Lomatium Bradshawii -‐ Plant Propagation Protocol ESRM
Lomatium bradshawii - Plant Propagation Protocol ESRM 412 – Native Plant Production View Native Status Present Absent/Unreported USA (OR, WA) (3) Photos by Melissa Carr. (8) TAXONOMY Plant Family Scientific Name: Apiaceae Common Name: Carrot family Species Scientific Name Scientific Name: Lomatium bradshawii Varieties: Common Name(s): Bradshaw’s Lomatium, Bradshaw’s Desert Parsley Species Code: LOBR GENERAL INFORMATION Geographical range: Southwestern Washington, Puget Trough, Clark County (only 2 occurrences) Oregon: Central and Southern Willamette Valley: Benton, Lane, Linn, and Marion counties (47 occurrences) (1,7) Ecological distribution: moist meadows, wetlands, seasonally wet prairies (1) Climate and elevation range: Deep valleys, low elevations only (2) Local habitat and abundance: Grows in wet prairies that are inundated until late spring or early summer, within 500 feet of river or stream beds, in deep pluvial clay, shallow, and poorly drained soils, sometimes over basalt layer. (2) Commonly associated with the following species: Deschampsia cespitosa, Hordeum brachyantherum, Poapratensis, Eryngium petiolatum, Perideridia spp., Juncus spp., Grindelia integrifolia, Microseris laciniata, and Galium cymosum (1) Plant strategy type / successional stage: grows best in seasonally flooded areas, between wetland and upland Plant characteristics: perennial forb with long, slender taproot, linear segmented leaves 4- 12 inches long, small, light yellow flowers on umbels (2); flowers have spatial and temporal separation of sexual phases to insure outcrossing (not self-pollinating) (6), fruit is oblong, ¼-1/2 inch w/ thickened, corky wings (7). Blooms late April-June, fruits mid- May-early July (8). PROPAGATION DETAILS Ecotype: n/a Propagation Goal: Seedlings (2). Propagation Method: Seed only, plant germinated seeds in pots, or direct seed at site (LOBR does not reproduce vegetatively) (7).
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