Medals Auction 13 & 16 May 2021, Chaponnière & FirmenichChaponnière & Coins Medals & Banknotes Auction May 2021 16 13 AUCTION 13 COINS, MEDALS & BANKNOTES

Sunday, May 16th, 2021 9 AM to 12:45 PM: Lots 1-550 From 13:30 PM: Lots 551-901

Hôtel SAVOY BAUR EN VILLE Am Paradeplatz, CH-8001 Zürich Tel. +41 78 201 00 28 Fax. +41 44 215 25 35

Lot Viewing

Until Friday, May 14th: by appointment in our office in . Saturday, May 15th: at the Hotel Savoy Baur en Ville, by appointment only.

Jusqu’au vendredi 14 mai : sur rendez-vous à notre bureau de Genève. Samedi 15 mai : à l’Hôtel Savoy Baur en Ville, uniquement sur rendez-vous.

Bis Donnerstag, 14. Mai: nach Vereinbarung in unserem Genfer Büro. Samstag, 15. Mai: im Hotel Savoy Baur en Ville, nur nach Vereinbarung.

Chaponnière & Firmenich SA Avenue du Mail 15 1205 Genève T. +41 22 328 68 28 T. +41 78 201 00 28 F. +41 22 328 68 24 [email protected]

Numéro TVA (VAT number): CHE-242.466.434 TVA Pour paiements en suisses (CHF) - For payments in Swiss Francs (CHF) Banque : UBS SA, Genève. Nom : Chaponnière & Firmenich SA Iban: CH18 0024 0240 1112 3401 R; Clearing: 240; BIC: UBSWCHZH80A Pour paiements en (€) - For payments in Euros (€) Banque : UBS SA, Genève. Nom : Chaponnière & Firmenich SA Iban: CH95 0024 0240 1112 3460 G; Clearing : 240; BIC: UBSWCHZH80A Pour paiements en Dollars U.S. (US$) - For payments in U.S Dollars (US$) Banque : UBS SA, Genève. Nom : Chaponnière & Firmenich SA Iban: CH62 0024 0240 1112 3461 P; Clearing: 240; BIC: UBSWCHZH80A


1) PREAMBULE L’enchère est sujette aux règlements commerciaux suisses. Les ordres donnés pendant la vente ou par écrit impliquent l’acceptation des conditions de la vente.

2) DESCRIPTIONS Les descriptions et l’évaluation du matériel ont été exécutées avec grand soin. Les illustrations font partie de la description et en cas de doute le texte fait foi. Tous les états de conservation sont exprimés selon l’échelle d’évaluation américaine employée par les sociétés de certification comme NGC ou PCGS. La direction de la vente a fait au mieux pour estimer le grade possible que chaque lot pourrait recevoir si elle devait être certifiée. Seuls les lots décrits en français bénéficient d’une mention supplémentaire liée au système d’évaluation européen. Le catalogue publié sur Internet est seulement informatif. Seule la version imprimée fait foi. Les lots sont visibles pendant les journées d’exposition et pendant la vente. Aucune réclamation ne sera acceptée en cas de divergence de vue sur l’état de conservation d’un lot.

3) ENCHERIR Les enchères se font par écrit, par téléphone, dans la salle ou par internet. Pour participer à la vente, il faut fournir des références ainsi qu’une pièce d’identité valable.

Les ordres d'achat écrits sont exécutés avec soin par Chaponnière & Firmenich SA, sans commission. Néanmoins, la direction de la vente ne peut garantir leur exécution que s’ils sont reçus au minimum 24 heures avant le début de la vente. Les ordres écrits d’un montant inférieur à 100% du prix de départ ne seront pas pris en considération. Si plusieurs ordres identiques sont reçus, le premier ordre reçu prévaudra.

Une offre téléphonique ne sera prise en considération que pour des lots ayant un prix de départ d'au moins CHF 500.- et doit être annoncée au moins 48 heures avant le début de la vente aux enchères. Pour enchérir dans la salle, le client doit s’enregistrer au préalable à l’accueil en présentant une pièce d’identité et il recevra un numéro d’enchérisseur personnel dont il est responsable. La direction de la vente aux enchères peut interdire l'accès à la salle de vente à toute personne sans avoir à en expliquer les raisons. Pour miser sur internet, les nouveaux enchérisseurs doivent s’inscrire au minimum 2 jours avant la date de la vente de sorte que la direction de la vente puisse vérifier les références données et /ou demander un dépôt en garantie. La direction de la vente est aussi en droit de refuser des offres sans en expliquer les raisons. La direction de la vente se réserve de s’écarter de l’ordre prévu dans le catalogue et de grouper les numéros. Les lots ne peuvent pas être séparés. La direction de la vente se réserve le droit de décider la remise aux enchères d'un lot en cas de malentendu. L’adjudication intervient au troisième appel de l’enchère la plus élevée et oblige l’enchérisseur à accepter le lot objet de l’adjudication. L’enchérisseur présent à la vente est seul responsable de l’achat effectué, même s’il agit en qualité de mandataire d’un tiers.

4) FRAIS La vente a lieu au comptant en francs suisses. Le prix d'adjudication est augmenté d'une taxe de vente de 22,5%. Pour les acheteurs internet live bidding, il y aura une taxe additionnelle de 3,0 %. Elle est de 1,0% pour les achats par téléphone. La TVA suisse (7.7%) ne s’applique pas aux monnaies en or (hormis les monnaies de 1 et 4 Ducats d’Autriche ainsi que les 100 Fr. de tir suisses 1934 et 1939), mais elle s’applique à toutes monnaies, médailles, billets etc. Elle est calculée sur le prix d’adjudication augmenté des taxes de vente. Les lots exportés ne sont pas soumis à la TVA suisse.

5) FRAIS D’ENVOI ET D’ASSURANCE Les frais d’envoi et d’assurance sont à la charge de l’acheteur. Ils sont ajoutés sur la facture. Toutes les taxes perçues à l’étranger telles que droits de douane et impôts sont entièrement à la charge de l’acheteur. L’observation des prescriptions de douane, de changes etc., valables à l’étranger, incombe exclusivement à l’acheteur. La direction de la vente décline toute responsabilité pour les suites éventuelles résultant de la non-observation de ces prescriptions. En cas de dommage subi durant le transport, ou de perte, le client a le devoir de nous en avertir immédiatement.

6) PAIEMENT Le paiement est dû en intégralité, en Francs suisses (CHF), Euros (EUR) ou US Dollars (USD) dans les 15 jours suivant la réception de la facture, par virement bancaire ou en espèces. Tous frais bancaires sont à la charge de l’acheteur. NOUS N’ACCEPTONS PAS LES PAIEMENTS PAR PAYPAL. Les retards de paiement entraîneront une pénalité de 1% d’intérêt par mois. Si le montant d’achat n’est pas réglé dans le délai convenu, Chaponnière & Firmenich SA peut annuler l’achat. Le transfert de propriété n’est effectif qu’au moment où le prix d’achat est intégralement payé.

7) RECLAMATION L'authenticité de tous les lots est garantie. Les plaintes d’acheteurs qui sont dans la salle ne seront pas acceptées car ils ont eu la possibilité d’examiner les lots. Les plaintes des acheteurs absents seront considérées pour des défauts graves non décrits et passés inaperçus. Les acheteurs qui retirent leurs lots en personne doivent émettre leur plainte à réception des lots ; les personnes à qui les lots sont envoyés ont 8 jours dès réception des lots pour se plaindre. Toute réclamation arrivée hors délai ne sera pas prise en considération, même dans le cas où une expertise conclurait à la non-authenticité du lot acheté lors de la vente. Les lots concernés doivent être retournés dans le même état qu’à leur livraison pour être remboursés. La garantie d’authenticité expire si les "SLABS" (PCGS, NGC) contenant les monnaies ont été ouverts ou endommagés. Aucune réclamation ne peut être faite pour les lots de plus d’un objet ainsi que pour les lots avec la mention « sold as is ». Tous les lots contenant plusieurs objets sont vendus sans retour possible (« sold as is, no return »). Tous dommages et intérêts sont exclus.

Le lieu de paiement et le for en cas de litige sont à Genève. En outre, les conditions de vente aux enchères ordinairement en usage à Zürich, sont applicables. Toute responsabilité de l’autorité de la Ville de Zürich ainsi que toute responsabilité de l'État pour les actes de la maison de vente (Chaponnière & Firmenich SA) sont annulées (article 20 (1) (d) et (3) de l'ordonnance de la Cour suprême sur la procédure des enchères publiques volontaires). Pour le surplus, le droit suisse et les dispositions de la Loi sur les ventes volontaires aux enchères publiques (LVVE) et la législation zurichoise sont applicables.

La vente se déroulera sous la supervision de la ville de Zürich – Politique et Loi – bureau de M. Crestani.


1) PREAMBULE 1) PREAMBLE L’enchère est sujette aux règlements commerciaux suisses. The auction is subject to regulations. Les ordres donnés pendant la vente ou par écrit impliquent l’acceptation des conditions de la vente. By making a bid, the bidder acknowledges full acceptance of these conditions and will be bound by them.

2) DESCRIPTIONS 2) DESCRIPTIONS Les descriptions et l’évaluation du matériel ont été exécutées avec grand soin. The descriptions and the grading of the material have been executed with great care. The illustrations are part of the description and in case of doubt, the Les illustrations font partie de la description et en cas de doute le texte fait foi. Tous les états de conservation sont exprimés selon l’échelle d’évaluation text is authoritative. All written conditions are expressed accordingly to the American grading scale used by third party grading companies like NGC or américaine employée par les sociétés de certification comme NGC ou PCGS. La direction de la vente a fait au mieux pour estimer le grade possible que PCGS. The direction of the auction has made its best to estimate the possible grade that each could receive if it were to be certified. Only coins chaque lot pourrait recevoir si elle devait être certifiée. Seuls les lots décrits en français bénéficient d’une mention supplémentaire liée au système described in French benefit from an additional mention related to the European grading system. The catalog published on the Internet is only d’évaluation européen. Le catalogue publié sur Internet est seulement informatif. Seule la version imprimée fait foi. informative. Only the printed version shall prevail. The lots may be viewed during the exhibition days and during the auction. No claims will be accepted Les lots sont visibles pendant les journées d’exposition et pendant la vente. Aucune réclamation ne sera acceptée en cas de divergence de vue sur l’état de for any divergence of views on the state of conservation of a lot. conservation d’un lot. 3) BIDDING 3) ENCHERIR Bidding can be done by absentee bid, by telephone, in the room, or by internet. Les enchères se font par écrit, par téléphone, dans la salle ou par internet. To bid in this auction, references are requested, along with a valid identity document. Pour participer à la vente, il faut fournir des références ainsi qu’une pièce d’identité valable. Absentee bids are executed with care by Chaponnière & Firmenich SA, without any extra fees. However, the direction of the auction may only guarantee Les ordres d'achat écrits sont exécutés avec soin par Chaponnière & Firmenich SA, sans commission. Néanmoins, la direction de la vente ne peut garantir their registration if they are received at least 24 hours before the sale. Commission bids of less than 100% of the starting price will not be considered. If leur exécution que s’ils sont reçus au minimum 24 heures avant le début de la vente. Les ordres écrits d’un montant inférieur à 100% du prix de départ several identical commission bids are received, the first bid received prevails. ne seront pas pris en considération. Si plusieurs ordres identiques sont reçus, le premier ordre reçu prévaudra. Telephone bids are possible for lots with a minimum starting price of CHF 500 and must be announced at least 48 hours before the start of the auction. Une offre téléphonique ne sera prise en considération que pour des lots ayant un prix de départ d'au moins CHF 500.- et doit être annoncée au moins 48 heures avant le début de la vente aux enchères. To bid in the auction room, the customer must register at the entrance desk, providing an ID. He will then receive a bidding card of which he’s Pour enchérir dans la salle, le client doit s’enregistrer au préalable à l’accueil en présentant une pièce d’identité et il recevra un numéro d’enchérisseur responsible. The direction of the auction may deny access to the auction room to anyone without having to explain why. personnel dont il est responsable. La direction de la vente aux enchères peut interdire l'accès à la salle de vente à toute personne sans avoir à en expliquer les raisons. To bid on the internet, new clients must register 2 days before the auction date, so that the direction of the auction will be able to verify the given Pour miser sur internet, les nouveaux enchérisseurs doivent s’inscrire au minimum 2 jours avant la date de la vente de sorte que la direction de la vente references or ask for a deposit. puisse vérifier les références données et /ou demander un dépôt en garantie. La direction de la vente est aussi en droit de refuser des offres sans en expliquer les raisons. La direction de la vente se réserve de s’écarter de l’ordre The management of the sale is also entitled to refuse bids without explaining the reasons. The direction of the auction may deviate from the order prévu dans le catalogue et de grouper les numéros. Les lots ne peuvent pas être séparés. La direction de la vente se réserve le droit de décider la remise provided in the catalog and group lot numbers. Lots of more than one coin cannot be separated. The direction of the auction reserves the right to decide aux enchères d'un lot en cas de malentendu. the re-auction of a lot in case of misunderstanding. L’adjudication intervient au troisième appel de l’enchère la plus élevée et oblige l’enchérisseur à accepter le lot objet de l’adjudication. L’enchérisseur présent à la vente est seul responsable de l’achat effectué, même s’il agit en qualité de mandataire d’un tiers. The award comes at the third call of the highest bid and requires the bidder to accept the lot subject of the auction. The bidder present at the sale shall be solely responsible for the purchases made, even if acting as an agent for a third party. 4) FRAIS La vente a lieu au comptant en francs suisses. Le prix d'adjudication est augmenté d'une taxe de vente de 22,5%. Pour les acheteurs internet live bidding, 4) FEES il y aura une taxe additionnelle de 3,0 %. Elle est de 1,0% pour les achats par téléphone. The sale is for cash in Swiss francs. The hammer price is increased by a buyer premium of 22.5%. For internet live bidders, there will be an additional La TVA suisse (7.7%) ne s’applique pas aux monnaies en or (hormis les monnaies de 1 et 4 Ducats d’Autriche ainsi que les 100 Fr. de tir suisses 1934 et fee of 3,0%. And 1,0% is added for purchases by phone. 1939), mais elle s’applique à toutes monnaies, médailles, billets etc. Elle est calculée sur le prix d’adjudication augmenté des taxes de vente. Les lots The Swiss VAT (7.7%) is not applied on coins (except the 1 and 4 Ducats from Austria and the shooting 100 Fr. from Switzerland 1934 and 1939), all exportés ne sont pas soumis à la TVA suisse. the other metals or material are subject to the VAT. The VAT is calculated on the hammer price plus the fees. If the lots are to be shipped outside of Switzerland, the Swiss VAT is not applied. 5) FRAIS D’ENVOI ET D’ASSURANCE Les frais d’envoi et d’assurance sont à la charge de l’acheteur. Ils sont ajoutés sur la facture. Toutes les taxes perçues à l’étranger telles que droits de 5) SHIPPING AND INSURANCE FEES douane et impôts sont entièrement à la charge de l’acheteur. L’observation des prescriptions de douane, de changes etc., valables à l’étranger, incombe Shipping and insurance fees are at the charge of the buyer. They are added on the invoice. All taxes levied abroad such as customs duties and other taxes exclusivement à l’acheteur. La direction de la vente décline toute responsabilité pour les suites éventuelles résultant de la non-observation de ces are the sole responsibility of the buyer. Compliance with the requirements of customs, foreign exchange etc., valid abroad, are the buyer’s responsibility. prescriptions. En cas de dommage subi durant le transport, ou de perte, le client a le devoir de nous en avertir immédiatement. The direction of the auction shall take no responsibility for any consequences resulting from the non-compliance with these requirements. Insurance regulations require that losses or damage in shipment be reported to us immediately. 6) PAIEMENT Le paiement est dû en intégralité, en Francs suisses (CHF), Euros (EUR) ou US Dollars (USD) dans les 15 jours suivant la réception de la facture, par 6) PAYMENT virement bancaire ou en espèces. Tous frais bancaires sont à la charge de l’acheteur. NOUS N’ACCEPTONS PAS LES PAIEMENTS PAR PAYPAL. Les Payment is due in full and can be realized in Swiss (CHF), Euros (EUR) or US Dollars (USD), within 15 days following the receipt of the invoice, by retards de paiement entraîneront une pénalité de 1% d’intérêt par mois. Si le montant d’achat n’est pas réglé dans le délai convenu, Chaponnière & wire transfer or in cash. All bank fees are at the charge of the buyer. WE DO NOT ACCEPT PAYPAL PAYMENTS. Late payments will incur a monthly Firmenich SA peut annuler l’achat. Le transfert de propriété n’est effectif qu’au moment où le prix d’achat est intégralement payé. default interest by 1%. If the amount of purchase is not paid within the period agreed, Chaponnière & Firmenich SA may cancel the purchase. Ownership of the lots shall not pass until payment in full of the invoice is made. 7) RECLAMATION L'authenticité de tous les lots est garantie. Les plaintes d’acheteurs qui sont dans la salle ne seront pas acceptées car ils ont eu la possibilité d’examiner 7) CLAIMS les lots. Les plaintes des acheteurs absents seront considérées pour des défauts graves non décrits et passés inaperçus. Les acheteurs qui retirent leurs The authenticity of all the lots in this sale is guaranteed. lots en personne doivent émettre leur plainte à réception des lots ; les personnes à qui les lots sont envoyés ont 8 jours dès réception des lots pour se Claims from bidders who are present in the auction room will not be accepted as they have the opportunity to see the lots by themselves. Complaints by plaindre. Toute réclamation arrivée hors délai ne sera pas prise en considération, même dans le cas où une expertise conclurait à la non-authenticité du mail bidders will only be considered if obvious defects have been overlooked and not described. Customers who collect the goods personally must assert lot acheté lors de la vente. Les lots concernés doivent être retournés dans le même état qu’à leur livraison pour être remboursés. La garantie their claims upon receipt, and absentee bidders must file their claims within 8 days upon receiving the goods. No claims will be accepted after this date, d’authenticité expire si les "SLABS" (PCGS, NGC) contenant les monnaies ont été ouverts ou endommagés. Aucune réclamation ne peut être faite pour les even in the case where an expert would conclude the non-authenticity of the lot purchased at the sale. The claimed lot must be in the same condition as lots de plus d’un objet ainsi que pour les lots avec la mention « sold as is ». Tous les lots contenant plusieurs objets sont vendus sans retour possible delivered when returned for refund. The warranty for the slabbed coins (PCGS, NGC) expires if the holders were opened or damaged. Multiple lots are (« sold as is, no return »). Tous dommages et intérêts sont exclus. excluded from warranty, as well as lots with the mention “sold as is, no return”. All lots with multiple items are sold as is, no return possible. All financial claims are excluded. Le lieu de paiement et le for en cas de litige sont à Genève. En outre, les conditions de vente aux enchères ordinairement en usage à Zürich, sont applicables. Toute responsabilité de l’autorité de la Ville de Zürich ainsi que toute responsabilité de l'État pour les actes de la maison de vente Any and all disputes shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Zurich courts, and the Geneva Public Auction Act (LVVE), except for those to (Chaponnière & Firmenich SA) sont annulées (article 20 (1) (d) et (3) de l'ordonnance de la Cour suprême sur la procédure des enchères publiques recover payment for lots sold here under which may be pursued wherever the buyers may be found. The municipal officer, the city and the state have no volontaires). Pour le surplus, le droit suisse et les dispositions de la Loi sur les ventes volontaires aux enchères publiques (LVVE) et la législation liability whatsoever in this sale: any liability of our authority and also any liability of the State for acts of the Auction House shall be waived (§ 20 Abs. 1 zurichoise sont applicables. lit. d und 3 der Verordnung des Obergerichts über das Verfahren bei freiwilligen öffentlichen Versteigerungen).

La vente se déroulera sous la supervision de la ville de Zürich – Politique et Loi – bureau de M. Crestani. The sale will take place under the supervision of the city of Zürich - Politics and Law - office of Mr. Crestani.

Note concernant les qualités.

Toutes les qualités décrites dans notre catalogue sont notre estimation et font référence à l’échelle d’évaluation américaine, à l’exception des pays francophones pour lesquels nous utilisons l’échelle française. Nous ne garantissons en aucun cas un résultat équivalent à nos descriptions dans une maison de grading comme NGC ou PCGS.

Note regarding our grading system.

All the qualities described in our catalog are our estimate and refer to the US assessment scale, except for French-speaking countries for which we use the French scale. We do not guarantee in any way a result equivalent to our descriptions in a third-party grading company such as NGC or PCGS.

Mise en page du catalogue.

M. Antoine Clerc.


M. Frank Baldacci, Dr. Phil. Markus Beyeler, M. Brad Bohnert, M. Mikhail Chernyak, M. Joël Creusy, M. Michael Creusy, M. Roger Durand, M. Michel Dürr, Dr. Jonas Flueck, M. Jean-Yves Kind, M. Lucien Marconi, M. Simone Ostini, M. Hadrien J. Rambach.

Comment miser? How to bid?

1) En personne, à l’Hôtel Savoy Baur en Ville, Zürich.

L’inscription se fait dans la salle de vente, le jour de la vente.

The registration is at the entrance of the auction room, the day of the sale.

2) Par feuilles de mise/By bid sheets.

Remplissez la feuille de mise et signez-la. Vous pouvez l’envoyer par fax, e-mail ou courrier.

Fill the bid sheet and sign it! You can send it by fax, email or postal mail.

3) Ordre par internet/Online absentee bid.

Misez depuis chez vous sans frais supplémentaire !

Bid from home without extra charge!

4) Miser en direct sur internet/Internet live bidding.

Connectez-vous sur le site Redpoint et misez en direct sur internet. Une surtaxe de 3,0% sera ajoutée aux frais standards pour ce service.

Connect on the Redpoint website an bid live on internet. An extra fee of 3,0% will be added to the regular buyer’s premium for this service.

5) Téléphone/Phone bidding

Misez par téléphone aux conditions suivantes / Bid by phone with the following conditions :

-Seuls les lots avec un prix de départ de plus de CHF 500.-sont éligibles/Only the lots with estimates over CHF 500.-are eligible.

-Une surtaxe de 1,0% sera ajoutée pour ce service / 1,0% extra fee will be charged for this service.

-Merci de nous transmettre au moins 2 numéros de téléphone et de nous informer au moins 48h en avance /please provide us with at least 2 phone numbers and inform us at least 48h in advance.

-Nous ne pouvons pas garantir de réussir à vous joindre/ we can’t guarantee to be able to reach you.

Note concernant les qualités. Collections J. M. A. L. et P. J. H. D. Toutes les qualités décrites dans notre catalogue sont notre estimation et font référence à l’échelle d’évaluation américaine, à l’exception des pays francophones pour lesquels nous utilisons l’échelle française. Nous ne garantissons en aucun cas un résultat équivalent à nos descriptions dans une maison de grading comme NGC ou PCGS. La maison Chaponnière & Firmenich S.A. a le plaisir de proposer à la vente les collections de monnaies antiques de messieurs J.M.A.L. et P.J.H.D. Note regarding our grading system. Amis de longue date et amoureux de l’Histoire, ils ont su, au gré de leurs voyages, aiguiser leurs connaissances sur l’Antiquité. All the qualities described in our catalog are our estimate and refer to the US assessment scale, except for French-speaking countries for which we use the Grâce à une recherche rigoureuse et une grande érudition, ils ont, à eux deux, constitué un ensemble French scale. We do not guarantee in any way a result equivalent to our descriptions in a third-party grading company such as NGC or PCGS. remarquable de plus de 1700 monnaies grecques, romaines républicaines, impériales et provinciales,

Mise en page du catalogue. celtes ainsi que byzantines, patiemment acquises entre 1970 et 2000. Tant par leur volume que par leur diversité, ces collections présentent un grand intérêt. Elles offrent la M. Antoine Clerc. possibilité de mieux cerner l’incroyable variété iconographique du monnayage antique. Elles donnent aux collectionneurs débutants ou aguerris l’opportunité d’agrémenter leurs collections avec des prix de Remerciements. départ attractifs. En bref, elles forment un ensemble rarement offert en une seule vacation.

M. Frank Baldacci, Dr. Phil. Markus Beyeler, M. Brad Bohnert, M. Mikhail Chernyak, M. Joël Creusy, M. Michael Creusy, M. Roger Durand, M. Michel Dürr, Avec soin, nous avons sélectionné des monnaies présentées à l’unité ou regroupées dans des lots cohérents. Dr. Jonas Flueck, M. Jean-Yves Kind, M. Lucien Marconi, M. Simone Ostini, M. Hadrien J. Rambach. Vous trouverez notamment une très rare émission d’Alexandrie en bronze pour Antinoüs, favori de l’empereur Hadrien, une série de bronzes de la Grande Grèce et un choix de monnaies provinciales de la plus grande variété. Par exemple, deux médaillons de avec les bustes conjoints de Caracalla et Geta présentent les traces d’une damnatio memoriae ! Comment miser? How to bid?

1) En personne, à l’Hôtel Savoy Baur en Ville, Zürich.

L’inscription se fait dans la salle de vente, le jour de la vente.

The registration is at the entrance of the auction room, the day of the sale.

2) Par feuilles de mise/By bid sheets.

Remplissez la feuille de mise et signez-la. Vous pouvez l’envoyer par fax, e-mail ou courrier.

Fill the bid sheet and sign it! You can send it by fax, email or postal mail.

J. M. A. L. and P. J. H. D. collections 3) Ordre par internet/Online absentee bid.

Misez depuis chez vous sans frais supplémentaire ! Chaponnière & Firmenich S.A. is pleased to offer for sale the collections of ancient coins of Messrs.

Bid from home without extra charge! J.M.A.L. and P.J.H.D. Long-time friends and lovers of history, they have been able, through their travels, to sharpen their knowledge of Antiquity.

4) Miser en direct sur internet/Internet live bidding. Thanks to rigorous research and great erudition, they have, between them, established a remarkable collection of more than 1,700 Greek, Roman republican, imperial and provincial, Celtic as well as Byzantine coins, patiently acquired between 1970 and 2000. Connectez-vous sur le site Redpoint et misez en direct sur internet. Une surtaxe de 3,0% sera ajoutée aux frais standards pour ce service. Both by their volume and by their diversity, these collections are of great interest. They offer the possibility of better understanding the incredible iconographic variety of ancient coinage. They give beginner or

Connect on the Redpoint website an bid live on internet. An extra fee of 3,0% will be added to the regular buyer’s premium for this service. seasoned collectors the opportunity to enhance their collections with attractive starting prices. In short, they form a grouping rarely offered in a single sale. We have carefully selected coins which are presented individually or grouped into consistent lots.

5) Téléphone/Phone bidding You will find of note, a very rare bronze issue of Alexandria for Antinous, favorite of the Emperor Hadrian, as well as a series of bronzes of Magna Graecia and a nice selection of provincial coins of the greatest Misez par téléphone aux conditions suivantes / Bid by phone with the following conditions : variety. For example, there are two Stratonicea medallions with the joint busts of Caracalla and Geta that -Seuls les lots avec un prix de départ de plus de CHF 500.-sont éligibles/Only the lots with estimates over CHF 500.-are eligible. show traces of a damnatio memoriae!

-Une surtaxe de 1,0% sera ajoutée pour ce service / 1,0% extra fee will be charged for this service.

-Merci de nous transmettre au moins 2 numéros de téléphone et de nous informer au moins 48h en avance /please provide us with at least 2 phone numbers and inform us at least 48h in advance. 5 -Nous ne pouvons pas garantir de réussir à vous joindre/ we can’t guarantee to be able to reach you. 1 CELTIC. 1 Gaul. Parisii. Gold Stater class V, Ist century BC. Obv. Stylized head of Appolo right. Rev. Stylized 25’000 horse with his neck ornated with a line of pearls. D.T. 79; BN 7782; C.d.B. Parisi 40; Mainjonet Puteaux p. 59-72, pl. II à V. AU. 6.62 g.  Nice AU  Ex. iNumis auction, 3 May 2018, lot 5.

2 3

nd st 2 Remi. Gold Stater late II -mid I century BC. DT 173. AU. 6.16 g.  VF+ flan cracks  900 With an old auction tag (attributed to the Viroduni), lot n° 290.

3 Aulerci Eburovici. Hemistater class II, 2nd-1st century BC. Boar type. D.T. 2401. EL. 2.84 g.  VF+ 400

6 7 4 5

4 Allobroges. Quinarius BRI-COMA 61-40 BC. DT 3134. AR. 2.14 g.  XF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

5 Quinarius BRI-COMA 61-40 BC. DT 3135. AR. 2.06 g.  VF 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

6 Drachm 100-75 BC. Seahorse type. DT 3127-8. AR. 2.34 g.  VF  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

7 Aedui. Quinarius ΔOYBNO 60-30 BC. DT 3119. AR. 1.94 g.  VF  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

8 10 9 ex. 11

8 Britain. Corieltauvi. Stater 45-10 BC. South Ferriby type. ABC 1851; Spink 390-392. AU. 5.33 g.  VF+  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

9 Dobunni. Gold Stater 60-20 BC, tribal type. ABC 2003. AU. 5.66 g.  VF+ flan cracks  900 With an old auction tag, lot n° 300.

10 Durotriges. Stater 58-43 BC. Cramborne chase type. ABC 2157; Van Arsdell 1235-1. EL. 5.42 g.  AU  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  CELTIC. Lots. 11 Britain. Lo t of 3 coins: IIIrd-Ist century BC. ¼ stater EL (ABC 2208); Icenia. Quinarius (2 ex., 1.14g., 1.06 g., 150 Arsdell 730-1,752). Total (3). EL, AR (2).   G to VF+  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

6 ex. 12 ex. 13 ex. 14 12 Gaul. Aedui. Lot of 5 coins: IIIrd-Ist century BC. Quinarius (5 ex., 1.66 g., 1.83 g., 1.93 g., 1.91 g., 1.32 g., 200 Castelin 529, 553, 555, 556), Potin (4.41 g., DT 3238). Total (5). AR, BR.   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 13 Allobroges. Lot of 5 coins: Ist century BC. Quinarius (5 ex., 2.36 g., 2.06 g., 1.74 g., 2.18 g., 1.68 g., DT 3120, 250 3134 (2), 3151, 3163). Total (5). AR.   F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 14 Lingones. Lot of 10 coins: IIIrd-Ist century BC. Quinarius Kaletedou type (10 ex., LT 8178). Total (10). 350 AR.   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 15 Sequani. Lot of 4 coins: IIIrd-Ist century BC. Quinarius (2 ex., 1.94 g., 1.74 g., DT 3248-50, 3245), Potin 150 (2 ex., 2.66 g., 2.45 g., DT 3091). Total (4). BR (2), AR (2).   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 16 16 Lot of 24 coins: IIIrd-Ist century BC. Aduatuci. Bronze (3.05 g., DT 522); Turones. Potin (2 ex., 3.21 g, 500 3.05 g., DT 148-149, 3508); Bituriges. Potin (2 ex., 3.45 g., 4.45 g., DT 3478); Belgica. Potin (3.85 g., Scheers 716); Coriosolites. Stater (3 ex., 6.26 g., 6.22 g., 6.64 g., Castelin 210-214); Leuci. Potin (3 ex., 3.07 g., 2.57 g., 1.31 g., Scheers 660); Santones. Quinarius (1.78 g., DT 3568); Aedui. Potin (2.87 g., DT 3236); Silvanectes. Bronze (3.98 g., Blanchet 363); Sotiates. Drachm (1.30 g., LT 3605); Veliocasses. Potin (2.87 g., DT 660); Undetermined. Bronze (4 ex., 3.34 g., 1.97 g., 1.74g., 0.84 g.), (3 ex., 3.42 g., 179 g., 4.13 g.). Total (24). BR (16), AR (8).   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 17 ex. 18

rd st 17 Cisalpina. Lot of 5 coins: III -I century BC. Drachm (Pautasso 150, 218, 270, 287, 323.). Total (5). AR.  F to VF  350 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

rd st 18 Lot of 5 coins: III -I century BC. Drachm (Pautasso 145, 153, 220, 270, 275). Total (5). AR.  F to VF  350 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 19 Danuvius. Lo t of 3 coins: IInd century BC. Tetradrachm, Thasian imitative issues (2 ex., 17.81 g., 14.57 g., 200 Castelin 1352-5, 1366), Thracian type (15.69 g., Castelin 1294). Total (3). AR.  G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

20 Lot of 4 Celtic ring money. Total (4). BR.  F to VF  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

7 23 21 22 2:1 2:1


21 Massalia. Obol 215-200 BC. OBM 8/11; Depeyrot 18. AR. 0.57 g.  XF+  80 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. list 34, April 1981, lot 2. 

22 Drachm 125-90 BC. DRM 44-8; Depeyrot 44/8. AR. 2.65 g.  XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

23 Calabria. Tarentum. Diobol 325-280 BC. HN 976; Vlasto 1314-21. AR. 1.11 g.  AU  250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG list 538, December 1990, lot 1. 


24 26 27

24 Didrachm 302-280 BC, Deinokrates magistrate. HN Italy 967; Vlasto 693. AR. 7.01 g.  VF scratch 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

25 Drachm 280-272 BC. HN Italy 1018; Vlasto 1068. AR. 3.23 g.  AU  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

26 Didrachm ca. 280 BC. HN Italy 965; Vlasto 687. AR. 7.83 g.  XF+ 150 With a certificate of authenticity from COFOP Placements by F. Massot, dated October 1995. 

27 Stater 290-281 BC. HN Italy 934; Vlasto 587. AR. 7.68 g.  VF-XF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 26, August 1978, lot 8. 

28 29 30

28 Didrachm 227-240 BC, Philemenos magistrate. HN Italy 1035; Vlasto 884. AR. 6.41 g.  XF+  150  29 Lucania. Metapontium. Didrachm 340-330 BC. HN Italy 1576. AR. 7.57 g.  XF  150 With a certificate of authenticity from COFOP Placements by F. Massot, dated May 1996. 

30 Fourée Stater 330-290 BC. HN Italy 1587. AR. 6.57 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 


2:1 2:1 31 Pyrrhos of Epeiros. Tetrobol 280-279 BC. Obv. ΛEYKIΠΠ[OΣ]. Helmeted head of Leukippos right. 1500 Rev. [M-E] / ΣI. Two barley ears. HN Italy 1630. AU. 2.72 g.  XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

8 33 32 34 2:1 2:1

32 Poseidonia. Triobol 470-400 BC. HN Italy cf. 1755. AR. 1.22 g.  VF 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 21, December 1976, lot 9. 

33 Thourioi. Triobol 400-350 BC. HN Italy 1806. AR. 0.97 g.  XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 538, December 1990, lot 3.

34 Stater 400-350 BC. HN Italy 1800. AR. 7.65 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Graffiti and test mark on reverse.


35 36 37

35 Stater 350-300 BC. HN Italy 1870. AR. 7.85 g.  VF-XF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 38, April 1982, lot 33. 

36 Bruttium. Crotone. Stater 480-430 BC. HN Italy 2102. AR. 7.16 g.  VF 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

37 Sicily. Akragas. Didrachm 510-500 BC. HGC 2, 89; SNG ANS 916. AR. 8.85 g.  VF+  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

38 Onkia 440-430 BC. HGC 2, 130; CNS 8. BR. 4.63 g.  VF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

39 Onkia 440-430 BC. HGC 2, 130; CNS 8. BR. 4.26 g.  VF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

42 41 40

40 Hemilitron or Hexonkion 415-406 BC. HGC 2, 136; CNS 11. BR. 17.56 g.  VF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

41 Punic occupation. Tetras 405-392 BC. HGC -; CNS 97. BR. 9.72 g.  F-VF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

42 Phintias, 287-279 BC. Bronze. HGC 2, 168; CNS 119. BR. 2.58 g.  VF  200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  A particularly fine and attractive example.

9 44 43 45 46 43 Bronze. HGC 2, 159; CNS 125. BR. 8.06 g.  VF corroded 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

44 Entella. Bronze 425-410 BC. Elymian issues. HGC 2, 240; CNS 1. BR. 4.29 g.  VF-XF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

45 Campanian mercenaries. Bronze 342-339 BC. HGC 2, 248; CNS 10. BR. 8.20 g.  VF+ corroded  200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

46 Bronze 342-339 BC. HGC 2, 248; CNS 10. BR. 5.97 g.  VF-XF  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

48 50

47 49

47 Tetradrachm 320-300 BC, Punic issue. Obv. Head of Arethusa left, corn in the hair, with pendant earring 1500 and pearl necklace, four dolphins around. Rev. ‘MMHNT (in Punic). Head of horse left, palm tree behind. HGC 2, 284; Jenkins Punic 171 (same dies). AR. 17.17 g.  Nice AU  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zürich Monetarium 31, spring 1991, lot 31. 

48 Gela. Tetras 420-405 BC. HGC 2, 380; CNS 42. BR. 3.64 g.  VF-XF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

49 Himera. Hemilitron or Hexonkion 425-409 BC. HGC 2, 463; CNS 24. BR. 12.56 g.  VF cleaned 200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

50 Hemilitron or Hexonkion 415-409 BC. HGC 2, 479; CNS 35. BR. 2.29 g.  XF  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

52 53 54 51 51 Tetradrachm 409-407 BC. Obv. Quadriga driving right, Nike crowning the driver, holding a plaque 2000 inscribed with «MAI», ketos in exergue. Rev. [HI-ME-PAI]O[N] retrograde. Nymph Himera standing, holding a patera over an altar to left, a satyr to right. HGC 2, 436; SNG Lloyd 1022; Kray-Hirmer 71 (same dies). AR. 17.12 g.  AU light cleaning  Rare in this condition; struck with rusted dies.

52 Kamarina. Tetras 420-405 BC. HGC 2, 547; CNS 21. BR. 3.34 g.  XF corroded  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

53 Tetras or Trionkion 420-405 BC. HGC 2, 548; CNS 33. BR. 3.04 g.  VF  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

54 Tetras or Trionkion 420-405 BC. HGC 2, 548; CNS 33. BR. 3.60 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

10 55 56 57

55 Kersini. Tetras 344-339 BC. HGC 2, -; CNS III p. 322, 2 (uncertain mercenaries) BR. 5.57 g.  XF  500 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Extremely rare.

56 Leontinoi. Tetradrachm 466-422 BC. HGC 2, 671; SNG ANS 256-257. AR. 17.22 g.  Nice AU  750 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zürich Monetarium 62, autumn 1994, lot 35.  Large cracks on the head.

57 Tetradrachm 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 667; SNG ANS 224. AR. 16.60 g.  F-VF  400 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

58 59 61

58 Lilybaion (as «Cape of Melqart»). Tetradrachm 330-305 BC. HGC 2, 741; Jenkins 52. AR. 16.56 g.  VF  500 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zürich Monetarium 51, spring 1989, lot 24. 

59 Bronze 208-180 BC. HGC 2, 749; CNS 5. BR. 6.42 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Double struck.

60 Roman rule. Tetras (?) after 208 BC. HGC 2, 751; CNS 13. BR. 1.23 g.  VF cleaned 50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare especially in this condition.

61 Messana (as Zankle). Drachm 500-493 BC. HGC 2, 766. AR. 4.30 g.  VF smoothed 300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

63 64 65

66 62

62 Tetradrachm 470-466 BC. HGC 2, 779. AR. 16.80 g.  VF  400 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

63 Motya. Bronze 400-397 BC. HGC 2, 946; CNS 9. BR. 1.26 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

64 Hexas 400-397 BC. HGC 2, 947; CNS 10. BR. 2.57 g.  VF 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

65 Piakos. Tetras or Trionkion 425-420 BC. HGC 2, 1101; CNS 2. BR. 2.06 g.  VF+ corroded  200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Dies engraved by the «Maestro della foglia».

66 Selinos. Trias or Tetronkion, 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1232; CNS 3. BR. 9.10 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

11 68 67 69 70

67 Tetras or Trionkion 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1233; CNS 4. BR. 9.35 g.  F-VF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

68 Hexas or Dionkion 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1236; CNS 9. BR. 4.97 g.  VF 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

69 Hexas or Dionkion 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1236; CNS 9. BR. 3.32 g.  VF-XF corroded 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

70 Hexas or Dionkion 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1236; CNS 9. BR. 4.26 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

71 Hexas or Dionkion 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1236; CNS 9. BR. 4.58 g.  F-VF  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

72 Hexas or Dionkion 450-440 BC. HGC 2, 1236; CNS 9. BR. 4.55 g.  VF  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

76 77

73 2:1 2:1 75

73 Onkia 440-430 BC. HGC 2, 1237; CNS 10. BR. 3.98 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

74 Soloi. Bronze 330-260 BC. HGC 2, 1259; CNS 16. BR. 1.76 g.  VF+  50 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  75 Syracuse. Gelon I, 485-478 BC. Tetradrachm 485-480 BC. HGC 2, 1306; Boehringer 58 (V31/R28). AR. 750 16.81 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  76 Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. T etras, 415-405 BC. Exakestidas type. HGC 2, 1432; CNS 29. BR. 100 1.60 g.  F-VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

77 Litra 415-405 BC. HGC 2, 1378. AR. 0.61 g.  VF-XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

78 79 80

78 Hemilitron 425-420 BC. HGC 2, -; CNS 11. BR. 4.22 g.  VF corroded 150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

79 Dionysos I, 405-367 BC. Hemilitron. HGC 2, 1480; CNS 24. BR. 3.63 g.  VF-XF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

80 Litra 405-367 BC. HGC 2, 1456; CNS 34. BR. 5.94 g.  VF corroded 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

12 83 81 82

81 Dionysos II 367-357 BC. Tetras Kainon, 367-357 BC. HGC 2, 509; CNS 15. BR. 9.12 g.  VF+ 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Reverse off-center.

82 Timoleon, 344-317 BC. Hemidrachm 344-317 BC. HGC 2, 1440; CNS 72. BR. 15.76 g.  VF-XF light corrosion  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

83 Agathokles, 317-289 BC. Trias (?). HGC 2, 1489; CNS 100. BR. 3.44 g.   VF+  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

84 85 88

84 Bronze 317-310 BC. HGC 2, cf. 1489; CNS 106. BR. 3.29 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

85 Tetradrachm 310-305 BC. HGC 2, 1536. AR. 17.07 g.  AU cleaned 750 With a certificate of authenticity from COFOP Placements by F. Massot, dated October 1992. 

86 Hiketas II, 287-278 BC. Bronze 287-283 BC. HGC 2, 1466; CNS 123. BR. 6.32 g.  XF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

87 Bronze 287-283 BC. HGC 2, 1466; CNS 123 var. BR. 17.76 g.  VF-XF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Monogram EP below the horse.

88 Pyrrhus, 278-276 BC. Bronze. HGC 2, 1450; CNS 177. BR. 7.77 g.  XF corroded  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

89 90 91

89 Litra. HGC 2, 1482; CNS 182. BR. 10.45 g.  VF cleaned 150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

90 II, 275-215 BC. Hemilitron 230-215 BC. HGC 2, 1548; CNS 193. BR. 16.09 g.  XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

91 Bronze 230-215 BC. HGC 2, 1548; CNS 193. BR. 20.55 g.  VF  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  92 Timoleon and the Third Democracy, 344-317 BC. Bron ze 334-317 BC, third series. HGC 2, 1482; 50 CNS 79. BR. 4.92 g.  F-VF corroded  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

13 96 93 95 93 Macedonian Kingdom. Philip II, 359-336 BC. Stater 323-315 BC, Pella. Obv. Laureate head of 1250 Appolo right. Rev. ΦΙΛΙΠΠΟΥ. Biga driven right, fulmen below. Le Rider 172, 410 (this coin). AU. 8.55 g.  XF+ light toning  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Collection Rous, Bourgey auction, 29-31 May 1911, lot 91; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 575, May 1994, lot 5.  94 Philip III, 323-317 BC. Drachm 323-317 BC, Lampsakos. In the name and type of Alexander III, struck 50 under Leonnatos, Arrhidaios, or Antigonos I Monophthalmos. Price 1375. AR. 4.25 g.  VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  95 Tetradrachm 323-317 BC. In the name and type of Alexander III, struck under Archon, Dokimos, or 100 Seleukos I. Price 3692. AR. 17.15 g.  VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Banker’s and test mark on obverse. 96 Perseus, 179-168 BC. Drachm 175-170 BC, Thessaly, Hermias magistrate. Price «Larissa» pl. LV, 247; 100 SNG Keckman 795. AR. 2.37 g.  XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Struck by Perseus during the third Macedonian war to pay mercenaries who required Rhodian coinage.

97 98 97 Macedon. Republican period, first meris, 167-149 BC. Tetradrachm 167-149 BC, Amphipolis. HGC 3, 1103. 200 AR. 16.54 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 39, December 1982, lot 65. 

98 Tetradrachm 167-149 BC, Amphipolis. HGC 3, 1103. AR. 16.33 g.  VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

99 Tetradrachm 167-149 BC, Amphipolis. HGC 3, 1103. AR. 16.36 g.  VF repaired  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

100 101 100 Paeonian Kingdom. Patraos, 335-315 BC. Tetradrachm 335-315 BC, Astibos or Damastion. Paeonian 200 Hoard 185 (same dies); HGC 3, 148 var. AR. 12.13 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  101 Tetradrachm 335-315 BC, Astibos or Damastion. Paeonian Hoard 334 (this coin); HGC 3, 148 var. AR. 200 12.81 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 454, April 1983, lot 17. 

14 102 104 103

102 Thrace. Byzantion. Siglos 387-340 BC. HGC 3, 1389. AR. 5.39 g.  VF+  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. Banker’s marks on obverse and reverse.

103 Maroneia. Tetradrachm 189-145 BC. HGC 3, 1556. AR. 16.34 g.  VF-XF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 523, July 1989, lot 5.  Well centered.

104 Islands off Thrace. Thasos. Stater 500-480 BC. HGC 6, 331. AR. 9.53 g.  VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 32, August 1980, lot 29. 

106 105

105 Tetradrachm 90-75 BC, imitative series. HGC 6, 359. AR. 16.74 g.  XF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 45, April 1985, lot 43. 

106 Tetradrachm 90-75 BC, imitative series. HGC 6, 359. AR. 16.33 g.  F-VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 27, December 1978, lot 51. 

108 109 107 107 Kingdom of Thrace. Lysimachos, 305-281 BC. Tetradrachm 297-281 BC, Magnesia ad Maeandrum. 200 HGC 3, 1750e; Thompson 102. AR. 16.92 g.  VF+ cleaned  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

108 Thessaly. Larissa. Drachm 450-420 BC. HGC 4, 418. AR. 5.90 g.  XF cleaned  200 With a certificate of authenticity from Art et Placements by J.P. Kimmel, dated November 1989. 

109 Drachm 400-370 BC. HGC 4, 434. AR. 5.93 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

110 Drachm 365-356 BC. HGC 4, 454. AR. 5.79 g.  F-VF  80 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

15 111 113 112 111 Thessalian league. Drachm mid-late 2nd Century BC. Her- and Pi- magistrates. HGC 4, 213; BCD Thessaly 889.3. 100 AR. 4.22 g.  VF dark toning  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 546, February 1991, lot 1. 

st 112 Stater mid-late 1 century BC, Androsthenes and Aristokles magistrates. HGC 4, 210. AR. 6.43 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

113 Epeiros. Epirote Republic. Bronze, 234-168 BC. Franke 391-394. BR. 6.98 g.  F-VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

114 115 116

114 Akarnania. Anaktorion. Stater 350-300 BC. HGC 4, 755. AR. 8.17 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

115 Leukas. Stater 320-280 BC. HGC 4, 825. AR. 8.49 g.  VF+ graffiti  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Obverse well centered.

116 Boeotia. . Stater 379-368 BC, Theog- magistrate. HGC 4, 1334. AR. 11.74 g.  VF+  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 37, December 1981, lot 28. 

117 118

117 Attica. Athens. Tetradrachm 420-404 BC. HGC 4, 1597; Svoronos pl. 17 passim. AR. 16.32 g.  F-VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  118 Tetradrachm 124-123 BC. Mikion, Eurykleides, and Euan magistrates. HGC 4, 1602; Thompson 483g. 100 AR. 16.54 g.  F-VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 23, December 1977, lot 56. 

119 120

119 Island off Attica. Aegina. Stater, 525-475 BC. AR. 11.83 g.  F  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 26, August 1978, lot 64. 

120 Corinthia. Corinth. Stater 400-375 BC. HGC 4, 1832; Ravel 825. AR. 8.27 g.  VF-XF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 23, December 1977, lot 26.  Very rare.

16 121 122 123 121 Kings of Bosphorus. Rheskouporis III, 211-226, with Caracalla. Stater Year 512 (215-216). Frolova 34; 300 MacDonald 555/1. EL. 7.73 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 50, December 1986, lot 48.  122 Mysia. . Tetradrachm 104-98 BC, cistophoric standard. Kleiner 23; SNG 1724. AR. 100 12.34 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 30, December 1979, lot 74. 

123 Tetradrachm 85-76 BC, cistophoric standard. Kleiner 34; Pinder 109. AR. 12.50 g.  XF-AU  120 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 454, April 1983, lot 24. 

124 125 126 2:1 2:1

124 Lesbos. Mytilene. Hekte 478-455 BC. HGC 6, 956; SNG von Aulock 1692. EL. 2.14 g.  F+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

125 Hekte 412-378 BC. HGC 6, 996; SNG von Aulock 1713. EL. 2.54 g.  VF 200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 450, November-December 1982, lot 8. 

126 Hekte 337-326 BC. HGC 6, 1031; Bodenstedt Em. 105. EL. 2.50 g.  VF 200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 578, August 1994, lot 16. 

127 128 128 2:1

127 Ionia. . Diobol 390-325 BC. SNG von Aulock 1835. AR. 0.95 g.  F-VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 21, December 1976, lot 57. 

128 Phokaia. Hekte 387-326 BC. SNG Cop 1030; Bodenstedt Em. 111. EL. 2.52 g.  VF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 529, February 1990, lot 10.

130 129 131

129 . Drachm 540-478 BC. SNG Cop 1433; Balcer group XX. AR. 5.82 g.  F-VF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

130 Trite 650-600 BC, uncertain . SNG von Aulock 7762. EL. 4.51 g.  VG  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 556, July 1992, lot 11. 

131 . (?). Drachm 300-280 BC, Mylasa (?). Price 2493. AR. 4.14 g.  AU  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

17 133 135 134 132 132 . Tetradrachm 350-320 BC, magistrate Theumelon. Obv. Head of Aphrodite right, phrygian helmet 2000 behind. Rev. ΘΕΥΜΕΛΩ[Ν] / KNI. Forepart of lion right. Ashton 13. AR. 13.96 g.  VF-XF porous Very rare and well centered. An impressive portrait of Aphrodite, deity of the city of Knidos. The most beautiful representation of the goddess was performed by Praxiteles in the 4th century. The original statue, considered in its time as one of the masterpieces of ancient sculptural art, stood in the city’s Tholos. The study by R. J. Ashton, «The late classical / early Hellenistic drachms of Knidos» published in the Numismatic Review, volume 154, 1999 pp. 63-94, underlines the extreme rarity of the tetradrachms struck for Knidos as compared to the abundance of drachms in the 4th century BC. All the drachms studied for the period are of reduced weight compared to the standard of Chios probably due to a lack of capital. At the same time, the issuance of tetradrachms was much more restricted, but the mints of Knidos took particular care with its production which can be described as «prestigious», by maintaining a perfect standard to compete with the tetradrachms of Ephesus.

133 Obol 530-520 BC. SNG Helsinki 102. AR. 0.88 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

nd 134 Myndos. Hemidrachm mid 2 century BC, Kallikles magistrate. SNG Cop 440. AR. 2.18 g.   XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

135 Cilicia. Tarsos. Hemiobol 389-375 BC. SNG Levante 65. AR. 0.52 g.  VF 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 538, December 1990, lot 102.

136 138 139

136 Islands off Caria. Rhodes, Ialysos. Diobol 480-408 BC. HGC 6, 1375. AR. 1.21 g.  VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

137 Rhodes. Drachm 229-205 BC, Ameinias magistrate. HGC 6, 1445. AR. 2.51 g.  XF chipped  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

138 Drachm 205-190 BC, Aristakos magistrate. HGC 6, cf. 1453; SNG Cop 777. AR. 2.69 g.  XF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 41, November 1983, lot 71. 

139 Drachm 170-150 BC, Artemon magistrate. HGC 6, 1458. AR. 3.03 g.  VF-XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 33, December 1980, lot 76. 

140 141 143 140 Kings of Lydia. Alyattes to Kroisos, 620-539 BC. T rite 620-539 BC, Sardes. Obv. Lion’s head right. 750 Rev. Two incuse squares. SNG von Aulock 2870; Weidauer group XVI. EL. 4.63 g.   VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 519, March 1989, lot 16. 

141 Lycia. Uncertain dynasty. Stater 500-480 BC. SNG von Aulock 4044. AR. 9.34 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

142 Pamphylia. . Stater 380-325 BC. SNG France 81. AR. 10.82 g.  VF+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

143 . Tetradrachm, 183-175 BC. Kleuchares Magistrate. SNG von Aulock 4797 AR. 16.00 g.  XF  250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 485, February 1986, lot 22.

18 147

144 148 144 Seleukid Empire. Seleukos I Nikator, 312-281 BC. Tetradrachm 310-300 BC, Babylon. In the name and 150 type of Alexander III. HGC 9, 10f; Price 3746. AR. 16.94 g.  VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 39, December 1982, lot 61.  145 Antiochos IV Epiphanes, 175-164 BC. Bronze, on the Orontes, 169-168 BC. «Egyptianizing» 50 series. HGC 9, 644; SC 1414. BR. 18.27 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  146 Alexander I Balas, 150-145 BC. Drachm 149-147 BC, Antioch on the Orontes. HGC 9, 887; SC 1785. 50 AR. 3.67 g.  VF flan crack From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  147 Antiochos VII Euergetes, 138-129 BC. Drachm 138-129 BC, Antioch on the Orontes. HGC 9, 1080b; 100 SC 2062.2b. AR. 4.20 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  148 Antiochos VIII Grypos, 121-96 BC. Tetradrachm 121-113, Ake . HGC 9, 1196; SC 2335/2. 200 AR. 16.47 g.  XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 551, February 1992, lot 48.

149 150 149 Antiochos IX Eusebes Philopator, 113-95 BC. Tetradrachm 113-112 BC, Antioch on the Orontes. 150 HGC 9, 1228; SC 2363. AR. 16.06 g.  VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 464, March 1984, lot 40.  150 Laodikeia free city, 109-16 BC. Tetradrachm year 30 (52-51 BC), Laodikeia. HGC 9, 1398; Mørkholm, 250 autonomous 18b. AR. 15.15 g.  VF-XF cleaned From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 555, June 1992, lot 21. 

151 153

151 Phoenicia. Tyre. Shekel CY 29 (98-97 BC). HGC 10, 357. AR. 13.44 g.  VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

152 Shekel CY 29 (98-97 BC). HGC 10, 357. AR. 13.10 g.  F-VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

153 Seleukis and Pieria. Laodikeia. T etradrachm CY 30 (52-51 BC), Laodikeia. HGC 9, 1398. AR. 14.78 g.  XF+  200 With a certificate of authenticity from COFOP Placements by F. Massot, dated August 1991. 

19 154 156 155

154 Parthian Kingdom. Mithradates III, 87-80 BC. Drachm, Ekbatane. Sellwood 31.5. AR. 4.03 g.  XF+ 100 Without monogram. 155 Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris. Obv. Bust left wearing tiara. Rev. BAΣIΛEΩΣ MEΓAΛoY / APΣAKoY 2500 / AYToKPAToPoΣ ΦIΛoΠAToPoΣ / EΠIΦANoYΣ ΦIΛEΛΛHNoΣ. Arsaces seated on thron right. Sellwood 31.1. AR. 15.64 g.  XF small graffiti on obverse  Very rare.

156 Arsaces XVI, 75-62 BC. Drachm, Rhagai. Sellwood 30.16. AR. 3.41 g.  XF  100 Without monogram.

158 159 157

157 Tetradrachm, Seleukeia on the Tigris. Sellwood 30.2. AR. 15.63 g.  AU  400 With monogram. Beautiful portrait. 158 Phraates III, 70-58 BC. Drachm ca. 62 BC, Ekbatane. Obv. Diademed facing bust wearing necklace with 750 medallion. Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ MEΓAΛoY / APΣAKoY / ΘEoΠAToPoΣ EYEPΓEToY / EΠIΦANoYΣ ΦIΛEΛΛHNoΣ Archer (Arsakes I) seated right on throne, holding bow. Sellwood 35.1. AR. 3.91 g.  XF+ Rare and an impressive portrait. With monogram. 159 Drachm ca. 62 BC, Rhagai. Obv. Diademed facing bust wearing necklace with medallion. Rv. BAΣIΛEΩΣ 1000 MEΓAΛoY / APΣAKoY / KAI ΦIΛEΛΛHNoΣ EΠIΦANoYΣ / ΘEoΠAToPoΣ EYEPΓEToY Archer (Arsakes I) seated right on throne, holding bow; monogram below bow. Sellwood 35.7 var. AR. 4.08 g.  AU obverse off-center  With monogram. Beautiful portrait.

160 161 162

160 Drachm, moving mint. Sellwood 36.8. AR. 3.78 g.  XF+  150 Legend variety: EΠIΦANoYΣ KAI ΦIΛEΛΛHNoΣ. With monogram.

161 Orodes II, 57-38 BC. Drachm, Ekbatane. Sellwood 48.6. AR. 3.89 g.  AU  100 With monogram. 162 Kings of Persis. Bagadat. T etradrachm Early-Mid IIIrd century BC. Obv. Diademed head of Bagadat 9000 to right, wearing kyrbasia and pendant earring. Rev. Aramaic legend on two lines; fire temple of Ahura-Mazda; to left, Bagadat standing right and, to right, standard. Alram 515; BMC Arabia p.196, 2. AR. 16.17 g.  XF-AU light cleaning Ex. NAC auction 100, 29 May 2017, lot 173.

20 163 164 165 167 163 Persia. Achaemenid Empire, Xerxes I to Darius II, 486-404 BC. Daric 485-420 BC, Sardes. SNG Cop 275; 750 Carradice type IIIb. AU. 8.29 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  164 Bactrian Kingdom. Euthydemos I Theos Megas, 225-195 BC. Hemiobol 206-200 BC, Baktra. HGC 12, 51; 100 Mitchiner 91. AR. 1.88 g.  F+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

165 Lysias Aniketos, 130-125 BC. Drachm 130-125 BC. Mitchiner 265. AR. 1.86 g.  F-VF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

166 Amyntas Nikator, 80-65 BC. Drachm 80-65 BC. HGC 12, 422; Mitchiner 388. AR. 2.42 g.  XF+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

167 Apollophanes Soter, 35-25 BC. Drachm 35-25 BC. HGC 12, 475; Mitchiner 467. AR. 2.30 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

170 169 168

168 Indo-Skythian Kingdom. , 58-19 BC. Tetradrachm, . Senior 89.3T. AR. 9.52 g.  XF  200  169 Tetradrachm. Senior 105. AR. 9.27 g.  XF  100  st 170 Yuehzi. Sapadbizes, late 1 century BC. Hemidrachm 20-1 BC. HGC 12, 516; Mitchiner 2824. AR. 1.63 g.  VF+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

171 . , 323-305 BC. Chalk ous, 316-305 BC. Svoronos 53 BR. 1.12 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 


172 172 II Philadelphos, wife of Ptolemy II, 283-246 BC. Decadrachm 253-249 BC, Alexandria. 500 Svoronos 943. AR. 32.34 g.   F-VF tooled, chipped  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  173 Ptolemy III Euergetes, 246-222 BC. Hemiobol, uncertain mint in Peloponnesos. Svoronos 1000; 50 SNG Cop 193-5. BR. 5.61 g.   VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

174 Diobol, Kyrene. Svoronos 854. BR. 9.81 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

21 178


175 Drachm 246-222 BC, Alexandria. Svoronos 964. BR. 72.10 g.  VF  150 Serie 5, with cornucopiae and XP.

176 Drachm 246-222 BC, Alexandria. Svoronos 964. BR. 66.59 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

177 Drachm 246-222 BC, Alexandria. Svoronos 964. BR. 66.25 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  178 Berenice II, 243-221 BC, wife of Ptolemy III Euergetes, 246-222 BC. Pentadrachm 242-222 BC, 7500 Alexandria. Obv. Veiled and draped bust right, wearing necklace. Rev. BAΣIΛΣΣHΣ BEPENIKHΣ, filleted cornucopia; stars flanking, small E below. Svoronos 693; van Driessche dies D–/R5 (unlisted obv. die). AU. 21.48 g.  XF light scratches, small edge bump Ex. Purchased from Dr. A. Saslow, January 1986.  Very rare. Only 12 ex. cited by Van Driessche.

179 Ptolemy IV Philopator, 225-205 BC. Drachm 219-205 BC, Alexandria. Svoronos 1125. BR. 73.88 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  180 , 204-180 BC. Bronze 197-182 BC, Alexandria. Svoronos 1234; SNG Cop 247. BR. 75 14.61 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 26, August 1978, lot 106. 

182 183 181

181 Tetradrachm, Alexandria. Svoronos 1231. AR. 12.52 g.  VF+  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

182 Zeugitania. Carthage. Bronze 370-340 BC, uncertain mint in Sicily. CNS 4. BR. 5.21 g.  VF-XF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

183 Bronze 300-250 BC, uncertain mint in Sicily. CNS 12; SNG Cop 102. BR. 7.49 g.  XF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

184 185 184 Stater 350-320 BC, Carthage. Obv. Head of Tanit left. Rev. Horse standing right, 3 points. Jenkins Group IIIh, 76-7. 3000 AU. 9.46 g.   XF-AU   185 Electrum Stater 310-290 BC. Obv. Head of Tanit left. Rev. Horse standing right. Jenkins-Lewis group V, 251. 750 EL. 7.62 g.   VF cleaned  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

22 186 186 Trihemistater 260 BC, Carthage. Obv. Head of Tanit-Persephone wearing barley wreath, pendant earring 12’500 and necklace, to the left. Rev. Horse standing right, head turned back. Jenkins Groupe IX, AU. 12.50 g.  XF-AU  

187 188 189

187 Kingdom of Mauretania. Juba I, 60-46 BC. Den arius 60-46 BC. MAA 29; SNG Cop 523. AR. 3.66 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Double struck.

188 Juba II, 25 BC - 24 AD. Denarius 25 BC - 24 AD, Caesarea. MAA 95; SNG Cop 579. AR. 2.66 g.  VF+  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Reverse off-center. 189 Juba II and Selene, 25 BC - 24 AD. Den arius 20 BC - 24 AD, Caesarea. MAA 97; SNG Cop 567. 100 AR. 3.04 g.  XF-AU  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Obverse off-center.

190 191 192

190 Sasanian Kingdom. , 224-240. Drachm type II, Ctesiphon. Parthian style. SNS 12. AR. 3.51 g.  XF  100  191 Drachm type V, Ctesiphon. SNS 27. AR. 4.09 g.  XF  100  192 Varhran I, 273-276. Drachm type I. SNS 104. AR. 4.24 g.  XF  100 

194 193

193 Varhran II, 276-293. Drachm type VI. SNS 122. AR. 3.57 g.  VF-XF  250 Rare type with portrait of the King, Queen and Prince. 194 Shapur II, 309-379. Gold Dinar ca. 320, uncertain mint. Obv. Bust right, wearing mural crown with 6000 korymbos. Rev. Fire altar with ribbon. Göbl type Ia/7; SNS Ib1/2a. AU. 7.21 g.  Nice AU  Privately purchased on September 25th, 1978.  Illustrated in History of civilizations of Central Asia, v. 3: The Crossroads of civilizations, A.D. 250 to 750, UNESCO, 1996, plate II, n° 12.

23 ex. 195 ex. 196

ex. 196 ex. 196

GREECE. Lots. 195 Lot of 8 coins : Cisalpine Gaul. Drachm; Campania, Phistelia. Obol (HN Italy 619); Bruttium, Caulonia. ⅓ Stater 200 (cf. HN Italy 2047); Attica, Athens. Imitative tetradrachms (2 ex.); Kolchis, Phasis. ½ Siglos (HGC 7, 215); Troas, Kebren. Hemiobol (BMC 14); Lycia, . Drachm (Troxell 38). Total (8). AR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 196 Lot of 18 coins : Bruttium, . Bronze 20 mm (SNG ANS 690); Lucania, Thourioi. Bronze 15 mm (HN 300 Italy 1927); Sicily, Akragas. Hemilitron 425-406 BC (2 ex., CNS 12 and 40), Tetras 425-406 BC (CNS 50), Hexas 425-406 BC (3 ex., CNS 67, 72 and 73), countermarked Hemilitron (CNS 92) and Tetras (CNS 107), Onkia 338-317 BC (CNS 113), Phintias 287-279 BC. Bronze 15 mm (CNS 119); Katane. Tetras 415-402 BC (HGC 2, 607); Hipana. Onkia 357-338 BC (HGC 2, 496); Lilybaion. Bronze 22 mm (HGC 2, 749); Nakone. Onkia 410-405 BC (CNS 5); Syracuse. Dyonisos I, 405-367 BC. Drachm (HGC 2, 1436), Dyonisos II, 367- 357 BC. Tetras Kainon (HGC 2, 509). Total (18). BR.   G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 197 ex. 197 ex. 199

197 Lot of 24 coins : Bruttium, Petelia. Bronze 20 mm late 3rd century BC (HN Italy 2455); Sicily, Entella. Bronze 400 15 mm 408-404 BC (CNS 1), Bronze 18 mm 345-338 BC (CNS 10), Hexas 342-338 BC (CNS 14, 3 ex.); Gela. Onkia 402-405 BC (CNS 5, 13), Tetras 402-405 BC (CNS 15, 17, 18, 27, 37, 41 2 ex.); Mercenaries. Bronze 13 mm (CNS 12); Undetermined. Bronze 11 mm hΛΚ ΣΙ, Bronze 15mm; Punic. Bronzes 14 mm to 23 mm (6 ex.). Total (24). BR.  G to XF  ∀ From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 198 Sicily. Akragas. Lot of two coins : Hexas and Trias 450-430 BC. Total (2). HGC 2, 126 and 128. BR. 5.92, 150 14.02 g.  VF to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 199 Lot of 6 coins: 402-406 BC. Tetras (9.55 g., CNS 50), Tetras (6.08 g., CNS 57), Hexas (7.40 g., CNS 500 63), Hexas (8.18 g., CNS 67), Hexas (7.01 g., CNS 75); Phintias, 287-279 BC. Hexas (3.16 g., CNS 127). Total (6). BR.  G to VF+  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

24 ex. 201

ex. 200 ex. 202 200 Lot of 20 coins : Akragas. Onkia 440-430 BC (CNS 8), Hemilitron 415-406 BC (CNS cf. 53); Eryx. Hexas 412- 400 409 BC (CNS 8), Onkia 330-260 BC (CNS 20, 2 ex. and 21, 2 ex.); Kephaloidon. Bronze 13 mm 305-280 BC (CNS 3, 2 ex.); Motya. Onkion 400-387 BC (CNS 8); Panormos. Bronze 15 mm 336-330 BC (CNS 9), Bronze 11 mm 317-280 BC (CNS 12), Bronze 21 mm 208-180 BC (CNS 120); Segesta. Hexas 400-390 BC (CNS 40), Bronze 15 mm (CNS 48); Soloi. Tetras 400-350 BC (CNS 5), Bronze 14 mm (CNS 16); Syracuse, Dionysos II, 367-357 BC. Tetras Kainon (CNS 10); Tauromenion. Hemilitron 275-265 BC (CNS 13); Mercenaries. Bronze 13 mm 357-336 BC (CNS 2). Total (20). BR.  G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 201 Magna Graecia. Lot of 6 coins: Campania, , 300-275 BC. Bronze (2.40 g., SNG ANS 507-12); 500 Apulia, Arpi, 275-250 BC. Bronze (5.06 g., SNG ANS 641); Sicily, Solous, 406-397 BC. Onkia (2.08 g., CNS 5); Tauromenion, 275-216 BC. Bronze (8.67 g., CNS 94); Panormos, 415-280 BC. Bronze (2 ex., 2.68 g., 1.38 g., CNS 3, CNS 10). Total (6). BR.   F to XF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 202 Sicily. Lot of 5 coins: Entella, 345-208 BC. Bronze (2 ex., 4.49 g., 4.95 g., CNS 14); Messana. Tetras (4.31 g., 250 CNS 2), Bronze (6.29 g., CNS 23), Pentonkion (9.52 g., CNS 41). Total (5). BR.   G to VF+  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 203 ex. 204 ex. 205 203 Eryx. Lot of 5 coins: IVth century BC. Bronze (5 ex. CNS 13A (2 ex.), CNS 6, CNS 17, CNS 21). 300 Total (5). BR.  G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 204 Gela. Lot of 5 coins: 420-405 BC. Tetras (5 ex. Jenkins 498 (2 ex.), Jenkins 504 (2 ex.), Jenkins 516). 300 Total (5). BR.  F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 205 Lot of 10 coins: Halykiai, 400-370 BC. Tetras (2 ex. CNS 39, CNS 42), Hexas (CNS 44-5); Himera, 425-409 700 BC. Onkia (4 ex., CNS 35), Hemilitron (CNS 27), Hexas (2 ex., CNS 31-32). Total (10). BR.   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

25 ex. 207 ex. 206 206 Lot of 9 coins: Herakleia. Bronze (2.47 g., CNS 1); Aitna. Bronze (8.13 g., CNS 4); Catania, 225-175 BC. 500 Bronze (3.28 g., CNS 25); Kentoripai, 213-207 BC. Bronze (1.94 g., CNS 9); Iaitos, 330-260 BC. Bronze (0.99 g., CNS 1); Panormos (?), IInd Century BC. Bronze (7.75 g., CNS 99); Messana, The Mamertinoi, 211-208 BC. Pentonikon (3.24 g., CNS 51); Siculo-punic. Bronze overstruck (2.47 g., SNG Elvepidis 706); th rd Himera as Thermai Himerenses, IV -III century BC. Bronze (2.15 g., CNS 5). Total (9). BR.   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 207 Himera. Lot of 15 coins : Hemilitron 425-409 BC (CNS 24, 2 ex.), Tetras 420-407 BC (CNS 31), Hexas 200 425-409 BC (CNS 34), Hemilitron 415-409 BC (CNS 35, 3 ex.), Tetras 400-397 BC (CNS 39), Hexas 400-397 BC (CNS 41), Hexas 400-397 BC (CNS 42, 3 ex.), Hexas 450-409 BC (CNS 44, 2 ex. and 45). Total (15). BR.   G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 208 ex. 210 ex. 209 208 Lot of 5 coins: Hipana, 357-338 BC. Bronze (2 ex. 3.89 g., 3.71 g. CNS 1); Kamarina, 420-405 BC. Onkia 250 (3.51 g. CNS 13), Tetras (3.21 g. CNS 20), Tetras (3.20 g., CNS 21). Total (5). BR.  G to VF+  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 209 Selinos. Lot of 6 coins: 450-409 BC. Pentonkion (CNS 1), Trionkia (CNS 3), Tetras (2 ex., CNS 6, CNS 9), 400 Hexas (CNS 9), Hemilitron (CNS 11). Total (6). BR.   G to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 210 Lot of 19 coins : Selinos. Trias 430-415 BC (CNS 3), Tetras 435-415 BC (CNS 6, 2 ex.), Hexas 450-440 500 BC (CNS 8), Hexas 440-425 BC (CNS 9, 3 ex.), Onkia 435-415 BC (Calciati 10, 6 ex.); Kamarina. Tetras 420-405 BC (HGC 2, 546), Tetras 420-405 BC (HGC 2, 547, 2 ex.), Tetras 420-405 BC (HGC 2, 548), Obol 420-405 BC (HGC 2, 552, 2 ex.). Total (19). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

26 ex. 211 ex. 213 ex. 212 211 Syracuse. Lo t of 8 coins: Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. Onkia (1.42 g., CNS 9); Dionysios I, 405-367 500 BC. Hemilitron (4 ex. 3.51 g., 4.25 g., 3.31 g., 3.03 g., CNS 24), Hemilitron (7.87 g. CNS 44), Hemilitron (6.43 g., CNS 46); Timoleon and the Third Democracy 344-317 BC. Hemilitron (5.02 g., CNS 79). Total (8). BR.  G to VF+ From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 212 Lot of 5 coins: Second Democracy, 466-405 BC. Hemilitron (3.98 g., CNS 20); Dionysios I, 405-367 BC. 250 Hemilitron (2 ex. 4.91 g., 4.88 g., CNS 16, 18); Hiketas II, 287-278 BC. Bronze (2 ex. 11.16 g., 10.06 g., CNS 154). Total (5). BR.   F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 213 Lot of 18 coins : Tetras 425 BC (CNS 1, 2 ex.), Onkia 425-415 BC (CNS 9), Tetras 410 BC (CNS 11), Tetras 400 400-375 BC (CNS 14), Hemilitron 415 BC (CNS 18, 2 ex.), Hemilitron 410-405 BC (CNS 19) ; Dionysos I, 405-367 BC. Hemilitron (CNS 24, 2 ex.); Timoleon, 344-317 BC. Hemilitron (CNS 79), Dilitron (CNS 80); Hiketas, 287-278 BC. Bronze 22mm (CNS 154), Bronze 26mm (CNS 312, 2 ex.); Hieron II, 274-216 BC. Bronze 20mm (CNS 192) ; Roman administration. Bronze 214-212 BC (CNS 213); Bronze countermarked with a shell (11.84 g.). Total (18). BR.   G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 215 ex. 214 214 Lot of 20 coins : Dionysos I, 405-367 BC. Hemilitron Phrygillos (CNS 19), Litra (CNS 34, 3 ex. And CNS 400 35, 1 ex.); Agathokles, 317-289 BC. Trias (CNS 99), Bronze 16 mm (CNS 104), Hemilitron (CNS 116), Litra (CNS 151, 2 ex. 8.30 and 11.40 g.); Hieron II, 275-215 BC. Hemilitron (CNS 191, 2 ex.), Hemilitron (CNS 192), Dilitron (CNS 193), Litra (CNS 197, 2 ex.), 1/8 Chalkon (CNS 199, 2 ex.), Litra (CNS 201), Bronze 16 mm (CNS 203). Total (20). BR.  G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 215 Lot of 3 coins: Dionysos II, 367-357 BC. Bronze (2 ex., 13.58 g., 9.21 g., CNS 1, CNS 19); Dio, 357 BC. 250 Bronze (15.84 g., CNS 70). Total (3). BR.  F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

27 216 Lot of 4 coins: Timoleon and the 3rd Democracy, 344-317 BC. Bronze (3 ex., 19.97 g., 14.72 g., CNS 80, 250 CNS 72, CNS 85); Hieronymos, 215-214 BC. Bronze (8.27 g., CNS 204). Total (4). BR.  F to VF From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 217 Lot of 5 coins: Agathokles, 317-289 BC. Bronze (5 ex., 2.98 g., 2.15 g., 3.76 g., 6.17 g., 7.81 g., CNS 101, 300 CNS 119, CNS 151, CNS 123, CNS 125). Total (5). BR.   F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 218 Lot of 5 coins: Hieron II, 275-215 BC, Bronze (3.68 g., CNS 191), Bronze (3.53 g., CNS 192), Bronze 300 (2 ex., 6.28 g., 5.42 g., CNS 194), Bronze (4.43 g., CNS 199). Total (5). BR.  F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 219 Macedonian Kingdom. Alexander III, 336-323 BC. Lot of 4 coins : Tetradrachm, diverse mints (4 ex.). 500 Total (4). AR. 16.57, 16.64, 16.88, 16.76 g.  F to VF, one repaired From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

ex. 220

ex. 222

220 Lot of 9 coins : Cappadocia. Ariobarzanes I, 93-62 BC. Drachm (Sear 7301); Baktria. Antimachos II, 200 174-165 BC. Drachm (Mitch. 135); Menander I, 165-130 BC. Drachm (Mitch. 215, 2 ex.); Antialkidas, 130-120 BC. Drachm (Mitch. 277); , 90-70 BC. Drachm, (Mitch. 419); Apollodotos II, 80-65 BC. Drachm (Mitch. 424); Azes II, 58-12 BC. Drachm (Mitch. 856); Strato II, 25 BC - 10 AD. Drachm (Mitch. 473). Total (9). AR.   G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 221 Lot of 4 coins : Mysia, Pergamon. Cistophoric Tetradrachm 166-167 BC (SNG France 1754); Seleukid Empire. 150 Demetrios II, 129-125 BC. Tetradrachm 128-127 BC (HGC 9, 1122); Ptolemaic Kingdom. Ptolemy II, 285-246 BC. Tetradrachm; Ptolemy VIII, 145-116 BC. Tetradrachm, Paphos. Total (4). AR.  G to VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 222 Lot of 22 coins : Parthian Kingdom. Vologases IV, 147-191. Drachm; Sassanian Kingdom. Khosrau II, 400 591-628. Drachm (19 ex.); Hormizd VI, 630-632. Drachm; Umar ibn al-Ala, 771-782. Hemidrachm. Total (22). AR.   F to AU  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

28 ex. 224

ex. 223 223 Zeugitania. Lo t of 11 coins: Carthage, 400-201 BC. Bronze (4 ex., 5.50 g., 3.86 g., 4.62 g., 4.03 g., SNG Cop 500 95-96), Bronze (3 ex., 6.28 g., 5.65 g., 5.02 g., SNG Cop 165), Bronze (2 ex., 2.35 g., 2.78 g., SNG Cop 109- 119), Bronze (6.07 g., SNG Cop 347), ½ Shekel (2.77 g., SNG Cop 397-8). Total (11). BR.  G to XF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 224 Lot of 11 coins : Carthage. 1½ Shekel (CNP 103); Sicily. Bronze 15 mm (CNS 1 and 4, 2 ex.), Bronze 100 18mm (CNS 10, 2 ex.), Bronze 15 mm (CNS 11), Bronze 16mm (CNS 20, 2 ex.); Sardinia. Dishekel (CNP 248), Bronze 17 mm (CNP 377). Total (11). BR.   G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

225 227 227


225 Anonymous. Didrachm 225-214 BC. RRC 28/3. AR. 6.37 g.  AU  500 Nice condition and well centered.

226 Lucania. Paestum. Semis, 90-44 BC. RRC 35/1; HN Italy 1254. BR. 2.96 g.  F  20 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  227 Anonymous. 60 Asses 211-208 BC, Rome. Obv. Helmeted head of Mars right, value behind (VI ligate X). 1500 Rev. ROMA. Eagle on thunderbolt. RRC 44/2. AU. 3.33 g.  XF-AU reverse off-center  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Gerhard Hirsch Nachf. auction 179, 21 September 1993, lot 730. 

228 230 231

228 Denarius 211-208 BC. RRC 44/5. AR. 3.96 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 40, May 1983, lot 125. 

229 Furius Purpurio. Denarius 169-158 BC, Rome. RRC 187/1. AR. 3.84 g.  XF+ 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 546, February 1991, lot 39. 

230 L. Saufeius. Denarius 152 BC, Rome. RRC 204/1. AR. 3.65 g.  AU  200 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 26. Nice toning.

231 Sex. Pompeius Fostlus. Denarius 137 BC, Rome. RRC 235/1. AR. 3.99 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 26, August 1978, lot 125. 

29 232 233 235 236

232 M. Fannius C. f. Denarius 123 BC, Rome. RRC 275/1. AR. 3.81 g.  AU  100 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 38. 

233 M. Furius L. f. Philus. Denarius 119 BC, Rome. RRC 281/1. AR. 3.96 g.  VF+ old cleaning 150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zurich Monetarium list, September 1991, lot 14.  234 Appius Claudius Pulcher, T. Manlius Mancius, and Q. Urbinius. Denarius 111-110 BC, Rome. RRC 50 299/1a. AR. 3.99 g.   VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

235 M. Herennius. Denarius 108-107 BC, Rome. RRC 308/1b. AR. 3.79 g.  VF-XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zurich Monetarium list, September 1991, lot 21. 

236 L. Thorius Balbus. Denarius 100-95 BC, Rome. RRC 316/1. AR. 4.00 g.  XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 21, December 1976, lot 141. 

237 238 239

237 Q. Minucius Thermus. Denarius 103 BC, Rome. RRC 319/1. AR. 3.83 g.  VF-XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 26, August 1978, lot 134. 

238 M. Servilius. Denarius 100 BC, Rome. RRC 327/1. AR. 3.35 g.  VF-XF  100  239 L. Pomponius Molo. Denarius 97 BC, Rome. RRC 334/1. AR. 3.81 g.  AU  150 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 107. Off center.

242 240 241 243

240 L. Calpurnius Piso Frugi. Denarius 90 BC, Rome. RRC 340/1. AR. 3.66 g.  AU  100 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 113.  Nice toning.

241 C. Postumius. Denarius 73 BC, Rome. RRC 394/1a AR. 3.99 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 21, December 1976, lot 150. 

242 C. Hosidius C. f. Geta. Denarius 68 BC, Rome. RRC 407/2. AR. 3.83 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 21, December 1976, lot 153. 

243 Faustus Cornelius Sulla. Denarius 56 BC, Rome. RRC 426/4a. AR. 3.78 g.  XF+ 100 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 218. 

30 244 245 246 247

244 Q. Cassius Longinus. Denarius 55 BC, Rome. RRC 428/3. AR. 3.63 g.  Nice AU  300 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 238.  Nice toning.

245 Denarius 55 BC, Rome. RRC 428/3. AR. 3.88 g.  Nice AU  300 Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 239.  Nice toning.

246 Julius Caesar, 49-44 BC. Den arius 49 BC, military mint moving with Caesar. RRC 443/1. AR. 3.80 g.  VF  250  247 Denarius 48-47 BC, military mint in North Africa. RRC 458/1. AR. 3.84 g.  VF+ countermark 250

248 249 250

248 Denarius 48-47 BC, military mint in North Africa. RRC 458/1. AR. 3.81 g.  VF cleaned  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

249 Mn. Cordius Rufus. Denarius 46 BC, Rome. RRC 463/1a. AR. 4.24 g.  VF 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 26, August 1978, lot 57. 

250 L. Mussidius Longus. Denarius 42 BC, Rome. RRC 494/42b. AR. 3.74 g.  XF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  The reverse shows the cloacinae sacrum, in front of the basilica Aemilia, which was one of the principal sewer grates named “cloaca maxima”.

251 251 C. Cassius Longinus and Lentulus Spinter. Aureus 43-42 BC. Mint moving with Cassius. Obv. C CASSI 15’000 IMP - LEIBERTAS. Diademed head of Vesta right. Rev. LENTVLVS SPINT. Sacrificial vase and lituus. RRC 500/2; Calicó 65; Babelon (Cassia) 15; Sydenham 1306; Cohen 3; Bahrfeldt 58. AU. 7.95 g.  XF  Ex. Munzen & Medaillen AG auction 43, 12-13 November 1970, lot 237; Ex Vinchon auction, 23-24 April 1976, lot 210. 

In 43 BC, Octavian, Mark Antony and Lepidus form a second Triumvirate to put an end to the chaos generated by the death of Julius Caesar. At the end of the year 42, the forces that had remained loyal to Caesar and led by the Triumvirs confront the Republican army, federated around Cassius and Brutus, the assassins of the dictator. During the second battle of Philippi in Macedonia, Octavian’s legions, associated with Mark Antony’s fleet and troops, succeed in defeating the armies of Cassius and Brutus, forcing the latter to commit suicide in October of the same year. Cassius would be pierced by the lance of his most faithful soldier, and only the head of Brutus would return to Rome. Learning this terrible news, the latter’s wife, Porcia, the daughter of Cato of Utica, also preferred to put herself to death by swallowing burning charcoal, but her suicide, was mostly probably by carbon monoxide poisoning from inhaling the toxic gazes. This famous scene is reproduced on a magnificent painting by Pierre Mignard (1612-1695), from the collections of Robien, still conserved in Rennes.

31 252 253

ex. 254 252 Mark Antony and Octavia, 43-30 BC. Cistophorus 39 BC, Ephesus. RPC 2201; Sydenham 1197. 150 AR. 11.72 g.  F-VF cleaned From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

253 Cistophorus 39 BC, Ephesus. RPC 2202; Sydenham 1198. AR. 12.07 g.  VF+  500 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 572, February 1994, lot 42.  254 Lot of 7 coins : L. Minucius. Denarius 133 BC (RRC 248/1); Cn. Domitius Ahenobarbus. Denarius 128 BC 200 (RRC 261/1), Denarius 116-115 BC (RRC 285/1); C. Vibius C. f. Pansa. Denarius 90 BC (RRC 342/5); L. Titurius L. f. Sabinus. Denarius 89 BC (RRC 344/1); Mn. Fonteius C. f. Denarius 85 BC (RRC 353/1, marks); L. Cassius Longinus. Denarius 60 BC (RRC 413/1). Total (7). AR.  F to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.


255 Augustus, 27 BC-14 AD. As 7 BC, Rome. P. Lurius Agrippa moneyer. RIC 427. BR. 10.13 g.  VF 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

256 Sestertius 17 BC, Rome. C. Gallius Lupercus moneyer. RIC 377. BR. 24.93 g.  VF corroded 150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  257 Kings of Thrace. Rhoemeltaces I & Pythodoris. Bron ze, time of Augustus, 11-12 AC. RPC 1711. 50 BR. 10.44 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

258 259 260 258 Augustus, with Agrippa, 27 BC-AD 14. Dupondius class II, 27-9 BC, Nemausus. RIC 155; RPC I 523. BR. 100 12.41 g.  VF  Rare variety with two dots on obverse, maybe struck in Orange.

259 Dupondius class II, 27-9 BC, Nemausus. RIC 155; RPC I 523. BR. 13.29 g.  VF-XF  120 Variant with the beard of Agrippa well detailed.

260 Ionia. Cistophorus 25-20 BC, Ephesus. RPC I 2213. AR. 11.65 g.  F-VF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

32 261 264

261 Cistophoric Tetradrachm 25 BC, Ephesus. RPC I 2214. AR. 11.82 g.  VF-XF toned  500 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 553, April 1992, lot 38. 

262 Bronze 10 BC, . Leontiskos Hippomedontos, Strateges. RPC I 2466. BR. 5.76 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG 1952, lot 315.  263 Seleucis and Pieria. Trichalkon 12-13 BC, Antioch on the Orontes. Q. Cecillius Metellus Creticus Silanus 50 legate. RPC 4269. BR. 7.25 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

264 Tetradrachm year 30 (2-1 BC), Antioch. Prieur 55; RPC 4156. AR. 15.25 g.  VF-XF  400 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 568, September 1993, lot 13. 

265 Tetradrachm year 27 (5-4 BC), Antioch. RPC 4259 BR. 17.81 g.  F-VF reverse corroded  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

266 267

266 Tiberius, 14-37. Sestertius 22-23, Rome. RIC 48. BR. 17.52 g.  VF  400 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

267 Sestertius 36-37, Rome. RIC 66. BR.. 27.49 g.  VF tooled, flan crack  400 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 483, May 1980, lot 111. 

269 270 268 271

268 Denarius 36-37, Lugdunum. «Tribute Penny» type, group 6. RIC 30. AR. 3.78 g.  Nice AU  500 Ex. Glendining auction, 24 September 1975, lot 84. Rare in this condition. Well struck and centered.

269 Quinarius 14-17, Lugdunum. Obv. TI DIVI F AVGVSTVS, Laureate head to left. Rev. TR POT XVII, Victory 3000 seated to right on a globe holding wreath in both hands. King 1; RIC 5. AU. 3.80 g.   XF-AU light cleaning Ex. NAC auction 111, 24 september 2018, lot 157.  Very rare especially in this condition. 270 Quinarius 33-34, Lugdunum. Obv. TI CAESAR DIVI - AVG F AVGUSTUS. Laureate head left. Rev. TR 10’000 POT XXXV. Victory seated on globe holding crown. King 16; RIC 19. AU. 3.88 g.  XF+ 

271 Aureus «Tribute Penny» 14-37, Lugdnum. Obv. TI CAESAR DIVI AVG F AVGVSTVS. Laureate head to 4000 right. Rev. PONTIF MAXIM. Livia (as Pax) seated right on chair, holding inverted spear and olive branch; ornate chair legs. Calicó 305. AU. 7.73 g.  AU  Exceptionnal condition for this issue.

33 272 276 275

272 Lucania. Bronze, Paestum. C. Lolli and M. Doi (Duoviri). RPC 605. BR. 4.70 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare.

273 Ionia. Bronze, Samos. RPC 2682. BR. 4.46 g.  F-VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

274 Seleucis and Pieria. As 31-32, Antioch on the Orontes. RPC 4272. BR. 16.84 g.  VF 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG 1961. 

275 Caligula, 37-41. Dupondius 40-41, Rome. RIC 49. BR. 11.76 g.  VF smoothed, tooled  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  276 Claudius I, 41-54. Aureus 44-45, Lugdunum. Obv. TI CLAVD CAESAR AVG PM TR P IIII, laureate 7500 head right. Rev. IMPER RECEPT, across upper section of wall, Claudius seated left, holding scepter; to left, signum; all within distyle building with crescent in pediment and flanked by crenelated walls with arched entries; all set on crenelated wall with two arched entries. Calicó 361. AU. 7.67 g.  XF+ Ex. Gerhard Hirsh auction 313, 23 september 2015, lot 2058.  An historical issue. The reverse signifies the decisive influence of the Praetorian troops in his accession. In addition, this reverse is also a beautiful snapshot of a monument disappeared from imperial Rome, the Castra Praetoria.

277 Mysia. Bronze 50-54, Pergamon. Nero and Britannicus as Caesar. RPC 2371. BR. 3.65 g.  F+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very Rare. Only 16 ex. known in RPC.

278 Ionia. Cistophorus 41-42, Ephesus. RPC 2221. AR. 10.36 g.  F harshly cleaned 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

282 279 280

279 Cistophorus 41-42, Ephesus. RPC 2222. AR. 10.74 g.  VF-XF  750 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 500, June 1987, lot 34.  Located on a very ancient place of worship in Artemis, the temple of Ephesus or Artemision was one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Its construction was financed by the famous king of Lydia, Croesus. Its dimensions were colossal, about 138 m long and 72 m wide. It was also the first banking establishment in the ancient world. The Temple in sight of its importance attracted a large number of pilgrims and donations were made by various kings and neighboring cities. Although destroyed in 356 BC by arson, started by a poor fellow named Erostratus (his ambition being to leave his name to posterity), the temple was rebuilt identically by various cities who benefited from its function as a bank in the time of . The depiction of this temple on the Cistophores gives a perspective to the size and magnificence of this masterpiece of ancient architecture.

280 Cistophorus 50-51, Ephesus. RPC 2224. AR. 10.59 g.  F-VF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Purchased from Dr. Alain Baron.  The cult of Artemis in Ephesus occupies an ancient and predominant place in the life of the local cities. Only a few vestiges of the majestic temple dedicated to the goddess remain today. Destroyed and rebuilt several times the temple is completely abandoned along with the cult under Theodosius I in 397 AD. Only one representation of the statue dedicated to Artemis has survived. A single alabaster copy found during the excavations of Villa Adriana in Tivoli and is part of the Farnese collection.

281 Lydia. Bronze, Thyateira. RPC 2380 BR. 4.22 g.  F 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

282 Cappadocia. Didrachm 44-48, Caesarea. RIC 122; RPC 3625. AR. 7.28 g.  F-VF cleaned 500 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 50, December 1986, lot 82. 

34 283 284

283 Nero, 54-68. As 65, Rome. RIC 307. BR. 11.70 g.  VF+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

284 Sestertius 64, Rome. RIC 138. BR. 25.04 g.  F  550 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare variety with head left.

285 286

285 Sestertius 64, Rome. RIC 147. BR. 27.57 g.  XF+  300 Ex. Glendining auction,16 April 1975, lot 90. 

286 Sestertius 65, Rome. RIC 273. BR. 26.34 g.  F-VF tooled, corroded  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

287 288

287 Sestertius 66, Rome. RIC 329. BR. 25.01 g.  F+ corroded 300 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

288 Sestertius 66, Lugdunum. RIC 517. BR. 24.60 g.  XF  200 Ex. Glendining auction,16 April 1975, lot 91. 

289 291 289 Aureus 66-67, Rome. Obv. IMP NER CAESAR AVGVSTVS. Laureate head left. Rev. IVPITER CVSTOS. 20’000 Jupiter seated right holding thunderbolt and hasta. Calicó 413. AU. 7.33 g.  AU edge marks  290 Lycaonia. Diassarion, Iconium. RPC 3544. BR. 11.25 g.  F-VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  291 Seleucis and Pieria. T etradrachm year 105 of Cesarean Era and year 3 of Nero (56-57), Antioch. Prieur 74; 150 RPC 4175. AR. 13.67 g.  F-VF porous, tooled From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

35 292 293

292 Galba, 68-69. Dupondius 68-69, Rome. RIC -. BR. 13.60 g. RRR  VF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

293 Sestertius 68, Rome. RIC 356. BR. 24.03 g.  F+ corroded 400 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very Rare.


294 296

294 Vitellius, 69. Dupondius 69, Rome. RIC 149. BR. 14.14 g.  F-VF tooled, corroded  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare reverse with legend PAX AVGVSTI and Pax setting fire to arms.

295 Denarius 69, Rome. RIC 90. AR. 2.88 g.  VF-XF tooled 200  296 Vespasian, 69-79. Sestertius 71, Rome. RIC 247. BR. 25.61 g.  F+ edge marks  400 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

297 Denarius 71, Rome. RIC 43. AR. 3.26 g.  VF+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

298 299 302

298 Denarius 77-78, Rome. RIC 941. AR. 3.54 g.  VF+ edge defects 200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  299 Aureus 74, Rome. Obv. VESPASIANVS AVG - IMP CAESAR. Laureate head right. Rev. FORTVNA - AVGVST. 1500 Fortuna standing on a base, holding rudder and cornucopiae. RIC 699; Calicó 631. AU. 7.16 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 50, December 1986, lot 87. 

300 Judaea. Bronze CY 176 (72-73), Ascalon. RPC 2203. BR. 7.26 g.  F+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

301 Domitian as Caesar, 69-81. Denarius 70-75, Rome. RIC 680. AR. 3.42 g.  VF-XF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

302 Titus, 79-81. As 80-81, Rome. Restitution issue struck under Titus. RIC 437. BR. 8.72 g.  F-VF  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

303 Julia Titi, 79-91. Denarius 80-81, Rome. RIC 388. AR. 3.19 g.  F-VF graffiti  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

36 304 305

304 Domitian, 81-96. As 88, Rome. Secular Game issue. RIC 624. BR. 11.56 g.  VF 150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

305 Sestertius 85, Rome. RIC 277. BR. 25.05 g.  VF  900 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.



306 Sestertius 90-91, Rome. RIC 702. BR. 22.28 g.  F-VF tooled 300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  307 Aureus 80, Rome. Obv. CAESAR DIVI F DOMITIANVS COS VII. Laureate head to right. Rev. PRINCEPS 5000 IVVENTVTIS. Throne of Minerva; crested Corinthian helmet set on a draped square seat. Calicó 920. AU. 7.33 g.   Nice AU, edge marks, scratch on obverse  Ex. MDC auction 4, 15 november 2018, lot 82. 

308 309

308 Ionia. Cistophorus 82, Ephesus. RPC 865. AR. 10.52 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

309 Cistophorus 95, Ephesus. RPC 874. AR. 9.72 g.  VF+  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

311 310

310 Nerva, 96-98. Sestertius 97, Rome. RIC 93. BR. 28.85 g. R  VG 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  On the abolition of the «munus vehicularium», a tax to finance the organisation of the transport infrastructures troughout the Empire.

311 Trajan, 98-117. Dupondius 104-107, Rome. RIC 507; Woytek 201b. BR. 11.78 g.  VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

37 312 313

312 Sestertius 103-111, Rome. RIC 543; Woytek 317b. BR. 20.91 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

313 Sestertius 114-116, Rome. RIC 656; Woytek 548v. BR. 27.29 g.  F+  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

314 Sestertius 114-117, Rome. RIC 651; Woytek 505v. BR. 24.57 g.  F-VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

315 Denarius 107-108, Rome. RIC 100; Woytek 217. AR. 2.65 g.  VF tooled 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

316 317 318

316 Denarius 107-108, Rome. RIC 122; Woytek 271b. AR. 2.98 g.  XF+ 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

317 Denarius 107-108, Rome. RIC 147b; Woytek cf. 268b. AR. 3.17 g.  VF+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

318 Denarius 108-109, Rome. RIC 98; Woytek 283b. AR. 3.16 g.  VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

319 319 Aureus 113, Rome. Obv. IMP TRAIANVS AVG GER DAC P M TR P COS VI P P. Draped, cuirassed 15’000 and laureate three-quarter bust of Trajan right. Rev. FORVM TRAIAN in exergue. Trajan’s forum main entrance, with two columns under the pediment and two on each side. A gate at the center, and statues between the other columns, a shield over the gate and each statue. Over the edifice, a chariot drawn by six horses driven by Trajan crowned by the Victory and holding a branch. On each side, a soldier guiding the chariot, a trophy and a Victory. RIC 257; Calicó 1031; Woytek 409f. AU. 7.27 g.  AU  Very rare.

The Forum of Trajan is one of the most impressive architectural complexes left to us from Roman Antiquity. Built in the heart of the Eternal City, it extends to those of Caesar and Augustus. Located at the foot of the Quirinal, it exposes to visitors the splendor and prowess of Roman architecture at its peak. In 106, when Trajan finally defeated the Dacians and seized their fabulous treasure, he desired to remind the people of Rome of his feat. He decided to build his own forum and wanted it to surpass those of his illustrious predecessors. To achieve such a feat, Trajan must spend lavishly. The war he has just won will easily allow him to do so. The loot is colossal: 500,000 prisoners, 162 tons of gold and twice as much in silver. The gold of our commemorative coin certainly comes from this fabulous treasure. Unlike Trajan’s Column, which can still be admired on his forum, the arch of the main entrance, celebrating the triumph over the Dacians, has all but disappeared. These historical representations are extremely rare witnesses of its splendor, of which our example offers a particularly well-preserved view. Such a representation has obviously caught the attention of numismatists. Some authors, such as Georges Depeyrot, hypothesize that these aurei then served as models throughout the Empire. Without going that far, it is clear that this spectacular coin is amazing with its realism, precision and the quality of its execution.

38 320 321

320 Seleucis and Pieria. Tetradrachm 110-111, Antioch. Prieur 3515. AR. 13.36 g.  F+ tooled 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

321 Tetradrachm 110-111, Antioch. Prieur 3515. AR. 13.56 g.  F+ tooled 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

322 Hadrian, 117-138. As 124-128, Rome. RIC 673. BR. 10.49 g.  F-VF tooled  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

323 324

323 As 134-138, Rome. RIC 841. BR. 11.26 g.  VF 150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Interesting Africa reverse; travel series.

324 Dupondius 125-128, Rome. RIC 658/9. BR. 12.93 g.  VF reverse corroded 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

325 326

325 Sestertius 119-121, Rome. RIC 614. BR. 25.68 g.  VF flan cracked, traces of lacquer 200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

326 Sestertius 121, Rome. RIC 450. BR. 24.25 g.  F-VF cleaned  400 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

327 Sestertius 120-121, Rome. RIC 472. BR. 24.00 g.  F-VF tooled  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

329 328

328 Sestertius 125-128, Rome. RIC 631b. BR. 24.88 g.  VF tooled 250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

329 Sestertius 134-138, Rome. RIC 743. BR. 27.59 g.  F+ tooled  250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

39 330 331

330 Denarius 119-122, Rome. RIC 85. AR. 3.81 g.  XF-AU  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zurich Monetarium list, September 1989, lot 14. 

331 Denarius 119-122, Rome. RIC 90. AR. 3.40 g.  AU  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Basel public auction, 22 September 1979, lot 1048.

332 Denarius 119-122, Rome. RIC 570. AR. 3.20 g.  XF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

333 333 Aureus 134-138, Rome. Obv. HADRIANVS AVG COS IIII PP. Bare head to right. Rev. AEGYPTOS. 2000 Egypt reclining left on serpent-entwined basket, holding sistrum; at feet, ibis standing right. Calicó 1184. AU. 7.13 g.  VF edge marks An interesting issue related to the Hadrian’s travel. Hadrian was nicknamed «the traveler’s Emperor». He spent a large part of his reign to travel all over the Empire and he was the first emperor to visit all provinces. He ordered to struck some issues to commemorate them.

334 Pontus. Bronze CY 138 (135-136), Amasia. RPC 2913; Dalaison 39. BR.. 25.26 g.  F  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Extremely rare. Only 4 ex. known in RPC.

335 . Bronze, Cibyra. RPC 2296. BR. 7.86 g.  F+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Possibily the second known. Only another exemplar in Glasgow, Hunterian Museum collection.

336 339 338

336 Cilicia. Diassarion, Germanicopolis. RPC 3209; SNG von Aulock 8674. BR. 5.32 g.  VF+ corroded 150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Samlung Prowe, Egger Bruder auction XVLI, 11 May 1914, lot 2183.  The city of Germanicopolis was founded by the Graeco-Armenian King Antiochios IV of Commagene in honor of his Roman patron Germanicus. Its only coinage dates to the time of Hadrian, whose name it bore as an epithet.

337 Egypt. Drachm year 18 (133-134), Alexandria. RPC 5915; Dattari 1996; Emett 1053.18. BR. 23.07 g.  F corroded 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

338 Drachm 135-137, Alexandria. Antinous. RPC 6228; Blum 2. BR. 18.85 g.  G plugged  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very little monetary representation of Antinoos has survived today. They are exceptionally rare. Popularized by Marguerite Yourcenar’s novel, little is known about the life of this young man from Bithynia. He was probably born between the years of 110-112. He probably met Hadrian during his last trip to in 123. He became, during the Emperor’s travels, his darling and lover. His drowning death in 130 near the city of Hermopolis Magna in Egypt raises a number of questions. A number of researchers hypothesize that Antinoos chose to throw himself into the Nile in a rite to prolong the years of his lover’s life. Hadrian, mad with grief at the loss of his beloved, founded the city of Antinoupolis on the site of his disappearance and encouraged divine worship of the person of Antinoos.

339 Tetradrachm year 11 (126-127), Alexandria. RPC III 5649. BI. 13.49 g.  VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 568, September 1993, lot 20. 

40 341


340 Sabina, 128-137. Sestertius 128-134, Rome. RIC 1036. BR. 23.81 g.  VF  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

341 Aelius, 136-138. Denarius 137, Rome. RIC 436. AR. 2.91 g.  F-VF tooled  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very scarce with head at left.

342 Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Sestertius 140-144, Rome. RIC 616. BR. 26.46 g.  F-VF tooled  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

344 343

343 Sestertius 140, Rome. RIC 648. BR. 27.78 g.  VF tooled, porous  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

344 Sestertius 147-148, Rome. RIC 772. BR. 27.31 g.  VF heavy corrosion  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 



345 Sestertius 161, Rome. RIC 1269. BR. 27.41 g.  VF  200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.. 

346 Denarius 145-161, Rome. RIC 137. AR. 3.32 g.  VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

347 Denarius 155-156, Rome. RIC cf. 137. AR. 3.39 g.  F-VF porous  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare with TR P XIX in obverse legend.

348 Denarius 161, Rome. RIC 438. AR. 3.20 g.  XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

349 Denarius 161, Rome. RIC 441. AR. 3.10 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

41 350 351 350 Aureus 138, Rome. Obv. IMP CAES AEL - ANTONINVS AVG. Laureate head right. Rev. PONT MAX - 1500 TR POT COS. Pietas standing right, hands raised above an altar. RIC -; Calicó 1608. AU. 6.87 g.   VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zürich Monetarium list 57, spring 1992, lot 161.  351 Aureus 159-160, Rome. Obv. ANTONINVS PIVS PP TR P XXIII. Laureate head to right. Rev. PIETATI 2000 AVG COS IIII. Pietas, draped, standing left, holding globe on right hand and child on left arm; at her sides, both left and right, a child standing left and raising right hand. Calicó 1603a. AU. 7.12 g.   XF  352 Troas. Bronze, . Marcus Aurelius as Caesar. RPC 2593. BR. 7.51 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Only 1 ex. known in RPC.

353 356

353 Cyprus. Bronze 147-161, Koinon of Cyprus. RPC online 5042. BR.. 19.22 g.  VF+ corroded 200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

354 Faustina I, 138-141. Sestertius 138-141, Rome. RIC 1076. BR. 21.63 g. R  F-VF tooled, flan cracked 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

355 Sestertius 141, Rome. RIC 1105. BR. 24.38 g.  F-VF tooled 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

356 Sestertius 141, Rome. RIC 1146a. BR. 27.04 g.  F-VF tooled, large cracks 250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare with left facing.


358 3:2 3:2

357 Aureus 147-150, Rome. Obv. DIVA FAVSTINA. Draped bust right. Her hairs bound with pearls and 10’000 piled up on top of her head. Rev. AVG-VSTA. Ceres standing left holding torch in each hand. Calicó 1758. AU. 7.26 g.  Nice AU  Ex. NGSA auction 12, 18 November 2019, lot 134. 

358 Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Sestertius 169, Rome. RIC 963. BR. 27.90 g.  VF corroded 700 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

359 Sestertius 173, Rome. RIC 1080. BR. 26.03 g.  F+ tooled 150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

42 360 Sestertius 158-169, Rome. As Caesar. RIC 1342. BR. 22.81 g.  F+ tooled 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

361 Sestertius 166, Rome. Victory over the Parthes RIC 931. BR. 23.75 g.  F-VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

362 Sestertius 166-167, Rome. RIC 948. BR. 22.09 g.  F-VF tooled  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

363 364

363 Sestertius 170-171, Rome. RIC 1005. BR. 21.64 g.  F-VF tooled 250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medaillen AG list 483, 1985, lot 92.

364 Sestertius, Rome 172-173. RIC 1058. BR. 24.32 g.  VF  150 Victory against Quades and Marcomani.

368 366 372

365 Sestertius 171, Rome. RIC 1216. BR. 26.28 g.  F+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

366 Sestertius 180, Rome. Posthumous issue. RIC 662. BR. 22.40 g.  VF-XF corroded  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

367 Denarius 148-149, Rome. RIC 444. AR. 3.20 g.  VF+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

368 Denarius 163-164, Rome. Armenia. RIC 80. AR. 3.20 g.  XF+ 100

369 Denarius 163-164, Rome. RIC 112. AR. 2.61 g.  VF flan cracked  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

370 Denarius 165-166, Rome. RIC 145. AR. 3.27 g.  VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

371 Denarius 171-172, Rome. RIC 261. AR. 3.10 g.  VF corroded 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

372 Faustina II, 147-175. As 147-150, Rome. RIC 1396b. BR. 10.93 g.  VF-XF  200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

373 Sestertius 145-146, Rome. RIC 1383. BR. 25.13 g.  VF+ corroded 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

374 Denarius 175-176, Rome. RIC 744. AR. 3.08 g.  VF graffiti on reverse 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  375 Lydia. Bronze 171-195, . Time of Marcus Aurelius & Commodus. RPC 9441; SNG von Aulock 75 3690. BR. 6.64 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

43 376 377

376 Lucius Verus, 161-169. As 163-164, Rome. RIC -. BR. 12.11 g.  VF+ tooled  250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Unlilsted in RIC and missing from the Paris, Berlin, and ANS collections. Close to RIC 1365, but with a cuirassed bust left on obverse, unusual for the period, and on reverse, Armenia seated on something instead that on the floor, and holding her head with his right hand.

377 Sestertius 161-169, Rome. RIC 1317. BR. 23.69 g.  VF 200 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

378 Sestertius 163-164, Rome. RIC 1396. BR. 22.64 g.  F+ tooled 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

379 Sestertius 169, Rome. RIC 1510. BR. 25.47 g.  F-VF  50  380 Cilicia. Bronze, . RPC 3584; SNG France 1458. BR. 16.75 g.  VG  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

383 381

381 Commodus, 180-192. Sestertius 181, Rome. RIC 310. BR. 25.23 g.  F+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

382 Sestertius 183, Rome. RIC 366. BR. 25.47 g.  F tooled, corroded  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

383 Sestertius 186, Rome. RIC 471a. BR. 21.67 g. R  F-VF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

384 385

384 Denarius 186-187, Rome. RIC 139. AR. 2.65 g.  VF graffiti on reverse 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

385 Mysia. Bronze, Pergamon. RPC 3273. BR. 5.00 g.  F-VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

386 Troas. Bronze, Ilion. RPC online 11280; SNG von Aulock 1536. BR. 7.62 g.  F+ green patina  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

387 Cilicia. Bronze, Hieropolis-Kastabala. RPC online 6184; SNG von Aulock 5575 BR. 12.45 g.  F  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

44 389

388 3:2 3:2

388 Manlia Scantilla, 193. Sestertius 193, Rome. Obv. MANL SCA-NTILLA AVG. Draped bust on the right. 500 Rev. IVNO RE-GINA. Juno draped and veiled, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; at her feet, peacock. RIC 18a. BR. 18.37 g. RR  F+ tooled  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Bank Leu auction 10, 29 May 1974, lot 217.  389 Aureus 193, Rome. Obv. MANL SCA-NTILLA AVG. Draped bust on the right. Rev. IVNO RE-GINA. 50’000 Juno draped and veiled, standing left, holding patera and sceptre; at her feet, peacock. Calicó 2400. AU. 6.73 g.  VF-XF Ex. Feuardent frères auction from «the Marquis de Traynel collection» 3-4 April 1914, lot 440; Ex. Hess Leu auction, 7 April 1960, lot 352; Ex. NFA auction 14, 29 November 1984, lot 465; Ex. NAC & Spink-Taisei auction from «The Gilbert Steinberg collection», 1 June 1994, lot 533; Ex. NAC auction 11, 29 April 1998, lot 465; NAC auction 24, 5 December 2002, lot 126; Ex. Gemini auction I, 11 January 2005, lot 391.  Very rare.



3:2 3:2

390 Septimius Severus, 193-211. Denarius 198-200, Rome. RIC 136. AR. 3.38 g.  XF  100  391 Denarius 201, Roma or Laodicea ad Mare. RIC 176. AR. 3.53 g.  VF 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

392 Denarius 203, Rome. RIC 267a. AR. 2.95 g.  VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Deity face at left. 393 Aureus 201, Rome. Obv. SEVERVS PIVS – AVG P M TR P VIIII. Laureate head right. Rev. AETERNIT 40’000 IMPERI Confronted busts of laureate, draped and cuirassed Caracalla on l., and Geta, bareheaded, draped and cuirassed right. Calicó 2602 (this coin). AU. 7.30 g.  Nice AU Ex Bank Leu auction 52 «From a Distinguished American collector», 15 May 1991, lot 222; Ex.NAC auction 46, 2 April 2008, lot 616; Ex. Stack’s Bowers Galleries auction 161, August 2011, lot 21631; Ex. NAC auction 114, 6 May 2019, lot 751. Illustrating Calicó.

394 Corcyra. Triassarion, Corcyra. SNG Cop 262. BR. 9.28 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

395 Caria. Medallion, Attuda. RPC -. BR. 38.86 g.  G 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

396 Bronze, Stratonicea. SNG von Aulock 2664-2665. BR. 15.69 g.  G broken flan  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare.

397 Phygia. Bronze, Bruzos. RPC -. BR. 14.33 g.  F+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

45 398 Pisidia. Assarion (?), Tityassos. RPC -. BR. 6.35 g.  F+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Countermark on obverse.

399 401 399 Julia Domna, 193-217. Dupondius 214, Rome. RIC 607. BR. 8.06 g.  F-VF cleaned 150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. Very rare.

400 Denarius 198-202, Laodicea ad Mare. RIC 646. AR. 3.20 g.  VF  100  401 Caracalla, 198-217. As 213, Rome. RIC 505. BR. 14.26 g.  VF-XF corroded  225 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

402 Sestertius 196-197, Rome. RIC 401. BR. 19.01 g.  F+ tooled  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

405 406 403

403 Sestertius 212-213, Rome. RIC 512a. BR. 22.83 g.  VF tooled 150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

404 Denarius 198, Rome. RIC 25b. AR. 3.20 g.  VF+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

405 Denarius 209, Rome. RIC 111. AR. 3.22 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

406 Denarius 210-213, Rome. RIC 222. AR. 3.20 g.  VF-XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Scarce with this reverse.

407 Denarius 213, Rome. RIC 206a. AR. 3.55 g.  VF-XF flan cut  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

408 3:2 3:2 409 408 Aureus 201, Rome. Obv. ANTONINVS PIVS AVG PON TR P IIII. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust on 23’000 right. Rev. CONCORDIAE AETERNAE. Jugate busts r. of Septimius Severus radiate, draped and cuirassed and Julia Domna diademed, draped and on crescent. Calicó 2849. AU. 7.07 g.  XF+ marks on the edge Ex Glendining & co. auction «From a Late Foreign Ambassador» 7-8 March 1957, lot 417; Ex. NAC auction 24 «From an European Nobleman», 5 December 2002, lot 145.; Ex. Triton auction VII, 5 January 2004, lot 997. 

409 Pontus. Tetrassarion CY 146 (209-210), Neocaesarea. SNG von Aulock 6760. BR. 15.24 g.  F+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

46 410 411 410 Caracalla & Geta. Caria. Medallion 197-211, Stratonicea. Obv. Confronted busts of Caracalla right and 400 [Geta] left, both laureate, draped, and cuirassed; countermark: helmeted laureate head of Caracalla within incuse circle. Rev. Hekate standing left, holding patera over altar and torch. SNG von Aulock -. BR. 31.60 g.  F+ tooled From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  The portrait of Geta has been erased as Damnatio memoriae after he was murdered in 212 by his brother, Caracalla. Countermark of bust of Carcalla. 411 Medallion before 209, Stratonicea. Obv. Confronted busts of Caracalla right, laureate, draped and cuirassed, 200 and [Geta] left, bareheaded, draped, and cuirassed; countermarks: laureate and draped bust right within incuse oval. Rev. Hekate standing left, holding patera and torch; to left, hound standing left. SNG von Aulock 2692. BR. 21.10 g.  VG tooled, corroded  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  The portrait of Geta has been erased as Damnatio memoriae after he was murdered in 212 by his brother, Caracalla. Countermark of bust of Carcalla.

412 Cyprus. Tetradrachm 215-217, Koinon of Cyprus. Bellinger 383. AR. 12.96 g.  VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

413 Phoenicia. Tetradrachm 213-217, Tyre. Prieur 1548. BI. 13.25 g.  F-VF tooled  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

414 417 419

414 Geta, 198-209. Denarius 200-205, Rome. RIC 6. AR. 3.24 g.  Nice AU  100 Ex. Glendining auction, 24 September 1975, lot 105.  Nice toning.

415 Denarius 200-202, Rome. RIC 20b. AR. 3.26 g.  VF+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zürich Monetarium 50, Autumn 1988, lot 154. 

416 Pamphylia. Bronze, Aspendus. SNG France 166-7 BR. 7.69 g.  F 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very Rare.

417 Plautilla, 202-205. Denarius 202, Rome. RIC 361. AR. 3.36 g.  VF+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

418 Denarius 202-203, Rome. RIC 365a. AR. 3.40 g.  VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

419 Macrinus, 217-218. Denarius 218, Rome. RIC 72. AR. 3.26 g.  VF corroded  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

420 Cilicia. Hexassarion, Tarsus. SNG Levante suppl. 101. BR. 13.33 g.  F corroded, flan broken 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

421 Julia Maesa, 218-224. Denarius 218-222, Rome. RIC 249 AR. 2.86 g.  VF+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

47 426

422 427 422 Elagabalus, 218-222. Sestertius 218, Rome. RIC 284. BR. 26.19 g.  F+ tooled 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

423 Pamphylia. Bronze, Perge. RPC -. BR. 8.77 g.  F corroded 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

424 Seleucis and Pieria. Bronze, Emesa. Pythian game issue. RPC -. BR. 7.35 g.  F corroded 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

425 Julia Paula, 219-220. Sestertius 220, Rome. RIC 381. BR. 18.27 g. R  VF tooled 150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

426 Denarius 219-220, Rome. RIC 211. AR. 2.82 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

427 Julia Mamaea, 222-235. Sestertius 228, Rome. RIC 694. BR. 19.33 g.  VF  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

428 Denarius 231, Rome. RIC 346. AR. 2.91 g.  VF  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

429 430

th 429 Sestertius 228, Rome, 9 emission. RIC 676. BR. 22.27 g.  VF+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

430 Severus Alexander, 222-235. Sestertius 230, Rome. RIC 563. BR. 18.89 g.  XF-AU  200  431 Sestertius 232, Rome. RIC 642. BR. 16.08 g.  XF+  100  432 Sestertius 232, Rome. RIC 648. BR. 17.48 g.  XF light corrosion  100 

433 434 433 Aureus 225, Rome. Obv. IMP C M AVR SEV ALEXAND AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust 16’000 right. Rev. P M TR P COS PP. Quadriga driven left. Calicó 3087. AU. 7.27 g.  XF small edge marks Ex. Ars Classica auction XVIII from Vicomte de Sartiges Collection , 10 October 1938, lot 377 ; Ex. Hess-Leu auction 41 24 April 1969, lot 394; Ex. Rauch auction 50, 19 April 1993, lot 334; Ex. Vinchon auction, 24 April 1996, lot 81; Ex. CNG auction Triton XX, 10 January 2017, lot 811.; Ex. CNG auction 106 13 September 2017, lot 791.; Ex. Jean Elsen auction 139, 8 December 2018, lot 204.  434 Aureus 228, Rome. Obv. IMP C M AVR SEV-ALEXAND AVG. Laureate, draped and cuirassed bust right. Rev. PM 13’000 TRP VII C-O-S II P P. Mars advancing right holding spear and trophy. Calicó 3116. AU. 6.96 g.  AU edge marks Ex. NAC auction 92 part 2, 24 May 2016, lot 2349.; Ex. Rauch auction 103, 23 May 2017, lot 460. 

48 435 Mesopotamia. Diassarion, Carrhae. BMC 53 var. BR. 12.42 g.  F tooled  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 436 Maximinus I, 235-238. Denarius 235-236, Rome. RIC 12. AR. 2.36 g.  VF corroded  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

437 438 439

437 Denarius 236-237, Rome. RIC 23. AR. 3.83 g.  UNC  100 Ex. Glendining auction, 24 September 1975, lot 105.  Virtually as struck.

438 Maximus caesar, 235-238. Sestertius 235-236, Rome. RIC 6. BR. 11.64 g.  VF  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

439 Sestertius 236-238, Rome. RIC 13. BR. 19.07 g.  VF+  150 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

440 Cilicia. Bronze, Tarsus. RPC 7142. BR. 13.92 g.  F  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very Rare. Only 7 ex. known in RPC.

441 442

441 Gordian II, 238. Sestertius 238, Rome. RIC 12. BR. 13.62 g.  F-VF smoothed 500 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very Rare.

442 Balbinus, 238. Sestertius 238, Rome. RIC 19. BR. 17.69 g.  F-VF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

443 444

443 Pupienus, 238. Sestertius 238, Rome. RIC 20. BR. 19.85 g.  VF tooled 300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Scarce.

444 Sestertius 238, Rome. RIC 23a. BR. 21.93 g.  VF  300 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Scarce.

445 Gordian III, 238-244. Sestertius 241, Rome. RIC 306. BR. 19.42 g.  VF corroded  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

446 Sestertius 244, Rome. RIC 339. BR. 19.51 g.  VF corroded  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

49 447 Pontus. Tetrassarion CY 178 (241-242), Neocaesarea. RPC online 19608; SNG von Aulock 6762. BR. 50 14.24 g.  VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

448 Lycia. Bronze, . RPC online 21582; SNG von Aulock 161-2. BR. 9.61 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare.

449 Pisidia. Bronze, Antioch. RPC online 3358; SNG France 1234-1235. BR. 20.13 g.  F  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Rare

450 451 450 Bronze, Antioch. RPC online 3259. BR. 26.93 g.  F+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very Rare. Only 10 ex. known in RPC.

451 Cilicia. Bronze, Tarsus. RPC online 72662 (this coin). BR. 25.36 g.  F+  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. J. Hirsch auction 13, 15 May 1905, lot 4382.  Extremely rare.

452 Tetrassarion, ad Calycadnos. RPC online 2166. BR. 11.14 g.  F 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

453 Mysia. Tranquillina, 238-244. Bronze, Germe. RPC 293; Ehling 298. BR. 13.30 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare. Only 5 ex. known in RPC.

454 Ionia. Bronze, Smyrna. RPC 313; Klose, Smyrna LXXI 1-2. BR. 12.29 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

455 Pamphylia. Bronze, Perge. RPC online 21023; Waddington 3387. BR. 12.43 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare.

456 457

456 Bythinia. Philip I, 244-249. T etrassarion, . RPC online 19997; SNG von Aulock 832-833. BR. 10.68 g.  F+ 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare. Countermarked on neck.

457 Philip II Caesar, 244-247. Sestertius 246, Rome. RIC 256. BR. 14.61 g.  VF corroded 100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.

458 Phrygia. Tetrassarion, Laodicea ad Lycum. RPC online 20777; SNG Cop 607. BR. 8.83 g.  F corroded 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  459 Philip II, 247-249. Phrygia. Bronze CY 223 (246-247), Cibyra. RPC online 20759; SNG von Aulock 3753. 50 BR. 7.33 g.  F+ chipped  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

460 Cyrrhestica. Bronze, Hieropolis. RPC online 7972. BR. 18.20 g.  F+ corroded  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

50 461 462

461 Trajan Decius, 249-251. Seleucis and Pieria. T etradrachm, Antioch. RPC 1605; Prieur 500. BI. 12.03 g.  VF-XF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

462 Herennia Etruscilla, 249-251. Ionia. Tetrassarion, Samos. RPC 680. BR. 10.09 g.  F+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare.

463 Tetrassarion, Samos. RPC 682. BR. 10.90 g.  F+ 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare. Only 15 ex. known in RPC. 464 Caria. Pseudo-autonomous. Bron ze 200-250, . RPC - cf. 630; SNG von Aulock 2449. 50 BR. 5.67 g.  F-VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

465 Volusian, 251-253. Phygia. Bronze, Acmonea. RPC 846; SNG von Aulock 3380. BR. 12.67 g.  F 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

466 Herennius Etruscus, 251. Pisidia. Bronze, Sagalassus. RPC 952. BR. 6.17 g.  F  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Very rare. Only 6 ex. known in RPC.



467 Trebonnianus Gallus, 251-253. Pontus. Tetrassarion, Neocaesarea. RPC 1239. BR. 16.57 g.  F+  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Extremely rare. Only 2 ex. known in RPC.

468 Gallienus, 253-268. Caria. 12 Assaria or Diassarion, . SNG Cop 574. BR. 13.55 g.  F corroded 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  469 Pisidia. Octassarion or Medallion 253-268, Mordiaeum. SNG von Aulock 4999. BR. 250 38.03 g.  F-VF tooled From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

470 Lycaonia. Bronze, Iconium. SNG von Aulock 8650. BR. 4.62 g.  F-VF  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

471 Valerian I, 253-260. As 253-254, Rome. RIC 191 var. BR. 7.14 g.  F+ corroded  100 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Concordia standing not seated.

472 Cilicia. Hexassarion, Anazarbos SNG France 2164. BR.. 14.28 g.  F-VF tooled 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

51 478

473 476

473 Valerian II, 256-258. Pamphylia. 5 Assaria, Pergé. SNG France -. BR. 16.56 g.  F+ corroded 150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

474 Macrian, 260-261. Bithynia. Octassarion 260-261, Nicaea. SNG von Aulock 734. BR. 7.26 g.  F+ 75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

475 Claudius II, 268-270. Antoninian 268-269, Mediolanum. RIC 171. BR. 3.75 g.  VF 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 25, April 1978, lot 99. 

476 Pisidia. 10 Assaria, Sagalassus. SNG von Aulock 5211. BR. 19.40 g.  F+ corroded 100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

477 Diocletian, 284-305. Antoninian 293-295, Siscia. RIC 256. BR. 3.59 g.  UNC  30 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 28, April 1979, lot 157. 

478 Argenteus 296-298, Carthage. RIC 11a. AR. 3.29 g.  VF cleaned 200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

th 479 Maximian, first reign, 286-305. Argen teus 294-295, Antioch, 4 officina. RIC unlisted. AR. 3.12 g.   VF cleaned, flan split 50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

2:1 484 480


480 Constantius I, 305-306. Follis 305-307, Lugdunum. RIC 187a; Bastien 369. BR. 10.14 g.  UNC  100  481 Constantine I, 307-337. Follis 324-325, Sirmium. RIC 48. BR. 3.25 g.  Nice AU  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 25, April 1978, lot 100. 

482 Licinius II, 317-324. Follis 321-323, Antioch. RIC 36. BR. 2.37 g.  VF+  30 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 25, April 1978, lot 127. 

483 Follis 321-324, Alexandria. RIC 30. BR. 2.84 g.  VF+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 24, December 1977, lot 240. 

484 Constantius II, 337-361. Solidus 347-355, Antioch. RIC 88. AU. 4.42 g.  VF tooled 300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 38, April 1982, lot 208. 

485 Julian II, 360-363. Siliqua 360-361, Lugdunum. RIC 218; Bastien 261. AR. 2.16 g.  VF-XF  100 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 515, October 1988, lot 38. 

52 487 486 488

486 Valens, 364-378. Solidus 371-372, Treveri. RIC 17c.2; Depeyrot 40/3. AU. 4.42 g.  VF+  500 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

487 Solidus 367-375, Constantinople. RIC 25b; Depeyrot 21/2. AU. 3.29 g.  F-VF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

488 Valentinian I, 364-375. Solidus 364-367, Antioch. RIC 2b; Depeyrot 20/1. AU. 4.40 g.  VF-XF graffiti  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 515, October 1988, lot 47. 

489 491 492 489 Gratian, 367-383. Solidus 367, Treveri. Obv. D N GRATIA-NVS P F AVG. Diademed, draped and 1000 cuirassed bust right. Rev. PRINCIPIVM IVVENTVTIS. Gratian nimbate standing right, holding spear and globe. RIC 13b; Depeyrot 26/4 var. AU. 4.28 g.  VF+ cleaned graffiti From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

490 Magnus Maximus, 383-388. Siliqua 383-388, Treveri. RIC 84b. AR. 1.81 g.  VF+  75 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zurich Monetarium list, May 1989, lot 48.  491 Solidus 383-384, Treveri. Obv. DN MAGNVS MAXIMVS PF AVG. Rosette-diademed, draped, and 2000 cuirassed bust right. Rev. RESTITVTOR REI PVBLICAE, Maximus, diademed and in military attire, standing facing, head right, holding labarum in right hand and in left, Victory standing left on globe holding wreath and palm frond; star in left field; pellet in upper right field; SMTR. RIC 76; Depeyrot 76/1. AU. 4.47 g.  NGC Choice AU Strike 5/5 Surface 2/5 Wavy flan  Ex. P. F. Molina collection, Aureo & Calicó auction, 8 February 2012, lot 373. 

492 Honorius, 393-423. Solidus 394-395, Mediolanum. RIC 35c; Depeyrot 16/2. AU. 4.43 g.  XF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 515, October 1988, lot 49. 


ex. 494 th 493 Arcadius, 395-408. Solidus 388-392, Constantinople, 9 officina. RIC 67c; Depeyrot 46/3. AU. 4.41 g.  VF-XF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 29, August 1979, lot 258.  Lots. 494 Lot of 5 coins : Denarius L. Julius Caesar L. f. (2); Quinarius M. Cato (2); Cistophorus Domitian. Total (5). 200 RRC 320/1 (2 ex.); RRC 343/2b (2 ex.); RIC 841. AR. 3.83 g., 2.04 g., 2.17 g., 10.84 g.  F to XF  Ex. Glendining auction, 24 September 1975, lot 86. (Domitian Cistophorus); Ex. Dr. Harwood coll., Glendining and Baldwins auction, 8 October 1975, lot 101. (Denarius L. Julius Caesar L. f. (2) and Quinarius M. Cato (2)). 

53 ex. 495 495 Lot of 16 coins : Augustus, 27 BC - 14 AD. Quadrans Lamia etc. (RIC 420), As Salvius (RIC 431); Tiberius, 400 14-37. As SC (RIC 44), As Drusus (RIC 45), As Divus Augustus (RIC 72, 1 ex, and RIC 81, 3 ex.); Claudius, Quadrans modius (RIC 90), As Germanicus (RIC 106), As (RIC 111); Nero, 54-68. As Victoria (RIC 543, Lugdunum); Domitian, 81-96. As Fortuna (RIC 371), Dupondius Virtus (RIC 368 and 393), Sestertius Spes (RIC 298). Total (16). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 496 Lot of 6 coins: Augustus, 27 BC - 14 AD. As M. Salvius Otho (RIC 432), Dupondius Nemausus (RIC 158); 250 Tiberius, 14-37. As SC (RIC 44); Caligula, 37-41. As Vesta (RIC 389); Claudius I, 41-54. Quadrans Scales (RIC 91), As Minerva (RIC 116). Total (6). BR.   F tooled to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 498

ex. 497 497 Lot of 15 coins : Tiberius, 14-37. Paestum, Bronze apex (RPC I 612); Caligula, 37-41. , Bronze 300 temple (RPC I cf. 2707); Nero, 54-68. Alexandria, Tetradrachm Serapis (RPC I 5274); Julia Domna, 193- 211. Aphrodisias, Bronze three Graces; Caracalla, 211-217. Phoenicia, Tetradrachm (Bellinger 303, 2 ex.); Elagabalus, 218-222. Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm (Bellinger 42, 3 ex. and 43, 4 ex.); Gordian III, 238- 244. Seleucis and Pieria, Tetradrachm (BMC 494, 2 ex.). Total (15). BR, BI, AR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 498 Lot of 6 coins : Claudius I, 41-54. Seleucis and Pieria, Antioch. As SC (RPC I 4277); Caracalla, 211- 150 217. Seleucis and Pieria, Laodicaea ad Mare. Bronze lupa romana (SNG Cop 365); Gordian III, 238-244. Pisidia, Antiochia. Bronze Cybele (SNG France 1242); Gallienus, 253-268. Pamphylia, . 10 Assaria temple (SNG von Aulock 8524). Side. 5 Assaria Athena and Nemesis (SNG von Aulock 8549). Salonina, 254-268. Pamphylia, Perga. Bronze Hephaistos (SNG France 600). Total (6). BR.  G to F  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

54 499 Lot of 7 coins: Nero, 54-68. Semis table (RIC 247), As Victory (RIC 313); Vespasian, 69-79. As Eagle (RIC 400 1202); Titus, 79-81. Sestertius quadriga elephant (RIC 257); Domitian, 81-96. As Virtus (RIC 650); Trajan, 98-117. As Victory (RIC 402), SPQR (RIC 476). Total (7). BR.   F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 500 Lot of 4 coins : Domitian, 81-96. As Moneta (RIC 408); Nerva, 96-98. As Aequitas (RIC 86); Trajan, 98-117. 100 Sestertius temple (RIC 575); Hadrian, 117-138. Dupondius Salus (RIC 669). Total (4). BR.  G to VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 501 Lot of 13 coins: Hadrian, 117-138. Sestertius Virtus (RIC 696), Felicitas (RIC 754); Antoninus Pius, 138-161. 750 Dupondius Genius (RIC 660a), Sestertius Salus (RIC 886); Faustina I, 138-140. As or Dupondius Ceres (RIC 1169), Sestertius Pietas (RIC 1127), Ceres (RIC 1128); Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Dupondius Primi Decenales (RIC 1008), Sestertius Victory (RIC 855), Fides (RIC 998); Faustina II, 147-175. Sestertius Venus (RIC 1388), Fecunditas (RIC 1635), Consecratio (RIC 1702). Total (13). BR.  F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 502 ex. 503 502 Lot of 11 coins : Antoninus Pius, 138-161. As Annona (RIC 880), Sestertius Apollo (RIC 598), Emperor 300 standing (RIC 794), Indulgentia (RIC 904), Libertas (2 ex, RIC 928 and 940), Consecration (RIC 1266); Faustina I, 138-140. As Vesta (RIC 1196), Dupondius Aeternitas (RIC 1157), Sestertius Aeternitas (RIC 1103), Consecratio (RIC 1135). Total (11). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 503 Lot of 8 coins : Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Dupondius with Marcus Aurelius (RIC cf. 1221). Marcus Aurelius, 200 161-180. Dupondius Mercurius (RIC 1073), Sestertius Salus (RIC 964), Minerva (RIC 1314). Faustina II, 161-175. Dupondius Diana (RIC 1045), Sestertius Juno (RIC 1651), Aeternitas (RIC 1696), Consecratio (RIC 1706). Total (8). BR.   F to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 504 Lot of 12 coins : Lucilla, 164-169. Sestertius Venus (2 ex., RIC 1763 and 1765); Commodus, 176-192. 300 Sestertius Liberalitas (RIC 341), Italia (RIC 438), Emperor sacrificing (RIC 441), Aequitas (RIC 492), Concordia (RIC 579); Crispina, 177-188. Sestertius Pudicita (RIC 670); Julia Domna, 193-211. Sestertius Cybele (RIC 859); Plautilla, 202-205. As Pietas (RIC 581); Julia Mamaea, 222-235. Sestertius Juno (RIC 683); Severus Alexander, 222-235. As quadriga (RIC 498). Total (12). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 505 Lot of 4 coins: Commodus, 177-192. Sestertius Mars (RIC 543), Minerva (RIC -); Lucilla, 164-182. Sestertius 200 Hilaritas (RIC 1742), Pietas (RIC 1756). Total (4). BR.   F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

55 506 Lot of 5 coins: Crispina, 178-182. As or Dupondius Laetitia (RIC 683), Sestertius Salus (RIC 672a); 225 Septimius Severus, 193-211. As Apollo (RIC 682), Sestertius Roma seated (RIC 700); Severus Alexander, 222-235. Sestertius Sol (RIC 538). Total (5). BR.  F to VF  From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 507 Lot of 20 coins : Severus Alexander, 222-235. Sestertius Pax (RIC 402), Emperor standing (RIC 419), 500 Annona (RIC 520), Iustitia (RIC 563), Victoria VOT X (RIC 616, 2 ex.), Victoria (RIC 618), Providentia (RIC 642, 2 ex.), Spes (RIC 648, 2 ex.); Maximinus, 235-238. Sestertius instruments (RIC 11), Liberalitas (RIC 49, 2 ex.), Salus (RIC 64), Fides (RIC 78, 2 ex.), Salus (RIC 85, 3 ex.). Total (20). BR.   G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 508 508 Lot of 20 coins : Severus Alexander, 222-235. Sestertius emperor standing (RIC 439); Gordian III, 238-244. 750 Sestertius Liberalitas (RIC 269), Aequitas (RIC 277), Jupiter (RIC 298); Philip I, 244-249. Sestertius Felicitas (RIC 153), Aequitas (RIC 166), Annona (RIC 168), Laetitia (RIC 175), Liberalitas (RIC 180), Pax (RIC 185), Victoria (RIC 192); Otacilia Severa, 244-249. Sestertius Concordia (RIC 203); Philip II, 247-249. Sestertius Saeculares (RIC 264), Liberalitas (RIC 267); Trajan Decius, 249-251. As Liberalitas (RIC 120); Herennia Etruscilla, 249-251. Sestertius Fecunditas (RIC 134); Herennius Etruscus, 251. Sestertius Mercurius (RIC 167); Trebonianus Gallus, 251-253. Sestertius Liberalitas (RIC 113); Volusian, 251-253. Sestertius Felicitas (RIC 251); Postumus, 260-269. Double Sestertius Victoria (RIC 169). Total (20). BR.  G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 509 Lot of 6 coins: Maximinus I, 235-238. Sestertius Victory walking (RIC 67); Gordian III, 238-244. Sestertius 300 Libertas (RIC 318), Victory (RIC 337); Philip I, 244-249. Sestertius Signa (RIC 171a); Herennia Etruscilla, 249- 251. Sestertius Pudicitia (RIC 136b); Postumus, 260-269. Sestertius Galley (RIC 143). Total (6). BR.  F to VF From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 510 510 Lot of 4 coins : Aurelian, 270-275. Pisidia, . Bronze Hygieia and Asclepius (SNG von Aulock 1560), 100 Bronze female and two urnes (SNG von Aulock 1586), Bronze Fortuna-Tyche (SNG von Aulock 1652), Bronze Serapis and Cerberus (SNG von Aulock 1710). Total (4). BR.  F to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

56 ex. 512

ex. 511

511 Lot of 6 coins : Vespasian, 69-79. Denarius emperor seated (RIC 94); Domitian, 81-96. Denarius Minerva 200 (3 ex., RIC 80, 168, 188); Trajan, 98-117. Fourré Denarius Ceres (reverse of Domitian RIC 772); Hadrian, 117-138. Denarius Concordia (RIC 39). Total (6). AR.  F to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 512 Lot of 8 coins : Vespasian, 69-79. Denarius instruments (RIC 42), emperor seated (RIC 94); Domitian, 200 81-96. Denarius altar (RIC 266, Titus), Minerva (RIC 192); Trajan, 98-117. Denarius Victoria (RIC 58), Aequitas (RIC 119), Felicitas (RIC 120); Hadrian, 117-138. Denarius emperor donating (RIC 129). Total (8). AR.   F to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 513 ex. 514

513 Lot of 14 coins : Hadrian, 117-138. Denarius Victoria (RIC 182); Antoninus Pius, 138-161. Denarius Pax 300 (RIC 216), Vesta (RIC 229), Emperor sacrificing (RIC 293), Marcus Aurelius caesar (RIC 417); Faustina I, 138-140. Denarius Providentia (RIC 350), Aeternitas (RIC 351), Ceres (2 ex., RIC 358 and 362); Marcus Aurelius, 161-180. Denarius instruments (RIC 424), Rome (RIC 138), Victoria (RIC 225); Faustina II, 161- 175. Denarius Concordia (RIC 502), Venus (RIC 516). Total (14). AR.  F to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 514 Lot of 19 coins : Faustina II, 161-175. Denarius Fecunditas (RIC 677), Consecratio (RIC 746); Lucilla, 164- 300 169. Denarius Vota Publica (RIC 238); Commodus, 180-192. Denarius Mars (RIC 54); Septimius Severus, 193-211. Denarius Emperor on horseback (RIC 248), Felicitas (RIC 261), Rome (RIC 288), Victoria (RIC 516, Laodicea ad Mare); Julia Domna, 193-211. Denarius Cybele (RIC 382), Pudicita (2 ex., RIC 385 and 386), Vesta (2 ex., RIC 390 and 391), Ceres (RIC 546), Felicitas (RIC 551), Pietas (RIC 576), Isis (RIC 577), Laetitia (RIC 641); Geta, 211. Denarius Felicitas (RIC 9). Total (19). AR.   F to AU  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

57 ex. 515 515 Lot of 15 coins : Plautilla, 202-205. Denarius Pietas (RIC 367); Geta, 211. Denarius Castor (RIC 6), Minerva 300 (RIC 34), Providentia (RIC 51); Caracalla, 211-217. Denarius Parthia (RIC 65), Rome (RIC 71), Mars (RIC 88), Virtus (RIC 112), Concordia (RIC 116), Virtus (RIC 149), Mars (RIC 222); Elagabalus, 218-222. Denarius Fortuna (RIC 82), Salus (RIC 139), standards (Antioch, RIC 187), Antoninianus Mars (RIC 122). Total (15). AR.   F to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

516 ex. 517 516 Lot of 2 coins : Elagabalus, 218-222. Denarius Fortuna (RIC 83); Gordian III, 238-244. Denarius Jupiter 100 (RIC 112). Total (2). AR. 3.29 g, 2.91 g.   VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Nice toning. Sold as is, no return. 517 Lot of 14 coins : Elagabalus, 218-222. Denarius emperor sacrificing (RIC 46); Julia Maesa, 218-224. 300 Denarius Pietas (RIC 266), Felicitas (RIC 271); Julia Soaemias, 218-222. Denarius Venus (RIC 241); Severus Alexander, 222-235. Denarius Pax (RIC 40), Mars (RIC 61), Aequitas (RIC 64), emperor standing (RIC 105), Fides (RIC 139), Jupiter (RIC 143), Providentia (RIC 173); Maximinus I, 235-238. Denarius Fides (RIC 7), Salus (RIC 14), Victoria (RIC 16). Total (14). AR.   F to AU  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 518 518 Lot of 39 coins : selection of Greek bronzes and small to medium provincial bronzes, from Augustus to 200 Gordian III. Total (39). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

58 ex. 519 519 Lot of 38 coins : selection of small to medium provincial bronzes, from Augustus to Gordian III. Total (38). 250 BR.   G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 520 520 Lot of 40 coins : selection of small, medium and large provincial bronzes, from Nero to Gordian III. Total (40). 250 BR.   G to VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex 521 ex. 522 521 Lot of 38 coins : selection of small, medium and large provincial bronzes, from Augustus to Philip I. Total (38). 250 BR.   G to VF From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 522 Lot of 40 coins : selection of greek bronzes and small, medium and large provincial bronzes, from Augustus 250 to Gordian III. Total (40). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

59 523 524 525 BYZANTINE EMPIRE. th 523 Zeno, 474-491. So lidus 477-491, Constantinople, 7 officina. RIC 910; Depeyrot 108/1. AU. 4.45 g.  XF 250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 458, August 1988, lot 57. 

th 524 Anastasius, 498-518. Solidus 491-498, Constantinople, 10 officina. DOC 3i. AU. 4.49 g.  XF scratch on obverse 250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 522, June 1989, lot 64. 

st 525 Justinian I, 527-565. Solidus 538-545, Constantinople, 1 officina. DOC 8 (unlisted officina). AU. 4.35 g.  XF  250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 468, June 1984, lot 61. 

527 526 528 529 526 Revolt of the Heraclii, 608-610. Solidus 608, Alexandria. Obv. DN ЄRACLIO CONSVLI BA. Busts of 1000 Heraclius the Younger and of his father the Exarch Heraclius, both bare-headed, bearded and wearing consular robes; between their heads, a cross. Rev. VICTORIA AVGG Γ CONOB. Cross potent set on four steps. DOC 11. AU. 4.38 g.  Nice AU  Ex. MDC auction 4, 15 November 2018, lot 159.  527 Heraclius with Heraclius Constantine, 610-641. So lidus, Carthage. Obv. DN ERACLIO ET ERACONSTPPV. 300 Crowned and draped facing busts of Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine; cross above. Rev. VICTORIA AVCC. Cross potent set on three steps. AU. 4.42 g.  VF+   st 528 Constans II, 641-668. Solidus 641-646, Constantinople, 1 officina. DOC 1a. AU. 4.33 g.  VF-XF  300 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 32, August 1980, lot 198.  529 Constantinus IV Pogonatus, 654-685. Solidus 668-673, Syracuse. Obv. d N CONSτ-ANτςЧ PP, crowned 2000 bust of Constantine IV facing, holding globus cruciger. Rev. VICTORIA A-VςЧ KC., cross potent on three steps flanked by crowned figures of Heraclius, on left, and Tiberius, on right, each holding globus cruciger; CONOB. DOC cf. 55a. AU. 4.30 g.  AU filed rim  

531 530 532 533

530 Tiberius III, 698-705. Solidus 698-705, Constantinople. DOC 1. AU. 4.37 g.  XF+ cleaned 400 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 522, June 1989, lot 80. 

531 Theophilus, 829-842. Semissis 831-842, Syracuse. DOC 26b. AU. 1.85 g.  XF+  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Zürich Monetarium, February 1989, lot 67.  532 Theophilus, with Michael II and Constantine, 829-842. Solidus 830-840, Constantiople, 9th officina. 300 DOC 3d. AU. 4.29 g.   VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  533 Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus, with Romanus I and Christopher, 913-959. Solidus 924-931, 300 Constantinople. DOC 7. AU. 4.20 g.  VF-XF cleaned  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 541, March 1991, lot 48. 

60 534 536

534 Constantine X Ducas, 1059-1067. Histameno n Nomisma 1059-1067, Constantinople. DOC 1. AU. 4.32 g.  VF+  250 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 35, August 1981, lot 159.  535 John II Comnenus, 1118-1143. As pron Trachy Nomisma 1118-1122, Constantinople, third coinage. 75 DOC 8. EL. 1.85 g.  F-VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Kiev hoard.  536 Manuel I Comnenus, 1143-1180. As pron Trachy Nomisma 1152-1167, Constantinople. DOC 3. EL. 100 3.87 g.  VF+  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000; Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 46, September 1985, lot 190. 


ex. 538

537 John III Ducas Vatatzes, 1222-1254. Hyperpyron Nomisma 1232-1254, Magnesia. DOC 6. AU. 4.17 g.   VF+  150 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  538 Lot of 24 coins : Anastasius to Justin II, 491-578. Nummus (6 ex.), Pentanummium (3 ex.), Decanummium 200 (3 ex.), ½ Follis (4 ex.), Follis (8 ex.). Mints of Constantinople, Antioch, Carthage, , Nicomedia and Thessalonica. Total (24). BR.  G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

ex. 539 ex. 540 539 Lot of 24 coins : Heraclius, 610-640. Hexanummium (4 ex.), Decanummium (2 ex.), ½ Follis (8 ex.), Follis 200 (9 ex.), Siliqua. Mints of Constantinople, Alexandria, Carthage, Catania, Cyzicus, Nicomedia, Syracuse, Thessalonica. Total (24). BR, AR.  G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 540 Lot of 24 coins : Constantine IV to Michael III, 668-867. Pentanummium, Follis (22 ex.), Miliaresion (Sear 200 1616). Mints of Constantinople and Syracuse. Total (24). BR, AR.  G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

61 ex. 541

ex. 542

541 Lot of 24 coins : Leo VI to Michael VII, 886-1078. Follis, Constantinople (24 ex.). Total (24). BR.  G to VF  200 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 542 Lot of 72 coins : Heraclius to Alexis III, 610-1203. Diverse denominations, mostly Folles, various mints, 200 including two bronzes of the Normans in Sicily. Total (72). BR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.


543 Athalaric, 526-534. 2 ½ nummi, Rome. In the name of Justinian. MIB 80; Demo 176. BR. 0.88 g.  F+  50 From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000. 

ANCIENT. Lots. 544 Lot of 16 coins : Hispania, Osca. Bronze 23mm (SNG Cop. 325); Campania, Neapolis. Bronze 12mm 300 (BMC 234); Macedonian Kingdon, Antigonos II, 277-239 BC. Bronze 20mm (HGC 3, 1049); Thrace, Kardia. Bronze 20mm (HGC 3, 1477), Lysimacheia. Bronze 19mm (HGC 3, 1499), Lysimachos. Bronze 18mm (HGC 3, 1758); Phokis, Elateia. Bronze 12mm (HGC 4, 1104); Sikyonia, Sikyon. Challkous (HGC 5, -); Pontus, Anonymous. Bronze 27mm (SNG Black Sea 973, countermarks); Ionia, Kolophon. Hemiobol (SNG Cop. 186); Pamphylia, Aspendos. Bronze 17mm (SNG Cop. 253); Seleukid Empire, Antiochos I, 281-261 BC. Bronze 20mm (HGC 9, 148); Phoenicia, Arados. Bronze 15mm (Duyrat 1374), Bronze 20mm (HGC 10, 80); Ptolemaic Kingdom, Ptolemy I, 305-283 BC. Bronze 15mm (Svor. 80, Cyprus); Java, Majapahit Empire. Silver unit (0.98 g.). Total (16). BR, AR.   G to XF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return. 545 Lot of 25 coins : Celtic. Armorican BI Staters (3 ex.), Danube Tetradrachm (1 ex.); Greece. Alexander III 200 Drachm (3 ex.), bronzes (8 ex.); Roman Empire, Augustus 27 BC - 14 AD. Denarius Spanish mint (RIC 79), bronzes of Gordian III to Constans (6 ex.); Are joined an , a Venetian Osella and a Tunisian Burbe. Total (25). BR, AR.  G to VF  From the J. M. A. L. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Sold as is, no return.

546 Lot of more than 1000 Greek, Roman, Byzantine and Sassanian coins, mostly in bronze (about 6 kg).  Poor to XF 500 From a Swiss collection formed in the 1960’s. Sold as is, no return. Personnal viewing strongly recommended.

62 546

63 Pour vos timbres-poste et lettres ... For your stamps and covers ... VOUS nous envoyez ... 1 YOU send us ... une description courte de votre collection a short description of your collection des photos ou des scans photos or scans une adresse email an email address un numéro de téléphone a telephone number

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15, rue du Jeu-de-l’Arc 4, rue Drouot 1207 Genève, Suisse 75009 Paris, France 022 760 11 11 ◆ ◆ +33 1 42 46 63 72 info @ contact @ 547

548 549 ISLAMIC. 547 Ummayad caliphate. Al-Walid, 705-715. 1/3 Dinar or Tremissis, Ifriqiya. Obv. SIMIΛIS. Rev. Column. 750 Album 121. AU. 1.33 g.  XF+   548 Artuqids of Mardin. Qutb al-din Il-Ghazi II, 1176-1184. Dihram. Wilkes 1205; S/S 32. BR. 14.17 g.  200 XF+ light corrosion   549 Husam al-di Yuluq Arslan, 1184-1201. Dirham. Wilkes 1207; S/S 34. BR. 13.43 g.  XF+  400  550 Zengid of Mosul. Izz al-din Mas’ud, 1180-1193. Dirham. Wilkes 1245; S/S 62. BR. 14.26 g. R  F 150



ALBANIA. 551 Zog I, 1928-1939. Lot of 2 coins : 20 Ari 1938 R, Roma. 10th anniversary of reign. Total (2). KM 24; 700 Fr. 17. AU. 6.42, 6.42 g.  UNC cleaned   AUSTRALIA. 552 Victoria, 1837-1901. Sovereign 1895 M, Melbourne. Prooflike strike. Spink 3875; Fr. 24; KM 13. 500 AU. 7.99 g.  PCGS MS 62 PL  Very rare in proof like.


554 553 George V, 1911-1936. Sovereign 1920 M, Melbourne. Obv. GEORGIVS V D G BRITT OMN REX F D 2000 IND IMP. Bare head to left. Rev. Saint George slaying the dragon. Spink 3999; KM 29; Fr. 39. AU. 7.99 g.  NGC MS 63   AUSTRIA.

554 Karl VI, 1711-1740.  1729, Hall. KM 1617; Dav. 1054. AR. 28.57 g.  UNC  500 

65 555 556 557

555 Franz-Joseph I, 1848-1916. Ducat 1855 A, Vienna. KM 2263; Fr. 490. AU. 3.49 g.  UNC  200  556 4 / 10 Francs 1877. KM 2260; Fr. 503. AU. 3.19 g. 3004 ex.  XF-AU  200 Scarce date. 557 Ist Republic, 1918-1938. 25 Schilling 1931. Pattern in bronze by Hartig. Reeded edge, Medal alignment. 500 KM -. BR. 3.25 g. RR  UNC light cleaning 

558 559 BELGIQUE. 558 Brabant. Jeanne & Wenceslas I, 1355-1406. Pieter d’or ND, Louvain. Av. WENCELAVS Z IOhAnA 2500 DEI GRA BRAB DVCES. Buste de Saint Pierre. Devant lui, écu à quatre lions. Rev. XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix feuillue. Rev. + XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix feuillue. Delm. 45; VH. G304 ; Fr. 11. AU. 4.10 g.  NGC MS 62   559 Royaume. Léopold I, 1831-1865. Epreuve sur Flan Bruni du 5 Francs 1832. Obv. LEOPOLD PREMIER 7500 ROI DES BELGES. Tête laurée à gauche. Rev. Valeur dans une couronne de feuilles de chêne. Dupriez 2 var; Bogaert 8 var; KM -. AR. 25.00 g.   PCGS PR 63 CAM  Tranche lisse, frappe médaille. Extrêmement rare.


562 560 10 Francs 1849, Bruxelles. Av. LEOPOLD PREMIER - ROI DES BELGES. Tête nue à droite. Rv. L’UNION 750 FAIT LA FORCE. Armoiries couronnées. KM 18; Fr. 408. AU. 3.49 g.  NGC AU 53   BOLIVIA. 561 Republic, 1825-. Lot of 2 coins : 10 and 50 Centavos 1939, Le Locle. Total (2). KM 179.2, 182. CU-NI. 100 4.51, 8.42 g.  First strike GEM UNC  Struck by Huguenin, Switzerland. BRAZIL.

562 Joao V, 1706-1750. 10’000 Reis 1725 M, Minas Gerais. KM 116; Fr. 34. AU. 26.89 g.  PCGS MS 62  3000 

66 563 564 563 12’800 Reis 1730 M, Minas Gerais. Obv. IOANNES V D G PORT ET ALG REX. Laureate bust right. 2000 Rev. Coat of arms. KM 139; Fr. 55. AU. 28.47 g.  XF+   564 12’800 Reis 1732 M, Minas Gerais. KM 139; Fr. 55. AU. 28.43 g.  AU  2500 

566 565 565 20’000 Reis 1726 M, Minas Gerais. Obv. IOANNES V D G PORT ET ALG REX. Crowned arms. Rev. 4000 IN HOC SIGNO VINCES. Cross with M in each quadrans. KM 117; Fr. 23. AU. 53.55 g.  XF-AU   566 Joao prince regent, 1808-1815. 6400 Reis 1810/09 R, Rio de Janeiro. KM 236/1; Fr. 98. AU. 14.36 g.  600 UNC small scratch on obverse  


567 568


567 Ferdinand I, 1887-1918. 10 Stotinki 1913. KM 25. CU-NI. 4.00 g.  PCGS MS 65  100 Rare this nice.

568 Ferdinand I, 1908-1918. 1 Lev 1910. KM 28. AR. 5.00 g.  PCGS MS 64  100  569 Order of civil merit, first class. 27.57 g.  XF+ 100 In original box

CANADA. 570 Lot of 4 coins : 1 Dollar 1951, 1954 (2 ex.), 1964 Charlottetown. Total (4). KM 46, 54 (2), 58. AR. 100 23.26, 23.17, 23.07, 23.57 g.   UNC to Nice UNC  

67 571

572 CHINA.

571 Yunnan. 5 Dollars ND (1919), Tang Chi-Yao. LM 1058; KM 481; Fr. 12. AU. 4.50 g.  NGC MS 62  6500  572 People’s Republic, 1949-. 100 Yuan 1995. Small date. KM 719; Fr. B5. AU. 31.10 g.  PCGS MS 67  2000  573 Lot of 6 coins : 5 Yuan 1985, 10 Yuan 1988, 1994, 50 Yuan 1992, 1997, 100 Yuan 1993. Total (6). KM 113, 2750 184, 612, 476, 990, 477; Fr. B8, B7, B5, B4. AU. 69.97 g. (total).  UNC   574 Proof set 1981, Shanghai. Including 1, 2, 5 Fen, 1, 2, 5 Jiao, 1 Yuan and a copper token for the year of the 500 Rooster. Total (8). KM PS7.  UNC Proof 


3:2 3:2 576 CUBA. 575 Republic, 1902-. 1 Peso 1916, . Proof Strike. Obv. PATRIA Y LIBERTAD. Head of 4000 José Martí right. Rev. REPUBLICA DE CUBA / UN PESO. Coat of arms. KM 16; Fr.7. AU. 1.67 g. 100 ex.  PCGS PR 67 DC  Very rare in proof. 576 20 Pesos 1915, Philadelphia. Obv. PATRIA Y LIBERTAD. Head of José Martí right. Rev. REPUBLICA 1400 DE CUBA / VEINTE PESOS. Coat of arms. KM 21; Fr. 1. AU. 33.43 g.  PCGS MS 62   577 Lot of 2 coins : 1 Peso 1953, Havana. José Marti centennial (2 ex.). Total (2). KM 29. AR. 26.65, 26.48 g.  50 UNC small marks 

578 579 578 Piefort 50 Pesos 1990. Proof strike, coin alignment. Simon Bolivar. KM unlisted; Fr. unlisted. AU. 4000 31.1 g. 12 ex.  NGC PF 67 UC  Ex. Daniel Franck Sedwick Treasure auction 27, 27 May 2020, lot 929.

579 Piefort 100 Pesos 1989. Proof strike, medal alignment. First train in spain 140th anniversary. KM P32; 6000 Fr. unlisted. AU. 62.2 g. 12 ex.  NGC PF 70 UC  Ex. Daniel Franck Sedwick Treasure auction 27, 27 May 2020, lot 928.

68 581

ex. 580 EAST TIMOR. 580 Sultanate of Occussi-Ambenô. Lo t of 2 coins : 100 Dollars 1990, Velazquez; 100 Dollars 1990 Goya. Total (2). 100 KM X1, X2. AR. 62.45 g. (total) 2000 ex. each.  UNC  Rare. EGYPT.

581 Hussein Kamal, 1914-1917. 100 Piastres AH 1335 / 1916. KM 324; Fr. 24. AU. 8.48 g.  UNC  300 

582 582 Fuad I, 1917-1936. Gold medal 1926. 67 mm. Royal Agriculture Society to Prince Kamal el Dine Hussein. 20’000 Obv. Coat of arms. Rev. A field with the pyramids of Giza in the background. AU. 187.54 g.  UNC  Ex. Sincona auction 20, 15 October 2014, lot 2261.  Arabic inscription on the edge. The Prince had a great role in the development of this assembly. In 1918 he issued an agricultural calendar consisting of five departments including irrigation, land ownership and cotton markets. On 17 January 1923, the Prince started an important policy for farmers. He decided to present gold medals to the best farmers to encourage agriculture, along with a donation of 400 Egyptian pounds every year to send assembly employees abroad. This new policy succeeded with the farmers, motivating them to do their best. He found the right way to improve agriculture in Egypt without using force, and he differed from his predecessors in the assembly who neglected the young farmers. He cared a lot about cotton cultivation as a main product of Egypt. In 1926 he built a cotton museum in the assembly in Al Jazeera, to help farmers improve cotton cultivation, along with the publication of scientific research about cotton. He also held an Agriculture Assembly from 20 February to 20 March to provide for the farmer’s needs. As such he played a great role in the development of agriculture, and was a great supporter of farmers.


583 583 Republic, 1953-. Silver medal ND (1971). 81 mm. People’s assembly, lower chamber of the Parliament of 150 Egypt. AR. 357.24 g.  AU  

69 584 ETHIOPIA. 584 Haile Selassie I, 1930-1974. Go ld medal EE 1923 (1930) by André Lavrillier. 40.5 mm. Coronation. KM X12; 1200 Gill S14. AU. 33.90 g.  Nice AU cleaned  In original box gilded with crown of Ethiopia. Given by Haile Selassie to Walter Borner who flew him back to Adis-Ababa after his official visit in Switzerland from November 25th to 28th, 1954, on ’s Douglas DC6 HB-IBO.

585 586 587 FRANCE.

585 Wisigoths. Gundomar, 609-612. T remissis Narbo (Narbonne). CNV 206 (cet exemplaire). AU. 1.55 g.  SUP 13’000 Probablement unique, cette monnaie illustre le CNV. 586 Carolingiens. Louis Ier le Pieux, 814-840. Obo le, Arles. Av. HLVDOVICI. Croix. Rv. AREL / ATVM. 400 R inversé. Depeyrot 62; MG.443. AR. 0.73 g.  TB+   587 Denier, Vienne (Isère). Av. HLVDOVVICVS IMP. Rv. VIENNA. Prou 842. AR. 1.18 g.  TB+ ébréché 250 Extrêmement rare. L’exemplaire de la collection Chwarz complet et de belle qualité a réalisé 7500 EUR en 2009.

590 588 589 591

588 Lothaire Ier, 818-855. Denier ND (818-840?), Pavie. Av. H IOTHARIVS AV. Croix. Rv. PAPIAI. 400 Prou 904 var. AR. 1.13 g.  TTB Denier inédit avec la légende PAPIAI. A l’avers, le titre d’empereur n’apparaît pas dans la légende contrairement aux deniers connus pour Lothaire à Pavie. Il pourrait s’agir d’une émission antérieure à 840, lorsqu’il était seulement roi d’Italie et de Lotharingie. 589 Raoul, duc de Bourgogne, 921-923. Denier, Châteaudun (Eure-et-Loire). Av. GRATIA DI REX. 500 Monogramme RODOLFOS. Rv. DVNIS CASTILLI. Croix. Prou 506. AR. 1.45 g.  SUP  D’une qualité exceptionnelle. 590 Royaume. Louis IX dit Saint Louis, 1226-1270. Obole 1244-1247, type spécial pour Nîmes. Av. 500 LVDOVICVS REX. Lis. Rev. NEMAVSI CIVI. Croix cantonné de deux lis aux 2 et 3 pointés vers le cœur. Dy. -. AR. 0.29 g.   TB ébréché Type monétaire absent des ouvrages de référence et dont deux exemplaires ont été publiés par Marc Bompaire et Georges Danicourt, dans le BSFN de mai 2003, p. 86-91 . 591 Denier 1244-1247, type spécial pour Nîmes. Av. LVDOVICVS REX. Lis. Rev. NEMAVSI CIVI. Croix 1000 cantonnée de deux lis aux 2 et 3 pointés vers le cœur. Dy. 195. AR. 0.82 g.  TB+ ébréché  

70 592 593 592 Philippe VI, 1328-1350. Lion d’or (31 octobre 1338). Av. Ph DEI GRA-FRAnC REX. Le roi assis 2000 sur une stalle gothique avec baldaquin, tenant un sceptre long et un court, les pieds posés sur un lion couché. Rev.+ XPC VInCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix quadrilobée, feuillue et fleurdelisée dans un quadrilobe tréflé cantonné de quatre couronnelles. Dy. 250; Lafaurie 253; Fr.265. AU. 4.84 g.  TB+ légère trace de pliure   593 Double d’or, 1e émission (6 avril 1340). Av. Ph DEI GRA FRAnC REX. Le roi assis sur une stalle gothique 7500 tenant un sceptre long et un sceptre court. Rev. XPC VINCIT XP’CXPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix feuillue et fleuronnée avec rosace en cœur, cantonnée de quatre couronnelles, dans un quadrilobe aux angles feuillus et fleuronnés. Dy. 253; Lafaurie 267; Fr. 267. AU. 6.63 g. RR  SUP légèrement ébrêché

594 595

594 Jean II, 1350-1364. Mouton d’or (17 janvier 1355). Av. AGN DEI QVI TOLL’PCCA MVDI MISERERE 750 NOB’. Agneau pascal à gauche, devant une croix avec un gonfanon. A l’exergue IOH’ REX. Rev. + XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix tréflée et feuillue, cantonnée de quatre lis. Dy. 291; Lafaurie 294; Fr. 280. AU. 4.58 g.  TB+ voilée  595 Franc à Cheval (5 décembre 1360). Av. IOHANNES DEI - GRACIA - FRANCORV REX. Le roi heaumé 500 couronné, à cheval à gauche, brandissant une épée. Rv. XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix feuillue fleurdelisée dans un quadrilobe feuillu cantonné de quatre trèfles. Dy. 294; Lafaurie 297; Fr. 279. AU. 3.71 g.  TB+ traces sur la tranche  

597 596

596 Charles VI, 1380-1422. Salut d’or (11 août 1421), Paris. Av. KAROLVS DEI GRACIA FRANCORVM 12’500 REX. L’archange Gabriel saluant la Vierge au-dessus d’un écu de France. Rv. XPC VINCIT XPC REGNAT XPC IMPERAT. Croix latine accostée de deux lis, k en dessous, le tout dans un polylobe fleurdelisé. Dy 375; Lafaurie 413; Fr. 288. AU. 3.83 g.  TB+ légère trace de pliure Très rare. 597 Charles VII, 1422-1461. ½ Ecu d’or à la couronne 3° émission (20 janvier 1447), Paris. Av. KAROLUS DEI 500 GR FRANCORV REX. Ecu de France couronné. Rev. XPC VINCIT REGNAT ET IMPERAT. Croix feuillue avec quadrilobe en cœur. Dy. 513B; Lafaurie 511b; Fr. 308. AU. 1.75 g.  TB+  

71 598 599 600

598 Louis XI, 1461-1483. Ecu d’or au soleil (2 novembre 1475), Saint-Lô. Dy. 544; Lafaurie 529; Fr. 314. AU. 300 3.38 g.  F-VF retouchée  Ex. Münzen und Medallien AG Basel list 459, September 1983, lot 51.  599 François Ier, 1515-1547. Ecu d’or au soleil, 5e type, 3e émission (21 juillet 1519), Toulouse. Dy. 775; 300 Lafaurie 639; Fr. 345. AU. 3.34 g.  VF retouchée  Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 44, December 1984, lot 225.  600 Henri II, 1547-1559. Double Henri d’or, 1er type (14 janvier 1550) 1558 B, Rouen. Av. HENRICVS II 1000 DG FRAN REX. Buste à droite. Rev. DVM TOTVM COMPLEAT ORBEM 1558 B. Croix formée de H couronnés, cantonnée au 1 et 4 d’un croissant, au 2 et 3 d’une fleur de lis. Dy. 971; Lafaurie 809; Fr. 367. AU. 7.07 g.  TB fêlé à 12 h, léger nettoyage, traces sur la tranche 

601 602

601 Louis XIII, 1610-1643. Louis d’or à la mèche courte 1640 A, Paris. Grosse tête. Av. LVD XIII - D G FR ET 1500 NAV REX. Tête laurée à droite. Rv. CHRS - REGN - VINC - IMP. Croix formée de paires de L adossés couronnés, cantonnée de fleurs de lis. Gad. 58; Dr. 21B; Fr. 410. AU. 6.63 g.  TTB traces de monture  Ex. MDC auction 5, 14 Novembre 2019, lot 273.

602 Louis XIV, 1643-1715. Lo uis d’or à l’écu 1690 A, Paris. Flan réformé. Gad. 250; Dr. 342; Fr. 429. AU. 400 6.66 g.  TB-TTB  

603 603 Médaille en argent 1661 par Roettiers. 62 mm. Naissance du Dauphin (Louis de France). Divo 64. AR. 300 140.56 g.  TTB+ coup sur la tranche à 7h. Très rare en argent.

72 1:3


ex. 604

604 Lot de 2 matrices en écaille : Louis XIV par Antoine Benoist, et Marie-Thérèse par Simon Curé. 350 115x95 mm. Total (2). 59.86, 58.81 g.  Bon état de conservation   605 Louis XV, 1715-1774. ½ Louis d’or de Noailles 1717 A, Paris. 2e semestre. Av. LVD XV D G FR ET NAV 500 REX. Buste nu couronné à gauche. Rv. CHRS - REGN - VINC - IMP. Croix formée de quatre écus de France couronnés, cantonnée de fleurs de lis. Gad. 335; Dr. 731; Fr. 451. AU. 6.00 g.  TB nettoyé 

606 607

606 Louis d’or à la croix de Malte 1718 &, Aix-en-Provence. Gad. 336; Dr. 532; Fr.453. AU. 9.74 g.  SUP 6000 Magnifique exemplaire. 607 Louis d’or aux 2 L 1721, Besançon. Flan réformé. Av. LVD XV DG FR ET NAV REX. Buste lauré à 1000 droite. Rev. CHRISTVS REGNAT VINCIT IMPERAT. Deux L adossés sous une couronne et encadrés de trois fleurs de lis. Gad. 337; Dr. 724; Fr. 456. AU. 9.57 g. 2041 ex. R  TTB+ léger nettoyage



608 Double Louis d’or au bandeau 1753/2 AA, Metz. Av. LUD XV DG FR ET NAV REX. 1000 Tête à gauche. Rev. CHRS REGN VINC IMPE. Ecus de France et de Navarre couronnés. Dr. 718; Fr. 463. Gad. 346. AU. 16.08 g.  TTB-SUP légères stries d’ajustage   609 Médaille en bronze 1770 par Georg Christian Waechter, Mannheim. 68.5 mm. François-Marie Arouet dit 100 Voltaire, «d’après nature au château de Ferney». Forrer VI, p. 338. BR. 71.41 g.  SUP  

73 610 611 610 Louis XVI, 1774-1791. Louis aux palmes 1774 A, Paris. Gad. 358; Dr. 803; Fr. 469. AU. 8.13 g. 11’500 NGC AU 53   611 Louis d’or à la tête nue 1786 T, Nantes. 2e semestre. Av. LUD XVI DG FR ET NAV REX. Tête nue à 500 gauche. Rev. CHRS REGN VINC IMPER. Ecus de France et de Navarre couronnés. Gad. 361; Dr. 806; Fr. 474. AU. 7.64 g.  PCGS MS 62 flan Paillé.  

612 613 612 Double Louis d’or au buste habillé 1775 I, Limoges. Av. LUD XVI D G FR - ET NAV REX. Buste à gauche. 4000 Rv. CHRS REGN VINC IMPE. Ecus de France et de Navarre couronnés. Gad. 362; Dr. 800; Fr. 470. AU. 16.26 g.  SUP   613 Double Louis d’or au buste habillé 1782 W, Lille. Poinçon du cinquième d’écu d’argent. Gad. 362a; 10’000 Dr. 801.; Fr. 470. AU. 16.26 g.  SUP nettoyé  Monnaie connue à seulement quelques exemplaires.

615 614 614 Constitution, 1791-1792. ½ Ecu de 3 Livres type François AN 4 / 1792 N , Montpellier. 2e semestre. Av. LOUIS 500 XVI ROI DES FRANÇOIS. Tête nue à gauche. Rv. REGNE DE LA LOI - L’AN 4 DE LA - LIBERTÉ. Génie debout à droite gravant la Constitution, faisceau et coq de part et d’autre. Gad. 43; Dr. 902. AR. 14.52 g.  TB traces d’ajustage au revers   615 24 Livres 1793 A, Paris. Av. LOUIS XVI ROI DES FRANCOIS. Tête nue à gauche. Rev. REGNE DE 2000 LA LOI / L’AN 5 DE LA / LIBERTE. Le Génie gravant la Constitution, faisceau à gauche, coq à droite. Gad. 61; Dr. 900; Fr. 477. AU. 7.64 g.  NGC AU 50  

616 617 616 Ier, 1804-1815. Essai au module du Quart de Franc ND (1806). Virole brisée. Maz. 624; VG 1504. 300 SN. 0.90 g.  TTB Tranche inscrite en creux par virole brisée : «VIROLE BRISEE SURETE MONETAIRE».

617 ½ Franc 1808 D, Lyon. Buste fin. Gad. 398; F. 177. AR. 2.50 g.  PCGS MS 61  150 

74 618 619 620 621

618 ½ Franc 1808 I, Limoges. Buste fin. Gad. 398; F. 177. AR. 2.50 g.  PCGS AU 58  100  619 ½ Franc 1808 W, Lille. Buste fin. Gad. 398; F. 177. AR. 2.50 g.  PCGS MS 62  150  620 ½ Franc 1809 A, Paris. Gad. 399; F. 178. AR. 2.50 g.  PCGS MS 63  150  621 ½ Franc 1812 W, Lille. Gad. 399; F. 178. AR. 2.50 g.  PCGS MS 62  100 

622 623 624

622 1 Franc AN 12 A, Paris Gad. 443; F. 201. AR. 5.00 g.  PCGS AU 55  150  623 1 Franc AN 13 A, Paris. Gad. 443; F. 201. AR. 5.00 g.  PCGS AU 55  150  624 1 Franc 1808 A, Paris. Gad. 446; F. 204. AR. 4.97g.  SUP 100 Belle patine de médaillier.




625 1 Franc 1808 BB, Strasbourg. Gad. 446; F. 204. AR. 5.00 g.  PCGS MS 63  200  626 2 Francs AN 13 A, Paris. Obv. NAPOLEON EMPEREUR. Tête nue à droite. Rev. REPUBLIQUE 2500 FRANCAISE. Valeur dans une couronne de branches d’olivier. Gad. 495; F. 251. AR. 10.00 g.  SUP  Magnifique exemplaire.

627 5 Francs 1811 A, Paris. Gad. 584; F. 307. AR. 24.97g.  TTB+ nettoyé  100 

75 628 628 Louis XVIII, 1815-1824. Médaille en argent ND (1818) par Gayrard et de Puymaurin. 67.5 mm. Bataille 2000 navale de Vélez-Málaga Av. LOUIS ALEXANDRE DE BOURBON COMTE DE TOULOUSE AMIRAL DE FRANCE. Tête à droite. Rv. BRITANNIS BATAVIS QUE DEVICTIS / XXIV AOUST MDCCIV. Dans un navire, la Victoire écrivant dans un écriteau sur le mât «VELE[Z] / MALAGA». Forrer II, 225. AR. 168.87 g.  SUP  Dans son écrin d’origine.


3:2 3:2 629

629 Charles X, 1824-1830. 5 Francs ND (1827-1830). Incuse d’avers. Gad. cf. 644; F. cf. 311. AR. 24.85 g.  TB-TTB  750  630 10 Francs ND (1830) A, Paris. Essai en or 19 mm. Av. CHARLES X - ROI DE FRANCE. Tête à droite, 3000 signature de Tiolier en dessous. Rv. Ecu de France couronné, «10 - FR» de part et d’autre, «ESSAI» droit en dessous, le tout dans une couronne de lauriers. Maz. 889 var 1. AU. 3.22 g.  NGC MS 65 

631 633

631 Louis-Philippe I, 1830-1848. 5 Francs ND (1830-1831). Incuse d’avers. Gad. 676 ; F. 315. AR. 24.58 g.  TTB 1250 D’une qualité sortant de l’ordinaire pour une incuse de ce module. 632 IIe République, 1848-1852. 1 Franc 1852 A, Paris. Louis-Napoléon Bonaparte. Gad. 458; F. 212. AR. 200 5.00 g.  PCGS MS 63   633 Napoléon III, 1852-1870. 100 Francs 1867 BB, Strasbourg. Gad. 1136; Fr. 581; F. 551. AU. 32.15 g. 1500 2807 ex.  SUP  Rare dans cette qualité. 634 No lot.

76 636 637 635 e 635 III République, 1871-1940. 10 1888. Général Boulanger. Schweyer 84-85. CU. 9.42 g.  TTB+  150 Trou de suspension à 12h. Monnaie à l’effigie du général Boulanger, regravée sur une monnaie de Napoléon III. 636 25 Centimes 1904, Paris. Type Patey, essai sans le carré, flan à 22 pans. GEM 61.2. NI. 7.10 g.  400 PCGS SP 66   637 1 Franc 1903, Paris. Gad. 467; F. 217. AR. 5.00 g.  PCGS MS 63  1000 Très rare dans cette qualité.

638 639

638 2 Francs 1898, Paris. Flan mat. Gad. 532; F. 266. AR. 10.00 g.  PCGS PR 62  150  639 50 Francs 1904 A, Paris. Gad. 1113; F. 549; Fr. 591. AU. 16.13 g. 20’250 ex.  PCGS MS 64  750 

640 641 640 100 Francs 1881 A, Paris. Av. REPUBLIQUE FRANCAISE. Le Génie gravant la Constitution, faisceau 1200 à gauche, coq à droite. Rv. LIBERTE EGALITE FRATERNITE. Valeur et date dans une couronne de chêne. Gad. 1137; Fr. 590; F. 552. AU. 32.25g. 21’670 ex.  TTB+   641 100 Francs 1882 A, Paris. Gad. 1137; Fr.590; F. 552. AU. 32.25 g. 37’420 ex.  TTB-SUP 1200 

642 643

642 100 Francs 1896 A, Paris. Gad. 1137; F. 552; Fr.590. AU. 32.19 g. 400 ex. R  SUP  9000  643 Médaille en argent 1872 par Stern. 41 mm. Noces d’or de Jean Dollfus et Anne-Catherine Bourcart. 100 Térisse -. AR. 37.93 g.  SUP  Poinçon abeille et «ARGENT» sur la tranche.

77 644 644 Médaille en argent 1889 par Costil et Saget. 72 mm. Chambres syndicales du département de la Seine, 150 industrie et bâtiment. AR. 223.13 g.  SUP  Attribuée dans le cartouche au revers, en relief : «DÉCERNÉE / A / A. MARAIS / PREMIER / CONTRE-MAÎTRE / 1889». Poinçon corne et «ARGENT» sur la tranche.

645 645 Médaille en bronze 1924 par Raoul Bénard. 55 mm. Participation à la VIIIe Olympiade à Paris. 100 Gad. 2; GVL p. 37. BR. 74.33 g. 9500 ex.  SUP traces d’oxydation  Poinçon corne et «BRONZE» sur la tranche.

646 647 . 646 Anhalt. Friederich I, 1871-1904. 20 Marks 1875 A, Berlin. Obv. FRIEDERICH HERZOG VON 1000 ANHALT. Bare head to right. Rev. DEUTSCHES REICH 1875 / 20 MARKS. Crowned imperial eagle, coat of arms on his chest. KM. 21; Fr. 3748. AU. 7.81 g.  XF  Scarce, one year type.

647 Baden. Friedrich I, 1852-1907. 2 Mark 1896 G, Karlsruhe. KM 269. AR. 11.11 g.  PCGS MS 64  150 

78 648 649

648 2 Mark 1898 G, Karlsruhe. KM 269. AR. 11.11 g.  PCGS MS 64  150  649 2 Mark 1899 G, Karlsruhe. KM 269. AR. 11.11 g.  PCGS MS 63  150  650 2 Mark 1901 G, Karlsruhe. KM 269. AR. 11.11 g.  PCGS MS 63  150  651 Bremen. Free city. Bronze medal Bremen Senat ND by Hahn. 67.7 mm. Obv. Two lions holding coats of 100 arms. Rev. Text. Galperin 8b. BR. 87.94 g.  Nice AU  

652 652 Lübeck. Free city, 1226-1811. 10 Ducats 1752, Lubeck. Obv. MON NOVA IMP - CIVITAT LUBECÆ. 100’000 Crowned double-headed eagle, value «48» on its chest, Heinrich Rust’s coat of arms below. Rev. 48 SCHILLING COURANT GELDT ANNO 1752. Coat of arms, signature of Johann Justin Jasters. KM Pn25; Fr. 1499. AU. 34.63 g.  PCGS SP 63 Ex. Sincona auction 9, 22 October 2012, lot 3800. Extremely rare. Off-metal strike with the dies of a thaler. Heinrich Rust began his activity in Lübeck in 1705 when he entered the service of his father-in-law, the city councilor Johann Richard von der Hardt. He took an increasingly important part in the commercial activities of the city from 1714, and quickly became a member of the Schonenfahrer, the important corporation of merchants of the Hanseatic city. He was elected to the city council in 1731 and became mayor of the city in 1743. It was certainly he who then ordered the striking in gold of the 48 schilling from Johann Justus Jaster, then master of the Lübeck mint. This extraordinary gold strike weighing 10 Ducats reflects the wealth and opulence of the Free City of Lübeck, which at the time occupied the main place in the commercial traffic of the Baltic.

653 654 656

653 Nuremberg. Free city, 1219-1806. Ducat MDCC (1700). KM 257; Fr. 1886 AU. 3.44 g.  UNC  300  654 Palatinate. Friederich I, 1449-1476. Goldgulden ND, Bacharach. Fr. 1978. AU. 3.39 g.  VF+ filed rim 300  655 Prussia Wilhelm II, 1888-1918. Silver medal «Kriegstaler» 1916 by Mayer and Wilhelm. 33.5 mm. Obv. 100 WILHELM II DEUTSCHER KAISER. Bust of Wilhelm II left. Rev. Coats of arms of all German States and imperial crowned eagle within a circle. Zetsman -. AR. 14.91 g.  UNC small edge bump   656 Wurttemberg. Karl I, 1864-1891. 20 Mark 1874 F, Stuttgart. KM 625; Fr. 3871. AU. 7.96 g.  AU  350 

79 658 659 657 657 Wilhelm II, 1891-1918. 2 Mark 1900 F, Stuttgart. KM 631. AR. 11.11 g.  PCGS MS 64  100  658 Empire, 1871-1918. 1 Mark 1887 A. Berlin. KM 7. AR. 5.55 g.  PCGS MS 66  100  659 1 Mark 1894 G, Karlsruhe. KM 14. AR. 5.55 g.  PCGS MS 65  150 660 Lot of 5 coins : 10 Pfennig 1900 A, 1900 G, 1901 F, 1903 A; 20 Pfennig 1888 A. Total (5). CU-NI. 100 22.21 g. (total)  UNC  661 Lot of 2 coins : 1 Mark 1899 G, 1903 F. Total (2). AR. 11.11 g (total)  PCGS MS 64 (2)  100

662 662 662 Lot of 2 coins: Bayern 10 Mark 1910 D, Wurttemberg 10 Mark 1898 F. Total (2) AU. 7.93 g. (total)  300 Nice AU   663 Imperial Treasury. 5 Mark 30.04.1874. Serial number V 416661. Pick 4.  PCGS VF 25 pinholes, ink stains 100



664 20 Mark 30.04.1874. Serial number H 221295. Pick 5. RR  PCGS VF 20 pinholes 750  665 Imperial Bank. 100 Mark 10.04.1896. Serial number 0397576E. Pick 18.  PCGS VF 30  100


667 666 East Africa. Wilhelm II, 1888-1918. 15 Rupien 1916 T, Tabora. Obv. DEUTSCHE OSTAFRIKA / 15 750 RUPIEN. Crowned imperial eagle, coat of arms on his chest. Rev. Elephant walking right, mountains in background. KM 16.1; Fr. 1. AU. 6.87 g.  VF ex. jewellery  667 Weimar Republic, 1919-1933. Silver medal 1925 by H. Hahn. 49.5 mm. Richard Willstatter, 1915 chemistry 100 Nobel prize. AR. 35.64 g.  UNC light cleaning Hallmark «990» on the edge.

80 668 GREAT BRITAIN. 668 Charles I, 1625-1649. Triple Unite 1642, Oxford. Obv. CAROLVS D G MAG BRIT TR ET HIB REX. 67’000 Crowning half-lenght bust left holding sword and laurel spray, Oxford plume behind. Rev. EXVRGAT DEVS DISSIPENTVR INIMICI. Text on continuous scroll, date below. Spink 2724; KM 232; Fr. 258. AU. 26.77 g.  Nice AU  Well struck.

669 669 George III, 1760-1820. ½ Guinea 1787. Proof strike. Obv. GEORGIVS III DEI GRATIA. Laureate head 5000 right. Rev. M B F ET H REX F D B ET L D S R I A T ET E. Crowned coat of arms. Spink 3735; KM 608; Fr. 12. AU. 4.95 g.  NGC PF 61  Struck as a presentation specimen, for the first date of issue of the spade guinea type.

670 671 670 George IV, 1820-1830. Sovereign 1826, London. Obv. GEORGIVS IV DEI GRATIA. Bare head left. 27’500 Rev. BRITANNIARUM - REX FID DEF. Coat of arms. Spink 3801; KM 696; Fr. 377a. AU. 7.98 g.  PCGS PR 66 CAM  Extremely rare in this condition, top grade for this type, with only two other graded proof 66 at PCGS and one at NGC. 671 2 £ 1823, London. Obv. GEORGIUS IIII D G BRITANNIAR REX F D. Bare head left. Rev. Saint 12’000 George slaying the dragon. Spink 3798; KM 690; Fr. 375. AU. 15.96 g.  NGC MS 66  Exceptionnal condition, only four other graded better at PCGS and NGC. 

672 673

672 2 £ 1823, London. Spink 3798; KM 690; Fr. 375. AU. 15.98 g.  NGC MS 62  1500  673 2 £ 1826, London. Proof strike. Obv. GEORGIVS IV DEI GRATIA. Bare head left. Rev. BRITANNIARUM 50’000 - REX FID DEF. Coat of arms. Spink 3779; KM 701; Fr. 373. AU. 15.96 g.  NGC PF 66 CAM  Extremely rare in this condition, top grade for this type, the only one in proof 66 at PCGS or NGC, only two better.

81 675 674

674 2 £ 1826, London. Proof strike. Spink 3799; KM 701; Fr. 374. AU. 15.98 g. 450 ex.  NGC PF 62 UCAM  3000  675 Victoria, 1837-1901. Sovereign 1887, London. Proof strike. Second obverse. Spink 3866B; KM 767; 750 Fr. 392a. AU. 7.99 g. 797 ex.  PCGS PR 61 CAM 

676 George VI, 1936-1952. T he King’s Medal for courage in the cause of freedom. 36.3 mm. AR. 35.15 g.  AU 100 This civil order was created and awarded for non-britannics people who helped and hide British soldiers and Allies to escape Axis Forces during the Second World War. Aproximately 3200 Medals were awarded, most of them to Free French Forces members and French civilians.

677 677 GREECE. George I, 1863-1913. 100 Drachmai 1876 A, Paris. Obv. ΓΕΩΡΓΙΟΣ ΑΙ ΒΑΣΙΛΕΥΣ ΤΩΝ 10’000 ΕΛΛΗΝΩΝ. Bare head right. Rev. ΒΑΣΙΛΕΙΟΝ ΤΗΣ ΕΛΛΑΔΟΣ / 100 ΔΡΑΞΜΑΙ. Crowned coat of arms. KM 51; Fr. 13. AU. 32.43 g. 76 ex.  XF polished, edge repaired  Extremely rare. Key coin of the modern Greek coinage. 678 Lot of 16 banknotes: National Bank of Greece. 1 Drachm 21.12.1885 (Pick 40), 2 Drachmai 21.12.1885 100 (Pick 41), 2 ½ Drachmai ND (left half, Pick 58), 5 Drachmai 12.12.1897, 02.18.1916 (Pick 42, 54), 10 Drachmai 15.04.1914 (Pick 51), 25 Drachmai 01.08.1917 (Pick 52), 250 Drachmai 08.1917 (right half, Pick 62); Ionian Bank. 2 Drachmai 21.12.1885 (Pick S148); Kingdom of Greece. 50 Lepta ND (1920) (Pick 303a), 1 Drachm 27.10.1917 (3 ex., Pick 304b, 308, 309), 2 Drachmai 27.10.1917 (3 ex., Pick 306, 310, 311). Total (16).  F to XF  


ex. 679


ex. 679 679 National Bank of Greece. Lot of 4 banknotes: 5 Drachmai 16.07.1918 (Pick 64), 25 Drachmai 23.06.1918 1500 (Pick 65), 500 Drachmai 25.01.1922* (Pick 68), 1000 Drachmai 23.11.1921* (Pick 69). Total (4).   F to XF  *The 500 and 1000 Drachmai is certified by PMG : grades availables online on and the auction websites.

82 1:2

ex. 680 680 Lot of 17 banknotes: National Bank of Greece. 5 Drachmai 24.03.1923 (2 ex.), 28.04.1923 (Pick 70 (2 ex.), 200 73), 10 Drachmai 15.07.1926 (Pick 88), 25 Drachmai 05.03.1923, ND right third (Pick 71, 80), 500 Drachmai 12.04.1923 (1926) (Pick 86). Bank of Greece (overprints). 5 Drachmai 17.12.1926 (Pick 94), 20 Drachmai 19.10.1926 (Pick 95), 25 Drachmai 15.04.1923* (Pick 96), 50 Drachmai 06.05.1923, 24.05.1927 (Pick 92, 97), 100 Drachmai 20.04.1923, 14.06.1927 (Pick 93, 98), 500 Drachmai 12.11.1926 (Pick 99), 1000 Drachmai 04.11.1926 (2 ex., Pick 100b). Total (17).  G to XF  *The 25 Drachmai 15.04.1923 is certified by PMG : grade available online on and the auction websites.


ex. 681 681 Lot of 71 banknotes: 300 Bank of Greece. 50 Drachmai 01.09.1935, 01.01.1939, 01.01.1941, 01.02.1943 (Pick 104, 107, 168, 121), 100 Drachmai 01.09.1935, 01.01.1939, 10.07.1941, ND (1944) (Pick 105, 108, 116, 170), 500 Drachmai 01.10.1932, 01.01.1939 (2 var.), ND (1944) (Pick 102, 109a, 109b, 171), 1000 Drachmai 01.05.1935, 01.01.1939, 01.01.1939 (2 ex.), 01.10.1941, 21.08.1942, ND (1944), 09.01.1947, 14.11.1947 (Pick 106, 111, 110 (2 ex.), 117b, 118, 172, 180a, 180b), 5000 Drachmai 01.10.1932 (2 ex.), 20.06.1942 (2 var.), 19.07.1943, ND (1945)*, ND (1947), 28.10.1950 (Pick 103 (2 ex.), 119a, 119b, 122, 173, 177, 184), 10’000 Drachmai 29.12.1942, ND (1945), ND (1946), ND (1947), 29.12.1947 (Pick 120a, 174, 175, 178, 182a), 20’000 Drachmai ND (1946), 29.12.1949 (Pick 176, 183), 25’000 Drachmai 12.08.1943 (Pick 123), 50’000 Drachmai 14.01.1944, 01.12.1950 (Pick 124, 185), 100’000 Drachmai 21.01.1944 (Pick 125), 500’000 Drachmai 20.03.1944 (Pick 126), 1M Drachmai 29.06.1944 (Pick 127), 5M Drachmai 20.07.1944 (Pick 128), 10M Drachmai 29.07.1944 (Pick 129), 25M Drachmai (2 ex.) (Pick 130 (2 ex.)), 100M Drachmai 07.10.1944 Patras (Pick 164), 200M Drachmai 09.09.1944 (Pick 131a), 500M Drachmai 01.10.1944, 07.10.1944 Patras (Pick 132, 165), 2B Drachmai 11.10.1944 (Pick 133), 10B Drachmai 20.10.1944 (Pick 134), 100B Drachmai 02.11.1944 (Pick 135). Mediterranean loans fund for Greece. 5 Drachmai ND (Pick M1). Ionian Islands. 100 Drachmai ND (Pick M15), 500 Drachmai ND (Pick M16). Kingdom of Greece. 1 Drachm 09.11.1944 (Pick 320), 5 Drachmai 15.01.1945 (Pick 321), 10 Drachmai 06.04.1940, 09.11.1944 (Pick 314, 322), 20 Drachmai 06.04.1940, 09.11.1944 (Pick 315, 323), 100 Drachmai 01.11.1953 (Pick 324b), 500 Drachmai 10.07.1950, 01.11.1953 (Pick 325a, 325b), 1000 Drachmai 10.07.1950, 01.11.1953 (Pick 326a, 326b). Hellenic State. 50 Lepta 18.06.1941 (Pick 316), 1 Drachm 18.06.1941 (Pick 317), 2 Drachmai 18.06.1941 (Pick 318), 5 Drachmai 18.06.1941 (Pick 319). Total (71).  VG to UNC  *The 5000 Drachmai ND (1945) is certified by PMG : grade available online on and the auction websites. 682 Bank of Greece. Lot of 22 banknotes: 10 Drachmai 01.03.1955 (2 ex.) (Pick 189b (2 ex.)), 20 Drachmai 300 15.01.1954, 01.03.1955 (Pick 187, 190), 50 Drachmai 15.01.1954, 01.03.1955, 01.10.1964, 08.12.1978 (2 ex.) (Pick 188, 191, 195, 199 (2 ex.)), 100 Drachmai 01.07.1955, 01.10.1967, 08.12.1978 (2 ex.) (Pick 192b, 196b, 200 (2 ex.)), 200 Drachmai 02.09.1996 (Pick 204), 500 Drachmai 08.08.1955, 01.11.1968, 01.02.1983 (Pick 193, 197, 201), 1000 Drachmai 16.04.1956, 01.11.1970 (2 ex.), 01.07.1987 (Pick 194, 198a, 198b, 202), 5000 Drachmai 23.03.1984 (Pick 203). Total (22).  F to UNC  

83 683


683 Karl VI, 1711-1740. Ducat 1712, Kremnitz. Huszar 1585; KM 291; Fr. 171. AU. 3.48 g.  XF-AU light cleaning  400  684 Franz-Joseph I, 1848-1916. 100 Korona 1907 KB, Kremnitz. Obv. FERENCZ JÓZSEF I K A CS ÉS 1250 M H S D O AP KIR. Laureate head right. Rev. MEGKORONÁZTATÁSÁNAK NEGYVENEDIK EVFORDULO-JÁRA 1867-1907. Coronation scene. KM 491; Fr. 256. AU. 33.84 g.  AU edge marks  685 Lot of 6 coins : 8 Forint / 20 Francs 1871 GYF, 1875 KB, 1876 KB, 1881 KB, 1883 KB, 1888 KB. 1750 Total (6). AU. 38.64 g. (total).   XF to UNC  

2:1 2:3

1:2 687

688 2:1 686

686 Miklós Horthy, 1920-1944. Order of Merit (1935-1949). 53 mm. Commander’s neck badge. AR. 45.12 g. (total).  AU  200 On its original full-length neck ribbon, in original case of issue. INDONESIA.

687 Java. Sailendra Kingdom. 24 Krisnalas or 20 Rattis, 800-950. Fr. 2. AU. 2.37 g.  F  100  IRAN. 688 Qajar dynasty, 1789-1925. Order of the lion and the sun (ca. 1880-1897). 62 mm. Third class silver medal. 150 AR. 40.49 g.  AU  Made in Russia. Suspension part is missing.

689 690 ITALY.

689 Cagliari. Filippo V, 1700-1719. Scudo d’oro 1702, Cagliari. MIR 93/2; Fr. 145. AU. 3.18 g.  PCGS MS 62  500  690 Firenze. Repubblica, 1115-1569. Fiorino ND (1306). CNI 39; Fr. 275. AU. 3.54 g.  VF+ bent  300 Struck during the first semester of 1306 under the mastership of Lupo di Ghino (symbol : ladder).

84 691 692 693

691 Fiorino ND (1327). CNI 201; Fr. 275. AU. 3.46 g.  XF  350 Struck during the first semester of 1327 under the mastership of Donato dell’Antella (symbol : pickaxe).

692 Fiorino ND (1344). CNI 271; Fr. 275. AU. 3.54 g.  XF-AU  400 Struck during the second semester of 1344 under the mastership of Giovanni Covoni (symbol : sheaf).

693 Genova. Paolo di Campofregoso, 1483-1488. Ducato ND. MIR 122; Fr. 389. AU. 3.43 g.  XF-AU rim filed  1300 Ex.NAC auction 89, 29 November 2015, lot 50.  With Cardinal’s hat.

694 695 694 Dogi Biennali III fase, 1637-1797. 96 Lire 1793, Genova. Obv. DUX ET GUB - REIP GENU. Griffins 3500 holding crowned shield. Rev. ET REGE - EOS 1796 / L. 96. Madonna and the child on a cloud. Mont. 28; Fr. 444. AU. 25.19 g.  UNC   695 Mantova. Ferdinando Gonzaga, 1621-1626. 2 Doppie or Quadrupla ND. Obv. FERDIN DG DVX MANT. 2000 Cuirassed bust right. Rev. FERRATI IV ET MONTIS. Crown coat of arms. MIR 579; KM 91; Fr. 560. AU. 13.06 g.  XF ex. jewelry  

697 698 696 696 Vincenzo II Gonzaga, 1626-1627. 2 Doppie 1627, Mantova. Obv. VINCEN II D G DVX MANT VII. Bust 39’000 at left. Rv. ET MONTIS FERRATI V ET C. Coats of arms. MIR 620; Fr. 527. AU. 13.07 g.  XF-AU  Second example known.

697 Milano. Filippo Maria Visconti, 1412-1447. Fiorino ND, Milano. MIR 150; Fr. 681. AU. 3.52 g.  XF  500  698 Francesco Sforza, 1450-1466. Ducato ND, Milano. Obv. FRANCISChVS SFORCIA VIC. Bust 1500 right. Rev. DVX ME-DIOLAI PPIE Q3 C. The duke, armoured, on horseback. MIR 171; Fr. 683. AU. 3.47 g.  VF cleaned  699 Lot of 5 replicas by Johnson : Charlemagne, Denier (cf. MIR 1 and 4, dated 1972); Tremissis (2 types, dated 400 1972); Francesco II, Scudo d’oro del Sole (cf. MIR 267, dated 1969). Total (5). AR (2); AU (3). 3.40, 3.35, 3.07, 3.06, 6.94 g.  UNC  With a box by the «Banca Commerciale Italiana» for the Scudo.

85 700 701 700 Regno delle due Sicilie. Ferdinando II, 1830-1859. 15 Ducati 1844, Napoli. Obv. FERDINANDVS II 2000 DEI GRATIA REX. Bare head right. Rev. REGNI VTR-SIC ET HIER / TRAPP 21 25/100 / TITOLO MILLESIMI 996 / DUCATI 15. Bourbon’s genius standing, his right hand on a crowned column, his left on a shield. Mont. 693; KM 356; Fr. 867. AU. 18.89 g.  AU   701 Roma. Prima Reppublica Romana, 1798-1799. Scudo Romano ND (1799), Roma. Mont. 1 ; KM 11. AR. 200 26.46g.  XF+ 

702 703 704 702 Savoia. Filippo I, 1268-1285. Den aro forte nuovo ND, Chambéry or Avigliana. Av. Ph COMES. Cross 500 with pellets on 2nd and 3rd quarters. Rv. SABAUDIE. Stylized flower with six petals. Biaggi 33; MIR 39. AR. 0.99 g. RR  XF-AU   703 Amedeo VI, 1343-1383. Fiorin o d’oro ND. Obv. AMED C-OM SAB. Florentine lily. Rev. S IOHA-NNES B. 20’000 Saint John standing face. MIR 72; Fr. 1014. AU. 3.47 g.  XF  Ex. Azzalea collection. Rare variant of an already scarce type, with SAB in the obverse legend and a cross preceeded by a dot at the end of the reverse legend. One other specimen is know within the BnF collection. 704 Sardinia. Vittorio Amedeo III, 1773-1796. ½ Doppia 1787, Torino. Mont. 317; Fr. 1121. AU. 4.48 g. 300 VF-XF  

705 706

705 2 ½ Doppie 1786, Torino. Mont. 284; Fr. 1119. AU. 22.77 g.  Nice AU light cleaning 15’000 Ex Rauch auction 103, 23 March 2017, lot 1049.  706 5 Doppie 1786, Torino. Obv. VIC AM D G REX SARDINIA. Bare head left. Rev. DVX SABAVD - 12’500 PRINC PEDEM. Crowned eagle with coat of arms. Mont. 283; KM 88; Fr. 1118. AU. 45.55 g.  Nice AU small graffiti on reverse 

86 707 708

707 Vittorio Emanuele I, 1802-1821. 80 Lire 1821, Torino. Obv. VIC EM D G REX SAR CYP ET IER. 40’000 Bare head left. Rev. DVX SAB GENVAE ET MONTISF PRINC PED &. Crowned coat of arms. Mont. 16; KM 119; Fr. 1130. AU. 25.71 g. R  AU rim filed   708 Carlo Alberto, 1831-1849. 100 Lire 1842 P, Torino. Obv. CAR ALBERTVS D G REX SARD CYP ET 2000 HIER. Bare head left. Rev. DVX SAB GENVAE ET MONTISF PRINC PED &. Crowned coat of arms within laurel wreath. Mont. 20; KM 117.2; Fr. 1138. AU. 32.25 g. 864 ex.  PCGS AU 50  

709 710 709 Stato Pontificio. Pius VI, 1775-1799. 10 Zecchini 1787 Anno XII, Bologna. Obv. PIVS VI PONT - MAX 4000 AN XII. Coat of arms. Rev. S PETRON BON - PROT AN 1787 / ZECCH 10. Saint Petronius over Cardinal Archetti and City of Bologna coat of arms. KM 309; Fr. 390. AU. 35.00 g.  NGC AU 58   710 Pio IX, 1846-1878. Scudo 1853 Anno VIII R, Roma. KM 1336.2. AR. 26.82 g.  UNC toned  500 

711 712 711 100 Lire 1866 Anno XXI R, Roma. Obv. PIVS IX PONT MAX A XXI. Bust left. Rev. STATO 4000 PONTIFICIO. Value in wreath. Mont. 336; Fr. 278. AU. 32.12 g. 1115 ex.  AU light cleaning   712 Tuscany. Ferdinando I de Medici, 1595-1608. Tallero 1601, Pisa. MIR 443/3; KM 15. AR. 28.58 g. 1500 Nice AU  

87 713 714

713 Ludovico I di Borbone, 1801-1803. Francescone da 10 Paoli 1803 LS, Firenze. Mont. 182; KM 42.3. AR. 200 27.19g.  AU light cleaning

714 Carlo Ludovico di Borbone, 1803-1807. Francescone da 10 Paoli 1806 LS, Firenze. Mont. 246; KM 50.1. 200 AR. 27.34g.  XF+

715 716 717

715 Venezia. Antonio Venier, 1382-1400. Ducato, Venezia. Paolucci 37/1; Fr. 1229. AU. 3.53 g.  VF+  250 Ex. Credit Suisse Bern list 42, February 1984, lot 238.  716 Giovanni II Corner, 1709-1722. Gold Soldo da 2 Zecchini ND. Paolucci 16; Fr. unlisted. AU. 4500 6.96 g.  XF rim filed  Ex. NAC auction 108, 23 May 2018, lot 984.  Extremely rare. This coin was struck with the die of the silver Soldo or 12 Bagattini. 717 Pietro Grimani, 1741-1752. 2 Zecchini ND. Obv. PET GRIMANI - S M VENET. Saint Marc standing 8000 right, presenting banner to Doge kneeling left. Rev. SIT T XPE DAT Q TV - REGIS ISTE DVCA. Christ Pantokrator standing facing within mandorla of sixteen stars. Papadopoli 2a (this coin); Fr. 1400. AU. 6.95 g.  AU rim filed  Ex. Gavazzi collection; Ex. De Lazara collection; Ex. NAC auction 43, 26 November 2007, lot 74.  Probably unique.

719 718

718 Alvise IV Mocenigo, 1763-1778. Doppio ducato ND DG, D. Guitti. Paolucci 27. AR. 45.38 g.   AU  3000 Rare especially in this condition.

719 Regno d’Italia. Vittorio Emanuele II, 1861-1878. 100 Lire 1872 R, Rome. Obv. VITTORIO EMANUELE II. 18’000 Head left. Rev. REGNO D’ITALIA. Crowned arms in wreath. Mont. 127; KM 19.2; Fr. 9. AU. 32.16 g. 661 ex.  Nice AU  Ex. Varesi auction 67, 18 November 2015, lot 762.

88 720 721 720 Umberto I, 1878-1900. 100 Lire 1880 R, Rome. Obv. UMBERTO I - RE D’ITALIA. Bare head left. 50’000 Rev. Crowned coat of arms within laurel-oak wreath, value on either side. Mont. 1; KM 22; Fr. 18. AU. 32.18 g. 145 ex.  AU cleaned Extremely rare.

721 100 Lire 1883 R, Roma. Mont. 3; KM 22; Fr. 18. AU. 32.26 g. 4219 ex.  UNC small defect on the shield 3000 

722 723

722 100 Lire 1883 R, Roma. Mont. 3; KM 22; Fr. 18. AU. 32.25 g. 4219 ex.  UNC light cleaning 2500  723 100 Lire 1888 R, Roma. Mont. 3; KM 22; Fr. 18. AU. 32.25 g. 1169 ex.  PCGS MS 61  6000 



724 Vittorio Emanuele III, 1900-1946. 20 Lire 1905 R, Rome. Mont. 46; KM 37.1; Fr. 24. AU. 6.44 g.  UNC  1500  725 100 Lire 1903 R, Roma. Obv. VITTORIO EMANUELE III. Bare head to left. Rev. REGNO D’ITALIA 5000 / L. 100 / 1903. Crowned eagle with Savoy coat of arms on its chest. Mont. 1; KM 39; Fr. 22. AU. 32.22 g. 966 ex.  Nice AU light cleaning  

726 727 726 100 Lire 1912 R, Roma. Obv. VITTORIO EMANUELE III. Bare head to left. Rev. REGNO D’ITALIA. Italia 3000 plowing (aratrice), value on either side, date below. Mont. 7; KM 50; Fr. 27. AU. 32.25 g. 4946 ex.  PCGS MS 62   727 100 Lire 1923 R, Roma. Obv. VITTORIO EMANUELE III RE D’ITALIA. Bare head left. Rev. OTTOBRE 1500 1922. Fasces, value and date. Mont. 12; KM 65; Fr. 30. AU. 32.18 g.  Nice AU 

89 ex. 728

ex. 729 728 Lot of 42 coins : 100 Lire 1931 Anno IX R, Roma (42 ex.). Total (42). Mont. 20; KM 72; Fr. 33. AU. 10’000 369.60 g. (total).  UNC   729 Lot of 2 medals : Gold medal 1913 by Lancelot Croce. 43 mm. Fondazione Carnegie; Silver medal ND 2000 (1920) by Ferraris. 33 mm. Order of Civil Merit. Total (2). AR, AU. 41.44, 21.66 g.  Nice AU  The gold medal comes with its original case (poor condition). The silver order is attributed on the reverse «ALLA / MEMORIA / DI / CEDOLINI / Guglielmo / ONCINO / (CUNEO) / 21-AGO-1920. Included is a copy of the Gazzetta ufficiale del Regno d’Italia of 1921, where is is noted that he received this award for dying while trying to save colleagues stuck in a mine gallery. The Carnegie Fundation was founded in 1911, with the aim to reward acts of heroism in Italy.

ex. 731

730 JAPAN.

730 Keicho, 1601-1695. Gold Koban Kin. JNDA 09-13; Fr. 13. AU. 17.66 g.  VF countermarks 3000  731 Hiro-Hito, 1926-1989. Lot of 2 coins : 100’000 Yen Year 61 (1986) (2). KM 92; Fr. 57. AU. 40.00 g. (total).  1750 UNC  

732 . 732 Johann II, 1858-1929. 20 Kronen 1898, Vienna. Pattern. Obv. JOHANN II FÜRST VON 5000 LIECHTENSTEIN. Bare head left. Rev. Crowned coats of arms. HMZ 2-1374b; KM E4; Fr. 12. AU. 6.77 g. 35 ex. RRR  NGC MS 60 Struck for the 40th anniversary of the reign. Edge inscribed : KLAR * UND * FEST ****.

90 734 733 MEXICO.

733 Carlo IV, 1788-1808. 8 Escudos 1806 Mo, Mexico. KM 159; Fr. 43. AU. 26.96 g.  AU  1250  MOROCCO.

734 Moulay Yussef I, 1912-1927. 5 Dirhams (½ Rial) AH 1336 (1918), Paris. Lec. 184; KM 32. AR. 12.37 g.  UNC 100  735 Lot of 5 coins : Hassan I, 10 Dirhams AH 1299 (1882); Hafid I, 2 ½ Dirhams AH 1329 (1911), 10 Dirhams 100 AH 1329 (1911), Yussef I, 10 Dirhams AH 1331 (1913), AH 1336 (1918). Total (5). Lec. 188, 154, 196, 197, 198; KM 8, 23, 25, 33 (2). AR. 29.00, 6.07, 24.86 ,24.93, 24.89 g.  F to UNC   736 State Bank of Morocco. Pair of uniface face and back proofs of 10 Francs 15-5-24. Series 0.000, serial 250 number 000. Total (2). Pick cf. 11b. R  light corner marks, otherwise UNC Glue Without watermark and perforated «SPECIMEN».


737 737 Specimen 500 Francs 0-00-00 (1923-37). Series 0.000, serial number 00000000. Pick cf. 15a.  400 tears on the margins, one corner cut (3 mm), two small abrasions, otherwise XF-AU  With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back. Very rare.

738 500 Francs 10-11-48. Series B.479, serial number 11951648. Pick 15b.  Nice AU  80 Without «PAYABLE A VUE AU PORTEUR»


739 739 Specimen 1000 Francs 00-00-00 (1921-50). Series 0.000, serial number 00000000. Pick cf. 16.  200 tears on the margins, crumpled on the right, otherwise XF-AU  With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back. Rare.

740 1000 Francs 10-11-48. Series D.797, serial number 19903285. Pick 16c.  XF  100  741 Specimen 10 Francs 12-6-29. Series 0.000, serial number 000. Pick cf. 17a.  XF+ paper clip mark and folded  100 With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back.

91 742 Specimen 20 Francs 0-00-00 (1941-45). Series 0.000, serial number 000. Pick cf. 18b.  XF+  100 With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back. 743 Lot of 2 banknotes : 20 Francs 1-3-45. Series G.1772, serial number 428; 50 Francs 28-10-47. Series J.2883, 100 serial number 72058276. Total (2). Pick 18b, 21.  XF   744 Specimen 100 Francs 00-00-00 (1928-47). Series 0.000, serial number 00000000. Pick cf. 20.  AU-UNC  120 With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back.

745 Specimen 50 Francs 00-0-00 (1936-49). Series 0.00, serial number 00000000. Pick cf. 21.  AU folded 100 With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back.



746 Specimen 5000 Francs 00-0-00 (1938-51). Series O.00, serial number 00000000. Pick cf. 23.  AU paper clip mark 500 With watermark. «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back. Very rare. 747 Lot of 2 banknotes : Specimen 5 Francs ND (type 1922, issued 1941), without series and serial number; 80 Specimen 5 Francs 1-8-43, serial number 0000973. Total (2). Pick cf. 23Ab, 24s.  AU to UNC, paper clip and tear.  The first specimen has «SPECIMEN» perforated, and overprinted in black on face and back. The second specimen has «SPECIMEN» overprinted in red on face and back. 748 Lot of 6 banknotes : 5 Francs 14-11-41. Series D.789, serial number 761; 5 Francs 1-8-43. Serial number 100 0705305; 5 Francs 14-9-43. Series M.727, serial number 037; 1944 emergency issue, 50 Centimes, 1 Franc and 2 Francs 6 avril 1944. Total (6). Pick 23Ab, 24, 33, 41, 42, 43.  XF to UNC  

750 749 1:3 1:3

749 Specimen 10 Francs 1-3-44. Series W1119, serial number 300. Pick 25s.  XF-AU  350 »SPECIMEN» overprinted in black on face and back. Rare. 750 Specimen 50 Francs 1-8-43. Series A1, serial number 0000174. Pick 26s.  400 staple mark, one pinhole, corner marks, otherwise AU paper clip and rust. »SPECIMEN» overprinted in red on face and back. Rare.

92 1:3


751 Specimen 100 Francs 1-5-43. Series A184, serial number 4575541. Pick 27s.  XF  400 »SPECIMEN» overprinted in black on face and back. Rare. 752 Lot of 3 banknotes : 10 Francs 1-3-44. Series L608, serial number 765; 50 Francs 1-8-3. Series X181, 80 serial number 380; 100 Francs 1-3-44. Series L580, serial number 14485254. Total (3). Pick 25a, 26a, 27a.  XF tu UNC  



753 Specimen 1000 Francs 1-5-43. Series W.1, serial number 909. Pick 28s.  XF-AU glue  500 Issued cancelled, overprinted «SPECIMEN» in black on face and back. Perforated «00000» on left and right. Very Rare. Signatures : Guessous, Desoubry, Moreau. 754 Pair of uniface face and back proofs of 1000 Francs 1-5-43. No series and serial number. Total (2). 300 Pick cf. 28.   UNC  Signatures punched : Guessous, Desoubry, Moreau. Very rare. 755 Pair of uniface face and back proofs of 1000 Francs 1-5-43. No series and serial number. Total (2). 300 Pick cf. 28.   UNC  Signatures punched : Guessous, Bapst , De Castelbajac. Very rare. 756 Pair of uniface face and back proofs of 1000 Francs 1-8-43. No series and serial number. Total (2) 300 Pick cf. 28.   UNC tears and repaired Face without guilloché. Signatures : Guessous, Leclerc, De Castelbajac.



757 Specimen 5000 Francs 1-8-43. Series T.4, serial number 093313. Pick 32s.  VF-XF  1000 Issued banknote cancelled, overprinted «SPECIMEN» in black on face and back. Signatures : Guessous, Bapst, De Castelbajac. Extremely Rare..

758 Lot of 3 banknotes : 100 Francs 22-12-52. Series P.51, serial number 126420902; 1000 Francs 10-12-52. 80 Series G.18, serial number 043198437; 10’000 Francs 2-8-54. Series O.298, serial number 007438076. Total (3). Pick 45, 47, 52.  VF to XF folded  

93 759


NETHERLANDS. 759 Holland. United provinces, 1581-1795. 6 Stuivers 1783. Gold strike at the weight of 2 Ducats. Delm. 816; 400 KM 45a; Fr. -. AU. 6.90 g.  AU   760 Utrecht. United Provinces, 1581-1795. Silver medal 1736 by J. Drappentier. 65 mm. Centennial of the 3000 University of Utrecht. Obv. ATRIUM LIBERTATIS TEMPLUM SAPIENTIAE. Minerva, in full armor, seated left , holding spear in right hand and shield set on ground in left; left arm resting on altar. Minerva’s feet are attributes of the various academic disciplines. Hercules standing right on multi-headed monster, holding bundle of arrows and extending hand to Minerva. In exergue I. DRAP : F.; MONSTRIS . DOMITIS./ARTES . RECEPTÆ. Rev. SOL IUSTITIÆ ILLUSTRATA NOS, PRIMIS ACADEMIÆ TRAIECTINÆ/SACRIS SÆCULARIBUS A D XXVII/MARTII CICICCCXXXVI CELEBRATIS/ VOTISQUE PRO NOVI SÆCULI/FELICITATE NUNCUPATIS CONSULES/ET SENATORES EIUS CURATORES/LÆTI FESTI MEMORIAM HOC/MONUMENTO CONSECRARUNT. Radiate coat-of-arms flanked by laurel branches; below river-god Rhenus, holding rudder and urn, view of city in background. Van Loon 104. AR. 82.94 g.  PCGS MS 64  Beautiful medal in exceptional condition.

763 761

761 Lodewijk Napoléon, 1806-1810. Rijksdaalder 1808, Utrecht. Delm. 982; KM 25. AR. 28.30g.  UNC  150  762 Wilhelmina, 1890-1948. Bronze medal 1928 by J. C. Wienecke. 54.9 m. Amsterdam Olympic 150 commemoration. Obv. Nude male and female athlete on podium holding torch over Olympic flame, balance on laurel branches in exergue. Rv. IXE OLYMPIADE AMSTERDAM 1928. Nike over Marathon Tower, shield of Amsterdam bewtween two hemispheres, stadium in background. Gad. 2. BR. 63.33 g. 5901 ex.  UNC   763 PERU. Felipe V, 1700-1746. 8 Escudos L-M 1712, Lima. Obv. [PHILIPP]VS V DG HISP[ANIA]. Cross 5000 of Jerusalem, lions and castles in quarters. Rev. ET YND[IARVM] REX [ANO 7]I2 / L - 8 - M / P. - V. - A • / 7 - 1- 2. Pillars of Hercules. Calico 2120; KM 38.2; Fr. 7. AU. 26.87 g.  VF-XF tooled  Very rare.

94 765

764 764 Republic, 1821-. Lot of 2 coins : 20 Soles 1955, 50 Soles 1955, Lima. Total (2). KM 229, 230; Fr. 80, 79. 1250 AU. 9.36, 23.42 g.  UNC   765 Silver medal 1869 by C. E. Bryant. 37 mm. Inauguration of the Pasco Mineral Railway. AR. 23.73 g.  150 Nice AU   POLAND. 766 Prussian Silesia, 1815-1919. Silver medal 1869 by H. Wittig and G. Loos. 42.5 mm. 27th agricultural and 50 forestrial congress in Breslau. AR. 27.80 g.  Nice AU small edge bump  

767 PORTUGAL. 767 José I, 1750-1777. Silver medal 1775 by J. Caspar. 47 mm. Erection of the Joseph I monument in Lisbon 150 following the reconstruction of the city after the Great Lisbon Earthquake in 1755. Wurzb. 4150. AR. 37.88 g.  Nice AU light cleaning  


ex. 768 768 Bank of Portugal. Lot of 13 banknotes : 20 Escudos 27.01.1959, 26.07.1960 (Pick 153, 163), 50 Escudos 500 28.06.1949, 24.06.1955, 24.06.1960 (Pick 154, 160, 164), 100 Escudos 25.06.1957, 19.12.1961 (Pick 159, 165), 500 Escudos 29.09.1942, 11.03.1952, 27.05.1958 (Pick 155, 158, 162), 1000 Escudos 29.09.1942, 31.01.1956, 30.05.1961 (Pick 156, 161, 166). Total (13).  F to AU  500 Escudos 27.05.1958 came from the robbery of the Figuera da Foz bank on May 17th, 1967 where 12’000 of these banknotes were stolen.

95 2:3

ex. 769 769 Lot of 27 banknotes : 20 Escudos 26.05.1964, 27.07.1971 (Governador), 27.07.1971 (Vice-Governador), 500 13.09.1978 (Pick 167, 173 (2 ex.), 176), 50 Escudos 28.01.1964, 28.05.1968 (Pick 168, 174); 100 Escudos 30.11.1965 (Vice-Governador), 30.11.1965 (Governador), 02.09.1980 (2 ex.), 16.10.1986 (2 ex.) (Pick 169 (2 ex.), 178 (2 ex.), 179 (2 ex.)), 500 Escudos 25.01.1966, 04.10.1979 (2 ex.), 20.11.1987, 11.09.1997 (Pick 170, 177 (2 ex.), 180, 187b), 1000 Escudos 02.04.1965*, 19.05.1967, 28.05.1968, 22.12.1988, 12.03.1998 (Pick 171, 172, 175, 181, 188c), 2000 Escudos 23.05.1991, 11.09.1997 (Pick 186, 189d); 5000 Escudos 07.01.1961, 12.02.1987, 06.07.1989 (Pick 182, 183, 184). Total (27).  XF to UNC  100 Escudos 02.09.1980 are consecutive serial numbers; 500 Escudos 04.10.1979 are consecutive serial numbers; 1000 Escudos 02.04.1965 came from the robbery of the Figuera da Foz bank on May 17th, 1967 where 18’500 of these banknotes were stolen * *The 1000 Escudos 02.04.1965 is certified by PMG : grade available online on the auction websites. ROMANIA.

770 Carol I, 1866-1914. 1 Banu 1867 H, Heaton. KM 1.1. CU. 1.00 g.  NGC MS 65 RD  50  771 5 Bani 1867, Heaton. KM 3.1 BR. 4.89 g.  UNC prooflike 75


772 772 Mihail I, 1940-1947. Barette with eight orders and awards : Order of the Star of Romania (knight, 2nd type 300 1932); Order of the Crown of Romania (knight, 2nd type 1932); Spanish cross of Naval Merit (1st class, before 1925); Romanian Naval Virtue medal (3rd class, created 1936); Romanian commemorative cross of the 1916-1918 War (with lapels BUCURESTI, 1918, 1919, TG·OCNA, DUNAREA); Romanian Inter- Allied medal; Romanian «cruisade against communism» medal (created 1942); Romanian medal for the cenetnary of Carol I reign, 1939. Is joined the miniature of this barette. BR. 215.35 g.  AU  This barette was mouted by «Decomed» in Bucharest.



773 Vasily II, 1425-1462. Denga. ГП-1766А (R8). AR. 0.64 g.   NNR AU  500 Certified by the russian grading company «National Numismatic Register». 774 Alexis I, 1645-1676. Jefimok 1655. Countermarked on a Patagon of Filip IV, 1634 Bruges. AR. 1250 NGC VF 30 c/s XF strong 

96 775 775 Peter I, 1682-1725. Poltin a ҂АΨK (1702), Kadashevsky. Obv. ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ АΛЕКСІЕВИЧЪ ВСЕѦ РОСІИ 7000 ПОВЕΛІТЕΛЬ. Bust right. Rev. МАНЕТА ДОБРАѦ ЦЕНА ПОΛТІНА ҂АΨK. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and globe cruciger. Bitkin 515; KM NB2. AR. 14.00 g.  NGC VF 35  Ex. HA auction 3016, 2 January 2012, lot 24913.

776 776 Rouble ҂АΨЕ (1705), Red mint. Obv. ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ АΛЕКСЕВИЧЪ ВСЕѦ РОСІИ ПОВЕΛІТЕΛЬ. 5000 Bust right. Rev. МАНЕТА ДОБРАѦ ЦЕНА РУБЛЬ ҂АΨЕ. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and globe cruciger. Bitkin 798; KM 122. AR. 28.00 g.  NGC XF 45 

777 777 Novodel Rouble 1707, Kadashevsky. Obv. ЦРЬ ПЕТРЪ АΛЕКСИЕВИЧЪ В Р П. Bust right. Rev. 7000 МОСКОВСКИІ РУБΛЬ. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and globe cruciger. Bitkin 188 (this coin); KM 130.2. AR. 28.00 g.  PCGS AU Details cleaning Ex. Sincona auction 24, 12-14 October 2015, lot 1503.


778 778 Bronze medal 1698 by S. Judin. 64 mm. Establishment of the order of St. Andrew on November 30th,1698. 200 Diakov 8.1. BR. 128.63 g.  AU  Mid 19th century restrike.

97 779 780

th 779 Bronze medal 1709 by S. Judin. 31.5 mm. Poltava battle on July 27 , 1709. Diakov 27.16. BR. 20.64 g.  AU  100 Struck ca. 1840’s. 780 Catherine I, 1725-1727. Ro uble 1725, St-Petersburg. Obv. ЕКАТЕРІНА ІМПЕРАТРІЦА І САМОДЕРЖІЦА 7500 ВСЕРОСІСКАЯ. «Mourning» bust left. Rev. МОНЕТА НОВАЯ ЦЕНА РУБΛЬ 1725. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and globe cruciger. Bitkin 71; KM 167. AR. 27.82 g.  VF cleaned 

782 781

781 Anna, 1730-1740. Bron ze medal 1731 by I. Komzin and S. Judin. 35.4 mm. Monetary reform. 200 Diakov 72.4 (R1). BR. 20.22 g.  AU  Restrike. 782 Elizabeth I, 1741-1762. 10 Roubles 1756 ММД, Moscow. Obv. Б М ЕΛИСАВЕТЪ І ІМП ІСАМОД 20’000 ВСЕРОС. Crowned bust right. Rev. МОН ЦЕНА ДЕСЯТ РУБ ІМПРСКАЯ РОССÏИС. Four shields cruciform, crowned double-headed Imperial eagle in center. KM 28.1; Fr. 122. AU. 16.46 g.  XF-AU  

783 783 Silver medal 1761 by B. Scott. 41.3 mm. Death of Empress Elizabeth. Diakov 107.5 (R1) AR. 41.56 g.  300 XF-AU cleaned  784 Bronze medal ca. 1770’s by I. B. Gass. 38.9 mm. Elizabeth I, from the portrait series of 65 medals with 75 portraits of the Russian Grand Dukes, Tsars, and Emperors. Diakov 1660. BR. 24.76 g.  XF-AU  

98 785 785 Catherine II, 1762-1796. 10 Roubles 1762 СПБ, St-Petersburg. Obv. Б М ЕКАТЕРИНА ІІ ІМП 25’000 ІСАМОД ВСЕРОС. Crowned bust right. Rev. МОН ЦЕНА ДЕСЯТ РУБ ІМПРСКАЯ РОССІИС. Four shields cruciform, crowned double-headed Imperial eagle in center. KM 79.2 (wrong picture); Fr. 129. AU. 16.49 g.  UNC 

786 786 Alexander I, 1801-1825. Novodel Rouble 180- (1806) by C. Lebrecht, St-Petersburg. Obv. Б М 25’000 АΛЕКСАНДРЪ І ИМПЕРАТОРЪ И САМОДЕР ВСЕРОС. Military bust right. Rev. МОНЕТА РУБΛЬ. Crowned double-headed eagle, holding scepter and globe cruciger, shield on its chest. Bitkin 667; KM Pn70. AR. 20.70 g.  NGC AU 55   787 Bronze medal 1811 by C. Leberecht. 54.9 mm. Gift of Privileges to the University of Abo. Diakov 346.1. 150 BR. 63.90 g.  AU 

788 788 Aluminum medal 1812 (1845-1860) by Andrieu, Jeuffroy et Denon. 44 mm. Borodino battle in 1812. 500 Bramsen 1162. AL. 10.99 g.  SP 63 PCGS  «Hand» and ALUMINIUM stamped on the edge. Probably unique in aluminum.

789 790

789 Nicholas I, 1825-1855. Pattern 5 Kopek 1830 CMB. Novodel. Bitkin 924 (R2). BR. 23.35 g.  Nice AU 200 Short bands. 790 Rouble 1834, St Petersburg. Alexander I column. Bitkin 894; KM 169. AR. 20.71 g.  AU cleaned 750

99 792

791 791 Rouble 1851 ПA СПБ, St-Petersburg. Small crown. Obv. ЧИСТАГО СЕРЕБРА 4 ЗОЛОТНИКА 1000 21 ДОΛЯ. Crowned double-headed eagle holding scpeter and globe cruciger, shields on its chest. Rev. МОНЕТА / РУБΛЬ / 1851. Value and date under crown, within laurel-oak wreath. Bitkin 228; KM 168.1. AR. 20.70 g.  PCGS MS 62  Ex. NGSA auction 12, 18 November 2019, lot 1012.

792 Platinum 3 Roubles 1830 СПБ, St-Petersburg. Obv. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and 1000 globe cruciger. Rev. 2 3ОΛ 41 ДОΛ ЧИСТОЙ УРАΛЬСКОЙ ПΛАТИНЫ. Value and date. Bitkin 75; KM 177; Fr. 160. PT. 10.14 g. 106’026 ex.  XF cleaned 

793 794

793 Platinum 3 Roubles 1836 СПБ, St-Petersburg. Bitkin 82; Fr. 160. PT. 10.32 g. 43’752 ex.  VF-XF  400  794 Platinum 6 Roubles 1830 СПБ, St-Petersburg. Obv. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and 22’500 globe cruciger. Rev. 4 3ОΛ 82 ДОΛ ЧИСТОЙ УРАΛЬСКОЙ ПΛАТИНЫ. Value and date. Bitkin 56; KM 178; Fr. 159. PT. 20.71 g. 8610 ex.  NGC MS 64 Ex. Stack’s Bowers auction 152, 08 January 2010, lot 7356.  Beautiful prooflike strike.

795 796

795 Platinum 12 Roubles 1830 СПБ, St-Petersburg. Obv. Crowned double headed eagle holding scepter and 30’000 globe cruciger. Rev. 9 3ОΛ 68 ДОΛ ЧИСТОЙ УРАΛЬСКОЙ ПΛАТИНЫ. Value and date. Bitkin 39; KM 179; Fr. 158. PT. 41.41 g. 119 ex. RRR NGC AU Details repaired   796 Platinum 12 Roubles 1831 СПБ, St-Petersburg. Bitkin 40; KM 179; Fr. 158. PT. 41.31 g. 1463 ex.  22’000 XF-AU light cleaning 

100 797 797 Gold medal 1841 by H. Gube. 36 mm. Prince Alexander wedding. Obv. В К АΛЕКСАНДРЪ 55’000 НИКОΛАЕВИЧЬ В К МАРIA АΛЕКСАНДРОВНА. Conjoined heads left. Rev. 16 АПРѢΛЯ / 1841 Г. A and M monogram within a crowned shield on which are resting Cupid and Psyche. Bitkin M902. AU. 250 ex. RRR PCGS SP 60  Ex. The New York Sale XLIV, 11 January 2018, lot 2181. In 1838, while travelling through Europe, the Grand Duc Alexander Nikolaevich (Future Alexander II) fell in love with the 14-year-old Maria of Hesse-Darmstadt, daughter of Ludwig II of Hessen. Upon his return to Russia, Alexander decided to marry her, threating his mother Empress Alexandra Fedorovna, that he would forfeit his right to the throne if she were to refuse to give her blessing for the wedding. Although not immediately, the Empress was finally convinced by Alexander and Nicholas I, and went to Darmstadt herself to meet her future daughter in law – something that had never happened during the entire Romanov dynasty. In September 1840, the young Princess arrived in Russia, and on the 5th of December the same year she was baptized Orthodox and became Maria Alexandrovna. On the 16th of April 1841, the wedding finally took place. For this exceptional occasion, the mint was ordered to strike 250 medals in gold and 950 in silver to be gifted to guests and dignitaries, and an additional 100 pieces of the weight and purity of 1 rouble to be sold to the public. The dies for this issue were engraved by Heinrich Gube.

798 Bronze medal 1850 by A. Klepikov and A. Lyalin, based on the sketch by F. Tolstoy. 74.6 mm. Construction 200 of the Blagoveschensk Bridge Over Neva. Diakov 594.1(R0). BR. 133.55 g. 273 ex.  AU 

799 800 799 Alexander II, 1855-1881. Pattern 10 Kopek 1871, Bruxelles. Obv. АΛЕКСАНДРЪ ПЕРВЬІИ Б М 1250 ИМПЕРАТОРЪ ВСЕРОС. Head right. Rev. 10 / КОПѢЕКЬ / 1871. Laurel wreath. Bitkin 608; KM Pn137. CU-NI. 6.80 g.  PCGS SP 55  Ex. World Wide coins of CA auction 13, November 2008, lot 455; Ex. The New York Sale XLI, 12 January 2017, lot 2335.

800 Novodel Pattern 10 Kopek 1871, Bruxelles. Obv. АΛЕКСАНДРЪ ПЕРВЬІИ Б М ИМПЕРАТОРЪ 1250 ВСЕРОС. Head right. Rev. 10 / КОПѢЕКЬ / 1871. Laurel-oak wreath. Bitkin H610; KM Pn135. CU-NI. 6.80 g.  PCGS SP 63  

801 802 801 Alexander III, 1881-1894. 5 Roubles 1888 АГ, St-Petersburg. Obv. Б М АЛЕКСАНДРЪ ІІІ 400 ИМПЕРАТОРЪ И САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ BСЕРОССІИСКІИ. Bare head right. Rev. Coat of arms, value and date below. Bitkin 27; KM 42; Fr. 168. AU. 6.42 g.  AU   802 10 Roubles 1894 AГ, St-Petersburg. KM A42; Fr. 167. AU. 12.90 g. 1007 ex.  MS 63 PCGS  6500  803 Silver medal 1893 by Caffin Bouchet et H. Dubois. 51 mm. The city of Bourges (France) to the Russian 200 sailors, October 15th, 1893. AR. 65.60 g.  Nice AU Hallmarks cornucopiae and «ARGENT» on the edge. Great celebrations are organised in Bourges in honour of the Russian sailors.

101 804 804 Nicholas II, 1894-1917. 25 Roubles - 2 ½ Imperials 1908, St-Petersburg. Obv. Б М НИКОЛАЙ II 150’000 ИМПЕРАТОРЪ И САМОДЕРЖЕЦЪ ВСЕРОСС. Bearded bare head left. Rev. 2 ½ ИМПЕРIАЛА - 25 РУБЛЕЙ ЗОЛОТОМЪ 1908 Г. Crowned double-headed eagle, holding scepter and globe cruciger, shields on its chest. Bitkin 314; KM A65; Fr. 171. AU. 32.24 g.  UNC light cleaning Ex. Münzen und Medallien Basel auction, 16 December 1959, lot 982.; Ex. Superior Galleries auction, 11 December 1988, lot 1322.

805 Lot of 3 coins : 10 Kopeck 1902 AP CПБ, St Petersburg. (3 ex.). Total (3). KM 20a.2. AR. 1.80 g (3).  200 NGC MS 67 (3)   806 USSR, 1917-1991. Lot of 4 coins : 10, 15, 20 Kopeks 1923, 50 Kopeks 1921. Total (4). KM 80, 81, 82, 83. 100 AR. 1.71, 2.58, 3.45, 9.91 g.  AU to UNC  

ex. 807 SAUDI ARABIA. 807 Fahd, 1982-2005. Lot of 3 gold medals : Gold medal 1986 by Huguenin. 36 mm. Saudi Bahrain causeway; 2750 Gold medal AH 1319 (1999). 22 mm. Kingdom’s 100th anniversary; Gold medal AH 1319 (1999). 36 mm. th Kingdom’s 100 anniversary. Total (3). AU. 31.08, 7.99, 29.99 g.  UNC  

809 808 810 SOUTH AFRICA. 808 George V, 1911-1936. Sovereign 1924 SA, Pretoria. Obv. GEORGIVS V D G BRITT OMN REX F D IND 2500 IMP. Head left. Rev. St George slaying the dragon. Spink 4004; KM 21; Fr. 5. AU. 7.98 g. RR  NGC MS 61   SPAIN. 809 Wisigotic Kingdom. Recaredo I, 586-601. T remissis Intupetius (Tudes). CNV 96 (this coin). AU. 12000 1.54 g.  Nice AU rim filed  Second exemplar known, the other one in Vidal-Quadras collection.

810 Castilla y Léon. Alfonso VIII, 1158-1214. Maravedi or Morabitino Safar era 1224 (1186), Toledo. Cayon ; 3500 Fr. 101. AU. 3.86 g.  UNC 

102 811 812 813

811 Fernando V and Isabel I, 1474-1504. Ducat, Valencia. Calicó 164; Fr. 82. AU. 3.48 g.  XF-AU  750  812 Felipe V, 1700-1746. Real 1726 M, Madrid. Calico 2019-436; KM 298. AR. 3.38 g.  NGC MS 66  400  813 2 escudos 1723, Mallorca. Calicó 340; Fr. 68. AU. 6.69 g.  VF+  6000 Ex. Archer Hunttington collection, lot 16845.


814 814 José Napoleon, 1808-1814. 20 Reales 1809 M AI, Madrid. Calicó 24; KM 551.2. AR. 26.26g.  150 AU cleaned lamination 

815 20 Pesetas 1812, Barcelona. Calicó 54; KM 76; Fr. 23. AU. 6.65 g.  XF+  750 

817 816 816 Alfonso XIII, 1886-1931. 100 Pesetas 1897 (18-97) S-GV, Madrid. Obv. ALFONSO XIII - POR LA G D 1500 DIOS. Bare head right. Rev. REY CONST DE ESPANA. Crowned coat of arms. Calicó 119; KM 708; Fr. 347. AU. 32.25 g. 150’000 ex.  PCGS MS 61  817 Francisco Franco, 1939-1975. Go ld medal 1966 by Salvador Dali and Piaget, minted by Huguenin, 600 Switzerland. 25.7 mm. AU. 14.49 g.  UNC  Numbered 1712 on the edge.


ex. 818 818 Bank of Spain. Lot of 12 banknotes : 1 Peseta 21.05.1943, 15.06.1945 (Pick 126, 128), 5 Pesetas 13.02.1943, 200 15.06.1943 (Pick 127, 129), 25 Pesetas 25.04.1931, 19.02.1946 (Pick 81, 130), 50 Pesetas 25.04.1931 (Pick 82), 100 Pesetas 25.04.1931, 19.02.1946 (Pick 83, 131), 500 Pesetas 25.04.1931, 19.02.1946 (Pick 84, 132), 1000 Pesetas 19.02.1946 (Pick 133). Total (12).  XF to UNC  

103 1:3

ex. 819 819 Lot of 19 banknotes : 1 Peseta 19.06.1948, 19.11.1951, 22.07.1953 (Pick 135, 139, 144), 5 Pesetas 12.04.1947, 250 05.03.1948, 16.08.1951 (3 ex.), 22.07.1954 (Pick 134, 136, 140 (3 ex.), 146), 25 Pesetas 22.07.1954 (Pick 147), 50 Pesetas 31.12.1951 (Pick 141), 100 Pesetas 02.05.1948, 07.04.1953 (Pick 137, 145), 500 Pesetas 15.11.1951, 22.07.1954 (2 ex.) (Pick 142, 148 (2 ex.)), 1000 Pesetas 04.11.1949, 31.12.1951, 29.11.1957 (Pick 138, 143, 149). Total (19).  F to UNC  5 Pesetas 16.08.1951 are matte green, green and dark green.


ex. 820 820 Lot of 18 banknotes : 100 Pesetas 19.11.1965, 17.11.1970 (Pick 150, 152), 200 Pesetas 10.09.1980 (2 ex.) (Pick 156 200 (2 ex.)), 500 Pesetas 23.07.1971, 23.10.1979 (2 ex.) (Pick 153, 157 (2 ex.)), 1000 Pesetas 19.11.1965, 17.09.1971 (2 ex.), 23.10.1979 (3 ex.), 12.10.1992 (Pick 151, 154 (2 ex.), 158 (3 ex.), 163), 2000 Pesetas 22.07.1980, 24.04.1992 (2 var.) (Pick 159, 162, 164), 5000 Pesetas 06.02.1976 (Pick 155). Total (18).  AU to UNC  200 Pesetas 10.09.1980 have consecutive serial numbers; 500 Pesetas 23.10.1979 have consecutive serial numbers; 1000 Pesetas 17.09.1971 have consecutive serial numbers.

821 1:3


821 Frederick I, 1720-1751. 4 Daler 1724, Avesta. Copper plate. KM PM74. CU. 2650 g.  Good condition, corroded 300 From a Danish ship wreck sunk close to Cape Verde on April 24th, 1781, while sailing from to China. Uncovered by Arqueonautas.


822 Celtic. Helvetii/Vindelici. Denarius 85-50 BC. HMZ unlisted; LT 9408. AR. 1.78 g.  F-VF  250 From the P. J. H. D. collection formed between 1970 and 2000.  Extremely rare and in an exceptional condition for this issue.

823 824 823 Appenzell Rhodes-Extérieures / Appenzell Ausserrhoden. Confederation, 1803-1814. 4 Franken 1812. 500 HMZ 2-28a; KM 9. AR. 29.82 g. 2357 ex.  UNC   824 4 Franken 1816. HMZ 2-28b; KM 12. AR. 28.90 g. 1850 ex.  Nice AU light cleaning 500 

825 825 2 ND. Obv. MONETA NOVA VRBIS BASILENSIS. Basel coat of arms in center, with Farnsburg, 1000 Homberg, Münchenstein, Pratteln, Riehen, Ramstein, Liestal and Waldenburg coat of arms around. Rev. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE. Double headed eagle. HMZ 2-77a; KM 72. AR. 56.56 g.  R  XF-AU edge bump 

826 826 Bâle / Basel. 2 Thalers 1741. Obv. BASILEA. View of the Rhine and the city of Basel, eight shields above, 1000 cornucopia below. Rev. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE. Basilisk holding Basel coat of arms. HMZ 2-98d; KM 150. AR. 54.68 g. R  XF-AU  

105 827 827 Berne / Bern. Pattern Vierer 1792 struck on Batzen 1789 planchet. Obv. MONETA REIPUB BERNENSIS 4000 & MONETA BERNENSIS. Coat of arms. Rv. DOMINUS PROVIDEBIT & DOMINUS PROVIDEBIT. Cross. Richter P1-225 (this coin) BI. 2.02 g.  VF-XF  Probably unique. This coin is illustrating J. Richter, Die Proben und Materialvarianten von Schweizer Münzen, 2016.

828 828 Double Goldgulden 1492, gold strike of Dicken. Obv. MONETA NO BERNENSIS. Eagle on coat of 50’000 arms, B-E At left and right. Rv. S VINCEN NCIVS. Saint Vincent standing at left. HMZ 2-163d; Richter P1-111(this coin); Fr. 93. AU. 6.73 g.  UNC  Ex. Sincona auction 30, 20 May 2016, lot 3506.  Probably unique. This coin is illustrating J. Richter, Die Proben und Materialvarianten von Schweizer Münzen, 2016.

829 830 829 4 Ducats ND (1750). With signature MK. Obv. MON REIP BERNENSIS. Crowned coat of arms. Rv. 5000 BENE-DICTUS SIT IEHOVA DEUS. HMZ 2-209d. AU. 13.81 g.  Nice AU   830 / Freiburg. Confederation, 1803-1814. 4 Franken 1813. HMZ 2-283a; KM 79. AR. 29.92 g. 1700 NGC MS 63  

831 832

831 Genève / Genf. Conrad de Lenzburg, 1019-1025. Denier ND. HMZ 1-286a. AR. 1.25 g.  UNC  150  832 Louis I, 1434-1465. Scudo d’oro ND, Cornavin. Obv. LVDOVICVS D’ SABAVDIE PRINCEP. Ecu de 7500 Savoie HMZ-1 308a; MIR 156; Fr. 1020. AU. 3.24 g.  VF+ filed rim  Maître d’atelier Francesco Garino. Extremely rare.

106 833 834 833 République, 1815-1848. 5 Francs 1848. Av. POST TENEBRAS LUX. Armoiries de Genève. 300 Rv. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON DE GENEVE. Valeur dans une couronne de lauriers. HMZ 2-364a; KM 137. 25.91 g. 1176 ex.  SUP   834 5 Francs 1848. HMZ 2-364a; KM 137. AR. 25.82 g. 1176 ex.  SUP  300 


835 10 Francs 1848. Av. POST TENEBRAS LUX. Armoiries de Genève. Rv. REPUBLIQUE ET CANTON 1500 DE GENEVE. Valeur dans une couronne de lauriers. HMZ 2-363a; KM 138. AR. 51.99 g. 385 ex.  SUP nettoyé  


836 10 Francs 1851. Tir fédéral de Genève. HMZ 2-363b; KM 138. AR. 52.00 g. 1000 ex.  500 TTB-SUP nettoyé, reparé 


837 20 Francs 1848. HMZ 2-361a; KM 140; Fr. 263. AU. 7.57 g. 3421 ex.  SUP 1000 

107 838 838 Médailles gravées par Antoine Bovy. Médaille en bronze ND (1834). 68 mm. Louis-Philippe Ier, roi des 500 Français. BR. 137.15 g.  UNC  Frappe d’épreuve de l’avers de la médaille commémorant l’inauguration des nouvelles salles du Musée du Louvre en 1834. Probablement unique. 839 Médaille en bronze doré 1835 par Antoine Bovy. 70 mm. Les réformateurs, 300e anniversaire de la 100 Réforme. Schweizer Medaillen 1556. BR. 170.35 g.  SUP  Montée dans un cerclage en bronze avec bélière, le revers protégé par un verre. Inscrite «JN JC FÇOIS GANGLOFF NÉ LE 3EME OBRE 1830».


840 840 Médaille en bronze 1835 par Antoine Bovy. 110 mm. Calvin, le grand réformateur. Schweizer Medaillen 1674. 200 BR. 690.90 g.  FDC  Dans son écrin d’origine.

841 841 Grisons / Graubünden. Bishop of Chur, Ulrich I, 1002-1026. Denarius ND. Obv. DELRICVS EPS. 2000 Symbol in field. Rev. CH[VR]I - NA CIV. Church. HMZ 1-401 var. AR. 1.04 g.  RRR  XF-AU  

108 842 843

842 Lucerne / Luzern. Republic, 1332-1798. 40 Batzen 1796. HMZ 2-650a; KM 93. AR. 29.38 g.  Nice AU 200  843 Silver medal 1746 by J. Brupacher. 39.5 mm. Medal for merit. Schweizer Medaillen 816. AR. 24.56 g.  XF 100 



844 Confederation, 1803-1814. 10 Franken 1804. Obv. CANTON - LUCERN. Shield dividing value, date 1500 below. Rev. SCHWEIZER - EYDG. Soldier resting on the shield of the nineteen canton’s Confederation. HMZ 2-667a; KM 98; Fr. 327. AU. 4.54 g. 2801 ex.  Nice AU peeling  845 Neuchâtel / Neuenburg. Silver medal 1892 by Huguenin. 45 mm. Le Locle shooting festival. Richter 959b. 200 AR. 39.00 g. 705 ex.  PCGS SP 62  With original box from E. Knecht in Neuchâtel.

846 847

846 Tessin / . Confederation, 1803-1814. 4 Franchi 1814. HMZ 2-923b; KM 6. AR. 29.82 g. 7921 ex.  500 Nice AU light cleaning   847 Vaud / Waadt. Confederation, 1803-1814. 40 Batzen 1812. HMZ 2-997a; KM 17. AR. 29.35 g. 2485 ex.  400 SUP  

109 ex. 848

ex. 848 848 Lot de 2 médailles, 1 livre et 1 tableau. Médaille en or ND par Ch. Fueter. 39.8 mm. Prix d’utilité publique. 11’000 Dans son étui original (SUP); Laisser-passer en carton et cuivre doré établi au nom de Marc-Antoine Pellis donné par Talleyrand, ministre des Relations éxtérieures, et Dhermand, chef de la division des relations commerciales. 64.1 mm (excellent étât); Edition originale de l’ouvrage de Marc-Antoine Pellis, Eléments de l’Histoire de l’ancienne Helvétie et du Canton de Vaud (bon état); Huile sur carton de Marc-Antoine Pellis peint par Julien Renevier (1847-1907) en 1879 (bon état). Total (4). Martin 1379 (Ces ex.), Lavanchy 16.  

110 Le Canton de Vaud et la Révolution française : Marc-Antoine Pellis, une carrière exceptionnelle

Accompagnés d’un livre ancien et d’un portrait, cette médaille en or et ce laisser-passer forment un ensemble digne d’un musée. Ils témoignent des carrières hors du commun qui trouvent leur essor en Suisse pendant la Révolution française et l’Empire. En raison des troubles, des guerres et des bouleversements qui agitent alors l’Europe, il est exceptionnel qu’un tel ensemble nous soit parvenu ! Ces quatre documents concernent Marc-Antoine Pellis (1753-1809), entrepreneur, patriote et homme d’Etat.1 En 1786, il épouse Susanne Sulzer, fille du négociant Jean-Jacob Sulzer, de Winterthur, dont le patronyme deviendra fameux, véritable figure de proue de l’industrie suisse du textile. Menacé par le gouvernement bernois parce qu’il participe, en 1791, à des banquets révolutionnaires, Marc-Antoine Conod obtient du Conseil de la commune Des Clées de reprendre son patronyme « Pellis », ce qui lui permet d’échapper à la prison. Deux ans plus tard, nous le retrouvons à Bordeaux où il réussit une brillante carrière puisqu’il est, de 1799 à 1801, Commissaire des relations commerciales avec la toute nouvelle République helvétique. De retour en Suisse, c’est à Saint-Gall qu’il fait construire un atelier mécanique pour le tissage du coton qu’il équipe d’un métier à tisser inventé par l’Anglais Samuel Crampton. Membre du Sénat helvétique, il obtient que le Pays de Vaud échappe au joug de Berne et qu’il devienne un canton, en 1803. Datant de cette époque, le laisser-passer2 présenté ici porte l’en-tête de la République française et, surtout, la prestigieuse signature de Talleyrand. En 1806, Pellis publie des Elémens de l’Histoire de l’ancienne Helvétie et du Canton de Vaud.3 La médaille en or présentée ici rappelle que l’ouvrage est couronné par le Petit Conseil du Canton de Vaud comme « Prix d’utilité publique ».4 Notre exemplaire des Élémens présente un intérêt particulier, parce que Marc-Antoine Pellis l’a dédicacé à Vincent Perdonnet, patriote, riche agent de change, mécène et célèbre bibliophile.5 La reliure aux fers dorés porte son nom et le deuxième plat un ex-libris.6 Signalons enfin ce grand portrait de Marc-Antoine Pellis représenté en habit à rayures de la fin du XVIIIe ou du début du XIXe siècle, avec de grands boutons alors à la mode.7 Cette rarissime médaille en or est accompagnée du livre qu’elle couronne, ce superbe laisser-passer témoin de la Révolution française et de la carrière d’un patriote vaudois, ce grand portrait forment un ensemble exceptionnel, digne de figurer dans la collection de tout musée suisse ou de tout Vaudois attaché à l’histoire de sa patrie accédant enfin à l’indépendance.

1. Fils de Jean-Henri Conod, pasteur à Pomy, dans le pays de Vaud (alors sous domination bernoise) et de Marie Grobéty, il appartient à la famille Pellis, attestée en 1500 déjà dans le village Des Clées (toujours dans le Pays de Vaud) ; depuis plusieurs générations, cette famille portait simplement le patronyme de Conod. Il est aussi nommé « Conod de Soveillame » qui lui vient d’une de ses terres qu’il vendit avant 1793. 2. Il s’agit d’un papier imprimé, cerclé de laiton, qui est aussi signé par Dhermand. Le laisser-passer et la médaille d’or sont reproduits dans Jean-L. MARTIN, Médailles suisses, vol. 4, p. 531. 3. Marc-Antoine Pellis, Élémens de l’histoire de l’ancienne Helvétie et du canton de Vaud, imprimerie Henri Vincent, , 1806, 299 pages. 4. Il s’agit de la première de seulement six exemplaires en or, et trente en argent qui ont été distribués entre 1806 et 1835. 5. Figure éminente de la vie culturelle à Lausanne, Vincent Perdonnet fait dans son domaine de Mon Repos un lieu de prestige qui abrite aujourd’hui le Tribunal fédéral. Son fils, Gustave, sera le beau-père de Gustave Ador. 6. Il semblerait que, par la suite, cet ouvrage ait été offert en [18]89 par un des descendants de Perdonnet à l’un des membres de la famille Pellis, qui y ajouta son ex-libris (d’azur au sautoir d’or cantonné de quatre étoiles du même). 7. Réalisé en 1879 par le peintre lausannois Julien Renevier (1847-1907) d’après un portrait plus ancien, peut-être une miniature, ce portrait met en évidence la réussite sociale et politique de Pellis qui, 1806 à 1808, est lieutenant général de péages du canton de Vaud et qui, l’année suivante, siège au Grand Conseil.

111 850 849 Médaille en bronze 1891 par Hugues Bovy. 45 mm. Tir cantonal vaudois à Morges. Richter 1584d. BR. 100 52.00 g.  PCGS SP 65  Avec son écrin d’origine.

850 851 850 Zurich / Zürich. Republic, 1351-1798. Thaler 1645. Obv. MONETA NOVA REIPVBLICAE 1000 THVRICENSIS. Two lions holding a leaves wreath over Zurich’s coat of arms. Rev. DOMINE CONSERVA NOS IN PACE. Crowned double-headed eagle. HMZ 2-1146d; KM 56. AR. 28.07 g.  XF  Rare type with two lions on obverse.

851 Thaler 1790. HMZ 2-1164lll; KM 176. AR. 25.28 g.  Nice AU  250 Exceptional quality of the city’s view.

852 852 2 Ducats 1673. Obv. DOMINE CONSERVA IN PACE. Lion standing left holding sword and shield of 30’000 Zurich coat of arms. Rv. JUSTITIA ET CONCORDIA date below. Angel flying above. HMZ 2-1137c; Fr. 463. AU. 6.92 g.  UNC  Ex. Sincona auction 35, 26 October 2016, lot 5472. Extraordinary condition.


853 , 1798-1803. 40 Batzen 1798 S, . HMZ 2-1185c; KM A4.2. AR. 29.23 g.  UNC 400 

112 854 855 854 16 Franken 1800 B, Bern. Obv. HELVETISCHE - REPUBLIK. Soldier holding flag. Rev. Value and date 1200 within wreath. HMZ 2-1184a; KM A12; Fr. 282. AU. 7.57 g.  AU   855 Confederation, 1848-. Pattern ½ Franc 1875 B, Bern. Struck on a large planchet. Richter P2-77 (this coin). 10’000 AR. 3.97 g.  UNC  Unique.

856 857

856 5 Francs 1873 B, Bern. HMZ 2-1197c; KM 11. AR. 24.70 g. R  VF-XF ex-mount, holes on the edge 100  857 5 Francs 1888 B, Bern. HMZ 2-1198a; KM 34. AR. 24.79 g.  F-VF edge bump 150 

858 859

858 5 Francs 1916 B, Bern. HMZ 2-1198o; KM 34. AR. 25.00 g.  PCGS MS 65  3600  859 5 Francs 1924 B, Bern. HMZ 2-1199d; KM 38. AR. 24.97 g. R  UNC cleaned 150 

861 862 860

860 5 Francs 1931 B, Bern. Rotated 70°. Richter A58. AR. 14.84 g.  VF  100  861 20 Francs 1873, Brussels. Pattern by Wiener. Obv. . Helvetia sitting left, resting on a shield. 4000 Rev. Value and date within laurel-oak wreath. KM Pn24; HMZ 2-1227a. AU. 6.45 g.  AU cleaned   862 20 Francs 1935 LB, Bern. Mint error, struck through reverse (fremdkörperprägung). Richter -. AU. 500 6.44 g.  UNC  

113 863 864

863 100 Francs 1925 B, Bern. Obv. HELVETIA. Helvetia left, the Alps in the background. Rev. Radiant swiss 10’000 cross, value and date, gentiana and rhododendron branch. HMZ 2-1193a; KM 39; Fr. 502. AU. 32.25 g. 5000 ex.  NGC MS 62   864 100 Francs 1925 B, Bern. HMZ 2-1193a; KM 39; Fr. 502. AU. 32.16 g. 5000 ex.  10’000 UNC edge bumps, light marks, prooflike


865 100 Francs 1925 B, Bern. HMZ 2-1193a; KM 39; Fr. 502. AU. 32.16 g. 5000 ex.  UNC light cleaning 9000  866 Set of 9 coins: 1, 2 , 5, 10, 20 , ½ franc, 1 Franc, 2 Francs & 5 Francs 1974 B, Bern. Total (9). 300 HMZ 2-1232a. CU, CU-NI. 2400 ex.  UNC PROOF In original box.

867 868

867 5 Francs 1857, Bern. Bern shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343b; KM XS4. AR. 25.00 g. 5195 ex.  100 UNC light cleaning  868 5 Francs 1863, Bern. La Chaux-de-Fonds shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343e; KM XS7. AR. 25.01 g. 6000 ex.  200 UNC light cleaning  869 5 Francs 1863, Bern. La Chaux-de-Fonds shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343e; KM XS7. AR. 24.92 g. 6000 ex.  100 AU light cleaning  

114 870 871

870 5 Francs 1865, Bern. Schaffhouse shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343f; KM XS8. AR. 25.00 g.  PCGS MS 63  200  871 5 Francs 1867, Bern. Schwytz shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343g; KM XS9. AR. 25.00 g.  UNC  200 

872 873

872 5 Francs 1874, Bern. St Gall shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343j; KM XS12. AR. 25.00 g.  PCGS MS 63  150  873 5 Francs 1876, Bern. Lausanne shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343k; KM XS13. AR. 25.00 g.  PCGS MS 64  150 


875 874

874 5 Francs 1885, Bern. Bern shooting festival. HMZ 2-1343o; KM XS17. AR. 25.00 g.  PCGS MS 63  100  875 ¼ Franc 2020 B, Bern. Albert Einstein, the smallest of the world. AU. 0.0622 g.  PCGS PF 70 CAM  3000 With certificate n° 922, and original display box including lights and a magnifying glass.

877 876

876 20 Francs 2004 B, Bern. FIFA centennial. HMZ 2-1221ee; KM 121. AR. 20.00 g.  UNC PROOF  100 In original box. 877 50 Francs 2006 B. 500th anniversary of the Pontifical Swiss Guard. HMZ 2-1219j; KM 116; Fr. 877. AU. 400 11.29 g. 6000 ex.  UNC PROOF  

115 878

ex. 879 878 50 Francs 2009 B, Bern. 100 years of Pro Patria. HMZ 2-1219m; KM 133; Fr. 529 AU. 11.30 g. 6000 ex.  400 UNC PROOF   879 Lot of 15 coins : Bern, 40 Batzen over French Ecu 1790 M (28.62 g.), 40 Batzen over French Ecu 1792 A 300 (29.25 g.); Geneva, 2 Quarts 1617 NP G, 1618 NP G, 1619 NP G, 1620 NP G, 1651 M, 1674 AE, 3 Quarts 155- G, 1678 IE, 6 Deniers 1833, 1 Sol 1833, 4 Centimes 1839, 25 Centimes 1839; Confederation, 5 Francs 1876, Lausane shooting festival. Total (15). HMZ 2-231a, c, 2-331 i, j, l, n, u, aa, 2-394c-e, k, 2-360d, 2-359d, 2-368a, 2-365a, 2-1343k. AR, BI.  G to VF  

ex. 880 881 THAILAND. 880 Lot of 2 coins : Rama V, 1 Baht ND (1882-1900); Rama VI, 2 Baht BE 2459 (1916). Total (2). KM 34, 45. 150 AR. 15.06, 14.99 g.  XF to UNC   . 881 Ottoman Empire. Selim III, 1789-1807. Bronze medal ND (1799?). 42 mm. Gratitude to Sir William 1000 Sidney Smith for the liberation of Acre. Obv.In arabic, praise to Sir William Sidney Smith, around the sultan’s hat. Rev. Quranic verse 3:114. BR. 35.81 g.  UNC  Extremely rare.


ex. 882 882 Lot of 22 banknotes: Imperial Ottoman Bank. 1 Kurush AH1294/1877 (2 ex.) (Pick 46c (2 ex.), 20 Kurush 100 AH1293/1877 (Picl 49a), 50 Kurush AH1294/1877 (Pick 50b), 100 Kurush AH1294/1877 (Pick 51b). Ottoman Public Debt. 5 Para stamp (2 ex.) (Pick 116 (2 ex.)), 10 Para Stamp (3 ex.) (Pick 117 (2 ex.), 118), 1 Piastre AH1332 (Pick 85), 2 ½ Piastres AH 1332 (Pick 86), 5 Piastres AH1332 (2 var.) (Pick 87, 96), 20 Piastres AH 1331, AH 1332 (Pick 80, 97), ¼ Livre AH1331 (Pick 71), ½ Livre AH1331 (Pick 72), 1 Livre AH1331, AH1332 (3 var.) (Pick 73, 90a, 90b, 99b). Total (22).  F to XF  

116 1:3

ex. 883 883 Ministry of Finance. Lot of 4 banknotes: 1 Livre AH1341 (2 ex.) (Pick 119a (2 ex.)), 5 Livres AH1341 (Pick 150 120a), 10 Livres AH1341 (Pick 121a). Total (4).  VG to F   884 of the Republic of Turkey. Lot of 15 banknotes: 2 ½ Livres 1930 (1937-39), 1930 (1951-61, 300 2 var.) (Pick 126, 150, 153), 5 Livres 1930 (1951-65, 2 var., Pick 173, 174), 10 Livres 1930 (1951-61, 2 var., Pick 160, 161), 100 Livres 1930 (1942-47, Pick 144a); 5 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 185), 10 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 186), 20 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 187a(2)), 50 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 188(1)), 100 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 189(1)), 500 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 190d), 1000 Livres 1970 (1971-82, Pick 191(3)). Total (15).   VF to UNC  


885 887


885 Pre-Federal Colonial. Connecticut copper 1787. Miller 33. CU. 8.27 g.  PCGS XF 45 BN  150  886 Republic 1789-. 10 Cents 1925 D, Denver. KM 140. AR. 2.48 g.  UNC  200  887 ½ Dollar 1924, Philadelphia. Huguenot. KM 154. AR. 5.19 g.  NGC MS 67  350 Ex. HA ANA auction 1298, 14-18 August 2019, lot 7813. 


3:2 3:2 888

888 Dollar 1893 O, New Orleans. KM 110. AR. 26.73 g. R PCGS AU 50  200  889 Dollar 1922, Philadelphia. Grant’s memorial. KM 152; Fr. 103. AU. 1.70 g. 5000 ex.  PCGS MS 66+ CAC  750 Ex. HA auction 1300, 17-24 October 2019, lot 4178. No star.

117 891 890 892

890 5 Dollars 1812, Philadelphia. KM 38; Fr. 132. AU. 8.75 g.  NGC MS 61  4000 Ex. HA ANA auction 1298, 14-18 August 2019, lot 4624.

891 5 Dollars 1848 D, Dahlonega. KM 69; Fr. 140. AU. 8.28 g.  VF tooled 750  892 10 Dollars 1852, Philadelphia. KM 66; Fr. 155. AU. 16.72 g.  NGC MS 61 CAC  2000 Ex. HA auction, 4-7 June 2020, lot 3721.

893 894

893 10 Dollars 1878, Philadelphia. KM 102; Fr. 158. AU. 16.72 g.  Nice AU  750  894 10 Dollars 1893, Philadelphia. KM 110; Fr. 158. AU. 16.72 g.  PCGS MS 64+ CAC  1000 Ex. HA ANA auction 1298, 14-18 August 2019, lot 7722.

895 896

895 20 Dollars 1852, Philadelphia. KM 74.1; Fr. 169. AU. 33.35 g.  AU  1600  896 20 Dollars 1858 S, San Francisco. KM 74.1; 171. AU. 33.34 g.  VF cleaned  1500 

897 898

897 20 Dollars 1882 CC, Carson City. KM 74.2; Fr. 174. AU. 33.36 g.  AU light cleaning 2000  898 20 Dollars 1892 CC, Carson City. KM 74.3; Fr. 179. AU. 33.33 g.  VF  1500 

118 899 899 Bronze medal 1781 by Dupré. 56 mm. Comitia Americana, Battle of Cowpens. Obv. DANIELI 1000 MORGAN DUCI EXERCITUS / COMITIA AMERICANA Rv. VICTORIA LIBERTATIS VINDEX / FUGATIS CAPTIS AVT CAESIS / AD COWPENS HOSTIBVS XVII JAN MDCCLXXXI. Betts 595. BR. 105.52 g. R  Nice UNC This medal was struck in commemoration of the victory of General Daniel Morgan over the British troops led by Lieutenant Banastre Tarleton at the Battle of Cowpens. This engagement marked the victorious turning point in the reconquest of South Carolina. It is still hailed today as a tactical feat of the Revolutionary war.

900 VATICAN. 900 Pius XII, 1939-1958. 100 Lire MCML (1950). Opening of the Holy Door. Mont. 519; KM 48; Fr. 289. AU. 300 5.19 g.  UNC   WORLD GOLD COINS. 901 Lot of 7 coins : AUSTRIA. 10 Korona 1908, 1909; HUNGARY. 10 Korona 1893 KB, 1907 KB, 1910 900 KB; NETHERLAND. Ducat 1781 Dordrecht; YUGOSLAVIA. Ducat 1931 Sword. Total (7). AU. 23.75 g. (total.)  VF to UNC   *

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