The Daily Egyptian, March 01, 1983
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Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC March 1983 Daily Egyptian 1983 3-1-1983 The aiD ly Egyptian, March 01, 1983 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: Volume 68, Issue 109 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, March 01, 1983." (Mar 1983). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1983 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in March 1983 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Furlough illegal, F-Senate VP says By p.m., Fiarir.i furlough would be illegal by the board, he said. subject of exigency. and its ability to savr' money h'; Staff Writer because of the conditior.5 of Gregory also said the The handbOOK "may be imposing a furlough was not appointment which are stated furlough would relate to item II ambigu'lus, but ti,l' situation true. He said members of the Any faculty and staff furlough on the fiipside of the faculty of the cO!lditions of ap should be handled f Jirly." he faculty would have the right 10 would be a breach of contract. (:ontract. pointment, which refers to said. sue the University for breach of and the1'efore illegal, according The first item says, "All faculty memi..ers who ar.~ paid "If conditions are as serious contract if ;j furlough was to William Gregory, vice members of the faculty and by an "external grant (lr con as he (8omitJ contended. he imposed president of the Faculty Senate. of the administration and tract," meaning those paid by should've met with a designated According 10 the handbook. President Albert 80mit an professional staff will be paid in the {j .S. gu.€Tiiiuent for body of the senate:' Gregory tenured faculty contracts are nounced last month the accordance with the terms and research and other programs. said. "It was improper that he subject to annual adjustments po5Sibilily of caUing for a conditions of their ap "Sut by and large. most did it uniiateraUy. regarding salary, rank and furlough over spring break if pointments." The appointment faculty are paid by state ap "However, if the condition conditions of employment. For Gov. James Thompson orders a period is listed within the propriations:' Gregory said. was not so serious. hf' should've non-tenured faculty, all con second budget recall of over 2 contract. According to the faculty said nothing," he said. tinuing appointments are percent. 80mit said Thompson "That condition of the con handbook. a faculty group, Gregory said that what Somit subject to annual adjustments may possibly address the recall tract provides for a fixed rate of deSignated by the Faculty IUS suggestin~ about the regarding salary and conditions WeCbtesday night when he is pay, and it seems fairly man Senate, must be involved in a University ha~jng no money of appointment. scheduled to present his fiscal datory that there is no leeway decision as to wh('ther a year 1983-84 budget. other than to pay what's financial exigency exists. as G~ory said Monday that provided in the contract," well as the consequent 8omi~ was "careless to make a Gregory said. reallocation of funds. public statement without Gregory said the Board of "There are specifiC checking the legality" of a Trustees approves aU faculty provisions as to how the furlough. "If he had checked it contracts and, once approved, Univesity would deal with a out., he could've seen there was the University is obligated to condition of exigency." Gregory !XI basis for it_" pay that amount. All faculty said. GtI... ys • faculty furlough abe WHII alter Iprtag broil would he a Gregory said that. according and staf! members have had The substance of 8omit's rea'lIanisbip" molt nadeala, who caa't aflenl aD elltra week ia to a basic law of contracts, the their present t'ontracts ratified statement. he said, involved the FI..... _ Women's Center Daily ~tian receives• portion• Southern Dlinois University of Schumake fund TuesdaY. March I, 1983-VoL ., So. 109 R:v John Schrag arrE'st has ix't"n made In Ihf' Stan \\'ri~r ('ase. the mo'lE'Y i~ now ht'ml! distributt'd as p"lanned ThE' Rapt' i\etlon ('omn>illt't' .Joyc~' Wt'nh. pr('sidf'nl or th,· of tht· Carbondalt' \\ omE'o'~ \\omt'n'~ Cf'ntl'r. ~"Id thf' u~t' lit C('ott"r has rE'ceivE'd St.i;';' from thE' mont'v will hl' <115(,lISSf'd ill thE' Susan Schumakt' "It'morial thE' worilt'n~ ("E'nlf'r Bnarrl Fund. ml'E'ting \londa\ m!/:hl Sht· "ud ThE' fund \\ as orlgmally ~t't lip thE' ('t"ntpf. which t~ a non·prultt as a reward for information organizatIOn. apprE'ciatE's Ih,' leadmg to thE' arn'st and ('on "very gE'nE'rOU5 gift .. viction of thE' murdE'rt'r or Harris. the \\ IBO flscal oi II: SchumaltE'.who a 21-year-flld__ raped slr-c and ft(,E'r. said thE' scholarshIp '.\ IItudeIIt be established tlJrough the sur strangled in August 1981. Her e Foundation. She said she body was found A:Jg. ilion a hopes that the lounrt3tiOr. will path between (r.~_ Highway 51 approve the proposal to and the liiinois Cenlral Gulf E'Stablish the scholarship tor railroad tracks known as th(' female undergraduates in thE' "Ho Chi Mmh Trail.·- Radio and TE'1evision Depart The fund was E'Stablisht'd by mE'nt. campus radio station "IDB She said the scholarship is where SchumakE'. a SE'nior In bt>ing establishE'd through thf' radio and television. workt'd as foundation so that the mont'~ a sales rE'presE'ntativE' can be invE'sted and gE'neratE' Shumake was last seen alivE' funds for an on-going award around 5:36 p.m. AUf! Ii Harris said such an leaving a meeting at "IDB arrangement \\ill also makE' It Nancy Harris. director of thE' easier for people to donatl' 10 Student Developmt'nt Ct'ntt'r. thE' scholarship fund said ulat wht'n the fund \I as established. the student com The studE'nt committE'E' In mittee in charge of thE' fund ('hargE' of thl' fund drive. \I hl('h decided that djO arrt'st \las was complE'ted in OctobE'r 19111 made by nO\l. .If hE' mon('~ rE'cE'ivE'd $1.000 from would be given the "omE'n's schumake's parE'nts and frlE'nd" ('E'nter and h~' o'l~uld bE' liSt'<! but fell short of tht'!r goal 0; for a scholarS,;.,.. gE'tting t'very SIt" -{' stud('nt to Harris said that hE'causE' no dona:E' $1 M.A..S.H. IHuh Starr PfUM by David McCIleuey DaleShepar1l.left•• ealGr in R.T. and Joel WUUs, M.A.S.H. in the SlIlde.t Center Monday eveaing. Reagan seeks money for EI Salvador IleDIar ia pre.... .aklll tile fiaal epIsede 01 See rare.ell to M.A.8.H .• Pale 5. WASHINGTON (AP) - Congressional leaders that presiden: Reagan asked $60 million ID new l'.S. Monday ror a S60 million military aid is needed for the boost in weapons assistance Salvadoran army to cope Finalists in COBA. dean search to EI Salvador and a senior . with the growing conflict. White House official said the Senate Republican Leader administration is eyeing an Howard Baker of Tennessee to visit SIU-C in March, A.pril expansim in both the number said Reagan told the and role or American congressional leaders the Thomas Gulteridge, associate at Texas Tech Univen.lly. military advisers in tbat Salvadoran government will By Vicki OIlnty have trouble surviving Staff Writer dean and executive director of Clifton Andersen has been natim. the Regional EconomiC serving as acting dean. Tbe official said Reagan without additional support. Assistance Center in the School Guyon said the two finalists bas ordered a full-scale Tbe two finalists recom· wiD meet during their visits "The president made it mended for the position of dean of Management of the State revieW of overall U.s. poIk:y .. ali ;o!! the campus con clear tbere is a serious of the CoDege of Busines and l'niversity of New York it, in CeDtral America. incf,. Buffalo. Is scheduled to visit stituencies tbat spend the a possible buildup in the problem in tbe (Central Administration wiD visit the majority of their time in the University in Mardi and April. C8D1pt,m April 5 and 6_ team, now limited to 55 American) region, that the -rile fma1ists were recom· C08A. members and barred from national interests of this Sam Barane, profeaor of He said he hcIpes to fiD the econoniief. and management mended by a search committee combat. that adviset} EI ~try are deeply involved !!ClenCe in the Conege of from a field of 36 external position by the beginning of faU SalYador·. force against a in the outcome of tbat Susiness and Administration of candidates. The search process semester_ IeftiIt iIIs1qeDcy. struggie." Baker wo.. started iD October. the University of Detroit, is Guyon said a decision about The dilClosure. made to sdleduled to be interviewed on The position of dea'l has been reporters travelinl to Saker said the "immediate lmfiUed since summer 1981 whether to make an offer and to problem" is ''whether ,1r not c~mpus March 7 and 8. Vice whom is nonnaUy not made califomia wit." tbe president President for Academic Affairs lA'hen John Darling resigned to on Air Foree One, came ODly accept a positiOli as vice until at least two weeks lifter See REAGAN, Pale 3 and Research John Guyon said interviews .