Pressionism," Keny Gafferfes Several Es .Their "Art of Ltalo Scanga," Riley Hawk Galleries Tim a Year Th, ·-· Ohio Artists to Gaj¼ry;.V
""- ■ >) I°·" ·•\. _1 Pag_e SD tlbt<!ohnnbus IDi�•llh i j J f.'' VISUAL ARTS _,'>. Key,t,80ple , · · lost to . local art scene ■ Established·institutip!JS offered Art draws fewer- but ol{ls{anding -·· exhibi • tions to Columbus·ga[le ,y-goers. : '. Viewers Some of the mostsi�cant 'chiruges in the Columbus art scene in,:19?3 involved personalities. Many of the art comrrnlnity's most fu.miliar and · out of city influentialpeople have gone, · · · When those who follow the visu After a Jong lr.lttle against cancer, Roberta al arts in Columbus venture outside Kuhn died last summer, and her. gallery closed, the city, they've learned to point leaving many local artists wi!hmlt their mentor ' · ' theircars toward Lancaster. and the city short one' sol- In the past year, Lancaster's id, professional gallery. Hammond Gallelies - the Festival Sally Wmdels closed and the Ruthven - have heen im her sophisticated Short portant factors in central Ohio's cul- North gallery. Jane Con tural life. nell, a curator at the•·Coe In July, each gallery pulled out lumbus Museum of , Art thestops for the Lancaster Festival. and organizer of the,Eli Pierce The Festival Gallery joined the jah show, has. Jeft. ,. big league with "Labylinth of the And Byron Kohn, long a · Spirit," created by guest curator pillar of t.Jie local art com- ·. Rohert Stearns, former director of munity, left his welk JACQUELINE theWexner Center for the Arts. known German Village·. This thematic show was chal gallery for a more plivate HALL lenging, even prov.ocative, and pre studio and.lower profile.· : .
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