A.P.P.M. Orders 470, 500


(Under Section 1 54 & 1 57 Cr. P.C. )

FIR Date: 1 . Dist: KRISHANA P.5: ACB VUAYAWADA Year No RANGE ?:017 8/RCA-ACB-VJA/2017 03-06-2017 16.00hrs

2.(i) Act :

(ii)Act: -- Sections: -- (iii)Act: -- Sections: -- Act (lV) Other Acts & Sections: -- U/ Section 13(2) r/w 1 3(1) (e) of The Prevention of Corruption 1988

3. (a) Occurrence of offence: Day Date: Date From 1988 to till date Onwards

Time Period: Time from: -- Time to : -- (b) lnformation received at the Date: Prior to Time: Potice Station: 03-06-?017

(c)GeneratDiary Reference: Entry No. (s) 03-06-2017 Time: 16.00hrs 4. Type of information: Suo- motu

--- No...... 5. Ptace of occurrence: (a) Direction and Distance Beat

(b) Address : , ,Konala etc.,

(c) lf outside the timits of this Police Station, then the name of concerned Potice Station :


6. Comptainant / lnformant : Name : State:- Sri B.Srinivas

(b) Father's / Husband's Name : '- S/o Krishna Murthy

(c) Date / Year of Birth: -- 51 Years (d) Nationatity : lndian -- (e) Passport No: -- Date of lssue: -- Place of lssue:

(f) Occupation: Range lnspector ' lll, ACB, Vijayawada Range, Viiayawada

(g) Address: Anti-Corruption Bureau, Vijayawada Range, Vijayawada'

sheet 7. Detaits of known / suspected / unknown accused with futt particutars. (Attach separate if necessary): SriChimalakondasai,Exeutiveoffier(EndowmentDepaftment),R.v.B.s Chowltry, Peddapuram, East Godavari Distrit' Physical features, deformities and other detaits of the suspect:

Date/Year Height in Sex Buitd Complexion ldentification Marks(s) of Birth Cms. 1. z. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Deformities / Teeth Hair Eyes Habits(s) Dress Habits Pecutiarities t. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.

Languages PLACE OF Diatect Burn Mark Leucoderma Mole Scar Tatto 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.

These fietds witt be entered onty if comptainant/informant gives any one or more particutars about the suspect. This witt be only for the purpose of preliminary retrieval to assist l.O.

A date base created witl subsequentty tink one suspect in several cases, if any

A comprehensive and comptete data on att fietds wi[[ again be prepared when any accused is arrested irrespective of previous suspicion.

8. Reasons for delay in reporting by the Comptainant / Informant -No delay-

9. Particutars of properties stoten/invotved (Attach separate sheet, if necessary): -NA-

10. Total vatue of properties stoten / invotved - : Disproportionate Assets worth Rs. 89r98rOOO/-

11. lnquest Report/U.D. Case No., if any: 'NA-

12. Contents of the comptaint / Statement of the comptainant or informant ( Attach separate sheets, if required) :

Separate sheets are herewith attached

13. Action Taken: Since the above report reveats commission offence (s) U/s. as mentioned at item No.2. registered the case and took up investigation/direct...... Rank...... '...'.to take up the investigation.

Refused investigation / transferred to Police Station NIL on the point of jurisdiction.

given F.l.R. read over to the Comptainant / lnformant, admitted to be correctty recorded and copy to the Complainant / lnformant free of cost.

Signature ;in-charge Potice Station

14. Signature / Thumb imPression /.> of the ComPlainant / lnformant ACB, Vijayawada Range.

15. Date & Time of dispatch to the court on 03-06-2017

In the court of Hon'ble Special Judge for SPE & ACB Cases, Vijayawada

Honoured Sir, I submit that Sri. Chimalakonda Sai S/o Ramalingam is native of Relangi village, Mandal, . He presently settled and residing at H.No. 35-21-16, Bank colony , Tanuku, W.G Dist. He joined in Government Service during the year 19BB in Endowment department as clerk and rose up to the cadre of Executive Officer, Grade-1 and presently working as E.O to R.V.B.S. Choultry, Peddapuram, .

The Suspect Officer hails from Relangi village, , West Godavari District., comes from a Lower middle class family. His father Late Sri. Ramalingam is a small employee and mother Smt. Sitarama Lakshmi is a house wife. The parents of the Suspect Officer are having two sons and one daughter and the A.O. is the second one. Their financial position is just average and as per the material available by this time there is no ancestral properties came to A.O.

The A.O. married Smt. Umadevi D/o. Sri.Donepudi. Krishna Rao of Relangi village, Iragavaram Mandal, West Godavari District and they are having one son and one daughter named Ramsree(aged-19 Yrs) and Harshita(Aged- 16 Yrs)

Sri. Chimalakonda Sai S/o Ramalingam, 48 years, Executive Officer, Grade-1 (Endowment Department), R.V.B.S. Chowltry, Peddapuram, East Godavari District in abuse of his official position influenced, motivated by corrupt consideration and means and acquired and possessed assets in his name and in the name of his family members i.e his wife, mother, which are disproportionate to his known sources of legal income while in Government Service.

The following are some of the assets acquired and possessed by Sri Chimalakonda Sai in his name and in the name of his family members i.e his wife, mother, after he joined in the Government Service.

ASSETS S.No. Description of property and held in whose name. Amount

1 The AO purchased a house vide D.No. 35-52-Ztat Rs.16,50,000/- Bank colony, Tanuku, West Godavari, Vide document No.1870/2009 of SRO SAJJAPURAM in his name.

Assessment No.1081006500 of Tanuku Municipality House- D.No. 35-52-2L

2 The AO purchased 151.88 Square Yards house site in Rs. 12,16,000/- Ry. Survey. No.35/14 in Bank colony, Tanuku, West Godavari in his name vide Document No. 5L52/2Ot0 ' l^apeun epuoleleulL,lf 'ltlls aJlM s!q Jo erueu aql u! n)nNVl OUS lo erczlgglt. 'oN luaulnlop epl^ lslJtrslc lJe^epog lsaM Jo uMol nlnuel reau e6elll^ l6ueled Jo IT g oTlgz'oN ^a^rns -/ooo'16't'su ur alls esnoLl spJel arenbs VZ'L6T paseqclnd O'V aq1

'auleu slL.l ul n)nNVI OUS lre^epoC to 6OOZ/V808 oN luaunlop apl^ l3lllslq lse6 Jo uMol n1nuet 'dlqs umot r-ue-rnde{eJe1e)uan ul I/ZtS'oN Aaruns ur spleA arenbsttl -/ooo'tB'r'su ul LVZ-6'oN'C ap!^ asnoL.l pal!l e paseqo-rnd O'V aql

'auleu stLl u! n)nNvl- OUS Jo OT0Z|Z88Z oN luaurnf,op apl^ llulslc lle^epoc lsa^ JO UMoI n)nuel reau a6e;ltn ueleleslJenerJe) )o SltT'op Aanlns -/ooo'st't'su ur alls esnoLl sp.reA a-renb5 €42 paseLlund O'V aqf

aLueu slt,l u! t^lvundvtrvs ous Jo 0T0zlsljs oN luaulnf,op apl^ lslrlslc lre^epog lsaM Jo uMof nlnuel;eau e6e;1rn rn.r.redlpled Jo €/66'oN Aaruns -/ooo'rz'9'su ur ells asnoLl sp-reA a-renb5 0rZ peseqclnd O'V aql

'aLueu slq ul NVUndvttvs ous Jo rr0zl09Lz oN lueujnf,op apl^ lslJlslo lJe^epog lsaM JO UMOf n)nue1;eau a6ellrn nlledlpled Jo t/66'oN Aanlns -/ooo'gt'r'su ur alrs asnoq spleA a.renb5 09I pasericlnd 9'V eql

'aureu slq ul n)nNVI OUS JoIIOZ/7S7V oN luaulnf,op epl^ lf,ulslo lre^epo9 lsaM Jo uMoI n)nuel leau a6ellrn r6ue1e6 Jo Llgz'op Aanlns -/ooo'sB'z'su ur alrs asnoq spleA alenbg 6/T peseqolnd O'V aql

'eueu sltl ul n)nNVI OUS Jo ZIgZlSZtE'oN luau.lnf,op apl^ l3lJlslc lJe^epo9 lsaM JO uMot n)nuel leau a6e1;rn r6ue1e6 )o ZlSZ'oP Aenlns -/ooo'r8'E'su ur eJts asnoLl sp.reA a-renb5 6€Z paseqolnd 6'V oUI

A1r;edrcrunN n)nueI Jo I8t900I80I'oN lueulssassv

'esnoLl aules eql ul 6u1P1sa-t pue aueu slq u! tJenepog lsa1 'n1nue1 'Auo;oc lue€ -/ooo'oo'sI.SU ]e '9I-IZ-S8'oN'O oprn osnoq T+9 e peq o'v eq-L

AllledlclunH nlnuel Jo ZZtVI1IS0T'oN luaulssassv

'TIZZ-ZZ-S€ 'oN'O -/ooo'oo'oE'su apr^ alls a^oqe eLll u! asnoLl e pelf,nJlsuol ov eql

.NVUNdV[TVS OUS )O TTOZ|O;VV 'oN luaUinsOO aplA aJlM slL.l Jo auieu aql u! oures aqt parels;Eal aq ralel 'hlVUndVf[VS OUS Jo Rs.5,98,000/- L2 @9 square yards house site in survey No.2812 of Palangi village near Tanuku Town of West Godavari District vide document No' 28OL/2OL3 of SRO TANUKU in the name of his wife Smt. Chimalakonda Umadevi.

ln Rs.L2,74,000/- 13 A.O purchased 800.75 Square yards house srte -fhesurvey No.24lt of Palangi village nearTanuku Town of West Godavari District vide document No' 3552/2009 of SRO TANUKU in the name of his wife Smt. Chimalakonda Umadevi.

L4 The A.O purchased 215 Square yards house slte ln Rs.3,42,000/- survey No.33/1 of Palangi village near Tanuku Town of West Godavari District vide document No' 5g73/20L2 of SRO TANUKU in the name of his mother Smt. Chimalakonda Sitaramalakshmi'

15 E.o purchased Hyundi I10 car vide registration No' Rs.5,00,000/- AP 37AN 9LO7 in the name of his wife Smt' Chimalakonda Umadevi.

Total worth Rs.1r31r9810OO/-

Total Assets in the name of AO and his family: Rs'lr31r98rOOO-OO

Abstract of Income; During the course of his tenure of service he might have received the following income from all the sources: Amount S.No Description of Income from the Rs.40,00,000/- 1 ffi of the Suspected officer date of entry into service till date (Probable)

2 Loans Rs.15,00,000/- Rs.5,00,000/- 3 House Rents fotat Probable income of the A.O. Rs.6O,OO ,OOO /'

Abstract of ExPenditure: The following is the likely expenditure of the suspected officer during the check period towards maintenance of his family and other incidental expenditures: Amount (Rs) S.No. Description of ExPenditure of the Rs.16,00,000/- 1 @ily maintenance expenditure A.O. Rs.2,00,000/- 2 ffienditure incurred bY the A.o, towards the education of his two children

Total probable expenditure incurred by the S'O: 18,OO,OOO/-

'epPMe^efln 'a6ue5 epervrer(e[t71 'neaJn€ uolldnlroS-lluv '111-.ro1cadsu1 abue6

ull aLll aluaH

'srq00'9I le zI0z-90-€0 uo eper*e,(e[11 'a6ue5 (a) s/n epea,re^elt1 '€fV Jo 886T ]]V uorldnrto3 1o uorluara.r6 ;o (r) e r m/t Q) et e se uolleuloJul a^oqe aql pa.rals!6al I fi oz lw A- a)v -vf u/80' oN'rl u! aser

'a1e611sanut ol pue lllllslO lJe^epog lsef 'ureJndeppad 'A"rtllaorlf 'S'8'n'd '(luail].tedaO epuo)eleullqS luarumopu3) Jaf,UJO a^llnf,ex3 'slea,( gy 'Lr-re6u11euueU o/S leS .uS tsule$e ases e .rals!6ar 07 LIOZ-1O-ZO palep 'LTOZ/V)\/(auoZ leJluaf )Cf -gf,V/IO'oN'f ut s6utpaaco.td srq apr,r epeme'te[r1 ''6'y 'nea'rng uo!]dnllo3 pazr.roqlne slt'll uI -r1uy (auo7 1el1ua3) lolf,allo lulor aql ,{q ue I'uolpauuof,

's:aquuar"u A;tuel slr-l pue OV 1o sastLuald lelluaplsal le saqf,leas asnoq lf,npuol pasnf,f,V aql (Z)EI uotlcas ot pue 886I llv l'd Jo (a) (f)er Ml Ja)U,JO lsulP6e lapun asef, e :als!6a.1 ol palelrssaf,au s! ll saf,uelsl!n3llf, a^oqe aql Japun

'sal3l e slLl ploq asnoLl osle pue slualleulo ra^lls pue plog saplsaq san l]elal JsaJeau Jo alqeanoulull auieu aql ul pue 'aJlM slq Jo sauleu aql ul pue auleu slq u1 satlado:d 'auiolu! pue alqea^ouJ aJoul aulos sassassod 'o'v aql leql luJPal osle sl 1I Jo 0/o6'6lI) saf,rnos uMoul sll.] ot ateuot]Jodo.rdslp (auocur rLeles srq Jo -/000'86'68 'o'v ulo'u uaas sv 'su r.lIoM Slassv Jo uotssassod ul uaaq seq aLll a^oqe aql

-/ooo'86'68'o'su : srilssv :IrvNoltuodoudsro

Italtt (-) -/ooo'oo'zt'o su :'O'V aql 1o sbutnes

-/ooo'86'tr€'r su :'O'V aql 1o uotssassod ul punol slassv

-/ooo'oo'zt'su :'o'v Jo sEulnes A1a1t1

-/ooo'oo'8r'su :laf,UJo pasnf,lv aql Jo a.rnlrpuadxS ( - )

laog;o papadsns aql Jo aulof,ul -/ooo'oo'o9'su : auiolur Jo saf,Jnos lle uorJ

aleuorlodolds!p punol sl laf,UJo palcadsns aLll a^oqe aLll trloJJ uaas sV


'epeMele[ln 'a6ue6 epervreAe[t71 'nea.rng uorldnllo3-t1uy 'III-.roloadsul abueU -{r rg,"r'*---fpl

'alU'O'f aql ol UIJ 1o Ado3 '9

'uolleurJoJu! Jo Jno^eJ loJ 'E epervrer{et11 'a6uey epervteAeltn 'efV 'dSO ar]l ol pallluqns UIJ arll Jo ldof

' uorleuJloJU! JO JnOAeJ ro1 peqe.rap,{g 'dv '83v lerauag .lopallo aq1 ol pallulqns uH aql Jo idof 'z


-90-ZO palep' LtOZ/V)d/@uo7 1er1ua3)6t-8lv/Io'oN's6ulpaaool6 u!'6'y /re[!n) 'O ''g'3'V '(auoz 1er1ua3) lopallq lulof eJpua6eN IJS ]o s6ulpaasoJd 1eur6u6 aql qllM 6uo1e epervre,(e[l1 'saseC €3V € ]dS lo1 a6pn6 letradS '1 atq,uoH aql o1 pat}urqns sr ZI OZlVfn-SfV-VfU/80'oN'rf ur y11 1eu16tjq