UnivERsity of WinnipEg’s campUs and commUnity WEEkly ISSUE 2008/10/30 VOLUME10 63 Are we a RACIST city? Examining Winnipeg’s Why some believe employment deep-seated beliefs equity is a step in the wrong direction news page 5 Racial slurs on the playground might be a thing of the past, What your neighbourhood but our kids are still racist says about you news page 6 news page 3 october 30, 2008 the Uniter contact:
[email protected] 02 NNEEwsws the Bradley “i decided i wanted to live Effect: why like a white person and not obama still deal with the problems of might lose being indian” news page 6 arts & culture page 14 arts & culture page 16 sports page 22 Are we a racist city? UNITER STAFF No group is an island. act of defacing the mural is bad enough, the asking meaningful Is race even a word? Some argue that words are undeniably racist. managing EditoR Stacy Cardigan Smith
[email protected] “race” is a term of convenience, and that it For as much as Canada is touted as an » questions even when doesn’t account for the fact that we all share ethnically-diverse country, we still deal with BUsinEss managER James D. Patterson
[email protected] in what it means to be human, and that to racism everyday. Because throwing a group » you’re scared of the tease groups apart and tag them as racially of people together and then passing a num- pRodUCTION MANAGER Melody Morrissette
[email protected] answer distinct may in fact be misleading.