thc pvciric the PAcino 1 (Commercial ubrrtisiT (Lommcrcial bniisfr " 14 rUELI-HE- D PUBLISHER- AT if ntuixlav INrorniiiur. Honolulu, Hawaiian 1 ulanclsi. j Citf ! k'S.O n Vrnr. nlrrlin.Sim ri'vtow of 9.I.., far Mnlh. pace measure.) in v,,,,, Aclvortisins. t w. 1 m. ; 3 m. 3 m. J 6 m. 12 D. V4 I O n Vrnr. --- Jareil ty e. nbrripliit. --- V '. 2 VVi Y 1 M H U fa Si . w n- tl i a 3 a i T f r r ! .1 to V- lay part "f -- - - " -- f f .y. 4,i,r; ' ...... '- -. r jT - Ini'-fict- T ; Vx . fSiJ Lines. .. I'O ml T. 4 I H I l llJ-- .... t Oo oo ', p'r I'lnum. whfS I'..- J t 0 lo i -- lO Lines.... 1 :s IKl' IX) I f .1 S frl tin 4 ml 6 l 'J ! ' " ' will r. 1 1 1 1 1 00 '. wi '" "'': tIi i 15 Lines. . , 2 iai 4 h- 1 7 &o; ,.. - l m m - I "- 't win.t' b in. i fr iu I to 6 00 io txi IS 00 I ::., i JO Lines. . . Oil bo 6 7 60 OO :i- p r. 4 " 10 00. 14 00, IS ..,? 4 mi .if!i - ;' ' V ' s - i O i . v .1,4: rv . ' Lines..., 3 on O OO 10 no i 00 IS OOi us eo . r 4 r. 'i j, i:iri'v iv inuw.-- i Column. H OH 2 1,0 1 00 J-- J OO, 96 00 60 00 - mi rii. w.i&c IK) H) eX OO I y .li.rifii..- ifi ff'ita ail part. f thr I' wi'l ala; i Column. lO 15 ii) Js 40 00 tvs OO I i Column. 15 OO iiOSO 14) 40 OO 60 OO 100 OO j Whole OO - f'-- li-- t'l- - I JO 40 OO OO 00 SO OO l'JO JOi) t-- IVffiiH in ay 'T r iti Column...... 00' 00 t tittl - il'.-ri'.or- tl"- 'n"ii-i- fr.r IV :in-- !. Adv.-riis.-r- s re-- ; fntit f ii Atun Tj h 117 in the Faistern United States, ran a ; t .il '""l siaiup., ten lb il I,SX f'e "eir ranis by enrkisiog (VrrrnWXs or U. f Ut.- - T r'i I 14. O f. . . I. . 'ff4. I'l C,n,,.4- -- - - !. - ' ' .iii"u... n. klirj .mi IU 4.J, and w ill x-- S I their cards be Inserted as aW Lible, Kr the time ; I'LAIN AND FANCY paid for. - ' - BOOK AND JOD PRINTING. " " I Jj" Business Canls, when prepaid far a y'rar, are allowed a adverlisc-uie.- - discount irotu thise rates, which are for transmit it - 'i, iM'.-'ts- r ai.u:-- " rAni..- .m.i. i I'L'III.IsllKI) AM IJV SIX ItOI.rA Its lK!l WM M. i;- nilTK.I V 1SGS 1 1 s I llr .MCV .M. Wllll .NKV. i IIOXOLUJ.U. JIAAVAJIAN ISLANDS, PKCKMI5KK VOK. A 1. No. 25. VVIIOI.U No. ;.;. when paid orchargeil quarterly.

PAciric KiTKi r Tor. on JvJ. Dr. IT.ii-n- o, fastness dari c "jilfthnniral. rijcrlismunls. Siilitilisfmfnls. t c thh while in in'-!-tinti- the iiif!npn-- of (Tiiiiuiiercial on". ry t in, "iiw Li- - atten- . Advertiser. t.iKWin tli: A. 1'. lll'Fr'l'.Mi M. II.. J N""- - .i-t- Nott. m!I-- l th" l;ire niimlx-- of lvy l.twif-- NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE ONE THOUSAND DOLLAJIS ! tion t' n l'Ii)-IrU- and Snr.'fun, & '. 1 i y r-- wii- - wcr - JOHN NOTT CO., PUBLIC tin? a'.-- of INSURANCE CO., NOTICE! ?. i fiJT.'r t:.l K.M. , Fort t Cm TO ENCOURAGE I t -- i!rr rin-.kir- Of t'.irtyi-i'.- y xth nukfI, or London AM) KDiMintcii. roiPS:!.t A.I) TiS.nSTISS. twi-nr- y liv-- I vinJ-- t wnH of li. i&tZ vcn ilitint nit. j: jiott smith, I" St" K K I X A XC5 TO 4 AiSZ ! li:-- ili.-i-il- cin-ii- - ' Hi-nl- 103. rjAKi: PI. XNOFNi'l Thirty-tw-- i I ari'ii-- i i B i!if tililic tli.-- ;irc t.i fnrni.-- h all of Toiiic?5tio Xiidiitiv mi h.iTtiil Vil viinn "ff; k, sib-uiil- ji tlt th' m' in rn-- !i- -r l n-- l OfTire of Fort nJ Until 619 1 T Ci Wurk, oiiMsiiiij in arl of stills, pans, It- - l:itin; bruit th' crnr Ftrtf. C.UMT.I 2.000.000 p'r r ;uut.4 in wtt'tr r!.t'l. ..; d pans, ukh j, etc. Ari'MMiiiulril ri cic, RE-- J. nlj'it.iti-n- . h!,.vn'vi intclUrT. , noil Incl-- Fntiil. 2."IO. IJ! f, riMIE I'NDERSIGNED HAS Jl'ST - - li'vtion, of anI Tlx- m.irfjrr with lh- ir p ilm ai..fl, HOT" MANN. .'.No;n hand, a full tiiicnt of Tinw.irr, CElVEb - iii'Mi or Mr'n,r lriiik. J lirl t .M.I. FIMII-- : l'M)F.KSIR.Kl) HAVK IIKF.N A P-- .ioi l.OOO- l!nt hTknit t)ii. in nnN!I' fr Ph)-lrl:i- - VV hk-l- i oCT-- hliovri-'- l oi" r-- I and Snrrnn. m I in- ami thfy T for talc at thc lowral market pricos. l r a Iiniiii;iti':i tl.c rj of th' i.t,.M3K .is. kr I Tit" l rn.!f uc-a- r to InAuro ALL WITR NKATSkAS ! IlKREItV OFFER TI1ESFM OP JiklW l.n-- inti-niiitt.-l- it t.iil-- c; ' M..tcI.jiI na l'at..ffice. C03 auLln':i4M airaint l ire iim.h klNHI or RKPAIKINU IOXK AND DISPATCH. A , 1.1 l Conr Khomtna I, , Splendid Itr-- thrfJ tw:hc ouitc lluil-Iincrs- Lot of Goods knl Hiin Kirks t iken any nf th nn r Anl hrinfcrni. tirh fri in urt vlfu Or..-- fr.mi thp otht-- r ls!an:ls will meet with promt attentHin. DOLL AILS .li-- .r lt I I i n cf - Furni-lur- ONE THOUSAND n;ul, tf m full f un l j.4in-- frc,,icnt qitaii-- ; ten rcJ r!cc,; ami f.ur ; an.l M.rclian !r nfml thcni.i, Hu- ai.l Miop C5a t l'U s. , t s on t., otic iloor above Oia r)e, .MrKKKW. M. x-- Flitner. JOHN 1 iniln-r- Ceal. ?h! in mih or wi:!..-u- can: or TO ENCOURAGE :f ul.t rati ,n of tl.c iiiucuu of the j l:'ir'r r on. KU. 11 4V CO. Tli-- ! ri!i; f i!t-- l . .ii!. and Sarf r. oI7 ly IItilio,9' I'Ulan i:r. Per Cc-Ko- t - n aj. . ii1--' . The CuKivalion Sea Tin; h:ir-ii- ' mk o l.incM; I'ujir in ii. im rut r "i of IIand .S7. :. r. - ii .! From England and r n ti.i ui'iifi S CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COLIPANY. BOOT the United Stales. IN THIS GROUP, AS FOLLOWS. - . i OilK Hot (run lo li A. M.t aiul Iroin J l i I'. M. AND SHOE MAKER, I tlfr "I (if IVr.i, Hull, tin the I.atlicr a I 1 Tj any or foreigner, who, daring year rr'tw relate fi'!win: in j Kins Street, next to Cethel Vestry. er9on, native the OHife Ill-- ' lia4-).- I h.i u an old .State ptrett raHH rxi)F.RSiXK ac;fnts 1S69, grows the tttryttt cmp of Sea Island Cotton, provided il M.tku n air ptory ii relatol to lv M. y, I t- n m.-u- rc of thk AND HAS OX . 1i .1 . t r" aiN'Te C.'ii liarc ut!.inzcil tu ri?ki on THE WAY OCT is less 20 hales of 400 pounds each of ginned '.ll-'- a. JtlllN II. I'ATV, J'i Honolulu. II. I. C20 ly ii4 than cotton, V ii! hrriuhifii; r onm man, in i to tl.c nutnor oi ine n;e oi a or its equivalent in seed Cotton (say 24,000 pounds iu the seed), r'r; r.r'ir . Ael.iry I'nbllr, Cargo, Treasure, An.l a iM'l: " ' I'iljr, f U Irir. famous New Knland advoe-utc- 1 , the .iti- - Freight and will iay the sum of IloV'tulu, II. I. (U':"-- at the I'.itrik f Uiihcp .V Co. 635 Cm l.y COASTKKr fr..ra IIouc lulu to nil Mru of the ll.iwaiiati . Is 11 , t! w-- fill up uiy iiircriii'; wii.h r'niriin!" w II T T THE BEST SELECTION, "., ii thor aforesaid, a rather a !antie individual, tir.ui, and vice Five Hundred Dollars in Gold ! by me and f itid of a.-k-in iiue-tio- ii in regard to ancient IIKMIV THOMPSON, 6:1 ly II. IIACKFELD ir CO. Root nnd Shoo Makr r.SjUl AND 2 To the person, native or foreigner, who, during the year uli.iil mml rfu 1S6-J- , rnlHI hi.-tor- y, knovvl-r.l- c grows ihe next largest crop of Sea Island Cotton, if not lh-- i witli tlie view of airing hi. own .lttururv and Counsellor at K&L X. ftt tr nif irrw in lun? liw. Hotel St.. IIoiioIiiIii. less 15 bales of 400 pounds each, or equivalent in seed Miiipclf ya- - , i! than Ik r, my !.aif, on the wihject. After jovtin well O.Cce on n rtro t, o' it the Court IIu-- up flairs. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY 00J ly rente. IVovcIfics, Cotton (say 21,000 pounds in the seed), I will pay the sum tti i oi - in eame down table tCJ Jy SAN FKANCISCO. f witU aiwTi4li ai.4- .:ir.-- Kolliii, he to the hreakfat of i ! 1 t E Three Hundred Dollars in Gold Coin intf r f thc 1'nited Hotel one morning, and pccini; rjjMi i:.ii:ksiun-f- iiavim; iiki:. IS EC Ever Imported Kingdom. II i .iini!y no jr w-- into :ir !tat a. f. nn. M I4lnliiliti'il f..r the ulM.Ve 4?.ifnii!.liv. r 1.':4Vm In JAS. A. Ml It, the 3 To the iiewon, native or foreigner, who, during the year hi- - Ji Ii w t4.ili no w..rkt ml k.r n I r yr f .John ll"Ime who, having ordercl Attorney and rocnt!lor st Law, nf.rmttie the .ullic,that4hey are now toi-ou- t 1S69. grows the third largest crop of Sea Island Cotton, if not . . i COOPER AND 1 ! di .... l vvn-- .... CAUCER. The Goods less 12 bales of 400 Kunds or equivalent in sceel W hil ii ari-- in il. i pitting in that calm Ptate of mind which of Fort ! reliant ?tn.-- 49 .A ...... , ....; 1 are Shipped by the following than each, its rfiiai;, mi l ts. ly .'I it. r. i i ii n l" tf it i f. Continues the business Cotton (say 16,000 pounds of seed Cotton), I will pay the sum of it f'.ui II it If U: a'J uiiim.v-.- 1 ri h- - II the morning meal he accoetcd liiia on Carijo, Freight ami Treasure, to and from all parts of the ..! l'k Old on Conveyances: ! with : v. joni:s. worM. At his Stand the Esplanade. Two Hundred Dollars in Gold Coin If T!i- - n elir-.ii-- l 4 :n'i. I .Ifam, c II HACKFKLD tc CO. if an-- Law L-tn- All Ship Charles from London, via San Francisco. Tlie only conditions annexed to the above offers, or ' you are tFic man to Attorney at aud Aent. wor done with care, and orders promptly attended to. A wi.-u- l of llc tv n Wiwi -- .:y i , "Ah" lllnie, jut H'.ri'ilclo, April 1S62. 0J7 ly open to all, are that the Cotton shall be Hawaiian grown, a riUCPtion tFiat UI ill HIV inilld ' VV!!'. .ra-t:c- e in all tl.c C nrt i.f the Kini.-l..t- He will C52 CllA!ti;KS Modekatk. Hi-- ; PWer a has Come I - ly Ship pure merchantable article of the Sea Island variety, to be ac- i'.uiil' r vfnl lwit.r.U mm, I. I I .1 . : ...... : 4.' : .. i l: ..- 'lianii, from Loudon, via San Francisco. !&441I4I kilVT I4.U.. V"4.I4 III IV4U II, .'1311141... 411l't 14.44411, saw cepted as such, and purchased by the undersigned at current TI44- mkr; ni'-r- Ihin, thi morning, fan vmi tell me in what year of i tl:.'- - 'J isrtM au'l Visit citli r f ll..ii'liou rn.xcis:o Ship Panther, from Xevv York, via San Francisco. prices provided it ranks us first quality and Uiat the claim- n pceoinl .13. T'-- rii-- r Laruii.'X wil, ftii I hi rein the I'tolemy diwl : l'UitU4. BOARD OF UNDERVIIITERS. T. JMHE'KK, ants of the sums offered shall have actually cultivated and K------, t Jf'i'i-e- , ist Ship Derby, from Xevv grown not purchas-v- l any fi ring w t il- wtiir- Ilohne hack in hi chair, and lookel nt (PUre oj-st!- .'.e 1ii't on ,!tt.t(. , Kins Street, one dtior of Waiiuaiialo Jlarket, York, via Sau Frauriseo. the Cotum, and part of it from others, , C-- case of doubt, satisfactory proof will b required. A I - r- - I w amaA.-mcnt- paid 7 la 1.' tKr'."uU tii: ilr- .iry il.n ( ith well countcr.'eited iu ly ! r iuu' ''i E a'.e!i!s for the tail Fr.ncic.j lliir. ot I n C?5. t,n5. U llili III) I A.M) K ii li Ship (ejlou, from Boston direct. This olT-- will remain open till December 51, 1S9. - - : - j 4r. 1.1 il, an i an I U b"r in lh- a voiee audihle tlie length of the dining roi)iu KFOKOA, writers, r- presenting July. 1863. (633) II. M. WHITNEY. de-a-1-, Till: I I'tolemy or old cu.--? 1 haven't Second Hand Furniture. Eark A. J. Pope, from .e liedford direct. it ' N Pnh!ilied Weekly Iu the hasiirnae. The California Insurance omp:iny, a bfk iicw.-jaj- therK; trri looked at a thiec d.iy." j XX Itepairlng uuatly done. Will also fit Curtains, Carpets, Steamer St. via Panama. uy r iiiit-- br..kt!i; ir air, Itlia Ihe laiL'i'kt cirrul itloii in tli irroup, fcn.l Is rvH'l Iwith Thc lIcrch:ints Ultitual Murine IiiMiruncc, Thomas, B e &c. 640 6m. I' had no more hi.t'ri'"al fjue.-tioii- to ak ly Hwaiiani aii-- l Fori incrs. I'ru-- in a.l 1 1 li.ii f'r. .Iry i The l'acitic Iiinrancc onipany, Steamer via while II dme at thc .states. Vance. AUvt rii. in. nn tran.'.auil into Hawa- Chilian, Panama. U l li;.n ;th a t lsird il The 'ultlortiiu anil Bj . Ik :l .rr iian free 4 charire. Oth.i? in South Home Llo!. SAIL F T Steamer from Liverpool, 5th Sept., via Panama, 1 .Myi; myf. xlr Ii ifiltU r t l 613 corn, r f r4.!or' I!"tne ly The .Mutual Insurance Company, Published and for sale by l' Heir to infunn Mni.-- of ptihlic pener-all-y - leive Vcel and the And lollowing Steamers. I'.y tfiy ffir nnni- rul, J. 8. WALKIiH. a. C. ALLkN that nil hissis siisuiucd on and CAKoiJK?, W. G. WOOLSEY, SAILMAKER, r'e p VFF.t iiliii m. nmg b. niin, 'ill t uwr VVAI.KF.R Si A injured ly either of the alxive l''-- s n.iiiist perils of tne HAS OI'EXKI) A SAIL LOFT Also, by the Trench Steamers II. ill. I LLF.i ih.-- r IXTIIK WIIITJVEY, Honolulu. a-- ill A i?! it l.ll ran txl, l V.t it till cm w.v. siaf and risks, ut or ne;ir the Sandwich Islands, have Stone Huil.liiiL.', on Ql.'KKN til'KKKT, formerly occu-- V s. Shipping Gai-stau!- c i:aktov, aud tuiiimUIon .1Ierthant, to he vi rilK-- by Ihnn. vpiM.i i,y Aldrii:h, Walker Co., where he is prepared to Bark from Liverpool direct. A A & - DICTION ART OF THE HAWAIIAN LANOUAOB To tloneer. C 6.7 3m II. HACKFKLD Co. e.-cuii- at HONnI.t:LI', H. I. ly all orders entrusted to him in the most workmanlike which is added a vocabulary of English words, rendered Snlk--w ICoim (turt--n Sirrrl. one door I rom maimer. No char-'t- - fur stonige of sails to customers. 645 Sni With the eutire Car 50 of Clipper Bark Irazn, 1 into Hawaiian, and a chronological table of principal events OM Kaahunianu s:r..'l. AFONCi JL .tClll'l'K, INSURANCE COMP'Y By THE NORTHERN With the exception or 13 quarter casks for S. Esq.. in Hawaiian History. Lnrrin Andrews. Price in VARIETY. Importrrs. Wlmlcsale and Retail Dealers In (.eneral Scncer, sheep binding, $5 00; or (6.00 in half morocco library B. P. . C. WILDKB. OF LONDON. taken on freight. 1DIU. e iilue-- e L. LEWIS, style. i II Pfiillljiri Kufu C'hoato tliC Jlrrt luuJi-- aud t (loods. JAS. Urn onv cill.l ADAMS JL WIMIKIl, rwMti: I'NDKIISIRXF.D. AKE.VT FO It THK SYNOPSIS OF UK HAWAIIAN LANGUAGE By W. D s CouaiHt nuvn wIm iu;ilr itfiiT.; t Fireproof Siorr, unnuu Slrrrl, A Company, has recently instrui-tioii- to re-d- C ) 1 IV EI, The Importations of iiuirJ r, anI after wfif Aortiaa and lomniivion ?irrtkanl, Cnder the Puhlic Hall. oj I ly awe li It I fi Alexander, President of Ouhu College. Paier, 60 eta. y on and l'uilclini;s on AUE Li:.ilt!i tlii'.vt iri'juireJ Ixfjrc tlit-- went U'uI. the Kiiteof I'reiuium Stone and A I I lie Old Slu nil. PHRASE BOOK A manual of colloquial phrai FIKK VKhr STOUE, Merchandise stored t'l'.reiii. mid Is prepared to poli- HAWAIIAN M. . KAI'I.KE. low isiue DRY GOODS, SILKS, HARDWARE, cs in the Hawaiian language...... Price 60c H'hy ! thc coiititrjiiwn of '.'.irihaMi t Im Ilvbiri ItHililin. Uiirrn Slrecl. cies on mure favorable terms than heretofore. Corner of King and Bethel Streets. fc.;-l- y Ki.-k- by Lorrin ? and ( s ou Machin rv. A.C.. on Planta- of Coop-t-ri- ANDREWS' HAWAIIAN GRAMMAR, Andrews;riiili- ii frt-i- tIiiu-M- Shippln; omuiilon Aent, Uikcu ituildint's Scenr A la rue Stock of OIL S II OU KS and all kinds ii t.tki? t in It 11. An indispensable aid Tor foreigners in acquiring the native Ollice with K. Adams, F.-'- ., tions. Tlli:0. DAWK, .Mil teiinl constantly on hand. Oilman's Stores, Clothing. w fhi'mK' arc m rvvulutiuii-ar- y I. ClJ-l- y tongue. In its arrangement of the parts of speech, and its they accu.tuteJ DICKSON. Asent. Ho lioics by attention to business to merit a continuance of . J. O. QUEEN STREET, HONOLULU. etc., d"t., c. illustrations of the peculiarities of the language. It ia better iii'ivtiiient-- the patronage which be has hitherto enjoyed, and for which he d'e, il'c, t"c, ttc, drc, lusight In Lnin'n--r and Ilalhlln ?iaterljls 31 K 11 1: 1 f A N TS 31 "T V A I. 64.) adapted to give a clear and eoiTect into it, than any '1"1hiiii;- - t-- Ieilrr BY PKHKI-SIO- !! TO nnwr returns his thanks. 6m ilii tl cm aiul that, a ly IIKK.II literally Cotton or work published. .... Price, hall' bound, $ 2.00. S' IIk1 r And from a Needle to an Anchor, or a Silk . Fori Mlrrl. C. L. UichanU A: Co. I Messrs. Walki-- k Allen. j'oi-ni- i MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY. TillUETS, TIMS. SOItKNSON. to something ibe Ladies of Honolulu never seen be- FORM BOOK, by W.1I. Kauwahl, Esq A huoi.r iii l to luivc remarket! Mir. ."c K. Adritus, JonS liraid hare HAWAIIAN Messrs. C. llrrwer Ci. I. K... ftH ly r--mi . Gentlemen well manual of forms required in drt.wing up agreements, bonds ttiat living t untk-r-tikcr- . 1.. KIC'IIAKOS X !.. " fore, and suited. h: tv:n out of fiarity t the Of I'm n?Iito. TEKKEJTS & SOES12iVS:V, It is thc determination of the undersigned wills and all kinds of legal documents required in courts. wi-ilio- t fumn;Uiun and I). FMTX Kit, t vrn a Urtly ILvl. !ip Chandler aud Merchants rjlIIK l'XIKKSIXi:i IIAVINO 1IKEN Price t'i-O- Continue, hi, old business in the fireproof building, e ln-- f i Healer la Ocrral .Meirhandiie, A agents f..r the Company, to Ship and Caulkers, NOT LAIEIKAVVAI, Thb Ladt or rnr Twn.iGnr, (in Hawaiian) When yn hear a in;in f;iy, "Life hut a public they ih.w to Carpenters TO BE UNDERSOLD, hai.-- l of merchandise, for Kniihuiuimii Slrrrl, iul. rm the that are prepared issue one or Hawaiian illus-- In-ati- Keep con.itai'lly on a A tradition of the ancient Princesses, tre-.i-- I on hU eoriw wake him up. la!l'rlrr.ent Chronometers of the tun anj star, At Foster & Co.'s Old Staud, n! t.e SUJ ply o( WbaW. ar.l Mrrvhaul r,cl. rated ly l'irvali.r.s MAH1NK INsrilANCK I'OLIflKS ON rtt I. As there is no one in the 7i77om Purchase to tniting their antiquities, habits and sayings. Price $1.00 Life i- - ly with a transit instrument adjusted t the tSSLNear SmliSSs. cai half bound cloth. tJ meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention eivento C'AlltiOi.S, FKF1UHT nnil 'IKKAMKE. the " Honolulu Iron Works.'' 644 bi tter advantage. - COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER Vols. 1 to 12, In w.v- tlio rei-I- of a ener.i?,le ttj fine watch repairing. and C13 ly WALKER & ALLIEN. PACIFIC imn V. N. hllll). exl:itil 'Uadratit And having a gool connection can afford to sell at the Lowest clusive, embracing from the years 1856 to 1H08, and giving IV tlie ion w het!u.-- r iwr w.i- - in glasses jii.I a.ljUiti.l Churls aul . IVOESTaA, ijhomi ftiil tle Lnl ofj Itaporterand Healer in Hardware. fatlery,?Ierfiank' nautical inslrainents constantly on 1 1 A 31 B V It ( 1 1 1 -- II R K 31 E N l Price. a concise and impartial history of the political and social tlie living: "Sit hut I nm altuwt theic." Iirj.ieuif 6Vt 13 St progress of the Kingdom during that ieriod. $8.00 per . ToI, and lr;lnltcral nt, baud and fr sale. ly FAINT It PAPER HAUGSR volume, half bound, sheen. Kubscriotion price, $0.00 per j FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Kvr llti t X'TIM El. Wlirn I" hill C.J Slrrrl. 1 riMIF. t XDKKSICNKll. HAVI.XO IIKFN CAN i:E FItllXI) AT TIIE JOHN THOS. WATERHOUSE. annum. .d-.-.ii- Shop on KAAHNMANlf j STREET, ISLANDS Engraved on thai the luriil "of Uic Agnatic family war Fl TIIF.O. II. OAVIKS, Apx.inUil Airentsof the above Cnupany, are prepared opposite (). Rifles' new store. N. IS. More particulars in future advertisement,. CHART OF TnE SANDWICn steel. II-i- . JOHN THUS. W ATKKIIOl'SK. Fire on Spine l!rick J printed W ashington, expressly for undersigned. mueli iI.m"m Iht Ie.nrir.' he ak'-il- I (Uttt Jtiniun, Orttn if Co.) to insure riek, atrainst and All entrusted to Mr. NOIIEA will 615 3tn and at the 'icnty on Mcrchnttdi-i- storeil therein, on most favorable terms. 0 wrk This is the most correct chart published Price $2.00.. n 4 twt-iity- .' Importer and Healer In Oners! and laillioiiK. Vou iai-a- J Importer and CommlIun .Hertlnint, be done with neatness and dispatch aud cifity? No. , For particulars apply at the ollice of ALSO FOR SAL- Cl.l QiK-- Sttv.-1- ll..r...lola. ly at the lowest rules. 603 ly E- loar iiiv--, I tfn'i'ii lie wa; in e:vy tireuuiritun- - (;:? f( F. A. SCHAKFKR tf CO. TUB HAWAIIAN SPECTATOR Conducted by an associati.n C'-- Cpj.-hu-- . i.l.OYll" r THE l.irHRI'OOI. UNDERWRITERS, Horn lalu. May 4. 1SCS. ly Xicgal Porms. gentlemen, 183a. 2 vols. 8vo. bound in one. Contain- ci:m, u trkci th Blank of AI.F.X. J. CAUTVKIHT. NORTHERN A S S U R A N C E COM PA F, ami I IB17EEES, ing a great variety of information on the early history of - I. t and t.eneral Miiptlu? Airrnt, UUITISH 4- MARINE INSURANCE CO. L.: r r.i.E If;MKt k. Orv? of thc Lite Mr. fnnnliIoa Tlertkaat FOREIUN I.Ml'O RT F. It Jt M A X V FA C- - FMIE UNDERSIGNED HAS ON HAND, these islands not to be found in any other work. A few cop- 1 1 I Buildings, Queen Streets, only work Price $0,00. Justice "II.wuI.,"j innuuirrahle wa on j wmoI n u. (Inhu. ly Fire Proof Kaahtimaim and prcDutf. TL RER of ies of this remain. iui thu C ly domestic and will hereafter keep for sale, Blank Forms, such as are iu!iji--t- . a litth irl a.-- v- HAWAIIAN BIBLES Octavo size, bound In fancy morocco lining trti'ierc! a C. II F.l't'K, All KINDS of SADDLERY. used in the Lease, Sale cr Purchase of Real Estate, Mercantile covers for wl;(-r- t' Til. with records for marriages and deaths, suitable witiii-?- if f ?ir kii.r ffi wmiM alter' I.eneral (oa;a;l .Mertlunt. SAM L V. CAoTLC. t. B. ATIIUKTOJJ. A. II. VUOKC 1 lUS. 1 SOS. Oirritfjc Trbmnh"! Done rrith Xtatness and Dis- Transactions, c, ic. Among them may be found the lollow family bibles. Price according to style of biudiug, from f 5 ileatii he i hil.J ' iu X CNCER-- P Oi to. to $10. if I'll a lie, ami t'.o ri'j lyi" CASTLE COOKE. i patch. All thrs prtntijitli attemhl ing: bi-l- ovcrln-ui- l Fr( Slrrrl. N, s;r,'' th wa.i to mutter t.' Importers and t.eneral Ierthant, Corner of Fori mill Hotel Streets, Honolulu. CHARTER PARTY, for the Chartering Of Vessels, HAWAIIAN AND ENGLISH TESTAMENT Having the two himself, No m i c. . m. wx. TAsLAxa 645 ly POWER OF ATTORNEY. Three or four different forms versions in parallel columns one of the liest text books for rc I. PP,ca, Klni; nirrrl, eppo.ilr ihe Scaiueii. Cbnprl. persons wishing to acquire th Hawaiian language. 4. . : II AS. X. SP V. N V K u .v v. o ., ALSO, AGENTS EOti 4 of special and general Powers of Attorney, Fatues . A s,'ritI''t,':T"i W:H c'ii lin N. B. Any books published in the Hawaiian language or any ami Leueral f wiiunliiim ?Irriliant, . Dr. Jaynea Celebrated Family Medicine,, II . I . CUSTOM HOUSE POWER OF ATTORNEY, to islands, if will be pro- . I i ,. HILO, books pertaining the obtainable, m i.kiff tif4- - n t Mn-hine- .1.4.i .ik m' ' ...... nl. r . nw. Wheeler Wilson', fcwinjf ' t.rfivirir ' V-'-- i ly llwimlnln. fur Mercantile, Manufacturing or Agri cured for pel sons desiring them. (Mrm Slrrrl. Company, I ciwrly r. t i un-- iaiJ: Why, vtlicn I The Sew Fnzl:nid Mutual Life Insurance Wheelwright and Coach Maker, cultural For sale by '5 I- Ttk Su.-a- r Company, Hawaii. ( w.miM Sugar and Molasses. M -- vt.u y ur my Hither allow me U - TOUIiFKT. r II. WHITNEY. ne. iic The Haiku hUi.-a- Coiny, Maui. J&SroOT OF M l'AW STREET.riS LEASE of House or Land, ; tlur Iioum.' after iLirk! Laciber Dealt r. Maul. COM I NO IN AND FOR SALE IN of 'Then you The Hawaiian pujrar Mills. CiROP to suit purchaser, by BILL OF SALE, of Registered Vessel, t'out V u.-a-i PlantatM.n. At Mr. irciyhfi Stand, luvl ihiiu'c oi Juv!, Office North west rf an l Sirens, IIorlula. The aialua Oaha. M a a hither, you tlie ctier Frl OM 611 6iu ALKLR & ALLEN, Agents. Repairs on Wagons, Carnages, 4c- - attended to on reasonable BILL OF SALE, of Personal Property, . ei7 ly The l.amahal Kkt I'UnUtion. Kauai t WRITING INKS jouni I'rotli-ite- Whereujii tlie Hither very 64a terms. 3m MORTGAGE, of Real Estate, rashly vm i.'i I ha'l a rrci i u.-- u-.- il lH.ttern J . M . O A T U S O N . J. I'ollKV. SUGAR AND MOLASSES CHATTELMORTGAGE, of Furniture or Personal Property. On and Sale : ra.-H-u- Hand For than you, you yo. ir Sail Mjkeri, Dealer la Ceneral Mrrtbandise, THE KOIIALA SCCJAIt CO.MPAM', F. K. & C. SECELKEN, SPECIAL I ',1 w r sale in qualities to suit by 6c OtT.-- r KAAHUVANU ST., M ly) HONOLULU, It. I. EIRE-PROO- F x rr BUILDERS' CONTRACTS, NOYES REST BLACK INK, Wlut !tra:i.r creature rhU arc! one STORE, 6a.t lim CAiTLE COOKE. Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron "Workers, MAYXARD quarts, pints and cones. of tlienv wa'' to work fr y u, ami ten i F. .. srllAKFKIt I'O. Curtttr of JItJd i., l .Y'i'four Struts, llumjul't. 11. 1. .uuann Street, bet. Mcrehant and Queen, LEASE OF PF.R3GNAL PROPERTY, Davids' best Black Ink. quarts, pints and cones. ! i INDENTURE OF APPRENTICESHIP, Davids' best Copying quarts ehaiiet-- to one ! 1 woman prare any CommU-l- n - Ink, and pints. if t:e ran of ."mhauf- WAILUKU PLANTATION. ON HAND - I HAVE CONSTANTLY Maynard 4- Noyes' best Copying Ink, quarts and pints. I . . . I :e 1'ijM-- , DEED OF REAL ESTATE, .: ...:.. .: HAW. oa Xnoanu Street. j.? Ft.ircs, Lead CSalv. Irmj l'iie, l'lain and Hose Copying Cetall IlitahlKhnient - Bank of London best Ink, quarts and pints. Fir-pn- it,- Cocks, Hose best in LABOR CONTRACT, between Master and three they l rtuineir ol working a Cl Alwve the .f More. ly fT.W CROP, now comix; in. Hibbs, Pt"p India Rubber Servant, Arnold's Writing F'luid in quarts and pinU, received di- i't jiuip at F. O. II ALL &. SON. For by J'"'1 lengths of 25 and 60 feet, with Coupling and Pipe com-- 1 forms, i- - ' rect from Ijondon. t 1 whole lifetime r their tu.iU anl clothes. and Dealer la lljrdnare. Dry (loud-- , Jk. It It 649 3m U. Jt Co., aentg. te. AIo, a very large stock of Tinware of every descrip- Arnold's Copying Fluid, Importer NEVILLE RETT. Jobbing ami Repairing done to order promptly and war- CONSULAR INVOICE and Certificate, for purchasers and The tient of Jillieulti' which rL--c Oi.'s, lirnrr,, M rr c D injur . tion. David's best Blue Ink, in cones; eonueC 44 I Tlaaters and teneral Store Keepers Particular attention given to Ship Work. Manufacturers. hup-in.-- 01 n.l Km; pis. ly ranted. David's best Carmine Ink, in glass stands; an-- I eliannt-- t t"toer h r gen- in tiie regular legitimate of Krouka, X'r-.- Kona, Ilawaii.m-a- K aUWeaku Hay. loland j WILDER PLANTATION. Thai.kful lo the citizens of Honolulu, and the Islands SHIP'S MANIFESTS, Bills of Lading, &c. &c. ' Indelible Ink, for marking linen. i- Ueef Kir.VLOA, past, we hope by arnl - Hot only in pecurin b. r. HILIH.4. A. rlo4-e IxMirbU Mn pupplt'.J wilh Wood, and .iur. erally, for their liberal patronage in the stiict These on document paper enterj ri.e, Jtt:lU . blanks are printed the finest tli A. U)mT frc.-.arie,- j 647 ly AlAM WILDER, Airents. attention to business lo merit the same for the future. 7 aVoe bid Best of Writing Ink kept for sale t!ie "ei-.x- whii-- ?eok.--i in It. F. F.IILF.US CO.. ru a man life, hut Ajfetu at Honolulu. A. S. CLEiSIIOKN. CJ3 ly 17-- Orders from the other Islands will be carefully attended and in the latest style. Orders from the other Is.ands promptly By n. M. WHITNEY. rieri!.il aL t t!tt r.reirnti n of the iuin.I Dealer ia Dry (.ood and l.eneral .Mrrrliandir, to. 643 ly attended to. , 1N1AKEE PLANTATION. m Jt CO., for the enjoyiiieht f piieei-.-- anl for re-tiui- riaa r. r, 1IOLLF.S Price per Single Copy, 25 Cts. ; or per Doz. - foininl-io- a EW CROI OF i ic i nci.-.t! EORT STREET, a'- O: I E,!lnw- Hi". ly Ship Chandler aud ?Irrrli.iut, wh n iiiuil. It the rule, 6i -i PACIFIC BRASS FOUNDRY. F'orsaleby (640 6m ) n. M. WHITNEY. ELLIS,WORK. in all the w ni l an l i:t ail time, uncarneil JOHN ItlTSON. f'ii Stmt. Jl"ii'J"it. SUGAR AND MOLASSES! THE I XDEKSICXEI) WOULD RE-- nuei ei-- i.i a eure. Dealer la Spirit-- , Ale and Porter. Now C tiling in. For 5ale by inform the public that he is prepared to cast The American Mission in the Sandwich Islands, Ulnes bv rtimoiosi to 610 6ui C. CKKWKIl Co., aKeiits. vj and finish all kinds of brass and composition work with & A Vindication ,. GAP, Other PAPER. and an Appeal ly uriti I V. Itn-w-i Co., . LETTER It Li.i f.een rui'l that men on a Oil IIM4,I mIh. Mrs.r. C. A. Williams k Co. r I itispairii aim a. roasoiukoie-rai-- tarry kinl of I M-- II. Haekfeld fc Co., worV on relation to the r Catl Cooke. Mr.r. 5j AH kinds of ship and plai.tatiou furnished short In etuwtin with .n. In the voyage of t tral rdii F. . SCIl A L. & Co I C Waterman, Ks. rjMIE UNDERSIGNED HAS RECEIVED life, lie Alois. C. l. tV:ti!t:2si I'l.sEifstfiou. ootiii. JL direct from the manufacturers, Proceedings cj Vie Reformed Catholic Mission at they rie.i4 to in of lleiven. hut .treat of DreJeo UonrJ of I ndrrwritrr. C16 ly H. Cernni-ll- . I'roprirlor. Ur Constantly on hand, l.ose coupl.ngs of thc following, tiki? t. th-i- r jrosi-tuatiof- H t 1, 1, 2 ad 21. Also, oil cops and gauge Cocks. A SUPERIOR STOCK Jionolulu. care venturr in a 6.1 ly ! iiics: i, 11. OF n( SPENCER. JAMES A. HOPPFIR, t tot-nfinl- I. tlie ; THOMAS SUGAR AND MOLASSES By Rev. Wm. Ellis. ita e piht of eartfi I N V 612 ly King street. Office Papers, Books, 1 r T R E j Skip Chandler, Dealer In l.rurral "I.nhanilUe. Island TMtOM Writing; and Blank ui 1. ph i'il l tin ir IVail fi.' in .Lini-- i.f rliij-wre- ek. II. rl v THIS PLANTATION FOR SALE Reprinted from the London Edition. ToiarconM, j A.c., : I in to sua purchasers. Apply to tf'i-- will l.i Hy thrjw rrodoee, and tuiiiiiiiion ..lertuaut. lU and Stationery, their ihrlin iie , t 64.1. ly tiEo. C. McLEAN, 4nrnt. w. riscEis:Ei, Corner Q an--I K Aahunriru ptr"-!- II 'Tv!oI u Hy j S. 81 In 50 Ceais in Paper Cowera. .i tF-!- r tre-.i.ur- vn lifren's liny. Ililo. I.. RnrI 'V.t'h iar!, other only ' - Ltijtorted Expressly Custom Trade, cmhracing : For Sale by M. maimer kr-- on exN-iuivi- as4.rtmeiil of every Cabinet Maker and French Polisher, for II. WHITNEY.. h-- Will constantly hand an t ii tiieiu when the w over. 4W j uj aiiu II. IIACKFKMI CO. iiescr.4iiii ol roral re.Uirc.l by ships and others. ONOMEA PLANTATION.! HOTEL STREET, I I l4ir-!i4- price LETTER PAPER Crarrji (omm!ltt Arruli, H.e twin f.r lU:iJ l'r.lace. j CCJ Near the Drug Store of Molt Smith 4r Co. Ij I a certain .urt t!.i(i!, many of thc I 3Iola-- c J. or i XTTMoiiry advaucd lor li.'.l t Kcl4wni;c at rcasoua Ide rate, Siiiir and C'rop lSGs, White Congress letter paper, ruled and unruled. ! 6.- -J HoMolnlst. ly r;..j te w!io i tr the I.ui'1 owiiel ly a Wealthy 617 lv IX. FOR SALE IN U. E,AE:ik V CO., Blue letter paper, ruled and unruled. OFFICE AND e i CIOMINO Blue ollicial ilo. do. ruled with margin. man, u t i:e Yearly to j ay tlieir renttf. It . ti . I A V IS, J purthaMis. by Shoe and Dealers Iu and ALLEN CON WAV, A. A Cotit aud Makers Leather Thiii white do. do. do. do. What i! Tun tliink t!ii- - w.m? Vhy, pi:u ly Cm WALKER ALLEN, treats. a Attorney at Law, haiiiiihae, 1!!. Shoe riniliii'rs Thin white do. do. plain. FANCY STATIONERY ha-- eu-'tot- ' j.. n ' It heen tin? for a loti art lh- - C i f lh K e In E.ijl.h Very thin white letter paper (for European correSxiidence). Will Practice la ar! U:h Will con;mae the Phippinr husmes, PRINCE VILLE PLANTATION". lldd Slmt. btt. Xai'inn anl Mtnnakea Sts. A. T r ea.-I- ru r Water lined (barred) letter. ieri: ol j'-i- f r one t hrin,; thif Hiwaiiia Unf"ii;' ve pre-a- d Je ji ail at p. thy are to furnish l from country solicited and promptly rt,lure , IfjrT-- irOrders the Packet Post, plain, blue and white. 1 tv-- t l4-4- I lit t nurt K t'utatii-,- on a tert.iiii tl.iy. It ili tin or t'.J feWon itrttt. o;)Titr Ihxt'. If the ju.'.ly d iwaihae aud Siiiiar and 3Iol.ics Crop IsOS, Vj. ntti niled to on the most reasonable terms. 6o7 ly Mourning letter pa)ier, ruled and unruled. ot i.ih.-- r re.-rui- a are required m n-- ili-- I such Whitney's ll 1 Bath paper, while pink, ruled plain. Book in anything. it mak tin: laii iol any L. f. F.EXt I.ale s!iips, at INK IN. FOR SALE IN A NTI Ladies aud and Store! W. by the COM by ri.h. r; hut it a of tribute whieh they j (.rneral Airci; t and Uroker, ,h.rtest notice and on the u: reasonable Urm. lo suit purcliasers, il Consisting in part of i J A. the-.- r . undiua 'l 6m WALKER ALLEN, Agent. C. E. WILLIAMS, CAP PAPERS ! Jai l t i hi:u ;i t.i i.'U-r- It U ju.--t i with tVri'- - Ftai l'a ...r l'.i .t ! 17 x 11 11 . Manufacturer, Importer .nnd Dealer iu Furniture it , crw o cit S 1 vo IX t cl tl.u-- .r o unruled. that I'.very natfi i n i ) HONOLULU. i Best white Cap, ruled and A SSORTED SIZED COPYING PRESSES WEEN STREET. DUFFINS MARKET, OJ Ecay Dt.scrii'tio). Blue laid cap, unruled. and glands. lii. !i tin v t tin? il. il. Ic neitlier Heavy legal cap, ruled. Se ; I A a; CHI Mi HOON. WOOD V C o., Furniture Ware ltwra on Fort street, opposite E. IX. Boyd", 2. party any o."l; it ja.--t 'Flow who Li their 31. S. It Nil I'M CO.. old Mourning cap. unruled. Head Boxes, ma.iter. mid Azent, 7.VtV & Family Market; Workshop at the stand, Assorted sized Cash Boxes, Bill Importer-- and UhoIe-a!- e Dealer In foninilion 3!rrtliant l.eneral STREET. HONOLULU. ly Hotel street, near Fort. Best English, white and blue laid, plain. - Its-por- r thi- f-- t.-r 0.16-I- y Thermometers, Of itt, tli r ainter, anecdote U tol l: Uoot and Agent r the Paukaa and Amauulu Puirir Plantations N. P.. Orders from other islands promptly attended to. . (lothin;. llat. Cars shoes I iSill Hooks, Pen Hacks, I? j..-- arti.-- - g of Tea. and other Chinese an Foreiirn Uoods NOTE I t'.tr i.i! t wa- aintin :.tVni4-!i 5ap--ri"- r Farni-Mr.- Qool, MARKET, PAPERS Slate Pencils, L;ad Pencils, l An.l every ri4ty of h"I. sale dealer in Hawaiian Produce, FORT ST., FAMILY divine, by W. A. AUrith, aud . &. white commercial note, ruled an.l unruled. School Slates, Scrap Books, who fell it irvuiuhettt hiia to tl'.rv lrMr!y mvrl bt-lov- r . i: Co., Best heavy ujt:i jie mt. I XuuiinuSl., Kin;.-- ii. iiovn. G. W. NORTON Herbariums, Twine Boxe, - n Nrvr s heavy blue commercial note, ruled and unruled. the n m during one hi- pitt- 64J M'tirr't iV, lu.ra if Slour Slorr. Choicest Me-:it- from finest Lcrds. Poultry, Fish, Vegetables Best jainrer nl of Jy Thick ivory note, plain and ruled. Mottled Twine, Tooth picks i 17 fiirnishf.l to order. H4 ly ing-. in awe ,f the art t, he CKORLE U.. HOWE, Ac, Small billet paper, plain and ruled. Superior Plain Cap Paper, Ji ItuuUrr-- . 4 ' " M. 4 nervou-I- v ; a.-- w ith- IIISIIOP CO.. Water lined (barred) note paper, various site Superior rule-- cap paper, :ry hut lllti ,tt t ainted away Dealer la Ce.Iuood. .orthviet Lumber, ShinJes oT Ma ON THE ESPLANADE, , Oll".ee In Ihe eat eoruer tee's Clotk, Fancy edged p:iK-r- plain. Superior plain letter paper, out any pin of e, he ithercd Honolulu. i F rulwl paper, anivyaia Dfjri, Stht Win Is, ,ji7s Vuintt, ifC. Kaahumanu street, A Book which should be in Every Library Custom-hous- e, Colored rench faucy paper. Superior letter 1 adiaini.-ferv- d First Door above the Assorted note paper, Bill bead papr he r ' I, an . 1 edge note paper. 1 j eile fiiuilly a retty At I.i oi l taa-l- Fort Ptrr. t. on th F. eia.te. tH ly Lraw B;ll of Exchang" on Gilt r-- j v. - CC5 1y note paper (with initial stamped on it.) Blotting pads, pennon, lie au.-e-il f r a ly, an-- 1 i.n-ti"- " The P.s or Caluohnia. San Francisco Honolulu, II. I. Monogram letter tfil HOFFSt II LA E( Kit CO.. Messrs im!KLL.MiTe Ji Co., New York. Music paper, d afterward he never h it in ED. - AXDREWS' 1I.UV.UI.1. IIKTIOaAM Osborne's colors, I.i-.- Wai.lkm, - - Sew York, MISCELLANEOUS PAPERS I hi arti.-t- . lportrr-au- d (oiuruUIon a-- Sella Chess men, life n when the with the urlme hut Mertliants TuKH-.v- lurt, - - lloston. a . NaiklI'-- Coapi-hATioj- -- bill paper. rofi-piion- . lyn.lon. AIIOI'T 20.00(1 HAWAIIAN Best broad white Backgammon boards, autUn-it- hi iui-rrl- paid, ! Mrrrbi.ol Slrrrl OiinTU ruiVTAIMXU P"itive f Fsil long-M- d of Corner .t with English siguihcaiion, (narrow) hill paper. Checkers and dice, ly A.-.r- List Co. ik1 Mamuttas Lira Is.srit. ords, and .MACHINIST, Best "Turn to Hi I'inrio baxck white and blue account current pajier. Alphabet Blocks, y.M.r a little the riht, and ehut C... te O-h- l I, Thin Aire ALSO Fort Strat, lti Jlovoluht. e Qr.t-cla- s, Thin white and blue account sales paper. Mathematical Instruments. y ur mouth." e x Will rer-iv- dr4f liscount busines, paper, and ii it it, al j mar.y articles rise roth, attend toe etc. ly An I.nzUIi-II.iMaHa- n Vocabulary, and Chrouolo-it- Continues in the business of Flat cap, white, ruled and plain. Assorted sited blotting pads, - . .Mrrrhant Tailor. L Sewing Machines, fee., Demy pen holders, L; r..-- LIn-l!- writ-t'- Ti of h' us. hoi.l Use, 'cks. liuns, while, ruled and plain. Gulla percha Km- Oi.i rr; Nvcr Imrn s Ilore-liila- . ftr-e- t, O.M F-- w-- Hall. II. I Ili-toii- j will construct M.kIcIs and small Tools, and make Medium, white, ruled and plain. Washington Medallion pen". t- - th-- n f, rt Tabic of Kvrnls and letter ; it i j read oer when tits ly D C. WATERMAN 4: CO. Praftsof Machinery to order. -- I Royal while, ruled aud plain. Fairchlld's superior gold pens. fie i y 11 with ;v;e, and tin hatt'U Comniisolon M? Choice drawing paper, various s'.zes. Ivory pajw-- r holders, :ier that reliant. y F'ancy ti-i- CO JL - F'--e- Andrews. F'ancy gold and silver paper, various patterns. paper holders, LOAN JOIINMIV. Em-ena- t ih- int- p t Lori'in t'.e trier,.!!y Word are l .ldol Mr tt. n::.'n p i'd :s of the Whaling by WICKE, . oer the 8he-p- J. H. Fr.-n- li of all colors, very choice. Westonholm's Penknives, Charlton's mucilage, " t.-.- - i f Round in S.'l.OO tissue paiers. th-m- . th-pr- ien . Merrfcant Tailor, furni.hii.g 'Uf. Is. purc'.r...' aiid sale Exrh irife, 'i!, heirt iinjt'-- heueath l. . 1 Tracing paper, for drawing plans of machinery, &c. ercha bands, Line's rulers, tfi:t l pone, Cieneral Mer-1- ir.'li.e. an I the procuring of Freight l; jud in Half o.oo , Ou.ta tln-i- HONOLULU, H. V I A 11 A K Ii II Vellum tracing cloth, for drawing plans of machinery, &c Wafers. Sesls. Ah'.vo all. tieter hum I e Toreail FORT STREET, Ul.r l.i.r.M 1 .4. For Sale by H. M. WIirTNEY. A Ii Ii T - . e of various sizos. blue carmine inks. Maynard Noyes' r.M ; p- s.:e Ttr-1- ". k's. ls,.ioH"WLA5!i'.Ja. A. New ALAKKA STBKIT BKLOW THE TIIKATKB. I'.ristol Board David's black, and k inks. in after yirir i W.' a r urreeti-- t one. youth. lers. Co.. Perforated board. Crayon paper for drawing Arnold's inks, assorted sizes. I !,-- . W. I.4.J.. .I.i. i reasonable prices 621 ly l'!n y ppn-c- r I'nd in tfie i;iinu.ri olfer i. E.Pom. litis Ui '0 ((iiiC'l in J.nihn Furniture made and repaired at head i iie' I It A RICHARDSON. J. C. K Co , Stn l'rj!icsso. ff Bill paer. Assorted ink stands, Asorted pen cleanera A: Paternoi-.e- r Printing news and book paper. Photographic Albums, Propeller pencils. f'h.iMy rejeetiil twenty year a louritain of l.entlrm.-n- s ly Messrs. TRCLNER Co., Row. j ao. Importer and Dealer In Uos. shoes and Oi Printer's cards of all styles, sizes and patterns. Pencil leads, Crayons. e. lit.itiein over it p he realiei thai GEORGE LEONARD, Printer's card Board, of all colors. l.oil. in --V'T l'.TV he wx-- i ntiee a hcl!e nnd a Uauty, and liehold .li..J iuso Hardware and Manila pnpers. A assortment Blank BHiks. t j FI'ItNITI-R- fine of Iiirnii-- inrt,tr of F.rt lirrk.nt Strtttt. I'nvMinN EmU'Iililc IiiK. Messrs. ISA RN ES & Co., J .hiitst. 31 a n u fact ii re r ot of all He Best Finveloi paper her in . mue? Choire assortment A'uv v. mirror laore congenial C14 Ii MNoLtJ.t . il. I. le Ictter-lMxtf- paper. if .. j Copying t.;.-t- h-- r sciiptious. l to her t: than tlie one that ront'rofit. her 1.1 MUtKIX; I.INEV. TO II E CsED a s v i.f:. White and rel blotting paper. Exchange Books, Beaij-- Books, 'if i i lso ilri-- .f, . jom. r.y pr trie r.itrkiti. mk in use. for DONE. Order Bmks, : riM.iu. Tii.' wi low ilidetil" ih rivt Illll Ui-hn- p- Fii-l- Plira-- e PLANINO, SAWING AND TURNING a and ship Chandler, r.,ral-l- y il II. M. WIIITFI.Y. Il.iuaiian and Mi Hook. vilth every otlier kiud of Taper Iu use. ' f Wert .! I troeer Tosetlier Mann's parchment Litter Books, i ! tlie ly i.m fr an tter of M I r eon-tant- on Hand. tan I. VII VIN A. vl .Motshlir.s ail kiniN ! and Letter Clips and tiles. h.'I,,e I i,;vr who h.v joiinwyi-- Ih f re her t E'lira-- c IEooK's ! i.o J ly ENVELOPES JXor.ey r. t tUcnii'J frc.h--- I l rhip oo Favorable Trrrrs. i'liiiifsf a IaOees:s. Letter and Card W'aHrts. t'ie fir ,,;F Ijril, whenen there c ku-!- lv ly 7M1K SALE Best heavy white ctler eiiveloKS. iuefMe, Ml It' 11. .Memoranda Books. Pass Btxks. an-- l whi'i-- e ( M. WHITNEY. 12-ix- straw envelopes. c Ii, !.iy to join him. No ch cT:lestial Best heavy canary, buff and letter X I -. c;li:e. Opa'iue colored r.ote and letter envelojies. copying Composition card frames, jhuc.ra j !i po v reeall to the memory f II. E. MrlNTVRE IHtOTIIER. One e. ?J7 Camel's hair brushes. inn iveily T- - rre-tri- al envelopes. ), 12 iii.-- rs' Honolulu, Ail sizes of white note S. stamps, scales, the I.r-rrr- Feed Store and Bakery, l.rire Ji7 Catholic Church Premises. U. Postage letter nm;,, !i Carmine Ink. 12-i- T- - ire-'ri- al l" Mag- - - oblong ladies letter r the ten. rr and ilev.'tioti of One Ii Magnetic Jol.e, wi;h . - . . - . . - . . v ...... 'W . r, m- French ciivebnes. 4VC, &C, &C, AC. -- IF n H. I. ly ' v Convr of an. I . lalu. Cli i t j- cts. Pri. e. Oblong envelopes, open at Ihe end. who left at the ia!l of Heaven, n K. M r'r It IN ASSORTED :ir ED San Francisco !;1 IIE F.sT ur.tLITV, For .ale by 647 II. M. WHITNEY. fii friu official envelopes. the f oiirr.Mirm of their I vc. The let- I.F.t;ilORN. 1 bottle. 1 ..r sale by . Mourning letter, mte and A. S. M. VVHITNKi-- jtwAJ-- - Be-s- t heavy white, hull" and canary ollicial envelopes. GREENBACKS, ter llre-pro- or 6ii In II. ith a ew Stork of Materials .f p.n or ilau 'titer t a true mother L Dealer ia l.eneral Mere handle, Store, Fine while, buff and blue cloth BOXIIS IXDF.BT- - ! Plymouth Collection. XITED STATES OF "rnerim- hef t ; mn-- t H-r- m (5--J- 0 s any ot r than no iniaf of the hnshsmsnM Sl. SIiccIh, aNo every Article required in the Station EDNEj., or otner class .T.-- t ('rarr . And other w .,- Vl IU ) I.rffrr a - .1; -.' 'IK " r of the writ- r keep all I .im I A X D Cashed at the highest rales. .ul. B- Nuua-.- . Kir.r. M OF II WAIIAN ISI II NI FOR TIIIM'hV. ery Line. - -t :i k'.i..l n.T.t TITII Till S.E.- WATCHES. CLOCKS AND MUSIC BOXES I'.'tUir. l;.in t!- har-'- i n r'. l'"V l I IV. I P.- - OX Hymns and TunJ- At. - on - l.i.l at t'.e Clilectiou only and cruel one, and lsl.i-.- l 1 1 -- -- Is- 1, rsrarrffy Mi.' m i.i. tin tf s F- - II. M. WHITNEY. y 1 r i.K ii H. tl I II. M WHITNEY. I.'. With pr. n'ptne-- and disp.t h. ly r .ale by II. M. WHITNEV. hurnir,. f I -- nr per Doyen. f,r,N. rive nnd f..rr t them l i. 'y I'rirr t'i: II.

..HML1LUL Captaia Henry, of the ; ttorixvcivcJ from t'aliCorilia, il niMl .TIciiCQ Z2T A . - 1 c- jJivl (.'ln. 1 T - s i:i.!airif.-- - i : i ;iiil t!v rinaji c iti.s. Mi IMi.i IVumii, the The t :u r C,it:'tr.i, juivhal ly - August lMh J tl.f . ill tl.rff r "V F, v - "Unilonolulu Co.-- COIVIMEllCIAL. r , S icaill.ip . n . Sj.fM-t-- ftli-i- su p . li' J 1 J. iif.vj Amoiii-rs- writt-r- N. ui;I Uva j ut un.r ,...i.wi M. tds PACinc ' ial !? i.f :!. ifi l.iiaiit u'.iaily iltil nt lai.i. in ('., n'yi'."r-- ,- fl ao-- l to tl.C .1 ",: ..fMiak.-wnr- her ,n . - I,, ., - the ILiwailan hal chaiwl Fr;,"dsf0 i . i,' r l'!.n..-- l,v ..ft!,.. PI.iv- un- - 1? Mio ir' ir. I'H i mhi i: iw tin- ::j-.iiituji:- i.f K lUinhrv ..i.t.i. fc h IN- f Advert isrr. She wiil t ihe the iiutnUr on t!ie i - pf.ia .p.,1 th nmiiiiTrial ' 1 - C .1 !. I 1 111 Atit!,,.r- - Jfiriu. K'i!.:uit's anrl.m !... l.rt fiiii-.:itii'iii- II l.i ' rrii.i r. Tin tl.fjar-- i t'lat '!. an. ..ilin:ii. linns Au?u-- olst. A tew nays : A I a . I '- I ll- -- I. . i ami, arrives t Couipnnjrf Slendiil Si ram, .n - I S!j:ik-t-.u- .i? ti.. r.;.i...ii..M Tin - l.C-f- -o. a Hiwan.-- lI, f 11:1.1 !k; kfj-- ;i- - f.f th. !n...k out ou - N . th.- - t!ie i lit fliall n in- small broke I r f.n tw. Ifili, nl f-- re- - Houululu the Pox ir rt lYiauy. The rite - - triji to llilo oa .la died. VI - 1 J j;i ami two tiu, f I ..., a I m, J - tk r inj; ll.i- 'ir rate iiifl fSitiiif't, uuC iitiiiuiril v it! - - i"i to. lr.lC the lili'lit.- f Vi several of them had been sick .vi777.'p.i r. nr.ri:wr.n i:. . j . I l!.- - f tn. ua i.n tier oil rxuie m Ci.'iaiu:iiu oi of the TV i fa,..?nm .aiN ( r I:.. !: ! t j as the Plays n'tun affected. ' At the date f tly linw, farT;.I!y it.'i!y. .are author of t':"e attrihutol tj crew not Ueu i'Sh ii..r ifT li.--h, fleet- The hxl f H. r..-..t- X If ! ..... axi.l kt:ovn ia eur Ci I jrfi. ill ir.f i ii f uif i.f a aod I n in hi r hnjr'.y .t:u s ml:i - 1 oxpeete-- that a-- f. Ji'iU-- fi .1 Cth, was rl' afil u:n.- J !; h l.ii.i, isi a n.aiitM-- n.h ul it the alt. nti. i: 'eaptain-- letter, it . .lif-- Iff IU..1.11. -- I ... "- - Is artiou'ar arivt Molr i.n I 1 1 i.- - ANO '1 fil'ij--- " t i r 1111J urt.tliC ti!K' - A-.- -- y. 1 d.iy and would MONTANA tf lie nf .ill i- - ! U-i- l l -t I - i!ii.i-- . !i M. .ii.I His Honor, finish loading the next I tf.' Pr, -. .41 r IV -- .111 ! I T r r, w;:.i i:i t' ii" an th. .:!. t!.il Is Ai'Mtr.u.iY. iv the shh. would if ..:t ill ht. : mW - I I u- - i- -e iH..s.-ihl- e, 1 100 of guano. i.-- t. i.Li.iL,.-ii.i.ii.,i- rii I i and mil r v. i- -. 1 Ir-!- e with tons v.. t.... i. itr i ' i i" anv ant t' '!'(. r t Ih.iIi Chief lustke AV.eii, ir ive iii the of Jol.n ...,;i lu.n" ifter as iiuiii iniini.if ' fn-1- , !' . pM k.i.; "f a if. ; f ;ii iii it u. y M Honolulu and San 4.1 i. f..!i-ti- 11 iii Ir .in rf:i i, that tl.f iii..rc Mctne.-ti- rs. ,1:1. Willis, ister f the ship Junes r Between Francisco, - :!! .Norihs i I r Tit- -- . Tin: i:i:k. T v Virk .. '!.. .:!.. lift...... f.-- r ., T .,,Mtiim we heanl ISr thv lotion iii Selif.lnle lTiu,e. J .rflirlTtUt ,J , J,, ti., v t on tlic high seas, Damages - sin.e ,j f..l, r ,ial tiii.-- KvffiiriiC ir!ii-- .i:iai, an r KOM ii.!i.i- UlAMM-tO- . taking - m--- t . .:.r..i-l- .l tie I.V 111 l.r":T SAX valikil.i - : .. TilO Allierii C nif'nlinf, i pissefsiou .. .rr.lfr..t..- 1.. ...:.:. aw-irdo- sum of A we have been put in i i( - Ii-t- i;i . were tiie i.'.aintiir in the place, but - 4.). iirun J jir-f- t. f ;.n-- So. from this It- 'in! mi 4 ni.ui, :.....'' ihfnite I . - - . . . .1. I!ii uii..n f A. F. arrive here the l ":h, in i t t:l...u riv-- , turn. - ..f li.t:i;u Klele!!. nut "iVcJMi-st;i.v- 7 I4; r j !i w t oi .re s weet., Oct. Fri.lay, .ii- -- case is ii. pen,.;rg u xinner, ei:i:uii, tTo items ttie past mi" T" l.nif arnvd In whi Ji, l.jvM-- illlJ !c it w.iy aj .rry nat. 'ifti.-- in .i.i-.ti'i'ic with the ealiu , 0f M.ltalia iii.iri. :!..-- xi.trh'iicel a hcavv pile it' wiuJ, la M.-lteti- i,);.h... I. ;.- - h:iinr improvement. m U114 h mnv. vaiiiaJ.U .ki.n an 1 tlw.urf.-tii-.i-l cic-in- ' I u.'l- - Kei ni Ailama and otlurs vs I". and C. L. is still on the march towards ii Nut. j t..rl a liiu l iitr ol ! I f j-- al city N..V. 1 i.iii:i-- lihiT.iti' .ii an iaijiarila-it- iiii. :i 'i- I - lu-it- le If-t- v.j.1 I.-- rt'i j ttitu le l:i and hngitu 177 oS west, use of fpiantiif of walra. II. r car?-- hr c so he leave off the -- i- -. ic-- -. HicliarJs, s I'v.igo. in ricuing the mer Ai.'i'( boys have iletermined to Ivc. 9: iu r.i'ti'-- ;t It . fir yie ixat . I - ; ur iieurti.t j Jh'-- inc.-- ;t iJy .r-- j Altv-- S wi- li-e- Ml! lit I'I'Jt t. No ..'. buv ua l l ui.l.i t.i iii. are ia .:iij.Ii.iti.ttl!y Jtnty wh:!e i.i iking the v. vage f. :a ti m i"r - . ; while f ...! . lutu-ter- O.izetU. ami become goiKl citizens JB. J iii-jj-- iti-r.n- -; . t- - from t'.ie barratry the intosicatiug drinks Irf-- fr u'.I .ii'tn-.-- - .U.rri. if m itt.-- t. r ry j . ci-- - Jan. M twntr liiv(r r..n n:'-r:- i seu-- f. i'.'i'-ti- :... i- is the tt i: ;i!w:f in ;i had 'nit in a The t male up fn:i renounea vi naui.1. J'1, Feb. 10 i fr-- of the .wrsnai Star TI arri-F- -l tV-- pith , t i. zifiiiu'irrc--I the desceu'lant jt;,u. lj Tahitrati hara hunt oi T.h In uixr Mi j t ftau'is al t; l..g- -l k I which courteously a recent meeting i f Ila-- j t!f fine. It in.iv ho fj':-- w:. :h. r tl.y of the tig, the Captain Masonic KlkctikN. At HONOt-ULl- .rl p-- cf-- rewanled ". luvu ii-- l ilu.,. ! U u I t - fiiUivntes the soil, bavins leen the ( ran If f ! ?: I : imi-- ! in t t ii many n j i;i t! in the i re.-4-- tit in- i I ermittel us to real. The left Onoul iska ou ' fl 1 !. make " r .l Kie :.i beets, sume of which AKHIVAI-- S. t PFPARTl carg't un , . I 1 , , m.uith with a crop of - I 1 . . - t . .. 1.1. . V ...... 1 . past - t'ur- t i (rutii t!.- - I I Oct. 19 Tbtf im'rir!lii ?rif ?fir nrr'.vl III- piifrM? ily, in tf g iverii r- - are n .t m " m r lone with l"e ci '.'iioijer, an..1i on lav tia ii iiliiotrs wev eiectei Kr me eusuuig jiir; less. Montana, .nni.iay, ..uur.i.ty, .riiiif tari'f weighed twenty pounds, more or Nuv. V ! -- t- - - !' - i:;vi.h-.- n-.- it n:e vT '. M. l.lalio. frnim Mufrfi M.a, uiiif r.tin.t.n rjirTy i riijiu.ut tlx- tillf in iiii ao arrivel at Alton, where she s cargo J. A. Iliissiiis Cl) f;'i t'.i w..k, si:l ia;iy in lie t in '.'Vinti::. A. F. Ju.1.1 Nov r.iL - :, Frau-ci?c- -. r- V" . m Vtii s I i flinn-'f--- 1 irnr..-- n ::i i:iinrii..ifw-- and took in ba'.ia.-- and on the lilt fir Sin Huah.-- tr. Captain "Kickman, of the Au;;ifA(i;;u!x ., laaho, Inc. '.'I fk. V a k ... - ir Th.. J. s ft--r 11 t.ft Ksj-i-riene- A. Jin. i.f gali-- until the I'. 'Vrt usurer. , 1M'' . a succession seen a large number cf sperm whales Fi-I.- 1 Bo i.J Ikrf b n.U-rln- l if, U ! C. T. liuiii'L repirts having J",1"' trtrT!,l. irf IVrfainl Urr - Srcrtt'iry. I U--.l- ! AVi-it- mostly from accvunpanied with south,', Fer. Si St ll 1'lth, on his vovaire. particularly in lat. 3 S3' J'- - s : i - im.-rcl- , i iin, hail and At o'clock in the afternin long. 31 April at xf. natural, traditi ttml. and im-t- ni-- Meal siiew. - Sensational. The Gazelle says that " there have ic,n 157 o o.' west, and in lat. 3 40' south, LIIIIiU lL AHVIM IIS llK 0 ALL SHlParvls blowing very c:V-v- I.AMI.U. - f t tier-ti- - the wind veered to west southwest, i,ot.n t,f 3 of diptheria children, 5; iT.K M COM.UtkLIJI. ITI.U-- . lruiii"Liri.-i- t th? cxai titiidc y the As Il.tmli-- vviiiild ray, TiiatV the n. a uumr anion lc.,o wost. . marked (or an Fmncisco will at all le 1 alliniwi-n- r- -. an.1 i- -, heavily in Hjualls. The barometer which have "We have Tuesilav even- Car?o f .a qiunlitM-- f ll bar i.f a'vir.f - Tluit did Vi!!i.i::i h'Tn - several of endcl fatally." The heard by residents on f--r XY.r i aiid chain, inxohi'l vari.i:- at 1 i StOHmer' W house nn.l rev Is same r" onlinary fjuiji.-- 1 - : ., 1 .. ..I..,...... - , , , b"" ... an ricn br .1 "- .1.'.- ! . f.Frd-iii-Av- th-.s.- u muia-m- " - 01 ue-- C u,k-rsisml- No ehari;e for or .Hi - - Ww " unable to ot a singie ease cieany fircil the 'onshi mine wincii Oruce. TI- -; iiifrxlui f if new indu-tri- ei write Plavs as- learn i,,r. last, was Iri'm Hig Morale ..T-.- . I , , - 1 i.a ..ti.l f)r..ii..l to ill, .ti ! Tl III ., 1 .. i 1 . Fire in Wanl.nuse nut tnlti-- the Cmniianr. - i.erx-- Meln riks - -- eril-i.- -l v ; V I "ii nut,,i "I't-- over i.aving ki.ow.i ir off the bar about seven o'clock. Pilot nttt--s r ir,- - and ri.- i: f..r Iiii litl .il.-i up new tn l.iin? Win l.e the cril.iM.' :iuth..r.' ...... m arrivel I1.sur.11u e cur:tiilii'il at than hy sailiin; t-- u tb...r ..i j.rF.Tty t, 11 111 111 - trwi'ipiiMMM''. i lung t. the iioitiiea-- :ui i lieavy lining niiei- 110 gixxl j care taken of shipment til Fruit. - coursc disagive, we know of had anchored. Particular ; ui-i- , Jtors but Uxirded but not before she f iiir.--e l : tyre her, l i no vervnii-- v U lm e ! f.T JimhIs, lie urehaK-i- l m r 1 ht? kivs. t half-oa-st ,,v,,-,;n.- All tmliTS Iii in Sau Fraueiactv rfii F.l I.. Biiu L 91 I. vaN. At seven hove the bri to, the ...... ,..,.,...... mH ii' J .i,.,. mir ..r n ti...... mi..u 1... i .. r . f ' l- ?- ic l- ..u e' - pui.-titv- - , - Vj j -e t . rvevivcu r TV- ii r..fMi.i.if.-- f.n-- itne f af to rise .""uld have written tl.ein? Has l. n t ,M ' not the Ha- - ie ij iti " lncreasiii!? until nndm 'lit. when she siiintied I The Whaleslup JvAuin, Hat Europe I'nit.-.- ! .ii'.li(-.- ... , j a d .4 intending to visit our islands. Shiments fn.m anil the Static, f. lit Kriluh l.tmnl tLtrr i il l i.l . l d iutndii :. 'i-- l , .. r..u-...- i - Mi..l as - ir- 1 ui.;..i. i... rr;..i im mi- f. ID '' ro'irdol' and ai kixI ii their 1.111111 ..1.11 1111 ivinuinc. viil-- i tea it, IS receiving a new SUll Vl Uieiai lie xvooimoi. iorilli'!e iciuiis, win nrirum iiy iim4rir Kin r.i ivin.ii'i ci.iiiiii 1 ctnisiputtl to iheru, l ik- . , ' s? Iialt-pa- Francisco, if an.l furwanled h - bMfi ! nuii.t. n ,u nriI-'- vi-ar- st ! ntiu imm im itr i.4i i iii. tm 'fit. an knt Hawaiian had throe jrr.unl mure than two hundred It i int f r ns away jibboom-guy- s, and sprung, Jmicioe esterday morning at eight & wharf. o ixi-,flkifvii- Co's. Si SleaniiT to Honolulu, charge, except wiaff t in t.4.11 ,mw, m ri" fret f mtual oully,. jtr - T.iv Iainl-- , fi.--!i j ert S!iakesj-ar- e are rciuesiixl to "l a..141, of" vtitrh i. net- In i.f fnnl from the wltiah!e from the to tliat ".Villiain did not write bowsprit. Uaroineter marking L,S.07. u the j o'clock, while the brig ITamehumehu I". was laying Deunison Hempstead will command the I'assencers take their Tickets bctVt iM. the Z2T Capt t"fc hirl 11 J iritMwrw, la Tin-- f4 in oliirlt Uir .. - o ciii tin ii.c iiaie ii z4.ii.i, i.i. ii 10 irocure nieir 1 asiMina, t wrf timl-e- r ; iil na- -- tl ao-- ren rH-- on Uaeli, and j Ilainlet," 'MUhtdl 1," a H.'.t noon, when experi- - off the port, Mr. S. Allen Comstock, a - 011 voyage to Sew ledtoriI. j All steatnern cnlto-l- nnl--rr- l.llt b( rmr, l l.'t tn and the nnl "Julius t'usar," and h the gale increase! until they Ship RoUrt L. Lane. her Bills asainst the mut he present. .. brfurrl f iVliM-l- : nn nf- Mailing,. nr. - .'ill l.u ... . . T)m lll.f In MriT y tliiilav r. thi'v v. w i. lirU. fifi'ljru will. 11e.fri.-ar- a suicide by j J mj " rl f. hroii luk-- i from the forerts. Iii; , more ff the most wh'uli eiicel a succes.-io- of terriile s.pialls with tive of New Loudon, (Conn.,) connnitted "... vict m ftf i.'h, tin-- l to retnukahle l'lays shirj the return of the steamer for settlement. f i.i nl minimi ' II! ., li.f. j f-tor- ua -- , j the shot entering his T 11. 11 Kl.l) & in Tl rirfnmiii.-- k .wrr,vl.Mi! Ih4lllr rai.jrrr tla-- wa. from the wood to t!ic ea, and wele ever e..nij"si-.l- but we have a few thoughts thunder and lightning; the clou Is very dark, and shooting himself with a pistol, CO. 645 ' At Kl CO.. Areata. !'.lfi fWml mt ti!l lmii(' i l, l.'ic r ' - C. .t tc n ami! l.f-nt- ilivi-io- temple. He lived some four hours after. lo- ft ii .r - settled close about brig, the sea us high right 31 Ii fWriitf irt tUFM f lllal In I..M' Ttkrf m the uf land in extending upon this Mibje. t, which the readers the Ad- the running fommlssiou and Ship plug fir a tits, lf.-fc- . -- s fi l rf'rurrc.i I th 1) : main-yar- difficultii-- eoneern- - whl. yrt n tvi.i.-.- il may may - w the d. At '2 iu the afternoon esreriencel mcstic and reports in circulation ly IS. l.i hi-- fr.m. tf e Lore to the iiiountaiii. The .,r not aeeordh. to th. ir 666 Onlfii. II. I. VICTOJ5IA, C. IIV; r. ii v.rtifr feruse. Honolulu. July, b. l li:ii .N..rn. AnrUlalir e " ' IOIt y rii iiu ' ing him, preyed upon his mind until he was evidently ,m-iuir- i( ibi rrrk tuvl nrri-- rr.c!ii map of an island w.-td- an infinite nuiiiV r .f fancy. a sharp Hash of lightning, making a loud report, -- le tr .iy--- w rfrrf-,l. - '4 llx rnlir Ul .f the THE A 1 BK1T1S1I 1KH1 j i- stIUv;k tliC tLtf wcre crazed. iiiuiil--rir- .2 ---r n - wh5ch InUlt ll:ive b,i as t4 iiaMri,. kul ji-- 'iVt.!, nt. nrrurmt ui vtry idend.T triaiiIen enver-i- One thing tfrtain, f.r more than two Iain-- .crcw - -- Ur ; wlnfc- ( lh- - half-pa-st We received froni Mr.McCul-- h iels lUml ll iW wrtlu hnxn t ... i .. .. .;..n.. - . ... 1 1 affected by the electricity. At eight a very Lakoe Veuktahle. AC.A1NST l. . 'iM i-- ii 1.1111 .i ,.1-- - 1111ti.,. ii,.--. 1 :f:. - ..r 11.4 .1 1 1. .1... - - - - IC AUK CAITIOXEI) lnrtuii-- i IImt nf- if HIV ll in ill.- - J.I - u -- Pflll. Dull fflurl. Kulfif ml linlf teiltl - l.l.i.- in 111. 11 , y. .'i-i-i.'! t riHK Ward- Giuipimi.Ti o- i -r- fl trustinp Steward of Ihe Iff l 1, ...... !.. .i ill- -f .1, j -a i.nmii nil ill?. coiitraetini; hills or the Hol3ext Cowan! -- lf trinuu ffnin 3 mm Tiv t- inr .u:f. , tjlC world large, have the.--o I Heavy Miuau shuck luc oriir, carceiiinjr hit nun j ". e L". S. S. Ca'J lui ' ' Hawaii and Maui; Oahii at! "lavi room Mess of the Ossijee. MASTER, iv, irniU t.f I as ' CAHDIXER. AmrtrsUu, fi'lvm-wisft- Cliifnkii- - ami l.rifilikriil ti'inr In Iuk fn " a of ballast to starboard. Immedi-- place at "Waikiki. Its largest circumference was . ... liart the vtsTn-X'n- ir eliarnftf-rizti- l Ifaren niiuka at f Irf ul nltiw In more !y and rounder j tlic moot work ul human jreiuu.--. ; Will Sail for tlif above Fort on Wednesday aml t'al lfin twenty-thre- pounds alfniFiiirn lh-- 7 fu..ri.--r'i t of rufiatrurtivv n attly set , to go around on the other tack, e inches, and its weight four and TO ! Dereiuher ttt J LET In thr llrntKn l.liuvt U nnml-.- r f -! rut .t lir f u iin"in, lit;. rent .icew lie.onging, like V!lMvr wrote tl ciu, must hate been a jJet 'f iid. Jrar, jt when it w as blow u to pieces ; ran the up and it three ounces. (iitJiiutT. WM it, arvl In th f wri.l n.I "l Uiierin-tf'j.i- e , For freight or passage apply to affr M f'tati-- 1 1 t . OTS OX IIOTF-I- STRKEKTi THOSE Tltr-n- r the f rin r f (Vrinany, one the hihe-- t order, and vastly learned in the urn ,, mr. 1 cm m J km fr fu Iu l'i7, tui It ia the " I., nu.'.l l!u vl iviiil tliiiii n tinrt f.I t!.i Inie-tii-rt " Head the auction advertisements desiralile Lots ou Hotel street, opimsite the foot of I'niou 036 at Til tO. II. PAVIItf, AEet. tr) . .h-lar- Fvksix ... ; a iilirtj. t. rritory-- In a piece r, ; and have ol he mu-- s:re t. Fur parttculars apply to thi latter of ref a that t aIl., SU00tx,lo.j iu g,.,lilIg Xf atK.r hl,iMus 1 Slilf rmi in this week's issue, ami then call at tlic rooms and C. BREWKK V CO. a the -e 056 riltt.i BrlE. rrt;in ii;ht or kn! land, and a dm-io- n or Lula have n a physician, l,ct-au- he wrote with o nf thr Hi4ua i.f ta.tT'.nui t mil uiak' tlv luUuc cuir latch f.r Iff ; U.e sail bally. At mi Inight a heavy sea came aboard, see the display of goods suitable fur gifts during the NEW PACKET FOR HILO. mil hj Cluf). Th. I a ti. u.ilt.-- r in tat--- , - nht jitt t' rwect all Will,- tinder one name and j much accuracy i:j..u uadiial scieuee ud under- - wi,ici, bul-- a il liV Crfuh. hul tif divrrpanrj, liowi-ti-- r l.rhl. I' carrieJ away the boats, stove starboard ensuing holidays. TO M3T! THE FINE NEW CLIPPER. CH0OXEJ, lii tw ki--p f i--t - A rri. In Imlimyifia; iaiwti a il ctinti ! title. ich Kauai we are not familiar, hut j re-- j od in the 17th ntury, and others for a simi- v,arks, carried away the house on deck, a part of the r-- rvi-rli-a ..rfc llvr f j f funeral of His Highness M. Kekuanaoa - Citrr ffMrtnrri( al ni Iiijf. tiif.rfiitn i- The THR BOOTH I'RKMISES AXDPAS- pume - ' rea.-.-n h;ue anker-boo- K nhrhi. A krv awl aa iVnl i tmult alter tin thefiiirf? true there. lir that l.e must have lxfii ciilev. the n. m and stove the cotnrjauion- - ri II I. WO in r.iinii V:illi v. tn rif will take place on Tuesday next. The procession tio'J "VVIDKM ANN. t!,e I',,,,, t!,e n,,, y a ,t- - i'UL Im II. A. fiwSTtr?4"?.lr 'tlw l"."!,J.ferlilc r tr"'-tt- ,awir. that I.c must have j way, filling the cabin with water. The ballast again 10 VM. IJABCOCK, MASTER, . will form ou King street, opposite the palace, at ri. n in- - mut rui-.- MiMivi-- ex- i m :i ' ajimna .n...f f. tne rk ir .1 the the hi, and the narrower the - '' thor.uighly 1iu:iiiiiol with atn ient and shifted, the brig careening so that it was imiHissible ..-- . . .. . 1 1 ... K K I I i I 1 ll't(7 run rtijuhnhj Ititcern Honolulu and .I...... 1. .i... . H.....i A. M., and will proceed on the line of march at 11 t HIUST3IAS AxD NEW YEAR'S GIFTS htreitftiT y. fck-n- t ilt-t- th- J in .f largi? j to stand on deck, all bauds below to shift Jlito, tmteJtimj tit JCohaht. fuirk.r - lie i..M tit rh f rj.i.i. r.mi cept the ca.e valteys'. One tdemcut mlem The real of tiiose Playn A. M. t- -f n.i-l- .t M.mUf thai ihr e ru,. ;rn-,l;ir- ;t i ff..m.nff. ruj, mtkr ((f v. l.i.wevtr, in. The uhM Law Ixfii a l ii c Mh..Iar, cxirt linguist, ballast, which was accomplished at 4 o'clock ou the For Freight or Passape, apply to the Captain on board. or t 'BOOK-STOR- E. CUAS. N. SPEXCEK At r r, ! H. C5J 3m CO, Afmu. ka.1 t r4.rfnuniy(..n invn. Ti .uij rtroiigr-- chief claimed, and obtaiiM. f,r tlnir ; subtle deep p!ii!.s..pher. and learned uiornuig of the Cth, at which time we had terrible II. WHITNEY'S ti I ! i ! the light at the and ou r t- l- w.- - lUi.c. lIls. Iltrometer i.iarke-- hail or TFI A HIES FOR 1 Sflil A FIXE ASSORT- - Ii C U 1 A II P A C K K T S e II JZrZrZrlA.ll hU ancr- HJ ment ; an iiiv..ii-- of London Toy Books, tiift Books, '""-I- . t -ii j ",oW fllIin- woiitaut!y. At 2 o'clock in the - FOR j tribute f..r ti.o rr.,IiM-- or Ti c .pi.-ti.- retuin-- . was William Shakes-ar- - Hold IVns and Holders of various Vy:ZXv,?SlV th.s ' CALLS TIIK patterns, ! 1 i ir.--rrM.t.ruiiy'.! 1 v. th Mharp of the l'earl ltiper Knives, Chess Men, Backgammon Boards. m J two .I. r nrtmeiiiH of real The mMdle man? He wa.i ?.iisi.l- - w0'" atmos.i.hcits wrui thick nuJ dark, with fKSPK'TFI'I.I.Y an.l Ociitleiuen Hawaiian Lahaina, Maalaea Bay, &liIakee'sLandiDj ctatc. ti.ii llalldd to his . vul i Iru - uiiUmgi.t ALSO. IDAHO, tVt exr full. frrmi-.d- cultivable, l rem tin in Tosse.-i..- n of .,hv. third-rat- e act-.r- . thca- - another EXPECTED I'EIt and i.roi rietor of a ' llS"l'2 THE FAVORITE SCHOONERS 1't'4V Wc1i-mIcc- (iI ! t:,u,c carrying away the spars An theocc.iitm. .d twenty triw of in the eitv ol !,ndoii. hut hi- -t .rv Fine and Stock iuroirr of articles !elccled expressly for Gifts. S, adh.fiit tre. in irt. - ' J t h Ltshed on deck, more bulwarks, and again tilling t'.ie 1 1Z1Z9 land, ra.-- of wl.ieli ha l it it.i i fail. to inloini ii.-- where lie cd or OF WtnX. I la ILa L 4 kk L rxatrai I. ft ttllt Brwt a-tr m j.mjit luime, win n.itel, t IHiiff n. I cabin. Manned the KATE MASTER. Jon- - pumps, but found little water. lloys. CaOat SIrlillK. t'RAXE ILire IJen . .i. . . ,. . . I.utlies', Cciitlcmeii's, 3Ilsse' nntl AXI - . - i f o away Ik lllflf - DP . f t . T ai ,iviuck tin tne .in comiuencei io clear Ml.fl-- I nt linf flir. linli U .i.rr ri.ilit k..n , lilm n....i..n.l..l- . mil. l.ii.i . Children's XI)ERSir.XKI) u.d 4 ..... sat- fftllE l Wild, I'CRCHASE low-tid- ' the wreck. Examining provisions, found them all HOAT SKINS. f.,r CASH, pajirip Uie highest MARY ELLEN, away from e mark, and the whole moun- - that he ki-- Ic--s (.Jreek." market V savi small and salt-wat- rates for the same, is also prepareil MASTER, POIIT OT HONOLULU. II. I. urated er. 4 ! and to make contracts for WEST tln-j- with On the HMh, at in the BUTTON BOOTS Vv ry PLAIN ert ANJ one ill tain land. "c i the mention of the ; No writer can n.-s- tliat he saw one or two years. receive Uoat Skins from parties on any ever of the.c of the money lFt'ti regularly beltrten Jloitohdu ami tAeuon' morning, the gale again commenced increasing, sea , Islands and remit for the same. rtoi tlomain, having iiothinj; in rarticular to do ; in William liandwrit-wit- h No freight charged if sent to tne hv the follow!- - r vessels : AKKIVJll.. ai Plays Shak.itiren own ; main-yar- d 1 JllllllOful--:- natiud i"ji.i. ! . running very high carried away the in Schooners " 11 ukulele," "Warwick," Koh . prtx-n- t Mibji-ct- Kinau," " " Koy," For freight or passage apply to the C plains on board, art SVhr Ari'iTF-- Chtfury, from the j Samuel Taylor C'uhri Igt;, a eritie of no main-topsa- White KM, Satin, Perec, Bronze an.l lllack Shpiiers ; ItuhtaT!", Dr. II llwsii. in. the slings aud tore the il badly. Set a and "Uaheilu." 6bi 3m) J. I. 1XIVVSETT. CM Cm C. BUbWEU Co., Agent. 1 Kitutn. frntn Muni. ' Cork ; VI hite, Coloreil, Silk, Mohair anil l.iin n ; i. 1 Ii 'Hie uf the s, - uiaiii-rL-gi- Sites Laeins tw-h- t ite l. ownership mountain land mean preten-ioii- in view of the wealth of lesirn- ng It jnulrt. fr.n Kaaai. t!eiiidcl nail in the and secured the wreck of Leather Strines, 1km it Jacks, liuol lilnl liultua Hunks, bhoe IWhr fr-- m It Aniil, IUhrirk, llwau. coiiMstcl di-- j ; main-yan- Horns, Shoe liultuLS, &c. OTEERIXG OARS 22 FT. IV LENGTH. onorMmt rj in tl.e to home i,yr laved in these JMays nnJ transoe mlent the l. Fcund T. . ! Ii ffvhf Kiitrf (.rv, I'r iK, f(nm Uui, riht that the brig was leaking DICKSON lC5 For sale (031) BDLLLS Jt CO. I Am hfirf MuriKif HIV, Tcfutwiruui, W itaya fruni tieular reluct or To.!uct.s thereof. It miglit lo genius therein nj parent, thiin exclaims: " What! from twelve to fifteen inehta every four hours. Liv-- ALSO irU-if- H - i ril.Ii COXTIXt TIIE ltl'SIXESSOF Oil. the olona, a bliruh furniahin twine. In (itjI ing on December de- V the late iirui of LKU'tlla y DICKSON, at the old Paint it jt. hr Mt Kr.kk, fr.HU Mani. lark f r arc wc to have miracle in Nirt? Does hard bread an.l water. 2d, - BLUE FLANNEL SUITS I frutn CENTS' Stand, and nfP.Ts for sale EST EXCLISH ROILEO FA XT OILr-- !! j. br Warwirk. MlkaL that case all of a certain district who jrithcrcd ; w termined to put away for the Sandwich Islands, since For sale by (ool) BOLLKs 4C CO. lit Tat) t l.miu, Mrlan. 20 ilay from Tahiti. choorc idiot !v hom t convey divine truths to While. Slripeil, I'iitrcfl nutl , d i I,,l-- ' A ( i.-ii- OMI'LETK li-- Am brig Cuuala.nlu-- RatKli, 'SI it.ij Irmii Alloa, otitnn over a share to the lord one h experienced pleasant weather. The ConsUn- -; ASSORTMEXT OF of the man?" The opinion or the American clitic, ti. OF HR SAI.B CT Akirf.a. ! COLORED LINEN SUITS, TCRI'EXTIXE sea-ott- er r , u:,s walrus-- SFIRITS BOLLKS & CO. I i B.-r- owned tho right. l,art oftt of skins aud II ytry, irmn ivaiiai. i land tliat The territory where W. Kmers.-n- is w crtl.y of attcnti .n. Al ter MrlJ ! Nor' IT rptir ll.ittw. ika,friKn K.inat. ,ct'l'u White Marseilles anl Linen Vests, inul a great variety of West and Redvood Lumber vlona grew then wa.i said to t-ha- ji - " s- - 11 Hchr Imtj While, from Kauai. Ixduii, without dwelling upon tl:c leadin.; incidents in Shakes- EASTER X COO FISH PER IOLAKL 11 Haw brur Kami Iianwha , Un kman, Zl l iv frmn fixnl Ixjundaritf, to Liml. The n Juesday week Mr. Gents' and Boys' Furnishing Goods, DOORS. 'or sale by (651) BoLLES 4 CO. that jK.-ar- cuiisiderii!- - lie hni:xY. of last Joshua WINDOWS, BF tl Ititwhuvr Lianil. an' life, that was a "veritable j ll- Consisting of article might he nmmnki f r the material lor kuvn. farmer" -- nnd business-ma- n in --eneral. exclaims : - Williams, proprietor of the llal.iwa Phmtatioii, had Dllatls, Xailsf r.iper Hangings, Glass, Faints of all UKIVlUTL'lttl.N. might t!ic Loa for canoes, ' a writi"S dcsk. containing valuable papers and a Black im.l Colored Hats; Siik, tl'azeil. Water-proo- f Caps ; Ifaivsiiimi lncKct iainc It !c tree only one land I tnnnot marry this fact to his verse. Other IfUHker City ami M. navies' Fine Shirts, kinds, Itruslifs, aud ii . , , ,. i J. IiiJit Shirts. . M. sum fit innnov. tul.Mi triitn lit nr.iniw..c-- v ii.itii-i- W Isilk. FOR Ifer, 12 - Aa wit kh Vrmrtmm, to I ou uf a d rzen contiguous Iiavin men nave Jim lives in some rort ot kcepi-- i ' lrawfr. Suspenders, hite Kid and llloves, Lislo Thread Am h bk li"ir?- -, I iw, .rrui-- . " mill Silk llcaiery, I.lnen and l'aier Collurs, Neck Ties, Scarls, J3ixilcl01-si- ' Ii over one .i?t...J....! Wsia l n Friday a Chinaman XllllAVVXC. ; li-t- m ill, anlilmrn, Iv rruine. half or two thirds of tne can.' its p in- - with their thought; hut this man in wide link, Tuliulars, Ac., tic. A small Invoice of those celehrated nil fin, SAN 1 llokab-lf- nsKeu go to (. Ir t Maui. pie hewed out. S of the birds that furiiishu! permission"l''to town, aueguig that lie liaa S11ITII & WKSSOVS White Eastern Pine, Boards and Plank, FRANCISCO! :(? 1 1 v m w h lik Km FUhr. In rniiaf. contrast. I1KHLFI;S, . Hre, a stomach ache. From sonic caue Mr. Williams now Kedwood and White Cedar Shingles, THE FINE AMERICAN CLIPPER BARK i 1 1 llaiw hrltf I 'ofiFF-t- Rml, to rruir. fisithern, and other birds for fod. the 1 m It is n problem which criticB are unable fully In Cases Complete. ALSO, I 14 Am kk Ilnwtin.1. In lf susjiefteil the Chinaman, and giving him permission KediviXhl Split Posts, 7 feet long, ah . rniM. SJiake.-i.oar- TriiM-e- U,t of a collection of agricultural tracts, only one I toIvc. how e could West 0". 14 rN'hr Ilarruwitt, Hawaii. to William 1 have1. A Few of Prang's Chromos, Steel Engrav- Nor' and Kedwood Pickets, 7V. r to go to town tool; care to be before seaver, r.-h- in town him, and la Fair; Maern, f.r Hawaii. 1... 'I I MASTER, - might livc the right to snare lover on the large : nil...-- ll a!!...e ,... m-1?..- Ladders, from 12 to 21 feet long, REAXY !' r. hr KTriau. Maui. wriueii iia.nici, in.ij ti,e CJWC Sheriff Uayton. A policeman ings and Mottoes, 1.1 m tk Ithorinc. f. .r . i tleiidr 1. undefined oon.-t-i- House Steps 5, 6 and 1 steps. , tract adjoining. This might jothcr Plays. In order to throw light this sJt;ltioti-h- Suitahle Christinas and New Yetr's Presents, cheap to close Will have Dispatch for the above Port Inrn-r- t iqajn wa!j from t, o use. who met the China- fir ! hr Arlir. Vaui. . . 1 a I a. a . a a - a - O. B1CKSON. - i:,? . . Invoice. J. ! M W Maui, t..l tl , -- - For freight or passatre, having snjierior accouiui'Hlatlom lor hr M lllln. I. I f kmc tne noic line to mat tract ti.untry, in caw ccgmaticnl u'y.vt. Aathaniel Holmes, an Auier- IIl:Ul at Lck.0, allJ walkel illto tvWIl ,,dlhl,, ,lhll tit Mrrt-hnn-l 635 St Fort, King ami Merchant streets. 11 llrit wrhr Mrka, t-- r Virturia, D. t.o Cor Fort nntl Si. cabin and steerage passi ngci s, apply to larorile. f. it was else to & 11 svhr K Mil. i'liw-r- w. Mani. valuable f.r nothing the inhabitants ican, and brother, we lilieve, of Holmes the Poct makimino attemut to arrest until the man started 054 WALKER ALLEN, Agent. (r ; L. II. A LLKS. IT hit, A .r Rr-tnT- II. Lkwis, Haw J 1.f f, of that time. Nearly the whole of Mauna Kcti, J h.w written a book of GOO page-;- , whi. h has been when lie San Francisco. II Api wn h I'lrfin, . rrmr. up Maunakea street, was arrested, taken to IS. Portland. - CM TITS 17 w Stati..n-hou.-- AS Am whl.k Vinryanl. arovc a to a hich publi.-he- .l l or ''niiih. .i nuiw. certain altitude, land by Hur .t Iloiiglit. n New York, to , the e and searched. A part of the stolen IS ME FOIi IVKW 15i:2FOKD. IT A l,r VVarwirk. I I .V. Ink.n. , ABafxV & WIS, M-a- e AND IT r hr Kali- - I. . k.r Mrttii. is very near the by virtue of the j proc that William Shukrsp-ur- was not their money was found on him, and Sheriff layti.n taking ! Sliip-IOG- O. I wh hk iLwtuarrk. Ilittlnian. In rruiw. c&- - - ' 1 lb , right to hunt and take the va'u, a bird much but that the tru- author was Francis tlie ease in hand ret u met with the Chinaman to 1 4 Am w tl hk flank-- li i.-. 1 1 rruiwe author, McrcSisiiits : 11 Haw wrhr .Maruf, R..lrf-.rk-. f.r Hawaii. teemed as an article of food. I and pome fJ EW I l j Jkieoii, commonly calictl I, in U.ieor.. 'lhis was Ilalava, after traveling over the country THE YEAR! AND WHOLESALE DEALERS, 6c f,r Haiti. , .Vka, Kauai. C. BREWER CO.'S LINE ; j )4, de.-- st. was "particular value yr-at-s- l tl"c thief direeteil him to the place where k go 1 br M.ii Reiki. Maui Thus land which of no the man pronounced.? ami Iht imumsL the l-o- - i fr 3T . t finiK r mkkm;m:i ox . Itrhr Mary. KauaL were stone-wa- M. TO has iiam ix cl ix TIIE AMERICAN CLIPPER SHIP liad no well defincl !ouiidarics. A t!iousanl ,,f mankind, by the late Mr. If our IIits concealed, and then to a ll AMI AliKIVt, ortln 0 j BIKOMl'T BE G I V - from wu'c'a another jicrtioii of the R. ATTKXTHIX WILL EX MKMDItA.MIt. acTcw, more or lew might lie between, two differ- rentiers wish to pursue this r..ibif.vt ami learn all money was takei:. to all cniisinniciits t.r Island Produce and Advances Vr Steamer Idaho, made when required. j he- - ! The balance of the money, seven dollars and fifty cnt domains?, and claimed really by neither that can be paid, ;t and con, wc recommend to Refers to ...MASTER. " y Boxes Krosh Aj ph s, I'ERKIXS.. Krparl I V ShakcstM-niv,- " ,nH" ' aimtner and & br Kantrhnmrha cause there was iiothing to claim. Such land at them Holmes'" Authorship of This vcm' DkWitt, Kitti.k Co Sa Francisco. first-cla- ss will I V Half and r Ih.v b Layer Uaisins, This ship, now on h.T way from Boston, Tbi Hawaiian hn Kanit h. f atitain Ru k ft Cuu1,1 ,,ot 1,0 foun'1- - Castlk A: Cookk imm c . Honolulu. laid on iu the months of March and pril for a load of Oil and tlirfwiltilii, tF. ti.r-- r l')tl. ami rrn- -. at J i r l.laiI. r the present day often liecomeo valuable us jii.-tur- l,H,k will richly repy the lerusal. It cotdains Kiiic Curiants, in jars and 55 Oni I advt-.ti.set.iei- tins. Bone "Sew -- for Bedford. l ..i li-- in our columns it will ?!" ?V "T. j,, KV,,,,Cf, matter of - or V be Orange. I.em .n and CUron The reputation of the vessels of this line for currying Oil anl . 1 aii Iu.t a vast amount literary relating to the IVI, wiwki. """''Faurf nay " .;.iimi iirrr ine l,j of any l t-- se that the schooners A'uU Lee Bone, with care dispatch, is un iualled by that arrlvnl tl ilay ami ft r MrKi-iin- l.laixl, I ami Mary EUcu Burnett's assorted KxtracU, and kti rriiiuf r.iitc. Tiv Inst that tin: lamented Judge dose or the lGthajHl the Commencement of the H?" Packet line in the world. W hahrs returning to this port In IU ami nn th-- i N.mi. ,lh. lainz i;.tin rth. Arriril at will run as regular packets to Lahaina, Mialaea Assorted Spices, ITOll TMJE ! Spring will to catch without tie Kik. r l.larwl, nerulwr ami Hi on Our lath. ArriTr.l at Kolnrrtson d'fided l:f.rc his deatli, was one or century. , V ESOBIfAYS have an cpwrtuiiity ship tin ir Uh. lfth i the t l-- Sparkling lielutine, lay, ami thus avail themselves of the high price ruling in llnwlaoila I. lam I, Nunil-.- f Lull, ami kit tu lrf-i- il.iy t Jay and Makec s Lauding. lliaiiiiulu, arriving iHrrtDihfr r a tlays. these. tpie.-tio-n may never be settled so as fully Canary Seeds, Eastern States for Oil aud Bone. alt. of lhn 2m C. BREWER CO. land-owne- rs French Prumt, in t52 k The more enterprising would gen - j j ir j. nkkert Iwltswal Kraarl. to Patifly those who would cither regard Shakes- y Excelsior Lodge Iio. 1 1. Ml-wi- 0. 0. F. lirriuan in W r rofkUcil m II. I R. Johnann nr ' Prunes, hulk, 3. Q - ir. the erally, a few tiiicc, tlic pcrviee s disciiK-io- ii , 3 t years miaire of a or Ikicoti as the author, yet the HuxoLfLl-- lS:h IMS. jSofl Shell Almonds, O O! tvport nt TnmrU whlcn kne arrieil al Baker'a I.Uiul : iire Iec, surveyor to tlefiiie the lFouti laries of their lands, j the su'.j.x-- a va.-- t held for research Til K I KVI HKKS Jams and Jellies, 1 an.l 2 lb jars, WINDOW GLASS Ilrr-U-r- m, of oj"n anL' OFTIIH I.ODCK llnlish Tlw Hritwh ahip .Van . arrieil Aofn-- t are I in at the l.ri.le;e U..iu nn - lOviLav s ai.ear Cutting's Tahlc Fruits, assorted, 3?"ix- loy ITth. frno Iarrpm4. ami aaib-- frpteBihrr Wh with In many each jiers.mti would liavc the guides. investigation. I'nle.-- we are much mistaken, it fue.-la- tnnrienr. Ihe '.'J I, al U, ..r ihe pur-- Salo ,5 raririi of iD kma ( (iwoii Ihe FHttnfr r--rft Ltili:h I'ie Fruits, Hn , from an-- rV,rmnrr Ih Aawrw-a- bI.if Woml.iih-- lot!i the land surveyed the oiut adjoin is a Pub;ct which will more and more attract FLITTER, ltn. I.nglich Walnuts, Ij. jl. Tom5i:irj HiMnanlu, ami aauVil , rrtW lavcl, J Orluiier ilh ing. This however was often not the case, only j Ivr or.h.-r-tSZ Jsn. rf- the attention of literary men with an aiitipia tmiinis, Sicnuiy. Kiln l,io t -t d (aaruF. F.ii.li9h Pickles. RESPECTFULLY NO- FOR CASH. i:;th. 11m Hritmh bound- - j flurtmer Ckipm, Jorw, one iamaaina lieing employed out riaii turn or mind. I For sale l.y TIFIES the public Khf, nnil aailol Sth toiut NOTK'K. TIlKItK WII.I. UK A HKMtV MAV. that l.e has on hand a fma f.r witn Mri-IlM- nrril .vcuik.t tinrw4 Jfi lMM't-ila.- " .f iitfi...a I', ...... tirfia uf ganuv aries. St t!nt even though boundaries were Sini-- writing the foregoing tiaragraphp, wc very superior and choice -- 7 at-- stock of 5'i3N,, '.THIS rlVli.VINH. at o' A full - i - m Shake.-jarar- e ic t: u i: m - m - orteti H ttldl in this way, an award being koii (hanifij to oji'ii a volume of eon- - , - tenUaucc is rriUcsteil. l!y onler of XVeilla:iEi:i EE:ei:i.. JUklr- - Mall.. (. J. MctjiiuK, Foreman. m procure! from tlic Itiid ommission, and though taiiu'ii ? a sketch of his life. The fdlowing at- -i "STOX St(JAR-Cl.'R- El HAMS. Watches, Jewelry & Silverware Fo Pr Pwt unlay. live. land-purvey- Jw Mm l.lako. Mth an intelligent understanding e Enelish Hairy Cheese. V - S. C i-- C 5 I tlic tract'il our iiotnv: "That William , f rrict I A I T Pacific Cialtish, - SUITABLE FOR nt Stratroitl-ujuii-Avo- language of the might often as (imjf-te- was in n ; he mar-- 1 . t- - I.MIMIKTS j.ple le lxrn that i 11 tu v l. t . v 1 ntii l.ii Smoked Salmon, ' 1IAKNK.--S titrert.'iirxt ;is any otltcr jvrstiii to .letcritiiiie the merits tied ami had three children; that he wrote a ccr- - "ANIJ Sliol. en Kin;.' l. Streaky Bacon. , lFW'-ml--- l row At. rnu P--r (r.inwlanliriF-- r k : tlie ll.ill... ' .Li-- In. H.1II ii.t.-ii.- f.. blt and Xew Years Presents, r dram-is- ; II itch's Cream Chees.', TJ rV otlr-- .kina, .... Zt VValruw lerlh. No. .... 671 of the case, ti!l oitcii lemainol, tain number of that he died IhToiv l.e '""'" iu line fi.iru.te.i to h.m. wcll-fouii'h- Sliver skin Onions, Furwi TaniTI Prr I rfila. llXh and was often time had old age, anJ was buried in his nn- - ! Trimiiilug Proiiiptly Atti inh d to, COySlSTIXG IX PART OF O l Suioked Bei-f- Arrwrl, I irvw.l. m.i aniwun-i- ' .l-- ne , circum.-tan- - ''"iriog win. Mni.i. at,.i .ii..aiih. im Waf.-- 'iMl, lunn ...... W Lttnc jiwa-r- UiU...... IT It isonsy t nee tliat out or all the tive town, are positively the only facts tl. "' Water, and Wine Cracker, Howard's b. st American Cmld lluntin? Watches, Itprrkr. aliw...... fo.OUO Sodaaii.l Picnic Crackers, Howard's best , ces mentioned above more or Ii dispute, htiga- - . roiial history of the extraordinary man of; American Silver Hunting Watehi-s- - Miming : .11 12 , f bow Mtrawai Prr ?t.r, IWrmbii Hth IXC .11 Jenny 1 Cak-s- Ladies' rc-c- nt CAT, Gold Hunting Watches, .- f'ncnnnwl nit, b& rOiark Una, ...... 1 tion, and migot at the time, CJ CF- 1 pkif..... p!ij. trmblc ariie which we are certainly .osscsscd." , Fiivwnml, ...... 1 !h.irk n.l,pki2...... I m t R T II E II O L I Saloon Bread in Ik.x.-s- H nl- -. y OA VS. , flu-ll- , It is a grvat drawlmtk to the pro-irit- or La-trr- .i Mrlal, ftl.i, rkr...... 4 A curarfulif-a- .k IT Creat cffFrts have Nrn made by numerous bio at Pried Apt.h-s- n 1 1- ttpnntra, fkit...... ! 1 -' any locality that the title to any great vrtioti of gr.tphcrs an erudite c litors or his dramas to lil! AT HOItN'S At 37 :ents per lb. While Macaroni, u 0 indi-put- e. White Vermicelli. KXIMIKTS. land should le Moreover, an immense up this outline of iiis life, hat it has l.o.-i- i iinjis- - -r For sale by II EX 11 Y M A V. H ' .. press or I - Tr. rzz. work was thrown upon the .and tuiu- ! Florentine, Mosaic, Lava, Filagree Pearl, Onyx Bm-rtn- Jet and Pearl, Foa rw IWrmh-- r 14fh : ( GR0CERY& FEED STORE Pr Hf S r" Brnio i mi.-clo- fXI.-tel- FAB"" Cameo. r ramphor TrnAk., .k I I mlrf, k(i 1J n during its Useful , lieCCsoltatlllg 'J - (.'olden IJaKers- Enameled, Enameled and lVarl, Garnet, (;a(e . :: Exira.riour, Coral, MouuU-d- ! hii-!- India Rubber Oold 2! vva::-::::- 2-- -- r the matter ur surveying 1 hilov.i.Iiv v i reoui.-it-o to make him I ; i rhTX.:;::::;;; aierrT- out g 4 P MII.Y e.: r Kkims pk Ami , IliQcrcnt purvcvurs tho-- e ma.-ter- lv FLOUR, ft..rr. and describing !ouiidarics. as the author .f vvoi.dirful and X (I . ml, allw...... l.ftw ' ITIf 0 id VVIVI. "T.K ty. Gold Curb Chains, Vest & Chatclain Chains, m Hrn ! lV '0 7 iV" over panic - ; VaitM "rW' tvi followcil cacli fithcr the tract of cotm- crcsitioiis nf ivuim .nily SlTiUil O Lilll. California It ran. i 4it ' 6T.11T ' - a L. A l'ww i try, pom.- understan-Iiiig- l v. and Pome pome The ide-- lie Calitornia Wheat. DIES GOLD XECKLACES, o not; has ti initiated and is now growing j Pott VicToaia, B. C. P--r Firilrf, IWnnl- -r 15th : .. . PER STMR. IDAHO, r-- '.iT.-f-- , ciT-ri- l so; California Chicken Feed, it.a 4:i i kg,.. ui.Ierstan.Iing t!ie mi ne not ; Pome into favor, that Lrd Uicoti was the true and ' 2Xfsjt . orm.,tsurt,:..,nts 3VXcn.clTy. Dcconiljor Humboldt p..tat.-.-s- QOIaD PIUS rjARRINCS. " M and lucrilians, vtritahle autlur uf the.--o Flays. His learning,' j ... . AIIU V iit'-n- IVt . j itoen, to ,v'tr,...... il.TU Ti r. im,.. aiPFtht r. Proltblv the work X A IZluJlZ;Vaiitf tin as a wlrolc riscanh, philisjpliy and Mirrotn.J- - rjoi-K- MATE EX. FAMILY FLOI'R. Kawaihae do. CBEAT VARIETV, ' 1 ...... tn ,. 03 l.nutr. i'nr U","uu :' .. WiW d ,nC a lt ,n tl,c ft,r,.? l - Ko:ia To. R.i-- r. , A. J. f..,-- Ik Kth : ' r' cmimntly f.ttol for this stvle of torn- '?"' Jo. Hominy, coarse and Cue. lull, bag.. . . Curinmtirw, p kit "... For ale by Plain and llusravrd licit . .... , i ...... t T:,k4T I any country, as it was in the I'nitol State a r.iou. An ther fpi will naturally ni2j- - HENRY MAY. IlnrLW Wnwnalwil,4!a 1 .lil Talk. w. . ANI ff.. ll.Jltf ottHW, pk 1 vti birf-- 11 g.-s- t p; j ! ...... rt.b ...... '.': hundred yean ago. and in j arts even now. itstlf, whyblfinild Uicon, Mipi-isin- that he Best California Hams and Eacon, Large and small Oold Locl ets, Uuld Mounte.1 , , it.. -- Streak Crjstal Lockets, ...... h, . , - ., , . , Plain, Colored and Figured r i'iiiiij-im- ii i Hold j Xiirtr rarw, pkg...... 1 walrna tl, tt.a...... 07,411 u re iw a laiv: am 04 ituuior, nave so scrupill' ollsly Concc-.lIf.-- l New Pacific CodCh, Thiiuhles, Bracelets, .S.K 1.1 1.1 f. n.t . . ' lRE.VCII PATE 1E Ftll UllAS, .... .7.. ' to isr aw a v. hi- - Mime? is i Smoked Beef, Mrrtn nil, (alia. . ...,,tunc coMrtu . Aii answer at hand, lln oti was a French Chanijiignons, t, 1 DI1MHM) ;i . Sm rori-ttrv- ai, l.-- , UIM.S, GOUl F.LI) itLOC 055 r, Spanish Olives, su KCT 4 .... .m Tiie uhjn.t divi itclf, .r rather the law has harri-te- a cotirti'-r- a scliol a philos-.pher- , ami French Petit Puis, KINGS Valu. la.nwwtir...... ' ir, Cra:iln;rry .. tli-ti- Sauce, "l in divi-- Sardines, in half and quarter rraohi.rf.l ...... U...H1 dividol it into two t i hm. The adjust- - f r Imu to have appe.irt.-- I in the character nf a boxes. GOLD SPECTACLES AMD Il.iii.l.l.t. East India Chutney. KEYS, t"-v- n Iram:iti-t- , a- 1 x' s ment ol rurl.irn wim ii liavc mrvcyel , m ti e - of hli.ri'et!i. would have frrn Ohhhi. Received per Str. Montana ns.-- East India Chutney Sauce, 1 i- Case Coi.d' Milk, E.igle braiij. and descriVd in avvanls. an royal - rc- - c - tlam d hi.-- iTo.-ja.vt-s. i jsitcnt, ntial!y t. reputation an.l Lea A: S Gold .. IMKMJIUIS. Fresh Hop. ince, Pencils and Pens, .. girtloJ as tiitiri ly ii-ti- iu t fr.iin the settlement Ihe earnest, practical and mat tcr-o- f- fact I'urhaiu MuaUrJ, A great of, vvrll English Walnuts. Cases (arforuia Mustard, variety. ."huvRiee'M AnL' the lnfiindarlcK ef thuec which luivc lavn avard.-- ha - never I fked with a favorahie eye Soft SheM Almonds, G l u.n the Cases California Uruu! Pi pjM.r, Hold . .. M- u. tlit-atre- , Charm., Stud and Sleeve R ; swi-r- th. .arrv. - r i hri-tu- lu- - I t n i.. - cuij.hati.-ali- v Buttons. ( EX" EX. FA Ml 1.1 FLOl H. Mint v hy title and aiuieiit - fii i l.i r a- - l,at ami tiii- was McMurray's OysUrs, in 1 - OLD GATE . true and 2 lb tins, Silv- s kWi.ifr aral .Vl.iru. Thi-rra- VctvUt ; V ' t. of the' r Cups ami Gobk-t- plain, J ivr cr McV-urray'- engine turned and en- -- rriM.'s ritriT, s t,:C 1,1 , a - vvln. h taki.ii Spiced Oy,t. rs, I C.-- P.T Hth-C- api ' n ,,,ni'.v e in .iakcspeare and Ki.mii livcil; hence 2 tb tins, graved, and p. .1.1 Fo Tavorae. Ivc. J II iiitx. i lined. v Vt.i..B Colau.t.ia r Salmon, 1 iVc-v- - IVIUiW., Ham a. tly e J'"irs, Citerrhs, Bin in lb w;lt, Jlr Hill i ou J'firhts. Fruits. tins, Silver Fish Knives. Butter Pi- - C;il:i- Potatoes, I: should lc in min i that the lor ln to have Ken knoun as a ation and ' 1 " ' - Pi-- r Fresh 1 ..'"IHJ. i l'ttlt Mil hi lli Wni , Lobster.:, A. 2 lb ti:.s. Eruit Fan Thit r r C'.'muiis.-i.n- I Ca.-- i Winsl.,w firri-- n Knives, Sets Knife. Fork Spoon, .Vlar-- i V recent nj jinttiKi.t nf Uun lnry i rs writer lor t!ie slap.-- won! have cl!'.jettial!v re- - Corn. Fresh and Clayton's Salad Irefin?, Alien, Ja AhoirC. i. Onohau., in 2 lb tins, Knife and Cases iw's Gn-.-n Fork, Sugar Spoons, Sardine Forks, Cream Crackers. MirnnK.ii-P- M .rni"if Mr the Ai t at the la.--l s. m t'.ie t.irdcd his career, iti tiiose nt- - n- Pea. Miixe Meat, in 2 !b fiii rf lar. Ir. I' utilcr ji. il s.i nf dcsirtm i.f tins. li quet Hol lers, Berry Spior.s, JI.ifXi K 11 B.i ch.uii r anil .Mi Mu-tar- Card Cases, Wafer Crackers, fUM, I. niv. if. I v.hi.-l- i Cases French Fresh Salad Oil, in d. , . is tntirc!y with rcfcrcn-'- in he m nf his centers, Money Il tltie- iiar.-- l ap! llrnl;. . Mr II ill. E w. ainl to worthy sujeri r Tins Fresh Cakes Parses, Medallion Butter Knives, Water Cracker, J-- hn 1 1. Fresh Salad Oil iu B..tths, MantJfl Kanrmaka. R t!- - cla-- t. iiitc-tio- ns Medallion Bread, a.o, .ilva. Uns s ia.-- A in- - and gilts. 1 Napkin Kings, Engraved Qr. Casis Saloun latter of the lowers At. Crackers, as.--:. Cream Napkin Rings, 1, in flas, Crackers, hit-I- s - C;ii an ci-- Salon Bread. Cream Volvcd are in lvtwt-c- the them-- m Stat ii- miini- - u m' .r.i" t he shad w M.t i name s Carb. in IJIRTII. ( asi-- Cu:t;ng', gl.iis, l . Soft Crackers, , J..I.ies. in tti and pints, Ietii-- JTVin-s- Jvcs-- i apj"i.itiii.-i,t-chor.- j.ul-Itsht- ivory i: very t!iat the wa m i -1 nntl the tt ly Junius, when he Hatch's best Cream Cheese, S.tlcratus, in gl iss, 653 at wif-- Iol ar..r Ma..m a Preston & Merrill's Yeat Powder, Al Lnlialo!. Per. oth. lito ef An cf lhcm-tlv- c. ! . luade anpiiig-- t Many r thi.ise an-- v in-- us h ttrr.-- vv hich have rcii-h-- rc Caacs id Cream Cliccse tlaticMrr. - 'f Sal. I'ressiii', Oswego Corn Starch, Pacific Codfish, Hatch's f.r-ci-ner- 1 Ca-i- Iffe w'H- - nf W. Ii. VV ? of a mm. the landt liomitr inc. if if it to !'. the name of mi s iintn We think a . . -j Cal. Pepper, New White la lhi city. IVr. IJth. !. sld. Jt C... , fit latino. I!ein, -i- to m-.t- or imp-rtan- vcsss.raS t .- Family hastcsss TABLE FRUITS: and the a are liaMe line nr the nil Poet I.iiiv.n. Iiia-- ni Cases Cal. Pork at ntail. CUTTING'S "Stat tihirkius, f;r and half gall, bottits, - , Fur sae lIK.I. to come li('jre the "Haj rvuie t'nurt a ruit iu n 'itiini- - umhr.i" " lie stand- - s!iad vv nf Eresh l'ried Peaihi-s- And the Public. J'KAVIIES, J'KAUS AMI i'llLUMES, "",-orr-i M ar.. Komraks, Z Cases Cream HENRY MAY. 1; I" llfmohilta, Iji'. !"h, I te Tartar, acl cpiity. a great name" have veil ii't an itiaj pro-pria- Cox's Sparkling Gulatine, . ya-vr- of E H. Qiiao. rjMIE CXDERSIGXED HAS Syrup. wllir h.-.-- Cul. White OX II VXD Golden t n 1 v f-- 41 an.l fur : The ijUt-- ti .ti ha ri a n ii h s m inotti r IiakesjM are? Literary iii.-- Ca- - French Sal 1 1 Od. OLD KONA COFFEE, sale Fresh Onion Aneroid Barometer. rc-.i-i- vv" ?i- th. n miii:iti..ti do n t Ik I hivii Caper.. OA ST ED AXD Tbe crcw f tlie IIwiLn whaling bark -, in have studying fur nne hundred vctr to a (iliOCM) DAILY. Mast-- ad i;l ius.'. JX" C LE.--T 11. MAY. - Fresh Apples, Stuired Olives. 1 1 i COMET TEA, hi.-- hi 1 i.f id. i d :i-- j .jut l vvho .I.iiiin- - t!.i- - i- iss Spy Ola"- and Chtrts, Bfiuls, cf thirty to the :h r j iiictu. was, and ijin-.-t- ii - n .w y trek iiani'er.' r a, ty X". II. The ipiality .f th.' almve Goods gu.iranted. C01. cave and Convex Sjiectacles, Sfore, ly -mc -- r Hit Groct and Fred lit- - thir.T-ii- - 1 - 1 - I - t,r Sale at Tamil; ri raforvli7-- nt d that wi'h pe.'.i!iir : rin iii--- ?..- -i- nn- lo.-l-i were II iw liian rn or i ji '.ii i.f ' I. It l RTI.ETT. 1' IIKXUV MAV. Fort sin-- t. of nil liiiiiln. ''J I. N. FI.ITMU. CM lm I. UARTLETTt

a"fS?rErrfc.vff III !.LJ-U.- f .twtm.wiilira. fi,.i"".,f' 1

I School .A of ice. Cut i ih; nf . dr il int tlic niul w.ic riimwliat mi - Tlie '. M t'-- 'i.-..'.- dm- - '!, tiii: rAciric ' j.iifH-.- l t.i tin-- the oftuK-n- t ami int. I - j s,tt a itim H Wu.--.i:- ti ti r . ! 1 :irr:v 1 ! : . s ST II E KT Ma. sh. have con vorv much i S:ir:i-iil- aU.T-n!- I'CINCIIMI. HP I'ORT V I I ! - - :t lis xnml.l mim t ''HEt;im4 - -r . ! K'ft i t ? ...... to U (., !.ia lf .114 ll.r nlt.C Advriiiscr. , !H li to ai.l tin" .I.licii I J. ..ti- klt ttmimmial jii-.- ,c U - 1 ur- :' Miiijili'. i ii.'y ai Kin. u 1. !;.' i tl.-l- I- - - ' by the arti. in iy" f..i:.'.-- j ii pun' U 1.1 r- 1.1 ( ... St l .4 lit. II. II i t! l.laliiliaar i DY WILDER. DY S. DARTOV "fllu Sill-- ' .u.-i'I-l. ill in-- ' - t!n li.lll.l. : l .'ilil;.: lii ili l ADAMS C. - :ilniiln-i- ll.-- l Mi'lll iilt. at of but i.llu'r nama-a- VI it.- i - .1. V..K-- '. t' .. rlt iv ! tn .ill uiaiit. t tin- CISC II. I . " . i t , . i'if . Icjoft it i r .hs mi ri-i- T?i. I'uroary I. iar:Lt-ri- I. r m ai.l tf will tin' I'ourt. Wt I.tar.l l.ut littl.. ..I tlio ovi.l.Mirc ""K1" i iv iok. ii uii.i i ii i h.i I a - v, j ii. .1 f t.'x- C.. lit. -- t s. i:n i iu:rr.Mi:i:i: i.'. Zi!.c!i, :u..l Sir. Zitsch ( alias l'rvsi.L i.t f loircau if 1: : ri a.Mii.i-,1- , s am! r. ,, ;;,t! jtl' f,.,,',;,, ,'(., - x 1 arc n..t t.. ,i an j v .1 I i i.inioii ,H. i a i- -t i; i: GRAND EVENING SALE I'lam I i !.: iiuioiu liKtniniti.-u- - II. m rc it in t :ilu Tlll. iv.s Ifin liu-iit- lu-a- r I - r ;v in-.- r- - 1 - l ;i t tho t!io wir tlu this i t ; l.l.tuiL flit-- Mitic TrnJ- it I'm I. iiif .i int it t!ic t; :z!'- : mi-- tin- f the if lmt iliJ i:iiirisn if FOR CHRISTMAS. IIKK sl.RVM'EK AS t nl" I In? wlmlc I'i'tuiiiiiiiilv licjrvil lo K it?pritii'i SICK Miiii-t- i r !'t!iv !i;ti ri. I f..ot t!.o oii ir.ic-- tt hiri" rtioii the tlKmi!;lilv orinion Choice anil Elegant Ol'PPIti . .: I: Mr. ... tiny lw Ml. t:..M-- !, L'l, r, an tl.o th:it i!iit,! i! witli ll.f .'ul'i. O.I. If . likfwisi; a Mrf vliiv!i tlif iJnviTiniK lit i"a.l - ""i e I - A I c I.. - i 1!. i at r.cilima- l Jlr. ." la.K. i..l I i t .:ie uiKV III.- evi.ier..-- was 1- 1- lo-rl.-- ox 5io:;day : : utl lfc - I'-- i .1 'r- - : r l:u- in jxTlci t vi;h lie .iiimi.v, in wnicli". as lli. re was any in tli.. zve:;ing. dec. cut. I t. lyj ia f r 'ii ii' im :t r i.-- f. a tti-itn- 1 - GOODS! 7 M f..t-- 1 li i- ns--i- l rex aiul i j prisu is of T!n i ii.r ities CKHISTIflilS ninfMfj it ,.Ylk I". . at Si i: mi l i liu li ivo i.?.iti:.ri n iit in .ii fnan tli it siirj that the Ministers mii. aiiilmi then A'i'ri ! ; i x i 1 ! InK-vi- l "" '"'","r hand and. having all I tli- - V !ii iii-- r I !i ui:ii'--i !i:mi. and Atl..riu v (Jenvral J;ad i.irnle f, a ease. 'J"'! '" fa.d i;; ot 41. Tiny ICtirl.iiis. Hi I v t!iO !l l I iili ivin;.: .l no lu - j iim: h' i lnv j II t. s.- SATURDAY EVENING, ir - .iits - eir 'lldiaiils briiij tin fanulic. of mil.. THIS . 1 . . . . r.v 1. i ..... - -. r :i, i ' r art-r- . h. .1.1.. jih; IIAI:vk iKICIOIt hi- MTV. . 1 M.-- it a it- - - Ui .. i :m i i i.u- - mi-..- Ii:e la ndiii htorv m1ii.1i t!ay had taken j(iU.k tjK. f0j.j Iri.-.- l :mi:. it nl'ltl.ll1 Um) .v . Hi Hi: ii il in ir .Mt.r.:i i.n Jii jto f il. churth. they r.K.I.H iiiu-i.l- i r'u-iic- - i' s l j rVrjnin !: ! (. ; t'.i-- !is with my tin l.uiruago tiMuhh- to in - 'iher and nmre forcible' ." liu ; a:;.l -' inaniior, the i ulate, ft.irvatiun, unwarmnt It A; 7 ':' a V. M , i! i.t Lut livii livrir tlic o'Im'- if . FANCY 1 . ARTICLES! l- ' -, "r Wlrt. -. 1 si- -: .s ...f u'. l o f,.i "a'" bllt at ay . Elnslcni .,ui-:io- tliN f t lit w. r! is o - nil c'lariKtoi iitu the l n y nl.!e inmrisnnnu-nt- f ituro ufNva- amines f..r tW t i'td:ir SliiuIis! t!rit I'.irt :w win, r.Ue '' very ; And a Superior Lot cf Tcys. l Ihey ri.ved nncce4.fiil ubont htty of thj ii.i g g M - w'u-k- i I l IV Kl KI II a- !' - tn Lis J u I , I I Sll sUIMil.K-. f- l tl.ciJrc wlurc all la liu.- it ci::aii:itt' tr i.i mi if trivial lilemvs, 1,11 t the ground fur want of hen-- an Ho h flav.H.irc' I"ir'.i.-- u r ii rr i..-- iic iiiinr inud h.adii i.f t!ie v are Mill in prison. mini y ..?. I I fnUl M.mui.WUf. r i;i.wij't!.il- - I'jr t ' Jm) Mt a i'o, in with iir.pun'.Tv Lo Atiwiti. Lttvi- - Kvu inj-.-i-i- that any la in yiii; liis lnado however, steadfastly rcSusing to into uny : ' ' -.- f. iv curn.'H.rative If the Ministeis finer .!.;' i I 1, wli'u li !iu-- ; xiiti..ii, in ti-ui- t i:uh day Jurir.j; the ii.iiversatioii in iegai.1 to their eived." I an. arc sli;i ut Iiumatiity I'olioc i c- I an. I rr t.t. LARGE & IMPORTANT SALE! the most of their ease hef..:e the .Justuv, ' i A ai.. To Fmiiilii'. - wlii-r- for- - tli il, ecu!.! far ih'iiK-ai- i li Ii i h It'.i-- " to iii:rij'iv.-?rii-t i !" . "t ' i. -- UK- uvA a. a i: itui:i! in ni iiiV i!:it:l- si , z' the l.y tuany, that the v ,,. ree .ii.i 1 W 9 V' I IN SMALL liK.f.'s, fiitaimil of s,.;,.,,,,. t!llis b: k. !" kuiil . If iI .'.4.l. l MONO MCA li an I iui.-.--t f.iots vvkkiH-- as is iKiiie in in the 2) ii.h il was irii-l- ito the ami this int-titi.t- r ' - U lu !f. Iinni in. ily intt vith the itants :.i degr-e.- i i;i.- c '' rvh. rivure was t.'r the j.urjHise of i.jij'ri'tJ'iri Mr. j shade. in the s:m weath.-- likely t. i i. t- c z '- f , l : -- c - Vnveisant tuy-l- with t lie facts as they truus-- '- . v ! in i iml .MAKKK's PLANTATION'. .rmitte.1, it h isit.-- in the highest .h g-a- j tlie inonsh. In such j x s riv ul .- i.n ntmosphere kltw i: w Uviue WtM.d, in a reven-el- -l hit, must gnniml. H'f.nli Fi i vi-- l luee,! .V T ! i: shiiv.-lmr- I . Sale by (M am) r. liKKHUt iiierly revki-- w tlie I'l 'iitatieii, aiul the i nee as a there a great ' ol all things capable V t - ' - .rrsr . ' t:i i:i. .I iiu'emus : ami where fni a l en !''rsl We, fact f 1 lii.wevir, are knowinrr lo the that the sl)rillkin,. Wood Iioiih,.- - - j in exeeptimi n the l work of tnrnitnr rr- ( ll-l- l wi.ul l Uvu ably mvixiM, the i.utr.i-e.- 1 '"vt the .f the s.v. ami ist t i..iiMf.i f Prr .jr.tjas. from Lhrrpl; frum ;al Illisp, hae j eMilie system of this .'overimieiit is, das- -i ri:tges. every thinjf to the sun Ooi.traeN i.rir CcKsds, Eclijh. French and Ccman Fancy iui.rU, aJ npntrd to American and the inurvehmsly. The coachmen ami cartTs wind tin . . i tasteful the ivoj'Ie, that -For tv r . - Il:e urtiL'Ie ttlioruio- n - iii!sivnivs.nt;i spokes their Is rnrt. if i4rnii i.t iiti-i-.i i'utv .i.:....iiii- 111:111 liiiiii tiuo il i . . . ir whet with draw, whiili they wel AMTtS. IVr Iiliiha. S:m C. PK KWKIt 1 u .stenec aga.m w.e tin l'r:iut'iru. i ' omtos ron8.y from time to time the i.f the .night east in their j.wer. -- mi.state.uents, unwarrantable ami highly . .ts wateting their cairiages n well VUU..TM., sc U tutitu.,, ol the hecj-..t- lreaty. ILw as Iheir My hat, which was laipe enough MH,M,,, . . . . 1 : c; ? 1 1 1 : j to to the character for ci..,.m..n honesty i.f horsi. Wj.d:;ESDAYb DEC. 2CJ. 1: : :x . i s Will, a iew of awake.,h,S jmblie atte.itioi. the in the morning, 11 os i i i i: s. , was two too sum y 11 nlglit. r snUK-iititl- 11 .1.-1- i.n-.i- fixes at anv l with the evidence to io mu i.iiu w mm i At loo".! - k. A. M.. at l'. m. t tate of things in these islands, ami in the li"j? of aciuamte "l intj and hud I not it with water before leaving HOP.US WILL I!K ItKC KI VKI II V TIIL Lo warranted iti to create'"ia diversion in favor of the Treaty it lina i i:i-:i;- i-- (loveriiineiit ivjHji tiiig the ease. iee wouni nave oeen compeiieii to tot i m i:u f i either the American or l.ritish train rule nj EVEWIIMG SALE hik ui:.l .Li: o i 4 in : j .olitie to t lie i the hotel LaieLeade.l. Tin? w ind this The firt sentence s ivs The joints at issue in been thought l.rin matter of the which sweep: . 1 r j to send a vv?.'l on a cruise in direction, iermit i . t Extinguishers, U-gi- u ov,r l1' P,?in breath )fa Lhist fur Fire few incidents these cases are as follows." which is false to treatment of eoolics before the Courts, and who ht Goods, me to lay before you a of the which ! A Splendid Asst. of - ,!l i T-- . inwi foundry. It burns, turn. ' l via Puii.ui.i, l.j- il.r IVk-:- vm le-a- Pac? blister, ir CaK'iri. with. ; t ! r. . twelve The jx.iiits at issue were that Zitsch had lit a victim as one whose of.jtosit ion they time .!. ti-- a O. lULI.wm CO. have occurred here during the past mouths. in the whitest fkin to bronze. An EnrlisU habitually ap- Nc .Jr.-.-- V t.?.. I r. jr I'm. I'mk l"r.: absented himself from work without - dreatl and who; interests are eoinjiur.itively hmall. gentleman, who sits ujion the? other side of the fa- C hri-liu- as I. t.. The energy of the French authorities at Tahiti l t,it l ! .in. l I. Ir l.n.-- t l.JN. Isi. n , C;lUM' ol!,er ble us I write a civil engineer who has been ex- PoMtiu l. Oals. ! r:uvl,t ,han an iunate lovc uf idlciieai. have to Ltl I U I l.nving render..! the kidnaj jiing of natives in the The Ministers appealed the Supreme liron aul i a. Ilia, j 1 tinm fl..r " A A posed to the sim for nine years, liasi lout bis lii, PsT LI I'O It N I OATS. Ill rn k to town au l to the otlier island ; to ill h P t ms . r I. .Ii, l"i.-t-ci n Islands by far too hazard ousan undei taking, "e Court, and the matter licing; Mill in abeyance, we English complexion Ihe florid has EVENING. DEC. 23d. LINP..NS. I ...... at. .1 1 t disappeared ON WEDNESDAY liu C. ISItKWKK V CO. 1 me meu.0,1 I t ..- -. r.r an I :ri-- -l I in- - n T'-r- ..I, I.'i in Microtieprfa ojierations could ! aoojueu not a trace of obi England left, so far as eolor T ! I ' i:C ! ,o l"ri::. it was soon found that .1 a a . . . . wouIJ tlls,0(,t to the Ministers tlie propriety of At s . - . n"w "' I'.! I at. I'.. I II ; a! a'i .Ilithl, v ! ,wucu tlWUlca t,1? 10 Mopping concerned lie might be wt down, if we lli..n and succi-ssfull- can on. About a year ieawe. mi. liu 44 - judeil thii every- half-blood- Mrrrl.ant ai I ar'..I a.i . aa. If.!i Lui'U Min tin, id practicing what they preach like from color alone, as a Hindoo. 4 (lir S'i-- -. . otki;. . botf sallnou auJ ,aro lie emaineI on tliephm- - Ka..a t.n.-- Uii..ia I faific. a- -o vi--sel lVn-ut- and while gtauding wht" j - tii, a touched at else which is in doubt, must remain so Lion." in ImihIuh tfit'rrml. : OP ll.f- T- VI ., 1 LI-MV- thing IOl4 Is'ORfMKNT au.' ar.. lurli.!. 1'kv.av. SOON' tation feigning sickness, ' Caa-tru- INTKNIMNC TO THIS ..IV . li..t-- . iiiimli-- i and having him arrested c r II n. 1... f,, I i kii'i-4ii- ..irti.-- i airitiii-a- liua- - oii.l ii 4 .f the natives went on , mean-- Ji. ExeiTiNu Oi Fia-- v. .l li.tiiif my ... . i . t ... . . until cleared up in due , and in the j K.vx ll vri:. .We before us . .it.... '"-- f i l !.-- ii...,,.,M..-u- t ne uom Fancy Goods. afl l. II. . Il .Ulu. n.iT, ur t" i j all.jf induced by tritling pn-Miit- ivmaiiu-- l uTw ' anseuieu nunsiii uic an abstract of the log of nhip A. II. I'almtr. Capt. China : Ja:aaesc WtlOI.KNS. 1.1 1 A time it is worse thnn bad taste that it should Jo Il KS Kl II. well-know- n , U j tu th of which Zitsch not only objected. Charles P. n rcni-de- nt J?..-I- Wat-- r Ir--. I T "-!.- . vcs-- l :u,'the I'''iutil,n; Low. ami reflected Twr .ik.' u In, 1S. !. utuntil the was, Captain judged, i nniio. ( II 4. ""Sin 'there by tite iseribbling of inesjoii-- Kur.r. n.s sri:inu PJ a. k. Par I..LI-- ati V,i,; P.'li.k.t4, 10 prejudged orotip of Prooklyn. This ve.fri is one of the fwift-- . 1 s...u, 10. i..c .....e my Kiiowieoge, JWI ti VV ..f.'. - from l.m to preclude the f.itc I.- 1 I.ri y I! . . suiricicntly far jibility wilil.. li?)l'f-i..a- est and in tL'i Uu.. j " surest the Chinese tn service of A. A. su-- !:. I . l ! sci-:- 1 through the l'resideut of the Ilureau of Immigration, LKt i...aji l:ii.a.'l r:rj a i r r. AO's i f swimmii- i- iui Miore. Col hut was then throw n Low at Co., and this terse acrounl of its List trij in Shawls, j ,, Silks. China Crape , t,,:lt he 1,wn l ful1 China Fancy di-:ti-i caiuK-s- and a sho1 lve VU l.undn.l In its way an interesting documfT.1. The CI.OTIIINC. tup. op into the wlti and sinking them, rush - foue rejiort In a.', i.n.ira ) j coNsnirKNTK or - I 1 J 1 l ar.. IVH Ur-l.l-i. i.f It..- I.ilalc K. k ii. lute wny-ju- states the ship had ' WM' Ur. n '. ine In- II. - A.!ini:.i.fl.-- ; oi wmcn lie mut that an unusual arrx.nni of rough !..!-- . !.:rt. l llat, .- . .. - . a . a urey. the scullle five UIS an. I i . i.. 1- i was made to the . In II .ri la r fa r.. ro. I. tf M I I. Jar,.)., r.'.jrk .1 111c ripiirai n.. i. ai'..'i.i..-- .t 1111 11- mure - l 'lHMrk l- - ,! ik.'i'a. uii. weather and Laflling winds. The l- v ). V. 'l.. - n.iui. i ll" time of thin feat - I 1 r- loungiug his room, on the iu.W.i.f , I a. a. t ; Ir I ,:. I ti i.ini- ..I ui .o. i.a r.;u t that mi claim i - one brained Jy the cook's toma- - SlKnt in oj.josite tide of (' ! rl r.i were -r. ini. natives ! l;uk-- lin t , thot. is set forth ns follows : I i,-i K-- , jx.l..l .... tj l ;. W .1 .rt. J.aa M, a,i,i,. ..n a Uiil...-- u i:at t!ic nSiir.f elate t r the island and in town : mid ns lir l iw.t Imii i (Jermau immigrants. - ir... arjiain for and English r- - I C- , ; an. r U..:i rv.l T'. i hawk, le.i'.ed overboard iu calls Passage from New York to line, 26 Ch.i. . Lat i. r a J I'm a Tr. Triaiirt, Ian-- l ma wuuuJ di. V. K. A I K. sevvii iiieir lenoi, oi ' tlie days. r.Tar.l Ciat. i ! Le 1 a ..:.. law I '" j Adu.ii..,urtt..r. j j survive J to reach the shore, and carry deniandel ad his light that this contract A French biograjdiy of General Grant has been Passage from line to the Cape, 2C days. " J ... - i .rf li. rr. I MMMtlls, ' J . . i Passage 2U"days. ' A-- published. from Cape to Java Head. , . should be annulled. Sl.-ii- B- iu.iu hi r I. l.-'!- f 'rw? r '.' L.a.i Tw.( fc - - l The remainder, upwards....ol 1W, were n.'. W 9 ? 'i Passage from Head a I l .1. f Of the first second General Lee and about forty other rebels are all Java to Pilot (.round, 12 ii:ti. wa'T' ''.carried oil". A white trader living en the Lhmd. part of the paragraph, as to days. A Srlfdion ofTuvs! I :. r ai..l S .' I'n l, .:. . C j y .: t t 'ai, "'""r"1 what Government I that remain unpardoned in Viiginia. ;,ls. Ixrv 1 ;.ta W jai. I I ON to the fury traiisjircd at the House, profess 90 a. La. lilt a nm-o- cscaie of filling a victim S. novelist, i n Total, days. l'i; M.H Ht.llil'.l, iu utti . iet. to know from In- Mrs. Antie Stephens, the writing What v:VKlt vo. About the same time, a vessej nothing cxcej.t the Minister of the rentiers this passage yet more remarkable J, 'KLi:s, .Vc. .Vc. lu. r. Pit of the inhabitants. life of Andrew Johnson. U the a Produce and Iilerchnadise Sale and a number terior and hearsay, which iu this case I take with cx-- fact of stern ocean race which is carried on uuii.K iid's Island, raptured - The English Hansom cab is becoming popular iu Trim. I.ibrral. l'i a .: 1 C 1 .1 t- l .. . . for many days with two similar and similarly j r. ..!... .um-- SALES ROOM. C. fcAKToW, Aac'.lT.-- Fsit Cal.Ie A: Iicrp by timilar iue:isures ; in this case, how-- ; sauuou. n vompiaiius, as nuegen oy me j ew York. The Astor iiouso keejis one lor Us bound vessels. On the log for the fifteenth day AT r Fine . i w? : 1 . 1 "vw 1. .1 .1 . i X j .f.: .l.Vf.!y. ever, massacred on board was much cie mane mere, iney nave noi ieen macie to guests. find the entry. 4'At noon made a shii ahead." ""? a the number ."! (niu rfc auu bUIUU t 44 On THL'ESDAY. - - - DECEjIEEK 24. fW. "VKjt.. ' me by the Jans, either before or since, and have most Anson IJurlingame's Chinese name is Too-an-- The next day, two mib ahead." i! yivatcr. 44 Uiwfc s a. ji . EVENING SALE FOR HEW YEAR'S. ; the jironouncia- - Next day, (Jajnewk two u u.' k TIII'J. II. Agent i Chen, miles astern." Next, .r signally failel of being substantiated, notwithstand- 44 vessel a cruise round the Mul. coin-jiar- es 4 IAI, A Suiioan made Uon of which an Lnglisu jiajier sneeringly Utimecovk four mile astern." The next, (tame-cuv- k r.K jy or t ' ing the array of Ministerial inlluence in their behalf, nf.t jvsrvrAr ON 1.1 ON Da Y EVENING. : : DEC. 2Stb, n( OlialilV Stilt' Jlllll Saddle Lratlirr gtatw. fie. carrying off a nuu.bir of .ple from to a jirolonged sneeze. clow to us." It drops again four miles astern . : . ,.r tin..-.-- as it is iu proof that a large portion of the work done following twenty-6i- x ! At 7 .V. k. ai faU-a- aWJCi. m ii! v,: I. a i.. 1:.. ia- ....1. U .. l na VI il..anv Kin. fn..l a...-- it The Conscience Fund of the United States Treas- the day. And for the days JEcrfIi:iH4liM w 1 aOlir, lllClU'llllo a...0, 44 Hi ;rnrr:xi yon ff.S, cook-hous- a e, the entry is Gamecock out sight .un-ha--- by Zitsch was in the irej.aring his own 18G3, of astern." iu ini.-.ic-silktu at lowkstty i j;j unsiifc to venture on shore. ury, jiaid iu between November, and June Lf CA?TLK A: CO.)KK. I Ui" 1m)S. 4?yG,ul2. Again, toward the end of the long stretch the name! I'SlaXC'J' sTOCl - , . food aud that of his comrades ; consequently if his has leached the amount of :tiia rT3S , in...iieceiutavr last, .nr. vaj-vin- u - of the Gamecock reappears on the log. It is need- TO AUIMVi: IT. It l! AIIO, A . .l .i- e Efforts are making England to amalgamate A4. f ' several years standing, went to Majuro "s-- was not waicrcu or saiiea to ms taste, n was in less to describe the similar ejdsode between tb yr-'i- i f : : dent hire of legal abol- b.. 'ii '!' ' 1 the two branches of the profession, by , N ... t i i'.- - . throuirh his own fault and laziness. 2'almer and the GVJ. n State. Koth of these com- ! .m e Elegantly Dressed Dolls, iii a Sv.h.ev vessel. Clara J). liolbitit, to form a ishing the distinction between attorneys and bar- ii '- - AS" l Theiv is one peting vesseles had about four days the start of tin? vi.i-ckc- . lU-ir- UadingMatVn. wms and much a,Ta,vnt truth in the latter part of ui i. I a -L .J SZt iLuU'UlVrV Lt She there risters. .; r.'. rtrafloar. ;,.,.,',;. - from New York, (1 . V . lr..'. ! Idmer and the latter passed fa! f"l. fal tiil A i. CLKOIIOUX. ... .j ,...,, nnd destroyed by the natives tins paragni.h which stun Is out in uiaguiliceut bold- - Two years ago, a Chicago lady, in the absence Angiers I; luil V alifiarrw Partly. thirteen hours after the Gulden Mate and jj .tf'a. 1 : 44 .1 l'l-- VJ l'rf'. I Ufore tie arrival of the King, who put a stop to the ness, viz They were told to go Lome, and tlic of her lord, swapjied a pair of ihe family horses four Lours of the Gamecock; or, according lo the I'nrilin, I '4 TT. a ttt 'J. Lat l:m;n at tuy K m t!. I'arilia ' Would for live acres ot land south of the city. She is summation before ns, ;1 Magistrate listen to their comj.laint on a cer- -- Gamecock beaten four : : DECE1IEER 21th. v t'illVriug. aud trvati--l with kindness the shipwnekeJ ! ON THTJllSDAY. - ..a-a..a.- now offered f20,00O for the land. ra,ga7. "a lll- k.l." a law tain day, which had iu the meantime and days from New York to Hongkong ; G'oA.h State, if. -. Ii.-.- to put his luggage in fixed, a r ; it a. a. at arti. llir K"U Hi 11 u'a.M.jr. l ttum c.auiiij III I'lt'J'le, inviting Mr. Cpv!!e I Swearing on the lhble was first introduced into three days and twelve hours to Angienr" t . ai.l a.Ic uaatilitK-- to uil pan at soi-- a summons was issued to their employer to show ia ha.r., . his house for safety I'ufortunately a change judicial proceedings by the Saxons, about A. 1. This race is of interest not so much for the abso- THOtt TAHITI. i:vi:aia aSAi.i:. 6i4 I. A. H'lIAI-ITd- t t.X IONIA. in t cause why his contracts should not be UOO. took place ; Cajd. lVa.--e, of the Hawaiian schooner cancelled." It was called a corporal oath, because? the lute time achieved as for the clowness, tlie length uj--u- Lis hands some part and the excitement of contest. Brooklyn ordered Mr- - And this the mere 7si dixit of this vagabond witness touched with of the the Union. .; miroiiE ciiiustmas: BERGHAUS' i:lusum, arrived at Mujcro, and at once October 12A.. IT L'.t. .'' J''"-'- last aud his comrades, without one word of corroboration Holy Serijitnivs. , remove his chest fivm the King's house, w' i'iv t. Xvw ol flic AVorlil ! Cajtlle to The Kcrvntian Viceroy has sent his two sons to .rr'cr"It'l V""o''- - ON WEDNESDAY EVENING. DEC. 23d. Chart had purchased it. Mr. 1'aj.elle did or inquiry of their emjiloyer. Had any one of the I't-R- alleging that he is to linish their education, and Xajioleon bus I .11 7 o a M , t'-- OF T llt'S LVITIOy. ! Iu JJCOlMOZVEir 'si k I. at i tu. JlsTVS gentlemen couijirising the Board devoted an 1 IS WEALTH i abuse him, hour to i,i,..iiiit.!V. ..n - ...... til ....iiwlrui--t flita... Trra. i. so, wlien l'ease murel a torrent of uj?ou IIJ I'Ull... Qmiif:i' .H. nri.ivJ ntlii.r ...... M 1.7 ! : A ri,,c Ir PP.W fOI'IKS OP TIIK SA.MK. WITH ng thc and make inquiry for them second rrince. A thud Egyptian l mice lias gone . f-- 011 his leaving the island at tnce in the ftv lalrtt c rT i"ii ari l .licv.-rn-4- r tie rra- - TO PLANTERS. I1 V 4 silves, the suit would iicvcr have been brought for to Lnglaud. YKAii'aS JSair.i:: A VARIETY OF FANCY GOODS, ly at Cm. In.) '. A M. LH.U CO'. i Iiluisnt, and giving up any idea of farming a tta-- ,kw aunuliiug their contracts. The rrince of Wales declines to have anything ONE LIGHT IIOKSR OK tioii there. - ML'LKCAKr m (be Trash iiruouil will to do with the Freemasons.- His lather taught him i am MruuoB or 1U.S. 44 --assave i lot Iu April a Capt. R'.binsoti, Master of a schooner The third ptragraim jiroeeeds to state that the not to enter into uny secret society unless he was the labor t.lsix meu. i la li. t r in:uU V O.N ON THURSDAY EVENING. DEC. 31st. tt TIIK IDAHO. TIIK SI.i INST trading to the Kingsinill (irouj., carried his violence employer liad procured process to Le issued against first theoretically made acquainted with its nature, LIGHT HORSE AND MULE CAttTS, 44 R-- - t . . , lire-la- them for discrtion ; " aud further ou : IN'or was mysteries and objects. Ai 7 aMi-- a: rW ca. a.'j.t.. . r f ! i,.war,ls the crew to such a Leiiilit. tiiat lie it For Sale Cheap by 1 - I : :.-ii:nt, rlIU- New York old cry, "Hang the I.UICJ j contemplated by the The HorWs -; j Unill tu,,In, aI1.i coolly his gun, said hc 'tertian summons and 649 3m C. BEEWKU CO. .- or i.i.mi: ami euef .t ! 3 r;;r " eld TllKo. 11. DAVlEA t Jhruld, now "comes Lome to plague the in Bi ri.' A. A. V A It A M lm j WuUj j jloot ,ot tljL.w to be made out by the employer iu his com- - UVAtSM II Nil Nil It NTKII . the of llke rabbits. The crew, New York Democrat is Goods Saitable for New Yearn Presents !' aa a. I rr,!i a ax. J in li.c D.arkn. an.l al !'.ar.t nt . ventor." lirick I'omeroy's Lackawanna Steam Coal. pu it him and threw him J '" The term desertion has been used by no 6:o I H AS N. 6Pi..L K!t i CO. AOTICS'a ! 'in self defence, rushed upon filled with letters from the rural districts, lrom m TON'S POR PA LB BT ! ''" STEAM COAL I ' vessel returned to Tarawa, one in this case except by this falsifier of facts. He dignant Democrats who are stojj)ing the IloWd HM AOW 643 ituicYvmi v co. rl niri-iTV7!- ! p fverlxard. The then f in c j S A I OT I T j was arrested for habitually absenting aud taking the Democrat. Real Estate at Auction. " j wht;rc the nafcs captured her, stealing everything himself from METALLIC PAINT, ! IJerkely Central Church, in Iostou, sends j J Street could lay hand on, and only gave her up ; service, and charged with that oilluse. Thc testi- - ontantly ou Hiiuil. I3e."St "WllitO aMsiltllljr. they twen-tv-si- x : : 4. 1969, 1 a i .a up the highest sjiire iu New England. It is ON MONDalY. JANUARY .... 1,..,. il.nit Unlit 4 i'!,ie....i,..w...t IT..... ! Cm) AFONU ACIIl'CK. ot a --Mr. .uacKiy, rcsiuuig . "'""j nousu CP III" ' (S4 k through the extrtioiis ' '"j "u,'"u' feet higher than the Hunker Hill Monument. IURE ARTICLE, PIT A: II Ztt A. M. on t!vr Pr ia 'IMIATIXV Lll?T7:.ll KAIII.K.FLKX- - r..ralr ...... Thursday moruiug, November lllth. Thc m I in;. a:ili o rnai.c there, who imperilled his life iu the cause. article The aud site cost $300,000. .b.-;."- K-- rtr A. Spaulding, Groton, Mass. V.' lol.nii. 44 ' f"' I'iano, two traders resided together. They e ays leaving the as free rj'r.l.r if f .I K T A I. I. I I A INT iur In Jelluit that Government House at nearly Osaca, only opened a jort last January, Cases of 2 each, salt, by -- i 44 del. pints for '.. ! . . ""IS. K:.s-uj- f r. r C..-r4- U .. Coal !'! i, II u4. IIK rXDEKSIC.NKU AKK IN KECKII'T quarrelled, and while one was engaged feeling jags, thrceo'clock," they immediately proceeded home." seems destined to oecome the cinel commercial CM C. BUKWER k CO. Froc-- . rcti'Kirra, Mtamn, 44 Their employer thereupon received two of the city of Japan. It has two novvsiapers, one pub A Land with Coll;ic:e on same, T of thc other shot him through thc back. Whether this meu, Lt of One Seven Octave Piano Forte, but nf'usvd to receive Zitsch, and requested the of- lished by an American aud the other by an Eng ANI QUARTER llAURKLS ANII or WOOII cold-blood- JALF ; .t oo Ku'aai tarwr. ALLOTIIKi: inON Wllllli. ed ii .r-vi- c-i- v lV.l:ft t.'.nat. 4 was a murder or not will never be w Lock-u- p, Lrart. L-- r - l.jr 1 K A 4; I Ai ficer ho held the j.rocess to keep him iu the lishman, anu ine next civiuziug innovation iuai, is j CSi 8u f..!- C. ii l.U Cu. tli CirlcbraUfJ Vai.uf .cluiy of ll.ill. I I'uinalon. For t- TITaNtS AT SALE. Frm Boston Family Pork, per Iolani. TIILE luW ty lui) U. lillKUth aV CO. ascertained. and juoduce him before the Court next morning." projected is a railroad aaP (1 (C51) IfOLLKS At' A MS W I Ll'KP., A act: r.'rn. Your obedient servant, Vinukx. The proof in Court was that a warrant was issued It costs, on an average, $G,140 to get a seat in For sale by k CO. aotici:. on Thursday the 12th, but not served till Friday the English Parliament. The aggregate amount HANIILEII AXE -- BUST QUALITY. I- - &. Crui-- e afternoon, the loth of .November. Again this truth- expended by all the members for electioneering HUNT'S ly tlie case or retail. TIIK l'N)LItsf;Nr.Il. C. BREWER CO. The of llie Moi iiiti.' Slur. II0LLK3 ll'K. ful chronicler of Court proceedings says of : was 3.700.700 in gold.. One member 6il k CO. Ki'a.a. II l I Zitsch purposes j i tarai:. ai. I'AMKL PAUKMT. .umvinf Vc under obligations to Capt. Tengstrom, of 44 ! ; tjj- - . t!.- - are Inasmuch as he had not Worked ou Monday and jiaid $05,000 for his seat, while that of another calAT A ISstatc!CTICIA nrtrit-- ' trn f llarf.t:, ol i ime J lace, IIOSE.VHA LE CEMENT THE GENUINE follow- - j ARTICLE Per Iolani. Fur sale by ii. ta t.f u. Oflcr for Sale the Missionary Packet .Morning Stiir, for the Tuesday, claiming to be ill, it might be considered only cost him r?7. r t Ji.tiil tit UOLLKS V CO. ; that he refused work, aud that the bowel complaint two ON MONDAY, : JANUARY 4, 1869, iug information concerning his cruise. Louisa Muhlbach, whose books have enabled If. ir ii. n. (;im:i;vi:i,i,, rxj. was a mere pretext, &c. . I publishers to make a large fortune, is poor. ASSORTED K I rmi-iwi- on twenty-fift- h German ERU ITS A l li."0 oi t?.? j f itais iio. K'.na. II iaii. t .loiy oti. an The .Morning Star left Honolulu the one was TAULE -- i ril I OP TIIE . .Now, sir, not word of testimony oHered in she says that she would like to CALIFORNIA by (tjl 01) UOLLKS ft CO. v. if . c. n. ' i rrT.t tt4 n l far tiI n.irn-.- in fi to ibe the afternoon, In a recent letter Lj (,;!. .t"w f ' i: K.uur . f t. la: K. !:. N.Tiiv. ar. al t K.tate of June, hist, at three o'clock in court of this man's ever having a bowel comjilaiut have money enough to buy a small house and gar rf : t I - firm f Nr-nl- at ati-- l ! rrri- - a.I j Gilbert Islands, and exjcrieiice.l very light in his life; not one particle of evidence was vouch- sue might to tier two uaugmers. j (:; for thc den, which leave CUSTOM MADE 1'i-r- .l- -a "IOLANI," j.: l i ul r .'.I h .ur i.:t!.4 f .r all !nr V' t lie HAW. SHIP safed by this man or his ministerial counsel, to show All that Desirable Property, .i I .It!. an.l arl, . ( tf -- m. url. rlakii.; t' ral.I y ail hi trades to north latitude ten degrees, from wheucc The report of Vandal, the French Postmaster iti it. r t- -?' he or his ancestor had ever been sick one day. foreign - C. ; aria a.'.ci TKKWILLICAK, M tSTEU, principally from thc west- General, nbout the circulation of nevvsiia- ' I ta. -. ill-if- had light variable winds, h;aa.'l K "f f f. .tr hnnao Lttmr A. I.K f Evidence came from respondent aud one of Zitsch s .. . I ' pers in Fiance, states now that nearly as many !;? Va. l ! twenty-sixt- ! j n s. i ward, and arrived at Aj.aiang on the h of he had a . - ? a., i : .. ii , i.i.. i :.. i. j li- -r j comrades that he mid stomach ache; but no i. i M-"- t.-!- an- aucc as 't ff I'i K:n :r t, i. .American journals luiveu in r r.ngiisu CAN HE HAD AT I;ct immi i;ai:t.i r. ! fifty-on- e Caj.t.iin and good Jff . - Boston passage of days. one believed him for reasons, and no one knows T. July, rLhi. II ?h p. all-- t a,.'.'--? l frrtfr.l.too turlivlr I'aru.tT. Now Arrived from afters ones, while but a few years ago the circulation of Si? .,:c.u-r- . la:it sir- I MfT;' Mf:r.Y. Mrs. Ilingham were landed and the brig left the next belter than lr. Hutchison, professor of Materia the former, as comjiared with that of the latter, lr I N-- . AL Il'.r...iu.u. i.i: . I"''.. 6V4 41 .V Mcdica, the dillereuce between bowel complaint and COMISTIMS P.tltT OF day f.r IlutariUri, where she arrived on the thirty-fir- st was as one to twenty. CEO. LEONARD'S SHOP, Eoiler, Er.giia2,Plaaia2lAcluae,tic stomach ache. : " is so Steam took on board tlie Hawaiian Missionaries, 44 A writer observes It well jiroved that twatr. and Mark thc cxircssiou, had not worked on Monday OX T II E ESPLANADE, tu 4Nich fartiaer (ajlicaUxa b ;:i-- n at TKA M CO A I.. CIMHERLAXI) COAL. the destruction of woodlands jiromotes extended , leaving the next day, August first, on thc return to aud Tuesday, claiming to be ill," when it is in proof Consisting uf TITLK TtRMi At SALE. s Whal.: Put-- drouths and ruinous freshets, that the French Gov- Wt. -- Kr and not denied, that Le was idle on Monday, Tues- ADIM WIM I.IV. Ainr"....!!- .Sound Health (o lie ubtainrd at La( I Carta aiU Wagg-nia- , Nc.'J Truuks Ajiaiang, arriving there ou thc fourth. The brigj ernment has provided for the rejdanting of thou- session of the general meetings day, and Wednesday in his room, absent on Thurs- sands of acres of forests, as a jirotection for the Bureaus, Wardrobes, Bedsteads, laid here dm ing the day on a visit of comjlaint to the doctor, yet no lands skirting the Alps against the tremendous M ASII-ST1X- i and on the eighth left again for Eutaritari, arrrving THILLS, LOl.VCKS. Habbuck's Pateat Zinc Paint. The Way to Obtain Sound Health ! New and .Second-han- d Oil MiooKs, signs of sickness visible to his comrades, his em- floods which render certain districts unfit for agri- MIK IIK- -r AKTIC LK IMI'OKTKI) OP! i on the tenth and Ian ling thc missionaries, but owing jiloyer, or the cook who declared it as his conviction Cases, Secretaries, &c. - st-'Li:a.- culture." Whatnots, Book &c, ;). i nsi: , 44 'I a. .v.i. I i Tn-me- kiim I L '1X1-- tiii: stomach I ack, Twii., Flax to. of light westerly winds was detain-- that he was shamming sick." W 3 X C. C'tnn CMti the prevalence i The Chinese have contracted the habit of cover- Furniture manufacture.! at this Establishment arranlnl as fur--t- .l-- nr - f- Will moderate com- j R .1 ..m-- I ::. v..i.- t?. Turi-.-fitii- l.lalaj. .r Clay, any man claiming a share ef if nut better, than the impurud, auJ offered at nioikraAe t spirit t--1 here until the thirteenth, when she left for lrum-- j ing their umbrellas, rooms and bouses, everything, pool, fy !::. 1 fr ta a. I r. 1 an.l rr'ij-- t, mon believe iru--- a tl Pr c Jlfft-iili- sense tc induced to that this man Zitsch, i I int..r" c I'ait.t, ii'. t!, . t1 (.1 ..- - V twenty-firs- t. 44 in short, with old European stamps, which they .Uu j ml hi fau 'T ''. V.r nioiids Island, arriving there on thc fed ujkiii a comparatively small quantity of rice iu a CALL AND SEE. I -. nil Mis- JTJ5T RECEIVED ta 4- tli-- : j ca4--t !. iC ct B.aty t (' f .tin jr. were come - buy by tliousanus and millions. The Rhenish j The natives at this island atraiJ to along- comjiaratively large quantity of water" during the A RI'.MEIIl'a vri.v.l 1 ilirlr J'4i.' MKfi-n.,- sion, which has stations in China, collects these .f-r!i- n; i- I Me were four aud a half months jirecccding, or eveu thc ui-- -l l overcome thc Per Gar3tan? and Wilhelm 1, fi.t-- l a il'.ral.ic at.-- iiii't yarix.i Amei'ican ti le the brig, and after their f.ats stamj.s and sells them at 5s. a thousand. From & Co. -: ) is. V.i- days previous, and sick with bowel complaint, i:iiiai:itis ;.:. tf .iU.cia cause w is ascertained. It seems that a few months four the money so acquired the Mission edttcates such f. i lf I i.t rn L.i l Minila Corl..", or any other real malady, would not have carried RECEIVED AND OFFER FOR S.a-i-.-4- , children ns have been either exposed or sold ns .N lli.ll'.'.ulu li furc the vVst of thc brig a vessel had been to thc HAVE their Assurtmi-u- t of PJataVrS: G I.A .S I WHELPTON'S with him evidence of illness which the skilled doctor slaves by their unnatural parents. Piarla Paint. Putty, ; i- -l iml and ki'lnaj j e l a large number of the' natives. who was so apparently uuxious to mulct the eni- -j in-- b. K'V .f Nai:i, Capt. McDoiigall, of New York, has contrived a inch ve(;i:t.iuij: pills ; this loyer in the sum j.aid the Government for his con- r.ovln 11 thirl. rn.imxu Front what the Captain could learn slave trade new way to erect frame houses in a day, ready for CHRISTMAS PRESENTS, .14 fa!T. tn-- 'l .T- I t.ll - IT Iar-a.- i f l! tract, would not have tccu and been able to testify Tt 1 f.r rs .4 i is believed np-jiea- I extensive than abroad, Leing The description is not perlect. It inrura-.-l.- lit: IO. I 7". K'tH t.l . ft. an ,. : n.oic to w hile on the stand ? plastering. r.3l. a: t L I, frames the mill in sections, Consi.itiii'j a Lanje. Variety A lly t. I V A'.; h II V.I fli V; practiced throughout thc diflcrctit gix.uj s cf islands. 44 that he jirejiares at of of .li-r-- Again, this truthful reporter says, thc fact h'i.4. sl tjfit.J ... it I' .." a rt that five feet square, so as to quickly interlock very L'l.ftk. AV . : say t'i,.-f!- t i- -f I'- 'ird-t- It is m t known under wh it flag this inhuman traflio was sick, he complained, did not seem be BEST WELSH r.OOFIXG SLATE: ft .illl.P.'i..'". li.t l.Lr.'i thj Lucaa i i - he its to tirmly. No braces nor studding appear, but an , - impres.-io- u smcl l)rcssc1 ri-n.k- the laborer 1 in. i i I ursue I, but the is that the islanders controverted to at the time, and was which Toys IoIIs, .' hy :.i:. h;.j;,i ri,.,f li It iion rod runs back of the baseboards, holds kinl's it.. fiir'iy Aj''i. I therefore to be taken as conceded." To which I say, lox'.i inrbe 2f,f00. are carried to Chih', l'eru and the 'hinchas. When j all strongly together. A house of six or eight - -! 1 l I concession was ever proved, or hav- rr--j r"l "l I ! a. - ' i ii .. r 7; . no made, .of his rooms, roof included, is put in one Portfolios, Porte Monnaies, , known thc brig was a ratters and uj 14. ar.. . -- a h.fy i. Vli; N fc I'4j.r Cas, Wrappintr I'jpfr, blN. (rmrnt. thc f ict became generally that ing liccii sick a day since his arrival in the country. l or .tir br 1'. ' five men. The jrice of a small house of ?M!. ! 1 1 I .f l day by l. l. tohi:i:iit. lnwi-'-Il.!. Li At. i. jr - a K. ry ves-e- l, the natives on board iu On the contrary, it was believed and known that he Work Itaskets, LaJies' Necessaires, and many other tilings, )1 t.' " --. 1 j is given StOO in currency. No cel- J. T. W A ri.l'.ll-.- l .- i: r. j.j. at. f a.l l.'tr...t. I ' three rooms at suitable fur V -- t!i- - . having lccii ranged to establish was feigning sickness, and he was rcjicatcdly tol l his M I ci : ?.! r in i: n : I ;'e numbers. It ai lars are included. In this climate, and in the con- '.f was cou- DRY GOODS, i st iti..u here, two Iliwaiiati Missionaries "eel, saimoii aiei soiuiiiines naio sIojijcm in - dition of things in our city, and in the country also. -- - ,MivUi T).' or -f l.4 f rl j i . j.rai.? f WHPI.P- of this 1 iot. sc.iueiice uiness. I very slight housing would be in great request, if Ladies and Gentlemen's Presents! (.'-- I twenty-fourt- -.. !.a-c- ill t;4. Nant.iak'...' were Liu mid the brig h ft on the h . DR. E. HOFFMANN ?ArK V M.E I II.:.-- j a.- a !. . .t C""' lei, J,.lil ,, im.ul, ti:ll )m,j cn,ii,j r(.,H.i ter for thc T'"2 l.olr - the ju ice corresponded, -- ! -- I L.1I-- I twenty-sevent- 44 1 i.LY u . vi I.'. 1. can r l t!.-i- n r (. C- 4 I v ..!' f., " n," 1 a, arriving on the h, and ( t They have also ou bam! an assortment of 1'KfT n i:n is to tf so. a! ..t..nit. f,r tnw organ says: It apjieared ujkjU the i - ' IV i a La.".'- I 4 Pi-- a. t.' The thousandth anniversary of the foundation of l'4 a." ii. j Cs."- 4 C' " I:.l," had in c:u--h a AS siiling the next morniiig for Aj.aiang, where she ar-- trial that thc .Jaj.ancse very kingdom of Hungary is approaching, ami jeo- - ;l.iss Worked JOHN THOM ATLItllOI'Si:. I 4 P.l'-- "Turaij U.v.-r.- ' the Worsted, Leads, (anvs Partly l'a- rivin-f.,r- e night, and found the l.ritish brig.V,.,iA, small sum of money f.r the services during four le discussing the way in which the memory of I j C,4-- 4 aa.l..-- . are it, I!a:tic," , ,. months: as it was understood, not more than Slippers and Cushions, - i Europe 3IolMiiHs ' t - from Sydney, taking in a cargo of oil. , so an evert in the political history of f !.;-- llS4..,j ran' ' f..-- I; .'iry. tU,lK.ti((Il!, I fill SALi: IiV TIIK c.." ! t C'.it.i.4, Uic, l. 'l ,.;., up in erec-- 1 f-- ought to be tcl Jietuated. Some J)ro.ose the And Toilet Articles, Leu .Aj.iimgon t!u? thirty-fir- st of August r J.bon, 1Ui,.jt. f,,r when he .lid from Silk Silk Conls. NVIvrts. Cbciullc Tawlls, Ac, It .! I'' t.iin, davs not work sickness. lion ot a colossal obelisk on one ol the vast plains ItraUls Am'l'iif i lm or am i '44-kt-r. -. i n Com- - it alleged during thc hik mm nr. m I'lll- I!l..ira Ithrinnntir I'illa. " -- rl ariiving there the eleventh of Sej'tember. being that month of July, he ; others prefer a national Pantheon on !:! Piv.r' ' ,i:-'- of Hungary tir .- . !U,d 14 L':..'-s- l ."'V-t- j .. 1 ,,llt ix r days, being ill of cutaneous li'.r mf.ti'.t f: I ir-- .vl t. r,. Tli ? W A7I.P.I!'r.-P- . " M ri!.Mirr iminicate with the resident missionaries, but drilled the mountain which overlooks the cajutal. The ol! f.r J .IIS I;!. i -, f.i . ai- - r Dissolution 'j disease when Le left the shii."1 How did it so I '.i-- a.- n. i tr : I niiii4, ofl shore mi l di 1 n "t get back ga;n until the f.ur- - ,t commune oi I'.'slh, says the Unimrf sH)h hci'. lit ; : . ' j.oar? and to whom.' not from the evidence J.y .n. w ;. .r. ....a V I P .V. ' " Ik ihiiH. ' ot Vienna, will soon invite, by a circular letter, all 1I1E PARTNERSHIP HERETOFORE t VOK SALK It TIIK NIKKSIt..Ni:il. te. nth, but could not hoi I ou. Next day succeeded vvhota alleg.-- he six rxiKliiiK l" tir'-r- O. II. I.KVV KUS alij Il KSON, was it that made but and a half , J. ar the jurisdictions of the kingdom to meet iu that I1 ! ( . a. t.'tn'rp-- c " " un.t.-- r nam.-an.- l style ..r Ir k SOS, is Ibia iitra fcal.. Arr.'r.i Iri::.r.r. t i thr Lt.trt.RS Itll ' llrri getting thc fieight on shore; took the He v. Mr days in July on account of illness from a cutaneous : definitely in . 'S- in CjV i.iogiatnine will then be fixed oiiist-iit- AH .! Clir ta 9 r. a.i-- 4, - k A . lay itituuilviil by mutual iM.ti talc final t.f i'.t, Zir.c. White Lead lul- "Ain'-- aa" Pr'.wn - 7 ft Hnbbuck's Patent White Snow on and left Nomerick. nrriviiig there Usease certainly not one sy lame ol.ra..:...lestiiiiony a conned of i of all the inunicipali will coll'-cK- by, an. Inabilities of sai.l llrra 1'awl by J. 41, j IM.-irt'.w- pr-.- f.r lc tail " 4'J in. n - olal Oil. lalt came from bun. Ins comrades, the Minister ot lute- ; Iiicksnn. wbu will continue the Lumber ltninra at tho i and Boiled . ties ami coiinlats. I , TV.Va T.x:rct ' - V. on the limit, nth and leaving the same day Cen-Stron- V. 11. I.KVV KKS, t .'i Pal- i " " I'.r'.wi. f ri,.r, Miuister of Fimn.., or the Attorney g's stand. (Sipne.1) .i t,. I r. Font nie of Paris lately examined a Chinew U. IZi TIIOS. WA'I KKHOl - Iwenty-fui- ii l (Su:iml) J. 1'ICKSON. i JOHN si:. All- ii Prititj, island, arriving there the th and Sl ,,f whoin npK-:ir-- in his arently Ti? rzzn rasLioiiible Hair P.eatoratives, t.r. .rui Uhalf, aj.p juggler named Ling Look, who used to thrust a Iloixilulu. Dec. , 1SCS. 665 Ian L'a- -. PlllitH. 1 Ir-v- I ljr.fli ling the Kev. Mr. Snow. aU again the day most solicitous that lie mid his comrades should have , ?, ,1.. !, in suite salM-r- almost three fii't long. low n his throat. raj.n n. i.i. lk t:n ' h-- 1 . , f.-- Aaccn.-io-n arrive-- ! tl"'ir contracts resein d w tl ) vt-- .a I V..l. isjf --ri r Trimr-- and there on the tilth of Mo-- and sw allowi a hen's 'gg. but hich he afterw ards AsHiiicc' aVolicc! - I not nor can I nsk of you space n i, t Boats, Bbls. Rosendale Cement, .. u, Ibit have time, ,r :.,--) n-- li-fn- ',f Ei I BLANK BOOKS. Packet Lcr. aj.U leng-tro- s.i.led into Port Hani harl-.- r. , spit out unbroken. It has hitherto been generally .j, v and .erv.r- - jug- 1VIIKKKAS, II. I.KW- - . Vis.-.- fir.-- believed that the sabers used by the Chinese .1x1. Ttli il.iy l try i ONI OKU iVAIiO.NS, tl.e brig Uing the t vessel known to have sj,.,, ,,. 1 regard my ie- - Kits, of Honolulu. I'll tti" lhiiil r, y. c; S A .N O It N A fJts atel evidence further. glers for this nirpose were not solid, but could lie IStiS, IliisJ, aaniguinit all bi to Ilia? II a i". ." i;-.- r :: 1 I .;. I p u E It II J I' l.s, A. I. a an Jo-l:ait- s I .r. A.i. 1 lag.-,- harl-.- I mi-- wan- - , uir-li- es iin wol kcl through the n r ut ition, iglils interests as umsl jmbliely, cotltraeti-- like telescopi-s- so that I hey would re-- : uinl. rsii'in-.- l f..r I lie ef lin., nil ' J 1.,-U- a !( claiii-- tin4 in Journals, j.i. rifii aiid iiiiwarraiitably assailed and jco,.fr.licd, m tin in the mouth ; but Dr. Foiirnie -- ln'l liiii! nraiiit sui'l l isl"l'lier II. lowers an Single .''.,' ai,l oat Jo. kail's entrance to sea again. Capt T. J""'' juggler's I hi tin" tooth rou'in:;:. ar- to T mill lie" ine to umlriTieiirvl, ut uftlo ni:im:s. .".v. - by highest authority ot the land, a - Hi I r-- r ' b.-s- tu4 aiuined the Chinaman's brenst and felt the jmint of I ''. .',tr(.v,f.v,i.-irifv.!- i. lieccrd Eookr, f .ys that in the trade-win- d season it is the t bar- - , of V. I., lirceii, all. .ill In.le'it.'tl I. tl. ahl Clirlm.w. ,,:ive ,.f t .Ministers umlit-kii;Mi-- (.;l. ,.v,.r ,tl, the saber Some :!0 inches below the mouth. When r II. are to niivkvj ini.-ii- l lo hf .l, side .f 1. j.a-- s l - h r mi the east the The age lc nriiiyi-'- w ith tin- Attorney liem ral in a Polit e Curt Ling Look pretended to swallow tin1 egg. it Bil l all 4i4"ii iii ihwwjsu.1i laf any .r..'Tiy bvioiiKini; -- iii seemed ! Looks, ; A T Letter 1 . 'lin.-.t''tie- t ' f I.::. I. cror3;z:iE:s. id.-an- 1 t uial-slii- p, II. t ii 4.trr. f',. the ri-- f is w h noirrh f.r t In irgi-- to j.i not to say over awe, on a charge id the Iloi tor that he did Hot do so. lie caused to llie ai. letter i are ibin.r V.. : .f lo I .V r,.f.,r-- I - ' - lie lamv lo tlie uinleraiciiitl. ' HKKVVKIt CO., a.l ' and with tin- tra-I'-- there is no dilh'-ult- iu get- - .itni- i.t f a sia nml discover- In. I A PI 4. I l.- -i f'.rn Starrh, In iant. the juggler to repeat t!i' evpei imeiil. W. L. laUKKN. I I .a, C Uai I 4t'a -r . in The brig left ti Ii ea-- e is not only one of great import.ima' to me .1ml a Lar- lorli:n'iit of CI. I Ma t, ting or out. the tit The ed now that .iug Look rolled il under his tongue, Honolulu, IKv. 8, ISrtS. 44 41 '1 I- to to Strong's -l and, and arrived tin-r- on tin? but one which si i ikes at the very life of the entire where, in eolisequelli e of Ihe long ractice, 4juito a r.MiM; i . ! .r.. I M t !. , - r ; if, ar 1.4-v- . - heiv i:Ti:;n. i.ili iiiiii; liftei'tith. Tin- - Mr. Snow rej.oi that tlie I'latiting interest- - of 1 kingdom ; tiu, if the cavity had been li.rmi'd. Aolico. a- Almiiiistr:ilors I Hook, tii'.ii s - - Ia"H ruj., , I Mini-ter- rpboi, Liqaorirf, Alum, Sall. ire, I.iiti-- h Lark .".., I'aj.t. Nobb-- h i l.een at tin- taken by tin- s and Attoiin-- IJem ial in this In Ihe recent report on leprosy rejiared by the - Ca- T - A A V I .' AIMJNSV I em or si ml .in .t' - sei-on- furty-tw- o is4- LL PERSONS II CI. I.MS inn IlioL, n on tin- and third of (etober, e are sustained in tlie Supremo jil.iniirs riiv-ieians- . .VI Cuit, I .M snlj. , ul College i.f great prominent'i' was given I In Futale . f llie law T. II. A Its! A l "f .ilmi.ulu. bur. I ...... a.'-- ill l'i I - 4, : is tf -, l!uiii 4I iv fr Svdnev. Ii.iitid to I'hiii.i. I'aot. Nol.l.s w ill om !e t ilit.nst.s bv L'i viti' all t l.ei r i (. ?t rim;- E. al, VI. nior.mduin", ' ia lair to the cruel neglect of tin" leprous outcast, and the ar.' l I'MimiI ttirm, ami tlione n.,,ry I'lirki - , . I 4 r, in I re- l el jr ive .1 flowing aeeoiint of the rpi-ii- whalers in tlie their time at onci wuM tlierel'oie earnestly - and humanity of ilecelitly lodging ami nii st:ite nrc rrtiest.-- lo niuke to the r i y, iri necessity IV deceived, ! JiiL-- ,H' rurnrii" Mv C.i'i, - t I "i-- e oe Uiiii'rsi):iiii K. IVIK, also, from Europe, t :iml, ra'.die, s..iiii' of them liaving filled up in ti qne tli it the rcmlere in this may housing lii instead of allowing him to live on . V- - iii. ri'l.Mll-KN'- la-- It- - i'l . t J. Ml " t. v' shott time. Strong s on the itineteenlh jaihli? lied. .1. II. Wool.. a wild than a human being. It is THKVKKV . more like beast Ailuiiiiintralona. I'eneili. I V' i - r - i ; UJOKLYr rKKFDICKV,! .. .Noiiji-- th'-li- nty-toi- n I. ISrtS. I in r in riving the tin th and I .1.1 e to lie hoped, utiles the illicit, Ihe Government Nawitlwili, Nit. l, ii i Win n the t tm lit of the J.lltl-- .. 4 l.l--- ' If, - the rtury of lea I . -- - t.1.4. s d Ebon. LLon I ill 11 Tiilft Mat At. llln.' l. r tiling the nai- ly for Ariived at .u Will Hot lose higllt of til" point. The ll J.apeis LanHrr 4ir. it.. k.t. j 4 y.l.-- t. r- -. I J, In.., t e on Mr. Wood' wan lirst - is iTmimI I .,' t!.e and hit f.r iii .'i the third tell ii- th i' the jir.ieiice ot burning lepers alive Tlic Ovt Hon. lily - ill Twin?. j ia 4 t. 'J !! t.t.4, riiL.-r- (In- - - Miiii-ier-- i- - oi4. of Nov. nrt l. on nitilli and meeling the bruit, d by th.- 4 and thi'ir friemh, we still carried mi in K.i jhootaiia. Il an easy nml .11111 OV I'.M JIST RKCKI VKII - . 4- -i OjI II M- - INKY . MR. l i l.:nl.- 1 If, tili4 A I'li-ri- bi ig I f 'h'.i i , I'.ij-t- who silnle.) 4 f (lie nlllieted. The ia I r. Will l ', in hi IVi", 4 m method ol gelling lid JOAQUIM PORTUSADO, a QPTT?;i,TTi ASST. PEalS. an kiTi ly :i-- i1 that publii? npinioii was ng linst short i or STELL tie? .1or in n ; with nine joins l,i i Aj.aiaiig on l.'ao of Serohi has issued a proclamation loi bidding i Wood, and nil had heard the story i:Y;. AM' sii.f.KUi'S i:i:s, iii .i:f hims in i:i:im; llie tvvi !flh !' aua, arivin;' tin re the s one .1 iy, Mr. vln the practice, under n penalty ol 10 v ear's loo t.Tis ! . r' to tuv Kl PiWlHI, and b If for I h .iiobil.i on th" I . i ii ne- - waited L'T th" j iii-1 whi'h it ; but the prey nliou ol' Ihe act is ililli, nil. AMI It I' LEU PAPER. 11 t.'.fE MIS I'.lieiitlv v I'll' ii: 'J ' ' - ; t- - l'aN-r- t 7 " i - 1 vv ill.tlN ama I'lam an.t llnl'il N"l' ' l 'I -1 lie-.- i I ;, in 1. in, V. W" l!li4T llVo d i a. I I i li hi end oiibl be the pi o isioii of ti f.a'a light for e-i- iliili-n- be-- lie' lo lU-'ii- ' fi:,.;-.t., 7 l ... .. t.-- i ,, iy Illtle W ; s v v.nnld c maih4 I 60 I on no re i.l Note l'. i r. i'Jf stati.m:.:v. . I 1 i I i ' ornci: I W s.i:!.-- . . i to at or near IIomUmi t F--r a.ili' rr. i'. . ir. ( t m . nli li'. ir Ji'olig lin ast udo of an mutable la.atet Serohi. Ill" ejieiis A!l uf Hilivrliol uillllily, lionl iliie j t r ! l, - l- -r :. KIT . I:V n. lo AT It. . w - in- the I'.di.e 'mil. Hilling the We Milling. e,(, 1,,, H M. Wlirr.NKY. Fi f.V. ".l'i j.. , M .ik. I I: -l l from tin nee Unity days to Honolulu. would be alively -' .Mill'; . Ci, EV Kit V I O.


mniTiii ' ' . : L i r.

bijcriistnunjs. Irih-mnn.-a- lll Shipping. Him Thkkk. It is Mat. l an ll-e.i- n- - The (.rrat Kclipc. Tin 4'oiurttop am! Ceiilral The I'riMtlion of Yesmius. lli a cli-ei- pe of h.i uis an.l ujn . hi!., wile wa- - sn-k- an l - An.-lhr- l..nne.t thai li Clinse' 1 I hr- ! li :i!s I'arf orir. j f i n .t V, li J IJ ! a , II. L. Pholojfrapliic CallerTi f ittin t?r.t!.ii";hit o.i. r many mi tm! if . willm- - t his i cioh.1 a:-l- The M. 1. was pie : ..- I i & m.w-i- r r ti kiti..- - A f n J,! t i - - u i ".ii.rit A'!? -- II I. t ijll ln .f uur ltli:'l":. -- JANION, RHODES CO., j:. vttiit.n'v !i;i ! t r.-- e, .h the man to yay roil FOIST STItliHT. : ,1 . . l.i'i:i-r-- att. the lit inl !! Nti .l.iv I.. . i t i il : i . r 1 ;t.;.,!.e. an-- l a i.l v. a to y "'.rrf-, or inta an :y:wnn tit I- , in a er.tcr Coiiiiuissjoii ! 1 - -- J.; li--- OPK .ISc'rcIi:. 'J l.e li;-- .11 t i r I Tail- - :! t PItKpAREn ill's vi'ti rft.J wh t'.c I...if will a ,!...i:.ti vilh tin- j i;. h of u;:; no J liectknl. IS "VI'llOTCKiKAl'HS ..I.f any J'r. , !in his ecrv:a were tke - vi.-;ti- when vai;. iri I ojtac owr vitt.--- t :r ) . t.t.-- l t'ai.-I.i:- . J fk-- thc e- it r. BAKK IX THK .'HiM IKK MS. i.jr jjc ate l.rc t i:2ii::i;... n:..:a.!:fl i it"U ki'.l - cure, .ttr twenty Jullar: TUK FINE AMERICAN CU1TEU 3Ai.K c An he r If l.u-- w.u l wl.n-- inti-r-t-- ,::!l.u' t!.C n I of : this m jn.ifi. Kutii;i,;hrry in f'r ri .y Mr. Art'.ur Fry r. j.i un ..f i:i:li!tdi.i:c COI'VIXG AMI F.XUKrixq ! aUrntin t on.;rior.U ?a! l l'at. b-- t ta i tk - rt-:- ! cii.-- -. "1 mannrr. f.. t ,f t!..- ai.J we w r: t vrtt;r.ut''f if siij ;ri- - :i i'-- i :i irl.i- - :il!i.iiit i I.'.v.- l.o tit fr lli.. tie F.-- r of Hawaiian . - - . !vl" Cr.l the Kinpi, January ly a.-- y-.-- I a-- I t- .r:;..- - li;. Qm. Mt.iri.. I.. I. vj ha!l W. . h HI::. t!.- ! n t ti.ei-- n- :u; n a 1 .rm ootal'k-irs..n- ii tlC f in satif-l- . at.-- l left the M. 1. to MAST Kit. till er Vaicfc. - - - Tat wr.f Ml I.I.Kit. t itS l.f. ? 1 IflJ M t!.- f.iii. wln-r- 1 HI I c re-- i. r.i ! t: H:;i:.I l i. !!- I'. jW . rrt-- j auii.t). li- - a i... ro r aitivo twr t. The woman lieJ. an.l in ilae tune and rortlmJ. A full aM-tm-ii- t .f I. UtCF v. r 1 i- l i- the e..titra. !IuDlnln Eur Sale w ' r. J. t.k-- i - tmri-- i: ; '. .)'. .. ; - ' Krnlarly bflwti U A M K.. at K I'rkrs. mti'Hiiti. V" t the H i:lri:::i";t :st v v i fv.:. t !l ! Tin a! it oii'v i:.v thr vjiisail'i of this l I Will Knn f i:: i: "IlM. k.'ut he l rceiit-- hi .ll. U r l.alf-r-i- -t I 1 I- ! ., Acc. ly I . tile-- .i ' ! - a i 1: t.' at v A v. rv. ! na :.'.-- - . . . p ..n ins Suvror raalation? V.IM.H MS, & f.f " l !.!. riivtlv ('. nth ui I 1 i it a Moment, ami then asked: r. km.m CO.. - 'at at I w : - - ' "I'f'T hi:d '';- - t:.i- t. t- a.i:tl.:a-'- .. v.. The ! :ci:ti!io hj t ,:i.iti:- n the ralsicor. AI.I.KN, Agents -- did vz cure her": W Jt rVaiilic.-i-l 1 - i;n-1;-- III 641 6:a t'r-'.r- i I -t i - i" t! -- l.i miiMi 1 -t. .iM- ,1 Almanacs. Shipping & Commission Jlcrchants, fti'tr.t twr;tv liiiii;tx ,i;.;v, a!. t!.c I I :r- c :; ut t'le f.rt -- N ., ai5were.l the j hysa ian. - . i I . -- Ii:.l-u-.r- ' j r t r tin ry fit ; Imt Jfr :rv 'u.. ':iii It: '.! a!'-- :!. what v.'i Ti vn the An X KV El'ITKI .V. I'UKIMR .No. - c.uii-t.n- 30 I'runt t:- n-.- I ! 'Tii.-- ' ! i. ol m:. liira:.? the 1'ariitc, which cvrry 0 tr. :.! vr: - li ii j i:'J iihr, r Mi.vU', e' - l A l.iiri! Thi.- M. ta !..- i. was a .m the I. .eu - 5. i. tMcix ft. w a ir t ! i 1...H.1V ot i.i:;.'.. I.u-- ae-- for sale by CI I M 'a? r: f r In 'J t' ' m::i Hull tl.v t,. i.t j r j ly t.'.c :.iiii i:;i.v. iit that l'at ha 1 caughtjr, l.iai. Ti.e hill at t c ro it j'itt-- t! r i rat!. iu t!.e I:. 1 .r.. r ij la. :.-.- - vl 1..II: iia-at- i :? V.rv j'.toI. ;i:.--t li.-ki- i ; the ijii'? f t;:e crater, had ecu nettled. ! ir. Sn v .iir.ts 1 c;. A: -t 1.:-- :. -- - nt .ia.mi:s Co.. iii tif;t il.iir i;. ; at at ut a I l t it- - m.iv l.rli! a: arid artiilt rv at. SAX FRANCISCO HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS, Iil; t)..- - ;.!.! t!.-.r- v t ;' r- - : : ! a-- :. t i r.,u t.t. It r r i a .ri ..t J ' ti . i: llui ia'.a :A J'.iv niter u.iv Shipping and ('omniiion Mrrchanl fil.:. Rcsu-lai-l- v & ov-r-!- i' 1 k-- r Vf-sc- ls Run Hy CRAY, .va, 'W t; t ll; .xA i i.-- l t f j t!. v :: : ' y Kt'.til. ti.e oi C. contented l.ushand is that follow I rirst-fl- a will HUIIV at LeCo IC rl:i:tiv. i.ii all ir !..' a.tiiity i!i r.itit The II. The The B2 ZZZ ph-nk- . JT KKT. t'orner ar.-- - ai-'- -- k!:-.I- - Oet..-hv- r niueli--neered-- alwavs-attraenv- e fIH.T Jarkii. t.:, l t;... v i:; r j; I: rc i In rc. titi.rr i y v;::;t .. i:.i. .!ii- - nr j ' i il ?tli, alter a flight tie eld ivia? hut animal. lu the Honolulu Line: fAVIXO KECEIVKM A ' - UUCRm. .'T t!..- - - r- - ,.ur:-- i ar.-- i , ; 1 .1 o! rusii- - E stock of luateriiil.iureprrparwl to t!,u all :nn arkt-- irki r. t- !)!. t r.'v t!.' l.'.Irr '..l.f t' was rent in fao, a a !e!i:e L. C5i:ne the man who was ji:ite wild in his youth. His k sni.rl . :! . tn.1 the pul.lic, with the Ix at H,!!"50 ufai-tur'- i an-1- Vrllaw. tili'l c re Iiiii;Ii;ii Jit ti.e ..I II J.n liiitf Ti n i.;i.:l i.u ;. ry re in. la wife has not much leauty of countenance of D. C. Iilurray, M)AP. AUu W 1 1 r'.-- While iii:;vi:v .iiiin k j t Vat;Iiir. the r:..i - r :;..t a m t ati r; ". Miji-r:o- l O'tie, ci". iip at one the new tatii which which to Loast. and no ma!e flirt, when in her ixii;ni:s, Jv l'ia; R. Sutil. lT hi-e- Clara - - i- -- ha- - I cutar-anv- . fal- - VIS'I r the miii zaxr a t u:;til t!. n- wiw ?.y i:. of .i, ai..l . iin:::.i!:l.i! the !n- -t traced oat r the eotivenienee of necms temt ted to anv of tlase OIL KOAp nT m o tav superior tur. l i.-- I..-- . i.- For Ereieht or ra'snse. havine or small quantities to tl.c f.ijf:U- -t t!in-a- i( I.. I..vr. Tl.i tr.r.-s- J Marliiin ry. v laty it - l- - Since tiuit the of t! e lava has iiurcaMd in coin.!iinet.ts whivh tend to eonvinoe woman jmnrai'i In larye suit. c'iI.' a fta Kine P. S. Soap grease always . 1 - - n he wanted. wrt v r : tl. !. m-- rAU t. ! :. tln-i- r wiu!.- tiaa-a- l nt :t j n t tl.; j n-t-- -s ahuii .lance and r.i j idity, and as the agitation of that fhe is not Ly marriage isolatcl from the re-t- FOREIGN DRY GOODS! tfi: i'l'L-- li'lit tf ti i- tlin-a.J- . '1 l.i-- of jii:u:a!'.n it!ii:t ''. ia toi ly seientilie iiicicai-in- ; a!s. there pml of the other nex. The C II. !W'!s none of HONOLULU SOAP l.-.':ic- e - !iii.-iiu-.- s j.rn'-ahiiit- WORkT s?n-ati.- ri t -h NAWILIWILI, , il juitt- dark. va.-- iu'-- t:.t.' of t!.e t'.i" j !aiit.-r- Late a is every that the exhibition will be as the alarms of jealousy, and on the other hand has FOR I ( ' IIV Y. U.VWLIXS extnudilimry wrcll l kt-'-l t"htran.fiiirrituri.l-- ' certain rubral. t c t! ir . llt :ii-ul-tur- la.inilireat as it was at the ;iiiiiin 'the year. none of tliat restless longing fr tumethin; new THK I'Ll ITER J. t.'ji I li-- l I Ti:e m ORDERS FOR HONOLULU MARKET. i ly .it.natural x.ia. The t'f i ati l;ti.. Miiilic i.ti'.ii t t!.? i:t!ii t st at in the wind, which has f r ine time Uen in the under t!ic fun, which makes men try to forget PROPKIETOK OP - ai-i. l.c-.u- s riMIRM TIIR ARnva . ami kf iiii J ir.t.j !.- .ii.-ui- ii south. ions volume id' smoke j.romised to he faithful to death, W is prrjmreil to supply l,it ... I - K t!y MM tl.cir ln.uo t j j n j.nrati.ii of the att! f .r ti.'ti. Ol the coj that thev have orks customers II - Ln-akin,- t . tie in general, with Hie best V Mil ;iikn. - w.-r- - Scliooriei? lie in ; tl.- !.ju.i r; ir- V) toward- over t n litt h!.owt'l the ol.jii-- of a cviitral f ry the lioitliwet, the llayjllc has neen the feminine world, hunted the wild CAI'T. K A.Ha KI.l,0V Sit i, ""t if rnt hinol iimim M - - ju.-- j dis-uu- w StIFT SOAP iilwiiy on linu.l. an ! t!.- tiLt!itv thirij t m c. l. nly t:.- nuia'-v- r oi It t in front of Naylcs, while the lava is rourin sown his wild oat., concluded that icUhout Suhshly! "I the ?al i:j j r.Iiav of a unall t:a: clepfiant, Gtrryin-- Ilmci'tUrn Mtil Tub IIkuikst Pkick paid roa SoAr UkkAss. " r If a!I hi Miti-- I, "Tl.-rc- i't eia.-s- s - cvm-rctu- n del in diree-- j U&lj tln nr !" arcl thc ro i? t tiiir of that tin- towarls the Atrio Caval'o, the hij.ation is vexation, and viee suicide, and Will llonolnla Kvry Saturday, at 4.J I. 31., s ti-.- rost-ntiii- ; lcaf u Mack uii'l avA k.i.-ui- tlri-- t )ii:I.C of the Ilcrinitaire, j from a distance in the mild enjoyments of matri-- a was n"t tl.c ft.n la!l, all tiallv aiKal.; it at that rests content Koturnin?. will le.ivw Nawiliwili every Tuosiiay afternoon, For HONOLULU STEAMlBAKEfiY; Mccracken, a. Co., arourl it tl faiutcrt an-- on t!e td'-s- s two ) there luurt an sinta ni-ai 1 etween the two. iua!)il:eviit does it so mony, not so much on aoexuiu" of the j.leasant-iio- w, Ereinht or Pussago apply to merrill liht, le Jc ' m P. FOSTER CO. t x n n of the ui.--t c ink an.l reJ. n estates with j lciity ol caj ital, ainl the when clouds sweep wildly oer the nky, for virtue, as leause of t!ie unsatifaetori-stratu- tiil Cm R. LOVE & BROTHERS, Proprietor rte I lare ' nessof , t!i-- I n; I'or thi-- ntul T'r.-luci- rcCm-- after Mratum is lit up until the whole MX'ASU STREET. S. . nl.ut two inintitf j we pize.! at luachinerv I'jt fu;.ir. there ncss of tin. Hilo and Ommira, Hawaii. .n o. .ti i'M-iiI- e atmo-i-her-e For von i i i:nc n a ts, a;i:io--t a ci:d ! ii a the tii-- .i : a ark loe int M.vtu"niuch lor the coiicvctor; lut apiirs to he on re. To add to the s. , MEDIUM AXD I r-- I.ifit.-- leur and folcmnitv of the detona XAVT CREin INrt liitMl, the Ii'i.t m o r the earth nain to th.c i lanters who are c imrcllcl to tend their jrran the oon AnvicE. Henry AVard reechcr, in a re--. PILOT.on hand and made to order. with hneli a . iu:'.I and grateful fi.iod. Then- - was rod a. v to market in a crude torm for sale to the tions, or rather 4 thundcrii.;,' have been frequent Vrmie, ir;r:iM i j cent diseourseil thus in regard to the fair Scliooner For Also, llnfer, ixnli ami Duller CVaefor iviNf;iiKKVt:(; r ruo wa.-t- e frhakiii rho-jd Himon. W ill run as n Kepular l'acke't to the above ports. Freight iiV I and loud, the ground in the l.a... t Kiro yrjri, r.a i.a th:r:; wry tinr.atural y!n,ut the d .irkiie?. l. :iie nf.rrr, the tor, hy j reentin; lieilib nex ; look (Jotl JENNY LIND CAKW. b-- B.rl -:l " Maidens, to the of your fathers. or Passage i ly to 4c. tf i - ai hric ; ta tti ifrn't h'iM.a. t n i. out t t!.- in fan, lijht the ; voyage aiid I.y iclui-ii:- tl.c juice more or less severely. From the commencement : Aponts. r, laual, tj daring the 613 Ora WALK Ell & ALLKX, on f tin. I ilisiiiMr f I tUivl . r i.-i- K;. r, I'q u. ito If there be any one in this world who cannot SHIP BREAD RKKAKED tl sbortfA t.i:. it ru4, - a th- - l.ui.-alo- w thorough! v comta-- j tran.-i-t. of the new toms I'rolcnnor I'almicu has been l'..Mirimriif I Iai:Of,:.iil the li'.t- oi hri;!it in ;a iuana;eahie for symj afford to be a Christian, it is a woman. FAMILY liREAD, made of thc Best Flour, bakrd ' ce not If k., lc.-idcn- -. ;!.. dnt I'o. tliiibn.l-- U- - 1 :c-- at in t!:e in eom- - on J llt UriC"! nurk't, il t:rr.t.r ;.. they do at I.ijht. It was ( a neiits gri-- adantaes, where at Ohserxatorv order to there be any one whose beauty fades as a flower For Ililo and Kanpakiica, Hawaii. always baud. f. l apno wLirli lAfwr aui h B. t.1' a- - 1 Coiiljrm tlM. cih d.irk niI.t. W'c mw Venus bhowin; with thtie are no central factories ut work ; and these lete and enervations which he made in- - A. U.BliOH'X BREJDOF THE BEST QlMLirr. R- -: and whose rraec needs the sustenance of the viijS4.i. - r t -i t You will and the tloinJ.- U'l liti over latt'-- are unf a tutiately e..ii.- icuous by their the beginning i f tae year. lcmemher -- t.Jirr k Liikt'b'Mtritrr, J Ptric A Co.. lil:t, ellable: if there be any one whose ixver is in Vctivo, . W. T. Ki.r more t.'am V.Ht ycar there will no nieh ah- - nee in the lir'.i.--h notwithstanding j that one of these obseivations led him to adopt Scliooner Ikii. C'.Icmn Co., beauty, in purity, goodness, it is a woman. If VVill run as a Regular Packet to the above port, touching at liji--e a-i- - evlo- - the in tUcvvM, Bkcr 4 Co. What are there horiis that ti.e i...;np!e ol their tiial in the theory that volcanic action is subject a Pass-ig- i.jroas there be any one more than another ujwn wlumi LAI1AIN A. For Freight or e apply to in-xt- i n ari-e- n, to trade ? Are thev frta the r fr ni th urn ? uj' s of trance. The que-tio- has and is certain decree lunar influence. Of course, all WALKER & Agents. r cme C42 ALLEN, AQrn Vrm . I A T l.-n- I Jt , blight falls more rudely; if there be any 6m lt.n. Oma. The tvf.r i.--t what ; and beiii; much bv Wert s at to whom an eruption is a novelty have been rusli-- THE lloS' LtLC tt more than another who is more burdened with Rr l; ri- -' 1. -- m oxer to ar.ccnd HI thT; .n iim-- t 1.' niilli. of in t.t.'i .whether the two s teius could not le t ly tlie mountain; the weather grief or more wrung with sorrow, it is a woman. nsr . French tl-n-- has, however, be'cn and on C f.r u? to : aide to nee t!a fa at oil. The l!wl of toad ii.ed, and we leliexe that the iiv.t inausjicious, I marvel to see a woman is not a Christian. OTI E - s that . h l.ur-- comiui.-sio- ii in- neverd evenin;s tr.ivek-i- have ehiven back e. auuu. p.I n li;ht whi. h t i:j.ii the etirtli w.i.nrr t ri.iui nt i.ave ainadv a to lnen The ladder between her soul and Cod is not halt The Schr. ODD FELLOW ! Ltrtu-- .- Ji-- j lle.I rej-r- i:p-.-n by the vioIcikv As reat crowds V. lii.e, ui. natural nct iv jiiire into and t the subject. Count of the atjrms. so long as that lietween our souls and Cod. Cod Is regularly laid on as a packet 31i:i:i:iM. Co., s vi.-- , J. ir exj-ected- - k f.y lunjrie. d.i:kn.-r-- t. t!:e Adhemar, in his sj-ak- ery rtrongly of .rs may he I the expres- and larin the txe jui:.ilet, rcit made woman to be better than man; and the per-- BETWEEN" HONOLULU AM) HILO! pt'ar w It I.iet. ry ny.-te- to Moil ot a nope an I on cinir.s t the ncue ith their liht. a'.in-- t tlie Alter alluding the tliat at i.esma elsewhere For Freight or Passage apply to .TIc?r;Ii:nif M 1 om ie w::-t- e cxprc.-- ot tue j mission ina or.e Ltl utterly a thm; of iii.thin; td ru; ir in the n the juice iy line oi route fcttcr accomnaMiatioiis and 607 CHUXG IIOOX & Co., Agents. - ly tLin I hate er IV It !! to realize 1 ; it was nouee-ir- r; the cane Rtwccn r Kitvr cvliialers. he greater facilities may be provided for those who - W had c- make the II wanting,. I. i o i9 , awfully rranl. a very instrument, al.ows taat some is to i' toiiiid in irscs are often - Reltirfro TOM MOORE TAVERN, Book snicl .lol) . THE it !a.--.- ol no t.1 li-- - o-i- hut. whvfi the i'!ijc va- total. i.ia.K'ularrl i the exci e oi e iih m W hell as fuel. order and regularity almost alway .o one. - . --- ITOI w set-i.-ds er ana jjriaie anJ 2x; Cilifoniii Street, r; lrt to Nt it through, ami fr t :ue tl;c l.eatin; ot wl.ich is cn si 'rably in- - nhould be jcrmitted to go up the mountain while sriuaie eatner, IJ V J. O'NEILL, vi-i- i the o.l ,t and the . were j I.iinly -! T'.-.i-- el by the lcri hie of su;ar in the cane tliut in eonilagration w ithout a guide, and the tariff of Kip, Morocco, C32 CORNER OK KING AND FORT STREETS. ly f-- yv. 3T xx v. r. cr txeiocvrav Calf and inx - :e j i o. with the TI e darkiit-- s on rc-idi- lui-- by the t.'ie should not otily bo regulated, but . u- xis- i.akfl caine bavin; either untouched gaiue FROM THE CtLEllKATED AL.-- Ol- PEINTING THE ab-.rbe- ESTABLISHMENT A"..xri radiially. and it w . . hef ,r- - it w.l total that th roll. rs. or v. ;iin by the care when the ce,l. L.urojiun Mcil. AT San Francisco and Honolulu rackets. liinj- - were lihtcl in tlic r.j"ia, Let at it re-u- re was rcm.wd. The author then enters El I o T A V . ll Y PIANOS! was ln-n- - . -- j And Other Musical .Instruments, .il. H .Ltrk tfiat walkiri from the i:: i !..' .rate u'ati .i:s (which wc may take I rarrirular ttnt th" ol ' rg-H- LEATHER UKl.TIXf; FROM IS J"reh bit. t- - Til , I ohhr;.-- l an-.the- l.t-lt- s AM) h.p tHMtn-'M- xn ita'.ir hnur wa ick my war, the ;rr"un! oj p.rtut.ity of examining) to y.rove that The New Atlantic Cable. A T.i!iiicry is warrante I t!ic bot in the tuarki t. The TUXEI REPAIRED fKi'lio, ai lio nrf j 15 . k-- - Y CHARLES liERBY AT THE THEATER. Is acknowledged to - h n . Ae. j fx in; r ky. Ox'ctjjr?v cery!ly In rc i fail of the ery l.s;i;c.-- t j ndlt to be obtained by the planter . are all cut aeries the hi'le. from cliire titer, and are thor- assess the best assortment of t !!.-l- A II frt.-h- or to itl . 1 lUC d new onehly trctehed and Any size made, inclu.lii.g 4, I nriTinr t i 1 l.i-- ar.ij Bet. 1 1 ii I t ; .v . o i o i . uliii-it- manulactlire the Atlantic....telegraj.ll shaved. ii Given on and the trnr f i.. m oi t. Lessons Piano Guitar. t, 1 X !J m to ate vii ati eeri 1 CM- - Ln ' I k"ck-- tMrf r rats ..r : . - - ' wincii is to ne suMnergi d Fietween Jirc-- t and a " Best t.f reference-- K'Veii. C07 ly - i It ilL ntruck with Ui:th the tame thin;- that I hae J. J CWts., is u?. Ifil., hut that 111 a general way All or the nWe a: or a very superior can Ij" t trhimT"! mH' the shores id the Mate of , j tol l it'- - -,- is tnu.-- b ..-- l t",Lt h V rlI"nus taiu, al t lorc cf the underigiu,l... Street, or v.." in ml tlit inn enat is i.rogres.-in- g sati.-laeUiil- y. t.. order. I...... L. Tout! L- y,,rk, The male kkt, - RNnr-- . . -s d!-n!- s .cw . . JOB 9tWir. f. "...... II n.I.ia the ilant-- r for lu remuneni- - . , .c...... 7 :t. r.- - ihM int.. ! PRINTING TYPE! - If ll fcl C ... j. , new caoic is aiino.--t it'cniteai in construetioti witn " " imi Stcttssi in tlie I:iciilc l.i- - mel-.- - Kr- ...n on the a one. ; , - V. - r C uj Lnder th w, ; letcj in thc only1 ! II. IIAC'ltl'i:!,! A CO., la.-tor- I 1G.;, B..hp c...... he Mstem a greater .Me o sugar is oU SvtvtXKC tbJ ! IV. R. W. V .. - , U.hl. that diameter of the conduct- - El A AVAXB AV ATII1.K t- ,.,n.-j- - , , II ot. K. II. Agoutu for a. A the author .icl to that , , , Albtt. ( Tlio Of any other Office . a. U-- Commercial in the Sandwich Islands, If. C. Htr.-XM- ...... IIIKDolKCK tu., khkims, this is, alter all, the plan that iiys the t. lie : ?. ... ,.r i- - - ...... Role and Saddle Leather and Tanned ly J;Mls .'ju? jue--i mcci. il UtUriidtV,CtLrtC 8ittUl(,'Ir !p.dvanizeJ, having a b?eslking strain of about Goat Skins. PERIODICAL AND NEWS AGENCY 3Iear. Ituinhait pere Ilbeim, 'iV:. b,s. of canes, , the wires outride the cxist- - CELE-- 31 r. Ailulpke Chit Ion REGULAR SUPPLY FROM THE ! Collin. ar .Mnrne, It It A 1Kb l.a' . ing Atlantic lines have a breaking only - Anr In i:r tVa IVre 12 6 urain of A For the North Pacific- ind is well adapted to the Superior r rr.t 4 i PrIntiHg tf Frt-.ry.....- . C 'about jxjunds. Thc new cable will belaid wlro I i.-- W A I ME A TANNERY, YEARS CELEBRATED CHAMPAGNES Ii II in two lengths, one from IJrest .St. Pierre, JJ-.1VIX- KEEN FOR. EIGHTEEN S Ii i p s i i t t in For sale nt the ljwet market ratios Ly it n Mib.-e..!..iitl-y, II ,j..r-t- a t! U it For of itr h:iir, uSilf m c r.iit. thf Count affirms that thN deep sea, of 2.'u2 miles, not ineludin; slack, and Cia A. CLEOIIOKN, Agent. a'c a-- l m arrive. ri; ly as - nt - Established in this City Agent ! O a Coiujari-.- il dor- not proj-erl- repre-.-- the p-i- the other from l'ierre to the terminus, of It i I i.viV. r.K.ii. 1 1. j T (.1UII lUKit: r ?hi fun.l,t tioii of the inter, ta rctiTciiec to his caiiie tioii 1,1- -- miles in length, not including slack. The FOR THE POSTERS OF ANY SIZE l.iriB. Minnj an.l IVnenl prp. on hn.l with the central laetorv. The farmer recti ves latter Section w ill l.e to KONA n't "t Ti fy fran the similar the Persian Gulf COFFEE! Leading American and Knropcan ik '... Mim(''..r) if K. .. ..'NEW ALL Cheap! Cheaper! Cheapest! fxe j. r cent, of the Wcig!.t f canes in stiLir, cable, as it will bae to lc laid in Comparatively OX HAM) A SUPERIOR LOT CO.. I o T rw, C.jUuul. o abuaa j wi.i!.-- vieM i XIIAVE ! ! t the Ketnal times double that shallow water, an l its exterior w in's will be pro- - , ! aT Ar-- an tn iacinV.--. Magazines and rVeivspapers 1 Allowing that thc lar.ter mis - 11 sx j six tided ny Lriglit x t lark e patent siliceous com- Iv o Cofi'CG, AND Either in r Shipmasters and Ovmers upon J.n at tie rate of 1m.. n-- twt. of i,und, whicn con.-is- ts vrincMallv of Selected by Messrs. Neville & Earrett, I'nrivaUetl Fltctlittes for Supplying Sub nir:.- - j r.d.i.t-- 1 by g l average cultivation, it flint The shn-- e Whose f:tei;i:i. s svcon.l y Arm that Wira Rnp m Iawfc and j itch. construction of tiie are to none. The atlciili.iD ol dealers is scrihrrs ut Lisa Cost tind tcith grettttr regu-hiril- intrmi Vrry 1 re.U-stv- l jh ('krar f. ll exi.-tin- pui"ch:isii;g elsen here. tlian any klrul af fcirin it fn-iru- fl .ws that he n?ut '2. oncveiyewt. of ends will be similar to that of tlie i' Atlau- - it'iH they can obtain (hr ' l their COLORS. I th Mrfara - Kit s lie in quantities to suit y PLAIN Oil FANCY viual rifT. aaihr ofnv.i la ho take- to the factory that is, 15. ltd. cr tie hues, and will gradually become thinner until tim A. S. lruH.lictls through uinj llwt wduU It m 4 aiTHrtnl ay clwiif. l ulirt, an.1 11 eil CLEUHORN. rj 1'm y. l.e d.-e- haa it immruK la ever ao l'.s.. jcr acre, and has not, like they the sea dimenioits. During other chfinntl. titrmrw j WHALEMEN'S SLOPS! luoia.-.-e- s r kia-- pri Ile-- ahryt' l nf Kiuslnf. the i.i.intif.icturiit;' planter, and rum to the summer M.ije.-ty-'s ship (inntut to.k The undersigned solicits the continuance of the patronage of -- ,!!-. .Ic hiia-e- lf T IT5 1 ! ! las friends and patrons, who will be served with promptness wiili.' Tiie Count j exhibit the soundings along thc proj-ose- route, and from the t o o o i v o GALVANIZED HANKS, THIMBLES, &c. us j and entire satisfaction, in smallest matters, clal-orat- e the his iiatiiirio.4 i:i j of two tables, results of the 01 cratioiis it is understood that the As the st.-a- lini will fuliy estMlilishe.1 JL C ; Per Am. Ship Ceylon, from Boston, le after the 1st of 4. J. IIAI.I.AIJIK O. J.ii t h that the factory, with a cap!tal of Ixittoiu of the i nearly t!;e same in charac- j January, IStJS. NEW YORK AND LONDON l'LULICA-TIoN- a ' ! - Business, Sl! Vr'ttil S'r't, Stn 'rtr.r'tm, Oil.. C ).'"'., laking '2j2t'rl tons of sugar, or l.iii t ter as the bed iu which thc cxi.-ti- cables are IOO C:iscs Skcroscnc Oil, will be- furnished to subscribers lb--, lO-clnya ' Btl ! 3Ianuu:tairri acl loiprtr f.f V(r- - unl obtaining '.io ofmgtr liuia 1,M'0 laid, and of about thc same depth. Little but Within SO to from I bo date ol Visiting and i Rf. i -, QCAL- - I'..- cape-- , pro-lue- t s roCt "BE VOK'S BRILLIANT. OF BEST pn of a net: of mud and were found along the blicul ion, : o.nly hf. 00e route. In ' ITY. For sale very reasonably to suit the market, I.y I Tin: in iio.mili t 1 And at prices barely cover iv jt r ,'. lbs. of canes ; whil-- t tiie coneretr, with order to avoid the dangers of injury from rocks 04 s 2m F. A. bCIIAKFEU c CO. that the cost the subscription and Wedding Cardi, r 1 iu-.- . i , postages thereon. 11 ii .r r. (win', ... to...- r.- -' TSII i fa i..if VB o,. o I " - and the new line bo laid '"postaee. J l.l lllll ivbcr;s will to the the increase of American I shall ri t .ns of sugar ( 1 1 ca.-k- s pt-- day), and obtaining south of thc cables, below t!:e southern . continue to supply my subscribers at the old rules, excepting ON A VANKEE CAI.D PJIESS. -. pui.t .inie few of the minor publications, on which . w II tea IIAS TIIK More tLaii I IL.- of sugar 1,m:i Ids. of of ' the prices '.1 liom . clge thc Great lank, so that it limy be laid iu & have bean changed, iinlicat.-.- l f . 1 . 1 F. Ik. SGHilBFBH Co. as in the following list, canes, snows a 01f.i nw.ii. 1 1.1s d-- n t dc-- c p water. JSir James Anderson, w ho w ill com- - A discount of 10 per cent, frum the schedule prices will lie e set-i- suefi a verv in-.-- a lanta;e wli-- ii we lii.d uiand the ihtut .Vs.'tri durin-- ' the cxiilition HAVE RECEIVED. allowed, where over twenty-liv- dollars' worth of ieriodicaU i ' v - are subscribed for at one time and paid for in from oi.e of the it.-ia- that lM r cent, is charged organized cubmergenee'of advonce. ii: n:::i:i.s' p for the the line, has As the American und Hawaiian Kstage-- s now to i intcrc.-- amount four Largest and best Selected Stock as t tifeii t!:c capital employed, which is made the following observations regarding the Per Hawaiian Bark " Wilhclm I." cents on a single paper, or $2 OS r annum, iersons who have 4 ; heretofore obu.ined their periotlieais by mail to ad- - ("il,(liM. in the one a.c, and a tenth of that sum New Foiindland Hanks: j direct their WORCESTERSIIIRE SAUCE! j dress, will find it to Uieir - iutcrest to obtain theiu through this in opj-or- . the other. We hope to take an early " I5y keeping in the 500 fathom line up n thc ie-nejr- UrxLM'.Llt DY V'JSSOlSSLl'KS - intere.-tin- g ENGLISH FANCY PRINTS, tunity of returning to thi- .jiiiTtion, Milnellank, and around the southern edge of the Papers Delivered Free ' of Postage or other Charges ADAPTED foR which is und .ubtcdly one of ital laiportancc (Jrand Ikmk, is no there possibility of ice or any TIIITE VICTORIA LAWNS, j iu aiiy part of the (.roup. to our colonic- -. F.uri.un Mail. other agncy that cau be suggested injuring tl'e " Llack Yicturfii Liia ns, Tlio Only Ooocl Sauco. Back numbers of the leading Magazines, -- cable. The northern edge i Silesias, also of Harper's . . of the Grand Rmk lyeJ Weekly, Leslie's Illustrated HOTEL I3ILLS OF FAKE. was avoided because is White Cotron l'u.!. and the London News always on it uncertain at what depth rhirls, hand. Files made up at short notice for whale-me- and trav thc icebergs ground. They X liite-l-row- n CoUon Pratt ers, elers. .llrrcliaiifs and Vfi;i!rmcn, A'OTICL. arc said, upon good IS authority, to ground at times in ninety fathom While hrown Cotton rndershirts, Subsctiptions Payable Always in Advance ALL TICKETS, THE I'MKRMf;XED 1'AS. UKKN lll.tek CoIh.ui-s- , .1 Ai"-- .t r of II. It is not certain at what depths the vessels cm- - K.iof sole the sle e 111 A : AIM 11. loved in the seal trade ick Thihet, AMERICAN NEWSPAPERS. CIRCULARS, rrAi'Tlo.s ST pr Air may sometimes choose to New York IX THE LINE F Celebrated Kcwhall Piano. 1 lilaek Cachomero, Herald, Per Annum. .$5 00 1111 l)KLI- of al.i.-- an-- il.n-e- t a ll.e rop an anchor for thc of keeping in the k or MOST - Tu ..m. t.t arrive r Iohhi. purjsc A spk-iuli'- l Assortment c.f " " Tribune, 5 00 siTfi: tiiih e iek-tloe- .t - s. Clot. S ami tnritill-'- l batnir raoa-- crmurt l4nu(.-tr- in Tt.-- Viai- l.uw i callcil atli track of These elangers are avoided bv " " Times, 5 OO ENVELOPES, - lt"ti. ' ., J- - r Host on r r. apply trw ra' of Saoc " ta Ihr.r bra- rn t.cti Aawu. Or r and ix.cutel the track chosen for the propos-- cables, Journal,...... 5 00 awn in rt canp.Mtn.1. lh pualie ka arncojr tu&ucil UU Ui bio iStu V. A. PRATT. and"! G T 3 Ut. 23 , Ronton Ad v. rtiser. i T O ...... 5 00 aniy xy t nvcura ln ta Ut am justiCe.1 by my own cxj.erienee in that A33i3 New York World, (weekly.) 4 ' fnttor, saying AVir Myhs of tl,e JmU.sI iao'oh. 5 00 t!;e track from the southern edge ! ad " " (a Story Family Paper,). 5 00 LA IF BLANKS, & of the Grand Leslie's ' ASK FOR LEA FEKEIITS SAUCE. DRY GOODS. CLOTHING. Polar Oil. IJank Illustrated Newspaper, (weekly). . . 0 00 mm that to St. Pierre, and thence to tlie place of' Harper's Weekly, that Itunr B.uar ftri apno mtrpr,tittl. (K'.tMTV, AT WHOLE ' Fine Itlack ant! Blue Broadcloth. 5 00 ,llpmt, n.l tmtll. VM'PKUIOR or:ely landing in America, is entirely five from any Harper's lUaar (wee-kly-) 5 00 RECEIPTS' -- iMnm e San rtu ut tm u tmtrk'tA binj opptinl with a UOI.LIS a: CO. danger from ice, i:ot cross any atie-hora--- rraneiseo Weeklies, each 7 00 h.r . I l'.laek Silk W.trr-.t-r-- ski--- ri-r- r laovt Every Saturday aaurkMta api th anl by Ves.-ls.- " 600 s vn resortetl to tliC lleet of fishing tU whu:h llw siwn.-- nt ' A have r.c.I. Lea A Lul. in's Extracts, New York Courier des Etats Cuis 8 00 f-r- ru . - j , viva ivtiea that Ittry fami.tkril Itcw c.rTrr..n.!- Hump Canvas. The breaking strain of the new steel cable will ar,liue-- j Zcituug (ieTTnan) 8 00 - nz GENTS' FURNISHING . wiirt pnm- -r nt ati.-rw- ImHant true--il- GOODS, San Francisco French Couii.-- t tak a.aitut O O I"T be 7 tons, and the strain required for submersion j Kaisiiis in 10 lb tins. . 12 00 ,V i an. I Oliver VII. Tf MUTCH I'LAX (MX. j 1'Slie's l!u iget ON A KUGGLES l'KESS. i'-l'- ,rf at swli, or att uattaUooa ..--. F- -r sale I.y of Fua J 50 ahM-- 1 - 6ii.) H'iLLKS t CO. r.eed not more than fourteen 10 fey ;hnr right auty u.frtiK-- l. (J lc hundred weight, Currants, in lb tins, The Irish American...... OO Shelled Aln.omls, in demijohns, Nation, 5 ! liven any time necessary The weekly LKA Jt Xt-i- r . A"i if at it be to haul 'up ...... 6 00 Ak J'r '.'f.'.'.W Cot l'earl Sa,;o. 1" The American Agriculturist...... 2 50 Ijtrrl. lUit'lr. ami .Voj.jr. Ion Cnuva. any portion of it already laid, the strain iiee.l not The Seientitic it'ntfirr. Wet-ha!i- Hains, American...... 4 00 -r 5 I TO AND exceed a ton and a dcei-e.-- t Chimney WTlxlr. .1 ami .r Cp.irt y tN Propria nr., Wore-- v Hoofs :nifl 2: vo. TDK half in the water. Coruer...... 5 00 Shoes, Us, - I r t'ipe, New Observe-r- . Ctmum ti Blarawatl, tie . e. anl ay Umcrra ao.1 2. l'- T,C Wt; of fnuhlj, ,lC ..d-to- of Iad York ...... 5 00 iMlnuta anivrr-aU- y. Til . II. DA VIM. ur Whiting, ic., .c. New York Eva1.3-.lis- t .... 5 00 nt. ' mo cxisiing .vtiantie eaoies is ,.ou 1; ( Lt Jaainn, ir--r 4k Co..) Air-- !lun!u!n. - aa ihuik!s tcr" til Knot, nas lu--r- A SMALL IXI OICE OF SUPElilOJl Uvt Kj;Iih Porllnnd Cement. lne iiriai rMsitin.a arrived at MAGAZINES. BOOKS and TS, -, l Harper's Monthly Magazine P RMPJIL E j.t L.xr.i:ss as.soutve.xt or res- whence she will j.roee-e-.- with thc cable $5 00 Ait CK.MKXT.-ri- m S Atlantic Monthly Magazine, 5 00 fVOSEN DALE t .K BY probably in the end of next June. After leaving Rhine Wine (Hochhcimer,) tiivb y's Lady's 1 lioLLKs .V CO...... 5 0J MLXISTERI.1L REPORTS, the Mevay she will g to llrest to iinish Leslie's Magazine of 5 ogling GCK MAN PALE ALE. Fashion...... , 00 and will on Hinit's Merclmnts' Magazine-- 0 00 thence start the telegraph exjolitioii. Eeki-ti- r LEGISLATIVE REPORTS. T-- ' ...... e 00 Pure Sperm Oil. 1,'tniori Turns, Cctobt r 13. O IX --IT n TT r Illacktvoinl's Magazine THEO. H. DAVIES, s ALSO f l. 5 00 L; BY London Cornhill Magaziue,.. 1 LAWYERS' BRIEFS, I I'.OLLES A: CO. 00 lln- - alut Kcccivcil Whalemen's Slops. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF London Society ...... 7 00 Chamber's 0 GO 4 CATALOGUES. AiiuIiopn Causes of Sudden Deaths. ! lilaekwood and the Iliillsh Quarterlies 15 00 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ami Chains. Goods of every description I. .n loll Art J. 15 If) A PROGRAMMES, X ASSORTMENT OK SIZES SUITABLE Eith rone of the 4 llritish Oaarterlies...." 4 OO l r ! r ....- - i.y Dr. J. M. II we, of New York, writes as fol- .V.iwir '.'j ! i tii:n, li.l Words 4 00 New and Suitable Goods l:oLI. A: CO. lows on this subject : DUV GOODS, Our 0u11g Folks 3W .XE1VSPAPERS, Very few of the sudden deaths w hich Iemores:'s Magaziue of Fashion 5 00 are said WOOLKN coons, I.ittell's Living Age ari-- e i- -e 9 00 eye, We Call the Attention Ti to from diseases of the heart, do Y.-a- 4C WHICH of the blic at Ildup ami Cordage. realiv ai All the Ron:. 6 iiEorrEiis HOSIERY, - 1.."". 00 from that cause. To as. t r t.t :i the real origin of The iaUj- 6 b E-O- SIRAXD HEMP SIZES riio.M North American Review, Rates, Large, and ptrticularly thc 11 1 I. i 7 II. sudden deaths, the has been in Warttrly) 6 00 For Sale at Lowest . l l tried French Dress Goods iV Fancy .Irticies, i Karo and rej.rted to a scientific ennress held ENGLISH X E W S P A P E R S. SAY : ! I- -I l: S- - i n.. lI'juMlii.e, Mail Si un Yarn, II nu at Stra.-bur- g. ixty-si- x ea-e- s e .f sad ! deaths London Illustrated News, (weekly.) 00 On an Adams' Tower Tress, in the test style n . - l t'..ue. e Silk and Velvet Hibbons, I'lim-h- ) .15 )IMK AMD I.NTS. lilCK- were made o.-- t . 8 00 PAD OIIIKIt PR thc subject of a thorough j m .rtem " I'esjatcit, ORT Heavy Mua White ' . 13 00 trit. arl MASTERS OF WHALE SHIPS! .Manila cnniiAGi: examination. In these eaes only two were found Tli? Examiner . ik) Wat-rj.ri- a.f isi:.m id I di.-e- m ca.was, (C'.Uoo Licwrn). Taee.1 A f ill a I y aj .Mi:i: IrilN an.l Wo.lru r:ui' tf r s..!e that died of of the heart. Nine Hell's Life in London, . Vi T'it. C.: A: out 00 Itur.iWHM-- C..(c.o i un :. V LI.i:S CO. tf WeeV ly ami farlo.h Twl, Lu ar..l Lineo 'Iie--1 of while London Tim. s, . 10 00 sixty aj .jlexy, there were Sail Wee-kl- And at barely living Prices. . And Twine. Lloyd's Newsj nper Shirta. WhiU M'.k'.kin, Ltixa Thrw--L, Tin Wti.r Lnx . 1000 lo- ca-e- s of .f the lungs that is, thc , All I.'omirk's L.nK II Lm-- Shr-do-if. Fin - I. imp, Rarkii-s- Letter and Wrajniiiii; rajuT, 1ST subscripaoos for Six Monti., will be charged 50 cents CnlTK n-.- C.4h, Ikf. California were so full of Mood they could t w .rk, there additional. Linrn, Klooaa L.nn, art. I S.;k.J M .ire Ar.t;.(j. i MIO.M Tils: StXTA ( 111 KILNS. WE lllacked Calfskins, ftna f.nml . i.i t .ri.--'- I r iv-i- l'..i-- &i.. not being r O..IU enoi:gh .ru su"i. ient 'quantity w, arr tf... :. can f - lk and Cotbtn t'mt.r-IL- Lacra. Vory Umls ; Felt if LaupChiaioeys, Shin-l- e Nails. The above tist cftmpri- the tn-s- t Pr ly .ur I t t! e r..-.-. of British and American nM ii:.l..; ; l....t air to enter to supj-ir- t life. The tliat peri.-lie- al They Loihatm. Ar. H..M. r? A . literature. are regularly received by each i... IOLI.I.S - -i j reduce emgestioii of the lungs are, evi l feet, 2'aitils .ae ei iium me- e uii.- an.l can le supp!i.-- on Our l.ow and Oil, s IILACK AMD (OI.M) HAUATIIEAS. i:lrriiifly 1'riur, IhiwcI-- l'aiiit application. The nr. .villal,. pa-r- tight clothing, costive . sitting still until orderbv mailanv" IIIO.N COMPANY. m t in thea'.ve list r those who may them. 1'J'i n ut U'Kite Uttutirl.i. lIONOLrU' W0I.KS chilled after King warmed with labor or a rapid Z Resides the ah.jve.the f..l!owi!ls pai erscan alwavs ! had at . " walk, going t-- suddenly from a loe, fa-at- I Groceries, Hardware the counter on the arrival of eol. XOW OX 1I.VM), . STOCK OF . K A A I X Louisville Iferuocrat, AM L K K L L K D S O - J esr.-eiall- New l;e.f,.rd papers, Four Point Ci.MlM li', r room, into tU- e.I air, after ci:i:rs, wimls srniiTs Jtr., .c. s Heary Sl.inkets. assorted. li - si. akiinr. ai Tres, lln.ljtt .,f Fun, -a i- Ieirc-siv- e news - erei.-..-.- i papers. tfosii; is. rr5. t'"1 "" ' J' " ojtrating on the ,., s California Machinery. Mills. Steam En;iues, k "7 of .... Pri'-'- ! . 1.1 I rtt 'l on Cinr;!,ni.ti I:rs, j lne s n ii,l ui-'i- i n m.mi. .ij .T3, Worcester wrs, C C 1! ' cireiu me , Wnnt itf.inir. 5vu,nj S y ' I ; A I N inese tvom'j'': M pai-ers- . t F:wk. KN r It I'l f I. MA . F Tirins. eme lt..ston pajt-rs- i I'll . CARDS kinds O-a- l tr-.:- of sudden eleaths being known, un avoidam c pi-rs- and Phirtft, Alpura A.rt.-.- Cl thnnf. A!j . I" '. r . I s. .. : i V. I f of Kansas Co't.rado par--r- s SUEET CARDS, cf all r. all ki.rl -. I'' v; s . PLEASE CALL AT OUR OLD STAND. t .j:..--- AM Il.oN CAsIl.Mis.:..'. them may rse t lengthen out l iable liu-- And many others, too uumeiuus to spe-cify- Air, e l 1 -- JInrrinn' Iranshl J - - wl.ich Would otherwi-- e t t.he A lir.- t ii of 'i j. j. I ;.. ... T . Vvrrt as. I un Ur verdict REC HIVED . . . .fu-.-- he-ar-t t-- lti-- h j r...... 1 ti. li ... r I I..;.-- i:.r Ir-n- C- - na W of That elisi as is posesj t 44 CALIFORNIA. and sizes, for PaMtille AVbiLr. 1. , . irw. suj NEWSPAPERS. suitable . I- -. I .:.-- :. I .! r.-.- c Per Bark R. C. a lia'.. r 1'. eery a it lh:..iry be inevitable and incurable;: hen-- men may Hawaiian Wylie," The followiiii sr..-- roc ved by Express a . oi. 1. .r. 1. not retularly, and gencr .onrll Perfume. take the ai:is they w.u!-- l to avoi-- sudden 'death FROM II REM EX. ally in advance of the mails. They will be forward--.- to mil,. HYPIAN A l d er y me. ariTu-xc- ECMMSS, .MI'S JITCS IM JrULIUS, BROS., l.rraf I arirl) of Maihinrrt on lia:nl fur S.i!r Law. ' l;.Ti nil ...y.m.f, a; the terms : WFDDIM:, VISITIAC, elf., elf. Til if they knew it lay in their ovver. A judicious Weekly r.u'.l-.-ti:- i $7 '". t ng iraniium WiLvjri ly l!o.'i.t if iron Works and per-evcri- use f tlie inhalation of common Ail i.NSortmoiit Alta 7 & Co.'s Oilmen's Stores, of l"ni-.n,- Hockin. ti.r.-ug- inhaiing-tube- . Faci nmento ...... 7 air the would, we arc t--. - AVincfi, 1:1 Francisco U eekly Times. 7 j LUMk Cnpt. Snow- Ittiildinz. Merchant i f. - iZ-- A: lSccr.i9 ...... WlllTt: sited. The Honolulu Iran Co in nan v in wi i,ave no ten.ien.-- : Works N. R. The has an aj.-n- t - t. Iimrs in San Franoism, t o.ii-tiii- ij COyl$TI.XG OF y.l.Xt' i t". . 11 sti sa;itv 1 ri-.-...... Hie- ee-.i- pap.-rs- , ASI DOlLE! OIL. eii lt'NOLl have on n: t) ii can's lull and forward ti.e above which are 11 put r olf .n w-jti- i lH.;.rd alt'-- r ; A It T KOXEs tip ALL x 1: teli vear-- . It t...u!. tue tiir-ia- t tll'l Couumc, iu qt. and the vessels are U'.d.-- sail, without to ex- - LIVF.IIVOOL SALT, Jw.. M.ES.AMI pt. ; r- - .r-1 r thus enabling su!eriU-r- t v. v -, to papers d: C I ii at r l.i hi!;.:- nil-- el awtiv with till the liaMIity t- obtain their more .llA.STKIKlN 1 - !. r- - ! Cognac of very Superior quality. than in any other way. . t J d tn - c .r. K- 9 L SIIII r r..rri. j at i-.ii an-- o - . 1 int'.aa.r'.ti i.f tlie-- t cr:.:. r a:. y t: v Ms r - in j whieh II. M. WHITNEY. AM) IX - - Holland (on in sreen eaes. TI)M:t - Xl OTHERS III1IMI ti.. many tire- !..- I.y f la- k etit-..- !' 1..' V. W4i:l n luaiitr.ciii f.n l ha' the of Having long cnjoyeJ the confiuencc and pat-- iSixi.iplox rnJ.' '! 1 i..r..i;r. iiti.l .11 12 I-- ol I'-'l-- life, A (i()LI) X3Iuirlt. 7.?i''r-.'- ' tlil.r vr. ..fa A MlJ I - Trench Wines, we CekbrauU Work of Me.sra. Ran.c.e gia, ;r,:z-;1- xlnj at.-- l a- - - w-u- oflhe public, in our transactions. tha I in it Was ! ronaSe buness from AT KTO ir-- jXap Sand- rd:- Chateau CitnttinfU, Awarded at the Paris Exposition laaicti. lion 1 1 VIIITEVS . of it.--. m' af I W 1 La--l I. It ,r tS 1 t : vrr. t k t TO Uaak kti.l 0 t t ll if. itiy i uj n..nn;l TIIE MAKERS UF heart-fel- a - Aliton (Vera', ake the opportunity to return our t thanks Agricultural loiple- a.--i - iiiz-iti-j- tn.1 I "tW ( D r'al I I p. a::-- l i - Hoagha t ba.k ftan t sale tl.. tin- irea! tli rt u - aault - ni r the j- lit- f ...... MM.I.a-..n.-t cf Tiitif. ru - ,J - ' - - Fairchild's for cf - l l Celebrated Gold aamta. may IX aven a turn v"- iii: iim.v ( iiiiui:(t map or an-- a! y t i!.- .f the he.-tiv-c e.rans, ami Pens past favors, and respectfully ask acontiuuance i HOC) 11. 1 ; - le.--c- n - j .;.in ;. .t i f . .i n.- r. .i.ttiiee.n. pat. - iT - Sherry, Cherry ARE - a i. t, .. i.i t!iu- li mi-- Cordial. COXSIDEREII SIPE- - e&2 Ira THEO II. DIVIES. At'tOlAT the lilt t n mHICII i the same. lis. 1 I T RI'JR t every other kind. j I i t!:e Ai... r i in ioi. n.iTi. t.t. ry f .rii.. r A new assortmcn t has 1 . - rte-e- rec- - iveil l y fcxpress, inclu.Iing IXTENfHXG TO OPEN NEW an irr-- f i I. v. rv c...t .in w .o c .:i.tiri:i'N a ii:i;tji:n's pai.i: am: a- IM.E . - . porter, D-- sk ISiIile(. pl'.T! F Al'ful NT litftK.-8- .n t- f.r.l i4 li- - ery triv.-j- r a . r 4 t... I . rr- ; 1, .i..-- :ui. and Holders and Pens, in great varb.ty, Y 31. WHITNEY."" rmiiily 'ir. e. r II EXIt l- -f e- V- - !.i.-- t;- : .1. r- - . KublM-- r- - iitvit-.- .. rtfror UiT i r I. .nil rc r:.:.n t" - - i;p .t ti.e 1 r.. ij. THERMONETERS In nuarts an l pints. India Pencil Cases and Pens, : I A HIT- - all x- no I k n I. fr n nun: uur .l.r:.. K ..' '. f I' I I Ell TO M ORE 1'ROM I JO Official Engrossing l'ens. ' OX HAND. . . l.'l . (i-iil- o (l 'i ASMlRTM EXT ! I . ' " . la-..i- A FVtA. ' f i i f in l.i K iy A l. S.'.llll F'tlt ?AI.E AT F. A.M IIAEFEK A. ( O.V F'i: Ed; j:.i; K',; fK akli: 1 II l V4 IIII.NKY I r ..1!. I: ...K-T"- l:l F.t -.I I v 1! M IIIM.V. 'I- - Jin y.t s.... ,t th- - i:...kt..r- -. f H. M. WHITNEY Iloxni.ri.r, 1SG7. i frou flA t'fWwIi.

exCtte l.o.cxv