NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 1

SNP Helensburgh Branch



NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 2

The Sustainable Growth Summer Conference at Commission Report Aberdeen SECC PAGE INDEX

Here's the website if you've not I hope those of you who made it Page 2 – “The Sustainable already seen it: along to Conference had a good Growth Commission Report” time, and I hope those of you who https://www.sustainablegrowthco didn't at least got the opportunity Page 2 – “Summer Conference” to watch it on TV or online! If not, Page 3 – “SNP MPs Leave here are links to all the videos on Chamber”, Brendan O’Hara MP Please also find the summary the SNP's Facebook page: (emailed with this newsletter) Page 4/5 – “Independence can which has the 50 key Day 1 help us achieve our ambitions for Scotland”, Nicola Sturgeon MSP recommendations made by the Conference welcome by Kirsty and First Minister SGC. Blackman MP, Westminster Group Depute Leader & Depute Leader Page 6 – “Setting the world’s These are simply result: most ambitious climate change recommendations. targets”, Roseanna Cunningham Video Link 1 MSP We will be having three National Page 7 – “How we’re working to Assemblies, one for each section of Address by Ian Blackford MP, end homelessness”, Jennie the SGC report (Economic Growth, Westminster Group Leader: Gollan Fiscal Framework, Currency). Video Link 2 Page 8/9 – “Mental health is just These events will allow us to thrash as important as physical health”, Nicola Sturgeon MSP and First out the finer detail amongst Afternoon Session (Resolutions 2 - Minister ourselves, which will lead on to 7, Topicals 1 – 3 and Address by concrete proposals for resolutions John Swinney MSP, Deputy First Page 10 – “Our action on to Annual Conference in the Minister): obesity”, Jennie Gollan Autumn. Page 11 – “SNP Aberdeen Video Link 3 Conference Addresses” Only then will anything in this report become SNP party policy. Day 2 Page 12 – “Upcoming Events” Address by Jeanne Freeman MSP, Currently, this is merely a platform Minister for Social Security: Page 13 – “Indyposterboy” for debate - but what a summer of Page 14 – “Useful Links” debate we're going to have! Video Link 4

Finally, here are four videos Address by Mike Russell MSP, summarising the report. These are Minister for UK Negotiations on particularly good for sharing. Scotland's Place in Europe:

SGC - Introduction (1:06) Video Link 5

SGC - Economy (12:30) Afternoon Session (Resolutions 8 - 11, Topicals 4 & 5 and Address by SGC - Fiscal Framework (6:17) Nicola Sturgeon MSP, First Minister): SGC - Currency (4:30) Video Link 6 Also, we have a clip of Nicola talking about the report: The resolution results for will be emailed out next week. SGC - Nicola By Patrick Johnstone, Political Education Officer

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 3

SNP MPS Leave Chamber By Brendan O’Hara MP The Brexit legislation leaves Holyrood exposed to having powers Note: taken without consent in areas The standing order for the House to including trade deals, sit in private is 163. environmental standards and food safety – all issues of key concern to 163.— the Scottish Parliament. (1) If at any sitting of the House, or Following the decision by the SNP, in a committee of the whole House, SNP MPs have walked out of the Labour, the Greens and the Liberal any Member moves ‘That the House Chamber during Prime Minister’s Democrats in the Scottish sit in private’ the Speaker or the Questions, following repeated Parliament to refuse to give consent chair shall forthwith put the attempts to silence Scotland’s to Westminster’s damaging Brexit voice. legislation – a failure by the UK question ‘That the House sit in Government to amend the private’, and such question, though Ian Blackford MP used a standing legislation in light of the Scottish opposed, may be decided after the order to call for the House of Parliament’s view is a fundamental expiration of the time for opposed Commons to sit in private, following breach of the devolution business, but such a Motion may be the Prime Minister’s failure to bring settlement. made no more than once in any forward emergency legislation on sitting: Provided that the Speaker or the EU Withdrawal Bill. Commenting, Brendan O’Hara said: “It’s a democratic outrage that the chairman may, whenever he The SNP Westminster Leader used Scotland’s voice should be so thinks fit, order the withdrawal of the parliamentary procedure to callously disregarded by those other than Members or ensure the will of the Scottish Westminster and outrageous that Officers from any part of the House. Parliament is respected and the the leader of the 3rd largest party, Brexit legislation pauses until the the SNP, should be told leave the (2) An order under paragraph (1) of Scottish Parliament’s Legislative chamber on an accepted procedural this order shall not apply to Consent Motion is considered as the matter.” members of the House of Lords. UK leaves the European Union. “I was inundated by protests by Link also here: Local MP, Brendan O’Hara constituents following the lack of described events in the House of debate on devolution issues in the Commons last night (Tuesday) as a EU Withdrawal debate. What pa/cm201516/cmstords/1154/bod ‘democratic outrage’ as the Tories’ happened in Tuesday’s debate was y.htm#163 power grab on devolved a disgraceful abuse of the UK’s administrations was not debated in power over Scotland. We cannot the chamber – and Labour keep allowing this to happen.” abstained on a devolution amendment ‘in a shocking Ian Blackford said: “The Prime dereliction of duty’. Minister gave a commitment that she would treat Scotland as part of The SNP tabled amendments to the a ‘union of equals’. Yet last night she UK Government’s EU Withdrawal pressed ahead with a power-grab in Bill to protect the Scottish direct opposition to Scotland’s Parliament from a power grab as democratically elected Parliament.” the UK leaves the EU. This is the Standing Order that Ian Following the votes, SNP MPs raised Blackford was requesting to be Points of Order with the Speaker enabled and to which the speaker over proceedings. refused to implement.

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 4

Independence can help us achieve our ambitions for Scotland By Nicola Sturgeon MP (First 346,000 and now stands at 2.63 with our values and priorities as Minister), 29/05/18 million, full-time real wages have a nation. grown by almost 17 per cent compared to just 12 per cent in It was also asked to make the UK as a whole, and there are recommendations on the now a record number of different currency options that registered businesses in would be available to an Scotland. independent Scotland. However, while devolution has undoubtedly made a positive After extensive consultation and In the years since devolution, difference in and to people’s a detailed comparison with other Scotland has cemented its lives, the fact remains that countries, the report concludes reputation as a world leader economies of similar sized that Scotland does indeed have across a range of industries and nations in Europe and elsewhere all the features of the world’s tended to perform even better public policies. most successful advanced than ours. Scotland is a trailblazer in economies – whether we are financial services, tech, medicine And when you consider that talking about our highly- and life sciences, renewable Scotland is blessed with human educated workforce, natural and natural resources that most energy and – although not many resources or strengths in both people know this – Glasgow is a of these countries could only traditional and new industries. key player in the space industry dream of, the questions of why this is the case and what we do as Europe’s number one The question is how we can manufacturer of satellites. about it becomes even more pertinent. match those other nations – In less than 20 years, the Scottish creating more jobs and raising Parliament has achieved good Last week saw the publication of living standards, and providing a and important progress in a a major report by the Sustainable better future for everyone who range of areas – from public Growth Commission – which I lives here. health measures such as the established help answer these smoking ban and minimum unit important questions. The Growth Commission is right pricing to establishing the that in order to raise our toughest climate change targets With a membership that performance we must target in the world, and generating included senior figures from record amounts of clean, green increases in our population and business, economics, politics and energy to help meet those ensure that everyone in our ambitious targets. academia, its task was to look society is able to participate fully both at how we grow the in the economy. We must also For a country of only 5 million economy now and in the future people, there is no doubt drive forward improvements in and how – if Scotland was to whatsoever that we make an our productivity. extraordinary contribution to the become independent – we could world. manage the financial position The Scottish Government is inherited from the UK working hard to achieve that Since the Scottish Parliament government without damaging with the powers of devolution – was established, our economy but as well as offering new ideas has also seen good progress. austerity and in a way that aligns Employment has risen by for what we can do now, this

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 5 report sets out how much more people and ending our ties with So, even though we might not all could be achieved with the the EU. agree with each other about the enhanced powers of best way forward, let’s have the Independence is one of the independence. debate – and let’s face the future options open to the people of with optimism. I have no doubt It rightly doesn’t shy away from Scotland to choose a different that if we get this debate right, the challenges we face – but course – which is why it’s right we have a lot to be optimistic presents ways in which those that we have a debate on what about. challenges can be addressed, an independent Scotland could and sets out recommendations look like and how independence and options on currency. can help us achieve our This article previously appeared ambitions for the country. Of course, many political in the Evening Times. opponents argue against having Indeed, after two years of a conversation about options for debating how we manage the Scotland’s future – they love real economic damage of Brexit – Read more: talking about the constitution on it is surely very refreshing to be their own terms, they don’t want discussing a positive vision of the Nicola Sturgeon: achieving our the case for independence to be future and the immense full potential as an independent nation heard. economic opportunity open to Scotland. SNP to hold National But with Brexit making change Assemblies on Scotland’s inevitable, it is vital that we Importantly, this debate is not economic future discuss and debate the best about overlooking or shying A better economic future for course for the future. away from challenges – every Scotland: what you need to country in the world faces know The fact is, we are in a very challenges. different position now than we were in 2014. It’s about how Scotland could use the powers that would come We all remember the categorical with independence to fully claim that voting no to address them, just like similar independence was the only way sized countries do – and in turn to secure Scotland’s place in the build a stronger economy, a EU. Fast forward to the present fairer society, and achieve our day, and we see that the Tory full potential. Government is completely ignoring the will of the Scottish

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 6

Setting the world’s most ambitious climate change targets By Roseanna Cunningham, Our independent expert that we can, collectively, do the 27/05/18 advisers, the UK Committee on right thing for the climate and for Climate Change, have told us Scotland. that a 90 per cent target is “at Roseanna Cunningham is the limit of feasibility”. If we set Cabinet Secretary for the overly ambitious targets and Environment, Climate Change technology doesn’t develop to and Land Reform. This article meet them, we would need to originally appeared in the make radical changes to Sunday Herald. lifestyles in Scotland. For

example, food can’t be produced Read more: Scotland has long been without generating greenhouse recognised as punching above its gas emissions. Reducing Maintaining Scotland’s global weight on tackling climate emissions from farming beyond leadership on climate change and the environment change and I am proud that the what can be achieved through introduction of our new Climate efficiency and technology would How we're cutting plastic waste Change Bill this week mean reducing the amount of in Scotland strengthens our global food produced here. That would Our plan for Scotland: investing leadership. mean fundamental changes to in the jobs of the future Scotland’s rural economy and The Bill sets the most ambitious, increase our reliance on imports. legally binding, domestic emissions reduction targets of There could be implications for any country in the world. other jobs too. Power generation, oil refining, ship Many people have called on the building, manufacturing and Government to set a 100 per renewables, all emit greenhouse cent or ‘net zero’ target for 2050 gases. or sooner. This is the right goal and the Scottish Government To be successful, we must create wants to achieve it as soon as an environment in which possible. industries can transition smoothly to a low or zero carbon And yet I have introduced a Bill future. That can’t be achieved with a 90 per cent target for overnight – it is a generational 2050, not 100 per cent. This was challenge. a hard decision, and I want to explain why it’s the right thing to Whatever decision is taken on do. the targets, achieving them will be a truly national endeavour I believe that statutory targets and everyone will need to play must be both credible and their part in full. I am optimistic responsible.

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 7

How we’re working to end homelessness By Jennie Gollan, 29/05/18 permanent, settled home rather than And we’ve kickstarted the first council temporary accommodation. house building programme in decades, with over 9,000 built since 2009. The group has also now made recommendations on transforming ✅ The Scottish Government is temporary accommodation, which spending over £100 million every year have been accepted by the Scottish mitigating Tory welfare cuts. Government. Some of the recommendations will require No one in Scotland has to pay the Tory devolution of funding from the UK Bedroom Tax and we’re committed to scrapping it once and for all. We have Scotland has made huge progress in government so the Scottish also extended the Scottish Welfare tackling homelessness. In fact, some of Government will work with local Fund to mitigate the Westminster the action taken has been truly world authorities to explore these further. decision to remove Housing Benefit for leading. We have seen homelessness ✅ We are investing £50 million in a 18-21 year olds. decrease in Scotland but we are also new ‘Ending Homelessness Together’ aware of worrying signs of an increase fund. We believe that Universal Credit - which in rough sleeping. will replace a number of benefits The new Fund will support anti- including housing benefit - is We’re not prepared to see the progress homelessness initiatives and pilot new fundamentally flawed and that the roll- made undone. That’s why we’ve set a innovative solutions to drive faster out should be halted. In areas where it new goal to end rough sleeping for change and transform temporary has been introduced, we have seen good and are taking new action to make accommodation. increases in debt and rent arrears - that a reality. putting people at risk of homelessness. ✅ We have reduced the time that ✅ We have established a households with pregnant women or Using limited flexibilities available to Homelessness and Rough Sleeping children can spend in unsuitable the Scottish Government, we have Action Group to lead the way in accommodation from 14 to 7 days. taken steps to allow more frequent eradicating homelessness. payments of Universal Credit and for We will also develop legally enforceable The group made key recommendations the housing element to be paid direct to standards on temporary for last winter, which were adopted by landlords. accommodation for homeless the SNP government and backed with households. Read more: total investment of £328,000 including £262,000 from the Scottish ✅ We will invest an extra £20 million Mhairi Black: the Tory budget means Government. in drug and alcohol services. we're all going to be much poorer for much longer. Recommendations included increasing We will introduce a Substance Misuse Our plan for Scotland: tackling poverty emergency accommodation and Treatment Strategy - a new combined and inequality flexible provision in areas with the approach that will recognise the many greatest numbers of rough sleepers; shared underlying causes and 7 ways we're keeping homes affordable boosting multi-agency partnership similarities in treatment services. working; and making budgets available to front line workers to meet ✅ We are committed to delivering immediate housing needs. 50,000 more affordable homes in this Scottish Parliament term. In March, the group made its recommendations on ending rough In our decade in power we have now sleeping for good, including moving to a delivered almost 72,500 affordable ‘Housing First’ approach. For those with homes. We’re committed to delivering the most complex needs, this would 50,000 homes between 2016 and 2021. mean moving straight into a

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 8

Mental health is just as important as physical health By Nicola Sturgeon MP (First information overload. And whilst Being aware of how people Minister), 15/05/18 we will regularly take care of our around you may be feeling and physical health by watching what not being afraid to ask ‘are you we eat and drink and exercising okay?’ can play a huge part in regularly, not enough of us will making people feel comfortable pay attention to or make the about opening up. It’s a simple time for looking after our mental action which can help people health. find the right support early on, which we know helps to prevent But the fact is our mental health problems from worsening. is just as important as our physical health and we all need I personally have spent time to take better care of ourselves. talking to people, particularly young people, about mental This week I’m joining the Mental That’s why it’s important to health – both about how we Health Foundation in marking encourage people to think about promote good mental health and Mental Health Awareness Week. their mental health and what how we as a government can they need to do to protect it – There has been a huge amount provide better and faster just as we do already with of good work done in recent support to people who are physical health – and to feel years to raise awareness of experiencing difficulties. mental illness, reduce stigma comfortable in coming forward and challenge mental health and being open about any We know we need to listen to related discrimination. Many problems they might be facing. stakeholders, people working in mental health services and of organisations in Scotland And it’s something we all need to course, the people who have including the Mental Health think about a lot more than we personally used those services, Foundation, See Me, SAMH, currently do. Generally, around when we are developing policy. Penumbra, Samaritans and The one in four people in Scotland This is why our new Mental Alliance play a huge part in are estimated to be affected by Health Strategy, published last helping to break down barriers mental illness in any one year, so year, was shaped by a public associated with talking about even if you personally don’t consultation – a consultation mental health and together we experience a problem, it is which received nearly 600 are making progress, evidenced inevitable that someone close to responses. in part by the increase in demand you will. That’s why it is not only for support. important to think about what Work is now underway to take All of us live increasingly busy we can do to take care of our forward the 40 actions within the lives in and it is all too easy to own mental health, it is also strategy, all of which aim to feel overwhelmed by our many important to be open to talking improve the delivery of adult as responsibilities whether it’s work about the subject with others well as child and adolescent commitments, financial worries, and learning to spot the signs mental health services. when someone might need a bit difficulties in relationships or the A strong workforce is at the of help. pressures of social media and centre of our plans so we are

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 9 investing to provide 800 pressures on service capacity. Samaritans – 116 123 additional mental health Things are improving but we are Childline - 0800 1111 workers in key locations such as committed to working together A&E departments, GP practices, with NHS Boards, schools, Breathing Space* - 0800 83 85 police stations and prisons. councils, and other partners to 87 ensure we have the right support We are also improving support in place at the right time for *Opening hours for preventative and less anyone who may need it. intensive child and adolescent Weekdays: Monday-Thursday mental health services to tackle Periods of ill health can be 6pm to 2am issues earlier, including recovered from if treated so let’s Weekend: Friday 6pm-Monday reviewing counselling and remember to make time to look 6am guidance services in schools to after our own mental wellbeing ensure they are delivering for and be mindful of those we are Read more: children and young people. close to. Scotland’s mental health The views of our young people Most importantly, when things strategy: what you need to are particularly important in get too much, everyone should know tackling mental health know that there is always challenges so just last month we someone to talk to – and always Investing in mental health services for young people set up a Youth Commission on people who love them. So if you, Mental Health Services – a team or someone you know, feel that How is the SNP improving of young people who, working talking could help with any mental health services? with Young Scot and SAMH, will worries you have about mental conduct a study aimed at health, these numbers might be reshaping the support available useful. to young people, drawing from their own experiences.

All of this work is underpinned by a significant financial commitment of £150 million over five years.

As we achieve success in encouraging more people to seek treatment for ill mental health we can experience

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 10

Our action on obesity

By Jennie Gollan, 14/05/18 contribute to ill health and for our physical, mental and obesity. social wellbeing. Obesity is one of the biggest challenges facing our • To provide more support for • We will launch a new Active nation’s health. It is harming people with, or at risk of, Scotland Delivery Plan with a the people of Scotland and type 2 diabetes to lose wide range of actions across putting pressure on the NHS, weight, the Scottish all sectors, including other public services and our Government announced strengthening Community economy. funding of over £40 million Sport Hubs and improving over the next 5 years. opportunities for older people in care to be We want Scotland to be the • We continue to provide a physically active. best place in the world to healthy school meal for all grow up, and the best place children in primaries 1 to 3 – And at Westminster, SNP in the world to be cared for around 134,000 pupils – MPs will continue to press and to be healthy. That’s helping improve their health the UK government on key why the SNP Scottish and ability to learn and policies which are reserved Government launched saving parents £380 per child to Westminster – such as a consultation to help shape per year. And by 2021 we will closing the loopholes in the a new strategy for diet and provide free meals to all 2, 3 sugary drinks tax, tightening healthy weight and 4-year olds who benefit regulation of broadcast and management. from increased nursery digital junk food advertising provision. seen by children, and Here are just a few ways introducing clearer food we’re taking action on • Our ambition is for Scotland labelling. obesity in Scotland. to be the first ‘Daily Mile’ nation with roll out to • We will set a new national nurseries and schools across Read more: aim to halve childhood the country. Every school will obesity by 2030, as part of a be offered help to become a What is the SNP's plan for new Healthy Weight and Diet Daily Mile school, with 800 Brexit? plan. Scottish primary schools currently taking part in the Scotland's Brexit plan: • We have made key initiative. protecting jobs and living commitments to limit the standards marketing of products high in • We have appointed fat, sugar and salt, which Scotland’s first National Chef, What is the Labour position on disproportionately Gary Maclean, to promote Brexit? the benefits of healthy food

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 11

SNP Aberdeen Conference Addresses




NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 12


Branch Meeting & Canvass Members Marches for Independence

Civic Centre, Helensburgh Sat 23/06/18 – Bannockburn

Thu 14/06/18, 7:30pm to 8:00pm (Meeting) Sat 28/07/18 –

Thu 14/06/18, 8:00pm to 9:00pm (Canvass or Social) Sat 25/08/18 –

Branch Meeting followed by Business for Scotland Sat 06/10/18 – Presentation with Gordon MacIntyre-Kemp

Thu 12/07/18, 7:00pm to 7:30pm (Meeting) Dumbarton CA will be organising buses if you would Thu 12/07/18, 7:30pm to 9:00pm (BfS Presentation) like to book a seat contact Marion Plunkett (Dumbarton Organiser) at: Commodore Hotel Coffee Morning with Brendan [email protected] O’Hara MP

Sat 18/08/18, 10:00am to 2:00pm


Sat 14/07/18: Balloch Highland Games

If you would like to donate prizes to the tombola, contact Sarah Dickson at: [email protected]


Sat 28/07/18: Scottish Pipeband Championships

If you would like to donate a tombola prize, you can drop off at JJR Print, Poplar Rd Dumbarton or contact Iain Robertson at: [email protected]


Sat 07/07/18: Table Top Sale

Parish Church Halls, Colquhoun Square, Helensburgh (opposite the Bank of Scotland)

Tables are available at £10.00 per Table. Should you wish to sell donate items (Cakes, Clothing, DVDS, CDs, Books, etc.) to help raise funds for Yes H&L you can contact Kevin by mobile or email (see flyer).

NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 13


NEWSLETTER | Issue 8 14

Useful Links SNP Sites Council Sites

SNP Argyll & Bute Council Home Page

Helensburgh SNP Argyll & Bute Councillor List

Brendan O'Hara MP West Dunbarton Council

Parliamentary Sites Community Council Sites

Scottish Parliament Helensburgh Community Council

Scottish Government Rhu and Shandon Community Council

UK Parliament Causes

European Parliament All of Us First

Independence Sites Ban the Bomb

Yes Helensburgh and Lomond Other Sites

Business for Scotland Make a Freedom of Information Request

Indyposterboy Scot Fact

Bellacaledonia What Scotland Thinks

Wings Over Scotland Scot Cen

Independent Scotland

Wee Ginger Dug

News Media Sites The United Nations

The National FEEDBACK & COMMENTS Herald Scotland Email to [email protected] Helensburgh Advertiser Opinion