Tangent Times

Magazine of Tangent India February 2020

Amethyst Issue Tangent Times February Issue 2020

love yourself ove yourself. Enough to It's the month of February and Be the hero of your life and to be Ltake the actions required for LOVE is in the air. just that. You have to learn to your happiness. To love and being loved are the 'FLY'( first love yourself). Enough to cut yourself loose best blessings we could be For self love : make Life become from the drama-filled past. showered with. simpler and lighter. Enough to set a high standard for This Valentine's Day, make a have more inner stability and less promise to yourselves to 'find, relationships. self-sabotage . embrace and be yourselves'. Enough to feed your mind and be happy. Lets begin our self love journey body in a healthy manner. by affirming Sending lots of love to all my dear Enough to forgive yourself. "My life is a gift, I will use this friends from the bottom of my Enough to move on.” gift with confidence, joy and belly, I would like to say but – Steve Maraboli exuberance. my belly is BIGGER. COVER STORY BE HAPPY methyst, the birthstone of February, is a variety of Quartz that Acarries a spectacular purple color that ranges from a blend of deep violet and red to a lighter lilac hue. Ancient Greeks believed that the stone protected the wearer from drunkenness and enabled them to keep a balanced mindset.

Birthday greetings to our Amethyst girls Geetha Srinath, Maya Jain, Sonal Desai, Monita Khatri, Shobha Bembalgi Sucharita, Neelam Kohli, Archana Manojkumar, Usha Nair, Mini Kar Sudha Rao, Chandrika, Rinku Shah, Atibha Vijay, Chanda Kinger, Kusum Sikand , Neena Bakhshi, Jyotsna Sadhu, Sheetal Chhabria, Sukanya L Narayan, Renuka Sehgal, Koely Roy, Aruna Chainani, Vani Srinath, Preeti Asher, Tanu Bhargava, Sobby Saluja, Nanda Javali, Daksha Gandhi, Sneha Shettar. 1 Tangent Times February Issue 2020 Your President Speaks My Hat Collection

I am Bijal Kalbag and I am the wearer of the hats. I have many skills but the greatest of them all is my ability to quickly change hats. Some even call me a mad-hatter. I wanted to talk to you about my hat collection and point out a few of my favourite hats.

1) Orange - I am currently the president of the Tangent Club, a servant of the club, rowing and moving it forward. I really believe in our new motto of "She Unlimited". I believe that we are all here to achieve the full potential of our lives and that together, we can be stronger. Some of my passion projects is the movement of Tangent Entrepreneurs and Tangents on Vacay These are both so important to my heart because I personally identify as both, an entrepreneur (Blue Hat) and a traveller (Green Hat). Read along to know more.

2) Blue - I am an entrepreneur and a business woman, running a successful business since the past 25 years - Creative Awards and Rewards. I have always believed in the importance of pushing myself and striving for more. I work full time at the company and I am definitely a boss woman at work. Chop, Chop, Go.

3) Green - Travel is my food for the soul. It helps me unplug and destress like no other medicine can. I love taking the wheel in my hand and driving across multiple terrains and places. We travel a lot as a family - name the city, country or continent and we have probably been there. But the travel list is endless and there is still so much more of the world I want to see, hopefully now with my fellow tangent family.

Most people describe me as many things - a go getter, a power woman, a caring mother and a force of nature. But I believe that I switch between different roles and personalities, the same way I switch my many hats. Afterall, there is so much beauty and colour in life - Why would we only wear one hat?

Valentine's day is not just for lovers.... It's also for friends who love each other...

Tangent 28 along with 41rs celebrated valentine's night at Mariott and the fun, masti and of course laughter continued right till the calendar date had changed...

Sec Ritu agarwal

2 Tangent Times February Issue 2020


Dear Tangent Members, Greetings of the season from the Association of 41 Clubs of India. It is good to hear about all the activities happening in Tangent India. We look forward to work side by side with you on various facets. On the 10 th of January, 2020, I represented the 41 Clubs at the NAGM of RTI at Chennai. We had a Fabulous outbound MTM of Area 6 at Pattaya, Bangkok on 18 th , 19 th and 20 th of January, 2020. It was well attended and the NEX was represented by seven members. I also represented the 41 Clubs of India, in my capacity as President, at the Round Table India Foundation meeting held on 31 st January, 2020, in Chennai. My greetings and best wishes for your upcoming MTM at Bangalore on 15 th and 16 th of February, 2020. Incidentally, the MTM of Area 3 is also on the same dates. Looking forward to meeting up with all of you in Bangalore.


Dear ladies of Tangent India, how wonderful it would be if only India and Bangalore would be closer to Finland! As the President of our international association, I really would have loved to be able to join either your AGM or MTM in person. To live and breathe the colours and tastes of true and unique India. However, I must accept my financial and timely limitations and only send you my greeting to the meetings – and admire the photos which I encourage you to share in our social media channel during and after the event. Fortunately, our TCI board member and secretary Åsa Egnell is a true world traveller and able to join also your upcoming MTM. TCI is still a young association, but we in the board have worked hard to make it a solid member of the International Round Table Family. As a member of this family, we are stronger, we have more voice in making a difference. This is something that also nationally we should remember and take advantage of more. At the same time, we must of course concentrate on increasing the member base of our own association and keeping our activities interesting and inviting to our own members. There is something for everyone, I am sure; from local service to international meetings, which I hope that also from India we will get more attendance going forward. Ladies, on behalf of all of the TCI board, I would like to wish you a fruitful and fun MTM!

3 Tangent Times February Issue 2020 MESSAGE FROM LCI


There were two Mid-Term- of napkins to ladies in rural India topics. They varied from charter Meetings for LCI this year: one in and one can follow their project packages to how to support Vienna, Austria, for Middle on Facebook. TCI supports this countries to get new members European and African regions LCI project - a way of also and how to offer and find home and another in Reykjavik, showing the dedication and hosting opportunities when Iceland, for the Nordic, Southern support for our “little sisters” travelling. Social media presence Europe and APAC regions. from Tangent. was one “hot” topic in the In Vienna, there were 19 The region leads gave their meetings too, as it has been countries represented and just reports and new Regional identified as an important over 200 ladies attending and in Chairpersons were voted on. information channel, despite its Reykjavik, there were 16 They will not, however, step into informality. countries represented, with about their role until at the LCI AGM in Attending the meetings of LCI is 250 ladies attending the August, to be held in Lahti, very important for us Tangent weekend. Finland. The locations and dates representatives, as there we can for the MTM’s and AGM’s for As both of the LCI MTM’s had be seen and heard, there we can 2020-22 were presented. The the same agenda, here is a share the information on how to status of the members’ platform summary of the discussed topics continue the friendship after circler. world was discussed and for both meetings: Ladies’ Circle. Any member of it is wonderful that over 70% of Tangent is welcome to join these Saturday was the MTM itself, countries will be live in the meetings, so do not hesitate to do which as the TCI HYM, is a circler. world by the end of 2020. so next year! discussion meeting with little Lastly the legal and financial voting. TCI board member Jill entities were discussed, as the Harris gave the TCI greetings for bank account of LCI will need to the meeting in Vienna and TCI be moved to another country and President Nina Leppäkangas in they are planning to establish Reykjavik. LCI as an NGO or foundation. At the meetings, we learnt that More will follow on this at the the LCI charity project, Crimson LCI AGM. - International Service Project In the end, the meeting 2019-21, already has enough participants were divided in money to distribute the first sets groups and given discussion

4 Tangent Times February Issue 2020 WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE AWARDS Bijal Kalbag - President Tangent India

y theme for the year is SHE UNLIMITED. I believe the nurturing spirit in women makes us Mgreat leaders. And our Movement gives us a platform where like minded dedicated women come together to share a vision and take action to bring about lasting change whilst enriching our Bonds of Friendship.

A couple of initiatives were proposed by me to promote this theme and these Woman of Substance awards is closest to my heart.

There is so much that women are capable of achieving, yet only a few are able to realize their dreams. In India especially, the world clips their wings, stifles their voices and robs them of opportunities.

Yet, these women have battled all odds, broken the glass ceiling, beaten the challenges and biases and have not only survived but WON in Life.

The idea behind these awards is to celebrate, recognize and honour the remarkable achievements of these brave and Inspiring women of Substance and encourage them to Fly.

5 Tangent Times February Issue 2020

TANGENT INDIA HAPPENINGS JANUARY 2020 Wish you all and your families and friends A VERY HAPPY AND HEALTHY NEW YEAR Tangent 2 Delhi Tangent 15 Celebrated Republic Day at the residence of Along with 41 club 110, the Tangies of Club 15 went Vijeta. Members were welcomed by tricolor on an outbound trip to a one of its kind Commando tattoo, quiz on freedom fighters and patriotic songs Training camp to be trained in various survival skills . were the highlights of the meeting. A fun filled It was fun and everyone tested their physical and afternoon. mental strength . Flag hoisting and 30 th Annual Day Tangent 3 Delhi function was celebrated at Gandhi Memorial school. President Bijal graced the occasion as Guest of The 1st meeting of 2020 hosted by Jayshreee was Honour. held at La Chez. A perfect afternoon of enlightenment, entertainment and enjoying the Tangent 16 Bhilwara delicious South Indian food. There was Hasya Rocking start to 2020 by the members of Bhilwara. Kavita session, members enlightened all about The partying continued till the wee hours and , , Lal Loi etc. ushered in the New Year with great gusto. On 19th Tangent 8 Bhubaneswar January Tablers, Circlers, Tangies, 41ers and children spent a sporty Sunday in the form of KHEL Members of T8 attended the Womens Leadership JAMBOREE. There was all round merry making. It Summit which was inaugurated by Chief Minister was “SUPER SE BHI UPAR – CHAK DE INDIA.” of Odisha, the first state in india to have started a chapter for Woman entrepreneurs,. Chairperson Tangent 28 Siliguri Poonam and Secretary Manu were felicitated on the The New Year started with a bang for the Tangies of occasion by Hon'ble Chief Minister of Odisha – in Siliguri at Hiccups hosted by Amita. Celebrated line with the President's Theme of SHE friendship with unlimited fun, card games and UNLIMITED. 4th regular meeting followed by delicious susie and sizzlers in the chilly weather. delicious high tea was held at the residence of There was outbound fellowship trip to Kalimpong Chairperson Poonam. New member Joey Bose along with 41ers and Tangent 28 members. was inducted. Tangent 29 Hubli Tangent 9 Kolkata A good laugh heals a lot of hurts. On the occasion of 4th meeting and Joint Social Winter Brunch was International Laughter day the 41ers and Tangent hosted by Ira & Kajol –at The RCGC. On 15th members celebrated the evening with members of January 2020 the Club undertook the Annual Haasya Parivar with laughter exercises and jokes. Project for The Girl Child in the form of The Club celebrated Republic day and organized sponsorship for an excellent debater. Had joint rangoli and social science exhibition for students of fellowship with 41 Club 94 Kolkata by way of a Girls High school. Under project red, sanitary Heritage Walk. napkins were distributed and an awareness talk was Tangent 10 Bangalore given by Dr Nagarekha on adolescence and menstrual hygiene. The 6th meetings of the year was held on 12th January with the induction of 3 new members. The SHE UNLIMITED meeting was hosted by Jeya and Mohan and the Makara soiree had all the ladies draped in Jyoti Singh Deo vibrantly coloured sarees. The Club also Secretary, celebrated the excellence award received by Jeya - Tangent India President's Theme She Unlimited again. (2019-20)


On 19 th January we all tablers, circlers, 41ers, winning, losing, fighting, cheating, tatling ... and of tangents and twinklers got together for a funfilled course the fair referees and yummy food. day. A chilly SUNDAY made FUNDAY. It was a Not to forget that it gave us a total sports feel sporty cameraderie. KHEL JIMBOREE where we had events for all age groups from Superb time spent in the most amazing company of toddlers to 41er and sweet 16 tangents n a proper friends and beautiful decor. The weather was just sports ground layout. perfect for outdoor games ---refreshed the good old Everything put together perfectly to make it days by playing tug of war, football, Dodge ball and super se bhi upar. many more...... good to see the sporting spirits...... Chak de Chak de India!

On the occasion of *Republic Day* we had worn Tangent club 9 had a fellowship & 5th meeting tricolour clothes. with our club 94 at Club BRC in the morning.


Bijal Jhaveri Kalbag , President, time, energy, minds, resources talents of the students first hand Tangent India was the Chief and money into hard work. They last year, and the sincere Guest on this august occasion. have nurtured it over two decades. dedication of the Principal Along with her, our National Jayashree leading the group. Mr. John and his terrific staff of Vice President Jayashree The children of this school are teachers. Chaudhry was honoured too. versatile in minimum three When the efforts of our Tangent This is no ordinary school. This is languages, their diction perfect, members are realised, there can be a school where our own Tangent and overall accomplishments nothing more satisfying to see the 15 members, from their Ladies amazing. How do i know? next generation bloom and Circle days have invested, their, Because i have experienced the prepare to face the real world. SAMOOHIC VIVAH

A Samoohic Vivah was organised in the city of Bhubaneswar on 2nd Feb by Prayas foundation and Mahila Mangal Sabha. T8 ladies also joined hands with the organisers in this noble celebration. 25 couples from across the state were selected after the verification of all their documents and a collective legal marriage function was held for them with great pomp and show. As blessings for the newly weds, the couples were gifted numerous household products ranging from Mosquito nets, cooking utensils, jewellery and sarees to umbrellas, table fans, mattresses, pillows, sheets and floor mats. The marriage was a 2 day long grand affair which included a mehendi and Sangeet function on 1st Feb and the Elaborate Baraat and wedding on 2nd Feb 2020. We plan to continue this project and make it an annual affair.

8 Tangent Times February Issue 2020

MTM Area 6

10 of us from T19 just returned from an overnighter at Bheemeshwari. It was an action packed 24 hours - we did a trek through the jungle, ziplined, an 4th regular meeting of Tangent Club 8 Bhubaneswar was held at elephant walk and a ropeway walk at a the residence of Chairperson Poonam on 25th January.New heigh t across the Cauvery, kayaking member Joey Bose was inducted to the Club.An enjoyable and loads of other activities. A whole evening well spent.Great fellowship and fun time with friends lot of fun and bonding for all of us! after the meeting ,followed by lip smacking high tea .



9 Tangent Times February Issue 2020


The focus of Tangent India this year was on Growth and Extensions and we have inducted 31 new members already

At the AGM in Goa last year a landmark resolution was passed - Wives of Round Tablers, 41ers or Past Circlers who may want to join Tangent India but are not able to find members in a city can apply to be Single Members of Tangent India Called “Tangent Amigos”.

They can participate in Tangent India activities and attend AGMs as members but will have NO voting rights.

Once they find 7 members they can then form clubs, get chartered and will be given voting rights.

Such a provision will ensure enthusiastic membership and eventually help the formation of clubs in those cities, which in turn will enrich Tangent India.

10 Tangent Times February Issue 2020


11 Tangent Times February Issue 2020

SING A LONG CHEERS TO WOMEN (This is set to the old song from Sound of Music, I am 16 going on 17) he happiest women today are not the married Tones. They're not the single ones. They're not the ones with stable careers and good income. The happiest women are the ones who made a choice to love themselves wholly and truly. Women who chose to leave the past behind, worked on their self-esteem and put a high price tag on their self- esteem. They stopped playing victims. They stopped whining in self-pity and dining in pity. They moved past their anger, tears and bitterness. They realized that happiness is a personal choice and responsibility. They chose to be defined by their present, but not their bitter pasts. We are fifty, going on seventeen They are happy because they don't need Sweetie its time to freak validation from anyone. They are happy because Better bindaas they know that they don't need to throw shade on Be chilled and be carefree anyone for them to shine. They are happy because We were in for a treat!! they chose to be Queens .... We are fifty giggling like seventeen Hubbies fell in line Cheers to all Tangents... Overnighter paid n booked Our world looked really good TANGENT 18 We just packed snacks and wine! Meeting No.1 Totally unprepared we were To face Usha’s crazy games. Buying condoms, posing with strange men Climbing into bullock carts No fuss or drama, we really did have fun. We didn’t need anyone Especially older n wiser Telling us what to do Climbing rope bridges to zip lining Coracle rides to kayaking… We maybe fifty but lived like seventeen, Sunrise trek to the hill top With friends to guide us up. Posing in the middle of the road Everything was acceptable in our heavenly abode These crazy shared times spent in glee Ensures that we’ll be friends till infinity!!

12 Tangent Times February Issue 2020 I REST MY CASE - Munira Tangent 23

ever mind the date, let us club was called along with the Tangent Club comprising of past Nsay February is the month to Current Chairperson and these Circlers from all the three city celebrate Tangent International were the accused. Circles. We invited the honorary day... and hence the Tangent India Circlers to extend a hand in MTM is held every year in The proceedings began with the continued friendship. oath taken over the Ladies Circle February. (Is it a coincidence... India blue book. or?) With youngsters around, no event is celebrated without selfies and A very humorous round of Another pleasant coincidence photos. Amidst loud laughter and accusations were conferred on the was the "Joint Fellowship Meet" happy banter pictures were defendants which they heard, of the three Ladies Circles of clicked. The grand finale of observed and answered. course was the sumptuous layout Salem, on 5th February, where in "Pleasure in the job, puts of food and deserts, chosen with a all the past Circlers were invited perfection in the work "... this is lot of passion to create an with great love and affection. This exactly what the Judge did. Her everlasting memory. event was an initiative of the Area sentences were more than Editors who are from Salem. The appreciated with each word well Three cheers to the movement National President and Area said. If Rajat Sharma is good, our called Ladies Circle and a louder Chairperson were officially Intern lawyer was better than the cheer for Tangent India. visiting them. The creative heads, best!!!! Later the floor was also the Area Editors decided to given a chance to accuse the showcase the Circles of Salem pretty ladies of the yesteryear and through a popular reality show today. "AAP KI ADAALAT". As the International President A very subtle courtroom was Nina said in her news letter, to created in a hotel's conference build a connect with the Circlers room. The Judge and Jury were to promote Tangent membership, none other than the National so did we on this day, when the President and Area Chairperson. attendance was high on Circlers, The Intern lawyers were the past Circlers who are non Tangent editors themselves. members and Tangent members.

There were three trials in total. We as Tangent 23 members were The Charter Chairperson of each proud to own membership to one 13 Tangent Times February Issue 2020 Kolkata Heritage Walks

Members of Tangent 9 club, along with our club 94, balance the flow water of river 41ers did a Kolkata Heritage walk, on 26 th January Hooghly flowing through Kolkata. at 8 am. Canons placed on the pavements for throwing rubbish. We were 6, plus there were 4 foreigners from UK., a group of 10, guided by Iftekhar a professional who The group who went- The famous does this heritage walk trips. place where cottage cheese is made & sold in a market. The Simla house of We started from, the area where the British started the famous lawyer W C Bonerjee, residing which is north Kolkata, when British started Swami Vivekanand's house, The famous Rasogolla ruling us, and had made Kolkata the capital city of sweet in making ,the old famous Nalin Chandra Das India. & Sons Sweets shop, The famous LatuBabu'shouse,a Walking through the by lane & vegetable market named after him. lanes where we saw the We Passed through yesteryear famous singer, typical colonial structures, musician, Manna Dey's house and a lot more. We had few of Zamindars heritage a fantabulous ,enlightening trip. To conclude one houses, markets named should take these Heritage walk Trips,to know our after big Babu's, few sweet own City better. shops and temples. We also saw the running water -Sonal Desai, Tangent Club 9 pipes, which were made scientifically, in order to

Sightseeing in Mumbai with Chairperson T15 Priti.

14 Tangent Times February Issue 2020


This year let me be a little kinder with myself. Running from place to place and labouring over long to do lists causes stress and anxiety at times. Perhaps, time to stop all this business. Choosing to spend time alone can benefit in our social relationships, improve our creativity and confidence also helps regulate emotions so that we can deal with adverse situations better. This year I will slow down stay a little calmer and at times do nothing at all.


I'm okay with leaving my home in a mess..I'm okay with my sofa piled up with an unattended heap of washed laundry...I'm okay not cooking once in a while...I'm okay with being okay with my flaws A tale about yourself Know Myself Better MUNIRA, Tangent 23 Know Yourself Better - came the knock !!!!! So I looked within and realised, my capabilities I had to listen more, to practice less talk I had to spend time with myself, to explore all possibilities. The inner voice called... Expand yourself, allow yourself, to express Believe in your wisdom, neglect all remarks Stretch yourself than usual, be brave to confess Only you can create yourself and your milestones !!! The calling had finally come!

15 Tangent Times February Issue 2020

URGENT.... URGENT ANGER MANAGEMENT URGENTLY NEEDED... A PLUMBER, Not BLOOD to clear the But, choked and blocked An ELECTRICIAN, mindsets... to restore the joyful current between people, A SCIENTIST who do not speak to rediscover compassion... to each other anymore... A LANGUAGE An OPTICIAN, TEACHER Angry with someone? to change the for better communication Think before you talk... outlook of people... with each other... If the person is junior to you... Count up to 10 and then talk An ARTIST, And Last but not least, to draw a smile A MATHS TEACHER, If the person is 'Equal' to you... on everyone's face... for all of us to relearn how Count up to 30 and talk... to count on each other... A CONSTRUCTION If the person is Your Senior... WORKER, *Spread lots of love, Then count 50, then talk... to build a bridge positivity and smiles between neighbours... If the person is your wife... today....* Keep counting, DON'T talk!... A GARDENER, Tomorrow might be too If the person is your husband... to cultivate good thoughts... late Keep talking, don't count! YOUR LOVE CALENDER : MARCH 2020


1 Encourage 2 Support a 3 Give kind 4 Listen 5 Leave a 6 Notice when 7 Make gifts Love. Share the charity, cause or comments to as wholeheartedly to positive message you're hard on to give to people Love Calendar campaign you many people as others without for someone else yourself or others who are homeless with others really care about possible today judging them to find and be kind instead or feeling lonely

8 Do something 9 Be generous. 10 Count your 11 Give someone 12 See how 13 Buy some 14 Share a helpful for a Feed someone blessings: list the your place in a many different extra items and happy memory or friend or family with food, love or kind things others queue (in traffic people you can donate them to a inspiring thought member kindness today have done for you or in a shop) smile at today local food bank with a loved one 15 Visit an 16 Look for 17 Thank people 18Offer to help 19 Give away 20Congratulate 21 Shop locally elderly neighbour something positive who do things for someone who is something that someone for an and support and brighten up to say to everyone you but you may facing difficulties at you have been achievement that independent their day you meet today take for granted the moment holding on to may go unnoticed producers

22 Invite over 23 Choose to 24 Offer 25 Treat 26 Encourage 27 Call a relative 28 Be kind to someone who give or receive spontaneous hugs everyone with others to join you who is far away the planet. Eat would otherwise the gift of to your loved ones kindness today, outside and enjoy to say hello and less meat and use be alone forgiveness and friends including yourself! time in nature have a chat less energy 29 Turn off 30 Let someone 31 Plan what digital devices know how much extra acts of "Do your little bit of good where you are; those little and really listen you appreciated kindness you will bits together overwhelm the world " - Desmond Tutu to people their gift do in 2020