QR Decomposition on GPUs Andrew Kerr, Dan Campbell, Mark Richards Georgia Institute of Technology, Georgia Tech Research Institute {andrew.kerr, dan.campbell}@gtri.gatech.edu,
[email protected] ABSTRACT LU, and QR decomposition, however, typically require ¯ne- QR decomposition is a computationally intensive linear al- grain synchronization between processors and contain short gebra operation that factors a matrix A into the product of serial routines as well as massively parallel operations. Achiev- a unitary matrix Q and upper triangular matrix R. Adap- ing good utilization on a GPU requires a careful implementa- tive systems commonly employ QR decomposition to solve tion informed by detailed understanding of the performance overdetermined least squares problems. Performance of QR characteristics of the underlying architecture. decomposition is typically the crucial factor limiting problem sizes. In this paper, we focus on QR decomposition in particular and discuss the suitability of several algorithms for imple- Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) are high-performance pro- mentation on GPUs. Then, we provide a detailed discussion cessors capable of executing hundreds of floating point oper- and analysis of how blocked Householder reflections may be ations in parallel. As commodity accelerators for 3D graph- used to implement QR on CUDA-compatible GPUs sup- ics, GPUs o®er tremendous computational performance at ported by performance measurements. Our real-valued QR relatively low costs. While GPUs are favorable to applica- implementation achieves more than 10x speedup over the tions with much inherent parallelism requiring coarse-grain native QR algorithm in MATLAB and over 4x speedup be- synchronization between processors, methods for e±ciently yond the Intel Math Kernel Library executing on a multi- utilizing GPUs for algorithms computing QR decomposition core CPU, all in single-precision floating-point.