Indian Journal of Geo Marine Sciences Vol. 50 (01), January 2021, pp. 60-66

Length-weight relationship, relative condition factor and morphological studies of arius (Hamilton, 1822) in Hooghly-Matlah estuary, West Bengal

B B Chirwatkara, S K Das*,a & D Bhaktab aDepartment of Resource Management, Faculty of Sciences, WBUAFS, Chakgaria, Kolkata, West Bengal – 700 094, bICAR-Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute, Barrackpore, Monirampore, Kolkata – 700 120, West Bengal, India *[E-mail: [email protected]]

Received 10 October 2018; revised 26 March 2020

The present study deals with the length-weight relationship, relative condition factor, and morphometric and meristic characters of Threadfin sea , Arius arius (Hamilton, 1822) from Hooghly-Matlah estuarine system, West Bengal, India. A total of 391 samples (243 females and 148 males) with the size ranging from 52 to 254 mm total length (TL) and weight ranging from 1.62 to 176.75 g were analyzed for a period of one year (April 2017 to March 2018). The ‘b’ value was estimated as 3.065, 3.127, and 3.104 for male, female, and pooled samples, respectively exhibiting positive allometric growth. The monthly mean relative condition factor (Kn) values ranged from 0.923 to 1.309 for males and 1.003 to 1.085 for females, respectively showing the good condition of the . Fourteen morphometric characters analyzed revealed that the total length exhibited a highly significant correlation (p < 0.05) with most of the morphometric parameters. The analysis of meristic characters of A. arius found that the first dorsal fin bears 1 spine and 7 soft rays, pelvic fin is with 6 soft rays, pectoral fin bear 1 spine and 8-11 soft rays, anal fin bears 14-17 soft fin rays and the caudal fin is with 16-23 soft rays.

[Keywords: Arius arius, Hooghly-Matlah estuary, Length-weight relationship, Meristic counts, Morphometric characters, Relative condition factor]

Introduction comparative measures of freshness and The knowledge of length-weight relationships plumpness. Studies about fish condition parameters (LWRs) of fish is vital in fisheries as it is useful to are useful, inexpensive, and easy measurement tool to establish the mathematical relationship between two know the fecundity, reproduction, growth and variables i.e., length and weight, and is also used for mortality rates of fishes3-6, fat monitoring in the body, comparison of an individual with and between gonadal development11 and to study the reproductive different populations1. To understand survival, status of the fish. growth, maturity, reproduction, and general well- Arius arius (Hamilton, 1822) (Fig. 1) commonly being, the mathematical relationship between length known as ‘’ of the family and weight of is a practical suitable index and it (order Siluriformes) constitutes a commercially is often used to characterize life history and make important species in the West Bengal state of India. morphological comparisons between different fish The production of sea catfish (Arius spp.) was 20,375 species or populations2. In recent years, several types t against the total marine production of 1, 73,771 t of research have been undertaken to study the LWRs during the year 2015-16(ref. 12) in the state of West of finfishes in freshwater and estuarine habitats of Bengal. The estimated annual average catch of marine West Bengal3-8. is around 80,559 t in India13. Family Ariidae In fisheries science to compare the condition, comprises 153 species under 27 genera of tropical and fatness, or wellbeing of fish the condition factor is sub-tropical marine catfishes14. Jayaram15 reported being used. The heavier fish of a particular length is 197 catfishes found in the Indian waters and a total of in a better physiological condition than lower weight 86 catfish species were reported from West Bengal16. fish, based on the general theorem9,10. The estimated Along the east coast of India, among marine catfishes, values of the ponderal index (K) and relative the engraved catfish A. arius contributed major share condition factor (Kn) gives details on the general in terms of its landing17. It is distributed in the Indo- wellbeing of the fish and its development process. West Pacific belt: India through neighboring coastal The knowledge of fish condition indices provides nations (, , and ) to CHIRWATKAR et al.: LWRs, CONDITION FACTOR AND MORPHOLOGY OF A. ARIUS 61

Fig. 1 — Morphometric characters of A. arius: 1) Total length, 2) Standard length, 3) Pre-dorsal length, 4) Head length, 5) Inter orbital length, 6) Snout length, 7) Eye diameter, 8) Pre-pectoral length, 9) Pre-pelvic length, 10) Pre-anal length, 11) Mid body depth, 12) Caudal depth, 13) Caudal peduncle length, and 14) Caudal length , South Sea. This species feeds Fish specimens were collected from selected mostly on invertebrates. A. arius is a bottom-dwelling landing centers in fresh conditions and were catfish, widely distributed in estuaries and freshwater transported in a plastic insulated box containing ice environments of the west and east coasts of India. and brought to the laboratory. By using a measuring Numerous reports are available on the LWRs of board, the total length (TL) of the fish specimens marine catfishes in different parts of the World18-23 were measured from the tip of the anterior-most part and few in the Indian context24-28. But no work has of the body to the tip of the caudal fin to the nearest been reported regarding studies of biological 0.1 mm and weighed using an electronic balance to parameters of A. arius occurring in Hooghly-Matlah the nearest 0.01 g accuracy. The LWRs for both male estuary of West Bengal. The present paper deals with and female specimen was calculated separately the LWRs, Kn values and morphological characters of following the method of Ricker29 using the formula A. arius from Hooghly-Matlah estuary which will be W = aLb. Isometric and allometric growth was tested helpful to promote management measures of the by employing Fisher ‘t’ test. species in the region. The ‘Kn’ value can also be used to compare the

Materials and Methods general well-being, fatness, or the state of Specimens of A. arius were collected from development of gonads. The ‘Kn’ was calculated by Godakhali (latitude 22°10’182” N; longitude using the formula: Kn = W0/Wc, where Wo = observed 88°12’034” E) and Diamond Harbour (latitude weight and Wc = calculated weight. Monthly mean 22°24’284” N; longitude 88°08’548” E) fish landing values of ‘Kn’ were calculated for individual samples centers of 24 South Paraganas district under the and the average value was estimated accordingly. Hooghly-Matlah estuarine system. Fishes were caught A total of five meristic and fourteen morphometric mostly by stationary bagnet (locally called beenjal, characters were studied following the standard 30 behundi jal), a non-selective multispecies small- procedure of Grant & Spain . For the analysis of meshed net (10-25 mm mesh size) and by drift gill morphometric characters, a linear regression equation nets (30-60 mm mesh size). A total of 391 samples of was fitted using the least square method described by 31 Arius arius with a size ranged from 50 mm to 255 mm Snedecor & Cochran . Meristic characters included was considered for the present study (April 2017 the number of spines and rays on pectoral, to March 2018). dorsal, anal, pelvic, and caudal fins. Relationships 62 INDIAN J GEO-MAR SCI, VOL 50, NO 01, JANUARY 2021

between certain body measurements to the total length length, pre-orbital length, inter-orbital length, and eye and head length have been calculated. diameter. The range values of different morphological characters with mean and standard error are given Results in Table 2. Length-weight relationships (LWRs) The LWRs of catfish A. arius was estimated based on 391 samples (243 females and 148 males) with the size varied from 52 to 254 mm and weight ranging between 1.62 to 176.75 g. The log transformation of the linear regression of LWR of A. arius and its corresponding exponent is depicted in Figure 2. It was observed that the fish exhibited positive allometric growth as the ‘b’ value differed significantly (p < 0.01) from 3. The ‘b’ values found were 3.065, 3.127 and 3.104 for male, female, and pooled samples, respectively. The corresponding ‘r’ value of 0.939, 0.924, and 0.924 indicated a significant correlation (p < 0.01) with the length and weight of the fish. The regression equation for the LWRs, with corresponding ‘r’ values, is presented in Table 1.

Relative condition factor (Kn) The monthly mean ‘Kn’ was calculated for different months and is presented in Figure 3. In the case of male, the monthly mean values of ‘Kn’ varied from 0.923 to 1.309 and that of females from 1.003 to 1.085. In the case of males, the monthly mean ‘Kn’ values were maximum in June (1.309) and minimum during August (0.923). The average value gradually increased from September (1.121) to March (1.194) with the highest of 1.309 in June. In the case of female, it was gradually increased from May (1.003) to March (1.085).

Morphometric and meristic characters The present study considered 5 meristic and 14 morphometric characteristics of the fish. The morphometric characters of A. arius showed a proportional positive increase with the increase in total length of the fish. Morphometric characteristics were estimated using regression analysis for both male and female fish to find out the growth pattern in relation to total length and other body parameters i.e., standard length, pre-anal length, pre-dorsal length, pre-pectoral length, pre-pelvic length, head length, Fig. 2 — Logarithmic length-weight relationship of A. arius mid-body depth, caudal depth, caudal length, snout (a. Male, b. Female, and c. Pooled)

Table 1 — Length-weight relationship of A. arius Group No. of Samples a b Logarithmic Equation Linear equation ‘r’ Male 148 0.000007 3.065 - 5.186 + 3.065 L W = 0.000007L3.065 0.939 Female 243 0.000005 3.127 - 5.304 + 3.127L W = 0.000005L3.127 0.924 Pooled 391 0.000005 3.104 - 5.260 + 3.104 L W = 0.000005L3.104 0.924 CHIRWATKAR et al.: LWRs, CONDITION FACTOR AND MORPHOLOGY OF A. ARIUS 63

The regression coefficient of different variable characters on the total length was significant (p < 0.05) and highest (r = 0.993) in the case of standard length. The total length exhibited a highly significant correlation (p < 0.05) with most of the morphometric parameters (Table 3). Among the selected meristic characters, it was found that the first dorsal fin is having 1 spine with 7 soft rays, pelvic fin has 6 soft rays, pectoral fin with 1 spine and 8-11 soft rays, anal fin with 14-17 soft fin rays and the caudal fin was having 16-23 soft rays.

Discussion Length-weight relationships (LWRs) Fig. 3 — Monthly mean estimated ‘Kn’ value of male and female of A. arius The LWRs change with various biological processes like metamorphosis, growth, and maturity. Table 2 — General morphometric analysis in percentage of This relationship was generally used to obtain total length of A. arius information on the condition, and the growth of fish and to find out whether the somatic growth is Parameters (in mm) Mean SE Range isometric or allometric11. The variation in exponent Standard length 80.35 0.09 72.45 - 88.18 ‘b’ values could be ascribed to environmental factors, Head length 21.08 0.08 18.01 - 24.85 food availability and physiological factors including Pre-dorsal length 28.48 0.12 22.15 - 33.87 sex and life stages11. It’s value usually lies between Pre-anal length 57.56 0.11 51.52 - 68.82 2.5 to 4.0(ref. 32). Pre-pelvic length 43.55 0.11 37.37 - 48.72 In general, the value of exponent ‘b’ is considered Pre-pectoral length 19.50 0.07 16.15 - 24.83 either more than 3 (b > 3) or less than 3 (b < 3) which Least depth of caudal fin 6.01 0.03 5.04 - 8.91 indicates that fish become heavier and lighter, Post- orbital length 8.65 0.09 6.25 - 11.94 respectively for a certain length as its increases in Inter- orbital length 10.16 0.06 8.00 - 12.99 size32. The ‘b’ value of A. subrostraus was reported as Snout length 7.45 0.04 6.12 - 9.92 2.6224, 3.0914 and 2.8067 for male, female and for Eye diameter 4.22 0.03 2.78 - 7.84 combined specimens, respectively27. Sawant & Raje26 Caudal length 21.09 0.07 18.03 - 24.84 observed that A. caelatus and A. thalassinus were Mid body depth 18.07 0.09 15.08 - 22.73 having positive allometric growth (b > 3) in both

Table 3 — Relationship between different morphometric characters of A. arius Sl. No. Morphometric characters Y = a + bx ‘r’ value 1 Standard length on Total length Y = 0.803x - 0.063 0.993* 2 Pre-anal length on Total length Y = 0.596x – 3.243 0.544* 3 Pre-dorsal length on Total length Y = 0.300x – 2.415 0.524* 4 Pre-pectoral length on Total length Y = 0.204x – 1.404 0.923* 5 Pre-pelvic length on Total length Y = 0.447x – 1.822 0.949* 6 Head length on Total length Y = 0.207x + 0.522 0.919* 7 Mid body depth on Total length Y = 0.187x – 1.007 -0.088 8 Caudal depth on Total length Y = 0.053x + 0.955 -0.041 9 Caudal length on Total length Y = 0.196x + 2.141 0.929* 10 Snout length on Total length Y = 0.075x – 0.143 0.873* 11 Pre-orbital length on Total length Y = 0.108x – 0974 -0.015 12 Inter orbital length on Total length Y = 0.075x – 0.358 -0.015 13 Eye diameter on Total length Y = 0.024x + 2.675 0.783* * Significant at the 0.05 level. 64 INDIAN J GEO-MAR SCI, VOL 50, NO 01, JANUARY 2021

males and females along the west coast and east coast, fishes which agree with the earlier workers such as respectively. Raje et al.25 recorded ‘b’ value of T. jella Bhakta et al.3 and Das et al.39. Das et al.39 observed as 3.305 (r = 0.960), 3.3050 (r = 0.970) and 3.443 the mean ‘K’ and ‘Kn’ values for Arius tenuispinis (r = 0.960) for male, female, and pooled sample, and found the values as 1.0755 (K) and 1.0144 (Kn) respectively with positive allometric growth. The for males as well as 1.0307 (K) and 1.0025 (Kn) for LWRs gives some ideas on the condition and growth female fish, respectively. Hossain et al.40 reported the patterns of fish. The changes in ‘b’ values depend ‘K’ value of the Asian striped catfish Mystus vittatus mainly on the fatness and shape of the species and it (Siluriformes: Bagridae) as 0.972 to 3.188 for males is also influenced by other aspects such as food, and 1.564 to 3.186 for females from the Mathabhanga salinity, sex, temperature, time of the year and stages river of south-western Bangladesh. The female of maturity9,10. specimens were in better condition compared to males Farooq et al.33 had computed the ‘b’ values for and it was correlated with the spawning season three species of catfish, namely Arius gagora, of the species. Plotosus lineatus and Osteogeneiosus militaris along Ambily & Nandan27 reported the ‘Kn’ of Arius the Arabian Sea of Pakistan and the values were 3.013 subrostratus ranging from 0.75 to 1.07, 0.944 to 1.407 (r = 0.898); 3.742 (r = 0.991) and 3.350 (r = 0.980) and 0.96 to 1.196 for male, female, and pooled showing positive allometric growth. While the values groups, respectively. Kamukuru & Tamatamah41 of ‘b’ for O. militaris was 2.940 (r = 0.995) and found reported a peak in ‘Kn’ values of A. thalassinus in as negative allometric along the West Bengal coast34. February for females and during March for males. The length-weight relationship of Arius maculatus There was a sharp decrease in ‘Kn’values for both and Arius tenuispinis has been done by Arshad et al.35 sexes during May and June, presumably when the fish and the ‘b’ values reported displayed were negative had released their gametes. Trivedi et al.42 studied the allometric (2.624 and 2.08, respectively). condition factor of important fin fishes from the lower Comparative LWRs of marine catfishes done by other Gangetic delta based on salinity gradient and found researchers is provided in Table S1. the ‘K’ values of Tachysurus jella (Family Ariidae) as The ‘b’ value in the present study was observed 1.125 at Hooghly estuary and 0.733 from Matlah more than 3 for the male, female and pooled samples estuary. They opined that a higher level of ‘K’ value indicating positive allometric growth which is for ariids at Hooghly estuary was due to the concurrent with earlier studies on A. arius in different hyposaline environment resulting in the discharge of 36-37 regions by other researchers . freshwater water from Farakka barrage against the hypersaline environment of Matlah estuary. Relative condition factor (Kn) In the present study highest ‘Kn’ value was The condition of a fish usually fluctuates by observed in June for males and that of females in July interaction, amount of food consumed, parasitic which could be due to the spawning season of the infections and by physiological factors, and it reflects species. There was a significant difference (p < 0.05) the current physical and biological circumstances of 11 in ‘Kn’ values due to sex among males and females the fish . The LWRs and ‘K’ values are used directly which might be due to the differential growth of for fishery assessment and future comparisons gonads and feeding. Moreover, there was a significant between populations of the same species at different 38 difference (p < 0.05) in ‘Kn’ values due to the locations . The variation in length against weight is interaction of month and sex. Comparative analyses not due to changes in specific gravity but due to of ‘Kn’ values of marine catfishes done by other changes in volume since the fish always maintain the researchers are provided in Table S2. same density as that of the surrounding water. These changes are analyzed by the condition factor or Morphometric and meristic characters coefficient of condition or ponderal index1,38. The analysis of morphometrics helps in In general, condition factors in fishes are understanding the relationship between the body influenced by various factors such as availability and parts. The proportion of body parts with its total types of food, physicochemical parameters, age and length was used for morphometric analysis. Studies of sex of the individual, spawning, onset of maturity, variation in morphological characters are essential to breeding, feeding, etc.6,7. In the present study, the illuminate patterns observed in phenotype and ‘Kn’ values were found to be high in smaller size genotypic variations among coastal fish population43. CHIRWATKAR et al.: LWRs, CONDITION FACTOR AND MORPHOLOGY OF A. ARIUS 65

Further due to different environmental factors, Panchasayar, Chakgaria, Kolkata, West Bengal for selection and heredity, different growth patterns providing necessary facilities and encouragement. within species can lead to a variety of body shapes36. Many researchers observed variation between body Conflict of Interest parameters occurred due to the changes in biological The authors declare that there is no conflict of (size, genetic factors) and environmental factors interest. (temperature, turbidity, and depth of water). 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