
Review of Literature

3.1 Introduction

3.2 Review of Literature Done with the Help of Reference Books.

3.3 Review of Literature Done with the Help of Reports Published By Government Sector and Private Enterprises.

3.4 Review of Literature Done by Reffering the Economic Surveys of ,Published By Directorate of Economics and Statistics, Planning Department,Government of Maharashtra,Mumbai.

3.5 Review of Literature Done With the Help of Research Papers and Articles Published in Journals.

3.6 Review of Literature Done with the Help of Internet Websites.

3.7 Summary of the Chapter.



Review of Literature

3.1 Introduction

The present study is undertaken with many objectives related to population explosion in Maharashtra,especially in of Maharashtra. It is very important tool in the hands of researchers to take the review of literature of past conducted research. The past studies on the particular topic always provide vital information and give some clues to conduct further research studies. The past research work creates a path for the future research work. It always provides some important data and guidelines to conduct further research. The conclusions and findings of the past research always help the researcher to make certain generalizations.

The review of literature helps to find the gape in the past research studies and to fill up those gaps in the past research study .so the review of literature cannot be avoided in conducting any research study. It is a platform which stands to the research. It plays a role of pathfinder research and guides for further research. It helps to find out the correct path to conduct research. The relevant information which is collected with the help of review of literature is evaluated below :

3.2 Review of Literature Done with Help of Reference Books:

The review of literature which is done with help of reference books is explained below:

3.2.1 H.G.Mannur in his book International Economics (1995) Revised Edition):It is mentioned that poor countries contain a bulk of world population suffering from proverty and starvation. This indicates that in poor countries bulky population pressure is responsible for socio-economic problems like poverty and starvation. Socio-economic problems are more common in poor countries because in poor countries the size of population is oftenly large.1


3.2.2 N. Kumar and R. Mittal in their book ‘Public Finance-Theory and Practice (2002’: It is mentioned that the “ rising population adversely affects the taxable capacity of the individuals, by bringing their living standard to a still lower level”. In other words population explosion lowers the purchasing power of the people in a country.Large number of people fall below the poverty line and consequently, paying tax becomes unaffordable for them.This shows that the growing population in country is extremely harmful to the community as well as to the economy of the nation. 2

3.2.3 K.V. Sivayya and V.B.M Das in their book “Indian Industrial Economy (2004”, it is mentioned that “most of the underdeveloped are characterized by a high growth rate of population . All the efforts to raise the standard of living in underdeveloped countries have nullified by the population pressure.A higher growth rate of population than the rate of growth of output creates excess demand for consumption goods and reduces the savings rate and investment,which in turn adversely affect employment level and National Income”. It means that if the size of population will be large in a country, then in such a country it will be very difficult to improve the standard of living of people. Finally we can conclude that population explosion in a county leads to more demand for consumption goods and decreases the saving rate and investment in an economy.This has a very dangerous impact on the level of employment and National Income.Thus gowing population leads to destruction of an economy. 3

3.2.4 Mario Dias in his book Development Issues of Indian Economy (2005):It is mentioned that due to high population ,there may be shortages of food items in the country.Therefore,the government may have to import certain food items such as edibles oils.The imports result in outflow of foreign exchange,and as such the economic development of the country gets affected . This indicates that rising population adversely affects the economy of nation by creating shortage of food items. Thus rising population is harmful to the economy of the nation.4

3.2.5.MacroEconomics (2006)-a book written by Dornbusch,Stanley Fischger and Richard Startz:In this book it is mentioned that population growth works against the achievement of high incomes.However,over the wide range of incomes,population growth itself depends on income.Extremely poor countries in modern times have high birth rates

62 and very high death rates,resulting in moderately high population growth.As income rise,death rate falls and population growth rises.At very high income,birth rates fall, indeed many of the wealthier countries in the world are approaching zero population growth.In other words,higher income group prefer to have small size family,where as lower income group prefer to have large size family.Similarly,in wealthier countries birth rate is always low and therefore size of population is also very small in such countries.In backward countries or poor countries,birth rate is always high and therefore the size of population is also large in such countries.In many rich countries of the world,the size of population is going on decreasing,whereas in many poor countires of the world,the size of population is going on increasing.This proves that the population growth definitely works against the achievement of high income. 5

3.2.6 R.Sthanumoorthy (Editor) in his book, “Maharashtra Economy –Performance and Challenges” (2006), It is mentioned that Maharashtra is the most industrialised state in India and has made considerable progress in the industrial development continuously.The state occupies significant position in the manufacturing sector of the country.With considerable good telecom infrastructure,large pool of skilled manpower,material resource base and growing domestic volume of the state has potential to remain at forefront in the countrys industrial scenario. It means that the economy of Maharashtra is highly developed and advanced.Availability of good infrastructure facility has boosted the economic development in Maharashtra. 6

3.2.7. Ruddar Dutt in his book “Indian Economy”(2008) ,It is mentioned that rapidly growing population retards the process economic development.Rising population is accompanied by a rise in the labour force of the community.Hence,it makes the solution of the problem of unemployment more difficult.Rising population increases the number of children and hence demands higher expenditure on education.In other words, due to rising population,the problem of unemployment goes on increasing. At the same time it becomes very difficult for government to provide educational facility to all children due to growing population.Thus the growing population creates a very problematic situation in an economy.7


3.2.8 K.K. Dewett, J.D Verma ,M.L. Sharma in their book Elementary Indian Economic (2008) : It is mentioned that India is not only the over-populated,but there is also a strong tendency towards further accentuation of over-population. Over population in India is highly responsible for problems like poverty and unemployment.After analyzing these statements we come to know that,population explosion leads to socio- economics problems in society. 8

3.2.9 Prof- JohnSon in his book “Indian Economy” (2008):It is mentioned that poverty is India is a major cause of growing population in India.Population of India is very large in size and also it is increasing very rapidly.Thus suitable population policy in India is required to control the growing population in India.9

3.2.10 V.G. Amrite, Dr Malini Johri and prof (Mrs)Chandana Chakraborti in their book, “Environmental Studies” (2009): It is mentioned that “high population growth in developing countries has created many people viz,unemployment due to many people and less jobs ; malnutrition and hunger due to food shortage.”This shows that developing countries are suffering from many social and economic problems due to rapid population growth. The socio-economic problems which are created by the population explosion in developing countries are very difficult to solve. 10

3.2.11 Dr. Anand S. Bal in his book, “Environmental Management”(2009):It is mentioned that “growing population leads to a greater polarization of habitat to urban areas in search of employment,comforts and facilities”.In other words we can say that if the population of any country increases,then in such country majority of people will prefer to migrate in urban areas for employment opportunities and good standard of living.and consequently the urban population in a country will increase.As a result,urban areas will suffer from social problems like scarcity of water ,air pollution etc.Finally we can conclude that the population explosion in a country leads to expansion of the size of urban population and socio-economic problem in urban areas of acountry. 11

3.2.12 Uma Kapila in her book “Indian Economy : Performance and Policies” (2009-10)”: It is mentioned that rapidly growing population have led to land,water and

64 fuelwood shortages in rural areas and to urban health crises resulting from lack of sanitation and clean water.In many of the poorest region of the globe,it is poorest regions of the globe, it is clear that increasing population density has contributed to severe degradation of the very resources that these growing populations depend on for survival . This indicates that population explosion leads to heavy pressure on natural resources like land, water etc.Due to population explosion it becomes very difficult to provide civics amenities like water supply, medical facilities etc.Thus population explosion results in several types of disturbance in an economy.Rapid population growth will lead to deprivation of several precious commodities which are essential for our life. 12

3.2.13 T.N. Hajela in his book “Public Finance”(2010): It is mentioned that the population explosion has been a major contributor to the growth of public expenditure and with the growth in population,if not proportionately,then atleast to a greater public services have also to be increased. In other words,we can say that if the size of population will expand in a country then government will have to incur huge expenditure on civics amenities like schools ,hospitals etc. It means that there is direct relationship between the size of population and public expenditure. Growing population and increasing public expenditure go hand in hand.Larger the size of population in a country,higher will be the public expenditure in a country and vice-versa. 13

3.2.14 K.K. Dewett and M.H Navalur in his book “Modern Economic Theory” (2010): It this it is mentioned that the size of population has an important impact on the economic development of a country.If the size of population is too small,it does not afford full scope for specialisation or division of labour nor a sufficient market for the goods produced in the country,where as if the size of population is too large,then it is a great obstacle to economic development.Due to high population,capital formation will be low in an economy.The feeding of huge population leaves little scope for saving and saving is essential for economic growth. Hence, size of population of a country should be neither too much small and nor too much large ; it should be optimum.Optimum size of population is the most desirable size of population for achieving the economic development.Optimum size of poulation is always beneficial to the economy. 14


3.2.15 Subhashini Muthukrishnan in her book,”Economic of Environment”(2010):It is mentioned that though population is an important resource for development ,yet it is a major source of environmental degradation when it exceeds the threshold limits of the ecological support system. In other words we can say that Changes in population population variables leads to issues like loss of biodiversity,food security,water pollution, air pollution,heavy pressure on arable land etc.Finally we can conclude that if the size of population crosses the limit then the population pressure becomes unbearable for government.This is because increasing size of population leads to several socioi-economic problems in a nation. Truly speaking,rising population creates problematic situation in an economy. 15

3.2.16 A.N. Agrawal in his book ” Indian Economy, Problems of Development and Planning”,(2011): It is mentioned that with additions to population being very large,the problem can be described as one of unsustainable population growth.In the extereme case if population growth were to be higher than growth in national income,one could describe such an increase in numbers as highly undesirable,as this results in a decline in the per- capita income. It means that population explosion is the main obstacle in the economic growth.If the population will go on rising,then it will not be possible to achieve satisfactory economic growth.Here the most important point to be noted is that population should increase at a very slow rate.In other words,slow growth rate of population will not create any difficulty in achieving satisfactory economic growth. 16

3.3.17 Misra and Puri in their book “Indian Economy(2012)” :It is mentioned that as far as the size of population is concerned India ranks second in the world next only to China.India occupies just 2.4 percent of the total world area,whereas it population is around 17.5 percent of theworld population.Truely speaking, as per 2011 census,population of India is 121.02 crore which is almost equal to the combined population of USA,Indonesia,Brazil,Pakistan,Bangladesh and Japan put together which is 121.43crore.This indicates that population pressure on India’s land is too much high.17

3.2.18 Michael P. Todaro and Stephen C. Smith in their book, “Economic Development” (2012):It is mentioned that the population growth is not simply a problem

66 of number. It is a problem of human welfare and of development.Rapid population growth can have serious consequence for the well-being of all of community.”.It means that due to population growth it becomes difficult to bring social welfare in a society and also it becomes very difficult to increase the speed of economic development.Hence,it is very necessary to control the population explosion as far as possible. 18

3.3.19 LM Jhingun in his book “The Economic of Development and Plannning” (2014):It is mentioned that the rapid population growth is a major cause of environmental degradation and rapid use of resources leads to increased pressure on the use of country’s resources with the result that there is air and water pollution, loss of biodiversity and soil degradation .Rapid population growth depletes resources and threatens sustainable development.Thus rapid population growth and environmental degradation go hand in hand.If he population of a country will grow rapidly,then consequently such country will suffer from environmental problem.Rapid population growth is an obstacle in the sustainable development of an economy. 19

3.3. Review of Literature Done with the Help of Reports Published by Government Sector and Private Enterprises:

The review of literature which is done with the help of published reports is presented below:

3.3.1 National Human Development Report (2001):Maharashtra’s performance on the lower quadrant social indicators capturing longevity, education and amenities is much better than on indicators like the IMR, consumption expenditure levels and poverty. While rural Maharashtra shows significant improvement in accessibility to safe water and formal education, in case of urban areas the progress is only gradual.As per this report,in 2001 the HDI (Human Development Index) value of Mahrashtra was 0.523,whereas in 1991 it was 0.452.This indicates that there slight improvement in the Human Development Index value of Mahrashtra From 1991 to 2001. 20

3.3.2 Statistical Abstract of Maharashtra State(2000-01)-A Report Published by Directorate of Economics and Statistics,Government of Maharashtra,Mumbai:This

67 report gives idea about the socio-economic scenario in Maharashtra during 2001.As per this report,the toal population of Maharashtra in 2001 was 9,68,78,627.In 2001 the total rural population of Maharashtra was 5,57,77,647. And the total urban population of Maharashtra was 4,11,00,980.Thus by reading this report we got idea about the social and economic profile of Maharashtra during 2000-01.This report also provided information about the demographic aspect of Maharashtra during (2000-01).By reading this report , we come to the conclusion that there is tremendous population pressure on Maharashtra as per census (2001). 21

3.3.3 Population,Environment and Development (2001)- A coincise Report Published by Department of Economic and social Affairs,Population Division,United Nations ,NewYork, :This report gives a brief idea about the global demographic scenario of 2001. In this report it is mentioned that in twentieth century,there has been a tremendous change. Infact in twentieth century ,there has been rapid world population growth, rapid development of world economy and unprecedented change in the earth’s physical environment. Due to wide expansion in the global production of goods and services driven by technological, social and economic change, the world can sustain much larger urban populations, and vastly higher standards of living, than ever before. In this report it is mentioned that rapid population growth and economic development are occurring simultaneously with severe bad impact on the earth’s physical environment. Fastly growing population has resulted in increasing scarcity and degradation of agricultural and other environmental resources .Due to global population explosion forest areas are diminishing, especially in tropical areas. Industrial pollution and harmful run-offs from agricultural production have badly affected the quality of water and air. There is severe shortage of fresh water supply in some regions.Approximately one third of the world’s population lives in countries classified as experiencing moderate to severe water stress or scarcity and in future population growth will only increase the pressure on this renewable, but limited, resource. Emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gasses continue to mount. Thus this gives a clear-cut information about the dangerous effects of global population explosion .Finally by analysing this report we come toknow that the rising global population has created many problems like water scarcity,degradation of

68 agriculture,diminishing forest areas,increasing pollution.This report shows that how the rising world population is responsible for environmental degradation at global level.22

3.3.4 Human Development Report Maharashtra-(2002), published by the State with help of Planning Commision and United Nations Development Programme(UNDP): “ This report highlights the issues of income and employment grenration ,reduction in poverty and regional imbalances,provision of basic civics amenities,development of human capabilities especially of poor in Maharashtra. This report states that in Maharashtra ,urbanisation attracted migrants who added the numbers, especially to that of Mumbai and other major cities. Mumbai, Thane and the region around urban Nagpur gained in population..In this report it is mentioned that Maharashtra is the second most urbanised state in India . In Konkan division comprising Mumbai, Mumbai Suburban, Thane, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Sindhudurg, 72 per cent of the population is urban but almost all of it is in Mumbai,Mumbai Suburban and Thane. Further this report states that the Konkan region is the most urbanised region of Maharashtra .In Konkan region, Thane district is having 73 per cent urban population. A tract of rural Thane district is tribal as well. Also this report highlight the fact that Cities like Mumbai and its satellites like Thane,Kalyan and Navi Mumbai are not the only urban regions though they are the major urban centres. Finally, this research paper concludes that Thane district which is adjacent to Mumbai, is an industrial hub in itself.” After analyzing this report we come to know that in Maharashtra population is increasing rapidly because economy of Maharashtra is highly developed.And in Thane district population is increasing fastly because industrialization and urbanization in Thane district is very rapid.Rapid economic development in Maharashtra and growing industrialization and urbanization in Thane district are the main reasons for rising population in Maharashtra and Thane district. 23

3.3.5 A Study Report on Preparation of 20 Year Perspective Plan For development of Sustainable Tourism In Maharashtra (March 2003): In this report it is mentioned that Maharashtra state is very well connected by different modes of internal transport services. These include railway network spread over 5459 Km, roads network of 2.6 Lakh kms. Finally after analyzing this report we come to know that in Maharashtra,transport facility is very good and outstanding.In Maharashtra, there are many transport buses

69 which are operated by Maharashtra State Road Transport Corporation (MSRTC) .Also,private buses survice are excellent in Maharashtra.In rural areas of Maharashtra tangas,bullock-carts and jeeps are an important source of transport.In big cities of Maharashtra,there are many government buses, taxis and auto-rickshawas for local commuters. Thus,the internal transport system in Maharashtra is very excellent . Transport sytem in Maharashtra has boosted the economic development in Maharashtra. Better transport facility in each and every part of Maharashtra is very important feature of Maharashtra. As per this report,the total munbers of motar vehicles on the roads of Maharashtra were 71.94 lakhs on 1-01-2002. Also by reading this report we come to know that well-developed transport facility in Maharashtra would be main reason for faster industrial growth in Maharashtra.24

3.3.6 REPORT ON ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS OF THANE REGION (May2005): Published by MAHARASHTRA POLLUTION CONTROL BOARD: Thane district is one of the most industrialized districts in Maharashtra. First planned industrial estate was set up by Maharashtra Industrial Development Corporation (MIDC) in 1962 at Thane to promote and develop planned growth of industries in Maharashtra. The district is blessed with abundant natural resources in the form of perennial rivers, extensive seashore, and high mountainous ranges. In 1982 Thane regional office of Maharashtra Pollution Control Board (MPCB) was established . It presently covers , taluka , taluka, taluka , Talasari talka, taluka, Jawahar taluka and Mokhada Talukas of Thane district. In Thane region,the residential areas are growing very rapidly and this has created shortage of water in Thane region . In Thane district , there is a very vast natural water resources . In Thane district water resources are in the form of perennial rivers. The water resource in Thane are source of water supply for Thane district as well as for Mumbai. In Thane district, the important occupations are agriculture and fishing, which are totally depending on water resources in Thane district. The heavy industrialization and the increasing urbanization are responsible for the rapidly increasing stress on the water environment of the area. It is therefore necessary to protect these water resources of the region. Finally after analyzing this report we come to know that the growing industrialization and urbanization in Thane region is the main reason for shortage of water supply in Thane . Finally by analysing this report we

70 come to know that the industrialisation and urbanisation in Thane region is responsible for heavy pressure on the water resources in Thane region.This a very dangerous situation for Thane region.scarcity of water resources is one of the serious problems faced by the residents in Thane region. 25

3.3.7 Maharashtra Development Report June (2007)- :In this report it is mentioned that with a population of 85.77 lakhs ,the scheduled Tribes account for 8.9 Per cent of the population of Maharashtra(census 2001).A benchmark survey was conducted by the Tribal Research and Training Institute(TRTR)Pune(1997) Covering a population of 34.15 Lakhs.The survey placed 91.11 Per cent of the population below poverty line(Rs 11,000Per anum).Given the scenario of relative prosperity in the state,the issue of widespread tribal poverty cannot be dismissed.Finally by analysing this report we come to know that though Maharashtra has achieved a lot of economic prosperity, but the condition of tribal people is very miserable in Maharashtra.The tribal people are suffering from poverty.Large number of tribal in Maharashtra are living below poverty line.26

3.3.8 Thane Municipal Corporaton Environemntal Status Report (2007-2008): Thane city has tremendously changed its look in last 10 years. The development growth and planned city development, best services making Thane city to be known as residential city rather than formerly industrial city. Different developmental plans are planned in such a way that thane city's natural beauty, hills, lakes will also be conserved. Thane city is a fastest growing city and abutting to Mumbai. The city of Thane is one of Maharashtra's major industrial town and the district headquarters is a fastest growing city and abutting to Mumbai. As the Mumbai has almost reaching to its carrying capacity of development, Thane is the next option which is already been looked up. The Thane city infrastructure and growth of planned city development has turned the face of Thane city remarkably from last decades. Thane district adjoins the City of Mumbai .People migrate from Mumbai to Thane in search of good homes as well as amenities in Thane. Thane is also developing as tourist place due to development of mall, artifical parks etc. It also has many water parks Suraj Water Park, Tiku-ji-ni Wadi, Shangrila are few of them. Yeour hills and lakes, Mangroves forests are the natural beauty which attracts many peoples and study groups. Thane still has some ADIWASI communities and WARLI culture.


Thane creek not only provides a natural protection to the place but has also facilitated transport of big and small ships since ancient times. This has also acted as an impetus for the development of local and international trade since the pre-historic times.Thane City Development plan suffers in implementation part because Population growth is tremendous on account of natural increase and migration.People from different religions, people from diverse communities including Parsis, Christians, Muslims and Jews settled down in Thane, creating a cosmopolitan city. Finally after analyzing this report we come to know that the Thane district is under heavy population pressure and this population pressure is an obstacle in the further economic development in Thane district. 27

3.3.9 A Report on Helath Inequalities in Maharashtra Published in January (2008): This report attempts to highlight the socioeconomic inequities, inequities in health status and in access to healthcare amongst various groups based on caste, class, gender and geographic location in Maharashtra . Being a wealthy and developed state does not guarantee that there is equity in access to health and healthcare. Maharashtra heads the ranking in India, though declining in recent years, in terms of economic indices like income, industrial and physical infrastructure, and financial capital but its social indicators like health, nutrition, education and welfare are not commensurate with its economic growth. With a population of over 105 million people it is equal to the tenth largest country in the world having the same population as Mexico. However the state’s contribution to human and social development has been very inadequate and in present times is getting even worse. Maharashtra ranks quite low with respect to the various health and nutrition indicators., With a strong private health sector we see that the penetration of private doctors in rural areas is also quite high and in contrast access to various public health services quite poor. This situation is largely due to poor public investment and expenditure in healthcare by Maharashtra, which is in the bottom quartile on this count. Finally by analysing this report we come to know that though Maharashtra is a developed state of India, but the civics amenities arer not equally developed in entire Maharashtra.In some areas of Maharashtra,civics amenities like medical facility,educational facility are available in sufficient quantity, where as in some parts of Maharashtra civics amenities are totally zero. Due to rising population in Maharashtra,it becomes extremely difficult for


Maharashtra government to provide health care and medical facilities to the entire population in Maharashtra.28

3.3.10 Evaluation of Environmental Status Reports of Cities in Maharashtra (June 2009) Published By Maharashtra pollution Control Bord: In this report is clearly mentioned that Maharashtra occupies a Prominent position in our Indian Economy. This report highlights the fact that ,Maharashtra has been in the forefront of economic development and is also known as the economic powerhouse of India. In Maharashtra,economic policies are very advanced and Maharastra enjoys dominant position in India. As per this report, Maharashtra’s economy is growing at the rate of 8%. But it is very dissappointing to note that rapid economic rgowth and development in Maharashtra has led to heavy pressure on urban infrastructures and nautral resources in Maharashtra.Economic growth in Maharashtra has also resulted in environmental isuues like loss of natural vegetation, air pollution,water pollution etc .Thus, finally by analysing this report we can say that rapid economic growth and development in Maharashtra has created many socio-economic problems in Maharashtra. 29

3.3.11 “A STUDY REPORT ON APPRAISAL OF National Rural Employment Guarantee Act NREGA PROGRAMME IN THANE AND AKOLA DISTRICTS OF MAHARASHTRA (2009): In this report it is mentioned that Maharashtra is second largest state in India by population. Maharashtra is one of the richest states in India, contributing 15% of the country's industrial output and 13.2% of its GDP in the year 2005- The State roughly accounted for 13 percent of the national income. Maharashtra is highly urbanised with 42% of the population living in cities and it is high on literacy with 77% of the population above seven years being literate. With a total population of 9.7 crore, the state makes a largest market of urbanised and literate population. The State is largely fuelled by growth in the services sector. In Maharashtra, if we see the Thane district, then we can say that theoretically , the main occupation of Thane district is agriculture. The main cropping season is Kharif and the major crop is paddy. Other crops like Nagali, Varai, Oil seeds and pulses are also cultivated. The average rainfall in the district is about 2567 mm affecting yield of paddy and other crops. Rabi season crops are taken on very small area on residual soil moisture or where irrigation facilities are available. Due to this

73 situation from December to May, there is demand from rural tribal Talukas for employment in Employment Guarantee Scheme (EGS). Some labours are also engaged in city construction works and on brick kilns for better wages. Demand for employment is more during the months of February to May. 30

3.3.12 Maharashtra Human development Report (2012):In this report it is mentioned that “Maharashtra is the second most populated state of India. Maharashtra has been a state that has consistently done well in terms of economic growth. As per this report in Maharashtra,economic growth has been urban-oriented and non-agricultural.In other words,economic growth is mainly concenterated in urban areas of Maharashtra.As a consequence,many people migrate to Maharashtra and hence migrants are in significant numbers in urban areas of Maharashtra.This report refelects that there is considerable improvement in the educational facility in Maharashtra and along with this, there is substantial growth in the population of Maharashtra.Increase in number of primary school and secondary school,has resulted in tremendous growth of population in Maharashtra.This indicates that in Maharashtra, the socio-economic development is very fast.This could be the main reason for rapid migration and population explosion in Maharashtra.31

3.3.13 Environmental Status Report (2012) Published by Thane Municipal Corporation: In this report it is mentioned that from the year 2001 road widening work was done on large scale in Thane city,which helped in development of large residential complexes and population increased rapidly.In this report it is also mentioned that Thane Municipal Report has been taking sincere efforts to provide all the public utility facilities to the residents of Thane city for improving their standard of living.As per this report Thane Municipal Corporation is taking great efforts to provide social services like better transportation facility, regular supply of clean water,provision of good quality roads and foot path etc. But the rising population pressure has created huge burden on all facilities.Due to population explosion in Thane city it is not possible to provide all civics amenities in sufficient quantity.Thus rising population pressure in Thane city has created severe shortage of civics amenities in Thane district.Truly speaking, rising population in Thane city is troublesome to Thane Municipal Corporation (TMC) 32


3.3.14 “Report of High Level Committee on Balanced Regional Development Issues in Maharashtra” (October 2013): In this report it is mentioned that ,Maharashtra is a leading state of the Indian Union.It is widely known as the 'Economic and Industrial Power house'of the country. In Maharashtra,there is a Mumbai city which known as a financial capital of India and also in Maharashtra there is rapid industrialisation,therefore many foreign investors as well domestic investors prefer to do financial investment in Maharashtra.Some of the important and distinguishing features of Maharashtra are bettter administration,good infrastructure and competitive work culture.Due to these features many domestic companies and foreign companies prefer to establish their branches in Maharashtra.Pune, Raigad, Ratnagiri and Thane are very important parts of Maharashtra from economic point of view.They account for more than 50% investments in Maharashtra. Also it is very surprising to note that in Maharashtra, three divisions viz- Pune division , Konkan division and Nashik division account for more than 80% of entire investment in Maharashtra. As per this report private investment mainly flows towards Konkan division , Pune division and Nashik division.In other words Private sector investment is mainy concenterated in Konkan division , Pune division and Nashik division. These three divisions of Maharashtra are the most profitable divison for Maharashtra’s economy. Mumbai,Thane,Pune,Nashik,Nagpur and Aurangabad are major areas which have provided wide employment opportunities to large number of people in Maharashtra.Finally by analysing this report we come to now that the economy of Maharashtra is very strong.And therefore the state of Maharashtra is enjoying a dominant position in Maharashtra.33

3.3.15 Industrial State Profile of Maharashtra (2013-14)- A Report Published By MSME Development Institute,Ministry of MSME,Govt of India, Sakinaka Mumbai- 72: This report gives a detail idea about the industrial profile in the sate of Maharashtra.In this report it is mentioned that the state of Maharashtra has adopted the Special Economic Zone (SEZ) policy with effect from 10th Feb. 2006. The SEZs notified as duty free enclaves, have a relaxed and business friendly policy regime, aimed at promoting rapid industrial development and employment generation.Consequently,there will be creation of more job opportunities in Maharashtra.Obviously,this will lead to rapid migration of jobless people in Maharashtra which will cause population explosion in Maharashtra.In

75 simple word ,the Special Economic Zone in Maharashtra will have to suffer from huge population pressure in future.34

3.3.16 “The World Population situation in 2014”- A coincise Report Published by Department of Economic and Social Affairs ,Population Division,United Nations,NewYork,(2014): This report presents a brief picture of current demographic situation in 2014 on this earth.As far as demography of the world is concerned, countries are more diverse today than at any previous point in history. On one hand , earth is having countries where there is high fertility rate , resulting in youthful age structures and rapid population growth. And on other hand there are countries where fertility has fallen below replacement level, resulting in rapid population decline.Now a days, more than half of the world’s population is living in urban areas. It is a fact that the number of large urban agglomerations is increasing, but another important fact is that “ half of all urban dwellers are living in smaller cities or towns. It is expected that in future entire population is will be absorbed by urban areas. In twentiy –first century, “How to manage the urban areas”- this is the big issue. Managing urban areas is the most important challenge of twentiy first century. Finally this report concludes that the the current demographic picture is one of considerable diversity and ongoing change, reflected in new patterns of childbearing, marriage, mortality, migration, urbanization and ageing. Therefore it is expected that in future the size, structure and spatial distribution of the world’s population will look quite different from what they are today. Also this report highlight the facts the social, economic, environmental and political changes will surely affects the demographic situation in the world. Finally by analyzing this report we come to know that in future after few years very soon the entire world population will be settled in urban areas and consequently,it will become very difficult to provide all social facilities to entire urban population on the earth.Urban areas will become over-congested in future.35

3.3.17 Maharashtra Redefining Urban Growth(2015)- :In this report it is mentioned that Maharashtra is an economic and industrial power house of our country.It is highly urbanized state of India. It is also known as the most prosperous state of India. This report highlights the fact that Maharashtra palys an important role in the growth of Indian economy. It is surprising to note that Maharashtra has greatly contributed towards the

76 development of Indian economy .As matter of fact, the role of Maharashtra in Indian economy is praise- worthy. In Maharashtra,the real estate sector is of great significance to Maharashtras economy. Large size of population in urban areas of Maharashtra is responsible for severe pressure on urban infrastructure affecting the quality of life of urban people in Maharashtra.Maharashtra is characterized by rapid urbanization with urban population growing at the rate of ten lakh per annum. It is expected that in Maharashtra urban population will increase from 5 crore in 2011 to 6.8 crore in 2022. Due to rapidly growing population ,Maharashtra is experiencing severe housing shortage.It is also expected that by the year 2022 the housing requirement in Maharashtra will grow to one rore housing units with more of the housing requirements in city areas. Thus by analysing this report we come to know that due to rising urban population in Maharashtra,it is not possible for Maharashtra state government to provide accomodation to each and every family in urban areas of Maharashtra.Hence,rising population in urban areas of Maharashtra is mainly responsible for shortage of housing facilty in Maharashtra.36

3.4 Review of Literature Done By Referring the Economic Surveys of Maharashtra Published By Directorate OF Economics and Statistics,Planning Department,Government OF Maharashtra, Mumbai:

The review of literature which is done by reffering the Economic Surveys of Maharashtra is explained below:

3.4.1 Economic Survey of Maharashtra (2008–09) :As per the economic survey of Maharashtra (2008-09), the percentage of the state's population that names Marathi as its mother tongue has declined to 68.8% from 76.5% over the past three decades.Outlining migratory trends in the state, the survey highlights the sharp rise in the Hindi-speaking population in the same period. The number of people citing Hindi as their mother tongue rose to 11% from 5% in the same period. As per the economic survey of Maharashtra(2008-09) , in Maharashtra the percentage of migrants is increasing and the percentage of Marathi people is decreasing.Mostly hindi-speaking people are migrating to Maharashtra.It means that large number of North-Indians are migrating to


Maharashtra.This indicates that there is rapid migration of people in Maharashtra from northern part of India. 37

3.4.2 Economic Survey of Maharashtra (2009-10):The economic survey of Maharashtra(2009-10) states that Maharashtra is the second largest state in India after Uttar Pradesh as far as population is concerned. According to the Population Census 2001, population of Maharashtra was 9.69 crore contributing to 9.4 per cent of the total country’s population. In Maharashtra urban population is increasing at a very faster rate in comparison with other states India.As per census (2001),the percentage of urban population in Maharashtra is 42 %.It must be noted that the state of Maharashtra is very highly urbanized and the growing urbanization in Maharashtra is the main reason for population explosion in Maharashtra.Obviously,if the size of population in Maharashtra will increase then consequently the density of population will also rise in Maharashtra.It is very shocking to note that the density of population in Maharashtra is 315 per in 2001.During 1990-91 the population density in Maharashtra was 257 per indicates that there has been sharp increase in the density of population in Maharashtra.As a matter of fact,the level of urbanization is very high in Maharashtra.And this high level of urbanization in Maharashtra is responsible for rapid migration and population explosion in Maharashtra .In other words,urbanization and migration are increasing togetherly in Maharashtra,which has resulted in huge population pressure on Maharashtra.38

3.4.3 Economic Survey of Maharashtra (2010-11):According to economic survey of Maharashtra(2010-11), during 2010-11 the contribiton of service sector in Maharashtra State Income is 61 percent, the contribution of industrial sector in Maharahstra State income is 28 percent,and the contribution of agricultural sector and allied activities in Maharashtra State income is 11 percent.Thus, we can say that the service sector and industrial sector are the more important elements of economy of Maharashtra.The economy of Maharashtra is very progressive mainly due to service sector and industrial sector of Maharashtra.In other words,industrial sector and service sector are in full progress in Mahrashtra.Obviously, rapid expansion of industrial sector and service sector in Maharashtra will generate wide employment opportunities for many jobless people of

78 different states of India.Therfore many jobless people of different states are attracted towards to Maharashtra and therefore the population of Maharashtra is growing rapidly. 39

3.4.4 Economic Survey of Maharashtra (2011-12) : The economic survey of Maharashtra (2011-12) states that according to Population Census 2011, Maharashtra is the second largest State in India in terms of population. The total population of the State is 11.24 crore.According to economic survey of Maharashtra(2011-12), as per census 2011,the population of Maharashtra rised by 16 %.The most populous zone in Maharashtra are Thane dstrict,Pune district and Mumbai Suburban district.As per census (2011),Thane district contributed 9.8 % in the total population of Maharashtra,Pune district contributed 8.4 % in total population of Maharashtra, Mumbai Suburban contributed 8.3 % in total population of Maharashtra.Highest population growth rate was recorded in Thane district of Maharashtra. It is very shocking to note that there has been significant rise in the density of population in Maharashtra from 2001 to 2011. During 2001, the density of population in Maharashtra was 315 per 2011, the population density in Maharashtra rised upto 365 per It means that there has been a rise of 40 persons per in the density of population in Maharashtra. Thus there has been considerable growth in population density of Maharashtra from 2001 to 2011. 40

3.4.5 Economic Survey of Maharashtra (2014-15) : As per economic survey of Maharashtra (2014-15), Maharashtra is one of the highly industrialised states of India . It is pioneer in small scale industries and continues to attract industrial investments from both, domestic as well as foreign institutions. According to economic survey of Maharashtra (2014-15) , Maharashtra is the important centre of information technology (IT )growth in India. This survey states that the Maharashtra is a major contributor to the economy of India .Maharashtra contributes nearly 14 percent to the Nations Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of India.Thus,from economic point of view Maharashtra is very important state of India. However, the State economy still largely depends on the rains and fluctuations in the rains adversely affect the agriculture and services sector thereby affecting the State economy. Thane district, Pune district and Mumbai are the The major contributors to the Maharashtra State Income . Mumbai contributes nearly 22.1 per cent in Maharashtra state income, Thane district contributes nearly 13.3 per cent in


Maharashtra state income and Pune district contributes nearly 11.4 per cent in Maharashtra state income. Mumbai, Pune and Thane, together, are contributing nearly 50 per cent to the Industry sector. As a matter of fact, Thane district, Pune district and Mumbai are the most important zone of Maharashtra from commercial point view.Finally we can say that economy of Maharashtra is prospering very rapidly. And we can expect that in future also the economy of Maharashtra will go on prospering very fastly. 41

3.5 Review of Literature done with the help of Research papers and Articles Published in Journals.

In this research study, several research papers published in journals or Bullietins are reffered to know the opinion of different researchers about the causes and consequences of Population explosion in Maharashtra, in India as well as in entire world.The review of literature which is done with help of research papers Published in journals is presented below.

3.5.1 Joel E. Cohen in his Research Paper “Population Growth and Earth's Human Carrying Capacity” ( July 1995): He have analysed the impact of increasing global population on earths carrying capacity. In his research paper he have shown that how the rapidly growing population on earth is damaging the earth carrying capacity. In this research paper he have proved that the rising global population population is adversely affecting the carrying capacity of our earth.Due to rising global population,the capacity of the earth to support human population is decreasing considerably. In this research paper it is mentioned that along with human population , the inequality in the distribution of global income has grown. For example in 1992, 79 percent of the worlds income was enjoyed by 15 percent of the people in the worlds richest countries . In this research paper it is also mentioned that the population in less developed regions is increasing at the rate of 1.9 percent per year, while the population in more developed regions is growing at the rate of 0.3 to 0.4 percent per year .This indicates that in less developed regions,population is increasing at a faster rate, whereas in more developed regions population is increasing at a comparatively faster rate. It is very difficult to make any predictions about the future of human population.Truly speaking, future of human population is highly unpredictable. Finally after analyzing this research paper we come to know that the huge population

80 pressure is eating up the carrying capacity of our earth.Thus in short, this research paper examines dangerous consequences of increasing human population on earth. This research paper reveals that if the growing population on earth is not controlled, then very soon the carrying capacity of the earth will become zero. This is because with growing population on earth, there is increasing use of mineral resources which is already very limited in supply . Finally by analyzing this research paper,we come to know that the increasing global population is responsible for deterioration of earth’s carrying capacity.Thus, appropriate actions are required to control the global population explosion on earth. 42

3.5.2 Nagdeve D. A. in his Research paper,”POPULATION AND LAND USE IN MAHARASHTRA.(2003)”: He have examined the relationship between the rising population and the increasing use of land in Maharashtra.As per this research paper, rapidly increasing population leads to fastly rising demand for the products of land, yet the area of land is limited in Maharashtra. The findings of this research paper reveals that the total population of Maharashtra is increasing at a growth rate of more than 2 percent annually.On the other hand the net sown areas and the forest areas are decreasing considerably in Maharashtra.Finally,after analyzing this research paper we can come to the conclusion that the population explosion in Maharashtra is mainly responsible for shortage of agricultural land and forest areas in Maharashtra. Decreasing agricultural land and forest area are the unhealthy outcomes of population explosion in Maharashtra.In this research paper it is proved that growing population in Maharashtra has resulted severe scarcity of forest area and agricultural land in Maharashtra.Thus growing population in Maharashtra is a serious matter of concern . In this situation, the main emphasis should be laid on intensification and extensification of arable land to satisfy the wants of rapidly increasing population in Maharashtra. 43

3.5.3 Dr Dewaram A. Nagdeve in his Research Paper ,” POPULATION GROWTH AND ENVIRONMENTAL DEGRADATION IN INDIA”(2007): He have examined the relationship between the population growth and environmental degradation in case of India. In this research paper it is mentioned that with growing population, poverty and urbanization the environment is degrading. This research paper reveals that the country's population growth is imposing an increasing burden on the India's limited resources and

81 continually degrading natural resource base of India. Due to population explosion in India,there is too much strain on natural resources in India.As a matter of fact, population explosion in India is responsible for environmental degradation in India. Rapidly growing population in India has resulted in water contamination and air pollution in India.Also increasing global warming is a serious matter of concern.Finally after analyzing this research paper we come to know that the India’s population explosion is damaging the natural environment of India by many ways. Population explosion in India is responsible for environmental imbalance in India.Thus sincere efforts are required to control the population explosion in India,other wise the natural environment of India will be completely destroyed.44

3.5.4 Andrew Martin Fisher in his Research Paper “Population Invasion” versus Urban Exclusion in the Tibetan Areas of Western China”(December 2008) : He have research examined the confluence of local population transitions (demographic transition and urbanization) with non-local in-migration in the Tibetan areas of western China. The main objective of this research paper is to assess the validity of Tibetan perceptions of “population invasion” by Han Chinese and Chinese Muslims. The article argues that migration to Tibet from other regions in China has been concentrated in urban areas and has been counter balanced by more rapid rates of natural increase in the Tibetan rural areas among the highest rates in China. However, given that non-Tibetan migration to Tibet has been concentrated in urban areas, Tibetans have probably become a minority in many of their strategic cities and towns, and non-Tibetan migrants definitely dominate urban employment. After analysing this research paper we come to the conclusion. that if the population of any state or country increases rapidly due migration of people from other states or country respectively, then definitely the migrated people will dominate the employment in that state or country.Thus this research paper is a strong evidence to prove that population explosion due to rapid migration of people can lead to socio-economic problem like uenmeployment and social unrest. Also by reading this research paper we come to know that, if the population in any region rises due to migration then definitely,the migrated people will try to dominate over all the sectors of economy in that region.45


3.5.5 Jason Bremner, David López-Carr, Laurel Suter and Jason Davis in their Research Paper Population, poverty, environment, and climate dynamics in the developing world (2010): They have examined the complex relationship among human population growth, environmental degradation, poverty, and climate change. This research paper mainly deals with the dangerous effects of population explosion in developing countries of the world. This research paper shows that how population explosion leads to environmental problem, problem of povety and climatic problem in developing countries of the world. This research paper states that due to growing worlds population, the ecosystem that supports peoples livelihoods and well-being are being rapidly degraded. This research paper reveals that rapid population growth in developing countries is responsible for environmental degradation in developing countries. And environmental degradation leaves especially the most poor vulnerable to natural disasters. In short this research paper is related with the impact of rapidly growing population on environment and climate. Finally after analyzing this research paper we come to know that in developing countries population explosion has resulted in severe poverty and environmental problem.Thus developing countires should try hard to control their population growth.46

3.5.6 Tanima Choudhri in her Research Paper “Population Explosion in India: Need for Optimum Population “ ( 2011): She have analysed the the dangerous impact of population explosion on the quality of human life in India .In this research paper it is proved that population explosion in India is responsible for many type of socio-economic problems faced by our country.In fact this research paper deals with the relation between ,population ,pollution and economic development,with special reference to India. In India, excess population is a liability to development.By reading this research paper we realised that India is suffering from population explosion and the population explosion is having very harmful consequences on Indian economy.Thus,there is a need for strict action to reduce the size of population in India. In this situation optimum population is the most desirable size of population in India.Optimum population never gives any problem and trouble to the economy.47


3.5.7 AWATE S.J. AND TODKARI G.U. in their Research Paper “POPULATION GROWTH IN SOLAPUR DISTRICT OF MAHARASHTRA”(2011): It is mentioned that population in any region changes as a result of migration and a process called natural increase. The rapid increase in a population is a major problem in the socio-economic development of the country. This rsearch paper deals with the population growth in solapur district of Maharashtra from 1901 to 2011.The main objective of this research paper is to understand the population growth in soalpur district of Mahrashtra. This research paper is mostly based on the secondary data collected through District statistical Department of Solapur district socio-economic abstract of Solapur district and census handbook of Solapur district. 48

3.5.8 G SULE B. M. and BARAKADE A. J in their Research Paper “ROWTH OF POPULATION CHANGE IN MAHARASHTRA (INDIA)(2011)” -:It is mentioned that Maharashtra is at second at in India as far as the size of population is concerned and third rank in respect of geographical area. This research paper examines the district wise population from 1991 to 2011 . Also this research paper highlights the fact that Thane district is is having the biggest population in Maharashtra and it constitutes about 9.84 per cent of total population of Maharashtra .The main objective of this research paper is to anlayse the district -wise changes in growth rate of population in Maharashtra from 1991 to 2011. Finally this research paper concludes that population in Maharashtra has been changing costantly because of inmigration, out migration ,industrial development, agricultural development,employment opportunities and development of education institutes.After analysing this research paper we come to know that migration in Maharashtra has a strong impact on the size of population in Maharashtra. 49

3.5.9 Uwe A. Schneider in his Research Paper Impacts of population growth, economic development, and technical change on global food production and consumption(2011): He have examined the consequences of population growth,economic development and technical change on global food production and consumption.In this research paper it is proved that increasing global population has resulted in heavy pressure on essential resource like land, water etc. In this research paper it is mentioned that population growth without income growth will increase the toal food production but will

84 decrease the per-cpita level of food production because the required expansion of agricultural production implies increasing marginal cost. 50

3.5.10 Sarbapriya Ray and Ishita Aditya Ray in their research paper, “Impact of Population Growth on Environmental Degradation: Case of India” (November 2011): They have studied the impact of population growth on environmental degradation with reference to India.In this research paper they have proved that rapidly growing population in India is damaging the environment through expansion and intensification of agriculture, uncontrolled growth of urbanization and industrialization, and destruction of natural habitats. The research paper is an attempt to study the population change and its impacts on land, forest and water and energy resources. Rapidly growing population is responsible for declining per capita agricultural land, forest and water resources. This research paper reveals that in India outcomes of population explosion are increasing population density and number of people below poverty line. Heavy population pressure leads to land degradation and soil erosion, which in turn adversely affects the productive resource base of the economy. As per this research paper, rapid population growth in India has resulted in the increasing population numbers and growing affluence have resulted in severe contamination of ground water and surface water; air pollution and global warming are of growing concern owing to increasing population in India. This research paper concludes with some policy reflections and emphasizes the potential importance of natural resources.Finally after analysing this research paper we come to know that population explosion in India is the main factor responsible for environmental degradation in India.51

3.5.11 Suvalaxmi Chakrabarti and Prof. Ashis Sarkar: in their research paper , “Pattern and Trend of Population Ageing in India”( November 2011): It is mentioned that geographically, India is a vast country with amazing cultural diversity and remarkable demographic heterogeneity. It is the second most populous country in the world with over 1.21 billion people in 2011, more than 70% of whom live in rural areas, while the remainder in about 5480 towns and urban agglomerations non-uniformly distributed over the country’s space. During the past decades, India has been experiencing socio-economic changes, particularly in respect of literacy, employment, health and morbidity, the scale

85 and intensity of which vary from one part of the country to another with obvious urban and rural differentials. 52

3.5.12 Dr Rathod S.B. in his research paper “Growth and Trends of Population in Nanded City, Maharashtra”(March 2012): He have analysed the decadal variation of population growth and trends in Nanded city of Maharashtra.In his research Paper, it is mentioned that According to 2001 census, population of the Nanded city is 430733 persons and the city rank 8th in size order of the cities of Maharashtra. Several resources such as means of transport as communication, markets, business organization, civil and administration activities, educational facilities etc. have attracted population from nearby and far off rural areas. In the modern period, the process of industrialization accelerates the rate of urbanization. Demographic and ecological structure undergo a vast change in the course of industrialization. The concentration of population on a comparatively limited area raises manifold problems.Finallly after analyzing this research paper we come to know that if the infrastructure facilities like transport,communication,educational develops in any region,then consequently in such region population rises considerably.Thus,development of public utility facilities in any region contributes to growth of population in that region.53

3.5.13 BaraKade A.J. in his Research Paper “Growth Of Population in Satara district of Maharashtra (April 2012 ):He have given a brief idea about the tahsil wise growth of population in Satara district during 1991-2011. The growth of population of Satara district from 2451372 in 1991 to 2808994 during 2011.The objectives of this research paper is to analyse the tahsilwise changes in growth rate of population in Satara district during 1991-2001.This research paper states that in Satara district,the highest population is in Karad, Satara and Phaltan tahsils. Finally this research paper states that The population of Satara District, is constantly changing.This constantly changing population indicates peoples adjustment to employment opportunities, economic progress, development of educational facilities,agricultural development,industrial development in Karad,satara and koregaon tahsil. This research paper at last states that ,like the population of the Maharashtra, will continue to change as long as people vary their fertility, mortality and migration behaviors. 54


3.5.14 “Population crunch in India: is it urban or still rural?”-An Article published by H. S. Sudhira and K. V. Gururaja (July 2012): In this research paper it is mentioned that INDIAis growing rapidly, be it in population, in economy, in number of vehicles or in corruption. The recent provisional census data for the year 2011 show that we are 1.21 billion people, nearly 17.5% of the global population, making every sixth person in the world an Indian. We are only next to China in total population, which is contributing 19.4% to the world population with 1.341 billion people. Our population has increased over five times in the last 110 years from 0.24 billion in 1901. About 181 million people have been added in the last decade, with a decadal growth rate of 17.64% and annual growth of 1.64%, while China has a much lower decadal growth rate (5.43%) as well as annual growth rate (0.53%). Even the global annual population growth rate (1.23%) is much lower than that of India. Considering the total habitable area of India (about 3.2 million sq. km), the population density as a measure of number of the persons per square kilometre has increased from 325 in 2001 to 382 in 2011, nearly 17.5% increase over a decade. Looking merely at the overall population, the rural population is contributing to 68.84% of India’s population, which is about 833.1 million, and the urban population is 31.16% (377.1 million). This clearly highlights that India is still dominated by rural population. 55

3.5.15 C.M. Lakshmana in his Research Paper “Population, development, and environment in India” (January 2013)”, He have examined critical relation between population,development and environment with reference to in India. This research paper reveals that Rapid population growth is directly responsible for higher environmental degradation in the central, eastern, and northern regions as compared to the other regions. On the other hand, economic development (ultimate cause) was found to be the main cause of environmental degradation in the western, northern, and southern regions.However, both proximate and ultimate causes are behind environmental degradation in the western region, which is the highest, followed by the southern and central regions.However, the situation is fairly well under control in the eastern (excluding Kolkata) and north-eastern regions. his research paper strongly sug-gests that policy makers take note of the situation and initiate appropriate remedial action. The current need

87 is to take immediate steps through policy prescriptions to halt environmental damage and reverse these trends wherever possible. 56 ,

3.5.16 Dr. H.N Rede and Suryawanshi Jaipal in their Research Paper “A study of Population Distribution Pattern, in Solapur Maharashtra State”(March 2013):They have examined the pattern of population distribution in solapur district of Maharashtra.This research paper is an attempt to study the population distribution pattern in solapur district of Maharashtra .In this research paper they have shown how the population distribution pattern in solapur has influenced the economic development of solapur. The main objectives of this research paper is to highlight the spatio- temperol change in population distribution of the study region and to study the tahsilwise variation in population distribution in solapur district of Maharashtra. In this research paper it is mentioned that in Solapur district, according to 2001. Census,4.25% of the people live of the state of Maharashtra population is unevenly distributed in the district. The population distribution in the district is influenced by relief, usability of land, pattern of transport network and nature of economic activities. Finally this research paper concludes that , in solapur district population is very unevenly distributed due to physiography, transport network and nature of economic activities.In hilly regions of soaput,population is very thin whereas the valleys of major river like Bhima and Bhogwatai have relatively thicker population . The impact of industrial development and consequently urbanistion on the population distribution is observed in Northern part of solapur,Barshi,pandahrpur ,and Akkalkot tahsils having thick population . By analysing this research paper we come to know that physiography,transport network and nature of economic activities has a strong influence on the population in Solapur district of Maharashtra. 57

3.5.17 Rahul Mittal and Dr. Chandi Gupta Mittal in their Research Paper “Impact of Population Explosion on Environment” (May 2013):They have explained the dangerous impact of population explosion on environment.This research paper mainly deals with the adverse effects of population growth on environment.In this research paper it is mentioned that the rapidly growing human population is putting a tremendous strain on our environment. In this research paper it is proved that global population explosion is responsible for increasing air pollution and water pollution,excessive

88 deforestation,depletion of ozone layer,land and soil degradation,global warming etc. As per this research paper,the most dangerous effect of human population growth is the problem of global warming. In order to support the growing population forests are being destroyed at an alarming rate .The growth of human population puts larger demands on our already limited resources.At present the environment on the earth is suffering seriously from global populationexplosion.The combined effects of population growth,consumption,overuse,wastage and misuse of resources has stained the capacity of the earth to sustain life.More population means more space to construct houses and the availability of more consumer goods.It also require more means of transport,more consumption of fossil fuels and more pollution of air ,land and water.Different type of pollutions are causing a number of problems in the physical environment that are further affecting the biological environment seriously.Thats why the study and control of human population is very important today.After analyzing this research paper we come to know that the rising global population is threatening our beautiful envrionment very badly.58

3.5.18 A .H. M. Zehadul Karim in his research paper , “ Impact of a Growing Population in Agricultural Resource Management: Exploring the Global Situation with a Micro-level Example”( November 2013): He have very nicely examined the dangerous impact of growing population in agricultural resource management .In his research paper he have explained the consequences of growing population on agricultural resources at world level.The main objective of his research paper is to highlight the dangerous impact of growing population on agricultural resources around the world. In his research paper he have mentioned that fastly growing population in many countries of the world has consequential effect on agricultural resource because rapid population growth can lead to minimization of agricultural land in entire world.As per this research paper,population explosion in the world creates depressing pressure on sustainable environmental management.Finally this research paper concludes that the speedy growth of population is the major contributory factor responsible for degradation of environment.Rapid population growth results in severe poverty and deterioration of human life in many nations of the world. This researsch paper reveals that increase in population leads to starvation, many health problems,massive unemployment and finally the destruction of the environment. This is particularly true in case of less developed

89 countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Ethiopia, Indonesia and Nigeria where there is rapid increase of population among the lower-income group and poorer sections of society. 59

3.5.19 Devidas Sonwane is his Research paper “Challenges of Tribal Development in Mahrashtra” (February 2014): It is mentioned that Maharashtra is one of the 17 states in our country with tribal population .Both central government and state government are implementing plans for the development of tribal community but the efforts are not generating fruitfull result due to lack of political willingness or faulty administration.This research paper is an attempt to find out the reasons for slow path of development of tribal community is Maharashtra.Also, in this research paper it is observed that provisions made for the development of tribal community in Maharashtra are not sufficient to satisfy the requirement of the tribal society in Maharashtra.Further this research paper states that whatever provisions are made for the development of tribal people,those are not fully utilized. 60

3.5.20 DR. DEEPAK D SHELAR in his Article “ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL EFFECT OF POVERTY OF TRIBAL COMMUNITY IN THANE DISTRICT (MAHARASHTRA)”, (APRIL 2014): It is mentioned that Maharashtra is an advanced and economically growing state in India. The Economy of Maharashtra has been consistently developing and growing but still 50% population of Maharashtra is unable to gain the minimum calorie requirement through their food. It can be seen that Poverty and illiteracy are the severe problems faced by Tribal sector of Maharashtra. Thane District is very near to the dream city „Mumbai, and is also a developed district as compared to other districts in Maharashtra.Thane is attached with the Economic Capital of India -Mumbai and recognized as a developed district,still the economic and social condition of the Tribals living in the district is extremely miserable.Jawhar, Mokhada, Talasari, Wada, Vikramgad, Murbad and in Thane district are known as the Tribal belt as 85 to 90 percent population living in these Talukas are from Tribal community.Finally after analysing this research paper we come to know that though Thane district is a very developed district of Maharashtra, but the condition of rural tribal people is very miserable

90 in Thane district.Thus appropriate measures are required to improve the socio-economic conditions of tribal people in Thane district of Maharashtra.61

3.5.21 Shubi Agarwal in her Research Paper “Impact of Indias Population Growth on Economic Development”(May 2014):She have examined the impact of India’s population growth on India’s economy. Her research paper mainly deals with the consequences of growing population on India’s economic development.This research paper highlights the dangerous effects of population explosion on the economy of India.In this research paper it is proved that India’s population explosion is an obstacle in the economic development of India. The main objectives of this research paper is to know that how the human resource make an impact on economic development of the country.The hypothesis of this research paper are “Population is growing rapidly in India” and “Increasing population is constraint for development”.This research paper gives suggestions to control the population explosion in India. In this research paper, it is mentioned that population growth hamper the economic development in many ways. The main hypothesis of this research paper is “Population is growing rapidly in India”. And “Increasing population is constraint for development” .Finally after analysing this research paper we came to know that population explosion in India is harmful to the economy of India.Hence appropriate action is required to control the population growth in India.By reading this research paper we came to know that India’s population explosion is damaging the India’s economy by many ways.If the population of India is not controlled then very soon the economy of India will be collapsed and destroyed.This research paper gives proper idea about the unhealthy outcomes of population explosion in India.This research paper reveals that population explosion in India is responsible for overuse of natural resources,low per capita ,income,low capital formation in an economy,mass unemployment and under-employment.This indicates that growing population in India is responsible for many socio-economic problems in India.62

3.5.22 DR. CHANDRASHEKAR M. NIKAM and DR. RAVINDRA S. DEORE in their research paper “DEMOGRAPHIC ASPECTS OF POPULATION OF MALEGAON (NASIK-MAHARASHTRA)”(July 2014):In this research paper they have analysed the actual causes of population growth in Malegaon.Population of


Malegaon is increasing rapidly because of natural growth on one hand and immigration on other. There are forces of migrating population, which has promoted the growth of city and has given its features. In this research paper an attempt has been made to study in detail the demographic aspects of population and different problems associated with population explosion in the Malegaon. In Malegaon population has raised by 28.45% upto 2001. If the population of Malegaon will rise at the same rate, then very soon the economic of Malegaon will be adversely affected.Also there will be a dangerous impact on basic needs of people staying in Malegaon. This research paper is written to study the different problems associated with population growth. In this research paper the main objectives of the research study are to evaluate the social status of population in Malegaon,to study the population characteristics in Malegaon,And finally to analyse the economic features of population of Malegaon. Finally after reading this research paper we come to know that the growing population in Malegoan can badly affect economy of Malegaon. 63

3.5.23 Smt. Vanitaben N. Desai in her Research Paper “A Study on Water Pollution based on the Environmental Problem” (Dec 2014): She have mentioned that increasing human population is one of the important reasons for water pollution. Reckless population growth creates so many wastages which are polluting environment, and so environmental pollution is increasing very rapidly.This research paper states that the liquid and solid waste produced by human consumption is discharged into the river.So water is polluted.Thus, this research paper highlight the fact that growing human population is high responsible of polluting the water bodies on earth. 64

3.5.24 Professor Varun Kumar and Professor Sachin Sabharwal in their research paper , “Impact of Population Explosion on Environment”(December 2014)- they have studied general impact of population explosion on environment.This Research Paper highlights the relationship between Population and Environment.This research paper shows that how population explosion is harmful to our environment. In this research paper,it is revealed that the countrys fastly growing population is imposing a heavy burden on countrys limited natural resources.As per this research paper,the outcomes of rapidly growing population are air pollution,global warming,increasing population

92 density,increasing number of people below poverty line and increasing pressure on natural resources.In this research paper it is clearly mentioned that due to heavy population pressure,it is not possible to satisfy the basics of each and every person with present levels of consumption.Population pressure on arable land contributes to the land degradation,thus affecting the productive resource base of the economy. Finally by analyzing this research paper we come to know that the rapid population growth can adversely affect the productive capacity of the economy in any country.Thus,it is very essential to control the growing population of a country,so that the productive capacity of the economy will be safe. 65

3.6 Review of Literature Done with the Help of Internet websites

The review of literature which is done with the help of internet websites is explained below:

3.6.1 Famous Economist,Thomas Robert Malthus in his work “Essay on Principle of Population”(1798):He has discussed the relationship between population and food supply.He have stated that population increases at a faster rate than the food supply.Malthus has mentioned that the power of population is indefinitely greater than the power in the earth to produce subsistence for men. Population increases in a geometric ratio ( the rate of 2,4,8,16,32 etc).Malthus belived that the population of a country,when unchecked,would double itself in every twenty five years.But food supply will not increase as fast as population on account of the influence law of diminishing returns on land.Production of foodgrains increases at an arithmetical progression (i.e.2,3,4,5,6,7,etc). In other words, according to Malthus , population has a tendency to increase at a very faster rate,but the agricultural sector don’t have the capacity to increase the supply of food products. This results in severe imbalance between the size of population and the available food stock in an economy.Consequently,there will be problem of food shortage in an economy.Such trouble-some situation should not arise,therefore all countries should try to control the population growth as far as possible.It is very necessary to stabilize the global population, so that every body in this world can enjoy a good standard of living . Thus Malthus strongly suggests to have strict control

93 over population growth otherwise economy will be not self-sufficient in case food products. 66

3.6.2 Hirschman,in his book “The Strategy of Economic Development” (1958):He have mentioned his view that “Population pressure on living standards will lead to counter-pressure i.e. to activity designed to maintain or to restore the traditional standard of living of the community” which “causes an increase in its ability to control its environment and to organize it self for Development”. 67

3.6.3 S. N. AGARWALA in his Article “ POPULATION CONTROL IN INDIA: PROGRESS AND PROSPECTS (1960)”: He have mentioned that among the countries, India ranks second in population and seventh in land area. It has fifteen per cent of the population and 2.2 per cent of the area of the world. An important lesson that the underdeveloped countries have to learn from the experience of the western countries is that while a decline in the death rate can be brought about through imported modern medicines to control epidemics and through improvements in drinking-water facilities, methods of agriculture, and means of transportation, it is not possible to bring about a reduction of fertility by superimposed changes that " influence only externals of life and leave hopes, fears, beliefs, customs and social organization of the masses relatively untouched." These latter factors are most significant, and until they are modified, fertility will continue to remain high. 68

3.6.4 Colin Clark in his research work “Population Growth and Land Use”(1967),he have mentioned his view that “population growth brings economic hardship to communities living by traditional methods,but it is the only force powerful enough to make such communities change their methods, and in the long run transforms them into much more advanced and productive societies”. 69

3.6.5 Rohan Kothare in his Article “ Does India’s Population Growth Has A Positive Effect on Economic Growth?(November 1999) ”: He have examined the positive effect of India’s population growth on India’s economic growth. In this article he concludes that India has become one of the world’s fastest growing economies,mainly

94 because of rising population creating a positive effect on its long run economic growth. This research paper states that due to growing population today India is now ranked one of the top producers in agriculture and is a top nation in terms of GDP in a developing country.It indicates that the population growth in India has a positive effect on economic growth of a India. Finally after analyzing this research paper we come to know that gowing population in India is beneficial to the economy of India upto some extent.Thus we must consider the advantages of population explosion in India. 70

3.6.6 M. Sanjeeta, in her Essay, “Population explosion in India (April 2011)”: She has explained the dangerous effects of population explosion in India. In her research paper she have examined the harmful consequences of population explosion in India. In this research paper she has mentioned that population explosion in India is the most serious problem which India is facing today. India includes 16 per cent of the world’s population and at present India is tthe second most populous country of the world. During 1991, the total population of India was 846.30 million. Currently the population of India is nearly 950 millions. There has been rapid increase in Indias population in last 50 years.Rapid population growth in India is called as the situation of population explosion in India . The main reason behing India’s population growth is the industrial and technological revolutions in India. Because of population explosion in India,there is a heavy pressure of civics amenities like housing facility, medical facility etc. Also there is a shortage of employment opportunities. In rural areas of india population is growing, but in rural areas jobs are very scarce and hence unemployed of rural area migrate to urban areas in search of livelihood. The increasing population pressure in city has created slum areas in urbanized zone of India.Finally by analyzing this research paper we come to know that in India population explosion has given rise to many socio-economic problems which are very difficult to solve .71

3.6.7 Olimare E. Maisonet-Guzman in his Article, “Food Security and Population Growth in 21st Century”(Jully 2011): He have examined the critical relation between agriculture growth and population growth rates in countries around the world. This research paper gives a clear idea about the difference in the relationship between population growth and agricultural growth among the regions: Asia, Europe,Africa, North


America, Latin America and Oceania.Further,in this research paper it is also mentioned that if population growth rates continue, increasing urbanization will potentially threaten for agricultural production.After anaysing this research paper we come to know that in any country population explosion can lead to problem of food shortage.Population explosion in a country damages the food secutrity of country.Thus,it is very essential to control population, so that the food secutrity of coutry will be maintained. 72

Summary of the Chapter:

Finally after a brief review of literature we can summaries that the population explosion is always dangerous to society,economy and environment.If we consider the global population explosion,then we come to know that rising population on earth adversely affects the carrying capacity of earth.Due to global population explosion we have lost our valuable green cover and natural vegetation from our eath surface.If this situation will continue further,then in future it will be difficult to survive on earth.After considering the India’s population explosion,we can say that population explosion in India is responsible for the backwardness of our Indian economy.If we consider the rising population of Maharashtra,then we can say that population explosion in Maharashtra has resulted in economic imbalances in Maharashtra and this situation is troublesome to Maharashtra state government.Finally,keeping in mind the growing population in Thane district of Maharashtra we can say,that rising population in Thane district has resulted in many socio-economic problems in Thane and the socio-economic problems which are prevailing in Thane is very difficult to solve.

Thus,by doing review of literature we came to know that the if the size of population is too much large then it will create abnormal situation in an economy. Thus review of literature has provided a very valuable and precise information about the dangerous effects of population explosion on the economy. With the help of review of literature we came to know that in urban areas population increases mainly due to migration of peple,whereas in rural areas population increases mainly because of illiteracy,early marriage, and absence of family planning.Another important thing which we came to know by review of literature is that, “population becomes troublesome for economy if it

96 increases every year”.In other words large size of population is always liability for the nation.If the population growth is not controlled,then it will lead to scarcity of food,sorrow and other painful things.It would collapse the social structure and economy of a nation.Infact,rapid population growth is a major constraint to growth and deveopement of an economy.Due to population explosion,the quality of the population is also adversely affected.It becomes difficult to satisfy the basic necessities of population like food,medical facilities, educational faclilties etc.Rising population increases the consumption and as a result reduces the saving and investment in an economy.Due to rapid population growth,the targets of high saving,investment and growth cannot be achieved.High population growth add to the amount of unproductive consumers in a country.

Another important thing which we come to know by review of literature is that, population explosion is commonly found in less developed countries, whereas in advanced countries size of population is always small.In less developed countries people are mostly illiterate and they don’t give importance to family planning. This leads to population explosion in less developed countries. In less developed countries population explosion has resulted in many social and economic problems like unemployment,poverty,hunger etc.

Population of Maharashtra is very large in size and also it is rising rapidly.Population explosion in Maharashtra is major challanege for Maharashtra State government. Rising population in Maharashtra is the most vulnerable situation for government of Maharashtra.Because of rapid population growth in Maharashtra, the number of households have increased tremendously in Maharashtra.This has exerted considerable pressure on the economy of Maharashtra.It is not possible to satisfy the basic needs of entire growing population in Maharashtra.Population growth in Maharashtra is destroying the economy of Maharashtra by many ways.Expanding size of population in Maharashtra is eating up all the economic resources and natural resources of Maharashtra.In other words,due to growing population in Maharashtra there is heavy pressure our precious resource which are very limited in quantity.Population growth in Maharashtra are highly responsible for shortage of agricultural land an forest area in Maharashtra.Exploding population in Maharashtra has many dangerous consequences on the economy of Maharashtra.Growing population in Maharashtra leads to overuse of scarce resources like

97 water,electricity etc.Due to growing population in Maharashtra,it is not possible for Maharashtra government to satisfy water requirement of each and every family in Maharashtra.Similarly,it is also not possible for Maharashtra government to supply electricity in all houses in Maharashtra.Thus gorwing population in Maharashtra is the main reason for prevailing socio-economic problems in Maharashtra.Continuation of population growth in Maharashtra can lead to severe deprivation of food and water in Maharashtra.If the population in Maharashtra will rise fruther,then after some years people in Maharashtra will constantly fight food and water.

It very shocking to see that exploding population in Maharashtra has created environmental problem in Maharashtra. Rising population in big cities of Maharashtra has resulted in environmental pollution in Maharashtra.Air pollution,water pollution and noise pollution are most worst type of pollution in Maharashtra.Thus population explosion in Maharashtra is damaging the beautiful natural environment of Maharashtra.Upto certain extent growing population in Maharashtra is desirable,but if the size of population crosses the limit,then it will be very dangerous to the economy of Maharashtra.Thus sincere efforts are necessary to control the population growth in Maharashtra as far as possible.In this connection,Maharashtra State Government should take the appropriate actions to stop the population growth in Maharashtra.If the population growth in Maharashtra is not controlled at present,then in future the self-sufficiency of Maharashtra will be finished and consequently, the economy of Maharashtra.

Finally by doing review of literature,we come to know that the population explosion in Maharashtra has disrupted the economic scenario of Maharashtra.Rapid migration of people in Maharashtra has created a situation of population explosion in Maharashtra,which has resulted in many social and economic problems in Maharashtra.As a matter of fact,the economy of Maharashtra is overburdened due to severe population explosion in Maharashtra.Because of population explosion in Maharashtra,there is social disturbance,economic distutrbance and political disturbance in Maharashtra.

In this my research the main focus is on the major causes of growing population in Thane district of Maharashtra and on the study of socio-economic problems in due to growing

98 population in Thane district of Maharashtra.Also the important aim of my research study is to find the remedial measures for sovlving the socio-economic problems which have arisen due to growing population Thane district of Maharashtra.

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