Local Plan Review – Background Paper Secondary Settlement Boundary Review February 2020


1 - Introduction

2 - Assessment Methodology

3 - Conclusions

1. Introduction 1.1 This report has been produced to form part of the evidence base which supports the District Local Plan Review. The recommendations within this document relate to proposals for further amendments to the current proposed Secondary Settlement boundaries, following the Local Plan Review: Issues & Options consultation in April 2018. It also addresses additional settlements which are to be classified as Secondary Settlements following the Settlement Sustainability Review and representations received during the Issues and Options consultation.

1.2 Policy 3: Development Hierarchy of the Planning Framework (HDPF) sets out the development hierarchy for the district, identifying each settlement that has a defined built-up area boundary. In general terms, these are the larger settlements in the district which have a good range of services and facilities and are therefore able to absorb some additional growth. Larger settlements are considered to have a greater capacity for growth than the smaller villages and hamlets. Anything outside of a built up area boundary (BUAB) is considered to be ‘countryside’ and development in these areas is more strictly controlled.

1.3 Policy 26: Countryside Protection states that in areas classified as ‘countryside’ development will generally be restricted and any proposal must be essential to its countryside location, and in addition, support agriculture, forestry or leisure purposes. The council recognises that land outside of built-up areas is not uniformly undeveloped farmland, it also includes a number of small hamlets and villages which are defined in Policy 3 as ‘unclassified settlements’. These settlements have few or no services and facilities and are reliant on the other larger villages and towns. They are therefore not a sustainable location for large scale development, but conversely have been recognised as having potential for some limited development when compared with the entirely undeveloped fields which Policy 26 would also apply.

1.4 As part of the Local Plan Review the council has therefore revisited the ‘unclassified’ settlements and sought to identify areas where some limited development may be appropriate. These small hamlets and villages have been entitled ‘Secondary Settlements’ and the approach for identification was detailed within the Local Plan Review: Issues & Options consultation in April 2018.

2. Assessment Methodology 2.1 Unclassified settlements in Horsham district were initially identified through a desk-top study. A number of characteristics were then considered where settlements were visited in order to determine whether the village or hamlet may be appropriate for designation as a Secondary Settlement. The characteristic are set out below:

1) Presence of services and facilities. Policy 3 of the HDPF sets out that development should take place in the most sustainable locations, and the settlement hierarchy identifies those settlements which have the greatest range of services and where development therefore has capacity to support additional infilling or redevelopment. For each of the potential secondary settlements identified, it was therefore considered as to whether there were any local services present. This included primary schools, allotments, village halls, playing fields, churches or other similar features, all of which may indicate the presence of a local community. 2) Presence of employment. Whilst some settlements may have relatively few local services as a result of their scale, the presence of local employment may also be indicative of an established settlement and may have some potential to offer local employment. 3) Proximity to other services, facilities and employment and east of access. Given the small scale and limited services in each of the settlements it was recognised that any residents of these settlements are likely to be reliant to a great degree on the car, or public transport if available, to meet day to day needs or to travel to work. The distance to nearby settlement centres was therefore identified, and the proximity to the wider strategic road network (A and B roads in particular were identified). 4) Settlement characteristics – a number of factors were considered including settlement form and density. The character of the settlement was also a consideration, for example taking into account the age or historic character of the dwellings. A key consideration was whether these factors combined to give a ‘sense of place’ with the sense of leaving the countryside and arriving in a small hamlet or village.

2.2 The results of this assessment are set out in Table 7 – Assessment of unclassified settlements of the Local Plan Review: Issues and Options consultation document and the proposed Secondary Settlement boundaries are shown on the maps in Appendix 3. Where boundaries have been drawn, a similar process was considered to that of the designation of built-up area boundaries as set out in Chapter 4.

3. Conclusion 3.1 A summary of all sites assessed, which includes both those for additional boundary amendments and changes in the initial recommendation, is set out in Table One. In addition to settlement specific representations, comments were also received in relation to the policy wording and feedback on the methodology used, as set out above.

3.2 The revised boundaries and proposed designations are depicted on the settlement maps contained within Appendix 1 of this report.

Table 1: Summary of Sites Assessed following Issues and Options Consultation in April 2018

Settlement Name & Initial Summary of Representations Recommendation & Reason for Accepting / Recommendation Received Rejecting Proposed Amendment (Designate) Two representations; one support Adversane is a small hamlet located on a and one support with modifications. crossroads with the A29. Although limited local Request for extension of southern services, it is close to both and boundary by 5ha to include two which are designated as small towns further fields. and larger villages in settlement hierarchy. The site proposed for amendment is open countryside, with a number of large trees and a defined hedgerow running east to west dividing the two fields. The site directly relates to the countryside beyond rather than the built form of Adversane. Designate as Secondary Settlement. Exclude proposed amendment from Secondary Settlement boundary.

Ashurst (Designate) Three representations; one support, The settlement has a number of services and two objections. facilities including a primary school and village hall, clearly indicating the presence of a community and a sense of place. Designate as a Secondary Settlement.

Blackstone (Designate) Four representations; three Blackstone is a small hamlet and much of the objections, one support with settlement is designated as a Conservation Area. modifications. Request boundary The historic character, coupled with the presence amendment for an extension of 25m of some local businesses contributes to a clear south to include foundation sense of place. Land south of the current proposed boundary is open countryside and does structures of historically demolished not have a direct relationship with the built form glasshouses. of the settlement. Designate as Secondary Settlement. Exclude proposed amendment from Secondary Settlement boundary.

Brooks Green (Remain No representations comprises of a few isolated unclassified) dwellings, located north of . There is no sense of arrival at the destination and there are no services or facilities. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Clemsfold (Remain unclassified) No representations The settlement, located of A29, comprises of a number of dwellings and a couple of small businesses. The limited facilities do not indicate that there is an established community and there is no clear sense of arrival. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Colgate (Designate) Four representations; three Colgate is one of the larger ‘unclassified objections and one support. settlements’ in the hierarchy. It is wholly located within the High Weald AONB so landscape is sensitive to change. However, there are a number of services and facilities including a primary school and a village hall, clearly indicating the presence of a community and a sense of place. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Coolham (Designate) Two representations of objection. Coolham is located on the crossroads of the A272 and B2139. The settlement has a primary school indicating the presence of a community. It contains a number of historic properties together with more modern properties, which combined contribute to a sense of place. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Coneyhurst (Remain unclassified) No representations The settlement comprises of a few dwellings and is located on the A272. There is no sense of arrival or any services and facilities which are indicative of a community. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Crabtree (Designate) Three representations; one support Crabtree is a small hamlet located on A281, the and two support with modifications. majority of which is located within a designated Settlement adjoins High Weald Conservation Area. Development in the AONB, request that if designated settlement varies in age, including some historic AONB is protected. properties which are visible from the road generating a sense on arrival. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Dial Post (Designate) Two representations of objection. is one of the larger ‘unclassified settlements’ in the hierarchy, located on western side of A24. There is a small village hall which indicates the presence of a community and the village green gives a clear sense of place. Some employment is available locally. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Dragons Green (Remain No representations The small linear settlement consists of relatively unclassified) isolated dwellings and one public house resulting in a lack of sense of place. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Faygate (Designate) Three representations; one objection itself has few services and facilities but is and two support. located on A264, close to the large range of facilities of both Horsham and . The village hall, sport pitches and railway station indicate the presence of a community and there is a clear sense of place. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Five Oaks (Remain unclassified) Representation received querying is located on the junction of the A29 consistency in assessment of ‘sense and A264. It has a small service station including of place’. a shop and some limited employment from existing businesses. The settlement is close to Billinshurst which is designated as small towns and larger villages in settlement hierarchy and has a large range of service and facilities. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Ifield (Designate) Four representations; two objections Ifield directly adjoins the settlement of Crawley. and two support. Although outside of its administrative area, Crawley is a key centre of employment and has a wide range of service and facilities within the town centre itself and local neighbourhoods. Designate as Secondary Settlement.

Itchingfield (Remain unclassified) No representations The settlement primarily comprises of a number of low density dwellings, most of which are set back from the road limiting the sense of arrival. There are no services and facilities which are indicative of a community following the closure of the primary school. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Kingsfold (Designate) Five representations; three objections Kingsfold is located on the junction of A24 and and two support with modifications. Marches Road. The buildings vary in age and scale Boundary amendment requested to and it has a compact form with a number of include land east of Dorking Road properties directly fronting the road, contributing (SHLAA Ref. SA563) and a request to to a clear sense of place when arriving and leaving adapt policy wording to enable the settlement. The proposed amendment modest development adjoining comprises of an open field which directly relates settlements to allow villages to grow. to the countryside and not the built form. Designate as Secondary Settlement. Exclude proposed amendment from Secondary Settlement boundary.

Lambs Green (Remain No representations is a small hamlet of less than 20 unclassified) properties, a number of which are set back from the road limiting a clear sense of place. The limited facilities do not provide any indication of an established community. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Littleworth (Designate) Two representations of support. Littleworth is a small hamlet, located a short distance from which has a good range of services and facilities. A number of allotments located within the settlement are available for the use of residents of both Littleworth and Partridge Green which provides evidence of an established community. Dwellings are a mix of age and size which contribute to a sense of place. Designate Secondary Settlement.

Maplehurst (Designate) Five representations; three The settlement is located on rural crossroads to objections, one support and one the south of . It is characterised by support with modifications. Request dwellings which vary in age contributing to a boundary amendment to include full sense of place. Maplehurst has been identified amenity land of The Old Eight Acre, for a small amount of development in the Park Lane. Nuthurst Neighbourhood Plan providing evidence of the presence of community. The proposed amendment comprises of amenity land which forms part of the important transition between the urban and rural environment. Designate as Secondary Settlement. Exclude proposed amendment from Secondary Settlement boundary.

Marehill (Remain unclassified) One representations of objection. primarily comprises of low density development which is set back from the road, limiting a sense of place. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Monks Gate (Designate) Ten representations; six objections, Monks Gate is located on the A281 south of one support and three support with and is characterised by dwellings modifications. Request to amend which vary in age, contributing to a sense of place. eastern boundary to follow It has been identified for a small amount of Neighbourhood Plan site and exclude development in the Nuthurst Neighbourhood Plan the copse on the northern boundary. providing evidence of the presence of community. Request to extend the eastern The initial proposed boundary includes the whole boundary to include additional Neighbourhood Plan allocation, including the properties. copse which is designated as Local Green Space and protected by Policy 13vi of the ‘Made’ plan. Request that settlement should be The proposed amendment to the eastern designated as a Built-up Area boundary comprises of a number of dwellings Boundary (BUAB) not Secondary which include large trees and defined hedgerows. Settlement. The land forms part of the transition to the countryside beyond rather than the built environment. Monks Gate has few services and facilities and limited accessibility, it is therefore not considered a sustainable location for significant levels of growth. Designate as Secondary Settlement not BUAB. Amend southern boundary to reflect Neighbourhood Plan allocation. Exclude proposed amendment to eastern boundary.

North Heath (Remain No representations is a small collection of dwellings unclassified) located on Gay Street Lane which is a rural road accessed via the A29. The settlement does not have any services or facilities. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Nutbourne (Designate) Two recommendations of support. Nutbourne is a small hamlet and much of the settlement is designated as a Conservation Area. The historic character, coupled with the presence of some local businesses contributes to a clear sense of place. Designate Secondary Settlement.

Nutbourne Common (Remain No representations The settlement is characterised by a collection of unclassified) low density dwellings which are rural in nature and there are no services or facilities. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Nuthurst (Designate) Four representations; three Nuthurst has a number of community facilities objections and one support. including a primary school which is a clear indication of the presence of a community. There is limited local employment and the historic character of buildings contributes to a sense of place. Designate Secondary Settlement.

Rowhook (Remain unclassified) One representation of support. The settlement is a small hamlet of less than 20 dwellings, a number of which are set back from the road and one public house, limiting the sense of place. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Shermanbury (Designate) Two representations of support. is predominantly a linear 1930s settlement, located on the A281. It has been identified for a small amount of development in the and Shermanbury Neighbourhood Plan providing evidence of the presence of community. Designate Secondary Settlement.

Shipley (Designate) Two representations of objection. Shipley has a clear sense of place focused around the historic core of the church and the windmill, which is a local landmark. The village hall and primary school provide clear evidence of an established local community. Designate Secondary Settlement.

The Haven (Remain unclassified) No representations The Haven comprises of a few dwellings located on small rural crossroads between Billingshurst and . The public house does not adjoin the dwellings and there are no other services or facilities. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Tower Hill (Designate) Six representations; Four objections The settlement comprises of a number of and two support. Request to amend dwellings and is located off of Worthing Road via the boundary west side of Two Mile a Private Road (no through access) giving no sense Ash Road to include Butlers Cottage of arrival. Services and facilities are very limited, and Stone Cottage/Elder Cottage and which is indicative of community, with only one extend the southern boundary to public house. Do not designate as Secondary include Paddock House, Salisbury Settlement. Road. Request also received to remove all properties from western side of Two Mile Ash so that the road is the defined boundary. (Remain No representations The settlement comprises of a church and a few unclassified) dwellings giving no sense of place. There are no services or facilities. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

West Grinstead (Remain No representations consists of some limited unclassified) development and a church with much of the settlement located within a designated Conservation Area. There are no services or facilities and no clear sense of place. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Wineham (Remain unclassified) No representations Wineham is predominantly a linear settlement with one public house, located on the boundary of Horsham and Mid district. The limited facilities and dispersed nature of many dwellings does not contribute to a clear sense of place. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Wiston (Remain unclassified) No representations The settlement is primarily located north of A283 and properties are dispersed in nature rather than creating a defined hamlet. There are limited community facilities. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Woodmancote (Remain No representations Woodmancote is located on A281 and unclassified) predominantly a linear settlement with no services or facilities. The low density housing which is well treed reduces the sense of place. Do not designate as Secondary Settlement.

Appendix One Proposed Secondary Settlement Maps










R O L o



T t E e E e r R D t T A S S O

e R n E a t N N S A A T M S O Ge ss Gate s R

Brook sid e Ppg Sta

18.7m Bungalow Be rrie s

Pond Ad ve rsane House Way sid e Cottage

Southland s 19.2m Farm

19.7m Juppland LB Pond Farm AL17 Juppland s House

Juppland s

7 P a ge t d s Lod h How ar Ne w ste ad s Hall g Me w Old ord in se L d Hou w ste a House Ne ouse H 1 Brook 19.2m d ge T alan Lo he Fitz Bu Crossw ay e s ng alo Black sm iths 7 w e 9 e Arm s r T s t (PH) e Lod ge u g n l a t a t 4 o ll W C a H Willow hale So 1 ut hl an M d s al The tho 1 us e C ot tag Horse shoe s e s Ad ve rsane Fre nne lls Cottage 19.6m Say e rs Farm Griggs 4 Pond CoAttLa1ge Le ve l Crossing

AD VE Ad ve rsane R S AN E L AN in E a r D

Pond Firs

Acre s FB The Firs

9 2 Pond A

18.3m MP 46.5

Ad ve rsane Caravan Horsham District Local Plan – R e gulation 18 Draft Consultation. Park (re sid e ntial) Propose d Se cond ary Se ttle m e nt Maps B R e prod uce d by pe rm ission of Ord nance Surve y m ap on be half d y of HMSO. © Crow n copy right and d atabase rights (2019). Ad ve rsane Ord nance Surve y Lice nce .100023865 08 09 Scale 1:2000 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 16.1m

Sixb erries


15.2m 13.3m


H Benfield Farm C R U H C

FB Churc h FB Issues Otters Cottage SD 13.9m

Blac k thorn Barn Cottage Pond FB The Old House

11.3m Tra c k

Trees Pa th (um ) 5 3 1 Pond 2 Hall Pond Sweetm ans B 13.9m Sweetm ans Farm Bloc ques 14.6m Sinc laire House Pond Ashurst 18.8m 18.6m Garth

Pond The Gratwic k s House Inn

Molec om b e Mill View 1 4 Tank 21.1m 19.2m GP 20.0m Gatwic k s R ose Cottage Path Lod ge Bungalow Iv y Cottage 1 CE Prim ary Sc hool Downsv iew Little Gratwic k s

23.6m Townhouse The Old Mill Burnetts 23.2m B

2 1 3 5

Pav ilion Granary Wellens ) (um Cottages th Pa Batts

R ec reation Ground 1 2

14.8m Wellen's Southv iew Play Area Pond Sweethill Farm


P a th Pond (u m ) Pond Pond

Pond Pond in a r Pond D Pond



Pond Pond 5.4m

Ced ar

Blak es Farm

Horsham Distric t Loc7.a1ml Plan – R egulation 18 Draft Consultation.


2 Proposed Sec 1ond ary Settlem ent Maps 3

5 R eprod uc ed b y perm ission of Ord nanc e Surv ey m ap on b ehalf of HMSO. © Crown c opyright and d atab ase rights (2019). Ashurst Ord nanc e Surv ey Lic enc e.100023865 08 09 Sc ale 1:3000 (at A3) Date1: 013/01/2020 o

n i

a r







Pond 8

Blackstone Rise 19.9m

Pond 5



North Vie w 6


Ne w 2 s 1 n a

m House Hill k c Highfie lds April o t 7 The Coach House S 29.8m 1 TCB Hall S TREET Wick W S TONE e ll BLACK Farm Cottage m LB 0 25.0m

. 4 1 1

Grange 3




O Blackstone Farm Pike s Fie ld Cottage ie w sv Dy ke Vie w w n Do Highlands Blackstone Barn Grange

1 Farm 2 k


a The Be lfry r Blackstone T Farm Cottage s Blackstone Lodge

P ath (um ) 35.2m


Blaxton Dow n



Horsham District Local Plan – Re gulation 18 Draft Consultation. Propose d S e condary S e ttle m e nt Maps

Re produce d by pe rm ission of Ordnance S urve y m ap on be half of HMS O. © Crow n copy right and database rights (2019). Blackstone Ordnance S urve y Lice nce .100023865 08 09 S cale 1:2000 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 o

Issue s


Fore st Cottage s Issue s 1 2 Fir Cottage s 121.9m 1 2

Oaks Pine Cottage 7 2 L i rs la 1 u c io v se 3 C S a a o t h tt S C 4 a g e F ir C Church o E 2 t S ta LO 1 g AL117 C e 1 E s G A B AR o IC x 145.8m V T L re a e S u 1 t re C o l o n t e C t Lance rs B o C o t 15 o s ta t c g GP ta H e g o e u 9.5m s 12 e 135.3m Villa Colgate Prim ary S chool O Rainbow l OAD d R ES T S Colgate LB R c O B 1 139.9m F F h e Me m orial Hall o o e r o e c A l s h C 4 l s t e C t o o r o t Apple Tre e s t n t a T t h GP s a g e Cottage s The g e W e in ch e s Inn Vie w 1 2

Court We ll S prings


121.9m 4 I ss ue s 122.5m Garde n Corne r

h t a Be e chove r House P S P RI NG F k IE c Tank L a D r T LA NE We ll

G arde n Cottage

Fore st Vie w

Wind Pum p (disuse d)

Issue s

High Bisham

Ridge w ood Horsham District Local Plan – Re gulation 18 Draft Consultation. Propose d S e condary S e ttle m e nt Maps

Re produce d by pe rm ission of Ordnance S urve y m ap on be half of HMS O. © Crow n copy right and database rights (2019). Colgate Ordnance S urve y Lice nce .100023865 08 09 S cale 1:2000 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 We ir

18.4m R iv e r A d ur o

Baile ys

Baile y's Farm Pond 4 3 2

The Mill

Silos 18.5m

Byfie ld s

E 1

Ne w e ll C



P Mill


I Mill R E



S House I

W Pond 1 C 18.5m ottage Oak Flags tone s Pond Acorn House

Third Acre Pond The Be e che s Hard ings Balc ary Co ttage William Pe nn 17.2m Box Tre e Hom e Farm house J arm an s Ow le ts Sad d le rs B ay T re e s Te le phone Coolham La Pouque lase White 17.3m Pond The Lod ge TCB 17.9m Ch ap e lh D ou One Oak D R OA se Dorse t House WFOL 5 CO Pond Playing Fie ld 1 LB 3 Willow Cottage s 1 2 A A27 2 18.0m 7 M FB 2 M i l o n e o s e The Plat r St Cuthm ans Farm r u C o C S Be e ch St David s 9 o H o 3 h t n 1 t t o t a w 2 a e g o g B m e The e d St Cuthm ans th a u k o (PH) e S r Brook Cottage s th C Pa T o

r t a t a c

g k

e Pond

Pond Boat House

FB 14.5m El Sub Sta

Se w age Works






Brid ge Hill House


1 Fox croft



O Horsham District Local Plan – R e gulation 18 Draft Consultation.



H Propose d Se cond ary Se ttle m e nt Maps L

R e prod uce d by pe rm issioO n of Ord nance Surve y m ap on be half of HMSO. © Crow n copyO right and d atabase rights (2019). Coolham Ord nance Surve y Lice nceC .100023865 08 09 Scale 1:2500 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 Pond



u (

h arde n t G a L L P O o

N n

G g

H H i l I l S D L L o Le onardsle e Pond

P a th

(u m ) ) m u ( th a P P a t h

( Pond u m )

Tr ack

80.4m FB


Bungalow Cy de r Farm 76.5m Pond Hill Track

A Dairy Cottage 77.1m 2

8 1 1 T 6 Middle Cottage rack Tr Ruin Tank ack 71.9m Laundry Cottage Ponds m ) (u Mark e t ath Pond P The Old Work shop

Cate rw ay s

Cy de r House Crabtre e

For Ponds e st L odge

3 69.4m 1 Rose The S table Block S outh Lodge LB Be e dcote Oak Lodge Ingle borough 2 2 3 Bothy Cottage AL17 Cranbrook 67.2m Pond Issue s

Ponds 1 2 L L Cotts I 4 Crabtre e Hall M P a th ( The Barn u e m B Broad d ) C y s T n e l s The Willow s i (PH) g H o S tone h ack e Tr g 57.6m d e H e h P Cottage T a Pond th

(u m h ) a g e i 23 L H 20 ) s m n (u r th e Woodlands a F P e h T

Fish Pond 1




3 2 Pond Track Viole ts Barn 52.5m E T


7 G Highfie ld

S 1 Drain R E n Crabtre e Cotts

i P a 52.1m r 2 P

D E 22 P 20 Work s

3 Pe ppe rsgate Farm house 6 1 1

8 6 5 2 5 1 A S pring 6 7 10 2 1 1 Ppg S ta 1 S um m e rfie ld Cottage Ppg S ta



D r Patchgate Cottage a i n Barle y Cottage Pond

Roje na Cottage Pond Ivy Cottage









40.9m Pond

Pond North Cottage CH Ponds CH S outh Cottage S P CF

De f Horsham District Local Plan – Re gulation 18 Draft Consultation. 36.3m Propose d S e condary S e ttle m e nt Maps

Re produce d by pe rm ission of Ordnance S urve y m ap on be half of HMS O. © Crow n copy right and database rights (2019). We ir Pat Crabtre e Ordnance S urve y Lice nce .100023865 h (u 08 09 S cale 1:3000 (at A3) m ) Date 1: 013/01/2020 o


CG Lind field Barn














D 4 Oak House A O R 32.7m G Dial P ost IN

6 H

1 T 2 R 1 O W

1 Wo od la nd s


1 Witsend Issues P ath (um ) s e 1 l

9 g D 1 r 8 g ain u 97 F New Lod ge


t t o C

p 3 p e 1 Lak ers P n a K N th E 32.8m E (u R m G ) 5 LB West View E l H P a e T th z ( y a um r ) a H Mill n a r G Holly Lod ge 1 The Old Cottage

P engates 2 Freefolk House Area

0 P um p House 1 21.4m

Rosec roft (P H) Cott The Staging House House 8

33.3m s 1 k r o 24.6m Tierney H W 31.1m illc Ac orns G res lenm t Half Ac re ore Highgrove Wood m an's Cottage Oak land s 28.7m Cottages View Sunny Sid e Beehive Dow nview

Three Oak s Hall d l e l i l f e g Lync orte n w i r g n p i Longac re r S p S


k ac Tr

Horsham Distric t Loc al P lan – Regulation 18 Draft Consultation. P roposed Sec ond ary Settlem ent Maps 4 2 Reprod uc ed b y perm ission of Ord nanc e Survey m ap on b ehalf A of HMSO. © Crow n c opyright and d atab ase rights (2019). Dial P ost Ord nanc e Survey Lic enc e.100023865 08 Hurst Cottage 09 Sc ale 1:2500 (at A3) Date1: 013/01/2020 95.9m Meadow Cou rt

Carylls Lea Trac k TB CF o Kildare



i a

r Pond D

C c k Pond F ra T 91.6m


m u (

h Deerswood t a

C Du rrants Copse P


Oakb ridge 88.6m View


Hu nters Oak

1 2a 15 2

7 BI R CH CO 16 9 UR 1 T 26 20 1 12 32 2 D 2 U 1 to 12 24 T R LB R 34 1 R Hou se U 2 Posts A O N El Su b Sta C T 40 3 S R 1 Clu b D A R 85.1m L 1 Sh elley I P V Du rrants E O El Su b Sta P 44 7 R ob inia MP 34.75 3

AL17 Martlet s SL ge ta ot 0 C 5 85.7m 2 46 ESS 6 1


7 3 4


6 4 a 3 t e 8 h tr n ( 55 47 e Th e Holm b u sh Inn u C Playing Field m s 0 s Pond ) 1 1 ne 1 si Bu e t 2 8 a 4 2 g 2 82.7m Issu es y 0 Fa

2 0 2 10

Pond 1 12 4 48 Pavilion HALLS DR IVE 1 9 Garage Village Hall 17 O



F Play Area Ash Copse O LB

1 R

2 MP 34.5 8 G 1 E 85.4m

C 3 7 L 4 GP

Farriers View ) m u ( Bu ngleb ee Hillb row rc ots 12 in Welle 10 11 Dra m ) rth PAR K R OAD th (u Ajax ewo Pa Mer Cottage TCB 5 Ex 1 Saddlers 84.2m Polic e Woodside

1 w

E y


e i

T l r

Fu rze A V


G 5 t v

Y s a

1 A e r

F W o Faygate 9 F

Ash Copse T r 0 a 1 c Clovers Cottages k 13 Issu es Carylls 7

r e 1 b 2

m i 2 t TCB 1 w e Holm b u sh Forest N

MS Sewage

k Trac u m ) Hooks Copse Path (

Trac k Little Clovers Farm 85.8m Horsh am Distric t Loc al Plan – R egu lation 18 Draft Consu ltation. T

r a P a k c t c k h T ra O (u T AD Dab songill W Proposed Smec ondary Settlem ent Maps O ER Pat ) R h (u m R eprodu c ed b y permYission of Ordnanc e Su rvey m ap on b eh alf R O ) LE A of HMSO. © CWrown c opyrigh t and datab ase righ ts (2019). D Faygate Ordnanc e SR uArvey Lic enc e.100023865 C 08 09 Sc ale 1:3000 (at A3) Date1: 013/01/2020 68.1m


9 2 o

Issue s A

Pond s Pond 67.2m 0 .91m m CB CB De f 0.91 ED & Ward Bd y


Five Oak s Farm

Pond The Granary


68.0m 64.1m Cottage s 1 P t ath Pond e (um e ) r 4 t S

e n a t S Pond 65.1m

Sm ithy House

FB 4 26 e A e 69.3m r Garage T

y r r e Hatari T h E C E R Fe rn Cottage s T S 1 Haye sw ood 5 E N D A OA T R S AM SH 1 OR H 8 T w 1 o R 4 26 H O 4 A o 5 A o D t The Lod ge O s 8 t t Lod ge e 1 r s Path (um ) 1 Track Old 4 East Cottage 2 Me w s e s ag ott C El Sub Sta e s We st ay H 4 ttle 8 5 Me ad ow Place Li Cottage s LB th Pond 2 Pa House Tile s Five Oak s Lord sle y White Gable s 1 h t m a 9 Farm House . P 5 6 Grainingfold Fie ld ings 3

Pond Cottage Po A liw 6 e ll

7 8 Shire

Che que rs

March House TCB

1 The Pad d ock s 2 Elm Pond Villas White


Borough Ashw ood Farm Mulbe rry Barn

Pond Pond

9 Tra 2 ck


Horsham District Local Plan – R e gulation 18 Draft Consultation. Propose d Se cond ary Se ttle m e nt Maps

R e prod uce d by pe rm ission of Ord nance Surve y m ap on be half k Issue s of HMSO. © Crow n copyright and d atabase rights (2019). c Five Oak s a Ord nance Surve y Lice nce .100023865 r 08 61.1m T 09 Scale 1:2500 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 I fie ld

Ye w




De ne Cottage Cottage


Old Court






FB D Pine hurst r 1 a



2 2 Tre loe n 1 1 FB DRU GH 7 O I

R f

N i W A 9 e

Y 1 l

K d Villa N ova


o 2




r 7

o 8

W 1 1 1 15 o





5 2 6

2 14 y

d 1

B 2

t 7

s , t 66.8m n s



C o

C o 66.5m r

o o

Gre e nacre B C S C

Trouville Erstwe ald Ifi Club e ld M Pine wood ill S Me ad owland s tre am Cape lla Annad e l Ham m e rfie ld Posts Ruspe rs FB FB AL17 Bryne styn Dorm y LB Totte rid ge 66.8m Pe nb rooke The Tum m e l

67.8m n Halscote Drai Ave b ury H He ath The Hyd e 2 IGHTREES Lyans 66.8m

69.0m 7

D 1 11

O 1 o t





Oakd e ne E E

9 2 M V A 4 I 1 Tam e sa M 4 5 R to R T 1 to 20 U Silve r Birche s 2 1 D H 2 S


L 2 R 1

1 A ME 1 RLIN CLOSE R 6 Court H 2 9 O

o E 2 A t

D F T F 8 E I RH D 3 e Bo V H r 4 I f o Con 3 1 st R W Bd y D W e stway 63 RH E K 77 D N Y A F k 91 2 H B F De f o 2 L o r L 7 U I 16 13 B 5 4 Pond n M 9 d d 8 5 35 l 3 2 E D 33 Jacarand a e 6 23 i A f H 1 3 I T 5 0 O

1 93 D 7 R r LAN CELOT CLOSE a 4 in Y AD 0

E O 6 Munzil R S RE P VE A 9 E IN 54 3 77.2m Hillcre st C GU 4 9 Car f 7 2 1 e 3

D 12 8 24 7 18 44 5 2

1 8

1 1 8 26 D 38 5 OA 5 AD R 2 2 H 2 A 3 GAL 1 4 6 1 7 2 5 1 1 1 5 1 1 S 1 3 0 TAN 2 9 5 3 B 3 6 R 1 4 ID 6 4 G 2 2 E C 4 LO E SE X 5 3 C 6 9

0 3 A 8 2 L 2

7 5 3 I 6

1 B 1 3 4 2 9

U 5 R

C 0 T 0 H 14 2 L 1 E M 5 2 O 3 ILL 5 Mill B 1 A S N K E 15 13

C 1 9 AY A 0 W 1 ill P H Ifie ld Mill 25 E 1 1 S S 1 E 1 W e ir 9 13 Y 3 O 24


C O Dam

A N 1 8 1 D O 4 2 T 1



d G



7 14 House

1 3 W e ir b



ok 6 Bro 3 l D e Hil Hyd A O Pond El R 1 Ifie ld Mill Pond LOSE L RLIN G C 4 GO Sta E 3

R E y V d 7 B E d E 5 r 107 P 10 a S 97 1 W 6 O 5 2 & 9 L D 8 C Play Are a E E S O 1 L C 4 D 1 L 7 E IE D 1 DR F 81 Y U N 5 73 3 H M R 2 4 . 2 1 M A 2

2 1 7 B O 3 D E N D P A AU E M O MO RO S R 2 N T A 1 O S 5 C D L G LO C IN SE D 13 Horsham District Local Plan – Re gulation 18 Draft Consultation. N A Y 2 20 13 E PO 3 M IT 2 B 17 1 Propose d Se cond ary Se ttle m e nt Maps 1 8 Re prod uce d b y 7pe rm ission of Ord nance Surve y m ap on b e half 1 of HMSO. © Crown copyright1 a5nd d atab ase rights (2019). Ifie ld Ord nance Surve y Lice nce .100023865 08 09 Scale 1:2000 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 8 7 o 91.2m

Mile stone Cottage

Le ith Vie w

Cottage s



B C T The Gable s


P R IO e s K l in R t e gs r fo S g ld y H a o W t us M t e O s o O e n C D h e T d r a

Oak G Sid e 2 1 1

The Platt 3 The Eagle s


Ashle igh Garage Kingsfold Highbury


O 6 R




Cottage s R





91.1m 2 Kingsfold Court Kingsfold Place Wise Old Ow l 1 (PH)

M 1 K id d il 3 k l e e r w r a ic n h 4

7 T H E


2 A 1 Brook house R arl 5 rm Pond C Ove Farm H E S

Pond 1 9 Pollard s 89.4m


Pond Holm le a 12


Fe rn Cottage


Horsham District Local Plan – R e gulation 18 Draft Consultation. Propose d Se cond ary Se ttle m e nt Maps

R e prod uce d by pe rm ission of Ord nance Surve y m ap on be half of HMSO. © Crow n copy right and d atabase rights (2019). Kingsfold Ord nance Surve y Lice nce .100023865 08 09 Scale 1:1500 (at A3) Pond Date 1: 013/01/2020 Pond 27.4m



oA L

H Pond T R



Pond E Pond L Pond T T U Little Mill Fa rm I n L d 24.0m Pound Pla ce Juniper 1 CH 2 U



The W indm ill Syring a

C TCB otta Holm esda le 22.0m W g H a l e n F C ut M ourm inster k T i re ns 1 c e C ter Minster M a ott ea d r a g e T Thym e Co F W m tta g e Quince Cotta g e e 9 C 0. ll . 91m R 2 H Ponds 2 St Cotta g es LB 1 South Lodg e GP Pound Cotta g e Potters Field 3 South V iew W a r 23.0m 25.5m Little Mill MILL LANE O ld Pond 24.7m House

d MILL LA 21.3m a NE

e H 2 1

m s


g y

t T Tres h n Minster a Merryva le GP u

e o The Beeches

d w Bullrushes l d

r L e

o t o 2

o 1 g r

w P n

o d


a t s e Keys Spindles t e o Ha rda ng er h Pond H C Swynford Ga unt

Ca r ra da le W illows Honeycroft Little

P W estford


t The Cha se h

Ave The O a ks ( rys



J ) Coa tes Ga rden Five Acres O


E S Am herst Fa rthing s F

I E L Allotm ent Ga rdens D Littleworth Nutha tches Alvercroft Pem berley 21.2m

Ha ynes Touchwood Pem berley

Ga ble Cotta g e Ma rden Nursery Midwa y House V idela

(Pla ying Field) Tra ck Dra in Pond Pond Abbots Lea O a kfield 18.3m Pa th

Pa th (um ) The Cotta g e LB Pond 1 B Rickm a ns 18.7m The Bushes 2


3 Jolesfield Cotta g es La ng la nd 3


te rnco Da lrowa n Fe l rnhil Fe 1 16.5m Inverness Bla nche's Fa rm Jolesg reen w ng a lo m Bu s Fa r nche Mount House Bla Pond Bra dley Tra ck Montr Ba rn a via House Senya r

School Middle

Sextons Tea chers 14.7m

Bla nches House W oodstock The Ba rn



L Two O a ks Ea stcot E Joles Fa rm The S


I (PH) E


D Bea ucha m ps Freezers

Tra ck Pea r Tree Cotta g e Pond



m u (

h t a P

The O rcha rd House 9.7m 11.3m


I Jolesfield House T





Issues O Sinks R T


L 8A A 8 N

E d n 9 o 5 P 13 8.9m 1 1 E 1 l 3 S 1 S 2 P T a u 4 th 6 A 7 (u b 48 4 1 m P ) 2 4 S L 1 2 2 t 8 E 2 a 5 2 S 4 1 2 H 1

8 I L 21 Horsha m District Loca l Pla n – Reg ula tion 18 Dra ft Consulta tion. L 2

0 2 Pa th 2 1 45 32 6 5 Proposed Seconda ry Settlem ent Ma ps 33 29 Reproduced by perm ission of O rdna nce Survey m a p on beha lf 9 23 2 C of E 1

1 of HMSO . © Crown copyrig ht a nd da ta ba se rig hts (2019). 30 1 0 2 14 Littleworth 1 O rdna nce Survey Licence.100023865 e 8 21 08 tta g 36 1 09 Sca le 1:3000 (a t A3) 1 Da te1: 013/01/2020 o 1 2 C 2 Hilly 0 Goffs Cops e o Kea ting s Tra ck C ha pel Cotta g e P ond

k c a r T

ra in 35.0m D P ond


i FB



D Lodg e

P ond P ond

FB n




D Fiddle W ood 30.8m P ond Fiddler's Res t P ond P ipers Croft

Hous e


O R P ond La ke T P ond S R D U ra i H n T U N Cotta g e

Fis h P ond Tra ck

Da lby

P ond

The Old Cotta g e P ond

t f o r c n Ja ckda w Field r e F Ma ple Villa


tt n o d E C n e

r s s The Orcha rd E r c d

e r a

t t a

n h h

u g c i

r 37.4m H E W ychwood Sequoia

p O

d 1 o l e 45.0m Quinte s h g e O

e S a n g t e t o d a t l h t o t S T o O C

C e w h W heelers n e T o Y t 39.5m p 8 m Ma ple a

H Ma plehurs t 8 GP 39.0m 4 Cotta g es 1 38.9m N Forg e D u A S th h O u e R r O e s t B p T H The a Old k w S r a o l a R e H u i d s U s Hors e a o h e l H a u LB C s T n o e U d t TCB t N a Sq g uirrels e Ros e Cotta g e GP P ond

Cotta g e GP Tudor Cotta g e 34.5m Cotta g e Southview 1 2

Abing er Hea tholt Fa rm Bung a low P ond 3

4 W oodfield Ta nk

33.3m Tra ck

P ond

T r a c k 28.4m

Tra ck


Fa rm

P ond k c a r T 24.8m Hors ha m Dis trict Loca l P la n – Reg ula tion 18 Dra ft Cons ulta tion. P ropos ed Seconda ry Settlem ent Ma ps

Reproduced by perm is s ion of Ordna nce Survey m a p on beha lf of HMSO. © Crown copyrig ht a nd da ta ba s e rig hts (2019). Ma plehurs t Ordna nce Survey Licence.100023865 08 09 Sca le 1:2500 (a t A3) Da te1: 013/01/2020 Brook Fa rm hous e 86.6m

P ond H R 1m Ha zel Wood o 0.9 y Bd D A E 2 8 1

in ra D



u (

h t 77.6m


P ck Tra Fa rm P ond

P ond

in 75.1m ra D




1 Bow m



Cotta g es 4 P ond



P a Du nston th

(u n LB m i ra ) D P ond

Cotta g e 3


L Monk's Ga te D

G Th rift 6 8 A T 7 E 76.1m M C GP Te o a 1 L n s O k e B s ls S C f T ie E O ld Fieldwa ys a 1 Monks Ga te k t le ot C i L C Bdy g e 65 on ED h h g t r e in i c rr 1 Th rift s r h e tm o D C ft OA a T R 73.8m Hou se s RS f THU De 8 NU 79.1m Ma ra Cotta g e P ond Mile Stone Wa yside

C J l o a i I c s N H d k t 71.0m e e o u d Th e Gra na ry r C t u n a s h Westla nds s o w l e 86.0m o e T v r s Tk b a e Grea t Ventors Fa rm U n u n n ll d a i k y r Dr y H h t C r o B w Hope R s IG t H Fria rsfield a T h O C N R O A D

k 1 a 2 O ) Y ew Tree 4


u 2

P ond (



a G P a ra g e Rose 9 Two Oa ks 2. 6m Tra ck Fern








) P onds

ra in S D P

P ond

k Tra c

Sta nford's Copse




r T

Nine Acre Gill

P a th (u m )


P Horsh a m District S Loca l P la n – Reg u la tion 18 Dra ft Consu lta tion. CS Nine Acre Gill P roposed Seconda ry Settlem ent Ma ps


Reprodu ced b y perm ission of Ordna nce Su rvey m a p on b eh a lf n of HMSO. © Crown copyrig h t a nd da ta b a se rig h ts (2019). U Monks Ga te Ordna nce Su rvey Licence.100023865 08 09 Sca le 1:3000 (a t A3) Da te1: 014/01/2020 Nutbourn e Place Loxle y House ) m o u ( th a P

T he Short's Farm 28.9m Lake Old School House Ebbsworth T he Cam be r Re stharrow Cottag e Atm ye rs


Oakde n e Whe e l House Man or Farm

Pon d Hobbs Nutbourn e Hig h Platt Man or Garag e Mill House LB


Lon g Platt E Man or E




T he Risin g Sun E


(PH) T Old Store House T he Bun g alow 25.0m

Nutle a T he White House


e Pe ar r T

y T re e l l

o Pon d


Wilhave n

Garde n Vie w 4

1 um ) Path ( Me rce rs Mole En d Ne w Drove rs House

Barton Place Nutbourn e T CB

Floyds Marsh Farm

Marsh Slurry Chrisan de r House Pit

T he Poplars



Bourn e En d 23.0m

T wyford

T he White Cottag e

Drain Nurse ry

P ath ( um ) Man or Farm

Horsham District Local Plan – Re g ulation 18 Draft Con sultation . CG Propose d Se con dary Se ttle m e n t Maps

Re produce d by pe rm ission of Ordn an ce Surve y m ap on be half of HMSO. © Crown copyrig ht an d database rig hts (2019). Nutbourn e T win Ordn an ce Surve y Lice n ce .100023865 08 09 Scale 1:1500 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 o


P a t h

( u m


k c a r T

T E E R T S T S R Pond U H T U N

Knights House Nuthurst Farm We ll FB

Pond FB Cattle The Old Post Offic e

FB TCB LB 40.5m Cattle Blac k

k 1 c Grid a r T 2 Cotts

Fox hollow The De ll FB (PH) FB FB Silos k c ra T Pond

R e c tory 38.8m


FB St And re w 's Pa th ( um ) Churc h

Lyc h Path Gate Me ad ow Cottage

Gle be Ac re


Maste rs

St And re w 's The Old Sc hool House Prim ary Sc hool Me ad ow land s (C of E) FB R ill Me ad Ford Pond Pond


5 3 Cray 1

4 Tank Issue s The Pad d oc k

Nutw ood Farm 41.5m

Har riot's Hill


Furze fie ld Copse

l l i


s ' Wood land s t o i r r Farm a


Horsham Distric t Loc al Plan – R e gulation 18 Draft Consultation. Propose d Se c ond ary Se ttle m e nt Maps

R e prod uc e d by pe rm ission of Ord nanc e Surve y m ap on be half of HMSO. © Crow n c opyright and d atabase rights (2019). Nuthurst Ord nanc e Surve y Lic e nc e .100023865 08 09 Sc ale 1:2000 (at A3) Date 1: 013/01/2020 o Cottage 1 LB W OO 4 Grovem ount 18 DSID E CL 7 OSE 8 8a 141 D 2 A R O o Pond b R P i a n 9 N r W O s o im o T o d H B n ro y IG o S k To Co R la w tta B p n ge in d e s W d s rs Pum ping Station m le 3 0 a w . te 3 r o 1 1 in o g d b u ry Tanglew ood




14.2m a

r Farm D Pond

Wym ark s Oak Pond Cottage Pond Mallard s Ric hm ond House


4 12.5m Wym ark s 1 Corner m 2 1 . Wagstaff Cottages 2 1 Corner House Shepherd s B 21 16 Shelter GP


Pond Buren

11.6m Corner

Lisieux End Old Barn Wood b arn Cottage Oak view

Barn Greenac re Court

c e x Pla Sluic e orth oeni Lulw Ph TCB e A gat s 2 een 8 Q u 1

rs ew ve A Vi lo C 2 d s FB 8 n e 1 la g od tta o Co W n er g nt rin ne Cornerhouse a e to L ym s W lm he ht re ll FB ig o i r m H M B n d oat le n G o a m le r ia k te w a s e D O e i h V 8.3m lc s e n Iv w Chalfield o a D ir e d a M

tra LB in zi Challen's Wood C ed gw in Sh e en ld ze s Wood a nd H la th ou S e ot lc e al ot Ch hc ec Be

The Oak s d s an nl 8.8m ee Trac k r e G id s n od e o zd e W ar ill M V Pond ng ni or M m el un B D s R ay in IG w er ra H ox iff D T F n rd O le a N G w st R e tt Moc k b rid ge O W ho A ys D ra G Lod ge

Am b erglad e 7.7m



a r Pond


Horsham Distric t Loc al Plan – Regulation 18 Draft Consultation.

HouseProposed Sec ond ary Settlem ent Maps Reprod uc ed b y perm ission of Ord nanc e Survey m ap on b ehalf of HMSO. © Crow n c opyright and d atab ase rights (2019). Sherm anb ury Ord nanc e Survey Lic enc e.100023865 08 09 Sc ale 1:3000 (at A3) Date1: 013/01/2020 RED LANE

23.3m 23.4m o










Th e Oa ks (um ) c k P a th Tra


KIN Corner GS 13.8m P s LATT Cotta ge w e Kings r s La nd C e otta ge 134 d l Coo n b 7 ks C A a otts t 4 S

16.0m Ch urc h Wood


2 w 1 e l r l d a n H Ca rters Ch urc h Ca usewa y Cotta ges A

TCB Andrews Cotta ge LB 9

Sh ipley 1 5




Windm ill St Ma rys Vic a ra ge 3 1 2

Ch urc h Ga te

St Ma ry's Ch urc h 1



18 Slurry Bed 5 21 2 22

Sluic e


D R r iv a e i r A n dur

P a t h

( u m )


P ond Ch urc h Fa rm South Horsh a m Distric t Loc a l P la n – Regula tion 18 Dra ft Consulta tion. P roposed Sec onda ry Settlem ent Ma ps

Reproduc ed b y perm ission of Ordna nc e Surv ey m a p on b eh a lf of HMSO. © Crown c opyrigh t a nd da ta b a se righ ts (2019). Sh ipley Ordna nc e Surv ey Lic enc e.100023865 08 09 Sc a le 1:1500 (a t A3) Da te1: 013/01/2020