Serengeti Data & Tech Sheet

More than half of EU enterpris- We’ve never lived in a time like this. ● DevOps es that recruited or tried to recruit ● Automated testing. ICT specialists had difficulties in In the EU, the vast majority of all filling ICT vacancies. Specifically: enterprise software development We have development centers in Austrian (78%), Dutch (69%) and comes from external partners and Ukraine and Croatia and sales offic- German (64%) companies were their engineers. To excel now, you es in The Netherlands and Germany. above the EU average having need a great engineering team. Your trouble finding software engineers innovation often comes right from We enable seamless team extension and other ICT specialists that team. by mirroring the processes and de- velopment environment of our de- Eurostat, December 2018. That is the reason why we used manding clients. Our global team more than 10 years of experience in of over 150 engineers are adept in offsite software delivery and built our all major technology platforms and Is it challenging team extension engagement mod- possess unique development skills to find software el. It is a model that assures instant and real-world experience. engineering capacity and flexibility, engineers? but it is specially designed to pro- Today, our business continues to ex- vide shortest time to maximum pro- pand rapidly. We maintain 100% ref- The software development in- ductivity, team stability and minimum erence ability by meeting and often dustry is in a tight hiring spot. We management overhead. exceeding our clients high level of know that stable and skilled en- expectations. gineering teams build exception- Serengeti is a software develop- al products. However, finding the ment business focused on core Since our client need us for critical people you need isn’t easy, and product development. support in the development of their it’s a time and cost investment. complex core business applications, We provide self-managed engineer- our teams consist of very experienced If you hire the wrong engineers -- or ing teams to rapidly scale product and highly educated engineers. fail to hire them at all -- you can lose development capacity and acceler- months on a business-critical proj- ate the release of products. With our ect - and the standard hiring pro- focus on industries like logistics, en- Breakdown of Serengeti cess does not always get you the ergy, health, industrial manufactur- software engineers best engineers. ing, and finance, we provide teams by seniority level that understand specific industry More importantly the competition is requirements and understand the also looking for these experts. broad business picture. 12% Junior Additionally, there are numerous With our broad technical expertise, business models today. Each lead- we can consult and implement inno- 17% 43% er has their own experiences, and vations based on advanced trends: Mid Lead those experiences inform their ap- proach. The biz world is moving ● Cloud faster than ever. Organizations pivot ● IoT 28% on a dime. Requirements are always ● Machine learning Senior changing. R&D needs more flexibili- ● Computer vision ty and agility. ● Augmented reality


TEAM EXTENSION MODEL Due to the sheer number of engi- - Focus neers on staff, Team Extension sup pliers have more depth in estab- Build chemistry Proof of concept Consulting lished and emerging technologies Establish communication Productivity Flexibility Transfer knowledge Capacity Reliability than in-house teams -- and they also 8 have more exposure to engineering AMBASSADORS TEAMS & TEAMLEADS SCALABLE TEAMS 7 best practices across various client 6 engagements. 5

(engineers) 4 Think of it like this: they often al- 3 ready cooperate with other mar- 2 ket-leading companies and they

Team size Team 1 ONSITE TRANSITION OFFSITE know very well what are engineer- ing best-practices that others are 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 using. That’s big. Their consulting Time (months) capability is precious.

Suppliers that offer Team Extension Team Extension Supplier management experience Model have fewer distractions from is critical to ensure efficient and ef- internal politics, leading to higher Model fective ramp-up, minimum client productivity. They are also capable management overhead and main- of looking at things from a different In the Team Extension Model, tenance of the high level of commu- angle and coming with fresh ideas Serengeti is a supplier responsi- nication required for a high-trust col- for problem-solving. ble for maintaining a stable offsite laborative environment. development team that seamless- ly integrates with the client’s in- Once activated, the Team Exten- Limitations and ternal engineering team. sion Model is agile, efficient, and scalable. Challenges Serengeti is responsible for manag- ing the remote team and delivering Basically, we become your offsite team. If the supplier team is kept too according to the client’s roadmap, We become your trusted partner. small by the client (<5), then they product requirements, and timeline. may not leverage the full benefits Once the Team Extension Model is of supplier management. in place; it is perfectly complement- Why the Team ed by supplier consulting capabilities If gaps in the work require core teams Extension Model is -- where the client can benefit from to be dissolved and re-established, suppliers’ broad technical and busi- much of the learning and scalability the right approach ness experience. benefits are lost. A core team of en- gineers must always be maintained The Team Extension Model is How the Team Extension Model for Team Extension Model to deliver generally considered the most helps specifically with core prod- maximum effectiveness. successful approach for achiev- uct development? ing long-term, win-win outsourc- Likewise, if the anticipated duration ing relationships for core software You can add engineers and keep of the engagement is too short, there product development. your internal processes. Everyone is less time for the client to benefit working on your product should from the alignment and knowledge In this model, the supplier maintains be using the same processes, transfer that is achieved during the a dedicated core team that emulates tools and quality standards. If you engagement ramp-up phase. an engineering center owned by the have a flat organization, increas- client. Its advantages are scalability ing headcount creates an addi- We help you find the right mix to and flexibility in team size, composi - tional internal difficulty for - man get your core products upgraded or tion and skill set, as well as the add- agement. Team Extension model in-market. We do it faster, more ef- ed focus of team management ex- provides self – managed autono- fectively, and more productively than perienced in similar engagements. mous teams. an internal team can do alone.


About Serengeti Breakdown of Serengeti’s and ISO 27001:2013 certified. Engineers education level These certificates are of utmost im- portance because they confirm the Serengeti is an international soft- 6% quality of the organization’s quality - ware development nearshoring and High management and information secu consulting company. School rity management.

It was founded in 2007 and has been ISO certification improves the - ser continuously growing revenue, em - 34% vice and standardizes the entire ployee count, and level of expertise. Bachelor business. Because of our distinctive engage - 60% Master & Ph.D. ment model, we have become a val - Our work is mostly client’s core ued partner for companies in the fi - product development. Therefore, nancial, logistics, energy, healthcare, maximum security and confidenti- and industrial manufacturing. ality are a top priority. We take cli- ent domain know-how and IP rights Our slogan is “Promising the pos - protection very seriously and ensure sible, delivering even more!”. that our clients, with our teams, have More than 60% of our newly recruit- same or better protection as they Our top priority is to provide pro - ed engineers come to us via inter- would have with their internal devel- fessional services that exceed the nal references while we hire the rest opment teams. expectations of what our clients of engineers after a rigorous selec- imagine could be possible with out - tion process, where the job is offered Our ISO certificate and other mea- sourced engineering. only to 15% of candidates. sures help ensure protection. We seat each client’s team in a sepa- Teamwork is one of our core capa- Although recruiting talented soft- rate room, our teams go through bilities -- both between Serenge- ware engineers is challenge every- strict preparation and education ti engineers and between our engi- where in the world, Serengeti uses for every new engagement, we neers and your engineers. We select its exceptional employer brand to have rigorous internal processes and foster those unique individu- attract a large number of good and rules about which content and als with strong talent, great attitude, candidates. knowledge can be shared, we pro- and energy, and ensure that they will vide strong management involve- always work well within a team. Serengeti is also ISO 9001:2015 ment and control.


.NET framework related Software testing technologies: SQL; TOAD), PostgreSQL, MySQL technologies: #, .NET, ASP.NET, nUnit, Microsoft Test Embedded software technologies: WebForms, ASP.NET MVC, Entity Manager, SpecFlow, JUnit, Mockito, C++, STL, Qt, embedded Linux Framework, ADO.NET, WPF, ASP. JMeter, Selenium, Protractor, (Yocto, BitBake) NET Web services, WCF services, Jasmine, Karma Cloud technologies: AWS, Microsoft .NET Core Software development Azure, Google Cloud Engine, Pivotal Java platform related technologies: technologies: Redis, RabbitMQ, Cloud Foundry Java, JavaSE, JavaEE, Hibernate, Liquibase Container technologies: Docker, Spring, Spring Boot, JSP, JSF, Struts, Software development tools: Kubernetes JSTL, Apache CXF, Jasper, Apache Fiddler, Wireshark Karaf, Apache Kafka NoSQL DBMSs: Apache Cassandra Software development process Mobile application technologies: Python related technologies: Python, related technologies: TFS, SVN, Android (Java), iOS (Objective-C), Django Git, GitLab, GitHub, Jenkins, Maven, Apache Cordova (hybrid applications), Web technologies (front-end): Gradle, Visual Studio, Eclipse, IntelliJ Xamarin (C#; supports both Android HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap, Material IDEA, Visual Studio Code, JIRA and iOS), React Native (JavaScript) Design, JavaScript, jQuery, Angular, RDBMS: IBM DB2, Microsoft DWH tools: Oracle Data Warehouse React, Redux SQL Server (T-SQL; SQL Server Builder, IBM Infosphere Data Stage Management Studio), Oracle (PL/ • [email protected]