Four Kingdoms

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Four Kingdoms

Long ago man made its exodus to the north of the world, shunned by the other peoples for its wars and battles against itself and them. All that is remembered of the others is that they were cowards, and heeded not the call of aid from the gods. When men arrived in the north they found the gods beset by nameless horrors - manifestations of Dark that killed the light wherever they touched. The men rallied behind their father, the god of and War, striving to push back the Dark to the Abyss from whence it came. But they were betrayed - the other gods fled and expended most of their power to erect great mountains - now called the Mountains of Treachery - and fierce storms above them to trap both men and the Dark within. The Father, seeing his children beset and betrayed, bequeathed to his children almost all of his power. To each of the four kingdoms he gave a different aspect - His Fire, his Cunning, his Prowess and his Artifice - before spending the last of himself to drive the Dark back to the Precipice - for a time. His children mourned their father and moved his shattered body to a tomb they had erected for him, easily the grandest building ever constructed amongst the lands of men.

The Mother of man - Goddess of Wisdom and Compassion - looked back and felt great guilt and sorrow for her fallen love and children. She could not bring herself to leave his side. Using her power she manifested in the tomb and remains there to this day, watching over what little remains of her love, as well as her valiant children who gave so much and were in turn betrayed.

But the land was not untainted by the Dark. Horrors abound in deep places and the dead rise to beset the living. Many creatures were changed in terrible ways and even men were not immune. For more than a thousand years the valor of men and the sacrifice of their father has held them at bay - but his power is fading. Every day the attacks grow stronger and every night seems longer than the last. There are rumours of horrors escaping from the Precipice in the north - things that are only spoken of in the ancient legends.

The light of the Father is fading. Dark is beginning to spread once again. Look not to the gods for assistance, for they are dead or traitors. The world needs warriors. Good and Evil - such concepts are meaningless before the Dark. What will you do to save the light? How far will you go?

Welcome to the Four Kingdoms.

Four Kingdoms is a Role-Playing Game set in a grim fantasy world where men struggle against the oncoming dark and the light fades more every day. This is not the time of great heroes and villains - but rather of desperate gambles and last-ditch efforts.

The characters in Four Kingdoms come from a world which is fading more with each passing day. Some become grim and taciturn, others jovial and carefree. Regardless, a sense of fatalism pervades the lands and there is very little to be hopeful for.

Magic exists and is a relatively commonplace occurrence, but its use is heavily prescribed and very limited in scope. Indeed, magic of kinds not gifted by the Father is an executable offence in all the lands. Players can expect to be thrust into hopeless situations, with only their prowess and wits to save them. They must learn to provide for themselves in a world where even the gods are treacherous, and sometimes that a knife in the back is the lesser of two evils.

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Test System

In Four Kingdoms, Tests determine the outcome of a character’s attempt at a task, and for all Tests, four six- sided dice (4d6) are rolled together. A die result equal to or above the Required Result is a Success and the Test is passed if the number of Required Successes are met. The type of Test determines the Required Result and Required Successes. Sometimes, Tests can be rerolled, any roll may only be rerolled once.

Standard Tests have Required Result and Required Successes as set by the final Bonus for the Test on the Standard Table. Secondary Attributes together with other Forces determine a final Bonus. The Standard Table also sets Movement speed, for which the Speed Attribute is the deciding factor.

Standard Table

Secondary Required Required Bonus Move (m) Run (m) Attribute Successes Result 1-3 -3 4 3+ 2 8

4-6 -2 3 4+ 3 12

7-9 -1 2 5+ 4 16

10-19 0 4 2+ 5 20

20-29 1 3 3+ 6 24

30-39 2 2 4+ 7 28

40-49 3 1 5+ 8 32

50-59 4 3 2+ 9 36

60-69 5 1 4+ 10 40

70 6 1 2+ 11 44

Primary Attribute Tests are different from Standard Tests in that the Required Result is 4+ and the number of Successes is added to the Primary Attribute which is compared against the Required Successes of the task, usually called Thresholds for Primary Attribute Tests.

Opposed Tests are similar to a Primary Attribute Test, except two characters are competing to have the highest total. The character with the highest result wins, draws being a win for the defender.


Attributes are the fundamental aspects of a character’s natural ability. Primary Attributes represent more fundamental aspects of a character. They are called upon in a more general case to do things such as lift heavy objects or climb a high wall. Your Primary Attributes are calculated from your Secondary Attributes. To determine your Primary Attribute, add half of the higher associated Secondary Attribute to the full value of the lower secondary Attribute and divide the result by 10, rounding down.

Secondary Attributes represent specific aspects of the Primary Attribute they are linked to. They directly contribute to things like damage and defense chances. Secondary Attributes can be increased by spending experience. Characters begin with 10 in each Secondary Attribute and your GM will set your starting experience. Statistic Range: Experience Cost 11-20: 2 21-30: 3 31-40: 5 41-50: 6 51-60: 8 61-70: 10

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A character’s Strength is a measure of their physical power. Jumping, lifting, pulling, pushing and things of that sort are all based on Strength. Your Attack Power is equal to your Strength.

Strike: A character’s Strike is their ability to attack using a weapon to inflict harm. Weapons that benefit from having a high Strike Attribute are usually large and possibly heavy. Multiply your Strike Attribute by the strike value of the weapon to determine weapon damage. If you are wielding a weapon in both hands, multiply your Strike value by 150% before calculating damage. To be wielded in two hands, a weapon must weigh at least 4.5 units.

Heft: A character’s Heft is their ability to bear heavy burdens without sacrificing their mobility. Heavier armour and weapons require a higher heft value to wear and wield. Your currently carried weight proportional to your Heft, in units, determines encumbrance and Speed penalty. Below or equal to half Heft, your Speed is unmodified. Above half heft to your Heft, your Speed is reduced by 1/3rd, and above your Heft, by 2/3rds. You cannot carry more than 1.5 times your Heft. Weapons and Armour have Heft requirements in order to use them. Armour requires twice your Heft to wear, and weapons can be wielded in one hand if their weight times 4 is equal or lower than your Heft, and in two hands for weight times 3.


A character’s Agility is their fine and gross motor skills, their flexibility and their quickness. Acrobatics, contortionism, sleight of hand and the like are based on Agility. Your Dodge Power is equal to your Agility.

Dexterity: A character’s Dexterity is their ability to place attacks in areas that will do the most damage. Weapons that benefit from having a high Dexterity are usually light and accurate. Weapons with the 'Advanced' Attribute allow you to add your Dexterity to your damage in the same manner as using Strike. Wielding a weapon in both hands does not multiply your Dexterity value by 150%.

Speed: A character’s Speed is their ability to run quickly and dodge deftly. Characters with high Speed benefit greatly from not being weighed down. Your Speed Attribute determines your Move and Run as per the Movement Table, as well as Dodge Bonus. Running imposes a -2 penalty to attack for that turn.


A character’s Vitality is their innate life force, their will to survive, their sheer stubbornness in the face of death. Resisting poison, inebriation and staying alive while Mortally Wounded are all based on Vitality. Your Endurance is equal to your Vitality.

Constitution: A character’s Constitution is their ability to withstand sheer lethal damage. Characters with high Constitution will be able to weather blows that would kill lesser men. Multiply your Constitution value by 2 to determine your Health.

Toughness: A character’s Toughness is their ability to absorb attacks in the least damaging way possible. Characters with high Toughness can deflect even flurries of attacks and can sometimes ignore damage completely. Brace Tests and Death Tests are based on Toughness.


A character’s Intelligence is their reasoning ability, their education and their mental fortitude. Many spell characteristics are based on Intelligence. Perception is equal to your Intelligence.

Willpower: A character’s Willpower is their ability to maintain focus, to keep calm under stress and to maintain their inner . Willpower is your defense against Fear and Terror. Abilities with the Force Attribute allow you to add your Willpower to your damage in the same manner as using Advanced.

Knowledge: A character’s Knowledge is their book learning, their level of scholarly training and accomplishment. More advanced magical abilities require higher levels of Knowledge to learn.

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The Four Kingdoms


Those of the Varnheim are a large and hardy people. Their land is the north most of all the Four Kingdoms, icy and cold. The sun rises and sets over many months, casting a permanent twilight on the realm. One would expect these conditions to breed a dour people, but instead the Varnheim are jovial and wrathful in equal measure. They believe that the father will choose the greatest warriors and smiths upon death to join him in the eternal fight against the Dark. Indeed, every year the preserved bodies of their greatest warriors are brought to the Tomb of the Father to be interned beside him for all eternity.

The Runesmiths of Varnheim received the Artifice of the Father when he passed into the Eternal Battle, and their craftsmanship is known to be the finest amongst all the kingdoms.

The primary threat in the north are the Wendigoes, a horrific twisting of what makes a man. Their inner flame, that which all men share, has been corrupted and turned to ice. They live in the caves and crevasses of the glacial wastelands, attacking quickly and mercilessly to capture as many live prey as possible - it is said that those they capture are turned into Wendigoes themselves.

The Frost Giants also threaten the Varnheim holds. With the torso of a man and the lower body of a great elk, the Frost Giants stand at four metres tall. Their constant raids for slaves and resources cause great harm to all those who live in the north.

Characters from Varnheim begin with a +10% Strike bonus to all melee weapons and a +1 bonus to Brace. They treat all melee weapons without Advanced as having Advanced 20%, or may reduce the Advanced Attribute of any weapon by 20% to increase its Strike Attribute by 20%.


Landurnites live in a verdant country, its farms bountiful and its forests rich with game. Such luxury is not without price. Every night the dead rise from their graves to prey on the living while monstrosities creep forth from the woods to devour any foolish enough to stray from safety.

This has led to the militarization of their entire nation, with even the smallest towns ringed by fortified walls and battlements. Every citizen has their own weapons and armour should they be called to battle in the night. Around the entire nation they have built a great stone wall - not to protect themselves from outsiders, but to prevent the curse of undeath from spreading any further.

The first sons of all the nobility are trained from adolescence to be Knights, who exemplify resolve and relentlessness above all. Their duty is to tirelessly roam the countryside putting down any hotbeds of undead activity and taking the fight to any abyssal necromancers that they come across. They travel alone or in pairs, only ever banding together under the direst of circumstances. It is said that no Knight has ever smiled after his knighting - with good reason. The process of being knighted is lengthy and painful, as it involves the Pyromancers Clergy forcibly removing the Squire’s inner flame and separating it from his body. The flame is then kept safe inside the Church of the Flame, where it can be kept alive even when the Knight has taken mortal wounds.

The Pyromancers are men and women with fury so potent that it manifests as flame. Their power usually manifests during childhood, between five and ten - though it is not unknown for others to become so overtaken with rage that they begin to smolder at later ages. Half scientists, half priests, these Pyromancers maintain the various churches and forges throughout Landur and are responsible for the invention of firearms.

Characters from Landur begin with a +2 bonus to their armour’s Vitality multiplier (even when they have no armour on) and +10 health. They also gain +1 Attack power and +1 Endurance.

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The Athesta is a land of low fields spotted with tall mountains. The fields of wheat sway in gentle breezes and the livestock graze peacefully. Not far away, however, a battle rages - one that has been fought for uncounted thousands of years. Were it not for the ceaseless valor and discipline of the Athestans the land would be a corrupted hellscape, for near the edge of the mountains that rings the four kingdoms there is a crack in the world - a rift from which the Outsiders pour forth in vast numbers. They come in infinite varieties - some smaller than a dog, others larger than a house. The Athestans have held them back for thousands of years as they were charged to do, and they have met their duty with great honour - for theirs is the land of heroes, where valor in battle grants literal immortality as one of the Pantheon - tall statues in the likeness of the hero in which their spirit resides and bequeaths advice to those in desperate need.

Those warriors who must fight great monstrosities often learn to channel the Prowess of the Father to gain an even footing to fight them on. These warriors are looked upon with a measure of pity, for they cannot prove their worth and valor unaided, but also a measure of respect, for they do the work that others will not.

Characters from Athesta gain +10% Advanced bonus to all melee weapons and a +2 bonus to their armour’s Agility multiplier. They do not take a -1 attack penalty while in Cautious stance.


The natives of Shamir dwell amongst the Sands of Eternity - a great desert that seems to go on forever in all directions. The reality is far more sinister. A strange enchantment is on the land - one that skews reality so as to fool those who dare enter into thinking that one direction is another. The only way to navigate through the nightmare is to consult the Living Atlas of Shasulimar - for a price. To have the Cartographers chart a course through the sands requires that you divulge to them a secret - something that no-one else knows. It is impossible to fool the Atlas - it will only respond to what is truly secret.

The Shamirans have learned to harness the strange magic of the wastes with the Cunning that their Father bequeathed to them and with it craft powerful illusions. Amongst the Shamir, being fooled by an illusion is considered naivety on the part of the fooled, and nothing is as it seems.

The people of Shamir have been vigilant for generations, for the shifting sands of their homeland are not only deceptive - they are actively hostile. From the desert esoteric temples are born, though no human hand has touched them. Inside these temples are strange constructions, each an anathema to and mockery of true life. Given enough time, these structures - whether by accident or some cruel design - will cause rifts to appear - rifts to the Abyss. Only the cunning and wisdom of the Shamirans is sufficient to hunt down and destroy these places, but in the oncoming darkness these twilight temples are appearing just as quickly as they are being destroyed.

Characters from Shamir gain a +1 bonus to Dodge and pass their Initiative rolls on a 3+. Their movement speed is not reduced by being over half their Heft value in weight. If they are not over this Threshold then their movement is increased by 2 steps.

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Character Traits

When you create a character, he isn’t just a collection of numbers - he’s a person with goals, fears, ambitions and everything else that makes us human. To reflect this in game, each character has 3 each of Strengths, Quirks and Weaknesses that can be employed in the game to gain benefits, make the game more interesting and create hardship. Each of these Attributes may be invoked in a different way by different people in the game.

Strengths may be invoked by the player to gain some kind of advantage. The more specific the advantage that applies, the greater benefit it grants. Say, for example, that Sigmund is attempting to barter with a merchant for better prices on some ammunition. If he had the strength Smooth Talker or Charismatic the merchant would give more favourable prices, but the strength Drives a Hard Bargain would offer a better discount. Strengths may never cause the character to be put at a disadvantage. Quirks are little idiosyncrasies that may be invoked by anyone in the game to either advantage, disadvantage or just make things more interesting for the character. Returning to Sigmund, one of his quirks is Sharpens his Sword Early Every Morning. One morning Sigmund and his comrades are ambushed by bandits and told to surrender all their possessions. When they draw their weapons to defend themselves, however, they find that they have all been blunted or broken in the night! Sigmund’s player on the other hand remembers that Sigmund Sharpens his Sword Early Every Morning - smugly informing all others at the table that his sword is in perfect fighting condition, to which everyone agrees. Weaknesses are character flaws that hamper the character in some way and may only be invoked by the GM. Once again we follow Sigmund. One of his weaknesses is Afraid of Horses - a strange fear, perhaps something in his childhood. Sigmund and his associates are on the run from the keep of a corrupted baron and have come across what is potentially an enormous boon - a fully stocked stable, perfect for making a quick getaway. As they begin to saddle up the horses the GM invokes Sigmund’s weakness. Sigmund is absolutely terrified of the creatures and won’t go near them. You must also choose your character’s Disposition. A character can be Level, Cautious or Reckless. These only affect the way they behave when their Desperation increases, but should also reflect the way the character acts out of combat. Desperation

As the Desperation builds, at certain thresholds a character’s natural Disposition begins to define how they handle the mounting pressure. Certain stances become unavailable, but the adrenaline gives them extra strength, the focus allows for an increased combat ability, or other benefits. Beware testing a character’s mental discipline, because everyone has their limits. Desperation resets at the end of a significant rest. If your health recovers by any other means during combat you remain at your current Desperation unless you recover to full health, in which case your Desperation lowers by one step. This can only occur once per significant rest. If you have a Mortal Wound, your Desperation level is increased by one until your Mortal Wound is healed. If you have more than one Mortal Wound, your Desperation level is not further increased.

Worried Panicked Desperate Despair Under 50% Health Under 10 Heath Under 10 Heath Mortally Wounded

+1 to hit, Multiply damage by +1 to hit, +1 to Opposed Tests, -3 to all tests 110%. +2 to hit, +1 to Opposed Tests Multiply Multiply damage by 120%. May only enter Reckless May only enter Standard, damage by 130%. May only enter Reckless and All-out Despair Reckless, Mobile and All-out May only enter All-out Attack Stance Attack Stance Stance Attack Stance

+1 to Fear and Terror Tests, +1 m +2 to Fear and Terror Tests, +2 m to Move, Reroll 1 failed Attack or +3 to Fear and Terror Tests, +3 m to to Move, Reroll 1 failed Attack or -3 to all tests Defense Test per turn. This reroll Move, Reroll 1 failed Attack or Defense Defense Test per turn. This reroll is May only enter Level is taken at a maximum of +0. Test per turn. This reroll is taken at a taken at a maximum of +1. Despair May only enter Standard, maximum of +2. May only enter Standard, Mobile Stance Reckless, Mobile and Cautious May only enter Standard Stance Stance Stance

+1 Endurance, Dodge Power, +1 +2 Endurance, Dodge Power, +2 to to Defensive Tests, reduce all +3 Endurance, Dodge Power, +3 to -3 to all tests Defensive Tests, reduce all damage damage taken by 4 Defensive Tests, reduce all damage taken May only enter Cautious taken by 8 May only enter Standard, by 12 Despair May only enter Cautious and Total Cautious, Mobile and Total May only enter Total Defense stance Stance Defense stance Defense Stance

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Combat begins when one party takes an unambiguously hostile action against another. In Four Kingdoms combat uses structured time and a turn system. The first step in a combat is to determine Initiative, then select a Stance, then take Movement and/or Offensive Action(s) in any order, but these actions can’t be split. Movement actions are taken either at the Run or Move speeds. If a character Runs, then they are at -2 for defensive and offensive actions until the start of their next turn. A round ends when the last character in the Initiative Order finishes their turn. Initiative

Each character rolls an Agility Test. The initiative order is the highest roll to the lowest. Rolls of six count as 2 Successes, while rolls of 1 subtract from the total. If multiple characters have the same result then the character with the higher Speed wins. If there are multiple characters with the same Speed then each player adds their 4 dice together and the player with the highest total goes first.


There are several stances to choose from, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. You must declare what stance your character adopts at the start of your turn. If you have not yet had your turn, your character is in Standard stance. You must declare whether you are holding your weapon in 1 or 2 hands when you declare your stance. Your character remains holding their weapon this way until next turn. If a character is barred from entering any stance, they enter Despair stance, causing them to take a -3 penalty to all actions.

Standard: While in the standard stance the player may take 2 defensive actions. Cautious: While in the cautious stance players may take 3 defensive actions (including 1 on your turn) but you take a -1 penalty to all of your Offensive actions. Total Defense: While in the total defense stance players may take 4 defensive actions (including 2 on your turn) and are Critical Hits (Critical Hits count only as normal hits) but no Offensive Actions can be taken. Reckless: While in the Reckless stance players gain +1 to offensive actions, get +1 Attack Power and 1 additional opportunity attack, but may only take 1 defensive action. All-Out Attack: While in the All-Out Attack stance players gain +2 to offensive actions, gain +2 Attack Power and 2 additional opportunity attacks, but may not take any defensive actions except for Counter. Mobile: While in the Mobile stance players increase their movement by 2 and run by 8, but you may only take up to 2 Dodge Defensive Actions and have a -1 penalty to offensive actions.

Offensive Actions

Offensive Actions allow players to make attacks. A basic Offensive Action is a single attack rolled at +0. In order to attack, you require sufficient Attack Power, which is restored at the start of your turn. Light weapons cost 1 Attack Power per attack, Medium weapons cost 2 Attack Power per attack, Large weapons cost 3 Attack Power per attack. Ranged weapons can make attacks in melee at a -1 penalty and they can be parried if this is the case. If an attack’s Bonus is lower than -3 then it automatically misses. If it is greater than +6 then it automatically hits.

If a character is in All-Out Attack stance, they may charge an opponent. This costs a Movement and an Offensive Action. Charge range is half run range and your attacks deal 50% extra damage that turn. You must move at least 4 metres directly toward the target to charge, and then have your full Offensive Action as normal.

Attacking an opponent from the side imposes a -2 penalty to their Defensive Actions, while attacking an opponent who is to your side imposes a -2 penalty to your attacks. Attacking a target from behind disallows Defensive Actions against your attacks. You cannot attack an opponent who is behind you.

You may elect to Overwatch as your Offensive Action. If a target enters your front arc and is within your reach before your next turn, you may make a basic attack.

Critical Hits: If you hit the target and two or more dice show a six then the attack is a Critical Hit and your attack does +50% damage.

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Defensive Actions

Defensive Actions allow players to attempt to avoid attacks and may be taken only outside of your turn as a reaction to enemy attacks. They are declared when an enemy attack has hit, providing the character hit is aware of the attacker and has at least one Defensive Action left.

Brace: Brace Defensive Actions are Toughness Tests, which if successful reduce Pierce by 50%, then reduce damage taken before armour by 50%. Only attacks from the front can be braced, and if they are wielding a shield, they add their shield bonus to the Test and add the Hardened Value of the shield to their armour’s Hardened Value. If the opponent is wielding their weapon in two hands then it costs +1 Endurance to Brace. Heavier weapons are harder to Brace against. Light weapons cost 1 Endurance to Brace. Medium weapons cost 2 Endurance to Brace. Large weapons cost 3 Endurance to Brace.

Dodge: Dodging allows you to avoid an attack entirely if successful. To Dodge an attack, you must spend 1 Dodge Power and pass a Speed test. Dodging multiple attacks is a challenging feat. Each dodge attempt beyond the first in one round costs 1 more Dodge Power than the previous and gains a cumulative -1 penalty. You may only dodge an attack with Blast if you are your Agility score or less in metres away from safety. If successful, you are shifted to the closest area that was not hit by the blast and knocked prone.

Parry: As a defensive action, take a Dexterity Test at a penalty equal to the attack’s bonus. If you succeed, then the attack is parried and has no effect - additionally the attacker may not make any more attacks against you with the parried weapon until their next turn. Parry may only be attempted in the Cautious, Standard and Reckless stances. Bows and Crossbows may be parried only with a shield, applying the shield's bonus to the Parry test. A Parry costs 1 Attack Power.

Counter: Counters must be declared before the attack is rolled. The attack hits or misses as normal and you provide no defensive response but get to immediately attack the target (if they are within your reach) with a basic attack - if you survive. Uniquely, Counter can be used in All-out Attack stance. You may make a maximum of 1 Counter attack in a round.

Other Combat Actions

If you are engaged with an opponent they must spend an Offensive action to become disengaged - if they are engaged and move out of a square an opponent has reach to, you immediately get an Opportunity Attack against them. Opportunity Attacks require Attack Power as normal, and are considered basic attacks. You are only allowed to make 1 attack of this kind per turn. You are considered to be engaged if you are within their reach (but not necessarily vice versa). You cannot move through an opponent unless they are at least 1 size smaller than you. Dropping an item is a free action, picking one up is a movement or Offensive Action. Once per round when an opponent moves within your reach, you may turn yourself to face them as a free action.

Falling prone is a free action, standing up is a Movement or Offensive Action. Melee attacks against prone characters automatically critically hit (If they hit). Ranged attacks are -2 to hit prone characters. You cannot fire a bow while prone. Defensive tests are -2 while prone. Enemies are not considered to be engaged in combat with you when you are prone. Drawing or sheathing a weapon is a movement or attack action. You may draw or sheath up to 2 weapons or shields as a single action. Picking up or drawing a weapon or item provokes an opportunity attack.


Characters can jump straight up 10cm times their Strength score. Their forward leap is their Strength score plus their Agility score multiplied by 0.2m. Double this with a running start. If your weight carried is over half your heft, reduce these values by 25%. If it is over your heft, reduce them by 50%. To jump even further, characters can choose to take a Strength test with a Threshold set by the GM. Characters take 10 damage per metre fallen after the first 2 metres. This damage is not reduced by armour.

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Life and Death

Health recovery is aided by the Inner Flame, and most people suffer violent deaths, recovering without complication from most wounds with time. With each significant break between combats, characters return to full health. However, significant injuries must be tended to, or a character gambles with their life. A character can take no actions if their health is 0 or lower, they are considered incapacitated or unconscious.

If a character is reduced at any point to less than their negative Constitution, they are dead. When a character is reduced to between 0 and negative their Constitution Attribute, they gain a Mortal Wound and increase their Desperation by 1. Mortally Wounded characters below 0 health will bleed out and die after a number of consecutive rounds equal to their Vitality. A character can move adjacent to a Mortally Wounded character and may elect to take no actions on their turn to prevent the death of the Mortally Wounded character.

Mortal wounds are not easily shaken off. If a character with a Mortal Wound suffers another Mortal Wound, they could immediately die. They must pass a Toughness test, if they fail they die. Each Mortal Wound, not including the one which causes the Toughness test, imposes a -1 penalty to this Test. To remove Mortal Wounds, a character must administer or have someone else administer Medical Supplies. This takes an hour and cannot be done in combat. Each Medical Supplies used removes 1 Mortal Wound.


Characters that die while Embered become Extinguished and cannot restore their Health or Fury by any means. An Extinguished character that dies is permanently killed. A character can consume an when Extinguished to become Embered. While Embered a character can consume an Ember to permanently gain 10 experience and additionally increase their maximum Health by 5 until they die. This can be done multiple times, each time gaining the effects and adding +1 to their Embered status. If an Embered character is Mortally Wounded they can consume an Ember to heal the Mortal Wound and gain 10 experience permanently, though they do not gain the +5 maximum Health. can be formed from combining Sparks. It takes 30 Sparks to create an Ember. This process occurs automatically and a physical Ember coalesces. This Hard Ember can be traded or looted or consumed. If a character has Embered +100 they combine to form a Flame - the equivalent of a living, breathing human’s inner Flame. If a character possesses a Flame, all their Secondary Attributes are doubled.


For characters wishing to be stealthy, the roll to perceive those trying to sneak is opposed Agility vs. Perception. Different circumstances can add a Threshold to this - e.g. if the character is trying to hide in the middle of a courtyard in plain sight in the daytime, the GM may ask for a minimum of 9. If you are over your heft, your Required Result is 6+. If you are over ½ your heft, your Required Result is 5+. If an attack is made on a character who is unaware of the attacker, they count as surprised and the attack has


A normal sized target is 2 metres across, large is 4 metres, huge is 6 metres. For each size category above normal, weapons up to 1.5u more than the previous category gain the light bonus, and weapons up to 3u more do not get the large penalty. This is reversed for size categories lower than normal. Tiny opponents are -2 to hit, +2 evasion, -2 Strength, -2 Vitality. Small opponents are -1 to hit, +1 evasion, -1 Strength, -1 Vitality. Large opponents are +1 to hit, -1 evasion, +1 Strength, +1 Vitality, +2 move. Huge opponents are +2 to hit, -2 evasion, +2 Strength, +2 Vitality, +4 move.

Light Levels

Fighting in darkness causes melee attacks to hit with a -3 penalty and it is impossible to critically hit. Ranged attacks automatically fail (unless the GM rules that you cannot miss). While in darkness your front counts as your sides and your sides count as your back. Torches or lanterns cast light out to a ten metre radius. If they have at least 1 point of Fury, Pyromancers can create light as a torch. Most pyromancy powers produce light out to 20 metres from their area of effect.

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Attack Types and Techniques

Attack Types are the fundamental ways in which a weapon can be used to inflict damage to a target. All weapons will have at least one attack type and some will have two or more. Basic attacks (such as attacks of opportunity) can only be a Type of attack, but Offensive Actions can be both a Type and a Technique. Techniques represent the myriad of ways that a weapon may be used to its fullest potential. Warriors will almost inevitably learn these tricks through continuous adaptation on the battlefield or study under a master. Experience with a Type of attack can make for greater effect, represented by Prowess. Techniques can be refined through practice, represented by Expertise. Characters who are Weapon Class Masters are universally recognized for their skills and accomplishments among the four Kingdoms.


Thrust Slash

A thrust is the simple act of taking a sharp A slash is a wide sweep, drawing the edge point and stabbing it toward your opponent. of your weapon against your foes. They are They are best used against armoured foes best used when outnumbered to take where the small point can find gaps in their advantage of their wide sweep. protection. Slash attacks hit an additional target within Thrust attacks have +10 Pierce. your reach.

Thrust Prowess - 30 exp Slash Prowess - 30 exp

Such is your skill as a duelist that even the most The swing of your blade is so quick as to be heavily clad opponents’ armour counts for nothing. inescapable.

Your Thrust attacks add half your Dexterity Attribute Your Slash attacks impose a -2 penalty to dodge to their Pierce value. them.

Hack Smash

A hack is a savage strike with a bladed A smash is the simplest and most direct weapon, utilizing the weight of the weapon form of attack - swinging a blunt object at as much as its sharpness to inflict terrible your opponent to crush bones and rupture wounds. organs.

Hack Attacks Critically Hit with one or more Crush attacks have +2 Crush. six results instead of two or more six results.

Hack Prowess - 30 exp Smash Prowess - 30 exp

Your brutal strikes are as powerful as they are Not even the most horrifying monstrosities are proof relentless. against your mighty blows.

Your Hack attacks refund their attack power if they Your Smash attacks have Crush equal to your Critically Hit. Strength rather than 2.

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Techniques are learned and specific to certain Attack Types. It does not take long for someone who knows how to swing a sword to learn some basic techniques, but Expertise takes longer. Learning a Technique costs 10 exp, achieving Expertise in that technique costs a further 20 exp.

Backstep - Thrust Cleave – Slash, Hack

The Backstep technique is a classic move utilised by Often soldiers will find themselves confronted with a those wield pointed weapons. It both forces the numerically superior foe. The Cleave technique opponent onto their defense and gains some vital enables those who use it a chance to even the odds distance from which to plan the next attack. and attack multiple targets with the same attack.

Make an attack, if it hits, you may move backwards Cleave attacks hit additional targets up to half your 2m without provoking an attack of opportunity. Strength within your reach.

Backstep Expertise Cleave Expertise

Backstep can be used as a basic attack. Your Cleave attacks hit targets up to your Strength.

Blitz – Thrust, Slash Concuss - Smash

The Blitz technique has been developed countless A solid blow to the head - even when not immediately times over innumerable ages. Its purpose is explicit - fatal - can play havoc with an opponent’s Perception. to directly attack the opponent with such speed that The Concuss technique takes advantage of this fact they barely have a chance to counterattack. and places the attack directly where it will disorient the most. Move forward your Move speed and make an attack. Opponents who Counter this attack or use an If the opponent who was attacked by this technique Opportunity attack against you during this movement took damage from it they gain a penalty to their attack take a penalty equal to half your Agility on their attack rolls equal to half your Strength for 1 turn. Concuss roll. does not stack with itself.

Blitz Expertise Concuss Expertise

Your Blitz attacks reduce opponent’s Counter and Enemies you Concuss gain a penalty to their attack Opportunity attacks by your Agility. rolls equal to your Strength.

Cripple – Slash, Smash, Hack Flurry – Thrust, Slash, Hack

Some fighters face opponents too dangerous to The best defense is a good offense, as the old saying attempt to kill outright. Others still just have a sadistic goes. Proponents of this brand of wisdom will almost streak. All of these warriors will have developed some certainly develop the Flurry technique to rain blows use of the Cripple technique. upon their opponents to end the threat they pose before it can end them. Opponents who take damage from a Cripple attack lose 2 Attack Power, Dodge Power and Endurance Make 2 attacks at 1 opponent. The second attack until the end of their next turn. costs 1 less Attack Power to a minimum of 0.

Cripple Expertise Flurry Expertise

Enemies you Cripple lose 5 health each time they Make 3 attacks at 1 opponent rather than 2 attacks. take an Offensive or Movement action. The third attack costs the same as the second attack.

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Feint - Thrust Overpower - Smash, Hack

The Feint is a combat deception - to make your Many warriors know the value of a sturdy shield or a opponent believe you are doing one thing when you well-timed parry. For the warriors that scoff at such are really doing another. Fool your enemy into cowardly things as defense there is Overpower. opening his guard and bury your blade in his heart. Imposes a penalty on an opponent’s attempt to Brace Dodges and Parries against Feint attacks have a or Parry the Overpower attack by half your Strength. penalty equal to half your Agility. Overpower Expertise Feint Expertise The penalty for opponents to Brace or Parry your Dodges and Parries against Feint attacks have a Overpower attacks is increased to your Strength. penalty equal to your Agility.

Stagger - Smash Fend Off

A grounded opponent is a dead opponent. Falling to Extricating oneself from a chaotic melee can be a the earth is rightly feared by any combatant for the difficult task, especially if there is a foe willing to take immense advantage granted to their foe and some advantage of the perceived retreat. Certain long- warriors develop this technique to force their enemies hafted weapons can be used to push these pesky to their knees for the killing strike. opponents away, or to move oneself back from a particularly dangerous foe. An opponent that is hit by a Stagger attack must take a Strength test with a difficulty of your Strength + 2. If Certain weapons will have the Fend Off technique they fail then they immediately become prone. inherent to them.

Stagger Expertise If a Fend off attack hits an opponent and they are the same size or smaller than you they are moved back 2 Targets hit by your Stagger attacks only gain metres. If they are larger than you, move yourself successes on their Strength test on a 5+. back 2 metres. This can be used as a basic attack.

Disarm Grapple

Sometimes an opponent must be taken alive - Characters may attempt to grapple an opponent if whether for his own good or for… questioning. they have a free hand. If the attack hits, have an Usually a man will fight to the death if he discovers Opposed Strength Test. Whoever wins is grappling his opponents are going to interrogate him, but their opponent. A grappled character is considered fighting becomes very difficult when one lacks a incapacitated and can only perform free actions or weapon. initiate an Opposed Strength Test to free themselves. If a character is grappling an opponent, he can only Certain weapons will have the Disarm technique Move, or as an Offensive Action, attack the grappled inherent to them. character with Unarmed attacks or a Dagger Class Weapon, Pin the opponent or release the grapple. If your Disarm attack hits an opponent it deals no These actions automatically hit. A Pinned opponent is damage and they must take a Strength test with a Prone. difficulty of your Strength + 2. If they fail they drop their weapon on the ground 2m away from them Grapple Expertise

Your offensive Grapples win the Opposed Strength Test on draws.

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Masteries Armour Mastery Bow Mastery

20 exp - 5 Vitality and/or 5 Agility 30 exp - 40 Dexterity, 40 Strike When a soldier’s agility fails him, when his shield arm The bow is a weapon couched in millennia of battle grows weak - after all else, his armour will keep him and technique. A Master of Archery can place his safe. A Master of Armour uses techniques from either shots exactly where he means to inflict fatal the Schutzhandbücher of Master Eisenberg or from damage, regardless of the difficulty of the shot. extensive experience learned on the battlefield to Shortbows, Longbows, Heavy Bows and Greatbows minimize the effectiveness of enemy blows. increase both their Advanced and Strike Attributes Your Vitality and Agility multipliers increase by 2. by 20%.

Axe Mastery Shield Mastery

30 exp - Strike 50 30 exp - 5 Vitality Axes are brutal and deadly weapons. Their fighting A soldier’s shield is his best and most trusted friend. style is simple, direct and absolutely ruthless. Axe Indeed, many career fighters keep their shields on Masters have come to embody the merciless nature of their back even when in safety for fear of being their weapons and slaughter their enemies with without its protection. Shield Masters are able to extreme prejudice. move and hold their shield between themselves and enemy blows with a minimum of effort. Hand Axes, Khopeshes, Halberds and Greataxes increase their critical damage by 50%. If you are wielding a shield and a successful brace test shows a 6 on any die then its Endurance cost is refunded. Blunt Weapon Mastery Curved Sword Mastery

30 exp - 40 Strike, 40 Heft 30 exp - 40 Dexterity, 40 Speed Since the dawn of humanity men have been slaying The flowing style of the Shamiran Princes may with sticks, stones, clubs - even their hands. Some still seem like a cunning Illusion - but it is in fact a the prefer the most primitive and indiscriminate form of complete Mastery over the curved sword that allows combat and draw on that long history of violence to such relentless and furious assaults. apply blunt force trauma to their foes in the most Each attack that hits when wielding the Scimitar, effective manner possible. Falchion, Khopesh and Chakram allows another Maces, Batons, Flanged Maces, Flails, Warhammers, attack at a cumulative -1 penalty. Additionally Clubs, Staves, Unarmed attacks, Lucerne Hammers Curved swords increase their Advanced Attribute by and Mauls increase their Crush Attribute by (2) and 10%. gain +1 to Smash attacks.

Dagger Mastery Straight Sword Mastery

30 exp - 50 Dexterity 30 exp - 40 Dexterity, 40 Strike Daggers are traditionally thought of as backup weapons The straight sword has long been the weapon of or weapons of subterfuge. A Dagger master knows choice for soldiers and warriors among most of the better. Daggers are small and quick enough to get Kingdoms. As their name suggests they are direct inside a warrior’s guard and lethal enough to strike the weapons with a great degree of versatility, allowing killing blow. a Straight Sword Master to enter any battle with confidence of success. Daggers, Punching Daggers, Poniards, Shotels, Serrated Daggers and Parrying Daggers gain the Arming swords, Longswords, Bastard Swords, Defensive and Feint +2 qualities. Additionally, Daggers Claymores, Flamberges and Zweihanders increase Critically Hit with one or more six results instead of two both their Advanced and Strike Attributes by 20%. or more six results and gain +5 Thrown.

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Firearm Mastery Thrusting Sword Mastery

30 exp - 45 Dexterity, Rapid Reload x2 30 exp - 45 Dexterity, Thrust Prowess Firearms are a very recent development from Landur Thrusting swords are small and light, finely tapered and as such are not widely known, but any soldier that and extremely sharp. Able to find the smallest gaps has used one of these powerful weapons has been in armour and being extremely quick to attack, either enthralled or horrified by the carnage they can Thrusting Sword Masters are always in motion, wreak. Those enamored by such weapons often spend leaping and lunging around the area and attacking many hours poring over the tomes of chemistry and any opponent who opens an opportunity. ballistics to better understand and modify their tools of Colichemarde, Rapiers, Side Swords and Estocs destruction. increase their Advanced Attribute by 20% and Muskets, Rifles, Carbines, Blunderbusses, Pistols and Critically Hit with one or more six results instead of the Blightstopper gain Crush (+3) and Pierce (+10). two or more six results.

Polearm Mastery Whip Mastery

30 exp - 40 Strike, 35 Dexterity, Versatile 30 exp - 40 Dexterity, 30 Strike, Cripple Expertise Polearms are often derided by other Masters as the Whips are a very uncommon weapon, even in their weapons of commoners and poor men whose native Shamir. Mastery of such weapons is almost practitioners could not learn anything of more unheard of - but there are tales among the desert eloquence. This derision usually lasts until a Polearm dwellers of the Dervishes - warriors who wield two Master has a staff on their neck before they can even whips with such skill that no man could stand before approach, or a halberd buried in their stomach before them. they can strike. Whips and Notched Whips can now Thrust at +0 Spears, Winged Spears, Partisans, Halberds, Dorys, and they gain the Disarm technique. Staves, Lucerne Hammers, Glaives, Ahlspiess’ and Pikes increase their to Hit roll by +2.

Unarmed Master Crossbow Mastery

25 exp - Martial Artist 30 exp - 45 Dexterity, Rapid Reload x2 A man’s body is the only weapon that he will have Crossbows are a more recent invention than bows, access to at all times. Some men have eschewed developed to counter more heavily armoured other, more transitory arms for complete mastery over threats. Masters of the Crossbow can identify weak their own form. These men are feared and respected, points on their opponent’s armour and exploit them for it is unknown when a simple tavern brawl may turn instantly. into a deadly melee where the Unarmed Master is king. Crossbows, Arbalests and Boltlocks add Pierce (10) Increase your unarmed profile to Strike 30% Advanced and their Advanced value by 20%. 30% and unarmed attacks gain Thrust +0.

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Skills allow players to do things not normally allowed by the rules. Skills are purchased with experience, but the prerequisites must be met. If the prerequisites are for any reason no longer satisfied, the skill is unusable.

Adrenaline Rush 10 Armourclad Confidence Armour Mastery 20 Whenever you become Worried, Panicked or Desperate If you are wearing armour and are hit by an attack of any you gain +2 to all tests until the end of your next turn. type, roll a standard unmodifiable test at -3. If the test is passed the attack has no effect.

Arms Master 10 Battle Cry Frenzy, 4 Strength 10 Weapons and shields you are not wielding weigh half as While Frenzied, in a radius around you equal to 2 times your much for the purposes of determining weight. Strength score in metres, enemies are affected by Fear (2) and allies gain +1 to hit.

Blind Fighter Perception 6 15 Combat Roll Speed 30 25 Your attacks are at -1 instead of -3 in total darkness, Once per turn a successful Dodge allows you to shift half ranged attacks do not auto fail and instead hit at -2. your Move distance immediately and you do not fall prone Your facings are not altered and you can critically hit. after dodging Blasts. Does not provoke Opportunity Attacks.

Inescapable Opportunistic, 6 Agility 30 Danger Sense 5 Agility or 5 Perception 20 You may make a number of Opportunity and counter Your back now counts as your sides. attacks outside your turn equal to your Strength score.

Deadeye 25 Dexterity 25 Deadly Aim 30 Dexterity 25 Increase the Advanced Attribute of ranged weapons by Your critical multiplier is increased by +50% for all attacks. 30%.

Deflection 25 Dexterity 10 Nervous 10 You can attempt to Parry bows and crossbows with a Your default level of Desperation is Worried. melee weapon at a –2 penalty.

Desperate Rage 10 Quick Hands 20 Dexterity 10 When you are worried, you gain +1 attack power. When Picking up or drawing a weapon or shield no longer you are panicked, this bonus increases to +2. When you provokes attacks of opportunity are desperate, it increases to +3.

Double Strike Two-Weapon Expert, 30 Dual Wield 15 Dexterity 15 40 Dexterity, 40 Strike Add the damage of your second weapon to your first in a You may make an additional offensive action with the single Offensive Action, using the profile of the first weapon or Pyromancy in your off-hand if you hold one and weapon. This attack gains Crush (2) and Pierce (10). are in Reckless or All-Out Attack stance. This counts as a two-handed weapon.

Poised 3 Agility, 3 Strength 20 From Hell’s Heart 10 When you adopt the Standard stance opponents have a If you elect to Counter an attack and that attack would -1 penalty to hit you. Mortally Wound or Kill you, your Counter attack automatically critically hits and deals +50% critical damage.

Frenzy 3 Strength 20 Berserker Frenzy, 4 Strength 15 You may Frenzy in All-Out-Attack stance, while Frenzied While Frenzied, unarmed attacks do an additional 100% you must always move towards and attack an enemy. damage. Frenzied characters are immune to Fear and Terror, have +2 Strength and are not incapacitated below 0 health. Frenzy lasts 3 rounds minimum, and can last as long as your strength score.

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Surprising Strength Frenzy 15 Precision Striker 25 Dexterity 10 While Frenzied, heft requirements for wielding weapons Weapons with an Advanced value of at least 30% reroll are halved and speed penalties for weight are lowered failed to Hit rolls if you have nothing in your off hand. by one step.

Juggernaut 45 Toughness 30 Keen Perception 10 You cannot be reduced to less than 0 health if you were Add +2 to your Perception. You may take this skill multiple not already on 1 health. Your health can’t increase for times, its effects stack. Each time you take it, its exp cost one round after being reduced to 1 by a potential mortal increases by 5. wound.

Level-Headed 20 Last Chance 10 You count as being 1 Desperation level lower than you Increase number of rounds that you stay alive while actually are for the purposes of Stance restriction. bleeding out by your Desperation.

Lightning Reactions 20 Speed 10 Martial Artist 3 Strength and 3 Agility 10 You cannot be surprised. Increases both the Strike and Advanced Attributes of your Unarmed attacks to 20%.

Marksman Deadly Aim 25 Opportunistic 4 Agility 20 If you have spent at least 1 Turn Aiming, then your next You may make a number of additional Opportunity and ranged attack Critically Hits on a single 6 result. Counter Attacks equal to half your Strength score and these cost 1 less Attack Power to make, minimum 1.

Pugilist 3 Strength and 3 Agility 10 Preparedness 10 Your unarmed attacks gain the Hack attack type at +0. Add 2 to your Agility score when determining Initiative.

Rapid Reload 20 Speed, 20 Dexterity 15 Retaliation 15 Weapons are quicker to reload by 0/-1. If the weapon is Your Counter attacks gain a +2 bonus to hit if the initial X/0 then the number of attacks it may make in 1 attack deals damage to you. offensive action is increased by 1. This skill may be taken up to 3 times. Each time it is taken the prerequisites increase by 5.

Roll With the Blow 5 Vitality 25 Riposte 30 Dexterity 25 If you elect to Counter an attack that critically hits you, After a successful Parry, you may immediately make a basic that attack does -50% critical damage. attack against your attacker.

Thread The Needle 25 Dexterity 20 Feel No Pain Frenzy, Tough as Nails 30 When making a ranged or throwing attack at an enemy While Frenzied, add ½ your Toughness to your Armour. you do not have line of sight to, you do not suffer the –2 penalty.

Relentless 4 Strength 15 Rampage Frenzy 15 You may gain an additional Offensive Action on this While Frenzied, each opponent killed by you grants a turn. If you do you are restricted to Standard Stance and cumulative +1 bonus to your attacks. may only Parry and Counter until next turn.

Shield Assault Shield Bash, 4 Strength 20 Shield Charge Shield Cover 20 When in Reckless or All-out Attack stance and holding a If you are wielding a shield you may charge in Reckless, shield, you can elect to attack with the shield as an Standard or Cautious stance but may only take the Brace offensive action as a Shield Bash. defensive action for that round. Your charge attack may push your opponent back 2 metres if they are up to one size larger. Does not work for Bucklers or the Lantern Shield.

Sprint Speed 20 10 Shield Bash 3 Strength 20 You may move up to double your run speed by If you successfully Brace an attack, you may elect to Shield sacrificing all of your actions on your turn for up to your Bash your opponent immediately. This attack is made as if Vitality score consecutive rounds. Mobility stance only. the shield were a weapon of its weight. It deals Strike 80% damage. The Lantern Shield does its weapon damage instead and the Buckler does Strike 50%.

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Shield Expertise Sturdy 20 Shield Cover Heft 20 20 Brace costs 1 less Endurance, minimum 1. If you are holding a shield (except for Buckler or Lantern) you or a single ally adjacent to you may disengage without sacrificing any actions. If you hold a shield with both hands then you gain an additional +1 to Brace tests.

Endure 5 Vitality 25 Sound Constitution 3 Vitality 10 Any single attack cannot reduce your health by more After a successful Parry, you may immediately make a basic than (80-Toughness). Crush reduces effective attack against his attacker. Toughness by 10 per point for the purposes of this skill.

Sure Strike 20 Strike 20 Stealthy 3 Agility 20 Your melee attacks have +1 to hit in Standard stance. Reduce the Required Result by 1 for stealth rolls. (4+ becomes 3+, 5+ becomes 4+ etc.) You may take this skill twice, its effects stack. The second time it is taken, the prerequisite increases to 4 Agility.

Sturdy 20 Constitution 20 Three Point Technique Unarmed Master, 4 25 Strength and Agility Attacks cannot move you, knock you prone or disarm If you deal an Unarmed Critical Hit to an opponent and it you if you are not Mortally Wounded by them. takes damage, it loses an offensive action on its next turn.

They Shall Not Pass 5 Strength 25 Tough as Nails 25 Toughness 15 The area encompassed by your reach directly to your You take 5 less damage from all attacks (but not status right and left is impassable by enemies unless they are effects). larger than you.

Two-Weapon Expert Dual wield, 30 Dexterity 20 Unflinching 30 Toughness, Retaliation 20 You can make your second offensive action in all Your Counter attacks automatically critically hit if the initial stances except Total Defense. attack critically hit you.

Unstoppable 3 Vitality 15 Versatile 3 Strength, 3 Agility 10 You may Charge without spending your movement Weapons with the Reach quality no longer have a penalty action, dealing 5 times your Strength score in physical when attacking targets at close range. damage to your target.

Wrestler Pugilist, 4 Strength 20 Unarmed attacks against Pinned opponents ignore their armour.

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Weapon Qualities

Most weapons have a variety of qualities that have various effects on their targets or wielder. The Heft required to wield a weapon in 1 hand is equal to 4 times its weight. Wielding it in 2 hands requires a Heft of 3 times its weight. Weapons have different weight classes, which determine certain effects, such as how easy they are to swing or brace against. Light weapons (0u-3u) are cost 1 to Brace against, cost 1 Attack Power and have +1 to hit, Medium weapons (3.1u-6u) cost 2 to Brace against, cost 2 Attack Power, Heavy weapons (6.1u+) cost 3 to Brace against, cost 3 Attack Power and -1 to hit. Ranged weapons do not gain these bonuses or penalties.

Defensive: Weapons with this quality do not take a penalty to attacks while in Cautious stance. In addition, they may make attacks in the Total Defense stance at a -2 penalty.

Crush (X): Reduces opponent’s Brace saves by X. If your Crush reduces their Brace save to -1, -2 or -3 then your attack gains Pierce (5) per point negative. If it reduces it to -4 or below then it gains Pierce (20).

Pierce (X): The first X points of damage from an attack ignore armour.

Reach (X): Weapons with a Reach value can attack enemies up to X metres further away than usual. The wielder suffers a -1 penalty to hit enemies that are 2m or further within his reach, however.

Bleed: Weapons with Bleed deal 20% Advanced on the start of the target's next turn following a hit where the target was dealt damage. This damage can apply multiple times and ignores all types of damage reduction.

Reloading: Ranged weapons must be reloaded in between shots (unless they have a Magazine). This is represented by two numbers separated by a slash - e.g. 1/1. The first number is the maximum number of shots that can be fired in one offensive action and the second number is the number of rounds that the attacker must spend reloading the weapon, sacrificing all their actions.

Throw: Some melee weapons can also be thrown. These weapons will be marked as Thrown (X), where X is their range increment. These weapons have no drop off. Other weapons can be thrown with a range increment of 2m, but they suffer a -2 penalty to hit.

Terrify (Offense, Defense, Movement): If a target becomes the subject of a Terrify effect, it must pass a Willpower test with a -3 penalty or lose the action(s) indicated in the brackets on its next turn.

Fear(X): Functions similarly to Terrify, but instead of losing actions characters take a -X penalty to all actions for their next turn.

Blast: Abilities with Blast effect everything inside their radius. Roll to hit as normal but the target may be any area within range. A hit indicates that the attack landed where it was meant to. On a miss, the attack has deviated. Roll a d6. 1 is forward, 2 is backward, 3 is left, 4 is right, 5 and 6 are a complete miss. This is the direction of deviation. After direction has been determined, roll another 2d6. This is how far the attack has deviated in metres. Resolve the attack from the new location. To dodge out of the way of a Blast attack, a character must have Agility at least equal to the closest distance not encompassed by the blast. If they succeed they are shifted to this position and knocked prone unless they have the Combat Roll skill. Blast attacks deal 20% extra damage to targets per size category they are larger than standard.

Indirect: Indirect abilities may be used to attack locations that a character does not have line of sight to. Use the same rules for scattering as Blast or Overpenetrate, except the attack roll is at -2 and rolls an extra 2d6 for distance deviated if it's a blast attack and only hits the first target otherwise.

Overpenetrate: Abilities with Overpenetrate strike all targets in a line up to their stated range, doing full damage to each. If the attack misses, roll to scatter like a blast attack. Once the location has been determined, draw a line from the attacker to this point. All targets that fall under this line are hit, friend or foe.

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Cone: Abilities with Cone effect anything inside a cone of length and angle dictated by the ability. Their maximum range is the range listed. You do not need to roll to hit for Cone attacks, they automatically hit anything inside their area of effect. Targets can use defensive actions as normal.

Ethereal: Characters who are Ethereal gain unlimited Dodges and have their Dodge rating set to +1 regardless of other factors. They may also move through solid objects but cannot end their turn in them.

Ranged Weapons

Some weapons have a range. This means that they can be used to strike targets at a distance. The distance listed on the weapon profile is the maximum distance at which the weapon will do full damage. Past this distance the weapon loses its dropoff value in damage every additional increment until the damage becomes 0. Additionally, targets are at -1 to hit for each range increment they are further away. Ranged weapons require line of sight to their target. Enemies and friendlies both block line of sight. It is possible to spend time aiming to increase your chance to hit. Each action you take to aim modifies your to hit roll by +1. Using a ranged weapon that requires 2 hands disallows the use of a shield, except bucklers. Bows and Crossbows can be parried only with a shield, applying the shield bonus to the Parry Test.

Ranged weapons (not thrown) inherently impose a -2 penalty to dodge their attacks.

Damage Types

Fire elemental damage: All Fire damage inherently has a Crush value. If Pyromantic in nature, the Crush value is equal to the caster’s Intelligence. Otherwise, it is Crush (2).

Frost elemental damage: Targets that take Frost damage become Chilled. Critical Hits against Chilled targets to +50% more damage. Chilled lasts for 2 rounds.

Lightning elemental Damage: Targets that take Lightning damage become Shocked. Attacks against Shocked targets gain a +2 bonus to hit. Shocked lasts for 2 rounds.

Necrotic Damage: Necrotic damage is not reduced by armour or brace tests, but also cannot Critically Hit.

Poison: Targets dealt damage by a Poison attack take full damage from the attack if they take any amount of damage from the attack.

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Melee Weapons

Name Primary +/- Second +/- Strike Adv. Extra Rarity Wt.

Unarmed Smash +1 - - 10% 10% Grapple - 0

Dagger Thrust +0 Slash -1 20% 40% Thrown (5) Common 0.5

Poniard Thrust +1 - - 10% 50% Pierce (10), +50% Crit Damage Uncommon 1.5

Punching Dagger Thrust +0 Slash -1 40% 20% +50% Crit Damage Uncommon 1.5

Parrying Dagger Slash -1 Thrust -1 20% 20% Parry +2, Enemy Parry/Counter -2 Uncommon 0.5

Serrated Dagger Thrust +0 Slash -2 20% 40% Bleed Scarce 0.5

Mace Smash +1 - - 90% - Crush (1) Common 4.5

Flanged Mace Smash +0 Slash -2 70% - Pierce (10), Crush (1) Uncommon 3

Flail Smash -1 Slash -1 80% - Crush (1), Cannot be parried Scarce 4.5

Warhammer Smash +0 - - 90% - Crush (2), Thrown (5) Scarce 6

Colichemarde Thrust +1 - - 10% 60% +50% Crit damage Scarce 1.5

Rapier Thrust +1 - - 20% 40% +50% Crit damage, +1 Parry Uncommon 1.5

Side Sword Thrust +1 - - 30% 40% +50% Crit damage Common 1.5

Estoc Thrust +1 - - 40% 30% +50% Crit Damage, Pierce (10) Scarce 3

Lantern Shield Thrust -1 Slash -1 40% 30% Disarm Rare 3

Arming Sword Slash +0 Thrust -1 40% 30% instead Common 1.5

Longsword Slash +0 Thrust -1 50% 30% Can be wielded in 2h, -1 to hit Uncommon 3

Bastard Sword Slash +0 Thrust +0 60% 30% - Uncommon 4.5

Große Messer Hack +0 Slash -1 80% 20% - Uncommon 4.5

Claymore Slash +0 Thrust -1 70% 30% - Scarce 6

Flamberge Slash +0 Thrust -1 40% 50% Bleed Scarce 4.5

Zweihander Slash +0 Thrust -2 90% 20% Reach (2), Overpower Rare 9

Hand Axe Hack +0 - - 80% - Thrown (10) Common 3

Greataxe Hack +0 - - 120% - +50% Crit Damage Rare 9

Maul Smash +0 - - 130% - Crush (2) Scarce 10.5

Scimitar Slash +2 - - 20% 50% - Common 2

Falchion Slash +1 - - 40% 50% - Uncommon 3

Khopesh Slash +0 Hack -1 50% 30% - Uncommon 3

Shotel Thrust +0 Hack -2 50% 30% Ignores Shields Rare 3

Spear Thrust +0 - - 30% 40% Fend Off, Thrown (10), can 2h Common 1.5

Winged Spear Thrust +0 - - 30% 50% Fend off, Defensive, can 2h Uncommon 3

Dory Thrust +0 - - 40% 50% Fend Off, Reach (2) Scarce 4.5

Halberd Thrust +0 Hack -2 80% 20% Reach (2) Uncommon 6

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Name Primary +/- Second +/- Strike Adv. Extra Rarity Wt.

Partisan Thrust +0 - - 70% 30% Defensive, Reach (2) Uncommon 6

Lucerne Hammer Smash +0 - - 80% 20% Reach (2), Pierce (10) Scarce 6

Glaive Slash +0 Thrust -2 80% 20% Reach (2) Uncommon 6

Ahlspiess Thrust +0 - - 50% 50% Fend Off, Pierce (10) Scarce 6

Pike Thrust +0 - - 80% 20% Reach (4), Pierce (10) Uncommon 7.5

Whip Slash +0 - - 20% 40% +50% Crit damage, Reach (4) Uncommon 1.5

Notched Whip Slash -1 - - 20% 50% +50% Crit damage, Reach (4), Bleed Scarce 3

Staff Smash +1 - - 40% 20% Reach (2), can 2h, Defensive Common 1.5

Baton Smash +1 - - 30% 20% Thrown (10) Common 1

Club Smash -1 - - 50% - 3

Ranged Weapons

Name Damage Strike Adv. Range Dropoff Reload Hands Extra Rarity Wt.

Shortbow 5 20% 30% 25 20% 2/0 2 Pierce (5), Flurry Common 1

Longbow 10 30% 20% 50 20% 1/0 2 Pierce (5) Uncommon 2

Heavy Bow 15 60% 20% 60 20% 1/0 2 Pierce (10) Scarce 5

Crossbow 30 - - 50 20% 1/2 2 Pierce (15) Uncommon 3

Arbalest 45 - - 70 20% 1/4 2 Pierce (20) Rare 6

Musket 60 - - 40 20% 1/4 2 Pierce (20), Crush (4) Rare 6

Pistol 30 - - 20 20% 1/4 1 Pierce (15), Crush (3) Rare 2

Blunderbuss 80 - - 10 50% 1/4 2 Pierce (10), Crush (5)* Rare 6

*Special: Gains Blast (+2) and loses 2 Crush and 5 Pierce each range increment after the first.


To continue to fire ranged weapons, characters must have an ammunition pouch. Small pouches contain 10 shots, Basic pouches contain 30 shots and large pouches contain 100 shots.

A small pouch weighs 1u and is Common rarity, a basic pouch weighs 2u and is Uncommon rarity and a large pouch weighs 6u and is Scarce rarity.

Armour Piercing Ammunition

AP ammo adds Pierce (10) and ignores the Brace bonus from shields but loses any Crush value the weapon had and deals 25% less damage. Increases the rarity of the ammo pouch by 1 step.

Poison Ammunition

Poison ammo changes the damage of the weapon to Poison but reduces any Pierce it may have had by 15, minimum of 0. Increases the rarity of the ammo pouch by 2 steps.

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Armour protects the wearer from harm. There are several varieties, ranging from padded cloth to full plate, each offering different levels of protection from various sources of damage. The max Dodge of an armour determines your maximum Dodge while wearing it. The Agility and Vitality Multipliers add that many times the appropriate Primary Attribute to your armour value. The heft requirement to wear a set of armour is twice its weight. Hardened: Negates Pierce equal to the Hardened value. Padded: Negates Crush equal to the Padded value.

Name Armour Vitality x Agility x Max Dodge Padded Hardened Rarity Wt.

Padded Cloth 2 - 1 4 1 - Common 5

Furs 3 - 1 5 - - Common 6

Leather 5 - 2 4 - - Common 7

Hardened Leather 6 1 1 3 - - Uncommon 7

Banded Leather 8 1 1 2 - - Uncommon 9

Chainmaille 9 1 2 1 1 - Scarce 10

Brigandine 10 2 1 - - 5 Scarce 11

Half Plate 15 2 2 1 1 5 Rare 15

Full Plate 20 3 1 - 2 5 Rare 18

Heavy Plate 30 4 - -3 2 10 Near Unique 25


When Bracing against an attack, add your shield bonus to your Toughness before rolling the test. A shield takes a hand to hold except in the cases of the Buckler and the Lantern Shield. In addition, if attacked from the front and aware of the attacker, you gain the listed Hardened value to your armour. The Heft requirement in order to wield a shield is equal to three times its weight.

Name Brace Bonus Hardened Extra Rarity Wt.

Buckler 1 0 +1 Parry, does not require a hand Scarce 1.5

Lantern Shield 2 0 Disarm, does not require a hand Rare 3

Round Shield 3 5 - Common 4

Heraldic Shield 4 5 - Uncommon 6

Hoplon 6 10 - Scarce 12

Greatshield 8 10 - Rare 16

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Each of the kingdoms manifest the Gifts of the Father in a different manner. Those from Varnheim write magical runes onto their equipment and themselves. Some natives of Landur wield Pyromancy. Practitioners from Athesta augment their fighting abilities with Enhancement sorcery, while those from Shamir make use of Illusions. These are just listings of the combat powers of each form of magic. Their use in day to day life is much less rigid - Illusionists are known for their ability to create great entertainment and also observe faraway locations, for example. If it seems flavorful and reasonable, let it happen! Any single magic ability may only be used once per turn unless it requires an offensive action to use.


The art of pyromancy is the actualization of the inner flame through controlled fury. To master various pyromantic abilities, characters must possess both the Knowledge of the correct technique and the Willpower to manifest their power.

Special: Ground Zero If a pyromancer does not move in a turn, he gains a +2 bonus to hit for his pyromancies.


Each ability has a Knowledge prerequisite and a Willpower Cost. This means to purchase the ability a character must have the prerequisite Knowledge Attribute. Upgrades cost the difference between the abilities. Once the ability has been learned, its power will depend on the Willpower of the character. Pyromancers have a resource called Fury, equal to their Willpower that regenerates to full after each combat encounter. These Fury points are used to their pyromancies. Wherever an ability refers to a cost, it is in Fury points unless otherwise stated. You must have at least one hand free to use pyromancies. Pyromancers are immune to their own .

Ember Offensive Cost 2 Knowledge 15 10 exp Damage 5 Fire + Force 50% Range 30

Pyretic Ray (Ember Upgrade) Offensive Cost 4 Knowledge 30 20 exp Damage 10 Fire + Force 50% Overpenetrate, Pierce (Force 50%) Range 20

Fireblast Offensive Cost 3 Knowledge 20 10 exp Damage 10 Fire + Force 80% Blast (2), Counts as Basic Attack Range -

Incinerate (Fireblast Upgrade) Offensive Cost 10 Knowledge 45 35 exp Damage 20 Fire + Force 120% Blast (2), Critically Hit on 1 six Range 100

Fireball Offensive Cost 5 Knowledge 30 20 exp Damage 10 Fire + Force 80% Blast (3), Indirect Range 50

Lava Orb (Fireball Upgrade) Offensive Cost 12 Knowledge 50 40 exp Damage 15 Fire + Force 100% Blast (5), Indirect, Area hit by blast is Wall of Flame Range 50

Blast Wave Offensive 2h Cost 10 Knowledge 30 25 exp Damage 5 Fire + Force 30% Strength test (Threshold [Intelligence + 3]) or be thrown Range 30 Width 10 back Force 20% metres and knocked prone. Ignite Offensive Cost 8 Knowledge 40 30 exp Force 50% Terrify(Defense), ignores Ethereal rule, Defenses -3 penalty against it Range 50

Gout of Flame Offensive Cost 8 Knowledge 40 30 exp Damage 5 Fire + Force 80% Range 30 45o cone

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Eruption Offensive 2h Cost 10 Knowledge 40 30 exp Damage 20 Fire + Force 150% Blast (Int), Can be used while grappled Range -

Annihilation Offensive 2h Cost 60 + 60 Health Knowledge 60 50 exp Damage 60 Fire + Force 200% Pierce (30), Crush (10), Range 75 Width 6 Overpenetrate, Ignores Ethereal

Pyromania Free Cost 5 + 5 Health per turn Knowledge 30 25 exp Pyromancies double their range, blast and damage. Lasts for your Intelligence score in rounds.

Wall of Flame Offensive Cost 8 Knowledge 30 25 exp The caster designates a line up to 20 metres in length, 2 metres wide and 4 metres high originating within 20 metres of them. This area causes targets that pass through it to suffer from Terrify(Movement) and take 8 + Force 60% damage. This ability lasts for your Intelligence score in rounds.

Righteous Fury Free Cost 2 Knowledge 35 20 exp The caster takes 50% reduced Necrotic damage (before armour) at the cost of 2 Health per turn. Additionally, whenever the caster is damaged by an enemy while Righteous Fury is active, they gain 1 Fury. This ability lasts for up to your Intelligence score in rounds.

Comforting Flame Offensive 2h Cost 6 Knowledge 35 20 exp The caster places a comforting flame at a location adjacent to himself which lasts for 5 turns. The flame heals all living creatures for his Intelligence score every turn and all undead creatures within the area are afflicted by Terrify(Offence) out to a radius of 6m.

Wildfire Free Cost 5 Knowledge 35 30 exp Any fire damage dealt to a target this turn by the caster also causes that much damage to any targets within 2m of the initial target, up to a maximum of 2x the caster’s Intelligence total targets. This effect propagates outward. This damage can only occur to any one target once.

Blazing Speed Free Cost 5 Knowledge 40 20 exp Caster increases his Move and Run by 100%, as well as his jump distance. This ability lasts for the caster’s Intelligence score in rounds.

Firehide Defensive or Free Cost 3 Knowledge 45 35 exp Enemies that strike you in melee take Force 100% fire damage and you gain +20 Armour.

Impact Free Cost 3 Knowledge 20 10 exp The Crush value of your Blast attacks is doubled this turn.

Focus Free Cost 3 Knowledge 20 10 exp The Pierce value of your non-blast attacks is increased by 20 this turn.

The Fire Within Free 5 Health Knowledge 20 10 exp The caster regains 5 Fury at the cost of 5 Health.

Radiate Free Cost 2 Knowledge 25 15 exp The caster is -2 to be hit. Negated by Blind Fighting.

Fiery Weapon Free Cost 5 Knowledge 25 10 exp Caster’s weapons add Force 50% Fire damage. Lasts (Intelligence) rounds. This extra damage is not multiplied by critical hits.

Fulminating Barrier Defensive Cost 4 Knowledge 25 10 exp The caster reduces all non-physical damage against them by Force 100%.

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Runes may be applied to armour in two slots - Primary and Secondary, as well as to weapons and shields. More knowledgeable Runesmiths can even tattoo runes on the flesh of the body itself. Runes have a different effect when placed on different things, and can combine with additional bonuses.

Etching a Rune onto a piece of equipment takes one day. You may etch a temporary Rune onto equipment that lasts for 1 day. This takes 15 minutes. Having a rune inscribed on your armour, shield or weapon if you don’t know how to inscribe it confers half the effect. Runes with no numerical values and archrunes have no effect.

Special: Runic Barrier

If you have inscribed a rune on all of your pieces of equipment and are capable of inscribing those runes, you gain a -3 Negate save against all magic and magical attacks used against you.

Shatter Knowledge 15 20 exp

Weapon Attacks gain +2 Crush. Shield Successfully bracing an attack deals 25% of the attack's damage before mitigation back to them. This damage is non-mitigatable. Primary Increase the armour’s Padded value by 2. Secondary Unarmed attacks have Crush (+3). This armour, unique among all the lands, possesses the unique power of protecting against fall damage.

Velocity Knowledge 20 20 exp

Weapon Attacks gain +10 Pierce. Shield You gain +3 Endurance. Primary Increases your Move speed by 4. Secondary Weapons 2u and under may make an extra basic attack per turn.

Contempt Knowledge 25 20 exp

Weapon The weapon gains +2 to Parry. Shield The shield gains the ability to Parry magical abilities that hit its wielder. Primary Increase Willpower by 30 for the purposes of defending against Fear and Terrify. Additionally, gain 20 armour against non-physical damage. Secondary Your unarmed attacks immediately end any ongoing magical effects that the target has active if they hit. Your Runic Barrier has a +1 bonus.

Life Knowledge 30 20 exp

Weapon Weapon deals Poison Damage. Shield The wielder of this shield regenerates 5 health per round. Primary Increase Constitution Attribute by 10, skill prerequisites that are no longer satisfied when the armour is removed are made inactive. Secondary Unarmed attacks heal you for the damage they deal. You are unaffected by Poison.

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Death Knowledge 30 20 exp

Weapon Weapon deals Necrotic Damage. Shield Protects against Necrotic Damage as normal. Primary Your armour is 50% effective against Necrotic Damage. Secondary Unarmed attacks cause an additional Strike 30% Necrotic damage. Enemies engaged with or attacking you suffer from Fear(2).

Bloodlust Knowledge 30 20 exp

Weapon This weapon deals 25% less base damage, but deals bonus damage equal to 50% of the health damage it dealt last round. Shield You can Shield Bash even if you do not have the skill, you are at +1 if you do. Shield Bash does 50% additional damage. Primary Increase physical damage taken and dealt by 25%. Secondary Unarmed attacks against enemies larger than you have double damage. Increase your charge range by 100% and damage by 50%.

Freedom Knowledge 35 20 exp

Weapon This weapon weighs half as much. Shield This shield weighs half as much. Primary This armour weighs half as much and has +2 maximum dodge. Secondary You can no longer be disarmed or suffer from Bleed, Cripple or Concuss. +2 to Grapple Tests.

Rime Knowledge 35 20 exp

Weapon This weapon deals Frost damage rather than physical. Shield Enemies within 10m have half move. Successful Braces Chill the attacker. Primary Reduces critical multiplier of opponent’s attacks against you by -50%. Secondary Unarmed attacks do Frost Damage and +50% Crit Damage. Attacks made against you cost +1 attack power.

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Rune Tattoos Knowledge 30, Knowledge of Rune etched +10. 30 exp A rune can now be etched directly onto your flesh. Each fist counts as a weapon for etching runes.

Shatter Increase your armour value by 10 and Hardened 5, Padded 1. Velocity +2 Bonus to Dodge. Contempt Runic Barrier has a +1 bonus. Life Once per combat, a blow that would kill or mortally wound you has no effect. Death Enemies that deal melee damage to you take Strike 30% necrotic damage. Bloodlust While under 50% health you inflict +50% damage. Freedom It is impossible to physically restrain you by any means.

Rime You cannot be critically hit. Critical Hits rolled against you are normal.

Runewords Knowledge 40 20 exp You can now etch two runes into a slot. These runes may not be the same. You may purchase this ability up to 5 times, each time applying it to a different slot.

Archrunes Archrunes are powerful runes that have unique effects. Due to their unique etymology they do not take up a rune slot, so they can be placed in conjunction with another rune. The requirements for learning Archrunes are different - you must have learned a number of normal runes before they can be purchased. Only one archrune may be etched on all your equipment at one time.

Bjorn’s Leap Secondary 4 Runes 30 exp You may leap up to (Strength x 10) m in any direction as your movement action for a number of times equal to your Strength score per combat, this does not provoke opportunity attacks. If used as a charge action, this imparts a +50% damage bonus.

Hammer of Ragnvald Weapon 3 Runes 30 exp Your weapon returns to your hand every time you throw it and its Throw range is increased by 20m.

Oleg’s Vengeance Primary 4 Runes 30 exp For a number of times equal to your Vitality score per combat, if you take damage, the attacker takes twice that much physical damage.

Baelgrund's Oath Shield 5 Runes 30 exp For a number of rounds per combat equal to half your Vitality score, you may elect to become unable to be killed. (Health will not drop below 1.)

Armour of Brynjulf Tattoo 5 Runes 30 exp If you are not wearing any armour, all damage you take is reduced by 50% before defenses.

Spear of Gunngeir Weapon 5 Runes 30 exp This weapon deals 50% more damage per size category your opponent is larger than you. This weapon can also be used to parry attacks from larger enemies.

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Enhancement magic bestows boons to the caster, increasing his potency in battle. Each is a passive effect that lasts until turned off. You may only have one enhancement active per 2 points of Intelligence at a time, minimum 1. Activating an Enhancement is a movement action, deactivating one is a free action. Each Enhancement has a variety of Alterations that can be applied to it - the number of alterations that may be applied at once is equal to half your Intelligence score. Activating or deactivating Alterations is a free action, but which alterations are active must be declared at the start of your turn. These Alterations remain active until the beginning of your next turn.

Special: Invigoration When you have at least one enhancement active, all allies increase their move by 2m and their charge by 4m.

Lightning Spear Knowledge 15 20 exp Summons a lightning spear in your hand with a Throw range of 20 metres. The lightning spear deals damage as a spear held in one hand plus Force 30%, gains Pierce (10) and inflicts Lightning rather than Physical damage. While active, a new spear appears in your hand whenever one is thrown. Requires at least one free hand. Arsenal Knowledge 20 10 exp Instead of summoning a spear, any melee weapon as well as any bow may be summoned as long as that weapon’s base weight is equal to or less than your Intelligence - gaining a bonus to their damage of Force 30% Lightning and Pierce (10). These weapons do not gain Throw and only weigh half, but still take attack penalties and bonuses from their original weight and have their original Heft requirement. Strike Through Knowledge 25 10 exp Gains the Overpenetrate rule. Melee attacks with Arsenal weapons instead ignore shields. Fork Knowledge 30 15 exp Hits an additional target within range, plus 1 more per 2 points of Intelligence.

Electrocute Knowledge 40 15 exp Your lightning spears hit each target three times for 50% damage each hit.

Chain Lightning Knowledge 50 20 exp Targets hit by Lightning Spear chain -50% damage to 2 targets within 6 m. These targets then chain for the same damage to 2 other targets within 6 m. Targets may only be hit once by this ability.

Mighty Blows Knowledge 15 20 exp Your attacks force enemies 2m in a direction of your choosing if they are not larger than you. Meteoric Strike Knowledge 20 10 exp Attacks have Blast (2). This Blast has no effect on yourself but does affect allies.

Pure Force Knowledge 25 10 exp Attacks can force enemies larger than you back and enemies that are not larger are forced back a further 2 metres. Smaller creatures are knocked prone in addition to being moved a further 2 metres. Air Blade Knowledge 30 15 exp You have +8 metres of reach, do not have the penalty to being within this reach.

Follow Through Knowledge 40 15 exp After moving an enemy with an attack, you may move after them to stay in melee range without spending any actions. Titan Knowledge 50 20 exp You grow one size category larger, increasing your reach by 2 metres and your Strength and Vitality by 1.

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Hero’s Call Knowledge 15 20 exp You emit a loud call which seems to resonate while this enhancement is active. Allies within 20 metres have +1 to all their attacks. You count as your own ally. Heroic Wrath Knowledge 20 10 exp Allies weapons add Force 30% Lightning damage to all their attacks. This damage does not multiply in the event of a critical hit. Unbreakable Defense Knowledge 25 10 exp Allies’ defensive actions are at +1. Long Arm of War Knowledge 30 15 exp Allies’ Reach increases by 2m. Alacrity Knowledge 40 15 exp Allies’ increase move by 2m and run by 8m.

Steadfast Bond Knowledge 50 20 exp

Allies are immune to fear and terror.

Phalanx of Champions Knowledge 15 20 exp If you have an ally within your reach, they and allies within their reach (continuing indefinitely), form a Phalanx. Enemy attacks against the Phalanx are at a –1 penalty. Enemies moving within the Phalanx's reach cannot run. Shield Wall Knowledge 20 10 exp Enemy attacks against the Phalanx do Force 30% less damage.

Defensive Line Knowledge 25 10 exp Draw a contiguous line along the Phalanx, this is impassable terrain to enemies.

Wall of Pikes Knowledge 30 15 exp Enemies engaged with the Phalanx must make a Terrify (Movement) Test at a penalty equal to half your Intelligence. Coordinated Attack Knowledge 40 15 exp Phalanx members have reach to any enemy engaged with the Phalanx.

As One Knowledge 50 20 exp The Phalanx has a single health pool equal to the summed health of its members. If a character leaves the Phalanx, their health is proportional to the Phalanx's.

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Mirages 20 exp 15 Knowledge

You gain access to the 4 Mirages of Illusion. Each is an ability that modifies certain stances when you enter them. Each ability will have different effect depending on which of the 4 stances you are in. If you are not in any of the 4 Illusion stances then you cannot use the abilities. Only 1 ability can be used on each turn.

Shifting Sands While in Mobile stance your dodges cost a flat 1 Dodge Power each and you may make as many dodge defensive actions as you have Dodge Power, but all your attacks cost +1 attack power. Swift Vengeance While in Cautious stance every successful defensive action grants a free Vengeance basic attack against the enemy that attacked you, but your non-Vengeance attacks are at a -2 penalty. Flensing Wind While in Reckless stance, each of your attacks cost 1 less Attack Power to execute and deal Poison damage, but all enemy melee attacks are at +2 to hit you. Dust and Echoes While in Standard stance you cause Fear(2) to those in combat with you, but you cannot Run.

Hidden Movement 20 exp 15 Knowledge

Shifting Sands: When engaged with an opponent, on your turn you may move to anywhere that is within their reach and your Move without provoking an opportunity attack. Swift Vengeance: All your Vengeance attacks for the next round count as being from behind. Flensing Wind: Opponents have a -2 Dodge and Parry penalty against your attacks this turn. Dust and Echoes: Enemies that fail the Fear test for being engaged with you must disengage at the start of their turn if possible.

Mirror Image 20 exp 20 Knowledge

Shifting Sands: A number of attacks made against you this turn equal to half your Intelligence have a -3 penalty. Swift Vengeance: Your Vengeance attacks do +50% damage this turn. Flensing Wind: Your Offensive actions this turn deal 50% less damage but each one hits an additional number of times equal to half your Intelligence. Dust and Echoes: You now cause Fear(2) to anyone attempting to attack you from range.

Phantom Strike 20 exp 25 Knowledge

Shifting Sands: As your Move action this turn you may instantly move from being engaged with one opponent to being engaged with another within 30m of you, provided you have line of sight to that enemy. Swift Vengeance: You may make Vengeance attacks against opponents who attack you from any range if you are aware of them. Flensing Wind: Your Offensive actions strike a number of opponents equal to Intelligence and gain Reach (2). Dust and Echoes: Your attacks cause targets that take damage to be affected by Terrify(Offense).

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Blink 20 exp 30 Knowledge

Shifting Sands: This turn you may instantly appear in a space within your Move and make a Stealth Test. Swift Vengeance: Opponents that are hit by your Vengeance attacks this turn are moved in a random direction 4d6 metres. To determine direction, roll scatter like a Blast attack. Flensing Wind: Your attacks gain Bleed. Dust and Echoes: Attacks that hit you this round are negated if you pass a +0 save, instead hitting the nearest other character within 4m instead.

Confusion 20 exp 35 Knowledge Shifting Sands: Any attack that you dodge hits the attacker for -50% damage. Swift Vengeance: Opponents that are damaged by your Vengeance attacks cannot attack you on their next turn unless they pass a Willpower test. Flensing Wind: Enemies that you deal damage to gain a cumulative -1 penalty to attack rolls for their next turn. Dust and Echoes: You gain the Ethereal trait for 1 round.

Nightfall 25 exp 40 Knowledge Shifting Sands: Make a stealth test - enemies are still aware of you but must pass a Perception test or have a -3 penalty to attack you. Swift Vengeance: Your Vengeance attacks that deal damage cause the opponent to take a Fear(3) and a Terrify(Movement) test. Flensing Wind: Opponents that are damaged by your attacks this turn fight as if in total darkness for 1 round. Dust and Echoes: An area around you twice your Intelligence in metres is in total darkness. You are unaffected.

Blur 30 exp 45 Knowledge Shifting Sands: You gain an extra Movement action on your turn. Swift Vengeance: Each successful Vengeance attack deals damage twice, calculating mitigation as per normal. Flensing Wind: You gain an extra Offensive action on your turn. If you are dual wielding, you instead gain 2. Dust and Echoes: Successful attacks against you must be rerolled.

Mindblast 30 exp 50 Knowledge Shifting Sands: This round, when you successfully dodge an attack the opponent that attacked you takes un- mitigatable damage equal to your Intelligence. Swift Vengeance: Your Vengeance attacks knock opponents prone unless they pass a Strength test (INT+2). Flensing Wind: Your melee attacks this round cannot be Braced. Dust and Echoes: Any opponent that moves into or starts their turn inside your Intelligence in metres suffers from Terrify (Offense, Movement).

Ephemeral Quicksand 30 exp 55 Knowledge Shifting Sands: You may shift as a free action to any point within 3 times your Int, this costs 1 Dodge Power. Swift Vengeance: You may make Vengeance attacks against any opponent who attacks an ally within an area around you equal to 3 times your Intelligence in metres. Flensing Wind: Your Offensive actions that deal damage double the weight of your target’s equipment. Dust and Echoes: Any enemy that sees you suffers from Terrify (Offense, Movement).

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