LOK SABHA Budget Session
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LOK SABHA Budget Session – 3rd Session of 17th Lok Sabha WEDNESDAY, 05th FEBRUARY 2020 INDEX S.No. Question Question Date Subject Division Page No. Type Nos. 1. Question Starred 05.02.2020 Multilingual App of the Justice.I 2-5 No.52 Supreme Court 2. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 District Courts NM 6-10 No.471 3. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Judicial Infrastructure JR 11-14 No.483 4. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Fast Track Courts Justice.II 15-19 No.486 5. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Fast Track Courts Justice.II 20-21 No.551 6. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Limit on Number of NM 22 No.556 Appeals 7. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Shortage of Court JR 23-25 No.594 Rooms 8. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Judicial Vacancies Appointment 26-27 No.657 Division 9. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Legal Assistance LAP 28-29 No.666 10. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Pending cases in NM 30-31 No.670 Bombay High Courts 11. Question Unstarred 05.02.2020 Pending Court Cases NM 32-37 No.686 GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW AND JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LOKSABHA STARRED QUESTION NO. 52 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE os" FEBRUARY, 2020 MULTILINGUAL APP OF THE SUPREME COURT t*S2 SHRI ANIL FIROJIYA: SHRI MOHANBHAI KAYANJI KUNDARIYA: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: a) the time by which the new app 'Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software' launched by the Supreme Court of India is likely to become functional; b) the number of languages in which the app is going to provide updates about the legal proceedings; c) whether the provisions are also in place to make the information accessible to the visually impaired; d) if so, the details thereof and if not, the reasons therefor; and e) whether any other new digitization initiative is being taken to increase the access to legal information by all the citizens of the country including print disabled citizens in near future and if so, the details thereof? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW AND JUSTICE, COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD) (a) to (e): A statement is laid on the Table of the House. STATEMENT REFERRED TO IN REPLY TO PARTS (a) TO (e) OF THE LOK SABHA STARRED QUESTION No. 52 DUE FOR ANSWER ON 05.02.2020. (a) With a view to enable common people of India to understand the judgments of Supreme Court in easy manner in local languages, SUVAS (Supreme Court Vidhik Anuvaad Software) has been developed as a path breaking initiative by the Supreme Court of India in collaboration and with technical support from the Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India aided by experts from "T and "IT. This pilot development of SUVAS is at present in testing, training and refinement phase in 18 High Courts in the country. The work covers translating judgments related to cases arising under the appellate jurisdiction of the Supreme Court of India in relation to the following subject categories: 1. Labour matters; 2. Rent Act matters; 3. Land Acquisition and Requisitionmatters; 4. Service matters; 5. Compensation matters; 6. Criminal matters; 7. Family Law matters; 8. Ordinary Civil matters; 9. Personal Law matters; 10. Religious and Charitable Endowmentsmatters; 11. Simple money and Mortgage matters; 12. Eviction under the Public Premises(Eviction)Act matters; 13. Land Laws and Agriculture Tenancies; and " ..... 14. Matters relating to Consumer Protection. The translation is functional from English language into Hindi, Bengali, Gujarati, Kannada, Malayalam, Marathi, Punjabi, Tamil and Telugu languages. Once the pilot phase of testing, training and refinement, as mentioned above, is completed, and the facility becomes functional, it would be rolled out fully in the relevant High Courts. (b) The Official Multilingual Mobile App of Supreme Court of India, provides updates about the legal proceedings in six languages i.e. English, Hindi, Kannada, Marathi, Tamil and Telugu. (c) & (d) At present the Official Mobile App of Supreme Court is not separately equipped with accessibility of information to visually impaired. (e) Through computerization of 16,845 District & Subordinate Courts and ICT enablement under the eCourts Project Phase-II, several services have been provided to litigants, lawyers and Judiciary which facilitate expeditious delivery of judicial services. eCourts services such as details of case registration, cause list, case status, daily orders & final judgments are available to litigants and advocates through eCourts web portal, Judicial Service Centers (JSC) in all computerized courts, eCourts Mobile App, email service, SMS push & pull services. Integration of eCourts Services through Common Service Centers (CSCs) has been successfully completed. eCourt CNR Service has been enabled through Digital Seva Portal in all CSC locations across the country. National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) for District & Subordinate Courts, created as an online platform under the Project, provides information relating to judicial proceedings/decisions of computerized district and subordinate courts of ---------_. __ .. _. 0' the country. Currently, all stakeholders including Judicial Officers can access case status information in respect of over 12.97 crore pending and disposed cases and more than 11.·15 crore orders 'judgments pertaining to. these computerized courts. Video Conferencinq facility has been enabled between 3240 court complexes & 1272 corresponding jails. (!J: GOVERNMENT OF INDIA MINISTRY OF LAW & JUSTICE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE LOKSABHA UNSTARRED QUESTION NO. 471 TO BE ANSWERED ON WEDNESDAY, THE osth FEBRUARY, 2020. District Courts 471~SHRI OMPRAKASH BHUPALSINH alias PAWAN RAJENIMBALKAR SHRI SANJAY JADHAV: Will the Minister of LAW AND JUSTICE be pleased to state: (a) the number of district courts, district-wise, across the country including the State of Maharashtra and number of cases pending in those courts at present; (b) whether the Government proposes a new plan to provide justice to people related to those pending cases; and (c) if so, the details thereof? ANSWER MINISTER OF LAW & JUSTICE, COMMUNICATIONS AND ELECTRONICS & INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY (SHRI RAVI SHANKAR PRASAD) (a): The District and Subordinate Courts are set up by the State Governments in consultation with concerned High Courts. As per information available on the web-portal of National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) as on date, there are 3206 Court Complexes in 633 Districts in the country. As per information available on the web-portal of National Judicial Data Grid (NJDG) as on 29.01.2020, about 3.19<acrore cases are pending in various District and Subordinate. Courts. Statement of number of pending cases in District and Subordinate Courts as on 29.01.2020 is given in the Annexure. (b) & (c): Disposal of cases in courts is within the domain of the judiciary. Government has no role in disposal of cases in courts. However, the Union Government is committed to speedy disposal of cases and reduction in pendency of cases. The ;/ National Mission for Justice Delivery and Legal Reforms has.adopted many strategic initiatives, including improving infrastructure [court halls and residential units] for Judicial Officers of District and Subordinate Courts, leveraging Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for better justice delivery, filling up of vacant positions of Judges in High Courts and Supreme Court, reduction in pendency through follow up by Arrears Committees at District, High Court and Supreme Court level, emphasis on Alternate Dispute Resolution (ADR) and initiatives to fast track special type of cases. The major steps taken during the last-five years under various initiatives are as follows: (a} .L!J.1Qfovinginfrastructure for Judicial Officers of District and Subordinate CouIT§: As on date, R.s. 7,453_10 crores have been released since the inception of the 30.06.2014 to 19,6:32 as on 29.(),L2020 and number of residential units fiH::> scheme. In addition, 2,713 court haBs and 1,8En residential units are under construction. (.b) L~.Yi::L~.LQ.~L1Ilf9rn19J~QfLand CQf.Q.m.ldEU,QmLQfLT?9.hn9Jo}r:L,.W;;Jl ...fS;:L,lr.rrQL9~{.?f:l .Ud§~£~_.g§!liv~lY:Government has been implementing the e-Courts rvlisslon f,/1oC!(; F)ro_jectthroughout the country for Information and Communication Technology anablernent... _"""'1l.JO' ',#' of,",Adistrict"", V and~ _.. subordinate._ i. '" ';, " courts..~\..,I,..,j!¥ ~ Number1"'1 of C"/)·I'n('I·U+!:Irl·''''·':!I,-i• !... &'.,,1 1:,.'.,... .... ~.,r)i<.:h·;,"·}•• I.;;J": ~\.:!'j. & Subordinate courts has increased from 13,672 to 16,845 re~l!st.erin~l an increase of 3,173 durin~l 2.0'l4til! date.' New and user-friendly version of Case Information Software has been developed and deployed at an the computerized [l;strict and Subordinate Courts. A.!!stakeholders including .judicia! Officers can access information relating to judicial proceedings/decisions of computerized District ('$.. Subordinate Courts and High Courts em the National Judicial Data (Jrld {r·.,LJDC;I}. Currently, case status information in respect of over '!2.97 crore pending and disposed cases and more than '11.'It:i crore orders! judgments pertainlnq to these computerized courts is available on NJDG. eCourts services such as details of case registration, cause list, case status, d.aily orders & final judgments are available to litigants and advocates through eCourts web portal, Judicial Service Centres (JSC) in all computerized courts, eCourts Mobile App, email service, SMS push & pull services. Video Conferencing facility has been enabled between 324Ucourt complexes and 1272 corresponding jails. (c) Filling up of vacant positions in Supreme Court, High Courts and District and Subordinate Courts: From 01.05.2014 to 30.01.2020, 35 Judges were appointed in Supreme Court. 515 new Judges were appointed and 435 Additional Judges were made permanent in the High Courts. Sanctioned strength of Judges of High Courts has been increased from 906 in May, 2014 to 1079 currently.