WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Fr. Denis First Communion Celebrates Summer Fun & Confirmations Page 12 40 years Page 10 Page 15

www.dioceseofcheyenne.org Volume 58 Issue 2 June 2019 Where sin increases, grace abounds. By: Bishop Steven Biegler In this issue of the Wyoming Catholic Register, we are making public a list of all Catholic clergy with substantiated allegations of Bishop Steven sexual abuse of minors or vulnerable persons for whom we have files and who were in active ministry from 1950 to the present in the Diocese of Cheyenne. Our clergy are expected to be shepherds who guard and protect the flock, especially the least among us. They are called to imitate the Good Shepherd who laid down his life for the sheep. Therefore, sexual abuse by clergy is an appalling sin and a reprehensible crime. It contradicts everything we stand for. Each name 1. The vessels containing the holy oils await Mass to begin 4. The Eucharistic table is prepared during Mass on this list represents a betrayal of 2. Bishop Steven breathes on the Oil of Chrism 5. Most priests and many deacons from around the diocese trust, a violation of the innocent and 3. Isaiah John solemnly carries the cross during Mass attended, despite inclement Wyoming spring weather a human tragedy. Recently, I met with a victim of clerical sexual abuse who is making progress on a journey of healing. Chrism Mass Celebrated February 9 He told me, “there will always be By: WCR Staff Patrick’s in Casper in infant baptisms and in some bad guys,” but what is important Bishop Steven blessed the holy on February 9th. These oils include preparatory rites for those being is “that institutions can be trusted oils to be used in sacraments by the Oil of the Catechumens, the Oil initiated into the Church. The Oil of to do the right thing” – that is, the priests of our diocese at the annual of the Sick and the Oil of Chrism. the Sick is used in the sacrament of Church and law enforcement – so Chrism Mass, celebrated at St. The Oil of the Catechumens is used See Chrism Mass, 23 that those who have been harmed can find hope in honest institutions and the credibility of good leaders. My sense was that he was wounded not only by the sexual abuse, but even more so by how he was treated by institutions that failed to respond to his case with fairness and justice. As a consequence, he felt shunned, isolated, and without recourse. On behalf of the church, I See Grace abounds, 2 Grace abounds from 1 In the past, this information I know this personally because if the accused has admitted to the apologize to each victim, not only was kept confidential, and as a victims of family sexual abuse have conduct in whole or in part; (2) if for the misconduct of those who consequence, other children were written to me after they learned the victim speaks with consistency committed sexual abuse, but also harmed. Transparency helps prevent about the steps that we have taken to while offering information about the for the failure of any Church leader future abuse because it makes it address sexual abuse in the Diocese. alleged offender and other relevant who did not take appropriate action almost impossible for those of us Furthermore, in the Church and facts; (3) if there is corroborating after having received a report of an in church leadership to backslide society Catholic clergy have a unique evidence; (4) if others offer allegation. Finally, I pledge to do on our promise of zero tolerance. role. They are mediators between knowledgeable testimony; (5) if all that we can to assist with your It is, we hope, a means of restoring God and people. By the grace of multiple, independent allegations healing and to learn from errors in trust with the laity. Credibility ordination, the priest stands in the manifest similar patterns; (6) if there our past. depends upon open and honest place of Christ. Catholics refer to was prior grooming with sexual communication. him as an alter Christus (another content; and other factors. When The purpose of a public In addition, there have been Christ). Little children often view such elements are present, they help listing times when church leaders did the priest as Jesus. In counseling us determine that the allegation is Several dioceses and religious not believe victims of sexual abuse and the Sacrament of Reconciliation, likely true or substantiated. When orders have published lists of clergy even when their allegations were people open themselves to clergy these elements are absent, the with substantiated allegations of true. Sometimes their allegations with profound vulnerability. allegation is unconfirmed and lacks sexual abuse. Nevertheless, some were not investigated. Other Catholic clergy are more than public substantiation. question the purpose for doing this. times substantiating evidence was servants, and they should adhere to There is no official church While this is not a practice of other ignored. I pray that publication of a higher standard. Their unique role definition of the term ‘substantiated’ public institutions like schools and this list today is a clear signal that demands a correspondingly elevated in regard to allegations of sexual other faith communities, there are things have changed. Because the response when they commit a abuse. For our purposes, we are good reasons for doing it. Here is my Church has been more transparent scandalous crime. using the following definition: A rationale. First, the Catholic Church in recent years, victims have felt With zero tolerance and substantiated allegation is one made a commitment to transparency that their voices are being heard, publication of the names of clergy which has been determined to in the Charter for the Protection of and it encourages others who have with substantiated allegations, some have reasonable probability or even Children and Young People, which been abused to come forward. ask, “Where is mercy?” God’s mercy certainty based on a convincing stated: “Dioceses are to be open and Transparency creates an atmosphere knows no bounds, and abusers who level of proof. transparent in communicating with in which victims can breathe a sigh acknowledge their sins are readily Process of the file review the public about sexual abuse of of relief and know that they can forgiven. But there is a difference I had hoped to be able to share minors by clergy” (cf. Article 7). speak about this horrible experience. between divine forgiveness and these results earlier. However, the ecclesiastical reassignment. Mercy review of each file is a tedious process must be balanced with responsibility, that requires a diligent and careful consequences for one’s actions and study of the facts. To assist the the protection of others. diocese with this effort, we engaged Finally, we need to be the services of Nussbaum Speir compassionate to victims. Too often PLLC, a law firm with expertise and some have expressed concern for experience in conducting similar merciful treatment of clergy abusers file reviews for Catholic dioceses. without mention of the victims. At our request, Nussbaum Speir has That has to change. Our society provided us with an impartial and needs a conversion regarding how comprehensive assessment of 303 we think about those affected by files going back to 1950 of Catholic sexual abuse. We need a revolution clergy of the Diocese of Cheyenne, in our thinking so that the victims including 5 bishops, 253 priests are at the center of our hearts. and 45 deacons. Subsequent to The term ‘substantiated’ that review, the Diocese conducted allegation a further review of particular files For this publication, we have used in order to clarify some cases by the term ‘substantiated’ allegation. additional investigation. There are a number of factors which The date of 1950 was selected could substantiate an allegation: (1) with a focus on those victims who See Grace abounds, 3

Page 2 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 Grace abounds from 2 a portion of their priestly ministry happened Adams, who will help them to obtain support may still be living, and to reflect the availability within this Diocese. If they committed sexual for their needs. In addition, we have established of historic files that might contain allegations of abuse elsewhere, then their religious orders or the Shalom Fund to provide financial assistance abuse. This date also coincides with the earlier dioceses will decide whether to name them in for those who need counseling. Furthermore, study of sexual abuse of minors conducted by the their own reports. For those reasons, we did not I am in the process of consulting professionals with experience in counseling of sexual abuse John Jay College of Criminal Justice. publish names of such priests on this list, unless clients, with the intention of developing a healing The Church has a responsibility to be transparent we received a substantiated allegation that such ministry for all who have experienced sexual about sexual misconduct with minors by those a priest sexually abused a minor while he served abuse in society. in Church leadership, and I have an obligation within the Diocese of Cheyenne. In God’s providence, this painful time has to protect those entrusted to my pastoral care. At In the next few months, there will be new opened a new conversation in the Church and the same time, I have a responsibility to protect the procedures implemented for allegations against society so that everyone is more aware of the good names of clergy, who have served with selfless bishops. This was addressed in the May 9, 2019 horrible reality of sexual abuse. Now we have a dedication, from having their reputations harmed publication of Francis’s Motu Proprio, Vos heightened knowledge of the scourge of sexual by sincere but unsubstantiated accusations. It is estis lux mundi (“You are the light of the world”). abuse in families, schools, scouting, athletics, difficult to discern the truth of an event that allegedly Information about the Motu Proprio is included churches, and virtually every corner of society. happened decades ago, especially if the accused is elsewhere in this issue of the diocesan paper. The U.S. bishops will be discussing that document and People are more vigilant about protecting minors deceased or the memories of others, who could have or vulnerable persons. And those who were provided helpful information, have faded. other sexual abuse policies during their meeting in Baltimore the week of June 10. abused are feeling the freedom to speak out. The The list that we are providing today is as accurate hidden plague of abuse is being exposed to the as we can make it based on the information we Shining the light on a hidden plague light. Thus, God is using this agonizing time as now possess. However, in some cases we were I am grateful to members of the media who a new dawn. not able to ascertain whether or not an allegation have brought accusations to light or advocated for During the next six months, I ask you to join was substantiated. If new information comes to greater transparency and justice by the Church me in praying for the healing of victims, for the light, the list will be updated. In accord with the and society to address this evil. This is a human repentance and forgiveness of abusers, and for the Charter, we observe zero tolerance. If a priest has problem which needs attention in every arena of Catholic Church to become a place of healing for one substantiated allegation of sexual abuse of a public and private life. In addition, I am grateful anyone who has been abused. Also, please pray minor or vulnerable adult, then he is not allowed to the members of our Diocesan Review Board for me and all bishops, that we may be granted to do any public ministry. who have dedicated many hours and offered wisdom, counsel, courage and hope. Please A diocesan bishop does not have the same invaluable counsel in evaluating sexual abuse make a commitment to pray at least 15 minutes authority over all priests assigned within the allegations. a day. Your family could pray a together, Diocese. They can be: (a) diocesan priests of the In a special way, I want to thank the victims meditate on a Scripture passage or spend the time local diocese, (b) diocesan priests of another who have come forward with allegations. Your in adoration of the Blessed Sacrament. diocese, or (c) priests of a religious order. For courageous action helps to prevent someone else Prayer is the foundation for a renewal in our those priests in the latter two categories, the from being victimized, and I trust that by bringing Church. Nothing is more important because bishop assigns them to ministry within the this into the light it will benefit you on the journey God alone is the source of new life. Prayer moves Diocese and has authority over their ministry; of healing. I regularly pray for the healing of us from desolation to hope. Instead of being however, their own bishop or religious superior victims/survivors of sexual abuse, and I am willing discouraged by sin, we are reminded that God has jurisdiction over them in all other matters of to meet with them and accompany them on their is greater than evil. As St. Paul said, “Where sin religious life and discipline. Our diocesan files journey of healing. Victims may also contact the increased, grace abounded all the more” (Rom. are incomplete for such priests because only diocesan Victim’s Assistance Coordinator, Mary 5:20).

Frequently Asked Questions 1. What information are you occasionally, limits their ability to understand or 3. What do you mean by a to want or otherwise resist the offence.” (Vos Estis releasing? Whose names are on the Lux Mundi, Pope Francis, May 9, 2019) substantiated allegation? A substantiated allegation is one which has list? 2. How did you define “child sexual The list contains names of clergy members been determined to have reasonable probability against whom a substantiated allegation of sexual abuse”? or even certainty based on a convincing level abuse of a minor or vulnerable person has been All sexual touching between an adult and a of proof. For a broader description of the term received and investigated by the Diocese of minor or vulnerable person is sexual abuse. But “substantiated allegation,” please see the article Cheyenne. The Diocese is aware of one bishop sexual abuse does not have to involve penetration, by Bishop Steven in this issue of the Wyoming and ten priests with substantiated allegations. In force, pain or even touching. If an adult engages Catholic Register. all cases but one, they were clergy of this Diocese. in any sexual behavior with a minor or vulnerable The one exception is a member of a religious person in order to meet the adult’s interest or 4. Does inclusion on the list imply a order who committed sexual abuse while serving sexual desires even if it does not involve touching, it is sexual abuse. This includes the manufacture, criminal offense? in the Diocese of Cheyenne. Clergy listed with a substantiated allegation distribution and viewing of child pornography. A “minor” is a young person under the age of does not necessarily mean they were found guilty For purpose of diocesan policies, the term 18. “Vulnerable person” means “any person in a of a crime or are liable for civil or criminal claims. “sexual abuse” is not necessarily limited to the state of infirmity, physical or mental deficiency, or Often the determination of a substantiated definitions of sexual abuse under civil or criminal deprivation of personal liberty which, in fact, even See law. FAQ, 4

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 3 allegation is independent of any background checks on clergy and • Acknowledge that they have admission to seminary studies for FAQ from 3 employees in 2001 and implemented received, have read, and will the Diocese of Cheyenne includes the Conference of follow: interviews, multiple references, action taken by law enforcement, Catholic Bishops’ Charter for the »» Norms for Responding to national criminal background and and it might not have been proven Protection of Children and Young Reports of Sexual Abuse of national sex offender registry checks in a civil or ecclesiastical court. People in 2003. Minors and Vulnerable Adults and a psychological assessment that »» Instructions Concerning includes a psychosexual evaluation. 5. What happens to an In addition, the Diocese Interactions with Minors and Only a man capable of living a chaste and celibate life required of him allegation of sexual abuse continues to create and maintain a Vulnerable Adults comprehensive safe environment In addition, The U.S. Conference moves forward in the application of a minor or vulnerable program that includes all children of Catholic Bishops engages an process. While in seminary, men are person by a member of the and youth and adults: clergy, closely supervised by a formation clergy once it is received? team and routinely evaluated by the The Diocese promptly refers all Diocese. The formation integrates reports of sexual abuse to civil the human, pastoral, spiritual and authorities and child protection intellectual dimensions of the agencies as required by applicable Program of Priestly Formation. This training for our priests is an state laws and the Diocesan important responsibility that we Safe Environment Policy. The observe with the utmost seriousness. Diocese cooperates fully with law enforcement in the process of an 9. How does the Diocese investigation. The bishop and other ensure that priests or appropriate diocesan officials will deacons from other also be notified. Any reasonable allegation of sexual abuse will dioceses or religious result in the alleged perpetrator’s communities, ministering temporary removal from ministry here either short or long- until an investigation is concluded. term, are not a threat? The Diocese may engage the Prior to being allowed to minister services of an independent in the Diocese, every cleric from investigator, who will take into outside of the Diocese must provide account the rights of all parties. a letter from his bishop or religious The Diocesan Review Board superior stating that he is a cleric examines and evaluates all findings in good standing and suitable for of an investigation and advises the ministry. He must have completed Bishop in his determination of the safe environment training under suitability for ministry of priests and the provisions of the Charter for the deacons accused of sexual abuse of Protection for Children and Young minors or vulnerable persons. People. Bishops and/or religious superiors must attest that there is 6. Are any of the men nothing in his background that on this list still in active would render him unsuitable for ministry? ministering; especially with children independent firm that conducts an and young persons. The diocese has a Zero-tolerance employees and those volunteers annual safe environment audit to 10. If a cleric who has a Policy. No cleric, indeed, no working with minors or vulnerable ensure compliance with the Charter substantiated allegation persons in our parishes and schools. employee or volunteer with a for the Protection of Children and performed a sacrament substantiated allegation of sexual For Children and Youth: All Young People. The Diocese has been abuse of a minor or vulnerable students in grades K-12 in Catholic found in full compliance with the for me (Baptism, person serves in public ministry in schools and religious education Charter yearly. Confirmation, Marriage, any way in the Diocese of Cheyenne. programs are required to receive safe As a consequence, there have etc.), is that sacrament environment education. This is not been no substantiated allegations sex education. Students are taught considered valid? In other of sexual abuse of minors against 7. What is the Diocese about personal safety, awareness and a priest serving in the Diocese of words, did it “count”? doing to prevent sexual boundaries. Even if a bishop, priest or deacon Cheyenne to have occurred after has been removed because of a abuse within the church? 2003. What education is For Adults: The following substantiated allegation (under requirements must be met prior to restrictions or dismissal from the provided to clergy, new employment or volunteer service for 8. What steps has the clerical state), sacraments that he employees and volunteers? those who interact with minors or Diocese taken to ensure administered are valid. A sacrament vulnerable persons: that those who apply for is a personal, saving action of The Diocese of Cheyenne has had • Safe environment education Jesus Christ. However worthy or a Sexual Misconduct Policy in place • State and national background seminary are suitable for unworthy that ordained person may since 1994 with the latest revision checks, repeated at least every ministry? be, the sacrament is valid as long as being July, 2018. The Diocese began five years The application process forthe cleric was validly ordained.

Page 4 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 admission to seminary studies for the Diocese of Cheyenne includes interviews, multiple references, national criminal background and Clergy with Substantiated Allegations national sex offender registry checks and a psychological assessment thatCHLEBORAD, GERALD MURRAY, JOHN PRADO, CLETUS includes a psychosexual evaluation.AFFILIATION : Diocese of Cheyenne AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne Only a man capable of living a chasteBIRTH: 1934 DOB: 1933 BIRTH: 1928 and celibate life required of himORDINATION: 1960 YEAR OF ORDINATION: 1960 ORDINATION: 1958 moves forward in the applicationSTATUS: Suspended, Faculties Removed, Retired STATUS: Retired; prohibited from active ministry STATUS: Faculties Removed; Retired; Deceased process. While in seminary, men areREPORTING VICTIMS: 3 adolescent males REPORTING VICTIMS: 2 adolescent females REPORTING VICTIMS: 2 adolescent males EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1976-77 closely supervised by a formationEST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1984-85, 1995, 2003 EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1958-63, 1977-78 ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: ASSIGNMENTS: team and routinely evaluated by the• St. Joseph, Cheyenne • St. Mary’s, Cheyenne • St. Joseph, Rawlins Diocese. The formation integrates• Holy Name, Sheridan • St. Anthony, Casper • , Rock Springs the human, pastoral, spiritual and• St. Mary’s, Cheyenne • Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Rock Springs • St. Margaret, Riverton intellectual dimensions of the• St. Matthew, Gillette • Our Lady of Fatima, Casper • St. Barbara, Powell Program of Priestly Formation.• St. Joseph, Lovell • St. Joseph, Cheyenne • St. Paul, Sundance This training for our priests is an• St. John the Baptist, Buffalo • Our Lady of Peace, Pinedale • St. Anthony, Upton • St. Anthony, Guernsey important responsibility that we• St. Patrick, Kemmerer • Corpus Christi, Newcastle • St. Margaret, Riverton • St. Edmund, Ranchester • Holy Rosary, Lander observe with the utmost seriousness. • Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Rock Springs • Holy Name, Sheridan • St. John the Baptist, Buffalo 9. How does the Diocese • Our Lady of the Mountains, Jackson • Holy Rosary, Lander • St. Patrick, Wheatland • St. Ann, Saratoga • St. Patrick, Wheatland • St. Mary Magdalen, Evanston ensure that priests or • Our Lady of Sorrows, Rock Springs deacons from other • St. Ann, Saratoga dioceses or religious COLIBRARO, PHILIP • St. James, Douglas TELLEZ, GEORGE • St. Patrick, Kemmerer communities, ministering AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne BIRTH: 1930 BIRTH: 1935 here either short or long- YEAR OF ORDINATION: 1957 ORDINATION: 1961 term, are not a threat? STATUS: Deceased STATUS: Resigned from ministry to marry; PERONE (C.S.P.), ROCCO Laicized; Married Prior to being allowed to ministerREPORTING VICTIM: 1 adolescent male EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1965 AFFILIATION: Paulist Fathers REPORTING VICTIMS: 3 adolescent females in the Diocese, every cleric from ASSIGNMENTS: BIRTH: 1920 EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1966-1971 outside of the Diocese must provide• Holy Name, Sheridan ORDINATION: 1949 ASSIGNMENTS: a letter from his bishop or religious• Our Lady of Sorrows, Rock Springs STATUS: Deceased • St. Joseph, Rawlins superior stating that he is a cleric• St. Patrick, Kemmerer REPORTING VICTIM: 1 adolescent male • Our Lady of Fatima, Casper in good standing and suitable for• St. Paul, Pine Bluffs Others reported elsewhere-see Paulist Fathers • Corpus Christi, Newcastle ministry. He must have completed• Ss. Cyril & Methodius, Rock Springs website • St. Laurence O’Toole, Laramie • St. Mary Magdalen, Evanston EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1957 • St. Edmund, Ranchester safe environment training under ASSIGNMENTS: the provisions of the Charter for the• St. Paul, Pine Bluffs • St. James, Douglas • St. Anthony, Casper Protection for Children and Young • Our Lady of Fatima, Casper Abused in the Diocese of Duluth People. Bishops and/or religious superiors must attest that there is GORMLY, CHARLES POWER, JAMES AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne nothing in his background that AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne HART, JOSEPH BIRTH: 1910 AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne BIRTH: 1915 would render him unsuitable for ORDINATION: 1936 BIRTH: 1931 ORDINATION: 1939 ministering; especially with children STATUS: Deceased ORDINATION: 1956 STATUS: Deceased and young persons. REPORTING VICTIMS: 1 preadolescent and STATUS: Retired; Pope Francis imposed REPORTING VICTIMS: 5 adolescent males 4 adolescent females 10. If a cleric who has a restrictions and authorized a penal process EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1958-72 EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1960-61 REPORTING VICTIMS: 3 adolescent males ASSIGNMENTS: substantiated allegation ASSIGNMENTS: EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1977-80 • St. Thomas, Monarch • Our Lady of Sorrows, Rock Springs performed a sacrament ASSIGNMENTS: • St. Matthew, Gillette • St. Paul, Pine Bluffs • Priest in the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph • St. John the Baptist, Buffalo for me (Baptism, • Holy Rosary, Lander • Auxiliary Bishop of Diocese of Cheyenne • St. Patrick, Casper • St. Laurence O’Toole, Laramie Confirmation, Marriage, • Ordinary Bishop of Diocese of Cheyenne • St. Rose, Torrington etc.), is that sacrament considered valid? In other JABLONOWSKI, ANTHONY Abuse of a vulnerable adult words, did it “count”? AFFILIATION: Diocese of Covington (1970 - STOLCIS, RONALD Even if a bishop, priest or deacon1980) AFFILIATION: Diocese of Cheyenne has been removed because of aDiocese of Cheyenne (1980 - 2000) BIRTH: 1942 substantiated allegation (under• St. Anthony, Guernsey ORDINATION: 1968 • , Glendo restrictions or dismissal from the STATUS: Retired; Restricted from public ministry • St. Leo, Lusk REPORTING VICTIM: 1 male clerical state), sacraments that he • Holy Rosary, Lander EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1995-1997 administered are valid. A sacrament• Diocese of Steubenville (2000 - 2006) ASSIGNMENTS: is a personal, saving action ofBIRTH: 1937 • St. Barbara, Powell Jesus Christ. However worthy orORDINATION: 1970 This information is also available • St. Anthony, Casper unworthy that ordained person maySTATUS: Dismissed from clerical state and • St. Margaret, Riverton be, the sacrament is valid as long asreleased from prison on the Diocese of Cheyenne • , Greybull the cleric was validly ordained. REPORTING VICTIMS: 4 adolescent males website at • St. Mary Magdalen, Worland EST. TIME OF ABUSE: 1983-88 • Holy Name, Sheridan www.dioceseofcheyenne.org

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 5 USCCB President Issues Statement on Pope Francis’ Motu Proprio Decree Cardinal Daniel N. DiNardo, Archbishop of active involvement of the laity. It also leaves of such crimes. Galveston-Houston and President of the United latitude for national bishops’ conferences, such as I am grateful for the opportunity to build upon States Conference of Catholic Bishops, has issued the USCCB, to specify still more to account for the excellent foundation of the USCCB’s Charter the following statement regarding the release their local circumstances. We receive the Motu for the Protection of Children and Young People, of Pope Francis’s Motu Proprio on May 9. The Proprio Vos estis lux mundi (‘You are the light the Essential Norms for Diocesan/Eparchial Motu Proprio, Vos estis lux mundi (“You are the of the world’) as a blessing that will empower the Policies Dealing with Sexual Abuse of Minors light of the world”), is a worldwide order to the Church everywhere to bring predators to justice, by Priests or Deacons, and the Statement of Church from the Pope, in response to the evil of no matter what rank they hold in the Church. It Episcopal Commitment, all of which date back sexual abuse. The new law comes three months also permits the Church the time and opportunity to 2002. The existing framework in the United after a meeting in Rome that brought together all to bring spiritual healing. States including victim outreach, zero tolerance, episcopal conference presidents from across the The Holy Father said a ‘continuous and reporting allegations to civil authorities, and globe to discuss the Church sex abuse crisis. profound conversion of hearts is needed, lay expertise on review boards, among other Cardinal DiNardo’s partial statement attested by concrete and effective actions that measures - positions us readily to bring the Holy follows: involve everyone in the Church.’ Pope Francis Father’s instructions to action. By embracing the “Today, Pope Francis ordered a worldwide was clear that this responsibility ‘falls, above painful experience of survivors and working on response to the evil of sexual abuse. It calls for all, on the successors of the Apostles.’ As part these new protections, let us pray we continue to the establishment of easily accessible reporting of this responsibility, bishops also will be held grow into a stronger Church.” systems, clear standards for the pastoral support accountable under the authority of this Motu Please find the respective translations of the of victims and their families, timeliness and Proprio, which covers sexual abuse of minors motu proprio here: thoroughness of investigations, whistleblower or vulnerable persons, sexual acts compelled English: http://bit.ly/motoproprioEnglish protection for those making allegations, and through the abuse of authority, and any coverup Spanish: http://bit.ly/motoproprioSpanish Q&A Regarding Motu Proprio Vos estis lux mundi What does the new Motu sexual abuse of a new classification 2020. In the United States, while possible conflicts of interest, and Proprio do? of “vulnerable persons,” this has already been accomplished ensuring that those who report -the use of violence or other abuse for cases involving the sexual abuse complaints to the Church are also The new Motu ProprioVos estis lux of power to perform or submit to of minors by priests and deacons, free to report the same information mundi is a significant move forward sexual acts, reporting mechanisms will have to to others and are protected from for the universal Church, one -any cover up of such conduct by be modified to serve the broader retaliation. At the same time, that echoes many of the practices others; categories of the Motu Proprio. because the Motu Proprio involves established in the Essential Norms -those who are to be reported and the Charter for the Protection the investigation of a complaint, for such cases, namely, cardinals, of Children and Young People that What about cases of sexual it carefully balances the rights of bishops, other clerics, religious have been in force in the United misconduct that do not fall those involved. Confidentiality is superiors, and other members of States since 2002. For example, it needed for the effectiveness of the institutes of consecrated life or under this Motu Proprio? affirms the existing: investigation. It protects victims and societies of apostolic life; -These are generally already - commitment to provide for the witnesses, as well as the presumption -reporting obligations to include covered by existing diocesan or spiritual and emotional well-being of innocence and the seal of the mandatory, internal reporting; eparchial codes of conduct. With the of victims/ survivors and their confessional. -against retaliation or help of lay and legal experts, bishops families; discrimination by mandating are working on ways to ensure that -duty to comply with all applicable “whistle-blower” protections. coverage and enhance awareness Does this new Motu civil laws with respect to the and reporting mechanisms for such Proprio interfere or hinder reporting of allegations of sexual cases. abuse of minors to civil authorities; When do these norms take civil law, such as mandatory reporting requirements - right of any person to report effect? How are transparency and such crimes; -they will take effect on June 1, and civil investigations? - guarantee of a prompt and 2019; confidentiality promoted - In no way. The Motu Proprio objective investigation; -they will be reviewed by the Holy in this new Motu Proprio? establishes the canonical (Church - assurance of lay involvement. See after three years and adjusted as -The Motu Proprio increases law) procedures that are to be needed; transparency by establishing clear followed. Included in these The Motu Proprio also continues -every diocese and eparchy (either procedures that must be followed, procedures, however, is the to focus on victims by significantly individually or collectively) is to reaffirming the obligation to report obligation to comply with all building upon existing local have a publicly accessible means to civil authorities, providing applicable civil laws. practices, for example by expanding: for people to report cases covered for lay involvement in internal -the scope of cases to include: the under the Motu Proprio by June 1, investigations, protecting from See Moto Proprio Q&A, 7

Page 6 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 NFP Awareness Week Begins July 21st By: USCCB & Maria Ward “Love, Naturally! Cooperating with God’s design for married love” is the theme of this year’s Natural Family Planning Awareness Week, a national educational campaign of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) to celebrate God’s for marriage and promote the methods of Natural Family Planning. Natural Family Planning (NFP) is a general title for ethical, natural, safe and effective methods for both achieving and avoiding pregnancy in marriage. NFP methods teach couples how to observe and interpret the wife’s signs of fertility and infertility. In the words of the Catechism of the Catholic Church, NFP methods “respect the bodies of the spouses, encourage tenderness between them and favor the education of an authentic freedom.” (CCC, no. 2370) The Catholic Church invites all the faithful to embrace God’s plan for married love. Learn more about these beautiful teachings which support the use of NFP in marriage at: http://www.usccb.org/nfp/ catholic-teaching. The Diocese of Cheyenne Office of Pastoral Ministries joins with the U.S. bishops in Please follow the Diocese of Cheyenne Facebook and the gift of life as well as the methods of highlighting the benefits of NFP as moral or Instagram accounts and watch for information NFP! If you would like to learn NFP or become methods to help married couples live God’s design and events happening that week. an instructor in the Diocese of Cheyenne, for their marriages. The dates of Natural Family Please join the diocesan NFP team to spread please contact Maria Ward at 307-638-1530 or Planning Awareness Week are: July 21 – 27, 2019. the word about God’s design for married love mward@dioceseofcheyenne.

Motu Proprio Q&A from 6 existing canon law. Zero tolerance is not -This also allows investigations to be carried out on the local mentioned. Is that no level, where the Metropolitan longer the policy of the will have more direct access to Catholic Church? information, documents, and lay -In the United States, zero experts to help investigate, and can tolerance has been the policy collaborate with civil authorities. since 2002, which comes from The Metropolitan, being local, can the Charter and the Essential also take measures to preserve and Norms. The Motu Proprio does not secure evidence. undo this policy. Other episcopal -Recent investigations of conferences around the world misconduct by a bishop, such as have or will be developing policies in West Virginia, have successfully appropriate to their legal and followed this practice. cultural situations. The good news here is that what was first thought of as an “American problem” or What does this mean for a “Western problem” is now on the proposals the U.S. everyone’s radar. bishops considered last November? Why does the Motu -The work of our committees Proprio focus on the role that has already taken place will of the Metropolitan? be examined and adapted to -The Motu Proprio uses the work within the framework of Metropolitan because it is a position the new Motu Proprio and will in the Church that is grounded be the basis for deliberation over in tradition and the teaching of its implementation at the USCCB See Moto Proprio Q&A, 7Vatican II and is governed by Plenary Assembly in June.

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 7 Priests Move Forward in Wellness and Leadership By: Father Bill Hill Father James Flavin provided an daily realities of stress, overwork, Many professional organizations January 15 through 17, deacons in-depth and thorough presentation. and exercise to addictions and use 360° feedback profiles to and priests gathered in Casper Father Flavin is a priest of the pornography abuse. Father Flavin encourage and quantify professional to learn and reflect more about Archdiocese of Boston and had was direct and straightforward growth. Sometimes the church can personal health and well-being in been the director of the Saint John while explaining the challenges that have a culture of avoiding necessary the context of serving our family of Vianney Center in Philadelphia. face priests in active ministry. Like conflict for the mistaken notion of all people, priests benefit from the faith. Bishop Steven had raised two Father Flavin has a doctorate in community harmony, and this can opportunity to reflect upon their result in leaders having incomplete areas of focus for his first years in psychology and is a nationally- lives and the duties that are asked of understandings of their strengths the diocese: ministry to Latinos, and recognized expert on priest mental them. Many of the priests expressed and weaknesses. priest well-being and leadership. health. Currently he is an Episcopal gratitude for the chance to pause Beginning in February, priests and Vicar and pastor of a parish in the This year’s January Institute was and investigate the larger questions chancery leaders began the process the first step in addressing the well- Archdiocese of Boston. of health in the context of ordained of soliciting and receiving feedback being of our priests. The topics ranged from the ministry. from a wide range of individuals who Permanent deacons were also experience their ministry. Following invited to the January Institute. While up on this consultation, they were Veritatis Splendor Counseling this area of focus is particularly provided ninety-minute, one-on- This Above All Else: To Thine Own Self Be True directed to ordained priests, many one coaching sessions to evaluate deacons were interested in gaining their individual report. Finally, after insights as well. Multiple deacons spending time in reflection and Counseling which seeks the Truth and explores expressed a desire to support the personal prayer they established the dignity of the human person. priests with whom they serve in personal development plans for parishes, as well as an openness to further growth and development. gleaning insights for their own self- These personal development care and ministry. plans will form the basis of some One can well imagine that a quick larger trainings designed to workshop will not immediately solve strengthen leadership skills of our every problem that our priests face. priests. Potential topics include Additionally, many bad habits will human resources, establishing a be rooted out only with a holistic vision, conflict resolution, risk approach of prayer, self-awareness, management, and leading in the relationship, and a desire to change. context of the abuse crisis. Priests Please join with me in praying for will have the opportunities to our priests to more fully reveal the continue to develop their skills in heart of Jesus the Good Shepherd. order to better serve our parishes Priests, Chancery staff and the larger mission of Jesus training on leadership Christ in the world. In addition to the January Institute As we all seek to respond to on priest wellness, this spring the our baptismal call of holiness Diocese of Cheyenne engaged and right relationship, may our a national leadership company priests continue to grow in their to provide focused training. The effectiveness as leaders of our diocese contracted with Leadership Church. May the Holy Spirit guide Roundtable to provide a 360° the Church in being the loving leadership report for chancery staff presence of Christ for all the world An authentic Catholic approach to sound and interested priests. Leadership to see. mental health counseling. Roundtable is a non-profit Father Bill is the Pastor of Holy A classical Christian philosophical approach - organization of laity, clergy, and Spirit Catholic Community in Rock Treatment plans tailored to each client’s indi- religious that offers training and best Springs and Director of Ongoing vidual needs - Proven Therapeutic techniques to practices to Catholic institutions Formation for Priests for the Diocese aid the client in a new healthy way of coping - like our diocese. of Cheyenne. Our approaches are in line with and obedient to follow us.pdf 1 2/9/18 11:22 AM the Catholic Church’s moral teaching - All therapists licensed by the State of Wyoming - Able to accommodate long distance counseling

anywhere in the State of Wyoming - Works well C

with individuals working with their spiritual M

directors. Y CM facebook.com/dioceseofcheyenne Please contact us at: 1735 Sheridan Avenue MY CY Suite 237, Cody, WY 82414 307-213-4341 @wyocatholic CMY

E-mail: [email protected] K www.vscounseling.org @dioceseofcheyenne Call for Free Consultation

Page 8 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 “Exceptions” and the Undermining of the Moral Law By: Father Tad Pacholczyk, Director of Education, The always wrong, then it only becomes a matter of the U.S. become pregnant as a result of rape. National Catholic Bioethics Center “haggling over the price.” If killing by euthanasia Assuming they all ended in abortion, this means Whenever we make small can be allowed for a deeply emotional reason, that an average of 0.04% (one twenty-fifth of one exceptions to universal moral it can certainly be allowed for other reasons percent) of all abortions have been performed rules, we shouldn’t be surprised too, and soon for nearly any reason, making it for rape — or only one out of every 2,500! Yet that the rules themselves difficult, if not impossible, to put the cat back into for every one of the more than 50 countries that can be quickly undermined. the proverbial “moral bag.” now have abortion on demand around the world, Establishing an “exception” in The almost instantaneous deployment of the initial step taken by proabortion forces was one case makes people think abortion-on-demand around the world several intense lobbying for abortion in the so-called they’re due an exemption for decades ago relied on very similar logic: first, ‘hard cases’ — especially rape and incest. Once Fr. Pacholczyk their case as well. Certain grant a single exception, and in time virtually any abortion advocates secured the availability of norms of moral behavior, instance begins to appear plausible and defensible. abortion for the ‘hard cases’ they went on to argue for abortion in any situation. however, do not admit of any exceptions, and we That exception, of course, was rape. By playing on Even if one granted, for the sake of argument, risk undermining morality altogether if we don’t the tragedy of sexual assault, abortion advocates that rape justified a mother’s decision to end recognize them. Moral norms governing the managed to direct attention and blame towards her child’s life, could that ever justify the other protection of human life are one such example. the child, an innocent bystander, turning him or abortions that occur for non-rape related reasons? A recent and lengthy article in The Guardian her, almost more than the rapist, into the culprit. It is duplicitous to justify 2,499 deaths from the took a look at the practice of euthanasia in the After the child had been successfully targeted in one assault, unjust and traumatic as it may have Netherlands. It led off with this provocative title: situations of rape, he or she became generally been. By granting the exception, the moral rule “Death on demand: has euthanasia gone too far? targetable in other situations as well. has been, in effect, eliminated, and the doors have Countries around the world are making it easier When it comes to abortion, the state of Louisiana in past years required some of the been thrown open to the practice of abortion for to choose the time and manner of your death. any reason. Encouraging exceptions is the entry But doctors in the world’s euthanasia capital are most comprehensive reporting in the U.S., and their detailed records are a helpful resource for point into a broader repudiation of our moral starting to worry about the consequences.” The duties towards each other, the first of which is the article points out that, as the world’s pioneer, the determining how frequent abortions for rape really are. Abortionists were required to fill out duty to respect the inviolability of each other’s Netherlands has also discovered that although life. legalizing euthanasia might resolve one ethical a form entitled “Report of Induced Termination of Pregnancy” (Form #PHS 16-ab) for every Reprinted with permission. Rev. Tadeusz conundrum, it opens a can of others – most abortion. The form stated at the top: “Failure to Pacholczyk, Ph.D. earned his doctorate in importantly, where the limits of the practice complete and file this form is a crime.” Item 9d neuroscience from Yale and did post-doctoral work should be drawn. In the past few years a small but on the form was entitled “Reason for Pregnancy at Harvard. He is a priest of the diocese of Fall influential group of academics and jurists have Termination.” Statistics compiled from these River, MA, and serves as the Director of Education raised the alarm over what is generally referred forms over a 14-year period reveal the reasons for at The National Catholic Bioethics Center in to, a little archly, as the ‘slippery slope’ – the idea 115,243 abortions in Louisiana during that time: Philadelphia. Father Tad writes a monthly column that a measure introduced to provide relief to on timely life issues. From stem cell research to late-stage cancer patients has expanded to include Reasons for Abortion in Louisiana organ donation, abortion to euthanasia, he offers a people who might otherwise live for many years, between 1975 and 1988 clear and compelling analysis of modern bioethical from sufferers of diseases such as muscular Mother’s Mental Health 114,231 99.12% questions, addressing issues we may confront at dystrophy to sexagenarians with dementia and Mother’s Physical Health 863 0.75% one time or another in our daily living. His column, even mentally ill young people. Fetal Deformity 103 0.09% entitled “Making Sense of Bioethics” is nationally The logic behind these concerns is clear. If Rape or Incest 46 0.04% syndicated in the U.S. to numerous diocesan we are willing to make an exception to the rule These data confirm other calculations indicating newspapers, and has been reprinted by newspapers that direct killing of an innocent human being is that, on average, about 550 women per year in in England, , Poland and . Wyoming Catholic College Graduates Called to “Become Missionaries of Hope!” By: Colin McCarty, Office of Advancement, Wyoming four years at Wyoming Catholic and of how these David L. Ricken, head of Wisconsin’s Diocese of Catholic College lessons will continue to influence their lives. Green Bay and one of Wyoming Catholic College’s Lander, WY– On Saturday, May 11th, the forty- “During our Freshman year,” he said, “we learned original founders. He echoed Eby’s themes of two members of Wyoming Catholic College’s that a story is not understood until a conclusion. companionship and generosity, adding to them the And we do not realize why the middle chapters Class of 2019 made their way across the Lander obligations and the gratitude that must accompany are important and necessary until we discover Community Center stage and received their those gifts. “You have earned a reputation for joy what their consequences are at the very end. This and humility,” he said. “You have been given the diplomas. This was the College’s largest graduating graduation is the conclusion of our four-year class to date—a fact further evidenced by the story, and it gives coherence to our actions. But ability to talk to anyone no matter their views or 600+ friends, family, and community members it is also a continuation. As we go out from here, background, and can accompany that person a who attended the event. we must continue our quest for the truth, we few steps along their journey to the truth.” “Here,” William Eby (from Whitehouse, OH), this must keep the faith, and we must never forget our he reminded them, “you have encountered what year’s Senior Class Speaker, spoke of what he neighbors along the way.” is truly real! Your mission now is to carry that to and his classmates had experienced during their The event’s Commencement Speaker was Bishop others. You must become missionaries of Hope!”

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 9 First Communion

St. John the Baptist, Buffalo St. Joseph, Ethete St. Mary Catholic School, Cheyenne , photo by Val Rothwell Photography

St. Paul, Pine Bluffs St. Joseph, Cheyenne , photo by Val Rothwell Holy Family, Thayne Photography

St. Mary Magdalen, Worland , St. Stephens Mission St. Patrick, Kemmerer photo by David Huber

Sacred Heart, Greybull St. Anthony of Padua, Cody , Photo by Jody Moser

Page 10 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 Confirmations

St. John the Baptist, Buffalo St. Matthew, Gillette , photo by Dunlap St. Paul, Pine Bluffs Photography

St. Patrick, Kemmerer Our Lady of Peace, Pinedale , St. Anne’s, Big Piney desmet mass.pdf 1 5/22/19 9:41 AM

    Mass  the Praie       (Please dress for changing weather & bring your own chair.)




The Diocese of Cheyenne Presents: CM

MY A Pilgrimage to the Oberammergau Passion Play CY

Including , Switzerland & Liechtenstein! CMY

K 10 Days / 8 Nights September 26 - October 5, 2020

Hosted by:

The Most Rev. Steven Biegler, DD, STL Spiritual Director

Fr. Thomas Cronkleton, Jr. Pilgrimage Host

Tour Price from Denver: $2,558 Diocesan Pilgrimage Fee: $180       

Register TODAY! https://bit.ly/2NUuvIT       

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 11 Catholic Summer Fun Ideas By Maria Ward, Assistant Director of Pastoral Ministries introduce your family to the Universal Church. on June 24 and comes with many fun cultural This summer, as your family embarks on Road trips can mean lots of time listening to traditions. One tradition is to decorate the door of vacations, camping trips, and hiking adventures, be music, so be sure to download some of the latest your home with a lantern, white lilies, birch leaves, sure to take advantage of this opportunity to spend songs from your favorite Catholic musicians. If and St. John’s wort on the eve of this solemnity. time talking about your Catholic faith. Here are a you want to incorporate a little catechesis into your Celebrate the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus on June 28 few ideas of how you can incorporate faith-based drive, multiple Catholic podcasts offer everything by making heart crafts and talking about the love, experienced into your summertime fun. from homilies to casual conversations about mercy, and forgiveness that come from Jesus’ heart. The long, school-free days of summer provide the everyday topics. For the days when the kids just Teach them about St. Margaret Mary Alacoque perfect time to go to daily Mass as a family. Since want to watch television, check out the selection of and the twelve promises for those who practice a daily Mass is typically less crowded and shorter Catholic children’s programing on www.formed.org. devotion to the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus. In July, than a Sunday liturgy, try sitting up front so your Formed offers lots of shows that can be streamed the feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel is celebrated children can see everything that takes place. After on demand for both adults and children that cover on the 16th and offers an excellent opportunity to Mass, ask your children if they noticed anything a variety of topics within Catholicism. If you have talk about the role of sacramentals in the Catholic different. If you are heading out of town for never used this resource before, contact your parish faith, such as the Brown . Many Catholic vacation, use resources such as www.masstimes.org office to obtain your parish’s login code. websites offer resources to help families celebrate to find out when and where Masses are available at Celebrating the feast days during the summer the saints together by offering ideas for activities, your destination or along the way. Visiting other can also be another opportunity for learning and prayers for children, and printable coloring parishes, cathedrals, and is a great way to fun. The birth of St. John the Baptist is celebrated pages. As your family heads out for summertime adventures, research who is the patron saint of that location or activity. Your family can learn about new saints and pray for their intercession. For example, St. Adjutor is the patron saint of swimming and St. Lawrence is the patron saint for grilling and they both have fascinating stories for how these got these designations. Also, if the kids are planning on lighting off fireworks this fourth of July, a prayer to the patroness of fireworks, St. Barbara is surely a good idea. The staff at the Diocese of Cheyenne will be praying for all of the families across Wyoming to have a safe, fun,stmargs2.pdf and relaxing 1 summer.5/22/19 9:26 AM


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Page 12 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 Summer programs Don’t see your parish listed? Please call them and nd out what is oered in your area. VBS, St. John the Baptist Catholic Church, Buffalo June 10-14, 9:00am - 12:00pm 532 North Lobban Ave, Bu alo, Wyoming Cost: FREE Theme: “Shipwrecked: Rescued by Jesus” Call the church oce for information and questions 307.684.7268 VBS, Tri Parish, Casper June 10-13, 9:00am - 12:00pm St. Anthony Tri-Parish School, 1145 West 20th St, Casper Ages 3 & Potty trained - 10 Cost: Early registration $15/individual, $30/family, $20/youth at door Registration: www.stpatricks-casper.com/religious-ed Click on VBS

Totus Tuus, Tri Parish, Casper June 16-21, 9:00am - 3:00pm grades 1-5, 7:00pm - 9:10pm grades 6-12 Our Lady of Fatima, 1401 CY Avenue Ages grades 1-12 Cost: $15/individual, $30/family, $20/youth at door Registration: goo.gl/8RDhW1

Citywide Mass, Casper July 21, 10:30am David Street Station, downtown Casper All ages welcome Stay after Mass for a celebration of our Catholic community with vendors and street fair VBS, St. Joseph Catholic Church, Cheyenne June 24-28, 6:00 - 8:00pm 314 E 6th St, Cheyenne, Wyoming Ages 4-12 Cost: FREE, only your time! Free dinner each evening served from 5:00- 5:40pm Registration forms at stjosephscheyenne.org or stmarycathedral.com or register at the door Summer Religious Ed, Holy Trinity Catholic Church, Cheyenne Session 1: June 10-21, 9:00am - 12:00pm Session 2: July 29-Aug 9, 9:00am - 12:00pm Planting a Mary Grades K-6 Register online at www.holytrinitycheyenne.org or pick up a paper form Garden in the vestibule of the church. Please register early to ensure adequate materials are available. Contact Molly or Amy if you have any questions 307.632.5872. By: Pam Miller, WCR Staff It is a Catholic tradition to acknowledge and Cooperative Vacation Bible School, Laramie honor the selfless and holy life of the Blessed June 10-14, 9:00am - 12:00pm Virgin Mary, particularly in the month of May. A First Baptist Church, 1517 E Canby St, Laramie special way of doing this is to plant a Mary Garden Ages 4 years - grade 6 Cost: $5 that you can enjoy all summer long! Sponsoring churches: First Baptist, St. Matthew’s Episcopal, Typically, the center focus of the garden is a St. Paul Newman Center, St. Paul’s UCC of Our Blessed Lady, surrounded by Marian Register online www.laramiefbc.org/vacation-bible-school 307.745.4106 flowers,such as, lilies, violets, roses (symbolizing Mary as the Queen of Heaven), carnations, Good News Camp, St. Rose of LIma, Torrington bluebells, daisy, lilies of the valley, marigolds or July 8-12, 8:30am - 2:30pm your favorite blossoms. 605 E 22nd Ave, Torrington Mary’s entire life was devoted to her Son. When Grades 1-6 you plant and enjoy a Marian garden you honor This years’ theme is “Pilgrimage.” Please bring a sack lunch. Registration forms Mary and are able to more fully realize what her in the parish vestibule or online at www.strosetorrington.org/parish-life/education “Yes” brought to the world! “Going beyond the surface, Mary “sees” the work VBS, St. Mary Magdalen, Worland of God in history with the eyes of faith. This is why June 24-26, 9:00am - 11:45am she is blessed, because she believed.” (Pope Benedict 1009 Charles Avenue, Worland XVI, May 31, 2008) Ages 4 -12 For information, call Danielle Earl 307.588.0646, Jana Dworshak 307.431.6028, Christy Cochrin 208.841.0555 or Tanya Kienlen 307.431.2102 June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 13 Diocese of Cheyenne | OFFICIAL

new assignments for priests | Effective July 1, 2019 unless otherwise noted Rev. David Anderson, presently Administrator of St. Peter Eastern Rev. Tim Martinson, presently the Pastor of Corpus Christi in Catholic Mission in Ukiah, CA, is appointed as Associate Chaplain Newcastle and the missions of St. Paul in Sundance, St. Anthony in of Wyoming Catholic College in Lander. Upton and St. Matthew in Hulett, will take a Leave of Absence from Rev. Kevin Barrett, presently the Pastor of St. Anthony in Casper, is priestly ministry. appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Anthony in Cody and the missions Rev. Hiep Nguyen, presently Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick in Casper of Our Lady of the Valley in Clark, St. Theresa in Meeteetse and the and Corpus Christi in Newcastle and the missions of St. Matthew in chapels in Yellowstone National Park. Hulett, St. Paul in Sundance, and St. Anthony in Upton, is appointed Rev. Brian Hess, presently the Parochial Vicar of St. Anthony, Cody Associate Vocation Director with residence at St. Paul’s Newman and the missions of Our Lady of the Valley in Clark, St. Theresa Center in Laramie and reappointed Parochial Vicar of St. Patrick in Church in Meeteetse and the chapels in Yellowstone National Park, Casper. is appointed Parochial Administrator of Corpus Christi in Newcastle Rev. Robert Rodgers, presently Parochial Vicar of St. Margaret in and the missions of St. Paul in Sundance and St. Anthony in Upton. Riverton and the missions of Our Lady of the Woods in Dubois, St. Rev. Jesryll Intes, presently Parochial Vicar of St. Matthew Parish Edward in Kinnear, and St. Joseph in Shoshoni, is appointed Parochial in Gillette and the missions of St. Patrick in Moorcroft and Blessed Administrator of St. Mary Magdalen in Worland. Sacrament in Wright, will depart the Diocese of Cheyenne to serve Rev. Ray Rodriguez, presently Pastor of St. Mary Magdalen in as a Chaplain for the Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA. Worland, is appointed Pastor of St. Anthony in Casper. Effective September 1, 2019. Rev. Philip Vaske is appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Anthony in Rev. Bryce Lungren, presently Parochial Vicar of St. Stephens Mission Casper and reappointed as Chaplain of the Hospitals, Nursing Homes Fr. Denis D’Souza Celebrates 40 Years and the missions of St. Joseph in Ethete, and Blessed Sacrament in and Hospice in Casper. By: Michele Harris, Administrative Assistant, Immaculate Ft. Washakie, is appointed Parochial Vicar of St. Matthew Parish Conception Church in Gillette and the missions of St. Patrick in Moorcroft, Blessed Rev. Denis D’Souza, pastor of Immaculate Sacrament in Wright and St. Matthew in Hulett. Conception Church in Green River, celebrated the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the Reappointments for Priests | Effective July 1, 2019 priesthood on May 16, 2019. Bishop Steven Biegler presided over the Mass and several Rev. Gerard “Augustine” Carrillo is reappointed Parochial Rev. Rob Spaulding is reappointed pastor of St. Paul’s Newman diocesan priests as well as priests from outside Administrator of St. Mary Magdalen in Evanston and the mission of Center in Laramie. the Diocese were in attendance. A potluck dinner St. Helen in Fort Bridger. Rev. Steve Titus is reappointed Vocation Director. Rev. Peter Johnson is reappointed Pastor of St. John the Baptist in Rev. Philip Vanderlin, OSB, a Benedictine Priest of Assumption Buffalo and the missions of St. Mary in Clearmont and St. Hubert in Abbey in Richardton, ND, is reappointed Parochial Vicar of Our Kaycee. Lady of the Mountains in Jackson and the missions of Holy Family in Rev. Charles Heston Joseph is reappointed Parochial Vicar of St. Thayne and the Chapel of the Sacred Heart in Grand Teton National Anthony in Cody and the missions of Our Lady of the Valley in Park. Clark, St. Theresa in Meeteetse and the chapels in Yellowstone Rev. Paul Ward, a priest of the Archdiocese of Detroit, is reappointed National Park. Chaplain of Wyoming Catholic College in Lander. Rev. Andrew Kinstetter is reappointed Parochial Vicar of St. Mary’s Cathedral in Cheyenne. New Assignments for Deacons | Effective July 1, 2019 Deacon Bill Hill, currently serving Our Lady of the Mountains in Jackson and the missions of Holy Family in Thayne, and the Chapel of the Sacred Heart in Grand Teton National Park, is appointed permanent deacon of Holy Spirit Catholic Community in Rock Springs and the mission of St. Christopher in Eden.

Reappointments for Deacons | Effective July 1, 2019 Deacon David Johnson is reappointed permanent deacon of St. Anthony in Casper. Dated May 9, 2019

The Most Reverend Steven Biegler, DD, STL Patricia A. Loehrer Bishop of Cheyenne Chancellor

Official.inddPage 114 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 5/30/19 3:48 PM Fr. Denis D’Souza Celebrates 40 Years Photos by Desiree Gomez By: Michele Harris, Administrative Assistant, Immaculate followed which was attended by over 200 parish of Perpetual Help, Tripuranthakam. He also Conception Church friends and family. worked as the principal and correspondent of Rev. Denis D’Souza, pastor of Immaculate Rev. Denis G. D’Souza was born and raised in St. Peter’s High School and Our Lady of Lourdes Conception Church in Green River, celebrated Madanthyar, a small town located near Mangalore, High School, Udayagiri. the 40th anniversary of his ordination to the a city on the west coast of South . He joined Rev. D’Souza was assigned to be an associate priesthood on May 16, 2019. Bishop Steven the Diocese of Nellore and was ordained a priest pastor of St. Anthony’s Church in Cody when he Biegler presided over the Mass and several on March 19, 1979. He was assigned to Moksha came to the Diocese of Cheyenne in 2012. He diocesan priests as well as priests from outside Matha Church, Chandrasekharapuram, and later became the pastor of Immaculate Conception in the Diocese were in attendance. A potluck dinner to Holy Family Church, Giddalur and Our Lady July 2015. Gather us in….

Secular Franciscan Order There are fraternities in Wyoming. From left, Sr. Mary Carmen & Sr. Josefina Guzmán Ayala, Ma Pilar Ordaz Mendez, Sr. Imelda Muñoz Hernández & Sr. Alejandra Austria Garcia Come… join us ! More information? Mexican Sisters Visit Wyoming By: WCR Staff www.secularFranciscansUSA.org On May 1, 2019 Sisters of the community Esclavas de la Inmaculada Niña from Mexico City visited St. Anthony Parish in Casper. St. Anthony Tri-Parish School greeted the sisters with a warm Wyoming welcome that included lunch, a visit with the children, and welcome gifts. Through a grant from [email protected] Catholic Extension, three Sisters will be serving in Casper beginning later this year.

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 15 Fr. Thomas Colman Fahey 1919 - 2019 Obituary followed by homily by Reverend Memorial Chapel in Huntington, Carl Beavers IN with the Rev. Carl A. Beavers, Fr. Maicaal Lobo, Fr. Stephen Colchin and Fr. David Ruppert presiding. Burial was at Victory Noll Cemetery in Huntington. Following are excerpts from the homily at Fr. Fahey’s funeral, given by Fr. Carl Beavers. Of course, Tom Fahey would go to the Lord during Lent. One more lap would be superfluous. Of course, he would die on the 12th day of Lent, twelve, a number of fulfillment, this time his own. Of course, the Gospel of the 12th day would be Fr.Thomas Fahey Jesus’ Transfiguration when the Father Thomas Colman Fahey, 99, Incarnation entirely yielded to reveal of Huntington, Ind., passed away the divine Son of God to whom we March 17 at St. Anne Victory Noll in are to listen. Few have listened so Huntington. acutely, so whole-heartedly. We live Father Fahey was born Dec. 6, in a context and we die in a context. 1919, to James and Norah (Neilan) What I am trying to say is that Fr. Fahey in Galway, Ireland. His Fahey was in sync with God. parents preceded him in death. If you desire to know what ignited Father Fahey was ordained as a the flame in (Fr. Fahey’s) youthful priest on June 1, 1947, in Carlow, heart years before ordination, go the Ireland. He began his career at the Gospel of St. Luke, Chapter 18:8: Diocese of Cheyenne, at St. Mary’s “but when the Son of Man comes, Cathedral from 1947-48; Holy will he find any faith on earth?” Name Parish, Sheridan, from 1949- Tom Fahey, if God would use his 52; St. Laurence O’Toole, Laramie, life, would make sure the Son of from 1952-56; Hospital Chaplain, Man would find faith on earth. He Cheyenne, from 1956-68; Iona told me of the pounding haunt with College, New Rochelle, N.Y., from which he lived that there would be 1968-70; St. Mary’s Cathedral, no faith for the Son of Man to find. Cheyenne, from 1970-72; Corpus It brought him to the conclusion that Christi Parish, Newcastle, from if faith is of such importance to God 1972-77; Holy Trinity Parish, and to the Kingdom, there is nothing Cheyenne, from 1977 until his he should do with his life unless first retirement in 1990. In July 1990, he to proclaim the centrality of faith. spent some time in Arizona before He did: faithfully, accurately, and he made his final residence and fervently. served as Chaplain beginning in He wrote to me years ago, this August 1991, at Victory Noll, now remarkable self-disclosure. known as Saint Anne Communities “In studying the dynamics of – Victory Noll, Huntington, Ind. the relationship between God and Father Fahey is survived by two Moses I learn much about prayer.” Fr. Fahey was known for his beautiful flowers and green thumb sisters, Sheila Lynch and Gertrude “Moses is lost in wonder. When Fahey; one brother, Jack Fahey; he wants to know, he moves closer burn out of me all the rotten stuff God’s throne and Mother Cabrini’s many nephews and nieces; and to God and is told he must be holy and remake me. One day I hope all testimony has been admitted with all many more relatives who survive to share with God. God reveals the rotten stuff will be burnt away the other evidence to be considered, and reside in Ireland. Father Fahey himself to Moses; He reaches out and and God will embrace me fully and I my hope is secure. His faith has is also survived by Our Lady of touches Moses with a fiery touch. suppose that will be heaven.” gone on “to the realization of what Victory Noll Sisters. He changes Moses, makes him holy So praying is becoming he hoped for, the evidence of things Along with his parents, he was by imparting to him his own spirit. contemplative and, then, becoming not seen”. (Heb. 11:1). For that to preceded in death by two brothers, Moses, in turn, reaches out to God a mystic.” be happening, he would have to be J.J. (James Joseph) Fahey and Bertie but he needs to be purified and to Is it possible that Father Fahey beholding the Father’s face. Fahey; and two sisters, Mary Frances surrender totally to God.” now beholds the Father’s face? May he rest in peace and may his O’Sullivan and Betty Fahey. “So when I pray I put myself in That answer is beyond my purview. soul and the souls of the faithful Mass of Christian Burial was held the place of Moses and I beg God to Still, when I remember that Moses departed rest in peace. Oremus pro on March 20, at Archbishop Noll touch me with His fiery hand and will be pleading his case before invicem.

Page 16 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 Monsignor James O’Neill 1929-2019 of Cheyenne, Bishop Newell, to serve the people Ricken, Bishop Etienne and Bishop Steven for of Wyoming. their goodness and for their confidence in him... In the years of his Priesthood Msgr. ministered that he is so very grateful, too, for his brother to people at St. Patrick’s, Kemmerer — Jackson: priests, deacons, religious, and all the good 1954-1955; St. Mary’s Cathedral, Cheyenne: people that he has befriended. He said that he is 1955-1958 and 1964-1983; St. Joseph’s, Cheyenne: grateful above all for his saintly parents and for 1958-1959 and 1962-1964; Corpus Christi, his brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews, and Newcastle: 1959-1962; St. Anthony’s, Casper: their families and for their strong support. Msgr. 1983-1998; St. Patrick’s, Casper 1998 — until his said that he has enjoyed being a priest. final retirement. Surviving Msgr. is one brother, Dan of New Msgr. served as Vicar-General of the diocese, York; one sister, Sister Pauline, SM, Provincial 1973-1994, under two bishops: Bishop Newell of the Marist Sisters in England; 35 nieces and and Bishop Hart. He was named a Prelate of nephews; 70 grand-nieces and nephews; 9 great Honor to Pope Paul VI with the title Monsignor grand-nieces and nephews. on February 20, 1974. Msgr. was preceded in death by his good In his retirement years Msgr. ministered to parents; three brothers — Patrick, , and the sick, the aged, and the shut-ins of Wyoming, John; seven sisters — Ann Gair, Mary and Kitty northern Colorado, and eastern Nebraska by O’Neill, Jean McGee, Eileen O’Driscoll, Peggie means of the Sunday TV Mass for fifteen years. Kéohane, and Bridie Keane; two nieces and three He was named “Hidden Hero” by The Catholic nephews. Extension Society of America for his TV Visitation was Thursday, March 21, 2019 at St. ministry. Msgr. chaired the Diocesan Centennial Patrick’s, Casper followed by office of the Dead and After recurrent illnesses and miraculous Celebration the weekend of August 8, 1987, Vigil Service. Funeral Mass was Friday, March 22, healings during his retirement years, Msgr. attended by some 40 bishops from throughout 2019 at St. Patrick’s with Most Reverend Bishop O’Neill went home to God on March 18, 2019. the United States, more than one hundred priests Steven Biegler, DD, STL, as Principal Celebrant Msgr. was born in Bantry, County Cork, Ireland and religious, and five thousand people from and the priests of the diocese as concelebrants. to James and Jane (O’Sullivan) O’Neill on August Wyoming. He also chaired the Diocesan Synod Interment followed at Highland Cemetery. 8, 1929, the ninth of thirteen children, the second — a three-year process for the assessment of Memorials in honor of Msgr. may be made in boy. Msgr. received his early education in the the pastoral needs of the Church in Wyoming. care of your local parish to St. Joseph Society for local schools and graduated from St. Fachnas He retired in 1998 due to ill health and took up Retired Priests; St. Anthony Tri-Parish School, High School, Skibbereen in June, 1948. residence at St. Patrick’s. Casper; Catholic Extension Society of America Following graduation, he entered St. John’s Msgr. often said that he has been truly blessed sponsor of the TV Mass. Reception followed Seminary in Waterford to study for Priesthood by the very, very many good, holy, and saintly Funeral Services at St. Patrick’s Gym. and was ordained a priest at the Waterford people whom he has met and whom he has been “Until we meet again, God bless you and thanks Cathedral on June 17, 1954. It was his lifelong privileged to serve... that he has received so to all.” -Msgr O’Neill desire to serve as a missionary priest in an area of much more than he has given... that he is deeply greatest need. He was accepted by the then bishop indebted Bishop Newell, Bishop Hart, Bishop

Master of Theology Awarded to Diocesan Deacon By: WCR Staff Congratulations to Deacon Steve Penwell, a student in the Graduate Theology Program at Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology, who was awarded a Master of Arts (Theology) on Saturday, May 11, 2019. Penwell is a Deacon for the Diocese of Cheyenne. He is a member of St. Msgr O’Neill on far right pictured with Fr. August Koeune (middle) and Deacon Russ Humphreys(left) Barbara’s Catholic Church in Powell.

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 17 Children play a fun game of tug-of-war

Thank you to the Knights of Columbus cook crew

Fr. Steve Titus says Mass at the 2018 gathering St. Anthony of Padua Parish Family Retreat/ Campout July 12-14 in Cody By Tom Caudle, St. Anthony Parish Saturday nights and checkout is Sunday morning, The parish family retreat at St. Anthony’s after Mass. in Cody was started several years ago to give The Knights of Columbus provide the food for families an opportunity to come together in a the Saturday and Sunday morning breakfast along family-friendly, faith-centered setting. This event with the meat for the Saturday evening meal. A potluck provides for the sides and desserts. Celebration in brings the parish family together and also brings Spiritual lessons are given throughout the families within the parish together. The goal has weekend in age appropriate groups. Mass is always been to bring the parish together as a unit. Cheyenne celebrated Saturday and Sunday and “field The family is every member of Christ’s Body of confession” is available the entire weekend. Field By Linda Wahl, St. Joseph Catholic Church Believers, from the youngest to the oldest, the confession is an open invitation to ask a priest to On April 28, 2019, the Divine Mercy married or unmarried. take a walk with you in the nearby fields to hear celebration took place at St. Joseph’s Parish This year’s retreat will be held July 12-14 at the your confession. Everyone gathers around the fire in Cheyenne. Deacon Tom Neiman led the Buffalo Bill State Park just 20 minutes from Cody in the evening for the Rosary and campfire songs. Eucharistic procession of the faithful, which along the route to Yellowstone National Park. Contact: Tom Caudle at tomcaudle68@yahoo. was followed by Adoration, and the singing of Camping is provided in the park both Friday and com See Divine Mercy, 19

Page 18 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 Top: Fr. Kevin Barrett reminiscent of his days as an EMT with the Fire Department at last year’s event Left: left to right: Henry Halvorsen, Maggie Halvorsen, Nora Halvorsen, and Charlie Halvorsen with their faces painted at the 2018 event Right: The Matachine Dancers from Gillette danced throughout the day in 2018 Come Celebrate St. Anthony of Padua! By: LaVonne Carlson, Finance & Office Administrator, Magician/Illusionist Lazarus Benson, 307 St. Anthony Dance Academy, and The Science Zone. The St. Anthony of Padua Catholic Church in Casper Fire and Police Departments will also Casper will be celebrating its Patron Saint’s be onsite giving tours of their vehicles. Top: Deacon Tom Niemann leads the procession with the Feast Day on Saturday, June 29, 2019 from We currently have raffle tickets for sale Blessed Sacrament 9:00 am to 3:00 pm. This is our 2nd annual at $5.00 per ticket with the proceeds being used to offer this free event. The Grand Prize Bottom: Participants process prior to the celebration and we have lots of activities is $1000.00 cash. Other raffle prizes are a planned. Next year’s celebration will be Divine Mercy from 18 king size handmade quilt, a hand-carved combined with our 100 Year Celebration in the Divine Mercy Chaplet, during the Hour of Mercy (3:00 birdhouse wall hanging, and an antler bowl August 2020. pm). Parish groups including the Adoration, St. Michael by Shawn Rivett Designs. The drawing will the Archangel, Passionist, Santa Maria Visitation, Holy We invite you to join us for free games, be at 2:00 P.M. on June 29th. You do not need Face, Carmelite, Divine Mercy groups, as well as the bounce houses, a bungee jump, face painters, to be present to win. If you are interested in Virgen de Guadalupe Rosario all participated. This is cake walk, and much more. We will be purchasing a ticket you may call the Shepherd a feast day Jesus ask us to “celebrate,” and celebrate we serving complimentary hamburgers, hot dogs, Staff office during business hours at 307-266- did…with food and entertaining music! Thank you to Mexican food and soft drinks until gone. 2667 and ask for LaVonne or Trina. Erlinda Varos for leading and singing the Chaplet during There will also be a Sno-Cone truck, raffles, So come one, come all. Gather up the kids the service, and Linda Urelly who was the pianist at the silent auction, craft booths and an adult beer and grandma too. Spend some time with us reception. Both women helped organize the event along garden, all available for purchase. at St. Anthony of Padua Church Feast Day with Linda Wahl. Entertainment is scheduled throughout Celebration located at 644 S. Center Street in Please join us next year! the day with Mexican Matachine Dancers, Casper, WY!

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 19 St. John Vianney Relic Venerated In Cheyenne

The 2020 Campaign to End the Death Penalty in Wyoming

By Deacon Mike Leman “Nor can I fail to mention the unnecessary The 2020 Campaign to End the Death recourse to the death penalty when other Penalty in Wyoming kicked off on April 30, bloodless means are sufficient to defend human 2019. Nearly 30 people braved the snow and lives against an aggressor and to protect public cold, gathering in front of the Wyoming order and the safety of persons.” “In this regard, Supreme Court for the launch. the Synod Fathers, echoing recent documents of Below are statements from both Pope the Church’s , forcefully restated Benedict XVI and Pope St. John Paul II, their unconditional respect for and total calling for the repeal of death penalty laws. dedication to human life from the moment of Pope Benedict XVI conception to that of natural death.” Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Africae Papal Mass, St. Louis, Missouri, January 27, Munus- November 2011- 1999- “Together with the Synod members, I draw “The new evangelization calls for followers of the attention of society’s leaders to the need Christ who are unconditionally pro-life: who to make every effort to eliminate the death will proclaim, celebrate and serve the Gospel penalty.” of life in every situation. A sign of hope is Address to the Community of Sant’Egidio, the increasing recognition that the dignity of November 30, 2011- human life must never be taken away, even in “I express my hope that your deliberations the case of someone who has done great evil. will encourage the political and legislative Modern society has the means of protecting initiatives being promoted in a growing number itself, without definitively denying criminals Top: Bishop Steven, Rep. Jared Olsen (last year’s of countries to eliminate the death penalty.” the chance to reform (cf. Evangelium Vitae, sponsor of the repeal bill), Legislative Liaison Pope Saint John Paul II 27). I renew the appeal I made most recently Deacon Mike Leman and other campaign Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation at Christmas for a consensus to end the death supporters gathered for a snowy picture. Above: Father Christopher Xanthos (Holy Apostles Ecclesia in America- January 1999- penalty, which is both cruel and unnecessary.” Orthodox Church) addresses the crowd.

Page 20 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 St. John Vianney Relic Venerated In Cheyenne By Theresa J. Meuer, St. Matthew Youth Director, Gillette I have a great relationship with the Trinity. I believe fully in Transubstantiation and the of the Eucharist. I know truth of Divine Presence as well as evil. I believe in heaven & hell. Yet I am a skeptic, totally unqualified to write this article. And that is what makes me the perfect representative to share my experience with the Incorruptible Heart of St. John Vianney that recently graced the Cathedral of St. Mary in Cheyenne. I wanted to make the journey to see the relic because I struggle to grasp fully. Oh, yes, I know He brought me back from suffering and saved my life (miracle!) But a weeping statue or the Eucharist turning to actual flesh? Here, I admit, I have struggled to believe in these. I am Doubting Thomas. I need to put my fingers in the wounds. Perhaps it is because I belong to the millennial generation where there is so much noise and you must be wary of information. Perhaps it is simply human. So, for the other “Thomases” out there, I approached the heart of St. John Vianney with an open mind and heart. As I approached the relic, I had a strong sense of warmth. My heart began to beat much stronger and faster, almost as if it was beating outside my chest. My husband shared he felt as if his heart slowed and calmed. Other members of our

Rev. Thomas Cronkleton is presented with a plaque for 25 years of Service as the Faithful Friar. Presenting the award is Top: The Knights of Columbus stand guard over the relic Past Faithful Navigator (PFN) Jerry Plumbley. Photo by John Bottom: The incorrupt heart of St. John Vianney Photos by Theresa J. Meuer Lee PFN group enjoyed the relic, but felt nothing God would bless me with such a heart. Fr. Tom Cronkleton special. I think each of us received what “…My God, if my tongue cannot say in we needed. every moment that I love You, I want my Receives Knights Award St. John Vianney had an incredible heart to repeat it to You as often as I draw By: Eugene Jonart PFN, Knights of Columbus Fourth Degree heart and compassion for sinners, often breath.” -Prayer of St. John Vianney Assembly, #1223 Bishop P.A. McGovern hearing confessions for 11-18 hours. The relic of St. John Vianney’s incorrupt At a recent meeting of Fourth Degree Assembly #1223 St. John Paul II once said the saint was heart began its US pilgrimage in November Bishop P.A. McGovern, Reverend Thomas Cronkleton Jr, a “a sign of courage for those who today 2018 and has been entrusted to the Knights Pastor of Holy Trinity Church in Cheyenne, was presented experience the grace of being called to of Columbus. Veneration was at St. Mary’s with a plaque to honor his 25 Years as their Faithful Friar. In the priesthood.” As I sat gazing upon the Cathedral in Cheyenne on May 11, and the presenting, Faithful Admiral Jerry Plumbley noted that this heart of a sinner that became a saint and heart remained exposed during the 4pm length of service is extremely rare. the tabernacle overlooking it, I prayed Mass.

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 21 Living Stations in Cody Photos by Jody Moser By Deacon Rick Moser, St. Anthony of fueron elaborados en Mexico. Las were held at St. Anthony of Padua sent to our parish. The attendees Padua personas estuvieron en procesión Parish in Cody on Good Friday proceeded from station to station on de estación en estación con rezos y afternoon, April 19. This inaugural El viernes Santo, Los Jóvenes de the grounds of St. Anthony’s. This cantos, participaron 27 jóvenes y los event was presented by the Hispanic La Iglesia de San Antonio de Padua. Hispanic Tradition was wonderfully comentarios de las personas fueron Ministry of St. Anthony’s in presented and much appreciated Interpretaron las 14 estaciones de la excelentes y estuvieron agradecidos conjunction with the youth of the cruz con la ayuda de el ministerio por ver compartido esta tradición parish, the music ministry and the by not only the parishioners of St. hispano, Los Knights, el coro de la hispana. Knights of Columbus. The costumes Anthony’s and its Missions but by Iglesia y voluntaries. Los vestuarios The Living Stations of the Cross used were made in Mexico and many of the local citizens. Saint Patrick’s Youth Group Dedicates Stations of The Cross to Monsignor O’Neill

By Dennis Fakelman, St. Patrick’s High School Youth out and approve which version would be read the students who participate. One of the group’s Minister each year. It was always a special day for him. He seniors, Morgan Jaquez noted, “I have done this The high school youth group at Saint Patrick’s would write a special prayer for the kids and come all four years and each year is more powerful than in Casper has been performing “Living Stations in just before we started and pray with them. He the last. You really get to experience Jesus’ Passion of the Cross” for the parish on Good Fridays for loved the kids dearly and they loved him right in a whole new way. The amount of suffering He over ten years now. This year’s edition was a little back.” Karin added, “When we were practicing, endured for all of us points to just how much He more special, as they dedicated the stations to some of the kids were saying, ‘What are we going loves us.” This year we had some former students Monsignor O’Neill, who passed away in March. to do without Monsignor this year?’ That’s when talk to us about how this experience stayed with Youth ministers Karin and Dennis Fakelman they decided to dedicate the stations to him.” them and strengthened their faith as they went to share that, “Monsignor would always help pick Being a part of the Stations has always been college. It was very inspiring, but we still missed a very rewarding and spiritual experience for Monsignor.

Page 22 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER June 2019 Chrism Mass from 1 the Anointing the Sick. The Oil of Chrism is different in that it is scented with balsam. It is also used in baptisms, but where the Oil of Catechumens is used to anoint the chest of the infant, the Oil of Chrism is used in the anointing the crown of the head of the child. The Oil of Chrism is also used in Confirmation and Holy Orders. When a priest is ordained, the ordaining bishop will spread Oil of Chrism over the hands of the new priest. When a church, altar, altar stone, chalice, or paten is consecrated, Oil of Chrism is used there as well. This Mass is traditionally celebrated on the morning of Holy Thursday, in remembrance of the anniversary of Jesus instituting the priesthood at the Last Supper. Due to the long distances our priests must travel to return to their parishes, it is impractical to expect them to attend Mass in the morning, then drive back to their parish in time for Mass on Holy Thursday night. For this reason, the Chrism Mass takes place early in our diocese. During the Mass, Bishop Steven called upon the priests to renew the sacred promises they made at their ordination. The oils were carried to the front of the church, where Bishop Steven consecrated the oils by breathing on them. The oils were then poured Windy Work at St. Anne’s in Big Piney into vessels to be taken back to the parishes for use during the year. By Kim Linn, Secretary, Our Lady of Peace Pinedale Everyone in the diocese is welcome and encouraged Despite the strong winds, St Anne’s Confirmation class earned their community hours by to attend the Chrism Mass. Look for information cleaning the highway. Jafet Martinez, Thomas Barron, Jorge Garcia, Kim Linn, Audree Sevenski, next Lent on where and when the Chrism Mass will and Maritza Galvan are committed to their Church and serving their community. be held.

June 2019 WYOMING CATHOLIC REGISTER Page 23 Goodbye and Welcome WCR Staff Matthew Potter has taken a new position as the Director of Stewardship in the Diocese of Evansville, Indiana as of Easter. Matt served as Diocese of Cheyenne Director of Development & Stewardship, as well as the Executive Director of the Wyoming Catholic Ministries Foundation for the last nine years. Matt leaves behind a legacy of growth and development for both the Foundation and Development departments, as well as a plethora of photographs documenting years of diocesan history. You may have seen Matt at many a diocesan event toting a camera or two. Joseph Wotawa has been hired as the new Director of Pastoral Formation for the Diocese of Cheyenne. Originally from St. Louis, MO, Joe completed his undergraduate studies at St. Louis University, majoring in Philosophy and English. He completed his Master of Divinity in May of 2019. Joe has experience as a teacher, campus minister and coach in a Catholic High school and as a catechist in parishes. In addition, he Matt Potter Joe Wotawa was in formation with the Society of Jesus (i.e., Jesuits) for eleven years. Joe is excited to join Good News. In his spare time, Joe enjoys reading, here near the end of June 2019. the Diocese of Cheyenne to support the faithful creative writing, running, and protecting the net Please pray for Matt and wife Sherry, as well as for his soccer team. He will begin his ministry Joe during their time of transition. in our romeshared ad.pdf vocation 1 5/16/19 of proclaiming2:06 PM the

Join Bishop Steven Biegler & Fr. Carl Gallinger on this wonderful spiritual journey to Florence, Assisi, Orvieto, and Rome with lots to see and taste!

*Daily Mass in some of the most beautiful and important basilicas in

*Attend a papal audience with C Pope Francis M Pilgrimage Trip to Italy Y *Visit sites and monuments CM Italy is famous for MY Bishop withSteven Biegler

CY & Fr. Carl Gallinger *Enjoy good Italian food and wine! CMY K February 6-16, 2020 Total package $3,600* Deadline to register: August 16, 2019 REGISTER TODAY! Visit www.dioceseofcheyenne.org/italy.html

for more information contact Dorene McIntyre [email protected]

*price based on minimum 30 participants