TO: Reporters, Editorial Boards & Interested Parties

FR: Alex Youn, Campaign Manager

DA: Tuesday, May 20, 2014

RE: Republicans Poised To Nominate A Deeply Flawed Candidate Who'd Be a Rubber Stamp For the National Republican Agenda – That Doesn't Win

It's unclear which candidate will prevail in the deeply divided Oregon Senate Republican primary election on Tuesday, but one thing this is already certain: Monica Wehby and are deeply-flawed candidates. Both are out of touch with Oregon values, and support a national Republican agenda that would hurt Oregon. And neither can win Oregon or defeat Sen. in November.


Over the past several months, a V.I.P. list of failed Republican presidential hopefuls and national Republican Party figureheads have lined up to endorse Monica Wehby and Jason Conger in the Oregon GOP primary.

Conger's attracted the support of Rick Santorum. Wehby's been endorsed by and . Karl Rove's raved about Wehby, and FOX News commentator Ben Carson, who called health care reform "the worst thing that has happened in this nation since slavery," has come to Oregon to raise money for her. And both are backed by the national Republican Party's SuperPACs and corporate special interests.

There's a reason why Washington D.C. Republicans are so interested in putting Wehby or Conger in the Senate – because if either goes to Washington, they'll vote with Senate Republicans against Oregon's priorities.


When Monica Wehby was asked by where she differed with the national GOP, she "couldn't point to any specifics where she knows she would depart from the majority of Senate Republicans."

Wehby and Conger support the national Republican agenda to give massive tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires while rewarding corporations who ship jobs overseas – all while slashing education funding and job training for the middle class.

In keeping with the national Republican agenda that would take away a woman's right to choose, both named anti-choice Supreme Court justices like Justice Scalia as their "ideal" justice. While Conger's been endorsed by pro-life groups in the GOP primary, Wehby has endorsed the federal government "stepping in" to restrict access to abortion.

Both Wehby and Conger oppose legislation to ensure all Oregonians receive equal pay for equal work – just like the national Republicans. And as national Republicans continue blocking a minimum-wage increase, Wehby and Conger are opposed to raising the minimum wage. Wehby's even opposed to the federal government setting a minimum wage.

And both would bring D.C. Republicans one step closer to taking control of the Senate and enacting an agenda that raises the retirement age, cuts Social Security and Medicare, and reduces retirement benefits for Oregon seniors.


By the end of the day on Tuesday, Republicans in Oregon will have nominated yet another deeply flawed candidate, whose embrace of the national Republican Party agenda makes them totally out of step with everyday Oregonians, and completely unelectable in November.

D.C. Republicans want Wehby or Conger in Washington because they'll vote with Senate Republicans and advance a national Republican agenda that would have dangerous consequences for our state. Unfortunately for them – and for Wehby and Conger – that agenda doesn't win you Oregon.


Paid for by Jeff Merkley for Oregon.