DIRECTORY.] DEVONSHIRE. WEMBURY • 171 • ~BIVATB BESIDEN;fS. COMMEBCIAL. J effery G'harles, m\rket gardener- . Ackland Frederick. market gardener Jeffery Grace (Mrs.), market gardenr Balsdon Robert Percy, Weara Giffard Balsdon Robert Percy, farmer, Weare Jolli:ffe Matilda (Mrs.),frmr.Park frm Barton .. Gi:ffard Barton Lake Alfred, farmer, Low. Huxwell Carr Miss, Pine wood Beer Frederick Jas. market gardener Martin Edwd. frmr. Southcott :Qarton Cavalier Rev. Harold Omer (rector), Beer John, market gardener Moore Titus~ dairyman, Riversdale Rectory Bright Wm. shopkpr. & asst.overseer Moore William Haywood, butcher Daubeny By. Graham, Hazelwood cot Chamings Wm. farmer, Little Weare Short William Henry, farmer, Venton Greensted Sidney, Hillside Ellis James, farmer, Saltrens Stevens William, market gardener :Macreight Albert Francis Henry, Gomer Arthur, stone mason Underhill Clara (Mrs.),farmer,Highe:r The Cottage Gomer Richard, sanitary inspector & Huxwell ~ Pycroft Miss, Roadcliffa • surveyor to Torrington Rural Dis- Wilton Thomas, farmer, Cleave Rogers Wm. Snow, _Roadcli:ffe cottage trict Council Wise Frederick, market gardener Strange Commdr. Andrew L., R.N Grigg Fredk. farmerr Netherdown Wise John, market gardener WELCOMBE is a parish and yillage• on the extreme 1653· The living is a perpetual ~cy, net yearly value borders of Devon and adjoining Cornwall on the south, its £190, including 10 acres of glebe, in the gift Qf Lord greatest breadth being towards the coast of Bude ·bay, Clinton, and held since 1917 by the Rev. Alfred John which at this point is extremely grand; it is ~7 miles Richard Wheeler B.A. of Oxford University, who resides south-west :flrom Bideford station on the Torringtun at Woodford, Morwenstow.
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