World of Krynn

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World of Krynn World of Krynn TABLE OF CONTENTS Post-War Ansalon. 2-3 The Tale. 4 The Tower of Kyrie (by Douglas Niles) . .5 The Missing Master Lor (by Harold Johnson) . 33 Dargaard Keep (by Michael Gray). 49 The Dragon Peak of Palanthus (by Douglas Niles) . .8 8 COMBINED MONSTER STATISTICS CHART . 9 4 (Contains statistics for all monsters found in the adventures in this book.) Distributed to the book trade in the United States by Random CREDITS House, Inc., and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Ltd. Distributed to the toy and hobby trade by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR Ltd. Design: Douglas Niles, Michael Gray, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, AD&D, and Harold Johnson DRAGONLANCE, FIEND FOLIO, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trademarks owned by TSR, Editing: Mike Breault Inc. Cover Art: Clyde Caldwell This adventure is protected under the copyright laws of the United Interior Art: Thomas Yeates with Tim Truman States of America. Any reproduction or other unauthorized use of and Stan Wock the material or artwork contained herein is prohibited without the Cartography: David Sutherland and express written consent of TSR, Inc. Dennis Kauth © Typography: Betty Elmore 1988 TSR, Inc. All Rights Reserved. Keylining: Stephanie Tabat TSR, Inc. TSR Ltd. POB 756 120 Church End, Cherry Hinton Lake Geneva Cambridge CB1 3LB WI 53147 U.S.A. United Kingdom Printed in U.S.A. 0-88038-609-6 9237XXX2001 Permission granted to to photocopy or print this product for personal use. The war is over! The dread might of notes for the dm the adventures the Queen of Darkness has been blocked from spreading across Krynn. The World of Krynn presents four The four adventures within this The forces of good, narrowly holding adventures for medium- to high-level module are briefly explained below: the line, have not been destroyed. characters. These adventures are set The Tower of Kyrie is set upon Nor have they prevailed. Much of on the continent of Ansalon, in the Mithas, the island of the minotaurs. Krynn still lies beneath the shadow of world of Krynn. These adventures can The PCs set out to discover the secret dragonarmy occupation. True, the be played in any order you desire of the strange avian race, the kyrie, five dragonarmies are no longer unit- though the order in which they are and in the process uncover an ambi- ed in their grand strategy, but this is presented makes geographical sense, tious minotaur plan that could bring little consolation to those who have enabling the party to move from one ruin and despair to much of Eastern fallen under the sway of the Blue to the next with a minimum of globe- Ansalon. Army slavetraders in Sanction, or who hopping. The Missing Master Lor is an suffer the random cruelties of the Red In order to be true to the theme of adventure that can be set practically Army occupation in Nordmaar. the DRAGONLANCE® saga, these anywhere in Ansalon, though a Though the grand quest might be adventures are all designed along the region with some mountains or rough over, there are still countless opportu- lines of good challenging (and ideally terrain is best. The PCs are requested nities for brave characters to find triumphing over) evil. Though there to help a group of villagers find young adventure, challenge, and reward. are treasures to be gained, players Master Lor, the little boy who is the The continent of Ansalon is vast and who are not motivated to confront darling of the community. He also fraught with danger. The forces of and best the forces of darkness will happens to be prescient. evil are deployed in many lands, and not get all of the enjoyment available The Dargaard Keep adventure they covet many more. With no cen- out of these adventures. However, we takes place in that fearsome castle of tral and powerful nation emerging assume that anyone who has been undead, Dargaard Keep. The PCs can from the war, the fate of most of these adventuring in Krynn for some or all venture into this nightmare realm to conflicts rests in the hands of those of the DRAGONLANCE saga is the find some of the lost secrets of the generals and captains powerful caliber of hero we seek! DRAGONLANCE® saga. If they are enough to exert their will into a sur- Another assumption made in the successful, they will release the tor- rounding area, or with those dragons design of this product was that this is mented Lord Soth to his final resting and other monsters great enough to not your first DRAGONLANCE place, at last. Also, the mystery of terrorize a section of the countryside. module. Such items as the nature of Kitiaras ultimate fate is at last made About the only impediment to the kender, draconians, and other details plain. aims of these tyrannical figures is the are not described here as they have In The Dragon Peak of Palan- courage of heroes willing to stand up been covered in other DL modules. thus, the characters are asked to to the bullying tactics and treacherous This is a stand-alone product in invade the volcanic lair of a maraud- violence of these petty villains. that you can play it even if you have ing dragon. Can the PCs defeat the But, as is often the case, there are no prior knowledge of Krynn. A more dragons minions and vanquish their valuable treasures that await those detailed description of the world, scaly foe? heroes. They have but to wrest them however, can be gained from Karen from the evil forces now hoarding Wynn Fonstads book, The Atlas of the Monsters them. And of course, for a character the DRAGONLANCE World. The who wishes to see the forces of good AD&D® hardcover rule book, At the end of this book is the Com- once again prevail over Krynn, the Dragonlance Adventures, contains all bined Monster Statistics Chart. It conquest of evil is a necessary objec- of the rules for running an AD&D contains the stats for all monsters tive. game campaign that is specific to (listed alphabetically) used in these And so we take you again to Krynn. Krynn. And of course, the game adventures. It is no longer a world locked in a modules from DL 1 to DL 15 provide titanic war, but violence still exists in a look at many areas of Krynn in many little wars. Your characters game-oriented detail. might be anywhere on the face of the continent, for adventure beckons eve- rywhere. Good Hunting! Return with your shield, or on it! 4 The island of Mithas, to the east of common in the city of Lacynos. The can be easily modified to reflect a Ansalon and the Bloodsea, is a realm minotaurs lack natural timber for variety of starting locales. seldom visited by men. Its rugged ter- their ships, so they buy both com- rain and inhospitable climate doubt- pleted vessels and vast cargoes of lum- the Situation less have something to do with this. ber from Flotsam, Saifhum, and even The population of the island, how- farther ports. The chaos that reigns over all of ever, is the main reason that Mithas Ansalon in the wake of the War of the receives few human travelers. the Player Characters Lance is nowhere more prevalent than For Mithas is an island of mino- among the islands and mainland taurs. The Tower of Kyrie adventure provinces of the eastern part of the These brutish, powerful creatures can be played by a group of characters continent, especially those locales own all of the land on the island, and of middle levels of experience. An adjacent to the Bloodsea. control all of the business. Gaining average spread would be six to eight Much of the Goodlund Peninsula, income from mining and fishing, and characters of 4th or 5th level, or four to the south of the Bloodsea, lies especially piracy and privateering, the to six characters of 6th or 7th levels. under the pall of the Black Dragonar- minotaurs are confident of their Obviously, the DM can adjust the bal- my occupation forces. This bleak supremacy upon Mithas. ance of many of the combat encoun- reach is barren and practically devoid There are other inhabitants of the ters in order to reflect parties that are of nonmonstrous inhabitants island, of course. Several hundred more or less powerful than recom- except, of course, those unfortunate human shepherds tend flocks of har- mended. human slaves of the dragonarmy. dy sheep throughout most of the The party can be drawn into the The port of Flotsam lies outside the islands interior. This work is too adventure from virtually anywhere on area of dragonarmy control. In fact, it mundane for minotaurs, so they tol- Ansalon, though it is most conven- lies beyond any control at all. The city erate human workersthough mino- ient if they are somewhere in the east- is a chaotic jumble of merchants, taurs own the sheep and the land they ern part of the continent. The mercenaries, harlots, and thieves. It feed upon. encounter at the start of the adven- currently has no central government, Also, human and ogre traders are ture, while ostensibly set in Flotsam, though the various factions have 5 shown a remarkable willingness to lie the twin minotaur isles of Mithas swelled the ranks of Chot s forces, band together in the face of Black and Kothas. Mithas is the richer of the giving him easily the largest army of Dragonarmy aggression.
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