me he took the place of being under conditions of weightlessness, and university professors, with whom I did not ponders how to achieve weightlessness under associate. terrestrial conditions. – K. E. Tsiolkovsky đđđđđđđđđđ1880 The economist, essayist, and thinker Sergei 1878 Andreevich Podolinsky (1850–1891) publishes his F. M. Dostoyevsky becomes acquainted with work The Labor of Man and its Relationship to the Fedorov’s ideas. Distribution of Energy, in which he propounds the concept of labor as a factor of negative entropy, Who is this thinker, whose thoughts you pointing out that all living creatures – beginning have conveyed? If you can do so, tell me his from plants and ending with man – possess the real name. He has intrigued me too greatly ability to accumulate energy from the Sun and

… And then I shall say that essentially I am e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C transform it into new, higher forms of energy. in entire agreement with these ideas. I read đđđđđđđđđđAutumn 1881-1882 them as if they were my own. N. F. Fedorov meets L. N. Tolstoy and V. S. – Letter from F. M. Dostoyevsky to Soloviev. An intellectual and philosophical Fedorov’s pupil P. P. Peterson, March 24, dialogue develops between the three thinkers. 1878 There are men here too. And God has In replying to Dostoyevsky, Fedorov begins allowed me to get to know two of them. constructing a comprehensive exposition of his Orlov is one, the other, and the main one, is

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST Nikolai Fedorovich Fedorov. He is the – N. F. Fedorov librarian at the Rumyantsev Library. Remember, I told you about him. He has put In his articles “Beauty in Nature” and “The together a plan of the common task of all General Meaning of Art,” Vladimir Sergeevich mankind, having as its goal the resurrection Soloviev presents the development of the world of all people in the flesh. Firstly, this is not as “the gradual and persistent process” of the as insane as it seems. (Don’t be afraid, I do animation of matter, which has attained its

not share and have never shared his views, 03/14 crown in man. but I have understood them so well that I feel capable of defending those views We must define beauty as the against any other credo that has an transformation of matter through the external goal.) incarnation in it of another, supermaterial – L. N. Tolstoy, from a letter to V. I. Alexeev principle. (November 15-30, 1881) – V. S. Soloviev

1884 1891 L. N. Tolstoy presents an exposition of Fedorov’s Famine in Russia ideas on resurrection to members of the Moscow đđđđđđđđđđIn the U.S., the first experiments are carried Psychological Society. To the question: “How will out on inducing artificial rainfall by means of all the resurrected generations fit onto the artillery projectiles. Earth?” the writer replies: “The kingdom of đđđđđđđđđđN. F. Fedorov seeks to draw attention to the knowledge and governance is not limited to the American experiment, seeing it as one of the first Earth.” steps towards the governance of nature. Through đđđđđđđđđđ1889–1890 I. M. Ivakin he approaches Tolstoy with a request L. N. Tolstoy and N. F. Fedorov hold dialogues on to support the idea of the artificial induction of art. Fedorov is developing the concept of a rain. theoanthropourgical art that serves the causes of resurrection of the dead and regulation of It is the regulation, the governance of the nature. He opposes art as the creation of forces of blind nature that constitute that “likenesses” of the past and the living great task which can and must become the (“Ptolemaic art”) to the art of reality that common one. transforms the world (“Copernican art”). Leo – N. F. Fedorov Tolstoy works on two articles, “Science and Art” and “On Science and Art.” Concerning influencing the movement of Aesthetics is the science of recreating all the clouds in order that rain will not fall into the rational beings that have ever been on the sea, but where it is needed, I know and this tiny Earth (this little drop that has have read nothing, but I think that it is not reflected itself in the entire universe and impossible, and that everything that can be reflected the entire universe in itself), for done in this line will be good. It is one of the the animation (and governance) by them of applications of the worldview of Nikolai all the immense celestial worlds that have Fedorovich, with whom I have always no rational creatures. sympathized and still do, regarding a task – N. F. Fedorov that is worth the effort and the common task of all mankind. The Exposition Universelle, or World’s Fair, opens – From a letter from L .N. Tolstoy to I. M. in Paris during the 100th anniversary of the Ivakin storming of the Bastille. For Fedorov, the image of the World’s Fair becomes a manifestation of 1893 the false paths of civilization, and also of the Fedorov completes his major work, The Question decadence of art that serves the factory and of Brotherhood, or Kinship, which developed out trade. The philosopher contrasts the Fair with e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C of his correspondence with Dostoyevsky. the Museum, which he makes the focus of đđđđđđđđđđFedorov announces his idea to cover the history, as “a work of salvation,” as a work of art walls of the Kremlin with murals, part of his that sets before itself the resurrectionary ideal. larger ambition to transform the Kremlin into a “universal museum of all sciences and arts.” He The Museum does not permit either wants these murals to depict key events in knowledge or truth or art, i.e. beauty, to be Russian history: the unification and pacification diverted from the common good, but only of nations, as well as “future deeds of the memory makes the good common. world”; the regulation of nature and resurrection.

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST The paintings are to be done collectively by all đđđđđđđđđđN. F. Fedorov’s article “Disarmament” artists in Russia. appears in the newspaper The New Times: in it he đđđđđđđđđđ1894 proposes “converting instruments of Soloviev completes his treatise The Meaning of destruction” into “instruments of salvation” and Love. converting the army into a force for the study of nature. The meaning of gender differentiation (and

sexual love) is to be found not in the 04/14 The conversion of the art of war into reproduction of ancestral life, but in the research, into the study of nature, and the idea of a higher organism. employment of the army in this study will Our rebirth is inextricably bound up with be an expression of its new assignment; the rebirth of the Universe, with the this will lay the foundation for the transformation of its forms of space and transition from strife with our own kind to time. acting on the blind, irrational forces of – V. S. Soloviev nature, which afflict us with floods, earthquakes, and other catastrophes of all Tsiolkovsky’s science-fiction work Dreams of the kinds, to acting on the blind forces that Earth and the Sky and the Effects of Universal hold us rational creatures in a state of Gravitation is published in Moscow. It contains unnatural dependence on them. the first mention of the possibility of launching – N. F. Fedorov an artificial satellite into orbit round the Earth. 1902 A notional satellite, like the Moon, but at an The physicist and philosopher Nikolai Alexeevich optionally close distance from our planet, Umov (1846–1916) proposes the hypothesis of only outside the bounds of the atmosphere- the anti-entropic nature of life, and suggests the that is, about 300 versts (320 kilometers) introduction of a third law of thermodynamics to from the Earth’s surface-provided it has account for the phenomena of life and very low mass, would be an example of an consciousness. environment free of gravity. – K. E. Tsiolkovsky Orderliness is an essential characteristic of living matter. In its general features the 1898 evolution of living matter increases the The dramatist Alexander Vasilievich Sukhovo- amount of orderliness in nature. Man Kobylin (1817–1903) completes his translation of conscripts the vegetable and animal the works of Hegel and attempts to publish kingdoms into the circle of his own sections of his work A Philosophy of Spirit or elements of orderliness; in his implements Sociology (A Doctrine of the Universe). and machines he extends these elements of orderliness to unorganized matter, and in Three moments in the history of mankind the name of these elements of orderliness and its advance toward Absolute Spirit: he wages battle against the adventitious The first moment is telluric or earthly ordering of events in nature. mankind, confined within the narrow limits – N. A. Umov of the terrestrial globe that we inhabit. The second moment is solar mankind, i.e. N. F. Fedorov writes a new exposition of his that which is manifested as the central hub doctrine: Supra-Moralism, or Universal of the inhabitants of our Solar System. Synthesis, i.e. Universal Integration. The third moment is sidereal, or universal mankind, i.e. the entire totality of worlds The synthesis of two modes of reason inhabited by mankind throughout the (theoretical and practical) and three infinity of the Universe. objects of knowing and doing (God, man – A. V. Sukhovo-Kobylin and nature, of which man is the instrument

e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C of divine reason and himself becomes the On the basis of his mathematical calculations, K. reason of the universe) and in addition, E. Tsiolkovsky finally comes to the conclusion together with this, the synthesis of science that a rocket constructed on the principle of and art in the religion that is identified with reactive motion will be able to overcome the Easter as a great feast and great deed. force of the Earth’s gravitation. – N. F. Fedorov, Supra-Moralism đđđđđđđđđđAfter Russia makes an appeal for disarmament, preparations begin for the first 1903 peace conference. The journal Scientific Review (Nauchnoe

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST obozrenie) publishes K. E. Tsiolkovsky’s article are all part of the plan. “The Exploration of Outer Space by Means of đđđđđđđđđđ1908 Reactive Motion Devices,” in which the formula Alexander Aleksandrovich Bogdanov, a of reactive motion is derived and the possibility philosopher, scientist, and revolutionary of flight into cosmic space is validated. (1873–1928) publishes his science-fiction novel Red Star, which depicts an ideal social order I have elaborated certain aspects of raising achieved on Mars. Leonid, the socialist

objects into space by means of a reactive 05/14 protagonist of the novel, travels to Mars on a motion device, similar to a rocket. The spaceship powered by a nuclear engine. mathematical conclusions, founded on đđđđđđđđđđThe poet Velimir Khlebnikov (1885–1922) scientific data and verified numerous writes “The Crane,” in which he articulates an times, indicate that it is possible to ascend artistic and philosophical critique of a into celestial space using such devices and technologically-driven civilization, with its cult of perhaps establish colonies beyond the commodities and submission to death. bounds of the Earth’s atmosphere. đđđđđđđđđđ1911–1912 Hundreds of years will probably pass before The journal Bulletin of Aeronautics publishes the the ideas I have expressed find any second part of a study by application, and people will use them to entitled “The Exploration of Cosmic Space by settle not only across the face of the Earth, Means of Rocket Devices,” in which he discusses but across the face of the entire Universe. rocket flight and the future development of flying – From a letter written by K .E. Tsiolkovsky cars, as well as the use of atomic energy for to the editor of the journal Scientific interplanetary travel. Review, M. M. Filippov đđđđđđđđđđ1912 In his article “The Canon and the Law,” the N.F. Fedorov dies. Russian avant-garde artist Pavel Nikolaevich Filonov (1883-1941) expounds the basis of the We felt that those were his final words of method of analytical art, which, in distinction advice, his final injunctions. Not a word from Cubism, takes its cue from an organic about himself personally, neither about his principle – a growing reality that is in a constant illness, nor about the imminent end of his process of change and becoming. life. He thought and spoke only about the đđđđđđđđđđ1913 ‘task.’ He was never separated from it until The second volume of Fedorov’s Philosophy of the his final moment of conscious awareness. Common Task is published in Moscow. – V. A. Kozhevnikov đđđđđđđđđđThe first part of Bogdanov’s Tektology, a Universal Organizational Science is published. 1905 Tektology will later be recognized as a precursor The first . to Cybernetics and Systems Theory. đđđđđđđđđđ1906 đđđđđđđđđđThe futurist opera Victory over the In a poem entitled “In Praise of Humanity,” Valery Sunpremieres in St. Petersburg. The libretto is Bryusov becomes the first writer to use Fedorov’s written by Aleksei Kruchonykh in Zaum (the image of Earth as a spaceship. language of Russian futurist poets); the music đđđđđđđđđđ1907 was composed by Mikhail Matyushin, with a In the city of Verny (Alma-Ata), the first volume of prologue by Velimir Khlebnikov; Kasimir Malevich N. F. Fedorov’s Philosophy of the Common Task, created the set design. prepared for publication by his disciples V. A. Kozhevnikov and N. P. Peterson, appears in an Evolution can be creative, i.e. man or any edition of 480 copies with the label “Not for living creature will take note of it in himself sale.” and start directing its movement towards đđđđđđđđđđ1905–1909 the form he requires. Parallel to the Russian tradition of God-seeking, – P. N. Filonov a new tendency is developing: God-building.

Alexander Bogdanov, Anatoly Lunacharsky, and e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C 1914 Maxim Gorky propose a new ideal, based on the The beginning of . idea of a collective organization of experience. đđđđđđđđđđIn Kaluga, a teenage student named The goal is for humanity to become godlike, while Alexander Chizhevsky meets Konstantin understanding the struggle for socialism not Tsiolkovsky. merely as a struggle against capital, but as đđđđđđđđđđ1915 positive creativity. The development of new In an essay entitled “War and the Progress of forms of human relations, the construction of a Science,” the scientist Vladimir Vernadsky new culture, and the transformation of nature (1863–1945) warns against further use of

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST scientific experiments for military goals. Gerasimov, Kirillova, and Filipchenko, which đđđđđđđđđđA new artistic movement called leads literary critics to speak of a spontaneous Suprematism is founded by Kazimir Malevich. “cosmism” in poetry. Malevich paints his Black Square as well as a đđđđđđđđđđ1918 series of Suprematist compositions that are The ideology of the Proletkult is actively exhibited at the Last Futurist Exhibition of articulated (the notions of culture or labor, the Paintings 0.10 in St. Petersburg. Other protetariat as the messiah, the spirit of labor, particilants include: Vladimir Tatlin, Ivan Puni, 06/14 universal revolution, a global spring, etc.) The Liubov Popova, Ivan Kliun, Ksenia main theorist of the Proletkult, Alexander Boguslavskaya, Olga Rozanova, Nadezhda Bogdanov, outlines the central task of the Udaltsova, Nathan Altman, Vasily Kamensky, working class: “a graceful and holistic Vera Pestel, Maria Vasilieva, Anna Kirillova, and organization of the life of all humanity,” and Mikhail Menkov. defines the goal of art as work directed toward đđđđđđđđđđ1916 “the realization of an ideal organization of the The poet Vladimir Mayakovsky writes “The War world.” and the World.” The finale of the poem depicts đđđđđđđđđđKasimir Malevich paints White on White: A the resurrection of the victims of all wars, and Cosmos within a Cosmos. universal brotherhood. The white square carries within itself a Perplexing: is it air, flower, or a bird? white world (world-building), assigning the Singing, sweet-smelling, symbol of purity to the creative life of humanity. – Kasimir Malevich and kaleidoscopic – yet it sets all faces on fire and makes the mind spin like the 1919 sweetest wine. And not only people do joy's Velimir Khlebnikov pens a platform statement, colors unfurl, their faces beaming; animals “The Artists of the World.” stylishly curl their fur. Yesterday's stormy seas begin to purr and lie down at your feet. Our goal is a common written language, – V. Mayakovsky, “The War and the World” common for all the nations of the third satellite of the Sun, to construct written A manifesto by Velimir Khlebnikov entitled “The signs, comprehensible and acceptable for Trumpet of the Martians” is published in Kharkov. the whole star that is settled by humanity, The text is a proclamation of a future humanity lost in the world. comprised of inventors who are constructing – Velimir Khlebnikov, The Artists of the their state in time, as opposed to consumers who World, 1919 exist as parasites on existence. đđđđđđđđđđ1917 A Union of Artist-Inventors is formed. Members The Russian Revolution. include Kasimir Malevich, Valdimir Tatlin, and đđđđđđđđđđKonstantin Tsiolkovsky writes an article others. titled “The Ideal Order of Life.” đđđđđđđđđđ1920 Velimir Khlebnikov pens a platform statement, The true path toward perfection means to “The Artists of the World.” not deprive anyone of anything, to not commit any violence, to not violate the Our goal is a common written language, freedoms and desires of our neighbors, common for all the nations of the third unless they threaten us with the same. … satellite of the Sun, to construct written There is no need to rob or steal, because signs, comprehensible and acceptable for nature is abandunt in all treasure. the whole star that is settled by humanity, – K. E. Tsiolkovsky lost in the world. – Velimir Khlebnikov, The Artists of the

Velimir Khlebnikov writes a poetic manifesto e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C World, 1919 titled “A Call to the Chairmen of the Globe” – a call to end all wars. A Union of Artist-Inventors is formed. Members đđđđđđđđđđ1918–1922 include Kasimir Malevich, Valdimir Tatlin, and The cosmic achievements of a liberated others. humanity become a recurrent theme in the đđđđđđđđđđ1921 poetry and journalism of the first years after the A famine in the USSR kills nearly five million Revolution. Cosmist themes appear in the work people. of Khlebnikov, Mayakovsky, Esenin, Kluev, đđđđđđđđđđThe biocosmist movement starts in

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST Moscow, led by the anarchist poet A. Agienko accordance with the inner needs of (Svyatogor) and the publicist P. I. Ivanitsky. The humans. slogan of the biocosmists is “Immortalism and – A. Platonov Interplanitarism.” They publish numerous manifestos, participate in public debates, and 1922 publish a journal, Biocosmism. A club called the “Creatorium of Biocosmists” is founded. The newspaper Izvestia publishes the

The most important thing for us is the 07/14 biocosmist manifesto. A. Yaroslavsky joins the immortality of the individual and his life in movement and organizes a biocosmist group in the cosmos. We have elevated this value to St. Petersburg called the “Northern a goal in itself, thus formulating our Biocosmists.” This group starts publishing a teleological point of view. Our philosophy is journal entitled Immortality. Yaroslavsky first and foremost a great teleology and all publishes several books of poetry, including The philosophical problems are shaped by our Assault on the Universe and Anabiosis Poem. glorious objectives. đđđđđđđđđđ1923 British scientist and Marxist J. B. S. Haldane publishes the book Daedalus; or, Science and the We looked to our undying, instinctive urge Future, which offers an early vision of towards immortality and our unquenchable transhumanist thought. The book is particularly thirst for glorious creativity, trusting in our concerned with the ethical implications of the biocosmic consciousness of the objective advancement of science. world's reality. Objective reality is an đđđđđđđđđđThe Marxist historian N. Rozhkov publishes infinite arena for the great struggle in which a book entitled The Meaning and Beauty of Life, everything that possesses individuality and which advocates immortality and the exploration integrity asserts its supreme existence. of the cosmos. – “Our Affirmations,” Biocosmist no. 1 In the distant future humanity will have the An artistic-philosophical association, “Art-Life,” opportunity to achieve omnipotence in the is formed in Moscow. It is based on the idea of literal sense of this word, including the synthesis of the arts. Participants include communication with other worlds, the artists V. Chekrigyn, S. Romanovich, and S. immortality, resurrection of bodies of those Gerasimov, the philosopher P. Florensky, and the who lived earlier, and even the creation of poets P. Antokolsky and V. Khlebnikov. new planets and planetary systems. đđđđđđđđđđThe artist V. Chekrygin encounters the ideas – N. Rozhkov of N. Fedorov. Inspired by Fedorov's idea of the art of the future, Chekrygin develops a project for V. Mayakovsky depics the studio of resurrection a Resurrecting Cathedral-Museum, as a at the end of his poem “About This.” collective task for contemporary artists. He creates a series of drawings entitled The I see clearly, to the tiniest detail I see, Air Resurrection of the Dead as studies for frescos in into air, as if brick on brick appears, this cathedral. inaccessible to decay and putrefaction, gleaming, rearing through the eras the Resurrection of the dead fathers is the task workshop of human resurrection. There he of art. The full synthesis of art is the is that great-browed quiet scientist, before Transformation of the Cosmos (the the experiment, furrowing his brow. Name- Universe), the mastery of the cosmic searching – a book – The Whole Earth its process, transformation of the inert law of title-list. The Twentieth Century. Whom to attraction and gravitation of the masses resurrect now? (and bodies in the dying universe, waiting “There's Mayakovsky here … Let's find for support), towards a higher law-the true someone brighter - This poet's not support-love. handsome enough. Reject.”

– V. Chekrygin e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C Then I cry out from these very pages of writing: Don't turn over the page! Resurrect A. Platonov writes an essay on the cosmic goals ! of art entitled “Proletarian Poetry.” It is published Put a heart in me – Transfuse blood to the in the journal Forge. uttermost vein. Inject thought into my skull with your skill! My earthly life I never lived Proletarian poetry is a transformation of out to the end. On earth, my love I could matter, it is a struggle with reality, a battle never fulfill. with the cosmos in order to change it in – V. Mayakovsky, “About This”

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST completes a treatise entitled An Enormous A. Tolstoy publishes his novel Aelita, or The Sketch in which, transforming Freud's Decline of Mars. psychoanalytic theory and complementing it with đđđđđđđđđđ1924 ideas from The Meaning of Love by V. Soloviev, he đđđđđđđđđđLenin dies. His body is embalmed and proposes the concept of a transformative, placed in a mausoleum in Red Square. resurrecting eros and the overcoming of genders. đđđđđđđđđđThe proletarian poet G. Sannikov composes đđđđđđđđđđE. Roerich writes and starts to publish the poem “Leniniada,” in which he depicts the 08/14 anonymously a fourteen-volume work called resurrection of all the casualties of the Living Ethics (Agni-Yoga), based on the idea of an revolution. ascending cosmic evolution and the đđđđđđđđđđThe scientist, poet, painter, and philosopher harmonization of individual energy with the A. Chizhevsky (1897–1964) self-publishes a energy of the universe. treatise entitled Physiological Factors of the đđđđđđđđđđ1925 Historical Process in which, using the statistical đđđđđđđđđđIn France an essay by V. Vernadsky entitled analysis of historical data, he explains the “Human Autotrophy” is published. The essay relationship between the activity of solar cycles addresses the notion of the infinity of life, the and human history. role of reason in the biosphere, and the prospects for a transition to synthetic food In light of the contemporary scientific production. worldview, the fate of humanity is directly connected with the fate of the universe … What would synthetic food mean for the life To understand the life of the Earth-the of humans and the life of the biosphere? planet taken as a whole: with its This would liberate humanity from its atmosphere and lithosphere, as well as all dependence on the consumption of other the plant and animal life, and all its human living matter, transforming the human from population-we must look at life as one a heterotrophic being into an autotrophic common organism … Historical events being. The consequences of this develop in response to triggers caused by transformation for the mechanism of the changes in the process of the formation of biosphere would be enormous. Sun spots. – V. Vernadsky – A. Chizhevsky Biocosmist P. Ivanitsky publishes a brochure To emphasize the importance of Tsiolkovsky to entitled “Artificial Rain and Weather Controlled the field of space exploration, Chizhevsky by Means of Regulating Atmospheric and Ground publishes Tsiolkovsky’s 1903 treatise A Rocket in Electricity.” Outer Space and distributes it to numerous đđđđđđđđđđThe Global Pathfinder journal publishes a international libraries and universities, as well as science fiction story by A. Belyaev (1884–1942) directly to a number of notable scientists. entitled “Professor Dowell’s Head,” about đđđđđđđđđđIn Moscow, a society for research into experiments to keep a head alive without the rest interplanetary communications is formed. of the body. This story is later developed into a Members include K. Tsiolkovsky, F. Zander, V. novel. Vetchinkin, and others. đđđđđđđđđđK. Malevich develops Suprematist đđđđđđđđđđY. Protazanov directs a silent film, Aelita, architectural models (architectons and planids), Queen of Mars, based on the novel by A. Tolstoy. some of which the author says are intended to đđđđđđđđđđThe cosmist philosopher V. Muraviev represent models for structures in the cosmos- (1885–1930) publishes a book entitled The the foundation for space stations. Control of Time as the Main Task of Labor đđđđđđđđđđ1926 Organization. đđđđđđđđđđV. Vernadsky publishes his book The Biosphere. Creative labor, in our understanding, is a cosmic category, and the goal of all labor is The substance of the biosphere is

to overcome time. We need to stop hoping e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C permeated by energy, thanks to cosmic for a ready-made eternity and start rays; it becomes active, it collects and producing time. Blind, irrational time is distributes this radiant energy in the already in its death throes. Beyond it lies biosphere. The face of the Earth is not only the new, more perfect and rational time-a a reflection of our planet and its substance creation of the future global culture. and energy – at the same time it is a – V. Muraviev creation of the external forces of the cosmos. The cosmist philosopher A. Gorsky (1886–1943) – V. Vernadsky

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST as his graduation project the work The City of the The Moscow Institute of Hemotology is opened. Future: The Evolution of Architectural Principles A. Bogdanov is appointed director and focuses in City Planning and the Organization of Housing. on experimental blood transfusions, with the As part of the project he creates a design for a goal of reversing the aging process. “flying city.” đđđđđđđđđđProfessor S. Briukhonenko (1890–1960) đđđđđđđđđđA volume of the preparatory materials for F. invents the world’s first device for artificial blood M. Dostoevsky’s novel The Brothers Karamazov is circulation, called the “Ventricular Assistance 09/14 published in Germany by R. Piper’s publishing Device.” He conducts experiments in which he is house, with V. L. Komarovich’s extensive research able to reanimate dogs and keep them alive for work Patricide and N. F. Fedorov’s Doctrine of two hours or more. Physical Resurrection. đđđđđđđđđđA cosmist artistic group called “Amaravella” đđđđđđđđđđ1929 (Sanskrit for “Saplings of Immortality”) is A. K. Gorsky and V. N. Muraviev are arrested. formed. đđđđđđđđđđThe philosopher, priest, and theologian P. A. đđđđđđđđđđ1927 Florensky (1882-1937) propounds the idea of the đđđđđđđđđđIn April the first World Exhibition of pneumatosphere in a letter to V. I. Vernadsky. Interplanetary Spacecraft and Mechanisms opens in Moscow and is visited by more than ten From my side I wish to express an idea thousand people in two months. which requires concrete substantiation and đđđđđđđđđđThe scientist and popularizer of aviation is more of a heuristic principle. It is and cosmonautics N. A. Rynin starts publishing a precisely the idea of the existence in the series of issues of Interplanetary Travel in the biosphere, or perhaps on the biosphere, of Fantasies of Novelists and the Projects of that which might be called a Scientists (in all there were nine issues, and the pneumatosphere, i.e., of the existence of a final one, which appeared in 1932, included a special part of matter involved in the chronicle and an extensive bibliography on the circulation of culture, or rather, of the subject). spirit. đđđđđđđđđđIn Paris, the French philosopher Édouard Le – P. A. Florensky. From a letter to V. I. Roy gives a cycle of lectures that are later Vernadsky compiled in his book The Origins of Man and the Evolution of Intelligence, in which the term A. Platonov completes his novel Chevengur, in “noosphere” first appears. The originator of the which he puts the ideal of communism to the term was the philosopher and paleontologist P. test. The novel remains unpublished in Teilhard de Chardin, who made the case for it in Platonov's lifetime. 1925 in his essay “Hominization.” đđđđđđđđđđP. Teilhard de Chardin completes his book Socialism is not a far-distant country The Divine Milieu, in which he emphasizes the where, through the combined efforts of idea of ascending creation and the movement of humanity, Rosa Luxemburg will return to the universe towards the Pleroma, which life as a living citizen. includes, together with man, all the creatures of – A. Platonov, Chevengur creation. đđđđđđđđđđ1928 1930 đđđđđđđđđđM. Gorky mentions Fedorov in his article A. Chizhevsky publishes his book “Once Again on Mechanical Citizens,” published Epidemiological Catastrophes and the Periodic on November 27 in the newspaper Izvestiya, Activity of the Sun, summing up his research into adducing Fedorov’s aphorism: “Freedom without the relationship between the origin and spread of power over nature and without controlling it is epidemics and the cycles of solar activity. In the same as liberating the peasants without Kaluga, Tsiolkovsky publishes his Scientific land.” M. I. Kalinin cites this quotation in his Ethics. report to the fourth session of the Central Executive Committee of the USSR on December The ethics of the cosmos, i.e., of its

11. e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C conscious creatures, requires that there đđđđđđđđđđOn December 28 Izvestiya publishes an should not be any suffering anywhere. article about N. F. Fedorov by A. K. Gorsky, in – K .E. Tsiolkovsky, Scientific Ethics which he expounds Fedorov’s ideas in such a way as to show their affinity with the scientific, The science fiction writer A. Belyaev publishes technical, and social transformations of Soviet an essay on K. E. Tsiolkovsky entitled “Citizen of Russia. the Ethereal Island.” He also publishes a story đđđđđđđđđđThe young architect G. T. Krutikov, a student entitled “Imperishable World,” which shows in at the Higher Art and Technical Studios, presents artistic form the dangers of ill-considered and

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST voluntaristic intrusions by man into nature that polemics addressing the topics “science and have not been preceded, as N. F. Fedorov insisted religion” and “science and labor,” and discusses they should be, by a thorough study of natural spiritual yearning among the Russian émigré processes. community in Harbin from the viewpoint of the đđđđđđđđđđA. Platonov writes his novel The Foundation philosophy of the Common Task. Pit, which symbolically embodies a number of đđđđđđđđđđThe Mosfilm film studio starts work on the Fedorovian motifs (such as eternal memory and movie Cosmic Voyage. K. E. Tsiolkovsky is a the impossibility of universal happiness as long 10/14 consultant and is involved in writing the script. as death exists). He creates thirty drawings especially for the film, đđđđđđđđđđ1931 which are later collected in An Album of Space đđđđđđđđđđThe Group for the Study of Reactive Motion Travel. (GSRM) is founded, affiliated with the Society for đđđđđđđđđđ1935 the Promotion of Defense and Aviation and đđđđđđđđđđK. E. Tsiolkovsky dies. Chemical Construction. The members of the đđđđđđđđđđ1936 group are the scientists and design engineers S. đđđđđđđđđđThe journal Zvezda (Star) prints A. Belyaev’s P. Korolev, Yu. A. Pobedonostsev, M. K. science fiction novel The Star KETs (the letters K, Tikhonravov, and F. A. Zander, among others. A E, and Ts are the initials of Konstantin Leningrad chapter of GSRM is set up, including Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky). as members Ya. I. Perelman, N. A. Rynin, and V. V. đđđđđđđđđđN. A. Setnitsky attempts unsuccessfully to Razumov, among others. meet with A. M. Gorky. Eventually, Setnitsky đđđđđđđđđđA Central Scientific Research Laboratory for writes Gorky a letter about his unsuccessful studying ionification is set up, headed by A. L. efforts to incorporate Fedorov’s ideas into Chizhevsky. Gorky’s vision of the construction of Soviet đđđđđđđđđđAmazing Stories publishes “The Jameson society. Before Setnitsky can send the letter, he Satellite,” a short story by Neil R. Jones, about a discovers that Gorky has died. man whose corpse is sent into orbit, where it remains near absolute zero temperature for The tragic thing is that not one of the millions of years until a race of cyborgs discovers builders of socialism dares to say that it is it, defrosts its brain, and installs it in a robot’s impossible even to think about socialism body. without a struggle against death, and that đđđđđđđđđđ1932 communism cannot be built without victory đđđđđđđđđđThe Institute of Artificial Rain is founded, over death. affiliated with the USSR Hydrometeorological – N. A. Setnitsky. From a letter to A. M. Committee. Gorky đđđđđđđđđđOn the initiative of A. M. Gorky, the All- Union Institute of Experimental Medicine, is 1937 founded in Moscow to deal, among other things, đđđđđđđđđđIn collaboration with A. K. Gorsky, who is with the question of longevity. released from a prison camp in the spring of đđđđđđđđđđ1933 1937, N. A. Setnitsky writes the article “Creative đđđđđđđđđđThe first launch of a rocket developed by the Marxism and the Liquidation of Opportunistic GSRM takes place at the Nakhabino testing Time-Serving in Biology” (unpublished). ground in the Moscow region. The group works on đđđđđđđđđđN. A. Setnitsky is arrested and executed in problems associated with the conquest of space. the fall. đđđđđđđđđđThe science fiction writer A. Belyaev đđđđđđđđđđ1939 publishes his novel Leap Into Nothing. The đđđđđđđđđđA. L. Chizhevsky is elected honorary engineer F. A. Zander serves as the prototype for president of the International Congress for the main character, the German scientist and Biological Physics and Cosmic Biology. pacifist Leo Zandler, who builds a spaceship and đđđđđđđđđđWorld War II begins. explores the expanses of the universe. đđđđđđđđđđ1940 đđđđđđđđđđThe Eurasian writer K. A. Chkheidze (1897- đđđđđđđđđđP. Teilhard de Chardin completes his most 1974) creates the archive collection important book, The Phenomenon of Man,

“Fedoroviana Pragensia” at the National Museum e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C formulating the concept of Christian in Prague. The collection is dedicated to evolutionism and the idea of the noosphere. promoting the understanding of Fedorov’s ideas among Russian émigrés. Life, once having achieved its thinking đđđđđđđđđđ1934 stage, can only continue by rising đđđđđđđđđđIn Harbin, China, N. A. Setnitsky publishes a structurally higher and higher. – P. Teilhard second edition of an anthology entitled The de Chardin Universal Task, dedicated to the memory of Fedorov. The book includes essays addressing The movie director G. V. Alexandrov (1903-1983),

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST one of the creators of sound cinema, publishes phenomenon on our planet. In it, man for an article entitled “The Cinema of the Future” in the first time becomes a major geological the newspaper Izvestiya. In his opinion, the force. He can and must transform his life movie theater of the future will have no screen. domain by his labor and his thought, Rather, it will be like a planetarium, and transform it radically as compared with cinematic works will be projected onto the walls what existed previously. and the ceiling. Alexandrov forecasts a wide – V. I. Vernadsky variety of applications for stereo imaging (at that 11/14 time research into the creation of this technology The botanist and microbiologist N. G. Kholodny was being actively pursued in the USSR), and he (1882-1953), one of Vernadsky’s pupils, asserts that in the future, new technologies will introduces the concept of anthropocosmism. make it possible to record on film not only images and sounds, but also smells: “The music The most characteristic feature of the of aromas is a new power for the artist of the anthropocosmic attitude to nature is man’s cinema.” constant awareness of his own organic, đđđđđđđđđđA. K. Gorsky proposes the idea of an indissoluble, and efficacious connection experimental studio of the new screen (ESNES), with it, and with the entire cosmos. which would link the art of the cinema to the – N. G. Kholodny image of the art of the future, destined to realize “the organization of world-action” and 1950 resurrectionary practice. In the Vladimir prison, the poet, philosopher, and đđđđđđđđđđ1941 mystic D. Andreev (1906-1959) starts work on his đđđđđđđđđđThe science fiction writer A. Belyaev’s novel poem “The Iron Mystery” and his book The Rose Ariel, about a flying man, is published. of the World, embodying in it the idea of “joint đđđđđđđđđđThe USSR enters World War II. creation with God,” which is close to the ethos of đđđđđđđđđđ1942 . đđđđđđđđđđA. L. Chizhevsky is arrested. đđđđđđđđđđ1951 đđđđđđđđđđThe first successful test of the V-2 rocket, đđđđđđđđđđThe noted eugenicist and evolutionary designed by Wernher von Braun for the German biologist Julian Huxley coins the term Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe. The rocket reaches an “transhumanism” in a lecture entitled altitude of 84.5 km, and subsequently 174.6 km, “Knowledge, Morality and Destiny,” delivered in crossing the Karman Line and entering the edge Washington, DC. Huxley describes his philosophy of space. Used as a missile rather than a as “the idea of humanity attempting to overcome spaceship, the V-2 kills many thousand of its limitations and to arrive at fuller fruition.” civilians in Great Britain, Belgium, France, and đđđđđđđđđđ1950–1958 the Netherlands during the war. After the defeat đđđđđđđđđđA. L. Chizhevsky lives and works in of the Nazis, German engineers are moved to the Karaganda. He continues his research into aero- United States and the USSR, where they further ionization. develop the V-2 rocket for military and civilian đđđđđđđđđđ1955 purposes. The V-2 rocket lays the foundation for đđđđđđđđđđOn Easter Day, P. Teilhard de Chardin dies in the liquid-fuel missiles and space launchers New York. Immediately after his death, a used later. commission to publish his work is established, đđđđđđđđđđ1943 consisting of friends and admirers of the đđđđđđđđđđA. K. Gorsky is arrested and dies in the Tula scientist and thinker. The publication of his prison hospital. collected works begins. The first volume to đđđđđđđđđđThe first translation of Fedorov into appear is The Phenomenon of Man. Japanese is published in Tokyo, based on the đđđđđđđđđđ1957 Harbin publication of 1928-1930. It includes the đđđđđđđđđđEarth’s first artificial satellite is launched. first, second, and third parts of Fedorov’s most đđđđđđđđđđOn November 3, 1957, the dog Laika important work, The Question of Brotherhood, or becomes the first animal to be launched into Kinship. orbit, paving the way for human spaceflight.

đđđđđđđđđđ1944 e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C đđđđđđđđđđThe newspaper Pionerskaya Pravda đđđđđđđđđđV. I. Vernadsky’s essay “Some Words About publishes excerpts from I. Efremov’s novel The the Noosphere” is published in the journal Andromeda Nebula, about mankind’s future in Uspekhi Biologii (Successes of Biology). It is the space. This marks the beginning of the golden first significant work to draw public attention to age of Soviet science fiction, which develops the idea of a transition from the biosphere to the rapidly in the novels of Efremov, in Arkady and noosphere. Boris Strugatsky’s novels Land of Scarlet Clouds (1959) and Far Rainbow (1963), and in their short The noosphere is a new geological novels The Way to Almathea(1960), Apprentices

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST (1962), and The Kid(1971). Also significant are G. that Klushantsev invents for the movie are Altov’s collection of stories Legends of the Star subsequently borrowed by a number of American Captains (1961), V. Zhuravleva’s short novel directors, including Stanley Kubrick, George Galactic Journey (1963), Georgy Gurevich’s short Lucas, and Ridley Scott, as well as by special novels (later combined into the utopian novel We effects experts. Are From the Solar System [1965]), Sergei đđđđđđđđđđThe first edition of R. Ettinger’s book The Snegov’s trilogy People Like Gods(1966-1977), Prospect of Immortality is published, laying the and Sergei Pavlov’s novel Lunar Rainbow (1978- 12/14 foundations of modern cryonics. 1983). đđđđđđđđđđFollowing the publication of Ettinger’s book, đđđđđđđđđđB. Klushantsev’s documentary film The a small number of cryonics societies are Road to the Stars is released, in which the story established. of K. E. Tsiolkovsky plays a central role. đđđđđđđđđđ1963 Subsequently, following a ban on his feature đđđđđđđđđđV. Tereshkova becames the first woman in films, Klushantsev develops a special popular- space when she pilots Vostok 6. scientific movie genre, which combines the đđđđđđđđđđ1964 approaches of documentary film and artistic đđđđđđđđđđA. L. Chizhevsky dies. narrative. The director makes the movies Moon đđđđđđđđđđ1965 (1965), Mars (1968), I See Earth (1970), Dictate of đđđđđđđđđđThe cosmonaut A. Leonov makes the first Time (1972), and others. spacewalk. đđđđđđđđđđ1958 đđđđđđđđđđCryonics is mentioned for the first time in đđđđđđđđđđA. L. Chizhevsky is rehabilitated and is the Soviet press. allowed to return to Moscow. đđđđđđđđđđ1967 đđđđđđđđđđ1959 đđđđđđđđđđThe first corpse to be cryopreserved is that đđđđđđđđđđThe American National Exhibition opens in of Dr. James Bedford. As of 2014, about 250 Moscow and is visited by almost three million bodies have been cryopreserved in the United people in six weeks. One of the most-discussed States and 1,500 people have made pieces is Buckminster Fuller’s geodesic dome arrangements for cryopreservation after their made out of gold-hued aluminum sheets. legal deaths. Independently of Fedorov, the architect arrives at đđđđđđđđđđ1969 the idea of Earth as a spaceship, and this idea đđđđđđđđđđOn July 20, the United States’s Apollo 11 is finds expression in his experiments with the first manned mission to land on the moon. geodesic constructions. đđđđđđđđđđ1970 đđđđđđđđđđ1960s đđđđđđđđđđIn R. A. Galtseva’s article “V. I. Vernadsky,” đđđđđđđđđđIn the 1960s, in the midst of Khrushchev’s published in the five-volume Philosophical thaw, the triumphal exploration of outer space, Encyclopedia, the term "Russian cosmism" is and widespread interest in cybernetics, there used for the first time to signify an entire emerges a geometric and kinetic art that harks constellation of thinkers: V. I. Vernadsky, A. L. back to constructivism, the figurative Chizhevsky, and “in part N. F. Fedorov.” The same experiments of the avant-garde, and the dynamic volume includes articles on Fedorov (by D. art of Naum Gabo. The group “Dvizhenie” Lyalikov), Chizhevsky (by L. Golovanov), and (“Movement”)-consisting of the artists L. Tsiolkovsky (by I. Rodnyanskaya). Nussberg, F. Infante-Arana, V. Koleichuk, and đđđđđđđđđđI. M. Zabelin’s book Physical Geography: The others-aims to link together technology, an Science of the Future is published. The ideas of interest in outer space, and art. cephalization, the noosphere, and the prospect đđđđđđđđđđ1961 of immortality are discussed in the book, and đđđđđđđđđđThe newspaper Moskovsky mention is made of Fedorov and Setnitsky. Komsomoletspublishes an article by the biologist đđđđđđđđđđ1972 V. F. Kuprevich (1897-1969), the president of the đđđđđđđđđđThe philologist S. G. Semenova (1941-2014) Belorussian Academy of Sciences, in which the becomes acquainted with the ideas of Fedorov. prospects of human immortality are discussed. The rest of her life will be devoted to researching, đđđđđđđđđđSoviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the developing, and disseminating the ideas of first person in space, when he orbited the Earth e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C Fedorov and the philosophy of cosmism, which in a Vostok spacecraft. she divides into two main branches (active- đđđđđđđđđđ1962 evolutionary and active-Christian), studying the đđđđđđđđđđP. Klushantsev’s popular science fiction influence of Fedorov’s ideas on Russian literature movie Planet of Storms, based on the eponymous and researching the work of P. Teilhard de novel by A. Kazantsev, is released. Distribution Chardin. rights to the film are acquired by twenty-eight đđđđđđđđđđSolaris, a Russian film adaptation of Polish countries around the world. The new visual author Stanislaw Lem’s novel of the same name effects and techniques for combination shots (1961), is released. The film is cowritten and

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST directed by Andrei Tarkovsky. It is a meditative đđđđđđđđđđThe Mysl (Thought) publishing house psychological drama, with the action occurring releases N. F. Fedorov’s work in its series mostly aboard a space station orbiting the Philosophical Heritage. In the foreword, Fedorov fictional planet Solaris. is presented as the founding father of active- đđđđđđđđđđ1973 evolutionary, noospheric, and cosmic thought. đđđđđđđđđđA. L. Chizhevsky’s book The Earthly Echo of đđđđđđđđđđ1983 Solar Storms is published. Turritopsis dohrnii, the immortal jellyfish, is

đđđđđđđđđđ1974 13/14 discovered. It is a species of small, biologically đđđđđđđđđđF. Sobolev’s popular science movie immortal jellyfish found in the Mediterranean Biosphere! Time to Apprehend is released. The Sea and the waters of Japan. It is one of the few documentary filmmaker from Kiev begins his known cases of animals capable of reverting experimental visual poem about life in space completely to a sexually immature, colonial with discussions about Vladimir Vernadsky. stage, after having reached sexual maturity as an đđđđđđđđđđ1976 individual. đđđđđđđđđđThe Cryonics Institute is established and đđđđđđđđđđIn Munich, M. Hagemeister republishes V. N. freezes its first clients in liquid nitrogen. Muraviev’s work The Conquest of Time as the đđđđđđđđđđ1977 Basic Task in the Organization of Labor in a series đđđđđđđđđđStephen Lukashevich’s monograph about of publications devoted to Slavic philology. He Fedorov is published in London: N. F. Fedorov accompanies the work with an explanatory (1828-1903): A Study in Russian Eupsychian and essay. Utopian Thought. đđđđđđđđđđ1985 đđđđđđđđđđThe Prometheus journal publishes an article Perestroika is announced in the USSR. by S. Semenova entitled Nikolai Fedorov. His life đđđđđđđđđđA seminar for the study of N. F. Fedorov’s and teachings – the first article on Fedorov in the heritage starts work under the direction of S. G. USSR following a fifty year gap. Semenova. đđđđđđđđđđ1978 đđđđđđđđđđAccording to the testimony of some đđđđđđđđđđThe biologist Yu. I. Pichugin, who is studying filmmakers, during his first visit to Moscow, in the problems of cryobiology and is an the perestroika period, George Lucas asks Soviet enthusiastic proponent of cryonics, meets S. G. officials to arrange a meeting between him and P. Semenova and O. N. Setnitskaya. Klushantsev. However, it turns out that the đđđđđđđđđđThe art exhibition Time-Space-Man is held officials do not even know who Klushantsev is. at the Molodaya Gvardiya (Young Guard) Lucas supposedly replied: “Klushantsev is the publishing house, bringing together works godfather of Star Wars.” The meeting between devoted to “cosmic fantasy.” The exhibition is the two directors never took place. organized by the historian, journalist, and art đđđđđđđđđđ1986 historian V. V. Baidin. The Mir space station orbits Earth from 1986 to đđđđđđđđđđV. V. Baidin meets A. L. Chizhevsky’s widow, 2001. In Russian, the word “Mir” (“Мир”) means N. V. Chizhevskaya, and becomes acquainted “peace” or “world.” with Chizhevsky’s artistic heritage. đđđđđđđđđđIlya Kabakov creates his installation The đđđđđđđđđđJ. Posadas pens an essay titled Man Who Flew Into Space from His Apartment. “Childbearing in Space, the Confidence of đđđđđđđđđđ1988 Humanity, and Socialism.” A. P. Platonov’s novel Chevengur is finally đđđđđđđđđđ1979 published. The journals Novy Mir and đđđđđđđđđđAndrei Tarkovsky’s film Stalker is released, Moskvaprint articles by S. G. Semenova, devoted based on a script by the cult Soviet science to the influence of Fedorov’s ideas on the novel fiction writers Arkady and Boris Strugatsky. and on Platonov’s work as a whole. đđđđđđđđđđPublication of George M. Young’s Nikolai F. đđđđđđđđđđ1989 Fedorov: An Introduction, Nordland (MA, USA: The fall of the Berlin Wall Publishing Co., Belmont, 1979) đđđđđđđđđđTo mark the 160th anniversary of N. F. đđđđđđđđđđ1981 Fedorov’s birth, Galina Shergova makes the đđđđđđđđđđIn Kiev, V. V. Baidin organizes the exhibition documentary film A Parable of Resurrection,

“Scientists Draw,” the core of which consists of e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C which is shown on Soviet Central Television. drawings by A. L. Chizhevsky. đđđđđđđđđđ1990 đđđđđđđđđđThe German academic M. Hagemeister A volume of selected works by N. F. Fedorov, visits Moscow in connection with his research entitled What Was Man Created For? The into the heritage of N. F. Fedorov and V. N. Philosophy of the Common Task, is published in Muraviev. While gathering material for a book, he English, translation by L’Age d’Homme. meets and consults with O. N. Setnitskaya, S. G. đđđđđđđđđđ1991 Semenova, and V. V. Baidin, among others. The dissolution of the USSR. đđđđđđđđđđ1982 đđđđđđđđđđ1993

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST The N. F. Fedorov Museum and Reading Room is opened in Moscow. In 1998 it is transformed into the N. F. Fedorov Museum-Library, which is an educational and research center that works on developing the ideas of cosmism. đđđđđđđđđđ1990s-2000s The phenomenon of cosmism is actively researched in Russia and abroad. Primary texts 14/14 are published, as are numerous monographs and scholarly articles. đđđđđđđđđđThere is rapid development in the areas of information technology, biology, medicine, and nano- and biotechnologies. The philosophy of transhumanism emerges. The prospects for artificial intelligence and robotization provoke a new surge of interest in cosmism and the futurological ideas generated within its matrix. đđđđđđđđđđ× e - f l u x j o r n a # 8 — b y 2 0 1 đ A s t i G c h v , Z d V k T i m e l n o f R u s a C

02.14.18 / 14:35:11 EST