CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1541 Regardless of Administrator DeParle's to truly make a difference in the lives of oth- RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS change in position, we must clarify the law so ers. Her devotion is an example to us all. I am OF JOHN C. MURPHY that there is no question about HCFA's re- honored to acknowledge Adele Hall for her sponsibility to provide care for the terminally successful efforts to promote equity and op- HON. RICK LAZIO ill. It is the right and moral thing to do. More portunity for women and children. I know that OF importantly, it will let hospice patients live out she is joined in receiving this award by her IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES their final days in dignity. I urge my colleagues husband, Don, and their entire family. Mr. Wednesday, September 20, 2000 to cosponsor my bill and I submit the Wall Speaker, please join me in congratulating the Street Journal article of June 5th to be printed Central Exchange 2000 Woman of the Year, Mr. LAZIO. Mr. Speaker, I would like to rec- in the RECORD. Adele Hall. ognize a man who has been dedicated to f housing and community development issues f for over 25 years. John Murphy is the Execu- TRIBUTE TO ADELE HALL tive Director of the National Association of TRIBUTE TO SENATOR DANIEL County Community and Economic Develop- HON. KAREN McCARTHY PATRICK MOYNIHAN ment. He has worked with my Housing and Community Opportunity Subcommittee on a OF MISSOURI SPEECH OF IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES number of programs. HON. JUANITA MILLENDER-McDONALD The efforts of John Murphy have allowed Wednesday, September 20, 2000 OF CALIFORNIA counties around the country to build affordable Ms. MCCARTHY of Missouri. Mr. Speaker, I IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES housing, to provide seriously needed infra- rise today to honor an exceptional leader and structure, to alleviate homelessness, and to Tuesday, September 19, 2000 friend to our Kansas City community and our build senior support centers that allow our el- country. Adele Hall is being honored as the Ms. MILLENDER-MCDONALD. Mr. Speaker, derly citizens to remain in their own homes. 2000 Woman of the Year by the Central Ex- today I rise to pay tribute to a man who has He has worked endlessly to support vital pub- change, an organization of which she is a served as one of the most determined and ef- lic services that build stronger neighborhoods founding member. Adele Hall has an extensive fective advocates for America's hard working and help children grow up in safe commu- history of helping children and families in Kan- families in the Senate. Senator nities. sas City and across our Nation. She has was first elected to The American dream is to own a home, an shown outstanding dedication as a philan- the Senate in 1976, and has served the peo- impossible dream for far too many people in thropist and representative of gender concerns ple of New York as well as the entire country our country. Mr. Murphy has helped make that for equality in the workplace and society. with commitment, leadership and integrity. As dream a reality for tens of thousands of Amer- Adele Hall is considered by many in Kansas the Ranking Member on the Senate Finance ican families by helpiing numerous organiza- City as a lifelong friend to our community. Her Committee, he has pioneered for new initia- tions maintain critically needed federal pro- civic pursuits have led her to hold positions in tives to feed our nation's poor, to provide crit- grams such as the Community Development an outstanding number of Kansas City and na- ical welfare and job training services to fami- Block Grant program, the HOME Investment tional philanthropic organizations. She has lies in need, and to ensure that everyone has Partnership Program and the Low Income Tax served as Chair of many boards including access to quality health care. Senator MOY- Credit Program. In addition, he has created Children's Mercy Hospital, the Greater Kansas NIHAN has been particularly committed to an opportunities to share information and ideas City Community Foundation, the Partnership issue I know well: AIDS. about housing programs that make the dream for Children, and the former Crippled Chil- As many of my colleagues know, since the of homeownership possible for working class dren's Nursery School, now Children's Thera- moment I first stepped foot in Washington, I families all across our country. peutic Learning Center. Nationally, she has have fought for increased funding for critical Mr. Murphy has worked tirelessly to help served as a board member for the Trust Fund HIV and AIDS education, treatment and re- communities find unique solutions to their of the Library of Congress, the George Bush search programs. I have also worked to ex- housing and community development needs. Presidential Library Center, the American pand our current programs to areas that are At the same time, his efforts with Congress, Academy of Pediatrics, and the Salvation still in need of our help. Africa, India, the Car- the Department of Housing and Urban Devel- Army. Currently, she is serving as Co-Chair- ibbean, and Central and Eastern Europe in opment, the National Association of Counties, man of a $175 million capital campaign for the particular need our help and Senator MOY- and many other organizations are well recog- Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art. She is the Vice- NIHAN has heard this call to action. nized. Chairman of the United Negro College Fund Senator MOYNIHAN introduced S. 2032 to Again, I would like to commend John Mur- and the Youth Corps of America. amend the Foreign Assistance Act to address phy for a job well done and extend my best As a founding member of one of Kansas mother-to-child transmission of HIV in Africa, wishes for his continued success. City's most reputable women's organizations, Asia and Latin America. At the same time, I f the Central Exchange, she has worked tire- introduced H.R. 4665 to initiate a $10 million PARTICIPANTS IN THE STUDENT lessly to promote the advancement of women pilot project in Africa and India to reduce and CONGRESSIONAL TOWN MEETING in all sectors of society. For the past 20 years prevent mother-to-child HIV/AIDS trans- the Central Exchange has worked to bring mission. I am extremely pleased that H.R. HON. BERNARD SANDERS people of diverse backgrounds together to en- 3519, the Global AIDS and Tuberculosis Relief OF VERMONT courage the personal and professional growth Act of 2000, was signed into law by the Presi- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES of women. Today the Central Exchange dent on August 19 and included much of the boasts nearly 900 members from all over the language and intent of my International Moth- Wednesday, September 20, 2000 Kansas City metropolitan area. The astound- er-to-Child HIV/AIDS Prevention Bill. With this Mr. SANDERS. Mr. Speaker, today I recog- ing membership can be attributed to what legislation, we can commit $25 million to this nize the outstanding work done by participants members of the Central Exchange value the cause. in my Student Congressional Town Meeting most, creating opportunities to meet and learn Worldwide, 1,800 infants become infected held this summer. These participants were from other women. This is an extremely dif- with HIV each day. The total number of births part of a group of high school students from ficult goal when many women are busy with to HIV-infected pregnant women each year in around Vermont who testified about the con- work and family responsibilities. Adele Hall's developing countries is 3.2 million. HIV/AIDS cerns they have as teenagers, and about what various roles and achievements throughout has doubled infant mortality in poor countries they would like to see the government do re- the history of the Central Exchange have dem- most heavily affected by the epidemic. We garding these concerns. onstrated that she has succeeded in fulfilling have hit a critical point where we must take I submit the following statements into the her dream of increasing the visibility and effec- action in the world's epicenter of HIV infection. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, as I believe that the tiveness of Kansas City's women. We must act now if we ever hope to end this views of these young persons will benefit my Adele Hall's personal and professional epidemic once and for all. colleagues. record exhibits her spirit of commitment to oth- I thank Senator MOYNIHAN for his leadership RAMI FAOUR AND PAT GRIFFIN REGARDING THE ers. Her entire life has exemplified the core on this serious public health issue and on so LEGAL DRINKING AGE values that we all strive for: commitment to the many issues affecting our women and chil- Rami Faour: Representative Sanders, and community, to family and to the innate desire dren. other distinguished guests, we are here to