Community Newsletter Volume 139 Oct 2018 Circ. 1,000 New Life for an Old Tank


 Men’s Shed Moving Sale: Day: Saturday 13th October Time: 9am to 1pm Place: Old Shed next to the big boat Number 1a Greens Road (Various bric-a-brac including some excess tools and other equipment) More details see Page 4….

 Diabetes Talk by Dr Dan Harmelin: Day: Thursday 18th October Time: 7pm Place: Greenwell Point Community Hall More details see Page 2...

In this Issue

Pg 1 Mobile Phone Tower Soon? Pg 2 Wonderful Women Beanies Pg 2 How to manage or avoid Diabetes Pg 3 Letters to the Editor Pg 4 Men’s Shed on the Move Pg 5 Schools Can Be Water-wise Pg 6, 7 Community Information Pg 11 UHA successful fundraiser

Old water tank on the hill at Greenwell Point - identified Pg 12 A Fun Day at School as the best spot to mount new Telstra mobile phone equipment - aimed at addressing the sometimes poor mobile service experienced at the Point. Greenwell Point Gazette Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p2

DIABETES – THE IMPACT ON OUR LIVES Wonderful Women in Greenwell Point

-what can we do about it? By Dr Dan Harmelin In September the "Wonderful Women" knitted

and donated more than 20 beanies for the Can- Diabetes is the second most common metabolic disor- cer Centre at Shoalhaven Hospital. der in the world, after obesity. At the Greenwell Point talk on Thursday 18th of Octo- ber at 7pm we will discuss a number of complications of diabetes. Everybody is welcome. Warning: there will be confronting images of compli- cations, from our image collection. Some of the images will be from people who are no longer with us, but they generously gave permission for their photos to be used for education Diabetes impacts the individual, the family and the na- tion. The costs at all levels are a major part of the Na- tional health budget.

What can we do about it? We have also donated 3 boxes of assorted toi- LOTS! letry items to 'Loot' in Nowra who are distrib- First, understand who is at risk. uting them to those farmers in need, and $500 Second, try not to get it in the first place. to the 'Buy A Bale' appeal. A BIG 'Thank You' to those in Greenwell Point If you do develop diabetes, understand that the treat- who have enabled us to do this. ment today is excellent. We have a good understanding of what goes wrong Wonderful Women meet in Greenwell Point and how to treat it. Hall, Wednesdays from 10am - 1pm. A gold coin donation for your morning tea and We have a good understanding and effective means of monitoring it. a guaranteed chat and giggle, and you may even get some craft done! And we have excellent treatment.

The good news is that the treatment today has dramati- For more information call Ann 0406449512 cally reduced complications. With early enough and thorough intervention, you can substantially reduce the complication risk and live a normal length of life. It does however take a lot of education and some appli- cation. You may need to change things in your life.

Diabetes today can be lived with, controlled and doesn’t have to be feared – just managed. See you at the meeting!

Dan Harmelin Greenwell Point Gazette - Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p3

Letters to the Editor Greenwell Point Community Association - outcome of this year’s AGM 1. New School Principal: Dear Greenwell Point Community, 1. President Grahame Ross was re-elected. He wel- I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Catherine Glen- comed two new volunteers to the committee: nan and I have recently been appointed to the position of Mark Asper, and Robert Natoli. Grahame said he Principal of Greenwell Point Public School following the will be stepping down at the next AGM. retirement of Mrs Murphy. 2. Two items were discussed during the meeting - I'd like to say thank you for making me feel so welcome the recent questionnaire about having a dog-off- and look forward to serving the future students of the leash area in Greenwell Point, and the future of school and the community. the Gazette which has lost a couple of advertisers The school is extremely appreciative of the support it and is not paying its way at the moment. gets from the community and we look forward to build- 3. The questionnaire: there was an excellent response ing and strengthening the current relationship we share. - 116 completed questionnaires returned, with al- Here are some photos of some recent events (see photos most half of that number being from dog owners. on Page 12). There was good support for an off-leash area but Catherine Glennan also 25 people who do not want any off-leash are- Principal as. About two-thirds of respondees prefer a fenced Greenwell Point Public School area. GPCA will now discuss the results with PH: 4447 1379 Council who will consider the results as they de-

velop a Shoalhaven-wide dog-off-leash policy. 2. Gazette Funding in Trouble: Will our gazette survive? 4. The Gazette will drop back to bi-monthly next I know to produce this Gazette it costs money; money year. We are also seeking more advertisers to sus- that is wholly supplied by the Advertisers in this Ga- tain the publication if possible. GR zette. I notice some advertisers no longer support our Gazette Greenwell Point Community Association and I fear that if they are not replaced we could lose our President: Grahame Ross 0412 410 547 V President: Peter Talty 0414 369 256 Gazette and one of the only real means of finding out Secretary: Graeme Gardiner 0475 590 069 what’s going on in the village. Please, use the services Treasurer: Ann Williamson 0406 449 512 advertised in our gazette if possible. If you can’t, then Committee & Web: Bob Williamson 0438 268 391 Committee: Mark Asper maybe drop them an email or personally thank them for Committee: Phil Morehead 4447 0047 their contribution. Let’s feed their inboxes with joy. They Committee: Rob Natoli Public Officer: Joe Franklin 4447 1336 will then at least, know that their ad has been noticed and that our little community needs their continued sup- GPCA meets bi-monthly on the 3rd Thursday port and contribution. of Feb, April, June, Aug, Oct 2018 (Name supplied but withheld) 7 pm at the Community Hall General Meeting: Thursday 18th October Speaker: Dr Dan Harmelin on Diabetes MEETING NOTICE GPCA email: [email protected] The Gazette: [email protected] Thursday 18th October GPCA web:

7pm at the Hall Postal: PO Box 68, Greenwell Point, NSW 2540

The Gazette is produced and published by the Greenwell Point Com- munity Association with sponsorship / donations by local advertisers. Editorial compilation is undertaken by local volunteers. Talk by Dr Dan Harmelin Printed by ACE Printing, .

NEXT CUT OFF DATE FOR COPY is Wednesday 24th October Greenwell Point Gazette - Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p4

GREENWELL POINT MEN’S SHED Bowling Club AGM October 2018 Update: This month we move, as the property where the old The AGM for the Greenwell Point Bowling shed was (1a Greens Rd) has been Club was held in September with the usual sold and the new owner now wants to start work. election of office bearers. Once the new shed internals are finished and organised Congratulations to the following who will we will be having an open day for local residents to now oversee the management of the Club for come and see what has been achieved. the next 12 months: MOVING SALE: During the move we have had some Steve Brien - President opportunity to set aside items which are either excess Billy Gibson - Vice President to our needs, or which we just can’t use in the shed. Helen Hastings - Treasurer These will be put outside the old shed on Saturday 13th Julie Barnett - Director of October from 9am in the hope that we can raise a Alan Hess - Director few dollars to help with the expenses of the new shed. Gary Collins - Director There are all sorts of odds and ends, so come and have John Gylnn Williams - Director a look - you might find a bargain. Brad Maher - Director Our Shed is associated with the -wide AMSA - Australian Men’s Shed Association and activities can Good progress is being made on the new bar be pretty well anything which is not high-risk. area. General satisfaction was also expressed Wood-work and metal-work are our mainstays - but about the new road recently finished into the we are happy to consider (and have already boat ramp. undertaken) many other challenges. We currently meet Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am Roscos Gardening Service to about 2pm at the old boat-shed at No. 1 Green’s  Road - but at the new shed from mid-October. Floral, Native, Vegetables  Rejuvenate your garden If you have any questions or would like to assist by  Pruning, planting & weeding supporting our community shed project in any way,  Rubbish removal, please contact the GP Men’s Shed.  Reasonable Rates Contact Bob Williamson (President) 0438268391 Web: Phone Rosco Barker E:[email protected] 4447 0623 /0404 043 130

Adam Williamson

[email protected] 19 South Street 0488 796 562 Greenwell Point ABN 81 392 819 123 NSW 2540 Greenwell Point Gazette - Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p5

Schools Can Help Be Water Wise

In conjunction with Children’s Week and Water Week which will be held from 19-28 October 2018, Shoalhaven City Council and Shoalhaven Water are inviting schools to help be water-wise by being cre- ative. As the Shoalhaven has just launched Level 1 Water Restrictions, Council has organised a “Tap and Win” competition aimed at the younger generation to educate them about being water warriors. Council is inviting school classes and teachers to think about being water wise and to enter the com- petition by making a video, song, poem, podcast or webpage on how the Shoalhaven can be more wa- ter wise. Tap to Win! Open to primary and high schools in the Shoalhaven LGA, classes of all ages are encouraged to be creative to share creatively how we can all save water. Entries must be less than one minute and can be emailed to [email protected] if under 10 MB with a Subject Line – Tap and Win Competi- tion. Video files must be on a disc or USB and can be sent to Shoalhaven City Council, PO Box 42, Nowra NSW 2541. Shoalhaven City Council Mayor Amanda Findley said, “This competition is a great way for children to learn more about being water conscious. It starts at an early age and this encourages classes to learn more about water and where it comes from.” Shoalhaven Water offer teachers a number of re- sources including experiments and water wise tips on their website at Community/Tapstar to help with the project. The winning class will win a class pass to Swim and Fitness waterslides at your choice of Nowra, Ulladulla or Bay and Basin, For more details about the competition, contact Melissa Andrews at Council on Tel: 4429 3411. En- tries close 15 October 2018. For more information visit Greenwell Point Gazette Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p6


Police/Fire /Ambulance 000 From Mobiles - call 112

Report Incidents - Police 131444 Crime Stoppers 1800 333 000

SES 132500 For help with storm damage

Marine Rescue Shoalhaven 02 44474466 Bill Carter 0438 865 956

Fire Permits 0409 913549 GROUP CONTACT INFORMATION GP Community Association Graeme Meets 3rd Thurs in Community Hall at 7pm [email protected] 0475 590 069 Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct 0497 899 569 Or email request to Community Hall Bookings for Bookings [email protected]. Greenwell Point Union Phil Morehead Every Sunday at 8am. All Welcome Church 4447 0047 Mrs C Holmes 2pm Tuesdays during School Term at Bible Study Group 4447 1215 22 Crookhaven Dr Shannon GP Public School P&C 4447 1379 Sam Thompson GP Rural Fire Service Volunteers welcome 0405 984 135 Dave Kitchener 3rd Sunday Monthly 8am– 1pm Greenwell Point Markets 0427 357 500 Greenwell Point Bowling Club

GP United Hospital Donna Swan First Thursday Monthly, 1:30pm Memorial Auxiliary (UHA) 0419 206 730 Community Hall

Meet 8am Mondays at Titania Park Wharf. Heart Foundation Helen Moderate paced walk for about an hour. Walking Group 0429 040 705 Not Christmas Day or New Year’s Day Bob Williamson Tuesday & Thursdays 9am to 3pm. GP Men’s shed 0438 268 391 1 Greens Rd. (behind boat)

Wonderful Women in GP Ann Wednesdays 10am - 1pm in Community (Knit & Natter Group) 0406 449 512 Hall. Gold coin donation for morning tea.

Clare Smith Gallery opens 10am to 4pm Fri to Mon, The Point Gallery & Craft 0447264894 76b Greenwell Point Rd All information now held at Shoalhaven GP & Districts Family Historical Museum, Old Police Station, History Group Nowra Michael Ward G.P Social Golf (Men) Play 3rd Sunday Monthly 4447 0117 Julie Barnett G.P Social Golf (Women) Play 2nd Sunday Monthly 4447 0117 Every Monday 9:30am at the Village Courts Women’s Tennis Gordon Ravell Oval, South St Bowling Club Bowls Men & Women Contact GP Bowling Club 4447 1111 Bowling Club See Big Al or Bar Staff at the club. Bowling Club Fishing Club Comp Info is on the Club’s Notice Board.

To Book Bus Bingo at Bowling Club Tuesday 1pm. & 6:30pm Friday 11am. Call 4447 1111

To Book Bus Euchre at Bowling Club Wednesday 1pm Call 4447 1111 Greenwell Point Gazette - Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p7


Kay Ward Alternate Mondays 1pm Bowling Club - (the same GP Seniors 4447 1146 week that RED BIN ONLY goes out)

Hotel Community Bingo No bingo at the Pub till further notice

Shoalhaven Vintage John Cowlishaw 7pm : Last Tuesday Monthly, Bomaderry Bowling Machinery Club 0413185816 Club

Janet Meals on Wheels Janet - Area Co-ordinator 4422 5111

Shoalhaven Family Sundays 10am-4pm / 1st & 2nd Thursdays 10am-

History Society, Pyree 4pm Pyree Old School Building, Pyree

Betty Hume Mondays 9am-2pm, at Cnr. Greenwell Point Rd & Shoalhaven Potters Visitors Welcome Pyree Lane, Pyree.

4th Sunday 9am - 1:30pm Pyree Markets Betty 4441 5775 [email protected]

Not for Profit. Providing transport to people living 4423 6044 Shoalhaven Community independently who are frail or have a disability, Transport their carers and people who are transport (info and booking) disadvantaged.

NSW Maritime Services, 13 77 88 Formerly Nowra Maritime Services Nowra, NSW

Mr N Barker 02 4447 1521 Mr J Franklin 02 4447 1336 Justices of the Peace in (Others in phone Mrs C Holmes 02 4447 1215 Greenwell Point book) Mr P Reeves 0412 571 279 Ms S Firmin 02 4447 0709 Mr Les Selby 0417 441 353 Greenwell Point Gazette Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p8

The Point Gallery and Craft October 2018 If you haven't been into the Gallery recently call in and take a look at all our new stock. With Christmas fast approaching we have some itmes of interest, along with the usual range of knitted wear, pottery items, jewellery, other hand-crafts, and of course some art-work. Everything in the gallery is made by artists living in Greenwell Point and the Shoalhaven Area. So if you are looking for a special gift for someone or a memento of a your holiday in Greenwell Point we may have just what you are looking for. Our beautiful baby-wear in the Gallery is hand-knitted by the wonderful ladies of the local United Hospital Aux- iliary so come and have a look and support this great cause. The Point Gallery & Craft is SEEKING NEW MEM- BERS: To become a member you must reside, or be a ratepayer in the . For more information please contact Margaret on 4447 1029 or 0418 249 148.

Greenwell Point Gazette Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p9 Greenwell Point Gazette Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p10

Greenwell Point Heart Foundation Council Celebrates Children's Week Walking Group - exercise, company, fun! 19-28 October Mondays the group meets at the Jetty/ Titania Park at 8 am Council Celebrates Children's Week 19-28 October for most of the year. We reward ourselves on Mondays with a chat over coffee after the walk. Shoalhaven City Council is celebrating Children’s Week from 19-28 October with over 17 Council supported Wednesdays and Fridays starts from Club gates at 7:30am events being held across the region. walking along Greens Rd towards GP Rd, adding members as we walk. Mayor, Amanda Findley, is encouraging children, par- ents and carers to enjoy the upcoming Children’s Week Slip on a hat, slap on your sunscreen, and wear appropriate events. “Children’s week is a national program recognis- shoes. Bring some water, and now you are ready for your ing the talents, skills and achievements of the youngest walk. residents in the Shoalhaven. It is a time to learn, play and New walkers are very welcome to join our group because it enjoy.” provides on-going motivation to keep healthy, and is a great “Council plays an important role in hosting a range of way to meet new people to keep you connected with your events and experiences for the young and young at community. New members always welcome. heart.” Visit for more info. “From the Drop in Lego challenge, games afternoons, movies and Spooky Story time at the Libraries held dur- HF Walk Organiser: Helen Taylor ing the week, to Paint the Town REaD Black and Yellow - Email: [email protected] Aggies 1st Birthday at the Nowra Showground Pavilion Phone: 0429 040 705 on Monday, 22 October from 11 am to 1pm, there is something to suit all ages. “Celebrations like this offer a great opportunity for fami- lies to enjoy great educational experiences in our local area.” “The theme of Children’s Week this year is to encourage GREENWELL POINT learning and playing with many of the events aiming to PHARMACY build on creativity, education, flexibility and play.” 1 TERRARA ST For more details, contact Melissa Andrews at Council on GREENWELL POINT Tel: 4429 3411. Ph:44470773 Fax:44470775

NEW OPENING HOURS MON - FRI 8:45 AM – 5.15 PM Your Advertisement here SATURDAY 9.00 AM– 12:00 PM Contact Grahame Ross on 0412 410 547 Free Medical Advice for more information

 Free Blood Pressure Monitoring & Advice Rates from $18 per issue

 National Diabetes Agent 6 x 4 cm $180 for 10 issues  Free Wound Dressing 6 x 9 cm $410 for 10 issues  9 x 12 cm $810 for 10 issues Free Asthma Assessment Program  Free Call Ahead Service for Filling Scripts Half page, full page, and other special sized adverts are also available on request. As a guide:  Free Delivery Half-page $750 for 5 issues Full-page $1,500 for 5 issues We provide our services in a loving, caring and family focused Community groups can usually expect a reduced rate environment. Greenwell Point Gazette - Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p11

United Hospital Auxiliary UHA had a very successful garden party at Laurel Kennedy’s place on Saturday enjoying a fine sunny day with a light breeze. Laurel had put a huge effort into her garden with lots of colour and variety and many plants for sale - all pro- ceeds going to the Hospital Auxiliary. Many thanks to everyone who attended and donated to this fundrais- ing event. Gerry Zarb won first prize in the raffle with Mary Or- ford winning second prize and Sandra Vincent won the lucky door prize. The support of the community is greatly appreciated. UHA is a registered charity and its many branches around Australia raised over $5 million dollars to sup- port hospitals and patients in 2016/17. New members are of course most welcome. Our meet- ing are on the first Thursday of each month at 1.30pm at the Hall. Regards, June Innes

Greenwell Point Gazette Volume 139 - Oct 2018 p12

A Fun Day At School Photos from a recent event at Greenwell Point Public School. The kids and teachers are obviously trialling new school uniforms - and they look great! Parents report that some of the colours come out in the wash however (fortunately) - and that their chil- dren really enjoyed blueing the teachers.