

Abstract. Over the last few years, it has been suggested that the popular QR algorithm for

the unsymmetric eigenvalue problem does not paral lelize. In this paper, we present both positive

and negative results on this subject: In theory, asymptotical ly perfect speedup can be obtained.

In practice, reasonable speedup can be obtained on a MIMD distributed memory computer, for a

relatively smal l number of processors. However, we also show theoretical ly that it is impossible

for the standard QR algorithm to bescalable. Performanceofaparal lel implementation of the


LAPACK DLAHQR routine on the Intel Paragon system is reported.

1. Intro duction. Distributed memory parallel algorithms for the unsymmetric eigenvalue

problem have b een allusive. There are several multiply-based metho ds currently b eing

studied. Auslander and Tsao [2] and Lederman, Tsao, and Turnbull [24] have a matrix multiply-

based parallel algorithm, which uses a p olynomial mapping of the eigenvalues. Bai and Demmel

[4] have another parallel algorithm based on bisection with the matrix sign function. Matrix

tearing metho ds for nding the eigensystem of an unsymmetric Hessenb erg matrix have b een

prop osed by Dongarra and Sidani [9]. These involve doing a rank one change to the Hessenb erg

matrix to maketwo separate submatrices and then nding the eigenpairs of each submatrix,

followed by p erforming Newton's metho d on these values to nd the solution to the original

problem. None of the ab ove algorithms are particularly comp etitive in the serial case. They

su er from requiring more oating p oint op erations  ops and/or yield a loss of accuracy when

compared to ecient implementations of the QR algorithm.

Ecient sequential and shared memory parallel implementations of the QR algorithm use

a blo cked version of the Francis double implicit shifted algorithm [13] or a variant thereof [20].

There have also b een attempts at improving data reuse by increasing the numb er of shifts ei-

ther by using a multi-implicited shifted QR algorithm [3] or pip elining several double shifts

simultaneously [31, 32 ].

Anumb er of attempts at parallelizing the QR algorithm have b een made see Boley and

Maier [7], Geist, Ward, Davis, and Funderlic [14], and Stewart [27 ]. Distributing the work

evenly amongst the pro cessors has proven dicult for conventional storage schemes, esp ecially

when compared to the parallel solution of dense linear systems [22 , 23]. Communication also

b ecomes a more signi cant b ottleneck for the parallel QR algorithm. As noted byvan de Geijn

[29] and van de Geijn and Hudson [30], the use of a blo ck Hankel-wrapp ed storage scheme can

alleviate some of the problems involved in parallelizing the QR algorithm.

In this pap er, we presenta numb er of results of theoretical signi cance on the sub ject. We

reexamine the results on the Hankel-wrapp ed storage schemes in the setting of a parallel im-

Intel Sup ercomputer Systems Division, 14924 N.W. Greenbrier Pkwy, Beaverton, OR 97006,

[email protected]


Department of Computer Sciences, The UniversityofTexas, Austin, Texas 78712, [email protected]

plementation of a state-of-the-art sequential implementation. Theoretically we can show that

under certain conditions the describ ed approach is asymptotically 100 ecient: if the num-

b er of pro cessors is xed and the problem size grows arbitrarily large, p erfect sp eedup can b e

approached. However, we also show that our approach is not scalable in the following sense:

To maintain a given level of eciency, the dimension of the matrix must grow linearly with the

numb er of pro cessors. As a result, it will b e imp ossible to maintain p erformance as pro cessors

are added, since memory requirements grow with the square of the dimension, and physical mem-

ory grows only with the numb er of pro cessors. While this could b e a de ciency attributable to

our implementation, we also show that for the standard implementations of the sequential QR

algorithm, it is imp ossible to nd an implementation with b etter scalability prop erties. Finally,

we show that these techniques can indeed b e incorp orated into a real co de by giving details of a

prototyp e distributed memory implementation of the serial algorithm DLAHQR [1], the LAPACK

version of the double implicit shifted QR algorithm. Full functionality of the LAPACK co de

can b e supp orted. That is, the techniques can b e extended to allow for the cases of computing

the Schur vectors, computing the Schur decomp osition of H , or just computing the eigenvalues

alone. Wehave implemented a subset of this functionality, for which the co de is describ ed and

p erformance results are given.

Thus this pap er makes four contributions: It describ es a data decomp osition that allows, at

least conceptually, straight-forward implementation of the QR algorithm; It gives theoretical

limitations for parallelizing the standard QR algorithm; It describ es a parallel implementation

based on the prop osed techniques; It rep orts p erformance results of this pro of-of-concept imple-


mentation obtained on the Intel Paragon system.

2. Sequential QR Algorithm. While we assume the reader of this pap er to b e fully versed

in the intricate details of the QR algorithm, we brie y review the basics in this section.

The Francis double implicit shifted QR algorithm has b een a successful serial metho d for


computing the Schur decomp osition H = QT Q . Here T is upp er pseudo-triangular with 1x1

or 2x2 blo cks along the diagonal and Q is orthogonal. We assume for simplicity that our initial

matrix H is Hessenb erg. The parallelization of the reduction to Hessenb erg form is a well

understo o d problem, and unlike the eigenvalue problem, the Hessenb erg reduction has b een

shown to parallelize well [5, 10].

One step of the Francis double shift Schur decomp osition is in Figure 1. Here, the Householder

matrices are symmetric orthogonal transforms of the form:



P = I 2



v v


where v 2< and

0 if ji+3

v =


1 if j = i +1

We assume the Hessenb erg matrix is unreduced, and if not, nd the largest unreduced submatrix

of H . Supp ose this submatrix is H k : l; k : l. We then apply the Francis HQR Step to the rows

Francis HQR Step

e = eigH n 1:n; n 1:n

Let x =H e1I   H e2I 

n n


Let P 2< b e a Householder matrix



P x is a multiple of e .

0 1


0 0

for i =1;:::;n 2

Compute P so that


P H has zero i +2;i and


i +3;ientries.

Up date H  P HP

i i

Up date Q  QP



Fig. 1. Sequential Francis HQR Step

and columns of H corresp onding to the submatrix; that is,

H k : l; :  P H k : l; :


H :;k : l  H:;k : lP


The double implicit shifts in this case are chosen to b e the eigenvalues of

e = eigH l 1:l; l 1:l

In practice, after every couple of iterations, some of the sub diagonals of H will b ecome nu-

merically zero, and at this p oint the problem de ates into smaller problems.

3. Parallel QR Algorithms.

3.1. Data Decomp osition. We brie y describ e the storage scheme presented in [30 ]. Sup-


p ose A 2< where n = mhp for some integers h and m and p is the numb er of pro cessors.

Supp ose A is partitioned as follows

2 3

A A  A A

1;1 1;2 1;mp1 1;mp

6 7

6 7

A A  A A

2;1 2;2 2;mp1 2;mp

6 7

6 7

A A  A A

3;1 3;2 3;mp1 3;mp

A = 6 7 ;

6 7

. . . .


6 7

. . . . .


. . . .

4 5

A A  A A

mp;1 mp;2 mp;mp1 mp;mp



where A 2< .We denote pro cessor k owning blo ck A with a sup erscript A . The one

i;j i;j


dimensional blo ck Hankel-wrapp ed storage for m = 1 assigns submatrix A to pro cessor


i + j 2 mo d p:

00000 11111 22222 33333

00000 11111 22222 33333

0000 11111 22222 33333

000 11111 22222 33333

00 11111 22222 33333

33333 00000 1 22222

33333 00000 22222

33333 00000 2222


33333 00000 222


33333 00000 22

3 00000 11111

00000 11111

0000 11111

000 11111

00 11111

1 22222





Fig. 2. Data decomposition and chasing of the bulge.

That is, the distribution amongst the pro cessors is as follows [30 ]:

3 2

0 1 2 p2 p1

A A A  A A

1;1 1;2 1;3 1;mp1 1;mp

7 6

1 2 3 p1 0

7 6

A A A  A A

7 6

2;1 2;2 2;3 2;mp1 2;mp

7 6

3 4 0 1

7 6

A A  A A

3;2 3;3 3;mp1 3;mp

7 6

7 6

. .


7 . 6 . .


. .

5 4






where the sup erscript indicates the pro cessor assignment.

3.2. Basic Parallel Algorithm. We start describing the basic parallel QR algorithm by

considering the Francis HQR Step. The basic lo op in Figure 1, indexed by i, is generally referred

to as \chasing the bulge". Figure 2 gives an arbitrary example of i = 7,ina2020 matrix, where

the integers indicate nonzero elements of the upp er Hessenb erg matrix, and the B's indicate the ll

in at that stage of the lo op. In the next step of Francis HQR step, a Householder transformation

P is computed and applied from the left and the right. The a ected elements are within the


dashed lines. After this application of the Householder transformation, the bulge moves down

the diagonal one p osition, and the next iteration starts.

Figure 2 also demonstrates the p ossible parallelism in the Francis HQR step: The application

of P to the appropriate elementsof H, referred to as a re ection, is p erfectly distributed among


the pro cessors, except for the pro cessor that owns the bulge and the ll-in elements. This

pro cessor must do slightly more work asso ciated with the intersection of the twoboxes. It is

the paral lelism within the application of each Householder transformation that is the key to the

success of the approach.

The entire Francis HQR step now parallelizes as follows:

1. The pro cessors that holds eig H n 1:n; n 1:n computes the shifts, and sends

them to the rst pro cessor. Alternatively, all pro cessors could compute the shifts, since

it is a lower order op eration.

2. The pro cessor that owns the data required to compute P computes it, and then broad-


casts it to all other pro cessors.

3. All pro cessors up date their p ortions of the matrix according to P .


4. for i =1;:::;n 2

a The pro cessor that owns the data required to compute P computes it and then


broadcasts it to all other pro cessors.

b All pro cessors up date their p ortions of the matrix according to P .


Naturally,everytime the computation hits data that lies on the b oundaries b etween pro cessors,

a limited amount of communication is required to bring appropriate rows and columns together.

3.3. Analysis of the Simple Parallel Algorithm. Before discussing the ner details of

the parallel co de, let us analyze the simple algorithm given ab ove. This will give us an idea of

howwell the basic approachworks. We will restrict our analysis to a single Francis step, and

ignore shift derivation, convergence, or decoupling set up costs. We show later how this extra

O nwork can b e done without incurring excessiveoverhead.

For our analysis, we will use the following mo del: Performing a oating p oint computation

requires time . Sending a message of length n between two no des requires time + n , where

represents the latency, and the p enalty p er double precision numb er transferred. For conve-

nience, we shall assume all communication is nearest neighb or, and hence no network con icts

o ccur. Pro cessors can send and receive simultaneously.

We start by computing the sequential exp ense of the algorithm: Computing a Householder

transformation from a vector of length three requires C , some small constant, ops. Applying

such a Householder transformation of size three to three rows or columns of length n requires

10n ops. Within the lo op indexed by i, each transformation is applied to n i + 1 triplets

of rows and i + 3 triplets of columns. Applying the transformations to the Hessenb erg matrix

therefore requires 10n + 4 ops and applying the transformations to the Schur matrix requires

10n ops. The total cost of executing a single Francis step thus b ecomes approximately




C + 10n +4+10n =20n +On


Turning now to the parallel implementation, contributions to the critical path are given roughly

as follows: Computing a transformation still contributes C ops. Broadcasting this transforma-

tion requires time +3 , since the parallel implementation can b e arranged to pip eline around

the logical ring of pro cessors. After this, the pro cessors that computed the transformation must

up date its part of the rows and columns. The row and column vectors are of length approxi-

mately n=p, with a few extra intro duced by the bulge. This contributes the equivalent of ab out

20n=p + 4 ops. Now, it can compute the next transformation, and the pro cess rep eats itself

n 1 times. The total contribution b ecomes





n n n

1 +4+10 + +3 = Cn +20 +40n + n +3n + O 1 C + 10

p p p


Here we cannot ignore O n terms, since if p is comparable to n, these terms matter.

Equation 1 ignores the communication required when a b oundary of pro cessors is reached,

which happ ens every h iterations. Each \b order" row contains roughly n i=p elements p er

pro cessor, and each \b order" column contains roughly i=p elements p er pro cessor. Using trans-

forms of size three implies that when the b oundary of pro cessors is reached, the next transform

will also cross the b oundary. Hence 2n=p items must b e communicated to the right and returned.

This means that the total communication volume for \b order" or b oundary data is

n n

2 4 

h p

The communication volume in Equation 2 can b e done in anywhere from one to eight messages

dep ending on the implementation. Eight messages are required when b oth rows and b oth columns

for the two iterations are sent separately, and returned again. One message is p ossible if data is

only sent rightward around the ring, and the results accumulated into a bu er and sent backin

O1 communications at the end of the Francis step. For the purp ose of our mo del, we assume

two communications, requiring time


n n

3 2 +2

h p

for a total estimated parallel time of

2 2

n n n

T n; p; h=Cn +20 4 +40n + n +3n +2 +4 + O 1


p h hp

On current generation architectures, the ab ove mo del shows that the bulk of ineciency comes

from the number of messages generated, since is typically several orders of magnitude greater

than either or .Toinvestigate the scalability of the approach, we start by computing the

estimated sp eedup


T h

20n p


5 Sp eedup n; p; h= = =

2 2

est p


n n

T n; p; h 1+ +O 

20 +4 + O n


h n

p hp

If h is chosen big enough, e.g. h = n=p, the second term in the denominator also b ecomes O p=n,

and we can make the following observations: if p is xed, and n is allowed to grow, eventually

p erfect sp eedup will b e approached. Furthermore, the estimated eciency attained is given by


Eciency n; p; h = Sp eedup n; p; h = 6

est est p



From this last equation, we can say something ab out the scalability of the implementation: In

order to maintain eciency,wemust grow n linearly with p. This p oses a serious problem:


memory grows linearly with p, but memory requirements grow with n . We conclude that

this approach to parallelization will not scale, since memory constraints dictate that eventually

eciency cannot b e maintained, even if the problem is allowed to grow to ll the combined memories.

The previous mo deling extends to the overall algorithm in a simple manner. On average, to

nd the eigenvalues of a matrix of size n requires 2n HQR iterations. Every other iteration, there

is usually a de ation of size one or two. Since de ation o ccurs less frequently in the b eginning

than the end, our overall mo del satis es:



2 3

Overall Flops = 3  20k =20n ;

k =1

where 3 is a heuristic fudge factor. Compare, for example, [15] which uses a similar heuristic,


but di erent fudge factor, to suggest overall ops at 25n .

Similarly,we can extend any of the formulas in the previous subsection. In Equation 4, the

numb er of communication start-ups is n +2n=h.For the overall algorithm, b efore the bundling

describ ed in x 3.5.4, we can estimate



3 3


Communication Start-ups = 3  k +2k=h= + n

2 h

k =1

3.4. Theoretical Limitations. For many dense linear algebra algorithms, b etter scalabil-

ity can b e obtained by using a so-called two dimensional data decomp osition. Examples include

the standard decomp osition algorithms, like LU, QR, and Cholesky factorization [11 , 16 ], as well

as the reduction to condensed form required for reducing a general matrix to upp er Hessenb erg

form [5, 10 ]. It is therefore natural to try to reformulate the parallel QR algorithm in an attempt

to extract an algorithm that has b etter scalability prop erties. In this section we show theoret-

ical ly that there is an inherent limitation to the scalability of the QR algorithm that indicates

that a more complicated data and work decomp osition alone cannot improve the scalabilityof

the parallel implementation.

We present a simple analysis of the theoretical limitations of the QR algorithm. There is a clear

dep endence in the chasing of the bulge that requires at least O n steps to complete one Francis

HQR step. The asso ciated computation can b e thought of as running down the diagonal of the

matrix. Moreover, the last element of the matrix must b e computed b efore the next Francis step


can start, since it is needed to compute the shift. Since there are O n  computations p erformed

in one such step, the sp eedup is limited to O n, which indicates that the maximal number of

pro cessors that can b e usefully employed is O n. Hence, p  Cn for some constant C .

Let us now analyze the implications of this: If ecient use of the pro cessors is to b e attained,

the equation p  Cn must hold for some constant C . The total memory requirements for a


problem of size n is Kn , for some constant K . Hence


2 2 2

Memory Requirements = Kn  p = Op :



Notice however that memory only grows linearly with the numb er of pro cessors. We conclude

that due to memory restrictions, it is imp ossible to solve a problem large enough to maintain

eciency as pro cessors are added. In the conclusion, we indicate howitmay b e p ossible to

overcome this apparent negative result.

3.5. Re nements of the Parallel Algorithm. The ab ove analysis shows that there is

reason to b elieve that trying to generalize the Hankel-wrapp ed mapping to yield the equivalent

ofatwo dimensional wrapping will not result in the same kinds of b ene ts as it would for a

factorization algorithm. However, there are a numb er of re nements that can b e made that

will improve the p erformance of the parallel QR algorithm. Moreover, the algorithm as it was

describ ed in Section 3.2 is far from a complete implementation.

3.5.1. Accumulating Q. The algorithm in Section 3.2 ignores the accumulation of the

Q. There is a p erfect parallelism in this op eration, requiring no more com-

munication than must already b e p erformed as part of the up dating of H .

Each stage of the Francis HQR step in Figure 1 requires the computation Q  QP . Since


P is broadcasted during the up date of the Hessenb erg matrix, all pro cessors already have this


information. The computation Q  QP re ects three columns of Q. Which three get re ected


dep ends on i. Since Q is not accessed elsewhere within the HQR kernel, we can assume Q has the

b est data storage p ossible for re ecting three columns. This data storage is a one dimensional

row mapping. With a one dimensional row mapping, the data in anyrow is always contained on

a single pro cessor. Eachrow in a column transform can b e computed indep endently. So there

is no extra communication required to complete the column transform, and this extra work is

embarrassingly parallel.

3.5.2. De ation. We previously mentioned that as sub diagonal elements b ecome numer-

ically zero, the pro cess pro ceeds with unreduced submatrices on the diagonal. This pro cess is

known as de ation. One convenientway to determine the p oints where such a blo ck start and

end is to broadcast enough diagonal information during the bulge chase so that at the end of a

complete HQR step, all pro cessors hold all information required to determine when breakp oints

o ccur. This requires sending six elements instead of three p er transformation. While this cre-

ates a certain redundancy, the overhead is O n, and hence in line with the cost of the total


3.5.3. Determining shifts. Related to the re nement mentioned ab ove concerning de a-

tion, it is convenient to also broadcast all entries of the tridiagonal of the newly formed Hessenb erg

matrix, since this allows all pro cessors access to the data required to compute the next shifts.

3.5.4. Bundling transformations. As is argued in Section 3.3, the bulk of the communi-

cation overhead is due to communication startup cost. This cost can b e amortized over several

computations and applications of Householder transformations by bundling several Householder

transformations b efore broadcasting.

We direct the reader's attention to Figure 3.

This picture represents the data in the blo ck that currently holds the bulge. This blo ckis

assumed to b e completely assigned to one pro cessor. In chasing the bulge a few p ositions, to

where it moves from the p osition indicated by \B"s to the p osition indicated by \b"s, a number of

Householder transformations are computed. To do so, only the computation asso ciated with the
















m m


1 2
























@ @

Fig. 3. Bund ling Householder transformations and order of updates


region marked by \1" needs to b e p erformed. Thus these transformations can b e bundled by

p erforming this minimal computation, followed by the broadcast, after which the other regions,

marked by \2" and \3" can b e up dated. The net e ect is that the numb er of startups is reduced by

the numb er of transformations that are bundled. Naturally, bundling across pro cessor b oundaries

b ecomes complicated, and has only marginal b ene t.

Rep eating the analysis in Subsection 3.3 ab ove, we get the following estimates: Computing r

transformations, up dating only region \1" in Figure 3 requires approximately

r C + 10r + 4

time. Broadcasting the transformations requires time

+3r :

Next, up dating regions \2" and \3" on the pro cessor that computes the transformations requires



10r  r 


to up date matrix A, and




to up date matrix Q. This is rep eated n=r times, and b order information must b e communicated

every h transformations, giving a very rough total estimated time of

2 2

n n n n

20 + Cn +40n + +3n +2 +4 + O 1:

p r h hp


As is noted in Henry [17, 20], the minimal information needed to determine the up coming transforms is

roughly eighty p ercent of the total ops required to actually complete the entire up date in region \1" of Figure 3.

This \partial" step is referred to as a lo okahead step and can also b e used to determine b etter shifts cf. Henry


Clearly the ab ove estimate is only a rough estimate: It suggests that increasing bundling factor

r arbitrarily will continue to improve total time. Notice that this estimate is only reasonable

when the pip e is undisturb ed. However, everytime a b oundary is encountered, the b oundary will

b e disturb ed and therefore larger bundling factors will increase load imbalance. Nonetheless, our

mo del gives us insight.

4. Performance Results. In this section, we rep ort the p erformance of a prototyp e work-

ing implementation of the describ ed parallel implementation. Our implementation is a paral-

lelization of the LAPACK [1] routine DLAHQR, and is mathematically exact except that the sequen-

tial routine applies one nal rotation p er converged eigenpair so that the resulting \Schur" form

has some regularity. Hence there is no need to rep ort in detail on the numerical accuracy of the

implementation: all numerical prop erties of the LAPACK apply to this parallel implementation.


We rep ort p erformance obtained on an Intel Paragon XP/S Mo del 140 Sup ercomputer,

running SUNMOS version S1.4.8. Since nding all eigenvalues of a very large matrix takes a

considerable amount of time measured in days we rep ort the p erformance of the algorithm

during the rst ve iterations. For problems of size 2750 or less, and for 64 pro cessors or less,

wesaw ve iterations was always within three p ercent of predicting overall p erformance. In

addition, it is hard to measure sp eedup with resp ect to a single pro cessor, due to insucient

memory to hold a large matrix. As a result, we measured the p erformance of the b est known

sequential QR algorithm, and rep ort the parallel p erformance with resp ect to that: The single

no de p erformance of the fastest QR algorithm not necessarily a standard double shift algorithm

from LAPACK p eaks at 10 M ops for the ve iterations. We rep ort scaled sp eedup as b eing the

sp eedup obtained with resp ect to the calculated time required to run a given problem on a single

no de p erforming at 10 M ops. In this case, actual ops within the algorithm were calculated

and used for results, and not heuristics.

Many parameters are used to describ e the parallel implementation, including the number of

no des used, p, the matrix size, n, the blo cking factor, h, and the bundling factor, r . All the runs

in Table 1 were for problems of size approximately 10 to 14 Mbytes, all with blo cking factors h

given by n=p, with bundling factors constantatr= 2. Our mo dels predict that varying h and r

impacts communication overhead incurred. However, in practice the ma jor source of ineciency

app ears to come from the fact that row and column up dates do not have the same memory access

patterns, and therefore execute at di erent rates. Our exp eriments indicate row transforms are

13 p ercent faster than column transforms. At each step there is a roughly even amountofwork

for all the no des, but there is not the same amountofrow or column work. This means that at

each step there is a delay for a few of the no des to complete the ring broadcast. Hence although

in our mo del predicts the load balance to b e quite go o d, the di erent rates of execution make

it much less well balanced. This shows up in the timings given in Table 1. Notice that at b est,

ab out 65 p ercent eciency is attained.

5. Conclusion. The research describ ed in this pap er was meant as a resp onse to claims

that no parallelism exists in the QR algorithm. The theoretical results in this pap er show there

are approaches to implementing the QR algorithm that allow parallelism to b e extracted in a

natural way. The actual implementation of this metho d on a high p erformance parallel computer

p n Scaled

Speedup Eciency

4 2000 2.5 .63

8 2800 5.2 .65

16 4000 10.0 .63

32 4800 17.1 .53

48 6000 23.0 .48

64 8000 30.1 .47

96 9600 37.4 .39

Table 1

Paral lel HQR

shows that in practice, parallelism can b e extracted as well.

We caution the reader against misinterpreting the results in this pap er as largely supp orting

the notion that new metho ds like those develop ed by Bai and Demmel [4] and Dongarra and

Sidani [9] must b e pursued if nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems are to b e solved on massively

parallel computers. Let us address some of the arguments that can b e made to supp ort suchan

interpretation and how these arguments are somewhat unsatisfactory.

No parallelism exists in the nonsymmetric QR algorithm.

We b elieve the ma jor results in this pap er are a counter example to this state-

ment, b oth in theory and practice.

The p erformance of even the sequential algorithm leaves something to b e desired.

One argument for matrix- based metho ds is that matrix

multiplication can achievemuch higher p erformance rates than a kernel that ap-

plies a Householder transformation. This more than o sets the added oating

p oint op erations required for suchnovel solutions. This argument is true only

b ecause the matrix-matrix multiplication is recognized as an imp ortantkernel

that warrants highly optimized implementation. It is the data reuse available

in the matrix-matrix multiplication that allows near-p eak p erformance to b e

achieved on a large numb er of platforms. However, a careful analysis of reuse

of data when multiple Householder transformations are applied, which could b e

exploited with bundling, shows that the p erformance of the sequential QR algo-

rithm could b e greatly improved if sucha kernel were assembly co ded. Clearly

a user who can a ord a massively parallel computer would b e able to a ord to

assembly co de sucha kernel.

One could argue that assembly co ding this kernel would only improve the 40

p ercent of total time sp ent in useful computation and hence would actually

decrease eciency.However, since we argue that the bulk of overhead is due to

load imbalance, the total time should b ene t, not just the time sp ent in useful computation.

Parallel QR algorithms cannot b e scalable.

One could draw this conclusion from Section 3.4. However, notice that the anal-

ysis holds for the algorithm when only a single double-shift is used during each

iteration. If a metho d is parallelized that uses s shifts, the total computation p er


iteration is increased to O sn , while the dep endence during the bulge chase

only increases to O n + sifmultiple bulges are chased in a pip elined fashion. We


conclude that the limit on sp eedup is now given by O sn =O n + s  O sn.

O sn pro cessors can b e usefully employed, leading to memory requirements




Memory Requirements= Kn >= O 





p , scalability can b e achieved while As long as p=s = O 1, i.e. s = O 

meeting the xed memory p er pro cessor criteria.

Scalable implementations of the QR algorithm may be achievable for

paral lel implementations that use s shifts simultaneously, provided the

number of shifts grows with the square-root of the number of proces-


Wemust note that our data decomp osition inherently requires n to grow with p

and therefore it will not provide for the required parallel implementation. There-

fore, generalizations to two dimensional data decomp ositions will b e necessary.

Notice that some of the ab ove comments indicate that many of the observations made from

the earlier sections were merely due to the fact that we restricted ourselves in this pap er to

discussing the parallel implementation of widely used QR algorithms.

We conclude bysaying that the reason parallel QR algorithm implementations may not b e

comp etitive is b ecause insucient resources have b een allo cated to study their implementation.

Those resources are currently b eing used to instead explore novel algorithms. If someone has

the required resources, our research p oints clearly to what prop erties a parallel implementation

must have to b e successful.


Acknowledgements. Our nal runs were made on Sandia's Paragon XP/S Mo del 140

Sup ercomputer running SUNMOS S1.4.8, and we are grateful for this resource and op erating

system. SUNMOS stands for Sandia and University of New Mexico Op erating System, and is

a joint collab oration b etween Sandia National Lab oratories and UNM. SUNMOS is copyrighted


by Sandia National Lab oratories. Most of the developmentwas done on various Paragon

sup ercomputers at Intel Sup ercomputer Systems Division. We thank Ken Stanley and David

Watkins for communications regarding this work.


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