Columbus College of Art & Design 60 Cleveland Ave. Columbus, OH 43215 #myccad @ccadedu Equal Opportunities @ccadedu CCAD employs positive practices designed to ccadedu ensure the full realization of equal opportunity for all students and employees. Any unlawful
[email protected] harassment of others is not permitted, 614.222.3261 regardless of status at the college. PART ONE: PART TWO: PART THREE: #MYCCAD ACADEMICS IMPORTANT INFO Art & Design 006 CORE Studio 038 CCAD at a Glance 120 First-Year Columbus 010 Financial Aid 122 Advertising & 042 Campus 020 Graphic Design History of CCAD 128 Alumni Stories 034 Animation 048 How to Apply 130 Comics & 054 Narrative Practice Contemporary 060 Crafts Fashion Design 066 Film & Video 072 Fine Arts 078 History of Art 084 & Visual Culture Illustration 090 Industrial Design 096 Interior Design 102 Photography 108 Majors & Minors 114 CORE Studies 116 Graduate Programs 118 Part One / #MYCCAD 005 Part One / Art & Design 007 INNOVATE, INVENT, CREATE. (You don’t have to wait to work with real clients.) Students at CCAD helped EAS Sports Nutrition create a playbook for their customers, from bodybuilders and active dieters to clean eaters and endurance athletes. START CHANGING THE WORLD HERE AT CCAD. (In Columbus, you can be an artist, a designer, and a social entrepreneur.) Designers in the CCAD Student Agency partnered with the Greater Columbus Arts Council to create T-shirts for the 2017 Columbus Arts Festival. Tobias Katz (Industrial Design, 2017) had a big idea: a tiny home that can grow (or shrink) as its owner’s lifestyle changes.