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American Mineralogist, Volume 76, pages299-305, 1991 NEW MINERAL NAMES* JonN L. Javrnon CANMET, 555 Booth Street,Ottawa, Ontario KIA OGl, Canada Eowl,no S. Gnnw Department of Geological Sciences,University of Maine, Orono, Maine 04469, U.S.A. platy either with a rhombic outline, or equant with a L.v.Razin, o.o. AnyuiiteAupb,-A nearly squareoutline. The mineral forms complex inter- ,,u".lJ,lt,liD possibly new intermetallic of gold and lead. Mineral . Zhumal, growths of three types with native lead, resulting I l(4), 88-96 (in Russian). from breakdown of solid solutions. In the intergrowths, anyuiite typically forms platy aggregatesranging from 1- Electron-microprobe analysesof the mineral and of an 50 pm acrossand 100-900 pm long, and prismatic crys- gave antimony-bearing variety Au 32.6, 34.3, 36.7, Ag tals 50 x 100 pm. Associatedminerals include ilmenite, 0.35,not detected,Pb 64.8, 59.0,52.9,Sb 0.3, 5.8, 10.2, titanian magnetite,chrome spinel, hematite, pyrite, chal- sum 98.05, 99.1, 99.8 wto/0,corresponding to (Au,or,- copyrite, and apatite. Sourcesof the mineral are small A& orr)",or, (Pb, n*rSbo o,r)", ooo, Au, oon(Pb, ,,rSbo ,rr)", ooo, Hercynian ultrabasic-gabbroid massivesderived from a and Au, r0r(Pbr s07sb0onr)", *0. Fragmentsare opaque, sil- platinum-bearing dunite-harzburgite magmatic forma- gray, very luster metallic. Oxidizes after 1.5-2 days, be- tion in the Anyui eugeosynclineof the Koryak-Kam- gray (sil- coming dull lead-gray. In reflected light, light chatka fold province. The mineral is named for the lo- very) with a faint creamy tint, fairly highly reflecting; cality (Bolshoi Anyui River basin).
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