Agenda Item: 16d doc: AEWA/ MOP 2.18 21 June 2002 Original: English


Glareola nordmanni

This draft International Action Plan for the Black-winged Pratincole ( nordmanni) was commissioned by the Secretariat of African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement and European Division of BirdLife International, and was prepared by the Russian Conservation Union (BirdLife International Partner Designate in Russia). The first draft was send out to experts on the species and its’ conservation, and then discussed on 3rd April 2002 at the Workshop on Black-winged Pratincole in Moscow. All comments and suggestions, as well as outputs from the Workshop, were incorporated in the second draft of the Action Plan, also distributed to all contributors. This version is the final output of all the above consultations.


Chapter Page

Summary 3 1 Introduction 5 2 Biological Assessment 8 3 Human Activities 10 4 Policies and Legislation 14 5 Framework for Action 16 6 Action by Country 20 7 Implementation 23 Terminology 26 App I Evaluation of threats 29 App. II Overview of key sites 30


May 2002


Key compilers: Victor P.Belik Elena A. Lebedeva

Contributors: Umberto Gallo-Orsi, BirdLife Derek Scott, Ireland Bert Lenten, AEWA Colin Richardson, United Arab Eugeny Bragin, Kazakhstan Emirates Valery Khrokov, Kazakhstan Melis Charalambides, Cyprus Pavel Tomkovich, Russia Kariuki Ndang'ang'a, Kenya Sergei Bukreev, Russia Alexander Khokhlov, Russia Valery Moseikin, Russia Mikhail Il'jukh, Russia Leonid Korshikov, Russia Jury Komarov, Russia Anatoly Davygora, Russia Alexander Antonchikov, Russia Elena Kreuzberg-Mukhina, Uzbekistan Anatoly Bliznjuk, Russia Gennady Molodan, the Ukraine Murat Emtyl', Russia Elchin Sultanov, Azerbaijan Jury Lokhman, Russia Vasily Chernobaj, Russia Alexander Lipkovich, Russia Maksim Korol’kov, Russia Viktor Minoransky, Russia Vladimir Morozov, Russia Evilina Sokhina, Russia Victor Zubakin, Russia Vladimir Piskunov, Russia Dimitar Nankinov, Bulgaria Alexander Beljachenko, Russia Pete Leonard, Zambia Vladimir Zakharov, Russia Edward Mongin, Belarus V.Shahno, Russia Dan Munteanu, Rumunia Andrei Varlamov, Russia Guy Kirwan, Turkey

Participants of Workshop on Sociable Lapwing (3rd March 2002, Moscow, Russia): Umberto Gallo-Orsi, BirdLife Europe Elchin Sultanov, Azerbaijan (Baku) Valery V. Khrokov, Kazakhstan (Almaty) Eugeny A. Bragin, Kazakhstan (Naurzum Nature Rezerve) Gennady N. Molodan, the Ukraine (Donetsk) Elena A. Kreuzberg-Mukhina, Uzbekistan (Tashkent) Victor P. Belik, Russia (Rostov-on-Don) Sergei A. Bukreev, Russia (Moscow) Vasily F. Chernobaj, Russia (Volgograd) Anatoly V. Davygora, Russia (Orenburg) Maksim A. Korol’kov, Russia (Ul’yanovsk) Leonid V. Korshikov, Russia (Orenburg) Elena A. Lebedeva, Russia (Moscow) Vladimir V. Morozov, Russia (Moscow) Valery N. Moseikin, Russia (Saratov) Pavel S. Tomkovich, Russia (Moscow) Victor A. Zubakin, Russia (Moscow)

3 Summary

What is the profile of the Black-winged Pratincole? Black-winged Pratincole breeds mainly in the steppe and desert belt of Eurasia from Romania and Ukraine in the west to the Russian part of the Altai and to Kazakhstan in the east. It winters in south of the Sahara desert. Migration through the Middle East countries such as Turkey, Iran, Iraq etc. are probably transit / flyover, and take place on the high altitudes; as a result Black-winged Pratincole is seldom recorded in this region. Population decline of Black-winged Pratincole started in the end of 19th century, and became more evident in the second half of the 20th century. In the latest years, starting from 1980s-1990s, strong population decline took place again: in 10 years numbers decreased two to three times. Recently the total population of Black-winged Pratincole hardly exceeds 10,000-15,000 pairs. The Black-winged Pratincole is classified as "data deficient" (BirdLife International, 2000) at global level, and "rare, SPEC 3" at European level (Tucker & Heath, 1994). It is however not included at all in the Red Data Book of , and neither in the list of Globally Threatened Species, probably because of far too optimistic understanding of species numbers The species is listed in Appendix II of the Bonn Convention and of the Bern Convention. Black-winged Pratincole is included in category B2b of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA). This requires from all Range States of the Agreement to develop and implement the Action Plan necessary for conservation and restoration of the species population.

Why an international Action Plan for the Black-winged Pratincole Because of the dramatic population decline, which happened in the 20th century, Black- winged Pratincole is now facing the threat of extinction. The reasons for this sharp number decline in the latest decades are not exactly known, therefore it is at the moment difficult to plan certain actions for conservation of the species. The latter is also more complicated because of the nomadic distribution of Black-winged Pratincole, and because of the fact that these are changing breeding sites / areas. The urgent need for the Black- winged Pratincole Action Plan is also driven by the fact that this species is closely associated with the “secondary” man-made habitats, where human activities are very intense.

What is the basis of the Action Plan? The Action Plan is based on the studies and analysis of the Black-winged Pratincole populations, primarily within its’ European breeding range (Dementiev, Gladkov 1951, Kistjakovski 1957, Dolgushin 1962, Molodan 1988, 1994, Belik 1994, 1998, 2001, Belik and Tomkovich, 1997, Garmash 1998). This is related to our assumption that it is reproduction period which is an “at most ecological vulnerable” for this species, and that the overall population dynamics depend first of all on the annual breeding success and species productivity. Additional consultations and input into the Action Plan is needed to assess and evaluate the situation in the Asian and African parts of the species range.

What is the objective of the Action Plan? The general objective of the plan is to ensure that population of the Black-winged Pratincole becomes stable or increases as a result of conservation initiatives which take into account habitat requirements of the species (primarily in breeding areas), as well as the interests of local agricultural communities.

What does the Action Plan consist of? The Action Plan presents a framework for conservation and restoration of the Black- winged Pratincole and its’ habitats. Measurable objectives are set at national and international level, taking into account management options for each country.

4 Which countries are involved? Implementation of the Action Plan requires effective international co-ordination of actions. This is especially important for countries holding the main part of the species breeding range (Kazakhstan, Russia, and the Ukraine), and for the wintering range countries (Afrotropical region).

What should these countries do? There should be commitment of all individual Range States for the conservation of Black- winged Pratincole and its’ habitats. All these countries should develop their own National Action Plans. In these Action Plans, management activities should be described, on the basis of the management options that have been presented in this International Action Plan.

How should the Action Plan be implemented? A working group under the Technical Committee of the AEWA should be established for implementation of Single Species Action Plans. Activities mandated to the working group are listed in this International Action Plan. The plan should be formally adopted at the Second Session of the Meeting of the Parties to the AEWA, which will take place from 26- 29 September of 2002, Bonn, Germany and be reviewed every three years thereafter. In case of emergency situations in population of Black-winged Pratincole, review of the Action Plan should be done immediately.


1. Introduction

Dramatic situation in the population of Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni, which became obvious in the end of the XX century, urges for immediate actions aimed at more effective conservation of this species. It was included in Category 3 of the list of Species of European Conservation Concern (SPEC 3), since it was considered that less than 10,000 pairs breed in Europe (Tucker and Heath, 1994). Rapid population decline, which was observed in southern Russia in 1990s, led here to at least a 10 times decrease of the species numbers. Pronounced number fluctuations were observed in the latest years also in the eastern (Asian) part of the species breeding range. Recently the total population of Black-winged Pratincole unlikely to exceed 10,000-15,000 pairs. Development and implementation of the International Action Plan is urgently needed to conserve and restore Black-winged Pratincole populations; this Action Plan will enable to involve in the conservation activities all Range States, both on the governmental and non- governmental levels. Only through development of international co-operation for conservation of Black-winged Pratincole these actions to remove threats to the species can be successful. International co-operation is needed for implementation of all the positions of this Action Plan. This co-operation will guarantee effectiveness and positive outputs of the Action Plan. Table 1 Breeding numbers of Black-winged Pratincole in European Russia prior to the latest population decline

Region Number of pairs Source of information Krasnodarsky Krai 30-50 Lokhman, 2000 Stavropolsky Krai 300-500 A.N.Khokhlov, pers.comm. Rostov-on-Don region 1000-3000 Belik, 1998 Kalmykia 3000-4000 A.I.Kukish, pers.comm.; Belik et al., 1991 Daghestan 500-1000 Belik, 1998 Volgograd region 100-150 V.F.Chernobai, pers.comm.; Belik, 1998 Saratov region 2000-3000 V.N.Moseikin, pers.comm. In total: 7030-11700

Table 2 Current breeding numbers of Black-winged Pratincole in Russia

Region Number of pairs Source of information Krasnodarsky Krai 30-50 Lokhman, 2000 Stavropolsky Krai 100-200 Experts’ guestimate Rostov-on-Don region 100-300 Experts’ guestimate Kalmykia 300-500 Experts’ guestimate Daghestan 300 Dzhamirzoev et al., 2000 Volgograd region 200-300 Chernobai et al., 2000 Saratov region 430-500 Piskunov and Belyachenko, 1998 Orenburg region 1000-2500 Gavlyuk, 1998; L.V.Korshikov, pers.comm. West Siberia 250 Experts’ guestimate In total: 2700-4900


Breeding range of Black-winged Pratincole 1 – part of the range, where the species became extinct in XIX century; 2 – part of the range, where the species became extinct in the first half of XX; 3 – part of the range, where the species became extinct in 1970-1980s; 4 – part of the range, where the species became extinct in 1990s; 5 – localities of sporadic breeding in dry years outside the current breeding range of the species.

7 Table 3 Current numbers of Black-winged Pratincole (pairs)

Countries Europe Asia Total Source of information Tucker, Heath 1994, Hungary 0-2 0-2 Hagemeijer, Blair 1997 European bird populations Belarus 0-5 0-5 2002 European bird populations Rumania 0-10 0-10 2002 Ukraine 5-15 5-15 Garmash 1998 Hagemeijer, Blair 1997, Bulgaria 0-10 0-10 Nankinov 2002 Turkey 0-3 0-3 G. Kirwan, pers.comm. Armenia 8-10 8-10 BirdLife… Database 2002 Azerbaijan ? ? E. Sultanov, pers.comm Е. Kreuzberg-Mukhina, Uzbekistan 1-5 1-5 guestimate Kazakhstan 500-1000 6500-9000 7000-10000 V. Khrokov, guestimate Data from the Workshop on Russia 1400-2200 1300-2700 2700-4900 BWP In total: 1900-3200 7800-11700 9700-14900

Comment: most of birds in Orenburg region inhabit the areas which are geographically in Asian part, thus all the regional population here is considered as “Asian”. Breeding in European countries largely happens as result of invasions to the north and to the west which take place in dry years.

The overall objectives of the Action Plan are:

• In the short-term (3 years) 1. To define the main factors affecting population of Black-winged Pratincole in the breeding, migratory and wintering areas and to undertake actions to reduce their negative impact. 2. To optimise relationships between man and birds in agricultural habitats, used by the Black-winged Pratincole. 3. To ensure that all appropriate actions defined in this Action Plan are undertaken in order to stop further decline of Black-winged Pratincole throughout its’ breeding range.

• In the long-term (20 years) 1. To save Black-winged Pratincole as a biological species 2. To ensure stability of the Black-winged Pratincole population within breeding and wintering range.

To reach successfully these short-term and long-term objectives the following measures have to be undertaken:

• International co-operation between individual experts, governmental and non- governmental bodies of all species range states must be ensured to guarantee the development and implementation of joint monitoring and research of the Black-winged Pratincole, habitat management, optimisation of land-use in breeding areas of this

8 species, and other relevant activities provided by the Action Plan for the benefit of Black- winged Pratincole

• Adequate scientific approach to conservation of Black-winged Pratincole and to the use of its’ habitats must be guaranteed. These approaches should be based on the sound research of the species ecology, population dynamics, and on the dynamics of ecosystems vitally important for the survival of the species. Besides, agricultural practices and habitat management activities must be compatible and take into account the needs of all stakeholders, as well as the needs for conservation.

• Adequate legislation for conservation of Black-winged Pratincole should exist and must be implemented / enforced by all Range States

• To develop new mechanisms of international co-operation, including potentially required subsidies for habitat management in areas occupied by Black-winged Pratincole to ensure that no detrimental human activities take place in the areas of breeding, migration stopovers or wintering of this species

The Plan presents operational and measurable objectives, and management options to achieve these objectives. It is a framework to ensure the coherence of and communication about the National Action Plans. The framework leaves room for manoeuvre for the Range States to tune their management policy to the national situation, as long as the objectives are achieved.

The success of the Action Plan depends to a large extent on: 1. The support for the implementation of the International Action Plan; 2. The efforts of all the Range States to draw up and communicate National Action Plans; 3. Implementation aspects such as: a time frame for monitoring and evaluation and for the communication of progress and activities in the different Range States, insight into budgetary consequences; 4. Organisational matters such as: a clear vision on the role of the African-Eurasian Waterbird Agreement (AEWA) Technical Committee to deal with all aspects of implementation of the current Action Plan, and a decision on the potential establishment of a new working group in this committee.

The Plan applies for a period of 3 years, after which it will be evaluated and reviewed. In case of emergency situations in population of Black-winged Pratincole, review of the Action Plan should be done immediately. Draft Action Plan has to be discussed at the Technical Committee meeting of the AEWA Range States, and then agreed upon at the next AEWA Meeting of the Parties. Working Group on Black-winged Pratincole and other threatened steppe has to be established and operate under the AEWA Secretariat (or leading role delegated to one of the bodies of Black-winged Pratincole range states)

The geographical scope of Black-winged Pratincole Countries of Breeding Countries of Migration Countries of Wintering Armenia Bahrain Angola Azerbaijan Chad Botswana Belarus Cyprus Burundi Bulgaria Egypt Congo, The Democratic republic of the France Eritrea Côte d'Ivoire Germany Ethiopia Gabon Hungary Iran, Islamic Republic of Ghana Kazakhstan Iraq Kenya Moldavia Israel Mali Romania Jordan Mauritania Russia Lebanon Namibia Syria Nigeria Rwanda

9 Turkey Oman Sâo Tomé e Principe Ukraine Qatar South Africa Uzbekistan Saudi Arabia Tanzania Seychelles Togo Somalia Uganda Sudan Zambia Syria Turkey United Arab Emirates Yemen Comment: highlighted (bold & underline) are the countries holding the most of breeding or wintering birds Vagrant Black-winged have been recorded in 21 European country up to Spain, Ireland and Iceland, which is probably related to peculiarities of migration in this species: it is supposed that migrating birds use quickly moving air currents in the upper layers of the atmosphere

2. Biological Assessment

General The Black-winged Pratincole (Glareola nordmanni) is a small Palearctic , one information of the representatives of the specific wader family. It breeds in the steppe and desert belt of Eurasia, and winters in Afro-tropical region. Black-winged Pratincoles prefer to breed on dry salted soils (“solonets” and “solontchak”) with low vegetation cover and patches of bare ground, and on overgrazed steppe pastures. It avoids steppes with high vegetation. Sometimes inhabits arable land (ploughed fields). Often feeds in the air, catching flying . Population • Population decline which is observed since the end of 19th century probably development caused by the extensive ploughing of virgin steppes for development of arable agriculture • Extremely sharp decline was recorded in the middle of the 20th century; it was more dramatic in the western and northern parts of the species breeding range • In the second half of the 20th century numbers of Black-winged Pratincole became locally stable or even increased, which was presumably related to the irrigation of steppes • In 1990s population again started to decline sharply; it is most expressed in the south of Russia Distribution • Breeding range of the species stretches throughout the steppe zone of Eurasia throughout from Romania and Ukraine in the west to the Russian Altai and Kazakhstan in the annual the east. Irregularly the species is recorded on breeding further north, in the cycle forest-steppe zone. In the north of the desert zone locally forms large colonies in the valleys and in the river deltas • Winters in savannahs of the Southern and South-West Africa • Transit migrations through the countries the Middle East and the Arabic Peninsula are almost inconspicuous; however migrations are well expressed in Africa close to the Equator. Productivity Very low. From 60% to 100% of clutches and chicks die annually because of: • Trampling of nests and chicks by grazing cattle • Increased predator pressure, namely by corvids • Predation by terrestrial mammals which varies from year to year depending on availability of other food sources • Heavy rains and hailstorms • Severe droughts

10 Habitat Breeding habitat: Winter habitat: Habitat on passage: requirements Pastures in steppes with low Grasslands savannahs Specific features vegetation and salted soils with high population unknown. Presumably (solontchaks and solonets), usually densities of insects: high-altitude migration close to water bodies which are locusts, ants, and takes place. used as watering places for cattle beetles, which become abundant during their Locally breeds of ploughed fields; mass dispersal season there regular cultivation takes place in summer

Avoids places with high vegetation cover, therefore lower grazing pressures leading to restoration of vegetation cover are unfavourable for the species

Similar unfavourable consequences are observed with increased climate humidity, leading also to development of higher and more dense vegetation Life history Breeding: Feeding: Migration:

Breeds in steppe and desert belts Insectivorous bird, Wintering areas of Eurasia, mainly in Russia and in feeding on beetles, located in Southern Kazakhstan, in the vicinity to ants, grasshoppers, and South-West Africa watering places locusts etc. Areas / sites of regular Negatively affected in summer by In spring often feeds stopovers where large pronounced weather changes such close to colonies on numbers could be as severe rains, hailstones, patches of bare ground observed are droughts UNKNOWN. In summer catches Clutch size 3-4 eggs insects in the air, flying on lower altitudes over Mortality on breeding (clutches, ground or over the chicks) may reach 60-100% water annually In the end of summer usually feeds in flocks high in the air, catching abundant insects

In wintering areas feeds on locusts and other flying insects

Requires water for drinking, and during the day makes regular flights to water bodies

11 Knowledge on Black-winged Pratincole in the breeding range This quality of knowledge on Black-winged Pratincole has to be assessed during the Workshop to define the priority areas for targeted research and monitoring which is needed to reach the objectives of this Action Plan. Preliminary information for each country is suggested on the basis of available literature. 0 – no data; 1 – very little data; 2 – qualified guesses; 3 – good quantitative knowledge

Key negative Country PopSize Distribution Time present Habitat use factors Azerbaijan 1 1 1 1 0 Belarus 1 1 2 1 1 Bulgaria 2 2 2 2 1 Hungary 2 2 2 2 1 Kazakhstan 1 1 2 2 2 Romania 2 2 2 2 1 Russia 1 2 3 3 3 Ukraine 2 2 2 2 2

3. Human Activities This chapter gives an overview of human activities potentially affecting the Black-winged Pratincole population and their relevance by country

Overview on human activities / threats related to the Black-winged Pratincole Human activities potentially affecting the Black-winged Pratincole population can be subdivided into three categories: 1. Human activities / threats potentially affecting the Black-winged Pratincole population; 2. Human activities / threats affecting the quantity of the habitat, which might change the total size of areas suitable for breeding 3. Human activities / threats affecting the quality of the habitat, such as deterioration and contamination

Relationships between man and Black-winged Pratincole are very complex, as one and the same type of human activities can be simultaneously negative and beneficial. For example, it is considered absolutely essential that grazing must be carried out in Black-winged Pratincole habitats, thus conservation of the species can hardly be done through such measures as establishment of strictly protected natural areas (zapovedniks in the CIS countries). At the same time, overgrazing which is “a tool” to maintain the habitat quality, leads to dramatically low productivity (through clutch and chick mortality caused by trampling). Another example is that by making new water bodies in dry steppe and desert areas (which often coincides with habitat destruction) people at the same time provide the water supply for Black-winged Pratincoles, thus making the area more suitable. Also human activities result in changes in the numbers of predators, mainly corvids, which cause severe predator pressure on the colonies of ground-nesting Black-winged Pratincoles. All these “pro and contra” have to be considered before planning any certain management actions for this species in the whole range, as well as in certain range states separately (see Chapter 6).

Human activities potentially affecting the Black-winged Pratincole population in the countries of breeding range. Symbols so far: 0 – no impact, ±1 – low impact, ±2 – average, ±3 – high impact, ±4 – critical negative or positive impact

Factors / Threats UKR RUS KAZ 1. Direct eliminating factors (caused by humans) 1.1. Hunting -1 -0,6 0 1.2. Poisoning by pesticides -1 -1,3 -2 1.3. Destruction of nests by cattle -4 -2,6 -3 1.4. Destruction of nests by agrotechnics -1 -2,5 0 1.5. Disturbance -4 -2,0 -2

12 2 Indirect – quantity limiting factors 2.1. Ploughing of steppes -1 +0,5 -0,7 2.2. Artificial afforestation -1 -0,9 0 2.3. Construction of reservoirs, ponds and other water bodies +2 +1,9 +1 2.4. Construction of roads -1 -0,7 -0,7 3. Indirect – quality limiting factors 3.1. Use of pesticides -2 -1,5 -2 3.2. Stopped grazing and overgrowing of pastures +4 -2,5 0 3.3. Spread of fallow lands and overgrowing of arable fields +2 -0,1 -0,3 3.4. Disappearance of water bodies (reservoirs, ponds etc.) 0 -1,0 0 Comment: results of experts’ evaluation of the importance of different threats are given in Appendix I.

Overview of threats to the Black-winged Pratincole population and their relevance by country all over the species range

Countries of Countries of Countries of Factors / Threats breeding wintering migration 1. Human direct eliminating factors 1.1. Hunting 1.2. Poisoning by pesticides 1.3. Destruction of nests by cattle - - 1.4. Destruction of nests by agrotechnics - - 1.5. Disturbance 2 Indirect – quantity limiting factors 2.1. Ploughing of steppes 2.2. Artificial afforestation 2.3. Construction of reservoirs, ponds and other water bodies ++++ +++ ++ 2.4. Construction of roads 3. Indirect – quality limiting factors 3.1. Use of pesticides 3.2. Stopped grazing and overgrowing of pastures 3.3. Spread of fallow lands and overgrowing of arable fields 3.4. Disappearance of water bodies (reservoirs, ponds etc.) 4. Natural limiting factors 4.1. Change of a climate 4.2. Synoptical anomaly 4.3. Expansion and number increase of preying corvids 4.4. Influence of ground predators

++++ High relevance Limited relevance Low relevance Positive factors

13 Threats to Black-winged Pratincole (solid frame – high impact; normal – medium; dashed – low impact)

Local people do not know of the Hunting need to preserve the species Poor law enforcement Adults Pest control in agriculture Poisoning with Direct pesticides & other Actions against rodents & other (human- chemicals transmitting deseases induced) High stock density Ploughing of virgin steppes t lit Trampling by cattle/sheep

Chicks and Destruction of nests by eggs agrotechnics Off road vehicles Disturbance Tourists

Ploughing of virgin steppes

Breeding habitat Stopped grazing Cattle grazing and loss agriculture no longer Artificial afforestation economically attractive within former USSR Spread of fallow lands Indirect limiting Construction of roads factors Reduced food Use of pesticides availability

Disappearance of water bodies


4 Policies and Legislation In this chapter, an overview of relevant national and international policies and nature conservation legislation is given. Legislation regarding transport, agriculture, etc. will not be discussed, although they may have a considerable indirect influence on the Black-winged Pratincole population.

International policies and legislation Title Work title Year Objective and relevance Convention on Ramsar 1971 Stem increasing destruction of wetland habitats, by Wetlands of Convention designating wetlands for inclusion on a list of «Wetlands international of international importance». Conservation and wise importance use of these wetlands. Compensate for loss of wetlands. especially as Consultation about implementation of the Convention. waterfowl habitats Convention on the Bonn 1979 Concerted action for the conservation and effective Conservation of Convention management of migratory species. Consists of two Migratory Species appendices: Appendix I: animals requiring strict of Wild Animals protection. Appendix II: animals for which agreements need to be made for the conservation and management these species. AEWA is an example of such an agreement. AEWA stimulates Single Species Action Plans. Convention on the Bern 1979 Conservation of wild flora and fauna and their natural Conservation of Convention habitats especially those species and habitats whose European Wildlife conservation requires the co-operation of several states. and Natural «Special attention be given to the protection of areas Habitats that are of importance for the migratory species specified in Appendices II and III (incl. most birds) and which are appropriately situated in relation to migration routes as wintering, staging, feeding, breeding or moulting areas». EU Council EU Birds 1979 Conservation of birds and bird habitats by European co- Directive on the Directive operation. Establish network of protected areas: Special Conservation of Protection Areas (SPAs). The Birds Directive laid the Wild Birds foundation for the Habitats Directive. EU Council EU Habitats 1992 Establish strategic network (Natura 2000) of European Directive on the Directive Habitats and protect the most threatened species in Conservation of Europe. Implementation behind schedule. Countries Natural Habitats have to submit lists of «Special Areas of Conservation and of Wild Fauna (SACs)». Two annexes list habitat types and species. and Flora The article 6 obligations of the Habitats Directive also have to be implemented in the Special Protection Areas of the Birds Directive. Convention on Biodiversity 1992 Maintain a sustainable diversity and spread of flora and Biological Convention fauna across the world. Each contracting party shall Diversity develop national strategies, plans or programmes for the conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity. Convention on Might be of high relevance for the wintering grounds Desertification

NB: The European Directives and international conventions can have different legal implications: the special legal status of EU Directives makes it possible to enforce implementation through the European Court of Justice, whereas the legal implications of conventions depend on their translation into national legislation

15 Threat and Convention status for the Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni

EU Birds Bern Bonn World European SPEC African-Eurasian Migratory 1 2 2 Directive Convention Convention 6 Status Status category Water Bird Agreement Annex3 Annex4 Annex5 DD R 3 I II II B2b 2c

1 World Status as in BirdLife International (2000) Threatened Birds of the World. Spain and Cambridge, U.K.: Lynx Editions and BirdLife International. Categories: C = Critically endangered, E = Endangered; V = Vulnerable; D = Declining; L = Localised; R = Rare; LR = Lower Risk, DD = data deficient, cd = conservation dependent, nt = near threatened, lc = least concern, S = Secure. 2 Tucker G.M & Heath M.F. (1994). Birds in Europe: their Conservation Status. Cambridge UK: BirdLife International (BirdLife Conservation series no. 3). R - rare, Status provisional, SPEC category 3 – less than 10,000 pairs. 3 The species shall be subjected of special conservation measures concerning their habitat in order to ensure their survival and reproduction in their area of distribution. 4 Give special attention to the protection of areas that are of importance (Article 4) and ensure the special protection of the species (Article 6). For more details see the Convention text 5 Animals for which agreements need to be made for the conservation and management of these species. For more details see the Convention text 6 B2b 2c – population size unknown (100 000 to 1 000 000), strong decline.

National policies, legislation and activities / Countries of breeding range

National policies affecting Black- AZE TUR BUL ROM HUN BEL UKR RUS KAZ UZB winged Pratincole Species Legal protection status in all areas and periods Control of pesticide use Research Regular population census and monitoring Public awareness & education Habitats Site protection Site management Monitoring (use) of protected sites Predator control measures Policies to reduce potential agricultural conflicts International co-operation International monitoring Regular meetings to discuss

High significance Limited significance Not applicable

16 National policies, legislation and activities (total species range, overview)

Countries Countries Countries National policies affecting Black-winged Pratincole of breeding of wintering of migration Species Legal protection status in all areas and periods Control of pesticide use Research Regular population census and monitoring Public awareness & education Habitats Site protection Site management Monitoring (use) of protected sites Predator control measures Policies to reduce potential agricultural conflicts International co-operation International monitoring Regular meetings to discuss

High significance Limited significance Not applicable

17 5 Framework for Action

All countries of the Black-winged Pratincole breeding and wintering range are responsible for the success of this Action Plan. Without the commitment of the Range States and all interests groups concerned, the Action Plan will remain ineffective. In this chapter the framework of objectives and a list of subjects that need to be taken up in the National Action Plans are presented.

Framework for Action

The overall general objective

To permit the Black-winged Pratincole to attain an equilibrium level of population taking into account: • Habitat requirements of the species, primarily in breeding range • Human activities / interests of agricultural community

Operational long term objectives

Reduced Knowledge on Reduced mortality Minimised Optimised Reduced predator mortality of main breeding of clutches and disturbance of relationships pressure of corvids adults from sites / areas chicks in breeding birds in breeding between birds and and other animals hunting and areas colonies agriculture pesticide pollution

Terms of specification for objectives

Improved Inventory of key Reduction of Education and Development of Local control of legislation sites agricultural public awareness traditional numbers of the conflicts agricultural land-use numerous corvids

18 Measurable Objectives

Improved Inventory of key Reduction of Education and Development of Local control of legislation sites agricultural public awareness traditional numbers of the conflicts agricultural land-use numerous corvids

Each country Within three years, Within three years, Within three years, Within three years, Within three years, should: each country each country should: each country each country should: each country should: • include Black- should: • develop should: • reveal main • develop winged • complete recommendatio • prepare, areas threatened recommendation Pratincole in inventory of all ns to farmers produce and with habitat s on the control the national Black-winged and other land- disseminate degradation as a of Rook Corvus Red Data Pratincole key users on how among result of reduced frugilegus books / Red sites for the areas farmers and grazing activities populations in lists breeding and occupied by other land- • prepare list of steppe forest- • Introduce wintering areas breeding Black- users leaflets areas which stripes regulations / • evaluate winged and brochures might require complete ban threats to Pratincoles about Black- international on the use of Black-winged have to be winged support for pesticides Pratincole managed / Pratincole, development of which are habitats in all used threats to the traditional harmful for Black-winged species, main pastoral birds Pratincole conservation agriculture IBAs actions • develop recommendati ons on how to optimise habitat management in these sites

19 All National Action Plans should include:

All actions need to have a time frame

• Annual surveys / reviews of geographical distribution, numbers and productivity • A comprehensive survey of key sites and their protection status • Survey of / actions to improve existing policies and legislation (See chapter 4) • Survey of threats / human activities (See chapter 3) • Overview of present or expected sites of international importance, and threats to these sites (1% of the total population, ≥10 pairs or ≥30 birds) • Survey of present or expected threats to sites of national importance • Proposed management options to deal with threats in internationally and nationally important sites (see Chapters 5 and 6) • Studies on food and feeding ecology in areas of breeding, migration and wintering • To reveal pesticides which are toxic (harmful) for birds and which are still used locally in agriculture • Monitoring of population changes, mortality rates, and of changes in food supply related to the use of pesticides • Identification of all areas important for breeding, migration and wintering • Identification of key areas for development of environmentally friendly (sustainable) agriculture • Identification and localisation of «stakeholders» for each of key sites • Provisions for maintenance of habitat quality / quantity • Provisions for habitat restoration, where appropriate • Elaboration and implementation of monitoring and control systems (See chapter 7) • Identification of financial consequences / responsibilities • Communication plan (with AEWA, governmental- and non-governmental organisations, and Threatened Steppe Waders Working Group if/when set up) • Public awareness and training plan • Regular publication of all new materials on threatened steppe wader species • Search for financial resources for implementation of the National Action Plan • Overall expected effects of measures taken


6 Action by country (to be amended and/or filled in during Workshop) To assist the Range States in developing their own National Action Plans management options and the relation between the national objectives and the international objectives are presented. Priority; H: high, M: medium, L: low

Countries of the breeding range International Measurable Priority National management options / actions objective objective Reduced mortality M • Inclusion in (all) National Red data Books. Complete 9 Adequate of adults from interdiction of a hunt. hunting hunting and • Legal regulations on pesticide use include Black- legislation and pesticide pollution winged Pratincole conservation needs legislation related • Control and improvements in enforcement of existing to pesticide use nature conservation legislation in place and enforced Knowledge on H • All available published and unpublished information 9 results of main breeding collated and transformed in easy-to-use formats inventory sites / areas available for decision-making available for • Countries produce national (or joint) reports on the decision-makers distribution, conservation status, stakeholders etc. of all 9 all key sites key sites of Black-winged Pratincole known and • Each country undertakes extensive surveys to assess monitored numbers, distribution, population trends to have best possible knowledge on these issues • Monitoring of known colonies with the use or ringing and colour-marking, with attention to breeding outputs and the impact of threats • Monitoring of numbers of rodents and terrestrial predators in relation to the breeding performance of steppe waders Reduced mortality H • Actions to reduce clutch and chick mortality clarified 9 Recommendatio of clutches and and widely advertised to farmers / land-users first of all ns to reduce chicks in breeding in protected areas clutch and chick areas • Develop and implement system to monitor annual mortality breeding success 9 Data of annual • Applied studies on practical effect of specific actions to breeding success protect colonies (clutches and chicks) obtained and • Management of grazing in protected areas made available • Management of land-use in breeding areas widely Minimised H • Ensure adequate management of all breeding colonies 9 All known disturbance of • Establishment of temporary protected sites (for breeding birds in breeding breeding season) in areas with permanent colonies colonies receive colonies adequate protection

Optimised H ƒ Reveal main areas threatened with habitat degradation 9 Overview of relationships as a result of reduced grazing activities needed between birds and ƒ Prepare list of areas which might require international management agriculture support for development of traditional pastoral actions to agriculture optimise ƒ Sustainable and species-friendly management of relationships grazing, land-use and water management in the ways, between Black- which are beneficial for breeding colonies of Black- winged winged Pratincole Pratincole and farming activities in breeding areas available Reduced predator H • Local control of predator numbers around breeding 9 Adequate pressure of colonies, primarily Rooks predator corvids and other numbers around animals breeding colonies


Development, H ƒ National Action Plans in place in breeding range 9 National Action endorsement and countries, and endorsed and implemented at all levels Plans in place implementation of ƒ National legislation amended and enforced as provided 9 All national National Action in the International and National Action Plans bodies Plans ƒ To support the international IUCN project “Stratehy and committed to Action Plan for development of sustainable grazing in implementation the steppes of southern Russia” aimed at developing the frame-work and conditions for restoration of traditional land-use practices in semi-arid regions of Russia, and to endeavor that measures for conservation of Black-winged Pratincole and other steppe waders are considered in this project ƒ To support the emergency measures for conservation of biodiversity in Central Asia, suggested by WWF, aimed at restoration of wild ungulates as the critically important Public awareness H ƒ Public awareness materials to be produced and widely 9 Effective public and involvement distributed awareness of local ƒ Local stakeholders involved in practical on-ground materials stakeholders conservation of breeding colonies produced and distributed

Countries of the wintering range International Measurable Priority National management options / actions objective objective Reduced H • Legal regulations on hunting and pesticide use 9 Adequate hunting mortality of include Black-winged Pratincole conservation needs legislation and adults from legislation related to hunting and pesticide use in place pesticide and enforced pollution Knowledge on H • All available published and unpublished information 9 results of inventory main wintering collated and transformed in easy-to-use formats available for decision- sites / areas available for decision-making makers • Countries produce national (or joint) reports on the 9 all key wintering sites distribution, conservation status, stakeholders etc. of known and monitored all key sites of Black-winged Pratincole • Each country undertakes extensive surveys to assess numbers, distribution, population trends to have best possible knowledge on these issues • Mid-winter counts and constant monitoring take place in all areas important for Black-winged Pratincole • Impact of different threats studied / evaluated Optimised L ƒ Reveal main threats to wintering habitats of Black- 9 Data on habitat use / relationships winged Pratincole threats to Black- between birds ƒ Prepare list of areas which might require winged Pratincole in and agriculture international support for development of agricultural wintering areas practices compatible with conservation needs of available Black-winged Pratincole Development, H ƒ National Action Plans in place in all wintering range 9 National Action Plans endorsement countries and implemented at all levels in place and ƒ National legislation amended and enforced as 9 All national bodies implementation provided in the International and National Action committed to of National Plans implementation Action Plans Public H ƒ Public awareness materials to be produced and 9 Effective public awareness and widely distributed awareness materials involvement of ƒ Local stakeholders involved in practical on-ground produced and local conservation of key wintering sites distributed stakeholders


Countries of migration / fly-over International Measurable Priority National management options / actions objective objective Reduced M • Legal regulations on hunting and pesticide use 9 Adequate hunting mortality of include Black-winged Pratincole conservation needs legislation and adults from legislation related to hunting and pesticide use in place pesticide and enforced pollution Knowledge on H • Overall picture of Black-winged Pratincole migration 9 results of migration possible pattern prepared, assessed, made available to wider overview available for stopover sites / audience decision-makers areas and • All available published and unpublished information 9 all possible important overall migration collated and transformed in easy-to-use formats stopover sites known patterns available for decision-making and monitored • Countries produce national (or joint) reports on the distribution, conservation status, stakeholders etc. of all key sites of Black-winged Pratincole • Each country undertakes extensive surveys to assess numbers, distribution, population trends to have best possible knowledge on these issues • Assessment of possible threats to the species on migration & stopovers undertaken Development, M ƒ National Action Plans in place in relevant migration 9 National Action Plans endorsement stopover range countries and implemented at all in place in relevant and levels countries implementation ƒ National legislation amended and enforced as 9 All national bodies of National provided in the International and National Action committed to Action Plans Plans implementation Public M ƒ Public awareness materials to be produced and 9 Effective public awareness and widely distributed awareness materials involvement of ƒ Local stakeholders involved in practical on-ground produced and local conservation of key stopover sites (if/when the latter distributed stakeholders become known)


7 Implementation

General preconditions

For the Action Plan to be successfully implemented, agreement on information exchange, communication and monitoring, clarity on necessary financial resources and a realistic time- schedule are a prerequisite. It is most important that individual countries will only consider measures that might affect the population after a consultation process with the other involved countries has taken place. The Technical Committee of the UNEP / AEWA will play a mediating role.

A special working group under the Technical Committee should be established to co-ordinate the implementation of the Black-winged Pratincole Action Plan. In this working group all Black-winged Pratincole Range States and interests groups should be represented. The Range States have a responsibility in monitoring national achievements, and communicating these to the UNEP / AEWA Secretariat with the request to disseminate this to the AEWA Threatened Steppe Waders working group and other Range States. The population model will be a very important instrument in relation to this monitoring. This chapter will describe these essential preconditions for the implementation of the international Action Plan.


The success of this Action Plan stands or falls with the commitment of countries to monitor the population and habitats, as well as effects of management measures on the species. Only if countries demonstrate this commitment, can proper management decisions be made. All countries are requested to continue and/or initiate a regular population census and monitoring of the population (including productivity/ age ratio censuses) and their habitats, with special attention to monitoring of known regular breeding, stopover and wintering sites. Collected data will be assembled within the BirdLife International World Bird Database and/or Wetlands International IWC (International Waterbird Census framework). The Threatened Steppe Waders working group under the AEWA Technical Committee will be vital in organising this overall monitoring process.

Organisation In the organisation structure of the AEWA, the Agreement Secretariat plays a key role. The Agreement Secretariat co-ordinates flows of scientific information and technical advise. It also calls for meetings of the AEWA parties. The Technical Committee falls under the Agreement Secretariat. Article VII, paragraph 5 of the AEWA gives the Technical Committee the possibility to install working groups for special purposes. This article can be used for the establishment of a Threatened Steppe Waders working group.

Threatened Steppe Waders working group An establishment of special Threatened Steppe Waders working group under the Technical Committee of the AEWA is suggested for implementation of this Action Plan. The working group shall, under supervision of the Technical Committee and taking into account the role of the Agreement Secretariat, be mandated to undertake the following activities: • Co-ordinate and facilitate information exchange between Range States (and between the AEWA and the Range States). • Collect country data and draft annual reports on the implementation of the Action Plan. • Assist in and co-ordinate the process of National Action Plan preparation. • Prepare and submit a review of the Action Plan to the triennial Range States’ meeting and to the AEWA. • Monitor implementation of the Action Plan.


• Organise intermediate meetings with groups of Range States (training, emergency measures, etc.)

The working group will call for an emergency meeting with the Range States when; • Total population size has declined by more than one third in any period of four or fewer than four consecutive years; or • Major changes in relevant habitats, or sudden catastrophes occur within the range of the Black-winged Pratincole liable to affect the population further; or

An estimated 12,000 US Dollars minimum is needed annually for the Threatened Steppe Waders working group to perform its tasks (1 principal co-ordinator part-time, plus communication and printing costs, and basic inventory logistics). The Threatened Steppe Waders working group should consist of a team of several technical advisors. To ensure effective communication between the Technical Committee and the working group, at least one member of the Technical Committee should also participate in the working group. Detailed Terms of Reference based on the above description of activities will be prepared by the Technical Committee, and endorsed by the Range States before the Threatened Steppe Waders working group will start its work.

The additional value of the Threatened Steppe Waders Working Group is related to the fact that several breeding range states are not yet the parties to AEWA, which might cause some misunderstandings if communication and co-ordination of activities goes directly from the AEWA Secretariat. For pure diplomacy acting through Threatened Steppe Waders Working Group is supposed more appropriate.

Country actions In all communication between the Range States (contracting and non-contracting parties) to AEWA, the Agreement Secretariat plays a co-ordinating role. To keep communication lines clear, countries should therefore provide information to the Agreement Secretariat. This is intended to ensure that all parties will get all relevant information. In order to implement the Action Plan, the Range State Countries should commit themselves to at least to the following points: • Prepare, in co-operation with the working group, and based on chapter 5 and 6 of this International Action Plan a National Action Plan in one year’s time. • Implement this National Action Plan. • Through the Agreement Secretariat, the working group should be informed about relevant issues in the country. • Prepare an annual progress report. • Endorse the Terms of Reference of the working group. • Endorse this Action Plan. • Pinpoint focal points, responsible for the communication with the working group and relevant stakeholders in the country. • Prepare a review of the National Action Plans every three to five years. • Maintain and further develop adequately funded monitoring programmes to deliver key data.


Time frame for monitoring, evaluation and communication

Time path ⇒1e 1 e year 2e year 3e year 4e year ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ AEWA Technical Working group: Working group Working group: Actions Committee: • Assist and co- • Monitor • Prepare • Prepare Terms ordinate National implementatio triennial of Reference Action Plans n of the Range States for working • Monitor (national and meeting group implementation international) • Prepare Action • Prepare Action of the (national Action Plans Plan review Plan and international) and prepare • Monitor Action Plans annual implementatio and prepare progress n of the annual progress report (national and report • Facilitate international) • Facilitate information ex Action Plan information change and exchange • Organise • prepare • Organise meetings/traini annual meetings/training ng progress report • Facilitate information exchange • Organise meetings/traini ng Range States: Range States: Range States: Range States: • Endorse • Prepare National • Implement • Implement Action Plan Action Plan National National • Endorse ToR • Implement Action Plan Action Plan working group National Action • Prepare • Prepare Plan annual annual • Prepare annual progress progress progress report report report • Pinpoint national • Exchange • Exchange focal point information information • Exchange information

⇓ ⇓ ⇓ ⇓ • Endorsed • National • Annual • Triennial Action Plan Action Plans progress Range States’ Products • Endorsed • Annual report Range meeting working group progress States • Reviewed report Range • Annual Action Plan States progress • Three-year • Annual report report Range progress international States report Action Plan • Three year international • Meetings/traini report internat. Action Plan ng Action Plan • National Focal • Information • Annual Points exchange progress • Meetings/traini report Range ng States • Information • Annual exchange progress report international Action Plan • Information exchange



In this Action Plan, the following definitions have been used: Equilibrium population level = stable level of population size, in which birth rate and death rate are equal. Habitat = environment meeting the conditions required by a particular species. Natural Habitat = environment of a particular species, which has not been changed by human interference in the recent history; i.e. virgin steppes and semi-deserts Man-made habitat = man-made environment of a particular species; i.c. farmland. Range States = (independent) countries within the range in which a particular animal species occurs Fly-over countries = those Range states where bird species only pass by on migration without actually staging for at least several days. Wintering grounds = staging grounds during the winter. Key sites = areas which are essential for the survival of a significant part of the population (conform Ramsar criteria) at any stage of its annual cycle; i.c. for this migratory bird species: breeding grounds, staging areas and wintering sites.

Terminology to be amended during the Workshop and final updating of the draft Action Plan.


Main References Aspinwall D.R. 1977. Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni at Mwinilunga and Liuwa Plain // Bull. Zambian Orn. Soc., v.9.- P.58-59. Belik V. 1994. Black-winged Pratincole - Glareola nordmanni // In: Tucker G.M. & Heath M.F. (Eds.) Birds in Europe: their conservation status. - Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International. - P.250-251. Belik V.P. & Tomkovich P.S. 1997. Glareola nordmanni Black-winged Pratincole // In: W.J.M.Hagemeijer & M.J.Blair (Eds.) The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their distribution and abundance.- London: T.& A.D.Poyser. - P.255. Belik V.P. 1998. Current population status of rare and protected waders in south Russia // Migration and international conservation of waders: Research and conservation on north Asian, African and European flyways: Intern. Wader Studies.- P.273-281. Belik V.P. 2001. [Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni Nordmann, 1842. // Red Data Book of Russian Federation (Animals).- Moscow. – pp..520-522.] in Russian BirdLife International World Bird Database, 2002.- Cambridge, U.K: BirdLife International. BirdLife International, 2000. Threatened Birds of the World.- Spain and Cambridge, U.K. Cramp S. (Ed.), 1983. Handbook of the Birds of Europe, the Middle East and North Africa. The Birds of the Western Palearctic, v.3: Waders to Gulls.- Oxford Univ. Press. Dementiev G.P. & Gladkov N.A. (Eds.) 1951. [Birds of the Soviet Union, vol..3.- Moscow: Sovetskaya Nauka.] in Russian - (BWP: 31-34). Dolgushin I.A. (Ed.) 1962. [Birds of Kazakhstan, vol.2. Alma-Ata: Acad.Sci. of KazSSR] in Russian. (BWP: 240-245). European bird populations: estimates and trends, 2002.- Cambridge, U.K: BirdLife International (BirdLife International Conservation Series, No.10). Hagemeijer W.J.M. & M.J.Blair (Eds.). 1997. The EBCC Atlas of European Breeding Birds: Their distribution and abundance.- London: T.& A.D.Poyser Hellmich J., 1992. Impacto del uso de pesticidas sobre las Aves: el caso de la Avutarda // Ardeola, v.39, N 2.- P.7-22. Khrokov V.V. 1983. [Materials on biology of Black-winged Pratincole (Glareola nordmanni Nordm.) in Tengiz-Kurgaldzhino depression (Central Kazakhstan) // Aquila, v.90.- pp.117-137.] in Russian and Hungarian. Leonard P.M., 1997. Bird of the Month: Black-winged Pratincole // Newsletter Zambian Orn. Soc., v.27, No.12.- P.45-46. Molodan G.N. 1988. [Black-winged Pratincole // Colonial waterbirds of the southern Ukraine: . – Kiev: Naukova Dumka- pp.117-118.] in Russian. Molodan G.N. 1994. [Black-winged Pratincole, “kirgik” Glareola nordmanni, Nordmann, 1842 // Red Data Book of the Ukraine: animals. – Ed. N.N.Scherbak.- Kiiv: Ukrainian Encyclopedia. - p.354] in Ukrainian. Nankinov D. 2002. Das Vorkommen der Schwarzflugel-Brachschwalbe Glareola nordmanni auf der Balkan-Halbinsel // Ornithol. Mitteilungen, v.54 (1).- pp.28-35. Rose P.M., Scott D.A., 1994. Waterfowl population estimates.- Slimbridge, U.K.- 102 p. Snow D.W., Perrins C.M. (Eds.), 1998. The birds of the Western Palearctic: Concise Edition, v.1.- Oxford - New York: Oxford University Press.- P.1-1008 + xxxii + 43. Tomkovich P.S. and Lebedeva E.A. (Eds.), 1998-1999. Breeding Waders in Eastern Europe 2000, v.1-2. Tucker G.M. & Heath M.F. (Eds.), 1994. Birds in Europe: their conservation status. - Cambridge, U.K.: BirdLife International. Walsmley I.G., 1970. Une Glareole de Nordmann en Camarque: Premiere observation et premier cas de nidification pour la France // Alauda, v.38, No.4. Belik V.P., Khokhlov A.N., Kukish A.I, Til’ba P.A., Komarov Yu.E., 1991. [Rare and scarse birds of the Northern Caucasus, which need special protection. In: Studies of rare animals in RSFSR: Materials to the Red Data Book. Transactions of TSNILGlavokhota RSFSR. Moscow. Pp. 94-106] in Russian. Belik V.P., 2002. [On-going decline in wader population at the Manych lake. In: Information materials of the Working Group on Waders, No.15. Pp.44-46] in Russian.


Belik V.P., Babich M.V., Korenev P.I., 2000. [Catastrophic decline in the north-Caucasian population of Black-winged Pratincole. In: Information materials of the Working Group on Waders, No.13. Pp.36-38] in Russian. Berezovikov N.N., 2002. [Number decline of Black-winged Pratincole in the eastern Kazakhstan. In: Information materials of the Working Group on Waders, No.15. Pp.46-49] in Russian. Gavlyuk E.V., 1998. [Black-winged Pratincole Glareola nordmanni, Nordmann, 1842. In: Red Data Book of the Orenburg region: Animals and plants. Ed.: A.S.Vasil’yev. Orenburg: Orenburg press. P.60.] in Russian. Garmash B.A., 1998. [Distribution and numbers of Collared and Black-winged Pratincoles in the southern Ukraine. In: Breeding Waders in Eastern Europe – 2000. Vol.1. Moscow: Russian Bird Conservation Union. Pp. 121-123.] in Russian. Gubkin A.A., 1973. [To the biology of Black-winged Pratincole and Black-winged Stilt in Dnepropetrovsk region. In: Fauna and ecology of waders: proceedings of the workshop. Issue 2. Moscow: Moscow State Univ. Pp.37-38] in Russian. Dzhamirzoyev G.S., Khokhlov A.N., Il’yukh M.P., 2000. [Rare and endangered birds of Daghestan and their conservation. Stavropol. 145 p. ] in Russian. Kistyakovski A.B., 1957. [Fauna of the Ukarine. Vol.4. Kiiv: Ukranian Aacdemy of Sci. (BWP: 155-157) ] in Ukrainian. Lokhman Yu.V., 2000. [Krasnodarsky Kray. In: Key Ornithological Sites of Russia. Vol.1. Important Bird Areas of European Russia. Moscow: RBCU. Pp.322-325] in Russian. Piskunov V.V., Belyachenko A.V., 1998. [Current distribution, numbers and population trends of some waders in Saratov region. In: Breeding Waders of Eastern Europe – 2000. Vol.1. pp.63-74] in Russian. Sviridova T.V., Zubakin V.A. (eds.), 2000. [Key Ornithological Sites of Russia. Vol.1. Important Bird Areas of European Russia. Moscow: RBCU.] in Russian Chernobay V.F., Sokhina E.N., Kilyakova E.A., 2000. [Volgograd region. In: Key Ornithological Sites of Russia. Vol.1. Important Bird Areas of European Russia. Moscow: RBCU. Pp.479-484] in Russian.


Appendix I: Evaluation of threats significance by different experts

Kazakhstan Russia

Factors / Threats the Ukraine G. Molodan, for Russia AVERAGE AVERAGE V. Belik E. Bragin A. Shubin G. Eichorn V. Zubakin V. Khrokov S. Bukreev V. Morozov V. Moseikin for Kazakhstan for A. Davygora M. Korol’kov L. Korshikov E. Lebedeva V. Chernobai

1. Human direct eliminating factors 1.1. Hunting -1 0 0 0 0 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 -1 -1 -0,6 1.2. Poisoning by pesticides -1 0 -3 -3 -2 -1 -1 -2 -1 -1 -1 -1 0 -2 -2 -2 -1,3 1.3. Destruction of nests by cattle -4 -3 -3 -3 -3 -4 -3 -3 -2 -2 -3 -3 -1 -3 -2 -3 -2,6 1.4. Destruction of nests by agrotechnics -1 0 0 0 0 -2 -3 -3 -1 -2 -2 -4 -4 -3 -1 -3 -2,5 1.5. Disturbance -4 -2 -2 -2 -2 -3 -3 -3 -2 -1 -2 -1 -1 -3 0 -3 -2,0 2 Indirect – quantity limiting factors 2.1. Ploughing of steppes -1 0 -2 0 -0,7 -1 0 +3 0 -1 0 0 +3 0 +1 0 +0,5 2.2. Artificial afforestation -1 0 0 0 0 -2 -2 0 -2 0 0 -1 0 -2 0 -1 -0,9 2.3. Construction of reservoirs, ponds and other water bodies +2 +2 0 +1 +1 +2 +2 +1 +1 +3 +1 +2 +4 +2 +2 +1 +1,9 2.4. Construction of roads -1 0 -1 -1 -0,7 -1 0 0 -1 0 0 0 -3 -1 -1 -1 -0,7 3. Indirect – quality limiting factors 3.1. Use of pesticides -2 0 -3 -3 -2 -1 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1 -2 0 -1 -2 -2 -1,5 3.2. Stopped grazing and overgrowing of pastures +4 0 -2 +2 0 -3 -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -2 -3 -2,5 3.3. Spreading of fallow lands, overgrowing of arable fields +2 +1 0 -2 -0,3 -2 +1 +1 +1 -3 0 0 +2 -2 +2 -1 -0,1 3.4. Disappearance of water bodies (reservoirs, ponds etc.) 0 0 0 0 0 -2 -2 -3 0 -4 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1,0 4. Natural limiting factors 4.1. Change of a climate -1 0 0 0 0 -3 0 0 -2 0 0 0 -2 -2 0 -1 -0,9 4.2. Synoptical anomaly -3 -1 -1 0 -0,7 -2 -2 -2 -1 0 -1 -1 0 -3 -1 -1 -1,3 4.3. Expansion and number increase of preying corvids -2 -1 -2 -3 -2 -3 -2 -2 -2 -3 0 -2 -2 -2 -1 -2 -1,9 4.4. Influence of ground predators -4 -2 0 -2 -1,3 -1 -3 -2 -1 -3 0 -1 -2 -2 -1 -3 -1,7 4.5. Hybridisation and assimilation by the Collared Pratincole -2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Comment: 0 – no threat; 1 – low impact; 2 – medium impact; 3 – high impact; 4 – critical negative impact; + - positive effect of this factor


Appendix II: Overview of key sites per Country.

Country International name Area (ha) Co-ordinates Min Max Units Season Year Mouth of the Yeya breeding Russia river 9600 46,67 38,75 11 11 pairs breeding 1996 Salt-lakes in the breeding Russia Primorsko-Akhtarsk 40000 46,00 38,17 10 20 pairs breeding 1989 area Beglitskaya sand- adults Russia spit 1414 47,10 38,57 50 80 and passage 1997 juveniles Delta of the Don adults Russia River 53800 47,17 39,42 200 500 and passage 1997 juveniles Islands in the west 50 100 ad and juv non-breed 1997 Russia part of Lake 19200 46,50 42,55 breed pairs Manych-Gudilo 2 3 breeding 2001 80 300 breeding 1996 Russia Dadynskiye lake 45000 45,27 45,07 breeding 150 pairs 1998 3000 45,24 44,38 20 20 breeding 1998 Russia Salt Lake pairs breeding Alagirskoye and 380 380 adults 1998 Russia Kurtatinskoye 155000 43,00 43,40 and passage gorges 0 0 juveniles 2000 Novokvasnikovski 5 20 breeding 1995 Russia 300 50,53 46,50 breeding liman 5 pairs 2000 Shalkaro- breeding Russia Zhetykolski lake 81250 50,92 60,83 100 150 pairs breeding 1996 system Valley of Safarovka breeding Russia river 2500 51,00 48,75 30 40 pairs breeding 1997 Varfolomeyevskiye 46 60 breeding 1997 Russia 2800 50,00 48,20 breeding saltmarshes 19 pairs 2000 Borisoglebovka breeding Russia (Semenovski 35000 51,00 46,75 30 50 pairs breeding 1996 Zakaznik) Irendyk ridge breeding Russia 150000 53,33 58,50 0 12 pairs breeding 1996 Steppes near breeding Russia Kanavka village 6400 50,18 48,40 13 16 pairs breeding 1998 300 300 breeding 1972 Russia The Bolshoy Liman 40000 48,45 45,00 breeding 5 pairs 1999 250 250 breeding 1998 Russia Bulukhta 62500 49,20 46,10 breeding 23 pairs 2000 Stepnovsky Ugol breeding Russia saltmarshes 40000 50,00 45,45 28 28 pairs breeding 1998 The Sarpinskaya 70 100 breeding 1999 Russia 450000 47,30 45,15 breeding (Sarpa) lake-system 50 pairs 2000 The Sostinskiye breeding Russia (Sosta) lakes 15000 45,17 45,47 25 25 pairs breeding 1998 The Aike Lake breeding Russia 10000 50,59 61,35 40 100 pairs breeding 1998 Nature Reserve breeding Russia “Orenburgsky” 21653 51,15 57,20 10 20 pairs breeding 1999 adults Russia Gatin Lake 600 46,50 45,03 30 30 and unknown 1999 juveniles adults Kapitan 600 46,20 45,10 120 120 1999 Russia saltmarshes and passage juveniles adults Russia Zhuravlinaya 71000 45,57 44,04 2700 2700 and breeding 1999 juveniles adults Russia Chonta 68000 46,44 44,57 270 270 and breeding 1999 juveniles adults Kurnikov 1600 46,25 43,12 400 400 1999 Russia saltmarshes and passage juveniles adults Russia Kazachka fish-pond 4000 47,45 39,50 350 350 and passage 1999 juveniles adults Novotroitskoye 4000 45,18 41,32 100 100 1999 Russia reservoir and passage juveniles adults Russia Bird's Lake 5000 45,35 41,45 100 100 and passage 1999 juveniles


adults Lower of the Kuma 6000 45,00 45,30 300 300 1999 Russia River and unknown juveniles 80 54,30 62,55 22 22 breeding 1998 Russia Kisloye Lake pairs breeding breeding Katay Lake 750 55,15 62,03 21 21 1998 Russia pairs breeding adults Russia Lisiy saltmarshes 3500 45,50 44,03 1000 1000 and passage 1999 juveniles Askania-Nova unset Ukraine Biosphere Reserve 33307 46,45 33,87 0 0 unknown 1995 Danube Delta and adults Romania Razelm-Sinoe 442000 44,93 29,20 10 0 and unknown 1996 complex juveniles Armash fish-farm breeding Armenia 2795 39,75 44,77 8 10 pairs breeding 0 adults Turkey Bulanik plain 8000 39,17 42,23 1000 1000 and passage 1989 juveniles adults Ethiopia Baro river 8,33 33,62 500 and winter 1970 juveniles Amersfoort-Bethal- adults South Africa Carolina District 120000 - 26,53 29,83 100 1000 and winter juveniles adults South Africa Chrissie Pans 62500 - 26,32 30,25 5000 5000 and winter juveniles Grassland adults South Africa Biosphere Reserve 1050000 - 27,25 30,02 1000 5000 and winter (proposed) juveniles Nyl River Flood- adults South Africa plain 16000 - 24,65 28,70 180 500 and winter juveniles adults Botswana Lake Ngami 25000 - 20,50 22,62 10000 10000 and winter 1989 juveniles Linyanti adults Botswana Swamp/Chobe 20000 - 18,05 24,38 100 300 and winter River juveniles adults Botswana Makgadikgadi Pans 1200000 - 20,75 25,50 5000 5000 and winter juveniles adults Botswana Okavango Delta 1900000 - 19,42 22,75 2000 2000 and winter juveniles Bushmanland Namibia (Tsumkwe) Pan 120000 - 19,62 20,62 unset winter System Eastern Caprivi adults Namibia Wetlands 468000 - 18,83 23,75 500 1000 and winter juveniles Etosha National adults Namibia Park 2291200 - 18,98 15,75 200 300 and winter juveniles Mahango Game adults Namibia Reserve and 24462 - 18,30 20,62 200 300 and winter Kavango River juveniles Serengeti National adults Tanzania Park 1476300 - 2,42 34,83 120 120 and winter juveniles adults Tanzania Usangu flats 300000 - 8,50 34,25 150 150 and winter juveniles Kidepo Valley unset Uganda National Park 144200 3,82 33,80 winter Murchison Falls unset Uganda National Park 39000 2,25 31,67 winter Queen Elizabeth Uganda National Park and 223000 - 0,17 30,00 unset winter Lake George adults non- Zambia Kafue flats 600000 - 15,75 27,27 100 100 and juveniles breeding Liuwa Plain adults Zambia National Park 366000 - 14,53 22,62 20000 100000 and passage juveniles Luando Strict unset Angola Nature Reserve 828000 - 10,68 17,37 passage